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Journa l o f T ransportation System s Eng i nee ri ng and In f o r m ati on T echno l ogy

V o l 11 N o 1

F ebruary 2011

文章编号:1009 6744(2011)01 0096 06


丁 勇*1,2,刘海东1,栢 赟1,周方明1



摘要: 地铁运输系统是城市公共系统中最大的耗能系统,列车节能运行具有重要的意







关键词: 铁路运输;节能;惰行;运行恢复时间;遗传算法

中图分类号: U491文献标识码: A

A Two LevelOpti m izationM odel and A l gorit h m for Energy Efficient

Urban Trai n Operation

D ING Yong1,2,L I U H a i dong1,BA I Yun1,Z HOU Fang m i n g1

(1.Schoo l of T ra ffi c and T ransporta tion,Be iji ng Jiao tong U niversity,B eiji ng100044,China;

2.Institute of R a il w ay Sy stem s Eng ineer i ng and T raffic Safe ty,T echn i sche U n i versit t Braunsch w eig,

Braunschw eig38106,G er m any)

A bstrac t: M etro takes the m ost pa rt of energy consu mption i n urban pub lic se rv ice system s,it s'i m portant

to m ake the tra i n m ove m en t i n an energy effic i ent w ay.Based on the character i stics o f train m ove m ent and

contro l rules o f l o como ti ve,an urban trai n runni ng on an uneven railw it h the spec ific run ti m e f o r m i n i m al

energy consu mption can be f o r mu l a ted as a t wo level h i erarch ica l proble m.On the first leve1,an opti m iza

ti on m ode l i s desi gned to dec i de t he appropriate coasti ng po i nt(s)and number(s)o f inter stati on run for en

e rgy e ffi c ient urban tra i n operati on.O n t he second l eve1,an opti m ization model o

f a rran

g i ng the tra i n travel

ti m e o f i nte r station run is presented for m i n i m al energy consu m pti on.A l gor it hms for solv i ng t he t wo level

opti m i zati on m ode l are dev eloped based on G eneti c A l go rith m.A case st udy s how s that the t wo level opti m i

zati on m odel and a l go rith m are e ffecti v e for energy e fficien t urban train opera tion on a l ong distance li ne w it h

severa l sections.T he resu lt i ndicates that the t w o l eve l me t hod can save energy19.06%w ithin scheduled

run ti m e and enhance t he recove ry ability o f tra i n movement co m pared w ith traditi onal m ethod.

K ey word s: ra il way transpo rtati on;energy e fficien t;coasti ng;tra i n recovery ti m e;GA

CLC nu m ber: U491Docum en t cod e: A

收稿日期:2010 08 06 修回日期:2010 10 28 录用日期:2010 11 08

基金项目:教育部创新团队项目(I RT0605);国家自然科学基金(60634010,70971010).


*通讯作者:yd i ng@b jt
