•我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实
•Johnson 先生去年教我们德语
•Robinson Crusoe 给自己做了一只
第8次课 句子层面:翻译技巧①句子成分转换
例文:8 我那辆自行车也已经多年不骑,我只有在记 忆中再找回那种相依的感觉。‥‥‥ 訳文: 私も何年も自転車に乗ることはないが、当時あ の自転車に頼り切った感じは、今はただ記憶 の中にしか見つけられないのだ。 ※将宾语“那种相依的感觉”转变为主题,是 为加强语气,并与前个句子衔接得更自然。
4、定语转换成为状语 例文:9 十多年来,孩子们有关上帝为什么不奖赏好人,为 什么不惩罚坏人”之类的来信,他收到不下千封。 訳文: 十数年来子供たちから「神様はなぜいい人を褒めな いのか。なぜ悪い人を罰しないのか。」というような手 紙を千通以上受け取っていました。 ※将定语“孩子们”转换为状语,译为「子供たちか ら」。这样处理,能够与谓语动词「受け取る」搭配吻 合。
例文:6 在都市里,每当上下班的交通高峰,千百条大 街小巷里涌现出无数辆自行车,‥‥‥
訳文:都会では、ラッシュアワーになると、数え切 れないほど数多くの自転車が百千本の大通りと 小道にあふれでて、‥‥‥
例文:7 其他城市姑且不说,广东许多市县,尤其是珠江 三角洲和广州,前年便开始流行考小车驾驶执照。 訳文:ほかの都市はともかく、広東においては、多く の市や県、特に珠江デルタや広州あたりでは、一 昨年小型車の運転免許獲得が流行りだした。 ※宾语转变为主语。由于语境的需要,谓语采用了 自动词「あふれでる」「流行り出す」,而不得不进行 转换。
例文:4 两岸的土地肥沃,碧绿的麦苗把垄沟遮盖得 严严实实。
訳文:岸の土地は肥沃そのもので、青々とした 麦の苗がびっしりと畦(うね)を覆っている。 (补语转换为状语)
例文:5 我们汽车出了点毛病,司机正修得头冒汗。 訳文:私たちの車が故障を起こし、運転手が汗 びっしょりになって修理している。 (补语个世纪前那段辉煌的岁月和地位大有关系。 訳文: 上海が短期間に国際財団の大規模投資の目指す 目標になったということには、半世紀前の輝かしい 歴史およびその地位と関係があると思う。 ※主谓结构短语构成的主语,在逻辑上它是说明 与谓语所述情况的关系,像这类主语往往也译成 状语。
• There are something original, independent, and
heroic about the plan that please them all.
• 这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力, • 所以使所有人都很喜欢它。(果)
• Those who are in favour please hold up their
wonder 【 whether he will come in such a bad day】. 我不知道在这样的天气里他 是不是能来。
• that引导 eg: 【 That you have done such a stupid thing】
was incredible. 你竟然做这么傻的事情,(这)真叫人难以置信。
• 行为主义者认为, 如果儿童的成长环境里 有许多刺激因素, 这些因素又有利于其适 当反应能力的发展, 那么, 儿童的智力就 会发展到较高的水平。
• 例2. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.
• (2)表语从句的译法 • (3)宾语从句的译法
顺译法 在主句谓语动词和宾语从句间断开
• (4)同位语语
• What引导 eg: 【What was once regarded as
翻译时句子成分的转换: 英译汉时,有时为了通顺,往往需要将原文的某一句子成分转译成另一部分进行句子成分的转换:非主语转译成主语:定语译为主语a.If there shouldbe any last-minutechangein the sailing time, we’llcontact you by telepho ne.开船时间假如临时有更改,我们会用电话通知你。
(状语译为主语)b.In many countri es, free-portareas or foreign-trade zones have been establi shed, where foreign merchan ts need not pay tariffsfort their unloade d goods if thegoods remainwithinthese areas or zones.c.许多国家都建立了自由港和保税区,在那里,外国商人只要是在本区内,未卸船的货物可以不纳税。
d.The average tempera ture insummeris as high as 35C. One can not be pleasan t livingin that place.夏天的平均温度高达摄氏35C,生活在那里不可能舒服。
e. A good many new books werepublish ed by the ForeignLanguag e Press last year.外文出版社去年出版了许多新书。
谓语译为主语f.When a materia l is stresse dbeyondthe elastic limit apermane nt deforma tion results当一种材料的应力超过弹性极限时,就会产生永久变形。
译文:The argument he put forward is pretty thin. (词) 例2:我们确信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。
译文:We are confident that the younger generation will prove worthy ofour trust. (短语)例3:他七十岁了,可是并不显老。
译文:He was 70, but he carried his years lightly. (句子)II.汉语从正面表达,译文从反面表达例1:他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
译文:He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. (词)例2:调查结果清清楚楚地显示病人死于心脏病。
译文:The investigation left no doubt that the patient had died of heartdisease.(短语)例3:这类举动迟早会被人觉察的。
译文:Such actions couldn’t long escape notice. (句子) III.特殊的否认句式例1:有利必有弊。
译文:There is not any advantage without disadvantage. (双重否认)例2:我们在那个城市从未因为是犹太人而遭受歧视。
译文:In that city, we had never suffereddiscrimination because we wereJews. (否认转移)二、分句、合句法I.分句法汉译英时,需要分译的句子多数是长句,或者是构造复杂的复句。
All men will die,but death can vary in its significance.The ancient Chinese writer Szuma Chien said,“Though death befalls all man alike,it may be as significant as Mount Tai or as worthless as a feather. ” To die for the people is more significant than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is more unworthy than a feather.稳步发展高等教育,适应新形势,调整学科结构。
• We will steadily develop regular higher education and adjust the division of disciplines t oadapt to new circumstances.• 在我到过的城市里,成都是最安静、最干净的。
• None of the other cities I have visited is as quiet and clean as Chengdu. A walk along itswide and smooth streets makes one feel relaxed and free. The local people talk and move about (conduct themselves) at such a leisurely pace that it seems out of step with the times.• 环境好,图书设备充足,有良师益友指导启发,当然有很大的帮助,但是具备了这些条件,也不一定能保证一个人在学问上就有成就。
翻译功能对等理论在句子层面上应用举例以下将结合传统翻译功能对等理论在句子层面上的应用举例:一、语言修饰1. 将句法结构照搬至翻译句中:简讯里的“He went to the beach”可译为“他去了海滩”;2. 将语义结构照搬至翻译句中:简讯里的“I want to go”可译为“我想去”;3.使用同义重组:简讯里的“He arrived late this morning”可译为“他今天早晨很晚才到”;4.形容词排序调整:简讯里的“He did it in a careless way”可译为“他粗心大意地做了”;二、微句复数形式的保留1. 同义复数形式的保留:简讯里的“They have left”可译为“他们已经离开”;2. 同义第一、第三人称复数形式的保留:简讯里的“They are busy”可译为“他们正忙着”;3. 同义物主代词复数形式的保留:简讯里的“They are their own”可译为“他们是他们自己的”;三、句型复刻1. 总分句模式复刻:简讯里的“They can do it”可译为“他们能够完成”;2. 并列句模式复刻:简讯里的“They have done it and they will finish it”可译为“他们已经完成了,而且将会完成它”;3. 主从句模式复刻:简讯里的“They have finished it because they were given enough time”可译为“他们完成了,因为他们获得了足够的时间”;四、句法形式重建1. 扩写:简讯里的“You should come soon”可译为“你应该尽快过来”;2. 收缩:简讯里的“They have gone to the library”可译为“他们去图书馆了”;3. 意义保留:简讯里“He was studying”可译为“他正在学习”;五、前置状语1. 时间前置状语:简讯里的“Today, they went to the zoo”可译为“今天,他们去了动物园”;2. 原因前置状语:简讯里的“Because it was a sunny day, we went to the beach”可译为“因为是个晴朗的一天,我们去了海滩”;3. 目的前置状语:简讯里的“To prepare for the test, he read every day”可译为“为了准备考试,他每天都在阅读”;综上所述,翻译功能对等理论在句子层面上的应用包括:语言修饰、微句复数形式的保留、句型复刻、句法形式的重建以及前置状语的应用。
1 主语:表示句子所说的是什么人或什么事物。
如:Lucy is an American girl.We study at Zhuhai No.1 Middle School.The rich should help the poor.Reading makes a man full.That he are always late makes me angry.To learn English well is easy for you.2 谓语:说明主语做什么,是什么或怎么样。
The sun rises in the east.He likes English.Her parents are workers.She is running.3 宾语:表示动作或行为的对象。
如:He often helps me.We study English at school.4 宾语补足语:表示宾语的身份、状态、特性或宾语所做的动作。
如:I‟ll have my hair cut tomorrow.His parents named him Jim.We found the book very interesting.Lucy asked him to turn down the radio5 表语:说明主语是什么或怎么样。
句子翻译1. Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago.- 半个世纪以前,人们就已注意到出生率下降和人口老龄化所带来的各种问题。
2.They talked of the ladies, of their looks, of their hair styles, of dress-up, of their clothes - of everything that they have carefully prepared for the party.- 他们谈到那些女士,谈到她们的发型,谈到她们的化妆,谈到她们的服饰——谈到她们精心为派对所准备的一切。
3. 他深信,只有对历史透彻研究,才能真正学到知识。
- He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history.4. How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart?- 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?5. In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.- 晚上在参加宴会,出席音乐会,观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。
小编精心收集了英语句子带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!英语句子带翻译11、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。
2、Life is a lane but it is a rotative course.生命是单行道,但是一个循环的过程。
3、A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. ----Bohn 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择了。
4、A happy family life is a wonderful asset for any one.快乐的家庭生活对每个人都是很大的一笔财富。
5、Without music, life is a journey through a desert.没有音乐,生命就如荒漠之旅。
6、Life is a line segment, the intersection after the separation.人生就是线段,交集后分离。
7、Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。
8、Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.生命是一个等待你去理解的神秘事物,而不是等待你去解决的问题。
9、Where love fails, we espy all faults. ---Ray 在爱情丧失的地方,我们就察见所有的缺点了。
10、When work is a pleasure, life is a joy!当工作是一种乐趣时,生活才是一种享受。
11、The kiss of life is a love poem.吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。
The sun rises in the east. (名词)He likes dancing. (代词)Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词)Seeing is believing. (动名词)To see is to believe. (不定式)What he needs is a book. (主语从句)It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.(It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语)predicate):说明主语的动作、状态和特征。
He likes playing the games.predicative):系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。
He is a teacher. (名词)Five and five is ten. (数词)He is asleep. (形容词)His father is in. (副词)The picture is on the wall. ( 介词短语)My watch is gone / missing / lost. (形容词化的分词)To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring. (不定式)feel(感觉)...It sounds a good idea. The sound sounds strange.Her voice sounds sweet. Tom looks thin.The food smells delicious. The food tastes good.1)动作的承受者-----动宾I like China. (名词)He hates you. (代词)How many do you need? We need two. (数词)We should help the old and the poor.I enjoy working with you. (动名词)I hope to see you again. (不定式)Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句)2)介词后的名词、代词和动名词-----介宾3间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)Give the poor man some money.We elected him monitor. (名词)We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here. (名)We will make them happy. (形容词)We found nobody in. ( 副词)Please make yourself at home. 介词短语)Don’t let him do that. (省to不定式)His father advised him to teach the lazy boy a lesson. (带to不定式)Don’t keep the lights burning. (现在分词)(过去分词)He was elected monitor.She was found singing in the next room.Ai Yanling is a chemistry teacher.(名词)He is our friend. (代词)We belong to the third world. (数词)He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson.(形容词)The man over there is my old friend.(副词) The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister. (介词)The boys playing football are in Class 2. (现在分词)The trees planted last year are growing well now. (过去分词)I have an idea to do it well. (不定式)(定语从句)v., adj., adv., or 句子。
A. 简单句的分译(1) Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。
(2) But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。
B. 并列复合句的分译并列英语复合句常常在分句连接处加以切分,译成两个或两个以上的句子。
例如:(1) I sat with his wife in their living room, looking out the glass doors to the backyards, and there was Allen‘s pool, still covered with black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter.我跟他妻子一起坐在他们家的起居室里,望着玻璃门外的后院。
(在连词and处切分)(2) On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel,an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings,but no human eye watched Mrs Drover’s return.外语学习网走在一度熟悉的大街上,就像在一条没有人走过的.道路上一样,她心里充满了从未有过的新奇。
店铺整理了英语句子加翻译,欢迎阅读!英语句子加翻译一1、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。
2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。
3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。
4、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。
5、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。
6、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。
7、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。
8、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。
例如:His idea is that we clean the floor first.他的意见是我们先清扫地板。
(英语中that 引导的是一个表语从句,而汉语中"我们先清扫地板"只是一个主谓结构(词组)作宾语。
) 其次,英汉两种语言在句序上也有一定的差异,如英语简单句的句序一般是"主语+谓语+宾语+状语",而汉语单句的则一般是"主语+状语+谓语+宾语",例如:I woke up in the middle of night.我在半夜里醒了。
例如:(1) They played chess in high spirits at the club yesterday.他们昨天在俱乐部高兴地下棋。
(2) She lives at 34 Rue Temple,Geneva,Switzerland.她住在瑞士日内瓦唐普尔大街34号。
高中英语句子翻译带解析1. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell翻译:所有动物都是平等的,但有些动物比其他动物更平等。
2. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson翻译:在一个不断想让你变成别人的世界里,保持自己才是最伟大的成就。
3. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." - Mother Teresa翻译:如果你评判别人,你就没有时间去爱他们。
4. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs翻译:做出杰出的工作的唯一方法是热爱你所做的事情。
Once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter.2、还没识字,我就想读书了,一心想读所有的书。
Still illiterate, I was ready for them, committed to all the reading I could give them.3、多亏了我的父母,我很早就接触了受人喜爱的马克•吐温。
To both my parents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain.4、我一本接一本阅读摆在我面前的书,读着读着便发现一本又破又旧的书。
Reading everything that stood before me was how I came upon a worn old book that had belonged to my father as a child.5、我的父母真的是给我再多的书都嫌不够。
Indeed, my parents could not give me books enough.It had really begun back in the Charlestown Prison, when Bimbi first made me feel envy of his stock of knowledge. Bimbi had always taken charge of any conversation he was in, and I had tried to emulate him. But every book I picked up had few sentences which didn’t contain anywhere from one to nearly all of the words that might as well have been in Chinese. When I just skipped those words, of course, I really ended up with little idea of what the book said. So I had come to the Norfolk Prison Colony still going through only book-reading motions. Pretty soon, I would have quit even these motions, unless I had received the motivation that I did.其实这事要从查尔斯顿监狱说起,一开始宾比就让我对他的知识渊博羡慕不已,宾比总是主宰谈话话题,我总想效仿他。
句子的翻译增译法1、增加动词1) Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.√读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记(写作)使人准确。
2) We don’t regret, we never have and never will.我们不会后悔,我们从来没有后悔过,我们将来也不会后悔。
3) After the basketball, he still has an important conference.看完篮球比赛之后,他还有一个重要会议要参加。
2. 增加形容词或副词1) With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism!中国人民正以多么高的热情建设社会主义啊!2) The crowds melted away.人群渐渐散开了。
3) As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。
4) She lingered long over his letter.她反反复复地回味着他的来信。
5) In the films of those days, all too often it was the same one: boy tractor driver meets girl tractor driver; they fall in love and drive tractor together.在那时候的电影里,总是老一套:男拖拉机手和女拖拉机手始而相遇,继而相爱,终而并肩开拖拉机了。
3. 增加名词1) First you borrow, then you beg.头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。
2) Mary washed for a living after her husband died of cancer.玛丽的丈夫癌症去世后,就靠洗衣服维持生活。
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谚语类,如: The Tongue cuts the throat.
A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。
A man is known by his friends.
什么人交什么朋友。 Man proposes,God disposes.
谋事在人,成事在天。 Blood will have blood. 血债血偿。
Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚没水喝。 Make hay while the sun shines. 良机勿失。
Like tree, like fruit.
Wet paint! 油漆未干。
Seat by number! 对号入座。
凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世 公认的真理。 ——《傲慢与偏见》,王科一译
[分析] 在上面这个句子中,原文的 语序已经作了调整,译文中“举世公 认的真理”放在了最后,而原文中 It is a truth universally acknowledged that 是在句子开始 处的。
再如下面这个长句: Do not aircraft design engineers’ work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best?
句子是段落、篇章甚至整部作 品的基本意义单位,在组词成篇的 行文模式中,句子起着承上启下的 作用。在不能进行逐词翻译,在词 组翻译也不太理想的情况下,句子 作为翻译单位是一种很好的翻译模 式。
1. Translate the following proverbs into Chinese. (1) Nothing venture, nothing have. (2) Do in Rome as the Romans do. (3) Things done cannot undone. (4) Misfortunes never come alone. (5) Beauty is in the eyes of the beholders. (6) Time and tide wait for no man. (7) Kill two birds with one stone. (8) Facts speak louder than words.
No spitting! 不准随地吐痰。
在一些英语长难句中,当其 句子结构比较复杂的时候,句子 层翻译的方法也是经常采用的, 这时往往需要对原文进行重组, 或增减或颠倒,调整语序。如:
It is a truth universallyacknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. ——Pride and Prejudice
By Olivia and Grace
句子(sentence)是比词语更高一级的语 法层次,是能够单独存在并能表达相对完整意 义的语言单位。一般说来,交际活动都是以句 子为基本语言单位展开的,因此句子在翻译过 程中占有最重要的位置,必须予以高度重视。
一般来说,以句子做交际单位有 两种情况。一是谚语,这一类句子的 意义并不等于其各个成分,包括词语 和词组意义的简单总和。二是一般的 句子,其意义也是每个词语和词组意 义的整合。
参考译文: (1) 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 (2) 入乡随俗。 (3) 覆水难收。 (4) 祸不单行。 (5) 情人眼里出西施。 (6) 时不我待。 (7) 一石二鸟,一箭双雕。 (8) 事实胜于雄辩。
[参考译文] 当航空器工程设计师为了选择那个最 能发挥作用的机器模型而从诸多由统计学原理决 定的模型中测试其在风洞之内的适应性时,不就 是根据同样的进化论原理,当详细的计算和计划 毫无作用的时候工作的吗? [分析] 在这样一个结构复杂的长句中,原文 在语序上已经作了重组和相应地调整,使译文能 更好的更准确的表达原文的意思。