生物工程专业英语[整理版]Specialized English in BiotechnologyThis material is dedicated to studentsmajoring in Biotechnology at Hefei University.All rights reservedContentsLesson 1 What isBiotechnology? ......................................................... ....................... 3 Lesson 2 Where Did BiotechnologyBegin? ................................................................4 Lesson 3 Brief History ofBiotechnology .......................................................... .......... 7 Lesson 4 Dogma, DNA, andEnzymes ...................................................................... 10 Lesson 5 Polymerase Chain Reaction - XeroxingDNA ............................................ 12 Lesson 6 Monoclonal AntibodyTechnology .............................................................14 Lesson 7 The Human GenomeProject ................................................................ ...... 16 Lesson 8 Whose Genome is It, Anyway?................................................................. .. 19 Lesson 9 Agriculture - AnOverview ............................................................... .......... 21 Lesson 10 Gene Gun Speeds Search for New OrchidColors .................................... 24 Lesson 11 Transforming Plants ................................................................. ................. 26 Lesson 12 Animals and AnimalHealth ................................................................. ..... 29 Lesson 13Biomining .............................................................. ................................... 31 Lesson 14Biofuel ................................................................ ...................................... 32 Lesson 15 New Foods and Food Producers ...............................................................34 Lesson 16 Blazing a Genetic Trail inMedicine (37)Readingmaterials .............................................................. . (39)Lesson 1 What is Biotechnology?Biotechnology in one form or another has flourished sinceprehistoric times. When the first human beings realized that they could plant their own crops and breed their own animals, they learned to use biotechnology. The discovery that fruit juices fermented into wine, or that milk could be converted into cheese or yogurt, or that beer could be made by fermenting solutions of malt and hops began the study of biotechnology. When the first bakers found that they could make a soft, spongy bread rather than a firm, thin cracker, they were acting as fledgling biotechnologists. The first animal breeders, realizing that different physical traits could be either magnified or lost by mating appropriate pairs of animals, engaged in the manipulations of biotechnology.What then is biotechnology? The term brings to mind many different things. Some think of developing new types of animals. Others dream of almost unlimited sources of human therapeutic drugs. Still others envision the possibility of growing crops that are more nutritious and naturally pest-resistant to feed a rapidly growing world population. This question elicits almost as many first-thought responses as there are people to whom the question can be posed.In its purest form, the term "biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the humanenvironment. Prehistoric biotechnologists did this as they used yeast cells to raise bread dough and to ferment alcoholic beverages, and bacterial cells to make cheeses and yogurts and as they bred their strong, productive animals to make even stronger and more productive offspring.Throughout human history, we have learned a great deal about the different organisms that our ancestors used so effectively. The marked increase in our understanding of these organisms and their cell products gains us the ability to control the many functions of various cells and organisms. Using the techniques of gene splicing and recombinant DNA technology, we can now actually combine the genetic elements of two or more living cells. Functioning lengths of DNA can be taken from one organism and placed into the cells of another organism. As a result, for example, we can cause bacterial cells to produce human molecules. Cows can produce more milk for the same amount of feed. And we can synthesize therapeutic molecules that have never before existed.Lesson 2 Where Did Biotechnology Begin?With the BasicsCertain practices that we would now classify as applications of biotechnology have been in use since man's earliest days. Nearly 10,000 years ago, our ancestors were producing wine, beer, and bread by using fermentation, a natural process in which the biological activity of one-celled organisms plays a critical role.In fermentation, microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds are mixed with ingredients that provide them with food. As they digest this food, the organisms produce two critical by-products, carbondioxide gas and alcohol.In beer making, yeast cells break down starch and sugar (present in cereal grains) to form alcohol; the froth, or head, of the beer results from the carbon dioxide gas that the cells produce. In simple terms, the living cells rearrange chemical elements to form new products that they need to live and reproduce. By happy coincidence, in the process ofdoing so, they help make a popular beverage.Bread baking is also dependent on the action of yeast cells. Thebread dough contains nutrients that these cells digest for their own sustenance. The digestion process generates alcohol (which contributesto that wonderful aroma of baking bread) and carbon dioxide gas (which makes the dough rise and forms the honeycomb texture of the baked loaf).Discovery of the fermentation process allowed early peoples to produce foods by allowing live organisms to act on other ingredients.But our ancestors also found that, by manipulating the conditions under which the fermentation took place, they could improve both the quality and the yield of the ingredients themselves.Crop ImprovementAlthough plant science is a relatively modern discipline, its fundamental techniques have been applied throughout human history. When early man went through the crucial transition from nomadic hunter tosettled farmer, cultivated crops became vital for survival. These primitive farmers, although ignorant ofthe natural principles at work, found that they could increase the yield and improve the taste of crops by selecting seeds fromparticularly desirable plants.Farmers long ago noted that they could improve each succeedingyear's harvest by using seed from only the best plants of the current crop. Plants that, for example, gave the highest yield, stayed the healthiest during periods of drought or disease, or were easiest to harvest tended to produce future generations with these same characteristics. Through several years of careful seed selection, farmers could maintain and strengthen such desirable traits.The possibilities for improving plants expanded as a result of Gregor Mendel's investigations in the mid-1860s of hereditary traits in peas. Once the genetic basis of heredity was understood, the benefits of cross-breeding, or hybridization, became apparent: plants with different desirable traits could be used to cultivate a later generation that combined these characteristics.An understanding of the scientific principles behind fermentation and crop improvement practices has come only in the last hundred years. But the early, crude techniques, even without the benefit of sophisticated laboratories and automated equipment, were a true practice of biotechnology guiding natural processes to improve man's physical and economic well-being.Harnessing Microbes for HealthEvery student of chemistry knows the shape of a Buchner funnel, but they may be unaware that the distinguished German scientist it was named after made the vital discovery (in 1897) that enzymes extracted from yeast are effective in converting sugar into alcohol. Major outbreaks of disease in overcrowded industrial cities led eventually to the introduction, in the early years of the present century, of large-scale sewage purification systems based on microbial activity. By this time it had proved possible to generate certain key industrial chemicals (glycerol, acetone, and butanol) using bacteria.Another major beneficial legacy of early 20th century biotechnology was the discovery by Alexander Fleming (in 1928) of penicillin, an antibiotic derived from the mold Penicillium. Large-scale production of penicillin was achieved in the 1940s. However, the revolution in understanding the chemical basis of cell function that stemmed from the post-war emergence of molecular biology was stillto come. It was this exciting phase of bioscience that led to the recent explosive development ofbiotechnology.Lesson 3 Brief History of BiotechnologyBiotechnology seems to be leading a sudden new biological revolution. It has brought us to the brink of a world of "engineered" products that are based in the natural world rather than on chemical and industrial processes.Biotechnology has been described as "Janus-faced." This implies that there are two sides. On one, techniques allow DNA to be manipulated to move genes from one organism to another. On the other, it involves relatively new technologies whose consequences are untested and should be met with caution. The term "biotechnology" was coined in 1919 by Karl Ereky, an Hungarian engineer. At that time, the term meant all the lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living organisms. Ereky envisioned a biochemical age similar to the stone and iron ages.A common misconception among teachers is the thought that biotechnology includes only DNA and genetic engineering. To keep students abreast of current knowledge, teachers sometimes have emphasized the techniques of DNA science as the "end-and-all" of biotechnology. This trend has also led to a misunderstanding in the general population. Biotechnology is NOT new. Man has been manipulating living things to solve problems and improve his way of life for millennia. Early agriculture concentrated on producing food. Plants and animals were selectively bred, and microorganisms were used to make food items such as beverages, cheese, and bread.The late eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century saw the advent of vaccinations, crop rotation involving leguminous crops, and animal drawn machinery. The end of the nineteenth century was a milestone of biology. Microorganisms were discovered, Mendel's work on genetics was accomplished, and institutes forinvestigating fermentation and other microbial processes were established by Koch, Pasteur, and Lister.Biotechnology at the beginning of the twentieth century began to bring industry and agriculture together. During World War I, fermentation processes were developed that produced acetone from starch and paint solvents for the rapidly growing automobile industry. Work in the 1930s was geared toward using surplus agricultural products to supply industry instead of imports or petrochemicals. The advent of World War II brought the manufacture of penicillin. The biotechnical focus moved to pharmaceuticals.The "cold war" years were dominated by work with microorganisms in preparation for biological warfare, as well as antibiotics and fermentation processes.Biotechnology is currently being used in many areas including agriculture, bioremediation, food processing, and energy production. DNA fingerprinting is becoming a common practice in forensics. Similar techniques were used recently to identify the bones of the last Czar of Russia and several members of his family. Production of insulin and other medicines is accomplished through cloning of vectors that now carry the chosen gene. Immunoassays are used not only in medicine for drug level and pregnancy testing, but also by farmers to aid in detection of unsafe levels of pesticides, herbicides, and toxins on crops and in animal products. These assays also provide rapid fieldtests for industrial chemicals in ground water, sediment, and soil. Inagriculture, genetic engineering is being used to produce plants that are resistant to insects, weeds, and plant diseases.A current agricultural controversy involves the tomato. A recent article in the New Yorker magazine compared the discovery of the edible tomato that came about by early biotechnology with the new "Flavr-Savr" tomato brought about through modern techniques. In the very near future, you will be given the opportunity to bite into the Flavr-Savr tomato, the first food created by the use of recombinant DNA technology ever to go on sale.What will you think as you raise the tomato to your mouth? Will you hesitate? This moment may be for you as it was for Robert Gibbon Johnson in 1820 on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey. Prior to this moment, the tomato was widely believed to be poisonous. As a large crowd watched, Johnson consumed two tomatoes and changed forever the human-tomato relationship. Since that time, man has sought to produce the supermarket tomato with that "backyard flavor." Americans also want that tomato available year-round.New biotechnological techniques have permitted scientists to manipulate desired traits. Prior to the advancement of the methods of recombinant DNA, scientists were limited to the techniques of their time - cross-pollination, selective breeding, pesticides, and herbicides. Today's biotechnology has its "roots" in chemistry, physics, andbiology . The explosion in techniques has resulted in three majorbranches of biotechnology: genetic engineering, diagnostic techniques, and cell/tissue techniques.Lesson 4 Dogma, DNA, and EnzymesThe Central DogmaThough it comes as no surprise that the composition of DNA between different organisms is different, it is not immediately obvious why the muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells of any one particular vertebrate are so different in their structure and composition when the DNA of every one of their cells is identical. This is the key to one of the most exciting areas of modern cell biology. In different cell types, different sets of the total number of genes (genome) are expressed. In other words, different regions of the DNA are "active" in the muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells.To understand how this difference in DNA activity can lead to differences in cell structure and composition, it is necessary to consider what is often known as the central dogma of molecular biology: "DNA makes RNA makes protein." In molecular terms, a gene is thatportion of DNA that encodes for a single protein. The dictum "one gene makes one protein" has required some modification with the discoverythat some proteins are composed of several different polypeptide chains, but the "one gene makes one polypeptide" rule does hold.DNA Contains the Blueprint for all Cell ProteinsMessenger RNA is a precise copy (transcript) of the coded sequenceof nucleic acid bases in DNA, and this message is translated into aunique protein molecule on specialist organelles (ribosomes) present in the cytoplasm of all cells. Proteins, which are largely made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (0), and nitrogen (N), are constructed from 20 different, common amino acids. The versatility of proteins, the workhorse molecules of the cell, stems from the immense variety of molecular shapes that can be created by linking amino acids together in different sequences. The smaller proteins consist of only a few dozen amino acids, whereas the larger ones may contain in excess of 200 amino acids, all linked together in a linear chain by peptide bonds.As the proteins are released from the ribosome, they fold intounique shapes, under the influence of chemical forces that depend on the particular sequence of amino acids. So the protein primary sequence, encoded in the gene and faithfully transcribed and translated into an amino acid chain, determines the three-dimensional structure of the emerging molecule. The human body possesses some 30,000 different kinds of proteins and several million copies of many of these. Each plays a specific role - for example, hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood, actin and myosin interact to generate muscle movement, and acetylcholine receptor molecules mediate chemical transmission between nerve and muscle cells.Enzymes - Protein BiocatalystsAn essential group of proteins - the enzymes - act as biological catalysts and regulate all aspects of cell metabolism. They enable breakdown of high-energy food molecules (carbohydrates) to provideenergy for biological reactions, and they control the synthetic pathways that result in the generation of lipids (e.g., fats, cholesterol, and other vital membrane components), carbohydrates (sugars, starch, and cellulose - the key components of plant cell walls), and many vital small biomolecules essential for cell function.Though grouped together for their capacity to speed up chemical reactions that would proceed only very slowly at room temperature, different classes of enzymes vary greatly in their structure and function. Most cells contain about a thousand different enzymes, each capable of catalyzing a unique chemical reaction.Lesson 5 Polymerase Chain Reaction - Xeroxing DNAWho would have thought a bacterium hanging out in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park would spark a revolutionary new laboratory technique? The polymerase chain reaction, now widely used in research laboratories and doctor's offices, relies on the ability of DNA-copying enzymes to remain stable at high temperatures. No problem for Thermus aquaticus, the sultry bacterium from Yellowstone thatnow helps scientists produce millions of copies of a single DNA segment in a matter of hours.In nature, most organisms copy their DNA in the same way. The PCR mimics this process, only it does it in a test tube. When any cell divides, enzymes called polymerases make a copy of all the DNA in each chromosome. The first step in this process is to "unzip" the two DNAchains of the double helix. As the two strands separate, DNA polymerase makes a copy using each strand as a template.The four nucleotide bases, the building blocks of every piece of DNA, are represented by the letters A, C, G, and T, which stand for their chemical names: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The A on one strand always pairs with the T on the other, whereas C always pairs with G. The two strands are said to be complementary to each other.To copy DNA, polymerase requires two other components: a supply ofthe four nucleotide bases and something called a primer. DNA polymerases, whether from humans, bacteria, or viruses, cannot copy a chain of DNA without a short sequence of nucleotides to "prime" the process, or getit started. So the cell has another enzyme called a primase thatactually makes the first few nucleotides of the copy. This stretch of DNA is called a primer. Once the primer is made, the polymerase can take over making the rest of the new chain.A PCR vial contains all the necessary components for DNA duplication: a piece of DNA, large quantities of the four nucleotides, largequantities of the primer sequence, and DNA polymerase. The polymerase is the Taq polymerase, named for Thermus aquaticus, from which it was isolated.The three parts of the polymerase chain reaction are carried out in the same vial, but at different temperatures. The first part of the process separates the two DNA chains in the double helix. This is donesimply by heating the vial to 90-95 degrees centigrade (about 165 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 seconds.But the primers cannot bind to the DNA strands at such a high temperature, so the vial is cooled to 55 degrees C (about 100 degrees F). At this temperature, the primers bind or "anneal" to the ends of the DNA strands. This takes about 20 seconds.The final step of the reaction is to make a complete copy of the templates. Since the Taq polymerase works best at around 75 degrees C (the temperature of the hot springs where the bacterium was discovered), the temperature of the vial is raised.The Taq polymerase begins adding nucleotides to the primer and eventually makes a complementary copy of the template. If the template contains an A nucleotide, the enzyme adds on a T nucleotide to the primer. If the template contains a G, it adds a C to the new chain, and so on to the end of the DNA strand. This completes one PCR cycle.The three steps in the polymerase chain reaction - the separation of the strands, annealing the primer to the template, and the synthesis of new strands - take less than two minutes. Each is carried out in the same vial. At the end of a cycle, each piece of DNA in the vial has been duplicated.But the cycle can be repeated 30 or more times. Each newlysynthesized DNA piece can act as a new template, so after 30 cycles, 1 billion copies of a single piece of DNA can be produced! Taking intoaccount the time it takes to change the temperature of the reaction vial, 1 million copies can be ready in about three hours.PCR is valuable to researchers because it allows them to multiply unique regions of DNA so that they can be detected in large genomes. Researchers in the Human Genome Project are using PCR to look for markers in cloned DNA segments and to order DNA fragments in libraries.Lesson 6 Monoclonal Antibody TechnologySubstances foreign to the body, such as disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents, known as antigens, are recognizedby the body's immune system as invaders. Our natural defenses against these infectious agents are antibodies, proteins that seek out the antigens and help destroy them.Antibodies have two very useful characteristics. First, they are extremely specific; that is, each antibody binds to and attacks one particular antigen. Second, some antibodies, once activated by the occurrence of a disease, continue to confer resistance against that disease; classic examples are the antibodies to the childhood diseases chickenpox and measles.The second characteristic of antibodies makes it possible to develop vaccines. A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened bacteria or viruses that, when introduced into the body, stimulates the productionof antibodies against the antigens it contains.It is the first trait of antibodies, their specificity, that makes monoclonal antibody technology so valuable. Not only can antibodies beused therapeutically, to protect against disease; they can also help to diagnose a wide variety of illnesses, and can detect the presence of drugs, viral and bacterial products, and other unusual or abnormal substances in the blood.Given such a diversity of uses for these disease-fighting substances, their production in pure quantities has long been the focus ofscientific investigation. The conventional method was to inject a laboratory animal with an antigen and then, after antibodies had been formed, collect those antibodies from the blood serum (antibody-containing blood serum is called antiserum). There are two problems with this method: It yields antiserum that contains undesired substances, and it provides a very small amount of usable antibody.Monoclonal antibody technology allows us to produce large amounts of pure antibodies in the following way: We can obtain cells that produce antibodies naturally; we also have available a class of cells that can grow continually in cell culture. If we form a hybrid that combines the characteristic of "immortality" with the ability to produce the desired substance, we would have, in effect, a factory toproduce antibodies that worked around the clock.In monoclonal antibody technology, tumor cells that can replicate endlessly are fused with mammalian cells that produce an antibody. The result of this cell fusion is a "hybridoma," which will continually produce antibodies. These antibodies are called monoclonal because they come from only one type of cell, the hybridoma cell; antibodies producedby conventional methods, on the other hand, are derived from preparations containing many kinds of cells, and hence are called polyclonal. An example of how monoclonal antibodies are derived is described below.A myeloma is a tumor of the bone marrow that can be adapted to grow permanently in cell culture. When myeloma cells were fused withantibody-producing mammalian spleen cells, it was found that the resulting hybrid cells, or hybridomas, produced large amounts of monoclonal antibody. This product of cell fusion combined the desired qualities of the two different types of cells: the ability to grow continually, and the ability to produce large amounts of pure antibody.Because selected hybrid cells produce only one specific antibody, they are more pure than the polyclonal antibodies produced by conventional techniques. They are potentially more effective than conventional drugs in fighting disease, since drugs attack not only the foreign substance but the body's own cells as well, sometimes producing undesirable side effects such as nausea and allergic reactions. Monoclonal antibodies attack the target molecule and only the target molecule, with no or greatly diminished side effects.Lesson 7 The Human Genome ProjectSince the beginning of time, people have yearned to explore the unknown, chart where they have been, and contemplate what they have found. The maps we make of these treks enable the next explorers to push ever farther the boundaries of our knowledge - about the earth, the sea,the sky, and indeed, ourselves. On a new quest to chart the innermost reaches of the human cell, scientists have now set out on biology's most important mapping expedition: the Human Genome Project.Its mission is to identify the full set of genetic instructions contained inside our cells and to read the complete text written in the language of the hereditary chemical DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). As part of this international project, biologists, chemists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, and other scientists will work together to plot out several types of biological maps that will enable researchers to find their way through the labyrinth of molecules that define the physical traits of a human being.Packed tightly into nearly every one of the several trillion body cells is a complete copy of the human "genome" - all the genes that make up the master blueprint for building a man or woman. One hundred thousand or so genes sequestered inside the nucleus of each cell are parceled among the 46 sausage-shaped genetic structures known as chromosomes.New maps developed through the Human Genome Project will enable researchers to pinpoint specific genes on our chromosomes. The most detailed map will allow scientists to decipher the genetic instructions encoded in the estimated 3 billion base pairs of nucleotide bases that make up human DNA. Analysis of this information, likely to continue throughout much of the 21st century, will revolutionize our understanding of how genes control the functions of the human body. Thisknowledge will provide new strategies to diagnose, treat, and possibly prevent human diseases. It will help explain the mysteries of embryonic development and give us important insights into our evolutionary past.The development of gene-splicing techniques over the past 20 years has given scientists remarkable opportunities to understand the molecular basis of how a cell functions, not only in disease, but in everyday activities as well. Using these techniques, scientists have mapped out the genetic molecules, or genes, that control many life processes in common microorganisms. Continued improvement of these biotechniques has allowed researchers to begin to develop maps of human chromosomes, which containmany more times the amount of genetic information than those of microorganisms. Though still somewhat crude, these maps have led to the discovery of some important genes.By the mid-1980s, rapid advances in chromosome mapping and other DNA techniques led many scientists to consider mapping all 46 chromosomes in the very large human genome. Detailed, standardized maps of all human chromosomes and knowledge about the nucleotide sequence of human DNAwill enable scientists to find and study the genes involved in human diseases much more efficiently and rapidly than has ever been possible. This new effort - the Human Genome Project - is expected to take 15 years to complete and consists of two major components. The first - creating maps of the 23 pairs of chromosomes - should be completed in the first 5 to 10 years. The second component - sequencing the DNA。
《生物专业英语》专业词汇1. electron microscopy 电子显微镜2. chloroplast 叶绿体3. mitochondria 线粒体4. phospholipid 磷脂5. lipid bilayer 脂双层6. plasma membrane 质膜7. extracellular 细胞外的8. cellulose纤维素9. polysaccharides多糖10. vacuole液泡11. chromatin 染色质12. eukaryotic 真核的13. prokaryotic 原核的14. ribosomes核糖体15. thylakoids类囊体16. peroxisomes, 过氧物酶体17. hydrolytic enzyme 水解酶18. cytoskeleton 细胞骨架19. Chlorophyll 叶绿素20. Chromosome 染色体21. Glycolysis醣酵解22. Microtubule微管23. Organelle细胞器24. Prokaryotic cell 原核细胞25. apoptosis细胞凋亡26. endocytosis 细胞内吞作用27. graminaceous plant禾本科植物28. Pharmacology 药理学29. morphology形态学30. anatomy解剖学31. taxonomy 分类学32. binary nomenclature 双名法33. ontogenesis个体发生34. phylogenesis系统发生35. nanometer 纳米36. micrometer 微米37. millimeter 毫米38. centimeter 厘米39. decimeter分米40. flora植物志,植物群落41. homologous同源的42. plasmodesmata [植]胞间连丝43. plasmolysis质壁分离44. tonoplast液泡膜45. hydrodynamics流体力学, 水动力学46. leucoplast 白色体47. Proplastid 前质体, 原质体48. carotinoid 类胡萝卜素49. saprophytic腐生的50. parasitic寄生的51. endosperm 胚乳52. concentric同中心的53. eccentric偏心的,偏轴的,离心的54. vascular tissue维管组织55. lignin 木质素,56. Chromoplast 有色体57. Amyloplast 淀粉体58. Epidermis 表皮59. Saprophy 腐生60. histology 组织学61. cytology 细胞学62. bacteriology细菌学63. prototype原型64. tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)烟草花叶病毒65. The Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM)透射电子显微镜66. The scanning electron microscope(SEM)扫描电子显微镜67. solid phase 固相168. gas phase 气相69. liquid phase 液相70. ultraviolet light紫外光71. wave length 波长72. subcellular structure 亚细胞结构73. endoplasmic reticulum 内质网74. lipophilic亲脂性的75. assimilation tissue同化组织76. xylem木质部77. phloem韧皮部78. Meristem 分生组织79. embryogenesis胚胎发生80. symmetric对称的81. inflorescence 花, 花序82. apical meristem 顶端分生组织83. lateral meristem侧生分生组织84. intercalary meristem居间分生组织85. apical dominance[植]顶端优势86. gymnosperm 裸子植物87. angiosperm被子植物88. vascular cambium 维管形成层89. cork cambium木栓形成层90. annual rings年轮91. internode节间92. morphogenesis形态发生,形态建成,93. differentiate 分化94. dedifferentiate 去分化,反分化95. totipotency 全能, 全能性96. root cap根冠.97. leaf vein叶脉98. radical apex 根尖99. Procambium原始形成层100. c ross-section横截面101. p arenchyma 薄壁组织102. o rnamental plant观赏植物103. I sodiametric等直径的, 等轴的104. l ignify木质化105. p arasite寄生虫106. x erophyte旱生植物107. A quatic plant水生植物108. s hade plant阴生植物109. g uard cell 保卫细胞110. i ntercellular space细胞间隙111. p hotosynthesis 光合作用112. a naerobic厌氧的113. i nfrared light 红外光114. r edox氧化还原作用115. c ofactor辅助因素116. p hotosystem 光系统117. c ytochrome细胞色素118. A TP (adenosine triphosphate) 三磷酸腺苷119. c arboxylase羧化酶120. o xygenase 加氧酶121. p hotorespiration 光呼吸122. C arbohydrate 糖;碳水化合物123. M esophyll 叶肉124. P hotoinhibition n. 光抑制125. P lastoquinone 质体醌126. a ntioxidant 抗氧化剂127. d ecarboxylation脱羧128. a utotrophic organisms自养生物129. t hermodynamic热力学的130. b iodiversity 生物多样性131. s ymbiotic relationship共生关系132. e ndosymbiosis内共生133. h ydrophobic疏水的134. h ydrophilic亲水的135. n anotechnology纳米技术136. b iomedical生物医学的137. f luorescent荧光的, 莹光的138. p harmaceutical医药品139. n utraceutical营养品140. p romoter启动子2141. b ioremediation生物补救,生物修复142. b iological breakdown生物降解143. i nterdisciplinary学科间的144. e ntomology昆虫学145. w eed science草业科学146. e cosystem 生态系统147. T axonomy分类学148. c ompound eyes复眼149. F ungi 真菌150. i nvasive species 入侵种151. S cience Citation Index科学引文索引152. t he National Institutes of Health (美国)全国卫生研究所153. N euroscience. 神经系统科学154. I SSN(international standard serial number)国际标准期刊编号155. S emimonthly 半月的156. B imonthly 双月的157. Q uarterly 季度的,三月的158. E ngineering Index (EI) 工程(技术资料)索引159. d issertation (学位)论文160. B iophysics 生物物理学161. I mmunology 免疫学162. P athology病理学163. P hysiology 生理学164. V irology 病毒学165. S ystematic Biology 系统生物学166. a ntibiotic抗生素167. G enomics 基因组学168. p esticide杀虫剂169. l actic-acid乳酸170. r ecombinant重组体171. a llergic过敏的, 患过敏症的172. i nsulin 胰岛素173. i dentical twins同卵双生174. D olly the Sheep 多利羊175. z ygote合子,受精卵176. r eproductive cell 生殖细胞177. S omatic cell 体细胞178. S omatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) 体细胞核移植179. A rtificial embryo twinning 人工胚胎双生180. s urrogate mother替身母亲181. t rial-and-error反复试验182. I mplantation移植,培植183. T elomeric端粒的184. t elomere端粒185. l ifespan寿命186. i nfertility不育187. i n vitro体外,在生物体外188. i n vivo在活的有机体内189. g enotype 基因型190. p henotype 表现型,表型191. g ermination萌芽, 发生192. G rowth regulator生长调节剂193. a uxin生长素194. c ytokinin细胞分裂素195. m etabolite代谢物196. m icropropagation微繁197. d isinfection消毒,灭菌198. a utoclave高压灭菌器199. e xplant外植体200. V ector 载体201. c ancerous tissue癌组织的202. V accine疫苗203. E mbryonic tissue胚性组织204. h omogenize均质化205. b acteriophage 噬菌体206. s ticky end粘性末端207. b lunt end平末端208. l igase 连接酶209. c odon 密码子3210. b ovine牛的211. t ransgenic 转基因的212. p athogen病菌, 病原体213. g lucose isomerase葡萄糖异构酶214. s tarch saccharification淀粉糖基化215. r estriction endonuclease限制性内切核酸酶216. r ate-determining step限速步骤217. e nzymic catalysis 酶学催化反应218. s pecificity特异性219. h ydrogen bond氢键220. t hermostability热稳定性221. M utant 突变异种,突变体222. P enicillin 青霉素223. b iosensor生物传感器224. o ptical isomers光学异构体225. h ydrolysis水解226. h exokinase己糖激酶227. h exose己醣228. f ructose果糖229. n oncovalent非共价键的230. c oenzyme辅酶231. O xidoreductase氧化还原酶232. d ehydrogenases脱氢酶233. o xidase 氧化酶234. o xygenase加氧酶235. p eroxidase过氧(化)物酶236. T ransferase 转移酶237. H ydrolase 水解酶238. e sterase 酯酶239. g lycosidase 糖苷酶240. l ipase 脂肪酶241. p rotease 蛋白酶242. d ehydratase 脱水酶243. p ectinase 果胶酶244. I somerase 异构酶245. i somerisation 异构化246. e pimerase 差向(异构)酶247. s ynthetase 合成酶248. p ancreas胰腺249. i ntestine 肠250. r eceptor受体251. T erminator终止子252. a nticodon反密码子253. p eptide bond 肽键254. d etoxification解毒,脱毒255. s oybean大豆256. t rans反式257. c is 顺式258. c ardiovascular disease心血管疾病259. h omogeneous同类的, 相似的, 均一的260. h eterogeneous不同种类的261. c arcinogenic致癌物(质)的262. b ioethics生物伦理学263. m ultidisciplinary多学科的264. p esticide杀虫剂265. b ioreactor 生物反应器266. t he Royal Society (英国)皇家学会267. F AO=Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)(联合国)粮食及农业组织268. b road sense 广义的269. n arrow sense 狭义的270. g enetically modified organisms (GMOs) 遗传修饰生物271. f ishery渔业272. f orestry 林业273. M arker-assisted selection 标记辅助选择274. D NA fingerprinting DNA指纹275. q uantitative trait loci 数量性状位点276. a llergenic引起过敏的277. c ultivar栽培品种4278. B iosafety 生物研究安全性279. A mino acid 氨基酸280. A utofluorescence 自发荧光281. B ase pair 碱基对282. B iodiversity 生物多样性283. C arotinoid 类胡萝卜素284. C entromere 着丝点, 着丝粒285. C ytoplasm 细胞质286. D ifferentiation 分化287. E mbryo 胚胎, 胎儿, 胚芽288. E ntomology 昆虫学289. G enome 基因组/染色体组290. G lycosylate 使糖基化291. H ybridization 杂交, 杂种培植, 配种292. I nheritance 遗传293. K idney 肾脏294. L ysosome溶酶体295. M ammalian 哺乳动物296. M eiosis减数分裂297. M icronutrient 微量元素298. M itosis有丝分裂299. M onocotyledon单子叶植物300. d icotyledon 双子叶植物301. M utation 突变302. N ucleotide 核苷303. P hospholipid 磷脂304. P olymerase 聚合酶305. P olypeptide 多肽306. p olymorphism 多态性,多型性1. 界Kingdom2. 门Phylum3. 纲class4. 目Order5. 科family6. 属genus7. 种Species8. 品种variety5。
单词:metabolic 新陈代谢的,fossil fuel 化石燃料,degrade 降解,fiber 纤维,cotton 棉花,wool 羊毛,hygienic 卫生的detergent 清洁剂,antibiotics 抗生素,component 组分,biodegradability 生物可降解性,intrinsic 固有的,perturb 扰动,thermochemistry 热化学,Biocatalysis 生物催化,enzyme 酶,genetics 遗传学,methodology 方法学,cellular 细胞的,extracellular 胞外的,isotope 同位素,Biotin 生物素,antibiotic 抗生素,penicillin 青霉素,2-oxoglutarate a酮戊二酸,trigger 引发,Flux 通量,transformant 转化株,plasmid 质粒,homologous 同源的,heterologous 异源的deficient 缺陷的,strain 菌株,sensitivity 灵敏度,steady state 稳态,infinitesimal 无穷小的,activity 活力,,mechanism 机制,attenuation 衰减,perturbation紊乱,kinetic 动力学的,glutamate 谷氨酸,composition 组分,medium培养基,perculture 预培养,deionize 去除离子,vitamin 维生素,soybean大豆,protein蛋白质,hydrolysate 水解产物,cholramphenicol 氯霉素,Kanamaycin 卡那霉素,batch 间歇式,fermentor发酵罐,dissolve溶解,oxygen 氧,concerntration浓度,agitation搅拌,revolution 旋转,aeration通气,buffer缓冲液,Sonication 超声波破碎法,supernatant上层液,absorption光吸收值,Branch point 分支点,glucose 葡萄糖,normalize 规格化,consumption 消耗,growth phas 生长期,specific activity 比活力,coefficient 系数,upstream 上游的,lysine 赖氨酸,inoculate 接种,agar 琼脂,bacteriophage 噬菌体,facultative兼性的,assimilate 吸收,saccharide糖类,fructose 果糖,ethanol乙醇,methanol甲醇,glycerol甘油,urea尿素,peptone蛋白胨,copper铜,aqueous水的,eluent 洗脱液,Phosphate 磷酸盐,redox 氧化还原,,modification修饰,host寄主,intermediate 中间体,respiration呼吸,consumption消耗,kinase激酶,isomerase异构酶,bisphophate 二磷酸盐,mass balance质量平衡,genome基因组,genomic基因组的,glycolysis糖消解,high throughput高通量,sequence测序仪,evolutionary进化的,tag标记,transcription转录,transduction传导,array阵列,proteomice蛋白组学,affinity亲和力,counterpart 对照物,amino acid氨基酸,promoter启动子,ligate链接,vector载体,plasmid质粒,base pair碱基对,homology同源性,codon密码子,excise切割下,primer引物,region区段,amplificatio 扩增,transform转化,template模板,strand链,SDS-PAGE十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,ORF coding 开放阅读框架编码,polymer聚合物,sterilize消毒,inoculate接种,batch fermentation间歇式发酵,continuous fermentation连续是发酵,recombinant重组子,secretion分泌,variant变体,in situ 原地,in vivo体内,ribosome核糖体,interface界面,crosslinking交联,entrapment包埋,encapsulation胶囊化,residue残基,cationic阳离子的,culture broth培养液,stabilization 稳定,hydrolytic水解的,actone丙酮,aromatic芳香族的,sediment沉淀,chiral 手性,pesticide 杀虫剂,aseptic无菌的,impair削弱,atringent严厉,shelf life贮存期,continuous stirred tank reactor连续搅拌釜式反应器,vessel容器,foam breaker 消泡器,condensate冷凝水,cascade control级联控制,ratio control 比率控制,feed forward control 前馈控制,parameter参数,carbon dioxide二氧化碳,hydrophilic polymers亲水聚合物,aqueous水质的,tissue组织,carbohydrate碳水化合物,density 密度,solubility溶解度,extraction萃取,centrifugation离心,filtration过滤,solvent溶剂,solute溶质,membrane 膜,adsorption吸附,evaporation 蒸发,sublimation 升华,vaporisation气化,dehydration 脱水,distillation蒸馏,latent heat潜热,streamlined层流的,turbulent湍流的,hyperfiltration 超滤,dialysis透析,electrophoresis电泳,flocculation絮凝,flotation浮选,milling碾碎,lysis细胞裂解,lipophilic亲脂的,crystallization结晶,chromatographic层析法的,heterotrophic 异养的,lag phase迟滞期,exponential growth phase指数期,stationary phase稳定期,deathphase衰亡期,specific growth rate比生长速率课后习题:1.以间歇式操作方式培养大肠杆菌XN-1。
常用生物学专业英语词汇第一篇:细胞生物学1. 细胞膜(cell membrane):细胞的包膜结构,可以控制待进入或离开细胞的物质。
2. 细胞核(nucleus):细胞中包含遗传信息DNA的结构。
3. 同源染色体(homologous chromosomes):由配对的两条染色体组成,分别来自于父母亲,对于同一性状存在基因位点,具有相同或相关的遗传信息。
4. 有丝分裂(mitosis):细胞的一种分裂方式,产生两个细胞,每个细胞含有与原细胞相同数量的染色体。
5. 裂解(lysis):细胞膜被打破,导致细胞内容物外流。
6. 自噬(autophagy):细胞通过噬菌体的方式,将细胞内无效或老化的细胞成分进行分解和循环。
7. 线粒体(mitochondria):细胞中用于产生化学能的细胞器。
8. 基因(gene):遗传信息位点,控制生物性状的单元。
9. 染色体(chromosome):细胞中被DNA和蛋白质包裹的结构,通过细胞分裂的方式传递遗传信息。
10. 质膜(plasma membrane):细胞外膜,通过细胞内外之间的物质交换,维护细胞内环境稳定。
11. 胞质(cytoplasm):细胞内除了细胞核之外的其他成分,包括线粒体等细胞器。
12. 有丝分裂纺锤体(mitotic spindle):帮助细胞完成有丝分裂的蛋白质丝索。
13. 细胞凋亡(apoptosis):细胞通过自我死亡过程,去除对身体有害的部分。
14. 共生(symbiosis):两个或多个不同物种之间的紧密关系,可以有利于两者的生存。
15. 酶(enzyme):帮助细胞进行化学反应的蛋白质。
16. 染色体畸变(chromosomal aberration):因DNA修复失效,染色体结构改变,可能出现体细胞突变和肿瘤等恶性肿瘤。
17. 内质网(endoplasmic reticulum):细胞中重要的蛋白质合成和修饰结构,可以将蛋白质目的地向不同区域传输。
生物专业英语Biochemistry 生物化学essential element必需元素trace elements微量元素proteoglycan蛋白聚糖amino acid氨基酸primary structure 一级结构random coil无规卷曲structural domain 结构域subunit亚基degeneration变性adenine腺嘌呤guanine鸟嘌呤cytosine胞嘧啶thymine胸腺嘧啶uracil尿嘧啶nucleoside 核苷nucleotide核苷酸base pairing碱基配对base pair碱基对数base碱基数gyrase旋转酶nucleosome核小体 complementary DNA互补DNA plasmid质粒transposons转座子repetitive sequence重复序列exon外显子intron内含子variable loop可变环ribonuclease核糖核酸酶renaturation复性hyperchromic effect增色效应base stacking force碱基堆积力annealing退火melting-out temperature熔解温度hypochromic effect减色效应maltose麦芽糖sucrose蔗糖lactose乳糖starch淀粉glycogen糖原cellulose纤维素cellulase纤维素酶selectivity选择性substrate底物 holoenzyme全酶cofactor辅因子coenzyme辅酶oxidase氧化酶metabolism新陈代谢assimilation同化作用catabolism异化作用metabolite代谢产物biological oxidation 生物氧化cytochrome细胞色素rotenone鱼藤酮amytal阿密妥antimycin A抗霉素A cyanide氰化物glycolysis糖酵解ethanol乙醇citrate柠檬酸cis-aconitate 顺乌头酸succinic acid琥珀酸oxaloacetic acid草酰乙酸 acetyl-coenzyme乙酰辅酶fumarate延胡索酸glyoxylate cycle 乙醛酸循环malate苹果酸fatty acid 脂肪酸carbon unit一碳单位metabolic regulation代谢调feedback regulation反馈调节structural gene结构基因promoter gene启动基因operator gene操纵基因regulator gene调节基因termination factor终止因子triplet code三联体密码initiator codon起始密码termination codon终止密码replicon复制子core enzyme 核心酶primosome 引发体Okazaki fragment冈崎片段leading chain 前导链lagging strand后随链terminator终止子telomere端粒telomerase端粒酶replication fork复制叉vector载体promoter启动子terminator终止子operon操纵子codon密码子degeneracy简并性hormone激素citric acid cycle 柠檬酸循环Deamination 脱氨基作用urea cycle尿素循环euchromatin 常染色质messenger RNA信使RNAtransfer RNA 转移RNA ribosome RNA核糖体RNA secondary structure二级结构super-secondary structure超二级结构tertiary structure三级结构quaternary structure四级结构semiconservative replication 半保留复制ornithine cycle 鸟氨酸循环negative supercoil DNA负超螺旋DNA positive supercoil DNA正超螺旋DNA restriction endonuclease 限制性内切酶polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应oxidative deamination 氧化脱氨作用transamination 转氨基作用reverse transcription 逆转录decarboxylation 脱羧作用semidiscontinuous replication半不连续复制reverse transcriptase 逆转录酶missense mutation 错义突变synonymous mutation 同义突变neutral mutation中性突变nonsense mutation 无义突变double-strand circular DNA 双链环形DNA phosphatidic acid 磷脂酸essential amino acids 必需氨基酸dihydrouracil loop 二氢尿嘧啶环anticodon loop 反密码子环superhelical DNA 超螺旋DNAopen circular DNA 开环DNA linear DNA 线形DNAbase stacking force 碱基堆积力glucogenic and ketogenic amino acid生糖兼生酮氨基酸ketogenic amino acid 生酮氨基酸glucogenic amino acid 生糖氨基酸Genetics遗传学heredity 遗传variation 变异pisum sativum 豌豆 segregation 分离gamete 生殖细胞zygote 合子allele 等位基因genotype 基因型phenotype 表现型test cross 测交oryza sativa 水稻diploid 二倍体haploid 单倍体centromere 着丝粒satellite 随体linker 连丝mitosis 有丝分裂mesoblast中胚层spindle 纺锤体interphase 间期spindle fiber 纺锤丝vicia faba 蚕豆nucleoplasm 核质spermatogenous 精原细胞oogonium 卵原细胞spermatid 精细胞Phenocopy 拟表型epistasis上位效应mutant突变型gametic lethal配子致死zygotic lethal合子致死autosome 常染色体dominant lethal显性致死carrier 携带者homozygote 纯合体heterozygote 杂合体genotype 基因型phenotype 表现型linkage group 连锁群interference 干涉coincidence 并发率genetic map 遗传学图wild type野生型secondary constriction 次级缢痕mutation 突变nucleolar organizer 核仁形成区induction 诱导first polar body 第一极体strain 菌株sister chromatids 姐妹染色单体recipient 受体female gametic nucleus 卵核donor 供体multiple alleles 复等位基因fragment 片段sex-chromosome性染色体heterokaryon 异核体sex-linked inheritance 伴性遗传auxotroph 营养缺陷型primary constriction 初级缢痕prophage 原噬菌体secondary constriction 次级缢痕transduction 转导complementary gene互补基因Mendel’s laws 孟德尔定律 law ofhomologous chromosome 同源染色体segregation 分离定律sister chromatids 姐妹染色单体first filial generation 子一代secondary oocyte 次级卵母细胞parental generation 亲代three-point testcross 三点测交dominant character显性性状primary spermatocyte 初级精母细胞recessive character 隐性性状secondary spermatocyte 次级精母细胞hereditary determinant遗传因子first division segregation 第一次分裂分离parental combination 亲组合second division segregation 第二次分裂分recombination 重组合离punnett square 棋盘法law of independent assortment 自由组合Mendelian character 孟德尔性状定律primary constriction 初级缢痕Microbiology微生物学living creatures 生物culture medium 培养基lawn菌苔culture plate 培养平板bacteria 细菌archaea 古生菌eukaryote真核生物prokaryote 原核生物protozoan 原生动物hypha 菌丝 mycoplasma 支原体yeast 酵母菌plasmolysis 质壁分离Escherichia Coli大肠杆菌murein胞壁质peptidoglycan 肽聚糖 mucopeptide 黏肽outer membrane外膜chromosome染色体nucleolus 核仁nucleoid 拟核chromatin 染色质 centromere 着丝粒telomere 端粒protoplast 原生质体mycoplasma 支原体glycoprotein 糖蛋白mesosome 间体 cytoplasm细胞质megnetosome磁小体nucleoid拟核glycocalyx 糖被capsule 荚膜flagellum 鞭毛lysosome 溶酶体chloroplast 叶绿体thylakoid类囊体inorganic salt 无机盐peptone 蛋白胨sulfur bacteria 硫细菌beef extract牛肉膏vitamin 维生素inclusion body 内含物lithotroph 无机营养型medium 培养基agar 琼脂organotroph 有机营养型antiport 逆向运输active transport 主动运输 pinocytosis 胞饮作用catabolism 分解代谢passive transport 被动运输 uniport 单向运输anabolism 合成代谢fermentation发酵batch culture 分批培养log phase 对数生长期stationary phase 稳定生长期lag phase 迟缓期decline phase衰亡期aerobe 好氧菌 antibiotic 抗生素antigenome 反基因组transformation 转化 genome 基因组plasmid 质粒transforming factor 转化因子diploid 二倍体haploid 单倍体transposable element 转座因子conjugation接合作用transposon转座子phenotype 表型genotype基因型auxotroph营养缺陷型wild-type野生型transition 转换transversion 颠换spontaneous mutation 自发突变reverse mutation 回复突变sexduction 性导transduction 转导 promoter 启动子operon 操纵子recombination repair 重组修复repressor 阻遏蛋白corepressor辅阻遏物clone 克隆 denaturation 变性annealing 退火extension 延伸cloning vector 克隆载体replicon 复制子telomere 端粒cohesive end 黏性末端promoter 启动子terminator 终止子gene therapy 基因治疗phylogeny 系统发育ammonification 氨化作用nitrification 硝化作用denitrification 反硝化作用expression vector 表达载体aerobic respiration有氧呼吸anaerobic respiration无氧呼吸origin of replication 复制起始点incompatibility 不亲和性gene mutation 基因突变synonymous mutation 同义突变chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变missense mutation 错义突变frame-shift mutation 移码突变lactose operon 乳糖操纵子negative transcription control 负转录调控 tryptophan operon 色氨酸操纵子 cytoplasmic inheritance 细胞质遗传 genetic engineering 基因工程 recombinant DNA technology 重组DNA技术palindromic structure 回文结构spread plate method 涂布平板法pour plate method 倾注培养法streak plate method 平板划线法shake tube method 稀释摇管法continuous culture 连续培养精品文档It was not evident, for example, whether or not a particular kind of protein has a consistent sequence of amino acids that would be the same in one individual molecule as it would be in another of that same kind of protein.例如,一类特定的蛋白质是否具有一致的氨基酸序列还是不明白的,同类蛋白质的单独一个分子与另一个分子的氨基酸序列也许是相同。
生物学专业英语期末考试知识点总结一、化学元素符号(31个)H Hydrogen ['haɪdrədʒ(ə)n] 氢 B Boron ['bɔːrɒn] 硼Be Beryllium [bə'rɪlɪəm] 铍 C Carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n]碳N Nitrogen ['naɪtrədʒ(ə)n] 氮O Oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] 氧F Fluorine ['flʊəriːn] 氟Na Sodium ['səʊdɪəm] 钠Mg Magnesium [mæg'niːzɪəm] 镁Al Aluminum [əˈluːmɪnəm] 铝Si Silicon ['sɪlɪk(ə)n] 硅P Phosphorus ['fɒsf(ə)rəs] 磷S Sulphur ['sʌlfə] 硫Cl Chlorine ['klɔːriːn] 氯K Potassium [pə'tæsɪəm] 钾Ca Calcium ['kælsɪəm] 钙Cr Chromium ['krəʊmɪəm] 铬Mn Manganese ['mæŋgəniːz] 锰Fe Iron ['aɪən] 铁Co Cobalt ['kəʊbɔːlt] 钴Ni Nickel ['nɪk(ə)l] 镍Cu Copper ['kɒpə] 铜Zn Zinc [zɪŋk]锌As Arsenic ['ɑːs(ə)nɪk] 砷Se Selenium [sɪ'liːnɪəm] 硒Mo Molybdenum [mə'lɪbdənəm] 钼Ag Silver ['sɪlvə] 银Cd Cadmium ['kædmɪəm] 镉Au Gold [gəʊld] 金Hg Mercury ['mɜːkjərɪ] 汞Pb Lead [liːd] 铅二、数学符号a2 a square or a squaredb3 b cube or b cubed[kjuːb] 立方c4 c (raised) to the fourth (power)f-1 f to the minus one 0.4 zero (or nought) point four [nɔːt]零0.01point (or decimal) nought one ['desɪm(ə)l]小数10.34ten point three fourμ micron ['maɪkrɒn] 微米mm millimeter ['mili,mi:tə] 毫米mm2 square millimetermm3cubic millimeter ['kjuːbɪk] 立方的cm centimeter [ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)] 厘米cm2square centimetercm3cubic centimeter dm decimeter ['desɪ,miːtə] 分米dm2square decimeterdm3cubic decimeterm meterm2square meterm3cubic meterkm kilometerkm2square kilometermL milliliter ['mili,li:tə] 毫升L liter ['li:tə] 升a acre ['eɪkə] 英亩ha hectare ['hekteə] 公顷g gramme [ɡræm] 克mg milligramme ['miligræm] 毫克kg kilogramme ['kiləuɡræm] 千克t tonne [tʌn] 吨三、期刊杂志全称与简写英文全称英文缩写中文全称Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 生物化学年刊Cell Cell 细胞Annual Review of Cell Biology Annu Rev Cell Biol 细胞生物学年刊The Journal of the Federation of AmericanSociety for Experimental BiologyFASEB Journal (FASEB J )美国实验生物学联合会刊European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO Journal (EMBO J)欧洲分子生物学杂志Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 生物化学科学进展Molecular and Cellular Biology Mol Cell Biol 分子与细胞生物学杂志Journal of Biological Chemistry J Biol Chem 生物化学期刊Plant Cell Plant Cell 植物细胞Molecular Pharmacology Mol Pharmacol 分子药理学DNA Cell Biology DNA Cell Biol DNA细胞生物学Journal of Molecular Biology J Mol Biol 分子生物学期刊Biochemistry Biochemistry 生物化学Cell Growth and Differentiation Cell Growth Differ 细胞生长与分化Methods in Enzymology Method Enzymol 酶学方法Molecular Microbiology Mol Microbiol 分子微生物学Journal of Neurochemistry J Neurochem 神经化学杂志Progress in Biophysics & MolecularBiologyProg Biophys Mol Biol 生物物理和分子生物学进展Advances in Microbial Physiology Adv Microb Physiol 微生物生理学进展Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Bio Evol 分子生物学与进化Journal of Cellular Biochemistry J Cell Biochem 细胞生物化学杂志Molecular Biology and Medicine Mol Biol Med 分子生物学与药学Federation of European BiochemistrySociety FEBS Letters ( FEBS Lett)欧洲生物化学学会联合会杂志Plant Molecular Biology Plant Mol Biol 植物分子生物学Journal of Molecular Evolution J Mol Evol 分子进化杂志Analytical Biochemistry Anal Biochem 分析生物化学Molecular Immunology Mol Immunol 分子免疫学Neurochemical Research Neurochem Res 神经化学研究Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Mol Cell Biochem 分子与细胞生物化学Molecular Biology Report Mol Biol Rep 分子生物学报告Proceedings of National Academy ofsciences USA PROC NATL ACADSCI USA美国国家科学院院刊四、作文1. Topic or title or head.2. Authors and their institutes.3. Abstract4. Introduction5. Materials and Methods6. Results7. Discussion8. References or literatures cited.How to write a report or paperA paperconsists of 8partsEnglish description英文叙述Chinese narrative中文叙述Part1.Topic or titleor head.(主题/标题/头)Concise and informative 简洁而信息量丰富Part2.Authors and their institutes. (作者及其所在研究机构)The name(s) of the auther(s)The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the auther(s)The e-mail address,telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding auther作者姓名作者的隶属机构和地址通讯作者的电子邮件地址,电话号码以及传真号。
单词整理a- 不,非aseptic 无菌的;apolar 非极性的;asymmetercal 不对称的ab- 去,离开,脱离abnormal 反常的;abuse 滥用;abduct 外展神经aceto- 乙酰acetolactate 乙酰乳酸;acetyl 乙酰(基);acetyl phosphate 乙酰磷酸actino- 光线,射线,放线菌acrinomycin 放线菌;actinometer 化学光度计acyl- 酰基acyltransferase 转酰基酶aden(o)- 腺adenovirus 腺病毒aer(o)- 空气的aerobic 需氧的;aeration 通气agro- 土壤;农业agrochemical 农用化学品;agronomical 农艺学的amidino- 脒基amidinotransferase 转脒基酶amylo- 淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉;amylose 直链淀粉;amyloplastid 造粉粒an- 不,非anaerobic 厌氧的;analgesic 止痛的;anapepsia 胃蛋白酶缺乏ane- 烷methane 甲烷anti- 反对,对抗,取消,抑制,解除antagonistic 对抗的;antibody 抗体;antigen 抗原angio- 血管angiogenin 血管生成素;angioma 血管瘤aut(o)- 自己的,自动的autotroptic 自养的;autonomous 自发的;autosensitization 自身致敏bio- 生物的biochemistry 生物化学;bioamine 生物胺;biocatalyst 生物催化剂bromo- 溴的5-bromouracil 5-溴尿嘧啶bis- 双,二bisexualism 雌雄异体;bisphenols 双酚类brady- 缓慢hradycardia 心动过缓;bradykinin 缓激肽carb(o)- 碳的carbodiimide 碳二亚胺;carbohydrate 碳水化合物carboxy(l) 羧基carboxy methylcellulose 羧甲基纤维素carcin(o)- 癌carcinogen 致癌物cardio- 心脏cardiotonic 强心的cent(i)- 一百的,百分之一的,厘century 世纪;centimeter 厘米;centimorgan 厘摩chemo- 化学chemoautotrophy 化能自养;chemosynthesis 化能合成;chemoattractant 化学引诱物chlor- 氯,绿chloramphenicol 氯霉素;chlorobenzene 氯苯;chloroplast 叶绿体chrom(o)- (chromat(o)-) 颜色chromatid 染色单体;chromosome 染色体;chromatography 色谱法cis- 顺cistrion 顺反子;cis regulation 顺式调节;cis-isomer 顺式异构体co- 一起,共同cooperate 合作;coincide 重合;cognate 同源的con- (col-,com-,cor-)连同,一起complexant 络合剂;concentrate 集中;combine 结合contra- 反对,相反contrast 对照;contrary 相反的;contrasuppression 反抑制counter- 反,逆couner-circulation 逆向循环;counter-ecolution 逆进化;counter receptor 反受体cryo- 寒冷,冷冻cryopreservation 冷冻保藏;cryogen 冷冻剂;cryophile 适寒性cyano- 青,蓝,氰cyanobacteria 蓝细菌;cyanocobalamin 氰钴胺素;cyanogen bromide 溴化氰de- 否定,除去,离开,降低,脱debug 排除故障;deceleration 降速;degeneration 退化deca- 十,葵decahedron 十面体;decane 葵烷;decamer 十聚体deoxy- 脱氧deoxycytosine 脱氧胞嘧啶di- 二,二倍,二重diploid 二倍体;dimer 二聚体;divinylbenzene 二乙烯苯dia- 横穿diameter 直径;dialysis 透析;diaphragm 隔膜dis- 否定,分离disintegration 破碎;disagree 不同意;dissemination 散播dodeca- 十二dodecahedron十二面体;dodecane 十二烷;dodecamer 十二聚体eco- 生态,居处,宿主ecogentics 生态遗传学;ecology 生态学;ecomone 生态信息素ectoblast 外胚层;ectohormone 外激素;ectodomain 胞外结构electr(o)- 电electrodialysis 电渗析en-(em-) 使成为,置于……中enable 能够;encode 编码;embed 包埋end(o)- 内endergonic 吸能的;endospore 内生孢子enol 烯醇phosphoenolpyruvate 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸enter(o)- 肠enteroacteria 肠细菌;enterobactin 肠杆菌素;enterocyte 肠细胞epi- 表;变化epichlorohydrin 表氯醇;epimerase 差向异构体酶;epithelial cell 上皮细胞erythr(o)- 红,赤erythrose 赤藓糖;erythromycin 红霉素;erythrocyte 红细胞eu- 真正eukaryote 真核生物;eukaryocyte 真核细胞;eubacteria 真细菌e(x)- 向外,超出,完全,彻底explant 外植体;elongate 拉长;evaluate 评价ex(o)- 外,在外,产生exothermic 放热的;exergonic 放能的;exogenous gene 外源基因extra- 超出extracellular 胞外的;extract 抽提物;extracellular virus 胞外病毒ferri- 高铁ferricytochrome 高铁细胞色素;ferritin 铁蛋白;ferridoxin 铁氧还原蛋白ferro- 亚铁ferrocytochrome 亚铁细胞色素;ferroheme 血红素;ferrochelatase 亚铁螯合酶flavanol 黄烷酮;flavin 黄素;flavone 黄酮fluoro- 氟基,氟代,荧光fluorochrome 荧光染料;fluoroacetate 氟乙酸;fluorometer 荧光剂formyl- 甲酰formyltetrahydrofolate 甲酰四氢叶酸;formyl 甲酰基;formylation 甲酰化geo 土地geographical barrier 地理障碍;geographical isolation 地理隔离;geosmin 土腥味素glyc(o)- 糖glycoprotein 糖蛋白hem(o,a)-,haem(o,a)-,haemat(o)-血的hemoglobin 血红蛋白;haemagglutinin 血凝素;haem 血红素hemi- 半hemicellulase 半纤维素;hemizygote 半合子;hemiacetal 半缩醛heter(o)- 异,杂,异种heterogeneous 异质的,不均一的;heterotrophic 异养的;heteroantigen 异种抗原hepato- 肝hepatocarcinoma 肝癌;hepatocyte 肝细胞;hepatotoxin 肝脏毒素homeo- 同源,同祖homeotic gene 同源异形基因hom(o)- 相同homogeneous 同质的,均一的;homologous 同源的;homoeosis 同源异形hydr(o)- 水,液体,氢hydrocarbon 烃;hydrocolloid 水胶体;hydrobios 水生生物hydroxy(l) 羟基hydroxyapatite 羟磷灰石;hydroxylase 羟化酶hyper- 超出,过度hyperfiltration 反渗透;hypertension 高血压hypo- 低,(过)少sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠;hypoblast 下胚层;hypoimmunity 低免疫性imino- 亚胺基iminodiacetic acid 亚胺基二乙酸immuno- 免疫immunogenic 致免疫的;immunoassay 免疫分析in-(il-,im-,ir-)不,无;在内,入内insoluble 不能溶解的;insuperable 不能克服的;impermeable 不能渗透的infra- 下面,内部infrastructure 基础结构;infrared 红外线的inter- 相互,在……之间interact 相互作用;intergeneric 属间的;inter-particle 颗粒间的intra- 在内,向内intraspecific 种内的;intra-particle 颗粒内的;intravenous 进入静脉的iodo- 碘基,碘代iodometry 碘量法;iodouracil 碘尿嘧啶;iodoacetic acid 碘乙酸iso- 同,等,异isomer 同分异构体;isomerase 异构酶;isobutyl 异丁基kary(o)- 核,细胞核karyology 胞核学keto- 酮基ketohexulose 酮己酮糖;keto acid 酮酸;ketoamin 酮胺lacto- 乳lactobacillus 乳杆菌属;lactogen 催乳素;lactoglobulin 乳球蛋白leuco- 白,无色的leucocyte 白细胞lipo- 脂lipoprotein 脂蛋白;lipoxygenase 脂氧合酶lympho- 淋巴lymphocyte 淋巴细胞macro- 大的,宏观的macromolecule 大分子;macroporous 大孔的mal- 不当,不良malabsorption 吸收不良;malassimulation 同化不全;malnutrition 营养不良megal(o)- 巨大cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒mercapto- 巯基β-mercaptoethylamine β-巯基乙胺meso- 内消旋;中(间)meso inositol 内消旋肌醇;mesophilic 嗜温的meth- 甲基methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸methyl 甲基methyltroph 甲基营养菌micro- 微,微小的microscope 显微镜;microcarrier 微载体;microbe 微生物mono- 一,单,单一monoclonal 单克隆的;monolayer 单层multi- 多,多方面multistage 多级;multicellularity 多细胞性;myco- 真菌mycolytic 溶真菌的;mycotoxin 真菌毒素;mycoprotein 真菌蛋白myelo- 髓鞘,髓myeloblast 成髓细胞;myelocyte 髓细胞;myeloma 骨髓瘤myo- 肌myoalbumin 肌白蛋白;myoblast 成肌细胞;myocyte 肌细胞nano- 纳nanobacteria 微小细菌;nanosecond 纳秒;nanotechnology 纳米技术neo- 新neocarcinostatin 新制癌菌素;neocerebellum 新小脑;neomycin 新霉素neur(o)- 神经neural 神经的;neurotoxin 神经毒素nitro- 硝基nitrofuran 硝基呋喃;nitroalkane 硝基烷;nitrobacteria 硝化细菌nucle(o)- 核nucleoside 核苷;nucleophilic 亲核的non- 非,无,不non-newtonian fluid 非牛顿型流体;non-aqueous solution 非水溶液nor- 去甲,正noradrenalin 去甲肾上腺素;normal 正常,正交;normocyte 正红细胞over- 在上面,超过,过overshooting 过调节;overview 简明概述;overcooled 过冷的oligo- 寡oligosaccharide 寡糖,低聚糖onco- 肿瘤oncogene 致癌基因ovo- 卵ovocenter 卵中心体;ovorubin 卵红蛋白;ovum 卵细胞oxalo- 草酰,乙二酸-酰基oxalo acetate 草酰乙酸oxy- 氧;羟基deoxyguanosine 脱氧鸟苷;oxytetracycline 土霉素;oxyproline 羟脯氨酸path(o)- 病pathogen 病原菌para- 旁(位),对(位),副parabronchus 复支气管;parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺;paraoxon 对氧磷peri- 周,周围perimeter 周长;periplasmic space 周质间隙;periblast 胚周区per- 过peroxisome 过氧化质体phenyl 苯基phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸phospho- 磷酸基phosphofructokinase 磷酸果糖激酶phosphoryl- 磷酰基phosphorylation 磷酸化作用phyto- 植物phytoalexin 植物抗毒素;phytology 植物学;phytoplankton 浮游植物plasm(o)- 原生质,血浆plasmolemma 质膜pleio- 多pleiotropic 多效的;pleioxeny 多主寄生;pleiotropy 多效性poly- 多,聚polysaccharide 多糖;polystyrene 聚苯乙烯;polyacid 多酸post- 后post-transcriptional modification 转录后修饰作用;post-exponential growth phase 后对数生长期pre- 前,在前premature 过早的;precursor 前体;premise 前提pro- 原,前prokaryote 原核生物;prostate 前列腺proteo- 蛋白proteolipid 蛋白脂质;proteome 蛋白质组;proteolysis 蛋白酶解proto- 原始,初prototype 原型;protoplast 原生质体pseud(o)- 假的pseudo-plastic fluid 假塑性流体;psudodominance 假显性;pseudohypha 假菌丝pyro- 焦,火,热pyrophosphorylase 焦磷酸化酶;pyrogen 热源;progenic exotoxin 热源性外毒素quasi- 类似,准quasi-homogeneous 准均匀的radio- 辐射,放射autoradiography 放射自显影;radiotracer 放射性示踪物;radiology 放射学re- 再,重新,反复recirculation 循环;reversion 回复;reactivity 反应性retro- 后,向后,回复retrovirus 逆转录病毒ribo- 核糖riboflavin 核黄素;ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸;ribonucleotide 核糖核苷酸self- 自身的self-fertilization 自体受精semi- 半,部分semi-permeable membrane 半透膜;semi-synthetic 半合成的;semiconservative replication 半保留复制sero- 血清serological 血清学;seroconversion 血清转变soma- 体soma 体质,胞体;somatic cell 体细胞;somatization 体部分化somato- 生长somatocrinin 生长素释放肽;somatotroph 促生长素细胞;somatotropin 促生长素,生长激素sub- 下面,次于,近于subcellular 亚细胞的;subunit 亚基;subdivide 再分super- 上,上面,超,超级superior 上面的;supernatant 上清液的syn-(sym-) 共同,合synchronize 同步;symbiosis 共生现象;synergistic 协同作用的techn(o)- 技术,工艺technology 技术(学),工艺学;technique 技术therm(o)- 热thermistor 热敏电阻;themometer 温度计thi(o)- 硫,硫代thiamine 硫胺素;thioacylation 硫代酰化;thiokinase 硫激酶thym(o)- 胸腺thymosin 胸腺素toti- 全,全部,整个totipotency 全能性trans- 横穿,通过,转移transformation 转化;transcribe 转录;transposen 转位子tri- 三,三次,三级triplet 三联体;triangle 三角形;triacylglycerol 三酰甘油ultra- 超,极端,过分ultrasonic 超声波;ultracentrifugation 超离心un- 不,相反,出去unfold 展开under- 下面,低于,不足undergraduate 大学本科生;underpin 加固……的基础uni- 单,一,同一uninucleate 单核的;unique 独一无二的up- 向上,在上upstream 上游;upright 直立的uro- 尿urokinase 尿激酶vinyl- 乙烯基polyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯后缀:-able(-ible) 可能的practicable 可行的;responsible 负责的-ability 能力acceptability 可接受性;permeability 渗透性-age 表示动作过程、量spillage 溢出;percentage 百分比-al 接在名词后形成形容词,接在动词后形成名词personal 个人的;exceptional 例外的;refusal 拒绝-aldehyde 醛glutaraldehyde 戊二醛-amin 胺methylamine 甲胺-ane 烷methane 甲烷-ant 动作者inactivant 失活剂;bioprotectant 生物保护剂-ase 酶protease 蛋白酶;polymerase 聚合酶-ate 盐,酯phosphate 磷酸盐;sebacate 奎二酸酯-cide 杀害,消灭suicide 自杀;bactericide 杀菌剂;amoebicide 抗阿米巴药-cyte 细胞leucocyte 白细胞-derm 皮,皮层blastoderm 胚层;dermadrone 内病性皮疹-ene 烯ethylene 乙烯-(e)ry 场所;一类事物bakery 面包房;circuitry 电路系统;poultry 家禽-fold 倍twofold 两倍-(i)fy 接名词或形容词后构成动词solidify 固化;simplify 简化-gen 原,剂antigen 抗原;mutagen 诱变剂;carcinogenic 致癌的-gram 图形;记录的东西chromatogram 色谱图;polarograph 极谱图-graphy 描绘、记录的方式、学科chromatography 色层分离法;autoradiography 放射自显影术-ic anhydride 酸酐sodium chloride 氯化钠-imine 亚胺iminodiacetic acid 亚胺基二乙胺-ish 略带一点的greyish 浅灰色的-ist ……的实行者,……专业人员(专家)scientist 科学家;geneticist 遗传学家-itis 炎,发炎hepatitis 肝炎;encephalitis 脑炎-ize(-ise) 使成为atomize 雾化;oxidize 使氧化-lactone 内酯β-propiolactone β-丙醇酸内酯-lemma 皮,壳,鞘膜basilemma 基底膜;lemmatoxin 鞘毒素-less 无,不,不能stainless 不锈的-like 如……样的sponge-like 海绵状的-(o)logy(-ological,形容词)学科biology 生物学;technology 技术学,工艺学;toxicology 毒理学的-lysis 分解作用,过程glycolysis 糖酵解作用;hydrolysis 水解作用;analysis 分析-lytic(形容词,分解的)-lyze(-lise)(动词,分解)-lysate(名词,分解液)hydrolytic 水解的;hydrolyze 水解;hydro-lysate 水解液-ment 在动词后构成名词development 发展;entrainment 夹带-meter 计,表spectormeter 发光剂;viscometer 粘度计-metric 测量的gravimetric (测定)重量的;volumetric (测定)体积的;potentiometric (测量)电位的-mycete 霉菌streptomycete 链霉菌-mycin 霉素,菌素mitomycin 丝裂霉素;actinomycin 放线菌素-nema 丝,线amphinema 偶线;chromonema 染色体;nemacicide 杀线虫剂-oid 类,似,……样、状的acidoid 似酸的;amyloid 淀粉样的;carotenoid 类胡萝卜素-ol 醇butanol 丁醇;inositol 肌醇-oma 瘤myeloma 骨髓瘤;hybridoma 杂交瘤-one 酮phenoxazinone 吩噁嗪酮-ory 构成形容词transitory 短暂的;respiratory 呼吸的;构成名词,表场所depository 储藏所-ose 糖heptose 庚糖;lactose 乳糖-oside 糖苷galactoside 半乳糖苷;cardiac glycoside 强心苷-osis 病,症;acalcicosis 缺钙症;hepatitis 肝炎-ous 构成形容词extraneous 外来的;rigorous 严格的-philic 亲……的lipophilic 亲脂性的;hydrophilic 亲水的-phobic 疏……的hydrophobic 疏水的-phoresis 移动electrophoresis 电泳-phil 亲,嗜,喜acidopil 嗜酸的;aerophil 好气的-plasm 血浆,原生质protoplasm 原生质-plast 原始细胞,(质)体,血浆centroplast 中心质体;hematoplast 成血细胞;plasmolemma 质膜-proof 耐……的flame-proof 耐火的;explosion-proof 防爆的-side 苷nucleside 核苷;glycoside 糖苷-sis 构成名词,表示作用,过程mutagenesis 诱变作用;mitosis 有丝分裂;meiosis 减速分裂-some 体,粒chromosome 染色体;idiosome 核旁体;ribosome 核糖体-stat 稳定装置chemostat 恒化器-taxis,tropism 趋向性aerotaxis 趋氧性;chemiotaxis 趋化性;lipotropism 亲脂性-tion(-ation,-ition,-sion) 构成名词instrumentation 仪表化;trypsinization 胰蛋白消化酶;adhesion 粘着-tide 甘酸,肽deoxyribotide 脱氧核苷酸;propeptide 前肽-troph ……营养生物,……营养型(-trophic 构成形容词)methanotroph 甲烷营养型;autotroph 自养生物;autotrophic 自养的-wise 接名词或形容词后构成副词batchwise 分批的;likewise 同样的。
生物工程专业英语词汇总结第一篇:生物工程专业英语词汇总结专业英语词汇总结第一章bacteria 细菌 yeast酵母 fungi 真菌mammalian 哺乳动物细胞molecular biology 分子生物学biomass 生物体 enzyme 酶antibiotic 抗生素 catabolic 分解代谢的 glucose 葡萄糖anabolic 合成代谢的exergonic 放能的endergonic 吸能的vaccine 疫苗interferon 干扰素 date back into 始于… fermentative 发酵的sterile 无菌的;不生育的 acetic acid 醋酸 butanol 丁醇 acetone 丙酮polysaccharide 多糖 citric acid 柠檬酸genetic engineering 基因工程 genome 基因组 mutation 突变geneticist 遗传学家recombinant DNA 重组DNA gene 基因 hybird 杂交物 insulin 胰岛素protoplast fusion 原生质体融合 monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体tissue culture 组织培养 immobilize 固定化 amino acid 氨基酸septic 感染的 protein 蛋白质 lipid 脂质hormone 激素第二章exploit 利用divert 转移,使转向matrix 发源地divergent 分歧的nucleic acid 核酸carbohydrate 碳水化合物;糖类aerobic 需氧的anaerobic 厌氧的anhydride 酐adenine 腺嘌呤striking 显著的mould 霉菌hydrocarbon 烃methanol 甲醇precursor 前体hydride 氢化物modulate 调整lactobacilli 乳酸杆菌tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环cytochrome 细胞色素oxidant 氧化剂reductant 还原剂lyase 裂解酶hydrolyze 水解commence 开始 ketone 酮gluconeogenesis 葡糖异生作用oxidoreductase 氧化还原酶nucleotide 核苷酸 glycoside 糖苷 ribosome 核糖体 code 密码messenger RNA 信使RNA RNA polymerase RNA聚合酶transcription 转录 codon 密码子 translation 转译transfer RNA(tRNA)转移RNA regulatory gene 调节基因 operator gene 操纵基因structural gene 结构基因 operon 操纵子 promotor 启动基因glycogen 糖原feedback inhibition 反馈抑制 isoenzyme 同工酶proteolytic enzyme 蛋白(水解)酶 cell cycle 细胞周期 germ cell 生殖细胞duplication 成倍mutagen 诱变剂lethal 致死的adverse 不利的 entail 必需inclination 倾向(于某事,某种状态)competence 能力第三章genetics 遗传学 breeding 育种mutagenesis 诱变作用 vial 病毒 slime 粘质物 strain(菌)株screen,screening 筛选 transformation 转化 hybridization 杂交transduction(基因)转导 gene cloning 基因克隆 genotype 基因型dispersal 分散conjugation 接合sexual cycle 有性循环parasexual cycle 准性循环 gene library 基因文库shake-flask culture 摇瓶培养 spore 孢子phenotype 表型 phenotypic 表型的 degeneration 退化culture maintenance 菌种保藏 subculturing 移种;接种 freezedrying 冷冻干燥 mutator gene 增变基因 antimutator gene 减变基因mutator strain 增变(菌)株complete medium 完全培养基minimal medium 基本培养基 offspring 后代context 背景,环境sexual hybridization 有性杂交 haploid 单倍体 meiosis 减数分裂homologous recombinant 同源重组life cycle 生命周期chromatid 染色单体breeding system 繁殖系统outbreeding 远交,远系繁殖inbreeding 近郊,同系交配self-fertilization 自体受精vegetation cell 营养细胞 gamete 配子 zygote 合子 vector 载体homogenic 同种的,同基因的heterogenic 异种的,异基因的incompatibility 不相容的 translocation 移位 denude 使裸露encapsulate 用囊状物包,封装 differentiate 分化 somatic 体细胞的 erythrocyte 红细胞vertebrate animal 脊椎动物 plasma cell 浆细胞 lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 antisera 抗血清 proliferate 增殖 transfusion 输血tissue typing 组织定型propagation 繁殖amplification 扩大heritable 可遗传的restriction endonuclease 限制性核酸内切酶express 表达DNA ligase DNA连接酶 chimeric DNA 嵌合DNA probe 探针competent cell 感受态细胞 replicon 复制子transformant 转化体transposon 转位子,转座子 annealing 退火digestion(酶切)消化 transfection 转染reverse transcriptase 逆转录酶 intron 内含子 chimera 嵌合体cosmid 粘粒autoradiography 放射自显影术 site-directed mutation 定点突变 signal peptide 信号肽第四章beverage 饮料 sauerkraut 泡菜 alkaloid 生物碱 perfume 香水flavour 调味品perfumery 香料(总称)embryo 胚 trickle 滴流fed-batch culture 半连续培养respiratory quotient 呼吸商doubling time 倍增时间generation time 传代时间balanced growth 平衡生长 exponential growth 指数生长exponential phase 指数(生长)期 deceleration phase 降速期stationary phase 稳定期 death phase 死亡期 residence time 停留时间 dilution rate 稀释率 wash-out 洗出continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR)连续搅拌釜式反应器loop bioreactor 环路式(循环式)生物反应器tap water 自来水 starch 淀粉 sensor 传感器 controller 控制器on-line 在线off-line 离线cholesterol 胆固醇indigenous 在当地生长的 microflora 微生物区系 vegetation 植物(总称)hyphae 菌丝【复】第五章inanimate 无生命的 urease 脲酶hydrolase 水解酶glucose oxidase 葡萄糖氧化酶 lipase 脂肪酶catalage 过氧化氢酶built-in 固有的idiophase 繁殖期trophophase 生长期 synthetase 合成酶allergenic 变应原的,引起变态反应的extraneous 外来的mycotoxin 真菌毒素antigenicity 抗原性toxicological 毒理学的carcinogenic 致癌的 subacute 亚急性的 fertility 能育性immobilized enzyme 固定化酶encapsulation 胶囊封装collagen 胶原 sweetener 甜味剂 ampicillin 氨苄青霉素 unfold 展开cell homogenate 细胞匀浆液第二篇:城市规划专业英语词汇集[模版]城市规划专业英语词汇集urban planning城市规划town planning城镇规划act of urban planning城市规划法urban comprehensive planning城市总体规划urban detailed planning城市详细规划Residential district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning控制性详规规划类的专业课程regional planning区域规划urban system planning城镇体系规划urban sociology城市社会学urban economic城市经济学urban geography城市地理学urban infrastructure planning城市基础设施规划water supply and drainage electricity supplyroad building城市供水、供电、道路修建urban road system and transportation planning城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section城市道路横断面urban management information system城市管理信息系统GIS: geography information system地理信息系统RS: remote sensing遥感Gardening: Landscape architecture园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning城市绿地系统规划Urban design城市设计Land-use planning土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning历史文化名城Protection planning保护规划Urbanization城市化Suburbanization郊区化Public participation公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability)可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing人行横道Human scale人体尺寸Street furniture街道小品(sculpture fountaintea bar)(雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking交通与停车 Landscape node景观节点Brief history of urban planning短暂的历史的城市规划Archaeological考古学的Habitat住处Aesthetics美学Geometrical几何学的Moat护城河Vehicles车辆,交通工具mechanization机械化merchant-trader商人阶级 urban elements城市要素 plazas广场 malls林荫道Adaptable适应性强的Organic entity有机体Department stores百货商店 Opera歌剧院Symphony交响乐团 Cathedrals教堂 Density密度 Circulation 循环Elimination of water水处理措施 In three dimensional form三维的 Condemn谴责 Rural area农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构 Service-oriented以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference参考标准Distribute分类Water area水域 Alteration变更 Inhabitants居民Motorway高速公路 Update改造 Edifices建筑群雅典宪章Residence居住Employment工作Recreation休憩Transportation交通Urban fringes城市边缘Anti-前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的anticlockwise逆时针的Pro-前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education重教育的Sewage污水 Sewer污水管Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂Brain drain人才流失Drainage area汇水面积 Traffic flow交通量Traffic concentration 交通密度Traffic control交通管制Traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈地段Traffic island交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city交通枢纽城市 Train-make-up编组站Urban redevelopment旧城改造 Urban revitalization城市复苏Urban fabric城市结构 Urban form城市形体Material processing center原料加工中心 Religious edifices宗教建筑 Correctional institution教养院Transportation interface交通分界面CBD=central business district城市中心商业区 Public agencies of parking停车公共管理机构 Energy conservation节能 Individual building单一建筑Mega-structures大型建筑Megalopolis特大城市Rresidence居住用地黄色Ccommercial商业用地红色Mmanufacture工业用地紫褐色Wwarehouse仓储用地紫色Ttransportation 交通用地蓝灰色 Ssquare道路广场用地留白处理Uutilities市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色 Ggreen space绿地绿色Pparticular特殊用地 E水域及其他用地(除E外,其他合为城市建设用地)Accessibility可达性;易接近Service radius服务半径Topography地形图 Well-matched相匹配 Visual landscape视觉景观 Visual environment 视觉环境Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量 Tour industry旅游业Service industry 服务业 Relief road辅助道路 Rural population 城镇居民 Roofline屋顶轮廓线风景园林四大要素:landscape plant;architecture/building;topography;waterNature reserve自然保护区 Civic enterprise市政企业Artery动脉,干道,大道Land developer土地开发商Broad thorough-fare 主干道 Water supply and drainageA water supply for a town城市给水系统 Storage reservoir水库,蓄水库 Distribution reservoir水库,配水库 Distribution pipes 配水管网城市规划实施city planning implementation 城市规划管理city planning management, city planning administration 城市规划纲要city planning outline 城市规划标准city planning standard 城市市区部分city proper 城市选址city sitting 城市规模city size 城市广场city square 城[墙]city wallWater engineer给水工程师Distribution system配水系统Catchment area汇水面积 Open channel明渠Sewerage system污水系统,排污体制Separate分流制Combined合流制 Rainfall降水Domestic waste生活污水Industrical waste工业污水Stream flow河流流量 Runoff径流Treatment plant处理厂 Sub-main次干管 Branch sewer支管City water department城市供水部门Spatial structure空间转移 Blueprints蓝图License执照,许可证Hydroelectric power source水利资源 Monuments纪念物High-rise apartment高层建筑物Lawn草地Pavement人行道Sidewalk人行道Winding street曲折的路 Metropolis都市Construction work市政建设Slums平民窟Alleys大街小巷Populate居住 Gothic哥特式Renaissance文艺复兴式 Baroque巴洛克式城市规划区city planning area城市景观城市艺术 cityscape, urban landscape civic art第三篇:城市规划专业英语词汇集专业英语词汇集urban planning城市规划town planning城镇规划act of urban planning城市规划法urban comprehensive planning城市总体规划urban detailed planning城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning控制性详规规划类的专业课程reginal planning区域规划urban system planning城镇体系规划urban sociology城市社会学urban economic城市经济学urban geograghy城市地理学urban infrastructure planning城市基础设施规划water supply and drainage electricity supplyroad building城市供水、供电、道路修建urban road system and transportation planning城市道路系统和交通规划 urban road cross-section城市道路横断面urban management information system城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system地理信息系统RS=remote sensing遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design城市景观规划和设计 Urban green space system planning城市绿地系统规划 Urban design城市设计~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Land-use planning土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning历史文化名城Protection planning保护规划Urbanization城市化Suburbanization郊区化Public participation公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability)可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing人行横道Human scale人体尺寸Street furniture街道小品(sculpture fountaintea bar)(雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking交通与停车Landscape node景观节点---------Archaeological考古学的Habitat住处Aesthetics美学Geometrical几何学的Moat护城河Vehicles车辆,交通工具,mechanization机械化merchant-trader商人阶级urban elements城市要素plazas广场malls林荫道---------------The city and regionAdaptable适应性强的Organic entity有机体Department stores百货商店Opera歌剧院Symphony交响乐团Cathedrals教堂Density密度Circulation循环Elimination of water 水处理措施In three dimensional form 三维的Condemn谴责Rural area农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference参考标准Distribute分类Water area水域Alteration变更Inhabitants居民Motorway高速公路Update改造论文写作Abstract摘要Key words关键词Reference参考资料---------Urban problemDimension大小Descendant子孙,后代Luxury奢侈Dwelling住所Edifices建筑群雅典宪章Residence居住Employment工作Recreation休憩Transportation交通Swallow吞咽,燕子Urban fringes城市边缘Anti-前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的anticlockwise逆时针的Pro-前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education重教育的 Grant助学金,基金Sewage污水Sewer污水管Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂Brain drain人才流失Drainage area汇水面积Traffic flow交通量Traffic concentration 交通密度Traffic control交通管制Traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈地段Traffic island交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city交通枢纽城市Train-make-up编组站Urban redevelopment旧城改造Urban revitalization城市复苏-----------Urban FunctionUrban fabric城市结构Urban form城市形体Warehouse仓库Material processing center原料加工中心Religious edifices宗教建筑Correctional institution教养院Transportation interface交通分界面CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking停车公共管理机构Energy conservation节能Individual building单一建筑Mega-structures大型建筑Mega-大,百万,强Megalopolis 特大城市Megaton百万吨Rresidence居住用地黄色Ccommercial商业用地红色Mmanufacture工业用地紫褐色Wwarehouse仓储用地紫色Ttransportation 交通用地蓝灰色 Ssquare道路广场用地留白处理Uutilities市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色 Ggreen space绿地绿色Pparticular特殊用地E水域及其他用地(除E外,其他合为城市建设用地)Corporate公司的,法人的Corporation公司企业Accessibility可达性;易接近Service radius 服务半径-----------------Urban landscapeTopography地形图Well-matched相匹配Ill-matchedVisual landscape视觉景观Visual environment 视觉环境Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量 Tour industry旅游业Service industry 服务业Relief road辅助道路Rural population 城镇居民Roofline屋顶轮廓线风景园林四大要素:landscape plantarchitecture/buildingtopographywaterUrban designNature reserve自然保护区Civic enterprise市政企业Artery动脉,干道,大道Land developer土地开发商Broad thorough-fare 主干道--------------------Water supply and drainageA water supply for a town城市给水系统 Storage reservoir水库,蓄水库 Distribution reservoir水库,配水库 Distribution pipes 配水管网Water engineer给水工程师 Distribution system配水系统Catchment area汇水面积Open channel明渠Sewerage system污水系统,排污体制 Separate分流制Combined合流制Rainfall降水Domestic waste生活污水Industrical waste工业污水Stream flow河流流量Runoff径流Treatment plant处理厂Sub-main次干管Branch sewer支管City water department城市供水部门-------------------UrbanizationSpatial structure空间转移Labor force劳动力Renewable可再生*Biosphere生物圈Planned citiesBlueprints蓝图License执照,许可证Minerals矿物Hydroelectric power source 水利资源 Monuments纪念物High-rise apartment高层建筑物 Lawn草地Pavement人行道Sidewalk人行道Winding street曲折的路---------A view of VeniceMetropolis都市Construction work 市政建设Slums平民窟Alleys大街小巷Populate居住Gothic哥特式Renaissance文艺复兴式Baroque巴洛克式第四篇:生物工程主要课程:高等数学、线性代数、无机化学与化学分析、植物组织培养技术、有机化学、生物化学、化工原理、物理化学、化学工程、生化工程、生物分离工程[2]、微生物学、细胞生物学、遗传学、胚胎工程、分子生物学、基因工程、细胞工程、蛋白质工程、微生物工程、生物工程下游技术、发酵工程设备、概率论与数理统计、动物生理学、生态学、生物药剂学及药物动力学、生物制药工程、生物分离工程、药物分析、仪器分析等。
百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我1. electronic 电的(与电有关的)2. engineering 工程,工程学3. circuit 电路4. common-base 共基极5. common-emitter 共发射极6. common-collector 共集电极7. transistor 晶体管,三极管8. impedance阻抗9. ohm 欧姆10. megohm 兆欧11. voltage 电压12. rectifier 整流器13. diode 二极管14. current 电流15. cycle 周期16. pulsate 博动,波动17. amplitude幅度18. frequency 频率19. in series 串联20. in parallel 并联21. pulse 波,脉冲22. positive正的23. negative 负的24. baseline 基线25. waveform 波形26. rectangular 矩形的,直角的27. sawtooth 锯齿28. capacitance 电容值,容抗29. electric 电的(靠电工作的)30. condenser 电容器,电容31. capacitor 电容器32. metallic 金属的33. dielectric 电介质34. terminal 电极,终端,套管35. accumulate 蓄电,储电,积累36. electron 电子37. potential 电势38. charge 充电,电荷39. discharge 放电40. farad 法拉41. volt 伏特42. ampere安培43. microfarad 微法44. gravitation 重力,引力,万有引力45. mass 质量46. matter 物质47. resistance 电阻48. cathode 负极49. anode 正极50. short circuit 短路51. open circuit 断路52. germanium 锗53. crystal 晶体⏹LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) 发光二极管⏹probe 探针⏹mains 电源,干线⏹buffer 缓冲器⏹ultrasound 超声⏹ultrasonography 超声波检查法⏹tissue 组织⏹bone 骨⏹organ 器官⏹dimensional 维的⏹transducer 传感器keyboard 键盘⏹cursor 光标⏹piezoelectric 压电的⏹quartz 石英⏹acoustic lens 声学透镜⏹microprocessor 微处理器⏹memory 存储器⏹power supplies 电源⏹amplifier 放大器⏹archive 存档⏹fetus 胎,胎儿⏹cancerous 癌的,恶性肿瘤的⏹benign tumors 良性肿瘤⏹prostate 前列腺⏹gland腺⏹colon 结肠⏹rectum 直肠⏹breast 胸⏹breast lesions 乳腺病变⏹biopsies 活组织检查⏹limb 肢⏹blood 血⏹artery 动脉⏹radiation(辐射,放射).radiographic (放射照相的)⏹Obstetrics (产科学)and gynecology (妇科学)breech(臀部)⏹Checking the position o the placenta(胎盘)⏹uterus(子宫)⏹Seeing tumors of the ovary (卵巢)and breast⏹Cardiology 心脏病学blood vessels (血管)⏹Urology (泌尿学)⏹Measuring blood flow through the kidney (肾)pregnancy(怀孕).⏹multifunctional⏹多功能的⏹portable⏹便于携带的,可移动的⏹electrocardiogram (ECG)⏹心电图⏹monitor⏹监护仪Study and Design of a Multifunctional Portable Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitor Based on SPCE061A基于SPCE061A多功能便携式心电监护仪的研究与设计⏹wireless 无线的fetal 胎儿的Design of a Wireless Fetal Electrocar-diogram Monitoring System Based on S3C2410 基于S3C2410的无线胎儿心电监护仪的设计⏹microcontroller 单片机⏹instrument 仪器The Development of Embedded ECG Monitor Instrument Using C8051F040 Microcontroller基于C8051F040单片机的便携式心电监护仪的低功耗设计R & D (Research and Development ) 研究与开发,简称研发On R & D of an ECG Bedside Monitor心电床边监护仪的研制cardiac 心脏(病)的Performance Test for Cardiac Monitor心电监护仪的性能测试⏹liquid crystal display (LCD) 液晶显示器Development of a Portable ECG Monitor with Liquid Crystal Display便携式液晶显示心电监护仪的研制⏹maintenance 维护,维修⏹equipment 设备The Research of Remote Intelligent Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance System for Complicated Equipment 复杂装备远程智能监测、诊断与维护系统研究⏹oxygen saturation 血氧饱和度⏹non-invasively 无创地This paper describes the measuring principle and instrument structure characteristic of the Multi-parameter Patient Monitor which is able to ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, breath rate, body temperature and oxygen saturation non-invasively.介绍了能测量心电图、心率、脉搏、无创血氧、无创血压、体温、呼吸等多参数监护仪的测量原理和仪表结构特点resolution 分辨率acquisition 采集conversion card 转换卡The resolution of the system has reached % and the real-time display has been realized by the data acquisition and processing with A/D/A conversion card controlled by the software.用软件控制A/D/A转换卡进行数据采集与处理,系统分辨率达%,实现了实时显示。
专业英语整理一、绪论1、语法特点:〔1〕被动语态多中心是客观现象与事物本身,而非动作的发出者, 把论证说明的对象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出中心,又能吸引读者的注意.英语和汉语的逻辑表达有所差别.英语表达注重行为的结果;而汉语表达注重行为的主体.翻译时, 为符合汉语习惯,往往需要改变语序.例1:The effect of different concentrations of olive oil was studied on the production of lipase using free and alginate immobilized cell. Maximal lipase production was observed at 1% olive oil in both cases <4290 and 41400 U/l>, respectively.例2:The sample from the above step was loaded on pre-equilibrated Sephadex G-100 column with 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer pH 8.6. The protein elution wasdone with the same buffer at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min. The active fractions were pooled, concentrated with lyophilizer and dialyzed against the Tris–HCl buffer <50 mM, pH 8.6>. This concentrated fraction wasstored at -20 ℃.〔2〕广泛使用非谓语形式非谓语动词在句子中可以起到名词,形容词或副词作用,动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式.①动名词用动名词短语取代时间从句或简化时间陈述句1>The gene should be cloned before it is expressed.The gene should be cloned before being expressed.表达基因前,应先对其进行克隆An object becomes hot. It is placed in the sun.Once being placed in the sun, an object becomes hot.物体放置在太阳下会变热.We must do various experiments before a new bio-product is designed.Before designing a new bioproduct we must do variousexperiments.在设计一个新的生物制品之前,我们必须做各种实验②分词过去分词短语替代从句中的被动语态现在分词短语替代从句中的主动语态The suspension of the mixture producted in stirred tank is led by the pump to the separating device, where the unreacted residues of cellulose and lignin are separated and led into the second tank of the unreacted solid phase.③动词不定式This paper outlines some of the key issues to be addressed to achieve optimal integration either by modification of preceding <or following> chemical steps, biocatalyst evolution or combinations of these approaches together with process engineering.〔3〕省略句使用频繁<精炼>省略成分:状语从句中的主语、全部或部分谓语;定语从句中的关系代词which和that、从句中的助词等;还常用介词短语替代从句.If it is possible, the open-loop control approach shouldbe used in this system.Ifpossible,theopen-loopcontrolapproachshouldbe used in this system.可能的话,这个系统应该使用开环控制方法.其他常用的省略形式:As already discussed 前已讨论, As explained before 前已解释, As described above 如上所示, If possible <necessary>如果可能〔必要〕,If so 倘若如此,As previously mentioned 前已提到, When needed <necessary, feasible> 必要时,Where feasible 在实际可行的场合,Where possible 在可能的情况下.〔4〕It句型和祈使句使用频繁〔准确、精炼〕It句型:it 充当形式主语,避免句子"头重脚轻〞祈使句: 无主语,精炼.It is very important <possible, necessary, natural, inevitable> to…It takes very much time learning…It is clear <possible, necessary, natural, inevitable> that…It happened that …It must be admitted that…Let A be equal to B.设A等于B.Consider a high-pressure chamber. 假如有一个高气压气候室.〔5〕复杂长句使用频繁〔准确、精炼〕为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从句例1:Metabolic engineering is the practice of optimizing genetic and regulatory processes within cells to increase the cells’production of a certain substance. These processes are chemical networks that use a series of biochemical reactions and enzymes that allow cells to convert raw materials into molecules necessary for the cell’s survival.〔6〕后置定语多后置定语即位于其所修饰的名词之后的定语,汉语常用前置定语或多个简单句来说明某概念或术语,而专业英语则更多地使用后置定语.All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, which are analogous to those of waves moving through water.All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics analogous tothose of waves moving through water.所有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中移动的波的特征相似.2、修辞特点:(1)广泛使用一般现在时(2)较多地使用图、表和公式(3)逻辑语法使用多although, because, but, if, once, only, suppose, as a result, because of, due to, so, therefore, thus, without等.3、词汇特点:(1)词汇构成:合成法〔由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词〕,派生法〔通过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来构成新词〕二、词汇1、For thousands of years, microorganisms have been used to supply products such as bread, beer and wine. A second phase of traditional microbial biotechnology began during World War I and resulted in the development ofthe acetone-butanol and glycerol fermentations, followed by processes yielding, for example, citric acid, vitamins and antibiotics.数千年来,微生物一直被用来供应面包、啤酒和葡萄酒等产品.在第一次世界大战期间,传统微生物生物技术的第二阶段开始,导致丙酮-丁醇和甘油发酵的发展,接着是生产过程,例如柠檬酸、维生素和抗生素.2、In the early 1970s, traditional industrial microbiology was merged with molecular biology to yield more than 40 biopharmaceutical products, such as erythropoietin, human growth hormone and interferons. Today, microbiology is a major participant in global industry, especially in the pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries.在20世纪70年代早期,传统的工业微生物学与分子生物学结合,产生了40多种生物制药产品,如促红细胞生成素、人类生长激素和干扰素.今天,微生物学是全球工业的主要参与者,特别是在制药、食品和化学工业.3、Primary metabolites are the small molecules of living cells; they are intermediates or end products of the pathways of metabolism, buildingblocksforessentialmacromolecules, or are converted into coenzymes.主要代谢物是活细胞的小分子;它们是代谢途径的中间产物或最终产物,是基本大分子的基石,或转化为辅酶.4、Primary metabolites used in the food and feed industries include: alcohols <ethanol>, amino acids <monosodium glutamate, lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan>, flavor nucleotides,初级代谢产物用于食品和饲料行业包括:醇<乙醇>,氨基酸<味精、赖氨酸、苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸、色氨酸>,味道核苷酸,5、Organic acids <acetic, propionic, succinic, fumaric, lactic>, polyols, <glycerol, mannitol, xylitol>, polysaccharides, <xanthan, gellan>, sugars <fructose, ribose, sorbose> and vitamins [biotin].有机酸<乙酸、丙酸、琥珀酸、富马酸、乳酸>、多元醇<甘油、甘露醇、木糖醇>、多糖、糖<果糖、核糖、山梨糖>、维生素<生物素>.6、Mutants During amino acid production, feedback regulation is bypassed by isolating auxotrophic mutants and partially starving them of their requirements. Another method is to produce mutants that are resistant to a toxic analog of the desired metabolite, that is, an antimetabolite. Combinations of auxotrophic and antimetabolite resistance mutations are common in primary metabolite- producing microorganisms.突变体在氨基酸生成过程中,通过分离营养缺陷突变体,部分抑制其需求,绕过反馈调节.另一种方法是产生一种突变体,这种突变体对所需要的代谢物的有毒类似物具有抵抗力,也就是一种抗代谢物.在产生初级代谢物的微生物中,常见的是营养缺陷和抗代谢物抗性突变的组合.7、Fermentation Another factor is the increase in outward permeability, whichis veryimportant in the production of L-glutamicacid, the major commercial amino acid.发酵另一个因素是向外渗透的增加,这在主要的商业氨基酸l -谷氨酸的生产中非常重要.8、Approximately 1.2 billion poundsof monosodium glutamate are made annually by fermentation usingvarious species of the genera Corynebacterium and Brevibacterium. Molar yields of glutamate from sugar are 50– 60% and broth concentrations reach over 100 g L−1.每年大约有12亿磅的谷氨酸钠是通过利用不同种类的短杆菌和棒状杆菌等细菌进行发酵制成的.从糖摩尔谷氨酸的产量50 - 60%和肉汤浓度达到超过100 g L−1.9、Glutamic acid Normally, glutamic acid overproduction would not occur because of feedback regulation. However, modification of the cell membrane can cause glutamate to be pumped out of the cell, thus allowing its biosynthesis to proceed unabated.谷氨酸正常情况下,由于反馈调节,不会发生谷氨酸过量生产.然而,对细胞膜的修饰可以使谷氨酸被泵出细胞,从而使其生物合成得以继续进行.10、This membrane alteration is intentionally effected by biotin limitation <all glutamic acid bacteria are biotin auxotrophs>, glycerol limitation of glycerol auxotrophs, oleate limitation of oleate auxotrophs, or addition of penicillin or fatty acid derivatives to exponentially growing cells. Apparently, all of these manipulations result in a phospholipid-deficient cytoplasmic membrane.这种膜的改变是由生物素的限制<所有谷氨酸的细菌都是生物素营养不良>,甘油营养缺陷,油酸营养缺陷,或加入青霉素或脂肪酸衍生物,以指数增长的细胞.显然,所有这些操作都会导致磷脂缺乏的细胞质膜.11、Lysine Most cereals are deficient inthe essential amino acid L-lysine. Lysine is a member of the aspartate family of amino acids and is produced in bacteria by a branched pathway that also produces methionine, threonine and isoleucine.赖氨酸大多数谷物都缺乏必需的l -赖氨酸.赖氨酸是天门冬氨酸家族的一员,在细菌中通过分支途径产生,也产生蛋氨酸、苏氨酸和异亮氨酸.12、This pathway is controlled very tightly in an organism such as Escherichia coli, which includes three aspartate kinases that are each regulated by a different end product.这种途径在大肠杆菌这样的生物体中受到非常严格的控制,大肠杆菌包含三种天冬氨酸激酶,每一种激酶都由不同的最终产物调控.13、Recombinant DNA technology is beginning to have a major impact on amino acid production. The major manipulation for lysine production is aimed at increasing the levels of feedback-resistant as partatekinase and dihydrodipicolinate synthase.重组DNA技术开始对氨基酸的生产产生重大影响.赖氨酸生产的主要操作是为了提高部分儿茶酸激酶和二氢吡啶合成酶的反馈抗性水平.14、FungiFilamentousfungi are widely used for the commercial productionof organic acids, for example, 1 billion pounds of citricacid are produced per year with a market value of US$1.4 billion. Citricacid is produced via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway and the first step of the tricarboxylic acid cycle;真菌丝状真菌广泛应用于有机酸的商业化生产,例如,每年生产10亿磅柠檬酸,市场价值14亿美元.柠檬酸通过糖酵解途径和三羧酸循环的第一步产生;15、the control of the process involves the inhibition of phosphofructokinase by citric acid. The commercial process uses Aspergillus niger in media deficient in iron and manganese 锰 . A high level of citric acid production is also associated with a high intracellular concentration of fructose 2,6-biphosphate, an activator of glycolysis.控制过程涉与柠檬酸对磷酸果糖激酶的抑制作用.商业流程使用黑曲霉在媒体缺乏铁和锰锰.高水平的柠檬酸生产也与细胞内高浓度的果糖2,6-二磷酸有关,它是糖酵解的激活剂.16、Other factors contributing to high citric acid production are the inhibition ofisocitrate dehydrogenase by citricacid and the low optimum pH <1.7–2.0>. Higher pH values <e.g. 3.0> lead to the production of gluconic acids, instead of citric acid.柠檬酸对异柠檬酸脱氢酶的抑制作用和对pH的抑制作用<1.7-2.0>.较高的pH值<如3.0>会产生葡萄糖酸,而不是柠檬酸.17、Alternative processes have been developed for the production of citric acid by Candida yeasts, especially from hydrocarbons. Such yeasts are able to convert n-paraffins 石蜡 to citric and isocitric acids in extremely high yields [150– 170% <w/w> of substrate used]; titers as high as 225 g L−1 have been reached.已经开发了由念珠菌生产柠檬酸的替代工艺,特别是从碳氢化合物中生产柠檬酸.这些酵母菌能够将正石蜡转化为柠檬酸和异柠檬酸的aci.DS产率[150%~170%<w/w>],效价可达225 g L−1.18、Secondary metabolites Microbially produced secondary metabolites are extremely important for health and nutrition. As a group that includes antibiotics, other medicinals, toxins, biopesticides and animal and plant growth factors, they have tremendous economic importance.次生代谢物是微生物产生的次生代谢物,对健康和营养极为重要.包括抗生素、其他药物、毒素、生物农药和安尼.MAL和植物生长因子,它们具有巨大的经济重要性.19、Secondary metabolites have no function in the growth of the producing cultures <although, in nature, they are essential for the survival of the producing organism>, are produced by certain restricted taxonomic groups of organisms and are usually formed as mixtures of closely related members of a chemical family.次级代谢物对培养物的生长没有作用<虽然在性质上,它们是生产生物体生存所必需的>,但它们是由某些限制产生的.有机体的分类群,通常是由一个化学家族的密切相关成员组成的混合物.20、Chemical Building Blocks of Cells Three major biopolymers are present in cells: proteins,composed of amino acids linked by peptide bonds; nucleic acids, composed of nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds; and polysaccharides , composed of monosaccharides <sugars> linked by glycosidic bonds.细胞中存在三种主要生物聚合物:蛋白质,由肽键连接的氨基酸组成;核酸,由磷酸连接的核苷酸组成.ER键;和多糖,由单糖<糖>组成,由糖苷键连接.21、Many molecules in cells contain at least one asymmetric carbon atom, which is bonded to four dissimilar atoms. Such molecules can exist as optical isomers <mirror images>, designated D and L, which have different biological activities. In biological systems, nearly all sugars are D-isomers, while nearly all amino acids are L-isomers.细胞中的许多分子中至少有一个不对称碳原子,它与四个不同的原子相连.这些分子可以光学异构体<镜像>的形式存在,指定为D和L.有不同的生物活动.在生物系统中,几乎所有的糖都是D-异构体,而几乎所有的氨基酸都是L-异构体.22、Differences in the size, shape, charge, hydrophobicity, and reactivity of the side chains of amino acids determine the chemical and structural properties of proteins.氨基酸侧链的大小、形状、电荷、疏水性和反应性的差异决定了蛋白质的化学和结构性质.23、Amino acids with hydrophobic side chains tend to cluster in the interior of proteins away from the surrounding aqueous environment; those with hydrophilic side chains usually are toward the surface.带有疏水侧链的氨基酸倾向于聚集在蛋白质内部,远离周围的水环境;那些具有亲水侧链的氨基酸通常向表面聚集.24、The bases in the nucleotides composing DNA and RNA are heterocyclic rings attached to a pentose sugar. They form two groups: the purines—adenine <A> and guanine <G>—and the pyrimidines—cytosine <C>, thymine <T>, and uracil <U>. A, G, T, and C are in DNA, and A, G, U, and C are in RNA.组成DNA和RNA的核苷酸中的碱基是附在戊糖上的杂环.它们分为两组:嘌呤-腺嘌呤<A>和鸟嘌呤<G>-和嘧啶-胞嘧啶<C>,t海明<T>和尿嘧啶<U>.A、G、T和C在DNA中,A、G、U和C在RNA中.25、Glucose and other hexoses can exist in three forms: an open-chain linear structure, a six- member <pyranose> ring, and a five-member <furanose> ring. In biological systems, the pyranose form of D-glucose predominates.葡萄糖和其他己糖可以三种形式存在:一个开链线性结构,一个六元<吡喃>环和一个五元<呋喃糖>环.在生物系统中,D-葡萄糖的吡喃形式OSE占主导地位.26、Glycosidic bonds are formed between either the αorβ anomer 端基异构体 of one sugar and a hydroxyl group on another sugar, leading to formation of disaccharides and other polysaccharides.糖苷键是在一种糖的α或β失配体端基异构体与另一种糖上的羟基之间形成的,从而形成二糖和其他多糖.27、The long hydrocarbon chain of a fatty acid may contain no carbon - carbon double bond <saturated> or one or more double bonds <unsaturated>, which bends the chain.脂肪酸的长烃链可能不含碳-碳双键<饱和>或一个或多个双键<不饱和>,使链弯曲.28、Phospholipids are amphipathic molecules with a hydrophobic tail <often two fatty acyl chains> and a hydrophilic head.磷脂是具有疏水性尾〔通常是两个脂肪酰基链〕和亲水性头的两亲性分子.29、In aqueous solution, the hydrophobic effect and van der Waals interactions organize and stabilize phospholipids into one of three structures: a micelle, liposome, or sheet-like bilayer.在水溶液中,疏水效应和X德华相互作用将磷脂组织并稳定为三种结构之一:胶束、脂质体或片状双层.30、In a phospholipid bilayer, which constitutes the basic structure of all biomembranes, fatty acyl chains in each leaflet are oriented toward one another, forming a hydrophobic core, and the polar head groups line both surfaces and directly interact with the aqueous solution.在构成双层生物膜的基本结构的磷脂双层中,每个小叶中的脂肪酰基链彼此取向,形成疏水核心,以与极性头.基团使两面成直线,并与水溶液直接相互作用.31、The αhelix, βstrand and sheet, and turn are the most prevalent elements of protein secondary structure, which is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between atoms of the peptide backbone.α螺旋、β链和片状结构是蛋白质二级结构中最普遍的元素,它们是通过肽骨架原子间的氢键来稳定蛋白质二级结构的.32、Protein tertiary structure results from hydrophobic interactions between nonpolar side groups and hydrogen bonds between polar side groups that stabilize folding of the secondary structure into a compact overall arrangement, or conformation.蛋白质三级结构是由非极性侧基间的疏水相互作用和极性侧基间的氢键作用所致,使二级结构的折叠稳定在COMP中.采取整体安排,或构象.33、Large proteins often contain distinct domains, independently folded regions of tertiary structure with characteristic structural or functional properties or both.大蛋白通常包含不同的结构域,独立折叠的三级结构区域,具有独特的结构或功能特性,或两者兼具.34、The incorporation of domains as modules in different proteins in the course of evolution has generated diversity in protein structure and function.在进化过程中,将结构域作为不同蛋白质的模块结合在一起,在蛋白质结构和功能上产生了多样性.35、Cells contain large macromolecular assemblies in which all the necessary participants in complex cellular processes <e.g., DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; photosynthesis; signal transduction> are integrated to form molecular machines.细胞含有大的大分子集合,其中所有参与复杂细胞过程<例如dna、rna和蛋白质合成;光合作用;信号转导>的参与者都是int.形成分子机器.36、The sequence of a protein determines its three-dimensional structure, which determines its function. In short, function derives from structure; structure derives from sequence.蛋白质的序列决定了它的三维结构,这决定了它的功能.简而言之,功能来源于结构,结构来源于序列.37、Enzymes and the Chemical Work of Cells The function of nearly all proteins depends on their ability to bind other molecules <ligands>. Ligand-binding sites酶和细胞的化学功几乎所有蛋白质的功能都取决于它们与其他分子<配体>结合的能力.配体结合位点38、The function of nearly all proteins depends on their ability to bind other molecules <ligands>. Ligand-binding sites on proteins and the corresponding ligands are chemically and topologically complementary.几乎所有蛋白质的功能都依赖于它们结合其他分子<配体>的能力.蛋白和相应配体上的配体结合位点在化学和拓扑结构上是互补的.39、The affinity of a protein for a particular ligand refers to the strength of binding; its specificity refers to the preferential binding of one or a few closely related ligands.蛋白质对特定配体的亲和力是指结合的强度;它的特异性是指一个或几个密切相关的配体的优先结合.40、Enzymes are catalytic proteins that accelerate the rate of cellular reactions by lowering the activation energy and stabilizing transition- state intermediates.酶是一种催化蛋白,通过降低活化能和稳定过渡态中间体来加速细胞的反应速度.41、An enzyme active site comprises two functional parts: a substrate-binding region and a catalytic region. The amino acids composing the active site are not necessarily adjacent in the amino acid sequence but are brought into proximity in the native conformation.酶的活性位点由两个功能部分组成:底物结合区和催化区.组成活性位点的氨基酸不一定在氨基酸序列中相邻,而是在天然构象中靠近.42、From plots of reaction rate versus substrate concentration, two characteristic parameters of an enzyme can be determined: the Michaelis constant Km, a measure of the enzyme’s affinity for substrate, and the maximal velocity Vmax, a measure of its catalytic power.从反应速率与底物浓度的图中可以确定酶的两个特征参数:米克里斯常数Km,这是酶对底物亲和力的度量;最大速度Vmax,这是它的催化能力的度量.43、Enzymes in a common pathway are located within specific cell compartments and may be further associated as domains of a monomeric protein, subunits of a multimeric protein, or components of a protein complex assembled on a common scaffold.共同途径中的酶位于特定的细胞隔间内,并可能进一步与单分子蛋白、多分子蛋白的亚基或在共同支架上组装的蛋白复合物的组成部分相关.三、荧光蛋白Fluorescent proteins as tools to aid protein productionIntroduction1、Expression of recombinant proteins from a variety of host organisms is now a common practice. However, production of properly folded proteins with high yield and purity may not always be achieved.2、Issues such as folding, solubility, protein stability, transcription and translation efficiency, post-translational processing, secretion, metabolic burden and other stress responses resulting from recombGiLnant protein production,3、as well as protein purification, need to be addressed in order to obtain biologically active recombinant proteins with high purity and yield. In this regard, genetically encoded fluorescent reporters provide ample new opportunities to better tackle these issues.4、Since the demonstration of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein <GFP> as a versatile reporter, several additional GFP-like fluorescent proteins with various colors have been discovered and their genes cloned.5、Synthetic fluorescent protein variants have also been developed, exhibiting traits distinct from their wild-type counterparts. The properties of selected fluorescent protein variants derived from the A. victoria GFP and the Discosomared fluorescent protein <DsRed> are summarized in Table 1.6、Fluorescence spectra of enhanced GFP variants along with DsRed are shown in Figure 1, and fluorescence of purified protein variants derived from DsRed are shown in Figure 2.7、Readers are referred to the work of Labas et al. for information of additional fluorescent proteins. These GFP-like proteins each has its own unique properties, while sharing common structural, biochemical and photophysical characteristics.8、GFP-like proteins are relatively small <25–30 kDa> and their fluorescence mechanism is self-contained, requiring no cofactors. These unique properties make GFP-like proteins very attractive tools in non-invasive biological monitoring applications.9、As a tool to improve recombinant protein production, fluorescent proteins can be used to monitor the protein product or the cellular processes relevant to recombinant protein production.10、Monitoring protein production11、Fluorescent proteins are commonly used as a reporter for a protein of interest, normally by tagging the fluorescent protein reporter to the protein of interest via genetic fusion.12、Functional fusion ofAequoreaGFP to a broad range of protein partners at either N- or C- terminus has been reported, and a direct quantitative correlation between the GFP fluorescence intensity and the titer or even the functional activity of the fusion partner can often be established.13、To minimize potential interference by the GFP tag on its fusion partner, it is desirable and sometimes necessary to incorporate a peptide linker to allow sufficient spatial separation of the two protein moieties to assure fusion protein stability and functionality.14、Flexible linkers lacking large bulky hydrophobic residues <e.g. GSAGSAAGSGEF> are commonly used, while hydrophilic helix-forming linker peptides have been reported to be superior to flexible linkers in some cases.15、To allow removal of the GFP tag, an enzymatic cleavage site <e.g. enterokinase or Factor Xa cleavage sites> can be engineered into the linker. It is preferred to splice the GFP/linker to the N-terminus of the target protein, provided such fusion does not impair the target protein function and stability.16、With the majority of the enzymes commonly used for tag removal, this fusion orientation enables elimination of the tag without leaving extraneous amino acid residues on the target protein after cleavage.17、Alternatively, chemical cleavage based on cyanogen bromide, formic acid, or hydroxylamine may be considered, provided the target proteins are not susceptible to cutting by these chemical agents.18、Further information of tag removal can be found in a comprehensive review by Hearn and Acosta. In addition to tandem fusion, insertional fusion <i.e. by inserting the protein of interest into GFP or vise versa> may also be feasible.19、Recombinant protein production can be monitored non-invasively,in situ, and almost in real time, by monitoring culture fluorescence using on-line optical sensors.20、This information is useful in determining the optimal product harvest time to avoid product degradation and to devise process control strategies to optimize culture/operating conditions to improve recombinant protein production21、GFP has also been used to monitor recombinant virus titers in cell cultures, and cell density in microbial, animal, and plant cell cultures;22、the cell growth information can be used, in turn, to optimize the culture process for improved recombinant protein production <e.g. by optimizing the feeding profiles of the limiting nutrient or the promoter inducer, or by determining the optimal product harvest time>.23、Additionally, GFP-fusion coupled with flow cytometric analysis is useful for profiling recombinant protein expression among different cell subpopulations, and selection of highproducing cells.24、Monitoring protein purification25、The fact that GFP fluorescence is readily detectable makes it a very attractive tool for optimizing purification of recombinant proteins.26、Poppenborg et al. optimized immobilized metal affinity separation of a histidine-rich protein tagged with GFP by tracking the fluorescence of the fusion protein.27、Since GFP is a highly hydrophobic protein, recovery of GFP-fusion proteins can be facilitated by using hydrophobic interaction chromatography <HIC>.28、GFP has also been engineered to allow affinity purification. Paramban et al developed a chimeric GFP tag having an internal hexahistidine sequence.29、Such a GFP tag allows efficient purification of GFP-fusion proteins based on immobilized metal affinity separation, as well as maximum flexibility for protein or peptide fusions since both termini of the GFP are available.四、翻译技巧一1、单词转化〔1〕——词义引申〔1〕词义转译〔引申转译〕如遇无法直译或不宜直译的词〔组〕,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引申转译.Oxygen forms about one fifth of the atmosphere.氧约占大气的五分之一.〔不译为"形成〞〕When suglight falls on the leaves of plants it is transformed into chemical energy.当阳光照在植物的叶子上时,就转变成化学能〔不译"落〞〕Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years.激光是近年来轰动一时的科学成就之一.〔不译为"发展〞〕More weight must be placed on the past history of Patients.必须更加重视患者的病史.〔不译为"过去的历史〞This medicine acts well on the heart.这种药治疗心脏病疗效很好.〔不译"对…起作用〞This kind of wood works easily.这种木材很容易加工.〔不译为"工作〞〕The patient had been given three transfusions <输血〕after he was admitted into the hospital.病人入院后已输过三次血了.〔不译为"给〞〕(2)词义具体化翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引申为词义较具体的词.Other things being equal, iron heats up faster than aluminium 〔铝〕.其它条件相同时,铁比铝热的快.Hard metals can be easily cut with grinding wheels.硬金属可以很容易用砂轮磨削.When we speak, sound waves begin to travel and go in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始传播,并向四面八方扩散.(3)词义抽象化翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中词义较为具体的词引申为较抽象,或词义较一般的词.Steel and cast iron also differ in carbon.钢和铸铁的含碳量也不相同.〔把"碳〞抽象化为"含碳量〞〕We have progressed a long way from the early days of electrical engineering.电气工程自从出现以来,已经有了很大的发展.〔不译为"已经前进了很长一段路〞〕Rocks made under water tell another story.水下形成的岩石说明另一个问题.〔不译为"讲另一个故事〞〕(4)词的搭配要注意动词与名词,以与形容词与名词的搭配, 遇到不合乎汉语的搭配习惯时,可以把动词或形容词的词义加以引申,以适合名词.Rubber, porcelain 〔陶瓷〕and glass are commonly used to resist electric current.橡胶、陶瓷和玻璃常常用来隔绝电流.〔不译为"抵抗电流〞〕Some plants have flowers but do not seed.有些植物开花而不结果.〔不译为"有花〞〕The sun's heat offers an almost limitless sourse of power.太阳热提供了一个几乎取之不尽的动力源泉.〔不译为"无限的动力源泉〞〕Americans every year swallow 15,000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man.阿司匹林是人类发明的最安全、最有效的药物,美国每年要消耗15000吨.〔不译为"吞咽〞〕Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的一种中间结构.〔不翻译为"两地间中途歇脚的客栈〞〕Industrialization and environmental degradation seem to go hand in hand.工业化发展似乎伴随着环境的退化.〔不译为"携手〞〕In the microbial transformation of contaminants,organisms can either "eat〞the toxins or break them dow in the process of consuming other substances.在对污染物进行微生物转化的过程中,生物会清除毒素或在消耗其他物质时把这些毒素分解.〔吃掉〕The plan for launching the man-made satellite still lieson the table.那项发射人造卫星的计划仍被搁置,无法执行.〔放在桌子上〕The furnace eats up fuel at the rate of three tons per hour.炉子以每小时三吨的速度消耗燃料.〔吃光〕例题:试译下列各句,注意对划线词的词义作专业化引申:Rubber is not hard, it gives way to pressure.橡胶性软,受压变形.For millions of people suffering from arthritis <关节炎>, it is the only thing that works.对于千百万关节炎患者来说,这是惟一奏效的药物.Porcelain is commonly used to resist electric current.陶瓷常用来隔绝电流.Zinc is easy to obtain from its ore.锌容易从锌矿中提炼.There are three things we have to know about every force in order to be able to understand the effect it produced.要了解力的作用,我们必须懂得力的三要素.The purpose of a driller is to cut holes.钻床的功能是钻孔.The energy is so small that something must be done to prevent the complete loss of signal.由于能量太小,必须采取措施以防止信号完全丢失.The foresight <远见> and coverage shown by the inventor of the process aremost commendable〔值得称赞的〕.这种方法的发明者所表现的远见卓识和渊博知识,给人以良好的印象.The book is perhaps too high-powered for technician in general.这本书对一般技术员来说也许内容太深.The expense of such an instrument has discouraged its use.这种仪器很昂贵,使其应用受到限制.2、单词转化〔2〕——词类转换〔1〕非谓语译为汉语中的动词一个汉语的句子往往可以同时使用好几个动词, 而英语的句子一般只用一个谓语动词,其它的动词就得变成非谓语形式.例如:There are several types of mechanisms used for controlling the speed of a drilling machine.有几种机械可以用来控制钻床的转速.(2)名词译为汉语中的动词一般来源于动词名词化结构.Determination of FCC was conducted with flux data only.仅由流量数据确定FCC.。
生物工程专业英语常用词汇1. 细胞(cell)细胞是生物的基本结构和功能单位。
2. 基因(gene)基因是遗传信息的基本单位,决定了生物的遗传特征。
3. DNA分子(DNA molecule)DNA分子是携带遗传信息的分子,由核苷酸组成。
4. 蛋白质(protein)蛋白质是生物体内重要的分子,执行多种生物功能。
5. 生物反应器(bioreactor)生物反应器是用于培养和生产生物制品的设备。
6. 发酵(fermentation)发酵是生物工程中常用的生物转化过程,用于产生有用化合物。
7. 遗传工程(genetic engineering)遗传工程是改变生物体遗传特征的技术,如基因插入、基因删除等。
8. 转基因(transgenic)转基因指导入外源基因到生物体,改变其遗传特征。
9. 组织工程(tissue engineering)组织工程是利用细胞和支架材料重建和修复组织和器官的技术。
10. 生物传感器(biosensor)生物传感器是一种能够检测和测量生物分子或生物活性的装置。
11. 微生物(microorganism)微生物是肉眼看不见的微小生物体,如细菌、真菌等。
12. 生物药物(biopharmaceutical)生物药物是利用生物工程技术生产的药物,如蛋白质药物等。
13. 基因组(genome)基因组是一个生物体所有基因的集合。
14. 克隆(cloning)克隆是复制生物体的过程,产生与原生物体基因相同的个体。
15. 基因表达(gene expression)基因表达是基因转录和翻译的过程,产生蛋白质。
加在外来词根的名词上,构成形容词specific特异 的,magnetic磁性的,aerobic需氧的,pubic耻骨的,oxytocic 催产的,催产剂,therapeutic治疗的,dramatic戏剧性的,
11,-ish加在颜色的形容词上,表示略带...色reddish带红色 的,微红的,yellowish带黄色的,
选词(Diction) 转换(Conversion) 增补(Amplification) 省略(Omission) 重复(Repetition) 替代(Substitution) 变换(Variation) 浓缩(Condensation) 拆离(Division) 缀合(Combination) 阐释(Annotation) 倒置(Inversion)
五 戊糖 戊烷 五倍的 戊糖
五邻粒 六
已糖 六足动物 昆虫纲 六聚体 七
庚烷 庚糖 七珠蛋白
8. Oct octpus octane octase
9. enne,nona nonapeptide enneahedron
10.deca,deka decapod decahedron decagram
(O. Jesperson) 他行进的速度快的令人惊讶。 他行进速度之快,令人惊讶。 他的快速行进使我们感到惊讶。 我们对他的快速行进感到惊讶。
他爸爸常常给他一些书。 His father often giv。 I gave him a book.
他已给我两本书。 He has given me two books.
5. pent,penta,quique pentose pentane quintuple pentose pentomer
单词整理a- 不,非aseptic 无菌的;apolar 非极性的;asymmetercal 不对称的ab- 去,离开,脱离abnormal 反常的;abuse 滥用;abduct 外展神经aceto- 乙酰acetolactate 乙酰乳酸;acetyl 乙酰(基);acetyl phosphate 乙酰磷酸actino- 光线,射线,放线菌acrinomycin 放线菌;actinometer 化学光度计acyl- 酰基acyltransferase 转酰基酶aden(o)- 腺adenovirus 腺病毒aer(o)- 空气的aerobic 需氧的;aeration 通气agro- 土壤;农业agrochemical 农用化学品;agronomical 农艺学的amidino- 脒基amidinotransferase 转脒基酶amylo- 淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉;amylose 直链淀粉;amyloplastid 造粉粒an- 不,非anaerobic 厌氧的;analgesic 止痛的;anapepsia 胃蛋白酶缺乏ane- 烷methane 甲烷anti- 反对,对抗,取消,抑制,解除antagonistic 对抗的;antibody 抗体;antigen 抗原angio- 血管angiogenin 血管生成素;angioma 血管瘤aut(o)- 自己的,自动的autotroptic 自养的;autonomous 自发的;autosensitization 自身致敏bio- 生物的biochemistry 生物化学;bioamine 生物胺;biocatalyst 生物催化剂bromo- 溴的5-bromouracil 5-溴尿嘧啶bis- 双,二bisexualism 雌雄异体;bisphenols 双酚类brady- 缓慢hradycardia 心动过缓;bradykinin 缓激肽carb(o)- 碳的carbodiimide 碳二亚胺;carbohydrate 碳水化合物carboxy(l) 羧基carboxy methylcellulose 羧甲基纤维素carcin(o)- 癌carcinogen 致癌物cardio- 心脏cardiotonic 强心的cent(i)- 一百的,百分之一的,厘century 世纪;centimeter 厘米;centimorgan 厘摩chemo- 化学chemoautotrophy 化能自养;chemosynthesis 化能合成;chemoattractant 化学引诱物chlor- 氯,绿chloramphenicol 氯霉素;chlorobenzene 氯苯;chloroplast 叶绿体chrom(o)- (chromat(o)-) 颜色chromatid 染色单体;chromosome 染色体;chromatography 色谱法cis- 顺cistrion 顺反子;cis regulation 顺式调节;cis-isomer 顺式异构体co- 一起,共同cooperate 合作;coincide 重合;cognate 同源的con- (col-,com-,cor-)连同,一起complexant 络合剂;concentrate 集中;combine 结合contra- 反对,相反contrast 对照;contrary 相反的;contrasuppression 反抑制counter- 反,逆couner-circulation 逆向循环;counter-ecolution 逆进化;counter receptor 反受体cryo- 寒冷,冷冻cryopreservation 冷冻保藏;cryogen 冷冻剂;cryophile 适寒性cyano- 青,蓝,氰cyanobacteria 蓝细菌;cyanocobalamin 氰钴胺素;cyanogen bromide 溴化氰de- 否定,除去,离开,降低,脱debug 排除故障;deceleration 降速;degeneration 退化deca- 十,葵decahedron 十面体;decane 葵烷;decamer 十聚体deoxy- 脱氧deoxycytosine 脱氧胞嘧啶di- 二,二倍,二重diploid 二倍体;dimer 二聚体;divinylbenzene 二乙烯苯dia- 横穿diameter 直径;dialysis 透析;diaphragm 隔膜dis- 否定,分离disintegration 破碎;disagree 不同意;dissemination 散播dodeca- 十二dodecahedron十二面体;dodecane 十二烷;dodecamer 十二聚体eco- 生态,居处,宿主ecogentics 生态遗传学;ecology 生态学;ecomone 生态信息素ectoblast 外胚层;ectohormone 外激素;ectodomain 胞外结构electr(o)- 电electrodialysis 电渗析en-(em-) 使成为,置于……中enable 能够;encode 编码;embed 包埋end(o)- 内endergonic 吸能的;endospore 内生孢子enol 烯醇phosphoenolpyruvate 磷酸烯醇丙酮酸enter(o)- 肠enteroacteria 肠细菌;enterobactin 肠杆菌素;enterocyte 肠细胞epi- 表;变化epichlorohydrin 表氯醇;epimerase 差向异构体酶;epithelial cell 上皮细胞erythr(o)- 红,赤erythrose 赤藓糖;erythromycin 红霉素;erythrocyte 红细胞eu- 真正eukaryote 真核生物;eukaryocyte 真核细胞;eubacteria 真细菌e(x)- 向外,超出,完全,彻底explant 外植体;elongate 拉长;evaluate 评价ex(o)- 外,在外,产生exothermic 放热的;exergonic 放能的;exogenous gene 外源基因extra- 超出extracellular 胞外的;extract 抽提物;extracellular virus 胞外病毒ferri- 高铁ferricytochrome 高铁细胞色素;ferritin 铁蛋白;ferridoxin 铁氧还原蛋白ferro- 亚铁ferrocytochrome 亚铁细胞色素;ferroheme 血红素;ferrochelatase 亚铁螯合酶flavanol 黄烷酮;flavin 黄素;flavone 黄酮fluoro- 氟基,氟代,荧光fluorochrome 荧光染料;fluoroacetate 氟乙酸;fluorometer 荧光剂formyl- 甲酰formyltetrahydrofolate 甲酰四氢叶酸;formyl 甲酰基;formylation 甲酰化geo 土地geographical barrier 地理障碍;geographical isolation 地理隔离;geosmin 土腥味素glyc(o)- 糖glycoprotein 糖蛋白hem(o,a)-,haem(o,a)-,haemat(o)-血的hemoglobin 血红蛋白;haemagglutinin 血凝素;haem 血红素hemi- 半hemicellulase 半纤维素;hemizygote 半合子;hemiacetal 半缩醛heter(o)- 异,杂,异种heterogeneous 异质的,不均一的;heterotrophic 异养的;heteroantigen 异种抗原hepato- 肝hepatocarcinoma 肝癌;hepatocyte 肝细胞;hepatotoxin 肝脏毒素homeo- 同源,同祖homeotic gene 同源异形基因hom(o)- 相同homogeneous 同质的,均一的;homologous 同源的;homoeosis 同源异形hydr(o)- 水,液体,氢hydrocarbon 烃;hydrocolloid 水胶体;hydrobios 水生生物hydroxy(l) 羟基hydroxyapatite 羟磷灰石;hydroxylase 羟化酶hyper- 超出,过度hyperfiltration 反渗透;hypertension 高血压hypo- 低,(过)少sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠;hypoblast 下胚层;hypoimmunity 低免疫性imino- 亚胺基iminodiacetic acid 亚胺基二乙酸immuno- 免疫immunogenic 致免疫的;immunoassay 免疫分析in-(il-,im-,ir-)不,无;在内,入内insoluble 不能溶解的;insuperable 不能克服的;impermeable 不能渗透的infra- 下面,内部infrastructure 基础结构;infrared 红外线的inter- 相互,在……之间interact 相互作用;intergeneric 属间的;inter-particle 颗粒间的intra- 在内,向内intraspecific 种内的;intra-particle 颗粒内的;intravenous 进入静脉的iodo- 碘基,碘代iodometry 碘量法;iodouracil 碘尿嘧啶;iodoacetic acid 碘乙酸iso- 同,等,异isomer 同分异构体;isomerase 异构酶;isobutyl 异丁基kary(o)- 核,细胞核karyology 胞核学keto- 酮基ketohexulose 酮己酮糖;keto acid 酮酸;ketoamin 酮胺lacto- 乳lactobacillus 乳杆菌属;lactogen 催乳素;lactoglobulin 乳球蛋白leuco- 白,无色的leucocyte 白细胞lipo- 脂lipoprotein 脂蛋白;lipoxygenase 脂氧合酶lympho- 淋巴lymphocyte 淋巴细胞macro- 大的,宏观的macromolecule 大分子;macroporous 大孔的mal- 不当,不良malabsorption 吸收不良;malassimulation 同化不全;malnutrition 营养不良megal(o)- 巨大cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒mercapto- 巯基β-mercaptoethylamine β-巯基乙胺meso- 内消旋;中(间)meso inositol 内消旋肌醇;mesophilic 嗜温的meth- 甲基methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸methyl 甲基methyltroph 甲基营养菌micro- 微,微小的microscope 显微镜;microcarrier 微载体;microbe 微生物mono- 一,单,单一monoclonal 单克隆的;monolayer 单层multi- 多,多方面multistage 多级;multicellularity 多细胞性;myco- 真菌mycolytic 溶真菌的;mycotoxin 真菌毒素;mycoprotein 真菌蛋白myelo- 髓鞘,髓myeloblast 成髓细胞;myelocyte 髓细胞;myeloma 骨髓瘤myo- 肌myoalbumin 肌白蛋白;myoblast 成肌细胞;myocyte 肌细胞nano- 纳nanobacteria 微小细菌;nanosecond 纳秒;nanotechnology 纳米技术neo- 新neocarcinostatin 新制癌菌素;neocerebellum 新小脑;neomycin 新霉素neur(o)- 神经neural 神经的;neurotoxin 神经毒素nitro- 硝基nitrofuran 硝基呋喃;nitroalkane 硝基烷;nitrobacteria 硝化细菌nucle(o)- 核nucleoside 核苷;nucleophilic 亲核的non- 非,无,不non-newtonian fluid 非牛顿型流体;non-aqueous solution 非水溶液nor- 去甲,正noradrenalin 去甲肾上腺素;normal 正常,正交;normocyte 正红细胞over- 在上面,超过,过overshooting 过调节;overview 简明概述;overcooled 过冷的oligo- 寡oligosaccharide 寡糖,低聚糖onco- 肿瘤oncogene 致癌基因ovo- 卵ovocenter 卵中心体;ovorubin 卵红蛋白;ovum 卵细胞oxalo- 草酰,乙二酸-酰基oxalo acetate 草酰乙酸oxy- 氧;羟基deoxyguanosine 脱氧鸟苷;oxytetracycline 土霉素;oxyproline 羟脯氨酸path(o)- 病pathogen 病原菌para- 旁(位),对(位),副parabronchus 复支气管;parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺;paraoxon 对氧磷peri- 周,周围perimeter 周长;periplasmic space 周质间隙;periblast 胚周区per- 过peroxisome 过氧化质体phenyl 苯基phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸phospho- 磷酸基phosphofructokinase 磷酸果糖激酶phosphoryl- 磷酰基phosphorylation 磷酸化作用phyto- 植物phytoalexin 植物抗毒素;phytology 植物学;phytoplankton 浮游植物plasm(o)- 原生质,血浆plasmolemma 质膜pleio- 多pleiotropic 多效的;pleioxeny 多主寄生;pleiotropy 多效性poly- 多,聚polysaccharide 多糖;polystyrene 聚苯乙烯;polyacid 多酸post- 后post-transcriptional modification 转录后修饰作用;post-exponential growth phase 后对数生长期pre- 前,在前premature 过早的;precursor 前体;premise 前提pro- 原,前prokaryote 原核生物;prostate 前列腺proteo- 蛋白proteolipid 蛋白脂质;proteome 蛋白质组;proteolysis 蛋白酶解proto- 原始,初prototype 原型;protoplast 原生质体pseud(o)- 假的pseudo-plastic fluid 假塑性流体;psudodominance 假显性;pseudohypha 假菌丝pyro- 焦,火,热pyrophosphorylase 焦磷酸化酶;pyrogen 热源;progenic exotoxin 热源性外毒素quasi- 类似,准quasi-homogeneous 准均匀的radio- 辐射,放射autoradiography 放射自显影;radiotracer 放射性示踪物;radiology 放射学re- 再,重新,反复recirculation 循环;reversion 回复;reactivity 反应性retro- 后,向后,回复retrovirus 逆转录病毒ribo- 核糖riboflavin 核黄素;ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸;ribonucleotide 核糖核苷酸self- 自身的self-fertilization 自体受精semi- 半,部分semi-permeable membrane 半透膜;semi-synthetic 半合成的;semiconservative replication 半保留复制sero- 血清serological 血清学;seroconversion 血清转变soma- 体soma 体质,胞体;somatic cell 体细胞;somatization 体部分化somato- 生长somatocrinin 生长素释放肽;somatotroph 促生长素细胞;somatotropin 促生长素,生长激素sub- 下面,次于,近于subcellular 亚细胞的;subunit 亚基;subdivide 再分super- 上,上面,超,超级superior 上面的;supernatant 上清液的syn-(sym-) 共同,合synchronize 同步;symbiosis 共生现象;synergistic 协同作用的techn(o)- 技术,工艺technology 技术(学),工艺学;technique 技术therm(o)- 热thermistor 热敏电阻;themometer 温度计thi(o)- 硫,硫代thiamine 硫胺素;thioacylation 硫代酰化;thiokinase 硫激酶thym(o)- 胸腺thymosin 胸腺素toti- 全,全部,整个totipotency 全能性trans- 横穿,通过,转移transformation 转化;transcribe 转录;transposen 转位子tri- 三,三次,三级triplet 三联体;triangle 三角形;triacylglycerol 三酰甘油ultra- 超,极端,过分ultrasonic 超声波;ultracentrifugation 超离心un- 不,相反,出去unfold 展开under- 下面,低于,不足undergraduate 大学本科生;underpin 加固……的基础uni- 单,一,同一uninucleate 单核的;unique 独一无二的up- 向上,在上upstream 上游;upright 直立的uro- 尿urokinase 尿激酶vinyl- 乙烯基polyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯后缀:-able(-ible) 可能的practicable 可行的;responsible 负责的-ability 能力acceptability 可接受性;permeability 渗透性-age 表示动作过程、量spillage 溢出;percentage 百分比-al 接在名词后形成形容词,接在动词后形成名词personal 个人的;exceptional 例外的;refusal 拒绝-aldehyde 醛glutaraldehyde 戊二醛-amin 胺methylamine 甲胺-ane 烷methane 甲烷-ant 动作者inactivant 失活剂;bioprotectant 生物保护剂-ase 酶protease 蛋白酶;polymerase 聚合酶-ate 盐,酯phosphate 磷酸盐;sebacate 奎二酸酯-cide 杀害,消灭suicide 自杀;bactericide 杀菌剂;amoebicide 抗阿米巴药-cyte 细胞leucocyte 白细胞-derm 皮,皮层blastoderm 胚层;dermadrone 内病性皮疹-ene 烯ethylene 乙烯-(e)ry 场所;一类事物bakery 面包房;circuitry 电路系统;poultry 家禽-fold 倍twofold 两倍-(i)fy 接名词或形容词后构成动词solidify 固化;simplify 简化-gen 原,剂antigen 抗原;mutagen 诱变剂;carcinogenic 致癌的-gram 图形;记录的东西chromatogram 色谱图;polarograph 极谱图-graphy 描绘、记录的方式、学科chromatography 色层分离法;autoradiography 放射自显影术-ic anhydride 酸酐sodium chloride 氯化钠-imine 亚胺iminodiacetic acid 亚胺基二乙胺-ish 略带一点的greyish 浅灰色的-ist ……的实行者,……专业人员(专家)scientist 科学家;geneticist 遗传学家-itis 炎,发炎hepatitis 肝炎;encephalitis 脑炎-ize(-ise) 使成为atomize 雾化;oxidize 使氧化-lactone 内酯β-propiolactone β-丙醇酸内酯-lemma 皮,壳,鞘膜basilemma 基底膜;lemmatoxin 鞘毒素-less 无,不,不能stainless 不锈的-like 如……样的sponge-like 海绵状的-(o)logy(-ological,形容词)学科biology 生物学;technology 技术学,工艺学;toxicology 毒理学的-lysis 分解作用,过程glycolysis 糖酵解作用;hydrolysis 水解作用;analysis 分析-lytic(形容词,分解的)-lyze(-lise)(动词,分解)-lysate(名词,分解液)hydrolytic 水解的;hydrolyze 水解;hydro-lysate 水解液-ment 在动词后构成名词development 发展;entrainment 夹带-meter 计,表spectormeter 发光剂;viscometer 粘度计-metric 测量的gravimetric (测定)重量的;volumetric (测定)体积的;potentiometric (测量)电位的-mycete 霉菌streptomycete 链霉菌-mycin 霉素,菌素mitomycin 丝裂霉素;actinomycin 放线菌素-nema 丝,线amphinema 偶线;chromonema 染色体;nemacicide 杀线虫剂-oid 类,似,……样、状的acidoid 似酸的;amyloid 淀粉样的;carotenoid 类胡萝卜素-ol 醇butanol 丁醇;inositol 肌醇-oma 瘤myeloma 骨髓瘤;hybridoma 杂交瘤-one 酮phenoxazinone 吩噁嗪酮-ory 构成形容词transitory 短暂的;respiratory 呼吸的;构成名词,表场所depository 储藏所-ose 糖heptose 庚糖;lactose 乳糖-oside 糖苷galactoside 半乳糖苷;cardiac glycoside 强心苷-osis 病,症;acalcicosis 缺钙症;hepatitis 肝炎-ous 构成形容词extraneous 外来的;rigorous 严格的-philic 亲……的lipophilic 亲脂性的;hydrophilic 亲水的-phobic 疏……的hydrophobic 疏水的-phoresis 移动electrophoresis 电泳-phil 亲,嗜,喜acidopil 嗜酸的;aerophil 好气的-plasm 血浆,原生质protoplasm 原生质-plast 原始细胞,(质)体,血浆centroplast 中心质体;hematoplast 成血细胞;plasmolemma 质膜-proof 耐……的flame-proof 耐火的;explosion-proof 防爆的-side 苷nucleside 核苷;glycoside 糖苷-sis 构成名词,表示作用,过程mutagenesis 诱变作用;mitosis 有丝分裂;meiosis 减速分裂-some 体,粒chromosome 染色体;idiosome 核旁体;ribosome 核糖体-stat 稳定装置chemostat 恒化器-taxis,tropism 趋向性aerotaxis 趋氧性;chemiotaxis 趋化性;lipotropism 亲脂性-tion(-ation,-ition,-sion) 构成名词instrumentation 仪表化;trypsinization 胰蛋白消化酶;adhesion 粘着-tide 甘酸,肽deoxyribotide 脱氧核苷酸;propeptide 前肽-troph ……营养生物,……营养型(-trophic 构成形容词)methanotroph 甲烷营养型;autotroph 自养生物;autotrophic 自养的-wise 接名词或形容词后构成副词batchwise 分批的;likewise 同样的。
P1 NO.1Biotechnology is an area of applied bioscience and technology which involves the practical application of biological organisms ,or their subcellular components to manufacturing and service industries and to environment management,biotechnology utilizes bacteria、yeast 、fungi 、algae、plant cells or cultured mammalian cells as constitutes of industrial processes。
Successful application of biotechnology will result only from the integration of a multiplicity of scientific disciplines and technologies,inclouding microbiology biochemistry,genetics ,molecular biology ,chemistry and chemical and process engineering。
Biotechnological processes will normally involve the production of cells or biomass,and the achievement of desired chemical transformations.the latter may be further subdivided into:Formation of a desired end product decomposition of a given starting material生物学发展史四阶段:biotechnological production of food and beveragesbiotechnological processes initially developed under non-sterle conditionsthe introduction of sterility to biotechnological processesnew dimensions and possibilities forbiotechnological industriesrecombinant dna manipulationDNA重组tissue culture组培protoplast fusion原生质融合monoclonal antibody preparation 单克隆抗体protein structural modification蛋白结构修饰immobilized enzyme and cellcatalysis固定化酶和细胞技术sensing with the aid of biologicalmolecules生物传感computer linkage of reactors andprocesses计算机检测new biocatalytic reactor design新型生物反应器设计P9 summaryBiotechnology can be consideredto be the application ofbiological organisms andprocesses to manufacturingindustries 。
生物固定化(immobilized):将具有一定生理更能的生物细胞,如微生物细胞、植物细胞、动物细胞等,用一定方法将其固定,作为固体催化剂加以利用的一门技术,固定化细胞与固定化酶技术共同组成了现代化的生物催化技术固体培养(solid culture):微生物生长在潮湿不溶于水的基质发酵,在固体发酵过程中几乎不含自由水。
单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody):抗体主要由B细胞合成,每个B细胞有合成一种抗体的遗传基因,动物脾脏有上百万种B细胞系,含遗传基因不同的B细胞合成不同的抗体,当机体受到抗原刺激时,抗原分子上的许多决定簇分别激活各个具有不同基因的B细胞,被激活的B细胞分裂增殖形成该细胞的子代细胞,有许多个被激活B细胞的分裂增殖,形成该细胞的子代细胞,有许多个被激活的B细胞的分裂增殖形成多克隆,并合成多种抗体,若能选出一个制造一种专一抗体的细胞进行培养,就可得到由单细胞经分裂增殖而形成的细胞群即单克隆、单克隆细胞将合成一种决定簇的抗体称为Ig。
但这种B 细胞不能在体外生长,实验发现骨髓瘤细胞可在体外生长繁殖,应用细胞杂交技术使骨髓瘤细胞与免疫系统的淋巴细胞融合,得到杂交骨髓瘤细胞,这种细胞既具有B细胞合成专一抗体的特性,又具有骨髓瘤细胞能在体外培养增值永存的特性。
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Chapter OneFundamentals of MedicinePassage 1Anatomy of Mouse and Human Heart单词:Anatomy 解剖学anatomical 解剖的,解剖学的atria 心房atria chamber 心房腔cardiovascular 心血管系统genetical 遗传的conception 受孕diaphragm 横膈,横膈膜fetus 胎儿,胎gestational 妊娠的,妊娠期的morphological 形态学的murine 鼠类,鼠性的neonatal 新生的,新生期的,新生儿的,新生婴儿pericardial cavity 心包腔prenatal 产前的,出生前的pulmonary 肺的septation 分隔,中隔,隔膜thoracic cavity 胸腔句子:A fast-increasing number of genetically modified mouse models with structural and functional abnormalities in the cardiovascular system undoubtedly will contribute to an improved understanding of molecular and morphological mechanisms that regulate human heart development in health and disease.(5分)小鼠基因修饰模型是通过改变小鼠基因因而使其心血管系统结构和功能异常得到改变的一种动物模型。
Developmentally, it is interesting to note that the gestational window during which the heart develops is quite different in the mouse and human. In the human it takes about 2 mo (from conception) for the heart to complete septation, followed by another 7 mo to further mature until the baby is born and the pulmonary circulation kicks in. In the mouse, however, it takes only 2 wk from the time of conception for cardiac septation to complete. After that, the mouse fetus has less than 1 wk of prenatal life before birth.Without going into any detail, it suffices to say that some of the developmental events that in the human are more or less completed at birth are still in progress in the neonatal mouse.人们有趣地发现小鼠与人的心脏在孕育其中的发育有很大不同。
Passage 2A Framework for the Study of Human Physiology单词:生理学physiologycirculatory system 循环系统digestive system 消化系统endocrine glands 内分泌系统extracellular fluid 细胞外液gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道homeostasis 内环境稳定intermediary metabolism 中间代谢respiratory system 呼吸系统virus 病毒bacteria 细菌1.Even small viruses weighing one millionth of a single bacterium have the characteristics of life, for they feed on their surroundings, they grow and reproduce and they excrete by-products. These very minute living structures are the subject of the simplest type of physiology, viral physiology. Physiology becomes progressively more complicated and vast as it extends through the study of higher and higher forms of life such as cells, plants, lower animals, and finally human beings. Therefore, the vast field of physiology can be divided into viral physiology, cellular physiology, human physiology, and many more subdivisions.甚至细小的病毒,哪怕重量只有一个细菌的百分之一,也具有生命的特征,因为它们靠周围环境生活,会生长繁殖,而且会排泄副产品。
About 60 percent of the adult human body is fluid. Although most of this fluid is inside the cells and is called intracellular fluid, about one third is in the spaces outside the cells and is called extracellular fluid. This extracellular fluid fills the spaces between the cells. This fluid is called the internal environment of the body—it is this environment that the cells live. The extracellular fluid contains the nutrients and other constitutions necessary for maintenance of cellular life. The functions of most of the organs of the body are geared toward maintaining constant physical conditions and concentrations of dissolved substances in this internal environment. This condition of constancy in the internal environment is called homeostasis.人体大约有60%是液体。
The digestive system performs a similar function for other nutrients besides oxygen; it processes nutrients that are then absorbed into the blood and are rapidly transported throughout the body fluids, where they can be used by the cells. The liver, the endocrine glands, and some of other organs participate in what is collectively known as intermediary metabolism, which converts many of the nutrients absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into substances that energy has been extracted by the cells, and other organs provide for hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling and seeing, all of which aid the animal or the human being in his search for and selection of food and also help him to protect himself from dangers so that he can perpetuate the almost utopian internal environment in which his cells continue their life processes.消化系统对除氧以外的其他营养物执行着相似的功能,它加工营养物,使其被吸收进入血液并迅速运送到所有体液,在那里它们可以被细胞利用。