中元音central vowels

语音实践之中元音Central V owels/?:/ /?/ /?//?:/字母和字母组合ir er or ur ear our yr1. fur sir her shirt hurt bird third word heard birth worth nursesearch church term fir girl curl first worst2. early journey certain person service purchase furnish earnest perfectcourtesy myrtle (番樱桃)3. the first year the first term the German expert learn the word a dirty shirt a firm girla nervous nurse an early bird the third word the third world an earnest personperfect service4. First come, first served.Workers of the world, unite!Perfect service deserves an earnest and worthy return.The girls learn world history in the first and third terms at the university.It’s the early bird that ca tches the worm.5.Worms squirm in the earthWhen first is heardThe murmur and chirpOf the early bird.6.Turn purple serve a customer at first give birth to a daughter on earth learn the list of words be at work make a long journey7.My shirt is dirty. I should clean it.I work as a nurse.I will begin my work on Thursday.I will travel around the world.Have a good journey.It’s my turn to speak.I got the third place in the competition. Mary got the first place.8.The early bird catches the worm. 早鸟先得食。

前元音中元音和后元音 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-元音分类1:前元音、中元音和后元音根据元音发音过程中舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们可以把元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。
(1) Front(前元音)4The front vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the front of the oral cavity, such as:发前元音时,发音部位靠近口腔前部。
例如:1./i:/ 前、高、不圆唇、长元音;2. /i/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;3./e/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;4. /æ/ 前、低、不圆唇、短元音.(2) Central(中元音)2The central vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the center of the vocal cavity, such as:发央元音时,发音部位靠近口腔中ә部。
例如:1./ә/ 中、半高、不圆唇、长元音;2. /ә:/ 中、半低、不圆唇、短元音.(3) Back(后元音)6The back vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the rear of the vocal cavity, such as:发后元音时,发音部位靠近口前后部。
例如:1./u/ 后、高、圆唇、短元音;2. /u:/ 后、高、圆唇、长元音;3./ɔ/ 后、低、圆唇、短元音;4./ɔ:/后、半低、圆唇、长元音;5./Λ/后、半低、不圆唇、短元音;6./a:/ 后、低、不圆唇、长元音.单元音和双元音根据元音的构成要素,我们可以把元音分为12个单元音(monophthongs)和8个双元音(Diphthongs)。

英语语音发音部位及方法第一章发音部位一、发音器官二、唇形(口型)(1)双唇紧闭(2)自然开口(3)扁唇:微笑(4)大圆唇:尽量张大口(5)小圆唇:口型渐渐变小第二章元音(Vowel)发音方法一、单元音(Monophthong)1.前元音(4 Front Vowels)1)/i:/——舌尖抵下齿龈,但不要抵得太紧。
(Open your mouth just a little for the sound. Spread your lips into a smile. Push your tongue forward in your mouth. It’s a long sound. Move your tongue up a little as you say it.)2) /I/(/i/)——先发/i:/,在此基础上,嘴角稍微收小一点,开口略大一点,舌尖靠近,但不要紧贴下齿龈,发音时间相对较短。
(Open your mouth just a little more for this sound. Don’t spread your lips into a smile. The sound is shorter, more relaxed than /i:/.)3)/e/(ε)——舌尖抵下齿龈,不要抵得太紧。
(Practice the sound /I/, then open your mouth a little more for this sound. It is a short and relaxed sound.)4)/æ/——舌尖抵下齿龈,双唇尽量向两边张开,嘴角肌肉感到紧张。
(Practice the sound / e /, then open your mouth a little more for this sound.)2.后元音(5 Back Vowels)1)/a:/——松弛自然,口张到最大,不要撅嘴,舌尖离开下齿龈,长元音。

英语语音知识【音素phoneme】The phoneme is the smallest unit of speech sound in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning,音素是构成音节的最小单位或最小的语音片段。
Front vowels(前元音):/i:/, /I/, /e/, /æ/Pure V owels/Monophthongs(单元音) Central vowels(中元音):/ə:/, /ə/V owels(元音) Back vowels(后元音):/ɔ/, /ɔ:/, /u/, /u:/, /ʌ/, /a:/(20) Falling diphthongs(合口双元音):/ei/ , /əu/, ai/, /au/, /ɔi/Diphthongs(双元音)Phoneme Rising diphthongs(集中双元音):/iə/, /ε/, /ə/, /uə/Stops(爆破音):/p/, /b/. /d/, /t/, /k/, /g/Fricatives(摩擦音):/f/, /v/, /θ/, /ð/, /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /h/Consonants(辅音) Affricates(塞擦音):/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr/(28) Lateral(边音):/l/Nasals(鼻音):/m/, /n/, /ŋ/Approximants(半元音):/w/, /r/, /j/语言学知识Morpheme that occur “unattached” are called free morpheme.Inquiry and discovery learning is to involve learners in investing energy and attention in order to discoversomething about the language for themselves.Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is also known ad linguistic relativity.Pragmatic competence requires teacher to help learners to learn the relationship between grammatical formsand function.Phonetics is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in theworld’s languages.Correct perception of sounds is vital for listening comprehension.Different stress and intonation indicate different meanings.The dialect which is caused by social status is socialect.The famous line “My love is a red, red rose”, stirs up vividly the imagination of a beautiful lady. This is theiconic meaning of “rose”.Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, languagedevelopment, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called theallophones of that phoneme.Semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language.。
普通话第二节 元音

/beɡ/- /bæɡ/ /ɡes/- /ɡæs/ /met/- /mæt/ /bed/- /bæd/ /lend/- /lænd/ /send/- /sænd/ /pen/- /pæn/ /pek/- /pæk/ /hem/- /hæm/ /led/- /læd/
四、朗读句子 1. A fact is a fact. 2. Fancy that! 3. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 4. Handsome is as handsome does. 5. The cat catches a fat rat. 6. That man had a bad habit. 7. What daddy said made me sad. 8. Glad to meet you, Mary. 9. He’s very happy to receive a letter. 10. I like the red apple.
二、朗读短语 1. along the river 2. never forget 3. the doctor’s daughter 4. brothers and sisters 5. among the workers 6.after supper
三、朗读句子 1.You’d better come over now. 2.There is an eraser under the computer. 3. Nobody is perfect. 4. What’s the matter with you? 5. Don’t bother me! 6. I’d rather be a teacher than an actor. 7. Her younger brother is a doctor. 8. You’d better do it faster. 9. Give me some butter and sugar. 10. Their performance at the concert was better than ever.
3.central vowels

Advice to the students
For /ɑ:/ the tongue almost lies flat in the mouth. The tip of the tongue does not touch the lower teeth. The lips are neutrally open.
Games and activities
Read the following dialogues, paying attention to the sound of /Λ/ / ә / / ә: /.
A: B: A: B: A: B: What’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong. Come on, Something’s wrong. Nothing much. What’s the trouble? Has Buddy come? Mm. Come, and gone.
For /Λ/, the part of the tongue that is raised is the centre of the tongue. The tip of the tongue touches the base of the lower teeth. The lips are widely open but not as wide as that for /ɑ:/.
Phrases & Sentences
around a corner better and better over and over again about the worker accept a member sooner or later
英语音标 English Vowels and Consonants

Affricate consonants
Central vowels中元音
Rising diphthongs
Nasal consonants
Lateral consonant
Fricative consonants

音标专业术语1.元音vowels2.前元音front vowels3.中元音central vowels4.后元音back vowels5.双元音diphthongs6.辅音consonants7.清辅音(有声辅音)voiceless8.浊辅音(无声辅音)voiced9.音节syllable10.重读音节stressed syllables11.单音节monosyllabic12.双音节disyllabic13.多音节polysyllabic14.重读闭音节stressed close syllables15.重读开音节stressed open syllables16.绝对开音节17.相对开音节18.弱读reduced forms19.单词重音word stress20.语调intonation21.辅音连缀consonant clusters22.S后清音浊化23.节奏rhythm24.连读linking of sounds25.音标phonics26.音素phoneme27.音标框phonics frame28.半元音semi-vowels29.缩读contractions30.字母组合compound letters31.升调rising tone32.降调falling tone33.元音字母34.辅音字母35.请找出以下单词的相同点(发音上的,写法上的)Please find out thesimilarity in the pronunciation\spelling among these words.36.写上单词划线部分的音标Please write the phonics of the lettersunderlined.37.让我们来比较一下[ I ]和[ e ]的发音Let’s compare the sound of[ I ] with [ e ]. Please find out the differences among the sounds of these words.38.[ i ]有那些字母组合What compound letters are pronounced[ i ]?39.cat中的a发音…The letter “a” in “cat” makes the sound\is pronounced…40.看谁做得又好又快Let me see that who is better.。
phonetic symbol (音标)

• 1) [f] five, cough, laugh
• 2) [θ] think
[v] voice, of
[ ð] this, bathe
• 3) [s] sit, miss, science, case close • 4) [ʃ] sure, she, social, nation
Part 2. Consonants(辅音)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 爆破音 摩擦音 破擦音 鼻辅音 舌边音 半元音
• 1) • 2) [p] pen [t] tell [b] bed [d] day, played, wanted
• 3) [k] cold, sky, quick, school, back, accept, box [g] big, go, guess, language
• [ei] cake, play, eight, great, rain
• [ai] bike, die, try, find, fly • [כi] • boy, oil, toy
[әu] phone, know, boat, grow
• [au] house, town, mouse 集中双元音(注意美式卷舌音): • [iә] • [єә] • [uә] dear, idea, deer, here pear, care, there, chair tour, poor, sure
/ә/汉语拼音e, /i/(1小拇指)微笑,舌尖抵下 齿,短衣音 发短音 /e/(1食指) 上唇不动,下唇动1 食指距离,,舌尖抵下齿, 小口唉 /æ /三指)上唇不动,下唇动三 指距离,舌尖抵下齿,大口 唉

He started the journey early on Thursday.
The weather got worse and worse.
The colonel went to a service in the church. Not even a bird was stirring; it was so early.
Central Vowels 中元音
[] [:] []
[] 中后、中下,不圆唇元音
舌位:舌身中间靠后 部分抬起,高度低于 [ ],高于[:],舌 身不与上臼齿接触。 唇形:嘴唇呈中一字 形,上下颚分得很开, 略大于中性唇。
Sound Practice
[mst] [kbd] [inslt] [nd]
much honey
[ sp]
a sudden jump[来自][gli][t
a tough son
I cut the bun and put some butter on it. They must come on Monday. Run quickly and jump on the bus. When he was young he built a hut.
I left a collar in the cupboard. The singer stood in the centre of the stage. He sent a letter to his father. The doctor said that his mother was better.
[:] 中央、不圆唇长元音

前元音(front vowel)发音时舌位最高点都在舌前部,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高。
中元音(central vowel)发音时舌位最高点都在舌中部,发音时舌中部向硬腭抬起。
后元音(back vowel)发音时舌后部向软腭抬起,舌头后缩,舌尖向下,舌面后部对着软腭抬起。

英语元音发音要领单元音the pure vowels单元音的发音要领是准确掌握其舌位的前、中、后及高、中、低。
单元音发音的特性:单元音因舌位抬高部位的差异而分成三大类:前元音(the front vowels)、中元音(the central vowels)、后元音(the back vowels)。
(一)前元音1. /♓i:/ 前元音、高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舌前部抬高,但不接触上齿龈;唇形扁平;口形很小,接近闭合。
2. /✋/ 前元音、高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舍前部抬高,略低于/♓:/的舌位;唇形扁平;开口比/♓:/略大,接近半闭。
3. /♏/ 前元音、中高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舍前部抬高,但略低于/✋/的舌位;口形介于半开半合之间,比/✋/的口形略大;唇形扁平。
4. /✌/ 前元音、低元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舌前部抬高,但其舌位是四个前元音中最低的;开口比/♏/大,是四个前元音中开口最大的音,介于半开和开之间;唇形扁平自然。
(二)后元音5. / :/ 后元音、低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,舌后略抬高,舌位较低;唇形自然略成圆形;牙床打开。
中国学生有把/ :/读成“啊”的倾向。
6. / / 后元音、低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,舌后抬高,略高于/ :/;双唇自然成圆形,口形略小于/ :/;牙床近于开,但略小于/ :/7. / :/ 后元音、中低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,后舌抬高,明显高于/ /;唇形较圆,比/ /更圆;牙床半开,较/ /的开口程度小。

lecture. 5) He sang for all of us a few moments ago.
3. tongue twister
The first person in a dirty shirt works in the third firm.
4. little poem
Worms squirm in the earth When first is heard The murmur and chirp Of the early bird.
5.2 /ə:/
舌尖触下齿底部,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起, 牙床开得较窄,双唇中常,稍扁。
1. words
fir her were curve heard word burn earn worn curl girl pearl
burned earned world earlier further murder birth church skirt dirtier thirstier worker
central vowels
Three central vowels
英语中有3个中元音,/۸/,/ə/,/ə:/,发音时, 舌尖微抵下齿,舌平放口中,双唇扁平或放松, 不圆唇。 Nhomakorabea.1 /۸/
舌后部的靠前部分稍抬起,舌尖微抵下齿,双 唇扁平
3. passage
Hurry up! Run! Supper’s ready and mother’s come. Once a month she came from London. She bought a ton of luggage with her, and a dozen bunches of roses. The fuss and trouble! Treated us like country cousins. You should have seen the color of her gloves. Must have cost a lot of money.

英语26个字母中,有5个元音字母a, e, i, o, u。
a. 元音字母组合:aar, ae, ai, air, aor, ar, are, au, aw, ay, ea, ear, eau, ee, eer, ei, eir, eo, er, ere, eu, eur, ew, ey, ia, iar, ie, ier, iew, io, ior, iou, ir, ire, iu, oa, oar, oe, oi, oir, oo, oor, ore, ou, ough, our, ow, oy, ua, uar, ue, uer, ui, uou, ur, ure, uu, uy, ya, ye, yer, yi, yo, yr, yreb. 辅音字母组合:bb, cc, ch, ck, d, dge, dj, ff, gg, gh, gu, ll, mm, nn, ph, pp, qu, rr, sc, sch, sci, sh, si, ss, tch, ti, th, tt, sh, xc, zzb. 混合字母组合:sion, sure, tion, tureⅡ音素是语音的最小的单位。

例如:[1] 前元音,口型舒展[u:] 后元音,口型收拢前元音舌前部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫前元音。
前元音(Front Vowels)主要有:英式英语:[i:] [i] [e] [1]美式英语:[i] [I] [A] [1]Practice these four sounds in phrases.eat the meat make a wish very wella mad man keep the seat sit downget ready a jazz band three treesbest friend a black bag Peter’s secreta small fish ten men a plastic bagthe Chinese people a bit chilly Teddy Bearhand in hand a piece of cheese bit by bitwet with sweat a happy marriage a friend in needfit as a fiddle best seller on behalf of our class中元音舌中部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫中元音。
中元音(Central Vowels)主要有:英式英语:[4:] [4] [8]美式英语:没有[4:],多为[4r];[4]与[8]相同。

• • • • •
Glottal(声门音):/h/ 口型张开,通过摩擦迅速将气流向口 腔外推出。发此音时,舌头不接触口 腔上壁,声带不振动。这是一个清辅 音。听录音并跟读:/h/ house
Open-mid(半开口音): /ʌ/
• • • • • • 先发/e/音(见第27页),口型再稍 微张大一些,舍部略微缩回并压低, 但舍位较/ə/音(见上页)靠后并略 低。舍部应位于口腔中间稍低位置。 发/ʌ/音时,双唇放松。这是一个短 元音。听录音并跟读:/ʌ/ But
• First open your mouth, and force a stream of air out of your mouth with a frication. When making this sound, keep your tongue off the roof of the mouth, and do not use your voice. This is a voiceless consonant. Now listen and repeat:/h/house
Open-mid (半开口音):/ɜ://ə/
• • 发 /ɜ:/音时,唇部绷紧。这是一个长元音。 听录音并跟读:/ɜ:/work • 发/ə/ 音时,唇部放松。这是一个很短的短 元音,是英语发音中最为常见的一个因素。 听录音并跟读:/ə/ worker
Unit Four
Central Vowels 中元音:/ɜ:/ /ə/ /ʌ/ Fricative摩擦音/h/
Central Vowels 中元音:/ɜ:/ /ə/ /ʌ/
Open-mid (半开口音):/ɜ://ə/
• First make the sound /e/(see page 28),and then put your tongue backward and lower a little. Your tongue is at around the middle of your mouth. When making the sound/s:/,your lips are tight. This is a long vowel. Now listen and repeat:/ɜ:/work When making the sound /e/,your lips are relaxed. This is a very short vowel, and the most common sound in English. Now listen and repeat:/e/worker

26个英语字母音素归类【原创实用版】目录1.26 个英语字母的音素分类概述2.辅音音素的分类3.元音音素的分类4.音素归类的重要性正文英语字母是英语语言的基础,它们构成了英语单词。
下面,我们将对 26 个英语字母的音素归类进行详细分析。
英语中有 21 个辅音音素,它们可以分为以下几类:1.塞音(Stops):发音时,气流被口腔内的某个部位阻碍,然后突然释放。
英语中有 5 个元音音素,它们可以分为以下几类:1.前元音(Front vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔前部,例如字母“a”、“e”、“i”等。
2.中元音(Central vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔中部,例如字母“o”、“u”等。
3.后元音(Back vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔后部,例如字母“ou”、“ie”、“ue”等。
通过对 26 个英语字母的音素归类,我们可以发现它们在发音上的规律,从而提高我们的英语听说能力。

前元音(Front vowels):1. /i/:高前不圆音,如英语的"sheep",读作/iː/。
2. /ɪ/:低前不圆音,如英语的"ship",读作/ʃɪp/。
3. /e/:半开前不圆音,如英语的"red",读作/red/。
4. /ɛ/:开前不圆音,如英语的 "pen",读作/pen/。
5. /æ/:开前不圆短音,如英语的 "cat",读作/kæt/。
央元音(Central vowels):6. /ə/:中央非圆元音,如英语的"about",读作/əˈbaʊt/。
后元音(Back vowels):7. /u/:高后圆元音,如英语的"boot",读作/buːt/。
8. /ʊ/:低后圆元音,如英语的"hood",读作/əʊdz/。
9. /ʌ/:开后不圆元音,如英语的"up",读作/ʌp/。
10. /ɔ/:半开后圆元音,如英语的"law",读作/lɔː/。
11. /ɒ/:开后圆音,如英语的"log",读作/lɒɡ/。
高元音(High vowels):12. /ɪə/:低高前不圆双元音,如英语的"ear",读作/ɪər/。
13. /eɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"day",读作/deɪ/。
14. /aɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"like",读作/aɪk/。
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2. sentences
1) Thursday’s the first day of the term. 2) It’s the early birds that catches the worm. 3) He was thirsty when he returned from work. 4) First come, first served. 5) They earned their desserts by hard work.
mug bulb
dumb brother
ton run lover rubber
Runner under onion Supper upper butter nothing
bus luck shut cutting dusting
2. sentences
1) It’s fun to run and jump in the sun. 2) The bus doesn’t run on Sunday. 3) One’s lovely, the other’s ugly. 4) Well begun is half done. 5) He told the funny story just for fun.
5.3 / ə /
牙床半开, 舌平放口中,双唇中常
1. words
about annoy arrive again alive amount forget balloon agree polite potato correct woman pictures bottom member butter counter lecture sugar August breakfast
5.2 /ə:/
舌尖触下齿底部,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起, 牙床开得较窄,双唇中常,稍扁。
1. words
fir her burn earn
were worn
curve curl
heard girl
word pearl
burned earned world earlier further murder birth church skirt dirtier thirstier worker
3. tongue twister
The first person in a dirty shirt works in the third firm.
4. little poem
Worms squirm in the earth When first is heard The murmur and chirp Of the early bird.
4. Tongue twister
Betty bought some butter. “But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter. Put a bit of better butter. Will make my butter better”. So she bought a bit of butter. Better than the bitter butter. And it made her butter better.
3. passage
Hurry up! Run! Supper’s ready and mother’s come. Once a month she came from London. She bought a ton of luggage with her, and a dozen bunches of roses. The fuss and trouble! Treated us like country cousins. You should have seen the color of her gloves. Must have cost a lot of money.
5. little poem
School is over, Oh, what fun! Lesson finished, Play begun.
bag/bug cap/cup hat/hut match/much ran/run bat/but cat/cut lamp/lump rag/rug sang/sung
central vowels
Three central vowels
英语中有3个中元音,/۸/,/ə/,/ə:/,发音时, 舌尖微抵下齿,舌平放口中,双唇扁平或放松, 不圆唇。
5.1 /۸/
舌后部的靠前部分稍抬起,舌尖微抵下齿,双 唇扁平
1. words
Blood dove Dull result
accept customer
Байду номын сангаас
2. sentences
1) The wonderful weather was over. 2) He can’t speak Spanish, but his sister can. 3) The students and teachers will have a gettogether the day after tomorrow. 4) She doesn’t like to go to the cinema or the lecture. 5) He sang for all of us a few moments ago.