外文原文Study on Human Resource Allocation in Multi-Project Based on the Priority and the Cost of ProjectsLin Jingjing , Zhou GuohuaSchoolofEconomics and management, Southwest Jiao tong University ,610031 ,China Abstract----This paper put forward the a ffecting factors of project’s priority. which is introduced into a multi-objective optimization model for human resource allocation in multi-project environment . The objectives of the model were the minimum cost loss due to the delay of the time limit of the projects and the minimum delay of the project with the highest priority .Then a Genetic Algorithm to solve the model was introduced. Finally, a numerical example was used to testify the feasibility of the model and the algorithm.Index Terms—Genetic Algorithm, Human Resource Allocation, Multi-project’s project’s priority .1.INTRODUCTIONMore and more enterprises are facing the challenge of multi-project management, which has been the focus among researches on project management. In multi-project environment ,the share are competition of resources such as capital , time and human resources often occur .Therefore , it’s critical to schedule projects in order to satisfy the different resource demands and to shorten the projects’ duration time with resources constrained ,as in [1].For many enterprises ,the human resources are the most precious asset .So enterprises should reasonably and effectively allocate each resource , especially the human resource ,in order to shorten the time and cost of projects and to increase the benefits .Some literatures have discussed the resource allocation problem in multi-project environment with resources constrained. Reference [1] designed an iterative algorithm and proposeda mathematical model of the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling .Basedon work breakdown structure (WBS) and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method ,a feasible multi-project planning method was illustrated , as in [2] . References [3,4]discussed the resource-constrained project scheduling based on Branch Delimitation method .Reference [5] put forward the framework of human resource allocation in multi-project in Long-term ,medium-term and short-term as well as research and development(R&D) environment .Basedon GPSS language, simulation model of resources allocation was built to get the project’s duration time and resources distribution, as in [6]. Reference [7] solved the engineering project’s resources optimization problem using Genetic Algorithms. These literatures reasonably optimized resources allocation in multi-project, but all had the same prerequisite that the project’s importance is the same to each other .This paper will analyze the effects of project’s priority on human resource allocation ,which is to be introduced into a mathematical model ;finally ,a Genetic Algorithm is used to solve the model.2.EFFECTS OF PROJECTS PRIORITY ON HUMAN RESOUCE ALLOCATIONAND THE AFFECTING FACTORS OF PROJECT’S PRIORITYResource sharing is one of the main characteristics of multi-project management .The allocation of shared resources relates to the efficiency and rationality of the use of resources .When resource conflict occurs ,the resource demand of the project with highest priority should be satisfied first. Only after that, can the projects with lower priority be considered.Based on the idea of project classification management ,this paper classifies the affecting factors of project’s priority into three categories ,as the project’s benefits ,the complexity of project management and technology , and the strategic influence on the enterprise’s future development . The priority weight of the project is the function of the above three categories, as shown in (1).W=f(I,c,s…) (1)Where w refers to project’s priority weight; I refers to the benefits of th e project; c refers to the complexity of the project, including the technology and management; s refers to the influence of the project on enterprise .The bigger the values of the three categories, the higher the priority is.3.HUMAN RESOURCE ALLOCATION MODEL IN MULTI-PROJECTENVIRONMENT3.1Problem DescriptionAccording to the constraint theory, the enterprise should strictly differentiate the bottleneck resources and the non-bottleneck resources to solve the constraint problem of bottleneck resources .This paper will stress on the limited critical human resources being allocated to multi-project with definite duration times and priority.To simplify the problem, we suppose that that three exist several parallel projects and a shared resources storehouse, and the enterprise’s operation only involves one kind of critical human resources. The supply of the critical human resource is limited, which cannot be obtained by hiring or any other ways during a certain period .when resource conflict among parallel projects occurs, we may allocate the human resource to multi-project according to project’s priorities .The allocation of non-critical independent human resources is not considered in this paper, which supposes that the independent resources that each project needs can be satisfied.Engineering projects usually need massive critical skilled human resources in some critical chain ,which cannot be substituted by the other kind of human resources .When the critical chains of projects at the same time during some period, there occur resource conflict and competition .The paper also supposes that the corresponding network planning of various projects have already been established ,and the peaks of each project’s resources demand have been optimized .The delay of the critical chain will affect the whole project’s duration time .3.2 Model HypothesesThe following hypotheses help us to establish a mathematical model:(1)The number of mutually independent projects involved in resourceallocation problem in multi-project is N. Each project is indicated withQ i,while i=1,2, … N.(2)The priority weights of multi-project have been determined ,which arerespectively w1,w 2…w n .(3) The total number of the critical human resources is R ,with r k standingfor each person ,while k=1,2, …,R(4) Δk i = ⎩⎨⎧others toprojectQ rcer humanresou i k 01(5) Resources capturing by several projects begins on time. t E i is theexpected duration time of project I that needs the critical resources tofinish some task after time t ,on the premise that the human resourcesdemand can be satisfied .tAi is the real duration time of project I thatneeds the critical resource to finish some task after time t .(6) According to the contract ,if the delay of the project happens the dailycost loss due to the delay is △c i for pro ject I .According to the project’simportance ,the delay of a project will not only cause the cost loss ,butwill also damage the prestige and status of the enterprise .(while thelatent cost is difficult to quantify ,it isn’t considered in this articletemporarily.)(7) From the hypothesis (5) ,we can know that after time t ,the time-gapbetween the real and expected duration time of project I that needs thecritical resources to finish some task is △t i ,( △t i =t A i -t E i ). For thereexists resources competition, the time –gap is necessarily a positivenumber.(8) According to hypotheses (6) and (7), the total cost loss of project I is C i(C i = △t i * △C i ).(9) The duration time of activities can be expressed by the workload ofactivities divided by the quantity of resources ,which can be indicatedwith following expression of t A i =ηi / R i * ,.In the expression , ηi refersto the workload of projects I during some period ,which is supposed tobe fixed and pre-determined by the project managers on project planningphase ; R i * refers to the number of the critical human resources beingallocated to projects I actually, with the equation Ri * =∑=Rk ki 1δ existing. Due to the resource competition the resourcedemands of projects with higherPriorities may be guarantee, while those projects with lower prioritiesmay not be fully guaranteed. In this situation, the decrease of theresource supply will lead to the increase of the duration time of activitiesand the project, while the workload is fixed.3.3 Optimization ModelBased on the above hypotheses, the resource allocation model inmulti-project environment can be established .Here, the optimizationmodel is :F i =min Z i = min∑∑==Ni i N i Ci 11ω =min i i Ni i N i c t ∆∆∑∑==11ω (2) =min ∑∑==N i i N i 11ω )E i R i ki i t - ⎝⎛∑=1δη i c ∆ 2F =min Z 2=min ()i t ∆=min )E i R i ki i t -⎝⎛∑=1δη (3) Where wj=max(wi) ,(N j i 3,2,1,=∀) (4)Subject to : 0∑∑==≤R k ki N i 11δ=R (5)The model is a multi-objective one .The two objective functions arerespectively to minimize the total cost loss ,which is to conform to theeconomic target ,and to shorten the time delay of the project with highestpriority .The first objective function can only optimize the apparenteconomic cost ;therefore the second objective function will help to makeup this limitation .For the project with highest priority ,time delay will damage not only the economic benefits ,but also the strategy and the prestige of the enterprise .Therefore we should guarantee that the most important project be finished on time or ahead of schedule .4.SOLUTION TO THE MULTI-OBJECTIVE MODEL USING GENETICALGORITHM4.1The multi-objective optimization problem is quite common .Generally ,eachobjective should be optimized in order to get the comprehensive objective optimized .Therefore the weight of each sub-objective should be considered .Reference [8] proposed an improved ant colony algorithm to solve this problem .Supposed that the weights of the two optimizing objectives are αand β ,where α+β=1 .Then the comprehensive goal is F* ,where F*=αF1+βF2.4.2The Principle of Genetic AlgorithmGenetic Algorithm roots from the concepts of natural selection and genetics .It’s a random search technique for global optimization in a complex search space .Because of the parallel nature and less restrictions ,it has the key features of great currency ,fast convergence and easy calculation .Meanwhile ,its search scope is not limited ,so it’s an effective method to solve the resource balancing problem ,as in [9].The main steps of GA in this paper are as follow:(1)EncodingAn integer string is short, direct and efficient .According to thecharacteristics of the model, the human resource can be assigned to be acode object .The string length equals to the total number of humanresources allocated.(2)Choosing the fitness functionThis paper choose the objective function as the foundation of fitnessfunction .To rate the values of the objective function ,the fitness of then-th individual is 1/n。
绿色建筑中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料翻译外文文献:Evaluating Water Conservation Measures For Green Building InTaiwanGreen Building evaluation is a new system in which water conservation is prioritized as one of its seven categories for saving water resources through building equipment design in Taiwan. This paper introduces the Green Building program and proposes a water conservation index with quantitative methodology and case study. This evaluation index involves standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the expected result. The measure of evaluation index is also based on the essential research in Taiwan and is a practical and applicable approach.Keywords: Green Building; Evaluation system; Water conservation; Building equipment1. IntroductionThe environment was an issue of deep global concern throughout the latter half of the 20th century. Fresh water shortages and pollution are becoming one of the most critical global problems. Many organizations and conferences concerning water resource policy and issues have reached the consensus that water shortages may cause war in the 21st century[1],if not a better solution .Actually, Taiwan is already experiencing significant discord over water supply. Building new dams is no longer an acceptable solution to the current watershortage problems, because of the consequent environmental problems. Previous studies have concludedthat water savings are necessary not only for water conservation but also for reducing energy consumption [2,3].Taiwan is located in the Asian monsoon area and has an abundant supply of rainwater. Annual precipitation averages around 2500mm. However, water shortages have recently beena critical problem during the dry season. The crucial, central issue is the uneven distribution of torrential rain, steep hillsides, and short rivers. Furthermore, the heavy demand for domestic water use in municipal areas, and the difficulties in building new reservoirs are also critical factors. Government departments are endeavoring to spread publicly the concept of water-conservation. While industry and commerce have made excellent progress in water conservation, progress among the public has been extremely slow.Due to this global trend, the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of Interior in Taiwan, proposed the “Green Building” concept and built the evaluation system. In order to save water resources through building equipment design, this system prioritizes water conservation as one of its seven categories. This paper focuses on the water conservation measures for Green Building in T aiwan and a quantitative procedure for proving water-saving efficiency. The purpose of this work is not only aimed at saving water resources, but also at reducing the environmentalimpact on the earth.2. Water conservation indexThe water conservation index is the ratio of the actualquantity of water consumed in a building to the average water-consu mption in general. The index is also called, “the water saving rate”. Evaluations of the water-consumption quantity include the evaluation to the water-saving efficiency within kitchens, bathrooms and all water taps, as well as the recycling of rain and the secondhand intermediate water.2.1. Goal of using the water conservation indexAlthough Taiwan has plenty of rain, due to its large population, the average rainfall for distribution to each individual is poor compared to the world average as shown in Fig. 1.Thus, Taiwan is reversely a country short of water. Yet, the recen t improvements in citizens’ standards of living have led to a big increase in the amount of water needed in cities, as shown in Fig. 2, which, accompanied by the difficulty of obtaining new water resources, makes the water shortage problem even worse. Due to the improper water facilities designs in the past, the low water fee, and the usual practical behavior of people when using water, Taiwanesepeople have tended to use a large quantity of tap water. In 1990,the average water-consumption quantity in Taiwan was 350l per person per day, whereas in Germany it is about 145l per person per day, and in Singapore about 150l per person per day. These statistics reveal the need for Taiwanese people to save water.The promotion of better-designed facilities which facilitate water-saving will become a new trend among the public and designers, because of concerns for environmental protection. The water conservation index was also designed to encourage utilization of the rain, recycling of water used in everyday life and use of water-saving equipment to reduce the expenditure ofwater and thus save water resources.2.2. Methodology for efficient use of water resourcesSome construction considerations and building system designs for effective use of water resources are described below.2.2.1. Use water-conservation equipmentA research of household tap-water consumption revealed that the proportion of the water used in flushing toilets and in bathing, amounts to approximately 50% of the total household water consumption, as given in Table 1. Many construction designers have tended to use luxurious water facilities in housing, and much water has thus been wasted. The use of water-saving equipment to replace such facilities is certain to save a large amount of water. For example, the amounts of water used in taking a shower and having a bath is quite different.A single shower uses around 70l of water, whereas a bath uses around 150l. Furthermore, current construction designs for housing in Taiwan tend to put two sets of bathtubs and toilets, and quite a few families have their own massage bathtubs. Such a situation can be improved only by removing the tubs and replacing them with shower nozzles, so that more water can be possibly saved. The commonly used water-saving devices in Taiwan now include new-style water taps, water-saving toilets, two-sectioned water closets, water-saving shower nozzles, and auto-sensor flushing device systems, etc. Water-saving devices can be used not only for housing, but also in other kinds of buildings. Public buildings, in particular, should take the lead in using water-saving devices.2.2.2. Set up a rain-storage water supply deviceThe rain-storage water supply device stores rain using natural landforms or man-made devices, and then uses simplewater-cleaning procedures to make it available for use in houses. Rain can be used not only as a substitute water supply, but also for re control. Its use also helps to decrease the peak-time water load in cities. The annual average rainfall in Taiwan is about 2500 mm, almost triple better than the global average. However, due to geographic limitations, we could not build enough water storage devices, such as dams, to save all the rain. It is quite a pity that annually about 80% of the rain in Taiwan is wasted and flows directly into the sea, without being saved and stored. The rain-storage water supply system is used with a water-gathering system, water-disposal system, water-storage system and water-supply system. First, the water-gathering system gathers the rain. Then, the water flows to the water-disposal system through pipes, before being sent to the water-storage system. Finally, it is sent to the users’equipment through another set of pipes. Using the drain on the roof of a building, leading to the underground water-storage trough, is considered an effective means of gathering rain. The water, after simple water-disposal processes, can be used for chores such as house cleaning, washing floors, air-conditioning or watering plants.2.2.3. Establishing the intermediate water systemIntermediate water is that gathered from the rain in cities, and includes the recycled waste-water which has already been disposed of and can be used repeatedly only within a certain range, but not for drinking or human contact. Flushing the toilet consumes 35% of all water. If everyone were to use intermediate water to flush toilets, much water could be efficiently saved. Large-scale intermediate water system devices are suggested to be built up regularly with in a big area. Each intermediate watersystem device can gather, dispose and recycle a certain quantity of waste-water from nearby government buildings, schools, residences, hotels, and other buildings. The obtained water can be used for flushing toilets, washing cars, watering plants and cleaning the street, or for garden use and to supplement the water of rivers or lakes. A small-scale intermediate water system gathers waste-water from everyday use, and then, through appropriate water-disposal procedures, improves the water quality to a certain level, so that finally it can be repeatedly used for non-drinking water. Thereare extensive ways to use the intermediate water. It can be used for sanitary purposes, public fountains, watering devices in gardens and washing streets. In order to recycle highly polluted waste-water, a higher cost is needed for setting up the associated water-disposal devices, which are more expensive and have less economic benefits than the rain-utilization system. Except for the intermediate water-system set within a single building, if we build them within large-scale communities or major construction development programs, then it is sure to save more water resources efficiently and positively for the whole country as well as improve the environmental situation.4. Method for assessing the recycling of rainSystems for recycling rain and intermediate water are not yet economic beneficial, because of the low water fee and the high cost of water-disposal equipment. However, systems for recycling rain are considered more easily adoptable than those for recycling intermediate water. Herein, a method for assessing the recycling of rain is introduced to calculate the ratio (C) of the water-consumption quantity of the recycled rainwater to the total water-consumption.4.1. Calculation basis of recycling rainwaterThe designer of a system for recycling rainwater must first determine the quantity of rainwater and the demand, which will determine the rainwater collection device area and the storage tank volume. Rainwater quantity can actually be determined by a simple equation involving precipitation and collection device area. However, precipitation does not fall evenly spread over all days and locations. In particular, rain is usually concentrated in certain seasons and locations. Consequently, the critical point of the evaluation is to estimate and assess meteorological precipitation. Meteorological records normally include yearly, monthly, daily and hourly precipitation. Yearly and monthly precipitation is suitable for rough estimates and initial assessment. However, such approximation creates problems in determining the area of the rainwater collection device and the volume of the storage tank. Thus, daily precipitation has been most commonly considered. Hourly precipitation could theoretically support a more accurate assessment. However, owing to the increasing number of parameters and calculation data increases, the complexity of the process and the calculation time, result in inefficiencies. Herein, daily precipitation is adopted in assessing rainwater systems used in buildings [4,7].4.3. Case study and analysisFollowing the above procedure, a primary school building with a rainwater use system is taken as an example for simulation and to verify the assessment results. This building is located in Taipei city, has a building area of 1260 m and a total floor area of 6960 m ; it is a multi-discipline teaching building. Roofing is estimated to cover 80% of the building area, and the rainwater collection area covers 1008 m .Rainwater is used as intermediatewater for the restrooms, and the utilization condition is set at 20 m per day, whilethe out flow coefficient (Y) is 0.9. A typical meteorological precipitation in Taipei in 1992 was adopted as a database. The rainwater storage tank was set to an initial condition before the simulation procedure. Herein, four tank volumes were considered in the simulations of rainwater utilization—15, 25, 50, 100 m. The results indicate that increased storage tank volume reduces overflow and increases the utilization of rainwater. Given a 50 m storage tank, the quantity of rainwater collection closely approaches the utilization quantity of rainwater. Consequently, this condition obtains a storage tank with a roughly adequate volume. When the volume of the storage tank is 100 m, the utilization rate is almost 100% and the overflow quantity approaches zero. Despite this result being favorable with respect to utilization, such a tank may occupy much space and negatively impact building planning. Consequently, the design concept must balance all these factors. The building in this case is six floors high, and the roof area is small in comparison to the total floor area. The water consumption of the water closet per year, but the maximum rainwater approaches 7280 m collection is 2136 m per year. Thus, significant replenishment from tap water is required. This result also leads to a conclusion that high-rise buildings use rainwater systems less efficiently than other buildings. Lower buildings (e.g. less than three floors) have highly efficient rainwater utilization and thus little need for replenishment of water from the potable water system.The efficiency of rainwater storage tanks is assessed from the utilization rate of rainwater and the substitution rate of tap water. Differences in annual precipitation and rainfall distribution yielddifferent results. Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the results of the mentioned calculation procedure, to analyze differences in rainwater utilization and efficiency assessment.The simulation runs over a period often years, from 1985 to 1994, and includes storage tanks with four different volumes. When the volume of the rainwater tank is 50 m, the utilization rate of rainwater exceeds 80% with about 25% substitution with tap water. Using this approach and the assessment procedure, the volume of rainwater storage and the performance of rainwater use systems in building design, can be determined.In the formula of the water conservation index, C is a special weighting for some water recycling equipment that intermediates water or rain, and is calculated as the ratio of the water-consumption quantity of the recycled rainwater to the total water-consumption. Therefore, this assessment procedure can also offer an approximate value of C for the water conservation index.5. Green building label and policy“Green Building” is called “Environmental Co-Habitual Architecture” in Japan, “Ecological Building” or “Sustainable Building” in Europe and “Green Build ing in North American countries. Many fashionable terms such as “Green consumption”, “Green living”, “Green illumination” have been broadly used. In Taiwan, currently, “Green” has been used as a symbol of environmental protection in the country. The Construction Research Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Executive Yuan has decided to adopt the term “Green Building” to signify ecological and environmental protection architecture in Taiwan.5.1. Principles of evaluationGreen Building is a general and systematic method of design to peruse sustainable building. This evaluation system is based on the following principles:(1) The evaluation index should accurately reflect environmental protection factors such as material, water, land and climate.(2) The evaluation index should involve standardized scientific quantification.(3) The evaluation index should not include too many evaluation indexes; some similar quality index should be combined.(4) The evaluation index should be approachable and consistent with real experience.(5) The evaluation index should not involve social scientific evaluation.(6) The evaluation index should be applicable to the sub-tropical climate of Taiwan.(7) The evaluation index should be applicable to the evaluation of community or congregate construction.(8) The evaluation index should be usable in the pre-design stage to yield the expected result.According to these principles, the seven-index system shown in Table 4 is the current Green Building evaluation system use d in Taiwan. The theory evaluates buildings’ impacts on the environment through the interaction of “Earth Resource Input” and “Waste Output”. Practically, the definition of Green Building in T aiwan is “Consume the least earth resource and create the least construction waste”.Internationally, each country has a different way of evaluating Green Building. This system provides only the basicevaluation on “Low environment impact”. Higher level is sues such as biological diversity, health and comfort and community consciousness will not be evaluated. This system only provides a basic, practical and controllable environmental protection tool for inclusion in the government’s urgent construction envir onment protection policy. The “Green Building” logo is set to a ward Green Building design and encourage the government and private sector to pay attention to Green Building development. Fig. 7 is the logo of Green Building in Taiwan [6,8].5.2. Water conservation measureThis paper focuses on water conservation index in green building evaluation system. Water conservation is a critical category of this evaluation system, and is considered in relation to saving water resources through building equipment design. This evaluation index contains standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the desired result. The evaluation index is also based on research in Taiwan and is practically applicable. Using water-saving equipment is the most effective way of saving water; using two-sectioned water-saving toilets and water-saving showering devices without a bathtub are especially effective. Various other types of water-recycling equipment for reusing intermediate water and rain are also evaluated. In particular, rainwater-use systems in building designs areencouraged. When a candidate for a Green Building project introduces water recycling system or a rainwater use system, the applicant should propose an appropriate calculation report to the relevant committee to verify its water-saving efficiency. This guideline actually appears to be a reasonable target for performing Green Building policy in T aiwan.A new building can easily reach the above water conservation index. This evaluation system is designed to encourage people to save more water, even in existing buildings. All this amounts to saying that large-scale government construction projects should take the lead in using such water-saving devices, as an example to society.6. ConclusionThis paper introduces the Green Building program and proposes a water conservation index with standardized scientific quantification. This evaluation index contains standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the expected results. The measure of evaluation index is also based on the essential research on Taiwan and is a practical and applicable approach. The actual water-saving rate (WR) for Green Building projects should be <0.8, and the AR of the water-saving equipment should be higher than 0.8. Thus, qualified Green Building projects should achieve a water saving rate of over 20%. For the sustainable policy, this program is aimed not only at saving water resources, but also at reducing the environmental impact on the earth.The Green Building Label began to be implemented from 1st September 1999, and over twenty projects have already been awarded the Green Building Label in T aiwan, while the number of applications continues to increase. For a country with limited resources and a high-density population like Taiwan, the Green Building policy is important and represents a positive first step toward reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable development.译文:台湾的绿色建筑节约用水评价措施在台湾绿色建筑评价是一个新的制度,在它的一个7个类别中,通过建筑设备设计节省水资源,使水资源保护置于优先地位。
建筑环境与设备工程毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献篇一:建筑环境与设备工程中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Ground Source Heat PumpAt present,energy is the most important element for the development of states’economy.Because of the good energy-saving effect,using regenerate resource of energy,and no pollution,the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION is used more and more popular now.In the system of the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION,the terminal devices what include the fan,the deep well pump,the circulate pump are the biggest energy-consumed part except the inner device as well as the compressor motor, etc.So it is very important and significant to make the terminal devices running in the mostenergy-saving condition.In this paper,the author founded on the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION in Guangxi University,based on the actual project condition, made the redesign through the way of frequency conversiontechnology for the old system of GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION.At first, the equipments’ running control system were improved following the energy-saving principle of fan and pump,choused Mitsubishi FR series frequency transducer with vector-controlfunction,Mitsubishi FX2N series PLC and other auxiliary parts to make up of the auto-control system for the GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMP AIR-CONDITION,and then did the emulating analysis for the vector-control mode in the frequency conversion process.In the next based the auto-control system,made the PLC control system designing.This system monitor the temperature and flux in accurate and real time,then input feedback to the plc,finally the terminal device running status will correspond to the customer’s demanded-load,it can wellmeet the goal for saving energy and prolong the life of the motor and other device.At the same time,designed the PLC control process,according to this transformation of the specific programme,programmed for the PLC by using the FX-GP/WIN-C programme software.Researched and analyses the PIDalgorithm and its improved algorithm for the PID Operational module in the PLC.At last,through detailed analysis and accounted for energy-saving effect and the cost of thesystem-reforming,validated the profitability of this redesigned-project,and showed its feasibility and worthBe using renewable geothermal energy in shallow ground layer, a ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology is known as one of air conditioning techniques which have the greatest developmental. The GSHP has great potentials in energy reduction and in reducing CO2emissions to conventional HVAC systems. In China, energy shortage and environmental issues pose a seriouschallenge accompanied by rapid economic growth. GSHP has been spotlighted as both energy efficiency and environmental benefits. Generally, the initial investment for a GCHP system is higher than that of a conventional system. GCHP energy savings will offset the higher installing cost in future. However, there are many aspects affecting the actual amount of energy saved, such as climate, building load, ground heat exchanger, heat pump, control, etc. Recently, a lot of research on the energy performance of GCHP has been carried out. However, most of these previous research projects evaluated the performance of GCHP system based on a laboratory scale or a small capacity system. There is little data documenting the long-term performance of a large-sized GCHP. Evalution and research on real world installed GCHP will provide a more accurate understanding of the current technology’s performance.The paper presented that the energy performance evaluation of two types of GSHPs based on actual operational data. The two types of GSHPs were ground-coupled heat pump system (GCHPs) and groundwater heat pump system (GWHPs) which were,respectively, installed in two apartment buildings of Wuhan, China. In one year, we monitored various operating parameters, including the outdoor temperature, the flow rate, electrical consumption, and the water temperature. The coefficient of performance (COP) values of system and chiller were determined based on a series of measurements. During residential GCHP system operation, the heat injection rate into soil is larger than the heatextraction rate out of soil. The COP of chillers of the GCHPs decreased significantly during the heating season due to the lowering of ground soil temperature. The system power consumption exhibited a strong linear relationship with outdoor temperature in both seasons and this suggests that normalizing power consumption against degree-days is a highly practical index in energy analysis in resident buildings, especially in winter.Some research topics were studied on the two actual cases. An exergy analysis of a ground water heat pump system on the actual operation was conduced. The energy efficiency and exergy loss and efficiency in each of the components of the system are detemined forthe average measured parameters obtained from the monitored results of the hottest month and the coldest month. Inefficient facts are found out and increased energy efficiencies of two proposed improvement measures were estimated. Lower approachtemperature is effective energy saving. In addition to the energy analysis, a full exergy analysis helps to identify the components where inefficiencies occur. An economic analysis model forGWHP was established to calculate energy consumption and operating cost based on a baseline condition. Plate heat exchanger flow rate and groundwater flow rate were optimization parameters according to different water price of the groundwater:GWHP survey data shows the impact of water price on groundwater flow rate in design. The long-term energy performances of theGWHPs and the GCHPs were investigated and compared with conventional HVAC systems and other GSHPs on literature data. A performances model was established base on the two cases to constrast the predictedperformance with the actual performance.Based on superposition theorem of geothermal heat exchangers (GHE), a inverse model for GHE, G-functions interpolationapproach was proposed. Linear interpolation method was adopted to fit G-functions. The method presented here uses the Nelder and Mead simplex algorithm as part of a parameter estimation algorithm to estimate G-function. For verification of G-functions interpolation approach, anumerical experimentation had been conducted where synthetic load on GHE was established. The simulation results with error and no error, were inversely modeled by G-functions interpolation approach and DST calibrated approach. The actual dataset of a small sized and a large sized GSHPs were also used in inverse modeling to verify the results from the G-functions interpolation approach. The small sized GSHPs was from literature. The large sized vertical GSHPs was the monitored case in the paper. A detailed DST model of a GHE has been calibrated to monitored data. The secondyear predicted temperatures calculated by the two models were compared with the measured. The results show the two approaches are reliable and have good performance of error tolerance. The error of GHE water temperature calculated by G-functions interpolation approach was less than DST calibrated approaches. The data error inversely modeled was mainly from recorded day data. As a extension study of the G-functions interpolation model, degree-day G-functions approach was proposed. The model was based on degree-day prediction load and can be applied on the residential buildings. The standard deviation of GHE water temperature by degree-day G-functions approach was larger than DST calibrated approaches. The result shows the appropriateness of degree-day G-functions interpolation approach for the quantitative modeling of GHE.This paper shows that the research on actual performance according measured data and presents two inverse models:G-functions interpolation model, degree-day G-functions model approach, which provides new methods for GHE inverse modelingWith the sustainable development theory being put forward in recent years, people pay more and more attention to energy efficiency and environmental protection. The Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) air-conditioning system has been a kind of new technology to save energy and protect environment. This paper gives an overview of technology economy analysis on GSHPAir-conditioning System and optimization design of its ground heat exchanger, which provide helpful suggestion to engineers.First, this paper gives an overview of the history of GSHP system in China and foreign countries. Based on the work principle of the GSHP system, thecharacteristics of three circulations have been proposed, which are the use of renewable energy saving and environmental friendly, etc. hi terms of technology economy, the GSHPair-conditioning system was compared with the air source heat pump system, the water source heat pump system and the traditional central air-conditioningsystem. Main indexes are given to evaluate the technology economy of the GSHP air-conditioning system.A practical project was used as an example for the analysis.Ground-loop heat exchanger is an important part of the GSHP air-conditioning system and deferent from other traditional air-conditioning systems. This paper gave detailed designing method of Ground-loop heat exchanger, including load calculation, pipe layout, choice of tubes and its material, antifreeze method, calculation of pressure drop, etc. Taken the GSHP air-conditioning system in the report room of Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering as an example, its design was analyzed and the optimization design of ground-loop heat exchanger was proposed.The people attention to energy efficiency and environmental protection,which decide thesustainable development of the country.The Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP)air-conditioning system has been a kind of new technology to save energy and protect environment.This paper gives an overview of technologyeconomy analysis on GSHP Air-condition System and optimization design of its ground heat exchanger,which provide helpful suggestion toengineersFirst,this paper gives an overview of GSHP system in China and foreign countries. Based on the work principle of the GSHP system,the characteristics of three circulations have been proposed,which are the use of renewable energy saving and environmental friendly,etc.In teams of technology ,the GSHP air-conditioning system was compared with the air source heat pump system,the water source heat pump system and the traditional central air-conditioning system.Main indexes are given to evaluate the technology economy of GSHP air-conditoning篇二:建筑施工毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献建筑施工毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processingAbstractThe crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing ForewordConcrete is formed by a sand and gravel aggregate,cement,water and other materials but mixed heterogeneous brittle materials.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, impermeable and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete besubjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the aid of instruments of macro view the crack be also the crack that the concrete often say in the engineering.Concrete building and Component all take sewer to make of, because of crack of existence and development usually make inner part of reinforcing bar etc. materialcreation decay, lower reinforced concrete material of loading ability, durable and impermeable ability, influence building of external appearance, service life, severity will threat arrive people's life and property safety.A lot of all of crash of engineerings is because of the unsteady development of the crack with the result that.Modern age science research with a great deal of of the concrete engineering practice certificate, in the concrete engineering crack problem is ineluctable, also acceptable in certainly of the scope just need to adopt valid of measure will it endanger degree control at certain of scope inside.Thereinforced concrete norm is also explicit provision:Some structure at place of dissimilarity under the condition allow existence certain the crack of width.But at under construction should as far as possible adopt a valid measure control crack creation, make the structure don't appear crack possibly or as far as possible decrease crack of amount and width, particularly want to as far as possible avoid harmful crack of emergence, insure engineering quality thus.Concrete crack creation of the reason be a lot of and have already transformed to cause of crack:Such as temperature variety, constringency, inflation, the asymmetry sink to sink etc. reason cause of crack;Have outside carry the crack that the function cause;Protected environment not appropriate the crack etc. caused with chemical effect.Want differentiation to treat in the actual engineering, work°out a problem according to the actual circumstance.In the concrete engineering the familiar crack and the prevention1.Shrinkage crack and preventionShrinkage crack much appear after the concrete protect be over of a period of time or concrete sprinkle to build to complete behind of around a week.In the cement syrup humidity of evaporate would creation Shrinkage, and this kind of constringency is can't negative.Shrinkage crack of the creation be main is because of concrete inside outside humidity evaporate degree dissimilarity but cause to transform dissimilarity of result:The concrete is subjected to exterior condition of influence, surface humidity loss lead quick, transform bigger, inner part degree of humidity variety smaller transform smaller, bigger surface Shrinkage transform to be subjected to concrete inner part control, creation more big pull should dint but creation crack.The relativehumidity is more low, cement syrup body Shrinkage more big, Shrinkage crack be more easy creation.Shrinkage crack is much surface parallel lines form or the net shallow thin crack, width many between 0.05-0.2 mm, the flat surface part much see in the big physical volume concrete and follow it more in thinner beam plank short to distribute.Shrinkage crackusually the impermeability of influence concrete, cause the durable of the rust eclipse influence concrete of reinforcing bar, under the function of the water pressure dint would creation the water power split crack influence concrete of loading dint etc..Concrete Shrinkage be main with water ash of the concrete ratio, the dosage of the composition, cement of cement, gather to anticipate of the dosage of the property and dosage, in addition etc. relevant.Main prevention measure:While being to choose to use the constringency quantity smaller cement, general low hot water mire and powder ash from stove cement in the adoption, lower the dosage of cement.Two is a concrete of Shrinkage be subjected to water ash ratio of influence more big, water ash ratio more big, Shrinkage more big, so in the concrete match the ratio the design should as far as possible control good water ash ratio of choose to use, the Chan add in the meantime accommodation of reduce water.Three is strict control concrete mix blend with under construction of match ratio, use of concrete water quantity absolute can't big in match ratio design give settle of use waterquantity.Four is the earlier period which strengthen concrete to protect, and appropriate extension protect of concrete time.Winter construction want to be appropriate extension concrete heat preservation to overlay time, and brushing protect to protect.Five is a constitution the accommodation is in the concrete structure of the constringency sew.2.Plastic shrinkage cracking and preventionPlastic shrinkage is the concrete is before condense, surface because of lose water quicker but creation of constringency.The Plastic shrinkage crack is general at dry heat or strong wind the weather appear, crack's much presenting in the center breadth, both ends of the thin and the length be different, with each other not coherent appearance.Shorter crack general long 20-30 cm, the longer crack can reach to a 2-3 m, breadth 1-5 mm.It creation of main reason is:The concrete is eventually almosthaving no strength or strength before the final setting very small, perhaps concrete just eventually final setting but strength very hour, be subjected toheat or compare strong wind dint of influence, the concrete surface lose water to lead quick, result in in the capillary creation bigger negative press but make a concrete physical volume sharply constringency, but at this time the strength of concrete again can't resist its constringency, therefore creation cracked.The influence concrete Plastic shrinkage of the main factors of crack to have water ash ratio, concrete of condense time, environment temperature, wind velocity, relative humidity...etc..Main prevention measure:One is choose to use dry compression value smaller higher silicate of the earlier period strength or common the portland cement.Two is strict the control water ash ratio, the Chan add to efficiently reduce water to increment the collapse of concrete fall a degree and with easy, decrease cement and water of dosage.Three is to sprinkle before building concrete, water basic level and template even to soak through.Four is in time to overlay the perhaps damp grass mat of the plastics thin film, hemp slice etc., keep concrete eventually beforethe final setting surface is moist, perhaps spray to protect etc. to carry on protect in the concrete surface.Five is in the heat and strong wind the weather to want to establish to hide sun and block breeze facilities, protect in time.3.Sink to sink crack and preventionThe creation which sink to sink crack is because of the structure foundation soil quality not and evenly, loose soft or return to fill soil dishonest or soak in water but result in the asymmetry sink to decline with the result that;Perhaps because of template just degree shortage, the template propped up to once be apart from big or prop up bottom loose move etc. to cause, especially at winter, the template prop up at jelly soil up, jelly the soil turn jelly empress creation asymmetry to sink to decline and cause concrete structure creation crack.This kind crack many is deep enter or pierce through sex crack, it alignment have something to do with sinking to sink a circumstance, general follow with ground perpendicular or present 30 °s-45 °Cape direction development, bigger sink tosink crack, usually have certain of wrong, crack width usually with sink to decline quantity direct proportion relation.Crack widthunder the influence of temperature variety smaller.The foundation after transform stability sink to sink crack also basic tend in stability.Main prevention measure:One is rightness loose soft soil, return to fill soil foundation a construction at the upper part structure front should carry on necessity of Hang solid with reinforce.Two is the strength that assurance template is enough and just degree, and prop up firm, and make the foundation be subjected to dint even.Three is keep concrete from sprinkle infusing the foundation in the process is soak by water.Four is time that template tore down to can't be too early, and want to notice to dismantle a mold order of sequence.Five is at jelly soil top take to establish template to notice to adopt certain of prevention measure.4.Temperature crack and preventionTemperature crack much the occurrence is in bigsurface or difference in temperature variety of the physical volume concrete compare the earth area of the concrete structure.Concrete after sprinkling to build, in the hardening the process, cement water turn a creation a great deal of of water turn hot, .(be the cement dosage is in the 350-550 kg/m 3, each sign square the rice concrete will release a calories of 17500-27500kJ and make concrete internal thus the temperature rise to reach to 70 ℃or so even higher)Because the physical volume of concrete be more big, a great deal of of water turn hot accumulate at the concrete inner part but not easy send forth, cause inner part the temperature hoick, but the concrete surface spread hot more quick, so formation inside outside of bigger difference in temperature, the bigger difference in temperature result in inner part and exterior hot the degree of the bulge or cooling dissimilarity, make concrete surface creation certain of pull should dint.When pull should dint exceed the anti- of concrete pull strength extreme limit, concrete surface meeting creation crack, this kind of crack much occurrence after the concrete under constructionperiod.In the concrete of under construction be difference in temperature variety more big, perhaps is a concrete to be subjected to assault of cold wave etc., will cause concrete surface the temperature sharply descend, but creation constringency, surface constringency of the concrete be subjected to inner part concrete of control, creation very big of pull should dint but creation crack, this kind篇三:建筑与环境设备工程外文翻译毕业论文(设计)题系部名称:专业班级:学生姓名:学指导教师:教师职称:外文翻译目:浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗号:XX11014233 讲师 1浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗摘要:研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。
文献信息:文献标题:Issues in Sustainable Architecture and Possible Solutions (可持续建筑中的问题及可能的解决方案)国外作者:Fatima Ghani文献出处:《International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering》,2012,12(1),p21-24字数统计:英文1985单词,11317字符;中文3460汉字外文文献:Issues in Sustainable Architecture and Possible Solutions Abstract—The growing concern with environmental and ecological conditions have led to the discussion/search for ‘energy conscious’, ‘Eco friendly’, ‘energy efficient’ building designs. For the better growth of the future, keeping in view the environment related issues, the first objective of the designer is sustainable development i.e. environmentally compatible building designs. Sustainable architecture also referred as green architecture is a design that uses natural building materials e.g. earth, wood, stone etc (not involving pollution in its treatment) that are energy efficient and that make little or no impact on the nature of a site and its resources. This paper discusses issues related to Sustainable/environmental architecture. It also considers possible solutions related to these issues.Index Terms—Sustainable, Green, Architecture, Building, Design. Efficiency.I. INTRODUCTIONThe words "Green", "Ecological" and "Sustainable" are terms used by environmentalists to indicate modes of practice. From global economics to household features these practices minimize our impact on the environment and generate a healthy place of living. In a deeper sense the words involve as to what can be done to heal andregenerate the earth's ability to bear life.A.Principles of Environmentally Oriented DesignIn Architecture there are many ways a building may be "green" and respond to the growing environmental problems of our planet. Sustainable architecture can be practiced still maintaining efficiency, beauty, layouts and cost effectiveness. There are five basic areas of an environmentally oriented design. They are Healthy Interior Environment, Energy Efficiency, Ecological Building Materials, Building Form and Good Design.• Healthy Interior Environment: It has to be well insured that building materials and systems used do not emit toxic unhealthy gases and substances in the built spaces. Further extra cars and measures are to be taken to provide maximum levels of fresh air and adequate ventilation to the interior environment.• Energy Efficiency: It has to be well ensured that the building's use of energy is minimized. The various HV AC systems and methods of construction etc. should be so designed that energy consumption is minimal.• Ecological Building Materials: As far as possible the use of building materials should be from renewable sources having relatively safe sources of production.• Building Form: The building form should respond to the site, region, climate and the materials available thereby generating a harmony between the inhabitants and the surroundings.• Good Design: Structure & Material and Aesthetics are the basic parameters of defining design. They should be so integrated that the final outcome is a well built, convenient and a beautiful living space.These principles of environmentally oriented design comprise yet another meaningful and environmental building approach called Green or Sustainable design. Architects should use their creativity and perception to correlate these principles to generate locally appropriate strategies, materials and methods keeping in mind that every region should employ different green strategies.B. DefinitionSustainability means 'to hold' up or 'to support from below'. It refers to the abilityof a society, ecosystem or any such ongoing system, to continue functioning into the indefinite future (without being forced into decline through exhaustion of key resources).Sustainable architecture involves a combination of values: aesthetic, environmental, social, political and moral. It's about one's perception and technical knowledge to engage in a central aspect of the practice i.e. to design and build in harmony with the environment. It is the duty of an architect to think rationally about a combination of issues like sustainability, durability, longevity, appropriate materials and sense of place.The present environmental conditions have led to the discussion/search for ‘energy conscious’, ‘Eco friendly’,‘energy efficient’ building designs. For the better growth of the future, keeping in view the environment related issues, the first objective of the designer is a sustainable development i.e. environmentally compatible. This paper discusses issues related to Sustainable/environmental architecture. The main focus of the paper is on sustainable architecture - its need, solutions and impact on the future.II. NEEDS AND ISSUESThe ecological crisis today is very serious and till date much of the debate still focuses on the symptoms rather than the causes. As a result there is an urgent need to emphasize and workout the best possible approach towards environmental protection thereby minimizing further degradation.Architecture presents a unique challenge in the field of sustainability. Construction projects typically consume large amounts of materials, produce tons of waste, and often involve weighing the preservation of buildings that have historical significance against the desire for the development of newer, more modern designs. Sustainable development is one such measure, which presents an approach that can largely contribute to environmental protection. A striking balance between Environmental protection and Sustainable development is a difficult and delicate task.Sustainable design is the thoughtful integration of architecture with electrical,mechanical, and structural engineering. In addition to concern for the traditional aesthetics of massing, proportion, scale, texture, shadow, and light, the facility design team needs to be concerned with long term costs: environmental, economic, and human as shown in Figure 1.III. CONCEPT AND RELEV ANCE OF SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE In the present day scenario the idea and concept of Sustainable Architecture/Development is relevant in the light of the following two aspects:a) Ecological and Environmental crisisb) Imminent disasters and their managementSome of the major causes, which greatly contribute to these two aspects, can be listed as:• Rapid Urbanization and Industrialization:The consequences of this can further lead to Population explosion, Geological deposits of sewage and garbage, Unsustainable patterns of living & development, Environmental degradation (pollution of air, water, soil etc, food web disruption). Thus sustainable urban development is crucial to improve the lives of urban populations and the remainder of the planet. Both people and ecosystems impacted upon by their activities.• Natural Calamities:Natural calamities like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, flood, famine etc. which are being further aggravated by mankind add to the list of other ill effects like atomicexplosion, green house effect, ozone depletion etc. Sustainable design attempts to have an understanding of the natural processes as well as the environmental impact of the design. Making natural cycles and processes visible, bring the designed environment back to life.• Depletion of Non-renewable sources:Rapid depletion of non-renewable sources is leading to serious issues related to energy & water conservation etc. Thus the rational use of natural resources and appropriate management of the building stock can contribute to saving scarce resources, reducing energy consumption and improving environmental quality.IV. SOLUTIONSA. Sustainable ConstructionSustainable construction is defined as "the creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and ecological principles". Sustainable designed buildings aim to lessen their impact on our environment through energy and resource efficiency."Sustainable building" may be defined as building practices, which strive for integral quality (including economic, social and environmental performance) in a very broad way. Thus, the rational use of natural resources and appropriate management of the building stock will contribute to saving scarce resources, reducing energy consumption (energy conservation), and improving environmental quality.Sustainable building involves considering the entire life cycle of buildings, taking environmental quality, functional quality and future values into account environmental initiatives of the construction sector and the demands of users are key factors in the market. Governments will be able to give a considerable impulse to sustainable buildings by encouraging these developments. Further the various energy related issues during the different phases in the construction of buildings can be understood with respect to the chart shown in Figure2.B. Environmentally Friendly HousesFollowing the five basic principles of environmentally oriented design can lead to the construction of what can be called as Environmentally Friendly House. An environmentally friendly house is designed and built to be in tune with its occupants, nature, environment and ecosystem. It is designed and built according to the region it is located in, keeping in mind the climate, material, availability and building practices. The basic areas of design need to be considered at this stage can be listed as: • Orientation• Reduce Energy Gain or Loss• Lighting• Responsible Landscaping• Waste Management• External VentilationC. Green BuildingA green building places a high priority on health, environmental and resource conservation performance over its life cycle. These new priorities expand and complement the classical building design concerns: economy, utility, durability and delight. Green design emphasize a number of new environmental, resource and occupant health concerns:• Reduce human exposure to noxious materials.• Conserve non-renewable energy and scarce materials.• Minimize life cycle ecological impact of energy and materials used.• Use renewable energy and materials that are sustainable harvested.• Protect and restore local air, water, soil, flora & fauna• Support pedestrian, bicycles, mass transit and other alternatives to fossil-fueled vehicles.Most green buildings are high quality buildings they last longer, cost less to operate and maintain and provide greater occupant satisfaction than standard development.D. Green Roofs & Porous PavementsAs already discussed the rapid urbanization and industrialization is resulting in extensive deforestation as a result the green areas are being covered with pavements and concrete. The rainwater that naturally seeps through land covered with vegetation and trees now just runoff, thereby leading to a major environmental imbalance in terms of groundwater. This problem can be solved to a great extent with the help of the construction of Green Roofs and Porous Pavements.Green roofs & porous pavements present a unique method of ground water conservation. Vegetation to hold water on rooftops, and pavement that lets it percolate in the ground are some of the latest ways that can save water tables. Visually what might come across may be a roof sprouted with plants and a parking lot that drains water like a sieve-probably the latest in groundwater conservation.E. Building MaterialsTons of materials including timber go into building construction. There are three principal approaches to improve the material efficiency of building construction: • Reducing the amount of material used in construction.• Using recycled materials that otherwise would have been waste.• Reducing waste generation in the construction process.Further as far as possible sustainable harvested building materials and finishes should be used with low toxicity in manufacturing and installation.V. CONCLUSIONSSustainability often is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A growing number of people are committed to reaching this goal by modifying patterns of development and consumption to reduce demand on natural resource supplies and help preserve environmental quality. Achieving greater sustainability in the field of construction is particularly important, because building construction consumes more energy and resources than any other economic activity. Not only does a home represent the largest financial investment a family is likely to make, but it also represents the most resource- and energy-intensive possession most people will ever own. Making homes more sustainable, then, has a tremendous potential to contribute to the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable housing design is a multifaceted concept, embracing:• Affordability• Marketability• Appropriate design• Resource efficiency• Energy efficiency• Durability• Comfort• HealthAs a developed society we should not undermine our resource base, the assimilative capacity of our surroundings or the biotic stocks on which our future depends. As a sustainable society our efforts should consist of a long-term and integrated approach to developing and achieving a healthy community. We should realize that the problems associated with sustainable development are global as a result the issues need worldwide attention. If we work together we can bring change faster.中文译文:可持续建筑中的问题及可能的解决方案摘要——越来越多地关注环境和生态条件已经引起了人们对“节能意识”、“友好生态”、“高效节能”的建筑设计的讨论和探索。
关于生态建筑材料在装饰装修中的应用价值探析中英文对照About ecological construction materials in the application of decoration value analysis contrast in both Chinese andEnglish生态环保是二十一世纪重要的课题。
Ecological environmental protection is a important subject in the 21st century. In order to better adapt to international economic development in our country and the energy consumption situation, to realize the economic sustainable development strategy, building a harmonious socialist society, proposed the construction of economical society. Adornment is decorated in the energy conservation and environmental protection is one of the important content. In order to better achieve this goal, the application of ecological building materials continuously in the decoration, ecological building materials is popular, it not only changed the past decoration materials in the status quo of all sorts of toxic gas and harmful substances, energy saving and environmental protection, very has the application value in the decoration.装饰装修生态建筑材料Ecological building materials decoration装饰装修生态建筑材料是为了实此刻建筑材料在生产、应用等进程中实现与生态自然环境和谐,达到利用最少资源和能源,对环境无污染等目的的建筑材料。
生态文明建设中英对照材料生态文明建设(Ecological civilization construction)是指在经济社会发展过程中,以保护和修复自然环境为目标,实现人与自然和谐共生的发展模式。
1. 中文:生态文明建设英文:Ecological civilization construction2. 中文:绿色发展英文:Green development3. 中文:可持续发展英文:Sustainable development4. 中文:生态保护英文:Ecological protection5. 中文:资源循环利用英文:Resource recycling6. 中文:节能减排英文:Energy conservation and emission reduction7. 中文:生物多样性保护英文:Biodiversity conservation8. 中文:环境污染治理英文:Environmental pollution control9. 中文:生态修复英文:Ecological restoration10. 中文:低碳经济英文:Low-carbon economy11. 中文:绿色出行英文:Green transportation12. 中文:可再生能源英文:Renewable energy13. 中文:生态城市英文:Ecological city14. 中文:环保意识英文:Environmental awareness15. 中文:绿色技术英文:Green technology这些词汇和短语可以帮助我们理解和描述生态文明建设的关键概念和实践。
Green ecological building1、The rise and practice of “green building”China is a country that resources are not very rich country, with the development of society and economy, the improvement of people's living standard, the insecurity of resource we have a red light, and actively promote ecological construction has become the inevitable trend of development. Ecological building "new concept appeared in the 60's of the last century.In 70 the outbreak of the oil crisis, to make people aware of sacrificing ecological environment difficult to continue high speed economic development, consumption of natural resources most building industry must take the road of sustainable development.90 in the last century, green building (Green Buildings) in western countries, and the establishment of an international organization, was made about index system of green ecological building, carry out a lot of activities. As in 1987 and 1988 respectively in Sweden was held in Stockholm the "healthy building" international academic conference.In 1992 June, the United Nations Conference on environment and development through the “21 century agenda "of the draft document.World Commission on environment and development put forward the concept of sustainable development as a new standard to Rio de Janeiro "Declaration". Sustainable development means to fully respect the environment and the use of natural resources to implement conservation, including saving energy, minerals, water, land, protection of ocean and atmosphere, and the protection of biological diversity.Most countries in the world have accepted the idea.The last century, introduced to China in the late 1990s the concept of green building. In 1994, China published China's Agenda 21, the same time start a major national scientific and industrial engineering - in 2000 a well-off urban and rural residential technology industry works ". Published in 1996 the People's Republic of China Human Settlements Development Report put forward higher requirements and assurance measures to further improve and enhance the quality of living environment. Green building rating system in recent years are also stepping up implementation. Compared with foreign countries, China's key technology research and development in the individual ecological needs further deepening. Such as in building energy efficiency,compared with countries with similar climate, the building energy consumption of the heating region in China about three times: in the green building design, natural ventilation and renewable energy use, green building materials, indoor environment, resource reuse technology, green and configuration technology research required to accelerate the applied research. Based on the results of theoretical studies of green building, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other economically developed regions with local characteristics to actively carry out the integration of research and practical application of the key technologies of the green building system. For example: more than the North Lu spring Ecological Area, Beijing Tiptop International Apartment Guangzhou, Grand View Park, Shanghai million colones Run Park. "Shanghai World Expo ecological" and "Beijing Green Olympics" as the background of the "Shanghai ecology demonstration building and Tsinghua ultra-low power demonstration building" green building demonstration projects have been completed and open to the domestic and international, to become China's green building technology show education base and follow-up research and development platform.2、Definition and characteristics of green building and technical requirementsGreen building as the representative of the Audubon Society headquarters in the United States, it is the most energy-efficient buildings in Manhattan, New York, is considered to be a new milestone in the history of construction of environmental protection. What is a green ecological building. At present, the view that it must be a saving construction. Reflected in the health, water, land, energy conservation, pollution control, recycling. Architectural aesthetics in the development process as the goal, the principle of a virtuous cycle for the protection of ecosystems, green economy, green social connotation, green technology to support new construction, green environment set up as a symbol. It reflects the natural design concept and architectural unity and concord, it is the ultimate goal and natural balance in the whole process of its life cycle, so that to reduce the consumption of resources, protection of ecosystems, human health, comfort health, is the building of a sustainable development model.Green building features summed up in the following points: First, as far as possible to conserve resources and non-renewable energy consumption,reflecting the 3R principle Freud, Reduce, Recycle), ie, re-use, conservation, recycling. Second, protection of ecosystems, and to adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Mainly reflected in the selection and use of low environmental impact materials; in the construction process, minimizing the impact of on-site ecosystem; does not affect the entire residential area of the local human environment. Third, the health of people harmless, makes people feel comfortable and healthy, we must make use of green building materials or clean, non-toxic building materials. The design must reflect the user-friendly design, construction, noise, contaminants, wastes must be prevented adverse effects on the human body.According to domestic and international research on green eco-residential area, roughly in the following areas. First, the energy system. Electricity, gas, coal energy into the cell under normal circumstances. To optimize the analysis of these energy sources, using the best solution on the residential building envelope and heating, air-conditioning system for energy-saving design, building energy efficiency to reach at least 50% or more. Wherever conditions permit, to encourage the adoption of new energy and green energy (solar, wind, geothermal energy, tidal energy and other renewable resources). Second, the water environment systems. Water system for the district to consider the issue of water quality and quantity. The outdoor system to set up gray water, rainwater and other treatment in water reuse systems, rainwater harvesting systems, gray water recycling system. Landscape water waterscape projects to be designed and included in the water system is taken into account. The district water supply facilities should be energy and water conservation type, the implementation of water-saving appliances. Gas environmental systems. The district system of the gas environment, including indoor and outdoor. Outdoor air quality met Grade II standard; live indoor achieve natural ventilation to maximize the use of green building materials, bathroom with ventilation equipment, kitchen equipped with flue gas concentrated drainage systems, indoor air quality standards to ensure the health of residents . Fourth, sound environmental systems. Acoustic environment of the district system, including outdoor, indoor, and the district outside noise deadening measures. Daytime noise of the outdoor acoustic environment system should be less than 50 dB at night less than 40 dB; architectural design to be used in noise reduction measures to meet the indoor sound environment system: Day 1 Secretary noise is less than 35 dB, less than 30 dB at night. Light environment system. The light environment of thedistrict general emphasis to meet the sunshine requirements, and interior to maximize the use of natural light. , To promote new energy green lighting in outdoor public places, use of energy-saving lamps. 6 is a thermal environment system. Residential thermal environment of the system to meet the thermal comfort requirements of the residents, building energy efficiency requirements, and environmental requirements. 7 is a green system. In the building next to the tree planting, turf green, can play a wind, insulation, dust and landscaping effect; can achieve energy saving, air purification, the purpose of maintaining the ecological balance. Eighth, waste management and disposal systems. Using different methods of disposal of solid waste management, sound processing and comprehensive utilization of physical chemistry, solidification and high temperature incineration in the country. The management side, to reform the management mechanism, the establishment of supervision and law enforcement, do a good job of publicity and education, the establishment of the garbage fee system. Nine is a green building material systems. Green Building Materials to adopt cleaner production technologies, use less natural resources and energy, without being poisoned by heavy use of solid waste produced by industrial or urban, non-polluting, non-radioactive, conducive to environmental protection and human health, building materials.3、to accelerate our country green ecological residential quarter sustainable healthy development several suggestions3.1 To raise awareness of the importance of the development of green eco-residential areaAlthough China has a vast territory, abundant supplies, but because of the large population, coupled with stepped forward a few years without restraint the development, production, resource severe shortage; arable land, forest area, water, etc. substantial reduction in environmental pollutionvery serious. Therefore, from the thought, conscience, on the implementation of green eco-residential area should be increased and sustainable human development is closely related to the height, which is the primary task.3.2 The Government must introduce a series of industrial policies to support green eco-construction of the residential areaGreen ecological residential area initial investment is relatively high, and return slowly. If there are no taxes, grants or restrictions on the use of certainareas of materials substantially implemented in the country will have a certain degree of difficulty. Although the Ministry of Construction launched in April 2001, "green eco-construction of residential quarters points with the Technical Guidelines", pointed out the system in the green eco-residential district development indicators and criteria. However, the support given to a series of links in the construction of a planning permit, the issuance of construction permits is not enough. Only given them preferential treatment in order to enable more developers will invest in this emerging industry3.3 vigorously develop new technologies, new materialsGreen ecological residential area constitutes a synthesis of form, materials, appearance and technology. Its implementation to rely on a large number of relevant technical and material support. Such as foreign tiles can absorb pollutants; use of waste paper, paper residue created by the fire insulation materials; inhibit groundwater dry, protection of ecological environment in the role of concrete. These can be used as our development of new materials, new technologies draw.3.4 optimization of building energy efficiency. Development of green energyFrom the regional planning begins to consider to irrigate the problem.The key should catch good the following: first, energy saving building energy saving is a system, must from the planning and architectural design. For example, a reasonable choice of building orientation, control building shape coefficient of residential buildings and energy saving, pay attention to the relationship between the eaves, attention, cornice, sun visor, curtain structure for regulating sunlight, energy saving effect. Second, take effective measures, improve the thermal performance of retaining structure.Walls, doors and windows and roof of building envelope components, in the energy saving residential buildings occupy an important position. For example, the reasonable control of external window area, selection of heat transfer coefficient of small frame material and energy saving glass doors and windows, to increase the air tightness. Third, optimize the indoor heating system energy saving.Further to increase the heating system planning.The piece of the residential development should adopt the centralized heating, household metering mode, according to heat more contributions approach. Water supply and drainage and electrical systems shall be used for energy-saving equipment, such as energy-saving lamps, water-saving sanitary utensil. Fourth, make full use of green energy.Solar energy, biomass energy, ocean can gang,and geothermal energy, according to local resources, suit one's measures to local conditions to do a good job in the development of green energy planning, to play its great potential, such as solar energy, firedamp technology application obtained very good economic benefits and environmental benefits.。
下面是店铺带来的建筑类文章中英文对照,欢迎阅读!建筑类文章中英文对照1Ecological building and rather well-known foreign architects Abstract Generally stating theconcept and the expression of ecological buldings and comparing Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster'stheories and works of ecological buildings to learn and acknowledge ecological buildings,this articIe wants to stimuIate Chinese architect s’ attention and consideration of ecological buildings by the Outstanding achievement of the two masters.Key Words Thomas Herzog,Norman Foster,EcologicaI building,Expressjon form of ecological building,Theory Of ecological bullding.Ecological estheticNow, with the people continue to enhance the prevention of environmental pollution and maintaining ecological balance awareness, as well as urban greening, increasing development, to create low energy, sustainable development of eco-building environment of the new building research, more and more attention and respected. So, what kind of building could be called eco-buildings?The concept of eco-building The so-called eco-building, according to the local natural environment, the use of the principle of ecology, building technology, science and other relevant subject knowledge, reasonably arrange and organize the relationship between buildings and other relevant factors in thefield and the environment form an organic combination ofoverall, and suitable for human dwelling. Ecological building must meet the following four points: first, to be coordinated with the surrounding environment, and has protective effects on the surrounding ecological environment; buildings must not be on the natural environment caused by pollution or destruction of buildings within the usercan better to enjoy nature and feel that conferred comfortable and pleasant;The interior design should try to return to nature, such as natural lighting,natural ventilation, use of solar energy, the ideal indoor green; Fourth, a variety of substances, the source within the building systems can be orderedcycle of conversion. To sum up is to achieve respect for the environment andreturn to nature Manifestations of ecological building.For the above definition, the present ecological architecture instance,manifestations of ecological building can be summarized as follows:2.1 building energy efficiencyView to the current architectural trend, low-power has become one of theimportant symbol of ecological building. The more common way to solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and other non-polluting energy, directly or throughtechnology transfer, building use form, to help the building to reduce energy consumption in lighting, ventilation, heating, etc..2.2 Building pollution prevention and controlPollution prevention and control of the building is an important part of the ecological construction. The core issue of environmental protection has always been one of the waste problem. People's concept of pollution controlto focus only on production, the life process in sewagmagradually turned to thebuilding from construction to operation andmaintenance of pollution control in the process.2.3 building re-use resourcesIn the entire world's energy consumption 50% in building construction,maintenance and use of consumption, so efficient use of resources,recycling and reduce the impact on the natural environment is the construction of resource use in ecological building to be rapidly improving link.In recent years, the emergence of ecological building materials ③ alleviatethis problem. First of all the main characteristics of saving resources and energy, followed by reducing environmental pollution, and finally the easyrecovery and recycling.Above discussion, a certain understanding of the ecological building.However, in order to further study the ecological building, is not enough torely on theoretical explanations, we need to analyze some examples, theory and practice, scientific research and understanding of ecological building.Below through the analysis and comparison of eco-building ideas and works of two masters (Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster), to further understanding and study of ecological architecture, and learn from themaster of thought and practice nutrition, explore the development and prospects of ecological construction in China.3.Thomas HerzogThomas Herzog is a perfect combination of technology and the arts, have a deep sense of mission at the same time on the ecology and environment of the German masters of architecture. His architectural works have a high level of technology, the essential meaning of his work lies in its ecological concern, notonly in his design, in the course of teaching, often exhibitions, a large number of works, in cooperation with other architects, he personally.He goes beyond the paradigm of modern architecture, and replaced with more eco-dumping Value orientation, and this orientation is bound to replace the old paradigm.3.1 Thomas Herzog, ecological building thoughtThomas Herzog rarely impose their own creative aspirations on the environment above, but to speculate and listen to the change process and the cycle of the ecological environment, the spirit of participation and cooperation to complete his work. His ecological building human and artificial matter to a natural and man-made natural cordial and harmonious situation. He always adhere to the principle of "from ecology to architecture, from technology to nature", he has eco sublimated into a mental and spiritual, and throughout his life, the building design process.Thomas Herzog's design is not considered an isolated internal and external form, on the contrary, his designs expanded to all aspects of the built environment and the relationship between the shape. In addition, he attaches great importance to work closely with other professionals to give greater freedom of architectural design activities through the development of new materials, new components, the new system and appropriate design tools, and ultimately to achieve the unity of the building and the natural environment coordination, as well as building its own sustainable development.Thomas Herzog in the architectural activities in addition to transportIn a variety of new materials, new components, the new system, has been updated in the research and development, more ecological, more reasonable materials, components andsystems. Such as: Peituo Kaposi external wall system, Fischer facade assembly system, solar grid system, and so on. Thomas Herzog is more concerned about the accuracy and efficiency of the buildings in harmony with their surroundings on the basis of their own energy-saving technologyThomas Herzog rarely own creative desire to impose. Architectural detail through carefully designed to improve resource and energy use efficiency, and reduce the cost of non-renewable resources to focus on the ecological environment.Thomas believes that architects should take advantage of the technology, because of high efficiency by using much less material than conventional practice materials to meet the same functional requirements. Of course, the introduction of new technology, they must be correct and proper. He also is very concerned about the flexibility of the design flexibility and architectural elements, not only emphasizes the flexibility of the building function, but also stressed that the flexibility and versatility of the architectural details.4.1 Norman Foster ecological building thinkingThe introduction of some of the ecological building exist today, and many architects of ecological building creative ideas, the vast majority focused on the use and adaptation of the material aspects of the construction of the external environment, such as solar energy, use of groundwater. These mostly belong to the understanding and use of building physics. Norman Foster building constructed as a space and place is established not merely meet the physical meaning of comfort should be a higher level of development to meet the cultural needs of the people, aesthetic orientation.His concern for the environment can be seen from the London Guildhall,and the transformation ofmodern technology and aesthetic orientation, theperfect combination of ecology and art is the perfect embodiment of a new aesthetic - Ecological Aesthetics.In addition to the above concerns, Norman Foster also paid great attention to micro-climate inside the building, he can focus on buildingmicro-climate specific grouped into three areas: First, a suitabletemperature and humidity (to meet the thermal comfort and health requirements); as far as possible, the most access to natural light (reducingthe energy consumption of artificial lighting); maximize natural ventilation (to reduce air conditioning energy consumption). However, under different climatic conditions different focus and approach of the above three elements. Thus, by the most efficient artificial means to achieve these objectives, or to achieve a balance between the various elements of Foster's relentless pursuit direction. In the two works in the south of France:Cary Center for the Arts and the Frederick Eustace place middle vocational schools is the full performance of his raw state climate concept. His design not only runs through the concept of ecological design, but also fully embodies the attention and respect of traditional cultural and geographical culture, compared with the past completely self-centered high-tech school ",this change is undoubtedly is very profound. It makes high-tech school "goes beyond a simple external style and step into a deeper realm. It can be said at this point he pointed out the direction for the future of high-techschool ", but also provided valuable experience for our commitment to eco-building architects in the field. 5 comparison of two mastersCan be seen through the eco-building ideas and works of two masters of architecture:5.1 in commonThe two masters of architecture in the field of ecological building made outstanding contributions to advocate with the new materials, new technologies, new systems and the appropriate design tools to complete their ecological construction works; emphasized in man and nature,architecture and nature harmony on the basis of up to create a morecomfortable working and living environment of mankind; for the same target from different aspects of making unremitting efforts to create a better environment to human beings, more spiritual and material wealth to leave our future generations .5.2 The differenceThomas Herzog in ecological architecture is mainly from the overall environment of staff (including the surrounding environment and buildingtheir own environment), and ecological building design and research; he has been emphasized from the human point of view of sustainable development, rather than short when the viewpoint of local issues; he not only cares about the past and present, he is more concerned about the future; he not only cares about the local area, but also with relevant regionaland even the future may impact the area; him more is the use of new technologies, building detail and from different disciplines collaborate to reach the building and the surrounding environment and the people and the natural harmony and symbiosis; he stressed that eco-construction is not anarchitectural form, but Ecology as an attitude and spirit throughout the design process and its life;more comprehensive and thorough research in ecological construction,ecological building design in the true sense of the truly harmony with their surroundings, and the surrounding eco-environmentalprotection, respect for the environment and return to nature.In ecological architecture, Norman Foster mainly to meet the cultural needs of the people's, aesthetic orientation to achieve the perfect combination ofecology and art; space creation through technical support and building internal and external body to respond to nature, integration of large natural.Ecological building design and works a greater degree of purpose to reach people yearning to nature and enjoy nature, the concept of micro-ecological climate to some extent, more in line with the ecological concept of "high-tech school" building. He is the use of ecological building epidermis and flexible, applicable to the internal space between the perfect combination to achieve the building itself and the coordination and integration of the surrounding environment.ConclusionEco-building ideas and works of two masters of architecture to there velation: eco-building is not a fashionable style and labels, not just a slogan. In such an economic and technological levels in China are not very advanced countries, all aspects of the construction industry should carry out ecological architectural thinking. In fact, there are some to adapt to thenatural environment, building products, such as: the cave of the northwest -pure green buildings, low energy consumption, low pollution, cool and pleasant environment, as well as a yurt in the steppes, the wind tower inXinjiang and so on. China's future construction should not blindly follow the example of all the foreign genre, this simply from the formal transfer, is not conducive to the formation of China's architectural features and is also astifle the creativity of the construction workers. As Thomas Herzog said:"We can not simply develop an ecology ofinternational standards in different countries have different conditions at different times, or should beaccording to national circumstances."China is a populous country, the state of the environment It is worrying, the relative lack of resources in China. It is not possible in a short time with the developed countries havethe technology, materials, systems, and theoretical support, which we need to proceed from reality, with the experience of other countries seeking eco-construction of roads suitable for China.At present, our research, practice and understanding of the ecological building there are many deficiencies, therefore, a targeted strategy is particularly necessary. Combined with our own situation, I believe that to try from the following points: First, strengthen the propaganda of ecologicalawareness and ecological building, in order to arouse the attention of the whole people, to cultivate ecological awareness; theb organization ofecological building research institutions, ecological building and its related areas of research and development, provide strong support for the practice of Chinese architects; outline of the college of Architecture Education to increase the proportion of eco-construction of knowledge and design courses; through the establishment of mechanisms to encourage and promote the development of eco-building . Many developed countries areor have already done so, and have achieved good results.ReferencesDiao Wenyi. Frankfurt Commercial Bank Building. Central building, 1999 (3):48-51. Xi Yu cheng. Construction, ecological building, digital eco-building. Huazhong Architecture, 2005 (5) :68-69.3 jin cheng. Ecological studies of Mistakes Architecture, 2001(5): 184 Zheng Wei mai the ecological high-tech construction. Huazhong Architecture 19995 wan yuan books of contemporary Western architectural aesthetics. Nanjing: Southeast University Press. 2 () 01.6 for Thomas Herzog - Architecture +technology. Li Baofeng translated Beijing: China Architecture & BuildingPublishing House. 2003国外著名建筑师的生态建筑思想比较[摘要]该文通过简要阐述生态建筑的概念和表现形式,以及对托马斯·赫尔佐格和诺曼·福斯特两位建筑大师的生态建筑思想和作品的比较,来学习和理解生态建筑,最后希望借助两位大师的突出成就来引起我国建筑师对生态建筑的重视和思考。
Environmental problems caused by Istanbul subwayexcavation and suggestions for remediationIbrahim OcakAbstract:Many environmental problems caused by subway excavations have inevitably become an important point in city life. These problems can be categorized as transporting and stocking of excavated material, traffic jams, noise, vibrations, piles of dust mud and lack of supplies. Although these problems cause many difficulties, the most pressing for a big city like Istanbul is excavation, since other li sted difficulties result from it. Moreover, these problems are environmentally and regionally restricted to the period over which construction projects are underway and disappear when construction is finished. Currently, in Istanbul, there are nine subway construction projects in operation, covering approximately 73 km in length; over 200 km to be constructed in the near future. The amount of material excavated from ongoing construction projects covers approximately 12 million m3. In this study, problems—primarily, the problem with excavation waste (EW)—caused by subway excavation are analyzed and suggestions for remediation are offered.Keywords: Environmental problems Subway excavation Waste managementIntroductionNowadays, cities are spreading over larger areas with increasing demand on extending transport facilities. Thus, all over the world, especially in cities where the population exceeds 300,000–400,000 people, railway-based means of transportation is being accepted as the ultimate solution. Therefore, large investments in subway and light rail construction are required. The construction of stated systems requires surface excavations, cut and cover tunnel excavations, bored tunnel excavations, redirection of infrastructures and tunnel construction projects. These elements disturb the environment and affect everyday life of citizens in terms of running water, natural gas, sewer systems and telephone lines.One reason why metro excavations affect the environment is the huge amount of excavated material produced. Moreover, a large amount of this excavated material is composed of muddy and bentonite material. Storing excavated material then becomes crucial. A considerable amount of pressure has been placed on officials to store and recycle any kind of excavated material. Waste management has become a branch of study by itself. Many studies have been carried out on the destruction, recycling and storing of solid, (Vlachos 1975; Huang et al. 2001; Winkler 2005; Huang et al. 2006; Khan et al. 1987; Boadi and Kuitunen 2003; Staudt and Schroll 1999; Wang 2001; Okuda and Thomson 2007; Yang and Innes 2007), organic (Edwards et al. 1998, Jackson 2006; Debra et al. 1991; Akhtar and Mahmood 1996; Bruun et al. 2006; Minh et al. 2006), plastic (Idris et al. 2004; Karani and Stan Jewasikiewitz 2007; Ali et al. 2004; Nishino et al. 2003; Vasile et al.2006; Kato et al. 2003; Kasakura et al. 1999; Hayashi et al. 2000), toxic (Rodgers et al. 1996; Bell and Wilson 1988; Chen et al. 1997; Sullivan and Yelton 1988), oily(Ahumada et al. 2004; Al-Masri and Suman 2003), farming(Garnier et al. 1998; Mohanty 2001) and radioactive materials(Rocco and Zucchetti 1997; Walker et al. 2001; Adamov et al. 1992; Krinitsyn et al. 2003).Today, traditional materials, including sand, stone, gravel, cement, brick and tiles are being used as major building components in the construction sector. All of these materials have been produced from existing natural resources and may have intrinsic distinctions that damage the environment due to their continuous exploitation. In addition, the cost of construction materials is incrementally increasing. In Turkey, the prices of construction materials have increased over the last few years. Therefore, it is very important to use excavation and demolition wastes (DW) in construction operations to limit the environmental impact and excessive increase of raw material prices. Recycling ratios for excavation waste (EW) and DW of some countries are in shown Table 1 (Hendriks and Pietersen 2000). The recycling ratio for Turkey is 10%. Every year, 14 million tons of waste materials are generated in Istanbul. These waste materials consist of 7.6 million tons EW, 1.6 million tons organic materials and 2.7 million tons DW (IMM 2007). Approximately, 3.7 million tons of municipal wastes are produced in Istanbul every year. However, the recycling rate is approximately equal to only 7%. This rate will increase to 27%, when the construction of the plant is completed. Medical wastes are another problem, with over 9,000 tons dumped every year. Medical wastes are disposed by burning. Distributions of municipal wastes are given in Fig. 1Country Concentration of CWin total waste (in%)CW and DW recycled (in%)Japan36 65Australia44 51Germany19 50Finland14 40United Kingdom over 50 40USA29 25France25 25Spain70 17Italy30 10Brazil15 8Table 1 C omparison of a few countries’ construction waste concentrationFig. 1 Current status of municipal waste distribution in IstanbulIn this study, environmental problems in Istanbul, such as EW resulting from tunnelling operations, DW resulting from building demolition and home wastes, are evaluated. Resources of EW, material properties and alternatives of possible usage are also evaluated.Railway system studiesThree preliminary studies concerning transportation in Istanbul were conducted in 1985, 1987 and 1997. A fourth study is currently being conducted. The Istanbul Transportation Main Plan states that railway systems must constitute the main facet of Istanbul’s transportation net-work (IMM 2005). In addition to existing lines, within the scope of the Marmaray Project, 36 km of metro, 96 km of light rail, and 7 km of tram, with a total of 205 km of new railway lines, must be constructed. Consequently, the total length of railway line will exceed 250 km.Environmental problems caused by subway excavationsTransporting and storing excavated materialAlmost all land in Istanbul is inhabited. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to store and recycle excavated material obtained either from metro excavations or other construction activities, causing minimal damage and disturbance to the city. The collection, temporary storage, recycling, reuse, transportation and destruction of excavated material and construction waste are controlled by environmental law number 2872. According to this law, it is essential that:1. Waste must be reduced at its source.2. Management must take necessary precautions to reduce the harmful effects of waste.3. Excavated material must be recycled and reused, especially within the construction infrastructure.4. Excavated material and construction waste must not be mixed.5. Waste must be separated from its source and subjected to “selective destruction” in order to form a sound system for recycling and destruction.6. Producers of excavated material or construction waste must provide required funds to destroy waste.According to environmental laws, municipalities are responsible for finding areas within their province limits to excavate and operate these systems. Both the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Waste Recycling Company are the foundations that actively carryout all operations regarding excavated material.Since dumping areas have limited space, they are quickly filled, without a ny available plausible solution for remediation. In addition, existing dumping areas are far away from metro excavation areas. This means that loaded trucks are competing with city traffic, causing traffic congestion with their low speed and pollutants dropping off their wheels or bodies. Furthermore, this results in a loss of money and labour.The approximate amount of excavated material from ongoing railway excavation will be equal to 12 million m3. All tunnels have been excavated with new Austrian tunnelling method (NATM), earth pressure balance method (EPBM), tunnel boring machine (TBM), and cut and cover method.Existing dumping areas in Istanbul are listed in Table 2. It can be seen that existing dumping areas can only accommodate material excavated from the metro construction. Another important matter according to Table 2 is that 93% of existing dumping areas are on the European side of Istanbul, with 88% of them in Kemerburgaz. Thus, all excavated material on the Anatolian side must cross over European site every day for a distance of approximately 150 km. Every day, on average, 3,000 trucks carry various types of excavated material to Kemerburgaz from other parts of Istanbul. This leads to a waste of time and increased environmental pollution.Name of firm Dumping Capacity (m3)%Total of European side13,984,158 93.3 Total of Anatolian side (six companies)Various 1,011,486 6.7Table 2 Existing dumping areas in IstanbulAnother problem related to excavation is that the materials, obtained from EPBM machines and muddy areas, cannot be directly sent to dumping facilities. They have to be kept in suitable places, so that water can be drained off from the materialand then sent to proper facilities. However, this causes muddy material to drop from trucks, causing increased litter in cities.Traffic jamSince most of the railway constructions are carried out in the most densely populated areas, city traffic must be cl osed and redirected during the construction. In most cases, an entire area must be closed for traffic. For example, Uskudar square is now closed due to the Marmaray project and most bus stops and piers have been moved to other locations.With cut and cover constructions, the case becomes even more complicated. In this case, an entire route is closed to traffic because cut and cover tunnels are constructed across streets. In order to ensure that machine operation and construction can continue uninterrupted and to minimize the risk of accidents to the people living around the construction zone, streets are either totally closed to traffic or traffic is redirected. This causes long-term difficulties. For example, shop owners on closed streets have difficulties re aching their shops, stocking and transporting their goods and retaining customers.Noise and vibrationFor metro excavations, a lot of different machines are used. These machines seriously disturb the environment with their noise and vibrations. In some regions, excavation may be as close as 5–6 m away from inhabited apartment blocks. In such cases, people are disturbed as excavation may take a significant p eriod of time to be completed.Drilling–blasting may be needed in conventional methods for drilling through hard rock. In this case, no matter how controlled the blasting is, people who are living in the area experience both noise and vibrations. Some become scared, thinking that an earthquake is happening. In blasting areas, the intensity of vibrations is measured. In order to keep them within accepted limits, delayed capsules are used.In order to minimize vibration and noise caused by machines and to reduce the effects of blasting, working areas are surrounded by fences. Super ficial blasting shaft rims are covered with a large canvas and fences are covered with wet broadcloths. However, these precautions can only reduce negative effects; they cannot totally eliminate them.The formation of dust and mudDepending on the season, both dust and mud disturb the environment. During removal of excavated material, especially muddy material, trucks may pollute the environment despite all precautions taken. Mud that forms around the excavation area may slide down the slope and cover the ground. In this case although roads are frequently cleaned, the environment is still disturbed. Trucks, which travel from dumping areas to areas that are mud dy cannot enter traffic until their wheels and bodies are washed. However, this cannot prevent the truck wheel from dropping mud on the roads while on move.Interrupted utilitiesInterrupted utilities are also one of the most crucial problems facing citizens during excavation projects due to the fact that telephone, natural gas, electricity, water, and infrastructure lines must be cut off and moved to other areas. During the transfer of these lines, services may remain unavailable for some time. Some institutions will not allow others to do this and carry out operations themselves. With so many providers conducting individual moves, services may be interrupted for an extended term of time.Damage to neighbouring buildingsMetro excavations cause deformations around the excavation area. These deformations are continuously checked and efforts are made to keep them under control. However, some deformations may become extensive; including cracks or even collapses of neighbouring buildings. Every metro tunnel excavation in Istanbul causes problems as mentioned earlier. These kinds of problems are more frequent in shallow tunnels. In such cases, although people’s financial losses are compen sated, their overall livelihood and way of life is compromised. For example, in a landslip during the first stage of the Istanbul Metro excavation, five people died. Obviously, no amount of money can compensate the death of a person.Suggestions for remedying environmental problemsEnvironmental problems that arise during tunnel excavations include traffic jams, noise, vibrations, dust, mud and deformation of surrounding buildings. Some possible solutions are recommended as listed below:• In big cities, railway systems are crucial to city transportation. However, a tram should not be considered as a viable railway system due to its low transportation capacity (approximately 1/3 of the metro). At the same time, a tram uses the same route as wheeled transportation devices. Therefore, trams occupy the same space as regular traffic a nd do not offer substantial advantages.• The most crucial problem facing metro excavations is not providing railway lines in a timely manner. Proof of this exists in big cities, including London, Paris, Moscow or Berlin, where metro lines of over 500 km exist. However, in Istanbul, there are only 8 km of metro line. Had the metro been built earlier when the city was not overcrowded, many problems facing the city would not currently exist. Now, officials must do their best to reduce troubles that future generations are likely to face.• Any kind of railway construction carried out above the ground causes serious problems to people living in the area. In addition, these kinds of construction cause both noise and litter. All railway lines are constructed completely underground in many parts of the world. This has two advantages; first, since excavation is carried out underground, it causes minimal interruption in utilities and provides a more comfortable area to work. Thus, the environment is exposed to very little damage because all operations are carried out underground.• Before beginning metro excavations, the route must be carefully examined for weaknesses in infrastructures and existing historical buildings. Otherwise, these elements cause problems, including interruptions in excavation when work must stop until the environment is stabilized. An example of this is that during the second stage of the Taksim–Yenikapi route of the Istanbul Metro, the construction of the Halic Bridge could not be started due to historical ramparts.• A lack of coordination among related institutions providing utility services is a major problem. Therefore, founding of an institution that strictly deals with relocating natural gas lines, telephone lines, sewer systems, and electricity will definitely accelerate the transfer of energy lines and avert accidents and inconveniences caused by this lack of coordination.•In order to increase benefits of railway systems both in constr uction and operational stages, projects must be continuously revised from time to time. This is the main problem facing Istanbul metro excavations. It has taken 110 years to restart metro projects in Istanbul, with the last project, the opening of the Karakoy tunnel, established in 1876 (Ocak 2004).From this time onward, initiated projects must have been stable and continuous. In 1935, 314,000 passengers were travelling daily. In the 1950s, the total length of tram lines reached 130 km (Kayserilioglu 2001). However, as the trolleybus was introduced in 1961, all tram lines on the European side, and in 1966, all lines on the Anatolian side were removed in order to make way for private vehicles (Kayserilioglu 2001).Results and discussionTBM and classic tunnel construction methods are widely used in Istanbul for different purposes, like metro, sewerage and water tunnels. Waste from rock is rarely used as construct ion material as the suitability of the material for this purpose is not well examined. However, it is believed that the muck may be used for some applications. If this suitability is realized, cost savings may be significant for tunnel construction, where the use of aggregate is a common requirement. A review of standard construction aggregate specifications indicates th at hard rock TBM waste would be suitable for several construction applications, including pavement and structural concrete (Gertsch et al. 2000). Size distributions of waste materials produced by tunnel boring machines are less (up to 125mm) than the waste materials produced by using classical construction methods. Muck size distribution is uniform, generally larger (up to 30–40 cm) and can be changed to meet a wide range of classical construction methods, making the reuse of waste more common. The waste product is used as construction materials. Fifty -seven percent of EW generated during tunnel excavations result from classical tunnel construction, 33.5% from TBM, while the remaining percentage stems from EPBM and slurry TBM. Different from TBM waste materials generated by EPB and slurry, TBM include mud and chemical materials.The annual quantity of EW generated in Istanbul is approximately 7.6 million tons. 13.8% of this total is clay and fill. The rest is composed of rock. Rock material can be properly used in roadway structures, fillings, road slopes, for erosion controland as a sub-base material, as long as it conforms to local standards (TS706, TS1114). Sand and clay have properties appropriate for use as raw materials for industrial use, depending on local standards. More studies should be completed to determine other potential uses for this material. Only 10% of rock material generated during tunnel excavation can be evaluated. A large percentage of soil material, nearly 70,000 m3, can be recycled.Generally, for any subway construction project, plans for recycling waste materials should be implemented prior to work commencement. These plans should identify which types of waste will be generated and the methods that will be used to handle, recycle and dispose these materials. Additionally, areas for temporary accumulation or storage should be clearly designated. A waste management plan directs construction activities towards an environmentally friendly process by reducing the amount of used and unused waste materials. Environmental andecon omic advantages occurring when waste materials are diverted from landfills include the following (Batayneh et al. 2007):1. The conservation of raw materials2. A reduction in the cost of waste disposal3. An efficient use of materials.EW materials mu st be kept clean and separate in order for them to be efficiently used or recycled. Storage methods should be investigated to prevent material from being lost due to mishandling. In addition, orders for materials should be placed just before work commences. To complete a waste management plan, an estimation of the amount and type of usable and unusable EW materials expected to be generated should be developed. Listing all expected quantities of each type of waste will give an indication of what type of man agement activities are appropriate for each specific waste material. At each stage of excavation, specific ways to reduce, reuse or recycle produced EW should be implement ed. The flow chart in Fig. 2 includes suggestions for an EW management plan.This paper focuses on EW produced by metro tunnel excavation through hard rock and soil. TBM and classical tunnelling wastes can be successfully used in many construction and speciality applications, including aggregates, erosion control, roadway structures, fill, sub-base material and road slopes. In order to minimize negative effects caused by excavated material both on the environment and on people, it must be reduced at its source. Including forcible decrees through the acceptance of environmental laws would also be useful. Soil and clay material, excavated through the use of EPBM machines, must be reused. It is possible to separate clay and sand, making its reuse possible and minimizing harmful environmental effect.Waste and recycling management plans should be developed for any construction project prior to commencement in order to sustain environmental, economic, and social development principles. Waste management is a critical issue facing the construction industry in Istanbul as the industry is one of the biggest generators of pollution. During different excavation projects, construction, demolitions and domestic activities, Istanbul produces about 14 million tons of solid waste each year, posing major environmental and ecological problems, including the need for a large area of land to be used as storage and disposal facilities. This wasteconsists of EW (7.6 million tons), DW (2.7 million tons) and municipal waste (3.7 million tons). The recycling rate of municipal waste is only 7%. The recycling rate of EW and DW is below 10% (IMM 2007).Fig. 2 Flow chart for EW management伊斯坦布尔地铁开挖引起的环境问题及补救建议摘要:许多地铁开挖引起的环境问题不可避免地成为城市生活的重要部分。
绿色建筑毕业设计外文翻译中英文对照(可编辑)########## 大学本科毕业设计外文资料译文年级: 2008级学号: 20087221姓名: 朱莉专业: 铁道工程指导老师:2012年6月原文:Green BuildingAbstract: Green building refers to doing its best to imizeconservation of resources energy, land, water, and wood,protecting the environment and reducing pollution in its life cycle. Providing people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. I described more details of green building design’ notion, green building’ de sign, as well as the significance of the concept of green building and improving the effectivenessanalysis of the external effects of green building measures, Key words: green buildings; protect the ecology; signification ; analysing the effectsWhat is a green buildingGreen building refers to building life cycle,the imum conservation of resources energy, land, water and materials, protecting the environment and reducing pollution, providing people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature harmony of the buildingThe so-called green building "green" does not mean a general sense of three-dimensional green, roof garden, but represents a concept or symbol, refers to building environmentally and friendly, makes full use of natural resources, environment and basic ecological damage to the environment without balance of a building under construction, but also known as sustainable building, eco-building, back into the wild construction, energy saving construction Green building interior layout is very reasonable, to minimize the use of synthetic materials, full use of the sun, saves energy for the residents and creates almost-natural feeling People, architectures and the natural environment for the harmonious development goals, in the use of natural and artificial means to create good conditions and healthy living environment, as much as possible to control and reduce the use and destruction of the natural environment, to fully reflect the nature obtain and return balance2. the meaning of green buildingThe basic connotation of green building can be summarized as: to reduce the load on the environment architecture, which saves energy and resources; provides a safe, healthy, comfortable living space with goods; affinity with the natural environment, so that people and building's coexistence with the environment and sustainable development becomes harmonious3.Development of the significance of green building rating systemEstablish green building rating system is a revolution in the fieldof architecture and the Enlightenment, its far more than energy savings. It is innovative in many ways and organic synthesis, thereby building in harmony with nature, full utilization of resources and energy, create healthy, comfortable and beautiful living space. It's revolutionary for the field of architecture from the technical, social and economicangles3.1 Technical SignificanceGreen building study of early technical problems of individual-based, technology is isolated and one-sided, not formed an organic whole, the integration of design and economic study of consciousness is far fromthe only strategy of economic analysis phase of the subsidiary's knowledgeHowever, individual technical research results of early modern green building techniques for the multi-dimensional development and systems integration will lay a solid foundation. Since the nineties of the 20th century, with the understanding of green building gradually deepen and mature, people give up way too utopian thinking environmental consciousness and moral constraints and spontaneous green behavior, turned to explore more workable environmental philosophy, environmental and capital combined into the future world with the new direction of development of environmental protection, green building has entereda result of ecological ethics from the practice of promoting ecological research to deepen the new stage. Green Building Technology takes on the natural science, social science, humanities, computer science,information science and other subjects the trend of integration of research results, making green building design into the multi-dimensional stage of development strategy study. The deepening of green building technology strategy and development in materials, equipment, morphology and so on. Various advanced fields, in technology development, technology and other design elements of the integration is also starting from the past the simple addition, more attention to the periphery ofthe retaining structure itself design technology and architecture to combine the overall system change, gradually becoming green building systems. Green building rating system was established green building technologies gradually improve and systematize the inevitable result, it is the organic integration of green building technology, a platformbuilt to green building technology, information technology, computer technology and many other subjects can be a unified platform in their respective roles, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system for designers, planners, engineers and managers a more simple, Guizhangmingque green building assessment tools and design guidelines with clear rule3.2 The social significanceGreen building rating system reflects the socialsignificance of the main advocates of the new way of life,heightened awareness and public participation in the continuation oflocal culture are two aspects To promote a healthy lifestyle. Green building rating system, the social significance of the primary advocatea healthy lifestyle, which is based on the design and construction ofgreen buildings as a community education process. The principles of green building rating system is the effective use of resources and ecological rules to follow, based on the health of building space to create and maintain sustainable development. The concept of the past to correct people's misconceptions about consumer lifestyles, that can not blindly pursue material luxury, but should keep the environment under the premise of sustainable use of modest comfort to pursue life. From the fundamental terms, construction is to meet human needs built up of material goods as people's lifestyle is not sustainable when, the value of green building itself will be reduced, but only had a real social need When the requirements of sustainable development and way of life that matches the green building to achieve the best results Enhanced awareness of public participation. Green Building Rating system is not a monopoly for the design staff of professional tools, but for planners, designers, engineers, managers, developers, property owners, jointly owned by the public and other assessment tools. It brokes the previous professional development of the monopoly to encourage the participation of the publicand other public officers. Through public participation, the introduction of architects and other building users, the construction of dialogue participants, making the original design process dominated by the architect becomes more open. Proved the involvement of various views and a good help to create a dynamic culture, embody social justice community3.3 The economic significanceGreen building rating system, theeconomic significance can be divided into macro and micro levels. At the macro level, the green building rating system from the system life-cycle perspective, the green building design integrated into the economic issues involved in the production from the building materials, design, construction, operation, resource use, waste disposal, recycling of demolition until the natural resources the whole process. Economic considerations of green building is no longer limited to the design process itself, while the policy extended to the design of the narrow role to play to support the policy level, including the establishment of "green labeling" system, improving the construction environmental audit and management system, increase and construction-related energy consumption, pollutant emissions and other acts of tax efforts, improve the legal system of environmental protection, from the increase in government construction projects on the sustainability of economic support and raise the cost to the construction of polluting the environment acts as the costs for green buildings design and construction to create a favorable externalenvironment. This goal is not entirely the responsibility of government agencies, as the architects involved in design work as a sound system of responsibility for recommendations obligations, because only the most from the practice of the need is real and urgent. The related policy issues in green building design strategies, building a system to solve the economic problems facing the important aspects. At the micro level, the current from the economic point of Design Strategyis more fully consider the economic operation of the project, and specific technical strategies accordingly adjusted3.4 Ethical SignificanceGreen building rating system, the theoretical basis of the concept of sustainable development, therefore, whether the evaluation system of each country how much difference in structure, they all have one thing in common: To reduce the burden of ecological environment, improve construction quality of the environment for future generations to remain the development of room. This radically changes the long-sought human blindly to the natural attitude, reflecting people's understanding of the relationship between man and nature by the opposition to the uniform change. According to the current global energy reserves and resources distribution, the Earth's natural environment is also far from the edge of exhaustion, enough people enjoy the luxury of contemporary material life. But now we have to consume a resource, it means that future generations will be less of a living space. More importantly, if we consume the natural environment more than it can limit self-renewal, then the future of the younger generation is facing the planet's ecosystems can not recover the risk into a real crisis. Therefore we can say, the development of green buildings and their corresponding evaluation system, for more contemporary people is the responsibility and obligations. For more the interests of future generations and advantages for green building design.4.Green building design include the followings:Saving energy: full use of solar energy, using energy-efficient building reducing heating and air conditioning use. Set according to the principle of natural ventilation cooling system that allows efficient use of building to the dominant wind direction in summer. Adapted to local climatic conditions, building use form and general layout of the plane Resource conservation: in the building design, construction and selection of construction materials, are considered fair use and disposal of resources. To reduce the use of resources, strive to make the use of renewable resources. Conserve water resources, including water conservation and greeningReturn to Nature: Green Building exterior to emphasize integration with the surrounding environment, harmony, movement each other so that the protection of natural ecological environment5 .Effects of green building5.1 Effects of the composition of green buildingEffects of green building, including internal effects and external effects, direct benefits and direct costs as the internal effect, known as the indirect benefits and indirect costs of external effects, according to engineering economics point of view: the internal effects can be financial evaluation, external effects should be economic evaluation, economic evaluation is based on the so-called rational allocation of scarce resources and socio-economic principles of sustainable development, from the perspective of the overall national economy, study projects spending of social resources and contributions to the community to evaluate the project's economic and reasonable andexternal effects generally include industry effects, environmental and ecological effects, technology diffusion effect, the external effectwill cause the private costs internal costs or indirect costs and social costs inconsistent, leading to the actual price is different from the best price. From the perspective of sustainable development, green building assessment effects of the main indicators of external effectsSince beginning the development of green building, unity of quantitative indicators system is still not established, I believe that the following aspects should be analyzed: 1 strictly control the construction industry, size, limit the number of employees. Extensive growth model epitomized by the struggle over the construction project, the construction process using human wave tactics, once the state limit the scale of construction, will form the "adequate", which will not reduce the degree of mechanization, labor, thelow level. 2 more investments in upgrade technology, establish and perfect the mechanism for scientific and technical equipment. Focus on the development and application of building technology, combined with the project, the characteristics of future construction, a planned way scientific and technological research and development of new machinery, new processes, new materials, and actively introduction, absorb and assimilate the advanced scientific and technological achievements of science and technology to improve the level of mechanization. 3 in urban planning, survey and design through the "green building" ideas. Family housing and urban construction or alteration must remain in the room,from lighting, ventilation, drainage and control the damages to the environment. 4 construction work, reduced resource consumption, the production process in construction, energy saving measures should be adopted to prevent the excessive consumption of land resources, water resources, power resources5.2 External effects of the challenges to building the economyUnder the control of the government's intervention, to a certain extent on the efficient allocation of resources to strengthen the implementation of energy conservation mandatory standards for construction supervision. To further improve the building energy monitoring system, and strengthen the mandatory building energy efficiency standards in order to carry out the implementation of the project as the main content of the whole process of monitoring, particularly for large public buildings to enhance the building energy regulation, reflected in the project cost on the part of internal costs, making the "non-green building" project's internal costs, internal efficiency and reducing the external costs of green building, the external efficiency increasing, so that effective economic resources to the rational flow of green building6. to improve the external effects of green building measuresEnterprise architecture in the new economy to obtain a competitive advantage, improve the external effects only continually tap the ways and means to improve the external efficiency, reduce external costs, the basic ideas and principles: 1 Construction of natural resources in thelife cycle and minimized energy consumption; 2 reducing building life cycle emissions; 3 protecting the ecological natural environment; 4 to form a healthy, comfortable and safe indoor space; 5 the quality of construction, functionality, performance and environmental unitySummary described above, the meaning of green building design and analysisof its effectiveness and improve the external effects of green building measures. But how does the future design of green buildings need a degree in practice we try to figure out, I believe that green building will become the trend of future construction.译文:绿色建筑摘要: 绿色建筑是指在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约资源节能、节地、节水、节材、保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑。
低碳生态建筑的设计与实现(英文中文双语版优质文档)With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the increasingly serious threat of global climate change, low-carbon ecological buildings have gradually become an important direction in the field of architectural design. Low-carbon ecological buildings refer to minimizing the impact on the environment in all aspects of design, construction, use, and demolition, so as to achieve the goal of sustainable development. This paper will discuss the design and realization of low-carbon ecological buildings.1. Design of low-carbon ecological buildings1. Application of green energy systemGreen energy system is an important part of low-carbon ecological buildings. Architectural designers can apply renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy to buildings to reduce dependence on traditional fossil energy. For example, solar panels can be installed on the roof of the building to power the building through photovoltaic power generation; ventilation openings can be set on the south facade of the building to guide natural wind into the building to achieve natural ventilation and air circulation; Hot water is used for heating and cooling of building air conditioners.2. Using environmentally friendly materialsEnvironmentally friendly materials are an important part of low-carbon ecological buildings. Architectural designers can choose renewable, easily recycled, and low-pollution materials, such as bamboo, hemp rope, and ecological bricks. These materials are produced and used with low environmental impact and are easy to recycle and reuse at the end of the building's life.3. Building energy-saving designBuilding energy-saving design is an important link in low-carbon ecological building design. Architectural designers can reduce the energy consumption of buildings by optimizing the structure of the building, selecting high-efficiency and energy-saving electromechanical equipment, and using efficient lighting systems. For example, energy-saving measures such as double-glazed windows, external wall insulation materials, and energy-saving lamps can be adopted to reduce energy consumption in buildings.4. Application of intelligent control systemIntelligent control system is an important technology in low-carbon ecological buildings. By installing temperature, humidity, light and other sensors inside the building, and monitoring and controlling these data in real time, the goal of energy saving and emission reduction can be achieved. For example, the intelligent control system can be used to adjust the building's temperature, humidity and other environmental parameters, and automatically adjust the building's lighting and air conditioning systems to achieve the best energy-saving effect.2. Realization of low-carbon ecological buildings1. Environmental protection management in building construction processDuring the construction process, attention should be paid to environmental protection and resource conservation to reduce environmental pollution and damage. Construction management personnel should formulate environmental protection management plans and construction schemes, and supervise and manage the construction site. For example, low-carbon and environmentally friendly construction technologies and materials can be used to reduce the generation and discharge of construction waste and waste, and to ensure the cleanliness and sanitation of the construction site.2. Energy-saving management during building useDuring the use of buildings, energy conservation management should be strengthened to reduce energy waste. Building property management personnel should formulate reasonable energy-saving plans according to the characteristics and usage of buildings, and maintain and manage building equipment. For example, building equipment can be regularly maintained and maintained, air-conditioning filters can be cleaned in time, lamps can be replaced, etc., to ensure the efficient operation of equipment.3. Environmental management of building demolition and recyclingBuilding demolition and recycling are also important links in the process of realizing low-carbon ecological buildings. Building demolition management personnel should formulate a demolition plan, and classify and recycle waste during the demolition process. For example, waste concrete, steel and other building materials can be recycled to reduce waste of resources and environmental pollution.3. Advantages of low-carbon ecological buildingsLow-carbon ecological buildings have the following advantages:1. Reduce energy consumption and emissionsLow-carbon ecological buildings adopt environmentally friendly materials, energy-saving technologies and green energy systems, which can greatly reduce energy consumption and emissions of buildings, and reduce carbon emissions and pollutant emissions.2. Improve building quality and user experienceLow-carbon ecological buildings focus on the design concepts of environmental protection, energy saving, health and comfort, which can improve the quality and user experience of buildings, and bring users a better living and working environment.3. Achieving sustainable developmentLow-carbon ecological buildings aim at sustainable development, and realize the harmonious coexistence and sustainable development of buildings and the natural environment by minimizing the impact on the environment. At the same time, low-carbon ecological buildings can also bring positive impetus to local economic and social development.4. Save construction costs and operating expensesAlthough the construction and design costs of low-carbon ecological buildings are high, they can greatly reduce energy and water consumption in long-term use, while reducing maintenance and operating costs, thereby achieving cost savings.5. Increase the value and sustainability of buildingsLow-carbon ecological buildings have high environmental protection, energy saving, health and sustainability values, which can improve the return on investment and market competitiveness of buildings. At the same time, low-carbon ecological buildings can also bring better environmental and social benefits to the area where the building is located.随着人们对环保意识的提高和全球气候变化的威胁日益严峻,低碳生态建筑逐渐成为了建筑设计领域的一个重要方向。
中英文资料翻译外文文献:Evaluating Water Conservation Measures For Green Building InTaiwanGreen Building evaluation is a new system in which water conservation is prioritized as one of its seven categories for saving water resources through building equipment design in Taiwan. This paper introduces the Green Building program and proposes a water conservation index with quantitative methodology and case study. This evaluation index involves standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the expected result. The measure of evaluation index is also based on the essential researchin Taiwan and is a practical and applicable approach.Keywords: Green Building; Evaluation system; Water conservation; Building equipment1. IntroductionThe environment was an issue of deep global concern throughout the latter half of the 20th century. Fresh water shortages and pollution are becoming one of the most critical global problems. Many organizations and conferences concerning water resource policy and issues have reached the consensus that water shortages may cause war in the 21st century[1],if not a better solution .Actually, Taiwan is already experiencing significant discord over water supply. Building new dams is no longer an acceptable solution to the current water shortage problems, because of the consequent environmental problems. Previous studies have concludedthat water savings are necessary not only for water conservation but also for reducing energy consumption [2,3].Taiwan is located in the Asian monsoon area and has an abundant supply of rainwater. Annual precipitation averages around 2500mm. However, water shortages have recently beena critical problem during the dry season. The crucial, central issue is the uneven distribution of torrential rain, steep hillsides, and short rivers. Furthermore, the heavy demand for domestic water use in municipal areas, and the difficulties in building new reservoirs are also critical factors. Government departments are endeavoring to spread publicly the concept of water-conservation. While industry and commerce have made excellent progress in water conservation, progress among the public has been extremely slow.Due to this global trend, the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of Interior in Taiwan, proposed the “Green Building” concept and built the evaluation system. In order to save water resources through building equipment design, this system prioritizes water conservation as one of its seven categories. This paper focuses on the water conservation measures for Green Building in Taiwan and a quantitative procedure for proving water-saving efficiency. The purpose of this work is not only aimed at saving water resources, but also at reducing the environmentalimpact on the earth.2. Water conservation indexThe water conservation index is the ratio of the actual quantity of water consumed in a building to the average water-consumption in general. The index is also called, “the water saving rate”. Evaluations of the water-consumption quantity include the evaluation to the water-saving efficiency within kitchens, bathrooms and all water taps, as well as the recycling of rain and the secondhand intermediate water.2.1. Goal of using the water conservation indexAlthough Taiwan has plenty of rain, due to its large population, the average rainfall for distribution to each individual is poor compared to the world average as shown in Fig. 1.Thus, Taiwan is reversely a country short of water. Yet, the recen t improvements in citizens’ standards of living have led to a big increase in the amount of water needed in cities, as shown in Fig. 2, which, accompanied by the difficulty of obtaining new water resources, makes the water shortage problem even worse. Due to the improper water facilities designs in the past, the low water fee, and the usual practical behavior of people when using water, Taiwanesepeople have tended to use a large quantity of tap water. In 1990,the average water-consumption quantity in Taiwan was 350l per person per day, whereas in Germany it is about 145l per person per day, and in Singapore about 150l per person per day. These statistics reveal the need for Taiwanese people to save water.The promotion of better-designed facilities which facilitate water-saving will become a new trend among the public and designers, because of concerns for environmental protection. The water conservation index was also designed to encourage utilization of the rain, recycling of water used in everyday life and use of water-saving equipment to reduce the expenditure of water and thus save water resources.2.2. Methodology for efficient use of water resourcesSome construction considerations and building system designs for effective use of water resources are described below.2.2.1. Use water-conservation equipmentA research of household tap-water consumption revealed that the proportion of the water used in flushing toilets and in bathing, amounts to approximately 50% of the total household water consumption, as given in Table 1. Many construction designers have tended to use luxurious water facilities in housing, and much water has thus been wasted. The use of water-saving equipment to replace such facilities is certain to save a large amount of water. For example, the amounts of water used in taking a shower and having a bath is quite different.A single shower uses around 70l of water, whereas a bath uses around 150l. Furthermore, current construction designs for housing in Taiwan tend to put two sets of bathtubs and toilets, and quite a few families have their own massage bathtubs. Such a situation can be improved only by removing the tubs and replacing them with shower nozzles, so that more water can be possibly saved. The commonly used water-saving devices in Taiwan now include new-style water taps, water-saving toilets, two-sectioned water closets, water-saving shower nozzles, and auto-sensor flushing device systems, etc. Water-saving devices can be used not only for housing, but also in other kinds of buildings. Public buildings, in particular, should take the lead in using water-saving devices.2.2.2. Set up a rain-storage water supply deviceThe rain-storage water supply device stores rain using natural landforms or man-made devices, and then uses simple water-cleaning procedures to make it available for use in houses. Rain can be used not only as a substitute water supply, but also for re control. Its use also helps to decrease the peak-time water load in cities. The annual average rainfall in Taiwan is about 2500 mm, almost triple better than the global average. However, due to geographic limitations, we could not build enough water storage devices, such as dams, to save all the rain. It is quite a pity that annually about 80% of the rain in Taiwan is wasted and flows directly into the sea, without being saved and stored. The rain-storage water supply system is used with a water-gathering system, water-disposal system, water-storage system and water-supply system. First, the water-gathering system gathers the rain. Then, the water flows to the water-disposal system through pipes, before being sent to the water-storage system. Finally, it is sent to the users’equipment through another set of pipes. Using the drain on the roof of a building, leading to the underground water-storage trough, is considered an effective means of gathering rain. The water, after simple water-disposal processes, can be used for chores such as house cleaning, washing floors, air-conditioning or watering plants.2.2.3. Establishing the intermediate water systemIntermediate water is that gathered from the rain in cities, and includes the recycled waste-water which has already been disposed of and can be used repeatedly only within a certain range, but not for drinking or human contact. Flushing the toilet consumes 35% of all water. If everyone were to use intermediate water to flush toilets, much water could be efficiently saved. Large-scale intermediate water system devices are suggested to be built up regularly with in a big area. Each intermediate water system device can gather, dispose and recycle a certain quantity of waste-water from nearby government buildings, schools, residences, hotels, and other buildings. The obtained water can be used for flushing toilets, washing cars, watering plants and cleaning the street, or for garden use and to supplement the water of rivers or lakes. A small-scale intermediate water system gathers waste-water from everyday use, and then, through appropriate water-disposal procedures, improves the water quality to a certain level, so that finally it can be repeatedly used for non-drinking water. Thereare extensive ways to use the intermediate water. It can be used for sanitary purposes, public fountains, watering devices in gardens and washing streets. In order to recycle highly polluted waste-water, a higher cost is needed for setting up the associated water-disposal devices, which are more expensive and have less economic benefits than the rain-utilization system. Except for the intermediate water-system set within a single building, if we build them within large-scale communities or major construction development programs, then it is sure to save more water resources efficiently and positively for the whole country as well as improve the environmental situation.4. Method for assessing the recycling of rainSystems for recycling rain and intermediate water are not yet economic beneficial, because of the low water fee and the high cost of water-disposal equipment. However, systems for recycling rain are considered more easily adoptable than those for recycling intermediate water. Herein, a method for assessing the recycling of rain is introduced to calculate the ratio (C) of the water-consumption quantity of the recycled rainwater to the total water-consumption.4.1. Calculation basis of recycling rainwaterThe designer of a system for recycling rainwater must first determine the quantity of rainwater and the demand, which will determine the rainwater collection device area and the storage tank volume. Rainwater quantity can actually be determined by a simple equation involving precipitation and collection device area. However, precipitation does not fall evenly spread over all days and locations. In particular, rain is usually concentrated in certain seasons and locations. Consequently, the critical point of the evaluation is to estimate and assess meteorological precipitation. Meteorological records normally include yearly, monthly, daily and hourly precipitation. Yearly and monthly precipitation is suitable for rough estimates and initial assessment. However, such approximation creates problems in determining the area of the rainwater collection device and the volume of the storage tank. Thus, daily precipitation has been most commonly considered. Hourly precipitation could theoretically support a more accurate assessment. However, owing to the increasing number of parameters and calculation data increases, the complexity of the process and the calculation time, result in inefficiencies. Herein, daily precipitation is adoptedin assessing rainwater systems used in buildings [4,7].4.3. Case study and analysisFollowing the above procedure, a primary school building with a rainwater use system is taken as an example for simulation and to verify the assessment results. This building is located in Taipei city, has a building area of 1260 m and a total floor area of 6960 m ; it is a multi-discipline teaching building. Roofing is estimated to cover 80% of the building area, and the rainwater collection area covers 1008 m .Rainwater is used as intermediate water for the restrooms, and the utilization condition is set at 20 m per day, whilethe out flow coefficient (Y) is 0.9. A typical meteorological precipitation in Taipei in 1992 was adopted as a database. The rainwater storage tank was set to an initial condition before the simulation procedure. Herein, four tank volumes were considered in the simulations of rainwater utilization—15, 25, 50, 100 m. The results indicate that increased storage tank volume reduces overflow and increases the utilization of rainwater. Given a 50 m storage tank, the quantity of rainwater collection closely approaches the utilization quantity of rainwater. Consequently, this condition obtains a storage tank with a roughly adequate volume. When the volume of the storage tank is 100 m, the utilization rate is almost 100% and the overflow quantity approaches zero. Despite this result being favorable with respect to utilization, such a tank may occupy much space and negatively impact building planning. Consequently, the design concept must balance all these factors. The building in this case is six floors high, and the roof area is small in comparison to the total floor area. The water consumption of the water closet per year, but the maximum rainwater approaches 7280 m collection is 2136 m per year. Thus, significant replenishment from tap water is required. This result also leads to a conclusion that high-rise buildings use rainwater systems less efficiently than other buildings. Lower buildings (e.g. less than three floors) have highly efficient rainwater utilization and thus little need for replenishment of water from the potable water system.The efficiency of rainwater storage tanks is assessed from the utilization rate of rainwater and the substitution rate of tap water. Differences in annual precipitation and rainfall distribution yield different results. Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the results of the mentioned calculation procedure, to analyze differences in rainwater utilization and efficiency assessment.The simulation runs over a period often years, from 1985 to 1994, and includes storage tanks with four different volumes. When the volume of the rainwater tank is 50 m, the utilization rate of rainwater exceeds 80% with about 25% substitution with tap water. Using this approach and the assessment procedure, the volume of rainwater storage and the performance of rainwater use systems in building design, can be determined.In the formula of the water conservation index, C is a special weighting for some water recycling equipment that intermediates water or rain, and is calculated as the ratio of the water-consumption quantity of the recycled rainwater to the total water-consumption. Therefore, this assessment procedure can also offer an approximate value of C for the water conservation index.5. Green building label and policy“Green Building” is called “Environmental Co-Habitual Architecture” in Japan, “Ecological Building” or “Sustainable Building” in Europe and “Green Build ing in North American countries. Many fashionable terms such as “Green consumption”, “Green living”, “Green illumination” have been broadly used. In Taiwan, currently, “Green” has been used as a symbol of environmental protection in the country. The Construction Research Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Executive Yuan has decided to adopt the term “Green Building” to signify ecological and environmental protection architecture in Taiwan.5.1. Principles of evaluationGreen Building is a general and systematic method of design to peruse sustainable building. This evaluation system is based on the following principles:(1) The evaluation index should accurately reflect environmental protection factors such as material, water, land and climate.(2) The evaluation index should involve standardized scientific quantification.(3) The evaluation index should not include too many evaluation indexes; some similar quality index should be combined.(4) The evaluation index should be approachable and consistent with real experience.(5) The evaluation index should not involve social scientific evaluation.(6) The evaluation index should be applicable to the sub-tropical climate of Taiwan.(7) The evaluation index should be applicable to the evaluation of community or congregate construction.(8) The evaluation index should be usable in the pre-design stage to yield the expected result.According to these principles, the seven-index system shown in Table 4 is the current Green Building evaluation system use d in Taiwan. The theory evaluates buildings’ impacts on the environment through the interaction of “Earth Resource Input” and “Waste Output”. Practically, the definition of Green Building in Taiwan is “Consume the least earth resource and create the least construction waste”.Internationally, each country has a different way of evaluating Green Building. This system provides only the basic evaluation on “Low environment impact”. Higher level issues such as biological diversity, health and comfort and community consciousness will not be evaluated. This system only provides a basic, practical and controllable environmental protection tool for inclusion in the government’s urgent construction environment protection policy. The “Green Building” logo is set to a ward Green Building design and encourage the government and private sector to pay attention to Green Building development. Fig. 7 is the logo of Green Building in Taiwan [6,8].5.2. Water conservation measureThis paper focuses on water conservation index in green building evaluation system. Water conservation is a critical category of this evaluation system, and is considered in relation to saving water resources through building equipment design. This evaluation index contains standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the desired result. The evaluation index is also based on research in Taiwan and is practically applicable. Using water-saving equipment is the most effective way of saving water; using two-sectioned water-saving toilets and water-saving showering devices without a bathtub are especially effective. Various other types of water-recycling equipment for reusing intermediate water and rain are also evaluated. In particular, rainwater-use systems in building designs areencouraged. When a candidate for a Green Building project introduces water recycling system or a rainwater use system, the applicant should propose an appropriate calculation report to the relevant committee to verify its water-saving efficiency. This guideline actually appears to be a reasonable target for performing Green Building policy in Taiwan.A new building can easily reach the above water conservation index. This evaluation system is designed to encourage people to save more water, even in existing buildings. All this amounts to saying that large-scale government construction projects should take the lead in using such water-saving devices, as an example to society.6. ConclusionThis paper introduces the Green Building program and proposes a water conservation index with standardized scientific quantification. This evaluation index contains standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the expected results. The measure of evaluation index is also based on the essential research on Taiwan and is a practical and applicable approach. The actual water-saving rate (WR) for Green Building projects should be <0.8, and the AR of the water-saving equipment should be higher than 0.8. Thus, qualified Green Building projects should achieve a water saving rate of over 20%. For the sustainable policy, this program is aimed not only at saving water resources, but also at reducing the environmental impact on the earth.The Green Building Label began to be implemented from 1st September 1999, and over twenty projects have already been awarded the Green Building Label in Taiwan, while the number of applications continues to increase. For a country with limited resources and a high-density population like Taiwan, the Green Building policy is important and represents a positive first step toward reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable development.译文:台湾的绿色建筑节约用水评价措施在台湾绿色建筑评价是一个新的制度,在它的一个7个类别中,通过建筑设备设计节省水资源,使水资源保护置于优先地位。
生态型住宅小区规划设计外文翻译文献生态型住宅小区规划设计外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Analysis and Discussion on the planning and design of modern ecotype housing districtAbstract:in this paper, combined with the practice of many years of planning and design work of the author, analyzes the characteristics and functions of modern ecological residential district, the overall planning and design idea are discussed; and an example is described to illustrate the main points of planning and design of modern ecotype housing district. Keywords:ecological residential area; planning and design; ecological construction; ecological balance; sustainable development1 IntroductionIn recent years, people continue to study methods and approaches to ecological and sustainable development "concept, the design of ecological architecture" become the mainstream of the architectural design, green ecological residential district will emerge as the times require. The author thinks, principles and methods of ecology, sparingly use and transform nature, seeking the most suitable for human survival and sustainable development, the building environment to maintain as an organic, with the structure and function of the whole system, this is the basic principle and the development direction of the ecological architecture.The basic principles of ecology is to maintain the state of equilibrium is relatively stable within the ecosystem -- theplanning and construction of ecological balance, ecological residential, can improve the survival of the human and the environment for sustainable development. Ecological residential district is multi-dimensional, three-dimensional, environmental engineering, have practical function, environmental benefits, high technology content and concept of sustainable architecture and architectural patterns, and the balance of natural ecology system of residential building into the region of. Ecological residential areas need not only adapt to the ecological environment, and does not destroy the ecological environment construction, and saving water and energy, improve the ecological environment, the advantages of low pollution, non-toxic, harmless, prolonging the service life of the building, expression of humanized design, good ventilation and lighting, is the human movement seeking harmony with nature the ideal living environment with science and technology means, to form a benign circulation between the building and the natural ecological environmentThe characteristics and function analysis of 2 ecological residential districtCharacteristic of 2.1 ecotype residential quartersEcological residential district in addition to pay attention to comfort, health, but also should reflect the ecological benefit, and showed a relationship between a new human life style and environment, which is characterized in:1) increase the rate of greening. But the green environment is no simple planting flowers, but a combination of ecology, architecture and aesthetics, biological engineering, geography, city and district environmental planning, water resources, properly handle the ecological balance and make full use ofgreen building.2) saving land resources. Pay attention to the use of green building materials, which can save land. The limited land area of the return of human, and the rational use of the contemporary and later generations benefit.3) conservation of water resources. This is not to be ignored in thecontent of the ecological residential development and construction. Water is the source of life, our country is a country short of water, for the reclaimed water and rainwater collection and utilization of resources, far less than the western and some developed countries. We don't have to wait for the water resources expert forecasts to 2025, saving water crisis erupted just research on water resources, by then it's too late.4) the full and effective use of natural resources. Ecological design into the design of residential district, because every ecological system has its own structure and the corresponding material circulation ways and means, the normal state, the circulation and energy flow have a certain stability. Such as the use of light and heat, interior design, the use of energy-saving lamps system, can reduce the cost of the project, and the development of ecological benefit.5) the implementation of classification of garbage treatment. This work does not belong to the residential construction, but it is the green environmental protection, residential property management.Function 2.2 ecological residential districtGreen ecological residential district can keep the city ecosystem biodiversity and regulating regional climate and reduce the total pollutant effects, mainly reflected in the:1) to keep the city ecosystem biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to many biological and ecological environment with complex formation in sum andits corresponding ecological process. The contents include biological species, genetic diversity and ecosystem. In addition, the ecological residential district can ensure the integrity, continuity of the city natural ecological processes, reduce the species distribution city biological and flow resistance, the current transformation of the environment, and to provide the best environment for biological survival and reproduction.2) adjusting regional climate, reducing the total amount of pollutants. Green ecological residential effective use of wall, windowsill, balcony space, planting flowers, trees and other green plants. Can achieve absorbing carbon, oxygen, water purification, adjust the temperature and humidity, improving the regional climate features; reduce city noise, dust, can create a comfortable living environment. In other words, the relative degree of investment environment, green residential high, is not only beneficial to reduce air pollution, provide oxygen, water and soil conservation, improvement of housing climate, but also conducive to the residential area of beauty.3 modern ecotype residential district planning and designIn the bustling city of modern, people asphyxiated by modern building reinforced concrete frame, and want to live can rest in the heart of the green home, become a kind of scarce urban complex city people. In this paper the author in the design concept of ecological living environment, trying to interpret a new modern living communities, so as to create arespect for nature, return to natural free walking home.The ecological environment is the most basic elements of"green" and "water", "green翻译:现代生态型住宅小区规划设计分析探讨摘要本文结合笔者多年规划设计工作实践,分析了现代生态型住宅小区的特点和功能,对其规划设计整体构思进行了详细探讨;并结合实例对现代生态型住宅小区规划设计要点进行了阐述说明。
绿色建筑作文模板英语英文回答:Green Building Essay Template。
Begin with a hook that emphasizes the urgency of sustainability and the role of green buildings.Define green buildings and their key characteristics, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and reduced environmental impact.Body Paragraph 1: Environmental Benefits。
Discuss the positive environmental impacts of green buildings, including:Reduced greenhouse gas emissions。
Improved air and water quality。
Conservation of natural resources。
Mitigated climate change。
Body Paragraph 2: Economic Benefits。
Explore the economic advantages of green buildings, such as:Lower operating costs through energy efficiency。
Increased occupant productivity and health。
Enhanced property value。
Government incentives and tax breaks。
Body Paragraph 3: Social Benefits。
Highlight the social benefits of green buildings, including:Improved health and well-being for occupants。
1. 文献标题 1
2. 文献标题 2
3. 文献标题 3
4. 文献标题 4
A user-friendly PC-based GIS for forest entomology: anattempt to combine existing softwareMARIUS GILBERTLaboratoire de Biologie animale et cellulaire, CP 160/12Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50 av. F. D. Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, BelgiumA BSTRACT We present a combination of existing software which should facilitate the use of GIS by forest entomologists. The use of existing GIS by ecologists who want to take advantage of the spatial component of their analyses is often hindered by the difficulty of use and cost of such tools. Moreover, it might be useful to have a system which can be carried to remote locations where access to a mainframe computer or powerful workstations is unavailable. It is now possible to have a good system running on a single personal computer due to the increasing power and the low cost of this type of hardware. We have gathered programs characterised by their simplicity, low cost, and performances. IDRISI is a simple and inexpensive GIS which has a simple file structure that allows the user to create his/her own analysis scripts with basic knowledge in computer science. VARIOWIN is a geostatistical package which performs exploratory variography and 2D modelling. SURFER is a surface mapping system able to create and to display grids using several methods of spatial interpolations including two dimensional anisotropic kriging. FRAGSTATS is a program which performs landscape analyses and finally, COREL DRAW is a vector-oriented package that can be used for output of both bitmap and vector output. These programs were not designed to work together and problems may occur due to the heterogeneous nature of the system. Conversion file difficulties were encountered and we were faced with the complexity of using different programs to perform one analysis sequence. An additional module is being developed to solve these problems and the whole system should be able to manage data, analyze their spatial component and display map output in a simple and user-friendly way.K EY W ORDS: GIS, Spatial analysis, geostatistics, software.G EOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) are widely used in environmental management (Burrough 1993). In ecology and particularly in forest entomology they may be of considerable interest for the study of spatial pattern and insect spatial distribution (Liebhold et al. 1993, Coulson et al. 1993, Turner 1989). For example, the measurement of spatial dependence is essential in sampling methodology (Rossi et al. 1992, Legendre 1993, Fortin et al. 1989). Moreover, the interaction between insects and their environment always bears a spatial component (Borth and Hubert 1987, Hohn et al. 1993).A GIS is a computer program designed to collect, retrieve, transform, display, and analyze spatial data. GIS can incorporate georeferenced data to produce maps or layers. Usually, a map layer or a theme is composed of only one type of data. GIS have the ability to import and manage data from different sources: mapped data, alphanumeric data, remotely sensed data. These types of data may then be combined to build a GIS database. Using this database, the user may create map outputs or display views relative to specific questions. These systems have recently improved their abilities to carry out spatial analyses integrating new built-in functions (spatial interpolation, spatial autocorrelation, overlay analysis, etc.). Furthermore, the user may create his own analysis functions with personal scripts.Pages 54-61 in J.C. Grégoire, A.M. Liebhold, F.M. Stephen, K.R. Day, and S.M. Salom, editors. 1997. Proceedings: Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NE-236.G ILBERT55New GIS users often must choose between the performances of their system and the time that they will spend to be able to use it. Simple systems are easy to learn, but often lack integrated functions which obliges the user to write his/her own script to achieve specific goals.Powerful systems are created for a diversity of purposes. They bear useful built-in functions, but users must become familiar with the whole GIS environment to use them properly. These powerful systems usually run on workstations. This type of hardware and associated software are expensive and demand knowledge of a new operating system environment. For example, the use of an important application software such ARC/INFO demands knowledge in the UNIX operating system, knowledge of the ARC/INFO file structure and topology, of the ARC/INFO high number of commands and of the AML (Arc Macro Language).However, users who just want to take advantage of the spatial component of their data have different hardware and software requirements than users who are planning complete GIS research projects involving extensive data census. The first kind of users can not afford expensive systems to add a spatial analysis component to their ecological studies. This is why an inexpensive system working on a single PC might interest such users. Moreover, the increasing power of PCs makes GIS more and more efficient on this hardware. Finally, a system running on a single PC might be useful on the field or to remote locations where access to mainframe computer or powerful workstations is unavailable (Carver et al. 1995).We present a combination of inexpensive and user-friendly PC-based software which should help potential users to integrate spatial components to their ecological studies.System PresentationFirst, information about existing software was collected, mostly on the Internet in Web pages. Additionally, user discussions available in newsgroups related to each software were followed.The software applications were tested on a Pentium 90 MHz PC with 8 Mbytes of RAM, under the WINDOWS 95 operating system. ARC/INFO PC, MAPINFO and IDRISI have been tested for GIS functionality. VARIOWIN, Geostatistical Toolbox, Geo-EAS, FRAGSTATS and SURFER were tested as additional spatial analysis tools. These applications were first tested with external sample data and secondly with our own data. GIS were tested for their ability to create a new database, to manage it and especially to exchange data with other sources. Spatial analysis software were tested with the author's instructions.The chosen combination of software is presented in figure 1. IDRISI for WINDOWS (Clark University, Eastman 1988, Cartwright 1991) is a raster GIS which includes vector-data management and display. It is highly user-friendly and bears a lot of built-in spatial analysis functions. Its very simple file structure facilitate the creation of new analysis scripts. IDRISI for Windows includes a database manager which allows users to relate geographic features to a database (DBase, Access, text files). We used it in our system because of its simple file structure in both vector and raster formats and its ability to import and export data in a large range of formats (raster or vector geographical data or database data). This software is very inexpensive and will be used as the central geographical data manager of our system.G ILBERT56VARIOWIN- Exploratory variography- 2D modellingSURFER Surface mapping system EXCELTabular data managementADDITIONAL MODULE- Spatial analysis tools- Conversion tools- Help flow chartsCOREL DRAW Object oriented and bitmappedgraphic designIDRISIRaster and Vector GIS FRAGSTATSSpatial pattern analysis Figure 1: Structure of the system showing inputs and outputs between software.VARIOWIN, written by Yvan Pannatier (University of Lausanne - Switzerland,Pannatier 1994) has been released with a manual (Pannatier 1996). Its aim is to compute geostatistical analyses and variogram modelling in 2D. There are three modules. The first creates a pair-comparison file on the basis of an ASCII file containing XY co-ordinates and attributes. The second module computes variogram surfaces, directional variograms, and a general variogram. It is also possible to estimate the semi-variogram with other estimators like the non-ergotic covariance or the non-ergotic correlogram which are often used in ecology (Sokal and Oden 1978(a), 1978(b), Johnson 1989). Moreover, the user may also create H-scaterplots and identify interactively potential outliers affecting the measure of spatial continuity. The last module offers an excellent tool to interactively model the semi-variogram.SURFER (Golden Software, Inc.) is a surface mapping system designed to manage and display 3D raster-based data. Its first aim is to build surfaces by spatial interpolation on the basis of georeferenced data points. These interpolation methods include kriging but an input model created with another software has to be specified to perform it. The input and output files of VARIOWIN are fully compatible with the SURFER format and their combination has proved to be excellent to practice geostatistics. It is possible to export the interpolated grid in a format readable by IDRISI. The last version of SURFER has the capability to perform 2D anisotropic kriging with three nested structures.FRAGSTATS is a DOS-based spatial analysis program for quantifying landscape structure written by K. McGarigal and B. J. Marks (Oregon State University). Landscape ecology involves the study of the landscape pattern which can be associated with other ecological characteristics, including vertebrate and invertebrate populations (Saunders et al.1991, Turner 1989, Wiens et al. 1993). FRAGSTATS has been developed to quantify landscape structure by offering a comprehensive choice of landscape metrics. The PC version creates IDRISI raster-format files.COREL DRAW (Corel Corporation) is a well known object-oriented vector and bitmapped graphic design software which is able to import and export in most of the graphic file formats. It is very flexible and can be efficiently used to manipulate and print map output.EXCEL (Microsoft) is another well known software which is installed on many PCs.It may be used to manage input tabular data and output graphs and statistics.G ILBERT57Test With Our Own DataThis combination of software has been tested in two study cases. The aim of this test was to assess the system inadequacies in specific analyses and to list any problems encountered. These test studies concerned the spatial distribution of Pulvinaria regalis Canard in the city of Oxford (Speight et al. 1996) and Dendroctonus micans (Kug.) in the Massif central (unpublished). The use of the combined software in both cases is presented in Table 1. In both studies, IDRISI was used to manage the spatial data, VARIOWIN was used to calculate variograms, correlograms, correlogram surfaces, and for 2D isotropic and anisotropic modelling. SURFER was used to process kriging and to generate surfaces and map outputs. COREL DRAW was used to assemble the final map outputs. FRAGSTATS has not yet been tested with actual data.Table 1: Use of the software for different stages of the study cases.Software Pulvinaria regalis in the city of Oxford Dendroctonus micans in the Massif Central EXCEL Data encoding Data encodingExploratory Data Analysis Exploratory Data AnalysisGraph outputs Print output of the correlogramIDRISI Database construction Database constructionPlotting of the samples on a map Plotting of the samples on a mapQuadrat analysis Quadrat analysisMoving-Windows analysis Moving-Windows analysisSURFER Print output of the correlogram surface Isotropic 2D ordinary krigingAnisotropic 2D kriging Creation of a Digital elevation modelMap output of the density distribution Map output of the density distribution VARIOWIN Creation of a Pair Comparison File Creation of a Pair Comparison FileSemi-variogram and semi-variogram Semi-variogram and semi-variogram surfacessurfaces2D anisotropic semi-variogram modelling2D isotropic semi-variogram modelling COREL DRAW Digitizing streets contour lines Map output of the sample pointsMap output of the samples points Digitizing forest stands contour linesDigitizing altitude contour linesResults And DiscussionThe use of this combination of software is very easy to learn and use. The interactivity of the exploratory variography performed with VARIOWIN is an excellent method for becoming familiar with the basics of geostatistics and is highly recommended to beginners. The kriging function of SURFER is elementary and other software must be used to perform other types of kriging (Varekamp et. al. 1996). Moreover, the user must take care not to use the kriging function of SURFER as a black-box tool; users should be aware of the hypotheses and assumptions involved in a kriging process (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989). The surface-management and the map-output abilities of SURFER are highly complementary to a GIS such as IDRISI. FRAGSTATS has not been tested with our data but its use with data with the software provided is very easy. EXCEL and COREL DRAW are well known software58G ILBERTand we do not need to comment on them. Taken as a whole, the system met all the requirements of these two case studies and we plan to carry on with almost the same configuration for further studies. The proposed combination of software allowed us to perform file input, data management, spatial analyses and map outputs.However, considerable time was spent to solve computing problems. Basically, problems were caused by the fact that these applications were not designed to work together. First, some spatial analyses are not covered by this software combination. For example, a simple quadrat analysis might be used to determine whether sample spatial distribution is aggregative or not (Myers 1978). Second, the file formats used by the software are often different and conversion may involve a very detailed knowledge of the different software file structures. Fortunately, IDRISI allows the conversion of data from/to a wide range of formats. However we had problems even with the proper tools. For example, the missing data value used in the *.grd files used by VARIOWIN is not the same in the *.grd SURFER files (these files are described as having the same format). The grid files used by SURFER are binary files and must be first converted to ASCII files to be converted to IDRISI files. These problems are not serious if they can be easily identified, but they may otherwise cause important time losses. Sometimes, the automatic data transformations were not possible and we had to proceed manually within a text file. Third, due to the modular and heterogeneous structure of our system, we had to use different software to carry out an analysis sequence. For example, a basic geostatistical analysis involves exploratory data analysis (Tukey 1977) which can be computed with EXCEL, map output of the samples created with IDRISI, moving-windows analysis to detect sample-point aggregation and proportional effects calculated with separated programs (not included in the IDRISI analyses scripts), calculation of the estimated semi-variogram and its modeling carried out with VARIOWIN, and finally ordinary kriging processed with SURFER. This sequential analysis procedure was split into different small procedures within each software, with its own file input and output characteristics. Without an excellent knowledge of each software use and limitations, much time may be wasted.To meet these problems, we plan to write scripts in Visual Basic gathered in one new additional module. First, they compute spatial analyses which are not covered by the other software (e.g. quadrat and moving-windows analyses). Second, to simplify the file conversions, we will write flow charts indicating steps to convert files. These flow charts should underline sensitive steps (e.g. replacement of one no-data value by another). If a file-conversion tool does not exist in the software combination, we plan to write it. Finally, we plan to write flow charts for typical spatial analysis procedures. These flow charts will be designed to help users to know how and where they can perform a given analysis. This additional module (figure 1) should complement the system in a user-friendly way: the additional tools will complement the existing software, conversion procedures and the flow charts should reduce the wasted time needed to become familiar with all the individual programs.Varekamp et al. (1996) showed that it was possible to perform a wide range of geostatistical procedure with public-domain software available on the Internet (Englund and Sparks 1988, Pebesma 1993, Deutsch and Journel 1992). Their system is based on the use of DOS executable programs or FORTRAN routines which provide more geostatistical analysis functions than our system. We have chosen to focus on user-friendly and basic software. TheG ILBERT59 kriging abilities of SURFER are limited, but if a user wants to do more than two dimensional ordinary kriging, he can refer to other more powerful software (e.g. GSLIB) which is more complex and involves a better knowledge of spatial interpolation methods used in geostatistics. However, we insist on the fact that VARIOWIN is excellent for users to perform basic explorative and interactive variography and can be highly suggested for beginners users with geostatistics. Carver et. al. (1995) showed the advantages of having a GIS like IDRISI installed on a portable PC for expedition fieldwork (i.e. ability to develop sampling strategy as a result of immediate data visualisation). Additional spatial analysis modules enhance these advantages by a direct spatial analysis treatment of the data. For example, a strong spatial discontinuity in a species spatial distribution or a detection of data outliers might reveal interesting local environmental discontinuities. Such discontinuities detected afterwards are difficult to explain or interpret. Such fieldwork use of the GIS might then be of a considerable interest.Our system is basically designed for beginners in GIS and geostatistics, but we believe that even experienced users will find interest in a portable and inexpensive system which allows small budget projects. Moreover, experienced users may use the same combination of software as a base which can be supplemented with additional software whenever they reach limitations. The flexible structure of the system and the simple file structure used should facilitate the integration of additional modules.ConclusionTaken as a whole, this system could be used as a reliable, portable, and inexpensive PC-based GIS and spatial analysis tool. Problems due to the heterogeneous nature of the system have been encountered but they can be solved easily by a good knowledge of each software characteristics. An additional module should facilitate the use of this system by beginners. The flexible and simple structure of the system will facilitate the integration of additional modules by experienced users interested in different aspects of spatial analysis.AcknowledgementThe author would like to thank the Wiener-Anspach foundation for its funding support during all the stages of this work. This work was also funded by the FNRS (Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique) and the Loterie Nationale F 5/4/85 - OL - 9.708.References CitedBorth, P.W., and R.T. Huber.1987. 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1 生态建筑的概念所谓生态建筑,就是根据当地自然生态环境,运用生态学、建筑技术科学的原理和其他相关学科知识,合理地安排并组织建筑与其他领域相关因素之间的关系,使其与环境形成一个有机结合的整体,且适合人类的栖居。
3托马斯·赫尔佐格(Thomas HerZoq)托马斯·赫尔佐格是一位将技术和艺术完美结合,同时对生态、环境等负有深深使命感的德国建筑大师。
3.1 托马斯·赫尔佐格的生态建筑思想托马斯·赫尔佐格很少把自己的创作愿望强加于环境之上,而是推测和听从生态环境的变化过程和循环,本着参与及合作的精神去完成他的工作。
■参考文献刁文怡.法兰克福商业银行大厦.华中建筑,1999(3):48—51.奚于成.建筑·生态建筑·数字生态建筑.华中建筑,2005(5):68—69.3 金武.生态研究的误区华中建筑,2001(5):184 郑炜迈向生态的高技术建筑.华中建筑,1999(1):105—110.5 万书元当代西方建筑美学.南京:东南大学出版社.2()01.6 英格伯格·弗拉格等著托马斯·赫尔佐格——建筑+技术.李保峰译北京:中国建筑工业出版社。