港口效率非常低英语作文英文回答:The efficiency of ports has become a critical concernin the global supply chain, impacting international trade and economic development. While numerous factors contribute to port inefficiency, the most prevalent issues include:Infrastructure Deficiencies: Many ports lack modern infrastructure, such as automated cargo handling systems, deep-water berths, and efficient road and rail networks. This leads to congestion, delays, and increased handling costs.Inadequate Capacity: Ports often face capacity constraints due to limited space, outdated equipment, or insufficient skilled labor. This can result in long queues of vessels waiting to berth and delays in cargo movement.Inefficient Processes: Manual and paper-based processesstill dominate many port operations, leading to errors, slow documentation, and inefficient communication. The lack of digitalization and automation hinders the smooth flow of cargo.Labor Disputes: Labor disputes, such as strikes and slowdowns, can significantly disrupt port operations. These disputes can arise from issues related to wages, working conditions, or union grievances.Lack of Coordination: Multiple stakeholders, including port authorities, shipping lines, freight forwarders, and customs agencies, often operate independently, leading to a lack of coordination and communication. This can result in delays and inefficiencies in cargo handling.Cybersecurity Threats: Ports are vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data, and cause delays. The increasing use of technology in port operations makes them more susceptible to cyber threats.Addressing port inefficiency requires a comprehensive approach that involves:Infrastructure Investments: Governments and port authorities need to invest in modern infrastructure, including automated systems, deep-water berths, and improved road and rail connectivity. This will enhance port capacity and efficiency.Digitalization and Automation: Ports should embrace digitalization and automation technologies to streamline processes, reduce errors, and improve communication. This can include implementing electronic data interchange (EDI), automated cargo handling systems, and smart port technologies.Capacity Optimization: Ports can optimize their capacity through better planning and scheduling, vessel queuing management, and the use of simulation tools. This will help reduce congestion and improve cargo throughput.Improved Labor Relations: Maintaining positive laborrelations is crucial for efficient port operations. Governments and port authorities should foster dialogue between unions and management to address concerns and prevent disruptions.Effective Coordination: Stakeholder collaboration and coordination are essential for seamless port operations. Establishing clear communication channels and implementing collaborative platforms can improve information sharing and coordination.Cybersecurity Measures: Ports must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure and data from cyber threats. This includes regular security audits, incident response plans, and staff training.中文回答:港口效率低下。
三、港口与航运设施对全球贸易的影响1. 促进国际间贸易往来港口与航运设施的建设和发展,为不同国家和地区之间的贸易往来提供了便捷通路。
2. 降低物流成本港口和航运设施的完善,使得全球贸易的物流系统更加高效。
3. 提高贸易安全性港口和航运设施不仅提供了高效的物流通道,还在安全方面发挥着重要作用。
4. 促进经济发展港口和航运设施的建设和运营需要大量的人力和物力投入,为当地提供了就业机会,并推动相关产业的发展。
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:An Analysis of the Efficiency and Competitiveness of Vietnamese Port System出处Department of Maritime Business作者:Vinh Van Thai and Devinder Grewal原文:An Analysis of the efficiency and Competitiveness ofVietnamese Port Systemby Vinh Van Thai and Devinder GrewalABSTRACTPorts, as one of the important links between different modes of transport within the logistics chain, have special essence since their efficiency and competitiveness will certainly have an impact on the chain, and hence the national and regional economy. Vietnam, as a developing country gradually integrating into the regional and global economy, is rationalizing its economic sectors, including transportation. In this environment, ports play a vital role for the purpose of achieving comparative advantages in the international market. However, the Vietnamese port system is burdened with out dated work practices, low efficiency and poor competitiveness compared to other ports in the region. This paper identifies some of the problems in the Vietnamese port system and proposes strategies to address them.Keywords: Vietnam, port, efficiency, competitiveness, analysisINTRODUCTIONThe paper is organized in four main sections. The first part sets the general background and overview on port geography in Vietnam. The second section addresses the issues ofefficiency and competitiveness of the Vietnamese port system. The third part proposes some development strategies based on previous discussions, followed by the last section that sums up the paper.General back groundVietnam is located in the Indochina peninsula in South East Asia and shares the borders with China in the North, Laos and Cambodia in the West and has her East coast facing the South China Sea. The country is situated within the tropical zone and has a tropical monsoon climate. As Vietnam is a narrow and long country stretching from the south of China down to the Gulf of Thailand, the seasons also vary from the north to the south of the country. In the north, there are visibly four seasons; however, the southern part of the country experiences only two seasons all year round, namely the tropical dry and the tropical wet. As far as tidal regimes are concerned, ports in the north see mainly the diurnal tidal regime while in the central region there is a combination of semi-diurnal, irregular semi-diurnal and irregular diurnal regimes. In the south, the tidal regimes in existence are semi-diurnal and irregular semi-diurnal.Brief overview on port geography in VietnamVietnam has more than 3,000kilometres of coast line stretching from north to south of the country. The Vietnamese port system consists of both ports along the coast line and the ones located on rivers. According to Vietnam Maritime Bureau (VINAMARINE, 2003), there are currently more than 90 ports which can receive vessels on international voyages and several dozen of other ports for internal trade. The Vietnam Port Association (VPA),which now has 40 members all of whom are capable of serving vessels on international voyages, has the annual cargo through put of more than 80% of the country‟s total.Analysis of the Vietnamese Port SystemIn this part of the study the efficiency and competitiveness of the Vietnamese port system will be analysed and discussed. The main issues involving port institutional and administrative regimes, as well as port operation and management will be covered to reveal the contemporary problems as far as efficiency and competitiveness are concerned. Where necessary, comparison will be conducted between the Vietnamese ports and some others in the ASEAN and ESCAP region to further illustrate the analysis and discussion.Institutional and administrative issuesFrom a holistic point of view, the institutional and administrative issues of a port system are very important to provide initial information about its efficiency and competitiveness. In this section, different categories of port management body as well as the role of port authorities in Vietnam will be analysed and discussed.Port management body in VietnamThe port management system in Vietnam is very diversified. Examples include:VINAMARINE, which is under direct control and management of the Ministry of Transport, manages three ports – Nghe Tinh Port,Qui Nhon Port and Nha Trang Port.VINALINES (Vietnam National Ship ping Lines), which is also under direct control and management of the Ministry of Transport ,is the state-owned company responsible for shipping activities in Vietnam. It man ages: Hai Phong Port and Quang Ninh Port in the north, Da Nang Port in the central, Sai Gon Port and Can Tho Port in the south.Local governments, such as cities and provinces, also take part in port management. For instance, Ben Nghe Port is directly under super vision and management of Department of Transport and Public Works of Ho Chi Minh City.Some state-owned corporations, which are under control of provinces and cities, also manage ports. This is the case of Hon Khoi Port managed by a salt company under control of People‟s Committee of Khanh Hoa province.The participation of private sector in port management in Vietnam is still very limited. Nationally, there are only two ports tha t have the private sector‟s participation so far: Ba Ria Serece in Phu My (Vung Tau province) as the joint-venture between Norway, French and Vietnamese partners; VICT as the joint-venture between NOL of Singapore, Mitsui & Co. of Japan and Southern Waterborne Trans port Company of Vietnam. These ports are under direct control and management of both Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Planning and Investment.The role of Port AuthorityThe definition of term …port authority‟ and its functions in Vietnam is very different from other countries in the world. In 1977, a port authority was defined as …State, Municipal,public or private body, which is largely responsible for the tasks of construction, administration and sometimes the operation of port facilities and, in certain circumstances, for security‟ (World Bank Port Reform Toolkit, 2001). This definition is sufficiently broad to accommodate the various port management models existing in the world. It also indicates that the port authority plays an important strategic role with wide responsibilities. In most cases, the port authority is the landowner and it can work out general guide lines for strategic development of owned ports and terminals.Port operation and managementIn parallel with institutional and administrative issues identified above, various operational and management problems at selected key ports can also been identified.Pricing policyThe practice of maritime dues and fees at ports in Vietnam is also as diversified as the port administration and management system. Current framework of fees and dues are regulated by different government agencies as follows:The Ministry of Finance regulates rates for tonnage fee, aids-to-navigation (ATN) fee, wharf age and documentary fee.The Government‟s Pricing Committee regulates rates for pilot age, tug service, mooring and unmooring, wharf age (elaborated from rates regulated by Ministry of Finance), opening and closing hatches, cleaning of hatches, rubbish collection, water supply, tallying, cargo handling charge, cargo storage charge and equipment hire/leasing.Tariff analysisThe following tables indicate a comparative analysis between two cases of 3,000 TEU class ship and 1,100 TEU class ship visiting ports in the ESCAP region. Port tariff is compared in terms of both nominal exchange rate and purchasing power parity.ProductivityIn order to further examine the efficiency of current Vietnamese ports, it is necessary that some key performance indicators are analysed. The following records indicate current handling productivity in normal working conditions:It can be clearly seen from the above that handling productivity at key Vietnamese ports, with the exception of VICT, is still relatively low compared with other ASEAN ports in theregion which can reach about 25 boxes per unit crane per networking hour. This can be partly explained by the absence of specialized handling equipment like ship-to-shore gantry cranes at some ports, skills of crane drivers, as well as internal management problems. Hand ling productivity at the quay is very important since it directly relates to the vessel‟s turnaround time in ports, meaning the economic justification for ship operators. However, ports also have a responsibility to en sure efficiency in their landside operations to sustain any benefits of efficiency in quayside operations.Administrative proceduresVietnamese ports are known for their cumber some administrative procedures for ships using their services. Before the Prime Minister‟s Decree No.55/2002/QD-TTg dated 23/04/2002 on reform of administrative procedures at sea ports came into effect on 01/07/2002 with experimental application at Sai Gon Port, the ship‟s agent needed to gather more than 30 types of documents for a ship to visit Vietnamese ports. Moreover, it was also time-consuming since he had to arrange himself to pick up all related agencies such as port authority, customs, immigration, medical officer etc for the same ship and take them onboard. In practice, it took about half day to gather all necessary related agencies, and about the same amount of time to bring them onboard and finish the job. This lengthened the ships‟ waiting time.The reform of administrative procedures at seaports stipulated that the port authority is the agency to coordinate with all other related agencies, and the ship‟s agent only needs to submit necessary documents to the port authority. As a result of these reforms, in Ho Chi Minh City area, the number of vessel calls has increased by 30% after one year of implementation. However, such a reform has to be extended to all other ports.Equipment and facilitiesFacilities and equipment make up the “hard ware” of any ports and terminals. Al though they cannot provide an actual judgment as productivity and utilization indicators they are still important factors to evaluate the suit ability and capacity of ports and terminals in response to customers‟ requirements. The following table provides a summary of facilities and equipment at selected key ports.Vietnam is still at the preliminary stage of containerisation compared with otherASEAN ports in the region, and the average share of containerised cargo at ports is still modest (about 30%). The ratio of containerised cargo through Vietnamese ports in 1995 was merely 18.7%, yet it has increased to 25.8% in 2000 and 28.2% in 2001 (AEAN, 2002). If we compare this tendency with current investment in specialized handling equipment for container operation at ports, there appears non-equivalence between growing demand and current capacity. As can be seen from Table12, there are only eight ship-to-shore gantry cranes and 21 RTGs for yard handling at the moment in Vietnam, nationwide. Equipment for handling break-bulk and general cargo is out-of-date and delivers low productivity; some of them, such as KIROV cranes at Hai Phong Port, have been in operation for decades.Software: IT and EDI applicationToday, IT and EDI in shipping and port operation and management are vital and make up the “soft-ware” or the “Information structure” of any port or terminal. The advantages of such soft ware are to eliminate human error, save time, simplify procedural documents and to enhance overall efficiency by the accurate relay of information and data. Moreover, IT and EDI also bring about the tangible advantage of laying the foundation for ecommerce and business in ports and terminals. The application of IT and EDI in ports and terminals can be broadly identified at two levels:Internal management system: this means all related departments and sections within a port are linked with each other. Information and data from all users and clients of the port enters a gate and is relayed to relevant areas for further processing/planning. The system allows all operational activities to be planned from one source of information.Links with users and clients, such as customs, shipping lines, forwarders, shippers, consignees, and external logistics providers .In this sense, multiple entry and errors are, as much as possible, eliminated since all documents are transmitted electronically, and each user is able to access information as needed. This includes pre-arrival information like cargo manifests, crew lists, etc to be submitted to the port and customs.Hinterland connectionThe port‟s hinter land is defined as the area behind the port in which total logistics cost for the shipment coming to/from it is the minimum compared with other rival ports. This area is also shaped by customer bases which are attracted by the efficiency of the ports‟services. The means of connection of a port to its hinter land include road (high way), rail way and Inland Water -way (IW). Since a port can be connected with its hinter land by road, rail or in land water way, the total logistics cost of the shipment is influenced by the following factors:The road condition and any hindrances (toll stations, traffic congestion status) that will affect the shipment‟s transit time and costsWhether the high way, rail way and IW to the port are linked with the regional or national traffic networks.The competition levels between modes of transport.Regulatory requirements on the modes of transport(environmental, operational, societal, etc)Coordination of activitiesOne of the main indicators used to evaluate the flexibility and reliability of a port is the coordination of related activities, such as tug operations, pilotage, cargo operations, banking, logistics and emergency services. The business process flows of these activities must be linked with a normal day‟s operations. From this, respective ac tivity with non-coordinated time can be identified, and this can partly reflect the flexibility and reliability of a port.Ports in Ho Chi Minh City area con tribute about 75% of the national container through put annually, and they are competing fiercely to gain more market share. This high level of competition has led these ports to develop similar business and work procedures, relative to the time taken for each procedure. They are grouped as one in the following comparison table.Human resource developmentHuman resource is a crucial as set of any company. This is, ironically, also the issue on which efficiency and competitiveness of port operation and management depend. Over staffing is one of the elements of this issue.With the exception of Phu My Port and VICT, which are in the private sector, all other Vietnamese ports are state-owned enterprises (SOE). Being SOEs, their main goals were traditionally to perform the …political duties‟ for the country. Ports are traditionally seen as large employers. Regardless of their economic objectives, ports in Vietnam have beenoperating for a long time under this situation. This is understand able since, in the past, the economic mechanism was centrally planned and controlled by the government and state-owned port enterprises did not function properly as economic entities in which they can decide strategies on their own.Some Suggested StrategiesThe following strategies are suggested for enhancing management effectiveness and operational efficiencies in the port system in Vietnam:Port institutional reform and administration improvementPorts are clearly classified according to their functions. The classification should take into account specific criteria, for instance, functions, types of cargo handled and the size of their service area.In this sense, ports can be initially grouped as gate way ports of the country (for example, Hai Phong for the North, Da Nang for the Central and Sai Gon for the South). Other ports of the country can then be classified further as regional ports, i.e. Qui Nhon for the Southern Central and High land region.Improvement of port operation and managementHandling productivity and utilization of facilities should be further improved to, at least, the same as regional standards. In this respect, Key Performance Indicators should be established for all ports. Such a system will help to control and evaluate performance from both quantifiable and non-quantifiable perspectives.All ports should further improve their function-time reliability for all port-related activities, for operating on a round-the-clock basis.Port and terminal‟s tariff should be further restructured and re-institutionalised for the unification and creation of more incentives to attract more vessels besides the objective of competitiveness. The tariffs should be consolidated and simplified.The experimental application of reform on administrative procedures at Vietnamese ports should be wholly applied to the remaining ports of the country to simplify documentary procedures for vessels entering and exiting Vietnamese ports and waters.IT and EDI should be intensively applied in port operation and management, especially the Port Information Centre to facilitate advantageous transactions between the port and por t‟s users and clients. The port itself should lead in gathering all parties concerned toestablish such a system based on their specific requirements and al location of authorisation. In this respect ,capacity-building to support such systems should be studied and developed first within the country, otherwise the costs will exceed benefits.Maritime supporting se vices should be examined and promoted as an inevitable part of marketing strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the port system.The ports‟ hinter land connections should also be developed in line with port development. Holistic human resource development plays a very important role in the functioning of ports. As the speed of automation of cargo handling process is increasing in Vietnam, together with development of new technology and know-how in port operations and management, port staff need relevant skills and knowledge to do their work. Training of staff and motivation incentives are there –fore critical for Vietnamese ports.ConclusionEfficiency and competitiveness are indispensable characteristics of any port system. At the same time, ports need to be competitive to attract clients to use their services. The above analysis and discussion with regards to Vietnamese port system has revealed some basic problems as far as efficiency and competitiveness are concerned. In order to achieve comparative advantage in the international market, the port system of Vietnam should note these issues and works out strategies to improve. The development strategies proposed in this paper are an indication for a more comprehensive and long-term planning by the government.译文:越南港口效率和竞争力体系的分析Vinh V an Thai and Devinder Grewal摘要港口,作为一个重要的物流链环节之一,在不同的物流运输方式中都起到重要的作用,它有着特殊的本质,因为国家和区域经济的效率和竞争力必将会对物流链产生影响。
促进经济增长:港口物流运输为这些国家提供了 更多的贸易机会,促进了经济增长。
提高贸易便利化:港口 物流运输提高了贸易便 利化程度,使得国际贸 易更加便捷高效。
提高效率:通过数字化和智能化技术,提高港口物流运输的效率 降低成本:通过数字化和智能化技术,降低港口物流运输的成本 提高服务质量:通过数字化和智能化技术,提高港口物流运输的服务质量 促进国际贸易:通过数字化和智能化技术,促进国际贸易的发展
港口物流运输的发展趋势:绿 色环保、可持续发展
绿色环保:减少污染、降低能 耗、提高资源利用率
可持续发展:注重环境保护、 资源节约、社会效益
对国际贸易的影响:促进国际 贸易的可持续发展,提高国际 贸易的效率和效益
物流运输与电商平台的融合:物流运输与电商平台的融合,提高了物流效率,降低了物流成 本
运输方式多样化:港口 物流运输可以提供多种 运输方式,如海运、陆 运、空运等,降低运输 成本。
缩短运输时间: 港口物流运输可 以大大缩短货物 的运输时间,提 高贸易效率。
降低运输成本: 港口物流运输可 以降低运输成本, 提高贸易效率。
提高货物安全性: 港口物流运输可 以提高货物的安 全性,减少货物 损失,提高贸易 效率。
加强国际合作:加强与国际港口的合作,提高物流运输的效率 和可靠性
撰文Fortune Laurance 编译 刘菊香发达港口是指在运营和管理效率方面均达到了可持续发展水平;发展中港口是指渴望追逐相等效率水平的港口。
<文献翻译:原文>Activities, resources and inter-organizational1In the last decade, the port economics literature has given great emphasis to the Supply Chain Management approach as the new paradigm for the definition of port competitiveness. SCM supports the development of partnerships between the actors of the supply chain and considers the integration of activities and resources along business processes as source of competitive advantage. Nevertheless, the application of SCM approach to the port is particularly compiex given the traditional hostile relationships between port actors. In the effort to overcome such complexity, some authors have considered ports as Logistics Service Providers and interpreted their role within supply chains through the integrative practices undertaken by Global Players –mainly Shipping Companies and Terminal Operators – in the supply of integrated logistics services. Even tough these actors are crucial for the port competitiveness, they determine a passive role of port in the new competitive scenario. The definition of a potential and pro-active role of port in the supply chains is the objective of this paper that presents, through a literature review on SCM and port competitiveness, a new framework for port competitiveness. According to this framework, that is based on the value constellation concept value is generated by joint effort of port actors in the satisfaction of clients’ needs, through the exploitation of different I mterdependencies (serial, pooled and reciprocal) between supply chains. In this context, Port Authority has a I fundamental role in identifying those resources – the so called critical assets – that encourage the development of interorganisational relationships between port actors in the value generation process.1. IntroductionStudies on port competitiveness have traditionally focused on the analysis of specific services or port activities, within a context characterized by an increasing complexity, in which the actors involved are very often motivated by opposing interests and nonconvergent objectives.One of the most interesting attempt to describe and strategically drive the port development in Italy, uses the theoretical model created by Abell in order to delimit the sphere of competitiveness and define the strategic business areas (SBA) of a port. The final aim is to design a model for the definition of strategic positioning and the port’s development options, within each strategic area (SBA) of which it is composed. Various applications of this conceptual framework have brought to the formulation of strategic positioning hypothesis and development options for the Port of Genoa, Gioia Tauro, Savona Vado and Naples.With reference to the debate on who the true actors within the competitive arena are, Heaver believes that terminals are more clearly the focus of the competitive strategy and not ports, because of the different types of freight flows they deal with. Other authors have used a variant on the Porter diamond model to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of a port compared with other competitors. For a proper analysis of the competitive relationship between ports, they refer to the term’range’, i.e. an area that includes a series of ports, with a wide overlapping of hinterlands to serve the same clients. The proposed framework, applied to the Port of Antwerp in the Hamburg–Le Havre range, identifies a series of specific factors (demand conditions, factor1Marcella Martino* and Alfonso Morvillo, Activities, resources and inter-organizational relationships: key factors in port competitiveness [J]. Marit. Pol. Mgmt, 2008(6): 571–589conditions, supporting industries, etc.) that influence the provision of logistics services in the port and thus determine a competitive advantage respect to the ports in the same range.Other studies should also be mentioned, that are mainly based on an elaboration of different indicators of technical-dimensional features and performances of the infrastructures and the terminal’s equipment, so as to evaluate the competitive advantage of a port against its competitors.In summary, the above-mentioned literature proves rigorous and coherent respect to the theoretical models of reference, generally applied for the analysis of manufacturing industry. Furthermore, it has the merit for triggering the debate on port competitiveness that had long been completely neglected. However, these studies, although having brought to light the traditional conflict of the port community and the need to integrate a port and its hinterland, they have not dealt with the integration among actors as a source of competitive advantage in a systematic way.Consistent with the spread of the new paradigm by which ‘real competi tion is not company against company but rather supply chain against supply chain’ it has been stated that ‘competition is not unfolding between individual ports but between logistic chains’. Under this perspective, the supply of value-added services has gained a major role in the port competitiveness, within which terminals have become ‘simple elements’.The strategic importance of added-value logistics services as a source of competitive advantage of ports has been strongly supported by the two main agencies for international development: the World Bank and UNCTAD. In different statements, they refer to the opportunity of developing, alongside traditional logistics services—related to the movement of cargo—a whole set of added value activities that allow to optimize the flow of goods and increase the value of the product. They indeed highlight the necessity of a port to promote the development of its own productive hinterland, in order to guarantee a lasting economic development.The recognition of the supply chain management (SCM) as a lever for competitiveness, thus brings us to believe that the traditional approaches of analysis, briefly mentioned, are not enough to describe and interpret the current evolving market dynamics. As a result, a new systematic view is being affirmed, by which the competitiveness of a port, although still strongly related to structure-type variables (geo-economic context, institutional model and the infrastructures of connection), is increasingly dependent on software components of the port business, that include the range of services offered, the presence of ICT systems for the exchange of information between actors in the same and in other port communities, the know-how of the maritime industry, the level and intensity of relationships between actors: all elements that define the quality of a port.Accepting this view, some authors have reconsidered recent contributions and conceptual categories within supply chain management (SCM) literature to re-define strategic positioning and port strategies. In particular, the supply chain concept primarily focused on the logistics lincages between focal firm, supplier and customer, subsequently its contents expanded to include the network of organizations involved, through upstream and downstream linkages, in various processes and activities that create value in terms of products and services to the final client. SCM, as a managerial philosophy, supports the development of partnerships between actors of the supply chain and considers the integration of activities and resources of these actors along business processes as sources of competitive advantage.Although the strategic importance of the SCM and logistics integration is widely recognized in the academic world and in current business practice, only few contributions have, until now,dealt with logistics integration and SCM issues in the port environment, while most of the available literature adopts a fragmented approach in the analysis of port activities.Taking into consideration that the SCM is the new paradigm, by which ports can develop different competencies and offer a high quality service, this paper proposes a new theoretical framework for port strategy and development. To this aim, the paper is structured in three main parts. In the first part, of theoretical nature, there is an introduction of the SCM paradigm and its extension to networks. Networks are increasingly being looked at as an object of study within the SCM literature, as they more accurately describe the complex reality in which businesses operate. ‘The process in which raw materials are turned into end-products and services is rarely simple linear process chain, and much more like a spaghetti web of complex interconnected relationships’. In this context, the crucial factor for strategic positioning is the capability of a firm to create inter-organizational relationships, as they represent the means by which the company gains access to, mobilizes and combines different activities and resources, promoting and creating productivity and innovation, both within the business and in the network. The second part focuses on logistics integration and SCM issues in the port environment. This section of the paper is particularly outstanding as each concept has not been dealt with univocally in literature; from a review of these studies, it becomes evident that there is a lack of frameworks to represent the entire port community in the process of creating value.As the port is a complex reality involved in a series of supply chains, each of which is a specific entity with particular needs, networks make it possible to describe the relationships between port actors involved in the process of customer satisfaction; moreover, the inter-organizational relationships between the different network actors created, both to manage various business activities and to oversee critical resources in order to satisfy the clients, are decisive for port competitiveness. On the basis of this hypothesis, in the third part of the paper a new model is proposed According to this model, value is created by a joint effort of all port actors to satisfy the needs of target customers, through exploiting different interdependencies (sequential, pooled and reciprocal) between supply chains.<文献翻译:译文>经济活动、资源和组织关系:港口竞争力的关键因素在过去的10年里,港口经济学文献极大地强调了把供应链管理方式作为港口竞争力的新范式。
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外文翻译原文Port Efficiency and International Trade: Port Efficiency as a Determinant ofMaritime Transport CostsMaterial Source: Maritime Economics & Logistics(2003) 5 Author: Ricardo J Sánchez and Gordon WilmsmeierRicardo J Sánchez, Jan Hoffmann, Alejandro Micco, Georgina V Pizzolitto, Martín Sgut and Gordon WilmsmeierAustral University, ArgentinaEconomic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, USA. E-mail: ricardo.sanchez@AbstractThis paper examines the determinants of waterborne transport costs, with particular emphasis on the efficiency at port level. Its main contribution is (1) to generate statistically quantifiable measures of port efficiency from a survey of Latin American common user ports, and (2) to estimate a model of waterborne transport costs, including the previously generated port efficiency measures as explanatory variables. In order to incorporate different port efficiency measures from the survey, we use principal component analysis (PCA). Our estimations show that the specified variables in the model explain a great proportion of the change in waterborne transport costs. With regard to port efficiency, the result is especially important for one of the port efficiency measures obtained through PCA with an estimated elasticity equivalent to that of distance. Other explanatory variables which show to be statistically significant are the monthly liner service availability, distance, and the goods' value per ton. The conclusions are relevant for policy makers as they show and quantify that port efficiency is a relevant determinant of a country's competitiveness – and in this respect, there still exist big differences among Latin American countries. Unlike most other relevant variables, port efficiency can be influenced by public policies.Keywords: Port efficiency, multivariate analysis, freight costs, Latin America INTRUCTION: MARITIME TRANSPORT COSTS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADEThe paper is organised as follows: This chapter contains a general introduction that looks at the relation between transport costs and international trade. In the second chapter, principal components are computed from a Latin American Port survey. The third chapter describes the model and the estimation results, followed by the conclusion and interpretation of results.The impact of the costs of transport on foreign trade and economic developmentImprovements in international transport services are one of the main features of economic globalisation. Together with progress in telematics, standardisation and trade liberalisation, faster, more reliable and cheaper transport services are contributing to the integration of production processes at the global level.International freight has an impact on trade similar to customs tariffs or the exchange rate: a reduction in the costs of transport directly stimulates exports and imports, just as an increase in the exchange rate (the rate at which the national currency may be exchanged against another) makes exports more competitive, and a reduction in national customs tariffs lowers the costs of imports. Spurred by trade liberalisation, customs tariffs have dropped to levels where in many cases any additional reduction would now no longer have a significant impact. It is perhaps for that reason that new and interesting studies have been published in recent years analysing the impact of transport costs on trade patterns and globalised production (see for example Kumar and Hoffmann (2002) for a literature overview).The impact on tradeThe price of the vast majority of traded goods is exogenous for developing countries. If the shipping of imports becomes more expensive, higher prices ensue as a result of the increased cost of imported goods; in the case of intermediate and capital goods, this also increases the costs of local production. If exports become dearer to ship, the result is a drop in earnings for the exporting country or simply the loss of a market, depending on the elasticity of demand and the availability of substitutes. Econometric estimates suggest that the doubling of an individual country's transport costs leads to a drop in its trade of 80% or even more (Hummels, 2000; Limao and Venables, 2001).Quality versus costsAs with goods, the production of transport services is also subject to the impact of technological advances. With the use of new information and communication technologies, improvements in infrastructure, and by taking advantage of the growing rate of containerisation, today the same freight and insurance per tonne of cargo can buy a quicker, more reliable service with less variation in delivery time than a decade ago.In addition, it is worth noting that greater commercial demands as regards speed have at the same time given rise to an increase in the share of air transport as compared to maritime transport, and may entail an increase in the average cost of international transport. The fact that the average cost of freight and insurance rose worldwide in the 1990s (see Table 1) should not be interpreted as a worsening of the international transport system, but rather as a reflection of greater use of air transport and improvements in other transport services. Equivalently, when interpreting the regression results presented later in this paper, improved port efficiency does not necessarily imply lower transport costs, as the user may be required to pay for the improved service.Direct impacts versus indirect impactsThe distance separating countries impacts on trade between them in different ways. The main models used to explain international trade flows can be described as 'gravitational': countries trade with one another depending on their patterns of production, income, and whether they belong to economic blocs, with the distance between them also having some bearing. That gives an advantage to countries located in the 'center of gravity', and hence the name of the model. There is an assumption of a close link between distance and transport costs, which would explain why countries closer to one another trade more than with countries further away. In practice, distance may also have a bearing on other characteristics of countries, which leads them to trade more. For instance, countries located nearer to one another tend to have more similar histories, cultures and languages.Most importantly, geographical closeness provides scope for alternative modes of transport to sea and air, thereby boosting competition and reducing prices for services. In other words, shorter distances entail lower costs and more trade. Increased trade in turn makes for economies of scale, leading to even further reductions in transport costs. In the case of intra-Latin American seaborne trade, a partial correlation coefficient of -0.463 is calculated between distance and the volume of bilateral trade, with a coefficient of +0.178 between distance and the costsof transport per ton. In other words, distance has its own bearings on trade and should not be taken only as a proxy for transport costs.Latin America's foreign tradeIn terms of volume (tonnes), trade using air transport accounts for barely 0.1–0.6% of the foreign trade conducted by the countries of Latin America; in terms of value (USD), however, this mode represents anywhere between 8% and 21% (Table 2). The table also indicates that sea- and airborne transport are used particularly in foreign trade conducted by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Peru, while in Mexico (significant trade with the United States) and Uruguay (significant trade with Brazil and Argentina), the overland mode plays a relatively greater role.Air transport's share is higher in long-distance trade; accordingly, although total trade decreases with distance, there is virtually zero correlation (-0.001) between distance and the volume of airborne trade (estimate for intra-Latin American trade).Transport costs of intra-Latin American tradeFor the 10 countries included in Table 3, Chilean exports to Uruguay have the highest transport costs as a percentage of the value of trade, followed by Ecuador's exports to Uruguay and Paraguay's to Ecuador. On average, the country with the highest transport costs for its imports from other Latin American countries is Ecuador, followed by Chile. Trade between Paraguay and Uruguay has the lowest transport costs, followed by that between Argentina and Uruguay, and Argentina and Brazil.It is not possible, using these figures, to reach hasty conclusions about the efficiency of the respective transport services, nor to conclude that transport in one country is more 'expensive' than in another. For example, the low density of regular shipping services (liner services), together with the natural barrier of the Andes, appear to be part of the reason why transport between countries on the west and east coasts of South America tends to be more expensive than transport along the same coast. It should be noted that the figures in Table 3 are averages that cover all modes of transport and many different types of goods.The remainder of this paper will now look in more detail into the determinants of the maritime transport costs, with a special emphasis on the impact of port efficiency indicators for containerised cargo.Measuring port efficiencyPort of shipment efficiency was measured by using direct information gatheredby way of extensive questionnaires as a part of this research. A number of potentially explanatory variables on port efficiency were measured, which were then grouped through the principal component analysis.Through the survey, we obtained information about port activity for the year 1999. The questionnaires were sent to 55 port terminals. Responses were received from 41 port terminals mainly handling general containerised cargoes. These terminals handle over 90% of the containers exported from their respective countries. The responses corresponding to bulk items and pallet break-bulks were insufficient as regards statistical purposes, and had to be discarded. Other terminals had to be excluded due to insufficiently complete responses. Table 4 lists the 19 ports that were included in this study.To avoid concerns about overparameterisation and spurious correlations between multiple variables, a PCA was conducted. The identified factors, which retained the patterns of the original variables, were to be introduced as new variables into the latter regression model. The correlations between the obtained port activity variables ranged from -0.295 to 0.969 (Table 5). As anticipated, most of the nine variables are heavily correlated. The first three, out of nine components, account for more than 70% of the intrinsic variance of the data fulfilling the Kaiser criterion with eigenvalues over 1.The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) overall statistic delivers 0.625 as a result for the sample of port efficiency variables, which indicates the sampling adequacy of the chosen variables. The PCA extracted three factors (Table 6). The first component, which accounted for more than 40% of the total variance, incorporates the bureaucratic turnaround of a container, the terminal turnaround for loading and unloading of a container, the average waiting time for ships during congestion time, the average waiting time for ships without congestion in the port, and the time of port congestion during the year. Together, these variables could be interpreted as representing port's time efficiency.The loading and unloading rate per hour, the handling capacity, and the average number of containers per ship handled in the terminals loaded high in the second component, which can be referred to as the productivity of the terminal.Finally, the average port stay of the ships was found as a single variable loaded on the third component.The original, unrotated principal components solution maximises the sum of squared factors loadings, efficiently creating the set of factors in the table above.However, unrotated solutions are hard to interpret because variables tend to load on multiple factors. Using the Varimax rotation realises an orthogonal rotation of the factor axes to maximise the variance of the squared factor loadings of a factor on all the variables.References:1. Australian Productivity Commission. 1998: International benchmarking of the Australian waterfront. AUSINFO: Canberra.2. 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