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一:单词:[固态solid state] [集成电路IC Integrated Circuit] [超大规模集成VLSI Very Large—Scale Integration]

[德州仪器公司Texas Instruments] [触发器flip flop] [地址指针address pointer]

[互补金属氧化物半导体CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor]

[射极耦合逻辑ECL Emitter Coupled Logic] [传输函数Transfer function] [数据手册Data sheet] [三态缓冲器tri-state buffer] [操作码opcode operating code] [MIPS Million Instructions Per Second] [BOIS Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统]

[信号调节器Signal conditioner] [电流源Current source ] [电压源V oltage source ]

[增益带宽积GBW Gain×Bandwidth ] [负频率变量Complex-frequency variable ]

[暂态响应Transient response ] [阶跃函数Step function ] [品质因子Quality factor ]

[参考电压Reference voltage] [逐次逼近法Successive approximation ]

[全球你数字移动电话系统GSM Global system for Mobile communication ]

[电源Power supply] [线性稳压器Linear regulator] [负载电流Load current]

[可控硅整流器SCR silicon controlled rectifier ] [传播延迟Propagation delay ] [时钟抖动Clock jitter ]

[压控振荡器VCO voltage controlled Oscillator ] [锁相环PLL Phase Locked Loop] [功率损耗Power loss ]

[接触电阻Contact resistance ] [电压驻波比VSWR voltage standing wave ratio ]

二:英译汉1) A special material is used to make these integrated circuits. While most materials either insulate from electrical flow(air, glass, wood)or conduct electricity readily (metals, water), there are some that only conduct electricity a small amount, or only under certain conditions. These are called semiconductors. The most commonly used semiconductor is of course silicon.


2)ROMs are also called mask —ROMs or mask programmed ROMs. This is because a ROM needs to be programmed by setting its cells to either to either 0 or 1 at the time of line. This aluminium pattern is defined by a lithographic mask used in one of the last steps of manufacture. Therefore these devices are often called mask-ROMs.


3) More transistors also allow for a technology called pipelining. In a pipelining. Architecture, instruction execution overlaps. So even though it might make take five clock cycles to execute each instruction, there can be five instructions in various stages of execution simultaneously That way it looks like one instruction completes every clock cycle.


4)Many attempts had made to make a stable amplifier, but temperature changes and power supply voltage extremes experienced on phone lines caused uncontrollable gain drift. Passive components had much better drift characteristics than active components had, thus if an amplifier's gain could be made dependent on passive components, the problem would be solved. During one of his ferry trips, Harry's fertile brain conceived a novel solution for the amplifier problem and he documented the solution while riding on the ferry.


5)So far, we have related the mathematical transfer functions of some simple circuits to their associated poles and zeroes in the complex-frequency plane. From these functions, we have derived the circuit's frequency response(and hence its Bode plot)and also its transient response. Because both the integrator and the RC filter have only one s in the denominator of their transfer functions, they each have only one pole. That is, they are first-order filters.


6) In fact, there are many tens of ADC methods in use, Successive Approximation, Multipass Interpolating, Subranging, Bit-Per-Stage, to name but a few of the flavors, each potentially having some benefit in performance over its rivals. Luckily, it is not usually necessary to understand how the ADC works in order to make the correct choice of converter for the application. Instead, careful study of the performance speciflications on the data sheet will determine the best choice for your application;


7)The switching regulator operates the power devices in the full-on and cutoff states. This then results in either large currents being passed through the power devices with a low “on” voltage or no current flowing with high voltage across the device. This results in a much lower power being dissipated within the supply. The average switching power supply exhibits efficiencies of between 70 to 90 percent, regardless of the input voltage.


8) A Clock Buffer is a device in which the output waveform directly follows the input waveform. The input waveform propagates through the device and is redriven by the output buffers. Hence, such devices have a propagation delay associated with them. In addition, due to the differences between the propagation delay through the device on each input-output path, skew will exist the outputs. 时钟缓冲器是一种输出波形直接跟随输入波形的器件。输入波形通过该器件并被输出缓冲器重新驱动。因此,该类器件存在传输延迟。此外,由于在每个输入、输出通道间存在传输延迟的差别,输出端将出现“相位抖动”。

9)An interconnect that must pass the short rise time of a high-speed signal pulse can be detrimental to maintaining signal integrity due to an unwanted reflection. The shorter the rise time,the greater the risk of degradation of the signal. The ideal situation is that the connector will have the appropriate termination characteristics to create no degradation of the signal.


三:汉译英0. 微处理器就是一片包含了CPU的硅片。用来区分微处理器的基本特征有三个:指令集、带宽和时钟速度。

A microprocessor is a silicon chip that contains a CPU. There are three basic characteristics differentiate microprocessors: instruction set, bandwidth and clock speed.
