
Unit1 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)三年级上册Unit1 Myself【课时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能够听懂、会说my, your, name, new, year, old等单词;目旨在四线三格中基本规范地抄写上述单词,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。
2. 能用较为连贯的几句话介绍自己的姓名和年龄,并表达交友意愿。
3. 学唱本课的歌谣。
二、教学建议A. Look, listen and chant.1. 导入(1) 教师首先用I’m ... , I am ... years old.等句子做自我介绍,然后询问学生What’s your name? How old are you?引导学生尝试说出自己的姓名和年龄。
(2) 教师可根据实际情况询问Who are new in our class? 如果班里有新转人的学生,教师可以引导新同学和其他同学相互询问:What’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from?等,增进相互间的了解。
2. 呈现新的学习内容(1) 谈论主题图:引导学生观察A项图并简单交流:Who are they? 并指认新人物Sue。
引导学生通过看胸牌上的名字:Andy, Joy, Yaoyao, Lily, Bill和Binbin 等,体会name的词义。
(2) 多次播放歌谣,整体感知新语言:第一遍播放,让学生整体感知新语言。
第三遍播放,引导学生关注歌词My name’s Sue. And I’m 9 years old.第四遍播放,让学生根据歌谣提及的顺序摆放或指对应的单词卡片。
3. 词汇学习和操练(1) 听新单词的录音,第一遍只听不读,第二遍跟读模仿。

Unit 1 Hello!第一课时教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说Hello. / Hi. Goodbye. / Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
教学难点:自我介绍用语I'm ... 的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要夸张示范并适时纠正,但切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。
教具准备:1. 教材相关人物的面具或头饰2. 为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具3. 与教材相配套的录音带教学过程:1.热身(Warm-up)让学生在预备铃后听本部分Let's sing中的歌曲“Hello”,让学生在课前对英语有一些感性的认识,激发学生参与的兴趣和愿望。
T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello.(2)教师利用这个机会及时向学生介绍自己:Hello, I'm ... / Hi, I'm ....(3)教师戴上Sarah的头饰介绍:Hello! I'm Sarah. / Hi! I'm Sarah.(教师在示范时,一定要用手势语言辅助学生理解。
)(4)给学生戴上Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan的面具或头饰,扮演这些人物到讲台前说Hello! I'm ....(5)听录音,看挂图;或通过录像,VCD来展示Let's talk部分的教学内容。
3.趣味操练(Practice)(1)游戏玩Let's play中的游戏“击鼓传花”。
教师放音乐,两组学生同时开始传花,当音乐停止时,两组各有一名学生拿到花,这时,拿到花的学生就说:Hello, I'm ... / Hi, I'm ....在做此游戏时,教师应提示学生发音,引导学生区分正确、错误的发音。

26个英文字母的教学Teaching contents:英语的初步接触与认识;26个英文字母的初步学习,掌握26个英文字母的发音,书写,占格。
Teaching aims:掌握英语入门基础,初步学习英语,激发学生的学习兴趣。
Main and difficult points:26个英文字母的发音及书写,其中Cc Ee Hh Ii Ll Nn Qq Rr Vv Zz 的发音,学生易将/i/发为/ei/ ,其中Aa Gg Ff Ii Ll Pp Qq Yy 的印刷体与手写体的区分并能正确书写,其中f j t i的占格。
Teaching steps:1、学唱ABC歌,导入字母教学。
Unit 1 HelloTeaching contents:本单元主要学习和别人打招呼的用语及学习用品的单词和句子。
Teaching aims:1、听懂、会说Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm . … 并能够在实际情景中进行运用。

2018年小学三年级英语上册全册教案(人教版)小学三年级英语上册全册教案(人教版).txt爱人是路,朋友是树,人一辈子惟独一条路,一条路上多棵树,有钞票的时候莫忘路,缺钞票的时候靠靠树,幸福的时候不迷路,歇息的时候靠靠树!小学三年级英语上册全册教案(人教版) Unit 1 Hello教学目标与要求:1、能听知道,会讲Hello./ Hi. Goodbye./ Bye-bye. I’m… What’s your name? My name’s …并可以在实际情景中举行运用。
2、可以听讲,从读crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-case, book, sharpener, bag, school., 并能用英语介绍文具。
A 部分第一课时一、教学内容与分析1、Let’s talk本部分要紧是会话学习。
2、Let’s play本部分让学生在游戏活动中熟练动用所学咨询候语及自我介绍用语。
3、为Let’s paly中的游戏预备相应的道具。
并且可利用本教科书开头的蝴蝶页Welcome to English彩图中呈现的我们日子中学生差不多会讲或较熟知的词汇如TV,CD,VCD,DVD,OK!Hi! Yeah! Bye! Cool! Wow! E-mail, cartoon等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣和愿望。

将学生分为两大组,每组每次选一名选手上讲台前,一个学生先看一下某张卡片,记住上面画的是什么。将卡片画面扣在桌子上,让另一名学生猜卡片画的是什么。"An eraser?" "A ruler?" "A pencil?" "A crayon?"如果猜对了,第一位学生答"Yes",如果没有猜对,第一位学生答"No"
(4)自由结合结识新伙伴,了解伙伴的英文名字。再次练习Hello, I'm …/Hi, I'm …Goodbye./Bye-Bye。
教学重点:Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...
教学难点:自我介绍用语I'm …的发音。
2.为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具
(1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。内容为"迪士尼英语"中第一课的片段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi,边看卡通边说英语。学习语言的同时,了解语言所用的环境,兴趣与语境同时创设,学Let's talk的内容。

2017-2018学年PEP人教版小学英语三年级上册全套全册全英精品教案PEP 第1册教学计划PEP第1册教学进度表IntroductionSay open your books.Point to the page“Welcome to English”.What’s your known?Listen and learn an English song:Teaching aims of unit 1:1.Grasp the new words: pencil-box eraser pencil bookruler bag crayon pen sharpener2. Grasp the main sentences: Hello! I’m…./ Hi! I’m….What’s your name? My name is….Goodbye./ Bye. /See you.And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other.3. Grasp the TPR activities in the part of “Let’s do”.Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly.4. Le arn to sing two songs: Hello! Happy Teachers’ Day!5. Learn to the part of “Let’s chant”. Understand the meaning of the chant and try to grasp the patterns “I have….” and “ Me too”.6. Try making a name card.7. Enable the students to understand the story in the part of “Story time”. Try to read and retell the story.Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A: Let’s talk Let’s playLesson 2: A: Let’s learn Let’s doLesson 3: A: Let’s make C: Culture Let’s singLesson 4: B: Let’s talk Let’s playLesson 5: B: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s singLesson 6: B: Let’s check Let’s chant C: Story timeLesson 1Teaching aims:1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ I’m…”.2.Learn to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and Bye to communicate with others.3.Learn to sing a song: HelloPreparation: Recorder and tape.Steps:(1). Warm-upListen to the song: Hello.(2). Presentationa.Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear. “Hello. I’m Teddy. You can call meTeddy Bear. ” Go es to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.b.Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.(3). Presentationa. Listen to the song: Hello and pass a toy. If a child get the toy when the song is stopping,he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! I’m…b. Some children who haven’t got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself): Hello(Hi)!I’m…(4). PracticeTeacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes with Teddy Bear into the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence: Goodbye! Practice and act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it.(5). Add-activitiesa. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Lesson 2Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases: a pencil, a crayon, aneraser, a ruler, a pen.2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me your…”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase. *3. Learn to say“I have a/an…” Substitute the pattern with five new words.Preparation:a. A Teddy Bearb. Tape and recorderc. A pencil-box with a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a crayon.Steps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Hello.b. Greets to pupils with: Hello/Hi. And hug them or shake hands.c. Make a conversation like last lesson.(2). Presentationa. Show a pencil-box. Let children guess : What is it in the pencil-box?(in Chinese) Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Pencil. I have a pencil.b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words: pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon.(3). Practicea. Game:Say what is it in your pencil-box.-- I have a pen.b. Teddy Bear asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: eraser. Do as this.(4). Let’s doa. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means.b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.c. Do it after tape like:-- Show me your pencil. -- My pencil.(5). AssessmentPlay a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, …Lesson 3Teaching aims:1.Try to make a name card.2.Enable the students to know some knowl edge about Teachers’ Day and encourage them to sayHappy Teachers’ Day to other teachers.3. Learn to sing a song: Happy Teachers’ Day*4. Make a teacher’s card and present the teacher you like.Preparation:a. Tape and recorderb. A name cardSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa.Listen to the song: Happy Teachers’ Dayb.Do it: Show me your…(2). Practicea. Shows pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name card.b. Told pupils how can they make the name card in English.c.Pupils make it by themselves and say how does he(she) make it in English.(3). Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers’ Day: When is Teachers’Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers’ Day to other teachers.*Make a teacher’s c ard and present the teacher you like.(4). Let’s sing: Happy Teachers’ DayListen and sing the song.Lesson 4Teaching aims:1. Get the students to grasp the sentences: What’s your name? My name is….2. Learn to use the phrase See you to express goodbye and try to use the word: Welcome.3.Practice and make dialogues about self-introduction.Preparation:Tape and recorderSteps:(1). Warm-up/ Reviewa.Sing the song: Happy Teachers’ Dayb.Make a greeting to each other.(2). Presentationa. Listen to the tape and then asks them what they heard.b. Point to the name in a Pupil’s Book so that lets pupils know what’s mean of this sentence.c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.(3). PracticeMake a conversation, connect the texts in part A.(4). Main pictureBack to the main picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand out the sortition paper to pupils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is. And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main picture: Hello! I’m Sarah. What’s your name?My name’s Chen Jie. Goodbye! Bye, Miss White!(5). Add-activitiesListen and read after tape and make the dialogue.Lesson 5Teaching aims:1.Grasp the new words: bag, pencil-case, book, sharpener, school and the phrases a bag, apencil-case, a book, a sharpener.2.Respond the TPR activities quickly and correctly.*Try to say “open/ close/ carry/ your …”and “go to school”.*3.Substitute the pattern “ I have a…”. Learn to say and use the sentence “Me too!”.4.Learn to sing a song: HelloPreparation:a.Tape and recorderb. A pencil-case, a bag, a book, a sharpenerSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa.Sing a song: Happy Teachers’ Dayb.Do it (Part A – Lesson 2)(2). Presentationa. Let children guess: What is it?Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Bag. I have a bag.b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words: bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener,school.(3). Practicea. Asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: sharpener. Do as this.b. Game:Say what is it?-- I have a bag. --Me too!(4). Let’s doa. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means.b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.c. Guess and learn the word: school.(5). Learn to sing a song: Hello(6). AssessmentPlay a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, pen, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener.Lesson 6Teaching aims:1. Exercise in the part of “Let’s check”.2. Learn to say the part of “Let’s chant”. Perform it and replace it in the proper place.3. Listen and watch a story about Zip & Zoom. Try to understand the meaning and try to retell thestory.4.Review the new songs in the unit.Preparation:a.Tape and recorderb.Some pictures for sortitionSteps:(1). Warm-upa. Sing a song: Hellob. Greet to each other.c. Do it. (Part B – Lesson 2)(2). Practicea. Let’s chant.Listen first and understand the means. Then chant in pairs and act it.Chant it together.b. Let’s check.Listen the tape and do it.(3). Story timea. Do as me: Teacher do an action and pupils do the same and say it.b. When pupils finish saying, Teddy Bear and squirrel go into the classroom and act that story.Those two pupils were teached yesterday by teacher.c. Asks everyone to talking like the story showing.d. Asks two to practice the dialogue. And then act it.(4). Let’s sing: HelloTeaching aims of unit 2:1.Grasp the new words: head face nose mouth eye eararm hand finger leg foot body2. Grasp the main sentences: Good morning. Good afternoon.This is …Nice to meet you.And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other.3. Grasp the TPR activities in the part of “Let’s do”.Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly.4. Learn to sing two songs: Teddy Bear. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.5. Learn to the part of “Let’s chant”. Understand the meaning of the chant and try to grasp the patterns “Where is your…?” and “ Here it is.”6. Try drawing a face.7. Enable the students to understan d the story in the part of “Story time”. Try to read and retell the story.Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A: Let’s talk Let’s playLesson 2: A: Let’s learn Let’s doLesson 3: A: Let’s make Let’s singLesson 4: B: Let’s talk Let’s pla y CultureLesson 5: B: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s singLesson 6: B: Let’s check Let’s chant C: Story timeTeaching aims :1.Listen, speak, and read the words head, face, nose, mouth, eye, ear, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot,body. And use those words to describe the part of the body, e.g. Look at me. This is my head. 2.Listen and speak the words good, morning, this, nice, meet, let’s, go, OK, to, mom, afternoon,too. And use those words to greet to others. E.G. Hello. Good morning. This is John.3.Enable pupils to understand and communicate with some dialogue:-- Good morning. -- Where’s your mouth?Hello. This is John. Here it is.Nice to meet you. Where’s your hand?Let’s go to school. Here it is.4.Enable pupils to understand and do some instructions. E.G. Touch your head. Or : Clap yourhands.5.Through the “chant” let pupils master the new words, and create the new chant. Interests themwith the songs.6.Enable them to read some short story with the pictures and later act it or extend the story. Lesson 1Teaching aims:1.Learn to use Good morning, Hello, Hi, This is…, Nice to meet you to communicate withothers.2.Learn to sing a song: Teddy Bear.Preparation:a. Prepare a toy bear.b. Recorder and tape.Steps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Hello.b. Greets to pupils with sentences they’ve learned.c.Practice a sentence: I have a…(2). Presentationa. Teacher shows a friend: a bear. “Hello. I’m Teddy. Good morning.” Goes to the pupils sea t andgreets to them, shake the hands.b. Greets to one pupil and at last say: Nice to meet you.c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.(3). Presentationa. Teddy Bear goes near a pupil and greet to him or her. Then asks: Excuse me. What’s his/hername? Help him or her to say: This is…Then faces to him/her and say: Nice to meet you.b. Do twice and ask pupils practise in groups.c. Asks some groups to act it.(4). Practicea. Teacher changes the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes withTeddy Bear into the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds upa sentence: Let’s go to school! Give Teddy Bear a very small bag to show the means.b. Practise and act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it.(5). Add-activitiesa. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Lesson 2Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth.2. Respond the TPR activities “Touch your …”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase.Preparation:a.Picture of Teddy Bearb.Pictures of body of Teddy Bear in a bagc. Tape and recorderSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Sing a song : Hello!b. Greets to pupils with: Nice to meet you. And hug them or shake hands.c. Make a conversation like last lesson’s.(2). Presentationa. Shows the bear. And then dubs for the bear to greet to pupils: Hi. Good morning. Nice tomeet you again. Or Nice to see you again.b. Greets to the pupils and practise like that. Then introduces to everybody like : Look at me.This is my head.c. Use this form, let pupils ask the learn the words: head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth.(3). Practicea. Game:Guess what is it in the bag.-- What is it?-- A nose?b. Teddy Bear say: What’s this in English? Pupils say: This is your eye. Do as this.(4). Let’s doa. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first to show the means.b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.c. Correct the pronunciation of the word : touch.d. Do it after tape like:--- Touch your head. --- My head.(5). Add-activitiesa. Listen and read after the tape, do the chant again.b. Do a puppetLesson 3Teaching aims:1. Learn to sing a song: Teddy Bear.2. Try drawing a face.Preparation:a. Tape and recorderb. A picture of the big empty facec. Decorations on head (bear and squirrel)Steps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to a song: Teddy Bearb. Do it: Touch your …(2). Let’s singa. Listen to the song: Teddy Bear. And teacher do it to show the means of that song.b. Try to sing(3). Let’s drawa. Asks two pupils come to the board to draw and others draw on the paper. Draw the differentparts of the body but in order. Then put it under the projection to show.b. Game: Draws a big empty face on the blackboard, and asks some pupils to come anddraw in order without looking.(4). AssessmentSing the song again(change it).Lesson 4Teaching aims:1.Learn to use Good afternoon, Hello, Hi, This is…, Nice to meet you to communicate withothers.2.Practice and make dialogues .3. Enable the students to know some knowledge about Halloween.Preparation:Tape and recorderSteps:(1). Warm-upa. Listen and sing the song: Teddy Bear.b. Make a greeting to each other.c. Let’s do: Touch your…(2). Culturea. Listen to the tape (<SK>), in the tape are the sound of ghost, spirits, pumpkin, switch, etc.After listening, asks pupils to guess or imitate the things. Then tall them where they are appearing and when.b. Say something about the “Halloween”.(3). Presentationa. Listen to the tape and then asks them what they heard.b. Show sentences: Good afternoon. Then teacher make a strange look, asks What’s mean ofthis sentence.(4). Practicea. Make the dialogue with time.b. Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A.(5). Main pictureBack to the main picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand out the sortition paper to pupils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is. And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main picture: Happy Halloween! Hello. Good evening. I’m spirit and this is ghost. (outcry) Look. This is my big eye. Nice to meet you. (6). Add-activitiesListen and read after tape and make the dialogue.Lesson 5Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: arm hand finger leg foot body2. Respond the TPR activities quickly and correctly.*Try to say “clap/ snap/ wave/cross/shake/stamp your…”.3. Learn to sing a song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.Preparation:a. Tape and recorder*b. A toy personSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Sing a song: Teddy Bearb. Do it (Part A – Lesson 2)(2). Presentationa.Shows a toy person, points some words they know to say.b.Shows some parts of bo dy they don’t know and read these words without voice, just asksthem to guess.c.Learn those words, and teacher says one part, they point or raise it/them.(3). Practisea. Let’s do:Listen to the tape and teacher do it first to show the means.Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.b. Add-activities.Add up the words: left &right Practise again like: your left hand …….c. Dancing with instructions: Your hands, left, left, right, right, …….(4). Add-activitiesListen and read after the tape and dance.(5). Let’s singa. Listen to the song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. And teacher do it to show the means ofthat song.b. Try to singLesson 6Teaching aims:1. Exercise in the part of “Let’s check”.2. Learn to say the part of “Let’s chant”. Perform it and replace it in the proper place.3. Listen and watch a story about Zip & Zoom. Try to understand the meaning and try to retell thestory.4.Review the new songs in the unit.Preparation:a. Tape and recorder*b. Some pictures for sortitionSteps:(1). Warm-upa. Dancing for revise the parts of body.b. Do it. (Part B – Lesson 2)c. Greet to each other.(2). Practisea. Let’s chant.Listen first and then asks and answer. Do it last.b. Let’s check.Listen the tape and do it.(4). Story timea. Do as me: Teacher do an action and pupils do the same and say it.b. When pupils finish saying, Teddy Bear and squirrel go into the classroom and act that story.Those two pupils were teached yesterday by teacher.c. Asks everyone to take out a piece of paper and make an animal they like with talking like thestory showing.d. Asks two to practice the dialogue. And then act it.Teaching aims of unit 3:1.Grasp the new words: red yellow green blue purplewhite black orange pink brown2. Grasp the main sentences: How are you?Fine, thank you. /I’m fine. / Very well, thanks.And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other.3. Grasp the TPR activities in the part of “Let’s do”.Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly.4. Learn to sing two songs: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today? Colour Song.5. Learn to the part of “Let’s chant”. Understand the meani ng of the chant and try to grasp the patterns.6. Try painting a face.7. Enable the students to understand the story in the part of “Story time”. Try to read and retell the story.Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A: Let’s talk Let’s playLesso n 2: A: Let’s learn Let’s doLesson 3: A: Let’s make Let’s sing C: Story timeLesson 4: B: Let’s talk Let’s play CultureLesson 5: B: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s singLesson 6: B: Let’s check Let’s chantLesson 1Teaching aims:1.Learn to use: Good morning, How are you, Fine, thank you, This is…, Nice to meet you tocommunicate with others.2.Learn to sing a song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?Preparation:a. Prepare a toy bear.b. Recorder and tape.Steps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.b. Greets to pupils with sentences they’ve learned.(2). Presentationa. Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.b. Guess the dialogue’s mean.c. Learn to use: How are you, Fine, thank you to communicate with others.(3). Let’s playUse sentences: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you? Fine, thank you.Greeting each other with pairs.(4). Presentationa. Listen to the tape again.b. Look at the pictures and read after the tape.c. Practise in groups.d. Asks some groups to act it.(5). Add-activitiesa. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.(6). Listen to the song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?Lesson 2Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: blue, green, yellow, red, purple.2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me your …”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase.Preparation:Tape and recorderSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?b. Greets to pupils with: Nice to meet you. And hug them or shake hands.c. Make a conversation like last lesson’s.(2). Presentationa. Shows a pictureb. Introduces to everybody like: Look at the picture. What colour is it? It’s blue.c. Use this form, let pupils ask the learn the words: blue, green, yellow, red, purple.(3). PracticePlay a game: What colour is it?No looking and guess what colour is the crayon?(4). Let’s doa. Listen to the tape.b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it if they can.c. Do it and say if they can.d. Correct the pronunciation.d. Do it like:---Show me your red crayon. ---Here it is!(5). Add-activitiesListen and read after the tape, do the chant again.Lesson 3Teaching aims:1. Learn to sing a song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?2. Try painting.3. Listen and watch a story about Zip & Zoom. Try to understand the meaning and try to retell thestory.Preparation:Tape and recorderSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to a song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?b. Do it: Show me your …(2). Let’s singa. Listen to the song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today? And look the picture under the song toguess the mean of the song.b. Try to sing(3). Let’s painta. Asks pupils paint the different parts of the body but in order. Then put it under the projectionto show.(4). Assessmenta. Play a bingo game with those words: crayon, eraser, pencil-case, sharpener, red, blue,green, yellow, purple.b. Sing the song again(change it).(5). Story timea. Do as me: Teacher do an action and pupils do the same and say it.b. When pupils finish saying, Teddy Bear and squirrel go into the classroom and act that story.Those two pupils were teached yesterday by teacher.c. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape.d. Asks two to practise the dialogue. And then act it.Lesson 4Teaching aims:1.Learn to use Hello, Hi, How are you, Fine, I’m fine, Thanks, Thank you and so on tocommunicate with others.2.Practice and make dialogues .3. Enable the students to know some knowledge about flags.Preparation:1. Tape and recorder2. Pictures of flagsSteps:(1). Warm-upa. Listen and sing the song: Who Is Wearing Yellow Today?b. Make a greeting to each other.(2). Presentationa. Make a greeting to a pupil and lead him to ask me the question how are you? The answer isI’m fine, thanks.b. Asks pupils that reading after me. Tells pupils the mean of thanks.c. Learn the sentences: Let’s paint! Great!d. Listen to the tape and look at the pictures. Read after the tape.(3). Practicea. Let’s play and learn to use very well.b. Make the dialogue with time.c. Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A.(4). CultureLook at some pictures of flags. Enable the students to know some knowledge about these flags. Try to say what color is the flag.Lesson 5Teaching aims:1. Grasp the new words: brown, black, white, pink, orange.2. Respond the TPR activities “Black, black. Stand up, and so on ” quickly and correctly. *Try touse this phrase.Preparation:1. Tape and recorder2. Some word’s cardsSteps:(1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Color Song.b. Greets to pupils with: How are you?c. Make a conversation like last lesson.(2). Presentationa. Shows a pictureb. Look at the picture. What color is it? It’s blue. I like blue.Revision the sentence: I like … Lead to th e new words: orange.c. Use this form, let pupils learn the words: orange, pink, white, black, brown.(3). Practicea. Play a game: What color is it?No looking and guess what color is the crayon?b. Listen, read, and point.(4). Let’s doa. Listen to the tape.b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it if they can.c. Do it and say if they can.d. Correct the pronunciation.d. Do it like:---Show me your white crayon. ---Here it is!(5). Add-activitiesListen and read after the tape, do the chant again.Lesson 6Teaching aims:1. Exercise in the part of “Let’s check”.2. Learn to say the part of “Let’s chant”. Perform it and replace it in the proper place.3.Review the new songs in the unit.Preparation:a. Tape and recorder*b. Some color ballSteps:(1). Warm-upa. Sing the song: Color Song.b. Do it. (Part B – Lesson 2)c. Greet to each other.(2). Practicea. Let’s chant.Shows a pink ball and says: This is a ball. It’s a pink ball.Use this form, let pupils to learn the phrases.Listen first and then chant it to the tape.b. Let’s check.Listen the tape and do it.Teaching aims of recycle 1:1.复习第1—3单元所学的会话,要求学生能在实际的情景中运用。
【Pep版】2018学年英语三年级上册:全册教案Unit 3 Part A 教案(纯英文)

人教PEP小学三年级上册Unit 3 Look at me! Part A 教案Ⅰ.Teaching contents analysisThe new words are about the parts of face, ss may be familiar with the words, learning words is more interesting than learning dialogues for ss, and the activity in “let’s do” is interesting, too.Ⅱ.Students analysisSs at this age are curious about everything, they like activities and games, they are good at imitating, but they also can’t focus on learning for a long time. So I will try to draw their attentions with games or activities.Ⅲ.Teaching aimsKnowledge amis:1.Ss can master the words: ear, eye, nose, mouth, face.2.Ss can use the sentences: Look at me! This is my face/ear/….Skill aims:Ss can understand the directions and act.Emotional aims:Arouse ss’s interests in English.Ⅳ. Important and Difficult points1.Important points: Ss can master the words and sentences.2.Difficult points: Let’s doⅤ.Teaching aids1.Multi-media computer2.Word cards3.Toy bears4.The character hat of “Zoom”5.Jigsaw puzzle of Zoom6.Ss prepare paper and crayonsⅥ.Teaching procedures1.Warm-up(1)Greetings(2)Sing a song: How are you?2.ReviewSs use “This is…” to introduce the characters in our book which are present on the screen.3.PreviewAct as Zoom, use “This is …” to lead in the new words.4.PresentationLet’s learn(1)Teach ss to read the words.(2)Play a game: Bomb (Draw Zoom’s head to mark.)(3)Ss read the words together.(4)Present PPT (Consolidate the words. Read them again.)Let’s do(1)Ss pick word cards and read, teacher lead in the directions.(2)Look at the cartoon of this part.(3)Listen and do.(4)Teacher say ss do.(Make a competition, all ss stand up and do, but ifwrong just sit down, the last student who is standing is the winner.Teacher can give him/her a gift bear.)(5)Group work: Draw yourself.(If time permitted, ss can show their pictures and introduce them.)5.Homework(1)Complete your pictures, make a report next time.(2)Listen and read the words and sentences to your parents.6.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Look at me!G1 G2 G3 G4 (熊头贴图)faceeareyenosemouth7.Teaching Introspection。

2017-2018学年PEP三年级上英语教案Unit 1 Hello第一课时教学目标:1、听懂、会说Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
教材分析:在本课时主要学习见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
学生对于打招呼和道别用语Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. 的发音比较熟悉,而对于自我介绍用语I'm ...的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。
可利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 的彩图,为学生呈现我们生活中已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如CD, VCD, DVD, OK! Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! Cartoon, Mickey等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣。
教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
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Unit 1 Hello!
Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
1.能听懂,会说Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye-bye. I'm...
1. 教学重点:Hello/Hi. I'm...
2. 教学难点:单词I、Bye、White 的发音。
Step 1 热身(Warming-up)
Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)
1. 教师用与学生交朋友的方式,来让学生学会如何打招呼及自我介绍。
2. 用介绍朋友的方式出示这节课中的主要人物,让学生熟悉他们的相貌和名字。
3. 出示课件,展示Let’s talk的图片,播放录音,让学生跟读Let's talk部分的教学内容。
4. 情景表演:让学生分小组表演对话。
5. 利用游戏击鼓传花学习Let’s play。
时,拿到花的学生就说:“Hello/Hi, I'm ...”。
6. 学唱歌曲:Hello!教师播放录音,学生静听。
7. 教师总结:遇到老师、同学和家长时要用Hello/ Hi打招呼;分手时要用Goodbye/
Step 3 Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)
教师先讲清楚要求,必须用今天学的单词、句子“Hello!”“ Hi! I'm...”“Goodbye”