QC T 664-2000 汽车空调(HFC-134a)用软管及软管组合件
QC/T 664-2000(2000-11-06批准,2001-04-01实施)前言本标准是根据汽车空调用软管及软管组合件的工作原理、相关资料及试验数据,参考了国外先进国家的同类标准及国际标准等制定的。
中华人民共和国汽车行业标准汽车空调(HFC-134a)用软管及软管组合件 QC/T 664-20001 范围本标准规定了汽车空调系统中输送液态或气态HFC-134a制冷剂的空调软管及软管组合件的种类、尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、标志、检验及包装、运输和贮存。
2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调节和试验的标准温度、湿度及时间3 种类3.1 A1、A2型——织物增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由与内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
两种解决方案: 对比 HFO-1234yf 和 R744 两种解决方案:
满足欧洲标准 2006/40/EC. 现在使用的橡胶和热塑性塑料可以表现良好
R744 (CO2)
极高的工作压力 (125 bar), 比使用Forane®高10倍 需要使用金属制管路 不利于发动机周围管路的设计 使用效率低,尤其在高温区域 额外成本约150€ (额外热交换器的使用,发动机设计考虑 等 ...)
ORGALLOY® 用于制作汽车空调软管
材料牌号(制作空调软管) 材料牌号(制作空调软管) : Orgalloy® LT5050 T6L
对制冷剂优异的阻隔性能 (如氟利昂134a) 优异的抗润滑剂性能 可以与橡胶管同时使用 低密度特性
Parker, Manuli, Errecinque, Phoenix, … 主要汽车厂商
组装容易 柔韧性是减震,减噪音的关键因素
通过增塑化或者聚合物改性可以达到降低弹性模量的目的。但这两种方法 都有缺点:增塑剂的提取以及改性剂的老化问题。 Orgalloy® LT 5050 T6L在不使用增塑剂的情况下就可以达到很大程度的 柔韧性。
增塑化的 PA6/66共聚物 共聚物 弹性模量 244 Mpa Orgalloy® LT 5050 T6L 336 MPa 改性PA66 改性 402 MPa
方法 Forane® 134a 的渗透情况* 的渗透情况 * customer values SAE J 2064 (T 80° C) 单位 Kg/an/m2 LT 5050 T6L + EVOH << LT 5050 T6L 1.73 PA66 2.00 CoPA6/66 2.50
QC T 664-2000 汽车空调用软管及软管组合件
QC T 664-2000 汽车空调用软管及软管组合件前言中华人民共和国汽车行业标准汽车空调(HFC-134a)用软管及软管组合件QC/T 664-20001范畴本标准规定了汽车空调系统中输送液态或气态HFC-134a制冷剂的空调软管及软管组合件的种类、尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、标志、检验及包装、运输和贮存。
GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调剂和试验的标准温度、湿度及时刻3种类3.1A1、A2型——织物增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由与内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
表1 软管壁厚偏差mm4.2外观质量软管及软管组合件上不承诺有阻碍使用性能和安装的缺陷;软管内外表面应清洁干燥、无破旧、裂纹、气泡、缩孔、起皱、凸起等缺陷;软管各层之间应结合牢固;软管组合件应连接牢固无缺陷。
QC T 664-2000 汽车空调(HFC-134a)用软管及软管组合件
QCC JT095-2008 汽车用燃油软管技术条件
——A 级软管的外胶层、中胶层和外胶层,以及 B 级软管的内胶层和中胶层:120 ℃×72 h; ——B 级软管的外胶层:140 ℃×72 h; ——硬度(6.1.1)、拉伸强度(6.1.2)、拉断伸长率(6.1.2)的任何变化均应符合表 3 的规定。 6.1.4 耐燃油性能(GB/T 1690-2006 规定的液体 C、软管的内胶层和中胶层) 在(40±1)℃下于液体 C 中浸泡 72 h 后,按 GB/T 1690-2006 规定进行测定,硬度(6.1.1)、拉
3.2 型别 软管分为下列两种不同的型别: a) Ⅰ型:软管工作压力为 0 MPa~0.12 MPa;
Q/CC JT095—2008
b) Ⅱ型:软管工作压力为 0 MPa~0.40 MPa。 此外,上述Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种软管可进一步分成两个级别: a) A 级:在最高 120 ℃的环境温度下工作; b) B 级:在最高 140 ℃的环境温度下工作。短时间可在 150 ℃的环境下工作。
表2 燃油软管长度公差
±0.5 单位:mm
0<L≤300 300<L≤600 600<L≤900 900<L≤1200 1200<L≤1800
6 物理试验和规范
6.1 对材料的要求 只要可能,应使用从产品上裁取的试样进行试验。如不可能,则试样应从与产品相同硫化程度的
6.2 空调管路的最小爆破压力为12MPa。 6.3 空调管路的检测压力为高压管3.5MPa,低压管2.5MPa。
7.管路设计时未注公差按下表执行。 L≤10 10< 10<L≤50 50< 50<L≤100 200< 200<L≤500 500<L≤1500 500< 1500< 1500<L 角度 ±0.2 ±0.5 ±1 ±2 ±5 ±10 ± 1°
A10-15.2B 23.3±0.2
目前铝件与铝件之间的连接都是靠 焊接实现。 目前我们采用的焊丝是4047,焊 剂为QJ201。该焊剂在焊接后对铝 材有腐蚀性,所以在焊后必须进行 清洗。
1.在设计管路时,在空间允许的范围内,铝管布置尽可能简单, 结构尽可能简单,折弯尽可能少。 2.在设计管路时,尽可能采用现有压板,没有相同压板时,尽量 采用现有型材。 3.铝管的折弯半径按照现有折弯半径表执行,两弯中间的直线 直线 段长度不得小于夹模宽度,两端的直线段长度不得小于1倍管 径。 4.铝管,空调胶管,空调波纹管对应表
谢 谢 !
汽车空调充注口分为低压充 注口和高压充注口,分别由 阀座,阀芯和充注阀堵帽组 成,用于给空调系统充注制 冷剂。 一般低压充注口焊接在低压 气态管上即蒸发器-压缩机连 接管上;高压充注口焊接在 高压液态管上,即冷凝器-蒸 发器连接管上。
空调管路中所用的O形圈要求有较好的耐 HFC-134a和冷冻油能力,我们采用的O 形圈材料为HNBR(氢化丁腈橡胶)。为 了区别于其他系统,防止装配错误,一 般把采用的HNBR O形圈采用绿色标记。
SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 3.2Type A1 and A2—Rubber, Textile Reinforced—The hose shall be built having a seamless oil-resistantsynthetic rubber tube. The reinforcement shall consist of textile yarn, cord, or fabric adhered to the tube and cover. The outer cover shall be heat and ozone-resistant synthetic rubber. It is recommended that the cover be pinpricked.NOTE—Commercial product normally offered for Type A1 hose has been a one braid reinforcement of textile yarn with a smaller OD than Type A2 hoses. T ype A2 hose has been a two braid hose. Hose fittingsfor Type A1 and A2 hoses are not normally interchangeable.3.3Type B1 and B2—Rubber, Wire Reinforced—The hose shall be built having a seamless oil-resistantsynthetic rubber tube. The reinforcement shall consist of steel wire adhered to the rubber tube. The cover shall consist of a heat-resistant textile yarn impregnated with a synthetic rubber cement.NOTE—Type B1 hose is currently not being manufactured. Commercial product normally offered for Type B1 hose has been a one-braid reinforcement of wire with unique ID and OD dimensions. Type B2hose has been a one-braid reinforcement of wire with unique ID and OD dimensions conforming tothose specified in SAE 100R5 hose and compatible with SAE 100R5 hose fittings. Hose fittings forType B1 and Type B2 are not normally interchangeable.3.4Type C—Thermoplastic, Textile Reinforced—The hose shall have a thermoplastic tube. The reinforcementshall consist of suitable textile yarn. The outer cover shall be heat and ozone resistant. It is recommended that the cover be pin-pricked.3.5Type D—Thermoplastic, Textile Reinforced, Rubber Covered—The hose shall consist of textile yarn, cord,or fabric adhered to the tube and cover. It is recommended that the cover be pin-pricked.4.Hose Identification—The hose shall be identified with the SAE number, type, and size of the inside diameterin metric mm equivalents or fraction of inches or both, and hose manufacturer’s code marking. This marking shall appear on the outer cover of the hose at intervals not greater than 380 mm (15 in).5.Testing—The test procedures described in the current issue of ASTM D 380 shall be followed wheneverapplicable. Tests referenced in this specification are laboratory tests intended to establish a performance standard.5.1Test Conditions—The temperature of testing room shall be maintained at 23 °C ± 2 °C (73 °F ± 3.6 °F). Thetemperature of the test hose or hose assemblies shall be stabilized for 24 h at the testing room temperature prior to testing.5.2Permeation Tests—Hose and hose assemblies shall not permit effusion of refrigerant 12 at a rate greater thanthat listed in Table 2 when tested at the specified temperature. Hose and hose assemblies intended for high-pressure side service (discharge and liquid line applications) shall be tested at 100 °C ± 2 °C (212 °F ± 3.6 °F).Hose and hose assemblies intended for low-pressure side service (suction line applications) shall be tested at80 °C ± 2 °C (176 °F ± 3.6 °F).The permeation test is designed to measure, by loss of mass, the rate of effusion of refrigerant 12 through the hose wall. The apparatus required consists of canisters with internal volumes of 475 to 525 cm3 (29 to 32 in3) and a 21 MPa (3000 psi) minimum burst pressure with appropriate fittings to connect to the hose assemblies, halogen detector, circulation air oven capable of maintaining uniform test temperature throughout the test periods, and a weighing scale capable of mass measurements of 0.1 g accuracy.5.2.1P ROCEDURE—Four hose assemblies, having a free hose length of 1 m are required. Three of the hoseassemblies shall be used for determining the loss of refrigerant and the fourth assembly shall be run as an empty plugged blank to be used as a means of determining the mass loss of the hose body alone.Measure the free length of hose in each assembly at zero gage pressure to the nearest 1 mm (0.04 in).Connect each of the four hose assemblies to a canister and obtain the total mass of each test unit including end plugs to the nearest 0.1g.Load three of the test units with 0.6 mg of liquid refrigerant 12 per mm 3 of each test unit’s volume to a total variance of ±5 g. Check the loaded test units with a halogen detector at a sensitivity of 11 g/year (1lb/40years) to be sure that they do not leak. Any suitable method for safely loading may be used.Two suggested methods are as follows: 1—Hose assemblies may be conveniently loaded by conditioning the hose assemblies, connected canisters, and refrigerant 12 cylinder in a cold box for 4 h minimum at a temperature below the boiling point of the refrigerant 12. Using the density of the refrigerant 12 at the conditioning temperature, the proper load weight may be calculated in terms of volume at the temperature, they may be loaded by measuring the calculated volume of liquid refrigerant 12 with a graduate. The filled hose assemblies and connected canisters should be capped while still at the conditioning temperature, but may be removed from the cold box to complete the tightening to ensure proper seal. II—The hose assemblies and connected canisters may be loaded at room temperature by transferring the refrigerant 12 under pressure through suitable valves and connections. A suitable apparatus consists of a refrigerant 12 cylinder, liquid accumulator, piston pump, and controls for metering the required charge.Place the three loaded and one blank test units in the air oven at the specified test temperature for a period of 30 min ± 5 min to drive off surface moisture. Do not bend the hose in a curve with a diameter smaller than 20 times the outside diameter of the hose while in the oven. Check the loaded test units for leakage and weigh all test units not less than 15 min or more than 30 min after removal from the oven. Record the mass obtained as the original mass.Place the test units back in the oven at the specified temperature for 24 h. At the end of the 24-h period,remove the test units; weigh in the same manner as previously specified, and return to the oven. If a loss of 20 g or more occurs, discontinue the test, check for leaks, and repeat test procedure.Consider the first 24-h period as the preconditioning period. Disregard the mass loss during this period in final calculations. 72 h after the preconditioning weighing, weigh in the same manner as previously described. Calculate the 72-h mass loss. Determine the effusion rate by subtracting the corresponding mass loss of the blank from that of the loaded test unit. Express the effusion rate in kg/m 2/year or lb/ft 2/year. Calculate the rate of loss of refrigerant 12 mass for the loaded test units as follows in Equation 1:TABLE 2—ALLOWABLE PERMEATION RATE (1)1.These rates reflect specific temperature and pressure conditions and do not reflect normal life permeation rates.TestTemperature°CTestTemperature°FReference Pressure MPa Reference Pressure psigMaximum Allowable Loss of Refrigerant 12kg/m 2year (1)Types B2,A1, A2, B1Maximum Allowable Loss of Refrigerant 12kg/m 2year (1)Types C, DMaximum Allowable Loss of Refrigerant 12lb/ft 2year (1)Types B2,A1, A2, B1Maximum Allowable Loss of Refrigerant 12lb/ft 2year (1)Types C, D100212 3.2447046.513.2103 801762.21320299.761.98(Eq. 1)where:A=Initial mass after preconditioning period of loaded test unit, g B =Final mass after 72-h period of loaded test unit, gC =Initial mass after preconditioning period of blank test unit, gD =Nominal hose inside diameter, mmE =Final mass after 72-h period of blank test unit, g K =39.7R =Rate of refrigerant 12 mass loss, kilograms per square meter per year L 1=Free hose length of loaded test unit, m L 2=Free hose length of blank test unit, mor where:D =Nominal hose inside diameter, in K =12.3R =Rate of refrigerant 12 mass loss, pounds per square foot per year L 1=Free hose length of loaded test unit, in L 2=Free hose length of blank test unit, inAt the conclusion of the test, the refrigerant charge in each specimen should be exhausted to a suitable reclamation container.5.3Integrity test—The hose shall show no signs of tube splitting causing rupture when tested at 107 °C ± 2 °C (225 °F ± 3.6 °F) for 24 h when loaded with refrigerant 12 as described in the Permeation Test. Three test units are required.2 This test may be conducted as a separate test or as part of the Permeation Test by running the 24-h preconditioning period at 107 °C ± 2 °C (225 °F ± 3.6°F).At the conclusion of the test, the refrigerant charge in each specimen should be exhausted to a suitable reclamation container.5.4Aging Test—The hose shall show no cracks or other disintegration when tested as specified after aging at 120°C ± 2 °C (248 °F ± 3.6 °F) for 168 h. The mandrel used shall have a diameter eight times the nominal OD for Types A1, A2, B1, B2, and D, and shall have a diameter twice the minimum bend radius shown in Table 3 for Type C. The test unit shall have free hose length not less than 300 mm (12 in) or more than 1000 mm (39 in).2.Failure of this test by a weight loss exceeding 20% of the original refrigerant 12 mass.TABLE 3—MINIMUM BEND RADIUS FOR TYPE C HOSESize mm Size in Minimum Bend RadiusmmMinimum Bend Radiusin4.83/16 51 2.0 6.41/4 76 3.0 85/16 89 3.5 9.53/8102 4.01013/32114 4.5131/21275.0165/81656.5R A B –()L 1------------------C E –()L 2------------------–K D ---⋅=5.4.1P ROCEDURE—Coil the uncapped hose assembly around the mandrel of the designated size. Place in acirculating air oven for the time and at the temperature specified. After removal from the oven, allow the hose assembly to cool to room temperature, then open the hose assembly to a straight length and examine the hose externally for cracks or other disintegration. Place the hose assembly under an internal hydrostatic pressure of 2.4 MPa (350 psi) for a period of 5 min. Report any leakage through the hose as evidence of cracking.5.5Cold Test—The hose shall show no evidence of cracking or breaking when tested as specified. The mandrelused for Types A1, A2, B1, B2, and D shall have a diameter eight times the nominal OD of the hose and for Type C shall have diameter twice the minimum bend radius shown in T able 3. The test hose assembly shall have a free hose length not less than 450 mm (18 in) or more than 1000 mm (39 in).5.5.1P ROCEDURE—Load the test hose assembly to 70% of capacity with refrigerant 12 at room temperature. Forconvenience, the hose assembly and refrigerant 12 may be chilled below the boiling point of the refrigerant12 in order that the refrigerant 12 may be handled in the liquid state. Place the loaded hose assembly in anair oven 70 °C ± 2 °C (158 °F ± 3.6 °F) for 48 h. Remove hose assembly from the air oven and allow it to cool to room temperature. Allow the liquid to remain in the hose assembly. Place the hose assembly in a straight position along with designated size mandrel in a cold chamber at –30 °F (–22 °F) for 24 h. The cold chamber shall be capable of maintaining a uniform atmosphere of cold dry air or a mixture of air and carbon dioxide at the specified temperature with a tolerance of ±2 °C (±3.6 °F). Without removing the hose assembly from the cold chamber, bend it through 180 over mandrel of the designated size at a uniform rate within a time period of 4 to 8 s. Allow the hose assembly to warm to room temperature and exhaust the refrigerant 12 to a suitable reclamation container. Place the hose assembly under an internal hydrostatic pressure of 2.4 MPa (350 psi) for a period of 5 min. Report any leakage through the hose as evidence of cracking.5.6Vacuum Test—The collapse of the outside diameter of the hose shall not exceed 20% of the original outsidediameter when subjected to a reduced pressure (vacuum) of 81 kPa (24 in of mercury) for 2 min.5.6.1P ROCEDURE—The test hose assembly shall have a free hose length not less than 610 mm (24 in) nor morethan 1000 mm (39 in). Bend the hose assembly to a “U” shape with the inside radius of the base of the “U”being five times the nominal outside diameter of the hose. Apply a reduced pressure (vacuum) of 81 kPa (24in of mercury) to the bent hose assembly for 2 min. At the end of the 2-min period, while the hose is still under reduced pressure, measure the outside diameter of the hose at the base of the “U,” to determine the minimum diameter in any plane.5.7Length Change—All hose types shall not contract in length more than 4% or elongate more than 2% whensubjected to a pressure of 2.4 MPa (350 psi). Test in accordance with ASTM D 380.5.8Bursting Strength—The minimum bursting strength for all hose and hose assemblies except the 5/8 ID TypesA1 and A2 shall be 12 MPa (1750 psi). 5/8 ID Types A1 and A2 are intended for low pressure side service and shall have minimum bursting strengths of 8.5 MPa (1250 psi). Test in accordance with ASTM D 380.5.9Proof Test—All hose shall satisfactorily withstand a hydrostatic proof test with a minimum hydrostatic pressureequal to 50% of the minimum required burst strength for a period not less than 30 s or more than 5 min.5.10Extraction Test—The extractable of the inside surface of the hose tube shall not exceed 118 g/m2 (76 mg/in2)and any extractable shall be oil or soft/greasy in nature. The test hose assembly shall have a free hose length not less than 450 mm (18 in) or more than 1000 mm (39 in).5.10.1P ROCEDURE —Fill the hose assembly to capacity with a suitable solvent and then empty it immediately toremove any surface material. Load the hose assembly to approximately 70% capacity with refrigerant 12 at room temperature. For convenience, the hose assembly and refrigerant 12 may be chilled below the boiling point of refrigerant 12 in order that the refrigerant 12 may be handled in the liquid state. Place the loaded hose assembly to –34 °C (–30 °F) or colder and pour the liquid refrigerant 12 into a weighed vacuum flask,chilled to –30 °C (–22 °F) or colder, then attach flask to R12 recovery unit and recover all R12. After the refrigerant 12 has evaporated, condition the beaker at approximately 70 °C (158 °F) for 1 h to remove condensed moisture, then weigh the beaker again. Report the extract in terms of grams per square meter (milligrams per square inch) of the hose inner surface based on the nominal inside diameter of the base.At the conclusion of the test, the refrigerant charge in each specimen should be exhausted to a suitable reclamation container.5.11Tensile Test of Hose Assembly—The minimum force required to separate the hose from the coupling shallnot be less specified in Table 4. The test hose assembly shall have a minimum free hose length of 300 mm (12in). Test in accordance with ASTM D 380.5.12Ozone Test—This test is not applicable to hoses of Types B1 and B2. When the hose is bent around amandrel with a diameter 8 times the nominal outside diameter of the hose and exposed for 70 h to ozone air atmosphere in which the ozone partial pressure is 50 MPa ± 5 MPa at 40 °C ± 2 °C (104 °F ± 3.6 °F), the outer cover of the hose shall show no cracks when examined under 7X magnification. The test hose shall be about 250 mm (10 in) longer than the mandrel circumference. Test in accordance with ASTM D 380.5.13Cleanliness Test—The bore of all hose and hose assemblies shall be clean and dry. When subjected to thistest, there shall not be more than 270 mg/m 2 (25 mg/ft 2) of foreign material. The test hose shall not be less than 300 mm (12 in).5.13.1P ROCEDURE —Bend the hose or hose assembly to a “U” shape, the legs of the “U” being of equal length.Position the hose in a vertical plane and fill the hose to capacity with a suitable solvent. Then filter the suitable solvent through a prepared Gooch crucible, sintered glass crucible, or 0.8 µm filter of known weight.After drying at approximately 70 °C (158 °F) for 20 min, determine by weight difference the insoluble contamination.TABLE 4—TENSILE STRENGTH OF HOSE ASSEMBLYSize mm Size in Types A1, A2, C, DkgTypes A1, A2, C, DlbTypes B1, B2kg Types B1, B2lb 4.8 3/16 91200 91200 6.41/41132501814008 5/161592502726009.53/820445010 13/32227500329725131/2249550329725165/8249550329725227/8249550329725291-1/82495503297255.14Impulse Test—A minimum of two hose assemblies shall be installed in a test fixture and then subjected to apulsating pressure from 2.6 MPa ± 170 kPa (375 psi ± 25 psi) at 30 to 40 cycles per min using a petroleum base hydraulic oil such as refrigerant oil, power steering oil, or automatic transmission oil having viscosity at 107 °C ± 2 °C (225 °F ± 3.6 °F) of 5.0 to 10.0 cSt, at 107 °C ± 2 °C (225 °F ± 3.6 °F) for a minimum of 150 000 cycles with no leakage or failure. For T ypes A1, A2, B1, B2, and D, the minimum bend radius should be five times the nominal OD of the hoses. For Type C hoses, see T able 3.Test in accordance with SAE J343 JUN87.PREPARED BY THE SAE AIR-CONDITIONING REFRIGERANT HOSE AND HOSEASSEMBLY SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE SAE COOLANT HOSE COMMITTEERationale—Not Applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not Applicable.Application—This SAE Standard covers reinforced hose, or hose assemblies, intended for conducting liquid and gaseous dichlorodifluoromethane (refrigerant 12) in automotive air-conditioning systems. The hose shall be designed to minimize permeation of refrigerant 12 and contamination of the system and to be serviceable over a temperatur\e range of –30 to 120 °C (–22 to 248 °F). Specific construction details are to be agreed upon between user and supplier.NOTE—SAE J2064 is the Standard for refrigerant 134a hose. For refrigerant 134a use, refer to SAE J2064Reference SectionSAE J343 JUN87—Tests and Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose AssembliesSAE J 2064—R134a Refrigerant Automotive Air-Conditioning HoseASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber HoseDeveloped by the SAE Air-Conditioning Hose and Hose Assembly SubcommitteeSponsored by the SAE Coolants Hose Committee。
汽车空调管路标准————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Q C/T 669-2000(2000-12-07发布,2001-07-01实施)前言本标准等效采用国际汽车空调协会标准:MACA305-1997。
关于英制统一螺纹,ANSI B1.1与ISO 263:1973、ISO 725:1978、ISO 5864:1993、ISO 68.2:1998是一致的,但ISO标准中缺乏相应的量规和检验体系标准,因此,本标准在引用标准中不再列入ISO标准。
对于中性盐雾试验,原标准采用的是ASTM B117,本标准引用了方法与之等效的GB/T 10125。
中华人民共和国汽车行业标准汽车空调(HFC-134a)用管接头和管件 QC/T 669-20001 范围本标准规定了汽车空调(HFC-134a)用管接头和管件端部的型式、尺寸及技术要求。
2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
GB/T 10125-1997 人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验ANSI B1.1-1989 英制统一螺纹ANSI B1.2-1983 英制统一螺纹量规ANSI/ASME B1.3M-1992 螺纹量规体系ANSI B1.13-1983 米制螺纹牙型3 型式与代号螺纹管接头及其组件的型式与缩写代号按表1规定;4 一般要求4.1 范围本标准规定了汽车空调系统用扩口式和O形圈式管接头的螺纹连接件和管件端部型式,以及带“倒钩”的推入式软管接头。
中华人民共和国汽车行业标准QC/T 80 一 93汽车气制动系尼龙管1主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了汽车气制动系尼龙管及管总成的尺寸规格、性能要求和试验方法。
本标准适用于在最大工作压力1MPa,温度一 40~+ 100℃的条件下工作的汽车气制动系统使用的尼龙11 管及管总成。
2引用标准GB 8410汽车内饰资料燃烧特点GB 9344塑料氖灯光源曝露试验方法3术语3. 1管子:指规定或没有规定长度且不带连接件的尼龙11 管。
3. 2管件:指用于联接收子与管接头体的卡套、衬套、联管螺母等连接件。
3. 3管总成:指有规定长度的管子和管件的组合体。
4规格和尺寸4. 1管子规格用外径和壁厚两个参数表示。
4. 2管子尺寸见表1。
5标记5. 1管子上的标记,由沿一母线用附着牢固的最小高度为2mm的字符组成,每隔350mm重标一次。
5. 2标记字符组成:a.本标准号;b.管子规格;c.资料种类;d.制造厂标记;e.生产日期。
6资料和颜色6. 1用于制造管子的资料为100%尼龙 11 原粒料。
6. 2管子颜色平时为黑色,其他颜色由生产厂与用户协商确定。
8性能试验8. 1除有特别说明外,用于试验的管及管总成应最少放置 3 天,试验环境温度为 23±5℃,相对湿度在45%~ 75%之间,且管内没有压力。
8. 2管总成应按正常生产装置工艺进行装置。
8. 3抗拉强度8. 3. 1试样:管件间长度150mm一端装有管件的管总成3 根。
8. 3. 2试验过程在拉力试验机上以25mm/min 的速率经过管接头对管总成施加轴向拉力,达到表 2 所规定的值时,管件不应发生松脱或滑移。
8. 4密封试验8. 4. 1试样:管件间长度约150mm的管总成 3 根。
AISES 5017-2004 软管总成
AISES 5017-2004标准名称:软管总成版本:R11 范围本标准适用于空调国际(上海)有限公司(AIS)开发和生产的汽车空调使用的软管及其组合件(以下简称软管)。
Q/PbA J 6795产品包装通用技术条件AISTS 6017-2004 软管总成试验方法3 技术要求3.1 技术要求的测试方法见AISTS 6017-2004《软管总成试验方法》。
3.2 产品应符合本标准要求,并经过规定程序批准和按技术文件制造。
3.3软管分类汽车空调用软管可以分为以下几类:a) A1、A2型――织物增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
b) B型――钢丝增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由钢丝组成,外层由用合成橡胶浸渍的耐热织物组成。
c) C型――织物增强的带有热塑性绝缘层的软管软管内外橡胶层之间有热塑性绝缘层,以织物作为增强层,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
d) D型――织物增强的热塑性内衬的软管在软管内胶层的内表面有薄薄一层热塑性塑料内衬,增强层由与内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层的耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
3.4 外观质量3.4.1软管及软管总成上不允许有影响使用性能和安装的缺陷,软管内外表面应清洁干燥、无破损、裂纹、气泡、缩孔、起皱、凸起等缺陷,软管各层之间应结合牢固,软管总成应连接牢固无缺陷,并且应该有防护帽。
中华人民共和国汽车行业标准汽车空调(HFC-134a)用密封件 QC/T 666-20001 范畴本标准规定了使用制冷剂HFC-134a的汽车空调用橡胶密封件的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存。
2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
GB/T 528-1998 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定GB/T 531-1992 硫化橡胶邵尔A硬度试验方法GB/T 1682-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定单试样法GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调剂和试验的标准温度、湿度及时刻 GB 3452.1-1992 液压气动用0形橡胶密封圈尺寸系列及公差GB/T 3452.2-1987 O形橡胶密封圈外观质量检验标准GB/T 3512-1983 橡胶热空气者化试验方法GB/T 5720-1993 O形橡胶密封圈试验方法GB/T 5721-1993 橡胶密封制品标志、包装、运输、贮存的一样规定 GB/T 5723-1993 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶试验用试样和制品尺寸的测定GB/T 7759-1996 硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶在常温、高温顺低温下压缩永久变形测定GB/T 7762-1987 硫化橡胶耐臭氧老化试验静态拉伸试验法GB/T 9865.1-1996 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶样品和试样的制备第一部分:物理试验3 技术要求3.1 密封件中橡胶材料所用原材料及制造工艺应当遵照有关技术规范。
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汽车空调(HFC-134a)用软管及软管组合件 QC/T 664-20001 范围本标准规定了汽车空调系统中输送液态或气态HFC-134a制冷剂的空调软管及软管组合件的种类、尺寸、技术要求、试验方法、标志、检验及包装、运输和贮存。
2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调节和试验的标准温度、湿度及时间3 种类3.1 A1、A2型——织物增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由与内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
3.2 B型——钢丝增强的合成橡胶软管软管内胶层为耐油橡胶,增强层由钢丝组成,外层由用合成橡胶浸渍的耐热织物组成。
3.3 C型——织物增强的带有热塑性绝缘层的软管软管内外橡胶层之间有热塑性绝缘层,以织物作为增强层,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
3.4 D型——织物增强的热塑性内衬的软管在软管内胶层的内表面有薄薄一层热塑性塑料内衬,增强层由与内胶层和外胶层粘合的织物组成,外胶层为耐热和耐臭氧的橡胶。
4 技术要求4.1 尺寸4.1.1 软管的内外径软管内外径尺寸应满足供需双方同意的图样的要求。
4.1.2 软管壁厚偏差软管壁厚的偏差不应超过表1中规定的数值。
表1 软管壁厚偏差 mm4.2外观质量软管及软管组合件上不允许有影响使用性能和安装的缺陷;软管内外表面应清洁干燥、无破损、裂纹、气泡、缩孔、起皱、凸起等缺陷;软管各层之间应结合牢固;软管组合件应连接牢固无缺陷。
4.3 拉伸性能软管组合件应能承受表2中给出的拉脱力而不损坏。
表2 软管组合件的最小拉脱力4.4 渗透量制冷剂的渗透量不得大于初始制冷剂质量的10%。
4.5 制冷剂的渗透率制冷剂的渗透率应满足表3的要求。
表3 制冷剂最大渗透率 kg/m2/年4.6 耐高温性软管内外表面应无肉眼可见的裂纹,在压力试验过程中软管组合件无泄漏现象。
4.7 耐低温性软管内外表面应无肉眼可见的裂纹,在压力试验过程中软管组合件无泄漏现象。
4.8 耐真空性软管外径的塌陷量不大于软管初始外径的20%。
4.9 长度变化率软管在规定压力作用下,长度变化率为-4%~+2%。
4.10 爆破压力软管组合件的最小爆破压力为12 MPa。
4.11 耐压性软管组合件按规定压力和时间试验后,不允许出现渗漏、裂纹、突然扭曲等异常现象。
4.12 可萃取物含量软管组合件内表面的可萃取物含量不大于118 g/m2。
4.13 体积变化率橡胶材料的软管体积变化率为-5%~+35%;热塑性材料的软管体积变化率为-5%~+5%。
4.14 组合件密封性12天中每个软管组合件最大质量损失不大于10 g,在所有的试验周期内及进行弯曲试验时,在软管组合件任何位置上不得产生渗漏现象。
4.15 耐臭氧性软管外胶层在八倍放大镜下无可见的龟裂现象。
4.16 内表面清洁度杂质含量不大于270 mg/m2。
4.17 耐脉冲疲劳性经150000次循环试验后,软管组合件无渗漏及损坏等异常现象。
4.18 浸湿率软管组合件的浸湿率不大于3.90×10-4/mm2/年;平均浸湿率不大于1.11×10-3g/mm2/年。
5 试验方法5.1 试验条件试验室的环境条件应符合GB/T 2941的要求。
试样在试验前,要在此条件下至少保存24 h。
5.2 试验介质试验使用的试验介质为在HFC-134a制冷剂中添加10%±l%质量的冷冻润滑油。
5.3 尺寸5.3.1 软管的内外径软管的内径应使用专用的量具测量,例如扩张球型或可伸缩型量具等;软管的外径应使用游标卡尺等量具测量,在互相垂直的两个方向上测量,结果取平均值。
5.3.2 软管壁厚偏差软管的壁厚偏差应使用专用的量具测量,例如能接触软管内壁测量的有探头的卡尺等。
5.4 拉伸性能试验取软管组合件3根,软管暴露长度不小于300 mm,两端固定在拉力机上,以25 mm/min±2 mm/min的试验速度进行拉伸,达到规定最小拉脱力或拉脱及断裂时停止试验,记录负荷值。
5.5 渗透量试验取3根软管组合件,按5.6.3,2的方法将规定的试验介质充注到软管组合件中后,测量软管组合件的质量,然后将样件在100℃±2℃温度条件下放置24 h,取出后再次测量软管组合件的质量,并计算质量损失。
5.6 制冷剂渗透率试验5.6.1 试验装置5.6.1.1 金属压力罐金属压力罐的内部容积在475 cm3到525 cm3之间,至少能承受21 MPa 的压力,并配有合适的附件来连接软管组合件。 附件和夹具附件和夹具在承受管内压力时能保证密封且无渗漏现象。 检漏仪检漏仪的灵敏度为11 g/年以上。 恒温箱恒温箱应保证在试验周期内保持稳定的试验温度,温度精度为1℃。 天平天平的精度为0.1 g。
5.6.2 试验条件在较高工作压力下使用的软管或软管组合件的试验温度为100℃±2℃(液体排放软管);在较低工作压力下使用的软管或软管组合件的试验温度为80℃±2℃(液体抽吸软管)。
5.6.3 试验步骤5.6.3.1 试验前准备取软管暴露长度为l m的软管组合件4根,两端用密封件密封好。
第4根接上接头,作为检测软管自身质量变化的对比管;在标准状态下,测量软管暴露长度(l1、l2),误差为±l mm;然后分别将这4根软管与金属压力罐连接,测量每根软管组合件的质量,包括接头,误差为±0.1 g。
接着按每立方毫米体积软管充装0.6 mg的试验介质量充装,误差为±5 g。
充装管子数量为3根,用检漏仪检查每根软管是否有渗漏现象。 制冷剂充装方法1:软管组合件充装前,必须在-30℃或更低的低温箱内保持4 h。
保持试验介质流动的仪器有一个存储压缩空气系统,一个活塞泵和一个用于测量流量的控制设备。 试验方法首先要把3根试验管和1根对比管放在恒温箱中以试验温度干燥30 min,以除去软管组合件表面的水分;然后用检漏仪检查是否渗漏,并称量。
把软管组合件放在规定温度(见5.6.2)的恒温箱中,每隔24 h取出一次,用检漏仪检查是否渗漏;在从恒温箱拿出15 min至30 min之间称量,然后再次放入恒温箱中。
第一个24 h是准备阶段,如果损耗量大于初始制冷剂质量的10%时,停止试验,计算时不考虑在这个阶段的质量变化。
准备阶段称量之后,记录试验用软管组合件初始质量(m1)及对比软管组合件的初始质量(m3);然后再进行72 h试验后,测量软管组合件的质量(m2)及对比软管组合件的质量(m4)。
5.6.4 试验结果的计算制冷剂的渗透率计算公式如下:R=((m1-m2)/l1-(m3-m4)/l2)(k/d) (1)式中:R——每年每平方米上损失制冷剂的质量,kg/m2/年;m1——准备阶段后软管组合件初始质量,g;m2——72 h后软管组合件质量,g;m3——准备阶段后对比软管组合件初始质量,g;m4——72 h后对比软管组合件质量,g;l1——软管暴露长度,m;l2——对比软管暴露长度,m;d——软管内径,mm;k——常数38.7。
5.7 耐高温性试验取软管暴露长度为300 mm~1000 mm的软管组合件3根,绕直径为软管公称外径8倍的芯轴弯曲,然后将其放入恒温箱中,在135℃±2℃的条件下放置168 h;取出试样,冷却至室温后松开软管,仔细检查软管外表面是否有肉眼可见的裂纹等缺陷,然后将软管在2.4 MPa的压力下保压5 min,检查软管组合件有无泄漏现象。
5.8 耐低温性试验取软管暴露长度为300mm~1000mm的软管组合件3根,在室温下,将样件填充试验介质至软管容积的70%;或将软管组合件及试验介质冷却到-30℃以下进行充装。
将充装后的软管组合件置+70℃±2℃的恒温箱中,保持48 h后,取出使其冷却到室温;然后将呈直线状态的软管组合件与直径为软管名义外径8倍的芯轴一起在-40℃±2℃低温箱中放置24h,放置后在低温箱中把软管组合件以均匀的速度在4 s~8 s内绕芯轴弯曲180°;取出后将试样恢复至室温,仔细检查外表面是否有肉眼可见的裂纹等缺陷,然后将每一根软管组合件充装的试验介质倒回一个合适的回收容器中,将软管在2.4 MPa的压力下保压5 min,检查软管组合件有无泄漏现象。
5.9 耐真空性试验取软管长度为600 mm~1000 mm的软管组合件,将软管弯成“U”型,“U”型的内径为软管公称外径的5倍,测量“U”型底部任意平面上最小外径尺寸为初始外径(D);将软管抽真空至绝对压力为81 kPa,保压2 min;在保压结束后软管仍处在真空状态时,再次测量“U”型底部任意平面上最小外径尺寸(D1),然后按下式计算软管外径塌陷量:外径塌陷量=D0-D1 (2)式中:D——试前软管外径,mm;D1——试后软管外径,mm。
5.10 长度变化率试验取软管暴露长度为600 mm软管组合件两根,在软管外表面按图1作三个参考标记(A,B和C),在软管长度方向上大约中间位置做标记B,在距B为250mm处做A和C标记。
用水或其它液体充满软管组合件并排除空气后,水平安装到打压试验台上,在初始压力为70 kPa时用卷尺测量标记A和C之间的长度(l),误差为±1 mm,然后以均匀的速率施加压力,在30 s~60 s内升高压力至2.4 MPa±0.2 Mka,保持1 min后再次测量软管组合件标记A和C之间的长度(l1);按下式计算软管组合件的长度变化率:长度变化率=((l1-l)/l)×100% (3)式中:l——软管参考标记间的初始距离,mm;l1——软管参考标记间的试后距离,mm。