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roll in the aisles
• to laugh so much that it is hard to stop
• 捧腹大笑,笑得前仰后翻 • 乐不可支 • It’s all good knockabout stuff that has them rolling in the aisles. ①都是这些好玩的玩意儿让他们乐不可支。 ②都是这些好玩的闹剧让他们笑得前仰后翻。
• to start doing something which someone else was doing first, so that you share their success or win an advantage • 如法炮制,站在巨人肩膀上
• The company’s reputation has reached the United States, and the American investors have been trying to get in on the act.
a fallen angel
• someone once good or successful who has become bad or unsuccessful • 过气明星 • Without an away League win all season, Leeds United quickly became the fallen angels of the Premier League. • 整个赛季没有赢得一场客场胜利,利兹联 队很快成了英超联赛的过气明星。
a balancing act
• a situation in which you try to satisfy two or more opposing groups or sets of ideals • 权衡各种因素,兼顾各个方面,平衡术
• Mr Alia is performing a delicate balancing act. He talks of reform, but clings tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ old certainties.
• 翻译的过程就是一个纠结的过程,纠结于 某个具体的单词,纠结于某个例句的翻译, 纠结于源语辞条中文化内涵的传递以及目 标语语库中对应辞条的选择。 • 翻译过程中除了勤于动脑,还要勤于动手, 特别是动手翻纸质词典,比如有个辞条例 句中涉及“row”(French newspapers
described the international row as much ado about nothing),当时因为懒于翻词典,凭空猜测
as American as apple pie
• typical of American culture or the American way of life
• 具有美国特色,地道美国味儿 例句:Jeans are as American as apple pie and old jeans
show a touch of class. ①牛仔裤具有美国特色,一条旧的牛仔裤可以显示你的穿衣 品味。 ②牛仔裤具有典型的美国味,做旧的牛仔更有经典范。 ③牛仔裤独具美国特色,而穿旧的牛仔裤更给人一种气度非 凡的感觉。
• clear the air
• to deal openly with misunderstandings, problems, or jealousy, and try to get rid of them • 尽释前嫌,消除隔阂 例句 I get angry and frustrated with Hannah’s temper, but I’m a great believer in expressing my feelings to clear the air. • 我对汉娜的脾气很恼火,但是我相信开诚布公可以尽释前 嫌。 ( ◆将句子翻译成简洁的成语)
all-singing, all-dancing
• very modern and advanced, with a lot of additional features. • 高精尖 • As long as you don’t expect the latest allsinging, all-dancing Japanese marvel, this camera is an excellent buy. • 只要你追求的不是最新潮的日本货,这款 相机是个不错的选择。
put the arm on someone
• to try to force someone to do what you want • 抢劫某人,向某人要钱 • Women like you are not only writing checks, but you’re putting the arm on other people to give to charity as well. • 像你这样的女人不仅是在开具支票,而且也在强迫 其他人投入慈善.
• fight a rearguard action
to try hard to stop something happening, without much hope of success 负隅顽抗
• a hidden agenda
a situation in which someone secretly tries to achieve a particular thing while they appear to be doing something else. 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓;声东击西
• The minister warned the press that privacy laws would be implemented if newspapers didn’t clean up their act.
• 部长警告媒体,如果各家报纸不痛改前非 ,政府将实行隐私法。
get in on the act /be in on the act
此单词在句中的意思,结果导致整句话意 思翻译完全错误。
• the acid test
• an experience or situation that proves how skilful or effective someone or something is
• 严峻的考验
• My first really stressful day when things go wrong: that will be the real acid test.
• 词条翻译 • play your ace
to do something clever and unexpected to give yourself an advantage 亮出杀手锏
• hold all the aces
to have all the power or advantages in a situation
• a class act
someone, for example a sports player or a performer, who is very good at what they do 业内翘楚
• have ants in your pants
to be very restless or impatient 芒刺在背
apron strings
• the control that one country or institution has over another even though it should be independent • 控制,操纵
• The Prime Minister has the rough outline of a blueprint for Australia as an independent nation, free of British apron strings. ①总理为澳大利亚制定了一份独立计划纲要,以摆脱英国控制. ②总理对于不再受英国控制,成为独立国家的澳大利亚制定 了粗略的蓝图。 ③首相为澳大利亚规划了一幅简要的蓝图,那时澳大利亚将 成为一个独立自主的国家,不再受英国的统治。
①阿里亚先生擅于打太极,他嘴里说的是改革,但 却揪住陈规不放。 ②阿里奥先生两面取巧,他既谈论着改革,却仍依 附着旧原则。
clean up your act • to improve your behavior and start to act in a more socially responsible way • 洗心革面,痛改前非
in the air
• if a change, idea, or feeling is in the air, people are aware of it or think it is going to happen even though it is not talked about directly • 传开|流行开来 • Great excitement was in the air that week in London. ① 那一周伦敦城弥漫着巨大的兴奋感。 ② 那一周兴奋感弥漫着整个伦敦。
SL 分析
• 此文本为词典习语翻译,通常要求译 文语言严谨,简洁,准确。由于习语 不可避免的将涉及源语文化背景,因 此在翻译过程中译者必须了解源语辞 条中所涉及的文化并尽可能寻求源语 辞条及目标语辞条之间的契合点。 • 翻译过程中应尽量追求意义对等,其 次再寻求形式对等,终极目标是追求 两者同时对等。
①在我异常紧张的第一天如果事情进展不顺利,对 我将是一个严峻的考验。 ②当第一天事情进展不顺利时我倍感压力:真是一 场严峻的考验啊。 ③这是我第一次经历如此充满压力的一天,一切都 乱了套,对我来说那是真正的决定性考验。
a passing/nodding acquaintance
• someone you know, but only slightly • 点头之交 • After a while a man came in who was evidently a passing acquaintance of the family and stopped at their table to chat. ①过了一会儿,走进来一个男人,很明显跟他们家 没什么交情,却在桌边跟他们聊了起来。 ②过了一会走进来一人,很明显认识这一家人,他 在他们桌前停下开始交谈。
• 到周一我们将下跌22个基点,我们必 须同心协力,重整旗鼓。
a slice of the action / a piece of the action
• involvement in an activity which seems exciting and likely to succeed or make money • 分一杯羹 • As the British rap scene grows in strength, the Americans are becoming keener to grab a slice of the action. ① 随着英国的说唱市场日益红火,美国人也越来越 钟情说唱,想从中分一杯羹。 ② 随着英国说唱界的兴起,美国也想参与分一杯羹 。
• 这家企业已享誉美国,在这时所有投资者 们都企图插手其中分一杯羹。
get your act together
• to take control of yourself and organize your activities more effectively in order to be more successful • 重整旗鼓,协同一致,严于律己,同心协力 • We’ re going to be 22 points down by Monday, and we’ve got to get our act together.