3选题、摘要、引言与文献回顾(Literature Review)


literature review(如何写文献综述)

literature review(如何写文献综述)
research 4. To provide the framework,
methodological assumptions, datacollection techniques, key concepts
Review focuses
1. The prevailing and current theories underlying the research problems;
Frequently-occurring problems
1. No direct relevance
Relevancy is the first and parae quality of a review.
“How is it relevant to my study?”
3. Major elements in LR
4. Writing principles
Major principles to follow: 1. Review the sources that are most
relevant to your thesis. 2. Describe or write your review as clear
Use of L1 in L2 reading? Speaking?
1. Examine from a wider perspective and search for the most pertinent studies to evaluate.
Difficulties in organizing

杭州英国留学 论文Literature Review写作指导

杭州英国留学 论文Literature Review写作指导

杭州英国留学论文Literature Review写作指导
Literature Review也就是是论文的文献综述或文献回顾部分。


首先,在写作前我们指导Literature Review的写作有哪些作用和意义。





回顾通常情况下都是对原有的理论的一种概述,文献回顾(Literature Review)是为了突出论文的主题,且它也能为论文的主题和论据提供支持通过引用一些官方或者专家的观点。

文献回顾(Literature Review))是独立的、也可以穿插论述在里面、也可以据不同的论题分成不同的章节。

文献回顾(Literature Review)应该是为你的研究提供一个理论框架,让你的读者看到你、清楚的理解与主题相关的关键概念,研究的模型等等。


最后,在开始设计和开始你的文献回顾(Literature Review)之前一定要问自己几个问题,从而达到文章的论据的可行性。



f) On Chinese-English Translation in the Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Advertising Languages
g) A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation
b) The Role of the Classroom Activities in Oral English Teaching in Junior School
c) A Study of Improving Junior Students’ Oral English through Interactive Teaching Approach (利用互 动式教学提高初中生口语能力)
c) The Language Characteristics and Translation Skills of Business Contract
d) Puns and Their Translation in English Advertisement
e) The Use and Translation of Words in Business Correspondence
e) The Symbolic Meaning of Color Terms in Chinese and Western Cultures
f) A Study of Gender Difference in English Language
g) The Influence of Body Language on the Effect of Speech身势语对演讲效果的影响

introduction和literature review

introduction和literature review

introduction和literature review在学术论文中,Introduction(引言)和Literature Review(文献综述)是两个重要的部分,它们有不同的功能和组织结构。








Literature Review(文献综述):功能:文献综述的目的是回顾和总结先前研究领域中的相关研究,以便为当前研究提供背景和理论基础。






总体而言,Introduction 引导读者进入研究主题,提出研究问题和目的;Literature Review 则通过回顾相关文献为研究提供理论和背景支持。




第六讲文献检索与回顾一、文献回顾的重要性文献回顾( literature review)是指系统寻找、识别、分析相关研究性文献的工作。






[3] 当我们通过文献回顾了解到上述研究成果,而又不能提出否定这些原理的证据时,就不宜选择国际制度与国际合作的关系为研究问题,以避免重复研究。































2.文献综述(Literature Review):文献综述部分对已有的相关研究


3.研究方法(Research Methodology):在研究方法部分,作者详细


4.结果与讨论(Results and Discussion):结果与讨论部分呈现研究













一、引言部分常用词汇与学科术语解释1.研究目的 (Research objective): 指研究的目的或目标,即研究要解决的问题或取得的成果。

2.研究背景 (Research background): 介绍研究课题的相关背景和相关研究已有的研究结果。

3.文献综述 (Literature review): 对已有文献进行综合评述和分析,以阐述当前研究的基础和研究的重要性。

4.问题陈述 (Problem statement): 阐述研究中要解决的问题或假设,明确研究的重点和目标。

二、方法部分常用词汇与学科术语解释1.研究设计 (Research design): 指研究所采用的方法和步骤,以达到研究目的。

2.样本 (Sample): 指研究中被调查或观察的对象,具有代表性的一部分。

3.数据收集 (Data collection): 指获取研究所需的数据,可以通过问卷调查、实验观察等方式进行。

4.数据分析 (Data analysis): 对收集到的数据进行整理、统计和分析的过程,以获得研究结果。

三、结果部分常用词汇与学科术语解释1.实验结果 (Experimental results): 指通过实验方法获得的数据和观察到的现象。

2.统计分析 (Statistical analysis): 对实验数据进行统计处理和分析,以求得结论的科学性和可靠性。

3.图表 (Figures and Tables): 以可视化的方式呈现实验结果或数据分析结果,便于读者理解和比较。

四、讨论部分常用词汇与学科术语解释1.解释和分析 (Interpretation and analysis): 对实验结果或数据进行解释、分析和讨论,以理解现象和发现规律。




英文文献综述范文How to Write a Literature Review ?I. The definition of Literature Review文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。



II. The purposes of literature review And Its ComponentsA. The PurposesOn the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focusedresearch question.B. Its ComponentsThere are six parts in a complete Literature Review.标题与作者(title and author)摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)引言(introduction)述评(review)结论(conclusion)参考文献(references)III. Classification of Source MaterialsHow can we locate the materials relevant to our topics betterand faster? Basically, all these source materials may be classified into four majors of sources.A: Background sources:Basic information which can usually be found in dictionaries andencyclopedia complied by major scholars or founders of the field. Three very good and commonly recommenced encyclopedias are encyclopedias ABC, namely, Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Collier’s Encyclopedia. There are also reference works more specialized, such as The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics for linguistics and TEFL studies. Moreover, you may also find Encyclopedia on the web.B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will informmost of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. T o use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source that you need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excit e, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literaturereviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.3. The major findings in the area, by whom and when.4. The studies which can be considered the better ones, and why.5. Description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies.6. Criticism of the work in the area.B. When you write literature review, the two principles to follow are:1. Review the sources that are most relevant to your to your thesis.2. Describe or write your review as clear and objective as you can.C. Some tips for writing the review:1. Define key terms or concepts clearly and relevant to your topic.2. Discuss the least-related references to your question first and the mostrelated references last.3. Conclude your review with a brief summary.4. Start writing your review early.VI. 文献综述主要部分的细节性提示和注意事项英文文献主要部分细节提示:引言(Introduction)引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综述的范围和内容。



文献综述(LiteratureReview)的四种主要结构解析在你开始写的文献综述(Literature Review)之前,你一定要先对整体有个大致的概念(rough idea)。




但是,使用这个方法需要注意一个问题,就是要简单地按顺序列(simply listing)出和汇总文献(summarising)。

所以要试着去分析影响整个领域的模式(patterns),转折点(turning points)和关键的争论(key debates)。


2.按照主题(Thematic)如果你在整理文献的时候发现一个反复出现的中心主题(central themes),那你就可以选择根据主题去组织你的文献综述了。

你可以综述这个主题的各个部分(different aspects),举个例子,比如你的论文是关于移民的问题,可能你会关移民政策,语言障碍和文化冲突等。



比如,关于同一个问题,采用定性研究(qualitative research)和定量研究(quantitative research)的结果有何异同。

还有,对于一个问题,实证研究(empirical study)和理论研究(theoretical study)是分别是如何探索的?4.按照理论(Theoretical)文献综述通常是一个研究的理论框架的基础(the foundation for a theoretical framework)。



研究综述的种类研究综述(literature review)是对已有研究文献进行系统回顾、归纳、总结和评价的一种学术论文形式。




1. 传统综述型(Traditional Review)传统综述型研究综述主要针对某一领域内关键问题的现状与发展进行概述。




2. 系统综述型(Systematic Review)系统综述型研究综述是一种通过明确的方法和标准对已有研究进行系统性回顾和分析的形式。




3. 整合综述型(Integrative Review)整合综述型研究综述旨在将不同经验或研究范式的研究成果整合在一起,形成完整的理论结构,并对已有研究进行评估和概括。



4. 概念综述型(Conceptual Review)概念综述型研究综述侧重于对某一特定概念或理论的梳理和解读。





1.文献综述(Literature Review):文献综述是Review文章的核心部分,主要对与主题相关





3.结果与讨论(Results and Discussion):结果与讨论部分主要是对前人研究结果的总结和








在阅读了大量文献和确定研究方法主题后,作为dissertation的第一个大模块,很多小伙伴都在开始撰写Literature Review了。

最近,君君收到很多来自毕业生的消息,咨询如何写Literature Review,并觉得特别头疼这一部分。





# 将一个人的原创作品放在现有文献的背景下。

# 解释与您的主题相关的主要问题。

# 描述每项工作与正在考虑的其他工作的关系。

# 找出解释的新方法,并阐明以往研究中的任何差距。

# 解决之前看似矛盾的研究中的冲突。

# 确定哪些文献对理解您的主题做出了重要贡献。

# 指出进一步研究你的主题的方法。

LR要写什么?02简单来说,我们要牢牢记住一个词“结构合理well structured”你的想法必须在逻辑上从一个点流向另一个点,或是从一个点拓展散射开到几个相对于的研究问题上。


归类:将你收集到的这些文献划分类别和概念,也就是按照Research Question归类关联:将前人的工作与你的工作,你想法之前的作品和你的研究点联系起来。



literature review

literature review
Literature Review
在全面搜索和深人阅读相关文献的基础上,经过 归纳整理和分析综合,对所研究的问题(学科、 专题)在某时期内采用的研究方法、已取得的研 究成果、需进一步解决的问题与新的发展趋势 进行全面系统的叙述和评论。
的阶段,通过撰写文献综述或阅读已正式发表的高水平 的文献综述可以使科研人员对某专题的研究现状和发 展趋势等全面情况有比较完整、系统、明确的认识,从 而根据有关研究的进展和困境选定有意义、有价值的 研究课题。
文献回顾是研究论文导论部分的第二个 Nhomakorabea骤。文献综述的形式:
1、独立的文献综述文章; 2、博士学位论文或硕士学位论文的引言部分
(也可以是独立的一章); 3、研究论文引言部分的第二个步骤
已公开发表的研究成果,指出该专题研究的现状与特点、 应该进一步解决的问题和未来的研究趋势与方向,并提 出自己的观点和建议。
一段行文,则还需在括号中加人引文的页数。 According to Hawlader, the model based on Dreyer and Erens‟ s correlation can be used for „„the modeling of water droplets motion in cooling towers”(2000, p.451)。
在文献回顾中,论文作者会进一步说明自己研究 工作的背景及动机。作者既要表示自己对同一 研究领域里其他学者曾发表的相关研究十分熟 悉,也要反映自己的研究工作和这些其他学者过 去的研究工作之间的关系。

第6章 学位论文的核心:正文部分

第6章 学位论文的核心:正文部分


学位论文的核心是其正文(Main body)部分。








6.1.1引言的框架结构引言通常由三个部分组成:i)研究的总体描述(General Description of the Research)这一部分解决“从何说起”的问题。




ii)研究目的和意义(Research Motivations and Objectives)研究目的和意义就是要论证研究的必要性。








2.文献回顾(Literature Review):对相关文献进行系统回顾和分析,总结前人的研

3.研究方法(Research Methods):说明综述所采用的研究方法,包括文献检索、筛

4.综述主体(Main Body):根据研究主题和目的,对相关文献进行分类和归纳,从







Literature Review (Sample 1)文献综述

Literature  Review (Sample 1)文献综述

Literature ReviewC12 英语〔1〕 X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s tragedy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tr agedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collectin g and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for her lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity〞, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House〞in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demonstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a girl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at bourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s as tonishment , Alec, the man who seduced her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s wooing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship be tween Tess’s purity and her tragedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation a nd go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowledge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, m etamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himself as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon as Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalisti c outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprinkled a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim k in with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from unde r the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately ove rhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism ha s two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desire d tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to p ay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of various elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J]. ?语文学刊(高教·外文版)?2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代?德伯家的苔丝?中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].?太原科技大学报?2021(02).蒋橹.?苔丝?中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].?电影评介?2006(14).[J].?青海师专学报(教育科学)?2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝〞悲剧的多层次透视[J].?内江师范学院学报?2005(20).唐璇.?苔丝?悲剧根源剖析[J].?南华大学学报(社会科学版)?2006(01).于坤. An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J]. ?高等教育与学术研究?2007(01).—?苔丝?悲剧分析[J].?电影评介?2007(11).左燕茹.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragicalness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure [D].济南:山东师范大学. 2004.“家庭天使〞的内涵和特点[J].?达县师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)?2005(04).[J].? 电影评介?2021(11).。



文献综述与论文摘要的写法(Literature review and papersummary)All aboveI. overview1. What is the review: review, also known as review. It is a paper that USES published literature as the source material.The review includes two aspects: "heddle" and "statement". In summary, the author must summarize and analyze the large amount of material in possession, and make the material more refined, clearer, more hierarchical and more logical. The so-called statement is a review, which is a comprehensive, deep and systematic discussion on the topic. Therefore, this paper is on a particular project, a certain historical background, the previous work, the focus of debate in the field of, research status and development prospects, etc., in the opinion of the author himself of rigorous and systematic reiew, informative scientific papers.The review reflects the progress of research in a particular topic, in a certain area. Can put the project, the recent progress in the field and its branch, new discoveries, new trends, new levels, new theory and new technology is comprehensively introduced to the reader, make readers especially readers engaged in the work of the project, the research in this field have benefited. Therefore, the review is an important reference material for teaching, research and production.2. Review of the type: according to the collection of the original document number, the degree of refining processing, and academic level of organization forms of writing, this paper can be divided into the inductive, ordinary and critical three categories.(1) inductive review: inductive review is the author will collect all the documents, and according to certain order to classify arrangement, make them mutual association, coherent, and write academic papers with organized, systematic and logical. It can reflect the current research progress in a particular topic and field to a certain extent, but few authors have their own opinions or opinions.(2) the normal sexual review: regular review system has a certain academic level of the author, on the basis of collecting more data written due to the systematic and logic of the academic papers, this paper expresses the author's point of view or bias. Therefore, the paper has some guiding significance and reference value for readers who work in this topic and in this field.(3) critical review: the critical review system has a higher academic level and the author of higher attainments in the field. On the basis of collecting a lot of data, the author summarized the original material, analyzed and wrote the critical academic papers that reflected the current research progress and development prospect in this field. Due to the strong logic of the thesis, there are more authors' opinions and comments. Therefore, it has universal guiding significance to readers andhas guiding significance to the research work of readers.Second, the writing format of the reviewThe summary is different from the general scientific paper. The scientific paper focuses on the scientific nature of the method and the credibility of the results, especially the positive results. And review to write themes (a) in the project, a field of detailed information, not only to point out that the development background and the meaning of work, but also should have the authors' critiques, points out that the study of the causes of success or failure; Not only to point out that the current research hot spot and the focal point of controversy, but also should be pointed out that needs to be further exploration and the research field of virgin: not only to introduce the dynamic and the latest progress of the subject, but also should be on the basis of the review,Forecast development trend and application prospect. Review writing format is diversified, therefore, in addition to the title, name, abstract, key words (the four parts is the same as general scientific papers), generally includes preface, main body, conclusion and references four parts, the former three parts in the body of the system after the part is the basis of summarizing the writing.1. Preface: with general scientific papers, preface, also known as the introduction, is to guide readers are part of the thesis, the main purpose and the role of narrative review, an overview of the theme of the related concepts and definitions, briefly describes the history of the selected topic background,development process, present situation, the focus of debate, the application value and practical significance, and can also define the scope of review. Make the reader to review the theme of a first impression. This part is about 200 ~ 300 words.2. The main body part: main body length range is big, short of about 5000 words, the elderly can reach tens of thousands of words, the narration way agile diversity, not must follow the same pattern, used by the author according to the review, the content of the design and creation. Generally, the content of the main part can be divided into a few large parts, each part of a brief and eye-catching subtitle. Some of the criteria are varied, some are chronologically, some are subject to problems, others are based on different points of view, some are in stages of development. However, any approach should include historical development, current review and development prospects.(1) historical development: in chronological order, the context and development of the theme and the level of research in each stage are outlined.(2) status review: the focus is on the current research situation at home and abroad, focusing on which problems have been solved and which problems have not been solved, and the possible solutions are proposed. The current debate focuses on the similarities and differences of various points of view and makes theoretical explanations, and the author's opinion is bright. The theory and hypothesis of creative and developmental future are introduced in detail, and the arguments are presented to indicate possible trends.(3) prediction of development prospects: by comparing and contrasting, affirming the research level of the subject, pointing out existing problems, suggesting possible development trends, indicating the research direction, and indicating the shortcut of research.3. Summary: the summary is also called conclusion, summary or conclusion. When writing summaries, it is possible to put forward a few concise and precise opinions and Suggestions on the basis of the discourse of the subject. The main content of the main body can also be summarized briefly, and the author's own opinions are put forward to show the author's approval and opposition. For a small summary, it is possible to make a summary of the summary, but only after the contents of the main parts are discussed.4. Reference: references are the raw materials of the review. It is also the basis of the review. Therefore, it is of great importance to have sufficient references. In addition to showing respect for the work of the cited author and the information that indicates that the reference has its scientific basis, it is more important for the reader to explore the subject in depth and provide clues to the relevant literature.3. The writing steps and precautions of the reviewA review of the writing steps.(1) topic: the following principles should be followed:The topics or areas of choice: the topics that have been accumulating in recent years, which have been rapid, novel, and not yet widely available; Or research conclusions inconsistent with controversial themes or new discoveries and new technologies in our country with applied value themes.The relationship between the topic and the author: the subject should be closely related to the author. Or the subject of an interdisciplinary subject with the author; Or the subject of the author's forthcoming exploration and research; Or a subject that is not relevant to the author, but is willing to explore; Or scientific intelligence as the subject of research.The subject should be specific, specific, and the scope should not be too large.The selection must be innovative and practical.(2) collecting literature: after the topic is determined, relevant literature materials should be consulted and accumulated. This is the basis of the review. Thus, the more literature that is required, the better. The commonly used method is to consult the literature through the retrieval of reference books such as abstracts and index periodicals. We can also use microcomputer networking to search for advanced literature review methods.(3) reading and organizing literature: reading literature is an important step in writing a summary. In reading literature, therefore, must grasp the main points of the literature andargument, do a good job in "reading notes", and making literature excerpts CARDS, write in their own words when reading the resulting Revelations, experience and thoughts, from literature essence, the best raw material for review. The process of reading literature and making CARDS is actually the process of digesting and absorbing the essence of the literature. The CARDS and notes made are easy to process. They can be sorted and arranged according to the theme of the review, which can be serialized and organized. Finally, scientific analysis of the classified information, combined with the author's practical experience, wrote the experience and put forward his own viewpoint.(4) write an article: before writing a review, you should write an outline of your writing, then write the first draft and modify it after the "creative heat" is cooled.2. Write notes for review.(1) the content of the review should not be written before. If someone has published a similar review, it is generally inappropriate to repeat it, and it is not possible to use the content of other people's review as the material for the review.(2) for certain new knowledge areas and new technologies, the development of the subject can be traced back to the writing, and some basic knowledge should be added to the readers' understanding. Topics that are well known or well known should only be written about their new progress, new developments, new developments, and no repetition of previous studies that have been reviewed.(3) the material of the review comes from previous research reports, which must be faithful to the original text, not to be taken out of context, to castrate or distort the views of previous generations.(4) review of the authors must have the basic knowledge of writing subject, the history and development process, a comprehensive understanding of the latest progress, or the author itself also engaged in the research of this topic, is the theme of "experts", otherwise easy to mistake, comedy tends.(5) review, the collection of documents and materials as complete as possible, don't you just begin to write, collect some literature more taboo to read a few Chinese language materials, then made a so-called were reviewed.(6) the raw material of the review should reflect a new word.。



Literature+Review(精选五篇)第一篇:Literature+Review什么是Literature Review?Literature Review 就是回顾总结过去所发生的事,回顾总结前人所写的文献。

Literature Review通常出现在毕业论文里面的第一部分。

为什么写Literature Review?写Literature Review的目的,就是为了通过回顾前人所做的研究和文献,来确定自己毕业论文的研究方向(确保自己的论文是研究出新的成果,做出新的贡献,而不是重复前人研究出来的东西,比如说,1+1=2,这个就没必要研究了,之前已经有无数人反复研究过,并验证过了)。

而且在论文里面写Literature Review,是为了让阅读的人对这篇毕业论文有一个大体的了解。

怎么写Literature Review?在Literature Review里面,主要是总结前人的文献,和过去发生的事。


一定是要写总结,很多学生只是把以前的资料在Literature Review里复述一遍,是不行的。

而且,Literature Review千万不能得出结论,比如说,你的毕业论文是调查有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,还是穷人家庭的学生成绩好,Literature Review就是要写总结之前各个学者做的研究,新闻的报道,为什么有些学者觉得有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或有些学者觉得穷人家庭的学生成绩好,两面性都要总结出来,之后你下一部分的分析(Findings Analysis),也就是你这篇毕业论文的成果,才是你要得出的结论:有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或是穷人家庭的学生成绩好。




literature review 五个部分 -回复

literature review 五个部分 -回复

literature review 五个部分-回复以下是关于五个部分的文献综述:第一部分:引言引言部分对研究领域进行简要介绍,并提出研究的问题或研究目的。




这可能包括文献数据库的使用(如PubMed、Google Scholar等),选择关键词进行搜索,并对选定的文献进行筛选和评估的过程。














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用自己感兴趣地研究领域作为自己的选题 没有理论价值的选题,不能为实证而实证
徐健 jianxucn@
简介、清晰、全面 介绍以下关键内容:
研究问题 研究方法 研究发现 研究意义
准确(accurate) 简约(si 研究领域考虑因素
前沿与热点 经典重要问题
他怎么说的他的意义,他为什么研究这个问题 他的研究内容是什么 研究方法是什么 他最后得出来的结论是什么
实践中无法解释的现象,可能的误区 现有理论的不足 突出或“制造矛盾”
条理化:1.;2.;3. 适当引用少量重要文献支撑研究的意义
研究现状(简要) 明确提出研究问题(What)
1篇英文 MIS Quarterly,Journal of marketing等 3篇中文 1级以上杂志或国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定期刊或 《信息系统学报》 实证研究论文,严格遵循假设——检验的研究范式
3人一组 撰写笔记,说明这些论文的研究问题、有趣的故事、理论 意义与实践意义,并在此基础上说明如何选题
提交论文原文和笔记 阅读技巧:洋八股
徐健 jianxucn@
缺乏针对性(普适性是大敌!) 与研究问题、研究模型、研究方法脱节 简单罗列(缺乏逻辑关系和组织框架) 以作者/文章为线索(而不是以内容为组织 框架) 只述不评
一、确立选题:就一个具体的实证分析而言 什么是好的选题
要有理论贡献:新理论的构建+现有理论的检 验
新建一个理论是比较困难的,比较现实的是理论的 修正、扩展以及中国化
热点的问题,或者是说是未来的趋势,如果是过去 的一个事,就不要去研究它 中国特色
徐健 jianxucn@
直接影响 中介效应 调节效应
命题理论(Propositional theories)
新且有趣的问题 可操作性
徐健 jianxucn@
What Theory is Not.pdf
“理论是一组文字或符号表示的断言(assertions), 说明什么变量重要,为什么重要,它们之间如何 相互作用及其原因, 以及它们相关与否的条件” (Campbell,1990) “理论是一组相关构念(概念)、定义、和命题, 它通过变量之间的特定关系表达了对 现象的系统 性理解,目的是解释和预测现象” (Kerlinger, 1986) 关于构念(变量)之间关系的陈述,目的是回答 如何、何时、和为什么(how, when, and why)的 问题,是解释而不是描述;后者的目的是回答 “是什么”(what) (Bacharach, 1989)
解释特定变量之间的关系,X Y
范式理论(Paradigmatic theories)
某研究领域内普遍接受的解释形式,它甚至可 以定义一个学派 例如,自我效用理论、交易成本理论、和制度 理论
简要说明本研究的研究内容和贡献 介绍论文的结构安排
徐健 jianxucn@
回答什么已知,什么未知 需要有总结、和评估 对前人工作的不足客观公正评价 覆盖最新和最重要的文献
指出前人研究中的问题,但又不去解决 二手、三手引用
徐健 jianxucn@
作者A认为 作者B认为 作者C认为 作者D认为 作者E认为 作者F认为
文献综述(B) )-较好的形式
研究发现一(作者A,作者C,作者E) 研究发现二(作者A,作者C,作者E),但作者B 认为 研究发现三(作者A,作者C,作者E) 研究发现四(作者A,作者C,作者E) 总结, 已有研究发现(已知):一、。。。 二、。。。三、。。。四、。。。但是 (未 知,研究缺口-本研究拟填补)。。。
徐健 jianxucn@
变量(可测量)和 变量之间的关系(模型)来表示
一定不能太经典,如果有太多人研究的理论,就别研 究了,比如说技术接受模型。 理论贡献这一块你一定要找到理论的缺陷,可以扩展 的地方。