





[单选题] *A.5月份大豆合约的价格下跌至4200元/吨,7月份大豆合约的价格下跌至4300元/吨√B.5月份大豆合约的价格下跌至4280元/吨,7月份大豆合约的价格下跌至4290元/吨C.5月份大豆合约的价格上升至4330元/吨,7月份大豆合约的价格上升至4400元/吨D.5月份大豆合约的价格上升至4320元/吨,7月份大豆合约的价格上升至4360元/吨2、某投机者卖出2张9月份到期的日元期货合约,每张金额为12500000日元,成交价为0.006835美元/日元,半个月后,该投机者将2张合约买入对冲平仓,成交价为0.007030美元/日元。


[单选题] *A.盈利4875B.亏损4875√C.盈利5560D.亏损5560E.盈利3900F.亏损39003、某投资者在5月1日买入7月份并同时卖出9月份铜期货合约,价格分别为63200元/吨和64000元/吨。


[单选题] *A.扩大了500B.缩小了500√C.扩大了600D.缩小了600E.扩大了800F.缩小了8004、某投资者上一交易日未持有期货头寸,且可用资金余额为20万元,当日开仓买入3月铜期货合约20手,成交价为23100元/吨,其后卖出平仓l0手,成交价格为23300元/吨。



[单选题] *A.盈利10000B.盈利12500C.盈利15500√D.盈利22500E.盈利25500F.盈利275005、1月12日,某交易者进行套利交易,同时买进1手3月某期货合约、卖出2手5月该期货合约、买进1手7月该期货合约;成交价格分别为13900元/吨、13800元/吨和13700元/吨。



复习题一、单项选择题(在每题给出的4个选项中,只有1项最符合题目要求,请将正确选项的代码填入括号内)1.金融期权合约是一种权利交易的合约,其价格( C )。



2.标的物现价为179.50,权利金为3.75、执行价格为177.50的看涨期叔的时间价值为( B )。

A.2B.1.75C.3.75D.5.75【解析】期权的价格即权利金是由两部分构成,一部分是内在价值(立即执行所带来的价值和0取最大),一部分是时间价值,本题内在价值为2,时间价值为3.75-2=1.753.买进执行价格为1200元/吨的小麦期货买权时,期货价格为1190元/吨,若权利金为2元/吨,则这2元/吨为( B )。


4.下列说法错误的是( B )。



5.期权价值是指期权的现值,不同于期权的到期日价值,下列影响期权价值的因素表述正确的是( A )。

A.股价波动率越高,期权价值越大B.股票价格越高,期权价值越大C.执行价格越高,期权价值越大D.无风险利率越高,期权价值越大【解析】 B、C、D三项都要分是看涨期权还是看跌期权,不能笼统而论。

6.有一项欧式看涨期权,标的股票的当前市价为20元,执行价格为20元,到期日为1年后的同一天,期权价格为2元,若到期日股票市价为23元,则下列计算错误的是( D )。



4、看跌期权又称()ACDA、卖权B、跌权C、卖出选择权D、认沽期权5、若投资者买一个执行价为130的期货卖权,权利金为6,且同时买一个执行价为140的期货买权,权利金为10,则该投资者()CA、看涨B、看跌C、预期市场波动性增加D、预期市场波动性减少6、下列策略中权利执行后转换为期货多头部位的是()ADA、买进看涨期权B、买进看跌期权C、卖出看涨期权D、卖出看跌期权11、欧洲期权主要在欧洲流行,美式期权在美国流行()F设期货买权履约价格为K,标的期货价格为F,若F小于K,则其内含价值等于()BAK—F B、0 C、F—K D、K13 期货期权合约中不变的合约要素是()ABA 执行价格B 到期时间C 权利金D 期权的价格期货交易均在交易所内进行,而期货期权交易一般都在场外进行()F10 某投资者拥有敲定价格为840美分每蒲式耳的3月大豆看涨期权,最新的3月大豆成交价格为839.25美分每蒲式耳,该期权属于()BA 实值期权B深实值期权B虚值期权D深虚值期权12 关于期货期权的内涵价值,以下正确的说法是()DA、内涵价值的大小取决于期权的执行价格和其标的物相似的其他同类期货合约的市场价格之差。

B 由于内涵价值是执行价格与市场价格之差,所以存在许多套利机会C 由于实值期权有可能给期权买方带来盈利,所以人们更加偏好实值期权D 当期货价格给定时,期权的内涵价值是由执行价格来决定的某投资者买入的原油看跌期权合约的执行价格为22美元每桶,而原油期货合约的价格为25美元每桶,此时,该投资者拥有的看跌期权为AA 实值期权B极度实值期权B虚值期权D极度虚值期权B履行期权合约时,下列说法正确的是()ADA 看涨期权买方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的多头头寸B 看涨期权买方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的空头头寸C看跌期权买方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的多头头寸D看跌期权买方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的空头头寸履行期权合约时,下列说法正确的是()BCA 看涨期权卖方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的多头头寸B 看涨期权卖方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的空头头寸A 看跌期权卖方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的多头头寸A 看跌期权卖方在期权合约规定的执行价格水平上获得一个期货交易的空头头寸期权的内涵价值是通过买卖双方通过买卖双方相互竞价得出的()F期权的时间价值是可以通过公式计算出来的()F若六月s&p500期货买权的履约价格为1100,权利金为50,六月期市价格为1105,则()A 时间价值为50 B 时间价值为55 C 时间价值为45 D 时间价值为1050C某黄金期货买权,其履约价格为200元,权利金为30元,则最大获利为()A 200 C 70B 30 D 无限大D某黄金期货卖权,其履约价格为200元,权利金为30元,则最大获利为()BA 200B 170C 30D 无限大执行价格是期权的买卖双方敲定的期货期权合约的价格()F一般来说,执行价格与市场价格的差额越大,则时间价值越小()T当一种期权处于极度实值或极度虚值时,其时间价值将为0.()F当一种期权恰好处于两平期权时,其时间价值最大()T如果期权合约的标的期货合约的波动性较大,为减少风险,投资者最好是(AD)A 买入看涨期权B买入看跌期权C 卖出看涨期权D卖出看跌期权到期时期权就失去了任何时间价值T有效期期越长,期权卖方承受的风险越大,价值越小F投资者发出指令时最关键的是对()的选择和()的出价AA 执行价格、权利金B 履约时间和执行价格C 履约时间和权利金D 权利金和执行价格某人以340美元每盎司买入黄金期货,同时卖出履约价格为345美元每盎司的看涨期权,权利金为5美元每盎司,则其最大损失为()BA 5美元每盎司B 335美元每盎司C 无穷大D以上皆不是某投资者在800美分的价位,卖出了20手大豆的空头合约,此时价格已经跌倒780美分,如果现在平仓,则可以获利,但是投资者想先锁定利润,他应该()ADA买入看涨期权 B 卖出看涨期权C 买入看跌期权D 卖出看跌期权若投资者买入一个执行价格相同的期货买权和期货卖权,则他是()CA 看涨B看跌 C 预期市场波动性增加 D 预期市场波动性减少某投资者以每张x元的价格卖出一直8月份到期,执行价格为y元的某只股票的美式看涨期权。



一、单项选择题1.第一家推出期权交易的交易所是C )。

2.期权合约的到期日一般是在( B )到期。

A.期货合约进入交割月之前2个月B.期货合约进入交割月之前1个月C.期货合约进入交割月之后D.期货合约进入最后交易日3.某投资者拥有敲定价格为840美分/浦式耳的3月大豆看涨期权,最新的3月大豆成交价格为美分,浦式耳,那么该投资者拥有的期权属于( C )。

A.实值期权B.深实值期权C.虚值期权D.深虚值期权4.当期权处于( C )状态时,其时间价值最大。

A.实值期权B.虚值期权C.平值期权D.深实值期权5.期权的时间价值随着期权到期日的临近而( D )。

A.增加B.不变C.随机波动D.递减6.在期权交易中,保证金交纳应当( A )。

A.卖方交纳B.卖方交纳C.买卖双方均需要交纳D.买卖双方均不需交纳7.买入看涨期权的风险和收益关系是( A )。

A.损失有限,收益无限B.损失有限,受益有限C.损失无限,收益无限D.损失无限,收益有限8.买入看跌期权的风险和收益关系是B )。


收益无限D.损失无限,收益有限9.卖出看涨期权的风险和收益关系是( D )。

A.损失有限,收益无限B.损失有限,收益有限C.损失无限,收益无限D.损失无限,收益有限10.卖出看跌期权的风险和收益关系是(B )。


当期货价格涨到( B )时,该进口商达到盈亏平衡点。

12.就看涨期权而言,当期权标的物的价格( B )等于期权的执行价格时,内涵价值为零。

A.小于B.大于或等于C.只有大于D.只有等于13.买入跨式期权组合和卖出跨式期权组合的最大区别在于( C )。



1.5 一个投资者进入了一个远期合约的空头:在该合约中,投资者能够以 1.5000 的汇率(美元/ 英镑)卖出100000 英镑。

当远期合约到期时的汇率为(a )1.4900 ,(b )1.5200 时,投资者的损益分别为多少?1.13 假如1 份在3 月份到期的看涨期权价格为2.50 美元,期权执行价格为50 美元。


1.14 假如一个在6 月份到期、执行价格为60 美元的看跌期权价格为4 美元。


在什么情形下期权的卖出方会盈利?在什么情形下期权会被行使?画出一个期权空头在到期时的收益与股票价格之间的关系图1.26 某交易员按3 美元的价格买进执行价格为30 美元的看涨期权,交易员是否会在选择行使期权的情况下而亏损?为什么?1.27 某交易员按5 美元的价格卖出1 份执行价格为40 美元的看跌期权。

交易员的最大盈利与最大亏损是多少?为什么?1.6 某交易员进入期货价格每磅50 美分的棉花远期合约空头方。

合约的规模是50000 磅棉花。

当合约结束时棉花的价格分别为( a )每磅48.20 美分,(b )每磅51.30 美分,对应以上价格交易员的盈亏为多少?1.9 你认为某股票价格将要上升,股票的当前价格为29 美元,而3 个月期限,执行价格为30 美元的看涨期权价格为2.90 美元,你总共有5800 美元的资金。


股票投资策略,当3 个月后股票市场价格为15 时的盈亏,当3 个月后股票市场价格为50 时的盈亏期权投资策略,当3 个月后股票市场价格为15 时的盈亏,当3 个月后股票市场价格为50 时的盈亏1.10 假如你拥有5000 只股票,每股价格为25 美元。

你如何采用看跌期权而使你投资的价值在将来4 个月内得到保护?A. 买入执行价格为25 美元的看涨期权B. 买入执行价格为25 美元的看跌期权C. 卖出执行价格为25 美元的看涨期权D. 卖出执行价格为25 美元的看跌期权1.18 一家美国公司得知在6 个月后要支付100 万加元。





A.涨至7.70美元/蒲式耳,7月份小麦合约的价格跌至7.45美元/蒲式耳B.跌至7.60美元/蒲式耳,7月份小麦合约的价格跌至7.40美元/蒲式耳C.涨至7.70美元/蒲式耳,7月份小麦合约的价格涨至7.65美元/蒲式耳D.跌至7.60美元/蒲式耳,7月份小麦合约的价格涨至7.55美元/蒲式耳2. 投资者以65000元/吨卖出一手8月铜期货合约,同时以63000元/吨买入一手10月铜合约,当8月和10月铜合约价差为()元/吨时,该投资者亏损。

A. 2100B. 1500C. 1000D. -3003. 某客户开仓卖出大豆期货合约20手,成交价格为2020元/吨,当天平仓5手合约,交价格为2030元,当日结算价格为2040元/吨,则其当天平仓盈亏为成____元,持仓盈亏为____元。

()A.-500;-3000B.500;3000C.-3000;-50D.3000;5004. 5月15日,某交易所8月份黄金期货合约的价格为399.5美元/盎司,10月份黄金期货合约的价格为401美元/盎司。


在不考虑其他因素影响的情况下,则下列选项中能使该交易者盈利最大的是( )。

A.8月份黄金合约的价格涨至402.5美元/盎司,10月份黄金合约的价格涨至401.5美元/盎司B.8月份黄金合约的价格降至398.5美元/盎司,10月份黄金合约的价格降至399.5美元/盎司C.8月份黄金合约的价格涨至402.5美元/盎司,l0月份黄金合约的价格涨至404.00美元/盎司D.8月份黄金合约的价格降至398.5美元/盎司,10月份黄金合约的价格降至397.00美元/盎司5.5月20日,某交易者买人两手10月份铜期货合约,价格为16950元/吨,同时卖出两手12月份铜期货合约,价格为17020元/吨,两个月后的7月20日,10月份铜合约价格变为17010元/吨,而12月份铜合约价格变为17030元/吨,则5月20日和7月20日相比,两合约价差( )元/吨。



Future Option and otherderivativesexercises1. What5s the differenee between entering intoa long forward contact when the forward price is $50 and taking a long position in a call with a strike price of $50?2.An investor enters into a short forward contract to sell 100,000British pounds for US dollars at an exchange rate of 1.5000US dollars per pound. How much does the investor gain or lose if the exchange rate at the end of the contract is 1.4900 and 1.5200?❖3.You would like to speculate on a rise in the price of a certain stock. The current stock price is $29,and a 3-month call with a strike price of $30 costs $2.90.You have $5,800 to in vest. Ide ntify two alter native investment strategies, one in the stock and the other in an option on the stock. What are the potential gains and losses from each?❖4.Suppose that a March call option to buy a share for $50 costs $2.5 and is held until March. Under what circumstances will the holder of the option make a profit? Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram illustrating how the profit from a long position in the option depends on the stock price at maturity of the option.• 5.Explain why a forward contract can be used for either speculation or hedging.• 6.Suppose that a June put option to sell a share for $60 costs $4 and is held until June. Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram illustrating how the profit from a short position in the option depends on the stock price at maturity of the option.• 7」t is May and a trader writes a September call option with a strike price of $20.The stock price is $18 and the option price is $2. Describe the trader's cash flows if the option is held until September and the stock price is $25 at that time.❖8.A trader writes a December put option with a strike price of $30. The price of the option is $4. Under what circumstances does the trader make a gain?❖9.A company knows that it is due to receive a certain amount of a foreign currency in 4 mon ths. What type of optio n con tract is appropriate for hedging?❖10.The price of gold is currently $500 per ounce. The forward price for delivery in 1 year is $700. An arbitrageur can borrow money at 10% per annum. What should the arbitrageur do? Assume that the cost of storing gold is zero and that gold provides no in come.11 .Suppose that you enter into a short futures con tract to sell July silver for $5.20 per ounce on the New York Commodity Excha nge. The size of the con tract is 5,000 ounces. The initial margin is $4,000, and the maintenance margin is $3,000. What change in futures price will lead to a margin call? What happens if you do not meet the margin call?12.An investor enters into two long July futures con tracts on orange juice. Each contract is for the delivery of 15,000 pounds. The current futures price is 160 cents per pound, the initial margin is $6,000 per con tract, and the main tenance margin is $4,500 per con tract. What price cha nge would lead to a margin call? Under what circumstances could $2,000 be withdrawn from the margin account?13.At the end of one day a clearinghouse member is long 100 con tracts, and the settleme nt price is $50,000 per con tract. The original margin is $2,000 per contract. On the following day the member becomes responsible for clearing an additional 20 long con tracts, en tered into at a price of $51,000 per con tract. The settleme nt price at the end of this day is $50,200. How much does the member have to add to its margin account with the exchange clearinghouse?❖14.Describe the profit from the following portfolio: a long forward con tract on an asset and a long European put option on the asset with the same maturity as the forward con tract and a strike price that is equal to the forward price of the asset at the time the portfolio is set up.❖15.The current Price of a stock is $94, and3-month European call options with a strike price of $95 currently sell for $4.70.An investor who feels that the Price of the stock will in crease is trying to decide between buying 100 shares and buying 2,000 call options (=20 contracts). Both strategies in volve an in vestment of $9,400.What advice would you give? How high does the stock price have to rise for the option strategy to be more profitable?Table Data for the example on rolling oil hedge forward.Date Apr. 04 Sept.04 Feb.05 i J une05Oct.04 futures price 18.2017.40Mar.O5futures price17.00 16.50July.O5futures price16.30 15.90Spot price 19.0016.00• 16.Suppose that the standard deviation of quarterly changes in the prices of a commodity is $0.65, the standard deviation of quarterly changes in a futures price on the commodity is $0.81,a nd the coefficie nt of correlation between the two changes is 0.8. What is the optimal hedge ratio for a 3- month con tract? What does it mean?❖17/1f the minimunri variance hedge ratio is calculated as 1.0, the hedge must be perfect.5, Is this statement true? Explain your answer.❖18.The standard deviation of monthly changes in the spot price of live cattle is (in cents per pound)12 The standard deviation of monthly changes in the futures price of live cattle for the closest con tract is 14 The correlation between the futures price changes and the spot price changes is 0・7」t is now October 15. A beef producer is committed to purchasing 200,000 pounds of live cattle on November 15.The producer wants to use the December live cattle futures con tracts to hedge its risk・Each contract is for the delivery of40,000 pounds of cattle・What strategy should thebeef producer follow?❖19.A long forward contract on a non・dividend-paying stock was entered into some time ago. It currently has 6 months to maturity. The risk-free rate of interest (with continuous compounding) is 10% per annum, the stock price is $25, and the delivery price is $24.❖20.Consider a 3-month futures con tract on the S&P500. Suppose that the stocks un derlyi ng the in dex provide a divide nd yield of 1% per Qrinum, that the current value of the index is 800, and that the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 6% per Qrinum.♦21 .Suppose that you enter into a 6・month forward contract on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $30and the risk-free interest rate (with continuous compounding) is 12% per annuin. What is the forward price?• 22.A 1 -year long forward con tract on a norv dividend-paying stock is entered into when the stock Price is $40 and the risk-free rate of interest is 10% per annum with continuous compounding.(a) What are the forward price and the initial value of the forward con tract?(b) Six months later, the price of the stock is $45 and the risk-free interest rate is still 10% What are the forward price and the value of the forward con tract?23.Suppose that the risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum with continuous compounding and that the dividend yield on a stock index is 4% per annum. The index is standing at 400, and the futures price for a contract deliverable in four months is 4O5.What arbitrage opportunities does this create?24.Assume that the risk-free interest rate is 9% per annum with continuous compounding and that the dividend yield on a stock index varies throughout the year. In February, May, August, and November, dividends are paid at a rate of 5% per annum. In other months, dividends are paid at a rate of 2% per annurn. Suppose that the value of the index on July 31, 2006,is 300.What is the futures price for a contract deliverable on December 31,2006?25.The 2-month interest rates in Switzerland and the United States are,respectively,3% and 8% per annum with continuous compounding. The spot price of the Swiss franc is $0.6500.The futures price for a contract deliverabe in 2 months is$0.6600.What arbitrage opportunities does this create?26.The spot price of silver is $9 per ounce. The-storage costs are $0.24 per ounce; per year payable quarterly in advanee. Assuming that interest rates are 10% per annum for all maturities, calculate the futures price of silver for delivery in 9 months.• 27.Suppose that the Treasury bond futures price is 101-12. Which of the following four bonds is cheapest to deliver?Bond Price Conversion factor1 125-05 1.21312 142-15 . 1.37923 115-31 1.11494 144-02 1.4026❖28.The price of a 90-day Treasury bill is quoted as 10.OO.What continuously compounded return does an investor earn on the Treasury bill for the 90-day period?29.lt is May 5,2005.The quoted price of a government bond with a 12% coupon that matures on July 27, 2011, is 110-17.What is the cash price?• 31 ・Suppose that, in a Treasury bond futures con tract, it is known that the cheapest-to-deliver bond will be a 12% coupon bond with a conversion factor of1.4000.Suppose also that it is known that delivery will take place in 270days・ Coupons are payable semiannually on the bond・ As illustrated inFigure5the last coupon date was 60days ago5 the next coupon date is in 122days5 and the coup on date thereafter is in 305days ・ The term structure is flat, and the rate of interest (with continuous compounding) is 10% per annum. Assume the current quoted bond price the proportion of the next coupon payment that accrues to the holder.Figure. Time chart for Example 31Coupon Current Coupon Maturity Coupon Payment time payment of paymentfuturescontract60days 122days 148days 35daysA number of factors determine the cheapest-to-deliver bond. When bond yieldsare in excess 6%,the conversion factor system tends to favor the delivery of bonds.❖32lt5s July 30,2005.The cheapest-to-deliver bond in a September 2005 Treasury bond futures contract is a 13% coupon bond, and delivery is expected to be made on September 30,2005.Coupon payments on the bond are made on February 4 and August 4 each year. The term structure is flat, and the rate of interest with semiarmual compounding is 12% per annum. The conversion factor for the bond is 1 ・5.The current quoted bond price is $110.Calculate the quoted futures price for the contract.• 33.Assume that a bank can borrow or lend money at the same interest rate in the LIBOR market. The 90-day rate is 10% per annum, and the 180-day rate is 10.2% per annum both expressed with continuous compounding and actual/actual day count. The Eurodollar futures price for a con tract maturing in 90days is quoted as 89.5.What arbitrage opportunities are open to the bank?• 34」t is January 30, You are managing a bond portfolio worth $6 million. The duration of the portfolio in 6 months will be 8.2 years. The September Treasure bond futures price is currently 108-15, and the cheapest-to- deliver bond will have a duration of 7.6 years in September. How should you hedge against changes in interest rates over the n ext 6 mon ths?❖35.Explain why brokers require margins when clients write options but not when they buy options・• 36.A company declares a 2・to・1 stock split. Explain how the terms change for a call option with a strike price of $60.❖37.Consider an exchange・traded call option con tract to buy 500 shares with a strike price of $40 and maturity in 4 months.Explain how the terms of the option contract change when there is:1 )a 10% stock dividend;2)a 10% cash dividend; 3)a 4-to-1 stock split.❖38.A United States investor writes five naked call option contracts. The option price is $3.50, the strike price is $60.00, and the stock price is $57.00. What is the initial margin requirement?❖39.An investor writes four naked call option con tracts on a stock. The option price is $5, the strike price is $40, and the stock price is $38. Because the option is $2 out of the mon ey. •If the option had been a put, it would be $2 in the money and the margin requirement would be?•4O.What is a lower bound for the price of a 4・month call option on a non-dividend・ paying stock when the stock price is $28, the strike price is $25, and the risk-free interest rate is 8% per annum?•What is a lower bound for the price of a 1 - month European put option on a non・dividend-paying stock when the stock price is$12, the strike price is $15, and the risk- free interest rate is 6% per annum?❖41 .A 1 -month European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock is currently selling for $2.5.The stock price is $47, the strike price is $50, and the risk-free interest rate is 6% per annum. What opportunities are there for an arbitrageur?❖42.A European call option and put option on a stock both have a strike price of $20 and an expiratio n date in 3 mon ths. Both sell for $3. The risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum, the current stock price is $19,and a $1 divide nd is in 1 month. Ide ntify the arbitrage opportunity open to a trader.❖43.The price of a European call that expires in 6months and has a strike price of $30 is $2.The underlying stock price is $29, and a divide nd of $0.50 is expected in 2 months and again in5months. The term structure is flat, with all risk-free interest rates being10% .What is the price of a European put option that expires in 6months and has a strike price of $30?♦Explain carefully the arbitrage opportunities in problem 8.4 if the European put price is $3.• 44.Suppose that oare the prices of European call options with strike prices 技、&、%respectively, whereAll options have the same maturity. Show thatWhat is the result corresponding to that in Problem .5 for European put options?❖45.The price of an American call on a non・dividend-paying stock is $4.The stock price is $31,the strike price is $30,and the expiration date is in 3 months. The risk-free interest rate is 8%.Derive upper and lower bounds for the price of an American put on the same stock with the same strike price and expiration date.❖Explain carefully the arbitrage opportunities in Problem45 if the American put price is greater than the calculated upper bound.❖46.Suppose that put option on a stock with strike prices $30 and $35 cost$4 and $7, respectively. How can the options be used to create (a) a bull spread and (b) a bear spread? Construct a table that shows the profit and payoff for both spreads.。



期货期权期末考试试题# 期货期权期末考试试题## 第一部分:选择题1. 期货合约的交易场所是:A. 银行B. 证券交易所C. 期货交易所D. 以上都不是2. 期权合约的买方拥有的权利是:A. 强制卖方履行合约B. 强制买方履行合约C. 选择是否履行合约D. 无权履行合约3. 期货合约的保证金类型不包括:A. 初始保证金B. 维持保证金C. 交易保证金D. 清算保证金4. 以下哪个不是期货交易的特点?A. 杠杆效应B. 标准化合约C. 现货交割D. 价格发现功能5. 期权的内在价值是指:A. 期权的市场价格B. 期权的执行价格C. 期权的执行价格与标的资产价格之差D. 期权合约的期限## 第二部分:简答题1. 简述期货合约与远期合约的区别。

2. 解释期权的时间价值,并举例说明其如何随时间变化。

3. 描述期货交易中的“逼仓”现象及其对市场的影响。

## 第三部分:计算题1. 假设你持有一份执行价格为50美元的看涨期权,标的资产的当前市场价格为60美元,期权的市场价格为5美元。


2. 某投资者购买了一份期货合约,合约的初始保证金为5000美元,维持保证金为4000美元。

如果市场价格下跌导致保证金水平低于维持保证金,投资者需要追加多少保证金?## 第四部分:案例分析题某投资者预计未来三个月内,某商品的价格会上涨。


请分析以下两种策略的优缺点:A. 直接购买商品期货合约。

B. 购买看涨期权合约。

## 第五部分:论述题论述期货期权在风险管理中的作用及其在现代金融市场中的重要性。






公司的方向变动,这时完全的套期保值只会抵消公司的盈利。 2.10假设你签订了一期货合约,7月在纽约商品交易所以每盎司$5.20的价格卖出白银。合约 规模为5,000盎司。初始保证金为$4,000,维持保证金为$3,000。将来价格发生什么样的变化 会导致保证金催付?如果你不补足保证金会怎样? 答:当投资者保证金帐户损失额度达到$1,000时,即白银的价格上涨1000/5000=$0.20,(白 银价格为每盎司$5.40)会导致保证金催付。如果不补足保证金,合约会被平仓。 2.13一位投资折签订了两份冷冻橙汁的多头期货合约,每份合约的交割数量都为15,000磅。 当前期货价格为每磅160美分;每份合约的初始保证金为$6,000;维持保证金都为$4,500。价 格如何变化会导致保证金催付?在什么情况下,可以从保证金账户中提回$2,000? 答:当投资者保证金帐户损失额度达到$1,500时,即冷冻橙汁的价格下跌1,500/15,000=$0.1 (冷冻橙汁的价格为每磅$1.5)会导致保证金催付;当保证金帐户盈利$500,即冷冻橙汁价格 上涨500/15,000=0.0333时,可以从保证金帐户提回$2,000。 2.15假设一种商品的价格每季度的标准偏差为$0.65,改种商品的期货价格的每季度的标准偏 差为$0.81,两种变化的相关系数为0.8,。那么一份三个月期的合约的最佳套期保值比率为多 少?这有什么含义? 答:最佳套期保值比率为 0.8×0.65/0.81=0.642 该式表示期货合约的头寸大小为64.2%的公司三个月期的风险暴露资产大小。 2.26活牛的每月即期价格变化的标准差为1.2(美分/磅)。每月期货价格变化的标准差为1.4。 期货价格变化和即期变化的相关性为0.7。现在是10月15日。一个牛肉生产商准备在11月15 日购买200,000磅的活牛。生产商打算用12月的活牛期货合约来对冲风险。每份合约的交易 数量为40,000磅,牛肉生产商应该采用什么样的策略? 答:最小方差套期保值率为











期权基础 期货后续培训题目以及答案 (包含课后习题)4学时

期权基础    期货后续培训题目以及答案 (包含课后习题)4学时

第一节1(单选题)某投资者认为未来小麦期货会大涨,但资金有限,又怕一旦方向看错损失增加,你认为他应该做何决策?()•A买期货•B卖期货•C买看涨期权•D买看跌期权•正确答案是:C2(单选题)如果小麦期货价格为2000元/吨,对看跌期权来说,你认为下列哪个执行价格权利金最高?()•A1900•B1960•C2000•D2040•正确答案是:D3(单选题)某投资者在期货价格为1950元/吨时,买入小麦看涨期权,执行价格为2000元/吨,权利金支付30元/吨,损益平衡点是多少?()•A2050•B2020•C2030•D1970•正确答案是:C4(多选题)下列什么样的人适合投资期权?()•A希望风险大、收益大的•B不愿意承担过大风险损失的•C资金有限,但又想多赚钱的•D不希望失去价格朝有利方向变化时获利机会的•正确答案是:B C D5(多选题)既然对期货价格走势有看法,为何要买期权?()•A买期权,成本低•B如果价格暂时与看法不同,则没有被套风险•C如果看错,则风险不会扩大•D买期权比期货风险小•正确答案是:A B C D第二节1(单选题)期权按买方权利来划分,分为:()•A看涨期权、看跌期权•B美式期权和欧式期权•C实值、平值和虚值期权•D期货期权和现货期权•正确答案是:A2(单选题)期权按标的物不同划分,分为:()•A看涨期权、看跌期权•B美式期权和欧式期权•C实值、平值和虚值期权•D期货期权和现货期权•正确答案是:D3(单选题)下图是()的损益图。





期权与期货期末考试试题# 期权与期货期末考试试题## 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 期权的内在价值是指:A. 期权的市场价格B. 期权的执行价格C. 期权的执行价格与标的资产市场价格之差D. 期权的执行价格与标的资产市场价格之和2. 期货合约的交割方式通常包括:A. 现金结算B. 实物交割C. 延期交割D. 以上都是3. 以下哪项不是期权的时间价值:A. 期权的到期时间B. 标的资产的波动性C. 期权的执行价格D. 无风险利率4. 期货合约的保证金分为:A. 初始保证金和维持保证金B. 初始保证金和交易保证金C. 维持保证金和交易保证金D. 初始保证金和结算保证金5. 期权的杠杆效应是指:A. 期权价格变动与标的资产价格变动的比率B. 期权价格与标的资产价格的比率C. 期权的内在价值与标的资产价格的比率D. 期权的执行价格与标的资产价格的比率## 二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述期权与期货的主要区别。

2. 解释什么是看涨期权和看跌期权,并给出它们的基本特征。

## 三、计算题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设你持有一份执行价格为50美元的看涨期权,标的资产的当前市场价格为60美元,无风险利率为5%,期权的到期时间为6个月。


2. 假设你购买了一份期货合约,合约规模为100单位,当前市场价格为每单位100美元,你需要支付的初始保证金为2000美元。

如果市场价格下跌到每单位90美元,你需要追加多少保证金?## 四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. 某投资者购买了一份看跌期权,执行价格为100美元,期权费为5美元。



2. 某公司预计未来需要购买大量原材料,为避免价格上涨,决定使用期货合约进行套期保值。


## 五、论述题(15分)论述期权定价模型Black-Scholes模型的基本假设及其在实际应用中的局限性。



期货与期权市场专项考核试题一、单项选择题1.期货公司收取投资者的保证金,一般会在交易所要求的保证金基础上(I [单选题]*A.加收费用B.上浮一定比率√C.下浮一定比率D.保持一致2.期货市场规避风险的功能是通过()实现的。


[单选题]*A.价格发现√B.资源配置C.对冲风险D.成本锁定4.4月初,某农场注意到玉米的期货价格持续下跌,决定减少当年玉米的种植面积,这体现了期货市场可以使企业(\ [单选题]*A.锁定生产成本,实现预期利润B利用期货价格信号,组织安排现货生产VC.关注产品的产量和质量D.对冲玉米价格波动的风险5.下列哪项不是技术分析法的理论依据?()[单选题]*A.市场行为反映一切B.价格呈趋势变动C.历史会重演D.不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里√6.某钢材贸易商签订供货合同,约定在3个月后按固定价格出售钢材,但手头尚未有钢材现货。

此时该贸易商的现货头寸为(\ [单选题]*A.既不是多头也不是空头B多头C.既是多头也是空头D.空头√7.期货市场可对冲现货市场风险的原理是(1 [单选题]*A.期货与现货的价格变动趋势相同,且临近交割日,价格波动幅度扩大8.期货与现货的价格变动趋势相同,且临近交割日,价格波动幅度缩小C.期货与现货的价格变动趋势相反,且临近交割日,价差扩大D.期货与现货的价格变动趋势相同,且临近交割日,价差缩小V9.关于远期交易与期货交易的区别,下列描述错误的是(I [单选题]*A期货交易和远期交易都是交易所统一制定的标准化期货合约√8.远期交易通常是在场外交易市场(OTC)由买卖双方通过谈判或是协商达成的合约C.期货是在远期的基础上衍生出来的更为高级的市场D.远期交易最早是作为一种锁定未来价格的工具9.下列不属于大连商品交易所上市的期货品种是(\ [单选题]*A.豆粕期货B.棕檎油期货C.纯碱期货√D.鸡蛋期货10.在我国商品期货市场上,客户的结算通过()进行。



期权与期货练习题一、选择题1. 期权与期货的最大区别在于:A. 期权是一种权利,期货是一种合约B. 期权是以保证金进行交易,期货是以协议进行交易C. 期权是可以选择是否行使的,期货是必须交割的D. 期权可以用于对冲风险,期货不可以用于对冲风险2. 如果市场价格高于期货合约价格的人,可以选择:A. 行权B. 不行权C. 提前平仓D. 扩大合约规模3. 在购买期权合约时,买方需要支付的费用称为:A. 行权金B. 交易费用C. 保证金D. 手续费4. 下列哪个是期权的基本要素?A. 买方B. 卖方C. 行使价格D. 交割日5. 以下哪种策略可以用于对冲期货价格下跌的风险?A. 买入看涨期权B. 卖出看跌期权C. 买入看跌期权D. 卖出看涨期权二、判断题1. 期权合约可以在任何时间点行使。

2. 期货合约需要支付全款才能持有合约。

3. 期货合约可以通过平仓来解除合约。

4. 期权交易需要支付保证金作为交易担保。

5. 期货交易可以通过实物交割来履约。

三、计算题1. A 公司拥有一份购买期权合约,行权价格为100元,到期日前的市场价格为105元。

如果行权价格为110元的看涨期权的市场价格为5元,该公司应该选择行使权利还是不行使权利?2. B 公司持有一份卖出期权合约,行权价格为80元,到期日前的市场价格为75元。




请回答以下问题:1. 农场主需要进行多少头寸的期货对冲才能完全对冲小麦价格的下跌风险?2. 农场主需要支付多少保证金来建立对冲头寸?3. 如果到期时小麦价格涨至每千克2200元,农场主应该选择如何操作?4. 如果到期时小麦价格跌至每千克1800元,农场主应该选择如何操作?请根据以上练习题进行回答,并顺便熟悉期权与期货的基本知识与应用。






有效期越短,卖方所承担的风险也就越小,他卖出期权所要求的权利金就不会很多,而买方也不愿意为这种赢利机会很少的期权支付更多的权利金正确答案:A, B, C, D参考解析:本题考查期权合约的有效期的相关内容。











































腹有诗书气自华四、基于同一股票的看跌期权有相同的到期日.执行价格为$70、$65和$60,市场价格分为$5、$3和$2. 如何构造蝶式差价期权.请用一个表格说明这种策略带来的盈利性.股票价格在什么范围时,蝶式差价期权将导致损失?五、 基于同一股票的有相同的到期日敲定价为 $70的期权市场价格为 $4. 敲定价$65 的看跌期权的市场价格为 $6。

解释如何构造底部宽跨式期权.请用一个表格说明这种策略带来的盈利性.股票价格在什么范围时,宽跨式期权将导致损失?答案: buy a put with the strike prices $65 and buy a call with the strike prices $70, this portfolio would need initial cost $10. The pattern of profits from the strangle is the following:Stock PriceRange Payoff from Long Put Payoff from Long Call Total Payoff Total Profits ST ≤6565- ST 0 65- ST 55 - ST 65 < ST <700 0 0 -10 ST >70 0 ST-70 ST-70 ST-80当 50<ST<80时,组合会带来损失六、远期/期货价格公式及其价值公式,B-S 公式的使用()()12()()q T t r T t c Se N d Xe N d ----=>=-()()21()()r T t q T t p Xe N d Se N d ----=---21ln(/)(/2)()S X r q T t d T tσσ+-+-=- 21d d T t σ=-- 1).What is the price of a European call option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $69, the strike price is $70, the risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum, the volatility is 35% per annum, and the time to maturity is six months?()()()()()r T t r T t r q T t F Se S I e Se ----==-=)()(t T r t T q KeSe f -----=)()(,t T r t T r Ke I S f Ke S f ------=-=腹有诗书气自华2). Suppose the current value of the index is 500, continuous dividend yields of index is 4% per annum, the risk-free interest rate is 6% per annum . if the price of three-month European index call option with exercise price 490is $20, What is the price of a three-month European index put option with exercise price 490?by put-call parity3) What is the price of a European futures put option :current futures price is $19, the strike price is $20, the risk-free interest rate is 12% per annum, the volatility is 20% per annum, and the time to maturity is five months? (保留2位小数)Solution: In this case F=19,X=20, r=0.12, σ=0.20, T -t=0.42,21ln(/)(/2)()0.33F X T t d T tσσ+-==-- 210.20.41670.46d d =-=-(0.33)0.6293,(0.46)0.6772N N ==12()(0.33)0.6293,()(0.46)0.6772N d N N d N -==-==The price of the European put is()()210.120.420.120.42()()200.6772190.6293 1.51r T t r T t p Xe N d Fe N d e e -----⨯-⨯=---=⨯-⨯=4) A one-year-long forward contract on a non-dividend-paying stock is entered into when the stock price is $40 and the risk-free rate of interest is 10% per annum with continuous compounding.(a) What are the forward price and the initial value of the forward contract? (b) Six months later, the price of the stock is $45 and the risk-free interest rate is still 10%. What are the forward price and the value of the forward contract? The forward price, 21.44401.0)(===-e Se F t T r , The initial value of the forward contract is zero.0=f (a) The delivery price K in the contract is $44.21. The value of the forward contract after six months is given:95.221.44455.01.0)(=-=-=⨯---e Ke S f t T r The forward price, 31..47455.01.0)(===⨯-e Se F t T r七 Consider a portfolio that is delta neutral, with a gamma of -5,000 and a vega of -8,000. Suppose that a traded option has a gamma of 0.5, a vega of 2.0,腹有诗书气自华and a delta of 0.6.Another traded option with a gamma of 0.8, a vega of 1.2, and a delta of 0.5. What position in the traded two call options and in the underlying asset would make the portfolio gamma ,vega and delta neutral ?Solution: If , w1 ,w2 , ,w3 are the amounts of the two traded options and underlying asset included in the portfolio, we require that-5,000 + 0.5w1 + 0.8 w2 = 0- 8,000 + 2.0w1 + 1.2w2 = 0w3 +0.6w1 + 0.5 w2 =0=> w1 = 400, w2 = 6,000, w3 =-3240.=>The portfolio can be made gamma,vega and delta neutral by including long:(1) 400 of the first traded option(2) 6,000 of the second traded option.And short 3240 underlying asset.八 1)证明在风险中性环境下,到期的欧式看涨期权被执行的概率为 )(2d N ,2) 使用风险中性定价原理,假设股票1的价格和股票2的价格分别服从几何布朗运动,且独立,给到期损益为如下形式的欧式衍生品定价:121,2 : 0 else T T T K S X S X T f ⎧>>⎪=⎨⎪⎩Solution: Since ())(),)2/(ln ~ln 22t T t T r S N S T ---+σσ( )N(d )))(2/(ln ln ( )))(2/(ln ln (1)ln p(ln 1)ln p(ln )p(222=------=------=<-=>=>tT t T r S X N tT t T r S X N X S X S X S T T T σσσσ Since 121,22 : and p() N(d )0 elseT T T T K S X S X T f S X ⎧>>⎪=>=⎨⎪⎩121,2212122122()()2122[] P()K[P() *P() ]K[N(d )*N(d )][][N(d )*N(d )]T T T T T r T t r T t T E f K S X S X S X S X f e E f e K ----=>>=>>===Where1211211ln(/)(/2)()S X r T t d T t σσ+--=-,2222222ln(/)(/2)()S X r T t d T t σσ+--=-,腹有诗书气自华九、Use two-step tree to value an American 2-year put option on anon-dividend-paying stock, current stock price is 50, the strike price is $52, and the volatility of stock price is 30% per annum, the risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum. (保留2位小数)In this case, S =50, X = 52,σ = 0.3, Δt =1, r=0.05 , the parameters necessary to construct the tree are11.35,0.74t u e d uσ∆====, 0.05*1=1.10e 0.05*10.51,10.49e d p p u d -==-=-{}])1([,max .11.1,j i j i t r j i j j i f p pf e d Su X f +++∆---+-=十 If a stock price, S, follows geometric Brownian motiont SdW Sdt dS σμ+=1) What is the process followed by the variable n S ? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.2)The expected value of ST is =)(T S E )(t T Se -μ. What is the expected value of n T S ?3) The varaince of ST is =)(T S D )1()()(222---t T t T e e S σμ.50 7.4350 2 27.4424.5691.11 0 37.0414.9667.4 0.93腹有诗书气自华What is the variance of n T S ?4) Using risk-neutral valuation to value the derivative, whose payoff at maturity is:n T T T f S =1)We now use Ito's lemma to derive the process followed by n S ,Define n S G =,0,)1(,2221=∂∂-=∂∂=∂∂--t GS n n S G nS S G n nt SdW Sdt dS σμ+=222)(21dS S GdS S Gdt t GdG ∂∂+∂∂+∂∂=221)()1(21)(t n t n SdW Sdt S n n SdW Sdt nS σμσμ+-++=--dt S n n dW S n dt S n n t n n 2)1(21σσμ-++=t n n n dW S n dt S n n S n σσμ+-+=])1(21[2t n n dW S n dt S n n n dG σσμ+-+=])1(21[2t GdW n Gdt n n n σσμ+-+=])1(21[2n S G =So that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.2) t SdW Sdt dS ce σμ+=sin=)(T S E )(t T Se -μ. dG t GdW n Gdt n n n σσμ+-+=])1(21[2=⇒)(T G E )]()1(21[2t T n n n Ge --+σμ n S G =, =∴)(n T S E )]()1(21[2t T n n n n e S --+σμ3) Since t SdW Sdt dS σμ+= and varaince of ST is腹有诗书气自华=)(T S D )1()()(222---t T t T e e S σμ.Similarly, by dG t GdW n Gdt n n n σσμ+-+=])1(21[2 We get the varaince of n T S is=)(n T S D =)(T G D ]1[)()]()1(2[2222----+t T n t T n n n e eG σσμ ]1[)()()]()1(2[2222-=---+t T n t T n n n n e e S σσμ十一、 In a risk-neutral world, suppose stock prices follow geometric Brownian motion,dS rSdt SdW σ=+1) What is the process followed by the variable n S by Ito’s lemma? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.2) The expected value of T S is =)(T S E ()r T t Se -. What is the expected value of n T S ?4) Using risk-neutral valuation to value the derivative, whose payoff at maturity is:n T T at T f S =十二、Consider the price of a stock, S , which is the following processt dW dt dS σμ+=where t W is a standard Brownian motion. For the first three years, 5,211==σμ; for the next three years, 4,322==σμ. If the initial value of stock price is $10, what is the expect value of the stock price at the end of year 6? The change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution 21~(23,53)(6,75)S N N ∆⨯⨯=The change in S during the next three years has the probability distribution )48,9()34,33(~22N N S =⨯⨯∆The probability distribution of the change is therefore12~(15,123)S S S N ∆=∆+∆腹有诗书气自华012T S S S S =+∆+∆Since the initial value of the variable is 10,01225T ES ES E S E S =+∆+∆=, 127548123T DS D S D S =∆+∆=+=~(25,123)T S Nthe expect value of the stock price at the end of year 6 is 25.出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。





A.期货公司应当每半年向公司全体董事提交书面报告,说明净资本等各项风险监管指标的具体情况,该书面报告应当经期货公司财务负责人签字确认B.期货公司应当每半年向公司全体董事提交书面报告,说明净资本等各项风险监管指标的具体情况,该书面报告应当经期货公司法定代表人签字确认C.期货公司应当每半年向公司全体股东提交书面报告,说明净资本等各项风险监管指标的具体情况,该书面报告应当经全体董事签字确认,并应当取得股东的签收确认证明D.期货公司应当每半年向公司全体股东提交书面报告,说明净资本等各项风险监管指标的具体情况,该书面报告应当经期货公司法定代表人签字确认,并应当取得股东的签收确认证明正确答案:A, D3、多选与场内期权相比,场外期权具有的特点是()。

A.合约非标准化B.交易品种多样、形式灵活、规模巨大C.交易对手机构化D.流动性风险和信用风险小正确答案:A, B, C4、判断题买入期权建仓投机和卖出期权建仓投机所面临的风险和收益具有不对称性,前者面临的风险有限,最大可能的损失是权利金,后者最大可能的收益是权利金,而可能面临的风险较大。














A.按标的物不同,可分为现货期权与期货期权B.按交易内容不同,可分为看涨期权与看跌期权C.按交易单位不同,可分为同一种期权和同一系列期权D.按行使权利的期限不同,可分为美式期权和欧式期权正确答案:A, B, D5、多选一个期权指令的内容一般包括()。

A.标的物B.期权种类C.执行价格D.合约到期月份正确答案:A, B, C, D6、判断题当一种期权正好处于平值期权时,其时间价值达到最小。



























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8.A trader writes a December put option with a strike price of $30. The price of the option is $4. Under what circumstances does the trader make a gain?
Table Data for the example on rolling oil hedge forward. Date Apr.04 Oct.04 18.20 futures price Mar.05 futures price July.05 futures price Spot price 19.00 Sept.04 17.40 17.00 Feb.05 June05
2.An investor enters into a short forward contract to sell 100,000British pounds for US dollars at an exchange rate of 1.5000US dollars per pound. How much does the investor gain or lose if the exchange rate at the end of the contract is 1.4900 and 1.5200?
17.“If the minimum variance hedge ratio is calculated as 1.0, the hedge must be perfect.” Is this statement true? Explain your answer.
18.The standard deviation of monthly changes in the spot price of live cattle is (in cents per pound)1.2. The standard deviation of monthly changes in the futures price of live cattle for the closest contract is 1.4. The correlation between the futures price changes and the spot price changes is 0.7.It is now October 15. A beef producer is committed to purchasing 200,000 pounds of live cattle on November 15.The producer wants to use the December live cattle futures contracts to hedge its risk. Each contract is for the delivery of 40,000 pounds of cattle. What strategy should the beef producer follow?
Future Option and other derivatives
1. What’s the difference between entering into a long forward contact when the forward price is $50 and taking a long position in a call with a strike price of $50?
7.It is May and a trader writes a September call option with a strike price of $20.The stock price is $18 and the option price is $2. Describe the trader’s cash flows if the option is held until September and the stock price is $25 at that time.
14.Describe the profit from the following portfolio: a long forward contract on an asset and a long European put option on the asset with the same maturity as the forward contract and a strike price that is equal to the forward price of the asset at the time the portfolio is set up.
3.You would like to speculate on a rise in the price of a certain stock. The current stock price is $29,and a 3-month call with a strike price of $30 costs $2.90.You have $5,800 to invest. Identify two alternative investment strategies, one in the stock and the other in an option on the stock. What are the potential gains and losses from each?
5.Explain why a forward contract can be used for either speculation or hedging.
6.Suppose that a June put option to sell a share for $60 costs $4 and is held until June. Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram illustrating how the profit from a short position in the option depends on the stock price at maturity of the option.
13.At the end of one day a clearinghouse member is long 100 contracts, and the settlement price is $50,000 per contract. The original margin is $2,000 per contract. On the following day the member becomes responsible for clearing an additional 20 long contracts, entered into at a price of $51,000 per contract. The settlement price at the end of this day is $50,200. How much does the member have to add to its margin account with the exchange clearinghouse?
10.The price of gold is currently $500 per ounce. The forward price for delivery in 1 year is $700. An arbitrageur can borrow money at 10% per annum. What should the arbitrageur do? Assume that the cost of storing gold is zero and that gold provides no income.
12.An investor enters into two long July futures contracts on orange juice. Each contract is for the delivery of 15,000 pounds. The current futures price is 160 cents per pound, the initial margin is $6,000 per contract, and the maintenance margin is $4,500 per contract. What price change would lead to a margin call? Under what circumstances could $2,000 be withdrawn from the margin account?
4.Suppose that a March call option to buy a share for $50 costs $2.5 and is held until March. Under what circumstances will the holder of the option make a profit? Under what circumstances will the option be exercised? Draw a diagram illustrating how the profit from a long position in the option depends on the stock price at maturity of the option.
11.Suppose that you enter into a short futures contract to sell July silver for $5.20 per ounce on the New York Commodity Exchange. The size of the contract is 5,000 ounces. The initial margin is $4,000, and the maintenance margin is $3,000. What change in futures price will lead to a margin call? What happens if you do not meet the margin call?