

英语课堂中的Duty Report

英语课堂中的Duty Report

英语课堂中的Duty Report[文献标识码]A: In the teaching of English language, Duty Reports play an important role, by providing excellent ground for students who wish to practice speaking English, to experience English culture, and communicate within an overall English framework. Having enjoyed a great and long-standing popularity, both among teachers and students alike, this activity, nevertheless, has exhibited signs indicative of certain deficiencies. Therefore, it has become necessary to update and improve it, as to give it new vitality, prolong and perpetuate its existence.Duty Report(值日报告)历来是英语教师普遍喜欢的一道课前“开胃菜”。

如何使用Duty Report来激发同学们学英语的兴趣?如何使用Duty Report成为学生交流思想的平台?如何使Duty Report成为培养学生合作精神和创新思维的一种手段?这些都是笔者一直思考的问题。

下面就Duty Report在英语教学中的现状以及在教学中起的作用及其改进的策略谈谈笔者的看法。

1.Duty Report在英语教学中的现状新学期伊始,笔者对本学院办公室的英语教师做了一份随机口头调查。

让初中英语课前的“Duty report”环节上出精彩——开展“Duty report”

让初中英语课前的“Duty report”环节上出精彩——开展“Duty report”
2 . 重 新确 认 问题
行动研究 ( A c t i o n R e s e a r c h ) 作为一种教学理论研究方法 , 源 于7 0 年 代 中期 的 美 国 , 近年 来 开 始 受 到 国 内广 大 教 育 工 作 者 的重 视 。鲁 子 问 在 《 英语教学方法与策略》 一 书 中指 出 了行 动 研 究 是 教 师 在 对 自己 教 学 问 题 分 析 的 基 础 上 ,根 据 相关 的 理 论 设 计 问 题 解 决 方 案 , 然后 通 过 具 体 的 教 学 实 践 改 进 教 学 的一 个 过 程 。其 特 点 可 归 纳 为 : 1 . 行动研究是一个反思循环的过程。 2 . 一定是发生在教学过程中的研究。 3 . 以促 进 教 学 和 学 习发 展 为 目标 。 4 . 是 教 师 针对 自 己教 学 中 的 问 题 参 与 设 计 、 实施 、 反 思 的
教 师 试 图对 D u t y r e p o r t 的效 果 进 行 全 面检 查 , 采 用 问卷 和 个 别 交 谈 的 方 式 进 行 调 查 ,根据 情 况 对 部 分 不 想 参 与 D u t y r e . p o t r 的 学 生 进 行 访 谈 ,发 现 学 生 对 D u t y r e p o t r 有 良好 的 动机 和 热情 , 只是觉得 教室空间太大 、 学生 数量多 , 没 有 受 过 演 讲 方 面 的 专 门训 练 , 情 绪紧张 , 说话声音就会 快 、 急、 小, 所 以不 想 参加 。 更不想投入 。

英语duty report

英语duty report

• 唐僧—T 八戒—P 悟空—M 唐僧情人—Q 白骨精—X • T: Wow…,boys,this place looks beautiful. where we are now?Does any one of you young men know what this place is? 众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。 • T: bajie, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问) • T:bajie? Give the map to me!(严肃的问) • T:bajie! Give the fucking……..(转过身看到八戒在看书) • T:(很吃惊) hey!bajie,you are making youself a new man.what kind of book are you reading? Is it《jingangjing》or 《dabeizhou》?八戒依旧看书不理睬。 • T:(凑过去)let me have a look at it! • 八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。但为时已晚,T一把抢过。发现是封面女郎 很惹火,眼神立刻变得温柔,接过书开始看 • T:yao….xi…..(流口水,八戒看到,拿出卫生纸给唐僧擦,唐僧回 过神来) • T:(转身训斥八戒)how many times I have told you! You are not supposed to read this kind of book! I will keep it for you until the trip is end…..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里) • P:But..um,why boss,why you always said we can never touch girls?I just do not understand… • T:(sigh),how many times I have to tell you ,That is because…








1. 引言1.1 介绍Dutyreport在初中英语课堂教学中的重要性Dutyreport在初中英语课堂教学中的重要性体现在多个方面。












2. 正文2.1 提高学生学习英语的自觉性Dutyreport在初中英语课堂教学中的重要性不仅在于提高学生学习英语的自觉性。

英语值日报告 Duty Report

英语值日报告 Duty Report

英语值日报告 Duty Report假如你是今天英语课上的值日生,请根据表中信息完成主题为班级新闻的值日报告。


好人好事1. 昨天为四川灾区学生捐书200本,捐书包50个,捐款4200元2. 何立捐了500元,范文,全班最多。

简要评价要求:1.报告必须包括表中全部内容,可适当增加细节,但不要逐条翻译;2.简要评价必须在2个句子以上;3.报告的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写4.词数必须在80左右(参考词汇:捐赠donate)Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week.____________________________That"s all, thank you!英语值日报告范文:Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week. These days, Li Jia, our classmate, has kept practicing spoken English hard with the teacher"s help. On Wednesday afternoon, she won the first prize in the English speech contest. How exciting it is! We shouldlearn from her. Yesterday, we donated 200 books, 50 backpacks and 4200 yuan for the students in Sichuan. He Li alone donated 500 yuan, the most of all. That"s good. I think that as a student, we needn"t care how much we should give. Showing our love is the most important.That"s all, thank you!。



英语作文值日报告Title: Duty Report。

Date: [Insert Date]Duty Report。

As part of my responsibilities, I undertook duty today and here's a comprehensive report detailing my activities and observations.Morning Duties:1. Preparation: I arrived early to ensure all necessary materials were ready for the day's tasks.2. Briefing: I attended the briefing session to understand the day's schedule and tasks assigned to me.3. Setup: I assisted in setting up the designated areas,ensuring they were clean and organized for the day's activities.4. Attendance: I helped in monitoring attendance, ensuring all members were present and accounted for.Midday Duties:1. Supervision: Throughout the midday period, I supervised designated areas, ensuring they were orderly and safe.2. Assistance: I offered assistance to fellow members and visitors, addressing any queries or concerns they may have had.3. Monitoring: I monitored the surroundings, ensuring compliance with safety protocols and regulations.4. Documentation: I maintained records of any incidents or noteworthy occurrences during this period.Afternoon Duties:1. Clean-up: As the day progressed, I actively participated in the clean-up process, ensuring all areas were tidy and ready for the next day.2. Feedback: I provided feedback on the day'sactivities, suggesting areas for improvement or commendation.3. Evaluation: I evaluated the effectiveness of our procedures and made notes for future reference.4. Closure: Before concluding my duties, I ensured all tasks were completed, and the handover process was smooth and efficient.Overall Observations:1. Teamwork: Collaboration among team members was commendable, contributing to the smooth execution of duties.2. Responsiveness: Members were quick to address issues as they arose, showcasing their commitment to duty.3. Adaptability: Despite unforeseen challenges, the team demonstrated flexibility and adaptability in finding solutions.4. Professionalism: Throughout the day, members maintained a professional demeanor, reflecting positively on our organization.Recommendations for Improvement:1. Training: Consider providing additional training sessions to enhance skills and knowledge among members.2. Communication: Strengthen communication channels to ensure timely dissemination of information.3. Resource Allocation: Review resource allocation to optimize efficiency and effectiveness in duty execution.4. Recognition: Implement a system for recognizing outstanding contributions from team members to boost morale and motivation.Conclusion:In conclusion, undertaking duty today has been both fulfilling and enlightening. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the smooth operation of our organization. Moving forward, I am committed to continuous improvement and dedicated service.Thank you for considering my report.Yours sincerely,。



Language expression
Language expression
Use simple and clear language
Use words that are easy to understand and avoid
complex or technical language.
Theme objectives
It aims to help students understand that setbacks and failures are part of the journey to success and that these experiences can be turned into valuable lessons.
Set a clear objective for the report and ensure that the time plan aligns with the objective.
Consider the possible time-consuming points and leave enough buffer time to avoid delay.
Content Overview
primary coverage
The report should cover the key points of the topic assigned.
It should provide a general overview of the topic and its
The background of this theme is based on the idea that success is not always easy to achieve, and that perseverance is a key factor in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

dutyreport 经典范文

dutyreport 经典范文

dutyreport 经典范文任务报告引言本报告旨在详细说明作为一名机器人的任务职责和履行情况。



























英语课堂中的 Duty ReportDuty Report在英语教学中起到了非常重要的作用,为同学们实践英语、体验英语、交流英语搭建了一个很好的平台,长期以来受到老师和同学们的青睐。


关键词:英语;课堂;值日报告Abstract: In the teaching of English language, Duty Reports play an important role, by providing excellent ground for students who wish to practice speaking English, to experience English culture, and communicate within an overall English framework. Having enjoyed a great and long-standing popularity, both among teachers and students alike,this activity, nevertheless, has exhibited signs indicative of certain deficiencies. Therefore, it has become necessary to update and improve it, as to give it new vitality, prolong and perpetuate its existence.Key words: English, classroom, Duty ReportDuty Report(值日报告)历来是英语教师普遍喜欢的一道课前“开胃菜”。

如何使用Duty Report来激发同学们学英语的兴趣?如何使用Duty Report成为学生交流思想的平台?如何使Duty Report成为培养学生合作精神和创新思维的一种手段?这些都是笔者一直思考的问题。

浅谈英语课前的duty report活动

浅谈英语课前的duty report活动

浅谈英语课前的duty report活动过去人们对英语课堂教学的评价主要注重教师对大纲要求和教材内容的把握是否准确,重点是否突出,难点是否突破,教法运用是否适宜,学生掌握知识是否到位,教师的语言、教态和板书是否正确得体等。




每天课前的3,5分钟duty report 则是英语课堂教学中活动设计的一个重要环节。


英语教学实践证明,短短的几分钟duty report,不仅提高了学生的学习主动性,激发了学生的学习兴趣和参与意识,还培养了他们的创造性思维,提高了他们对英语这门语言的综合运用能力。

一、duty report的意义和作用1.培养学生的“三心”――好奇心、自尊心和自信心。



英语课堂上duty report 活动的设置就是让教师走下讲台,学生走上讲台。

当学生在课堂上用各种形式的duty report 展示着自我,展示着对英语这门语言的认知和掌握程度时,学生因体验到学英语的成就感而激动不已,内心无比喜悦,渴望再多说一些多学一些。



做好准备是做duty report的前提。

无论是何种形式的duty report,学生都要对所要做的报告进行选题、选材,阅读材料、组织材料、加工整理,为最后上台汇报做好充分的准备工作。



DUTY REPORT是什么意思?Duty Report就是我们平时说的值日报告,历来是英语教师普遍喜欢的一道课前“开胃菜”。

可以说说天气,缺勤情况,报告一下电视或新闻上看到的消息什么的,初级阶段的Duty Report, 可以说:Hello, everyone. To day is Monday(or Tuesday...), it‟s a sunny today. And today is Nov. 3th. At first,let me troduce myself. My name is ***, I‟m 12 years old now, I‟m from Beijing. (还可以说家里有几口人,都是什么职业)。

Today my topic is "Lucky Numbers"(也可以谈友谊啦,你的姓名的含义啦,你的心情呀什么的)。

范文,如下:Some people take it for granted that some lucky numbers can bring them good luck. For instance, the so-called lucky number “8” is widely used now because it is sounded like “getting rich” in Chinese and is believed to bring good fortune.Yet many others don‟t think so. They think that numbers have nothing to do with luck. They regard numbers simply as a mathematic symbols for counting. They are anything but a mystery. They laugh at those who think numbers can bring good luck.I‟m in favor of the latter opinion. I think our society is very modern now. We mustn‟t count on the so-called lucky numbers to fulfill our wishes. Whether we can have good luck depends on ourselves. If we work hard, good luck will come to us.反正duty report 这个东西就要不怕出错多说多练,坚持下来对英语口语有很大帮助。

英语duty report

英语duty report

So we shouldn’t be sad or complain about them. We may think we can tolerance as smiled for them. Then just let it be Or we can say that it is none of my business. Or we may say 开口常笑笑世间可笑之人 大肚能容容天下难容之事
let it be
I like the words Maslow(马斯洛) said that if the you idea changes, your attitude will change too. With a change of attitude, you will change your behavior. With changing of behavior, your habits will change. If you change your habits, you will change your life.
马斯洛说 心若改变,你的态度跟着改变 态度改变,你的行为跟着改变 行为改变,你的习惯跟着改变 习惯改变,你的性格跟着改变 性格改变,你的命运跟着改变
This sentence is indeed a very good point, but it just tells us that we can change ourselves, not the real world .In fact, in our real life there are many more things thacan not be changed easily.
let it be
Everything has its short point. If you insist on doing some complaints, your life will be tired. Remember: just let it be.

新闻英语 duty report注意事项和最新模板

新闻英语 duty report注意事项和最新模板

准备做duty report 的同学必须注意以下事项, 照规定办理:1.对于选择的完整新闻稿件要做删节,字数在300字左右,不要太长,类似于编写新闻的摘要(summary)。























高中英语dutyreport范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Duty ReportDate: Month XX, XXXXIntroductionAs a high school student, taking on duties and responsibilities is an essential part of our school life. It helps us develop a sense of discipline, leadership, and teamwork, which are crucial skills for our future endeavors. In this duty report, I will outline the various duties I have taken on in school and reflect on my experiences and learning outcomes.Duties1. Prefect DutyOne of the key duties I hold in school is being a prefect. As a prefect, I am responsible for maintaining discipline, guiding younger students, and representing the school in various events.I have learned the importance of being a role model for other students and setting a positive example in behavior and attitude.It has also taught me the value of communication and leadership skills in resolving conflicts and addressing issues within the school community.2. Class Monitor DutyI also serve as a class monitor for my class. As a class monitor, I am responsible for ensuring class order, conveying information from teachers to students, and organizing class activities. This duty has taught me the importance of organization, time management, and effective communication. It has also helped me develop closer relationships with my classmates and foster a sense of unity within the class.3. Library DutyIn addition to being a prefect and class monitor, I also volunteer at the school library. My duties include organizing and shelving books, assisting students in finding materials, and maintaining the order of the library. This duty has helped me develop a sense of responsibility, attention to detail, and customer service skills. It has also reinforced my love for reading and learning, as I have the opportunity to explore a wide range of books and resources.ReflectionThrough my various duties in school, I have learned valuable lessons that will benefit me in both my academic and personal life. I have learned the importance of responsibility, discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills. I have also improved my communication, organization, and time management skills, which are essential for success in any endeavor. Overall, my duties have helped me grow as an individual and become a better student and person.ConclusionTaking on duties in school is a rewarding experience that offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth.I am grateful for the chance to serve my school community and contribute to its well-being. I look forward to continuing my duties and responsibilities with dedication and enthusiasm, and I am confident that the skills and lessons I have learned will serve me well in my future endeavors. Thank you for reading my duty report.篇2Duty ReportDate: September 15th, 20XXIntroduction:I am writing this duty report to document my experiences and observations while serving as a duty officer at my high school. The duty officer role is an important one as it involves ensuring the safety and well-being of students and staff during school hours.Morning Duties:My duty began at 7:30 am with the morning bell signaling the start of the school day. I greeted students as they arrived and directed them to their classrooms. I also monitored the hallways to ensure that students were moving safely and quietly to their classes.During the morning assembly, I helped to maintain order and ensure that students were attentive and respectful during announcements and the national anthem. I also assisted teachers in resolving any small issues that arose, such as forgetting a book or misplacing a school ID.Midday Duties:After the morning classes, I was stationed in the cafeteria during the lunch hour. I helped to ensure that students lined up in an orderly fashion and followed the school's rules forlunchtime behavior. I also monitored the lunchroom to prevent any incidents of bullying or misconduct.I observed that some students were not finishing their lunches or throwing away food, so I brought this to the attention of the school administration for further investigation.Afternoon Duties:During the afternoon classes, I patrolled the hallways to ensure that students were attending their classes and not loitering in unauthorized areas. I also helped to monitor the entrances and exits of the school to ensure that only authorized individuals were entering the premises.At the end of the school day, I helped to supervise the dismissal process, ensuring that students were leaving in an orderly and safe manner. I also assisted in managing anyafter-school activities or events taking place on campus.Conclusion:Overall, my experience as a duty officer was challenging but rewarding. I learned the importance of being vigilant and proactive in ensuring the safety and security of students and staff. I also developed valuable communication andproblem-solving skills that will serve me well in future roles. I amgrateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity and look forward to continuing to contribute to the well-being of my school community.篇3Duty ReportDate: December 15, 2021I. IntroductionAs a senior student in high school, I have been assigned various responsibilities for the past semester. It is important for me to keep track of my duties and update them regularly to ensure that I am fulfilling my obligations effectively. In this duty report, I will outline my responsibilities, accomplishments, challenges, and plans for improvement.II. Responsibilities1. Class MonitorAs the class monitor, my responsibilities include taking attendance, distributing class materials, and communicating important information to my classmates. I have been diligent in carrying out these duties and ensuring that the class runs smoothly.2. Student Council MemberI am also a member of the student council, where I participate in planning and organizing school events, representing student interests, and addressing student concerns. This role has allowed me to work collaboratively with my peers and make a positive impact on the school community.3. Academic AchievementsMaintaining good grades and participating actively in class discussions are essential responsibilities for me as a high school student. I have worked hard to excel in my studies and contribute to a positive learning environment in the classroom.III. Accomplishments1. Class ImprovementAs the class monitor, I have implemented a system to track student attendance and participation, which has significantly improved class engagement and communication. The class has become more organized and disciplined as a result of these efforts.2. Student Council ProjectsI have been actively involved in planning and executing several successful events, such as the school talent show and charity fundraiser. These initiatives have brought the school community together and raised awareness for important causes.3. Academic ExcellenceI have consistently achieved top grades in my classes and received positive feedback from teachers for my academic performance. I have also been recognized for my leadership skills and commitment to learning by my peers and teachers.IV. Challenges1. Time ManagementBalancing my academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal life has been a challenge for me. I have struggled at times to prioritize my tasks and allocate enough time for studying, attending meetings, and engaging in social activities.2. Communication SkillsAs a class monitor and student council member, effective communication is key to fulfilling my duties successfully. I have encountered difficulties in conveying information clearly andresolving conflicts among my classmates. Improving my communication skills is an area where I can grow.V. Plans for Improvement1. Time Management StrategiesTo address my challenges with time management, I plan to create a detailed schedule that divides my time efficiently between studying, participating in extracurricular activities, and taking breaks. I will also prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance to ensure that I meet deadlines effectively.2. Communication WorkshopsTo enhance my communication skills, I will seek opportunities to participate in workshops or training sessions that focus on effective communication techniques. I will also practice active listening and conflict resolution strategies to improve my ability to communicate with others.VI. ConclusionIn conclusion, reflecting on my duties as a high school student has allowed me to recognize my accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. I am committed to continuing to fulfill my responsibilities effectively, strive for academic excellence, and contribute positively to the schoolcommunity. By implementing the plans for improvement outlined in this report, I am confident that I will grow as a student leader and achieve success in my future endeavors. Thank you for considering my duty report.。

关于Duty Report和课文A学习要求

关于Duty Report和课文A学习要求

A.关于Duty Report:
1.Duty Report接着上学期最后一名同学继续下去,





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容易引起误解的句子& 美句欣赏
陈怡 梁訾超 刘
雪莹 陆思杰
1.It is a ws mistakes.
2.It is a long lane that has no turning.
注:这两个句子含有比较储蓄的让步意味。 我们不能把第 1 句理解成:“从不犯错 误的人是一个聪明的人。”也不能把第 2 句理解成:“那是一个没弯的长巷。”
2. Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑
3. Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有
1. My grandpa told me not to call him names.
[正译] 我爷爷告诉我不要骂他。
注:call one names 意为“辱骂某人”,用于口语。注

2. Andy does not dare (to) talk cold turkey to Mike. [误解]安迪不敢对塞西莉谈关于冰冻火鸡之事。 [正译] 安迪不敢直截了当对迈克说。
The morning sun never lasts a day. 好景不长
Death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion. 死是伟大的激情的唯一的纯洁、美丽的终 结。
1.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边
注:cold turkey是美国俚语, 意为“直截了当” 。
3. I didn't know that the fellow was a cool hand. [误解]我不知道那个人的手这么冰冷。 [正译] 我不知道那家伙是厚颜无耻的人。
注:cool hand 意为“厚颜无耻”。
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. 想要收获自由之果的人,必须承受维护自 由的劳苦。