




































英文颁奖词模板Tonight i the night we celebrate ecellence in film with methe 4th male lead from "Death to Smoochy" rent it。

And rightnow around the world we are being watched by hundred of millionof people, nearly half of whom are in the proce of being adopted by Angenina Jolie。

I'm wait lited。

It' good tuff。

Definitely thi i an improvement over lat year' theme 'nightof a thouand weat pant。

' Let' face fact。

It han't been the bet year for Hollywood。

The bo office wa, ermmmm, a little bit, down, and piracy continue to be a problem。

So let me jut aythat if there i anyone out there involved in an illegal movie piracy。

Don't do it。

Take a good look at thee people, thee are the people you are tealing from, Look at them!! Face what you've done。

There are women here who can barely afford enough gown to cover their breat。











‎‎‎‎英语颁奖词‎50词篇‎一:‎颁奖词‎英文版 T‎h ank ‎y ou v‎e ry m‎u ch. ‎T hank‎you.‎Than‎k you‎all ‎v ery ‎m uch.‎I m,‎Im ‎s o ex‎c ited‎to b‎e her‎e. Go‎o d ev‎e ning‎ever‎y body‎, lad‎i es, ‎g entl‎e men,‎er, ‎F elic‎i ty. ‎I m J‎o n St‎e wart‎and ‎w ele ‎t o th‎e 78t‎h Ann‎u al A‎c adem‎y Awa‎r ds. ‎E r, a‎n exc‎i ting‎nigh‎t, an‎exci‎t ing ‎n ight‎. Ton‎i ght ‎i s th‎e nig‎h t we‎cele‎b rate‎exce‎l lenc‎e in ‎f ilm ‎w ith ‎m e th‎e 4th‎male‎lead‎from‎Deat‎h to ‎S mooc‎h y re‎n t it‎. And‎righ‎t now‎arou‎n d th‎e wor‎l d we‎are ‎b eing‎watc‎h ed b‎y hun‎d reds‎of m‎i llio‎n s of‎peop‎l e, n‎e arly‎half‎of w‎h om a‎r e in‎the ‎p roce‎s s of‎bein‎g ado‎p ted ‎b y An‎g enin‎a Jol‎i e. I‎m wa‎i t li‎s ted.‎It s‎good‎stuf‎f. It‎is i‎n cred‎。

I ha‎v e to‎say,‎it s‎a li‎t tle ‎s hock‎i ng t‎o see‎all ‎t hese‎big ‎n ames‎here‎, the‎s e hu‎g e st‎a rs. ‎T he O‎s car ‎i sre‎a lly,‎I gu‎e ss, ‎t he o‎n e ni‎g ht o‎f the‎year‎wher‎e you‎coul‎d see‎all ‎y our ‎f avor‎i tes‎t ars ‎w itho‎u t ha‎v ing ‎t o do‎n ate ‎a ny m‎o ney ‎t o th‎e Dem‎o crat‎i c Pa‎r ty, ‎a nd i‎t s e‎x citi‎n g fo‎r the‎star‎s as ‎w ell.‎This‎is e‎r, th‎e fir‎s t ti‎m e ma‎n y of‎you ‎h ave ‎e ver ‎v oted‎for ‎a win‎n er. ‎O h, i‎t s g‎o od. ‎Y ou e‎n joy,‎enjo‎y you‎r vot‎e s. T‎h e th‎e me o‎f the‎awar‎d sho‎w ton‎i ght ‎i s a ‎r etur‎nto ‎g lamo‎u r an‎d tha‎n k go‎o dnes‎s bec‎a use ‎f or t‎o o lo‎n g Ho‎l lywo‎o d ha‎s don‎e wit‎h out.‎Defi‎n itel‎y thi‎s is ‎a n im‎p rove‎m ent ‎o ver ‎l ast ‎y ear ‎s the‎m e ni‎g ht o‎f a t‎h ousa‎n d sw‎e at p‎a nts.‎Let ‎s fac‎e fac‎t s. I‎t has‎n t b‎e en t‎h e be‎s t ye‎a r fo‎r Hol‎l ywoo‎d. Th‎e box‎offi‎c e wa‎s,er‎m mmm,‎a li‎t tle ‎b it, ‎d own,‎and ‎p irac‎y con‎t inue‎s to ‎b e a ‎p robl‎e m. S‎o let‎me j‎u st s‎a y th‎a t if‎ther‎e is ‎a nyon‎e out‎ther‎e inv‎o lved‎in a‎n ill‎e gal ‎m ovie‎pira‎c y. D‎o n t ‎d o it‎. Tak‎e a g‎o od l‎o ok a‎t the‎s e pe‎o ple,‎thes‎e are‎the ‎p eopl‎e you‎are ‎s teal‎i ng f‎r om, ‎L ook ‎a tth‎e m!! ‎F ace ‎w hat ‎y ou v‎e don‎e. Th‎e re a‎r e wo‎m en h‎e re w‎h o ca‎n bar‎e ly a‎f ford‎enou‎g hgo‎w n to‎cove‎r the‎i r br‎e asts‎. The‎r e ar‎e a l‎o t re‎a lly ‎b ig s‎t ars ‎h ere ‎t onig‎h t. I‎t s r‎e ally‎exci‎t ing.‎We v‎e got‎the ‎m an M‎r. Ge‎o rge ‎C loon‎e y, t‎r iple‎nomi‎n ee. ‎N o, S‎t op i‎t! St‎o p it‎!It ‎s you‎. It ‎s a, ‎i t s ‎a ter‎r ific‎nigh‎t. Tw‎o of ‎t he n‎o mina‎t ions‎for ‎G ood ‎N ight‎and ‎G ood ‎L uck ‎, whi‎c h is‎not ‎j ust ‎E dwar‎d R. ‎M urro‎w s s‎i gn-o‎f f. I‎t s a‎l so h‎o w Mr‎.Clo‎o ney ‎e nds ‎a ll h‎i s da‎t es. ‎N ow, ‎I kid‎beca‎u se I‎envy‎. The‎cast‎of C‎a pote‎, is ‎a lso ‎w ith ‎u s, a‎trem‎e ndou‎s fil‎m, gr‎o und-‎b reak‎i ng, ‎N o! I‎appl‎a ud y‎o u. I‎appl‎a ud y‎o u. C‎a pote‎was ‎agro‎u nd-b‎r eaki‎n g fi‎l m th‎a t br‎o ke t‎a boos‎that‎show‎e d Am‎e rica‎not ‎a ll g‎a y pe‎o ple ‎a re v‎i rile‎cowb‎o ys. ‎S ome ‎a re a‎c tual‎l y ef‎f ete ‎N ew Y‎o rk i‎n tell‎e ctua‎l s. I‎t s t‎r ue. ‎C apot‎e, of‎cour‎s e,a‎d dres‎s ed v‎e ry s‎i mila‎r the‎m es t‎o Goo‎d Nig‎h t an‎d Goo‎d Luc‎k . B‎o th f‎i lms ‎a rea‎b out ‎d eter‎m ined‎jour‎n alis‎t s, d‎e fyin‎g obs‎t acle‎s in ‎a rel‎e ntle‎s s pu‎r suit‎of t‎h etr‎u th. ‎N eedl‎e ss t‎o say‎both‎are ‎p erio‎d pie‎c es. ‎T here‎is a‎l so, ‎c arto‎o n dr‎a ma, ‎f arth‎, I s‎a y,f‎a rth,‎I de‎m and ‎s atis‎f acti‎o n. A‎l l ri‎g ht, ‎S teve‎Spie‎l berg‎is h‎e re? ‎S ir, ‎a ple‎a sure‎. We ‎v ene‎v er m‎e t. A‎Best‎Dire‎c tor ‎n omin‎a tion‎for ‎M unic‎h, a ‎t reme‎n dous‎film‎and ‎Icon‎g ratu‎l ate ‎y ou, ‎S ir. ‎F rom ‎t he m‎a n wh‎o als‎o gav‎e us ‎S chin‎d ler ‎s Lis‎t. Sc‎h indl‎e rs ‎L ist ‎a nd M‎u nich‎, I t‎h ink ‎I spe‎a k fo‎r all‎Jews‎when‎I sa‎y I c‎a n t ‎w ait ‎t o se‎e wha‎thap‎p ens ‎t o us‎next‎. Tri‎l ogy!‎Yeah‎, I d‎o hav‎e som‎e sad‎news‎to r‎e port‎, er,‎Bjor‎k, co‎u ldn ‎t be ‎h ere ‎t onig‎h t. S‎h e wa‎s try‎i ng o‎n her‎Osca‎r dre‎s s an‎d Dic‎k Che‎n ey s‎h ot h‎e r. U‎m, gl‎a d yo‎u hea‎r it.‎Char‎l ize ‎T hero‎n is ‎h ere ‎n omin‎a ted ‎f or N‎o rth ‎C ount‎r y, a‎trem‎e ndou‎sper‎f orma‎n ce. ‎I con‎g ratu‎l ate ‎y ou a‎s wel‎l. Ha‎v e yo‎u eve‎r see‎n the‎film‎, it ‎s, it‎s, i‎t s r‎e ally‎wond‎e rful‎. Er,‎she ‎p lays‎a wo‎m an w‎h o is‎cons‎t antl‎y jud‎g ed o‎n her‎look‎s and‎paid‎less‎than‎her ‎m ale ‎c o-wo‎r kers‎. It ‎m ust ‎b e wo‎n derf‎u l to‎be d‎o ne w‎i th t‎h at a‎n d ba‎c k he‎r ein‎H olly‎w ood.‎I th‎i nk, ‎e r, f‎i rst ‎t ime ‎n omin‎e e Ma‎t t Di‎l lon ‎i s jo‎i ning‎us, ‎e r, a‎wond‎e rful‎care‎e r. I‎have‎enjo‎y ed h‎i s wo‎r k fo‎r man‎y man‎y yea‎r s. I‎want‎e d to‎be h‎i m fo‎r man‎y man‎y yea‎r s. H‎e was‎in C‎r ash,‎his ‎c o-st‎a r Sa‎n dra ‎B ullo‎c k, e‎r, ri‎g ht n‎e xt t‎o him‎. Als‎o in ‎C rash‎Terr‎e nce ‎H owar‎d is ‎h ere.‎Don ‎C head‎l e, B‎r enda‎n Fra‎s er, ‎e r, R‎y an P‎h illi‎p e al‎s o fr‎o mCr‎a sh. ‎Y ou, ‎y ou k‎n ow w‎h at, ‎a ctua‎l ly, ‎y ou k‎n ow w‎h at w‎o uld ‎b e ea‎s ier?‎Rais‎e you‎r han‎d if ‎y ou w‎e re n‎o t in‎Cras‎h! Bu‎t all‎the ‎f ilms‎this‎year‎, er,‎that‎have‎been‎nomi‎n ated‎are,‎are ‎e xcel‎l ent ‎f ilms‎. The‎y dea‎l wit‎h rac‎i sm, ‎c orru‎p tion‎, ter‎r oris‎m, an‎d cen‎s orsh‎i p. I‎t s w‎h y we‎go t‎o the‎movi‎e s, t‎o esc‎a pe! ‎I ll ‎t ell ‎y ou t‎h e mo‎v ies ‎t hat ‎d o ve‎r y we‎l l, t‎h ey r‎erem‎a ked.‎King‎Kong‎, the‎y mad‎e tha‎t a c‎o uple‎of t‎i mes,‎and ‎t his ‎t ime,‎smas‎h hit‎. War‎of t‎h e Wo‎r lds,‎rema‎k e, t‎r emen‎d ous.‎Walk‎the ‎l ine,‎er, ‎i t s ‎R ay, ‎w ith ‎w hite‎peop‎l e, r‎e make‎s See‎, Jim‎m ie, ‎I kno‎w. Bu‎t I h‎a ve t‎o say‎I m ‎f rom ‎N ew Y‎o rk a‎n d I ‎v e be‎e n ou‎t her‎e a w‎e ek a‎n d I ‎h ave ‎h ad a‎grea‎t tim‎e. I ‎r eall‎y mea‎n tha‎t. An‎d um,‎a lo‎t of ‎p eopl‎e say‎that‎this‎town‎is t‎o o li‎b eral‎, out‎of t‎o uch ‎w ith ‎m ains‎t ream‎Amer‎i ca, ‎a n at‎h eist‎i c pl‎e asur‎e dom‎e , a‎mode‎r n da‎y bea‎c hfro‎n t st‎a rdom‎and ‎c amau‎r o. A‎mora‎l bla‎c k ho‎l e wh‎e re i‎n noce‎n ce i‎sobl‎i tera‎t ed i‎n an ‎e ndle‎s s or‎g y of‎sexu‎a l gr‎a tifi‎c atio‎n and‎gree‎d. I ‎d on t‎real‎l y ha‎v ea ‎j oke ‎h ere,‎I er‎, I j‎u st t‎h ough‎t you‎shou‎l d kn‎o w a ‎l ot o‎f peo‎p le a‎r e sa‎y ing ‎t hat.‎Well‎, Ih‎a ve b‎e en t‎o the‎part‎i es, ‎t here‎you ‎g o. N‎o w yo‎u are‎talk‎i ng! ‎O bvio‎u sly ‎o ne l‎a st t‎h ing ‎I wan‎t to ‎m enti‎o n, t‎h e el‎e phan‎t in ‎t he r‎o om. ‎E r, t‎h e mo‎v ie t‎h at e‎v eryb‎o dy w‎a s ta‎l king‎abou‎t thi‎s yea‎r, of‎cour‎s e we‎are ‎t alki‎n g ab‎o ut B‎r okeb‎a ck M‎o unta‎i n. E‎r, I ‎h ave ‎n opr‎o blem‎s wit‎h gay‎them‎e s. U‎m, th‎e re w‎e re a‎lot ‎o f th‎e m th‎i s ye‎a r, l‎e t s ‎f ace ‎f acts‎, I m‎e an f‎o r go‎d s s‎a kes,‎the ‎b oxin‎g mov‎i e wa‎s cal‎l ed C‎i nder‎e lla ‎M an, ‎I mea‎n, th‎e re i‎s a l‎o t ga‎y the‎m es. ‎I jus‎t fel‎t the‎Brok‎e back‎tarn‎i shes‎the ‎n oble‎west‎e rn t‎r adit‎i on, ‎r ugge‎d men‎, who‎repr‎e sent‎the ‎h eter‎o sexu‎a l id‎e al. ‎U m, I‎m so‎r ry I‎just‎feel‎like‎ther‎e is ‎n othi‎n g re‎m otel‎y gay‎abou‎t the‎clas‎s ic H‎o llyw‎o od w‎e ster‎n s. M‎i nd i‎f I l‎o ok a‎t you‎Winc‎h este‎r? It‎s re‎a lpr‎e tty.‎Nice‎, awf‎u l ni‎c e. S‎u ppos‎e if ‎I tan‎g le w‎i th h‎i m I ‎l l ha‎v e to‎take‎you ‎a ll o‎n too‎. Oh,‎I ll‎have‎you ‎s prea‎d eag‎l e on‎a wa‎g on w‎h eel.‎But ‎r emem‎b er w‎h atev‎e r ha‎p pens‎, thi‎sis ‎s tric‎t ly b‎e twee‎n you‎and ‎m e, a‎n d th‎e hor‎s e. R‎i ght?‎I do‎n t k‎n ow w‎h y yo‎u tho‎u ght ‎y ou h‎a d to‎e in‎to s‎a y go‎o dbye‎. Goo‎d bye‎that‎I ha‎v e in‎mind‎will‎take‎ali‎t tle ‎m ore ‎r oom ‎t han ‎w e ha‎v e in‎here‎. Yea‎h, Ye‎a h, t‎h at s‎how ‎t hey ‎u sed ‎t o ma‎k e th‎e m, n‎o t re‎a lly ‎s ure ‎w hat ‎m y po‎i nt w‎a s ab‎o ut t‎h at. ‎E r, I‎ll s‎a y th‎i s, C‎h arlt‎o n He‎s ton ‎i s cu‎t.Gu‎y look‎s lik‎e he ‎h as b‎e en l‎i ftin‎g 20 ‎m andm‎e nts.‎Um, ‎a lot‎of t‎i mes ‎f or t‎h e Os‎c ars,‎peop‎l e ar‎e n t ‎q uite‎sure‎how ‎t he p‎r esen‎t ers ‎e out‎, how‎the ‎o rder‎s de‎t ermi‎n ed, ‎s o to‎n ight‎we r‎e gon‎n a tr‎y som‎e thin‎g a l‎i ttle‎bit ‎d iffe‎r ent.‎Er, ‎w e re‎goin‎g to ‎b e in‎t rodu‎c ing ‎t hep‎r esen‎t ers ‎i n or‎d er o‎f how‎tale‎n ted ‎t hey ‎a re. ‎N o? L‎a dies‎and ‎g entl‎e men,‎plea‎s e we‎l eAc‎a demy‎Awar‎d win‎n er, ‎N icol‎e Kid‎m an.篇‎二:‎英语口语‎大赛颁奖词‎(改) 2‎017年校‎园“快乐英‎语”口语大‎赛颁奖词‎紧握寻梦的‎船桨,用知‎识充实力量‎,在校园这‎块圣洁的土‎地上,他们‎用执著和勤‎奋,诠释了‎他们对英语‎的热情,对‎知识的渴望‎。



英语颁奖词范文English:Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great honor to be standing before you today to present this prestigious award. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the hard work, dedication, and outstanding achievements of the recipient. This award represents the culmination of years of effort, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment to excellence. The recipient has truly gone above and beyond in their field and their contributions have had a profound impact on their industry. Their passion and innovation have set a new standard for their peers, and it is with great pleasure that we bestow this well-deserved recognition upon them. On behalf of the entire organization, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the recipient for this remarkable accomplishment.中文翻译:女士们先生们,今天能站在你们面前颁发这个崇高奖项给予我极大的荣耀。



给英语作文写的好的学生的颁奖词It is my great honor and pleasure to present this award to a student who has consistently demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication in the art of English essay writing. Your exceptional work has not only captivated your teachers and peers but has also inspired all of us to strive for excellence in our own writing.Throughout your academic journey you have consistently produced essays that are not only technically proficient but also imbued with a depth of insight and creativity that sets them apart. Your command of the English language is truly remarkable your ability to weave words together to craft compelling narratives and persuasive arguments is truly awe-inspiring.Time and time again your essays have showcased your keen intellect your nuanced understanding of complex topics and your unwavering commitment to excellence. Whether tackling a literary analysis a research paper or a personal reflection your writing has consistently demonstrated a level of sophistication and maturity that belies your young age.One of the hallmarks of your writing is your ability to engage your readers from the very first sentence. Your introductions are masterfully crafted hooking the reader and drawing them into the heart of your argument. Your thesis statements are clear and focused providing a strong foundation upon which you build your case. And your body paragraphs are meticulously structured each point flowing seamlessly into the next as you systematically develop your ideas.But what truly sets your writing apart is the depth of your analysis and the originality of your insights. You have a remarkable talent for identifying the crux of an issue and then exploring it from multiple angles uncovering layers of meaning and nuance that others might have overlooked. Your essays are not mere regurgitations of information but rather vibrant explorations of complex ideas that leave a lasting impression on the reader.Moreover your writing is imbued with a unique voice that is at once eloquent and accessible. You have a remarkable ability to convey complex ideas in a way that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. Your word choice is precise your sentence structure is elegant and your tone is consistently engaging drawing the reader into your world and compelling them to consider your perspective.Beyond the technical mastery of your writing what truly distinguishes you is your passion for the craft. You approach each essay with a sense of excitement and wonder diving into your research with fervor and crafting your arguments with meticulous care. Your enthusiasm for the written word is palpable and it is this infectious passion that elevates your work and inspires all of us who have the privilege of reading it.It is for these reasons and so many more that we are gathered here today to celebrate your exceptional achievements. Your essays have not only earned you the admiration of your teachers and peers but they have also left an indelible mark on all who have had the privilege of engaging with your work.As you continue on your academic journey we have no doubt that you will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of English essay writing. Your talent your dedication and your passion are a true inspiration and we eagerly await the next masterpiece that will flow from your pen.Congratulations on this well-deserved award may it be the first of many accolades that you will earn as you continue to excel in your studies and share your gift of eloquence with the world.。













Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you all very much. I'm, I'm so excited to be here. Good evening everybody, ladies, gentlemen, er, Felicity. I'm Jon Stewart and welcome to the 78th Annual Academy A wards. Er, an exciting night, an exciting night.Tonight is the night we celebrate excellence in film with me the 4th male lead from "Death to Smoochy" rent it. And right now around the world we are being watched by hundreds of millions of people, nearly half of whom are in the process of being adopted by Angenina Jolie. I'm wait listed. It's good stuff.It is incred...I have to say, it's a little shocking to see all these big names here, these huge stars. The Oscar is really, I guess, the one night of the year where you could see all your favorite stars without having to donate any money to the Democratic Party, and it's exciting for the stars as well. This is er, the first time many of you have ever voted for a winner. Oh, it's good. Y ou enjoy, enjoy your votes. The theme of the award show tonight is a return to glamour and thank goodness because for too long Hollywood has done without.Definitely this is an improvement over last year's theme 'night of a thousand sweat pants.' Let's face facts. It hasn't been the best year for Hollywood. The box office was, ermmmm, a little bit, down, and piracy continues to be a problem. So let me just say that if there is anyone out there involved in an illegal movie piracy. Don't do it. Take a good look at these people, these are the people you are stealing from, Look at them!! Face what you've done. There are women here who can barely afford enough gown to cover their breasts.There are a lot really big stars here tonight. It's really exciting. We've got the man Mr. George Clooney, triple nominee. No, Stop it! Stop it! It's you. It's a, it's a terrific night. Two of the nominations for "Good Night and Good Luck", which is not just Edward R. Murrow's sign-off. It's also how Mr. Clooney ends all his dates. Now, I kid because I envy. The cast of Capote, is also with us, a tremendous film, ground-breaking, No! I applaud you. I applaud you. Capote was a ground-breaking film that broke taboos that showed America not all gay people are virile cowboys. Some are actually effete New Y ork intellectuals. It's true. Capote, of course, addressed very similar themes to "Good Night and Good Luck". Both films are about determined journalists, defying obstacles in a relentless pursuit of the truth. Needless to say both are period pieces.There is also, cartoon drama, farth, I say, farth, I demand satisfaction. All right, Steve Spielberg is here? Sir, a pleasure. We've never met. A Best Director nomination for Munich, a tremendous film and I congratulate you, Sir. From the man who also gave us Schindler's List. Schindler's List and Munich, I think I speak for all Jews when I say "I can't wait to see what happens to us next. Trilogy!Y eah, I do have some sad news to report, er, Bjork, couldn't be here tonight. She was trying on her Oscar dress and Dick Cheney shot her. Um, glad you hear it. Charlize Theron is here nominated for North Country, a tremendous performance. I congratulate you as well. Have you ever seen the film, it's, it's, it's really wonderful. Er, she plays a woman who is constantly judged on her looks and paid less than her male co-workers. It must be wonderful to be done with that and back here inHollywood.I think, er, first time nominee Matt Dillon is joining us, er, a wonderful career. I have enjoyed his work for many many years. I wanted to be him for many many years. He was in Crash, his co-star Sandra Bullock, er, right next to him. Also in Crash Terrence Howard is here. Don Cheadle, Brendan Fraser, er, Ryan Phillipe also from Crash. Y ou, you know what, actually, you know what would be easier? Raise your hand if you were not in Crash! But all the films this year, er, that have been nominated are, are excellent films. They deal with racism, corruption, terrorism, and censorship. It's why we go to the movies, to escape!I'll tell you the movies that do very well, they're remaked. King Kong, they made that a couple of times, and this time, smash hit. War of the Worlds, remake, tremendous. Walk the line, er, it's Ray, with white people, remakes See, Jimmie, I know. But I have to say I'm from New Y ork and I've been out here a week and I have had a great time. I really mean that. And um, a lot of people say that this town is too liberal, out of touch with mainstream America, an atheistic pleasure dome , a modern day beachfront stardom and camauro. A moral black hole where innocence is obliterated in an endless orgy of sexual gratification and greed. I don't really have a joke here, I er, I just thought you should know a lot of people are saying that. Well, I have been to the parties, there you go. Now you are talking!Obviously one last thing I want to mention, the elephant in the room. Er, the movie that everybody was talking about this year, of course we are talking about Brokeback Mountain. Er, I have no problems with gay themes. Um, there were a lot of them this year, let's face facts, I mean for god's sakes, the boxing movie was called Cinderella Man, I mean, there is a lot gay themes. I just felt the Brokeback tarnishes the noble western tradition, rugged men, who represent the heterosexual ideal. Um, I'm sorry I just feel like there is nothing remotely gay about the classic Hollywood westerns.Mind if I look at you Winchester?It's real pretty.Nice, awful nice.Suppose if I tangle with him I'll have to take you all on too.Oh, I'll have you spread eagle on a wagon wheel.But remember whatever happens, this is strictly between you and me, and the horse. Right?I don't know why you thought you had to come in to say goodbye.Good bye that I have in mind will take a little more room than we have in here.Y eah, Yeah, that's how they used to make them, not really sure what my point was about that. Er, I'll say this, Charlton Heston is cut. Guylooks like he has been lifting 20 commandments. Um, a lot of times for the Oscars, people aren't quite sure how the presenters come out, how the order's determined, so tonight we're gonna try something a little bit different. Er, we're going to be introducing the presenters in order of how talented they are. No? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Academy A ward winner, Nicole Kidman.。



英语作文颁奖词模板英文回答:Distinguished guests, faculty members, students, and awardees,。

On behalf of the [Institution Name], I am honored to address you this evening as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our esteemed awardees. This annual award ceremony is a testament to the unwavering commitment to excellence that permeates our academic community.As we gather here tonight, we acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of these individuals whose hard work, dedication, and passion have left an indelible mark on our institution. Their accomplishments serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the transformative power of human endeavor.Each of our awardees has distinguished themselves intheir respective fields. Their research, scholarship, and creative pursuits have pushed the boundaries of knowledge, advanced our understanding, and made a meaningful impact on our world.Beyond their academic prowess, our awardees embody the values that define our institution. They are exemplars of intellectual curiosity, scholarly integrity, and a deep commitment to the betterment of society.Their tireless efforts have not only enriched our academic environment but also extended beyond our campus walls. They have mentored countless students, fostering a spirit of inquiry and critical thinking. They have engagedin public outreach, sharing their knowledge and expertise with the broader community.As we present these awards, we recognize not only the achievements of the past but also the promise of the future. Our awardees are torchbearers, illuminating the path ahead for generations to come.We are grateful for their unwavering dedication to our institution and for the profound impact they have made on our students, our faculty, and our community as a whole.On behalf of the [Institution Name], I extend our heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed awardees. Your exceptional contributions have made our institution a beacon of academic excellence. May your continued endeavors inspire and uplift us all in the years to come.中文回答:尊敬的各位来宾、教职工、学生、获奖者:谨代表 [机构名称],对我受邀在今晚的高光时刻与大家共襄盛举,并向我们备受尊敬的获奖者致以崇高敬意。



英语作文比赛颁奖词It is my great honor and privilege to stand before you all today to present the awards for the annual English essay writing competition The level of talent and dedication displayed by the participants this year has been truly outstanding and I am honored to recognize their remarkable achievementsFirst I would like to congratulate our third place winner whose essay displayed a deep understanding of the English language and a unique perspective on the given topic Their writing was eloquent and thoughtful demonstrating a strong command of grammar and syntax while also conveying a genuine passion for the subject matter The insights and ideas presented in this essay were both thought-provoking and well-articulated earning them a well-deserved third place finish in this highly competitive competitionNext I would like to recognize our second place winner Their essay stood out for its exceptional clarity of expression and the authors ability to skillfully weave together complex ideas into a cohesive and compelling narrative The level of research and analysis that went intothis work was truly impressive and the final product was a polished and sophisticated piece of writing that captivated the judges and left a lasting impressionAnd now for our first place winner I am absolutely amazed by the quality of this essay The author displayed an incredible mastery of the English language crafting sentences that were at once elegant and impactful Their essay was not only technically flawless but also deeply insightful tackling the given topic with a level of nuance and sophistication that belied their young age The judges were unanimous in their praise for this work which stood head and shoulders above the rest in terms of its conceptual depth originality of thought and sheer brilliance of executionTo all of our winners I offer my heartfelt congratulations You should be incredibly proud of yourselves for this remarkable achievement Writing is a craft that requires immense dedication and discipline and you have all demonstrated those qualities in spades Through your words you have not only impressed us but have also left a lasting impact that will inspire others to follow in your footstepsTo the participants who did not place I also want to express my admiration for your efforts You have all proven yourselves to be talented writers with a deep passion for the English language Even though you may not have won a prize today your work was no lessimpressive and I encourage you to keep writing keep honing your craft and keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the written wordTo the parents and teachers here today I also want to extend my gratitude Your role in nurturing and supporting these young writers cannot be overstated It is through your guidance and encouragement that they have been able to develop their talents and achieve this level of excellenceIn closing I want to leave you all with a quote that I feel encapsulates the spirit of this competition The great novelist Ernest Hemingway once said The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in shock-proof shit detector This is a quality that I believe all of our winners have demonstrated in spades through the authenticity and integrity of their workSo once again my heartfelt congratulations to all of our winners today You have made us proud and I have no doubt that you will continue to inspire us with your words for many years to come Thank you。



Hugh JackmanThe academy likes to salute range-Kate Winslet-an English who plays a German in the reader, nominatedRobert Downny Jr.-an American who plays an Australian who plays an African American, nominatedWhereas me, an Australian who plays an Australian in a movie called Australia, hosting.So I am the host this year but that's not the only thing that is different. Everything has been downsized because of the recession. So next year, I am going to be playing in a movie called New ZealandMickey Rourke -I want you to say whatever is on you mind. You know we have a 7 seconds delay tonight but if you win, we will switch to a 20 min delay.I actually don't have a joke for them. I am just contractually obligated to mention their names at least 5 times tonight. -Angelina Jolie and Brad PittMeryl Streep-15 nominations -that's a record. when someone puts up numbers like that it is high enough to think steroids. Steroids-performance enhancing drugs used and abused in sports.Best supporting actress-- Penelope CruzWhoopi Goldberg --It's not easy being a nun-take it from one who is been there and back(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片修女也疯狂 sister act)-first of all, your face never look thin; you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always off screen. But in spite of this, Amy Adams showed us how a woman could sum up the courage she didn't know she had and place herself in the middle of a deeply troubling moral mystery. She was compelling and moving without a doubt.Penelope Cruz-it's not going to be 45 seconds. has anyone fainted before? Cause I think I might be the first one. thank you woody for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thanking you for having written all these years some of the greatest characters for women. …I always felt that this ceremony is a moment of unity for the world because art in any form is, has been and will always be a universal language and we should do everything we can to protect its survival. Best original screen play-adapted screen playTina Fay and Steve MartinThe two incredible presenters walk out to center stage. The crowd is amazed by the star power and beauty of the two presenters. The audience members are too stunned to leap to their feet except for those consumed by bitter jealousy. The audience breaks into wild, uncontrollable applause.It has been said that to write is to live forever. And man who wrote that is dead.Every great movie starts with a great screenplay. Or a very good idea for the poster, but usually a screen play.And every writer starts with a blank page and every blank page was once a tree.And every tree was once a tiny seed and every tiny seed was placed on earth by the alien king.Milk -Dustin Lance Black-we will have equal rights federally in this great nation of ours.Best animated featureJennifer Aniston/Jack Black-kungfu pandaThe nominees in this category are a reminder that we are becoming quickly obsolete.Jack-each year I do one Dreamworks project and I take all themoney to the Oscars and bet it on Pixar (Disney and Pixar) A lot of people mistakenly think it is easier to win the best short animated film.But that is not true. The shorter your movie, the less time you panda has to work its way into America's heart.Best supporting actorSeymour Phillip Hoffman-fortunately for us, Phillip, your commitment for the truth in every moment keeps us exactly where we should be-unsettled, unsure, and uncertain. For this again this year, we sing your praises.Heath ledgerPremature death-posthumouslyBEST DIRECTORReese WitherspoonThere is one person we have yet honored. For those of you at home, they are the ceo, the head honcho, the grand poobah, the big cheese. (cheesy) on site they can be you mother, your father and your therapist. They can even manage hostage negotiations when certain actor/actress having trouble coming out of their trailer-not I am speaking about myself but you know who you are. Ben stiller.The director is a grand collaborator taking inspiration from all artists around them to create one singular vision, clarifying the screen writer's words, creating a visual language with the cinematographer, helping each actor find a true emotional connection to their character, designing each shot so that everything in the frame adds to the immediacy of the story telling, making sure that every creative aspects work together to elevate craft to the level of art.Danny Boyle: My kids are too old to remember this-but I swore to them, if this mircal even happens, I would receive it in the spirit of tiger from Winnie the pooh. For the beautiful show you have done, but in the room it is bloody beautiful. Best actress-Sophia Loren-it is hard to know where to begin with the next nominee, her name itself has come to represent a whole world of unmatched excellence. So it is probably best to simply start there. Meryl Streep. 15 nominations 2 winsShirley MacLaine (terms of endearment, in her shoes, steel magnolia)-anna HathawayYou fearlessly stepped into the shoes of someone struggling with addiction and grief. I think you are an amazing exampleof every young actress in this business because you are not afraid to show both your dark and your bright side. Rachel's wedding/funeral at a wedding/the family stone God,Grant Me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the thingsI can, and the wisdom to know the difference.May you live to be a hundred and I a hundred minus a day so I would never know beautiful people like you passed away. Kate Winslet -5 nominations at Oscar and GGDad, whistle or something cauz I don't know where you are. To be surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided unbroken chain of supportAcknowledge my fellow nominees-I think we all can't believe we are in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I am sorry Meryl but you will have to just suck that up.Best actor-Robert De Niro-how did he do it? How for so many years did Sean Penn get his job playing straight man? Being a movie star can get in the way of acting but not for Sean Penn, Sean loseshimself in every role. Sean brings his commitment to his off screen life-you see him campaigning for human rights, respectfully advises the world leaders and gently, gently reasons the paparazzi. Tonight it is important to be a great actor and in life, it is great to be a human being.Sean Penn-you commie, homo-loving sons of guns. I did not expect this but i want it to be very clear that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. I am touched by the appreciation.。



英文颁奖词作文模板英文回答:Award Presentation Speech Template。

[Introduction]Good evening, esteemed guests, fellow honorees, and the remarkable gathering assembled here tonight. It is an honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to present this prestigious award to [Recipient's Name].[Recipient's Accomplishments]Words alone fail to capture the profound impact that [Recipient's Name] has made throughout their illustrious career. Their unwavering dedication to [Recipient's Field] has not only advanced our understanding, but has inspired countless individuals to pursue their own dreams.Through their groundbreaking research, pioneering innovations, or selfless acts of service, [Recipient's Name] has left an enduring legacy that will continue to shape our world for generations to come. Their contributions have spanned a wide range of disciplines, from scientific discovery to artistic brilliance to humanitarian endeavors.[Personal Attributes]Beyond their professional achievements, [Recipient's Name] is an individual of exceptional character and integrity. Their humility, generosity, and unwavering optimism serve as an inspiration to all who know them. They possess an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a relentless pursuit of excellence, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the world.[Impact and Recognition]The impact of [Recipient's Name]'s work has been profound and far-reaching. Their groundbreakingcontributions have reshaped our understanding of theuniverse, advanced medical treatments, fostered economic growth, and promoted social justice. Their unwavering dedication to their field has earned them countless accolades and awards, including this prestigious honor.[Closing]Tonight, we gather not only to celebrate [Recipient's Name]'s accomplishments, but to express our deepest gratitude for their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. May their example continue to inspire and motivate us all to strive for greatness and to make our own contributions to society.On behalf of [Awarding Organization], it is my distinct honor to present this award to [Recipient's Name], a visionary leader, a brilliant mind, and a true inspiration.中文回答:颁奖词作文模板。



英语作文万能句子颁奖词Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and distinguished judges, it is my great honor to stand before you today to present the award for the most versatile and impactful English essay sentences. These sentences serve as the building blocks of compelling and persuasive writing, capable of captivating readers and conveying ideas with clarity and precision.First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the power of a strong opening sentence. A well-crafted introduction sets the tone for the entire essay, drawing readers in and piquing their interest. Whether it is a thought-provoking question, a striking statistic, or a captivating anecdote, a compelling opening sentence lays the foundation for a successful piece of writing.Moving on to the body of the essay, transitions play a crucial role in maintaining the flow and coherence of the argument. Transition sentences guide readers from one point to the next, ensuring a smooth and logical progression of ideas. Whether it is through the use of transitional words and phrases or the repetition of key concepts, effective transitions help to connect disparate thoughts and create a seamless narrative.Furthermore, the use of evidence and examples is essential in supporting and reinforcing the main argument of an essay. Concrete examples and relevant evidence not only lend credibility to the writer's claims but also help to illustrate complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner. Whether it is through the use of quotations, statistics, or personal anecdotes, compelling evidence strengthens the persuasive power of an essay and engages readers on a deeper level.In addition, the inclusion of counterarguments and refutations demonstrates a writer's ability to consider multiple perspectives and engage in critical thinking. Addressing opposing viewpoints and anticipating potential objections shows intellectual rigor and fairness, ultimately strengthening the overall argument and demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the topic at hand.Finally, a strong conclusion is essential in leaving a lasting impression on readers and reinforcing the main thesis of the essay. A well-crafted conclusion should not only summarize the key points of the argument but also provide a sense of closure and leave readers with a sense of resolution. Whether it is through a powerful restatement of the main thesis, a call to action, or a thought-provoking question, a compelling conclusion leaves a lasting impact on readers and reinforces the significance of the writer's message.In conclusion, the art of writing powerful and impactful English essay sentences is a skill that requires practice, precision, and attention to detail. From the opening sentence to the conclusion, each element of an essay plays a crucial role in shaping the overall impact and effectiveness of the writing. By mastering the art of crafting compelling sentences, writers can captivate readers, convey ideas with clarity and precision, and ultimately leave a lasting impression on their audience. Thank you.。



英语颁奖词作文模板英文回答:Award Presentation Speech Template。


Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and the remarkable recipient of this prestigious award,。

Today, we gather in the spirit of celebration and recognition to honor an extraordinary individual whose contributions have made an indelible mark on our field. This award is a testament to their exceptional achievements and unwavering dedication, qualities that have shaped their remarkable legacy.Accomplishments and Impact。

Throughout their illustrious career, the recipient hasconsistently surpassed expectations, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation. Their groundbreaking research, visionary leadership, and innovative ideas have transformed our understanding of [relevant field].With meticulous precision and unwavering determination, they have made significant advancements in [specific areasof expertise]. Their work has not only enriched our theoretical understanding but has also had a profoundimpact on [practical applications].Collaboration and Mentorship。






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