





1. 主机:行车记录仪主体,包括摄像头、存储卡插槽和显示屏。

2. 电源线:连接主机与车辆电源的电源线。

3. 吸盘支架:用于固定主机在车辆前挡风玻璃上。

4. 存储卡:用于存储录制的视频和音频文件。

1. 安装:将吸盘支架固定在车辆前挡风玻璃上,将主机安装在吸盘支架上,并连接电源线到车辆电源。

2. 开机:通过按下电源按钮,启动行车记录仪,主机显示屏亮起并开始录制画面。

3. 调整设置:可根据需要在主机菜单中设置录制视频的分辨率、循环录制时间等参数。

4. 存储文件:录制的视频文件将保存在存储卡中,可以通过电脑或者其他设备查看和管理这些文件。

1. 请勿在驾驶过程中操作行车记录仪,以免影响驾驶安全。

2. 定期清洁摄像头镜头和显示屏,保持清晰录制效果。

3. 存储卡容量不足时,应及时清理或更换存储卡,以免影响录制

4. 行车记录仪应安装在视线不受阻碍的位置,避免影响行驶视野。











b.前、后摄像头的录像文件和拍照文件分别保存于TF卡中的前录“ VIDEOA”、后录“VIDEOB” 。















001 0751 Z
简称/ 插槽 -----
X13376/A16*1B 插脚34
A173*3B/A258*3B 插脚33
X13376/A16*1B 插脚14
A173*3B/A258*3B 插脚20
X13376/A16*1B 插脚12
A173*3B/A258*3B 插脚24
2. 准备工作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
51 49 000
© BMW AG, 慕尼黑
01 29 2 288 640
3. 加装电缆套件连接一览图
A1 插头
A2 开放式导线
A3 开放式导线
A4 开放式导线
H1 Mini-B USB插头
H2 Micro-B USB插头
G 倒车摄像头 H 倒车摄像头连接电缆 I 倒车摄像头的备用录像带 J 电缆绑带(10件)
001 0750 Z
© BMW AG, 慕尼黑
01 29 2 288 640




以下是行车记录仪的功能操作说明,帮助您更好地使用该设备:1. 开关机操作:行车记录仪通常配有一个开关按钮,按下按钮即可开启或关闭设备。


2. 录像和拍照功能:行车记录仪可以录制车辆前方的视频,并支持拍摄静止图片。



3. 循环录制和重力感应:行车记录仪通常支持循环录制功能,在存储空间不足时会自动覆盖较早的录像文件。


4. GPS定位和导航功能:部分行车记录仪支持GPS定位功能,可以记录车辆行驶轨迹并标注当前位置信息。


5. 微型车载监控仪:行车记录仪也可以作为微型车载监控仪使用。


6. 夜视和广角拍摄:一些高端行车记录仪配有夜视功能,可以在夜间或光线较暗的环境下录制清晰的视频。


7. 行车安全警示:部分行车记录仪还具备行车安全警示功能,可监测车辆行驶状态、道路标线情况,提醒驾驶员保持车距、避免疲劳驾驶等,有效提高行车安全性。




X3S(P)Pro X3SG Pro用户手册说明书

X3S(P)Pro X3SG Pro用户手册说明书

X3S(P)Pro/X3SG Pro用户手册目录目录 (2)1图片 (7)2表格 (11)3安全须知 (12)4概述 (13)4.1概述 (13)4.2X3S(P)Pro配件说明 (14)4.3X3SG Pro配件说明 (15)5安装向导 (16)5.1PoE及外部电源适配器的使用 (16)5.2桌面及壁挂式安装方法 (17)6附录 (19)6.1附录I-图标 (19)6.2附录II-键盘字符查询表 (20)6.3附录III-LED状态定义 (23)7用户入门 (24)7.1按键说明 (24)7.1.1按键说明 (24)7.2手柄、耳机、免提扬声器的使用 (25)7.3待机界面 (26)7.4话机状态 (27)7.5网页管理 (28)7.6网络设置 (28)7.7线路配置 (29)8基本功能 (31)8.1拨打电话 (31)8.2接听来电 (32)8.2.1通话界面 (33)8.2.2拨打/接听第二通电话 (33)8.3通话结束 (34)8.4重拔 (35)8.5拨号查询 (35)8.6自动应答 (35)8.7回拨 (36)8.8.1通话中静音 (37)8.8.2响铃时静音 (38)8.9呼叫保持/恢复 (38)8.10免打扰 (39)8.11呼叫前转 (41)8.12呼叫转移 (42)8.12.1盲转 (43)8.12.2半出席转 (43)8.12.3出席转 (43)8.13呼叫等待 (44)8.14会议 (45)8.14.1本地会议 (45)8.14.2网络会议 (46)8.15呼叫驻留 (47)8.16抢接 (47)8.17匿名呼叫 (48)8.17.1匿名呼叫 (48)8.17.2禁止匿名呼叫 (49)8.18热线 (50)8.19紧急呼叫 (51)9高级功能 (53)9.1BLF(Busy Lamp Field) (53)9.1.1配置BLF功能 (53)9.1.2使用BLF功能 (54)9.2BLF List (54)9.3录音 (55)9.3.1服务器录音 (55)9.3.2SIP INFO录音 (56)9.4代理 (56)9.5对讲 (58)9.6使用组播功能可以简单、便捷的发送语音组播 (58)9.7SCA(Shared Call Appearance) (59)9.8信息 (61)9.8.1短信息 (61)9.8.2语信信息MWI(Message Waiting Indicator) (62)9.9热点 (63)10话机设置 (66)10.1.1语言 (66)10.1.2时间 (66)10.1.3屏幕 (68)亮度和背光 (68)屏保 (69)10.1.4铃声 (69)10.1.5音量 (69)10.1.6欢迎词 (70)10.1.7重启 (70)10.2电话本 (70)10.2.1本地联系人 (70)添加/编辑/删除联系人 (71)添加/编辑/删除群组 (72)在群组中浏览/添加/移除联系人 (72)10.2.2黑名单 (72)10.2.3远程电话本 (73)配置云电话本 (73)下载云电话本 (73)10.3通话记录 (74)10.4功能键 (74)10.5耳机 (76)10.5.1有线耳机 (76)10.5.2EHS耳机 (76)10.6高级设置 (77)10.6.1线路设置 (77)10.6.2网络设置 (77)网络设置 (77)服务质量与虚拟局域网 (79)虚拟专用网络) (80)网页服务器类型 (80)10.6.3设置秘钥 (81)10.6.4维护 (82)10.6.5在线升级 (85)10.6.6恢复出厂设置 (87)11网页配置 (88)11.1网页的认证 (88)11.2系统>>信息 (88)11.4系统>>系统配置 (88)11.5系统>>升级 (89)11.6系统>>自动部署 (89)11.7系统>>辅助工具 (89)11.8系统>>重启话机 (89)12网络>>基本 (90)12.1网络>>服务端口 (90)12.2网络>>VPN (90)12.3网络>>高级 (90)12.4线路>>SIP (91)12.5线路>>SIP热点 (95)12.6线路>>收号规则 (95)12.7线路>>基本设定 (97)12.8电话设置>>功能设定 (98)12.9电话设置>>媒体设置 (100)12.10电话设置>>组播 (101)12.11电话设置>>功能 (102)12.12电话设置>>时间/日期 (102)12.13电话设置>>提示音 (103)12.14电话设置>>高级 (103)12.15电话本>>联络人 (104)12.16电话本>>云电话本 (104)12.17电话本>>通话名单 (105)12.18电话本>>网页拨号 (105)12.19电话本>>高级 (105)12.20通话记录 (106)12.21快捷键>>快捷键 (106)12.22快捷键>>Softkey设置 (106)12.23快捷键>>高级 (107)12.24应用>>录音管理 (108)12.25安全>>网页过滤 (108)12.26安全>>信任证书 (108)12.27安全>>设备证书 (109)12.28安全>>网络防火墙 (110)12.29设备日志>>设备日志 (111)13故障排除 (112)13.1获取话机系统信息 (112)13.3话机恢复出厂设置 (112)13.4屏幕截图 (112)13.5网络数据抓包 (113)13.6获取log信息 (113)13.7常见故障案例 (113)1图片图1-桌面式话机安装 (17)图2-壁挂式安装 (17)图3-设备连接 (18)图4-按键说明 (24)图5-屏幕布局/默认主界面 (26)图6-卷动图标 (26)图7-话机话机状态 (27)图8-网页话机状态 (28)图9-网页登陆页面 (28)图10-话机线路SIP地址及账号信息 (30)图11-话机显示名及端口 (30)图12-网页线路注册 (30)图13-默认线路 (31)图14-开启语音通道前拨号 (32)图15-开启语音通道后拨打号码 (32)图16-呼叫号码 (32)图17-接听来电 (33)图18-通话模式界面 (33)图19-第二通来电界面 (34)图20-双路通话 (34)图21-重拨设置 (35)图22-线路1启用自动应答 (36)图23-线路已启用自应答 (36)图24-网页启动自动应答 (36)图25-话机设置回拨键 (37)图26-网页设置回拨键 (37)图27-通话中静音 (38)图28-铃声静音 (38)图29-呼叫保持界面 (39)图30-开启免打扰功能 (39)图31-启用免打扰定时器 (40)图32-设置DND选项 (40)图33-启用某一线路的勿打扰 (40)图34-选择设置呼叫前转的线路 (41)图35-选择呼叫前转类型 (41)图36-激活呼叫前转和配置呼叫前转号码 (42)图38-转移界面 (43)图39-半出席转 (43)图40-出席转 (44)图41-话机设置呼叫等待 (44)图42-网页设置呼叫等待 (45)图43-网页设置呼叫等待音 (45)图44-设置本地会议 (45)图45-本地会议(1) (46)图46-本地会议(2) (46)图47-话机设置通话驻留 (47)图48-网页设置通话驻留 (47)图49-话机抢接设置 (48)图50-网页抢接设置 (48)图51-话机匿名呼叫启用 (49)图52-网页匿名呼叫启用 (49)图53-匿名通话记录 (49)图54-话机禁止匿名呼叫 (50)图55-网页设置禁止匿名呼叫 (50)图56-话机热线设置界面 (50)图57-网页热线设置 (51)图58-设置紧急呼叫号码 (51)图59-呼叫紧急呼叫号码 (52)图60-网页配置BLF功能键 (53)图61-话机配置BLF功能键 (53)图62-配置BLF List功能 (55)图63-BLF List号码显示 (55)图64-网页网络录音 (56)图65-配置代理账号-normal模式 (56)图66-代理登录页面 (57)图67-网页对讲设置 (58)图68-组播设置页面 (58)图69-网页注册BroadSoft (59)图70-网页指定BroadSoft服务器 (60)图71-网页开启SCA (60)图72-网页设置Private Hold功能键 (60)图73-话机短信图标 (62)图74-新语音留言通知 (62)图76-配置语音信箱号码 (63)图77-网页注册SIP (64)图78-网页SIP热点服务器端设置 (65)图79-网页SIP热点客户端设置 (65)图80-话机语言设置 (66)图81-网页语言设置 (66)图82-话机设置时间&日期 (67)图83-网页设置时间&日期 (67)图84-话机设置屏幕参数 (68)图85-网页屏幕设置 (69)图86-话机屏保 (69)图87-电话本界面 (70)图88-本地电话本 (71)图89-添加新的联系人 (71)图90-添加黑名单 (72)图91-网页黑名单列表 (73)图92-浏览云电话本中的联系人 (73)图93-通话记录 (74)图94-话机DSSkey设置界面 (75)图95-网页DSS设置 (75)图96-网页上耳机功能设置 (76)图97-EHS耳机设置 (76)图98-线路账号配置信息 (77)图99-高级设置选项 (77)图100-DHCP网络模式 (78)图101-PPPoE网络模式 (78)图102-静态IP模式 (78)图103-话机配置网页服务器类型 (81)图104-菜单密码 (81)图105-菜单密码设置 (81)图106-设置键盘锁密码 (82)图107-话机键盘锁密码输入界面 (82)图108-网页键盘锁密码设置 (82)图109-网页自动部署设置 (83)图110-话机自动部署设置 (83)图111-网页在线升级页面 (86)图112-在线升级信息显示 (86)图114-服务端口设置界面 (90)图115-收号规则注册设定 (95)图116-拨号规则自定义设定 (96)图117-拨号规则表(1) (97)图118-拨号规则表(2) (97)图119-网页提示音 (103)图120-网页云电话本设置 (105)图121-DSSkey全局设置 (108)图122-网页网页过滤设置 (108)图123-证书设置 (109)图124-设备证书设置 (109)图125-网络防火墙设置 (110)图126-防火墙规则列表 (111)图127-删除防火墙规则 (111)图128-网页屏幕截图 (112)图129-网页抓包工具 (113)2表格表1-硬件接口说明 (18)表2-按键丝印说明 (19)表3-状态提示及通知图标 (19)表4-字符查询表 (20)表5-功能键LED状态 (23)表6-按键说明 (24)表7-通话模式 (33)表8-BLF功能键子类型参数列表 (53)表9-代理模式 (57)表10-对讲模式 (58)表11-网页组播参数 (59)表12-启用SCA的LED状态 (61)表13-SIP热点参数 (64)表14-时间参数设置 (67)表15-服务质量与虚拟局域网 (79)表16-自动升级 (83)表17-在线升级 (86)表18-服务器端口 (90)表19-网页上的线路配置 (91)表20-话机7种拨号方式 (95)表21-拨号规则配置表 (96)表22-网页上设置线路全局配置 (97)表23-网页上常见的话机功能设置 (98)表24-网页上的语音设置 (100)表25-网页组播参数 (101)表26-时间/日期在网页上设置参数 (102)表27-快捷键配置 (106)表28-Softkey配置 (106)表29-网络防火墙 (110)表30-故障案例 (113)3安全须知请在安装使用话机前仔细阅读安全需知。










衷心祝愿您旅程安全愉快BMW AG提示关于本用户手册我们非常重视本用户手册的方便性和实用性。
























X3产品说明书产品说明产品结构1)向上选择按钮2)菜单按钮3)向下选择按钮4)USB数据接口5)支架安装孔6)HDMI输出接口7)电源开关8)TF卡插槽9)HOLD按钮10)模式选择按钮11)OK确认按钮●1)向上选择按钮待机或录像过程短按此键,可以进行数码缩小调节;菜单选项中,向下调节功能键;●2)菜单按钮短按此键调出功能设置菜单;●3)向下选择按钮待机或录像过程短按此键,可以进行数码放大调节;菜单选项中,向下选择功能键;●4)USB数据接口USB数据接口,①用于连接PC传输数据;②用于连接外接电源给电池充电或提供工作电源;●5)支架安装孔连接车载支架安装固定螺丝孔;●6)HDMI输出接口HDMI输出接口,用以连接高清显示设备;●7)电源开关长按开/关机;短按打开或关闭红外夜视灯;●8)TF卡插槽存储卡插槽●9)HOLD按钮录像过程中按压此键,当前视频文件保存为不可删除;●10)模式选择按钮短按此键在摄像/拍照/回放之间相互切换;●11)OK确认按钮录像和拍照确认按钮,摄像模式下,短按此键开始录像,再次短按停止录像;拍照模式下短按此键拍摄照片;菜单模式下为确认按钮;●G-sensor 功能当重力加速达到6g(1g=9.80米/秒^2)时,机器会自动将事故发生的当前视频保存为不可删除文件;●HOLD功能录像过程中按压此键,当前视频文件保存为不可删除;摄像/拍照基本操作说明:●开机与关机按压电源钮一次开机,蓝色指示灯会在开机时亮起;再次按压电源钮是关机,此时蓝色指示灯熄灭;注意:录像仪在低电量时会提示电池电压低后自动关机●摄像模式短按键,切换到摄像模式,屏幕左上角显示摄像图标;短按键开始摄像,摄像图标会出现闪动红点,标明录像工作中;●拍照模式短按键,切换到拍照模式,屏幕左上角显示拍照图标;短按键拍照,拍照时屏幕闪烁一次,表示拍照完成。




X3-操作指南X3重聚-操作指南攻略内容驾驶飞船中的操作U - Auto Pilot自动驾驶(靠港) 开/关选取飞船时,会自动尾随目标。

选取太空站时,会自动靠港(有些太空站当你名声值不够高时,不允许你靠港)Auto Pilot注意事项:某些星系的AI route有问题,你如果一进该星系就开启Auto Pilot,它会让你去撞传送门,小则船身受伤,大则撞到Game Over所以最好是离开传送们一段距离再开Auto Pilot快捷键F - 查看货舱物品清单O - 打开货舱门(会关闭护罩)Shift + E - Eject 弹射离开飞船Shift + H - HUD 开/关,关掉可以让游戏流畅很多,但是玩的下去吗Z - 加速X - 减速TAB - 引擎全开(需配备Boost Extenstion)<-BackSpace - 引擎停止Q - 向左翻滚E - 向右翻滚·左Alt - 望远镜功能,按住Alt会一直放大,松开后会自动回复正常(需配备Video Enhancement Goggles)·J - 加速功能(需配备SETA extension),时间及飞行速度都变快,可在OPTION中调整加速倍速,我是选10X·Shift + J - 使用Jump Drive(需要有足够的Energy Cells才能跳跃到选取的星系)以下都是要在你的扫描仪范围内才侦测的到(Triplex Scanner的扫描范围最广)·i - 识别所选取的目标物·t - 侦测正前方的目标物(当前方无目标时,会持续闪动扫描。

当有目标物进物扫描范围时,并自动将它当成目标)·PageUp (或滚轮向上) - 下一个目标物·PageDown (或滚轮向上) - 上一个目标物Shift + t - 侦测离自己最近的敌人,并自动将它当成目标Home - 下一个敌人目标物End - 上一个敌人目标物Insert - 下一个你拥有的飞船/卫星Delete - 上一个你拥有的飞船/卫星呼叫菜单的操作Enter - 呼叫快速选单右方数字键盘Enter - 呼叫主要选单Shift + O(这是殴) - 呼叫OPTION选单Shift + S - 呼叫存档选单Shift + L - 呼叫读档选单 (任何太空站都可以储存进度。

fiio X3电子版说明书

fiio X3电子版说明书

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Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 1Unit 71: Increase Awarenessabout Drugs, Alcohol orOther Substances withIndividuals and GroupsUnit reference number: H/501/0586Level: 3Unit type: OptionalCredit value: 7Guided learning hours: 42Unit summaryThis unit is for those who need to raise awareness of substances (drugs and alcohol), the use of substances and the effects of substances. The awareness raising may be with children and young people, or with other people who need to know about substances, for example because they use substances themselves, have friends or family who use or may use substances, or work on a formal or informal basis with individuals who use substances.Additional informationAny skills-based element within the unit must be assessed in the workplace or using workplace-based evidence.Simulation is not permitted for this unit.The nature of this unit means that all of your evidence must come from real work activities.The evidence must reflect, at all times, the policies and procedures of the workplace, as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for good practice in the sector. Required sources of performance and knowledge evidenceObservation and/or expert witness testimony is the required assessment method to be used to evidence some parts of this unit.If the assessor is unable to observe the learner they will identify an expert witness in the workplace who will provide testimony of the learner’s work-based performance. The assessor or expert witness will observe the learner in real work activities and this is likely to provide most of the evidence for the assessment criteria for this unit.Other sources of performance and knowledge evidenceThe assessor will identify other sources of evidence to ensure that the most reliable and efficient mix of evidence-gathering methods from the list below. This will ensure that all learning outcomes and assessment criteria are met and that the consistency of your performance can be established.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 20192 Work products: these are non-confidential records made, or contributed to, by the learner, e.g. promotional material relating to the nature of substance misuse.Confidential records: these may be used as evidence but must not be placed in the learner’s portfolio. They must remain in their usual location and be referred to in the assessor records in the learner’s portfolio, e.g. case records.Questioning: questions may be oral or written. In each case the question and the learner’s answer will need to be recorded, e.g. what are the key organisations that deliver the government’s strategy on drugs and alcohol?Professional discussion: this should be in the form of a structured review of the learner’s practice with the outcomes captured by means of audiotape or a written summary. These are particularly useful to provide evidence that the learner knows and understands principles which support practice; policies, procedures and legislation, and that the learner can critically evaluate their application, e.g. describe the legislation, policy and procedures regarding equality and confidentiality of information.Original certificates: certificates of training and records of attendance must be authentic, current and valid. The assessor will also want to check the content of such training so that this can be matched to the standards and check that the learner has retained and can apply learning to practice, e.g. Certificate/Progression Award in Drug and Alcohol Services.Case studies, projects, assignments and candidate/reflective accounts of your work: These methods are most appropriately used to cover any outstanding areas of your qualification. Occasionally, because an event happens rarely or may be difficult to observe, the learner may be able to use a candidate/reflective account to provide some of the evidence for this unit, e.g. describe the interrelationship between the background of individuals and the effect of substances on them.Witness testimony: colleagues, allied professionals and individuals with whom you work may be able to provide testimony of your performance. The assessor will help the learner to identify the appropriate use of witnesses.Unit guidanceThe evidence for this unit is likely to come from:•the observation of the learner working with an individual or group •confidential case records and/or promotional material prepared •the learner’s explanation of their work with individuals or a group recorded either through professional discussion or a reflective account.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 3Learning outcomes and assessment criteriaTo pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve each learning outcome.1 Understand legislation and policyrelevant to substance use 1.1 Identify the legislation which relatesto substance use and describe thedifference between legal and illegaldrugs1.2 Describe government policy inrelation to substance use services,e.g. prevention, treatment andrehabilitation1.3 Identify key organisations that aredesigned to deliver the government’sstrategy on drugs and alcohol1.4 Describe the legislation, policy andprocedures regarding equality andconfidentiality of information2 Understand substance use, itseffects and treatments 2.1 Describe the different substanceswhich are available and the effectsthey have on the body, e.g.stimulants, sedatives andhallucinogenics2.2 Identify the street names forsubstances, and how these changeover time and in different locations 2.3 Describe the dangers of substanceuse, e.g. related to quantity,frequency, purity and polydrug use 2.4 Describe the methods of substanceuse and the risks associated with thedifferent methods2.5 Explain the interrelationship betweenthe background of individuals and theeffect of substances on them: e.g.experience and expectations, mentaland psychological state, physicalhealth, etc.2.6 Identify reasons why individuals usesubstances and the influence onsubstance use of individuals’ age,gender, economic disadvantageand/or emotional deprivation2.7 Describe the relationship betweensubstance use, crime and antisocialbehaviourPearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 20194 3 Identify individuals’ knowledge and values about substances 3.1 Enable individuals to talk about and identify what they know and understand about substance use3.2 Support individuals to explore their feelings and values about substance use3.3 Interact with individuals in a manner that encourages an open exchange of views and is non-judgemental4 Increase individuals’ knowledge and understanding of substances 4.1 Identify the gaps in individuals’ knowledge and understanding about substances, their use and effects4.2 Demonstrate how the values and beliefs of individuals may need to be challenged in their own interests and those of others4.3 Provide learning opportunities in a manner sensitive to individuals’ needs and confidence4.4 Ensure that the content of the learning provision is accurate and based on up-to-date evidencePearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 5Unit contentLearning outcome 1: Understand legislation and policy relevant to substance useLegislation relating to substance use•Medicines Act 1968 and amendments.•Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and amendments.•Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973.•Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.•Misuse of Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1997.•Data Protection Act 2018.•Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.•Care Standards Act 2000 (receipt, storage and administration of medicines). •Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.•The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 (as amended by the Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2009).•The Human Medicines Regulations 2012.•The Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.The difference between legal and illegal drugs•Legal drugs can be bought over the counter or with a prescription from a medical practitioner.•Illegal drugs cannot legally be manufactured, bought or sold.•Some drugs are legal in some situations, for example when prescribed as antipsychotics or painkillers, but illegal when misused.Government policy in relation to substance use services•Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.•2010 to 2015 government policy: drug misuse and dependency.•Modern crime prevention strategy 2016.•UK Chief Medical Officers’ Alcohol Guidelines Review 2016.•Drug Strategy 2017.•Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management 2017.Organisations delivering the government’s strategy on drugs and alcohol •Support groups and networks, e.g. National Treatment Agency, Addaction, Community for Recovery, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous. •GP surgery.•Hospitals.•Treatment centres.•Criminal justice system: policy, probation services.•Multidisciplinary approaches to support.•Social support, including peers, support groups.•Inpatient rehabilitation.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 20196 •Outpatient treatment programmes. •Self-help programmes, lifestyle changes. •Therapeutic community living. • The 12 Steps Programme.Legislation, policy and procedures regarding equality and confidentiality of information Equality•Human Rights Act 1998. •Mental Capacity Act 2005. •Equality Act 2010. •Health and Social Care Act 2012. •Care Act 2014. • Policy and procedures:o race/cultural diversity o equality of opportunity o inclusive practice o safeguarding/bullying o complaints odisability and access. Confidentiality of information •The Caldicott Principles. •Freedom of Information Act 2000. •Data Protection Act 2018. •General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. • Policy and procedures:o confidentiality o reporting and recording o duty of care.Learning outcome 2: Understand substance use, its effects and treatments The range of different substances•Class A drugs include: heroin (diamorphine), cocaine (including crack), methadone, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, magic mushrooms. •Class B drugs include: amphetamines, barbiturates, codeine, cannabis, cathinones (including mephedrone), synthetic cannabinoids. •Class C drugs include: benzodiazepines (tranquilisers), GHB/GBL, ketamine, anabolic steroids, benzylpiperazines (BZP). •Illegal drugs include: marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, club drugs. •Prescription drugs include: stimulants, benzodiazepines, opioid painkillers. •Over-the-counter drugs include: cough medicine, cold and flu remedies, motion sickness medication. • Alcohol includes: beer, wine, distilled spirits.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 7•Solvents include: fast drying glues and adhesives, assorted paint and petroleum products, lighter fluid, dry-cleaning fluids, assorted aerosol sprays, surgical spirit, cleaner.•New psychoactive substances include: plant food, bath salts, MDAT, Eric 3, dimethocaine.•Hallucinogenic drugs include: LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), peyote (mescaline), DMT, ketamine (Special K), PCP (phencyclidine).Effects•Acts as a stimulant, relaxant, depressant.•Enhances moods.•Lethargy.•Reduces inhibitions.•Paranoia.•Seizures.•Mood altering.•Hallucinations.•Effect if injecting cut heroin.•Infection.•Collapsed veins.Street names for substances•How these change over time and in different locations.•Slang is often specific to certain geographic areas and can vary from locality to locality, e.g. addict, abuser, junkie, alkie.•Marijuana – Acapulco Gold/Red, home grown, tea, weed, kif, weed, smoke, herb, skunk, mary jane, blaze ,jive, buds, chronic, nugget, Colombo, Pakalolo, dagga, grass, green, hash, pot, reefer, sensi, solid, wacky baccy.The dangers of substance use•Related to quantity, frequency, purity and polydrug use.•Overdose.•Dependence.•Associated physical health risks.•Associated mental health/psychological risks.•Financial implications.•Loss of role.•Mistrust.•Loss of income.•Eviction/homelessness.•Insecurity.•Stigma attached to addiction.•Anxiety.•Frustration.•Interruption to routines/plans.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 20198 Methods of substance use and the risks associated with the different methods • Topical:o includes insufflation (snorting) and smoking o risk of damage to respiratory system.• Enteral:o includes oral and suppositories o risk of bleeding, damage through incorrect application.• Parenteral:o includes injecting into blood vessels o risk of infection, risk of contracting serious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.• Alcohol:o oral o binge and chronic drinking o social and occasional drinking may escalate into addiction, then dependence. • All carry risk of overdose, heart failure, coma, seizures and even death.Interrelationship between the background of individuals and the effect of substances on them•Experience and expectations. •Mental and psychological state. •Physical health. •Experimentation. •The availability of substances. •Social environment in terms of friends, family and peer behaviours. •Trauma/traumatic life events. •Experience of abuse, including domestic violence. •Social deprivation and homelessness. •Grief. •Workload, demands, pressure or stress. •Anxiety. •Self-perception, insecurity. •Peer or social pressure. • Relationship breakdown.Why individuals use substances•Insecurity. •Trauma/traumatic life events. •Experience of abuse. •Social deprivation and homelessness. •Workload/academic demands. •Self-perception. •Peer or social pressure. •Relationship breakdown.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 9•Mental ill health.•Lifestyle choices such as consumption of dietary supplements, e.g. steroids, appetite suppressants, alcohol, smoking.•Learned behaviour.•Parental/caregiver influence.•Availability of and ease of access to substances.•Injury or illness requiring prescription pain relief, leading to continued reliance on prescribed medication to manage or ‘block’ pain.•The substance used and how addictive it is.•Theory of genetic predisposition.The influence of individual’s age, gender, economic disadvantage and/or emotional deprivation•Level of substance use.•Availability of funds.•Access to substances.•Influence of peers.•Assessed risk.•Willingness to change.•Engagement with services and practitioners.•Impact on health and wellbeing.The relationship between substance use, crime and antisocial behaviour •The need to fund substance use.•Increase in crime to fund use.•Illegal use of properties to sell and take illicit drugs.•Behaviour as a result of substance use.•Increase in threatening behaviour to prevent police involvement.•Involvement of minors to sell drugs – county lines.Learning outcome 3: Identify individuals’ knowledge and values about substancesEnable individuals to talk about substance use•What they know and understand.•Privacy.•Dignity.•Consent.•Commitment from both sides.•Willingness.•Sensitivity.•Effective communication and interpersonal skills.Support individuals to explore their feelings and values about substance use •Privacy.•Dignity.Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Care (England) Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) Issue 2 – July 2019 © Pearson Education Limited 2019 10 •Consent. •Commitment from both sides. •Willingness. •Sensitivity. • Effective communication and interpersonal skills.Interact with individuals in a manner that encourages an open exchange of views and is non-judgemental•Empathetic. •Privacy. •Safety and security of the environment. •Use of body language. •Genuine/authentic. •Collaborative approach. •Supportive. •Active listening. •Reflection. •Use of questioning. •Self-awareness. •Legitimisation of individuals’ views. •Partnership. • Respect.Learning outcome 4: Increase individuals’ knowledge and understanding of substancesGaps in individuals’ knowledge and understanding about substances, their use and effects•Knowledge of drugs, alcohol and other substances used. •Terminology used. •Methods used. •Risk factors. •Indicators of addiction. • Support mechanisms and how to access these.How the values and beliefs of individuals may need to be challenged•In their own interests and those of others. •Understanding drug, alcohol and other substance use. •Identifying risk factors. •Increasing awareness and understanding in order to provide support and guidance. • Identifying and challenging assumptions.Provide learning opportunities•Manner sensitive to individuals’ needs and confidence.•Awareness of communication preferences.•Understanding of current levels of understanding.•Privacy.•Availability of materials to support learning.•Level and pace appropriate to needs.Ensure content of the learning provision is accurate and based on up-to-date evidence•Currency of information.•Reliable sources.•Benchmarking.•Sharing and dissemination of information.Information for tutorsSuggested resourcesBooksAllan G – Working with Substance Users: A Guide to Effective Interventions(Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) ISBN 9781137278043Dorling Kindersley – BMA Concise Guide to Medicine and Drugs, 5th edition(Dorling Kindersley, 2015) ISBN 9780241201015Heanue K and Lawton C – Working with Substance Users (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Health & Social Welfare) (Open University Press, 2012) ISBN 9780335245192Koubel G and Bungay H – Challenge of Person-centred Care: An Interprofessional Perspective (Palgrave MacMillan, 2008) ISBN 9780230550773Life-Style Ebooks – Addiction: The Last Addiction Recovery Guide – The Infallible Method To Overcome Any Addiction (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015) ISBN 9781519741103Roberts GW and Machon A – Appreciative Healthcare Practice: A guide to compassionate, person-centred care (M&K Publishing, 2015) ISBN 9781905539932Sanderson H and Lewis J – A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation: Person-Centred Practice in Health and Social Care (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012)ISBN 9781849051941Smith JE and Meyers R – Motivating Substance Abusers to Enter Treatment: Working with Family Members (Guilford Press, 2008) ISBN 9781593856465White T – Working With Drug and Alcohol Users: A Guide to Providing Understanding, Assessment and Support (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012) ISBN 9781849052948 OtherDepartment of Health – Fair Access to Care Services: Guidance on Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care (Department of Health, 2002)Websites DrugWise provides advice, research andinformation Federation of Drug and AlcoholProfessionals, the professional body forthe substance misuse (drugs and alcohol)field/government/publications/dru g-and-alcohol-addiction-and-obesity-effects-on-employment-outcomes Department for Work and Pensions Drug and alcohol addiction, and obesity: effects on employment outcomes National Institute for Health and CareExcellenceAlcohol-use disorders: diagnosis,assessment and management of harmfuldrinking and alcohol dependence www.who.int World Health Organization –guidance onsubstance abuseAssessmentThis guidance should be read in conjunction with the associated qualification specification for this unit.This unit is internally assessed. To pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment must demonstrate that they have met the required standard specified in the learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and the requirements of the assessment strategy.To ensure that the assessment tasks and activities enable learners to produce valid, sufficient, authentic and appropriate evidence that meets the assessment criteria, centres should follow the guidance given in Section 8 Assessment of the associated qualification specification and meet the requirements from the assessment strategy given below.Wherever possible, centres should adopt an holistic approach to assessing the units in the qualification. This gives the assessment process greater rigour and minimises repetition, time and the burden of assessment on all parties involved in the process.Unit assessment requirementsThis unit must be assessed in accordance with the Skills for Care Assessment Principles. TM03/07/19 U71_H5010586_INCREASE AWARENESS ABOUT DRUGS, ALCOHOL OR OTHER SUBSTANCES WITH INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS_ISS2.1–14/0。














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3.1.1 查找主机 (6)3.1.2 配置与快捷方式 (6)3.1.3关机与本机IP (7)3.2 控制面板 (7)3.2.1 网络 (7)3.2.2 显示与声音 (7)3.2.3 外设与启动................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



X2产品说明书产品说明产品结构1)红外夜视灯2)取景镜头3)A V信号输入接口4)HDMI输出接口5)USB数据接口6)录像工作指示灯7)模式选择按钮8)HOLD按钮9)电源开关10)OK确认按钮11)充电指示灯12)向下选择按钮13)菜单按钮14)向上选择按钮15)TF卡插槽按键功能说明:●1)红外夜视灯红外夜视照明灯,通过短按电源按钮开启;●2)取景镜头高清数字前置取景镜头;●3)A V信号输入接口模拟视频信号输入接口,可连接外置模拟信号;●4)HDMI输出接口HDMI输出接口,用以连接高清显示设备;●5)USB数据接口USB数据接口,①用于连接PC传输数据;②用于连接外接电源给电池充电或提供工作电源;●6)录像工作指示灯录像工作指示灯,待机常亮,录像或拍照闪烁;●7)模式选择按钮短按此键在摄像/拍照/回放之间相互切换;●8)HOLD按钮录像过程中按压此键,当前视频文件保存为不可删除;●9)电源开关长按开/关机;短按打开或关闭红外夜视灯;●10)OK确认按钮录像和拍照确认按钮,摄像模式下,短按此键开始录像,再次短按停止录像;拍照模式下短按此键拍摄照片;菜单模式下为确认按钮;●11)充电指示灯连接外接电源或PC时会给电池充电,电池充满,此灯自动熄灭;●12)向下选择按钮菜单选项中,向下选择功能键;●13)菜单按钮短按此键调出功能设置菜单;●14)向上选择按钮待机或录像过程短按此键,可以在前/后镜头中切换显示;菜单选项中,切换各设置项功能键;●15)TF卡插槽存储卡插槽特别功能说明:●支持A V信号输入录像A V-IN端口通过连接外置镜头可以和产品前端数字镜头同时录像,并在存储卡中生成对应的文件:前镜头对应存储卡A文件,外置镜头对应存储卡B 文件,以方便用户直接分辨内外镜头视频;连接示意图:●G-sensor 功能当重力加速达到6g(1g=9.80米/秒^2)时,机器会自动将事故发生的当前视频保存为不可删除文件,文件以ZW开头保存;●HOLD功能录像过程中按压此键,当前视频文件保存为不可删除,文件以ZW开头保存摄像/拍照基本操作说明:●开机与关机按压电源钮一次开机,蓝色指示灯会在开机时亮起;再次按压电源钮是关机,此时蓝色指示灯熄灭;注意:录像仪在低电量时会提示电池电压低后自动关机●摄像模式短按键,切换到摄像模式,屏幕左上角显示摄像图标;短按键开始摄像,摄像图标会开始闪动,同时录像指示灯开始闪烁,标明录像工作中;●拍照模式短按键,切换到拍照模式,屏幕左上角显示拍照图标;短按键拍照,拍照时屏幕闪烁一次,表示拍照完成。



文件编号:密级:无版本:V2.0《LH-16R型用户手册》通用版目录目录 (2)一、产品图片 (5)二、电气性能参数 (6)2.1、通信模块 (6)2.2、定位模块 (6)2.3、整机参数 (6)三、功能详细介绍 (7)3.1、查询功能 (7)3.1.1、位置查询 (7)3.1.2、查询车辆状态 (7)3.1.3、查询车辆参数 (7)3.2.5、查询定时监控 (7)3.1.4、查询终端版本 (7)3.2、设置 (7)3.2.1、ACC定时回传位置信息的时间间隔设置 (7)3.2.2、超速报警门阀设置 (8)3.2.3、停车超时报警门阀设置 (8)3.2.4、电子围栏设置 (8)3.2.5、IP及端口设置 (8)3.2.6、远程下载集团电话号码 (8)3.2.7、定时监控设置 (8)3.2.9、定距监控设置 (8)3.2.10、设置透传模式 (9)3.2.11、设置连接方式 (9)、设置车辆系传感系数 (9)3.2.11、疲劳驾驶设置 (9)3.3、控制 (9)3.3.1、远程重启 (9)3.3.2、远程控制油路 (9)3.3.3、收发调度信息 (9)3.3.4、远程监听 (9)3.3.5、支持远程软件升级 (10)3.3.6、远程控制自检设备 (10)3.4报警 (10)3.4.1、超速报警 (10)3.4.2、停车超时报警 (10)3.4.3、GPS天线开路短路报警 (10)3.4.4、终端主电源断电报警 (10)3.4.5、自定义报警(高低传感器报警) (11)3.4.6、抢劫/求助报警 (11)3.4.7、进出围栏报警 (11)3.5.外接串口、部分外接设备说明 (11)3.5.1、图像采集或计价器接口(RS232接口) (11)3.5.2、里程统计 (11)3.5.3、盲区补传 (11)3.5.4、透明传输接口(即图像采集接口和手柄接口) (11)3.5.5、读取事故疑点数据 (12)3.5.6、打印前上报 (12)3.5.7、行驶记录仪功能 (12)四、安装说明 (12)4.1、主机面板接口说明 (12)4.2、整机接线图 (13)4.3、接线图安装说明 (13)4.3.1、9PING母线接口 (13)4.3.2、12PING母线接口 (14)4.3.3、手柄/显示屏接口 (15)4.3.4、12V铅酸备用电池线 (15)4.3.5、图像控制接口 (16)4.3.6、免提喇叭控制接口 (16)4.3.7、扩展RS232串口控制接口 (16)五、安装调试步骤 (17)5.1终端接线图 (17)5.2、安装调试注意事项 (17)5.3、安装调试步骤 (17)5.3.1、设置本机号码(必设定项) (17)5.3.2、设置IP地址及端口(必设定项) (17)5.3.3、设置连接方式(必设定项) (18)5.3.4、设置APN参数(必设定项) (18)5.3.5、设置主中心号码 (18)5.3.6、设置用户关联号码 (18)5.3.7、功能调试 (18)5.4、整机复原 (19)六、常见故障分析 (19)七、配置说明 (20)7.1、终端标准配置 (20)7.2、选配件配置 (20)八、可接外接设备 (20)8.1、手柄或显示屏 (20)8.2、摄像头 (20)8.3、油耗 (21)8.3.1、通用油耗接线图 (21)8.3.2、手柄测试油耗参数 (22)8.4、温度传感器 (23)8.5、LED出租车广告屏 (23)8.6文字播报器 (23)8.7语音播报器 (24)九、车速传递系数 (24)9.1、1、车速传递系数 (24)9.1、2、车速传递系数的设定 (24)9.1、3、传感系数的查询 (25)十、打印机使用及USB说明 (25)一、产品图片二、电气性能参数2.1、通信模块1、通讯模块采用华为EM3102、工作频段EGSM900/GSM1800双频3、接收灵敏度<-106dBm4、温度范围:-20°-70°2.2、定位模块1、定位模块采用:SIRF III2、灵敏度 -159dBm3、启动时间热启动(开阔地带)<2s4、冷启动(开阔地带)<38s5、精度 <10M6、GPS通道: 20通道7、温度范围:-40°-85°2.3、整机参数1.体积: 100mm*86mm*35mm(长*宽*高)(宽不含天线接口)2.颜色: 黑色.3.重量: 600G4.输入电压范围: 10V~36V 直流5.工作电流: 50-80mA @12V DC6.工作环境: -20~+70℃7.后备电池使用时间: 1小时8.通讯方式:TCP、UDP三、功能详细介绍3.1、查询功能3.1.1、位置查询终端接收到位置查询指令后,返回车辆的当前位置信息。

Moticam X3 使用手册说明书

Moticam X3 使用手册说明书

Moticam X3Start GuideThis camera is a delicate instrument and should be handled with care. When not in use, please store the camera in a safe place with the dust cap attached. Do not let the camera get in contact with water or expose it to extreme temperatures (below 0 or above 50 degrees Celsius). In order to receive the highest level of service, please retain your receipt as proof of purchase.Included PartsMoticamX3 Camera SpecificationUsing the Camera On the eyepiece1.Install the Motic Images Plus application program from the CDincluded.2.Remove the Dust Cap from the camera and attach the focusable lens3.Choose the right size eyepiece adapter and attach this to thefocusable lens4.Attach the assembly to your mic roscope’s eyepiece by tightening thecentering screws on the eyepiece adapter.5.Connect the USB power adapter to the camera. The blue light will flash and turn solid when the camera is inoperation.6.Connect to the Moticam X3 WiFi signal. Please see the instructions on page 3Using the camera as a Macro Camera1.Install the Motic Images application program from the CD included.2.Remove the Dust Cap from the camera and attach the focusable lens3.Attach the Macro Tube onto the lens4.Place the assembly over the item you wish to view and ensure there is adequate lighting. Ifnecessary, a desk lamp is a good solution5.Connect the USB power supply to the camera. The blue light will flash and turn solid whenthe camera is in operation.6.Connect to the Moticam X3 WiFi signal. Please see the instructions on Page 3Using the Camera on a Trinocular Microscope1.Install the Moticam Images Plus application program from the CDincluded.2.Remove the Dust Cap from the camera and attach the microscope’s C-Mount adapter (*Please note that the C-Mount adapter is specific toyour microscope. Depending on the type of adapter and microscope,the C-Ring may be necessary between the camera and the C-Mountadapter).3.Connect the USB power supply to the camera. The blue light will flashand turn solid when the camera is in operation.4.Connect to the Moticam X3 WiFi signal. Please see the instructions onPage 3Camera RegistrationIt is important to make sure you have registered your device on the Motic Images website:Connect to the Moticam X3 WiFi signal1.Each Moticam X3 transmits its own WiFi signal to which you can directly connect your WiFi Device.2.The Moticam X3’s S SID signal is printed on a label on the camera. To log into your camera, simply connect yourWiFi device to that signal. The password for the network by default is 12345678.Using a WiFi device that operates with Android or IOS1.For best performance, we recommend to use WiFi devices, such as tablets, with a screen not smaller than 7inches. For iOS devices we suggest using iOS 5 or higher while for Android Devices we suggest using Version 4.0 or Higher.2.To operate and use the camera on your tablet, please download our free App called MotiConnect. For iPad youcan find this on the AppStore, for Android devices you can find this on Google Play.3.You can also use certain web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to view, measure, and capture withoutthe need of the App. To view the camera stream on the browser, please type in the IP number also shown on the label on the camera. For example and you will be connected straight to the camera. Use the Moticam X3 on your WiFi enabled computerThe Moticam X3 can also be used with Motic Images Plus software for Windows computers. If you use a WiFi enabled laptop you can install Motic Images Plus from the CD provided. To view the camera in our product’s MI Devices interface, simply connect your computer to the Moticam X3 WiFi signal. Then open the MI Devices interface by clicking on the camera icon within Motic Images Plus. From the MI interface select Moticam X3 in the device box and click Open.Switching the Moticam X3 between 2.4Ghz and 5GhzFirst, always make sure you have installed the latest version of the MotiConnect App or Motic Images software. Secondly make sure you are using a device with confirmed 5Ghz capability. Failure to use a 5Ghz device will render the camera unusable until a 5Ghz device is connected. The Moticam X3 SSID will not be visible to any 2.4Ghz devices in 5Ghz mode. Please not this step. 5Ghz mode will allow for faster frame rates for improved video and screen resolution.1.With your 5Ghz ready device open the IP app using any HTML5 browser.2.When the browser opens, type in the following in the address bar: the MotiConnect webpage opens, select the configure tab.4.Under Access Point, locate Channel.5.By default the Channel will be either 1 or 6: See picture below∙6.When using either Channel 1 or 6, the camera can be used in 2.4Ghz mode. Typically Channel 6 works best.7.If you wish to change the camera mode to 5Ghz, change the Channel to 149 or 157∙8.Once changed, you will need to click on Save first, then Apply. Make sure to write down any and all changesyou make on this tab. Any changes made here will affect how you connect to the camera later.9.Once you click Apply, the camera will disconnect and no longer be available for detection on any 2.4Ghzdevices.10.With your 5Ghz device, locate the camera on your available WiFi devices. The SSID and Password willremain the same unless you changed it on the Configure Tab.11.Open the MotiConnect app, select image adjustment icon, select H264, close and re-open the app.12.There should be a noticeable increase in frames per second. (FPS rate will vary by device)MOTICAM X3 Information:∙The Moticam X3 by default operates in 2.4Ghz mode.1.Allows for connection to devices without 5Ghz compatibility.∙In 2.4GHz mode, frame rates will be much slower, comparable to the Moticam X and X2.∙When the X3 is switched on (first time) it resets to JPG mode.∙JPG mode is the default mode at 2.4Ghz.∙In order switch the camera into 5Ghz mode, end user tablets / phones must have H264 hardware decoding.1.End user is responsible for finding this information from device manufacture.2.White BTX tablet has H264 hardware and is 5Ghz compatible.∙Whenever the X3 is used with an HTML browser, the X3 will automatically switch to jpg mode. The JPG mode will remain for both browser and app, until the X3 is reset again (off and on).∙Normally the app should provide much faster (up to 30 fps) frame rates when it is in H264 mode, but is still subject to the device ’s H264 chip.∙H264 mode must be selected, in 5Ghz mode and found under the image settings tab of MotiConnect app, to achieve faster frame rates. Once selected the app must be reopened.∙In the event of a reset, the X3, will keep the original default SSID, password, 2.4GHz settings ∙In browser mode, the X3 will not be able to provide 30 fps, in either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz mode.∙In browser mode, the best the X3 can only achieve is 15 fps at 1280X720 or lower resolution. However, this can vary from device to device.HTML BROWSER:∙Browsers will only support the camera in JPG mode ∙Will average 2-7fps in full HD mode.∙Most devices, such as Chromebooks, older laptops, older PCs (with WiFi), and older tablets will require the Moticam X3 to operate in 2.4GHz mode∙Operation and frame rates comparable to the Moticam X and X2.MOTICONNECT:∙The app supports both jpg mode and H264 mode.∙Can be used at both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.∙Fast frame rate can only be achieved if:1.The tablet/device is 5Ghz compatible2.The table/device is using the MotiConnect app800-942-0528************************The MoticamX3 can be purchased here.。






















【3】预览模式开机后按模式键选择进入预览模式,按上翻/下翻键选择视频文献或照片文献,按REC 键播放或暂停,按模式键退出预览模式。

【4】 HDMI 功能通过HDMI连接线,将本设备与电视输出终端相连接,音视频信号可以在电视输出终端显示。





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●G-sensor 功能





