



英语 PET 二级词汇全解英语 PET(Preliminary English Test) 二级考试是英语学习者证明英语水平的一种方式。

在 PET 二级考试中,词汇量是非常重要的。

本文将介绍 PET 二级考试中常见的词汇,帮助考生更好地备考。

下面是本店铺为大家精心编写的3篇《英语 PET 二级词汇全解》,供大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

《英语 PET 二级词汇全解》篇1PET 二级词汇是英语学习者在 PET 二级考试中需要掌握的重要内容。

在 PET 二级考试中,词汇量是非常重要的,因为词汇是语言学习的基础。

下面将介绍一些 PET 二级常见的词汇,帮助考生更好地备考。

《英语 PET 二级词汇全解》篇2以下是关于英语 PET 二级词汇全解的客观、完整的信息:英语 PET 二级考试是全国英语等级考试(PETS)中的一个级别,相当于普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平。


PETS 二级考试的词汇量约为 3000 个,其中包括了日常生活中常用的词汇,如数字、时间、天气、问候语等,以及一些简单的学术词汇,如学科名称、学术术语等。

这些词汇是英语学习者必须掌握的基本词汇,也是 PETS 二级考试的重点之一。

为了更好地掌握 PETS 二级词汇,学习者可以通过各种方式进行学习和记忆,如使用词汇书、词汇卡片、听力材料、阅读材料等。


《英语 PET 二级词汇全解》篇3全国英语等级考试(PET)二级词汇全解全国英语等级考试(PET)是由教育部主管的一项英语考试,主要面向全国中小学生和成人。

PET 二级是中下级,相当于普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平。



英语词汇量测试试题及答案Level 11.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不理解2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不理解3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不理解4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不理解5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不理解6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不理解7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不理解8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不理解9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不理解10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不理解Level 211.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不理解12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不理解13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不理解14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不理解15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不理解16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不理解17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不理解18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不理解19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不理解20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播 C.灌输 D.大量 E.不理解Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖 C.宽慰 D.遗迹 E.不理解22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合 C.滑行 D.滑翔 E.不理解23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西 C.全体员工 D.嗅…味道 E.不理解24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿 C.箭杆 D.气味 E.不理解25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚 C.心脏的 D.真挚的 E.不理解26.foul A.灵魂 B.污*的 C.折叠 D.高尚的 E.不理解27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语 C.闲混 D.偶像 E.不理解28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力 C.妨碍 D.间隔 E.不理解29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛 C.凳子 D.畜栏 E.不理解30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促动 C.宣布 D.敏捷的 E.不理解31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的 C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不理解32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的 C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不理解33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化 C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不理解34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编 C.尸体 D.兵团 E.不理解35.bishop A.平台 B.主教 C.鱼竿 D.商店 E.不理解Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的 C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不理解37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药 C.氢弹 D.王朝 E.不理解38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者 C.唯物论者 D.虚无主义者 E.不理解39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的 C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不理解40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台 C.谷底 D.市中心 E.不理解41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的 C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不理解42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物 C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不理解43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐 C.糖果 D.腌制 E.不理解44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者 C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不理解45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的 C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不理解46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的 C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不理解47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢 C.羔羊 D.羊肉 E.不理解48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的 C.喜欢冒险的 D.原创的 E.不理解49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不理解50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃 C.膨胀 D.打旋 E.不理解51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的 C.各自的 D.回顾的E.不理解52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的 C.逆序的 D.按字母顺序 E.不理解53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量 C.位图 D.矢量图 E.不理解54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的 C.虚幻的 D.混乱的 E.不理解55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较 C.空头 D.跳伞 E.不理解Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸 C.导火索 D.压舱物 E.不理解57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作 C.证实 D.详细说明 E.不理解58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人 C.脑力激荡 D.注意力不集中的人 E.不理解59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置 C.离合器 D.马蹄铁 E.不理解60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的 E.不理解61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装 C.重置装备 D.后备力量 E.不理解62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道 C.踪迹 D.路线 E.不理解63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙 C.粗锉刀 D.皮疹 E.不理解64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍 C.美发师 D.炮药桶 E.不理解65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人 C.品酒师 D.立遗嘱的人 E.不理解66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎 C.附录 D.肺炎 E.不理解67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的 C.愚忠的 D.势利的 E.不理解68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的 C.残忍的 D.忧郁的 E.不理解69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换 C.传播 D.传染 E.不理解70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望 C.苦难 D.耐力 E.不理解71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀 C.愤怒 D.哭泣 E.不理解72.prod A.调查 B.序言 C.有倾向的 D.戳、刺 E.不理解73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方 C.空地 D.面积 E.不理解74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头 C.前足 D.前景 E.不理解75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的 C.有害的 D.无知的 E.不理解Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧 C.唆使 D.奚落 E.不理解77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学 C.美学 D.体育运动 E.不理解78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕 C.喋喋不休 D.旋转 E.不理解79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河 C.浮渣 D.总的 E.不理解80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药 C.漂泊 D.剥皮 E.不理解81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不理解82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不理解83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的 C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不理解84.remonstrance A.* B.回忆 C.传奇 D.汇款 E.不理解85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到 C.欺骗 D.破旧的 E.不理解86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过 C.操作失误 D.退出 E.不理解87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型 C.磁化 D.使钝化 E.不理解88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言 C.伪经 D.咒语 E.不理解89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发 C.耳坠 D.耳垂儿 E.不理解90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不理解hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的 C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不理解92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的 C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不理解93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不理解94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的 C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不理解95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权 C.亚麻布 D.逗留 E.不理解96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆 C.刺激 D.咒骂 E.不理解97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的 C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不理解98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期 C.预防 D.占据 E.不理解99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不理解100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人 C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不理解答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A 031—040 C A D C B C B A D B 041—050 D B A C A B A C A B 051—060 B D A A A D C D A B 061—070 C A C A D B B A B D 071—080 B D A A C B D C B D 081—090 A C B A D B A C B D 091—100 B D A A B D C A C D。




1. abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;抛弃;放纵。

2. ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;才能。

3. able [ˈeɪbl] adj. 能够的;有能力的;能干的。

4. abnormal [æbˈnɔːml] adj. 反常的;不规则的;变态的。

5. aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上;上(船、飞机、车)adv. 在船(或飞机、车)上;上船(或飞机、车)6. about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在……周围adv. 大约;周围;到处adj. 在附近的;四处走动的。

7. above [əˈbʌv] prep. 超过;在……上面;在……之上adv. 在上面;在上文adj. 上文的n. 上文。

8. abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外;到海外adj. 往国外的n. 海外;异国。

9. absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意。

10. absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的vt. 使缺席。


1. accent [ˈæksent] n. 口音;重音;强调;特点vt. 强调;重读;带……口音讲话。

2. accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受;承认;承担;承兑;容纳vi. 承认;同意;承兑。

3. access [ˈækses] n. 通道;进入;机会;使用权;探望权vt. 使用;存取;接近。

4. accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外;[法] 意外事件;机遇。

5. accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] vt. 陪伴,伴随;伴奏vi. 伴奏,伴唱。

6. accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] vt. 完成;实现;达到。







第一部分:词汇选择题1. 选择与“happy”意义相反的词汇。

a) sadb) angryc) excitedd) cheerful2. 下列单词中,哪一个是动物的名称?a) carb) bookc) dogd) computer3. 选择下列单词中拼写错误的一项。

a) beautifullb) intelligentc) deliciousd) professional4. 下列与“big”意义相近的词汇是:a) smallb) tallc) longd) heavy5. 选择一个与“eat”相关的动词。

a) sleepb) dancec) speakd) drink第二部分:词汇释义题阅读以下句子,选择最符合句意的选项。

1. I have a severe headache, I need to take a/an ______.a) napb) medicinec) umbrellad) pen2. The film was so ______ that I couldn't stop crying.a) boringb) excitingc) funnyd) sad3. Sarah is a ______ student, she always helps her classmates.a) kindb) lazyc) noisyd) mean4. Jack is very ______ about playing the piano.a) talentedb) dangerousc) shyd) tired5. The room was ______, so I couldn't see anything.a) darkb) brightc) noisyd) clean第三部分:句子配对题请根据句子的意思,从下面选项中选择一个最相关的句子。





)A (21个)(4.21-4.22完成背单词)a (an) 一个about [əˈbaʊt]关于afraid [əˈfred] 害怕的after ['ɑ:ftə(r)]在….以后afternoon [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]下午again [ə'ɡen]又,再all [ɔ:l]全部的,一切的also 英['ɔ:lsəʊ]也,还always 英['ɔ:lweɪz] 总是,永远and [ənd]和,与;而且;于是,然后;因此angry [ˈæŋɡri]生气的,愤怒的animal [ˈænəməl] 动物answer ['ɑ:nsə(r)]回答,答案any ['enɪ] 任何的apple [ˈæpəl] 苹果April ['eɪprəl] 四月arm [ɑ:m]手臂,武器art [ɑ:t]艺术;美术ask [ɑ:sk]问,询问;at [æt,ət] (表示位置)在August [ˈɔ:gəst] 八月(简写为Aug)aunt [ɑ:nt]阿姨;姨母,姑妈;舅妈;婶娘autumn ['ɔ:təm] 秋;秋天;秋天的;秋季的B(39个)(4.23-4.26)baby ['beɪbɪ]n 男孩back [bæk] ad 以前; adj后面的;n 背,背部;背面,反面;bad [bæd] a 坏的,不好的;adv.不好地,非常地& n 坏人,坏事ball [bɔ:l] n 球;棒球, 舞会banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉basketball [ˈbɑ:s kɪtbɔ:l] n 篮球;be (is, am, are, was, were) aux vbeach [bi:tʃ] n 海滩,海滨;bear[beə(r)]n 熊;beautiful ['bju:tɪfl] a 美丽的,美好的;极好的because [bɪˈkɔz] conj 因为bed [bed] n 床before [bɪˈfɔ:(r)] prep, ad & conj 在…之前;先前,从前;begin [bɪ'ɡɪn] v 开始;着手;创始;创办behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep 表示位置)在…的后面;beside [bɪˈsaɪd] prep (表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边between [bɪˈtwi:n] prep 在两者之间big [bɪɡ] a 大的;重要的;bike =bicycle [baɪk] = ['baɪsɪkl] n 自行车,脚踏车bird [bɜ:d]n 小鸟,家伙,东西birthday [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ]n 出生,出生日期,诞辰,纪念日期black [blæk] a & n 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的blackboard [ˈblækbɔ:d] n 黑板blue[blu:]n & a 蓝色;boat [bəʊt] n 小船,小艇;body [ˈbɑdi] n 身体;尸体;团体;物体book [bʊk] n 书vt.& vi.预订box [bɒks]n 盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房vt.把…装入盒中boy [bɔɪ] n 男孩,少年;儿子;小伙子,家伙;服务员bread [bred] n 面包;食物breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐,早饭;早餐食物vi.吃早餐bring [brɪŋ] v 带来,引来;brother ['brʌðə(r)] n 兄弟;同事,同胞;brown [braʊn] n & a 褐色的;bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车,busy ['bɪzɪ] a 忙碌的;占线;繁华的;爱管闲事的but [bʌt,bət] conj 但是;而是;除了;buy [baɪ] v 购买,购得by [baɪ] prep 靠,通过;被,由;沿着;按照bye [baɪ] interj再见,回头见C (33个)cake [keɪk]n 蛋糕;call [kɔ:l]v & n 呼叫;打电话can [kæn]n & 能;能够;可以;可能candy ['kændɪ]n 糖果;冰糖;cap [kæp] n 帽子car [kɑ:r] n 小汽车card [kɑ:d] n 卡片;纸牌;明信片;cat [kæt]n 猫chair [tʃeə(r)] n 椅子;chicken ['tʃɪkɪn]n 鸡;鸡肉;胆小鬼;懦夫child [tʃaɪld]孩子(pl. children) ['tʃɪldrən]n 孩子们China ['tʃaɪnə]n 中国;Chinese [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] a 中国的;中国人的;& n 中国人;中文;汉语cinema ['sɪnəmə]n 电影院;city ['sɪtɪ]n 城市;class [klɑ:s]n 班;班级clean [kli:n] a 清洁的;整齐的; & v 清扫clever ['klevə(r)] a 聪明的,灵巧的;clock [klɑk]n 钟,时钟;close [kləʊz] v 关;结束;关闭& a 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的clothes [kləuðz]n 衣服,衣物;cloudy ['klaʊdɪ] a 多云的;阴天的;coat [kəʊt] n 上衣,外套cold [kəʊld] a 寒冷的;冷淡的 & n 寒冷;感冒,伤风colour [ˈkʌlə(r)] n颜色;肤色;彩色;& v为…着色,变色come [kʌm]v来;开始;int.嗨!computer [kəmˈpju:tə(r)] n 计算机,电脑cook [kʊk] v & n 烹调;编造cool [ku:l] a 冷静的;凉爽的;cousin ['kʌzn]n 堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈cow [kaʊ]n 奶牛,母牛crayon ['kreɪən]n 彩色蜡笔或粉笔cry [kraɪ]n 哭;叫喊;要求;大喊 & v 哭;喊,叫cup [kʌp]n 杯子;D (18个)dad (daddy) n 爸爸dance [dɑ:ns] v & n 跳舞daughter [ˈdɔ:tə(r)] n 女儿day [deɪ] n 一天;白天;dear [dɪə(r)] a 亲爱的;敬爱的;昂贵的;December [dɪˈsembə(r)] n 12月desk n 课桌difficult ['dɪfɪkəlt] a 困难的;dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n 正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐dirty ['dɜ:tɪ] a 脏的;do [du:] v 做,干doctor ['dɒktə(r)] n 医生dog n 狗door [dɔ:(r)] n 门down [daʊn] ad & prep 向下;draw [drɔ:] v 画;dress [dres] n 衣服;& v 给…穿衣;drink [drɪŋk] v & n 饮;喝酒;酒,饮料;driver ['draɪvə(r)] n 驾驶员,司机;duck [dʌk] n 鸭子E (12个)ear [ɪə(r)] n 耳朵;early ['ɜ:lɪ] a & ad 早的;easy ['i:zɪ] a 容易的eat [i:t] v 吃,egg [eɡ] n 鸡蛋elephant ['elɪfənt] n 象,大象E-mail [i: meɪl] n 电子邮件English [ˈɪŋglɪʃ]n & a 英语,英国的;evening ['i:vnɪŋ] n 傍晚;黄昏,晚上every ['evrɪ] a 每一,每一个exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v & n 练习;运动,训练;eye [aɪ] n 眼睛;视力;F ()face n & vfamily nfan nFar a & adfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfat afather nfavourite a & nFebruary nfeel vfilm nfind vfine afish nflower nfly v & nfood nfoot (pl. feet) nfootball nfor prepFriday nfriend nfrom prepfruit nG ()game nget vgirl ngive vgo vgood ( better, best) a goodbye (bye-bye) interjgrandma = grandmother ngrandpa = grandfather ngreat agreen a & nH (27个)hair nhalf a & nhand nhappy ahat nhave ( has, had, had) v he pronhead nhealthy ahear vheavy ahello (hi) interjhelp v & nhen nher pronhere adHi可编辑high ahim pronhis pronhobby nholiday nhome n & adhomework nhorse nhospital nhot ahour nhouse nhow adhungry aI (8个)I pronice-cream nidea nill ain prepinteresting a可编辑it prop.its pronJ (2个)January nJapan nJapanese n & ajob njuice nJuly njump vJune nK (5个)kid nkind n & akitchen nkite nknow vL (16个)lake nlate a & ad lazy aleft a & n leg nlesson nlet (let, let) v letter nlibrary nlight a & n like vlion nlisten vlittle alive vlong alook v . & n love v & nlunch nM (23个)make vman (pl. men) nmany ( more, most) pron & a map nMarch nmaths = mathematics nmay modal vMay nmaybe adme pronmeet vmilk nminute nMiss nmom (mum) nMonday nmoney nmonkey nmonth nmoon nmorning nmother nmouse (pl. mice) nmouth nMr. (mister) nMrs. (mistress) nMs nmuch amusic nmy pronN ()name nnear aneck nnew anext a , ad & n nice anight nnine numnineteen numninety numninth numno ad & anoodle nnose nnot adNovember nnow adnumber nnurse nO (8个)OK adOctober nofoften adold aon prepone num & pron open a & vor conjorange a & n our pronP ()paint npanda n可编辑paper nparent npark n & vparty nPEpear npen npencil npeople nphone v & nphoto = photograph npicture npig nplace n & vplain a & nplan n & vplane nplant v & nplay vplayground nplease vpolice n可编辑policeman (policewoman) n potato npupil npurple a & nput vQquestion nquick a & adquiet aR (9个)rabbit nrain v & nrainy aread vred a & nrice nright n & ariver nroad nroom n可编辑ruler nrun vS (46个)sad asay vschool nschoolbag nscience nsea nseason nsecond num, a & n see vSeptember nseven numseventeen numseventh numseventy numshe pronsheep (pl. sheep) nship nshirt n可编辑shoe nshop nshort ashorts nsick asing vsister nsit vsix numsixteen numsixth numsixty numskate vskirt nsky nsleep nslow a & adsmall asnow v & nsnowy asocks nsome a & pron可编辑sometimes adson nsong nsorry asoup nspeak vsport nspring nstand vstar nstop n & vstory nstreet nstrong astudent nstudy v & nsubject nsummer nsun nSunday nsunny asupermarket n可编辑supper nsweater nsweep vsweet n & aswim vT (38个)table ntable tennis ntake vtalk vtall ataxi ntea nteach vteacher ntell vten numtenth numthank v & nthat a & pronthe art.their pronthem pronthere int, n & ad these pronthey pronthick athin athink vthird numthirteen numthirty numthis a & pronthose a & pronthree numThursday ntiger ntime ntired ato preptoday ad & ntoilet ntomato ntomorrow ad & n too adtooth (pl. teeth) n toy ntrain n & vtravel v & ntree ntrousers ntry vT-shirt nTuesday nturn n & vtwelfth numtwelve numtwentieth numtwenty numtwo numTVU (6个)ugly a可编辑umbrella nuncle nunder prepup ad & prepus pronuse n & vV (3个)vegetable nvery advisit v & nvolleyball nW (33个)wait vwalk v & nwall nwant vwarm awarn v可编辑wash vwatch n & vwater nway nwe pronwear vweather nWednesday nweek nwelcome awell a , ad & nwhat pron & awhen conj & adwhere adwhite a & nwho pronwhose pronwhy ad & intwife nwind nwindow nwindy awinter nwith prepwoman (pl. women) n wonderful aword nwork v & n worker nworld nworry vwrite vwrong aY (7个)year nyellow a & nyes adyesterday n & ad you pronyoung ayour pronZ (1个)zero n & num zoo n.。






Test No. 1Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. abroad 11. abandon 21. abridge 31. abhorrent 41. abscissa 51. aboulia2. binoculars 12. ballot 22. aggregate 32. amorphous42. badinage 52. bifurcate3. daily 13. chaos 23. biscuit 33. crustacean 43. cartel 53. caracole4. expedition 14. contraband 24. credulous 34. declivity 44. demon 54. chalybeate5. horizon 15. excavate 25. duodenal 35. emaciated 45. dendrite 55. croton6. jangle 16. fatigue 26. grueling 36. foible 46. exordium 56. dysphoria7. limit 17. laboratory 27. industrious 37. galaxy 47. inchoate 57. halitosis8. postulate 18. maverick 28. meager 38. heretical 48. moraine 58. python9. ratio 19. purchase 29. nomadic 39. igneous 49. rubric 59. ortolan10. stroke 20. shuttle 30. occidental 40.nomenclature50. soutane 60 quadratTest No. 2Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. alter 11. beverage 21. biography 31. actuate 41. antinomy 51. apocalyptic2. barometer 12. cardinal 22. dandruff 32. bravura 42. carronade 52. cartouche3. distinct 13. demolish 23. domicile 33. comatose 43. deleterious 53. dorsal4. festival 14. gratify 24. facet 34. geld 44. hebdomadal 54. elvan5. grotesque 15. humdrum 25. impunity 35. hieroglyphic 45. infusoria 55. filemot6. harpoon 16. impulsive 26. lore 36. hybrid 46. linage 56. isomer7. matinee 17. memorial 27. mercenary 37. iconoclast 47. medusa 57. misogamy8. reign 18. parallel 28. phantasm 38. maelstrom 48. myrmidon 58. noumenon9. software 19. terminate 29. restive 39. mufti 49. paradigm 59. schizophrenia10. waste 20. vivacious 30. taboo 40. resurgent 50. topology 60. velleity Test No. 3Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. explosion 11. bigoted 21.cosmopolitan31. ecology 41. aneroid 51. bisque2. impatient 12. hatchet 22. diverge 32. laconic 42. burlap 52. circadian3. kangaroo 13. impact 23. interpose 33. linden 43. echinoderm 53. decuman4. pirate 14. javelin 24. lateral 34. maxilla 44. henry 54. elixir5. prowl 15. landmass 25. nook 35. paragon 45. interfacial 55. isomorphous6. referee 16. nebulous 26. porous 36. prolixity 46. jeton 56. obelisk7. slant 17. primitive 27. rampant 37. redolent 47. paregoric 57. parataxis8. solo 18. renown 28. territory 38. séance 48. rachitic 58.sexagenarian9. unique 19. tradition 29. venereal 39. timbre 49. syncretism 59. tanagra10. weary 20. urban 30. yeoman 40. vellum 50. tanager 60. urticant Test No. 4Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61.belfry 11. besiege 21. aquiline 31. archive 41. bergamot 51. ablegate2. bulge 12. bronze 22. botanist 32. beriberi 42. brevier 52. algorism3. outlaw 13. gorge 23. cauldron 33. cornice 43. deemster 53. balsam4. package 14. import 24. furtive 34. denary 44. homologous 54. bezel5. pillage 15. judo 25. initiate 35. gratuitous 45. lamina 55. leat6. rental 16. ledger 26. jaded 36. hertz 46. largo 56. mittimus37. hiatus 47. pantheon 57. myopic7. riddle 17. limpid 27.kaleidoscopic8. swerve 18. penetrate 28. limelight 38. medial 48. refulgence 58. perforate9. vanish 19. resort 29. mutual 39. pellagra 49. savoury 59. prunella50. triolet 60. zoosterol 10. varnish 20. yoke 30. stratagem 40.valetudinarianTest No. 5Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. ballad 11. abyss 21. adaptable 31. calculus 41. aclinic 51. Babbittry2. canoe 12. bale 22. capsule 32. eczema 42. banshee 52. corrugate3. external 13. canyon 23. daub 33. gargantuan 43. illation 53. demitasse4. influx 14. exterminate 24. embargo 34. ibid. 44. keelson 54. gault5. lame 15. hub 25. garbage 35. laissez-faire 45. lachrymal 55. hypnotism36. literati 46. martingale 56. jejunum6. magazine 16. lizard 26.infrastructure7. martyr 17. obvious 27. liberate 37. neurology 47. newton 57. knap8. nexus 18. password 28. memento 38. obloquy 48. occipital 58. limnology9. patriot 19. rhythm 29. naturalize 39. patois 49. petrology 59. mithridatism10. patrol 20. stoppage 30. oblivion 40. rabid 50. ratlin(e) 60. umbilical Test No. 6Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. anthill 11. absurd 21. acoustics 31. botulism 41. chamfer 51. chameleon2. climate 12. collapse 22. bicker 32. cutaneous 42. eschatology 52. deadlight3. container 13. extortion 23. bludgeon 33. diocese 43. giaour 53. enchiridion4. endeavour 14. generation 24. dinosaur 34. distrait 44. imprest 54. geodic35. encyclical 45. lapidate 55. jokul5. immediately 15. immigrate 25.extemporaneous6. jingle 16. jealous 26. garbled 36. gamma 46. nadir 56. laches7. optimum 17. mature 27. lichen 37. lacerate 47. oblate 57. maud8. rhyme 18. raid 28. mattock 38. mandate 48. samphire 58. pedicular9. signal 19. satellite 29. outshine 39. methylene 49. satrap 59. spandrel10. tank 20. slipshod 30. perimeter 40. nacelle 50. ubiquity 60. vasospasm Test No. 7Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. humbug 11.21. alloy 31. agoraphobia 41. agnostic 51. acarpousautobiography2. ivy 12. concerto 22. brevity 32. barograph 42. boulevardier 52. charade3. legend 13. extinct 23. deportation 33.43. canticle 53. demersalconcatenation4. magnet 14. gladiator 24. hinterland 34. demography 44. homophone 54. eclampsia5. nickname 15. deputy 25. inscrutable 35. hierarchy 45. lacustrine 55. gonorrhoea6. probably 15. hooligan 26. linage 36. in vitro 46. marionette 56. masochism7. ripple 16. lanky 27. mortgage 37. megrim 47. natterjack 57. orthodontist8. situation 18. magistrate 28. omen 38. olfactory 48. Paleozoic 58.pseudonymity9. tattoo 19. nozzle 29. persecute 39. radian 49. pentathlon 59. ret10. vague 20. offend 30. repertoire 40. risque 50. reticle 60. sachemTest No. 8Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. batter 11. barbed 21. dabble 31. bodkin 41. apercu 51. crucian2. chest 12. chemistry 22. exhaust 32. clairvoyance 42. bleb 52.deuteragonist3. engineer 13. exception 23. filtrate 33. dirigible 43. decorticate 53. encaustic4. funnel 14. fascinating 24. garnish 34. epitome 44. gauss 54. hysteroid5. horn 15. gibberish 25. indifferent 35. histrionic 45. involute 55. immortelle6. mean 16. hydrogen 26. keel 36. logarithm 46. lambent 56. karma7. outrun 17. liter 27. metronome 37. panegyric 47. peculation 57.metamorphosis8. pinpoint 18. microscope 28. naive 38. rowel 48. recidivist 58. peen9. remove 19. shield 29. patronize 39. simpatico 49. semiotics 59. regelate10. search 20. suburb 30. reinforce 40. stricture 50. voodoo 60. serendipity Test No. 9Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. badger 11. brewer 21. breaker 31. chicanery 41. ablaut 51. chiliad2. capture 12. charity 22. cumbersome 32. gratis 42. belvedere 52. disembogue3. fresh 13. generosity 23. detention 33. holocaust 43. diminutive 53. gemmule4. hiss 14. idol 24. foyer 34. lethargic 44. gelation 54. idolum5. ire 15. lathe 25. humane 35. monograph 45. homogeneity 55. logo6. ladle 16. orderly 26. juggernaut 36. pinnace 46. morpheme 56. oroide7. mermaid 17. orient 27. kernel 37. ramify 47. pis aller 57. quintan8. parade 18. quest 28. lineal 38. scrutineer 48. psephology 58. raptatorial9. rear 19. routine 29. objective 39. tangential 49. regulus 59. scatology10. swindle 20. summit 30. sorcery 40. unction 50. sawder 60. triumvirate Test No. 10Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. battery 11. crag 21. bristling 31. burnous 41. caucus 51. calamary2. collage 12. dwindling 22. devious 32. cadenza 42. eurhythmic 52. eparch53. fleur-de-lis 3. drowsy 13. easterly 23. entangle 33. debenture 43. habeascorpus4. forecast 14. hilt 24. graffito 34. flense 44. ichor 54. grangerize5. guilty 15. impetuous 25. precipitous 35. franklin 45. jussive 55. jacquard6. jellyfish 16. instinct 26. scramble 36. habiliment 46. limen 56. levigate7. mention 17. pike 27. summons 37. ignis iatuus 47. nescience 57. marsupial8. proverbial 18. regulation 28. territorial 38. jocund 48. obit 58. nepenthes9. result 19. verge 29. unkempt 39. mutability 49.59. obtestquerimonious60. thusly 10. screen 20. warehouse 30. vindicate 40. plebeian 50.thalassocracy。



儿童英语词汇量测试一、基础词汇(动物类)1. cat(猫)- 发音:[kæt]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:The cat is sleeping.2. dog(狗)- 发音:[dɒg]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:I have a dog.3. bird(鸟)- 发音:[bɜːd]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:The bird can fly.二、颜色类。

1. red(红色)- 发音:[red]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The apple is red.2. blue(蓝色)- 发音:[bluː]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The sky is blue.3. green(绿色)- 发音:[ɡriːn]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The tree is green.三、食物类。

1. apple(苹果)- 发音:[ˈæpl]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:I like to eat an apple.2. banana(香蕉)- 发音:[bəˈnɑːnə]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:A banana is yellow.3. cake(蛋糕)- 发音:[keɪk]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:We have a cake for the party.四、家庭成员类。

1. father(父亲)- 发音:[ˈfɑːðə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:My father is a kind man.2. mother(母亲)- 发音:[ˈmʌðə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:Mother loves me very much. 3. sister(姐妹)- 发音:[ˈsɪstə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:My sister is a student.。




词汇量测试共100道题,分为6个级别词汇量的计算方法:Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=?注:为了确保测试结果真实对自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系)Level 11.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识4.houseworkA.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识5.bread A.面包 B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识6.sugar A.糖 B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识9.unit A.点 B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识10.ignoreA.打鼾 B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识Level 211.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟 E.不认识13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐 E.不认识17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不认识19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播C.灌输D.大量 E.不认识Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹 E.不认识22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔 E.不认识23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的 E.不认识26.foul A.灵魂 B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的 E.不认识27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语C.闲混D.偶像E.不认识28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力C.妨碍D.间隔E.不认识29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛C.凳子D.畜栏E.不认识30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促进C.宣布D.敏捷的 E.不认识31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不认识32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不认识33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不认识34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编C.尸体D.兵团 E.不认识35.bishop A.平台 B.主教C.鱼竿D.商店 E.不认识Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不认识37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药C.氢弹D.王朝E.不认识38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者C.唯物论者D.虚无主义者E.不认识39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不认识40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台C.谷底D.市中心 E.不认识41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不认识42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不认识43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐C.糖果D.腌制 E.不认识44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不认识45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不认识46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不认识47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢C.羔羊D.羊肉E.不认识48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的C.喜欢冒险的D.原创的E.不认识49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒C.支架D.杠杆E.不认识50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃C.膨胀D.打旋E.不认识51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的C.各自的 D.回顾的 E.不认识52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的C.逆序的D.按字母顺序E.不认识53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量C.位图D.矢量图E.不认识54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的C.虚幻的D.混乱的 E.不认识55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较C.空头D.跳伞E.不认识Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸C.导火索D.压舱物E.不认识57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作C.证实D.详细说明E.不认识58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人C.脑力激荡D.注意力不集中的人E.不认识59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置C.离合器D.马蹄铁E.不认识60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的C.可笑的D.荒谬的 E.不认识61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装C.重置装备D.后备力量 E.不认识62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道C.踪迹D.路线E.不认识63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙C.粗锉刀D.皮疹E.不认识64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍C.美发师D.炮药桶E.不认识65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人C.品酒师D.立遗嘱的人 E.不认识66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎C.附录D.肺炎 E.不认识67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的C.愚忠的D.势利的 E.不认识68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的C.残忍的D.忧郁的E.不认识69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换C.传播D.传染 E.不认识70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望C.苦难D.耐力E.不认识71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀C.愤怒D.哭泣E.不认识72.prod A.调查 B.序言C.有倾向的D.戳、刺E.不认识73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方C.空地D.面积E.不认识74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头C.前足D.前景E.不认识75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的C.有害的D.无知的E.不认识Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧C.唆使D.奚落E.不认识77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学C.美学D.体育运动 E.不认识78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕C.喋喋不休D.旋转E.不认识79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河C.浮渣D.总的E.不认识80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药C.漂泊D.剥皮E.不认识81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不认识82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱C.钩针编制D.螳螂E.不认识83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不认识84.remonstrance A.抗议 B.回忆C.传奇D.汇款E.不认识85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到C.欺骗D.破旧的 E.不认识86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过C.操作失误D.退出E.不认识87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型C.磁化D.使钝化E.不认识88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言C.伪经D.咒语 E.不认识89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发C.耳坠D.耳垂儿 E.不认识90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不认识hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不认识92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不认识93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不认识94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不认识95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权C.亚麻布D.逗留E.不认识96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆C.刺激D.咒骂 E.不认识97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不认识98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期C.预防 D.占据 E.不认识99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不认识100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不认识答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A031—040 C A D C B C B A D B041—050 D B A C A B A C A B051—060 B D A A A D C D A B061—070 C A C A D B B A B D071—080 B D A A C B D C B D081—090 A C B A D B A C B D091—100 B D A A B D C A C D【您的真是词汇量就在这个测试结果上下200—300左右浮动当发现英语专业的学生词汇量逊色于某些非英语专业的学生时,无需惊讶……】常见考试的词汇要求(仅供参考):中考1500—1600高考3000—3500CET4 4000—4500CET6/考研5500—6000TEM4 6000—7000SAT 10000+TEM8 10000—12000GMAT 12000+IELTS/TOFEL 8000—15000+GRE 20000+。





)A (21个)(4.21-4.22完成背单词)a (an) 一个about [əˈbaʊt]关于afraid [əˈfred] 害怕的after ['ɑ:ftə(r)]在….以后afternoon [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]下午again [ə'ɡen]又,再all [ɔ:l]全部的,一切的also 英['ɔ:lsəʊ]也,还always 英 ['ɔ:lweɪz] 总是,永远and [ənd]和,与;而且;于是,然后;因此angry [ˈæŋɡri]生气的,愤怒的animal [ˈænəməl] 动物answer ['ɑ:nsə(r)]回答,答案any ['enɪ] 任何的apple [ˈæpəl] 苹果April ['eɪprəl] 四月arm [ɑ:m]手臂,武器art [ɑ:t]艺术;美术ask [ɑ:sk]问,询问;at [æt,ət] (表示位置)在August [ˈɔ:gəst] 八月(简写为Aug)aunt [ɑ:nt]阿姨;姨母,姑妈;舅妈;婶娘autumn ['ɔ:təm] 秋;秋天;秋天的;秋季的B(39个)(4.23-4.26)baby ['beɪbɪ] n 男孩back [bæk]ad 以前;adj后面的; n 背,背部;背面,反面;bad [bæd] a 坏的,不好的;adv.不好地,非常地& n 坏人,坏事ball [bɔ:l] n 球;棒球, 舞会banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉basketball [ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l]n 篮球;be (is, am, are, was, were) aux vbeach [bi:tʃ] n 海滩,海滨;[beə(r)] n 熊;beautiful ['bju:tɪfl] a 美丽的,美好的;极好的because [bɪˈkɔz] conj 因为bed [bed] n 床before [bɪˈfɔ:(r)]prep, ad & conj 在…之前;先前,从前;begin [bɪ'ɡɪn]v 开始;着手;创始;创办behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep 表示位置)在…的后面;beside [bɪˈsaɪd]prep (表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边between [bɪˈtwi:n] prep 在两者之间big [bɪɡ] a 大的;重要的;bike =bicycle [baɪk] = ['baɪsɪkl]n 自行车,脚踏车bird [bɜ:d] n 小鸟,家伙,东西birthday [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] n 出生,出生日期,诞辰,纪念日期black [blæk] a & n 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的blackboard [ˈblækbɔ:d] n 黑板[blu:] n & a 蓝色;boat [bəʊt]n 小船,小艇;body [ˈbɑdi]n 身体;尸体;团体;物体book [bʊk] n 书vt.& vi.预订box [bɒks] n 盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房vt.把…装入盒中boy [bɔɪ]n 男孩,少年;儿子;小伙子,家伙;服务员bread [bred] n 面包;食物breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐,早饭;早餐食物vi.吃早餐bring [brɪŋ] v 带来,引来;brother ['brʌðə(r)] n 兄弟;同事,同胞;brown [braʊn] n & a 褐色的;bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车,busy ['bɪzɪ] a 忙碌的;占线;繁华的;爱管闲事的but [bʌt,bət] conj 但是;而是;除了;buy [baɪ] v 购买,购得by [baɪ] prep 靠,通过;被,由;沿着;按照bye [baɪ] interj再见,回头见C (33个)cake [keɪk] n 蛋糕;call [kɔ:l]v & n 呼叫;打电话can [kæn] n & 能;能够;可以;可能candy ['kændɪ]n 糖果;冰糖;cap [kæp]n 帽子car [kɑ:r]n 小汽车card [kɑ:d]n 卡片;纸牌;明信片;cat [kæt] n 猫chair [tʃeə(r)]n 椅子;chicken ['tʃɪkɪn] n 鸡;鸡肉;胆小鬼;懦夫child [tʃaɪld]孩子 (pl. children) ['tʃɪldrən] n 孩子们China ['tʃaɪnə] n 中国;Chinese [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] a 中国的;中国人的; & n 中国人;中文;汉语cinema ['sɪnəmə] n 电影院;city ['sɪtɪ] n 城市;class [klɑ:s] n 班;班级clean [kli:n] a 清洁的;整齐的;& v 清扫clever ['klevə(r)] a 聪明的,灵巧的;clock [klɑk]n 钟,时钟;close [kləʊz] v 关;结束;关闭 & a 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服,衣物;cloudy ['klaʊdɪ] a 多云的;阴天的;coat [kəʊt] n 上衣,外套cold [kəʊld] a 寒冷的;冷淡的& n 寒冷;感冒,伤风colour [ˈkʌlə(r)]n颜色;肤色;彩色; & v为…着色,变色come [kʌm] v来;开始;int.嗨!computer [kəmˈpju:tə(r)] n 计算机,电脑cook [kʊk] v & n 烹调;编造cool [ku:l] a 冷静的;凉爽的;cousin ['kʌzn] n 堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈cow [kaʊ] n 奶牛,母牛crayon ['kreɪən] n 彩色蜡笔或粉笔cry [kraɪ] n 哭;叫喊;要求;大喊& v 哭;喊,叫cup [kʌp] n 杯子;dad (daddy) n 爸爸dance [dɑ:ns]v & n 跳舞daughter [ˈdɔ:tə(r)]n 女儿day [deɪ]n 一天;白天;dear [dɪə(r)] a 亲爱的;敬爱的;昂贵的;December [dɪˈsembə(r)]n 12月desk n 课桌difficult ['dɪfɪkəlt] a 困难的;dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n 正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐dirty ['dɜ:tɪ] a 脏的;do [du:]v 做,干doctor ['dɒktə(r)] n 医生dog n 狗door [dɔ:(r)] n 门down [daʊn] ad & prep 向下;draw [drɔ:]v 画;dress [dres] n 衣服;& v 给…穿衣;drink [drɪŋk]v & n 饮;喝酒;酒,饮料;driver ['draɪvə(r)] n 驾驶员,司机;duck [dʌk] n 鸭子ear [ɪə(r)] n 耳朵;early ['ɜ:lɪ] a & ad 早的;easy ['i:zɪ] a 容易的eat [i:t] v 吃,egg [eɡ]n 鸡蛋elephant ['elɪfənt]n 象,大象E-mail [i: meɪl] n 电子邮件English [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] n & a 英语,英国的;evening ['i:vnɪŋ]n 傍晚;黄昏,晚上every ['evrɪ] a 每一,每一个exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v & n 练习;运动,训练;eye [aɪ] n 眼睛;视力;F ()face n & vfamily nfan nFar a & adfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfat afather nfavourite a & nFebruary nfeel vfilm nfind vfine afish nfloor nflower nfly v & nfood nfoot (pl. feet) nfootball nfor prepFriday nfriend nfrom prepfruit nG ()game nget vgirl ngive vgo vgood ( better, best) agoodbye (bye-bye) interjgrandma = grandmother ngrandpa = grandfather ngrass ngreat agreen a & nH (27个)hair nhalf a & nhand nhappy ahat nhave ( has, had, had) v he pronhead nhealthy ahear vheavy ahello (hi) interjhelp v & nhen nher pronhere adHihigh ahim pronhis pronhobby nholiday nhome n & ad homework n horse n hospital n hot ahour n house nhow ad hungry aI (8个)I pronice-cream n idea nill ain prep interesting ait prop.its pronJ (2个)January nJapan n Japanese n & a job njuice nJuly njump vJune nK (5个)kid nkind n & a kitchen nkite nknow vL (16个)lake nlate a & ad lazy aleft a & nleg nlesson nlet (let, let) vletter nlibrary nlight a & nlike vlion nlisten vlittle alive vlong alook v . & nlove v & nlunch nM (23个)make vman (pl. men) nmany ( more, most) pron & a map nMarch nmaths = mathematics nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeet vmilk nminute nMiss nmom (mum) n Monday n money n monkey n month nmoon n morning n mother nmouse (pl. mice) n mouth nMr. (mister) n Mrs. (mistress) n Ms nmuch amusic nN ()name nnear aneck nnew anext a , ad & n nice anight nnine num nineteen num ninety num ninth numno ad & a noodle nnose nnot ad November n now ad number n nurse nO (8个)OK ad October nofoften adold aon prepone num & pron open a & vor conj orange a & n our pronP ()paint npanda npaper nparent npark n & v party nPEpear npen npencil npeople nphone v & nphoto = photograph n picture npig nplace n & vplain a & nplan n & vplane nplant v & nplay vplayground nplease vpolice npoliceman (policewoman) n potato npupil npurple a & nput vQquestion n quick a & ad quiet aR (9个) rabbit nrain v & n rainy aread vred a & n rice nright n & a river nroad nroom nruler nrun vS (46个)sad aschool n schoolbag n science nsea nseason nsecond num, a & n see v September nseven num seventeen num seventh num seventy numshe pronsheep (pl. sheep) n ship nshirt nshoe nshop nshort ashorts nsick asister nsit vsix num sixteen num sixth num sixty num skate vskirt nsky nsleep nslow a & ad small asnow v & n snowy a socks nsome a & pron sometimes ad son nsong nsorry asoup nspeak v sport n spring n stand vstar nstop n & v story n street n strong a student n study v & nn summer n sun n Sunday n sunny a supermarket n supper n sweater n sweep v sweet n & a swim vT (38个)table ntable tennis ntake vtalk vtall ataxi ntea nteach vteacher ntell vten numtenth numthank v & n that a & pronthe art.their pronthem pronthere int, n & ad these pronthey pronthick athin athink vthird num thirteen num thirty numthis a & pron those a & pron three num Thursday ntiger ntime ntired ato preptoday ad & n toilet ntomato n tomorrow ad & n too adtooth (pl. teeth) n toy ntravel v & n tree n trousers ntry vT-shirt n Tuesday n turn n & v twelfth num twelve num twentieth num twenty num two numTVU (6个)ugly a umbrella n uncle nunder prepup ad & prep us pronV (3个)vegetable n very advisit v & n volleyball nW (33个)wait vwalk v & n wall nwant v warm a warn v wash v watch n & v water n way nwe pronwear vweather n Wednesday nweek nwelcome awell a , ad & n what pron & a when conj & ad where adwhite a & nwho pronwhose pronwhy ad & intwife nwind nwindow nwindy awinter nwith prepwoman (pl. women) n wonderful aword nwork v & n worker nworld nworry vwrite vwrong aY (7个)year nyellow a & nyes ad yesterday n & ad you pronyoung ayour pronZ (1个)zero n & num zoo n。



您的词汇量究竟有多大?大学英语 4 级水平(4000 词汇量)测试说明:该组词汇从 4 级高级词汇中精选,遮住下面的对应中文意思,说出每个单词的主要意思即可。

测试完请参考答案算出答对的题数n, 再用公式(n/40) *2000+2000 算出自己的词汇量。

比如,您答对的正确题数为30 题(n=30),则您的词汇量为(30/40)*2000+2000=3500。

1. amateur 2. utilize 3. legislation 4. subsequent 5. barrier 6. collapse 7. inflation 8. recruit 9. abandon 10. withstand11. justify 12. moisture 13. halt 14. seminar 15. tropical 16. episode 17. frustrate 18. humble 19. accelerate 20. nuisance 21. stripe 22. rigid 23. demonstrate 24. realm 25. vibrate 26. saint 27. optical 28. accumulate 29. initiative 30. tremendous 31. grind 32. stale 33. penetrate 34. temporary 35. sophisticated 36. dump 37. fatigue 38. sensitive 39. quotation 40. synthetic 1.业余爱好者 2.利用 3.立法,法规 4.随后的,后来的 5. 障碍,栅栏 6.倒坍,崩溃7.通货膨胀8.招募(新兵),吸收新成员9.抛弃10. 经受,承受11.证明---正当,为---辩护12.潮湿,湿气13.停止14.研讨会15.热带的16.(一连串事件中的)一个事件,(连续剧的)一集17.挫败,使沮丧18.谦逊的,低下的,粗陋的19.加速,促进20.令人讨厌的人或事物21.条纹22.严格的,坚硬的23.演示,示范24.领域,王国25.振动,摇摆26.圣人,圣徒27.光学的,眼睛的28.积聚,堆积29.主动性,首创精神30.巨大的31.磨碎,碾碎32.不新鲜的,陈腐的33.渗入,透入34.暂时的,临时的35.世故的;复杂的36.倾倒,倾销37.疲劳38.敏感的39.引语;报价40.人造的,合成的大学英语 6 级水平(6000 词汇量)测试说明:该组词汇从 6 级高级词汇中精选,遮住下面的对应中文意思,说出每个单词的主要意思即可。



一、词汇拼写(每题2分,共10分)1. Please write down the word "comprehensive" in English.2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word "examine": The teacher will ________ us next week.3. Write the plural form of "child".4. Correctly spell the word "satisfaction".5. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word "importance": It is of ________ to learn a foreign language.二、词汇选择题(每题2分,共20分)6. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:a) They have a ________ of books at home.b) The ________ of the meeting was to discuss the new project.c) She showed a ________ of interest in the topic.7. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:a) He was feeling ________ after the long journey.b) The ________ of the painting is very high.c) She has a ________ of experience in teaching.8. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:a) The ________ of the restaurant is quite large.b) The ________ of the city is beautiful.c) The ________ of the book is very interesting.9. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:a) He has a ________ of knowledge about history.b) The ________ of the experiment was a success.c) She has a ________ of talent in music.10. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:a) The ________ of the movie was very exciting.b) The ________ of the party was wonderful.c) The ________ of the competition was fierce.三、词汇填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets:a) The ________ (be) of the class is very high.b) I enjoy ________ (read) books in my free time.c) The ________ (do) of the experiment took a long time.12. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets:a) The ________ (have) of the school is over 2000.b) She ________ (go) to the library every weekend.c) The ________ (be) of the meeting was to discuss the new project.13. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets:a) He ________ (not know) the answer to the question.b) She ________ (like) to watch movies at night.c) The ________ (be) of the experiment was a success.14. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets:a) The ________ (be) of the school is very good.b) She ________ (not like) to study history.c) The ________ (be) of the experiment was a success.15. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets:a) The ________ (be) of the school is very good.b) She ________ (not like) to study history.c) The ________ (be) of the experiment was a success.四、词汇应用题(每题5分,共20分)16. Translate the following sentences into English:a) 这本书的内容非常丰富。



词汇量测试1把下面的英语的意思写出来(先不要看答案):healthy information brain develop strongest practice improve d epend support languagechoose foreign produce salary decision experience increase ter m eager accept测试结果:①如果正确答案少于5 个,说明你的词汇量少于1000,应先增加初高中的基本词汇;②如果正确答案多于16个,说明你的词汇量基本上有1500以上,这本书适合你。

(为了更精确地评估你的词汇量,建议做下面的词汇量测试2)词汇量测试1 (答案):健康的信息大脑发展最强壮的实践提高依靠支持语言选择外国的生产工资决定经验增加学期渴望着接受词汇量测试2学习者往往希望对自己已经掌握的英语词汇量能有一个比较准确、比较客观的估计。








1. sour A 心灵 B.酸的 C.汤 D.心脏2. feed A.喂养 B.面包 C.繁殖D.牌子3. reporter A.记者B.报道C.搬运工D.编辑4. sponsor A.调羹 B.资助C.反应 D.责任5.cafe A.安全 B.给予 C.咖啡D.咖啡馆6.faint A.神圣的 B.微弱的 C.颜料D.图片7.absenceA.缺席 B.出席 C.本质 D.感官8.triumph A.整齐 B.失败 C.胜利 D.喇叭9.devote A.献身 B.投票 C.号角 D.否决10.debt A.辩论 B.债务 C.支付 D.深度11.missile A. 导弹 B.潜水艇 C.使命D.海(上)的12.fail A.帆 B. 交易会 C. 尾巴 D. 失败13.pour A.爬 B.爪子 C.生的 D.倾泻14.addition A.上瘾 B.加 C.地址 D.版本15.uncover A.盖住 B.隐藏 C.康复 D.揭开16.host A.敌对的 B.东道主 C.女主人 D.马17.depend A.花费 B.独立 C.依赖 D.决定18.medical A.医疗的 B.修补的 C.内科学 D.媒介物19.feather A.特征 B.讲课 C.羽毛 D.象征20.retain A.阻止 B.延长 C.保留 D.紧张21.steam A. 蒸汽 B.阻塞 C.茎 D.脚步22.case A.案件 B.终止 C.基础 D.前景23. philosophy A.现象 B.物理 C.哲学 D.心理学24.agreement A.答复 B.侵略 C.同意 D.商量25. usage A.用法 B.年龄 C.用户 D.使用说明26. image A.想象 B.形式 C.形象 D.印象27.dictionary A.听写 B.宿舍C.差别 D.词典28.mineral A.矿山 B.矿物 C.正常的 D.有道德的29.fireman A.纵火犯 B.消防队员 C.有名的 D.再会30.roller A.尺子 B.橡皮 C.运货卡车 D.滚筒31.steak A.罢工 B.储备 C.蛇 D.牛排32.chase A.棋 B.追赶 C.盒子 D.跟踪33.plant A.行星 B.飞机 C.空白 D.工厂34.ancestor A.焦虑 B.学期 C.古代 D.祖先35.whistle A.车辆 B.容器 C.吹口哨 D.取消36.temper A.温度 B.临时的 C.勤劳的 D.脾气37.display A.陈列 B.喷射 C.销毁 D.耽搁38.mood A样式 B.模式 C.心情 D.树林39.footstep A.足球 B.笔迹 C.足迹 D.反馈40.sake A.救 B.缘故 C.追求 D.赌本41.funny A.阳光充足的 B.摘要 C.太阳的 D.有趣的42.cite A.引用 B.城市 C.环境 D.整齐的43.pop A.流行音乐 B.气泡 C.抢劫 D.壶44.appointment A.任命 B.机会 C.要点 D.对手45.lessen A.减少 B.课 C.唤醒 D.空白46.instruct A.指导 B.直觉 C.结构 D.建设47.drug A.药物 B.拖 C.破布 D.摇ly A.即B.主要地 C.名字的 D. 通常49.frank A. 坦白的 B.去拿来C.法兰西 D.法国人50.score A.分数 B.法院 C.侦察员 D.污点51.switch A.表 B.转换C.摇摆 D.扭转52.boil A.盘绕 B.灵魂 C.硬币D.煮沸53.preciousA.精确的 B.珍贵的 C.自觉的 D.允许54.assess A.通道 B.评价 C.分配 D.散文55.western A.东方的 B.南方的 C.北方的 D.西方的56.invisible A.可见的 B.无形的 C.视觉的 D.智慧的57.earth A.耳朵 B.月球 C.泥土 D.东方58.niece A.侄女 B.侄子 C.姑母 D.整洁的59.gardener A.园丁 B.卫兵 C.指导 D.木匠60.consequence A.结果 B.女王 C.频率 D.次序61.microphone A.显微镜 B.电报 C.电话 D.扩音器pete A.完成 B.有能力的 C.接触 D.竞争63.pride A.价格 B.骑马 C.奖赏 D.自豪64.avenue A.冒险 B.平均数 C.林荫道 D.老兵65. mild A温和的 B.宽阔的C.野生的 D.牛奶66.justify A.公正 B.判决 C.为•••辩护 D.果汁67.evaluate A.详尽阐述 B.限制 C.基本的 D.评估68.annual A.运河的 B.每年的 C.数字的 D.用手的69.goal A.监狱 B.目标 C.光辉 D.原木70.shock A.射击 B.震惊 C.短袜 D.浸泡71.thereby A.然而 B.从那边 C.此后 D.因此72.confuse A.混淆 B.影响 C.冲突 D.谢绝73.prospect A.生产 B.探测 C.前景 D.保护74.bet A.打赌 B.洗澡 C.轻拍 D.球拍75.wound A.圆 B.创伤 C.奇迹 D.世界yer A.闲暇 B.透镜 C.层 D.激光77.enquiry A.询问 B.要求 C.平等 D.获得78.grasp A.粗的 B.放松 C.抓住D.草79.grind A.宏伟的 B.地面 C.磨 D.磨坊80.sincere A.严厉的 B.自从 C.真诚的 D.单一的81.tiger A.老虎 B.狮子 C.紧紧的 D.潮汐82.contrast A.对比 B.接触 C.合同 D.条约83.quit A.放弃 B.迅速 C.援引 D.才智84.beneath A.在下方 B.在北方 C.呼吸 D.在旁边85.broadA.木板 B.上船 C.广阔的 D.海外86.legal A.法定的 B.非法的 C.联盟 D.逻辑的87.naive A.裸体的 B.天真的 C.烦人的 D.温柔的88.otherwise A.其它的 B.明智的 C.顺时针地 D.否则89.hardship A.严峻的 B.努力 C.痛苦 D.艰难90.smart A.平安的 B.嘴 C.潇洒的 D.平滑的91.power A.毛巾 B.塔 C.权力 D.尖92.counter A.计算 B.售票员 C.遭遇 D.柜台93.reality A.皮革 B.现实 C.实现 D.相关性94.boast A.海滨 B.夸耀 C.无畏的 D.小船95.fond A.折叠 B.资金 C.创立 D.喜爱的96.heavy A.举 B.重的 C.高度 D.健康97.feasible A.可行的 B.节日 C.立方的 D.虚构的98.loyalty A.法律的 B.忠心的 C.忠诚 D.王室的99.expand A.爆炸 B.花费 C.扩张 D.补充100.regard A.问候 B.拒绝 C.士兵 D.抱歉答案1-10 BAABD BACAB; 11-20 ADDBD BCACC;21-30 AACCA CDBBD; 31-40 DBDDC DACCB;41-50DAAAA AAAAA; 51-60 BDBBD BCAAA;61-70DDDCA CDBBB; 71-80 DACAB CACCC; 81-90 AAAAC ABDDC; 91-100 CDBBD BACCA。





)A (21个)(4.21-4.22完成背单词)a (an) 一个about [əˈbaʊt]关于afraid [əˈfred] 害怕的after ['ɑ:ftə(r)]在….以后afternoon [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]下午again [ə'ɡen]又,再all [ɔ:l]全部的,一切的also 英['ɔ:lsəʊ]也,还always 英 ['ɔ:lweɪz] 总是,永远and [ənd]和,与;而且;于是,然后;因此angry [ˈæŋɡri]生气的,愤怒的animal [ˈænəməl] 动物answer ['ɑ:nsə(r)]回答,答案any ['enɪ] 任何的apple [ˈæpəl] 苹果April ['eɪprəl] 四月arm [ɑ:m]手臂,武器art [ɑ:t]艺术;美术ask [ɑ:sk]问,询问;at [æt,ət] (表示位置)在August [ˈɔ:gəst] 八月(简写为Aug)aunt [ɑ:nt]阿姨;姨母,姑妈;舅妈;婶娘autumn ['ɔ:təm] 秋;秋天;秋天的;秋季的B(39个)(4.23-4.26)baby ['beɪbɪ] n 男孩back [bæk]ad 以前;adj后面的; n 背,背部;背面,反面;bad [bæd] a 坏的,不好的;adv.不好地,非常地& n 坏人,坏事ball [bɔ:l] n 球;棒球, 舞会banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉basketball [ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l]n 篮球;be (is, am, are, was, were) aux vbeach [bi:tʃ] n 海滩,海滨;bear[beə(r)] n 熊;beautiful ['bju:tɪfl] a 美丽的,美好的;极好的because [bɪˈkɔz] conj 因为bed [bed] n 床before [bɪˈfɔ:(r)]prep, ad & conj 在…之前;先前,从前;begin [bɪ'ɡɪn]v 开始;着手;创始;创办behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep 表示位置)在…的后面;beside [bɪˈsaɪd]prep (表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边between [bɪˈtwi:n] prep 在两者之间big [bɪɡ] a 大的;重要的;bike =bicycle [baɪk] = ['baɪsɪkl]n 自行车,脚踏车bird [bɜ:d] n 小鸟,家伙,东西birthday [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] n 出生,出生日期,诞辰,纪念日期black [blæk] a & n 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的blackboard [ˈblækbɔ:d] n 黑板blue[blu:] n & a 蓝色;boat [bəʊt]n 小船,小艇;body [ˈbɑdi]n 身体;尸体;团体;物体book [bʊk] n 书vt.& vi.预订box [bɒks] n 盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房vt.把…装入盒中boy [bɔɪ]n 男孩,少年;儿子;小伙子,家伙;服务员bread [bred] n 面包;食物breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐,早饭;早餐食物vi.吃早餐bring [brɪŋ] v 带来,引来;brother ['brʌðə(r)] n 兄弟;同事,同胞;brown [braʊn] n & a 褐色的;bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车,busy ['bɪzɪ] a 忙碌的;占线;繁华的;爱管闲事的but [bʌt,bət] conj 但是;而是;除了;buy [baɪ] v 购买,购得by [baɪ] prep 靠,通过;被,由;沿着;按照bye [baɪ] interj再见,回头见C (33个)cake [keɪk] n 蛋糕;call [kɔ:l]v & n 呼叫;打电话can [kæn] n & 能;能够;可以;可能candy ['kændɪ]n 糖果;冰糖;cap [kæp]n 帽子car [kɑ:r]n 小汽车card [kɑ:d]n 卡片;纸牌;明信片;cat [kæt] n 猫chair [tʃeə(r)]n 椅子;chicken ['tʃɪkɪn] n 鸡;鸡肉;胆小鬼;懦夫child [tʃaɪld]孩子 (pl. children) ['tʃɪldrən] n 孩子们China ['tʃaɪnə] n 中国;Chinese [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] a 中国的;中国人的; & n 中国人;中文;汉语cinema ['sɪnəmə] n 电影院;city ['sɪtɪ] n 城市;class [klɑ:s] n 班;班级clean [kli:n] a 清洁的;整齐的;& v 清扫clever ['klevə(r)] a 聪明的,灵巧的;clock [klɑk]n 钟,时钟;close [kləʊz] v 关;结束;关闭 & a 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服,衣物;cloudy ['klaʊdɪ] a 多云的;阴天的;coat [kəʊt] n 上衣,外套cold [kəʊld] a 寒冷的;冷淡的& n 寒冷;感冒,伤风colour [ˈkʌlə(r)]n颜色;肤色;彩色; & v为…着色,变色come [kʌm] v来;开始;int.嗨!computer [kəmˈpju:tə(r)] n 计算机,电脑cook [kʊk] v & n 烹调;编造cool [ku:l] a 冷静的;凉爽的;cousin ['kʌzn] n 堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈cow [kaʊ] n 奶牛,母牛crayon ['kreɪən] n 彩色蜡笔或粉笔cry [kraɪ] n 哭;叫喊;要求;大喊& v 哭;喊,叫cup [kʌp] n 杯子;dad (daddy) n 爸爸dance [dɑ:ns]v & n 跳舞daughter [ˈdɔ:tə(r)]n 女儿day [deɪ]n 一天;白天;dear [dɪə(r)] a 亲爱的;敬爱的;昂贵的;December [dɪˈsembə(r)]n 12月desk n 课桌difficult ['dɪfɪkəlt] a 困难的;dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n 正餐,主餐;宴会;晚餐dirty ['dɜ:tɪ] a 脏的;do [du:]v 做,干doctor ['dɒktə(r)] n 医生dog n 狗door [dɔ:(r)] n 门down [daʊn] ad & prep 向下;draw [drɔ:]v 画;dress [dres] n 衣服;& v 给…穿衣;drink [drɪŋk]v & n 饮;喝酒;酒,饮料;driver ['draɪvə(r)] n 驾驶员,司机;duck [dʌk] n 鸭子ear [ɪə(r)] n 耳朵;early ['ɜ:lɪ] a & ad 早的;easy ['i:zɪ] a 容易的eat [i:t] v 吃,egg [eɡ]n 鸡蛋elephant ['elɪfənt]n 象,大象E-mail [i: meɪl] n 电子邮件English [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] n & a 英语,英国的;evening ['i:vnɪŋ]n 傍晚;黄昏,晚上every ['evrɪ] a 每一,每一个exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v & n 练习;运动,训练;eye [aɪ] n 眼睛;视力;F ()face n & vfamily nfan nFar a & adfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfat afather nfavourite a & nFebruary nfeel vfilm nfind vfine afish nfloor nflower nfly v & nfood nfoot (pl. feet) nfootball nfor prepFriday nfriend nfrom prepfruit nG ()game nget vgirl ngive vgo vgood ( better, best) agoodbye (bye-bye) interjgrandma = grandmother ngrandpa = grandfather ngrass ngreat agreen a & nH (27个)hair nhalf a & nhand nhappy ahat nhave ( has, had, had) v he pronhead nhealthy ahear vheavy ahello (hi) interjhelp v & nhen nher pronhere adHihigh ahim pronhis pronhobby nholiday nhome n & ad homework n horse n hospital n hot ahour n house nhow ad hungry aI (8个)I pronice-cream n idea nill ain prep interesting ait prop.its pronJ (2个)January nJapan n Japanese n & a job njuice nJuly njump vJune nK (5个)kid nkind n & a kitchen nkite nknow vL (16个)lake nlate a & ad lazy aleft a & nleg nlesson nlet (let, let) vletter nlibrary nlight a & nlike vlion nlisten vlittle alive vlong alook v . & nlove v & nlunch nM (23个)make vman (pl. men) nmany ( more, most) pron & a map nMarch nmaths = mathematics nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeet vmilk nminute nMiss nmom (mum) n Monday n money n monkey n month nmoon n morning n mother nmouse (pl. mice) n mouth nMr. (mister) n Mrs. (mistress) n Ms nmuch amusic nN ()name nnear aneck nnew anext a , ad & n nice anight nnine num nineteen num ninety num ninth numno ad & a noodle nnose nnot ad November n now ad number n nurse nO (8个)OK ad October nofoften adold aon prepone num & pron open a & vor conj orange a & n our pronP ()paint npanda npaper nparent npark n & v party nPEpear npen npencil npeople nphone v & nphoto = photograph n picture npig nplace n & vplain a & nplan n & vplane nplant v & nplay vplayground nplease vpolice npoliceman (policewoman) n potato npupil npurple a & nput vQquestion n quick a & ad quiet aR (9个) rabbit nrain v & n rainy aread vred a & n rice nright n & a river nroad nroom nruler nrun vS (46个)sad aschool n schoolbag n science nsea nseason nsecond num, a & n see v September nseven num seventeen num seventh num seventy numshe pronsheep (pl. sheep) n ship nshirt nshoe nshop nshort ashorts nsick asister nsit vsix num sixteen num sixth num sixty num skate vskirt nsky nsleep nslow a & ad small asnow v & n snowy a socks nsome a & pron sometimes ad son nsong nsorry asoup nspeak v sport n spring n stand vstar nstop n & v story n street n strong a student n study v & n subject n summer n sun n Sunday n sunny a supermarket n supper n sweater n sweep v sweet n & a swim vT (38个)table ntable tennis ntake vtalk vtall ataxi ntea nteach vteacher ntell vten numtenth numthank v & n that a & pronthe art.their pronthem pronthere int, n & ad these pronthey pronthick athin athink vthird num thirteen num thirty numthis a & pron those a & pron three num Thursday ntiger ntime ntired ato preptoday ad & n toilet ntomato n tomorrow ad & n too adtooth (pl. teeth) n toy ntravel v & n tree n trousers ntry vT-shirt n Tuesday n turn n & v twelfth num twelve num twentieth num twenty num two numTVU (6个)ugly a umbrella n uncle nunder prepup ad & prep us pronV (3个)vegetable n very advisit v & n volleyball nW (33个)wait vwalk v & n wall nwant v warm a warn v wash v watch n & v water n way nwe pronwear vweather n Wednesday nweek nwelcome awell a , ad & n what pron & a when conj & ad where adwhite a & nwho pronwhose pronwhy ad & intwife nwind nwindow nwindy awinter nwith prepwoman (pl. women) n wonderful aword nwork v & n worker nworld nworry vwrite vwrong aY (7个)year nyellow a & nyes ad yesterday n & ad you pronyoung ayour pronZ (1个)zero n & num zoo n。




1. He is a very ______ person, always ready to help others.A. kindB. strictC. lazyD. naughty.解析:根据“always ready to help others(总是乐意帮助他人)”可知,这是形容一个人善良的品质,kind表示“善良的”,strict是“严格的”,lazy是“懒惰的”,naughty是“淘气的”,所以答案是A。

2. I'm so ______ that I can't eat any more.A. fullB. hungryC. thirstyD. tired.解析:根据“can't eat any more(不能再吃了)”,这表明是很饱的状态,full表示“满的;饱的”,hungry是“饥饿的”,thirsty是“口渴的”,tired是“疲倦的”,所以答案是A。

3. There are ______ days in a week.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight.解析:常识可知,一周有七天,所以答案是C。

4. My favorite ______ is spring. I love the flowers and warm weather.A. seasonB. colorC. animalD. book.解析:根据“spring(春天)”可知这是在说季节,season表示“季节”,color是“颜色”,animal是“动物”,book是“书”,所以答案是A。

5. She ______ to school by bike every day.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going.解析:every day表明是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,go的第三人称单数形式是goes,所以答案是B。



三年级英语词汇量测试练习题50题1.I have a pet. It has four legs and a long tail. It can run very fast. What is it?A.BirdB.FishC.Dog答案:C。


2.My favorite animal is black and white. It is very cute. What is it?A.TigerB.PandaC.Lion答案:B。


3.It has wings and can fly. It can sing very well. What is it?A.CatB.DuckC.Bird答案:C。


4.It has a long neck. It is very tall. What is it?A.GiraffeB.HorseC.Cow答案:A。


5.It has a big nose and two big ears. What is it?A.ElephantB.MonkeyC.Dog答案:A。


6.It can swim very well. It has a tail and fins. What is it?A.DolphinB.RabbitC.Chicken答案:A。

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Vocabulary Size Test: Version B1. drive: He <drives> fast.a swimsb learnsc throws ballsd uses a car2. jump: She tried to <jump>.a lie on top of the waterb get off the ground suddenlyc stop the car at the edge of the roadd move very fast3. shoe: Where is <your shoe>?a the person who looks after youb the thing you keep your money inc the thing you use for writingd the thing you wear on your foot4. standard: <Her standards> are very high.a the bits at the back under her shoesb the levels she reaches in everythingc the marks she gets in schoold the money she asks for5. basis: This was used as the <basis>.a answerb place to take a restc next stepd main part6. maintain: Can they <maintain it>?a keep it as it isb make it largerc get a better one than itd get it7. stone: He sat on a <stone>.a hard thingb kind of chairc soft thing on the floord part of a tree8. upset: I am <upset>.a tiredb famousc richd unhappy9. drawer: The <drawer> was empty.a sliding boxb place where cars are keptc cupboard to keep things coldd animal house10. joke: We did not understand his <joke>.a attempt at humourb false statementc way of speakingd way of thinking11. pave: It was <paved>.a prevented from going throughb dividedc given gold edgesd covered with a hard surface12. rove: He couldn't stop <roving>.a getting drunkb traveling aroundc making a musical sound through closed lipsd working hard13. lonesome: He felt <lonesome>.a ungratefulb very tiredc without companyd full of energy14. allege: They <alleged it>.a claimed it without proofb stole the ideas for it from someone elsec provided facts to prove itd argued against the facts that supported it15. remedy: We found a good <remedy>.a place to eat in publicb way to fix a problemc way to prepare foodd rule about numbers16. dash: They <dashed> over it.a moved quicklyb moved slowlyc foughtd looked quickly17. peel: Shall I <peel it>?a let it sit in water for a long timeb take the skin off itc make it whited cut it into thin pieces18. bacterium: They didn't find a single <bacterium>.a small living thing causing diseaseb plant with red or orange flowersc animal that carries water in lumps on its backd thing that has been stolen and sold to a shop19. thesis: She has completed her <thesis>.a talk given by a judge at the end of a trialb first year of employment after becoming a teacherc long written report of study carried out for a university degreed extended course of hospital treatment20. authentic: It is <authentic>.a realb very noisyc oldd like a desert21. miniature: It is <a miniature>.a an instrument for looking at very small objectsb a very small thing of its kindc a very small living creatured a small line to join letters in handwriting22. fracture: They found a <fracture>.a breakb small piecec short coatd discount certificate23. patience: He <has no patience>.a has no free timeb has no faithc will not wait happilyd does not know what is fair24. scrub: He is <scrubbing it>.a cutting shallow lines into itb repairing itc washing it energeticallyd drawing simple pictures of it25. vocabulary: You will need more <vocabulary>.a wordsb skillc moneyd guns26. accessory: They gave us <some accessories>.a papers giving us the right to enter a countryb official ordersc ideas to choose betweend extra pieces27. compost: We need some <compost>.a strong supportb help to feel betterc hard stuff made of stones and sand stuck togetherd plant material fertilizer28. fen: The story is set in <the fens>.a a piece of low flat land partly covered by waterb a piece of high, hilly land with few treesc a block of poor-quality houses in a cityd a time long ago29. puritan: He is a <puritan>.a person who likes attentionb person with strict moralsc person with a moving homed person who keeps money and hates spending it30. awe: They looked at the mountain <in awe>.a with a worried expressionb with an interested expressionc with a sense of wonderd with a feeling of respect31. bristle: The <bristles> are too hard.a questionsb short stiff hairsc folding bedsd bottoms of the shoes32. erratic: He was <erratic>.a without faultb very badc very respectfuld unsteady33. null: His influence <was null>.a had good resultsb did not help muchc had no effectd lasted a long time34. perturb: I was <perturbed>.a made to agreeb worried and puzzledc corruptly sexuald very wet35. peasantry: He did a lot for the <peasantry>.a local peopleb place of worshipc businessmen's clubd working class people36. palette: He lost his <palette>.a container for carrying fishb wish to eat foodc young female companiond artist's board for mixing paints37. devious: Your plans are <devious>.a tricky and threateningb well-developedc not well thought outd more expensive than necessary38. stealth: They did it by <stealth>.a spending a large amount of moneyb hurting someone so much that they agreed to their demandsc moving secretly with extreme care and quietnessd taking no notice of problems they met39. hallmark: Does it have a <hallmark>?a stamp to show when it should be used byb stamp to show the qualityc mark to show it is approved by the royal familyd mark or stain to prevent copying40. haze: We looked through the <haze>.a small round window in a shipb unclear airc cover for a window made of strips of wood or plasticd list of names41. gimmick: That's a good <gimmick>.a thing for standing on to work high above the groundb small thing with pockets for holding moneyc attention-getting action or imaged clever plan or trick42. yoga: She has started <yoga>.a handwork done by knotting threadb a form of exercise for the body and mindc a game where a cork stuck with feathers is hit between two playersd a type of dance from eastern countries43. sizzle: Listen to it <sizzle>.a turn to stoneb release pressure and untwistc make noise while being cookedd force out liquid44. psychotherapy: She wanted <psychotherapy>.a the mutual operation of two thingsb the ability to governc an unfriendly reactiond treatment for a mental illness45. heyday: The town was <in its heyday>.a at its peak of successb on top of the hillc very wealthyd admired very much46. mystique: He has lost <his mystique>.a his healthy bodyb the secret way he makes other people think he has special skillc the woman he dated while he was married to someone elsed the hair on his top lip47. communique: Have you seen their <communique>?a critical report about an organizationb garden owned by many members of a communityc printed material used for advertisingd official announcement48. thesaurus: She used <a thesaurus>.a a kind of dictionaryb a chemical compoundc a special way of speakingd an injection just under the skin49. dissonant: That is <very dissonant>.a full of sounds that are not nice togetherb full of signs of deathc full of unwanted stops and startsd likely to get you into trouble50. tracksuit: She was wearing <a tracksuit>.a the upper part of a dressb a set of clothing for runningc a knitted shirt with no buttonsd an angry expression51. spleen: His <spleen> was damaged.a knee boneb organ found near the stomachc pipe taking waste water from a housed respect for himself52. caffeine: This contains a lot of <caffeine>.a a substance that makes you sleepyb strings from very tough leavesc ideas that are not correctd a substance that makes you excited53. impale: He nearly got <impaled>.a charged with a serious offenceb put in prisonc stuck through with a sharp instrumentd involved in a dispute54. jovial: He was very <jovial>.a low on the social scaleb likely to criticize othersc full of fund friendly55. dingy: It was a <dingy> place.a cold, dampb poorly litc delightfuld hot, dry56. kindergarten: This is a good <kindergarten>.a activity that allows you to forget your worriesb place of learning for children too young for schoolc strong, deep bag carried on the backd place where you may borrow books57. locust: There were hundreds of <locusts>.a unpaid helpersb people who do not eat meatc creatures with wingsd brightly coloured wild flowers58. lintel: He painted the <lintel>.a beam across the top of a door or windowb small boat used for getting to land from a big boatc beautiful tree with spreading branches and green fruitd board which shows the scene in a theatre59. upbeat: I'm feeling really <upbeat> about it.a upsetb goodc hurtd confused60. pallor: <His pallor> caused them concern.a his unusually high temperatureb the faint colour of his skinc his lack of interest in anythingd his group of friends61. skylark: We watched a <skylark>.a show with planes flying in patternsb human-made object going round the earthc person who does funny tricksd small bird that flies high as it sings62. beagle: He owns two <beagles>.a fast cars with roofs that fold downb large guns that can shoot many people quicklyc small dogs with long earsd houses built at holiday places63. atoll: The <atoll> was beautiful.a low island with sea water in the middleb art created by weaving pictures from fine stringc small crown with many valuable stonesd place where a river flows through a narrow spot with rocks64. hutch: Please clean the <hutch>.a thing with metal bars to keep dirt out of water pipesb space in the back of a car used for bags etcc round metal thing in the middle of a bicycle wheeld cage for small animals like rabbits65. gauche: He was <gauche>.a talkativeb flexiblec awkwardd determined66. cordillera: They were stopped by <the cordillera>.a a special lawb an armed shipc a line of mountainsd the firstborn son of the king67. limpid: He looked into her <limpid> eyes.a clearb sadc deep brownd beautiful68. aperitif: She had <an aperitif>.a a long chair for lying onb a private singing teacherc a large hat with tall feathersd a drink taken before a meal69. scrunch: It was <scrunched up>.a done with many mistakesb crushed togetherc cut into large, rough piecesd thrown violently into the air70. instantiate: you need to <instantiate that>.a make that happen quicklyb put that into the correct placec give a real example of thatd explain that71. landfall: The days after the <landfall> were busy.a ceremony to bless the land for a churchb bike event on a mountainc acceptance of foreign control after a ward the seeing of land after a journey by sea or air72. headstrong: He was a <headstrong child>.a very clever childb child who has been given too many good thingsc very fat childd child that is determined to do what it wants73. supercilious: She suddenly became <supercilious>.a proud and not respectfulb extremely stupidc able to think about only one thingd over weight74. torpor: She sank into <a torpor>.a a deep soft chairb an inactive statec a very unhappy stated a bed cover filled with feathers75. coven: She is the leader of a <coven>.a small singing groupb business that is owned by the workersc secret societyd group of church women who follow a strict religious life76. sputnik: He told them about the <sputnik>.a rare animal like a rabbit found in cold countriesb trap set by the policec object that travels high in the sky round the earthd secret organization with evil plans77. mozzarella: We'll need some <mozzarella>.a sweet sauce made from fruitb cheap winec mild cheesed substance that keeps insects away from you78. workaday: These are <workaday clothes>.a plain and practical clothesb clothes suitable for parties after workc old and worn out clothesd clothes that are thrown away after each working day79. lemur: We saw a <lemur>.a priest from an eastern religionb person with a very bad skin diseasec furry animal with a long taild purple fish from hot countries80. pantograph: The <pantograph> is broken.a instrument which plays music from a metal tubeb instrument which measures the amount of breath a person hasc framework of moving bars for copying plansd pen with a metal point for writing on hard surfaces81. planetarium: The <planetarium> was interesting.a place where planes are builtb place where a machine shows the way planets movec course to teach people good planning skillsd place where fish are kept82. vitreous: These rocks are <vitreous>.a very heavyb easy to breakc full of small holesd like glass83. cerise: Her dress was <cerise>.a a bright red colourb made of a thin, soft materialc a pale blue-green colourd made of expensive fabric with pretty patterns and small holes84. frankincense: He brought some <frankincense>.a sweet smelling white flowersb soft cheese made in Francec food made from yellow coloured rice and shellfishd good smelling substance that comes out of trees85. feint: He made a <feint>.a small cake with dried fruitb thing with wheels for moving heavy objectsc pretend attack to trick the enemyd serious mistake86. muff: This <muff> belonged to my mother.a tube of animal hair for keeping the hands warmb cover for a teapotc long rope of feathers to wear around the neckd bed cover made from squares of material sewn together87. ablution: He <performed his ablutions>.a did his exercises to stay healthyb played his very difficult piece of musicc did all his duties as a church ministerd washed himself to get ready88. exactitude: She was well known for her <exactitude>.a courage under pressureb sense of fairnessc habit of making unreasonable demandsd ability to be very accurate89. speedometer: The <speedometer> stopped working.a instrument that shows changes in the weatherb thing that measures how fast you goc thing that keeps a room at an even temperatured tube put into a person to let liquids in or out of their body90. serviette: Where is my <serviette>?a girl who helps in the houseb piece of glass which makes things look biggerc large flat plated piece of cloth or paper for wiping your mouth91. scrumptious: This is <scrumptious>.a extremely funnyb very expensivec delightful in tasted very dirty and untidy92. poppadom: Did you put the <poppadoms> on the table?a thin, slightly hard pieces of fried breadb small pieces of food, usually raw, eaten before a mealc cloths for protecting clothes while eatingd small sweet baked cakes93. hydrofoil: He studies <hydrofoils>.a crops produced from the seab devices that push boats clear of the waterc components of rocksd amazing curls and twists94. bylaw: They made a <bylaw>.a publisher’s list of older booksb secondary lawc code made of lines, read by machinesd law that morally condemns people95. nymphomaniac: Don’t be such <a nymphomaniac>!a a person expressing uncontrolled sexual desireb an antisocial personc an innocent rural persond a person who repeats the same crime after punishment96. maladroit: He is <maladroit>.a feeling sick to his stomachb physically awkwardc rather silly but likeabled quickly angry and easily depressed97. taxon: I think it belongs in this <taxon>.a tax categoryb small and light container for fruitc category of creatured room for safely keeping valuables98. canoodle: They’re always <canoodling>!a spreading false and evil ideas about othersb looking for a free mealc merging into the crowdd stroking and kissing one another99. stupa: Look at the <stupa>.a tall hairstyleb woman with a bad sexual reputationc temporary platform for a dead person’s bodyd Asian religious memorial100. dramaturgical: It has <a dramaturgical> effect.a a theatricalb a gloriousc a human-centringd an oily and unpleasant。
