
2020年广东省中考英语新题型专项训练语法选择Xian Xinghai was a very famous musician in China.He wrote one of the greatest piecesof music of the 20th cen tury .In his short life he wrote 1 300 songs and an opera.Xian was born in Panyu, Guangdong, China in 1905.Because his father died before he wasborn, Xian movedfrom place to place with 2 mother.He began learning to play the violin when he was 20 years old」n the beg inning, his violi n was so cheap and badly made that he3 not play it well.His friends laughed at him.Xian did not stop practising and soon showed his talent.ln 1934, he was one of the first Chinese students4 studied in a special music school inParis.Before he 5 , Xian became the school ' s best student and won severalprizes for his tale nts.In 1935, he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan' an 6 music at a college. 7 there were no pianos in Yan' an at that time, Xianstill wrote some of his most important music there, including The Yellow River , his most famous work.In May1940, Xian 8 to the Soviet Union by the Chinese CommunistParty to write musicfor movies.ln the Soviet Un io n, life was very 9 .Xia n got sick and later died of a lungillness 10 October 30, 1945, aged only 40.Xian ' s music, however, lives on in people ' s hearts.(B )1.A.n ear B.n early C.n earby D.n earer(C )2.A.he B.him C.his D.he's(D )3.A.n eed B.may C.should D.could(D )4.A.what B.which C.whom D.who(C )5.A.leave B.l eaves C.left D.was leav ing(D )6.A.teach B.taught C.teachi ng D.to teach (B )7. A.lf B.Although C.When D.BecauseB.was sentC.has sent B.harder C.hardestB.inC.onD.by( B )8.A.sent ( A )9.A.hard ( C )10.A.atD.was sending D.the hardestIn muchof Asia, especially the so- called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea, 1 Viet nam,food is usually eate n with chopsticks.Chopsticks are usually two long, thin pieces of wood or bamboo.They 2 also be madeof plastic, animal bone or metal.Sometimes chopsticks are quite artistic.Truly elegant chopsticks might be made of gold and silver with Chin ese characters. 3 workers alsocomb ine(组合)various hardwoods and metal 4 special desig ns.The Chinese 5 chopsticks for five thousand years.People probably cooked their food in large pots, using twigs(树枝)to remove it.Over time, 6 the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.Food in small pieces could be eate n easily with twigs which gradually tur ned into chopsticks.Some people thi nk that the great Chin ese scholar Con fucius, 7 lived from roughly551 to 497 B.C., in flue need the 8 of chopsticks.C on fucius believed kni ves would rem ind people of killi ng and 9 too viole nt for use at the table.Chopsticks are not used 10 i n Asia .In In dia, for example, most people traditi on allyeat with their han ds.( A )1.A .a nd B.or( D )2.A.may B. need( B )3.A .Skills B.Skilled ( A )4.A .to create B.creati ng ( C )e ed( A )6.A .as B.as soon as ( D )7.A./ B.whom ( B )8.A. develop B.developme nt ( A )9.A .were B.areC.butD./C.mustD.ca nC.Skilli ngD.SkillC.createD.createdC.have usedD.have bee nusedC.beforeD.afterC.whichD.whoC.develop ingD.developedC.wasD.have bee n C.everywhere D.no where(C )10.A.somewhere B.anyOne day,a lady on a carriage saw a young man walk ing on the rocky road.But the young man didn ' t wear shoes and it seemed that there was 1 wrong with his feet.She asked the driver 2 him up,a nd said she would pay 3 him.The n she asked the young man 4 .He said he was going for the nearest seaport,to offer himself as a sailor.Twenty years 5 ,on the same road,a sea captain 6 was on a carriage saw an oldlady walk ing alon g,a nd he made the driver stop his horses.He picked up the oldlady,saying, “I ' ll pay the money. ”After getting on the carriage,the old lady thanked the captain. “For, ” said she, “ I am 7 poor to pay for a ride now. ” The captain said, “I remember,twenty years ago when I wasa poor man,n ear this very place,I 8 a ride on a carriage along the road by a kindlady. ”“Ah,” she was surprised, “ I am that lady! But things 9 with me sincethen. ”“Well, ” said the captain, “I have made some money,and have come hometo enjoy it.I 10 you twenty- five pounds a year if you accept my offer •…” The old lady ' s eyes were full of tears,and thank fully accepted the sailor ' s offer.(A )1.A.someth ing B.a nythi ng C.everythi ng D.no thi ng(B )2.A.pick B.to pick C.picki ng D.to pick ing(D )3. A.to B.at C.in D.for(D )4.A.where is he going B.where was he goingC.where he is goingD.where he was going(B )5. te ter test D.the latest(A )6. A.who B.which C.whom D.whose(A )7.A.too B.very C.such D.so(B )8.A.am offered B.was offered C.offered D.was offeri ng(D )9. A.cha nge B.cha C.is cha D.have cha( C )10.A.give B.gave C.will give D.was giving(四)What will you do whe n you want to have somethi ng but without mon ey?1 wan ted to have a nice st summer holiday, heJack was a 16-year-old boy,asked his pare nts 2 the money and they said he must get it by himself.But how could he get it?On his way home one day, he 3 about this.Not many people wan ted to ask childre n ___________ 4 for them.Maybe he could sweep away snow for the neighbors.However, it was not winter.He had to wait a long time for that.Grass could n 't or their garde ns, because he was notold eno ugh to do such work.Just at the moment, he 6 Tom, one of his classmates, selling books in a book shop.“ I could do that, ” he thought.He asked Toma few questions.He learned that 7 took Tom about three hours a day to do the job and he could get twenty dollars each week.A nd Tom gave him the teleph one nu mber of the book shop man ager.Jack almost flew home. “Mum, I have 8 good news to tell you, ” Jack said.After he told his mother 9 __________________ he thought, she said, “I think it ' s a good idea. ”“ I will call the manager tomorrow, ” said Jack. “After all, I ' m going to be abus in essma n. ” Jack ' s mother looke d 10 at him and smiled.(A )1.A.who B.whose C.whom D.which(B )2.A .of B.for C.with D.to(C )3.A.thi nks B.will thi nk C.was thi nking D.is thi nking(B )4.A .work B.to work C.worki ng D.worked(D )5.A. cuts B.cut C.is cut D.be cut(C )6.A.sees B.see C.saw D.seei ng(A )7.A .it B.its C.this D.that(D )8.A.a B.a n C.the D./(A )9. A.what B.why C.how D.that( B )10.A.happy B.happily C.happier D.more happily(五)“ I ' m going shopping in the village, ” George' s mother said to George on Saturday morning. “So be a good boy and don ' t get into trouble.And don ' t forget 1 good careof Grandma. ” Then she went out.Grandma was sleeping in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said, “ Now you heard 2 your mother said,George. ”“Yes,Grandma,” George said.George was bored to tears.He didn ' t have a brother or a sister.His father was a farmer,a nd the farm they lived on was miles away from an ywhere, 3 there were n ever any childre n to play with.He was tired of stari ng at 4 pigs,he ns,cows and sheep.He was especially tired of living in the house with his grandma.Looking after her all by himself was hardly 5 way to spe nd a Saturday morni ng.“Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 6 sugar and milk, ” Grandma said.Most grandmothers are lovely,kind and helpful old ladies,but not this one.George ' s grandma was a woman 7 was always complaining about something or other.She spent all day sitt ing on her chair by the win dow.George 8 that Gran dma used to be a gen tle lady,butas she grew older,she was not able to look after herself and even worse,she was easy to get an gry.“We should be nice to the old,George, ” his mother always told him.Thinking of this,George 9 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with ateabag.He put one spoon of sugar and somemilk in it.He stirred( 搅动)the tea well and carried it into the livi(C )1.A.take B.tak ing C.to take D.takes(B )2.A.that B.what C.where D.which(D )3.A. but B.if C.or D.so(D )4.A. hu ndred B.h un dreds C.hun dred of D.hun dreds ofD.the most excit ingng room 10 _ .(B )5.A.a n excit ing B.a more excit ing C.a most excit ing( B )6.A.in B.with C.of D.for( A )7.A.whoB.whichC.whereD.when ( C )8.A.tell B.told C.was told D.has told( B )9.A.goes B.went C.will go D.has gone ( C )10.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.carelessA poor woodcutter and his wife lived in the forest in a small hut( 小屋).lt was so small that it was only large eno ugh for him and his wife 1 in.2 a cold ni ght, somebody kno cked at the door.3 woodcutter ope ned the door and wan ted to let the stra nger in. His wife said, “ I ' m afraid we don' t have that muchspace. ” The man laughed and said, “Two can sleep well, and three can sit. ” And then the stranger4 to come in and they all sat telling stories to each other.Then came 5 knock.The woodcutter told the stranger, “Friend, open the door. ” And the man said, “But there is no space. ” The woodcutter said, “6 three people can sit comfortably, then four people can sit a little 7 . ”The stranger opened the door, and a manentered.Suddenly, a strange knock 8 did not seem to be human ' s was heard! The woodcutter said, “Open the door.I know who 9 .It ismy don key. ” Every one said, “ Where is the don key going to sta nd? ” The man said 10 allsta nd whe n the don key came in.(D )1.A.sleep B.sleepi ng C.slept D.to sleep(A )2.A .0 n B.In C.At D.To(C )3.A .A B.A n C.The D./(D )4.A.i nvite B.i nvited C.was in vit ing D.was in vited(C )5.A.other B.the other C.ano ther D.others(A )6.A. If B.U nless C.U ntil D.Because(D )7.A.closest B.closely C.closed D.closer(B )8. A.what B.that C.who D.whose(C )9.A.k no cks B.k no cked C.is knocking D.was kno cked(D )10.A.that would they B.that they willC.whether they wouldD.that they would(D )1.A.un der (C )2.A.Chi na (D )3.A.n eed (B )4.A.remember(A )5.A.has heard(C )6.A.a big(D )7.A./(C )lio ns(A )9. A.whe nB.at B.Chi nese B.are n eeded B.to rememberB.heardB.the biggerB.thelio n ofB.whileC.in C.Chi na 'sC.n eededC.rememberi ngC.hearsC.the biggestC.a nlio ns ofD.o n D.Chinese ' sD.were n eededD.rememberedD.will hearD.biggestD.alio n(A )10.A .oneB.thatC.itD.thisIt ' s March 12th 丄i Li and Lin Tao are digging on a hill not far from their school 」n China, people across the country pla nt trees actively1 this day.The idea of planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Zhongshan, the great pion eer in 2 history.He said more trees3 as a protecti on aga inst flood(洪水)anddrought. In 1915, April 5th was n amed as Tree Pla nting Day.The n, in 1979, the day cha nged to March 12th,4the date on which Sun Zhon gsha n died.“ Every on e 5 of the Great Wall of China, ” says Li Li. “ But have you heard of the Green Wall ofChina? That' s 6tree planting project of all.” The Gobi Desert in then orth of Chi na was grow ing every year.So in 1978, 7 tree pla nti ng project was startedto stop Gobi spread in g.The gover nment and local farmers have bee n pla nti ng 8 trees tobuild a great green “wall ” along the edge of the desert.“ Tree pla nting has become a traditi on in Chi na now,” says Lin Tao. “ Almost every onedoes it on March 12th.Many people also plant a tree on a basic day.My parents planted a tree 9 I started school.And my cousin planted 10 on his wedding(婚礼)day.We do it for theen vir onment and for ourselves.”As a final year stude nt at uni versity, it is time for me to decide what 1 n ext.l n all my life, I have wan ted to be 2 excelle nt teacher, and I amlucky that I 3 a placeto teach a course n ext year.The course will take place in my hometow n. After four years of livi ng away from my family, I know I will find 4 very stra nge to live at homeaga in .Thisisn ' t because I don ' t enjoy living at home but because I have got used to being anin depe ndent stude nt.While I 5 away from home, I had to buy everythi ng by myself」hadto pay bills and work hard to pay the rent for my house 6 I lived in .Because of the economic situation in this country, it is popular amongstudents to live at homeagain afterthey graduate.There are two reas ons why young people can't 7 find jobs. One is the lack of jobs and the other is the cost of liv ing.I am one of the two childre n in my family, and my 8 sister will start study ing atuniversity next year.I didn ' t speak to my parents about it, but I amsure 9 this isn ' t a problem for them —I would like to think that they enjoy having us around!In the coming year, I will be able to see my parents every day.However, I would loveto find my own house eve ntually whe n I 10 afford it!(B )1.A.do B.to do C.doi ng D.to doing(B )2. A.a B.a n C.the D./(C )3.A.will give B.was give n C.will be give n D.am give n(C )4.A.that B.this C.it D.its(C )5.A.live B.will live C.was livingD.have lived(B )6.A .who B.which C.whe n D.where(B )7.A.easy B.easily C.easier D.more easily (D )8.A.y oung B.more young C.youn gest D.youn ger(C )9.A.what B.which C.that D.how(A )10.A.ca n B.should C.must D.n eedWhen was young, I really wan ted a n ewbike! As a 1 boy, I told mypare nts mybirthday wish, and I knew there was little hope because my family could hardly have that mon ey.2 my birthday, my pare nts told me that they had my gift outside in the backyard.Atonce, I rushed out to the yard.There wa s my bike, but it wasn ' t the bike 3 I thoughtit would be.This one was pink, old and worn with age .It was so 4 ! I thought I hurt my parents because I could see the disappointment on their faces and I was sure they could seeit on 5 .I got on the bike and rode it, feeli ng bad that I had made my pare nts 6 so bad.So I rode as fast as I could and didn ' t look back.As time went by, I had many other experie nces and bega n to un dersta nd I 7 someth ing more tha n just a rusty( 生锈的)old bike.My pare nts gave me a life less on about love.Whe n you give something out of love, it doesn' t matter 8 in fact.What matters is 9 lovethat is in it.I always remember this story 10 givi ng a gift is not about money.lt isabout how much love you can feel from it.Do remembe r, a gift that costs two dollars isn ' t any less valuable than one that costs two hundred dollars, or even more.(C )1.A.12 years old B.12 year old C.12-year-old D.12-years-old(C )2.A. In B.At C.O n D.For(D )3.A.who B.whose C.where D.which(A )4.A.disappo in ti ng B.disappo intedC.disappointD.disappoints(C )5.A」 B.my C.mi ne D.me(A )6. A.feel B.to feel C.feeli ng D.felt(C )7.A.give B.am give n C.was give n D.was givi ng(D )8.A.what was it B.what it was C.what is it D.what it is (C )9.A.a B.a n C.the D./(A )10.A.because B.though C.if D.u nlessJane was walking round the department store.She rememberedhow difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas prese nt for her father.She 1 that he was as easy to please as hermother, who was always happy with beautiful clothes.Besides, shopp ing 2 Christmas Day is quite busy, and at this time of the year it was not great fun:people stepped on your feet or pushed you with their elbows( 肘部 ),and they just wan ted to get to the cheapest goods before3 .Jane stood in front of a coun ter and some attractive ties were on display. “ They arereal silk, ” the assistant tried4 h er. “They worth double the price. ” But Jane knew5_ that her father hardly liked this kind of present before.Jane stopped at a small counter.She found somegood cigarettes on sale. 6 her father smoked only once a week, she knew that they were the presents 7 belonged to him.Withoutthinking for long, she bought them.WhenJane got home, with her small but well-chosen hav ing supper at table with lots of dishes.Ja ne asked (B )1.A .wishes B.wished C.was wishi ngD.will wish(A )2.A .on B.inC.atD.from(C )3.A.other B.the otherC.othersD.the others(A )4. A.to attract B.attracti ng C.attractD.attracted(B )5.A .clear B.clearly C.clearer D.more clearly (C )6. A.Because B.But CA Ithough D.So (D )7.A.what B.whom C.who D.which (D )8.A.what B.whe nC.howD.why(D )9.A. exciti ng B.exciteme nt C.excite D.excited (C )10.A.tellsB.toldC.was toldD.is toldstop smoking.presents in her bag, her parents were8 they had supper so early.Her mother was 9 “Your father has at last decided to Jane10 by her.(十二)Onceupon a time,two Princes were playing in a forest.They came across four old men 1 asked them to be more careful.The first old man had 2 headache and he asked them not to shout.The sec ond old man was painting a picture,and he asked the children 3 away because they were blocking outthe light.The third old man was doing a large jigsaw puzzle in the middle of the road,a nd he asked the childre n n ot to walk 4 it.The fourth old man was watch ing a butterfly andhe asked them not to frighte n 5 away.The Prince who respected others did as the old men asked, 6 the disrespectful Prince didn ' t follow the old men ' ssuggestions and kept bothering them.ln the evening,both boys had got separated and 7_.They n eeded to get back to the palace quickly.Each of them 8 came across the four old men aga in and asked for their help.They refused to help the disrespectful Prince,but with the respectful Prince they did 9 theycould to help and took him along a secret way which led right to the palace.The other Prince arrived much later and 10 for it.He understood that it ' s much better to respect every one if you want to have frie nds.(A )1.A .who B.which C.whe n D.where(C )2.A.the B.a n C.a D./(A )3. A.to move B.moves C.movi ng D.move(A )4.A.on B.in C.betwee n D.by(D )5.A.them B.him C.you D.it(A )6.A .but B.so C.whe n D.because(B )7. A.lose B.lost C.losi ng D.losted(A )8.A.separately B.separate C.separat ingD.separate d(D )9.A.whoever B.however C.whe never D.whatever(D )10.A.p uni shes B.p uni shed C.p un ishi ng D.was puni shedNasredd in was a poor man. Hetried to grow as many vegetables as he could in his own garde n 1 money for the future.Oneevening,he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window.He found a white cow eati ng his vegetables.Nasreddi n at once took his stick,ra n out and chased the cow,but he was too old to catch it.Whe n he got back to his garde n,he found 2 the cow had eate n most of his precious vegetables.The next morning,while he 3 in the street near his house,he saw a cart with two white cows which looked very muchlike the one 4 had eaten his vegetables.He was carrying hisstick with him, 5 he at once bega n to beat the two cows with it.As 6 of them looked more like the cow which had eate n his vegetables tha n the other,he beat both of them __ 7 hard.The owner of the cows and cart was drinking coffee in 8 nearby coffee house.Whe n he saw what Nasreddi n was doing to his ani mals,he ran out and shouted, “ What are you doin g?What have those poor ani mals done to you for you to beat them like that? ”“You keep out of this! ” Nasreddin shouted back.the two cows.He knows very well why he ______ 10(C )1.A.save (C )2.A. how (C )3.A.walks (B )4. A.who (A )5.A.so(D )6.A.either(B yi. A.equal(C )8.A.the(D )9.A.am ongB.savingB.whatB.walkedB.thatB.a ndB.bothB.equallyB.a nB.ofC.to saveC.that“This is a matterD.savedD.if9 me and one ofC.was walki ngD.is walkingC.whomC.butC.allC.equalityC.aC.inD./D.orD.n eitherD.un equalD./D.between( C )10.A.beat B.beated C.was beaten D.beaten(十二)There was once a king 1 had a great palace with a won derful garde n」n the garden,there lived all kinds of animals.AII of them enjoyed living there.There was only one thing that the king hated in the garden:an old tree 2 the centre of the garde n.lt was so old and dry.This made the king 3 angry that he fin ally asked somepeople to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool.However,after the tree 4_,the animals left the garden.Without the animals,the garden was not 5 before.The king was sad,but he didn ' t know what had happened.A young manwent to the king,and said he 6 what had happened. “This was because you cut the old tree down,” said the young man. “There were 7 moths(飞蛾)which lived in the tree.Birds needed the moths 8 and then they produced wastes for plants to grow.The plants the n attracted many other ani mals to your garde n.So your garde n became very beautiful.But9 you cut the tree dow n,the ani mals had to leave. ”“Excellent! ” said the king. “ I ' ll make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful aga in. ”“ I ' m afraid 10 will take many years to finish it.To get back the natural balanee will take many years, ” said the young man.The king was sad,but all he could do was just to wait.(C )1.A.whom B.which C.who D.whose(A )2.A .in B. on C.at D.for(C )3.A.such B.such a C.so D.so a(D )4.A.cut dow n B.cutti ng dow n C.is cut dow n D.was cut dow n(C )5.A.as beautiful so B.so beautiful tha n C.so beautiful as D.more beautiful as(B )6.A.ca n expla in B.could expla in C.will expla in D.explai ns(D )7.A.thousa nd B.thousa nd of C.two thousa nds D.thousa nds of(B )8. A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eate n( D )9.A.unless ( A )10.A.it B.thoughB.thisC.soC.thatD.asD.I(十四)(B )8.A .were putt ing B.were putOnce upon a time,there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs( 网)on the walls and mice running aroun d.People 1 comi ng into such a dirty place and thepoor man was Ionely and2 every day.He thought he was unhappy3 poverty( 贫穷).One day,the poor man dropped in on 4 wise old man and asked him for advice about cha nging his life.The old man gave him a vase a nd said,“ This is a magic vase 5 willbring you happ in ess. ”The poor man looked at the vase in surprise.He won dered6 a vase in his poorhouse.However,he didn ' t want to throw away such a beautiful vase,so he brought it homeand put it on the table.“ It ' s not right for something7 beautiful to be empty, ” the poor old man lookedat the vase and thought.Then someflowers 8into it.That madethe vase even 9 . “ Howcan I have the vase next to a spider web? he continued.At this,he started to clean the house and paint the walls.His house turned 10 a comfortable place immediately.The poor man cheered up and he sudde nly realized why he was un happy.From the n on ,he worked hard and his life got better and better.(C )1.A.avoid B.avoids C.avoided D.have avoided (B )2.A.sadly B.sad C.sad nessD.sadder(D )3.A. because B.as C.si nee D.because of(A )4. A.a B.a n C.theD./(B )5. A.whoseB.thatC.whatD.who (C )6. A.why would he n eedC.why he would n eed (D )7.A.very B.such B. why will he n eedD.why he n eeds C. quiteD.soD. had putB. beautifullyC.more beautiful B. into C.onC.have put ( C )9.A.beautiful ( B )10.A.inD.more beautifullyD.around(十五)Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge.No matter4 hun dreds of restaura nts? Well, for me it comes dow n to a perfectbalanee of delicious food, pleasant atmosphere(氛围)and a near perfect location.Before coming to Suzhou, I was warned by my friends from 5 cities in China that the food could be too sweet.For the first few mon ths I 6 to eat in Sichua n or Hunan style restaura nts in stead of eati ng muchlocal food.However, after falli ng in love with the city, I cameto realize 7 the food is so closely connected with its local culture. 8 I asked a local friend to recommendthe best place 9 real local style food.She cameup with the 10 of So ng He Lou.For a first- time visitor, “Song Shu Gui Yu ” and “Xie Fen Tofu ” are excellent choices.Suzhou has now become my home and I have a lifetime to enjoy each and every dish on the menu.C. howC. bestC.am askedD. whereD. the bestD.was asked(C )4.A. between(B )5.A.ano ther(C )6. A.choose (A )7.A.that(D )8.A.Or(B )9.A.tryC.am ongC.the otherC.choseC.howC.YetC.tryi ngD.beyondD.othersD.have chose nD.whatD.SoD.tried(A )10.A.suggestion B.suggest C.suggesting D.suggesti onsgood the food tastes at a chose n restaura nt. one may always wonder, “ Is there anything _____ 2 on the next street? However, I ' ve found the answer to this question.When I 3 to name my favourite place to eat in Suzhou, I will reply right away, “ Song He Lou Restaura nt ” .Why is Song He Lou so special(C )1.A.what(B )2A good(C )3.A. askB.why B.betterB.askedB.agai nstB.other B.will chooseB.ifB.ButB.to try。

广州版初三英语语法选择AA little boy wanted to meet God, so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. 1 his way, he saw an old woman sitting in the park. The boy 2 down next to her. The old lady looked 3 , so he offered her a cake. She accepted it thankfully and smiled at him. Her smile was 4 pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he gave her 5 cake and a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. 6 happy the boy was ! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, 7 they never said a word. As it grew dark, the boy got up 8 . 9 he left, he gave her a hug. And her biggest smile 10 to him, too.When the boy 11 home, his mother saw the look of joy on his face. She asked him, “ 12 made you so happy?” he replied, “I had lunch with God. She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!” The old woman also returned to her home 13 . His son asked, “Mother,why are you so happy?” She answered, “I ate cakes in the park with God. You know, he’s 14 than I expected. I’m looking forward to 15 him again.”1. A. In B. On C. By D. With2. A. was sitting B. sits C. sat D. sit3. A. hungry B. hungrily C. hunger D. hungrier4. A. very B. too C. quite D. so5. A. the other B. another C. other D. others6. A. How B. How a C. What a D. What7. A. and B. so C. but D. or8. A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. leaves9. A. Before B. After C. Until D. Since10. A. gave B. was given C. gives D. give11. A. got to B. got C. reaches D. arrived in12. A. Which B. Where C. What D. Why13. A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiness14. A. more young B. much younger C. more younger D. the youngest15. A. meet B. met C. meeting D. meetsBUmbrellas are common in our daily life. On rainy days, many people hold them to prevent the rain. __1__ it’s not easy to hold an umbrella __2__ there is heavy rain and strong wind. And it’s harder__3__ a phone call or ride a bike with an umbrella in the hand. An American named Alan Kaufman and his companyspent 6 years __4__ a hand-free umbrella. At last, they __5__ it.They called it Nubrella. Just __6__ a button, and the Nubrella __7__ easily. __8__ the help of its “shoulder support”, the umbrella can __9__ on the user’s shoulders. So the user needn’t hold the umbrella any mo re. __10__ can walk with hands free even in the strong wind.__11__ hand-free umbrella is $59.94 each. People all around the world are __12__ with it very much. Having one such smart __13__, they can use their phones to talk and send short messages in rain now. __14__ in the rain under a Nubrella is really cool, isn’t __15__?1. A. And B. But C. However D. So2. A. though B. since C. if D. because3. A. make B. making C. made D. to make4. A. invent B. inventing C. to inventing D. to invent5. A. made B. make C. had made D. are to make6. A. touch B. touches C. touching D. touched7. A. opens B. will open C. is opening D. opened8. A. On B. At C. With D. In9. A. rest B. rested C. resting D. to rest10. A. They B. He C. We D. You11. A. An B. A C. The D. /12. A. please B. pleased C. pleasing D. pleasedly13. A. invention B. inventor C. inventing D. invented14. A. Walked B. Walk C. Walks D. Walking15. A. it B. they C. he D. thatCOverhead bridge can be seen in many parts of Singapore in the place where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is 1 .These bridges can make people 2 roads safely. Overhead bridges __3___ in very much the same way as zebra crossings.They are more efficient (效率高的) , 4 less convenient because people have to climb up ___5___ steps. This is inconvenient(不方便的)to the old. ___6___ people use an overhead bridge, they do not stop traffic. But when 7 cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is 8 the government has built many overhead bridges ___9___ people and keep traffic ___10___ the same time.The government of Singapore has spent a lot of money __11__ these bridges. For their own safety, people should be given hope to use them instead of rushing across the road. Old people may ___12___ it a little difficult to climb up and down the steps, but it is still much 13 than walking across the road with all the moving traffic.Overhead bridges are very useful. People, ___14___ old and young, should always use them. This will stop accidents 15 happening.1. A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. dangerer2. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. to cross3. A. used B. are using C. are used D. have used4. A. if B. or C. though D. till5. A. much B. many C. a lots of D. lot of6. A. when B. unless C. though D. because7. A. we B. she C. he D. they8. A. what B. why C. when D. where9. A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping10. A. move B. to move C. moved D. moving11. A. to build B. building C. build D. built12. A. find B. found C. finding D. to find13. A. safer B. more safer C. safely D. more safely14. A. all B. neither C. both D. either15. A. in B. at C. with D. fromDIn one’s life, one spends the most time ___1___ oneself. But one has the___2___understanding of oneself. When you are___3___, you may be very proud. When you ___4___, you may lose heart. If you don’t get a ___5___ understanding of yourself, you may miss many chances in life.___6___ a fully understanding of yourself is to know well about yourself. You may ___7___ your strong points and weak ___8___. You may hope for a wonderful future, but be sure not to expect too much ___9__ not all dreams can come true. You may be___10___ to meet challenges, but first you should know ___11___.To get a fully understanding of yourself needs self-confidence. Maybe you think you are a tall tree or just small grass, but you can always have your own way of___12___ there.To get a fully understanding of yourself also means taking care of yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place ___13___ you won’t ___14___.No one can tell ___15__ will happen in the future. Get a fully understanding of yourself, and you will get a full control of yourself and find your life full of color.1. A. being B. to be C. been D. be2. A. little B. less C. least D. most3. A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully4. A. fail B. failed C. failing D. will fail5. A. full B. to fill C. fully D. filled6. A. Get B. To get C. Got D. To getting7. A. realize B. realizing C. realized D. to realize8. A. one B. ones C. the ones D. once9. A. so B. but C. and D. because10. A. confident enough B. enough confident C. enough confidently D. confidently enough11. A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. to do how12. A. to be B. being C. is D. are13. A. in order to B. so that C. such that D. for14. A. be hurt B. hurt C. be hurting D. hurting15. A. that B. if C. what D. when。

In2002,Yao Ming decided to enter the NBA draft(NBA选秀)and was drafted to the Houston Rockets in June.He was___1___first international player without US college experience to be the Number One___2___in the NBA draft.He soon grew to be a great player.In December of the same year,he___3___Rookie of the Month.In 2004,Yao scored a career high of forty-one points in one game.In2005,Yao Ming ___4___the most votes in the NBA All-Star voting,___5___broke the record held by Michael Jordan.Despite all Yao Ming’s achievements,he had a___6___start.He had to deal with cultural differences and language difficulties___7___with his teammates.But his personality and hard work helped him to win his teammates’and his fans’respect. He worked___8___and was always trying to improve.The training paid off for ___9___,and for his fans.Although Yao Ming has achieved___10___,he has remained modest(谦虚)and has always valued his team members.After___11___games,he always told the media that his teammates were great and he was proud to be one of the team.Yao Ming is also known___12___his charity work.He founded The Yao Ming Foundation in2008,and he has built five schools in Sichuan and___13___areas.Yao Ming has won the hearts of people all around the world.___14___he decided to retire in2011,Yao Ming will always be thought of as one of the world’s best sports___15___,not only for his basketball skills but also for his spirit.1.A.a B.an C.the D./2.A.choice B.choose C.chosen D.chosed B.was named C.would name D.will be named4.A.get B.getting C.get D.got5.A.which B.that C.who D.what6.A.challenged B.challenging C.more challenged D.most challengingmunicate municated municating D.to communicate8.A.hard B.hardly C.harder D.more hard9.A.he B.his C.him D.himself10.A.lots of B.a lot of C.lot of D.a lot11.A.win B.to win C.winning D.wins12.A.as B.of C.for D.at13.A.another B.other C.others D.the other14.A.Although B.If C.Unless D.While15.A.star B.a star C.the star D.stars第一节语篇填词(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)根据下列短文及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。

题型:语法选择(附答案)语法选择(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35 各题所给的ABCD项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Myfriend,DavidSmith,keptbirds.Onedayhephonedand26 mehewouldbeawayforaweek.Heaskedmetofeedthebird27 himandsaidhewouldleave hiskey inmymailbox.Unfortunately,Ididnotremembertofeedthebirds28 thenightbeforeDavidwasgoingtoreturn.Irushedoutofmyhouse anditwasalreadydarkwhenIarrivedat29house.Isoonfoundthekeyhegavemecouldunlockneitherthefron tdoor 30 thebackdoor!Ikept31 ofwhatDavidwouldsaywhencameback.ThenInoticed32onebedroomwindowwasopen.Ifoundabigto neandpusheditunderthewindow.33 thestonewasveryheavy,Imadealotofnoise.Butintheend, Imanaged toclimbup.IhadoneleginsidethebedroomwhenIsuddenlyrealizedthatso meone34atorch(电筒)upatme.Ilookeddownandsaw35 policemanandanoldlady,oneofDavid’sneighbours.“Whatareyoudoingupthere?”Saidthepoliceman. Feelinglikeafool,Ireplied,“I wasjust going tofeed Mr.Smith’sbirds.”26.A.tell B.tellsC.toldD. hadtold27.A.with B. to C.for D. at28.A. untilB.beforeC.as D.since29.A.her B. his C.their D. our30.A.and B. but C.orD. nor31.A. tothinkB. think C.thinkingD. thought32.A.howB.thatC.what D.why33.A.IfB.BecauseC.When D.Whether34.A. isshinningB.was shone C.shines D. was shining35.A. aB. the C.an D. /第一节语法选择(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性何上下文连贯的要求,从26-35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
专题01 语法选择(名校模拟地区真题)-冲刺中考英语必考题型终极预测(广州专用)

冲刺2023年中考英语必考题型终极预测(广州专用)专题01 语法选择(2022·广东广州·二模)On a Friday evening, Danny turns on his computer, clicks on a video, and starts to experience what he calls “the world of knowledge”. The high schooler is taking ____1____ online course called “Modem Arts” from a website. The website provides ____2____ online courses that are open to everyone.Danny has completed seven courses since he was in ____3____ grade. “Online courses give me a chance to improve my English and get knowledge.” Danny said, “and the best part is, it’s free! ____4____ saves me a lot.”So far, the hope for self-improvement ____5____ many Chinese students to take those chances beyond physical classrooms. With the internet technology developing so ____6____ nowadays, students are becoming much ____7____ in online classrooms.Online courses cover different kinds of subjects, ____8____ arts to science to business. These subjects ____9____ by many top universities around the world, such as Harvard, Yale, Tsinghua University, and the University of London. Students treat online courses as a buffet (自助餐). They are glad that they _____10_____ choose the online materials according to their interests.Matt finished a public speaking course with pleasure last week. He didn’t expect the experience to be so interesting at first, _____11_____ he thought highly of it after trying. According to his words, it was the course’s active learning environment connecting him with other teenagers around the world that kept him _____12_____ back.But there are problems. Many courses require the learners _____13_____ at least once every week. These courses require hard work. “Choose _____14_____ fits you and stick with it,” suggested a middle school student in Shanghai, _____15_____ has just completed the course “How to Apply for American High Schools” online. “Both interest and efforts are important for the success of online learning.” he said. 1.A./B.the C.an D.a2.A.many B.much C.little D.a little3.A.ninth B.the nine C.nine D.the ninth4.A.That B.These C.Those D.This5.A.is leading B.has led C.led D.leads6.A.quickly B.quick C.more quickly D.most quickly 7.A.active B.more active C.most active D.actively8.A.like B.to C.from D.too9.A.are offered B.offered C.offers D.offer10.A.should B.can C.must D.had better11.A.as B.so C.but D.however12.A.came B.come C.to come D.coming13.A.study B.to study C.studying D.studied14.A.whether B.what C.that D.if15.A.why B.who C.which D.what(2022·广东·广州市海珠区珠江中学三模)Madelenie King, an Australian student studying at Communication University of China, had his ___16___ birthday last month with his host family. For him, living in ___17___ foreign land makes him enjoy varied special experiences. To ___18___ surprise, Chinese people love vegetables very much.Although many vegetables in China are not new to Madelenie, the way they cooked is much ___19___. For example, Madelenie has eaten tomatoes before.___20___, as soon as he tries the Chinese-style dish, he feels ___21___ he is eating a new type of vegetable. Madelenie thinks his Chinese grandma makes delicious dish in the world, because she always puts some magical sauce when she ___22___ food. So far, he has learnt ___23___ cook some special dishes from his grandma.Besides ___24___, growing vegetables is one of Chinese favorite ____25____ in their free time. They like growing vegetables so ____26____ that they grow vegetables on the farmland and in their greenhouses. Madelenie also started to grow vegetables last year, including carrots and beans. “When working ____27____ the farm, I am in my own little world,” Madelenie said to the reporter ____28____. “And I can forget about the world’s problems for a brief period.”Madelenie plans to tell his friends ____29____ he experienced in China by making videos. He hopes more people can ____30____ him and enjoy planting.16.A.twenty B.twenties C.the twentieth D.twentieth17.A.a B.an C.the D./18.A.he B.his C.him D.he’s19.A.more different B.different C.differently D.more differently 20.A.Anyway B.What’s more C.However D.Although21.A.what B.why C.which D./22.A.prepare B.prepared C.is preparing D.has prepared23.A.how she B.what she C.how to D.what to24.A.cooks B.cook C.cooker D.cooking25.A.activity B.activities C.act D.actor26.A.little B.much C.many D.few27.A.in B.at C.on D.by28.A.serious B.seriously C.seriousness D.more serious29.A.who B.whose C.that D.what30.A.attend B.take part in C.join D.join in(2022·广东·广州实验中学二模)My grandfather is 72 and last month my grandmother celebrated her 70th birthday. I first noticed that they were having trouble ____31____ things when I went to their flat for dinner. My grandmother forgot a fish was in the oven and burnt ____32____. Everyone forgets things ____33____ sometimes, so I did not think much about it.____34____ time we arranged to go out for dinner together. My grandfather ____35____ to meet us at the train station. My grandparents were not there when we arrived. My mother phoned them and my grandfather said they were at home waiting for us. They knew we were having ____36____ dinner together but they forgot about the meeting place. It turned out that they kept forgetting simple things. I then started thinking about ____37____ I can do to help my grandparents improve their memory.____38____ my memory is good, I still make a list of things I need to bring to school the next day before I go to bed. It is a good habit to prevent me from forgetting ____39____. I told my grandparents to write more things down and share information with each other. By doing these things, my grandparents _____40_____ help each other remember things.I talked with the school nurse _____41_____ often offered me great help. She told me that eating fruitand fish can improve memory. She also said that drinking water helps concentration (专心) and that can also make it much _____42_____ to remember things. I wrote some advice on a piece of paper _____43_____ I gave it to my grandparents.I also did some Internet research _____44_____ improving memory. I found out that staying mentally and physically active is another good way to improve memory. When I learned that they used to go dancing, I helped them find a dancing club nearby so they could have more physical exercise.Since my grandparents began following my suggestions, their memory has _____45_____ a lot. 31.A.remember B.remembering C.remembered D.to remember32.A.it B.them C.her D.him33.A.easy B.easier C.easily D.easiness34.A.Other B.The other C.Another D.Others35.A.tell B.told C.is told D.was told36.A.a B.an C.the D./37.A.which B.how C.what D.that38.A.Although B.If C.When D.Because 39.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing40.A.can B.must C.should D.need41.A.which B.who C.why D.what42.A.easy B.easily C.easier D.easiest43.A.and B.or C.however D.so44.A.with B.as C.to D.on45.A.improves B.improved C.is improving D.was improved(2022·广东·广州市增城区第二中学二模)With a determined look on his face, Chicago’s Michael McCarthy held on to the banister (扶手) and ___46___ to the top of the Willis Tower not long ago. The Tower stands 1,451 feet (442 meters) tall, the highest building in the US.As he got to the last step, McCarthy ___47___ fell down, but that didn’t stop him. The ___48___ boy finally finished climbing the 2,109 steps and arrived at the top, where he enjoyed cheers from many people.“I just want to show people that ___49___ a kid with no legs can do it, anyone can do it,” McCarthysaid.McCarthy, ___50___ was born without legs, has to wear prosthetic legs (假肢) and use a stick ___51___. But McCarthy has a strong heart. He believes having a disability should not stop anyone ___52___ achieving his or her success.He has been in a special school since he was four. When he decided to climb the Willis Tower, his teacher, Jeff Kohn, ___53___ by his determination and offered to help train him. They spent more than ten hours ___54___ climbing stairs and keeping balance with ____55____ prosthetics and sticks on the steps every day. “It seems that he never knows ____56____ difficult it is. Sometimes I was so tired that I asked him to rest for a day,” said Kohn. “____57____ he said he was still full of energy and wanted ____58____ day of exercise.”Kohn always walked with McCarthy for the climb. “I saw he went even faster in the last 10 floors.” said Kohn. “He is ____59____ sportsman I’ve ever seen.”McCarthy said he was proud of ____60____ and that the tower now holds a special meaning. “When I’m older, I’ll point to the building and say ‘Look at this building’.” he said.46.A.climbs B.climbed C.was climbing D.climb47.A.near B.nearby C.nearly D.nearer48.A.14 years old B.14-years-old C.14 year old D.14-year-old49.A.if B.unless C.until D.although50.A.which B.who C.what D.whose51.A.to walk B.walks C.walk D.walking52.A.of B.for C.in D.from53.A.is moving B.was moving C.is moved D.was moved 54.A.practise B.to practise C.practising D.practised55.A.a B.an C.the D./56.A.that B.how C.when D.what57.A.because B.so C.but D.and58.A.another B.others C.other D.the other59.A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest60.A.him B.he C.his D.himself(2022·广东·广州市越秀区育才实验学校二模)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C、D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

广州初中语法选择训练2011年Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks. He was always telling Harry __26_ a new clock.But Harry, __27__ lived next door to Jack, said he didn’t need one.“__28__ needs a clock,” Jack said. “How do you know when it’s time to get up?”“My landlord Mr. Smith turns on his radio at seven o’clock and listens __29_ the news,” Harry said. “That’s my morning call.”“Ok. But how do you know when to go to work?”“By the time I __30__ my breakfast, it’s eight o’clock, time to leave for the office. Then I walk there. When I arrive at my office, it’s nine o’clock. That’s __31__ time I start work.”“OK. But how do you know when it’s time to go home?”“The factory bell__32__,” Harry told him.“But how do you know when it’s time to go to bed?”“The television programs come to end.”By now Jack was really__33__. “OK,” he shouted. “Now tell me what would happen __34__ you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time.”“That’s easy,” Harry said, “I would knock heavily on __35__ wall. Then you would shout at me, ‘What are you doing knocking on my wall at three o’clock in the morning?’”26. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy27. A. which B. whose C. that D. who28. A. No one B. Neither one C. Everyone D. Someone29. A. at B. to C. in D. on30. A. eats B. have eaten C. ate D. was eating31. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填32. A. ring B. rings C. was rung D. ringing33. A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering34. A. if B. that C. why D. how35. A. his B. their C. her D. your语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)People all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day.However,the holiday 26 differently in different countries 27 each culture has its own Valentine’s Day customs.For example,people in the United States and Japan both celebrate Valentine’s Day 28February 14.But in Japan,only romantic partners come together,while in America,it can be shared by anyone 29 is close,friend or lover.Chocolate is the most preferred gift in the US 30 it is common in Japan,too.However,in the US other kinds of gifts are 3 1 given,and many people exchange cards.The biggest 32 is that in Japan,only girls and women.33 chocolates to boys and men,but in the US boys and girls will give cards or small gifts to all of 34 friends.And while American men and women both receive gifts,women usually get 35 expensive gifts than men.That’s why I would like to be a man in Japan but a woman in the US!26.A.celebrates B.is celebrating C.celebrated D.is celebrated 27.A.although B.where C.because D.if 28.A.on B.in C.at D.by 29.A.whom B.who C.whose D.which 30.A.so B.as C.and D.or 31.A.too B.either C.neither D.also 32.A.difference B.differences C.different D.differently 33.A.give B.to give C.giving D.given 34.A.theirs B.they C.them D.their 35.A.many B.more C.few D.fewerIt’s very important that we all recycle (再利用). In nature, everything ___26___ again. For example, when an animal dies, it becomes ___27____ animal’s food. Nothing is wasted. But humans have created things like plastic bags ___28___ can’t be broken down by nature. Our rubbish kills animals and __29___ water and soil. ___30___ we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. If nature can’t reuse the rubbish, we must recycle __31__.We should clean up the rubbish we’ve made because nature can’t.Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason. The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees, __32 __ these materials are not endless. We use up our natural materials much _ _33 __ than the earth is able to reproduce them. For example, each year we cut __34 __ more that 6,000 square miles of forest. But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree __35__.Recycling can help us save the earth, so let’s take action right now.26. A. use B. using C. is used D. used27. A. another B. other C. others D. the other28. A. who B. which C. how D. where29. A. pollutes B. polluted C. polluting D. is polluted30. A. When B. Whether C. Why D. If31. A. then B. their C. it D. itself32. A. but B. so C. and D. or33. A. fastly B. fast C. faster D. fastest34. A. out B. down C. in D. up35. A. grows B. for growing C. growing D. to grow第二节语法选择(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)As two women walked into a New Jersey hospital, they laughed. It showed the love that hadheld them together __26____ forty years as best friends. Although they were laughing, one of these ladies would soon put her life in danger __27___ her best friend.Patty Hurley and Eileen Riley met at high school and have been close friends ever since. But when Eileen, __28____ nurse, became ill with kidney (肾) disease, she didn’t go running to her friend—Patty came to help her, after __29____ Eileen was sick “My kidneys are failing,” Eileen explained.“Can I give you one of mine?” __30___ the immediate reply.The offer was so simple __31____ Eileen thought she had heard wrong. But Patty repeated she was willing to help, and their journey to the operating table began.Eileen always knew that her friend would help. She said __32____ , “When Patty makes a promise, she keeps __33____ .”The operation went ahead in May, and both women are now very healthy and ___34___ than ever.“There are no words to describe __35____ amazing this woman is,” Eileen said afterwards.“She gave me my life.”26. A. in B. for C. since D. with27. A. save B. saved C. saves D. to save28. A. a B. an C. the D. /29. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear30. A. came B. comes C. come D. coming31. A. as B. which C. that D. until32. A. simple B. simply C. simpler D. simplest33. A. it B. them C. its D. ones34. A. closest B. most close C. closer D. closely35. A. so B. why C. what D. how2015Once, a king loved music so much that he searched the world for the best instrument. One day, a magic man 11 the king a harp(竖琴).The king took it to the palace, but 12 he played it, the harp sounded terrible. Many 13 people tried it. They agreed that the harp was 14 and the king had been fooled. The harp was thrown out as rubbish.A poor little girl 15 found the harp, and even though she didn't know how16 it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, the whole day through, for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect, 17 each time it sounded a little better.Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was in fact 18 magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort.The king heard the music from his window, and called the girl to the palace. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp, he was filled 19 joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private 20 , giving her and her family many riches.11. A.offer B.offers C.offered D.has offered12. A.when B.before C.if D.because13. A.another B.other C.others D.the other14. ed ing eless elessness15. te tely test ter16. A.played B.to play C.playing D.to playing17. A.so B.and C.or D.but18. A.a B.an C.the D./19. A.in B.of C.by D.with20. A.music B.musical C.musician D.musically 2011:26-30 ADCBB 31-35 CBCAD2012:DCABC DAADB2013:CABAD CACBD2014:26-30 BDACA 31-35 CBACD2015 :11-15. CABCD16-20 B D D C。

1.(广西中考)-Excuse me, could you tell me ?- Sure.At 7 o'clock in the evening.A.when the concert will startB.where we can buy concert ticketsC.who will sing songs at the concert2.(福建中考)- Would you please tell me ?-Of course.By keeping a diary every day.A.why you want to study EnglishB.who you often speak English withC.how you improve your English writing3.(郴州中考)Tea is the leaf of a plant grows widely in China, Japan and other countries.A.whatB.whoC.that4.(天津中考)My cousin became a country doctor he finished medical school.A.afterB.so thatC.butD.so5.(岳阳中考) he is 72 years old, he keeps running every day.A.Although; butB.Although; /C.But;/6.(龙东地区中考)The doctors were busy they had no time to rest.A.such; thatB.so; thatC.too; to7.(齐齐哈尔中考)Your parents won't let you go out alone they are sure you're safe.A.sinceB.ifC.unless8.(滨州中考)In my opinion, of all the books, this is the only one is well worth reading.A.whoB.thatC.whomD.what二、句型转换。
01 语法选择(含答案解析)广东中考英语复习指导

语法选择中常考的句子成分:谓语(表示做动作的词)、宾语(动作的承受者)、定语(修饰性质的词)、状语(时间、61.A2.A3.A4.A5.A.How B.What C.What an6.A.a B.an C.the7.A.or B.but C.and8.A.why B.when C.where9.A.leave B.leaving C.to leave10.A.study B.is studying C.was studying(2)Once Patrick was passing through a village. One of his childhood friends used to live there. He decided to visit his friend. When he arrived at the house, he saw that his friend was living a 1 life with his two brothers. As they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, his friend asked him 2 for a night. In the evening, Patrick noticed that the friend’s brothers went to the backyard, picked legumes (豆荚) from a tree and left. His friend explained that they were going to sell the beans and the tree was the only source (来源) of their money.At night, Patrick 3 sleep. He wondered how he could help his friend. Then 4 idea came to his mind. When 5 was asleep, he got up and cut down the tree. After that 6 he ran away overnight. In the morning, when the friend and his brothers woke up to see this, they were all angry 7 him.Three years later, Patrick passed through the same village and 8 a visit to his friend’s house. 9 to his surprise, this time, it had turned into a big house. The friend and his brothers invited Patrick inside and said, “At first we were very angry. But now we understand 10 you did that. As long as we live with the support, we couldn’t have progressed.”1.A.poor B.poorer C.poorest2.A.stay B.to stay C.staying3.A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t4.A.a B.an C.the5.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone6.A.did B.was done C.has done7.A.with B.for C.over8.A.pay B.pays C.paid9.A.And B.Or C.But10.A.why B.how C.what(3)We may learn something from the story when we face some difficulties.When Sam’s father died, he left Sam 1 beautiful forest manor (庄园). 2 , a lightening strike (雷击) destroyed it. Watching the beautiful green trees turned into ash (灰烬) overnight, Sam 3 very upset.To bring back the forest manor’s beauty, Sam tried to borrow money 4 a bank.However, the bank didn’t believe 5 he would pay it back. Then he felt too frustrated to eat or drink. So he hid in his room for days. His wife was 6 about him and suggested he should take a break outside.Sam went for a walk. 7 he turned the first corner, he saw a store with a huge crowd. There were some housewives waiting in line 8 charcoal (木炭) for winter heating.Then Sam’s eyes lit up. He ran home and processed the forest’s burnt trees into charcoal with some workers. As soon as his charcoal went on the market, it 9 out quickly. Soon, he sold over 2,000 boxes of charcoal. Later, he sold 10 1,000 boxes and made much money.The following spring, he used the money to buy a number of seedlings. After a few years, his forest manor came to life again.1.A.a B.an C.the2.A.Unluck B.Unlucky C.Unluckily3.A.feel B.feels C.felt4.A.by B.from C.on5.A.what B.that C.who6.A.worry B.worries C.worried7.A.When B.Unless C.If8.A.buy B.to buy C.buying9.A.sold B.will sell C.was sold10.A.another B.other C.others(4)Wang Yiyi is an excellent Beijing Opera (京剧) artist. She was born and raised 1 village in Hebei province. She loved singing and dancing 2 she was a little girl. She was her music 3 favorite student. One day, the teacher told her 4 a test. If she passed the test, she could enter a Beijing Opera school.Wang Yiyi passed the test 5 and became a student of that school. She worked 6 . Students in the school 7 to get up at 6:45 a.m. to practice their basic skills. But she got up at 6:00 in the morning. And she was always the last one to go to bed. Sometimes she was tired that she felt like crying, she would find 8 quiet place and cried aloud. She 9 herself that she still had a long way to go and that she should keep practicing…Years went by. Finally, 10 hard work paid off. She got into her life as a Beijing Opera actress.1.A.in B.for C.with2.A.if B.when C.because3.A.teacher B.teachers C.teacher’s4.A.take B.to take C.taking5.A.success B.successful C.successfully6.A.hard B.harder C.the hardest7.A.ask B.asked C.were asked8.A.a B.an C.the9.A.tell B.tells C.told10.A.she B.her C.hers(5)The United Nations announced on April 19, 2023 that India is going to become the most populous (人口稠密的) country in the world by 1 end of June. In 2022, India had 2 than 1.412 billion people, which is very close to China’s population of 1.426billion people. India’s population 3 to grow to almost 1.43 billion by the middle of the year, going beyond China’s.This big population can be both good and bad for India. It’s good 4 more people can work and help the economy (经济) grow. Companies 5 other countries and areas might also want to invest (投资) in India, the Associated Press noted. But having so many people also has 6 . There might not be enough food, health care and 7 for everyone. It can be hard to find jobs because there are too many people 8 work, CNN reported.However, India still has many chances for 9 growth. Many manufacturing (制造业) companies 10 factories in India. And India may become the worlds third-biggest economy by 2027, according to Morgan Stanley, the investment bank.1.A.a B.an C.the2.A.much B.more C.most3.A.expects B.expected C.is expected4.A.so B.but C.because5.A.from B.behind C.into6.A.challenge B.challenges C.challenge’s7.A.educate B.education C.educational8.A.look for B.to look for C.looking for9.A.it B.its C.itself0.A.are setting up B.had set up C.would set up(6), theshow inshowA1.A2.A3.A4.A5.A6.A.successfully B.successful C.success7.A.will take B.have taken C.were taking8.A.remember B.to remember C.remembering9.A.today’s B.today C.todays’10.A.himself B.him C.his(7)Chinese kung fu is known as Chinese martial arts (武术). It is 1 important part of traditional Chinese culture. And it is probably one of 2 sports with a long history.Chinese kung fu dates back to the ancient society. At that time, people used sticks 3 against wild animals. Gradually, they learned to protect 4 . During the Shang Dynasty, soldiers 5 in the form of kung fu. So far, the term “kung fu” 6 a number of fighting styles. The most famous ones are tai chi, Shaolin kung fu and qigong.7 it is about fighting, Chinese kung fu stands for peace instead of violence (暴力). It has to do with exercise, self- protection and fitness. Nowadays, kung fu is getting much more popular 8 people and even becomes a symbol of Chinese culture. This traditional sport has really had much influence on Chinese people’s lifestyle.The most famous kung fu star is certainly Bruce Lee! He performed 9 in Chinese kung fu and made it known throughout the world. 10 successful man he is! What’s more, his skills have been kept alive by actors like Jet Li and Jackie Chan.1.A.a B.an C.the2.A.old B.older C.the oldest3.A.to fight B.fighting C.fought4.A.them B.themselves C.their5.A.trained B.are trained C.were trained6.A.has covered B.covered C.is covering7.A.Because B.Unless C.Although8.A.for B.among C.on9.A.excellent B.excellently C.excellence10.A.What an B.How C.What a(8)Little George lived in a poor village with his mother. One summer day, he 1 to pick up some dry wood for the fire by his mother.George looked for it very hard. By noon, he felt very hot and hoped 2 a cool place to rest and have some food. As he walked along, he found some shade(阴凉处) and some fine, wild strawberries next to it.He picked up all the strawberries 3 . As he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth, he remembered his sick mother. He wanted to save some for her, because he knew 4 sheloved strawberries so much.“I will eat half, and save the other half for her,” he thought. Then he divided them into two 5 . However, each half looked so 6 . He put them together again.“I will only eat one,” he thought. However, as he again lifted one to his mouth, he saw that he had taken 7 finest one, and he put it back.He felt happy that he had saved all the strawberries for his mother. 8 he came home, he heard his mother calling him in a weak voice. George ran to 9 mother and happily offered the wild strawberries to her.“You saved them for me, didn’t you?” said she, with tears of joy 10 her eyes.Could eating the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at this moment? 1.A.asked B.was asked C.is asked2.A.to find B.finding C.found3.A.happy B.happily C.happiness4.A.if B.what C.that5.A.half B.halves C.half’s6.A.small B.smaller C.smallest7.A.a B.an C.the8.A.Although B.When C.Because9.A.he B.him C.his10.A.to B.on C.in(9)The 2022 London Book Fair was held at the Olympia London from April 5th to 7th. Chinese writer Xuemo’s works were exhibited at 1 Book Fair.The London Book Fair is one of 2 publishing(出版) events and a global party for story creators. In 2022, it attracted thousands of people from more than 115 3 .With China’s international influence, many people hope 4 about China’s past and present from the Chinese stories. The exhibition of Chinese writer Xuemo’s works is to tell 5 well, and to convey(传递) Chinese voice on the international stage of the London Book Fair.Xuemo, the pen name of Chen Kaihong, 6 many good works since 1988. His works, such as Desert Rites, Desert Hunters7 White Tiger Pass have covered the topics of women, love, freedom, life and death. In 2015, he 8 one of China’s Ten Persons the Year.The mysterious western Chinese culture 9 Xuemo’s works has drawn the attention of excellent translators from all over the world. And Xuemo has 10 built a connection on translation with them. And so far, Xuemo’s works have been translated into more than 20 foreign languages.1.A.the B.a C.an2.A.big B.bigger C.the biggest3.A.country B.countries C.countries’4.A.know B.knowing C.to know5.A.they B.them C.theirs6.A.created B.has created C.is creating7.A.and B.but C.or8.A.named B.is named C.was named9.A.in B.on C.for10.A.success B.successful C.successfully答案详解:(1)1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 【导语】本文讲述了15岁男孩大卫对太空营以及空间科学的热爱。

广东省广州市2023年中考英语真题姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A ,B ,C 和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It was a beautiful spring day in a forest in ancient China. High up in a tree, a mother bird was watching 1. six baby birds come out of the eggs lovingly. Five of them were strong. They chirped loudly. But 2. last one that came out was not strong at all. This little one 3. Little Six. He was weak and quiet. He was not fast enough 4. the worms (虫子) Mama Bird brought back. Little Six ate 5. food, so he was always hungry. And he didn't like that.Little Six didn't have a strong body. 6. he had a strong will. He decided 7. he would get stronger. He would do exercises and flap (拍动) his wings every day.Every morning, Little Six would rise 8. the sun even came up. When his brothers and sisters woke, Little Six had already finished all his exercises. Morning after morning, he practiced 9. his wings, and they were getting stronger and stronger. He always got the first worms Mama brought back home.All through the spring. Little Six woke up 10. than his brothers and sisters. Week after week, he worked harder than they did. He 11. eat big meals and did not go hungry any more.After a couple of months, all the baby birds had grown well. Mama Bird brought them together and 12. them to fly. 13. everyone's surprise, Little Six was the first to start flying!"Chirp! Chirp! 14. at me!" Little Six cried 15. while his brothers and sisters still fought hard, trying to fly up.1.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself2.A.a B.an C.the D./3.A.called B.was calling C.was called D.were called 4.A.get B.got C.getting D.to get5.A.little B.few C.much D.many6.A.and B.but C.because D.so7.A.what B.why C.when D.that 8.A.before B.after C.until D.if9.A.flap B.to flap C.flapping D.flapped 10.A.early B.earlier C.earliest D.the earliest 11.A.could B.might C.should D.must 12.A.teach B.teaches C.taught D.will teach 13.A.In B.To C.For D.At14.A.Look B.Looks C.To look D.Looking 15.A.happy B.happier C.happiness D.happily10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~25各题所给的A,B,C和D项中选出最佳选项。

2025年广东省中考英语【语法选择】专项训练(较难篇)第(一)篇Once, there was a small town. And there was a cave near the town. People called it the “Cave of Fear”. Many people explored into the cave but no one ___1___ from there. So people lived ___ 2___ terror. They were afraid ___3___ the monster would leave the cave one day. Since then, no one went to the cave any more.Many years later, a young man came to the town one day. He heard ___4___ the situation of the cave, he decided to enter the cave and meet the monster. The young man wanted ___5___ person to go with him, but everyone was so afraid that no a single person got near the mouth of the cave with him.The young man never gave up. He went inside the cave alone. Suddenly, he felt something hit him hard on ___6___ back. This pushed him forward towards a hole in the rock. He couldn’t avoid it ___7___fell through. He thought he was about to die.However, as he fell, he heard music and voices. They got clearer when he reached ___8___ to the bottom of the cave. He heard ___9___ people shout, “Surprise!”It was a big party! The party goers were all those people who had never returned to the town. They explained to him that this place had been the idea of an old mayor of the town. That mayor had tried to do some great things, but was always held back by the ___10___ of the people around him. So he created the story of the monster. He wanted to tell people that fear would stop your way to exploration.()1.A. return B. returned C. has returned()2. A. in B. on C. without()3.A. that B. where C. how()4. A. from B. about C. on()5. A. another B. other C. others()6. A. the B. a C. an()7.A. and B. then C. but()8. A. closer B. close C. closest()9.A. much B. more C. many()10. A. fear B. fears C. fearingLast year, around Labor Day(劳动节), I read ___1___ "Happy Ad" in our local newspaper. There was a lady in a local nursing home, who was celebrating her ___2___ birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it. It said that ___3___ you wanted to drop her a line, here was her address. ___4___. I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note, wishing her a happy birthday.A week or so later, someone knocked at my front door. I opened the door and found a middle-aged man __5___ on my doorstep. He introduced himself as the son of this woman ___6___ I had sent the card . He explained that he just wanted to drop___7___ in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom. Apparently(明显地), like many other old men or women, she did not receive much mail and was quite ___8___ to receive mine. I just didn't know what to say. I told him it was my pleasure ___9___ that I hoped his mom had enjoyed birthday.That year, I did not send out any Christmas cards, except to this lovely old lady in the nursing home. I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday. I sent her a Valentine card and also a couple of notes in between. I ___10___ thought she might like to have someone write to her and get some mail.She passed away a couple of months ago. I never met this lady, but I did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy. I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.( )1. A. a B. the C. an( )2. A. 90 B. the 90th C. 90th( )3. A. if B. because C. unless( )4. A. So I did B. So did I C. Neither did I( )5. A. stand B. to stand C. standing( )6. A. to whom B. whom C. who( )7. A. to B.by C. in( )8. A. exciting B. excited C. more exiting( )9. A. and B. then C. or( )10. A. even B. almost C. justA pet shop owner got some new baby dogs and was ready to sell them to their “forever” families. A young girl walked by the shop and noticed a sign ___1___ “Baby Dogs for Sale” and was very curious(好奇) to have a look inside. She asked the owner, “How much do the baby dogs cost?” The owner replied, “They are all around $50.”The girl emptied her pocket and told the owner that she only had about $2, but she still wanted to look into them.The shop owner whistled for the dogs, who came running down the second floor of his shop. Five tiny dogs, followed by one, walking slowly ___2___ the rest. The girl immediately pointed out the lagging(瘸的) baby dog and asked the owner what was wrong with him. The owner explained, “the baby dog was born ___3___ disabled —missing a bone when he came to the world, he ___4___ with disability for the rest of his life. ”But the girl got excited, saying, “I want that bab y dog!”The owner replied, “You don’t want to buy that baby dog. If you really want him, you can have him for free.” The girl became ___5___ . She looked at the owner and s ai d, “I don’t want to have him for free. That baby dog is worth just as ___6___ as t he others. I’ll give you ___7___ money I have now and a dollar every month ___8___ I have paid for the baby dog completely.” The own continued, “This dog is never going to be able to run and play like all the other dogs. I think you’re going to regret(后悔) this decision.”To his ___9___, the girl showed the owner her leg that ___10___by a metal brace(金属支架). She softly replied, “Well, I can’t be a runner, and this tiny dog needs someone who understands him.”()1. A. saying B. says C. said()2. A. under B. before C. behind()3. A. in B. with C. on()4. A. lived B. has lived C. will live()5. A. unhappy B. happy C. happily()6. A. much B. many C. more()7. A. a B. an C. the()8. A. if B. until C. since()9. A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising()10. A. support B. was supported C. supportsOnce upon a time,there was a king who loved music so much. He spent plenty of time and money searching different places of the world for the best instrument. One day,a magic man 1 the king a harp (琴). The king took it to the palace,but 2he played it,the harp sounded terrible.Many 3people tried it. They agreed that the harp was 4and the king had been fooled. The harp was thrown out as rubbish.A poor little girl 5found the harp,and even though she didn't know how 6it,she decided to have a try. She played and played,the whole day through,for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect,7each time it sounded a little better.Then one day,suddenly,the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was in fact 8 magic harp,and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort.The king heard the music from his window,and called the girl to the palace. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp,he was filled 9joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private 10,giving her and her family many riches.()1. A. offer B. offers C. offered()2. A. when B. before C. if()3. A. another B. other C. others()4. A. used B. using C. useless()5. A. late B. lately C. later()6. A. played B.to play C. playing()7. A. so B. and C. but()8. A. a B.an C. the()9. A. in B. of C. by()10. A. music B. musical C. musician【参考答案】第一篇:1-5.BAABA 6-10.AAACB 第二篇:1-5.ACABC 6-10.ABBAC 第三篇:1-5.ACBCA 6-10.ACBBB 第四篇:1-5.CABCC 6-10.BCACC。


2020年广州中考英语“语法选择”专项训练阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15 各题所给的A、B、C 和D 项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)专项训练(一)Have you ever felt uncomfortable? Many of __1___ feel uneasy when someone stands too close __2__ us, talks to us too __3__ or makes eye contact with us for too long. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable?It’s all about personal peace, which means not only __4__ imaginary space around the body, but also the space around all the __5__. People feel that their space is being violated(侵犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel __6___.__7__ people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space or not in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire(渴望) to have space to __8__. In a survey by Trip Advisor, a travel website, people said that if they __9__ pay more for some extra service, they would rather have larger seats than extra food.Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers __10__their faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers.Go and watch a library table. You will notice __11__ one of the corner seats will usually _12__first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits __13__ you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.Preference(偏好) for personal space are different from culture to culture. Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from __14__ cultures. In Latin(拉丁人的) cultures, __15__, people are more comfortable standing near each other.1. A. we B. us C. our D. ours2. A. with B. in C. to D. at3. A. loudness B. louder C. loudly D. loudest4. A. a B. an C. the D. /5. A. sense B. senses C. sensing D. sensings6. A. anger B. angry C. angers D. angrily7. A. Whether B. What C. That D. Which8. A. them B. their C. themselves D. they9. A. has to B. have to C. had to D. having to10. A. in the front B. in front C. in the front of D. in front of11. A. that B. what C. where D. if。
【必考题型精练】专题02 语法选择-中考英语复习(广东专用)

专题02 语法选择(2022·广东茂名·模拟预测)The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games ended about three months ago. During the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, a girl called Gu Ailing caught people’s eyes because she won her first Olympic gold medal ____1____ February 8th, 2022. Now Gu has become one of ____2____ sports stars all over the world.Born to an American father and a Chinese mother, Gu, 18, is a freestyle skier(自由式滑雪运动员). Her mother is a woman ____3____ went to America for further education in her twenties. Gu ____4____ by her mother to compete for China in the 2022 Winter Olympics in June 2019. Just two months later, she won her first gold medal for China at the Australia New Zealand Cup. So far, Gu ____5____ many medals, including two Olympic gold medals.People say she is talented but Gu says that talent counted for(占据) only 1% of her wins. She says she tries ____6____ best to train and study. While going to school in San Francisco before the Olympic Games, Gu ____7____ only practices skiing on weekends. It took her eight hours ____8____ to the ski hill and back. She planned her time ____9____. She did her homework on the way and made full of her time at the hill to practice skiing. ____10____ excellent girl she is! 1.A.on B.in C.at D.of 2.A.famous B.more famous C.most famous D.the most famous 3.A.who B.whom C.which D.whose 4.A.encourage B.is encouraged C.encouraged D.was encouraged 5.A.wins B.won C.is winning D.has won 6.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 7.A.could B.should C.might D.will8.A.to go B.goes C.going D.gone9.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless 10.A.What a B.What an C.How D.How a(2022·广东东莞·模拟预测)Aaron had just moved to a big city to start a new job. The crowds, the noise, his heavy work…it all weighed on him until he felt like giving up. He found no joy in ___11___—life just hurt.But one day, as Aaron was ___12___ his way to work, he saw a homeless man on the street. He stopped and had a short chat with him. All of a sudden, he ___13___ up about his life and complained (抱怨)about the difficulties he was facing. ___14___ man patiently listened the whole time. Then a question ___15___ by Aaron.“I’m sorry, but I was wondering ___16___ you ended up homeless,” Aaron asked.“I was in a war. I saw many of my ___17___ die. I hurt badly and couldn’t find a job when I came home. While I was gone, my wife decided ___18___ me. I lost everything. Life hurt so much,”the man said. “But I’m thankful for every single day that I’m alive. ___19___ life hurts, it is worth living.”Aaron came to his senses. Compared to losing one’s friends in a war and becoming disabled, his own problems seemed _____20_____ to deal with. If this man could still see the bright side of life after all he’d been through, then maybe he could too.11.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 12.A.on B.in C.at D.to13.A.open B.opens C.opened D.was opening 14.A.The B.An C.A D./15.A.was raising B.was raised C.is raised D.raised 16.A.where B.when C.what D.why 17.A.friend B.friends C.friend’s D.friends’18.A.left B.leave C.leaving D.to leave 19.A.Because B.Though C.Until D.Unless 20.A.difficult B.most difficult C.more difficult D.less difficult(2022·广东·二模)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

2020年广东省中考英语新题型专项训练语法选择(一)Xian Xinghai was a very famous musician in China.He wrote one of the greatest pieces of music of the 20th century.In his short life he wrote 1 300 songs and an opera.Xian was born in Panyu, Guangdong, China in 1905.Because his father died before he was born, Xian moved from place to place with 2 mother.He began learning to play the violin when he was 20 years old.In the beginning, his violin was so cheap and badly made that he 3 not play it well.His friends laughed at him.Xian did not stop practising and soon showed his talent.In 1934, he was one of the first Chinese students 4 studied in a special music school in Paris.Before he 5 , Xian became the school’s best student and won several prizes for his talents.In 1935, he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan’an 6 music at a college. 7 there were no pianos in Yan’an at that time, Xian still wrote some of his most important music there, including The Yellow River, his most famous work.In May 1940, Xian 8 to the Soviet Union by the Chinese Communist Party to write music for movies.In the Soviet Union, life was very 9 .Xian got sick and later died of a lung illness 10 October 30, 1945, aged only 40.Xian’s music, however, lives on in people’s hearts.( B )1.A.near B.nearly C.nearby D.nearer( C )2.A.he B.him C.his D.he’s( D )3.A.need B.may C.should D.could( D )4.A.what B.which C.whom D.who( C )5.A.leave B.leaves C.left D.was leaving( D )6.A.teach B.taught C.teaching D.to teach( B )7.A.If B.Although C.When D.Because( B )8.A.sent B.was sent C.has sent D.was sending ( A )9.A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.the hardest ( C )10.A.at B.in C.on D.byIn much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea, 1 Vietnam, food is usually eaten with chopsticks.Chopsticks are usually two long, thin pieces of wood or bamboo.They 2 also be made of plastic, animal bone or metal.Sometimes chopsticks are quite artistic.Truly elegant chopsticks might be made of gold and silver with Chinese characters. 3 workers also combine(组合) various hardwoods and metal 4 special designs.The Chinese 5 chopsticks for five thousand years.People probably cooked their food in large pots, using twigs(树枝) to remove it.Over time, 6 the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which gradually turned into chopsticks.Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, 7 lived from roughly 551 to 497 B.C., influenced the 8 of chopsticks.Confucius believed knives would remind people of killing and 9 too violent for use at the table.Chopsticks are not used 10 in Asia.In India, for example, most people traditionally eat with their hands.( A )1.A.and B.or C.but D./( D )2.A.may B.need C.must D.can( B )3.A.Skills B.Skilled C.Skilling D.Skill( A )4.A.to create B.creating C.create D.created( C )e ed C.have used D.have been used( A )6.A.as B.as soon as C.before D.after( D )7.A./ B.whom C.which D.who( B )8.A.develop B.development C.developing D.developed( A )9.A.were B.are C.was D.have been( C )10.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhereOne day,a lady on a carriage saw a young man walking on the rocky road.But the young man didn’t wear shoes and it seemed that there was 1 wrong with his feet.She asked the driver 2 him up,and said she would pay 3 him.Then she asked the young man 4 .He said he was going for the nearest seaport,to offer himself as a sailor.Twenty years 5 ,on the same road,a sea captain 6 was on a carriage saw an old lady walking along,and he made the driver stop his horses.He picked up the oldlady,saying,“I’ll pay the money.”After getting on the carriage,the old lady thanked the captain.“For,”said she,“I am7 poor to pay for a ride now.”The captain said,“I remember,twenty years ago when I wasa poor man,near this very place,I 8 a ride on a carriage along the road by a kind lady.”“Ah,”she was surprised,“I am that lady! But things 9 with me since then.”“Well,”said the captain,“I have made some money,and have come home to enjoy it.I 10 you twenty-five pounds a year if you accept my offer…”The old lady’s eyes were full of tears,and thank fully accepted the sailor’s offer.( A )1.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing( B )2.A.pick B.to pick C.picking D.to picking( D )3.A.to B.at C.in D.for( D )4.A.where is he going B.where was he goingC.where he is goingD.where he was going( B )te ter test D.the latest ( A )6.A.who B.which C.whom D.whose( A )7.A.too B.very C.such D.so( B )8.A.am offered B.was offered C.offered D.was offering( D )9.A.change B.changed C.is changing D.have changed( C )10.A.give B.gave C.will give D.was giving(四)What will you do when you want to have something but without money?Jack was a 16-year-old boy, 1 wanted to have a nice st summer holiday, he asked his parents 2 the money and they said he must get it by himself.But how could he get it?On his way home one day, he 3 about this.Not many people wanted to ask children 4 for them.Maybe he could sweep away snow for the neighbors.However, it was not winter.He had to wait a long time for that.Grass couldn’t 5 for their gardens, because he was not old enough to do such work.Just at the moment, he 6 Tom, one of his classmates, selling books in a book shop.“I could do that,” he thought.He asked Tom a few questions.He learned that7 took Tom about three hours a day to do the job and he could get twenty dollars each week.And Tom gave him the telephone number of the book shop manager.Jack almost flew home.“Mum, I have8 good news to tell you,” Jack said.After he told his mother 9 he thought, she said, “I think it’s a good idea.”“I will call the manager tomorrow,” said Jack.“After all, I’m going to be a businessman.” Jack’s mother looke d 10 at him and smiled.( A )1.A.who B.whose C.whom D.which( B )2.A.of B.for C.with D.to( C )3.A.thinks B.will think C.was thinking D.is thinking( B )4.A.work B.to work C.working D.worked( D )5.A.cuts B.cut C.is cut D.be cut( C )6.A.sees B.see C.saw D.seeing( A )7.A.it B.its C.this D.that( D )8.A.a B.an C.the D./( A )9.A.what B.why C.how D.that( B )10.A.happy B.happily C.happier D.more happily(五)“I’m going shopping in the village,”George’s mother said to George on Saturday morning.“So be a good boy and don’t get into trouble.And don’t forget 1 good care of Grandma.”Then she went out.Grandma was sleeping in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said,“Now you heard 2 your mother said,George.”“Yes,Grandma,”George said.George was bored to tears.He didn’t have a brother or a sister.His father was a farmer,and the farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 3 there were never any children to play with.He was tired of staring at 4 pigs,hens,cows and sheep.He was especially tired of living in the house with his grandma.Looking after her all by himself was hardly 5 way to spend a Saturday morning.“Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 6 sugar and milk,”Grandma said.Most grandmothers are lovely,kind and helpful old ladies,but not this one.George’s grandma was a woman 7 was always complaining about something or other.She spent all day sitting on her chair by the window.George 8 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady,but as she grew older,she was not able to look after herself and even worse,she was easy to get angry.“We should be nice to the old,George,”his mother always told him.Thinking of this,George 9 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag.He put one spoon of sugar and some milk in it.He stirred(搅动) the tea well and carried it into the living room 10 .( C )1.A.take B.taking C.to take D.takes( B )2.A.that B.what C.where D.which( D )3.A.but B.if C.or D.so( D )4.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of( B )5.A.an exciting B.a more exciting C.a most exciting D.the most exciting( B )6.A.in B.with C.of D.for( A )7.A.who B.which C.where D.when ( C )8.A.tell B.told C.was told D.has told ( B )9.A.goes B.went C.will go D.has gone ( C )10.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless(六)A poor woodcutter and his wife lived in the forest in a small hut( 小屋 ).It was so small that it was only large enough for him and his wife 1 in.2 a cold night, somebody knocked at the door.3 woodcutter opened the door and wanted to let the stranger in.His wife said,“I’m afraid we don’t have that much space.” The man laughed and said, “Two can sleep well, and three can sit.” And then the stranger4 to come in and they all sat telling stories to each other.Then came 5 knock.The woodcutter told the stranger, “Friend, open the door.” And the man said, “But there is no space.” The woodcutter said, “ 6 three people can sit comfortably, then four people can sit a little 7 .”The stranger opened the door, and a man entered.Suddenly, a strange knock 8 did not seem to be human’s was heard! The woodcutter said, “Open the door.I know who9 .It is my donkey.” Everyone said, “Where is the donkey going to stand?” The man said10 all stand when the donkey came in.( D )1.A.sleep B.sleeping C.slept D.to sleep( A )2.A.On B.In C.At D.To( C )3.A.A B.An C.The D./( D )4.A.invite B.invited C.was inviting D.was invited( C )5.A.other B.the other C.another D.others( A )6.A.If B.Unless C.Until D.Because( D )7.A.closest B.closely C.closed D.closer( B )8.A.what B.that C.who D.whose( C )9.A.knocks B.knocked C.is knocking D.was knocked( D )10.A.that would they B.that they willC.whether they wouldD.that they wouldIt’s March 12th.Li Li and Lin Tao are digging on a hill not far from their school.In China, people across the country plant trees actively 1 this day.The idea of planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Zhongshan, the great pioneer in 2 history.He said more trees 3 as a protection against flood(洪水)and drought.In 1915, April 5th was named as Tree Planting Day.Then, in 1979, the day changed to March 12th, 4 the date on which Sun Zhongshan died.“Everyone 5 of the Great Wall of China,”says Li Li.“But have you heard of the Green Wall of China? That’s 6 tree planting project of all.”The Gobi Desert in the north of China was growing every year.So in 1978, 7 tree planting project was started to stop Gobi spreading.The government and local farmers have been planting 8 trees to build a great green “wall” along the edge of the desert.“Tree planting has become a tradition in China now,”says Lin Tao.“Almost everyone does it on March 12th.Many people also plant a tree on a basic day.My parents planted a tree 9 I started school.And my cousin planted 10 on his wedding(婚礼)day.We do it for the environment and for ourselves.”( D )1.A.under B.at C.in D.on( C )2.A.China B.Chinese C.China’s D.Chinese’s( D )3.A.need B.are needed C.needed D.were needed( B )4.A.remember B.to remember C.remembering D.remembered( A )5.A.has heard B.heard C.hears D.will hear( C )6.A.a big B.the bigger C.the biggest D.biggest( D )7.A./ B.the C.an D.a( C )lions lion of lions of lion( A )9.A.when B.while C.until D.unless( A )10.A.one B.that C.it D.thisAs a final year student at university, it is time for me to decide what 1 next.In all my life, I have wanted to be 2 excellent teacher, and I am lucky that I 3 a place to teach a course next year.The course will take place in my hometown.After four years of living away from my family, I know I will find 4 very strange to live at home again.This isn’t because I don’t enjoy living at home but because I have got used to being an independent student.While I 5 away from home, I had to buy everything by myself.I had to pay bills and work hard to pay the rent for my house 6 I lived in.Because of the economic situation in this country, it is popular among students to live at home again after they graduate.There are two reasons why young people can’t7 find jobs.One is the lack of jobs and the other is the cost of living.I am one of the two children in my family, and my 8 sister will start studying at university next year.I didn’t speak to my parents about it, but I am sure9 this isn’t a problem for them—I would like to think that they enjoy having us around!In the coming year, I will be able to see my parents every day.However, I would love to find my own house eventually when I 10 afford it!( B )1.A.do B.to do C.doing D.to doing( B )2.A.a B.an C.the D./( C )3.A.will give B.was given C.will be given D.am given( C )4.A.that B.this C.it D.its( C )5.A.live B.will live C.was living D.have lived( B )6.A.who B.which C.when D.where( B )7.A.easy B.easily C.easier D.more easily( D )8.A.young B.more young C.youngest D.younger( C )9.A.what B.which C.that D.how( A )10.A.can B.should C.must D.needWhen I was young, I really wanted a new bike! As a 1 boy, I told my parents my birthday wish, and I knew there was little hope because my family could hardly have that money.2 my birthday, my parents told me that they had my gift outside in the backyard.At once, I rushed out to the yard.There wa s my bike, but it wasn’t the bike3 I thought it would be.This one was pink, old and worn with age.It was so4 ! I thought I hurt my parents because I could see the disappointment on their faces and I was sure they could see it on5 .I got on the bike and rode it, feeling bad that I had made my parents6 so bad.So I rode as fast as I could and didn’t look back.As time went by, I had many other experiences and began to understand I 7 something more than just a rusty(生锈的) old bike.My parents gave me a life lesson about love.When you give something out of love, it doesn’t matter8 in fact.What matters is 9 love that is in it.I always remember this story 10 giving a gift is not about money.It is about how much love you can feel from it.Do remembe r, a gift that costs two dollars isn’t any less valuable than one that costs two hundred dollars, or even more.( C )1.A.12 years old B.12 year old C.12-year-old D.12-years-old( C )2.A.In B.At C.On D.For( D )3.A.who B.whose C.where D.which( A )4.A.disappointing B.disappointed C.disappoint D.disappoints( C )5.A.I B.my C.mine D.me( A )6.A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt( C )7.A.give B.am given C.was given D.was giving( D )8.A.what was it B.what it was C.what is it D.what it is( C )9.A.a B.an C.the D./( A )10.A.because B.though C.if D.unlessJane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She 1 that he was as easy to please as her mother, who was always happy with beautiful clothes.Besides, shopping 2 Christmas Day is quite busy, and at this time of the year it was not great fun:people stepped on your feet or pushed you with their elbows( 肘部 ), and they just wanted to get to the cheapest goods before 3 .Jane stood in front of a counter and some attractive ties were on display.“They are real silk,”the assistant tried 4 h er.“They worth double the price.” But Jane knew 5 that her father hardly liked this kind of present before.Jane stopped at a small counter.She found some good cigarettes on sale. 6 her father smoked only once a week, she knew that they were the presents 7 belonged to him.Without thinking for long, she bought them.When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen presents in her bag, her parents were having supper at table with lots of dishes.Jane asked 8 they had supper so early.Her mother was 9 , “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking.” Jane10 by her. ( B )1.A.wishes B.wished C.was wishing D.will wish( A )2.A.on B.in C.at D.from( C )3.A.other B.the other C.others D.the others( A )4.A.to attract B.attracting C.attract D.attracted( B )5.A.clear B.clearly C.clearer D.more clearly( C )6.A.Because B.But C.Although D.So( D )7.A.what B.whom C.who D.which( D )8.A.what B.when C.how D.why( D )9.A.exciting B.excitement C.excite D.excited( C )10.A.tells B.told C.was told D.is toldOnce upon a time,two Princes were playing in a forest.They came across four old men 1 asked them to be more careful.The first old man had 2 headache and he asked them not to shout.The second old man was painting a picture,and he asked the children 3 away because they were blocking out the light.The third old man was doing a large jigsaw puzzle in the middle of the road,and he asked the children not to walk 4 it.The fourth old man was watching a butterfly and he asked them not to frighten 5 away.The Prince who respected others did as the old men asked, 6 the disrespectful Prince didn’t follow the old men’s suggestions and kept bothering them.In the evening,both boys had got separated and 7 .They needed to get back to the palace quickly.Each of them 8 came across the four old men again and asked for their help.They refused to help the disrespectful Prince,but with the respectful Prince they did 9 they could to help and took him along a secret way which led right to the palace.The other Prince arrived much later and 10 for it.He understood that it’s much better to respect everyone if you want to have friends.( A )1.A.who B.which C.when D.where( C )2.A.the B.an C.a D./( A )3.A.to move B.moves C.moving D.move( A )4.A.on B.in C.between D.by( D )5.A.them B.him C.you D.it( A )6.A.but B.so C.when D.because( B )7.A.lose B.lost C.losing D.losted( A )8.A.separately B.separate C.separating D.separated( D )9.A.whoever B.however C.whenever D.whatever( D )10.A.punishes B.punished C.punishing D.was punishedNasreddin was a poor man.He tried to grow as many vegetables as he could in his own garden 1 money for the future.One evening,he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window.He found a white cow eating his vegetables.Nasreddin at once took his stick,ran out and chased the cow,but he was too old to catch it.When he got back to his garden,he found 2 the cow had eaten most of his precious vegetables.The next morning,while he 3 in the street near his house,he saw a cart with two white cows which looked very much like the one 4 had eaten his vegetables.He was carrying his stick with him, 5 he at once began to beat the two cows with it.As 6 of them looked more like the cow which had eaten his vegetables than the other,he beat both of them 7 hard.The owner of the cows and cart was drinking coffee in 8 nearby coffee house.When he saw what Nasreddin was doing to his animals,he ran out and shouted,“What are you doing?What have those poor animals done to you for you to beat them like that?”“You keep out of this!”Nasreddin shouted back.“This is a matter9 me and one of the two cows.He knows very well why he 10 !”( C )1.A.save B.saving C.to save D.saved( C )2.A.how B.what C.that D.if( C )3.A.walks B.walked C.was walking D.is walking( B )4.A.who B.that C.whom D./( A )5.A.so B.and C.but D.or( D )6.A.either B.both C.all D.neither( B )7.A.equal B.equally C.equality D.unequal( C )8.A.the B.an C.a D./( D )9.A.among B.of C.in D.between( C )10.A.beat B.beated C.was beaten D.beaten(十三)There was once a king 1 had a great palace with a wonderful garden.In the garden,there lived all kinds of animals.All of them enjoyed living there.There was only one thing that the king hated in the garden:an old tree 2 the centre of the garden.It was so old and dry.This made the king 3 angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool.However,after the tree 4 ,the animals left the garden.Without the animals,the garden was not 5 before.The king was sad,but he didn’t know what had happened.A young man went to the king,and said he 6 what had happened.“This was because you cut the old tree down,”said the young man.“There were7 moths(飞蛾)which lived in the tree.Birds needed the moths 8 and then they produced wastes for plants to grow.The plants then attracted many other animals to your garden.So your garden became very beautiful.But 9 you cut the tree down,the animals had to leave.”“Excellent!”said the king.“I’ll make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again.”“I’m afraid10 will take many years to finish it.To get back the natural balance will take many years,”said the young man.The king was sad,but all he could do was just to wait.( C )1.A.whom B.which C.who D.whose( A )2.A.in B.on C.at D.for( C )3.A.such B.such a C.so D.so a( D )4.A.cut down B.cutting down C.is cut down D.was cut down( C )5.A.as beautiful so B.so beautiful than C.so beautiful as D.more beautiful as( B )6.A.can explain B.could explain C.will explain D.explains( D )7.A.thousand B.thousand of C.two thousands D.thousands of( B )8.A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eaten( D )9.A.unless B.though C.so D.as ( A )10.A.it B.this C.that D.I(十四)Once upon a time,there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs(网) on the walls and mice running around.People 1 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and 2 every day.He thought he was unhappy 3 poverty(贫穷).One day,the poor man dropped in on 4 wise old man and asked him for advice about changing his life.The old man gave him a vase a nd said,“This is a magic vase 5 will bring you happiness.”The poor man looked at the vase in surprise.He wondered 6 a vase in his poor house.However,he didn’t want to throw away such a beautiful vase,so he brought it home and put it on the table.“It’s not right for something7 beautiful to be empty,”the poor old man looked at the vase and thought.Then some flowers 8 into it.That made the vase even 9 .“How can I have the vase next to a spider web?”he continued.At this,he started to clean the hou se and paint the walls.His house turned 10 a comfortable place immediately.The poor man cheered up and he suddenly realized why he was unhappy.From then on,he worked hard and his life got better and better.( C )1.A.avoid B.avoids C.avoided D.have avoided( B )2.A.sadly B.sad C.sadness D.sadder( D )3.A.because B.as C.since D.because of( A )4.A.a B.an C.the D./( B )5.A.whose B.that C.what D.who( C )6. A.why would he need B.why will he needC.why he would needD.why he needs( D )7.A.very B.such C.quite D.so( B )8.A.were putting B.were putC.have putD.had put( C )9.A.beautiful B.beautifully C.more beautiful D.more beautifully ( B )10.A.in B.into C.on D.around(十五)Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge.No matter 1 good the food tastes at a chosen restaurant, one may always wonder, “Is there anything 2 on the next street?” However, I’ve found the answer to this question.When I 3 to name my favourite place to eat in Suzhou, I will reply right away, “Song He Lou Restaurant”.Why is Song He Lou so special 4 hundreds of restaurants? Well, for me it comes down to a perfect balance of delicious food, pleasant atmosphere(氛围)and a near perfect location.Before coming to Suzhou, I was warned by my friends from 5 cities in China that the food could be too sweet.For the first few months I 6 to eat in Sichuan or Hunan style restaurants instead of eating much local food.However, after falling in love with the city,I came to realize 7 the food is so closely connected with its local culture. 8 I askeda local friend to recommend the best place 9 real local style food.She came up with the10 of Song He Lou.For a first-time visitor, “Song Shu Gui Yu” and “Xie Fen Tofu” are excellent choices.Suzhou has now become my home and I have a lifetime to enjoy each and every dish on the menu.( C )1.A.what B.why C.how D.where( B )2.A.good B.better C.best D.the best( C )3.A.ask B.asked C.am asked D.was asked( C )4.A.between B.against C.among D.beyond( B )5.A.another B.other C.the other D.others( C )6.A.choose B.will choose C.chose D.have chosen( A )7.A.that B.if C.how D.what( D )8.A.Or B.But C.Yet D.So( B )9.A.try B.to try C.trying D.tried( A )10.A.suggestion B.suggest C.suggesting D.suggestions。

广州华师附中:语法选择专项训练(含答案)语法选择专项预习题一、语法选择As a final year student at university, it is time for me to decide what 1 next.In all my life, I have wanted to be 2 excellent teacher and I am lucky that I 3 a place to teach a course next year. The course will take place in my hometown. After four years of living away from my family, I know I will find4 very strange to live at home again. This isn't because I don't enjoy living at home,5 because I have got used to being an independent student. While I6 away from home, I had to buy everything by myself. I had to pay bills and work hard to pay rent for my house7 I lived in. Because of the economic situation in this country, it is popular among students to live at home again after they graduate. There are two reasons why young people can’t8 find jobs. One is the lack of jobs and the other is the cost of living.I am one of the two children in my family, and my 9 sister will start studying at university next year. I didn't speak to my parents about it but I am sure that this isn't a problem for them. I would like to think that they enjoy 10 us around!In the coming year, I will be able to see my parents every day. However, I would love to find my own house eventually when I can afford it.1. A. to doing B. to do C. doing D. do2. A. a B. an C. the D. /3. A. will give B. was given C. will be given D. am given4. A. that B. this C. it D. its5. A. but B. and C. so D. or6. A. live B. will live C. was living D. have lived7. A. who B. which C. when D. where8. A. easy B. easily C. easier D. more easily9. A. young B. more young C. youngest D. younger10. A. having B. have C. to have D. to having二、单项选择1. I went to ___ supermarket to buy ___ birthday gift for my aunt yesterday.A. an, aB. a, aC. the, /D. /, the2. Jessica used to be a manager in a company, but she gave up ______ job when she became a mother.A. sheB. hersC. herD. herself3. Two months ago, China tested its ______ aircraft carrier (航空母舰) built completely on its own.A. oneB. firstC. the oneD. the first4. Sue wasn’t happy because she _____ the concert given by her favorite singer.A. missesB. is missingC. will missD. missed5. It’s believed that playing computer games too muc h does ______ harm than good.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most6. We can collect rainwater when it rains _____, and use it to water plants.A. softlyB. heavilyC. noisilyD. quietly7. For more than once, our head teacher asks us _____ the habit of keeping a diary.A. developB. developsC. developingD. to develop8. To keep children safe, we ____ put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.A. mayB. canC. shouldD. might9. It’s very kind ____ you to lend me your reusable shopping bags.A. ofB. forC. toD. with10. If you want to know more about space, please _______ the book A Brief Historyof Time.A. look throughB. look aroundC. look afterD. look down upon三、单项选择1. The man looked down and saw policeman and an old lady, one of Mike's neighbors.A. aB. theC. anD. /2. David Smith asked me to feed the bird him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.A. withB. toC. forD. at3. I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someonea torch (手电筒) up at me.A. is shinningB. was shoneC. shinesD. was shining4. Jack soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front doorthe back door!A. andB. butC. orD. nor5. Unfortunately, I did not remember it the night before he was going to return.A. untilB. beforeC. asD. since6. The man kept of what John would say when came back.A. to thinkB. thinkC. thinkingD. thought7. the stone was very heavy, I made a lot of noise.A. IfB. BecauseC. WhenD. Whether8. Ben gave the key and it was already dark when I arrived at house.A. herB. hisC. theirD. our9. One day my friend phoned and me he would be away fora week.A. tellB. tellsC. toldD. had told10. The man noticed one bedroom window was open.A. howB. thatC. whatD. why四、语法选择My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and1 me he would be away for a week. He asked me to feed the bird2 him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds 3 the night before David was going to return. I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at 4 house. I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door 5 the back door! I kept 6 of what David would say when came back.Then I noticed 7 one bedroom window was open. I found a big stone and pushed it under the window. 8 the stone was very heavy, I made a lot of noise. But in the end, I managed to climb up.I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone9 a torch (手电筒) up at me. I looked down and saw 10 policeman and an old lady, one of David's neighbors. “What are you doing up there?” Said the policeman. Feeling like a fool, I replied, “I was just going to fee d Mr. Smith's birds.”1. A. tell B. tells C. told D. had told2. A. with B. to C. for D. at3. A. until B. before C. as D. since4. A. her B. his C. their D. our5. A. and B. but C. or D. nor6. A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thought7. A. how B. that C. what D. why8. A. If B. Because C. When D. Whether9. A. is shinning B. was shone C. shines D. was shining10. A. a B. the C. an D. /五、语法选择Cindy and Anna were best friends. Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not 1 on what to do.One day they decided to play in the garden near their school. “Come on, let's play chess,” Anna said.“I don't want to play chess ”Cindy replied.“We always do what you want to do, Cindy. It's my turn to make a 2 ,” Anna said. She was getting a little unhappy and went 3 , leaving Cindy alone.Cindy was very angry. 4 she got home, she found she still had Anna’s notebook in her schoolbag. “Well, I’m not giving it back to her today. I’m too mad。

Guangzhou is a beautiful city in the south of China.__11__spring comes,the weather becomes warm in Guangzhou.It is often __12__and cloudy.In March and April,there is__13__rain.During this time, tourists should bring umbrellas with__14__.Summer lasts from May to September in Guangzhou.It is quite long and hot. The hottest months__15__July and August.It is funny to take part in water activities in summer.__16__summer,bad weather such as thunderstorms(暴风雨) and typhoons(台风)happens very often.Autumn in Guangzhou is very short.__17__lasts from October to early December. The weather is sunny and cool__18__little rain.Many tourists visit Guangzhou because it's the best season of the year.Winter lasts from December to early March.It is a little cold,__19__it seldom snows.January is the coldest month of Guangzhou.You can__20__flower markets here and there.11.A.Where B.When C.Why D.What12.A.raining B.rains C.rain D.rainy13.A.few B.many C.much D.lots14.A.them B.they C.their D.theirs15.A.is B.are C.was D.were16.A.During B.On C.At D.From17.A.Its B.It C.That D.This18.A.by B.for C.with D.into19.A.or B.if C.but D.because20.A.seeing B.see C.to see D.sees答案:11-15BDCAB16-20ABCCB一、语法选择(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)Where will you choose to live,in the city or in the countryside?Different people may11different answers to the question.Some people would like12in the city.They can enjoy films13different kinds of food.Everything is convenient in the city.People can have boiled water(白开水)or bottle water at once14they are thirsty(口渴的).When a child is ill,his family can send15to hospital in just a few minutes.However,people who live in the city have to suffer(忍受)16 traffic and bad air pollution anyway.17people will choose to live in the countryside.The reasons(原因)are simple.For them,18is better than to breathe the fresh air,to drink clean water,and to enjoy natural beautiful sights.Of course,the most important thing is that they can live19longer and healthier life.20will you choose to live,my fr iend?()11.A.have B.has C.had D.having ()12.A.live B.to live C.living D.lives()13.A.nor B.and C.but D.except()14.A.if B.because C.but D.so()15.A.himself B.he C.his D.him()16.A.heavier B.heaviest C.heavy D.heavily ()17.A.Other B.Others C.Another D.The others ()18.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything ()19.A.the B.an C.a D./()20.A.Who B.When C.What D.Where语法选择(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)11-15:ABBAD16-20:CACCDWays of studyingWhy do people go to school?The aim of going to school is16.17it is not easy to study well.You may waste(浪费)18time and money.The following are some19ways of studying.The best time for reading is in the morning, because your mind is clearer and less tired.This can help you get a better20of what you are studying.When you are studying,you must have21patience.22 you don't know a text well,you can read it again or ask others for help.Don't be afraid to ask“why”.If you can't understand what you are studying,write it23 and ask your teachers,parents or friends about it.There are24ways of studying better.Remember them and follow them,and you'll do well25your studies.()16.A.study B.studied C.to study D.to studying ()17.A.So B.But C.When D.Or()18.A.both B.neither C.nor D.either()19.A.good B.well C.better D.best()20.A.understand B.understood C.understanding D.understands ()21.A.a B.an C.the D.I()22.A.And B.So C.If D.Why()23.A.down B.up C.over D.through()24.A.much B.a little C.many D.a few()25.A.with B.in C.at D.forMr.Wilson had a shop in the centre of the city.Nearly twenty people worked for him.He told them to work and36everything.He tried his best to pay them less.He never lent any money to others though he was37man in the city.He walked to his shop every day and never took38bus.He only had some cakes39breakfast.A lot of people laughed at him for that.But he didn't mind(介意)40at all.One day the old man went to a market to buy some food.He chose the potatoes carefully,but when he41to pay for them,he found he had lost his wallet.He began to look for the thief(小偷).But he couldn’t.He was so sad that he brought out a knife and was going to kill42.A few policemen saw him and tried to stop him.“How many dollars were there in your wallet,Mr.Wilson?”asked a policeman.“Ten dollars.”His answer made all the people43.A worker was going to play a joke on him.The man said,“I will give you100dollars if you let me bear(揍)you to 44.”Hearing this,Mr.Wilson stopped45it over for a long time.Then he said,“You can beat me half to death if you give me50dollars!”36.A.to saved B.save C.saving D.saved37.A.rich B.richest C.the richest D.richer38.A.a B.an C.the D./39.A.on B.to C.in D.for40.A.that B.these C.its D.them41.A.go B.went C.was going D.had gone42.A.he B.him C.himself D.hisugh B.to laugh ughing ughed44.A.die B.dying C.dead D.death45.A.thinking B.to think C.think D.thought语法选择:36~45BCADA CCADB语法选择(每小题1分,共10分)A group of frogs were traveling through a forest,but unluckily two of them fell into a hole.The other frogs tried to help them.When they saw how3l the hole was,they cried to the two frogs because they thought they could not be saved.The two frogs didn’t32and tried their best to jump up out of the hole.The other frogs33saying that they were sure to die.34,one of the two frogs who heard what the other frogs were saying35.Then he fell down and died.The other frogs,however,36to jump as hard as he could,and at last he made it.When he37of the hole,the other frogs asked,“Didn’t you hear us?”The frog,who had a poor38,said,“I thought you were encouraging me.”The story teaches us a39:There is power of life and death in the tongue. The40words to those who are down can help them out while the discouraging (令人泄气的)words can kill them.()31.A.small B.deep C.big D.wide()32.A.care B.refuse C.insist D.thin()33.A.kept B.finished C.practiced D.stopped()34.A.Luckily B.Finally C.Suddenly D.Happily()35.A.went on B.ran away C.jumped out D.gave up()36.A.happened B.continued C.planned D.wanted()37.A.got out B.ran away C.got off D.woke up()38.A.smelling B.eyesight C.hearing D.looking()39.A.way B.skill C.sentence D.lesson()40.A.interesting B.exciting C.excellent D.encouragingLinda Evans was my best friend like the sister I never___26___.We did everything together:piano lessons,movies,swimming,horseback riding.When I was13,my family___27___.Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time like my wedding and Linda’s.Soon we were busy___28___children and moving to new homes,and we wrote___29___ often.One day A card that I sent came back,stamped“Address Unknown.”I had no idea___30___to find Linda.Over the years,I missed Linda very much.I wanted to share___31___of my children and then grandchildren.___32___I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died.There___33___an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda___34___fill.One day I___35___a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and___36___last name was Wagman Linda’s married name.“There must be___37___Wagmans,”I thought,but I still wrote to her.She called as soon as she got my letter.“Mrs.Tobin!”she said___38___,“Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”Minutes___39___I heard a voice that I knew very much,even after40years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives.Now___40___empty place in my heart is filled And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure:We won’t lose each other again!26.A.have B.has C.had D.having27.A.moved in B.moved around C.moved back D moved away28.A.on B.with C.about D.at29.A.little B.least C.less D.a little30.A when B.how C.what D.which31.A.happiness B.happy C.happily D.happinesses32.A.But B.However C.And D.So33.A.is B.was C.are D.were34.A.could B.must C.should D.ought to35.A.read B.reads C.have read D.was-reading36.A.which B.who C.whose D.where37.A.one thousand of B.thousand of C.thousand D.thousands of38.A.excitedly B.exciting C.excited D.excitinglytest ter te tely40.A.the B.an C./ D.a26-40:CDBCB ACBAA CDABA语法选择(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)Chinatown,in San Francisco,the USA is___16___Chinatown in North America.It is one of the top tourists attractions in San Francisco.Let’s___17___ through Chinatown.It is twenty-four blocks in size(大小).In the streets you can hear ___18___Chinese than English.The centre of Chinatown is Stockton Street.It bas Chinese fish,fruit and vegetable markets,bakers(面包店)and spice(香料)shops.And it doesn’t___19___ too much!The Chinatown Youth Centre is___20___777Stockton Street.It is open from Monday___21___Friday.Well,___22___you tired of shopping?Do you enjoy___23___?Let’s go into the Imperial Tea Court on Powell Street for some oolong tea.Then time to eat?Do you like to eat Chinese food?Well,then the place___24___is Fountain Court at354Clement Street.There are nice dishes on the menu, ___25___Beijing Roast Duck and the whole steamed(蒸)fish.16.A.older B.oldest C.the oldest D.old17.A.go for a walk B.to go for a walk C.going for a walk D.went for a walk18.A.better B.a lot C.more D.less19.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay20.A at B.on C.in D./21.A.for B.on C.in D.to22.A.were B.will C.are D.do23.A.to drink B.drank C.drinks D.drinking24.A.to stop B.stop C.stopping D.stopped25.A.for example B.likes C.such as D.as such 16-25:CACBA DCDAC语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2024学年广东人教版八年级英语下册专项题型训练--语法选择(1)Jane was walking round the department store. She remembered how difficult 1._was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. She 2. _ that he was as easy to please as her mother. She was always happy with beautiful clothes.Besides, shopping 3. _ Christmas Day is quite busy. At this time of the year it was not great fun:People stepped on your feet or pushed you with their elbows(肘部)—they just want to get to the cheapest goods before 4. _.Jane stood in front of a counter and some attractive ties were on display.“They are real silk,”the assistant tried 5. _her.“They worth double the price.”However, Jane knew 6. _ that her father hardly liked this kind of present before.Jane stopped at a small counter. She found some good cigarettes on sale. 7. _ her father smoked only once a week, she knew that they were the presents which belonged to him. Without 8. _ for long, she bought them.When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen presents in her bag, her parents 9. _ supper at table with lots of dishes. Jane asked why they had supper so early. Her mother was 10. _.“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,”Jane was told by her.( )1. A. it B. this C. that D. there( )2. A. wish B. wished C. wishing D. to wish( )3. A. on B. in C. at D. from( )4. A. other B. the other C. others D. the others( )5. A. to attract B. attracts C. attract D. attracted( )6. A. clear B. clearly C. clearer D. more clearly( )7. A. Because B. If C. Though D. So( )8. A. think B. thinks C. to think D. thinking( )9. A. are having B. had C. were having D. have had( )10. A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited(2)Every year on October 16th, people celebrate Ada Lovelace Day. But who is Ada Lovelace and 1. _ is she famous for?When people think of computers, they usually think of men such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.2._ historians believe the world's first computer programmer was a woman: Lady Augusta Ada King. She was 3. _ known as Ada Lovelace.Lovelace was born in 1815 and 4. _ up in London, England. Her mother was a maths teacher and her father was the famous poet Lord Byron. As a young girl, she did 5. _ in maths and science than others.6. _, she was able to create a model for a flying machine when she was only 13.7._the age of 17, Lovelace met a maths professor named Charles Babbage. They became friends and enjoyed 8._their ideas about maths. At the time, Babbage was working on a new calculating machine(计算机). Lovelace was very 9._ in his invention.In 1843, Lovelace translated a report in the calculating machine from French into English successfully. Later, she added 10. _ ideas and notes to the report. These included notes for a step-by-step calculation. Mathematicians (数学家) today consider these notes as the first computer program.( )1. A. what B. that C. how D. why( )2. A. So B. But C. Because D. When( )3. A. too B. also C. either D. neither( )4. A. grow B. grows C. growing D. grew( )5. A. good B. well C. better D. best( )6. A. Surprise B. Surprised C. Surprising D. Surprisingly( )7. A. On B. In C. At D. Under( )8. A. sharing B. share C. shared D. shares( )9. A. interested B. interesting C. interests D. interest( )10. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself(3)As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, 1. _they can be small. You may just want to become one of the top ten students in your class.Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream come true?Follow Your Heart by Australian write r Andrew Matthews tells us that 2._our dreams come true is life's biggest challenge.You may think you're not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you 3._ a writer. These kinds of thoughts prevent you from 4. _ your dream, the book says.In fact, everyone can make their dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember the dream in 5. _mind.Don't let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true 6. _ because a big dream is made up of many small ones.There 7. _ difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest one 8. _ from yourself. You need to decide which is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead 9. _ better exam results. As you get closer to your dream, it may change 10. _. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.( )1. A. as B. but C. for D. or( )2. A. make B. makes C. making D. having made( )3. A. becomes B. to become C. becoming D. become( )4. A. reach B. reaches C. reaching D. reached( )5. A. your B. yours C. you D. their( )6. A. quickly B. more quickly C. quickest D. the most quickly( )7. A. will be B. will have C. have D. has( )8. A. come B. has come C. came D. comes( )9. A. by B. to C. in D. with( )10. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few(4)One day, Kidom and his friend Dick decided to go fishing at the river. Kidom took his dog Vick along with 1. _. But now and then, when the dog saw a small animal or a bird, he would run 2. _ it and try to catch it. Dick hated the dog very much because the dog frightened the fish away.“Why did you 3._ you r dog along today?”said Dick to Kidom.“He 4._ here and there. All the fish are frightened and swim away.”“You’re right.”answered Kidom.“Next time, I shall come without Vick.5. _ we go home now, Dick?”Just then Dick shouted,“Wait, a fish is biting my line. I can feel it.”Dick was very glad. He 6. _ the danger. As he went t o pull the line, the boy fell down into the water.“Help! Help! I can’t swim.”Dick shouted, up and 7._ in the river.But Kidom could not swim,8. _. Just then Vick came up. The dog jumped into the water andpulled Dick onto the dry land by biting Dick's shirt 9. his teeth. Dick was saved. He was still holding the line in his hand. On its end was a big fish.From that day on, whenever Dick invited Kidom to go fishing, he insisted that Kidom 10. _ Vick along. They had become the best friends.( )1. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs( )2. A. after B. to C. at D. with( )3. A. brings B. brought C. bring D. bringing( )4. A. ran B. run C. has run D. is running( )5. A. Must B. Will C. May D. Shall( )6. A. forget B. forgets C. forgot D. to forget( )7. A. down B. on C. up D. at( )8. A. too B. also C. either D. neither( )9. A. by B. with C. in D. for( )10. A. take B. took C. taken D. takes(5)One day, Mike went with his father to a small town to see his grandparents.In the train, Mike put hi s head 1._ of the window every minute. His father said,“Mike, be 2. _! Don't put your head out of the window!”Instead of 3. _ to his father, Mike went on putting his head out of the window. His father could do 4. _.Then Mike’s father wanted to play a joke on his son. He took Mike’s ca p 5. _, hid it behind his back and said,“You see, your ca p 6. _away.”Mike touched his head and it was really gone. He didn’t know what to do. The boy began to cry. He wanted to get his ca p back.“Don't worry, son,”said his father.“I will get your ca p back.”“How can you get it back?”asked Mike in 7. _.His father said,“Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once, and maybe your ca p 8. _ back.”Mike came to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at that moment, his father quickly put the ca p on the son's head.“9._strange way!”Mike said. He was pleased , and then he quickly took his father's ca p and 10. _it out of the window.“Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!”he said happily.( )1. A. down B. up C. out D. in( )2. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless( )3. A. listen B. listens C. listened D. listening( )4. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything( )5. A. quiet B. quietly C. quieter D. quietness( )6. A. has flown B. flying C. is flying D. will fly( )7. A. surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprises( )8. A. comes B. came C. has come D. will come( )9. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a( )10. A. throwing B. threw C. throws D. throw(6)At the top of a house Sue and Johns y had their studio(工作室). In November, Johns y became very ill, and 1. _on her bed and looking through the window at the wall of the next house.The doctor said 2. _ only chance was for her to want to live. After the doctor had gone, Sue came into Johnsy's room. Johnsy was looking out of the window and counting. She said that there were only five 3. _ left on the ivy vine(常青藤). She wanted to see the last one fall and then she would die. Sue asked Johns y 4. _ to sleep. She must go and ask Behrman to be her model.Old Behrman was 5._painter. He was past 60 and earned a little money by being a model. Sue found Behrman and told him 6. _ Johnsy had said.A cold rain was falling. The next morning, there stood one ivy leaf. Johns y said that it was the last one and it 7._ and she would die. At night, the wind began to blow. The next morning, the leaf was still there. Seeing that, Johnsy 8._th at it was wrong to want to die. A few days later, Johns y was out of danger. That afternoon, Sue told Johns y about old Behrman’s 9. _. He was wet and icy cold from 10. _ out all night. He painted the last leaf on the wall the night so the leaf had never moved.( )1. A. lie B. lies C. lay D. was lying( )2. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself( )3. A. leave B. left C. leaf D. leaves( )4. A. try B. to try C. tries D. tried( )5. A. a B. an C. the D./( )6. A. where B. why C. what D. how( )7. A. fall B. fell C. will fall D. would fall( )8. A. realized B. realizes C. realizing D. realize( )9. A. die B. dying C. death D. died( )10. A. being B. will be C. would be D. be(7)Today Gina was starting school in a new town. When she 1. _ slowly to the school building, she had butterflies in her stomach. She was not sure if she would make new friends here.At her old school, Gina had many friends. They had known each other since 2. _ childhood. When Gina got braces(牙箍), her friends 3. _ made fun of her. But that was the past. The future was here—inside the new school.The students in Gina’s class were 4. _, but Gina didn’t smile much. She didn’t want anyone to see her braces. Finally, it was time for the P. E. class.5._for Gina, they would play baseball—her favorite sport.“Gina,”the teacher 6. _,“play shortstop(游击手) today, OK?”“Of course!”Gina said and then ran to her place b etween second and third base(垒).She looked around and saw a tall boy 7. _ at second base. Suddenly, the batter(击球员) hit the ball very hard. The ball went to Gina fast, and Gina caught it!8. _ the runner ran to second base, Gina threw the ball to the tall boy. The runner was out!“Good throw!”the tall boy said 9._a smile. His smile was metallic(金属般的) and shiny, just like Gina’s.She smiled back, allowing her braces 10. _. They both laughed, and Gina knew her future was going to be just fine.( )1. A. walk B. walks C. walked D. walking( )2. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs( )3. A. often B. always C. usually D. never( )4. A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. friendship( )5. A. Luck B. Lucky C. Unluckily D. Luckily( )6. A. advise B. advises C. advised D. advising( )7. A. stand B. stands C. stood D. standing( )8. A. As B. If C. Which D. Where( )9. A. with B. for C. on D. without( )10. A. show B. to show C. showed D. shows参考答案:(1)1. A。

2020 广东中考英语专项训练-语法选择 12 篇(含答案)
(1) It was Molly's job to hand her father his paper lunch bag each morning before he left home to work.
One morning, 1 his usual lunch bag, Molly handed him 2 second paper bag, which looked a bit old.
学海无涯 (2)
David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary, and many were not 1 . David tried hard 2_ the bird's words and was often saying polite words, playing soft music, trying 3 he could think of to set a good example. 4 nothing worked. He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became 5_ less polite. Finally, without any hope, David put 6 bird in the fridge. For a few moments he heard the bird kick and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was quiet—not a sound for half 7 . David was frightened that he might have hurt the bird and quickly opened the fridge door. The parrot quietly

2020广东中考英语专项训练-语法选择12篇(含答案)(1)It was Molly's job to hand her father his paper lunch bag each morning before he left home to work.One morning, ____1____ his usual lunch bag, Molly handed him ____2____ second paper bag, which looked a bit old.“Why two bags?” her father asked. “____3____ is something else,” Molly answered. “What's in it?” “Just something. Take it with you.”He put ____4____ paper bags into his briefcase(公文包), kissed Molly and rushed off. At noon he opened Molly's bag and took out all the things: a small teddy bear, 2 tiny sea shells, 5 small stones, and 12 coins. The busy father smiled, finished eating and threw away the rubbish and Molly's things in the bag, and then put himself into the afternoon work.That evening, Molly ran up to him as he ___5___ the newspaper.“Where's my bag?” “What bag?” “The one I gave you this morning.”“I ___6___ it at the office. Why?” “I forgot to put this note in it.” She said. “And, besides, Daddy, the things in the bag are the things I really like—I thought you might like to play with them. You didn't lose the bag, did you, Daddy?”“Oh, no. I just forgot to bring it home.” He lied.While Molly hugged(拥抱)her father's neck, he opened the note that read, “I love you, Daddy.” Molly had given him her treasures—all ____7____ a 7-year-old girl held.Love in a paper bag, ____8____ he threw itin the wastebasket. So he went back hurriedly to the office. Just before the night cleaner, he found all the things back and carried the bag home___9____.After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the things in the bag. It ____10____ a long time to tell. Everything had a story ora memory.The life journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple truth, but it is so easily forgotten.( )1. A. besides B. beside C. exceptD. except for( )2. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )3. A. Other B. The other C. OthersD. The others( )4. A. either B. every C. eachD. both( )5. A. reads B. has read C. is reading D. was reading( )6. A. lost B. forgot C. leftD. hid( )7. A. that B. which C. whatD. who( )8. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )9. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly( )10. A. spent B. paid C. tookD. cost(2)David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary, and many were not ___1___. David tried hard ___2____ the bird's words and was often saying polite words, playing soft music, trying ___3___ he could think of to set a good example. ___4___ nothing worked. He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became ___5___ less polite. Finally, withoutany hope, David put ___6___ bird in the fridge. For a few moments he heard the bird kick and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was quiet—not a sound for half ___7___. David was frightened that he might have hurt the bird and quickly opened the fridge door. The parrot quietly ___8___ out onto David's arm and said, “I believe that I may have made you get angry ____9____ me about my impolite language and actions. I will try my best at once to be polite. I am really sorry and beg your pardon.”David was ____10____ at the bird’s change, and he was just to ask what had made such a surprising change when the parrot wen t on saying, “May I ask what the chicken in the fridge did?”( )1. A. politely B. polite C. politeness D. political( )2. A. changing B. to change C. changed D. change( )3. A. nothing B. something C.anything D. things( )4. A. But B. So C. AndD. Though( )5. A. very B. quite C. evenD. more( )6. A. the B. a C. anD. /( )7. A. minute B. a minute C. minutes D. an minute( )8. A. was stepping B. steps C. has stepped D. stepped( )9. A. of B. with C. forD. at( )10. A. surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprises(3)Alexander was a funny student. He lovedwatching comedies best and hoped to become ____1____ comedy actor in the future. ____2____ he heard there was going to be a talent show at his school, he decided to take part in it. Though he ____3____ acted in public before, he was very excited about his first performance in public. But some students laughed at him.Alexander couldn't understand why they laughed at him. For a moment, he thought about ____4____ up the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his jokes, and also his teachers said he was very funny. ____5____ he decided to prepare for the show.Alexander did a great job. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud ____6____ him. Only Ken told Alexander that he was not funny and he would never be ____7____. Alexander didn’t understand why Ken ____8____ so, but he continued to work towards his goal.As the years went on, Alexander met more peoplelike Ken. “You will do a terrible job,” they said to him. Luckily, most people encouraged him and some helped him become even funnier. His fans thanked him because his comedies made ____9____ feel good when they were unhappy. Now Alexander is a comedy star! He says he is very thankful to the people ____10____ have laughed at him. Without them he can’t be successful.( )1. A. the B. an C. a D. that( )2. A. When B. Until C. Which D. Before( )3. A. often B. never C. seldomD. hardly( )4. A. to give B. gives C. gaveD. giving( )5. A. So B. But C. BecauseD. Although( )6. A. with B. of C. in D. to( )7. A. success B. successfully C. succeed D. successful( )8. A. say B. says C. sayingD. said( )9. A. they B. them C. itD. theirs( )10. A. which B. when C. whyD. who(4)China's film industry(产业) ____1____ when New China was born. It started in 1949 with a movie called Bridge.After ____2____, the industry experienced some ups and downs. It really began ____3____ in the 1980s. Chinese films became popular abroad and made people more ____4____ in China. For example, the 1982 film Shaolin Temple, starring Jet Li, made more people ___5___ to learn kung fu. Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(《卧虎藏龙》) became the first Chinese film ____6____ an Oscar Best Foreign Language Film.The latest generation of Chinese filmmakers has made many ____7____ types of movies. Animator(动画师)Yang Yu made the animated film Na Zha, while Guo Fan directed the science fiction film The Wandering Earth, China's third biggest-earning movie.Since 1949, China has made ____8____ 12,000 movies. China is the world's ____9____ film market. There are more than 66,000 cinema screens—the most of ____10____ country in the world. We believe that Chinese film industry will be better and better.( )1. A. start B. started C. starting D. starts( )2. A. it B. this C. thatD. those( )3. A. take off B. to take off C. took off D. taking off( )4. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests( )5. A. want B. wants C. to wantD. wanting( )6. A. to win B. won C. winsD. winning( )7. A. a difference B. different C. differently D. difference( )8. A. than B. over C. besidesD. except( )9. A. largest B. the largest C. large D. larger( )10. A. some B. any C. everyD. each(5)It's September and the Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. Many families across China and even ____1____ parts of the world will celebrate it ____2____ eating mooncakes.Are mooncakes a snack? A dessert? Well, you could say that they’re ____3____. They're normally ____4____ with fillings like red bean paste(酱)or mixed nuts. But some mooncakes are filled with eggs ____5____ even meat.Mooncakes ____6____ be mysterious(神秘的) —you don’t always know what’s going to be inside. I found this out when I ____7____ a mooncake for the first time many years ago. I was ____8____ to find an egg inside, as I thought it would be something sweet instead. After all, most pastries(点心)have sweet fillings. I didn't try mooncakes again for a long time.But now, there are mooncakes ____9____ have new fillings, such as chocolate and strawberries. People from other countries might ____10____ some of them. I still like the red bean mooncakes and other traditional Chinese flavors. But the new flavors could be interesting as well.( )1. A. the other B. other C. another D. others( )2. A. with B. in C. on D. by( )3. A. either B. neither C. bothD. all( )4. A. filled B. fill C. fillsD. filling( )5. A. or B. and C. besides D. except( )6. A. must B. can C. should D. need( )7. A. ate B. eating C. eats D. have eaten( )8. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. a surprise( )9. A. that B. who C. what D. whose( )10. A. likes B. like C. to likeD. liking(6)Grass is, of course a plant which ____1____ in the field; a plant which some kinds of animals like to eat. When there has been plenty of ____2____, the grass is green. When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is green and fresh. And if the grass in one place is ____3____ than the rest, animals prefer to eat that grass. An animal in a field ____4____ look over the fence (篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and the grass in the field looks greener. But if ____5____ animal could get into the field, it will find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance(远处). So that's the ____6____ of the expression “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.”We sometime s only say “The grass is ____7____ greener on the other side.” We use the expression ____8____ the situation—someone looks at distant things and feels they are better than thethings around him. But ____9____ he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So don't always think that other people have a better situation. Just be happy ____10____ what you have had. Enjoy and value it!( )1. A. grow B. grows C. growing D. grew( )2. A. rain B. raining C. rainyD. rained( )3. A. green B. greener C. greenestD. the greenest( )4. A. must B. should C. need D. may( )5. A. / B. a C. an D. the( )6. A. mean B. means C. meaning D. meaningful( )7. A. seldom B. hardly C. sometimes D. always( )8. A. describe B. describing C. to describe D. described( )9. A. when B. because C. unless D. as( )10. A. to B. with C. aboutD. on(7)Since the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars, the moon and the planets. Today people use modern machines ____1____ at the sky. This is very different from the situation thousands of years ago when people could only use their eyes. Perhaps they dreamed of ____2____ the universe.When did humans first go into space? The story began not so very long ago, as the first astronauts were not people—they were animals.Scientists wanted to make travelling to space as ____3____ as possible for humans. So they decided to experiment with animals and test ____4____ in spaceflights. Insects, mice, frogs, dogs and monkeys were some of the animals ____5____ first went into space. Many of them died, but they helped to make space travel safer for humans. For their great service, we shouldn’t forget these animals.Albert Ⅱ was the first monkey to go into space in 1949. Sadly, he died ____6____ his spaceship landed back on Earth.____7____ the result was different for Ham the Monkey. His story ended happily when he returned to earth ____8____ very good health.Scientists wanted to know the answer to the important question: could ____9____ animal like Ham do the same things in space as he could do on Earth? The answer came when Ham ____10____ into space in 1961. Yes, he did everything well and lived for another 16 years.( )1. A. look B. to look C. lookingD. looked( )2. A. explore B. to explore C. explored D. exploring( )3. A. safe B. safer C. safestD. the safest( )4. A. they B. them C. theirD. theirs( )5. A. whom B. what C. that D. whose( )6. A. if B. because C. afterD. since( )7. A. Luck B. Unlucky C. UnluckilyD. Luckily( )8. A. at B. on C. in D. for( )9. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )10. A. send B. sent C. is sentD. was sent(8)Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish? Nothing is a waste if we have ____1____ creative mind. Let me show you something about ____2____ rubbish.Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets, near the buildings … here and there. Many large cities became so ugly ____3____ it. ____4____ likes rubbish, but in fact, some rubbish can be used again. All of us want to solve the problem, we must do something ____5____ good use of rubbish. We should take action from now on. In this way, some good things will not be wasted.Do you often throw away things you don't need any more? Have you ____6____ thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? For Example, when a bottle is ____7____, it will be thrown away as waste. You don't know bottle glass can be made ____8____ sand and used to build streets. Rubbish from food can be changed intofertilizer(肥料) to make plants grow better. It is cheap and safe. Now, more and more machines ____9____ for that.Someday, people will watch films in a beautiful cinema ___10___ is built out of rubbish. Besides buildings and roads, cities may be made from rubbish. But so far, building beautiful cities made from rubbish is only a dream.( )1. A. / B. a C. an D. the( )2. A. reuse B. reused C. to reuseD. reusing( )3. A. because of B. instead of C. as for D. because( )4. A. Everybody B. Anybody C. NobodyD. Somebody( )5. A. make B. making C. madeD. to make( )6. A. already B. never C. everD. yet( )7. A. empty B. emptier C. emptiestD. the emptiest( )8. A. on B. into C. forD. with( )9. A. design B. designed C. were designed D. are designed( )10. A. where B. when C. whoD. which(9)It was early in the morning when Vikki was playing with her ____1____ baby daughter. Her husband made her a cup of hot tea. He put it on a chair to cool it. She turned to her husband and had ____2____ words with him. Just at that moment, she heard ____3____ awful cry from her baby. She quickly turned around and saw her daughter dropping the cup. The baby had poured the cup of hot tea over herself.It was clear the baby was in great pain____4____ she kept crying. Vikki quickly took ____5____ the baby’s shirt and found her arm turning pink. Vikki was so scared that she didn’t know what to do next.Luckily her husband ____6____ how to deal with the burn. He quickly carried the baby to the kitchen. He used cold water ____7____ the burn on her arm. Her skin dropped off and her left arm was bleeding.Vikki called 999. The one ____8____ was answering the phone said they were doing the right thing to put the burn under cold running water. He said that the ____9____ the skin is cooled, the better. He told them to carry on until the ambulance(救护车)arrived.The baby ____10____ to hospital quickly. Six weeks later she was all right. Of course, her parents would never put hot things anywhere near her ever after.( )1. A. 10 months old B. 10 month oldC. 10-month-oldD. 10 months( )2. A. little B. few C. a littleD. a few( )3. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )4. A. and B. but C. or D. though( )5. A. up B. after C. out D. off( )6. A. know B. knew C. has known D. will know( )7. A. cool B. cooling C. to coolD. cooled( )8. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose( )9. A. quick B. quickly C. quickerD. quickest( )10. A. sent B. has sent C. is sentD. was sent(10)Did you know that you don't need special equipment(设备) to help someone____1____ is hurt?Five-year-old Darcey loves riding. One day she was riding her bike with her dad ____2____ usual. Suddenly, she hit a rock and bumped her head when she fell off her bike.Her dad came running over to help. Luckily, he knew ____3____ what to do.First, he checked Darcey. She seemed well, ____4____ there was a big bump(肿块) on her head. He knew he ____5____ to put something cold on her head to stop the bump from growing bigger. So they went home. As soon as they got home, Darcey ____6____ ice wrapped(裹在) in a towel to put over her bump.____7____ hour later, the bump grew bigger. Darcey looked pale and was becoming sleepy. Her dad found ____8____ difficult to know if she wassleepy because of the exercise or the injury(受伤).Then Darcey started to throw up(吐). Her dad remembered what a first aid app said, “You should seek medical advice if a child ____9____ up after a head injury.” So he took her straight to the hospital. The hospital watched Darcey overnight but felt she was well enough ____10____ home in the morning. She was soon able to be back out on her bike.( )1. A. whose B. who C. which D. whom( )2. A. as B. for C. at D. with( )3. A. hard B. hardly C. exactD. exactly( )4. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )5. A. needs B. has needed C. neededD. will need( )6. A. was given B. gave C. has given D. is given( )7. A. A B. An C. The D. /( )8. A. it B. that C. thisD. one( )9. A. will throw B. throw C. throwsD. threw( )10. A. go B. going C. to goingD. to go(11)Tibet is among ____1____ places for Chinese tourists. The number of travelers to Tibet has grown by 10% every year for a few years. ____2____ July 1, 2006, when the first train ran 1,956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa, more and more people have been going to Tibet. The train stops at several famous places along the way, such as Qinghai Lake, Kunlun Mountain, and the Potala Palace. Passengers can also enjoy many activitiesduring the journey, like Tibetan dancing and Karaoke.On the train, passengers can have tea, eggs and noodles for breakfast, and fried chicken and green vegetables for lunch and dinner. Unlike most Chinese trains which have open hole toilets, this one hasspecial toilets ____3____ can collect the waste. Windows on the train can protect people from the ____4____ sunlight. TV and electrical sockets(插座) for computers and mobile phones can ____5____ on the train. There is also a special rubbish system in the train that keeps the environment ____6____.Because there isn't ____7____ oxygen there, trains will have oxygen masks for those who need ____8____. It makes passengers ____9____ more comfortable when they have enough oxygen on the famous “roof of the world”. There are also doctors on the train ____10____ sure that all of the travelers are safe.( )1. A. popular B. more popularC. most popularD. the most popular ( )2. A. Since B. For C. From D. In( )3. A. / B. who C. whom D. which( )4. A. light B. lightly C. brightD. brightly( )5. A. find B. found C. be found D. finding( )6. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaningD. to clean( )7. A. some B. many C. a fewD. much( )8. A. its B. it C. themD. they( )9. A. to feel B. feel C. feelingD. felt( )10. A. make B. makes C. to make D.made(12)Last autumn, during the Diwali Festival(排灯节), we went on a trip to India. I never had the chance to visit the snow mountains before, ____1____ I was very excited and packed my luggage quickly. We got ____2____ ready for the journey and couldn’t wait to set off. We flew to Delhi and then we traveled by bus from Delhi to Kullu.Kullu is ____3____ well known place of interest. It is famous ____4____ its Kullu caps and Dussehra Festival. We stayed in Kullu for two days. We went out every day and enjoyed the sight of the hills. There were four teachers with us. We formed four small groups and each group went with a teacher. In a store, nearly everyone ____5____ a Kullu cap as a gift for the family. Then we moved ahead to Manali by jeep.Manali is on the bank of River Vyas. It is one of ____6____ places, which is full of apple trees and great natural beauty. I felt happy to enjoy the nature. ____7____ at the bright colorful flowers and the snow at the top of the high mountains in the distance, ____8____ heart was full of joy. We stayed there for four days and enjoyed every minute there. Time passed very ____9____ and it was time for us to leave. I thought I ____10____ never forget this wonderful experience.( )1. A. but B. though C. so D. and( )2. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything( )3. A. the B. a C. an D. /( )4. A. for B. as C. withD. in( )5. A. buy B. will buy C. boughtD. has bought( )6. A. the loveliest B. lovely C. lovelier D. love( )7. A. Look B. To look C. LookingD. Looked( )8. A. my B. me C. mineD. myself( )9. A. quickly B. quick C. quicker D. quicken( )10. A. will B. would C. canD. may2020广东中考英语专项训练-语法选择12篇答案(1)1-5 AABDD 6-10 CABBC(2)1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ABDBA(3)1-5 CABDA 6-10 BDDBD(4)1-5 BCBBA 6-10 BBBAB(5)1-5 BDCAA 6-10 BABAB(6)1-5 BABDD 6-10 CDCAB (7)1-5 BDABC 6-10 CDCBD (8)1-5 BDACD 6-10 CABDD (9)1-5 CDBAD 6-10 BCACD (10)1-5 BADBC 6-10 ABACD (11)1-5 DADCC 6-10 ADCBC (12)1-5 CABAC 6-10 ACAAB。
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广州英语中考语法选择专练训练题一Mr. King was a strange man. He liked travelling and animals very much. He founded his own empire(帝国).Mr. King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. After he left school, he 26 all over the world collecting animals for his own zoo. He hoped 27 two examples of every kind of animal on his island. 28 he was afraid that people would find him someday.In his spare time, he 29 books about his travels, and about his animals 30 he collected the money from the books and helped to pay for the food 31 these animals ate.One day, when Mr. King was out 32 drinking water, he found oil. He needed money for his travels and for 33 zoo, and a little oil would buy enough water for what he needed all his life, but he knew that if he told anybody else about it, it would be 34 end of zoo and his life’s work.So he decided 35 anyone about what he had found, because oil and water couldn’t mix. ( )26. A. has traveled B. had traveled C. traveled D. travels( )27. A. to collect B. collecting C. collects D. collect( )28. A. Or B. And C. But D. So( )29. A. write B. writes C. wrote D. is writing( )30. A. so that B. and that C. as to D. that( )31. A. what B. who C. whenD. which( )32. A. looks forward to B. to look at C. looking for D. looked after( )33. A. its B. his C. her D. their( )34. A. a B. an C. the D.不填( )35. A. to not tell B. to tell not C. not telling D. not to tell训练题二In California, there lives a pretty girl called Donna Green. She is a 26 girl with big eyes and golden hair. She is good at singing and 27 the first place in the Singing Competition three times.But two years ago she became very weak. She had an unhealthy heart. “Donna needs a new heart, 28 she will die soon.” The doctor said.Jim Smith, 15, 29 was worried about Donna, was her best friend. He liked her very much and didn’t want her 30 . Jim talked to his mother about Donna. “I’m going to die, and I 31 my heart to Donna.” Jim’s mother didn’t pay much attention to him. She thought, “Jim is strong and healthy. He is still young.”But Jim was not healthy at all. He 32 had terrible headaches. One morning, he woke up 33 a sharp pain in his head and 34 breathe. The Smiths rushed Jim to the hospital, but the doctor couldn’t save him. The Smiths were sad. But they remembered Jim’s words. Jim wanted to give his heart to Donna!After several tests, Jim’s heart 35 and put into Donna’s chest. In a short time, the heart began to beat. The operation was a success.Now, Donna can sing again. She is thankful to Jim for the great gift.( )26. A. 14-years-old B. 14-years old C. 14-year-old D. 14 year old( )27. A. wins B. won C. has wonD. had won( )28. A. or B. and C. but D. so( )29. A. he B. who C. which D. that( )30. A. die B. to die C. dying D. dead( )31. A. give B. have given C. would give D. will give( )32. A. some time B. some times C. sometime D. sometimes( )33. A. in B. with C. of D. on( )34. A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. might not D. shouldn’t( )35. A. took out B. is taken out C. was taken out D. takes out训练题三Nasreddin was a poor man, so he tried to grow __26__ he could in his own garden, so that he would not have to buy so many in the market.One evening he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window. A white cow __27__ into the garden and was eating his vegetables. Nasreddin at once took his stick, ran out and chased the cow, but he was too old to catch it. When he got back to his garden, he found that the cow had ruined most of his precious vegetables.__28__next morning, while he __29__ in the street near his house, he saw a cart with two white cows which looked very much like the one 30 had eaten his vegetables. He was carrying his stick with him, __31__ he at once began to beat the two cows with it. As neither of them looked more like the cow that had eaten his vegetables than the other, he beat both of them equally hard.The owner of the cow and cart was drinking coffee in a __32__ coffee-house. When he saw__33__ Nasreddin was doing _34__ his animals, he ran out and shouted, “What are you doing? What have those poor animals done to you for you to beat them like that?”“You keep out this!” Nasreddin shouted back, “This is a matter__35__ me and one of these two cows. He knows very well why I am beating him!”( )26. A. so many vegetables B. many vegetablesC. as many as vegetablesD. as many vegetables as( )27. A. had got B. got C. was getting D. has got( )28. A. One B. 不填 C. On D. The( )29. A. walks B. waked C. was walking D. walking( )30. A. who B. that C. whom D. 不填( )31. A. so B. and C. but D. or( )32. A. beside B. nearby C. near D. near by( )33. A. that B. which C. why D. what( )34. A. for B. to C. with D. on( )35.A. among B. of C. between D. in训练题四Many years ago, I was fresh out of school and working in Denver. I ___26_____ to my parents’home in Missouri _____27____Christmas when my car almost ran out of gas. I stopped at____28_____gas station about 50 miles from Oklahoma City. I was planning ____29____and visit a friend there. While I was standing in line at the cash register(收款台),I said hello to an older couple(夫妇)___30_____ were also paying for gas.I drove away, ____31____had gone only a few miles when black smoke came from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered ___32____I should do. A car stopped behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they ___33______ me to my friend’s.When I got home, I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping ___34___. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with said that helping me had made their holidays ___35______.“Thank you”—two powerful words. They’re easy to say and mean so much.( )26. A. drove B. was driving C. was driven D. would drive( )27. A. for B. at C. in D. on( )28. A. the B. an C. a D. /( )29. A. to stop B. stopping C. stop D. stopped( )30. A. what B. which C. whom D. who( )31. A. after B. but C. or D. before( )32. A. what B. where C. which D. how( )33. A. had taken B. would take C. was taking D. took( )34. A. I B. mine C. me D. myself( )35. A. wonderfully B. more wonderfully C. most wonderful D. wonderful训练题五Stephen Hawking, a world famous British physicist,will write a 26 book with his daughter.Hawking said the book would be “ a bit like Harry Potter” but without the magic. “Ite xplains the wonders of the universe.” said Hawking,while he was 27 a visit to Hong Kong last week.Hawking is probably the world’s most famous scientist after another English one 28 Albert Einstein.He is the expert on black holes.He has put his whole 29 into digging into the beginning (and the end) of the universe.“My goal is simple.”Hawking once said.“It is to 30 understand the universe,why it is as it is and why it is there at all.”Hawking has a bad illness that stops him from 31 .For a period of time,he had no way to communicate except by blinking (眨眼).Now he sits on a wheelchair with a computer by his side.To communicate,he moves two fingers to control the computer’s mouse.He chooses his words from the screen, 32 are then spoken by a special voice machine (音响合成器).Although Hawking is such a disabled man, 33 he made great achievements.He 34 many awards and prizes for his work over the years.This includes winning the Albert Einstein Award.It is 35 achievement in theoretical physics(理论物理).( )26.A. children B. children’s C. child D. childrens’( )27.A. for B. by C. on D. of( )28.A. name B. named C. namingD. calling( )29.A. live B. lives C. livingD. life( )30.A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely( )31.A. move or talk B. moving or talking C. moving or talk D. move or talking( )32.A. which B. where C. whoD. that( )33.A. and B. but C. / D. or ( )34.A. receives B. has received C. had received D. receiving( )35.A. high B. higher C. the highestD. the most high训练题六An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the time.One day a young man went past the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be if he lived in 26 . Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. He was very 27 about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy 28 care of them every day?”The old man smiled and said “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, I can touch the flowers 29 seeing them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. T he last one, that’s for you.”“ 30 ? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.“Yeah, it’s true that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels. We enjoy the happiness these flowers 31 us.”The blind man’s work pleased our hearts and 32 our eyes, which also made his life 33 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later 34 and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t hear his wonderful music, 35 his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?( )26. A. such a beautiful place B. so a beautiful placeC. such beautiful placeD. so beautiful place( )27. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly( )28. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken( )29. A. on B. with B. at D. without( )30. A. Me B. I C. My D. Mine( )31. A. brings B. has brought C. have brought D. had brought( )32. A. open B. opens C. was opened D. opened( )33. A. happily B. happier C. more happily D. most happily c( )34. A. life B. live C. lives D. living( )35. A. and B. so C. but D. or训练题七I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age, because I thought it was___26___ useful language. Full of strong wishes of ___27__ English, I began to learn it. But soon I found it ____28___ than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to remember. And even if you know 29 , you can't use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather 30__ in my first English test. I was worried about it. This made me __31___ my interest in English little by little.While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I knew that interest didn't mean __32 and I should have some learning methods. I did __33__ he said and tried many different ways of learning English. As the days went by, I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it.During summer vacation, an old lady from Australia visited my school. She had a talk with us. It was the first time to meet a foreigner. I got _34__ nervous at first, but soon I found it exciting to talk with her, and I learned a lot from her. ___35___ I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!( )26. A. such a B. such an C. so a D. so an( )27. A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learning( )28. A. better B. more difficult C. worse D. easier( )29. A. how to write them B. how should you write themC. what to write themD. what to write( )30. A. well B. worse C. bad D. badly( )31. A. dropped B. dropping C. drop D. drops( )32. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something( )33. A. as B. like C. so D. so that( )34. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few( )35. A. What B. Why C. How D. When训练题八Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information , your life will be much ___26___.Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous ___27___, you can find them ___28___ Your bag should ___29___towards the front of your body instead of___30___it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is ___31___ for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.If you are followed___32___ someone you don’t know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand ___33___ you know he or she is after you. Next, don’t go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift.If you have to take ___34___bus to place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops ___35___from studying you. On the bus, don’t sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don’t sleep.( )26. A. safe B. safety C. safer D. safest( )27. A. happens B. happen C. happened D. will happen( )28. A. easy B. easier C. easiest D. easily( )29. A. be carry B. be carried C. carry D. carries( )30. A. puts B. put C. putting D. be put( )31. A. enough easy B. easily enough C. enough easily D. easy enough( )32. A. from B. by C. in D. for( )33. A. what B. how C. which D. that( )34. A. a B. an C. the D.不填( )35. A other B. the other C. others D. the others训练题九Andy Lau, one of Asia’s most popular singers, was born on September 27, inHong Kong. Andy was born in a poor family. So __26__ being famous, he did lots oflabor work _27__ money for his family. His original ideal was to be a fireman. WhenAndy first began to sing, there were just very few people __28__ liked him. __29__ henever stopped struggling, and he never gave up in his way. He tried his best to learn andworked very hard. His efforts (努力) made him __30__ at last. Almost 20 years past, Andy has always been __31____.Over the years, Lau has got a good-image(形象) not only _32__a superstar, but also a hard-working entertainer in Hong Kong. His work spirit has won the respect and admiration of his fans. In the past twenty years, Lau __33___ over one hundred films and kept a successful singing career. However, for many years the one thing Lau really wanted to do was to be taken seriously as an actor. He ___34__ with the Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards(香港电影奖) in 2008.Recently, Lau was named as the ambassador (大使) of _35_ a kind of lung disease(疾病). ( )26. A. before B. after C. when D. if( )27. A. earn B. earning C. to earn D. earned( )28. A. which B. what C. where D. who( )29. A. So B. But C. Though D. As( )30. A. succeed B. to succeed C. success D. successfully( )31. A. good B. better C. the best D. goodness( )32. A. in B. as C. of D. like( )33. A. has made B. made C. will make D. has been made( )34. A. awarded B. has been awarded C. is awarded D. was awarded( )35. A. prevent and control B. preventing and controllingC. to prevent and to controlD. prevented and controlled训练题十If you have failed in the past to try to make big changes in life, try again now, one small step at a time.Every year it’s the same. As December 26 to an end, you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, you think about the last year. You 27 write down all the changes you are going to make, but by the end of January those ideas get 28 in your busy life.Here’s the suggestion: Forget the too big, hard-to-achieve goals and just think about the small ones. “We often think that we must do everything in big steps, 29 it’s so hard for us to reach it,” said Robert Maurer, 30 r ecently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life. “What we try to do is to begin with 31 small step that we can’t find any excuse 32 it.”During 33 , American factory managers were able to increase productivity(提高生产率)34 trying small, continuous (持续的) improvements instead of sudden changes. After the war, the idea 35 to a rebuilding Japan. It made Japan strong quickly. The Japanese called it “Kaizen”, which means “improvement”.()26. A. come B. came C. comes D. coming()27. A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitedly()28. A. loses B. lost C. lose D. to lose ()29.A. but B. / C. because D. if()30. A. which B. that C. whom D. who()31. A. such a B. such C. so D. so a()32. A. don’t do B. doesn’t do C. not to do D. not do()33. A. world war two B. World War II C. the World War Two D. Second World War()34. A. for B. from C. byD. with()35. A. brought B. brings C. is brought D. was brought训练题十一Henry found a job in a bookstore after he finished middle school. He wouldn’t do anything but wanted to get rich.It was a cold morning. It 26 and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people went to buy the books and the young man had nothing 27 . He hated to read, so he watched the traffic. Suddenly he saw a bag fall off a truck and it landed by 28 side of the street.“It must be full of expensive things.” Henry said to himself. “I have to get it right now, 29 others will take it away.”He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle (鸣笛), but he didn’t hear it and went on 30 . The man drove to the side, hit a big tree and 31 in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court. A judge asked 32 he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong 33 his ears and he could hear nothing.“B ut you have heard me this time,” said the judge.“Oh, I’m sorry. Now I can hear with one ear.“ 34 the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf one. Well, can you hear me?”“No, I can’t, sir.”“You are telling lies. There is nothing wrong with 35 of your ears.” The judge said.( )26. A. snow B. snows C. was snowing D. snowed ( )27. A. do B. to do C. doing D.done( )28. A. other B. the other C. others D. the others ( ) 29. A. or B. if C. andD. so( )30. A. run B. running C. runsD. ran( )31. A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurt D.was hurt( )32. A. that B. what C. or D.if( )33. A. on B. with C. by D.in( )34. A. Cover B. Covers C. To cover D. Covering ( )35. A. either B. neither C. both D. all历年中考真题回放2008Annie was excited. Her mother 26_____ to Beijing today and would be staying with her 27___ two weeks. She cleaned her home and thought about 28____ some flowers, but there wasn't time. She got in her car, turned on the radio and was heading off when the radio reported that all planes to Beijing would be two or more hours late because it was raining 29 ______ . With great disappointment Annie went back inside.Two hours later, Annie arrived at the airport and was 30_____ to see her mother waiting outside! She had decided to take an earlier plane 31_____ she could get to Beijing on time. She didn't think it was necessary to phone Annie as the earlier plane would arrive at the airport at the time her daughter expected.32 ______ mistake! Annie could have come earlier, but didn't. Her mother could have phoned from the plane, but didn't. They were 33 _______ hungry and tired. Annie was going to take her mother to 34_______ American restaurant, but her mother just 35 _____ to get home to rest. ( )26. A. was flying B. flies C. has flown D. fly( )27. A. after B. since C. in D. for( )28. A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying( )29. A. heavily B. much heavier C. heavy D. more heavier( )30. A. surprises B. surprising C. surprised D. surprise( )31. A. but B. although C. when D. so( )32. A. How B. What a C. What D. How a( )33. A. all B. either C. both D. neither( )34. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )35. A. wanted B. wants C. wanting D. want2009Homework can put you in a bad mood (情绪), but that might be a good thing. New research shows that being too happy can sometimes 26____ your learning performance.Researchers wanted to know 27_____ mood would affect (影响) the way children learn. So they decided to do a study.In the study, each child 28______ 20 problems. In each problem a small shape was hidden inside a different, larger shape. The children had to find the small shape while they were listening to either happy 29______ sad music.To measure their mood, the researchers asked the children 30______ to one of the five faces, from laughing 31______ crying. Children 32_____ listened to happy music pointed the smiling faces, showing that they felt 33______. Children who listened to sad music pointed the crying faces instead.The researchers found that sad children took less time to find the small shapes. They also correctly found three or more shapes.The researchers think that sadness 34_____ people pay more attention (注意) 头small facts. 35_____ people feel unhappy, they are more careful with a problem or difficult situation.( )26. A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurt D. to be hurt( )27. A. whether B. where C. that D. because( )28. A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. gives( )29 A. nor B. or C. and D. but( )30 A. point B. pointing C. pointed D. to point( )31 A. of B. to C. in D. with( )32. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which( )33. A. excited B. excitedly C. excitement D. excited( )34. A. make B. makes C. is making D. is made( )35. A. So B. But C. When D. Though2010My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and 26 me he would be away for a week. He asked me to feed the bird 27 him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds 28 the night before David was going to return. I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at 29 house. I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door 30 the back door! I kept 31 of what David would say when came back.Then I noticed 32 one bedroom window was open. I found a big tone and pushed it under the window. 33 the stone was very heavy, I made a lot of noise. But in the end, I managed to climb up.I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone 34 a torch(电筒)up at me. I looked down and saw 35 policeman and an old lady, one of Da vid’s neighbors. “What are you doing up there?” Said the policeman. Feeling like a fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Smith’s birds.”( )26. A. tell B. tells C. told D. had told( )27. A. with B. to C. for D. at( )28. A. until B. before C. as D. since( )29. A. her B. his C. their D. our( )30. A. and B. but C. or D. nor( )31. A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thought( )32. A. how B. that C. what D. why( )33. A. If B. Because C. When D. Whether( )34. A. is shinning B. was shone C. shines D. was shining( )35. A. a B. the C. an D. /。