
位置:交换机侧配置于1、2、4、5、6、7、8单元机框;DDF侧配置于DDF 3框
分机限呼设置:CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号,ITR=0(1\2\3) [0可以呼叫任何分机]

DCH-4000P⽹管使⽤⼿册DCH-4000P⽹管使⽤⼿册管理DCH-4000P使⽤设备 (3)状态信息 (3)输⼊设置 (4)CI解扰 (6)输出设置 (8)解码设置 (9)IP输⼊设置 (12)IP输出设置 (13)节⽬复⽤ (20)过滤设置 (26)系统设置 (27)使⽤设备1、若需要使⽤某⼀台设备,⽤⿏标选中该设备,双击⿏标左键,即可在右上⽅出现该设备的详细设备参数设置,打开后可以对其内容进⾏设置2、若需要退出对该设备的操作,只需点击中红⾊叉即可状态信息1、Input Status:显⽰该设备的状态信息及输⼊源的使⽤情况,如下图所⽰1.1在状态信息栏中,该设备的输⼊源包括:ASI、Tuner、IP(当IP设置为IP输⼊时出现);1.2图标:表⽰设备没有锁定该输⼊源;1.3图标:表⽰设备锁定该输⼊源,同时显⽰出输⼊源的输⼊总⽐特率(MHz)、输⼊有效⽐特率(MHz)、包长(单位:Byte,⼀般是188个字节长度),并在输⼊源右边的条形图中显⽰⽐例,蓝⾊表⽰背景,深绿⾊表⽰输⼊总⽐特率,浅绿⾊表⽰输⼊有效⽐特率;1.4根据不同输⼊源,还会显⽰不同的参数信息:Tuner:显⽰强度(dBm)、信噪⽐(dB)、误码率、Eb/No(dB)IP:显⽰连接状态2、查询设置:分为⾃动查询和⼿动查询2.1⾃动查询:★若点击开启,在查询间隔中输⼊间隔时间,点击“应⽤”按钮,显⽰⾃动查询状态已启⽤;★若不选中开启,点击“应⽤”按钮,显⽰⾃动查询状态已警⽤;2.2 ⼿动查询:在需要查询输⼊源状态信息时点击“查询”按钮;输⼊设置1、QAM设置:根据⽤户需求,设置该设备的输⼊参数,包括:QAM数、有线频率、有线符号率;如下图所⽰2、2.1QAM数:16、32、64、128、256可选2.2有线频率:范围为0~999999 KHz2.3有线符号率:范围为0~45000 KBaud3、提交按钮:将⽤户设置的所有信息提交到设备,并弹出消息对话框,提⽰⽤户提交成功;如图所⽰4、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输⼊源中获取所有信息5、加载按钮:到本地指定⽬录中把上次保存的设备所有设置信息⽂件加载进来,如下图所⽰4.1 点击“打开”按钮,弹出选项对话框,图标表⽰加载此项,图标表⽰不加载此项4.2 点击“确定”按钮加载数据成功,点击“取消”退出加载操作;6、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地⽬录中,点击“确定”按钮保存数据成功,点击“取消”退出保存操作CI解扰1、解扰⽬的:将加扰的TS流信息按照⼀定⽅式进⾏解扰操作,使其能正常输出,它的操作如下图所⽰1.1 输⼊源:可选ASI、Tuner、IP(当IP设置为IP输⼊时出现)、Mux TS(当需要节⽬复⽤或过滤功能出现)1.2 解扰⽅式:该设备中有两个CI卡槽位,如上图所⽰,Slot1中插⼊⼀张CI卡进⾏解扰;★点击“Slot1”按钮,弹出CI Information对话框,主要是⽤来显⽰CI ⼤卡信息;图标:可以进⼊该项的⼦菜单图标:返回上⼀层菜单图标:没有⼦菜单图标:当前是主菜单例如下图所⽰,双击Version Information,显⽰版本信息:★若点击“Slot1”按钮,弹出CI Information对话框,显⽰如下图情况:解决⽅案:⑴检查系统设置中接受警报IP是否与本机IP⼀致,若不⼀致请设置为本机IP,设置成功后点击“提交”按钮;⑵检查UDP应⽤协议的216端⼝是否被占⽤;1.3 图标或图标后是显⽰插⼊的CI⼤卡名字1.4图标:表⽰CI卡槽中插⼊CI⼤卡1.5 图标:表⽰CI卡槽中没有插⼊CI⼤卡1.6节⽬信息列表:显⽰该输⼊源中的所有节⽬信息及通过哪种⽅式解扰;通道设置栏中可以选择⽤Slot1进⾏解扰或Slot2进⾏解扰(前提:CI卡槽中插⼊CI⼤卡)、也可以选择Bypass(不解扰)、不选则主动会填充Free Bypass(免费节⽬不解扰);2、提交按钮:将⽤户设置的所有信息提交到设备3、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输⼊源中获取所有信息4、加载按钮:到本地指定⽬录中把上次保存的所有设置信息⽂件加载进来5、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地⽬录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作⽅法,请参看“输⼊设置”中对应的讲解;输出设置1、ASI设置:选择输⼊源,通过ASI输出⼝按照⼀定包长输出节⽬信息,如下图所⽰1.1输⼊源:可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输⼊时出现)、CI Descramble(当进⾏完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复⽤节⽬或过滤功能出现)1.2包长选择(单位:Byte):可选188(固定包长)或Bypass(按照输⼊时的包长格式进⾏输出)2、ASI2/SDI设置:(ASI2和SDI共⽤⼀个输出⼝)2.1 若制式选择ASI2,表⽰⽤ASI2格式进⾏输出,如下图所⽰:2.1.1 输⼊源选择:可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输⼊时出现)、CI Descramble(当进⾏完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复⽤节⽬或过滤功能出现)2.1.2包长选择(单位:Byte):可选188(固定包长)或Bypass(按照输⼊时的包长进⾏输出)2.2 若制式选择SDI,表⽰⽤SDI格式进⾏输出,如下图所⽰:2.2.1 ⾳频数据标识:可选择 Group 1、Group 2、Group 3、Group 4;2.2.2 嵌⼊⾳频类型:主要有None、One、Two、One&Two四种类型;3、提交按钮:将⽤户设置的所有信息提交到设备4、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输⼊源中获取所有信息5、加载按钮:到本地指定⽬录中把上次保存的所有设置信息⽂件加载进来6、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地⽬录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作⽅法,请参看“输⼊设置”中对应的讲解;解码设置1、播放设置:根据不同输⼊源的节⽬信息进⾏播放设置,如下图所⽰1.1 输⼊源:选择需要进⾏播放设置的输⼊源,可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输⼊时出现)、CI Descramble(当进⾏完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复⽤节⽬或过滤功能出现)1.2节⽬选择:在指定输⼊源下选择需要进⾏播放设置的节⽬;2、视频设置:主要的参数包括制式、屏宽⽐、DVB字幕语⾔、EBU字幕语⾔、优先级、失效模式、CC字幕、视频报警、VBI模式,如下图所⽰2.1制式:主要分为Auto、PAL、NISC、SECAM格式2.2屏宽⽐:在显⽰器上呈现出的画⾯的长和宽的⽐例,主要分为4:3 Full、4:3 Letterbox、16:9 Full、Auto格式2.3DVB字幕语⾔:输⼊DVB⽀持的任何⼀种语⾔,例如eng2.4EBU字幕语⾔:输⼊EBU⽀持的任何⼀种语⾔,例如eng2.5优先级:设置视频显⽰的字幕语⾔,可设置为DVB First或EBU First2.6失效模式:当显⽰出来的视频出现异常时所呈现出的视频状态,可设置为No Sync(没信号)、Black Screen(⿊屏)、Still Pictures(静⽌图像)2.7CC字幕:针对残疾⼈⼠字幕语⾔,可设置为On(启⽤)或off(关闭)2.8视频报警:当视频出现异常时向接收报警服务器发出的警报消息,可设置为Enable(激活)或Disable(禁⽤)2.9VBI模式:对视频进⾏指定范围的逐⾏扫描,Enable(激活)、Disable(禁⽤)3、Biss设置:通过加密的⽅式,要求访问该输⼊源中的节⽬信息就必须输⼊正确的密钥才可以访问到;3.1模式:off、Biss 1、Biss E3.1.1 若模式为off,表⽰不使⽤Biss设置,如下图所⽰3.1.2 若模式为Biss 1,则该设备通过输⼊源获取的节⽬信息后只有输⼊正确的密钥后才可以访问到节⽬内容,⽽其他⽤户只能搜索到节⽬但不能访问⾥⾯的内容信息,如下图所⽰3.1.3若在模式下拉框中选择Biss E,则该设备通过输⼊源获取的节⽬信息后只有输⼊正确的标识和密钥后才可以访问到节⽬内容,⽽其他⽤户只能搜索到节⽬但不能访问⾥⾯的内容信息,如下图所⽰4、⾳频设置:主要是⽤来控制输⼊源下节⽬信息声⾳,它主要包括⾳量、调制、⾳频语⾔、⾳频报警,如下图所⽰4.1⾳量:由⼩到⼤(0~99),可通过⼿动⽅式改变⾳量⼤⼩,也可⽤⿏标拖动⽅式改变⾳量⼤⼩4.2调制:主要是针对不同的声⾳效果设置⾳量,可选择Left(左声道)、Right (右声道)、Stereo(⽴体声)、Mono(单⼀声道);4.3⾳频语⾔:选择输⼊源下指定节⽬信息的⾳频语⾔4.4⾳频报警:主要针对⾳频出现异常时向接受报警的服务器发出的警报,选择“禁⽤”表⽰不使⽤⾳频报警功能,选择“开启”表⽰使⽤⾳频报警功能;5、提交按钮:将⽤户设置的所有信息提交到设备6、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输⼊源中获取所有信息7、加载按钮:到本地指定⽬录中把上次保存的所有设置信息⽂件加载进来8、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地⽬录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作⽅法,请参看“输⼊设置”中对应的讲解;1、IP输⼊:单播地址:组播地址:[1] 在⽬的地IP地址栏输⼊发送机设置的单播或多播IP 地址(Uni/Multicast IP);[2] 设置⽬的地UDP 端⼝为发送机设置的UDP 端⼝;[3] 设置应⽤协议为UDP 或RTP;[4] 设置平滑为Auto、Fixed Rate或Disable[5] 设置合适的传输流码率(针对应⽤协议为RTP时才使⽤);[6] 扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关根据实际填写,Mac 地址固定;[7] 设置完毕后,完成IP 输⼊功能的设置;2、提交按钮:将⽤户设置的所有信息提交到设备3、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输⼊源中获取所有信息4、加载按钮:到本地指定⽬录中把上次保存的所有设置信息⽂件加载进来5、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地⽬录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作⽅法,请参看“输⼊设置”中对应的讲解;1、IP输出设置:单播同⽹段输出设置:1.1DVB模式:输⼊源⾥选择的传输流直接打包成IP 流,因此IP 流包含了所有节⽬[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、扩展等,如下图所⽰[2] 在制式框内选择DVB,点击,弹出以下对话框[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输⼊单播IP 地址,即⽬标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于同⼀⽹段);[4] 在⽬的地UDP 端⼝设置端⼝号;[5] 在⽬标Mac 地址输⼊⽬标机器的Mac 地址(必须填写);[6] 设置完毕后点击确定,在IP 设置主菜单点击,完成DVB 同⽹段输出设置;单播跨⽹段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关,跨⽹段时要输⼊⽹关MAC地址(此项要设置成 1400P所连路由器的MAC地址);[2] 在制式框内选择DVB,点击,弹出以下对话框;[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输⼊单播IP 地址,即⽬标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处部于同⽹段);[4] 在⽬的地UDP 端⼝设置端⼝号;[5] 在⽬标Mac 地址输⼊⽬标机器的Mac 地址,也可以不设置;[6] 设置完毕后点击“确定”,在IP设置主菜单点击,完成DVB 跨⽹段单播输出设置;组播输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关;[2] 点击,弹出以下对话框:[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输⼊组播IP 地址,范围是224.0.0.0 –;[4] 在⽬的地UDP 端⼝设置端⼝号,接收端需要设置同样的UDP 端⼝号;[5] ⽬标Mac 地址可以不设置,如下图所⽰1.2 IPTV:传输流被解复⽤成单个的节⽬,每个IP 流包含⼀个节⽬单播同⽹段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关;[2] 选择制式⾥⾯的IPTV,点击,出现以下对话框⼝呈可⽤状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可⽤状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写⽬的地UDP 端⼝;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为⽬标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于同⼀⽹段);[6] 设置⽬标MAC地址为⽬标机器的Mac 地址(必须设置)[7]在TS 输⼊⾥选择节⽬点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节⽬点击移除IP 输出的节⽬[8] 点击提交→点击确定→在IP设置主界⾯点击,完成对IPTV 的单播同⽹段输出设置单播跨⽹段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关,跨⽹段时要输⼊⽹关MAC地址(此项要设置成1400P所连路由器的MAC地址);[2] 在制式框内选择IPTV,点击弹出以下对话框:[3] 最右边是输出通道设置,最多可以设置六路;选中其中⼀路,开启和⽬的地UDP端⼝呈可⽤状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可⽤状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写⽬的地UDP 端⼝;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为⽬标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于不同⽹段);[6] 设置⽹关MAC地址为⽬标机器的Mac 地址,可以不设置;[7] 在TS 输⼊⾥选择节⽬点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节⽬点击移除IP 输出的节⽬[8] 点击提交→点击确定→在IP 设置主界⾯点击,完成IPTV 跨⽹段单播输出设置;组播输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输⼊源、应⽤协议、扩展板IP、⼦⽹掩码、⽹关;[2] 选择制式⾥⾯的IPTV,点击,出现以下对话框:[3] 最右边是输出通道设置,最多可以设置六路;选中其中⼀路,开启和⽬的地UDP端⼝呈可⽤状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可⽤状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写⽬的地UDP 端⼝;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为组播地址;[6] 因为是组播,⽬标MAC地址不⽤设置;[7] 在TS 输⼊⾥选择节⽬点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节⽬点击移除IP 输出的节⽬。
DSA-4000 8000 PPPoE宽带接入服务器 说明书

Table of Contents 1.总述 (4)1.1. 硬件概述: (4)1.2. 软件概述: (5)2.硬件描述及安装 (6)2.1. 硬件规范: (6)2.2. 硬件安装: (6)3.配置PPPoE宽带接入服务器 (8)3.1. 基本配置分类: (8)3.1.1. 服务器自身的配置: (8)3.1.2. 与外界互连的配置: (8)3.2. 典型配置例子: (8)3.2.1. 实际环境: (8)3.2.2. 应用分析: (9)3.2.3. 配置及分析: (9)3.2.4. 补充说明: (12)4.命令详解 (13)4.1. ? (13)4.2. acl (13)4.3. aclcfg (14)4.4. auth (15)4.5. backup (15)4.6. cfg (16)4.7. ctm (17)4.8. debug (17)4.9. enable (18)4.10. exit (18)4.11. filist (18)4.12. hostname (20)4.13. local (20)4.14. logger (21)4.15. mulip (21)4.16. multi (22)4.17. nameserver (22)4.18. nat (23)4.19. no (24)4.20. ping (25)4.21. pool (25)4.22. port (26)4.23. proxyarp (27)4.24. radius (28)4.25. reboot (30)4.26. route (31)4.27. servicename (31)4.28. show (32)4.29. snmp (32)4.30. src_route (32)4.31. set (33)4.32. tcplimit (37)4.33. telnet (38)4.34. telnetlist (38)4.35. time (39)4.36. upgrade (39)4.37. user (39)4.38. write (39)5.常见问题 (41)5.1. 如何登录主机? (41)5.2. 如何取得配置权限? (41)5.3. 如何配置端口? (41)5.4. 如何配置IP pool? (42)5.5. 如何配置Radius? (42)5.6. 如何配置filist? (42)5.6.1. 利用filist设置拨号上来的用户互相不能通信 (43)5.6.2. 利用filist限制访问国外站点 (43)5.7. 如何配置nat ? (44)5.8. 如何配置VLAN支持 ? (44)5.9. 如何升级系统的IOS文件? (45)6.Radius属性支持 (46)6.1. Radius属性表: (46)6.2. 与D-LINK DSA相关属性: (47)1.总述D-LINK PPPoE DSA(以下为了描述的方便,对D-LINK PPPoE DSA简称为PPPoE DSA或者PPPoE宽带接入服务器)是在以太网结构上运行PPP协议的接入设备,它主要完成PPPoE报文和IP报文的转换,同时可以完成用户的认证计费信息采集、带宽控制、TCP连接数控制、防代理软件等相关功能。
用户参考 P4000单节点配置过程

2.设置Management Group、Cluster、Volume 进入CMC选择管理组、群集和卷向导选择新管理组设置管理组名称设置用户名称和密码设置NTP服务器,可选择手动设置时间可选择接受不完整,跳过此步骤设置SMTP,可选择接受不完整,跳过此步骤创建群集选择标准群集设置群集名称输入虚拟IP(VIP)选择“完成”。
提示需要输入License如已有License,可选择Management Group,右键,选择注册。
3.1 添加服务器输入服务器名称在服务器操作系统下打开iscsi initiator,查看服务器的IQN(发起程序名称)将IQN复制在发起程序节点名称的空白处读写权限设置服务器添加设置完成。
3.2映射Volume在iscsi initiator中,添加虚拟IP添加后可发现目标,状态为不活动点击连接显示目标已连接查看服务器操作系统磁盘管理,可看到映射过来的磁盘1。

聚生网管简单使用说明顾煜超0841903210计算机科学与工程学院二○一一年十一月四日一、安装1、首先安装聚生网管安装光盘目录下“加密狗驱动程序”文件夹内的“Sentinel Protection Installer7.4.0.exe(试用版不需要注册,也不需要安装加密狗驱动)。
2、然后安装wincpap.exe 抓包驱动程序。
如配置1、配置2、配置3、配置4 所示。
配置1-新建网段配置2-输入网段名称配置3-选择待监控网段网卡配置4-选择监控网段出口带宽然后您可以选中刚刚建立的监控网段,双击或者点击“开始监控”按钮,进入主界面,如配置5 所示。
注意:这里虽然你控制了全部主机,但是只是让你查看带宽,并没有对主机进行其它的控制,如果你想启用各种控制(如下载、聊天等),你需要为主机建立一个策略,并且指派给你想控制的主机或者全部主机,只有指派策略的主机才能够真正被控制;此外,在选择“全部控制”时,确保你的局域网没有在路由器或者防火墙进行IP-MAC 绑定,否则可能影响到局域网计算机的公网访问。

DEC-1000和DEC-4000控制器操作说明书讲述DEC1000和4000控制器操作说明书LED 灯显示含义(从左到右顺序)1灯:DEC1000控制器电源供给,绿灯亮(绿色)。


网络视频监控软件-4000操作说明目录一设备管理1.1 列表树配置 41.2 添加设备的操作 51.3 通道的配置 8二图像预览2.1非轮循预览 92.2按节点播放 92.3结束播放 10三云台控制3.1 485参数设置 113.2 云台控制 123.3 方向控制 12四录像和回放4.1 录像 134.2 客户端本地录像 134.3 集中存储服务器录像配置 144.4 NVR服务器的添加 14五维护管理5.1 本地配置 155.2 日志管理 165.3 日志查询 165.4 用户管理 185.5 用户的添加、删除 19一设备管理使用软件进行操作前,需要先对设备进行添加和配置操作。
1.1 列表树配置软件初始运行时,列表树里默认为空,右键点击列表树任意空白处可进行区域的添加。
1.2 添加设备的操作右键点击添加的区域,弹出区域管理菜单,选择“添加设备”。
HIPATH4000 V2操作维护手册人机命令手册

HIPATH4000安装设置手册一HIPATH4000 V2.0基本命令使用简介 (4)1.联机 (4)2.改分机 (4)2.1修改分机等级权限: (4)2.2改号码 (4)2.3删除分机 (5)2.4加代接组 (5)2.5删除代接组 (5)2.6加分机和手机群振功能 (5)2.7分机加密码 (5)2.8加热线 (5)3.查看分机 (6)4.查看模拟中继: (7)5.查看数字中继: (8)6.查看分机状态(好-READY,坏DEFL Y) (9)7.查看中继状态:(好-READY) (9)8.关闭端口 (10)9.开启端口 (10)10.存盘命令: (11)11.IP电话功能的设置: (11)二.IP 电话的设置数据 (13)1.ADD 板子STMI2 (13)2.加IP用户板的IP ADDRESS and gateway (14)2.加功能等级: (15)4.加模拟电话号码: (16)5.数字话机功能键表: (16)5.1.STANDARD USER(普通用户): (16)5.2.SECR (秘书): (17)5.3.EXEC(经理): (17)6.加数字电话 (17)三.VOIP TO GLOBE SITE(ASIA ,USA) (18)1加IP TRUNK HG3550板 (18)2. 在系统里开起LOCAL GA TEKEEPER=YES.. (18)3.加HG3550的IP ADDRESS,GA TEW AY,GWNO,GWIDNO, (19)3.1 加STMI2的IP ADDRESS=,掩码: (19)3.2 加STMI的GA TEW AY:,和VLANID=411 (19)3.3加GATEW AY ID:HIT82(全网是唯一的) (19)3.4加LOCAL GATEWAY NO:826920(注册号码:全网唯一) (19)4. 加功能等级 (20)5.加中继COT (20)6.加中继COP (20)7.加中继D通道参数: (20)8.激活ISDN,CORNET NQ的协议 (21)9.加中继组 (21)10.加中继端口数据 (21)11, 加TSC 路由数据 (21)11.1.2 加出局发码规侧 (22)11.1.3 路由数据 (22)11.1.4 TSC号码 (22)11.2.5 发号方案 (22)11.2.6 加本地(LOCAL)GA TEW AY (22)12 加VOIP 到全球其它点的拨号出局路由1-XX-XXXX (23)12.1 VOIP SAN JOSE (23)12.2 VOIP AUSTIN (23)12.3 VOIP FUJISAW A (24)12.4 VOIP BKK (24)12.5 VOIP GUADALAJAR (25)12.6 VOIP PRACHINBUR (25)12.7 VOIP SINGAPORE (26)12.8 VOIP ROCHESTER (26)12.9 VOIP ODAW ARA (27)12.10 VOIP PHILIPPINE (27)四.数字中继数据 (28)1.加PRI E1板在第二,三框12槽位里 (28)2.加拨出码 (28)3.加中继COP参数 (28)4.加中继COT参数 (29)6.加电信中继端口为4X2M (29)7 加中继组为电信2M (29)8.加电信接入中继路由 (29)9.加号码发出规则 (29)10.加电信的路由数据 (30)11.加拨出到电信”9”号码方案 (30)五XPRESSION 设置数据 (30)1.加PRI E1板在第一框12槽位里 (30)2.加接入码 (30)3.加功能等级 (30)4.加中继COT参数 (31)5.加中继COP参数 (31)6 加中继组为XPRESSION (31)7.加XPRESSION 中继端口为15 CH (31)8.加XPRESSION 接入中继路由 (32)9.加号码发出规则 (32)10.加XPRESSION的路由数据 (32)11.加拨出号码方案 (32)12.加分机转移到XPRSSION内(内线,外线,占线,无人接转移到450002) (32)13.激活转移功能 (33)六.系统数据 (33)1.KNDEF (33)2.ZAND (34)3.FEASU (34)一HIPATH4000 V2.0基本命令使用简介外围电路板简介:STMI2 IP 用户板DIUN2-2M共路信令板:ISDN,CORNET(SIEMENS),有2个2MSLMA24-模拟用户板:24路1.联机开始--COMWIN-双击网络-DIRECT CONNECTION打CTRL+T 联机LOGIN:ENGINEERPASSW:INSTALL〈为提示符2.改分机2.1 修改分机等级权限:〈CHA-SCSU:STNO=XXXX,LCOSV1= X(1-内线,2-市话,3-国内,4-国际);结束回车数字命令:SBCSU2.2改号码先加新号码资源:〈ADD-WABE:2888,,,STN,N;改号码:〈CHA-WABE:STNO=1000(旧分机),NEWNO=2888(新分机);2.3删除分机〈DEL-SCSU:STNO=1000,CMD=ALL;(注意:分机在寻线组或代接组内的必须删除)2.4 加代接组〈ADD-AUN:GRNO=1(组号(1-1000),STNO=XXXX&XXXX;(如果分机是连续的可以用&&连接)EXAMPLE:〈ADD-AUN:GRNO=1,STNO=1000&&1010;2.5删除代接组〈DEL-AUN:TYPE=GR,GRNO=X(组号);2.6加分机和手机群振功能〈CHA-SCSU:STNO=XXXX,COS1=30(为群振铃);先查看代接组序列,然后新增代接组:〈REG-AUN;〈ADD-AUN:GRNO=X,STNO=2345&5100;2.7分机加密码〈CHA-SCSU:STNO=XXXX,COS1=1,COS2=2,LCOSV1=1,LCOSV2=4;〈ADD-PERSI:TYPE=STN,STNO=XXXX,COSXCD=12345(为4位的密码);2.8加热线The hotline feature automatically sets up VOICE and DTE connections immediately via initial seizure to a preset destination assigned in the HOTLN AMO.2.8.1AssignahotlinedestinationADD-HOTLN:TYPE=HOTDEST,HOTLNIDX=<number>,DEST=<number>;2.8.2 Activate the feature:CHA-FEASU:A,HOTRCL;2.8.3 Assign the hotline destination to a stationCHA-SDAT:STNO=<number>,TYPE=DATA1,HOTIDX=<number>;2.8.4 Assign the attribute HOT for service voice to a station by either assigning it switchable to a COS of the station (toggling between a COS with attribute HOT and one without HOT is possible - COS1/COS2 of the station):CHA-COSSU:TYPE=COS,COS=<number>,A VCE=HOT; (for VOICE)or assigning it fixed (COS with A VCE=HOT is not necessary in that case):CHA-SDAT:STNO=<number>,TYPE=ATTRIBUT,AATTR=HOT;2.8.5 Assign the attribute HOT for service DTE to a COS of the station(toggling between a COS with attribute OFHKRC and one without OFHKRC):CHA-COSSU:TYPE=COS,COS=7,ADTE=HOT;3.查看分机〈DIS-SCSU:STNO=XXXX;EXAMPLE:<dis-scsu:200;DIS-SCSU:200;H500: AMO SCSU STARTED------------------------------- USER DATA -----------------------------------STNO =200 COS1 =10 DPLN =0 SPDI =NOALERT = COS2 =10 ITR =0 SPDC1 =PEN = 1- 1- 49- 0 LCOSV1 = 2 COSX =0 SPDC2 =INS =YES STD = LCOSV2 = 4 SERVID = RCBKB =NOSECR = LCOSD1 =32 DSSTNA = RCBKNA =NO SSTNO =NO DIGNODIS= LCOSD2 =32 DSSTNB = CBKNAMB=TRACE =NO HFREE = SPEC = ALARMNO=0COFIDX =0 DIAL =DTMF WITKEY :NO SDACT = CLKDIR =CCTIDX = ACKST = SDII = HMUSIC =0 DHPAR = SDCI = PULSTYPE= PULSLEV= TEXTSEL= DVCFIG =ANATE------------------- ACTIV ATION IDENTIFIERS FOR FEATURES ---------------------FWDS :NO FWDT :NO FWDV :NO FWDF :NO FWDD :NOHTOS :NO HTOT :NO HTOV :NO HTOF :NO HTOD :NO DND :NO VCP :NO CWT :NO--------------------- FEATURES AND GROUP MEMBERSHIPS ------------------------ESSTN : :PUGR : HUNTING GROUP : NOCLEAR CHANNEL : NO ANALOG SIDE OF A MODEM : NONIGHT OPTION : NO ASSOCIATED STN : NO------------------------- STATION ATTRIBUTES (AMO SDAT) ---------------------NONE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------电路板端口是PEN=1-2-1-0(1为LTG,2为LTU,1为SLOT,0为电路(24路板从0-23,数字中继30路的0-32,模拟中继0-7)4.查看模拟中继:〈DIS-TDCSU:PEN=X-X-X-X(中继端口);Example:<dis-tacsu:1-1-85-33;DIS-TACSU:1-1-85-33;H500: AMO TACSU STARTEDANALOG TRUNKS (FORMA T=L)PEN | 1- 1- 85-33 | | | |--------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|DEVTYPE | TT | | | |DEV | TSEMU | | | |COTNO | 110 | | | |COPNO | 110 | | | |DPLN | 0 | | | |ITR | 0 | | | | TGRP | 120 | | | | COFIDX | 0 | | | | CCT | ROUTER | | | | DESTNO | 120 | | | | INS | Y | | | | COS | 100 | | | | LCOSV | 32 | | | | LCOSD | 32 | | | | INIGHT | | | | | NNO | 120 | | | | ALARMNO | 0 | | | | CARRIER | 1 | | | | ZONE | EMPTY | | | | DGTPRT1 | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------5.查看数字中继:〈DIS-TDCSU:PEN=X-X-X-X(中继端口)6.查看分机状态(好-READY,坏DEFLY)〈DIS-SDSU:ALL,,STNO,PER3,XXXX;7.查看中继状态:(好-READY)〈DIS-SDSU:ALL,,PEN,PER3,LTG,LTU,SLOT,CCT;EXAMPLE:DIS-SDSU:ALL,,PEN,PER3,1,1,85,33;H500: AMO SDSU STARTEDLTG1 (PERIPHERY) -----------------------MOUNTING LOCATION MODULE NAME BDL BD(#=ACT) STATUS------------------- LTG 1 --------------------- READY-------CC80F------- LTU 1 --------------------- READYP102.C80 8 1.085 DIUC64 A Q2185-X READYCCT LINE STNO SI BUS TYPE033 231 PP NW READYELEM DEV. . . . . . TMA CONN DEFIL/CP(不好的状态)<dis-sdsu:all,,pen,per3,1,1,85,33;DIS-SDSU:ALL,,PEN,PER3,1,1,85,33;H500: AMO SDSU STARTEDLTG1 (PERIPHERY)------MOUNTING LOCATION MODULE NAME BDL BD(#=ACT) STATUS------------------- LTG 1 --------------------- READY-------CC80F------- LTU 1 --------------------- READYP102.C80 8 1.085 DIUC64 A Q2185-X READYCCT LINE STNO SI BUS TYPE033 231 PP NW READYELEM DEV. . . . . . TMA CONN READY(好的状态)8.关闭端口<dea-dssu:di,pen,LTG-LTU-SLOT-CCT;Example:DEA-DSSU:DI,PEN,1-1-85-33;H500: AMO DSSU STARTEDH03: PEN 1-1-85-33 DEACTIV A TED9.开启端口<act-dssu:aul,pen, LTG-LTU-SLOT-CCT;;Example:ACT-DSSU:AUL,PEN,1-1-85-33;H500: AMO DSSU STARTEDH31: PEN 1-1-85-33 ACTIV ATEDCIRCUIT DA TA LOADING INITIATEDAMO-DSSU -39 DEVICE SWITCH OF SWITCHING UNITACTIVA TE COMPLETED;10.存盘命令:〈EX-UPDAT:BP,ALL;11.IP电话功能的设置:按*24输入密码,然后拨打长途,在没有用后10秒钟恢复不能打外线状态,密码可以随人在任何分机上用.数据以6125为例命令修改如下(功能已都测试过):加密码和人名,密码为6位的随机数::ADD-PERSI:STN,6125,"ZHONG XIAOBO*",,,,"123456",,,,,,,,,,,YES,;cha-sbcsu:stno=6125,lcosv1=4,lcosv2=2;cha-berum:stn,6125,2;ADD-ZIEL:NAME,6125,4,*24;电话按键表定义如下:11.1.STANDARD USER(普通用户):CHANGE-TAPRO:,9,OPTIT12,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,NAME,NAME,L NR,SPKR,,,,,,,,"12 KEYS I.M. STD 2: 4 PERSON TEAM";11.2.SECR (秘书):CHANGE-TAPRO:,10,OPTIT12,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,RNGXFER,DSS, LNR,SPKR,,,,,,,,"12 KEYS I.M. STD SECR";CHA-TAPRO:XXXX(分机号),10;11.3.EXEC(经理):CHANGE-TAPRO:,30,OPTIT19,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,NAME,NAME, NAME,NAME,NAME,NAME,RNGXFER,DSS,DSS,LNR,SPKR," STD EXEC ";CHA-TAPRO:XXXX(分机号),30;11.4.经理与秘书加入一组最大是四个经理和两个秘书:例:经理(8888),秘书(6666)-类型(一个经理一个秘书)ADD-CHESE:GRNO=1,EXEC=8888,SECR=6666,ALLOC=E1S1,MBOX1=EXEC; /*类型(一个经理一个秘书)ADD-CHESE:GRNO=1,EXEC=8888&9999,SECR=6000,ALLOC=E2S1,MBOX1=EXEC; /*类型(二个经理一个秘书)ADD-CHESE:GRNO=1,EXEC=8888&9999,SECR=6000&6001,ALLOC=E2S2,MBOX1=EXEC,M BOX2=EXEC; /*类型(二个经理两个秘书)二.IP 电话的设置数据1.ADD 板子STMI2ADD-BCSU:PER,1,1,1,"Q2316-X10 ",3,0,,NO,300,700,300,A; /*IP 用户板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,1,13,"Q2246-X ",0,0,,,,,,A; /*模拟板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,1,14,"Q2246-X ",0,0,,,,,,A;报/*模拟板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,2,1,"Q2316-X10 ",3,0,,NO,300,700,300,A; /*IP 用户板ADD-BCSU:DIU,1,2,12,"Q2196-X ",0,,,,,1,,,,,A; /*数字中继板ISDN PRIADD-BCSU:PER,1,2,13,"Q2246-X ",0,0,,,,,,A; /*模拟板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,2,14,"Q2316-X ",2,0,,,,,,A; / *IP TRUNK 3550ADD-BCSU:PER,1,3,1,"Q2316-X10 ",3,0,,NO,300,700,300,A; /*IP 用户板ADD-BCSU:DIU,1,3,12,"Q2196-X ",0,,,,,1,,,,,A; /*数字中继板ISDN PRIADD-BCSU:PER,1,3,13,"Q2246-X ",0,0,,,,,,A; /*模拟板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,3,14,"Q2316-X ",2,0,,,,,,A; /*IP TRUNK 3550ADD-BCSU:PER,1,4,1,"Q2316-X10 ",3,0,,NO,300,700,300,A; /*IP 用户板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,4,14,"Q2316-X10 ",3,0,,NO,300,700,300,A; / /*IP 用户板2.加IP用户板的IP ADDRESS and gateway槽位:LTG=1,LTU=1,SLOT=1:ADD-HFAB:STMIHFA2,1,1,NORMAL,,,213,YES,,4060,AUTONEG,411;/*详细: ADD-HFAB:MTYPE=STMIHFA2,LTU=1,SLOT=1,SMODE=NORMAL,IPADDR=,NET MASK=,PA TTERN=213,VLAN=YES,DEFRT=,TCPP=4060,BITRATE=A UTONEG,VLANID=411;槽位:LTG=1,LTU=2,SLOT=1:ADD-HFAB:STMIHFA2,2,1,NORMAL,,,213,YES,,4060,AUTONEG,411;/* 详细ADD-HFAB:MTYPE=STMIHFA2,LTU=2,SLOT=1,SMODE=NORMAL,IPADDR=,NET MASK=,PA TTERN=213,VLAN=YES,DEFRT=,TCPP=4060,BITRATE=A UTONEG,VLANID=411;槽位:LTG=1,LTU=3,SLOT=1:ADD-HFAB:STMIHFA2,3,1,NORMAL,,,213,YES,,4060,AUTONEG,411;/*详细: ADD-HFAB:MTYPE=STMIHFA2,LTU=3,SLOT=1,SMODE=NORMAL,IPADDR=,NET MASK=,PA TTERN=213,VLAN=YES,DEFRT=,TCPP=4060,BITRATE=A UTONEG,VLANID=411;槽位:LTG=1,LTU=4,SLOT=1:ADD-HFAB:STMIHFA2,4,1,NORMAL,,,213,YES,,4060,AUTONEG,411;/*详细: ADD-HFAB:MTYPE=STMIHFA2,LTU=4,SLOT=1,SMODE=NORMAL,IPADDR=,NET MASK=,PA TTERN=213,VLAN=YES,DEFRT=,TCPP=4060,BITRATE=A UTONEG,VLANID=411;槽位:LTG=1,LTU=4,SLOT=1:ADD-HFAB:STMIHFA2,4,14,NORMAL,,,213,YES,,4060,AUTONEG,411;/*详细: ADD-HFAB:MTYPE=STMIHFA2,LTU=4,SLOT=14,SMODE=NORMAL,IPADDR=,NE TMASK=,PATTERN=213,VLAN=YES,DEFRT=,TCPP=4060,BITRATE= AUTONEG,VLANID=411;2.加功能等级:CHA-COSSU:COS,10,TA&TNOTCR&COSXCD&MB&CFNR&VCE&FWDNWK;CHA-COSSU:COS,10,,NOCO&NOTIE;CHA-COSSU:COS,10,,,NOCO&NOTIE;/*详细: CHANGE-COSSU:TYPE=COS,COS=10,A VCE=TA&TNOTCR&COSXCD&MB&CFNR&VCE&F WDNWK;4.加模拟电话号码:ADD-WABE:40013,,,STN,N,,,,,,,,;ADD-SCSU:4001,1-1-13-1,ANA TE,0,0,10,10,32,32,32,32,,,0,0,0,,,DTMF,,,,,YES,,NO,,,,0,DIR,YES,NO,0;/*详细: ADD-SCSU:STNO=4001,PEN=1-1-13-1,DVCFIG=ANATE,DPLN=0,ITR=0,COS1=10,COS2=10,L COSV1=1,LCOSV2=32,LCOSD1=32,LCOSD2=32,COSX=0,SPDI=0,COFIDX=0,DIAL=DTMF,IN S=YES,SSTNO=NO,HMUSIC=0,CONN=DIR,FLASH=YES,DTMFBLK=NO,PMIDX=0;5.数字话机功能键表:5.1.STANDARD USER(普通用户):CHANGE-TAPRO:,9,OPTIT12,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,NAME,NAME,L NR,SPKR,,,,,,,,"12 KEYS I.M. STD 2: 4 PERSON TEAM";/*详细: CHANGE-TAPRO:STD=9,DIGTYP=OPTIT12,KY01=MB,KY02=CH,KY03=SPLT,KY04=NAME, KY05=PU,KY06=KNOVR,KY07=MUTE,KY08=HOLD,KY09=NAME,KY10=NAME,KY11=LNR, KY12=SPKR,INFO="12 KEYS I.M. STD 2: 4 PERSON TEAM";5.2.SECR (秘书):CHANGE-TAPRO:,10,OPTIT12,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,RNGXFER,DSS, LNR,SPKR,,,,,,,,"12 KEYS I.M. STD SECR";/*详细: CHANGE-TAPRO:STD=10,DIGTYP=OPTIT12,KY01=MB,KY02=CH,KY03=SPLT,KY04=NAME, KY05=PU,KY06=KNOVR,KY07=MUTE,KY08=HOLD,KY09=RNGXFER,KY10=DSS,KY11=LN R,KY12=SPKR,INFO="12 KEYS I.M. STD SECR";CHA-TAPRO:XXXX(分机号),10;5.3.EXEC(经理):CHANGE-TAPRO:,30,OPTIT19,MB,CH,SPLT,NAME,PU,KNOVR,MUTE,HOLD,NAME,NAME, NAME,NAME,NAME,NAME,RNGXFER,DSS,DSS,LNR,SPKR," STD EXEC ";CHA-TAPRO:XXXX(分机号),30;6.加数字电话ADD-WABE:6020,,STN,N,,,,,,,,;ADD-SBCSU:6020,OPTI,IP2,1-1-1-0,OPTIIP&API,1&2,10,10,32,32,32,32,0,0,ONL YEXT,0,0,,,N,0,8,N,,,Y,0,N,N,N,Y,N,,,,,,,,5,,,,N,NORMAL,Y,ENGLISH,0,ALL,,0,tsx,,,,,,,,G711PREF;/* 详细ADD-SBCSU:STNO=6020,OPT=OPTI,CONN=IP2,PEN=1-1-1-0,DVCFIG=OPTIIP&API,TSI=1&2 ,COS1=10,COS2=10,LCOSV1=4,LCOSV2=2,LCOSD1=32,LCOSD2=32,DPLN=0,ITR=0,SSTNO= ONL YEXT,COSX=0,SPDI=0,IDCR=N,REP=0,STD=8,SECR=N,INS=Y,ALARMNO=0,RCBKB=N, RCBKNA=N,DSSTNA=N,DSSTNB=Y,DIGNODIS=N,CBKBMAX=5,HEADSET=N,HSKEY=NORMAL,CBKNAMB=Y,TEXTSEL=ENGLISH,HMUSIC=0,CALLOG=ALL,COMGRP=0,APICLAS S=TSX,IPCODEC=G711PREF;三.VOIP TO GLOBE SITE(ASIA ,USA)1加IP TRUNK HG3550板ADD-BCSU:PER,1,2,14,"Q2316-X ",2,0,,,,,,A;2. 在系统里开起LOCAL GATEKEEPER=YES..CHANGE-ZANDE:ALLDA TA,NO,NO,YES,NO,NO,NO,NO,AP-Emergency,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,N O,NO;/*详细: CHANGE-ZANDE:TYPE=ALLDATA,SCALLOG=NO,H235SEC=NO,GATEKPR=YES,DECTPS= NO,NONPIIW=NO,DAJB=NO,NOVNIDCO=NO,APEDTXT="AP-EMERGENCY",DRLEITNG=N O,IMPRPKZ=NO,SILMON=NO,PSEPDIAL=NO,CMIV30=NO,DTMFPA=NO,CFWDEPRT=NO;3.加HG3550的IP ADDRESS,GATEWAY,GWNO,GWIDNO,3.1 加STMI2的IP ADDRESS=,掩码:,2,14,,;/*详细: ADD-STMIB:MTYPE=STMI2IGW,LTU=2,SLOT=14,CUSIP=,SNETMASK=255.255.25 5.224;3.2 加STMI的GATEWAY:,和VLANID=411CHANGE-STMIB:STMI2IGW,2,14,IFDATA,,,,YES,411;/*详细: CHANGE-STMIB:MTYPE=STMI2IGW,LTU=2,SLOT=14,TYPE=IFDATA,DGWIP=;3.3加GATEWAY ID:HIT82(全网是唯一的)CHANGE-STMIB:STMI2IGW,2,14,GWDATA,"hit82",;/*详细: CHANGE-STMIB:MTYPE=STMI2IGW,LTU=2,SLOT=14,TYPE=GWDATA,GWID1="hit82";3.4加LOCAL GATEWAY NO:826920(注册号码:全网唯一)CHANGE-STMIB:STMI2IGW,2,14,LEGKDATA,20,826920;/*详细: CHANGE-STMIB:MTYPE=STMI2IGW,LTU=2,SLOT=14,TYPE=LEGKDA TA,GWNO=20,GWDI RNO=826920;4. 加功能等级CHA-COSSU:COS,200,TA&TNOTCR&CDRSTN&CDRC&COSXCD&MB&VCE&FWDNWK; CHA-COSSU:COS,200,TTT&MSN&FWDECA;CHA-COSSU:COS,200,,NOCO&NOTIE;CHA-COSSU:COS,200,,,NOCO&NOTIE;/*详细: CHANGE-COSSU:TYPE=COS,COS=200,A VCE=TA&TNOTCR&CDRSTN&CDRC&COSXCD& MB&VCE&FWDNWK;CHA-COSSU:LCOSV,32,1&&64; /*中继权限全开放-VOICECHA-COSSU:LCOSD,32,1&&64; /*中继权限全开放-DATA5.加中继COTADD-COT:182,PRI&RCL&ANS&KNOR&CEBC&CBBN&CBFN&FWDN&FNAN&BSHT&BLO C&LWNC&ATRS&ROPT&NLCR&TSCS&TRSC&CFOS&CFV A&PINR&AOCC&BCNE&NOSD&NIN2&NTON;/*详细: ADD-COT:COTNO=182,PAR=PRI&RCL&ANS&KNOR&CEBC&CBBN&CBFN&FWDN&FNAN &BSHT&BLOC&LWNC&ATRS&ROPT&NLCR&TSCS&TRSC&CFOS&CFV A&PINR&AOCC& BCNE&NOSD&NIN2&NTON;6.加中继COPADD-COP:182,L3AR,,;/*详细: ADD-COP:COPNO=182,PAR=L3AR;7.加中继D通道参数:CHA-LWPAR:DIUS2,0,COPPER,S2,ON,Y,16,0,D5,10,10,Y,Y,DF,N,0,255,N,N,INDEP,;/*详细: CHANGE-LWPAR:TYPE=DIUS2,BLNO=0,LNTYPE=COPPER,VERSION=S2,QUAL=ON,MAST ER=Y,DCHAN1=16,DCHAN2=0,PATTERN=D5,QUAL1=10,QUAL2=10,SMD=Y,PERMACT=Y,FCBAB=DF,CDG=N,FIXEDTEI=0,CNTRNR=255,TEIVERIF=N,CRC4REP=N,DEV=INDEP;8.激活ISDN,CORNET NQ的协议COPY-PRODE:PVCD,10;9.加中继组ADD-BUEND:182,"IP-TRUNKING ",120,0,*,2,ON,0,0,NEUTRAL;/* 详细ADD-BUEND:TGRP=182,NAME="IP-TRUNKING",NO=120,TRACENO=0,ACDTHRH=*,PRIONO=2,TDDRFLAG=ON,GDTRRULE=0,ACDPMGR P=0,CHARCON=NEUTRAL;10.加中继端口数据ADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-02-014-0,182,182,0,0,10,32,32,"IP HG3550 ",200,ECMA V2,8,, NONE,,,,GDTR,N,TIE,NONE,N,0,,,,,,,31,MANY,1-1-182,0,1,1,EMPTY,182,1,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,182,CIR,Y,HG3550IP,1&&30,N,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,N;/*详细: ADD-TDCSU:OPT=NEW,PEN=1-02-014-0,COTNO=182,COPNO=182,DPLN=0,ITR=0,COS=10,L COSV=32,LCOSD=32,CCT="IPHG3550",DESTNO=200,PROTV AR=ECMA V2,SEGMENT=8,DEDSVC=NONE,TRTBL=GDTR,SIDANI= N,A TNTYP=TIE,CBMA TTR=NONE,TCHARG=N,SUPPRESS=0,TRACOUNT=31,SATCOUNT= MANY,NNO=1-1-182,ALARMNO=0,FIDX=1,CARRIER=1,ZONE=EMPTY,COTX=182,FWDX=1, CHIMAP=N,UUSCCX=16,UUSCCY=8,FNIDX=1,NWMUXTIM=10,CLASSMRK=EC&G711&G7 29OPT,TGRP=182,SRCHMODE=CIR,INS=Y,DEV=HG3550IP,BCHAN=1&&30,BCNEG=N,BCGR =1,LWPAR=0,LWPP=0,LWLT=0,LWPS=0,LWR1=0,LWR2=0,DMCALLWD=N;11, 加TSC 路由数据11.1.1加路由LCR号ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,182,ALL,"GW3550 TSC ",182,2,,,,,,,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;11.1.2 加出局发码规侧ADD-LODR:182,,,,ECHO,1; /*只发一区号码,再看LDPLNADD-LODR:182,,,,END;ADD-LODR:182,,,"GW TSC";11.1.3 路由数据ADD-LDAT:182,ALL,1,,182,182,1,,1,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,;/*详细: ADD-LDAT:LROUTE=182,LSVC=ALL,LVAL=1,TGRP=182,ODR=182,LAUTH=1,CARRIER=1,Z ONE=EMPTY,LATTR=NONE,VCCYC=4;11.1.4 TSC号码ADD-WABE:826920,,,TIE,N,,,,,,,,;11.2.5 发号方案ADD-LDPLN:LCRPA TT,0,826920,,182,,,1,,,,N;/*详细: ADD-LDPLN:LCRCONF=LCRPATT,DIPLNUM=0,LDP="826920",LROUTE=182,LAUTH=1,PIN DP=N;11.2.6 加本地(LOCAL)GATEWAYADD-GKREG:20,INTGW®GW&HG3550V2,,,0,0,1,;12 加VOIP 到全球其它点的拨号出局路由1-XX-XXXXADD-WABE:1,,,TIE,N;12.1 VOIP SAN JOSE12.1.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,122,ALL,"VOIP SAN JOSE ",182,1-1-122,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP SAN JOSE ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.1.2ADD-LODR:120,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,NPI,PRIV A TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,END;ADD-LODR:120,,,"IP TRUNKING USA SITE12.1.3ADD-LDAT:122,ALL,1,,182,120,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,1-0,,,,;12.1.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-22-XXXX,,122,,,1,,,,N;12.1.5ADD-GKREG:1,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826901,0,0,1,"San Jose";12.2 VOIP AUSTIN12.2.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,124,ALL,"VOIP AUSTIN ",182,1-1-124,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP AUSTIN ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.2.2ADD-LODR:120,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,NPI,PRIV ATE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,END;ADD-LODR:120,,,"IP TRUNKING USA SITE12.2.3ADD-LDAT:124,ALL,1,,182,120,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,2-0,,,,;12.2.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-24-XXXX,,124,,,1,,,,N;12.2.5ADD-GKREG:2,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826902,0,0,1,"GW2 AUSTIN";12.3 VOIP FUJISAWA12.3.1 加RICHTADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,151,ALL,"VOIP FUJISAWA ",182,1-1-151,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP FUJISAWA ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.3.2加LODRADD-LODR:20,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,NPI,PRIV A TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,END;ADD-LODR:20,,,"IP TRUNKING ASIA SITE";12.3.3加LDATADD-LDAT:151,ALL,1,,182,20,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,7-0,,,,;12.3.4加LDPLNADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-51-XXXX,,151,,,1,,,,N;12.3.5ADD-GKREG:7,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826907,0,0,1,"GW6 FUJISAWA"; 12.4 VOIP BKK12.4.1加RICHTADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,192,ALL," VOIP BKK ",182,1-1-192,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP BANGKOK ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.4.2加LODRADD-LODR:192,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:192,,,,NPI,PRIV A TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:192,,,,END;ADD-LODR:192,,,"IP TRUNKING BANGKOK";12.4.3加LDATADD-LDAT:192,ALL,1,,182,192,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,14-0,,,,;12.4.4加LDPLNADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-92-XXXX,,192,,,1,,,,N;12.4.5ADD-GKREG:14,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,836914,0,0,1,"GW14 BANGKOK";12.5 VOIP GUADALAJAR12.5.1加RICHTADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,133,ALL,"VOIP GUADALAJAR",182,1-1-133,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP GUADALAJARA",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.5.2加LODRADD-LODR:120,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,NPI,PRIVA TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,END;ADD-LODR:120,,,"IP TRUNKING USA SITE";12.5.3加LDATADD-LDAT:133,ALL,1,,182,120,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,3-0,,,,;12.5.4加LDPLNADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-33-XXXX,,133,,,1,,,,N;12.5.5ADD-GKREG:3,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826903,0,0,1,"GW3 GUADALAJARA"; 12.6 VOIP PRACHINBUR12.6.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,191,ALL,"VOIP PRACHINBUR",182,1-1-191,,,FIX,DIGITS,"CONNE CTION ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.6.2ADD-LODR:20,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,NPI,PRIV A TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,END;ADD-LODR:20,,,"IP TRUNKING ASIA SITE";12.6.3ADD-LDAT:191,ALL,1,,182,20,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,4-0,,,,;12.6.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-91-XXXX,,191,,,1,,,,N;12.6.5ADD-GKREG:4,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,836904,0,0,1,"GW4 PRACHINBURI"; 12.7 VOIP SINGAPORE12.7.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,165,ALL,"VOIP SINGAPORE ",182,1-1-165,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP SINGAPORE ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.7.2ADD-LODR:20,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,NPI,PRIV ATE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,END;ADD-LODR:20,,,"IP TRUNKING ASIA SITE";12.7.3ADD-LDAT:165,ALL,1,,182,20,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,5-0,,,,;12.7.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-65-XXXX,,165,,,1,,,,N;12.7.5ADD-GKREG:5,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826905,0,0,1,"GW5 SINGAPORE"; 12.8 VOIP ROCHESTER12.8.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,123,ALL,"VOIP ROCHESTER ",182,1-1-123,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP ROCHESTER ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.8.2ADD-LODR:120,,,,NPI,PRIV A TE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:120,,,,END;ADD-LODR:120,,,"IP TRUNKING USA SITE12.8.3ADD-LDAT:123,ALL,1,,182,120,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,6-0,,,,;12.8.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-23-XXXX,,123,,,1,,,,N;12.9 VOIP ODAWARA12.9.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,150,ALL,"VOIP ODAW ARA ",182,1-1-150,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP ODAWARA ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO,,0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.9.2ADD-LODR:20,,,,ECHOALL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,NPI,PRIV ATE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,END;ADD-LODR:20,,,"IP TRUNKING ASIA SITE";12.9.3ADD-LDAT:150,ALL,2,,182,20,1,,1,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,18-0,,,,;12.9.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-50-XXXX,,150,,,1,,,,N;12.9.5ADD-GKREG:18,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826918,0,0,1,"GW18 ODAW ARA";12.10 VOIP PHILIPPINE12.10.1ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,177,ALL,"VOIP PHILIPPINE",182,1-1-177,,,FIX,DIGITS,"VOIP PHILIPPINE ",PP300,,,,,NO,NO," ",0,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;12.10.2ADD-LODR:20,,,,NPI,PRIV ATE,LOCAL;ADD-LODR:20,,,,END;ADD-LODR:20,,,"IP TRUNKING ASIA SITE";12.10.3ADD-LDAT:177,ALL,1,,182,20,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,,4,,,,,,,,9-0,,,,;12.10.4ADD-LDPLN:LCRPATT,0,1-77-XXXX,,177,,,1,,,,N;12.10.5ADD-GKREG:9,EXTGW&HG3550V2,,826909,0,0,1,"GW9 PHILIPPINES";四.数字中继数据1.加PRI E1板在第二,三框12槽位里ADD-BCSU:DIU,1,2,12,"Q2196-X ",0,,,,,1,,,,,A;ADD-BCSU:DIU,1,3,12,"Q2196-X ",0,,,,,1,,,,,A;2.加拨出码ADD-WABE:9,,,CO,N,,,,,,,,;3.加中继COP参数ADD-COP:60,ANS&L3AR,,4.加中继COT参数ADD-COT:60,RCL&XFER&IIDL&ANS&CEOC&CEBC&CBBN&CBFN&COTN&LWNC&ATRS &NLCR&TRSC&DFNN&DSDL&NTON;5.加D CH的数据为CRC4=NO,时钟为从CHA-LWPAR:DIUS2,3,COPPER,S2,OFF,N,16,0,D5,10,10,N,Y,DF,N,0,255,N,N,INDEP,;6.加电信中继端口为4X2MADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-02-012-0,60,60,0,0,100,32,32,"TO TELECOM ",61,ETSI,1,,NONE ,,,,GDTR,N,CO,NONE,N,4,,,,,,,31,MANY,62,0,1,1,EMPTY,60,5,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,61,CIR,Y,S2COD,1&&30,N,1,3,0,0,0,0,0;ADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-02-012-1,60,60,0,0,100,32,32,"TOTELECOM ",61,ETSI,1,,NONE ,,,,GDTR,N,CO,NONE,N,4,,,,,,,31,MANY,62,0,1,1,EMPTY,60,5,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,61,CIR,Y,S2COD,1&&30,N,1,3,0,0,0,0,0;ADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-03-012-0,60,60,0,0,100,32,32,"TOTELECOM ",61,ETSI,1,,NONE ,,,,GDTR,N,CO,NONE,N,4,,,,,,,31,MANY,62,0,1,1,EMPTY,60,5,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,61,CIR,Y,S2COD,1&&30,N,1,3,0,0,0,0,0;ADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-03-012-1,60,60,0,0,100,32,32,"TOTELECOM ",61,ETSI,1,,NONE ,,,,GDTR,N,CO,NONE,N,4,,,,,,,31,MANY,62,0,1,1,EMPTY,60,5,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,61,CIR,Y,S2COD,1&&30,N,1,3,0,0,0,0,0;7 加中继组为电信2MADD-BUEND:61,"ETSI-SLA VE ",300,0,*,1,ON,0,0,NEUTRAL;8.加电信接入中继路由ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,60,ALL,"TELECOM-ISDN ",61,60,,,FIX,DIGITS,"DTMF",PP300,,,60,,NO,NO,,60,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;9.加号码发出规则ADD-LODR:60,,,,NPI,ISDN,SUBSCR;ADD-LODR:60,,,,ECHO,2;ADD-LODR:60,,,,END;10.加电信的路由数据ADD-LDAT:60,ALL,1,,61,60,1,,1,EMPTY,WCHREG&PUBNUM,60,4,,,,,,,,,,,,; 11.加拨出到电信”9”号码方案ADD-LDPLN:LCRPA TT,0,9-00XXX,,60,,,4,,,,N; /*国际ADD-LDPLN:LCRPA TT,0,9-0XXX,,60,,,3,,,,N; /*国内ADD-LDPLN:LCRPA TT,0,9-XXX,,60,,,2,,,,N;/*市内五XPRESSION 设置数据XPRESSION 使用的是CORNET NQ专用的协议,用E1连接用了15CH1.加PRI E1板在第一框12槽位里ADD-BCSU:DIU,1,1,12,"Q2196-X ",0,,,,,1,,,,,A;2.加接入码ADD-WABE:45,,,TIE,N,,,,,,,,;3.加功能等级ADD-COSSU:,145,,,,,,,,;CHA-COSSU:COS,145,TA&TNOTCR&MB&VCE&FWDNWK&TTT&MSN&FWDECA; CHA-COSSU:COS,145,,TA&TNOTCR&FAX&BASIC&MSN;CHA-COSSU:COS,145,,,TA&TNOTCR&DSM&BASIC&MSN&MULTRA;4.加中继COT参数ADD-COT:145,RCL&XFER&ANS&CEBC&BLOC&LWNC&NLCR&TSCS&DFNN&NLRD&LIN O&SNBE&NCDR&LRPM&DTNI;5.加中继COP参数ADD-COP:145,ANS&L3AR,TA,TA;6 加中继组为XPRESSIONADD-BUEND:45,"XPRESSION ",60,0,*,2,ON,0,0,NEUTRAL;/*详细:ADD-BUEND:TGRP=45,NAME="XPRESSION",NO=60,TRACENO=0,ACDTHRH=*,PRIONO=2,TDDRFLAG=ON,GDTRRULE=0,ACDPMGRP =0,CHARCON=NEUTRAL;7.加XPRESSION 中继端口为15 CHADD-TDCSU:NEW,1-01-012-0,145,145,0,0,145,32,32,"XPRESSIONS ",145,ECMA V2,8,,NONE,,,,GDTR,N,TIE,NONE,N,0,,,,,,,31,MANY,145,0,1,1,EMPTY,145,5,N,,,,,,16,8,1,10,,EC&G711&G729OPT,,145,CIR,Y,S2CONN,1&&15,N,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;/*详细: ADD-TDCSU:OPT=NEW,PEN=1-01-012-0,COTNO=145,COPNO=145,DPLN=0,ITR=0,COS=145, LCOSV=32,LCOSD=32,CCT="XPRESSIONS",DESTNO=145,PROTV AR=ECMA V2,SEGMENT=8,DEDSVC=NONE,TRTBL=GDTR,SIDANI= N,A TNTYP=TIE,CBMA TTR=NONE,TCHARG=N,SUPPRESS=0,TRACOUNT=31,SATCOUNT= MANY,NNO=145,ALARMNO=0,FIDX=1,CARRIER=1,ZONE=EMPTY,COTX=145,FWDX=5,CHI MAP=N,UUSCCX=16,UUSCCY=8,FNIDX=1,NWMUXTIM=10,CLASSMRK=EC&G711&G729O PT,TGRP=145,SRCHMODE=CIR,INS=Y,DEV=S2CONN,BCHAN=1&&15,BCNEG=N,BCGR=1,L WPAR=0,LWPP=0,LWLT=0,LWPS=0,LWR1=0,LWR2=0;8.加XPRESSION 接入中继路由ADD-RICHT:LRTENEW,145,ALL,"XRESSIONS450 ",145,145,,,FIX,FTEXT,"DTMF ",PP150,,,145,,NO,NO,,145,NEUTRAL,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO;/*详细: ADD-RICHT:MODE=LRTENEW,LRTE=145,LSVC=ALL,NAME="XRESSIONS450",TGRP=145,DNNO=145,DTMFCNV=FIX,DTMFDISP=FTEXT,DTMFTEXT="DTMF",DTMFPU LS=PP150,DESTNO=145,ROUTATT=NO,EMCYRTT=NO,PDNNO=145,CHARCON=NEUTRAL, CONFTONE=NO,RERINGRP=NO,NOPRCFWD=NO,NITO=NO;9.加号码发出规则ADD-LODR:145,,,,ECHO,2;ADD-LODR:145,,,,NPI,ISDN,INTERNAT;ADD-LODR:145,,,,END;10.加XPRESSION的路由数据ADD-LDAT:145,ALL,1,,145,145,1,,9,EMPTY,NONE,145,4,,,,,,,,,,,,;/*详细: ADD-LDAT:LROUTE=145,LSVC=ALL,LVAL=1,TGRP=145,ODR=145,LAUTH=1,CARRIER=9,Z ONE=EMPTY,LATTR=NONE,DNNO=145,VCCYC=4;11.加拨出号码方案ADD-LDPLN:LCRPA TT,0,45-XXXX,,145,,,1,,,,N;/*详细: ADD-LDPLN:LCRCONF=LCRPATT,DIPLNUM=0,LDP="45"-"XXXX",LROUTE=145,LAUTH=1, PINDP=N;12.加分机转移到XPRSSION内(内线,外线,占线,无人接转移到450002)ADD-ZIEL:FWD,6125,VCE,450002,"XPRESSION",CFB,EXT,SYSTEM; /*外线,占线/* 详细: ADD-ZIEL:TYPE=FWD,SRCNO=6125,SI=VCE,DESTNOF=450002,NAME="XPRESSION",DTY PE=CFB,ITYPE=EXT,CFV AR=SYSTEM;ADD-ZIEL:FWD,6125,VCE,450002,"XPRESSION",CFB,INT,SYSTEM; /*内线,占线。

PBIDCH4000P说明⼿册DCH-4000P Series Professional Digital Decoder User ManualTable of contents1. SAFETY (1)2. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION (2)2.1 Features (2)2.2 Factory Options (2)3. INSTALLATION (3)3.1 Inspection and Test (3)3.2 Functional Self Test (4)3.3 Mounting (4)4. FRONT PANEL (4)4.1 Front Panel List (4)4.2 Indicator LEDs (4)4.3 Liquid Crystal Display (5)4.4 Keypad (5)4.5 Common Interface (5)5. REAR PANEL (6)5.1 Power Supply (6)5.2 Output Connectors (6)5.3 ASI Input Connector (7)5.4 RS-232 Interface (7)5.5 Ethernet Interface (7)5.6 TS/IP Interface (Factory Optional) (7)6. INSTALLATION (7)6.1 Main Menu (7)6.2 System Menu (8)6.2.1 Local Setup (8)6.2.2 Setting up the Trap IP Address (8)6.2.3 Editing the Unit Name (9)6.2.4 Checking the Properties (9)6.2.5 Recover Factory Default Settings (9)6.2.6 Setting Machine Type (9)7. Manual for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (9)7.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (9)7.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (11)7.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs (11)7.2.2 Setting the Tuner Parameters (11)7.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (13)7.3.1 Checking Status of Outputs (13)7.3.2 Setting Common Interface (14)7.3.3 Setting the Parameters of Decoder (14)7.3.4. Setting the ASI1 Output (15)7.3.5. Setting the ASI2/SDI Output (15)7.3.6. Setting the Mux/Filter (15)8. Manual for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (15)8.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (15)8.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (18)8.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs (18)8.2.2 Setting the Tuner Parameters (18)8.2.3 Setting the Ethernet Connector (18)8.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (19)9. Manual for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (19)9.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (19)9.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (21)9.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (22)9.3.1 Setting the Ethernet TS over IP output (23)9.3.2 Other output settings for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (23)10. REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROL (23)10.1 Install HDMS to a PC (23)10.2 Connect to HDMS (23)10.3 Login to HDMS (24)10.4 Add DCH-4000P-xx to HMDS (24)10.5 DCH-4000P-xx in HDMS (24)10.6 Other Settings (25)11. FAQ (25)12. Appendix (25)12.1 Specification (25)1. SAFETYPlease read this chapter before installation and use of the deviceThis equipment is provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord.The main plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact.Any interruption of the protective conductor, inside or outside the device, is likely to make the device dangerous.The device described in this manual is designed to be used by properly-trained personnel only. Adjustment, maintenance and repair of the device shall be carried out by qualified personnel.No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers.For the correct and safe use of the device, it is essential that both operating and servicing personnel follow generally accepted safety procedures in addition to the safety precautions specified in this manual.Whenever it is likely that safety protection is impaired, the device must be made in-operative and secured against unintended operation. The appropriate servicing authority must be informed. For example, safety is likely to be impaired if the device fails to perform the intended measurements or shows visible damage.WARNINGSz Do not use the equipment in moisture environment surroundings.Avoid direct contact with water.z Never place the equipment in direct sunlight.z The outside of the equipment may be cleaned using a lightly dampened cloth. Do not use any cleaning liquids containing alcohol, methylated spirit or ammonia etc.z For continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fused only with same type.2. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTIONDCH-4000P-xx is a professional IRD with a variety of input (including DVB over ASI, IP, QPSK, QAM, COFDM and DS3) and output (CVBS, SDI, ASI, DS3 and IP) combinations. An appropriate IP port equipped as an option supports DVB over IP applications. LAN control and monitoring are achieved with TCP/IP, SNMP and HDMS*.(*Headend Devices Management System, a remote management software)2.1 Featuresz Fully complies with MPEG-2, MP@ML and DVB-S/-T/-C standardsz IP input or output with UDP/RTP (optional)z Multicast and Unicast on IPz Supports PAL, NTSC or SECAMz Supports various Conditional Access systemsz SDI video output with digital audio embeddedz Two sets of independent ASI outputsz Automatic PMT updatez Compatible with Multiple De-encrypt CI modulesz DS3 I/O for TS (optional)z Switchable audio sound trackz Teletext VBI, EBU subtitle and DVB subtitlez Upgradeable through LANz Easy-to-use LCD menu2.2 Factory OptionsFigure 2.1 Factory Option list of DCH-4000P series3. INSTALLATIONWarning:This equipment is provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord.The main plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact.Any interruption of the protective conductor, inside or outside the instrument, is likely to make the instrument dangerous. The type of main plugged shipped with each instrument depends on the country of application.Caution:Do not connect AC power until you have verified that the line voltage is correct and the proper fuses are installed. The equipment requires a power source of either 50/60 Hz at 110V or 50/60 Hz at 240V. The voltage ranges for these nominal voltage values are shown in the table:POWER REQUIREMENTInput voltage 90-260 Vrms auto selectFrequency 47 to 63 HzPower 50 VA max. / 30 VA typical.Current 110 V/0.27A or 240 V/0.125A typicalCaution:Be sure the supply voltage is within the specified range.Checking the fuses:The recognized recommended fuses are size 5 by 20 mm, rate T 2.0A, 250 V (UL and IEC approved).The line fuse is housed in a small container besides the power connector on the rear panel.To check the fuse, insert the tip of a screwdriver in the slot at the middle of the container and pry gently to extend the fuse where there is a little tap and pull out the fuse gently. The fuse is attached to the line module and cannot be removed.3.1 Inspection and TestCheck if the devise has any visible damage. If everything seems all right, power can be applied to the device. The main socket and fuse are located at the rear panel of the device.When the device is turned on, verify that the display shows the following message:DCH-4000P (factory default unit-name)IP: (factory default IP Address)If no message is shown in the display or there is not light in the display, the device isdefective and has to be returned for servicing.3.2 Functional Self TestNo specific functional self test is needed.The device has been factory tested according to recognized test procedures and is ready for operation.3.3 MountingThe environment should be relatively dust free, free of excessive vibration and the ambient temperature between 0 ℃ to 40 ℃. Relative humidity of 20% to 80% (non-condensed) is recommended.Air intake for cooling is achieved via holes at the side of the device and the fans inside. The air flow should not be obstructed. Therefore, the device has to be placed on a flat surface, leaving some space at the sides of the device.When in operation, the internal temperature should not exceed the limit of 70 ℃.4. FRONT PANEL4.1 Front Panel ListFigure 4.1 Front Panel of DCH-4000P-xx Series Receiver4.2 Indicator LEDsThere are 3 LED-indicators:-POWER: the status of the power supplygreen: the power is turned onoff : the power is turned off-TUNER LOCK: the status of the tunergreen: The incoming QPSK is locked by the tuner.off : there is no QPSK input signal or the signal is unlocked-ALARM: the status of input signal source, which includes IP input, QPSK signal input and DVB-ASI TS input.4.3 Liquid Crystal DisplayThe 2 x 20 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) shows all the required information about the selected parameters.The top row of the LCD shows the selected parameter. The bottom row indicates the present values and how these can be adjusted.The parameters are grouped in three menus:-the Inputs, which gives the full operation on inputs parameters-the Outputs, with the full operation control functions on outputs parameters-the Systems, gives the general device management parameters and informs about the device working status4.4 KeypadFigure 4.2 Keypad of DCH-4000P-xx seriesThe 6 keys on the front panel allow you to navigate in the information given on the LCD and to change parameters, when the device operates under local control.The -key is used to enter the main menu or a sub-menu. When you stand on the preferred menu, is used to active the parameter on the bottom line and allows you to change the value. It also finishes the input of new alphanumeric values and confirms the changes.The <>-and<>-keys are used to select between the main menus or sub-menus. When you stand on the preferred menu and the parameter is active, they are also used to change the numerical values. Selecting a digit with the <>-and <>-keys.The -key, is used to exit a menu without any action.4.5 Common InterfaceThere are two Common Interface slots. You can insert up to two different CAM modules for descrambling.5. REAR PANELFigure 3.2 Rear Panel of DCH-4000P-xx SeriesB1 TS/IP Input/Output interfaceB2 XRL L interfaceB3 XRL R interfaceB4 RGB/YUV interface (G/Y)B5 RGB/YUV interface (B/U)B6 RGB/YUV interface (R/Y)B7 CVBS2 Output interfaceB8, B18 ASI2/SDI output interfaceB9, B19 ASI1 output interfaceB17 ASI input interfaceB10 RS-232interfaceB11 Tuner Loop Out interfaceB12 Tuner In interfaceB13 Power socket, AC 90~260VB14 CVBS1 Output interfaceB15, B16 L-Audio-R interfaceB20 Ethernet interface for remote management systemB21 Grounding5.1 Power SupplyThe power cord is inserted to an IEC main socket at the side of the device.Check that the power cord is suitable for the country where the device will be used.A standard power cord with a European DIN 49441 two pin main plug is delivered togetherwith the device.The line fuses are housed in a small container at the side of the power supply connector. 5.2 Output ConnectorsThe ASI interface B9), B19) and ASI2 interface B8), B18) are two pairs of independent ASI output. Both use female BNC connectors, with 75 Ohm impedance. The ASI interface B18) and B19) are used as a redundant output of B8) and B9) out.Note: the B8), B18) interface could be configured as SDI with Audio embedded. Please refer to Chapter ASI Input ConnectorThe ASI input B17) is a 75 ohm female BNC connector.5.4 RS-232 InterfaceThis interface is a 9-pins female sub-D connector. The RS-232 interface is only used for factory software upgrade and configuration, so you are not allowed to connect any cable to the RS-232 connector, as that could damage the device.5.5 Ethernet InterfaceAn RJ-45 connector B20) provides a remote control interface.5.6 TS/IP Interface (Factory Optional)An RJ-45 connector B1) provides a streaming stream over IP input or output.6. INSTALLATIONThe device allows you to configure, control and monitor through the Keypad and front panel display when a remote control system is not used.6.1 Main MenuTurn on the device and wait for 8 to 10 seconds, while the device will complete self inspection and configuration. The top row of the LCD shows the name of the device. The local IP address is displayed on the bottom row of the LCD.Note: the local IP address can be changed in the System Menu.Use the -key to enter on the Main Menu. The <>-and<>-keys are used to choose between the three main menus.Figure 6.1 Main Menu6.2 System MenuThe system menu provides information about the general functions, the surroundings equipment and the hardware used.Figure 6.2 System Menu6.2.1 Local SetupEach DCH-4000P-xx has an IP address, a network sub mask and a gateway. These must be set to an appropriate value for the network over which the unit can be accessed by the remote control system such as the HDMS.-IP Address: The IP address for the unit.-Network Mask: The network mask for the subnet to which the unit is connected.-Gateway: The gateway for the network to which this unit is connected.6.2.2 Setting up the Trap IP AddressThe DCH-4000P-xx provides a Monitor Center IP address. You can set this to be the same IP address of the Monitor Center, which is typically a PC in order to allow the device to send messages to the monitor center. If the DCH-4000P-xx is connected with the HDMS remote management system, the Trap IP address is typically set to be the IP address of the PC on which the HDMS has been installed.6.2.3 Editing the Unit NameThe DCH-4000P-xx allows you to edit the unit name which is displayed on the front panel LCD. The unit name should not be longer than 20 characters in ASCII format.6.2.4 Checking the PropertiesYou are allowed to check the properties information of the device.- MAC address: Factory-set MAC address which is guaranteed to be unique. You cannot configure this address.- FW Version: the version of the FPGA software.- SW Version: the version of the main software.6.2.5 Recover Factory Default SettingsAll the user configurable parameters will be set to the factory default settings, including IP address and the unit name. Note that the unit will not be connected with the HDMS remote management system until the IP is properly configured.6.2.6 Setting Machine TypeThis setting is reserved for factory-setting, and you are not allowed to access this menu. 7. Manual for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S27.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Note: only the Inputs menu differs from DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 models.Figure 7.1 Full Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30SFigure 7.2 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30TFigure 7.3 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30CFigure 7.4 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S27.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Under Input Menu, you can monitor and configure the parameters of the Tuner.7.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs- ASI Input: locked or unlock indicate the status of the ASI input.- Tuner Input: when the QPSK/QAM/COFDM signal is locked by the tuner, the bit rate isdisplayed on the bottom row of LCD.7.2.2 Setting the Tuner ParametersTo receive the QPSK/QAM/COFDM signal, these parameters below must be set to appropriate values for the receiving antenna over which the device can receive the signal.For QPSK Tuner:- LNB Local Oscillator (L.O.) Freq: enter the frequency of the LNB in MHz.- Satellite Freq: edit the satellite down link frequency in MHz. The IF frequency will becalculated automatically.- Symbol Rate: enter the QPSK symbol rate.- LNB Voltage: select the correct LNB voltage output of the F-connector: Off, 13 V, 18 V. - LNB 22KHz: activate the LNB 22 kHz control signal to the LNB: On or Off.- Note: please contact the local satellite operator for the satellite frequency and symbol rate.Normally, 13V switches the LNB to receive Vertical/Left hand polarizationwhile 18V receive Horizontal/Right hand.Normally, 22KHz control signal switches the LNB to receive high band if any.For QAM Tuner:- Constellation: enter the modulation mode of the QAM signal.- Frequency: enter the frequency of the QAM signal in MHz.- Symbol Rate: edit the symbol rate to the proper value in KBaud.For COFDM Tuner:- Frequency: enter the proper frequency of the COFDM signal in MHz.For DVB-S2 Tuner:- LNB Local Oscillator (L.O.) Freq: enter the frequency of LNB in MHz.- Satellite Freq: edit the satellite down link frequency in MHz. The IF frequency will be calculated automatically.- Symbol Rate: enter the QPSK/8PSK symbol rate.- LNB Voltage: select the correct LNB voltage output of the F-connector: Off, 13 V, 18 V. - LNB 22KHz: activate the LNB 22 kHz control signal to the LNB: On or Off.- Note: please contact the local satellite operator for the satellite frequency and symbol rate.Normally, 13V switches the LNB to receive Vertical/Left hand polarizationwhile 18V receive Horizontal/Right hand.Normally, 22KHz control signal switches the LNB to receive high band if any. - Demodulation Mode: select the DVB-S or DVB-S2 demodulation mode.- Operation Mode: select the appropriate operation mode in the menu. There are QPSK 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 and 8PSK 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 tochoose among.- Pilot: select Off or On according to the actual signal.- Roll-Off Factor: you can choose 0.2, 0.25 or Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Figure 7.5 Outputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S27.3.1 Checking Status of OutputsThere are 2 displays on the LCD for monitoring the status of the decoder and the common interface.- Decoder: OK or Alarms indicates the status of the decoder. You can use the -key to check detailed information in the submenu of the Decoder.- CI: You can check the information of the CAM Modules in Slot1 and Slot2.7.3.2 Setting Common InterfaceThere are 2 submenus: CI Source and Setup which allow you to set or select the parameters of the CI.- CI Source: select Tuner or ASI input to set the signal source of descrambling.- Setup: press the<> or <>-key to select the program which is expected to be descrambled, then press the -key to choose Slot1, or Slot2, or Bypass.Press the -key after configuration, and the following message will be shownon the LCD: “Confirm Changed? ENTER=YES, EXIT=NO”. If you want to keep thechanges, press the -key.0-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is ASI.1-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is TUNER.2-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is TS/IP (this is invalid for30 -10S/-11T/-12C/-13S2 series).3-xxxxx factory occupied.7.3.3 Setting the Parameters of DecoderYou can configure the parameters of Video and Audio of the program decoded by decoder.- Program: Press the <> or <>-key to select the program which is expected to be decoded. Press the <>-and <>-key to choose channel from 0 to 3, thenpress the -key to confirm.0-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from ASI input.1-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from TUNER input.2-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from TS/IP input (this isinvalid for 30 -10S/-11T/-12C/-13S2 series).3-xxxxx displays the program name which comes from the CI.- Video: You can configure the video parameters of programs in this submenu. Press the -key to confirm and press the -key to cancel.Video Standard: you can select Auto or SECAM or NTSC or PAL for thecomposite video output.Screen: select the screen mode: 4:3 Full, 16:9 Full or 4:3 Letterbox.DVB Subtitle Lang: select the language of DVB Subtitle.EBU Subtitle Lang: select the language of EBU Subtitle.Subtitle Priority: configure the priority of Subtitle; choose whether DVB or EBUshould be first.- Audio: You can configure the audio settings in the submenu.Audio Level: use the <> <> <> <>-keys to modify the audio level withinthis range: 0~99.Audio Mode: select Stereo, Left, Right or Mono for soundtracks.Audio Language: select the language of the audio.7.3.4. Setting the ASI1 OutputUser can configure the settings of ASI1 in this menu.- ASI Source: select the signal source of ASI output: CI De-encrypted, TUNER, ASI Input or Mux-TS.- ASI Package Length: you can configure the package length of ASI output as 188 bytes orselect Bypass.Note: the Mux-TS is only valid when the Mux or Filter is enabled and turned on. The Mux-TS indicates not only the after-multiplexed TS when Mux is enabled, but also theafter-filtered TS when the filter is enabled.7.3.5. Setting the ASI2/SDI OutputThe ASI2/SDI port is user-configured as ASI output or SDI output.If the port is configured as ASI2, the configuration method is the same as ASI. (Please refer to the paragraph 7.3.4.)If the port is configured as SDI, there are two parameters which need to be set: Audio PID and Embed Audios.- Audio PID: press the <> <>-keys to choose the audio PID from 1~4.- Embed Audios: there are 4 options: none, one&two, two, and one.7.3.6. Setting the Mux/FilterNote: the Mux / Filter are alternative.For MuxMux Switch: the internal multiplexer could be switched On/Off.Bit Rate: set the output bit rate of the multiplexed TS in Kbps.TS ID: you can configure the TS ID to mark the multiplexed TS.Program List: the list of programs multiplexed. Press the -key to select the program which is expected to be multiplexed. A “*” will be displayed in the frontof the program name. Press the -key again to deselect a program.For FilterFilter Switch: the internal filter could be switched On/Off.Bit Rate: set the output bit rate of the filtered TS in Kbps.Source: select the source of the TS which is expected to be filtered.Program List: the list of programs filtered. Press the -key to select the program which is expected to be filtered away. A “*”will be displayed in the front of theprogram name. Press the -key again to deselect a program.8. Manual for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S28.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2Note: the Input menu differs from DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 models according to the type of tuner.。

第一章 DCAP-4000发电厂电气监控管理系统概述1.1 概述随着生产生活自动化程度的提高,对电力等能源供应的可靠性提出了越来越高的要求。
主要表现为:电气系统中,主要的保护、安全自动装置基本独立运行,与DCS系统间通过硬接点方式进行有限的控制和信号交换;电气系统的控制,基本上采用常规控制手段,电气系统的测量、保护动作、定值整定、事故追忆、电量和潮流报表等电气运行参数在DCS/FCS 系统无法完整反应。

西门子程控交换机(HiPath 4000)常用命令使用说明2011-06-10 11:08西门子程控交换机(HiPath 4000)常用命令使用说明双击登录交换机维护软件:--点击两面台小台脑---Diret---Connect--Ctrl+T--User Account(root)--password(hicom)---OK 说明:账号和密码需要小写拼写退出程序:保存所更改的命令后直接按Exit退出一、DND设置开启分机的DND功能:命令:ADD-ACTDA:STN,分机号码,DND;取消分机的DND功能:命令:DEL-ACTDA:STN,分机号码,DND;二、给分机设置相对应的人员姓名添加姓名命令:ADD-PERSI:STN,分机号,姓名;取消姓名命令:DEL-PERSI:TYOE=ALLNAME,STNO=分机号;三、话务台转移设置程序:Options-Switch Configuration-Night Variant-分机号码-Aply 四、分机限呼设置CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号码,ITR=0;(可拨打任何一部分机)CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号码,ITR=1;(后勤无法拨打客户分机)CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号码,ITR=2;(可拨打客户也可拨打后勤)CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号码,ITR=3;(可拨打客户)数字电话机输命令:CHA-SBCSU:STNO=分机号码,ITR=0(1、2、3);查询某一部分机的ITR=?命令:DIS-SCSU:STNO=分机号码;数字电话机输命令:DIS-SBCSU:STNO=分机号码;五、查询分机电话权限DIS-SCSU:STNO=分机号码;LCOSV1=1(Internal Cal)内线LCOSV2=2(Local Call) 市话LCOSV3=3(DDD Call) 国内长途LCOSV4=4(IDD Call)国际长途更改分机电话权限命令:CHA-SCSU:STNO=分机号码,LCOSV1=1;六、修改或互换分机号码命令:1、CHA-SCSU:STNO=(旧)分机号码,NEW=(新)分机号码;2、CHA-SXSU:1660,STNO,2228; 已用过的分机号码互换)七、设置同组代答设置命令:ADD-AUN:GRNO=组号,STNO=分机号码;取消命令:DEL-AUN:TYPE=STN,GRNO=组号,STNO=分机号码;查询代答组情况:命令:REG-AUN;目前已设置成同组代答群如下:10组:3112、311311组:1227、122812组:3222、3223、322513组:3125、3656、365815组:2267、226816组:1221、1222、1223、122617组:1555、1556、155718组:1312、1329、1331、1332、1333、(1335、1336、1337、1339)19组:3300、3301、3302、3303、331720组:3111、3333、3336、311021组:3811、3812、3813、3820、3822、3823、(3888、3889)22组:3528、3810、3885、3886、388725组:2222、2223、2225、2226、2228、(2231、2233、2235)26组:3665、3666、366827组:3821、3825、382628组:3337、3338、333929组:3116、312630组:3586、3557、355531组:1665、1667、1668、1670、355332组:2227、223033组:3115、3117、3118、3119、3123八、同组代答设置:*70+分机号码异组代答设置:*72+分机号码分机转移设置:*01+对方分机号码+#取消转移:按#23九、分机热线设置ADD-HOTLN:TYPE=HOTDESTHTLNIDX=1表DEST=0话务台命令:CHA-SDAT:STNO=分机号码,TYPE=DATA1,HOTIDX=1;十、新增分机设置(需加FOLLOW ME 的CODE)命令:ADD-PERSI:STN,分机号码;十一、引起交换机输出话单命令:ACT-SELS:2;十二、退出计费系统命令:关DEA-LSSM:AL,9;开ACT-LSSM:AL,9;十三、叫醒服务设置程序:时间前加“0”至“6”如当天是星期日代号为“0”;星期一代号为“1”、、、设置命令:ADD-ACTDA:STN,房间号,REMIND,0+叫醒时间;说明:需按24小时设置取消命令:DEL-ACTDA:STN,房间号,REMIND,0+叫醒时间;查询叫醒记录,命令:DIS-ACTDA:STN,分机号码;十四、留言灯设置设置命令:ADD-WABE:*68、、、MBON,N;取消命令:ADD-WABE:#68、、、MBOFF,N;说明:可直接在话机上操作:#68+分机号(除了数字机外,任何一部分机都可以设置)十五、限制客房电话互转设置启用程序:点击话务台界面的OptionsSwitch ConfigurationTraffic Restriction 1.3(on)Apply关闭程序:点击话务台界面的OptionsSwitch ConfigurationTraffic Restriction1.3(off)Apply说明:“1.1”组为备用;“1.2”组为后勤;“1.3”组为客房;十六、保存设置,避免PABX重启后的修改失效命令:1、EXEC-UPDAT:BP,ALL;2、EXEC-UPDAT:AL,ALL;说明:输入任一条命令都可以十七、显示日期和时间命令:DIS-DATE;十八、修改日期和时间命令:CHA-DATE:YEAR=2008MONTH=08DATE=08HOUR=08MINUTE=08SECOND=08;十九、分机号状态查看命令:DIS-SDSU:ALL,,STNO,PER2,1660;STATION NUMBER ACCORDING TO PORT EQUIPMENTNUMBER-------------------------------------------------MOUNTING LOCATION MODULE NAME BDL BD(#=ACT) STATUSP102.C80 8 1.097 SLMA24 A Q2246-X READY/BUSY STNO INPUT CCT LINE STNO SI BUS TYPE1660 006 1597 1660 VOICE READYAMO-SDSU -111 STATUS DISPLAY IN SWITCHINGUNITDISPLAY COMPLETED;二十、关闭分机或开启分机act-dssu:aul,stno,1660;(开启分机)dea-dssu:di,stno,1660;(关闭分机)二十一、查看板卡状态dis-sdsu:all,,pen,per2,1,2,61;。
PBI DCH4000P说明手册

DCH-4000P Series Professional Digital DecoderUser ManualTable of contents1. SAFETY (1)2. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION (2)2.1 Features (2)2.2 Factory Options (2)3. INSTALLATION (3)3.1 Inspection and Test (3)3.2 Functional Self Test (4)3.3 Mounting (4)4. FRONT PANEL (4)4.1 Front Panel List (4)4.2 Indicator LEDs (4)4.3 Liquid Crystal Display (5)4.4 Keypad (5)4.5 Common Interface (5)5. REAR PANEL (6)5.1 Power Supply (6)5.2 Output Connectors (6)5.3 ASI Input Connector (7)5.4 RS-232 Interface (7)5.5 Ethernet Interface (7)5.6 TS/IP Interface (Factory Optional) (7)6. INSTALLATION (7)6.1 Main Menu (7)6.2 System Menu (8)6.2.1 Local Setup (8)6.2.2 Setting up the Trap IP Address (8)6.2.3 Editing the Unit Name (9)6.2.4 Checking the Properties (9)6.2.5 Recover Factory Default Settings (9)6.2.6 Setting Machine Type (9)7. Manual for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (9)7.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (9)7.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (11)7.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs (11)7.2.2 Setting the Tuner Parameters (11)7.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 (13)7.3.1 Checking Status of Outputs (13)7.3.2 Setting Common Interface (14)7.3.3 Setting the Parameters of Decoder (14)7.3.4. Setting the ASI1 Output (15)7.3.5. Setting the ASI2/SDI Output (15)7.3.6. Setting the Mux/Filter (15)8. Manual for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (15)8.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (15)8.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (18)8.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs (18)8.2.2 Setting the Tuner Parameters (18)8.2.3 Setting the Ethernet Connector (18)8.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 (19)9. Manual for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (19)9.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (19)9.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (21)9.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (22)9.3.1 Setting the Ethernet TS over IP output (23)9.3.2 Other output settings for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 (23)10. REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROL (23)10.1 Install HDMS to a PC (23)10.2 Connect to HDMS (23)10.3 Login to HDMS (24)10.4 Add DCH-4000P-xx to HMDS (24)10.5 DCH-4000P-xx in HDMS (24)10.6 Other Settings (25)11. FAQ (25)12. Appendix (25)12.1 Specification (25)1. SAFETYPlease read this chapter before installation and use of the deviceThis equipment is provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord.The main plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact.Any interruption of the protective conductor, inside or outside the device, is likely to make the device dangerous.The device described in this manual is designed to be used by properly-trained personnel only. Adjustment, maintenance and repair of the device shall be carried out by qualified personnel.No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers.For the correct and safe use of the device, it is essential that both operating and servicing personnel follow generally accepted safety procedures in addition to the safety precautions specified in this manual.Whenever it is likely that safety protection is impaired, the device must be made in-operative and secured against unintended operation. The appropriate servicing authority must be informed. For example, safety is likely to be impaired if the device fails to perform the intended measurements or shows visible damage.WARNINGSz Do not use the equipment in moisture environment surroundings.Avoid direct contact with water.z Never place the equipment in direct sunlight.z The outside of the equipment may be cleaned using a lightly dampened cloth. Do not use any cleaning liquids containing alcohol, methylated spirit or ammonia etc.z For continued protection against fire hazard, replace line fused only with same type.2. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTIONDCH-4000P-xx is a professional IRD with a variety of input (including DVB over ASI, IP, QPSK, QAM, COFDM and DS3) and output (CVBS, SDI, ASI, DS3 and IP) combinations. An appropriate IP port equipped as an option supports DVB over IP applications. LAN control and monitoring are achieved with TCP/IP, SNMP and HDMS*.(*Headend Devices Management System, a remote management software)2.1 Featuresz Fully complies with MPEG-2, MP@ML and DVB-S/-T/-C standardsz IP input or output with UDP/RTP (optional)z Multicast and Unicast on IPz Supports PAL, NTSC or SECAMz Supports various Conditional Access systemsz SDI video output with digital audio embeddedz Two sets of independent ASI outputsz Automatic PMT updatez Compatible with Multiple De-encrypt CI modulesz DS3 I/O for TS (optional)z Switchable audio sound trackz Teletext VBI, EBU subtitle and DVB subtitlez Upgradeable through LANz Easy-to-use LCD menu2.2 Factory OptionsFigure 2.1 Factory Option list of DCH-4000P series3. INSTALLATIONWarning:This equipment is provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord.The main plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact.Any interruption of the protective conductor, inside or outside the instrument, is likely to make the instrument dangerous. The type of main plugged shipped with each instrument depends on the country of application.Caution:Do not connect AC power until you have verified that the line voltage is correct and the proper fuses are installed. The equipment requires a power source of either 50/60 Hz at 110V or 50/60 Hz at 240V. The voltage ranges for these nominal voltage values are shown in the table:POWER REQUIREMENTInput voltage 90-260 Vrms auto selectFrequency 47 to 63 HzPower 50 VA max. / 30 VA typical.Current 110 V/0.27A or 240 V/0.125A typicalCaution:Be sure the supply voltage is within the specified range.Checking the fuses:The recognized recommended fuses are size 5 by 20 mm, rate T 2.0A, 250 V (UL and IEC approved).The line fuse is housed in a small container besides the power connector on the rear panel.To check the fuse, insert the tip of a screwdriver in the slot at the middle of the container and pry gently to extend the fuse where there is a little tap and pull out the fuse gently. The fuse is attached to the line module and cannot be removed.3.1 Inspection and TestCheck if the devise has any visible damage. If everything seems all right, power can be applied to the device. The main socket and fuse are located at the rear panel of the device.When the device is turned on, verify that the display shows the following message:DCH-4000P (factory default unit-name)IP: (factory default IP Address)If no message is shown in the display or there is not light in the display, the device isdefective and has to be returned for servicing.3.2 Functional Self TestNo specific functional self test is needed.The device has been factory tested according to recognized test procedures and is ready for operation.3.3 MountingThe environment should be relatively dust free, free of excessive vibration and the ambient temperature between 0 ℃ to 40 ℃. Relative humidity of 20% to 80% (non-condensed) is recommended.Air intake for cooling is achieved via holes at the side of the device and the fans inside. The air flow should not be obstructed. Therefore, the device has to be placed on a flat surface, leaving some space at the sides of the device.When in operation, the internal temperature should not exceed the limit of 70 ℃.4. FRONT PANEL4.1 Front Panel ListFigure 4.1 Front Panel of DCH-4000P-xx Series Receiver4.2 Indicator LEDsThere are 3 LED-indicators:-POWER: the status of the power supplygreen: the power is turned onoff : the power is turned off-TUNER LOCK: the status of the tunergreen: The incoming QPSK is locked by the tuner.off : there is no QPSK input signal or the signal is unlocked-ALARM: the status of input signal source, which includes IP input, QPSK signal input and DVB-ASI TS input.4.3 Liquid Crystal DisplayThe 2 x 20 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) shows all the required information about the selected parameters.The top row of the LCD shows the selected parameter. The bottom row indicates the present values and how these can be adjusted.The parameters are grouped in three menus:-the Inputs, which gives the full operation on inputs parameters-the Outputs, with the full operation control functions on outputs parameters-the Systems, gives the general device management parameters and informs about the device working status4.4 KeypadFigure 4.2 Keypad of DCH-4000P-xx seriesThe 6 keys on the front panel allow you to navigate in the information given on the LCD and to change parameters, when the device operates under local control.The <ENTER>-key is used to enter the main menu or a sub-menu. When you stand on the preferred menu, <ENTER> is used to active the parameter on the bottom line and allows you to change the value. It also finishes the input of new alphanumeric values and confirms the changes.The <>-and<>-keys are used to select between the main menus or sub-menus. When you stand on the preferred menu and the parameter is active, they are also used to change the numerical values. Selecting a digit with the <>-and <>-keys.The <EXIT>-key, is used to exit a menu without any action.4.5 Common InterfaceThere are two Common Interface slots. You can insert up to two different CAM modules for descrambling.5. REAR PANELFigure 3.2 Rear Panel of DCH-4000P-xx SeriesB1 TS/IP Input/Output interfaceB2 XRL L interfaceB3 XRL R interfaceB4 RGB/YUV interface (G/Y)B5 RGB/YUV interface (B/U)B6 RGB/YUV interface (R/Y)B7 CVBS2 Output interfaceB8, B18 ASI2/SDI output interfaceB9, B19 ASI1 output interfaceB17 ASI input interfaceB10 RS-232interfaceB11 Tuner Loop Out interfaceB12 Tuner In interfaceB13 Power socket, AC 90~260VB14 CVBS1 Output interfaceB15, B16 L-Audio-R interfaceB20 Ethernet interface for remote management systemB21 Grounding5.1 Power SupplyThe power cord is inserted to an IEC main socket at the side of the device.Check that the power cord is suitable for the country where the device will be used.A standard power cord with a European DIN 49441 two pin main plug is delivered togetherwith the device.The line fuses are housed in a small container at the side of the power supply connector. 5.2 Output ConnectorsThe ASI interface B9), B19) and ASI2 interface B8), B18) are two pairs of independent ASI output. Both use female BNC connectors, with 75 Ohm impedance. The ASI interface B18) and B19) are used as a redundant output of B8) and B9) out.Note: the B8), B18) interface could be configured as SDI with Audio embedded. Please refer to Chapter ASI Input ConnectorThe ASI input B17) is a 75 ohm female BNC connector.5.4 RS-232 InterfaceThis interface is a 9-pins female sub-D connector. The RS-232 interface is only used for factory software upgrade and configuration, so you are not allowed to connect any cable to the RS-232 connector, as that could damage the device.5.5 Ethernet InterfaceAn RJ-45 connector B20) provides a remote control interface.5.6 TS/IP Interface (Factory Optional)An RJ-45 connector B1) provides a streaming stream over IP input or output.6. INSTALLATIONThe device allows you to configure, control and monitor through the Keypad and front panel display when a remote control system is not used.6.1 Main MenuTurn on the device and wait for 8 to 10 seconds, while the device will complete self inspection and configuration. The top row of the LCD shows the name of the device. The local IP address is displayed on the bottom row of the LCD.Note: the local IP address can be changed in the System Menu.Use the <ENTER>-key to enter on the Main Menu. The <>-and<>-keys are used to choose between the three main menus.Figure 6.1 Main Menu6.2 System MenuThe system menu provides information about the general functions, the surroundings equipment and the hardware used.Figure 6.2 System Menu6.2.1 Local SetupEach DCH-4000P-xx has an IP address, a network sub mask and a gateway. These must be set to an appropriate value for the network over which the unit can be accessed by the remote control system such as the HDMS.-IP Address: The IP address for the unit.-Network Mask: The network mask for the subnet to which the unit is connected.-Gateway: The gateway for the network to which this unit is connected.6.2.2 Setting up the Trap IP AddressThe DCH-4000P-xx provides a Monitor Center IP address. You can set this to be the same IP address of the Monitor Center, which is typically a PC in order to allow the device to send messages to the monitor center. If the DCH-4000P-xx is connected with the HDMS remote management system, the Trap IP address is typically set to be the IP address of the PC on which the HDMS has been installed.6.2.3 Editing the Unit NameThe DCH-4000P-xx allows you to edit the unit name which is displayed on the front panel LCD. The unit name should not be longer than 20 characters in ASCII format.6.2.4 Checking the PropertiesYou are allowed to check the properties information of the device.- MAC address: Factory-set MAC address which is guaranteed to be unique. You cannot configure this address.- FW Version: the version of the FPGA software.- SW Version: the version of the main software.6.2.5 Recover Factory Default SettingsAll the user configurable parameters will be set to the factory default settings, including IP address and the unit name. Note that the unit will not be connected with the HDMS remote management system until the IP is properly configured.6.2.6 Setting Machine TypeThis setting is reserved for factory-setting, and you are not allowed to access this menu. 7. Manual for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S27.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Note: only the Inputs menu differs from DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2 models.Figure 7.1 Full Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30SFigure 7.2 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30TFigure 7.3 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30CFigure 7.4 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S27.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Under Input Menu, you can monitor and configure the parameters of the Tuner.7.2.1 Checking Status of Inputs- ASI Input: locked or unlock indicate the status of the ASI input.- Tuner Input: when the QPSK/QAM/COFDM signal is locked by the tuner, the bit rate isdisplayed on the bottom row of LCD.7.2.2 Setting the Tuner ParametersTo receive the QPSK/QAM/COFDM signal, these parameters below must be set to appropriate values for the receiving antenna over which the device can receive the signal.For QPSK Tuner:- LNB Local Oscillator (L.O.) Freq: enter the frequency of the LNB in MHz.- Satellite Freq: edit the satellite down link frequency in MHz. The IF frequency will becalculated automatically.- Symbol Rate: enter the QPSK symbol rate.- LNB Voltage: select the correct LNB voltage output of the F-connector: Off, 13 V, 18 V. <A> - LNB 22KHz: activate the LNB 22 kHz control signal to the LNB: On or Off. <B>- Note: please contact the local satellite operator for the satellite frequency and symbol rate.<A> Normally, 13V switches the LNB to receive Vertical/Left hand polarizationwhile 18V receive Horizontal/Right hand.<B> Normally, 22KHz control signal switches the LNB to receive high band if any.For QAM Tuner:- Constellation: enter the modulation mode of the QAM signal.- Frequency: enter the frequency of the QAM signal in MHz.- Symbol Rate: edit the symbol rate to the proper value in KBaud.For COFDM Tuner:- Frequency: enter the proper frequency of the COFDM signal in MHz.For DVB-S2 Tuner:- LNB Local Oscillator (L.O.) Freq: enter the frequency of LNB in MHz.- Satellite Freq: edit the satellite down link frequency in MHz. The IF frequency will be calculated automatically.- Symbol Rate: enter the QPSK/8PSK symbol rate.- LNB Voltage: select the correct LNB voltage output of the F-connector: Off, 13 V, 18 V. <A> - LNB 22KHz: activate the LNB 22 kHz control signal to the LNB: On or Off. <B>- Note: please contact the local satellite operator for the satellite frequency and symbol rate.<A> Normally, 13V switches the LNB to receive Vertical/Left hand polarizationwhile 18V receive Horizontal/Right hand.<B> Normally, 22KHz control signal switches the LNB to receive high band if any. - Demodulation Mode: select the DVB-S or DVB-S2 demodulation mode.- Operation Mode: select the appropriate operation mode in the menu. There are QPSK 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 and 8PSK 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 tochoose among.- Pilot: select Off or On according to the actual signal.- Roll-Off Factor: you can choose 0.2, 0.25 or Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S2Figure 7.5 Outputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-30S /-30T/-30C/-30S27.3.1 Checking Status of OutputsThere are 2 displays on the LCD for monitoring the status of the decoder and the common interface.- Decoder: OK or Alarms indicates the status of the decoder. You can use the <ENTER>-key to check detailed information in the submenu of the Decoder.- CI: You can check the information of the CAM Modules in Slot1 and Slot2.7.3.2 Setting Common InterfaceThere are 2 submenus: CI Source and Setup which allow you to set or select the parameters of the CI.- CI Source: select Tuner or ASI input to set the signal source of descrambling.- Setup: press the<> or <>-key to select the program which is expected to be descrambled, then press the <ENTER>-key to choose Slot1, or Slot2, or Bypass.Press the <EXIT>-key after configuration, and the following message will be shownon the LCD: “Confirm Changed? ENTER=YES, EXIT=NO”. If you want to keep thechanges, press the <ENTER>-key.0-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is ASI.1-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is TUNER.2-xxxxx displays the program name, which signal source is TS/IP (this is invalid for30 -10S/-11T/-12C/-13S2 series).3-xxxxx factory occupied.7.3.3 Setting the Parameters of DecoderYou can configure the parameters of Video and Audio of the program decoded by decoder.- Program: Press the <> or <>-key to select the program which is expected to be decoded. Press the <>-and <>-key to choose channel from 0 to 3, thenpress the <ENTER>-key to confirm.0-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from ASI input.1-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from TUNER input.2-xxxxx displays the program name, which comes from TS/IP input (this isinvalid for 30 -10S/-11T/-12C/-13S2 series).3-xxxxx displays the program name which comes from the CI.- Video: You can configure the video parameters of programs in this submenu. Press the <ENTER>-key to confirm and press the <EXIT>-key to cancel.Video Standard: you can select Auto or SECAM or NTSC or PAL for thecomposite video output.Screen: select the screen mode: 4:3 Full, 16:9 Full or 4:3 Letterbox.DVB Subtitle Lang: select the language of DVB Subtitle.EBU Subtitle Lang: select the language of EBU Subtitle.Subtitle Priority: configure the priority of Subtitle; choose whether DVB or EBUshould be first.- Audio: You can configure the audio settings in the submenu.Audio Level: use the <> <> <> <>-keys to modify the audio level withinthis range: 0~99.Audio Mode: select Stereo, Left, Right or Mono for soundtracks.Audio Language: select the language of the audio.7.3.4. Setting the ASI1 OutputUser can configure the settings of ASI1 in this menu.- ASI Source: select the signal source of ASI output: CI De-encrypted, TUNER, ASI Input or Mux-TS.- ASI Package Length: you can configure the package length of ASI output as 188 bytes orselect Bypass.Note: the Mux-TS is only valid when the Mux or Filter is enabled and turned on. The Mux-TS indicates not only the after-multiplexed TS when Mux is enabled, but also theafter-filtered TS when the filter is enabled.7.3.5. Setting the ASI2/SDI OutputThe ASI2/SDI port is user-configured as ASI output or SDI output.If the port is configured as ASI2, the configuration method is the same as ASI. (Please refer to the paragraph 7.3.4.)If the port is configured as SDI, there are two parameters which need to be set: Audio PID and Embed Audios.- Audio PID: press the <> <>-keys to choose the audio PID from 1~4.- Embed Audios: there are 4 options: none, one&two, two, and one.7.3.6. Setting the Mux/FilterNote: the Mux / Filter are alternative.For MuxMux Switch: the internal multiplexer could be switched On/Off.Bit Rate: set the output bit rate of the multiplexed TS in Kbps.TS ID: you can configure the TS ID to mark the multiplexed TS.Program List: the list of programs multiplexed. Press the <ENTER>-key to select the program which is expected to be multiplexed. A “*” will be displayed in the frontof the program name. Press the <ENTER>-key again to deselect a program.For FilterFilter Switch: the internal filter could be switched On/Off.Bit Rate: set the output bit rate of the filtered TS in Kbps.Source: select the source of the TS which is expected to be filtered.Program List: the list of programs filtered. Press the <ENTER>-key to select the program which is expected to be filtered away. A “*” will be displayed in the front of theprogram name. Press the <ENTER>-key again to deselect a program.8. Manual for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S28.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2Note: the Input menu differs from DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2 models according to the type of tuner.Figure 8.1 Full Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41SFigure 8.2 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41TFigure 8.3 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41CFigure 8.4 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-41S28.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2In the Input Menu, you can monitor and configure the parameters of the Tuner.8.2.1 Checking Status of InputsThere are 2 displays on the LCD for monitoring the status of input.- ASI Input: locked or unlock indicates the ASI input status.- Tuner Input: when a satellite signal is locked via the tuner, the bit rate is displayed on the bottom row of the LCD.- IP IN: this indicates the status of the transport stream over IP input. The bitrate is displayed on the bottom row of the LCD, if IP input is valid.8.2.2 Setting the Tuner ParametersPlease refer to paragraph Setting the Ethernet ConnectorThere is an Ethernet connector for receiving transport stream over IP. The Ethernet connector has user-configurable IP address, network mask and default gateway. These must be set to appropriate values for the network over which the transport stream over IP is received.- Source IP Addr: Enter the IP address for streaming IP input of the unit.- Source Network: Enter the network sub mask for the subnet to which the unit is connected for IP streaming traffic.- Source Gateway: Set the gateway for the network to which the unit is connected for IPstreaming traffic.- Source Mac Address: factory-set MAC addresses are guaranteed to be unique. Thereforeyou cannot configure the address.- Multicast IP Addr: Enter the IP address of the multicast stream for the transport streamover IP.-Multicast UDP Port: Enter the UDP port number of the TS over IP stream.- Protocol: select the protocol for multicast: UDP or RTP.- Output Smoothing: set the quality of TS which comes from the TS/IP input.Auto: the bit rate is variable.Disable: the unit let the TS pass by.Fixed Rate: the bitrate is fixed.- TS Bit Rate: set the bit rate of the TS comes from the TS/IP input. The setting is only valid when the output smoothing is configured as Fixed Rate.8.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-41S /-41T/-41C/-41S2Please refer to paragraph 7.3 for the setting method.Note that the TS over IP input also could be configured as the source of CI, ASI, ASI2 and Mux/Filter.9. Manual for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S29.1 Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2Note: the Input menu differs from DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2 models according to the different type of tuner.Figure 9.1 Full Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42SFigure 9.2 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42TFigure 9.3 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42CFigure 9.4 Inputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42S29.2 Setting Inputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2Please refer to paragraph 7.2 for the setting method.9.3 Setting Outputs for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2Figure 9.5 Outputs Menu Structure for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S29.3.1 Setting the Ethernet TS over IP outputThe Ethernet connector could also be configured as the output of the transport stream over IP.The parameters listed below must be set to appropriate values for the network over which the transport stream over IP is broadcasted.- Stream IP Address: Enter the IP address for streaming IP output of the unit.- Stream Network Mask: Enter the network sub mask for the subnet to which the unit isconnected for IP streaming traffic.- Stream Gateway: Set the gateway for the network to which the unit is connected for IPstreaming traffic.- Stream Mac Address: factory-set MAC addresses are guaranteed to unique. Therefore youcannot configure the address.- Multicast IP address: Enter the IP address of the multicast stream for the transport streamover IP output.-UDP Port: Enter the UDP port number of the TS over IP stream output.- Protocol: select the protocol for multicast: UDP or RTP.- TS Pkts Per UDP: set the number of the TS packages encapsulated in one UDP package.The valid range goes from 1 to 7.- Time To Live: set the number of the routers over which the TS over IP can be transmitted.The valid range goes from 1 to 5.- Type of Service: select the type of service. There are: Normal, Min Monetary Cost, MaxReliability, Max Throughput or Min Delay optional.- Source: select the source of the TS over IP streaming output. There are: ASI Input, CI De-encrypted or TUNER.9.3.2 Other output settings for DCH-4000P-42S /-42T/-42C/-42S2Please refer to paragraph 7.3 for the other output setting method.10. REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROLThe DCH-4000P-xx series provides an Ethernet remote control interface for user remote control or supervise one or multiple DCH-4000P-xx via the Headend Devices Management System (HDMS).10.1 Install HDMS to a PCThe HDMS Installation.exe file could be found on the CD-ROM which is enclosed in the original package. Detailed information about installation can be found in the HDMS Reference Guide.10.2 Connect to HDMSAfter installation of HDMS, you need to configure the local settings of the DCH-4000P-xx (s) which is/are expected to connect to the remote control network. Please refer to paragraph 6.2.1.。
 一般准则
为防止发生事故,应遵守下列准则: a)、严禁在安装地点饮酒或以任何形式使用酒精。 b)、严禁酒鬼或在酒精作用下的人出现在安装地点。 c)、在安装电池时,应穿戴好风镜和安全手套。此外还应该准备好清水、苏打和几块干
1.1.2 开箱
由于用轮船运输,设备及其组件都装在木箱里,开启木箱时应开启标有“OBEN”的地方 (向上开启)。
a)、使用榔头和拨钉器开启木箱盖子,拔去滤料,再水平地取出塑料包装的设备,平放 下来,使标着“OBEN”的那边朝上,切开塑料包装,取出设备。
注意:发射机机柜的包装应当放下来,以使底座朝下(图 1—1/3)。此外,箭头和箱上 漆的标题(图 1-1)也表示这边应当面朝下。
2.3.2 天线固定
见图 2-6 至 2-10。 把天线置于地网上
DVOR 天线包括天线罩、去偶模块及垂直管(已安装好了的)。将 DVOR 天线吊到地网外沿 并置于地网上。因此,应使用起重机及转动台,如地网为 3 米高,再推荐使用一个加固的辅 助杆(图 2-6)。 载波天线的安装
b)、用剪刀剪断三根塑料带,并去掉它们(如图 1—1/2),卸下顶盖(1—1/1)(需两人 完成),去掉泡沫面板(1—1/8),用两个支撑架(图 1—1/4)把发射机柜(图 1-1/7)升起 来(需 2 个人),并安装在一个垂直位置。
警告:应当把发射机柜固定在那个位置直至拆除了那两个支撑架(图(图 1—1/4)上的三颗螺帽(图 1—1/5),卸下 螺帽(图 1—1/5)、三个垫圈(图 1—1/6)和支撑架(图 1—1/4),然后把它运到安装地点 并固定在地板上。 d)、打开前门并取下它后面的泡沫面板。 e)、关闭前门。 把所有的包装材料存放起来,以便由于维修等原因时可以再次使用它作包装。

4006交换机(IOS版)简明配置维护手册目录说明 (3)产品特性 (3)配置端口 (5)配置一组端口 (5)配置二层端口 (7)配置端口速率及双工模式 (8)端口描述 (8)配置三层口 (10)监控及维护端口 (12)监控端口和控制器的状态 (12)刷新、重置端口及计数器 (13)关闭和打开端口 (14)配置VLAN (15)理解VLAN (15)可支持的VLAN (15)配置正常范围的VLAN (16)生成、修改以太网VLAN (16)删除VLAN (18)将端口分配给一个VLAN (18)配置VLAN Trunks (19)使用STP实现负载均衡 (22)配置EtherChannel (27)三层以太通道配置 (27)三层物理端口配置 (28)二层以太通道配置 (29)配置以太通道负载均衡 (31)配置SPAN (32)理解SPAN (32)SPAN会话 (32)目标端口 (33)源端口 (33)流量类型 (33)基于VLAN的SPAN (33)SPAN流量 (34)配置SPAN (34)指定源 (34)指定目标 (35)监视一个trunk接口上的源VLAN (35)说明本手册只包括日常使用的有关命令及特性,其它未涉及的命令及特性请参考CISCO官方英文的详细配置手册。
产品特性Cisco Catalyst 4006 Supervisor Engine III将非阻塞的第2/3/4层交换与增强的控制结合在一起,从而让企业和城域以太网用户在部署基于互联网的应用时具有业务灵活性。
作为Cisco A VVID(融合语音、视频和集成数据的网络体系架构)的一个关键性组件,Cisco Catalyst 4000利用智能化的网络服务,将控制从网络骨干扩展到了网络边缘,这些服务包括先进的服务质量(QoS)、可扩展的性能、全面的安全性和简便的管理功能。
第2层特性∙第2层硬件数据包转发率可达48Mpps∙第2层交换端口和VLAN中继∙IEEE 802.1Q VLAN封装∙ISL VLAN封装(不包括WS-X4418-GB 和WS-X4412-2GB-T 中的阻塞端口)∙动态中继协议(DTP)∙VLAN中继协议(VTP)和VTP域∙每个交换机支持4096个VLAN(将来的软件版本)∙每个VLAN的生成树(PVST)和PVST+∙STP PortFast和PortFast防护措施∙STP UplinkFast和BackboneFast∙STP根段防护措施∙Cisco搜索协议∙IGMP侦听v1和v2∙在线路卡中集成Cisco以太通道、快速以太通道、千兆位以太通道技术∙端口集中协议(PAgP)∙单向链路检测(UDLD)和主动型UDLD第3层特性∙IP Cisco快速传送(CEF)路由速度可达48Mpps∙静态IP路由∙IP路由协议(内部网关路由协议[IGRP]、增强型IGRP[EIGRP]、开放式最短路径优先[OSPF]、路由信息协议[RIP]、RIP2)∙边界网关协议[BGP4]和多播边界网关协议[MBGP]∙热待机路由协议(HSRP)∙IGMP v1、v2和v3∙IP多播路由协议(距离向量多播路由协议[DVMRP]、PIM、SSM)∙多播源发现协议(MSDP)∙Cisco群组多播协议(CGMP)服务器∙完全支持互联网控制消息协议(ICMP)∙ICMP路由器发现协议先进的服务质量和成熟流量管理∙针对每个端口的QoS配置∙硬件上支持每个端口四个队列∙严格优先级排序∙IP DSCP和IP 优先权∙基于IP服务类型(ToS)或者DSCP进行分类和标记∙基于完整的第3/4层报头(只限于IP)进行分类和标记∙基于完整的第3/4层报头(只限于IP)制定输入和输出策略∙能够集中或者单独在出口或者入口分别配置1024种监管器∙整形和共享输出队列管理∙细微的QoS功能不会影响正常的交换性能扩展性能∙64Gbps交换矩阵∙第2层硬件数据包转发率可达48Mpps∙第3层IP Cisco 快速转发路由速率可达48Mpps∙第4层(TCP/UDP)基于硬件的过滤速率可达48Mpps∙实现先进的第3/4层服务不会造成任何性能上的损失∙持续以每秒1000台主机的速度进行基于软件的查询∙支持32768个MAC地址∙在路由表(由单点播送和多播共享)中支持131072个记录∙可以扩展到2000个虚拟端口(VLAN端口)∙利用Cisco千兆位以太通道技术,可以汇聚高达16Gbps的带宽∙基于硬件的多播管理∙基于硬件的ACL简便的可管理性∙只需一个控制台端口和IP地址,来管理系统中的所有功能∙软件配置管理,包括本地和远程的存储∙可选的闪存卡,可以用于存储软件影像,进行备份和方便的软件升级∙通过CiscoWorks Windows网络管理软件,对每个端口、每个交换机进行管理,为Cisco的路由器、交换机和集线器提供一个统一的管理接口∙SNMP v1、v2和v3检测,提供全面的带内管理功能∙基于命令行界面(CLI)的管理控制台,提供详细的带外管理∙远程监控(RMON)软件代理,可以支持四个RMON群组(历史、统计、警报和事件),从而可以增强对流量的管理、监控和分析∙利用一个Cisco SwitchProbe Analyzer(交换端口分析器[SPAN]端口支持所有九个RMON群组,这个端口可以通过一个单一的网络分析器或者RMON探测器对一个端口、一组端口或者整个交换机进行流量监控)∙分析支持,包括入口、出口和VLAN SPAN全面的安全性∙TACACS+和RADIUS,它们可以对交换机进行集中控制,并防止未经授权的用户更改配置∙在所有端口上的标准和扩展ACL∙在所有端口上(没有性能损失)采用路由器访问控制列表(RACL)∙专用VLAN(PVLAN),可以在一个交换机的两个端口之间提供安全性和独立性指示灯和端口规格∙系统状态:绿色(正常)/红色(故障)∙交换机负载利用率:总交换使用率在1%到100%之间∙控制端口:RJ-45凹式端口∙重启(交换机隐含保护)∙管理端口:10/100BASE-TX(RJ-45凹式)数据终端设备(DTE);绿色(工作正常)/橙色(禁用)/关闭(没有连接)其它功能:支持以下的GBIC模块:∙1000BASE-SX GBIC: 光纤最长1804 feet (550 m)∙1000BASE-LX/LH GBIC: 光纤最长32,808 feet (6 miles or 10 km)∙1000BASE-ZX GBIC: 光纤最长328,084 feet (62 miles or 100 km)配置端口配置一组端口当使用interface range命令时有如下的规则:∙有效的组范围:o vlan从1 到4094o fastethernet槽位/{first port} - {last port}o gigabitethernet槽位/{first port} - {last port}∙端口号之间需要加入空格,如:interface range fastethernet 2/1 –5是有效的,而interface range fastethernet 2/1-5是无效的.∙interface range命令只能配置已经存在的interface vlan∙所有在同一组的端口必须是相同类别的。

Data SheetCisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switches Developed specifically to withstand the harshest industrial environments, these switches offer the most flexible and resilient industrial Ethernet products with secure connectivity, simple management and edge application execution.Product overviewThe Cisco® Industrial Ethernet (IE) 4000 Series delivers Gigabit connectivity to Cisco ruggedized switching portfolio with superior high-bandwidth switching capacity and proven Cisco IOS®Software. The IE 4000 Series provides highly secure access and industry-leading convergence ring protocols to support resilient and scalable networks while adhering to industry compliance requirements.The IE 4000 Series is ideal for industrial Ethernet applications where hardened products are required, including manufacturing, energy, transportation, smart cities. The IE4000 has built-in SW image verification to ensure authenticity of the Cisco Software. With improved overall performance, greater bandwidth, advanced security features, and enhanced hardware, the Cisco IE 4000 Series complements the current industrial Ethernet portfolio of related Cisco industrial switches, such as the Cisco IE 2000 and IE 3000.The IE 4000 Series can be used to easily and securely extend the enterprise network to harsh environments with a software-defined access extension for the Internet of Things (IoT) enabling connectivity in outdoor areas, warehouses, distribution centers, roadways, etc., using powerful enterprise-grade intent-based network management platform such as Cisco DNA Center.The Cisco IE 4000 can easily be installed. with a GUI based Device Manager, it also offers out-of-the-box industrial usage configuration and simplified manageability to deliver advanced security, data, video, and voice services over industrial networks.The IE 4000 executes edge applications using Cisco IOx to transform sensor data into insight and action. With Cisco IOx for customers take advantage of consistent, distributed computing across Cisco IoT network infrastructure. For more information on Cisco IOx, please see the Cisco IOx data sheet.Features and benefitsTable 1 lists the features and benefits of Cisco IE 4000 Series Switches.Table 1. Features and benefits of Cisco IE 4000 switchesYour ruggedized choice for industrial environmentsThe Cisco Industrial Ethernet (IE) 4000 Series offers:●Bandwidth and capacity to grow with your networking needs: 20-Gbps nonblocking switching capacity withup to 20 Gigabit Ethernet ports per switch●High-density industrial PoE/PoE+ support providing in-line power to up to 8 power devices, including IPcameras and phones, badge readers, wireless access points, etc.●Cisco IOS Software features for smooth IT integration and policy consistency●Robust resiliency enabled by dual ring design via 4x Gigabit Ethernet uplink ports, Resilient EthernetProtocol (REP), Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP), PROFINET– Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) ring, High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) ring, EtherChannel and Flex Links support, redundant power input, dying gasp, etc.●True zero-touch replacement for middle-of-the-night or middle-of-nowhere failure●Line-rate, low-latency forwarding with advanced hardware assist features (such as NAT, IEEE1588)●Simplified software upgrade path with universal images●Support of Industrial automation protocols EtherNet/IP (CIP), PROFINET, and Modbus TCPCisco ONE SoftwareCisco ONE Software offers a simplified consumption model, centered on common customer scenarios in the industrial automation and extended enterprise environments. Cisco ONE Software and services provide customers with four primary benefits:●Software suites that address typical customer use scenarios at an attractive price●Investment protection for their software purchase through software services-enabled license portability●Access to ongoing innovation and new technology with Cisco Software Support Service (SWSS)●Flexible licensing models to smoothly distribute customers' software spending over timeFigure 1 shows the switch models, Table 2 lists all the available Cisco IE 4000 Series models, Table 3 lists the power supplies for Cisco IE 4000 Series Switches.Figure 1. IE 4000 modelsTable 2. Cisco IE 4000 Series Switches1 Combo ports provide one copper and one fiber physical port and only one can be activated at a time.2 Can be upgraded to IP Services at a fee.All copper Gigabit Ethernet interfaces support speed negotiation to 10/100/1000 mbps and duplex negotiation. All copper Fast Ethernet interfaces support speed negotiation to 10/100 mbps and duplex negotiation.Table 3. Power supplies for Cisco IE 4000 Series Switches1 The entire power budget for the switch and PoE ports needs to stay within the power supply.2 The power supplies are not certified for smart grid and hazardous locations. These power supplies are IP20 rated.3 Power Supplies Datasheet Link: https:///c/en/us/products/collateral/switches/industrial-ethernet-switches/datasheet-c78-742180.htmlThe diagram in Figure 2 can help you select a Cisco IE 4000 model.Figure 2. Cisco IE 4000 model selection guideProduct specificationsTable 4 lists specifications, Table 5 gives information about switch performance and scalability, Tables 6 and 7 list important software features. Table 8 provides information on software licenses and accessory PIDs.Tables 9–12 provide information about Cisco ONE™ licenses, Cisco DNA features and PIDs available for order, and Table 13 lists compliance specifications. Table 14 gives information about management and standards of the Cisco IE 4000 Series Switches, and Table 15 shows the list of supported SFPs.Table 4. Product specificationsTable 5. Switch performance and scalability1 Support after product general availability.2 Full flexible NetFlow is included on all IE-4000 Switches and requires either one of the following licenses per switch:∙Cisco ONE™ Foundation Perpetual license∙Cisco DNA Essentials license∙Cisco IP Services licenseTable 7. Cisco IE 4000 IP Services: Key software featuresTable 8. Cisco IE 4000 software licenses and accessories PIDsTable 9. Cisco ONE™ LicensesTable 10. Cisco IE 4000 DNA Essentials licensesTable 11. Cisco IE 4000 DNA Advantage licensesTable 12. Cisco IE 4000 DNA license PIDsTable 13. Compliance SpecificationsIndustry standards EN 61000-6-1 Light Industrial EN 61000-6-2 IndustrialEN 61000-6-4 IndustrialEN 61326 Industrial ControlEN 61131-2 Programmable ControllersSubstation KEMA (IEEE 1613, IEC 61850-3)Marine DNVNEMA TS-2 (EMC, environmental, mechanical)IEEE 1613 Electric Power Stations Communications NetworkingIEC 61850-3 Electric Substations Communications NetworkingEN50155 Railway - Electronic Equipment on Rolling Stock (EMC, ENV, Mech)EN50121-4 Railway - Signaling and Telecommunications ApparatusEN50121-3-2 Railway - Apparatus for Rolling Stock ODVA Industrial EtherNet/IPPROFINET conformance BIP30 (per EN60529)Safety standards and certifications Information Technology Equipment:UL/CSA 60950-1EN 60950-1CB to IEC 60950-1 with all country deviationsNOM to NOM-019-SCFI (through partners and distributor)Industrial Floor (Control Equipment):UL 508CSA C22.2, No 142Hazardous Locations:ANSI/ISA 12.12.01 CSA C22.2 No 213IEC 60079-0, -15 IECEx test reportEN 60079-0, -15 ATEX certification (Class I Zone 2) Cabinet enclosure requiredOperating environment Operating Temperature: -40C to +75C●-40C to +70C (Vented Enclosure Operating)●-40C to +60C (Sealed Enclosure Operating)●-34C to +75C (Fan or Blower equipped Enclosure Operating)EN 60068-2-1EN 60068-2-2EN 61163Altitude: up to 15,000 feetStorage environment Temperature: -40 to +85 degrees CAltitude: 15,000 feetIEC 60068-2-14Humidity Relative humidity of 5% to 95% non-condensingIEC 60068-2-3IEC 60068-2-30Shock and vibration IEC 60068-2-27 (operational shock, 50G, 11ms, Half Sine)IEC 60068-2-27 (Non-Operational Shock, 65-80G, 9ms, Trapezoidal)IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-64, EN 61373 (Operational Vibration)IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-64, EN 61373 (Non-operational Vibration) Corrosion ISO 9223: Corrosionclass C3-Mediumclass C4-HighEN 60068-2-52 (Salt Fog)EN 60068-2-60 (Flowing Mixed Gas)Others RoHS ComplianceChina RoHS ComplianceTAA (Government)CE (Europe)Table 14. Management and standards Description SpecificationIEEE standards ●IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges, STP●IEEE 802.1p Layer2 COS prioritization●IEEE 802.1q VLAN●IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning-Trees●IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning-Tree●IEEE 802.1x Port Access Authentication●IEEE 802.1AB LLDP●IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation (LACP)●IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet provides up to15.4W DC power to each end device●IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet provides up to25.5W DC power to each end device ●IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet●IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet Plus●IEEE 802.3ah 100BASE-X SMF/MMF only ●IEEE 802.3x full duplex on 10BASE-T●IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specification●IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX specification●IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T specification ●IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X specification●IEEE 1588v2 PTP Precision Time Protocol ●IEEE 802.1AS PTP●IEEE 802.1Qbv TSNRFC compliance ●RFC 768: UDP●RFC 783: TFTP●RFC 791: IPv4 protocol●RFC 792: ICMP●RFC 793: TCP●RFC 826: ARP●RFC 854: Telnet●RFC 951: BOOTP●RFC 959: FTP●RFC 1157: SNMPv1●RFC 1901,1902-1907 SNMPv2●RFC 2273-2275: SNMPv3●RFC 2571: SNMP Management●RFC 1166: IP Addresses●RFC 1256: ICMP Router Discovery ●RFC 1305: NTP●RFC 1492: TACACS+●RFC 1493: Bridge MIB Objects●RFC 1534: DHCP and BOOTP interoperation●RFC 1542: Bootstrap Protocol●RFC 1643: Ethernet Interface MIB●RFC 1757: RMON●RFC 2068: HTTP●RFC 2131, 2132: DHCP●RFC 2236: IGMP v2●RFC 3376: IGMP v3●RFC 2474: DiffServ Precedence●RFC 3046: DHCP Relay Agent Information Option ●RFC 3580: 802.1x RADIUS●RFC 4250-4252 SSH ProtocolSNMP MIB objects ●BRIDGE-MIB●CALISTA-DPA-MIB●CISCO-ACCESS-ENVMON-MIB●CISCO-ADMISSION-POLICY-MIB●CISCO-AUTH-FRAMEWORK-MIB●CISCO-BRIDGE-EXT-MIB●CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB●CISCO-CABLE-DIAG-MIB●CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB●CISCO-CAR-MIB●CISCO-CDP-MIB ●CISCO RTTMON-RTP-MIB●CISCO-SNMP-TARGET-EXT-MIB●CISCO-STACK-MIB●CISCO-STACKMAKER-MIB●CISCO-STP-EXTENSIONS-MIB●CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB●CISCO-TCP-MIB●CISCO-UDLDP-MIB●CISCO-VLAN-IFTABLE-RELATIONSHIP-MIB ●CISCO-VLAN-MEMBERSHIP-MIB●CISCO-VTP-MIB●CISCO-CIRCUIT-INTERFACE-MIB●CISCO-CLUSTER-MIB●CISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIB●CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB●CISCO-DATA-COLLECTION-MIB●CISCO-DHCP-SNOOPING-MIB●CISCO-EMBEDDED-EVENT-MGR-MIB●CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB●CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB●CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB●CISCO-ENVMON-MIB●CISCO-ERR-DISABLE-MIB●CISCO-FLASH-MIB●CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB●CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB●CISCO-IGMP-FILTER-MIB●CISCO-IMAGE-MIB●CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB●CISCO-LAG-MIB●CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB●CISCO-MAC-AUTH-BYPASS-MIB●CISCO-MAC-NOTIFICATION-MIB●CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB●CISCO-PAE-MIB●CISCO-PAGP-MIB●CISCO-PING-MIB●CISCO-PORT-QOS-MIB●CISCO-PORT-SECURITY-MIB●CISCO-PORT-STORM-CONTROL-MIB●CISCO-PRIVATE-VLAN-MIB●CISCO-PROCESS-MIB●CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB●CISCO-RESILIENT-ETHERNET-PROTOCOL-MIB ●CISCO-RTTMON-ICMP-MIB●CISCO-RTTMON-IP-EXT-MIB●CISCO-RTTMON-MIB●CISCO RTTMON-RTP-MIB ●ENTITY-MIB●ETHERLIKE-MIB●HC-RMON-MIB●IEEE8021-PAE-MIB●IEEE8023-LAG-MIB●IF-MIB●IP-FORWARD-MIB●LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB●LLDP-EXT-PNO-MIB●LLDP-MIB●NETRANGER●NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB●OLD-CISCO-CHASSIS-MIB●OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB●OLD-CISCO-FLASH-MIB●OLD-CISCO-INTERFACES-MIB ●OLD-CISCO-IP-MIB●OLD-CISCO-MEMORY-MIB●OLD-CISCO-SYS-MIB<●OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB●OLD-CISCO-TCP-MIB●OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB●RMON-MIB●RMON2-MIB●SMON-MIB●SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB●SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB●SNMP-MPD-MIB●SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB●SNMP-PROXY-MIB●SNMP-TARGET-MIB●SNMP-USM-MIB●SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB ●SNMPv2-MIB●TCP-MIB●UDP-MIBTable 15. SFP supportNote: Not all SFPs are supported in all software versions. For first software release supporting SFP, refer to https:///en/US/products/hw/modules/ps5455/products_device_support_tables_list.html.Not all SFPs are supported in PROFINET GSD, SIMATIC STEP7/TIA Portal. Please visithttps:///c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/industrial/software/configuration/guide/b_sfp_TIA.html. * If nonindustrial (EXT, COM) SFPs are used, the switch operating temperature must be derated.MMF = multimode fiberSMF = single-mode fiberFigure 3 shows the IE4000 mechanical dimensions.Figure 3. IE-4000 dimensionsWarranty informationWarranty information for the IE 4000 is available onhttps:///connectdots/serviceWarrantyFinderRequest?fl=sf#Cisco CapitalFlexible payment solutions to help you achieve your objectives.Cisco Capital makes it easier to get the right technology to achieve your objectives, enable business transformationand help you stay competitive. We can help you reduce the total cost of ownership, conserve capital, andaccelerate growth. In more than 100 countries, our flexible payment solutions can help you acquire hardware,software, services and complementary third-party equipment in easy, predictable payments. Learn more.Printed in USA C78-733058-16 06/19。

◎ 支持 ASI 码流输出,码流可直通输出或经过处理输出(1+1Backup) ◎ 码流处理方式包括:单路解扰、多路解扰、188/204 转换 ◎ 可由用户指定 PID,并可切换声道 ◎ 支持视频 SDI 输出,SDI 也可嵌入音频输出 ◎ 支持 TS over IP 输入、输出 ◎ 支持 NIT 搜索功能 ◎ 支持 PMT 自动更新 ◎ 支持 Teletext VBI 输出功能 ◎ 支持 EBU Subtitle 和 DVB Subtitle ◎ 具有断电记忆功能 ◎ 具有防攻击报警功能
5.1 前面板 ..........................................................................................................5 5.2 后面板 ..........................................................................................................6 六 菜单结构及操作说明 .............................................................................................7 菜单结构及操作说明 ..................................................................................................8 6.1 Inputs 菜单..................................................................................................10 6.2 Outputs 菜单 ...............................................................................................13
HD4000变频控制器说明书 -精简

二、主要性能指标1.可编程设定多种泵工作方式,最多可拖4台泵循环启动;2.配备RS485远程通讯接口,标准组态软件支持远程通讯;3.液晶汉字显示,参数调整和设定具有密码锁定及保护功能;4.采用人工智能模糊控制算法,设定参数少,控制精度高,双看门狗电路,采用数字滤波及多项抗干扰措施,防止软件跑飞;5.可接无源远传压力表、有源电压及电流型压力变送器;6. D/A输出控制频率电压为DC 0-10V, 也可设定为DC 0-5V;7.具有压力传感器零点和满度补偿功能;8.具有定时自动倒泵和退泵功能,不用的泵可以设定退出循环;9.具有动压、静压(消防压力)设定和控制功能;10.具有缺水自动检测保护功能和外部输入停机保护功能;11.具有超压自动泄水设定和控制功能;12.具有供水附属小泵控制功能,可设定小泵变频或工频模式;13.具有定时自动开、关机控制功能;14.具有小流量水泵睡眠控制功能;15.具有手操器功能,可手动调节输出电压来控制变频器的频率;16.可代替电接点压力表进行上、下限压力控制;17.具有分时分压供水控制功能,最多有六段时间控制;18.具有上限保护压力控制功能,超压自动停泵;19.系统运行状态和故障状态汉字提示,运行状况一目了然;三、安装尺寸和接线端子说明1.控制器外形尺寸: 160mm×80mm×90mm2.控制柜面板开口尺寸151mm×75mm,面板卡入式安装。
3.使用环境为:无水滴、蒸汽、腐蚀、易燃、灰尘及金属微粒的场所;4.使用环境温度:-20℃~50℃5.相对湿度:<95%;6.额定工作电压:AC220V±10%;7.控制器额定功耗:<=AC 5W;8.控制器接线端子输出容量:3A/ AC220V控制器接线端子说明:1------TX+ (RS485通讯接口+) 2------TX –(RS485通讯接口-)3------GND(信号地) 4------CM1(正转运行信号)5------FWD(正转运行信号) 6------ V+ (远传压力表高端+5V)7------IN(压力信号输入0-5V) 8------ GND(压力信号输入地)9------ DI2(缺水或停机信号输入) 10------DI1(第二压力信号输入端)11----- D/A (DC 0-10V输出) 12------ CM2(信号公共端2)13----- N(AC 220V零线)14------L( AC 220V火线)15-----B1(1#变频运行触点) 16------B2(2#变频运行触点)17-----B3(3#变频运行触点) 18-----G1(1#工频运行触点)19-----G2(2#工频运行触点) 20-----G3(3#工频运行触点,泄压阀触点)21-----B4(4#变频运行触点) 22-----G4(4#工频运行触点)23-----NC(空端子) 24-----NC(空端子)四、操作面板指示及参数设定说明4.1面板及按键:PV窗口为测量值显示窗口,SV窗口为设定值显示窗口。

Siemens Hipath4000客户培训手册目录第一章:开机准备第二章:启动步骤第三章:软件调试—分机和组第四章:数字中继设置第五章:IP话机设置第六章:常用功能设置第七章:数据备份第一章:开机准备在将机柜与主布线架结合时,应注意以下信息:一.安装步骤:(硬件)执行每次任务时应核对每个步骤,基于配置不同,某些步骤可以省略1. 安装准备A. 安装工具:除了正常布线打线使用的工具外,还需要准备以下工具•剪刀、斜口剪钳•螺丝刀,平头3/16英寸乘4 英寸、十字螺丝刀•活动扳手8英寸可调•内六角扳手(全套)B. 验证现场并检查接收系统•检查现场安装条件(供电、接地、安装位置是否符合标准)•清点系统部件,根据清单清点硬件,和软件包是否齐全C. 将系统从包装中取出并安装将滚轮底座上的系统从托盘上移出(如图)警告应将4个脚轮(只有三机柜系统或四机柜系统带有4个脚轮)全部固定,以便防止系统滑开。
卸下HIPA TH4000的前盖在前盖下方找到两个插孔(见图3-5中前盖下方箭头所指位置)。
2. 系统接地将系统接地,请将第二根地线连接到主配线架的终端连接(1)(见第6-1页上的图6-1),然后将该线另一端连接至滚轮基座的接地连接(见第6-5页上的图6-5)。
图6-5HiPath 4000接地连接网络类型TN-S(0V中性线,保护性地线连接器PE;功能性和保护性地线FPE)。
*) 根据国家规定在各个部分使用FPE(如VDE 0800的第2部分)警告:不带绿色/黄色绝缘的FPE电缆不得在其两端贴有绿色/黄色标识标签(H59999-J6))图6-9 HiPath 4000接地概述第6-10页上的图6-10显示了系统地线连接的示意图。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
DCH-4000P网管使用手册管理DCH-4000P使用设备 (3)状态信息 (3)输入设置 (4)CI解扰 (6)输出设置 (8)解码设置 (9)IP输入设置 (12)IP输出设置 (13)节目复用 (20)过滤设置 (26)系统设置 (27)使用设备1、若需要使用某一台设备,用鼠标选中该设备,双击鼠标左键,即可在右上方出现该设备的详细设备参数设置,打开后可以对其内容进行设置2、若需要退出对该设备的操作,只需点击中红色叉即可状态信息1、Input Status:显示该设备的状态信息及输入源的使用情况,如下图所示1.1在状态信息栏中,该设备的输入源包括:ASI、Tuner、IP(当IP设置为IP输入时出现);1.2图标:表示设备没有锁定该输入源;1.3图标:表示设备锁定该输入源,同时显示出输入源的输入总比特率(MHz)、输入有效比特率(MHz)、包长(单位:Byte,一般是188个字节长度),并在输入源右边的条形图中显示比例,蓝色表示背景,深绿色表示输入总比特率,浅绿色表示输入有效比特率;1.4根据不同输入源,还会显示不同的参数信息:Tuner:显示强度(dBm)、信噪比(dB)、误码率、Eb/No(dB)IP:显示连接状态2、查询设置:分为自动查询和手动查询2.1自动查询:★若点击开启,在查询间隔中输入间隔时间,点击“应用”按钮,显示自动查询状态已启用;★若不选中开启,点击“应用”按钮,显示自动查询状态已警用;2.2 手动查询:在需要查询输入源状态信息时点击“查询”按钮;输入设置1、QAM设置:根据用户需求,设置该设备的输入参数,包括:QAM数、有线频率、有线符号率;如下图所示2、2.1QAM数:16、32、64、128、256可选2.2有线频率:范围为0~999999 KHz2.3有线符号率:范围为0~45000 KBaud3、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备,并弹出消息对话框,提示用户提交成功;如图所示4、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息5、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的设备所有设置信息文件加载进来,如下图所示4.1 点击“打开”按钮,弹出选项对话框,图标表示加载此项,图标表示不加载此项4.2 点击“确定”按钮加载数据成功,点击“取消”退出加载操作;6、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中,点击“确定”按钮保存数据成功,点击“取消”退出保存操作CI解扰1、解扰目的:将加扰的TS流信息按照一定方式进行解扰操作,使其能正常输出,它的操作如下图所示1.1 输入源:可选ASI、Tuner、IP(当IP设置为IP输入时出现)、Mux TS(当需要节目复用或过滤功能出现)1.2 解扰方式:该设备中有两个CI卡槽位,如上图所示,Slot1中插入一张CI卡进行解扰;★点击“Slot1”按钮,弹出CI Information对话框,主要是用来显示CI 大卡信息;图标:可以进入该项的子菜单图标:返回上一层菜单图标:没有子菜单图标:当前是主菜单例如下图所示,双击Version Information,显示版本信息:★若点击“Slot1”按钮,弹出CI Information对话框,显示如下图情况:解决方案:⑴检查系统设置中接受警报IP是否与本机IP一致,若不一致请设置为本机IP,设置成功后点击“提交”按钮;⑵检查UDP应用协议的216端口是否被占用;1.3 图标或图标后是显示插入的CI大卡名字1.4图标:表示CI卡槽中插入CI大卡1.5 图标:表示CI卡槽中没有插入CI大卡1.6节目信息列表:显示该输入源中的所有节目信息及通过哪种方式解扰;通道设置栏中可以选择用Slot1进行解扰或Slot2进行解扰(前提:CI卡槽中插入CI大卡)、也可以选择Bypass(不解扰)、不选则主动会填充Free Bypass(免费节目不解扰);2、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备3、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息4、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的所有设置信息文件加载进来5、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作方法,请参看“输入设置”中对应的讲解;输出设置1、ASI设置:选择输入源,通过ASI输出口按照一定包长输出节目信息,如下图所示1.1输入源:可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输入时出现)、CI Descramble(当进行完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复用节目或过滤功能出现)1.2包长选择(单位:Byte):可选188(固定包长)或Bypass(按照输入时的包长格式进行输出)2、ASI2/SDI设置:(ASI2和SDI共用一个输出口)2.1 若制式选择ASI2,表示用ASI2格式进行输出,如下图所示:2.1.1 输入源选择:可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输入时出现)、CI Descramble(当进行完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复用节目或过滤功能出现)2.1.2包长选择(单位:Byte):可选188(固定包长)或Bypass(按照输入时的包长进行输出)2.2 若制式选择SDI,表示用SDI格式进行输出,如下图所示:2.2.1 音频数据标识:可选择 Group 1、Group 2、Group 3、Group 4;2.2.2 嵌入音频类型:主要有None、One、Two、One&Two四种类型;3、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备4、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息5、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的所有设置信息文件加载进来6、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作方法,请参看“输入设置”中对应的讲解;解码设置1、播放设置:根据不同输入源的节目信息进行播放设置,如下图所示1.1 输入源:选择需要进行播放设置的输入源,可选择 ASI、Tuner、IP IN(当IP设置为IP输入时出现)、CI Descramble(当进行完CI解扰后出现)、Mux TS(当需要复用节目或过滤功能出现)1.2节目选择:在指定输入源下选择需要进行播放设置的节目;2、视频设置:主要的参数包括制式、屏宽比、DVB字幕语言、EBU字幕语言、优先级、失效模式、CC字幕、视频报警、VBI模式,如下图所示2.1制式:主要分为Auto、PAL、NISC、SECAM格式2.2屏宽比:在显示器上呈现出的画面的长和宽的比例,主要分为4:3 Full、4:3Letterbox、16:9 Full、Auto格式2.3DVB字幕语言:输入DVB支持的任何一种语言,例如eng2.4EBU字幕语言:输入EBU支持的任何一种语言,例如eng2.5优先级:设置视频显示的字幕语言,可设置为DVB First或EBU First2.6失效模式:当显示出来的视频出现异常时所呈现出的视频状态,可设置为NoSync(没信号)、Black Screen(黑屏)、Still Pictures(静止图像)2.7CC字幕:针对残疾人士字幕语言,可设置为On(启用)或off(关闭)2.8视频报警:当视频出现异常时向接收报警服务器发出的警报消息,可设置为Enable(激活)或Disable(禁用)2.9VBI模式:对视频进行指定范围的逐行扫描,Enable(激活)、Disable(禁用)3、Biss设置:通过加密的方式,要求访问该输入源中的节目信息就必须输入正确的密钥才可以访问到;3.1模式:off、Biss 1、Biss E3.1.1 若模式为off,表示不使用Biss设置,如下图所示3.1.2 若模式为Biss 1,则该设备通过输入源获取的节目信息后只有输入正确的密钥后才可以访问到节目内容,而其他用户只能搜索到节目但不能访问里面的内容信息,如下图所示3.1.3若在模式下拉框中选择Biss E,则该设备通过输入源获取的节目信息后只有输入正确的标识和密钥后才可以访问到节目内容,而其他用户只能搜索到节目但不能访问里面的内容信息,如下图所示4、音频设置:主要是用来控制输入源下节目信息声音,它主要包括音量、调制、音频语言、音频报警,如下图所示4.1音量:由小到大(0~99),可通过手动方式改变音量大小,也可用鼠标拖动方式改变音量大小4.2调制:主要是针对不同的声音效果设置音量,可选择Left(左声道)、Right(右声道)、Stereo(立体声)、Mono(单一声道);4.3音频语言:选择输入源下指定节目信息的音频语言4.4音频报警:主要针对音频出现异常时向接受报警的服务器发出的警报,选择“禁用”表示不使用音频报警功能,选择“开启”表示使用音频报警功能;5、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备6、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息7、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的所有设置信息文件加载进来8、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作方法,请参看“输入设置”中对应的讲解;1、IP输入:单播地址:组播地址:[1] 在目的地IP地址栏输入发送机设置的单播或多播IP 地址(Uni/Multicast IP);[2] 设置目的地UDP 端口为发送机设置的UDP 端口;[3] 设置应用协议为UDP 或RTP;[4] 设置平滑为Auto、Fixed Rate或Disable[5] 设置合适的传输流码率(针对应用协议为RTP时才使用);[6] 扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关根据实际填写,Mac 地址固定;[7] 设置完毕后,完成IP 输入功能的设置;2、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备3、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息4、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的所有设置信息文件加载进来5、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作方法,请参看“输入设置”中对应的讲解;1、IP输出设置:单播同网段输出设置:1.1DVB模式:输入源里选择的传输流直接打包成IP 流,因此IP 流包含了所有节目[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、扩展等,如下图所示[2] 在制式框内选择DVB,点击,弹出以下对话框[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输入单播IP 地址,即目标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于同一网段);[4] 在目的地UDP 端口设置端口号;[5] 在目标Mac 地址输入目标机器的Mac 地址(必须填写);[6] 设置完毕后点击确定,在IP 设置主菜单点击,完成DVB 同网段输出设置;单播跨网段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关,跨网段时要输入网关MAC地址(此项要设置成 1400P所连路由器的MAC地址);[2] 在制式框内选择DVB,点击,弹出以下对话框;[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输入单播IP 地址,即目标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处部于同网段);[4] 在目的地UDP 端口设置端口号;[5] 在目标Mac 地址输入目标机器的Mac 地址,也可以不设置;[6] 设置完毕后点击“确定”,在IP设置主菜单点击,完成DVB 跨网段单播输出设置;组播输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关;[2] 点击,弹出以下对话框:[3] 在组播/单播IP 栏输入组播IP 地址,范围是224.0.0.0 –;[4] 在目的地UDP 端口设置端口号,接收端需要设置同样的UDP 端口号;[5] 目标Mac 地址可以不设置,如下图所示1.2 IPTV:传输流被解复用成单个的节目,每个IP 流包含一个节目单播同网段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关;[2] 选择制式里面的IPTV,点击,出现以下对话框口呈可用状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可用状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写目的地UDP 端口;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为目标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于同一网段);[6] 设置目标MAC地址为目标机器的Mac 地址(必须设置)[7]在TS 输入里选择节目点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节目点击移除IP 输出的节目[8] 点击提交→点击确定→在IP设置主界面点击,完成对IPTV 的单播同网段输出设置单播跨网段输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关,跨网段时要输入网关MAC地址(此项要设置成1400P所连路由器的MAC地址);[2] 在制式框内选择IPTV,点击弹出以下对话框:[3] 最右边是输出通道设置,最多可以设置六路;选中其中一路,开启和目的地UDP端口呈可用状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可用状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写目的地UDP 端口;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为目标机器IP 地址(与扩展板IP 处于不同网段);[6] 设置网关MAC地址为目标机器的Mac 地址,可以不设置;[7] 在TS 输入里选择节目点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节目点击移除IP 输出的节目[8] 点击提交→点击确定→在IP 设置主界面点击,完成IPTV 跨网段单播输出设置;组播输出设置:[1] 根据实际情况选择输入源、应用协议、扩展板IP、子网掩码、网关;[2] 选择制式里面的IPTV,点击,出现以下对话框:[3] 最右边是输出通道设置,最多可以设置六路;选中其中一路,开启和目的地UDP端口呈可用状态;选中开启,和按钮呈可用状态;[4] 勾选开启,填写目的地UDP 端口;[5] 设置组播/单播IP 为组播地址;[6] 因为是组播,目标MAC地址不用设置;[7] 在TS 输入里选择节目点击添加进IP 输出列表,或者在IP 输出内选择节目点击移除IP 输出的节目2、提交按钮:将用户设置的所有信息提交到设备3、刷新按钮:重新从设备当前输入源中获取所有信息4、加载按钮:到本地指定目录中把上次保存的所有设置信息文件加载进来5、保存按钮:将设置的所有参数保存到本地目录中注:“提交、刷新、加载、保存”按钮的操作方法,请参看“输入设置”中对应的讲解;节目复用设置1、复用功能设置:1.1 可选框:是否使用复用节目信息的功能;1.2 插入NIT可选框:是否向TS流中插入NIT表1.3 删除CA:是否过滤TS流输出中每个节目信息的EMM PID并同时删除CA T表1.4 TS ID号:显示TS流的ID号1.5 输出总比特率(Kbps):显示TS流输出的总比特率1.6 输出有效比特率(Kbps):显示TS流输出的有效比特率2、TS流设置:如下图所示2.1 TS输入列表:显示正在使用的输入源输入到设备中的节目信息,可以选择输入列表中的节目信息,点击“右移“按钮添加到TS输出列表(其中图标表示该节目是免费的,图标表示该节目不是免费的);2.2 TS输出列表:显示设备实际输出的节目信息;可以点击左移按钮将输出节目删除。