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1. eager (adj.) 热切的,渴望的

be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事

I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible. 我迫不及待地想尽快回去工作。

be eager for 渴望得到

He is eager for success. 他渴望取得成功。

eagerly (adv.) (= in an eager way) 热切地,渴望地

eagerness (n.) [U] 渴望

People were pushing each other out of the way in their eagerness to get to the front.


eager beaver (n.) [C] 过分热切之人;干活特别卖力的人

2. be willing to do乐意做某事

How much are they willing to pay? 他们愿意付多少钱?

3. expect (vt.)

(1) 预料;预计,认为……会发生

I expect John home at six o’clock. 我预计约翰6点钟到家。

expect to do sth.预料某事

I expect to be back within a week. 我预料在一周内回来。

expect sb. / sth. to do sth. 预料某人做某事

I didn’t expect him to stay so long. 我没有料到他会待这么长时间。

expect (that) 预料某事

I expected that she’ll pass the exam. 我预料她会通过考试的。

as expected 正如所期待的/ 正如所预料的

As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news.


(2) 指望,期盼

expect sth. from / of sb. 指望某人某事

The officer expects complete obedience from his troops.


expected (adj.) 期待中的unexpected (adj.) 未料到的

expectation (n.) [C, U] 预期,预期的事物

4. complain (vi.) to 抱怨,投诉

complain (that) 抱怨某事

They complained that the wages were too low. 他们抱怨他们的薪水太低了。

complain about / of 抱怨某事complain to sb. (about) sth. 向某人抱怨She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.


complaint (n.) [C,U] 抱怨

Y ou have no reason / cause / grounds for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。

5. remove (vt.)

(1) 移走,脱掉,去掉

He removed his hat and gloves. 他脱下它的帽子和手套。

(2) 排除;除去

The college removed rules that prevented women from enrolling.


(3) 开除,把……解聘

Congress could remove the President from office. 议会可以弹劾总统。

be far removed from something 与……相差甚远,与……非常不同

The events in the newspaper article were far removed from reality.


removable (adj.)可去除的,可移去的

6. have a part in = play a part / role in对……起作用

In small towns like this, the local church plays an important part in people’s lives.


7. settle (v.)

(1) 安放,安顿

She settled the child on the sofa. 她把小孩放在沙发上。

(2) (尤指从高处、从飞行等中) 栖息;降落

A bird settled on the branch. 一只鸟停在枝头上。

(3) (使) 平静,(使) 安定;平息

The medicine should settle your nerves/ your stomach. 这种药该会使你的神经安定下来/ 使你的胃舒服一些。

(4) 决定,确定

That’s settled; we’ll go tomorrow. 就这么定了,我们明天去。

(5) 移居于

The American West was hardly settled until the 19th century. 美国西部在19世纪前几乎没有人移居。

settle down / settle sb. down

(1) (使) 舒适的坐下

She settled (herself) down in a chair with a book and a cup of tea.


(2) 安顿下来,过安定的生活

I hate all this travel; I want to get married and settle down. 我讨厌到处跑;我想结


settle down to sth. / doing sth. 开始专心于(某项活动或工作等)

I must settle down to my homework. 我必须安下心来做家庭作业。

settlement (n.) (争执、问题等的)解决、协议;和解;移民,殖民

settler (n.) [C] 移民,殖民者

8. put/ place great / high value on 看重,认为……很重要

They put great value on the local products. 他们非常看重当地的特产。

9. explore (vt.)

(1) 探险,勘探

explore the Antarctic regions 考察南极

(2) 探究

We must explore all the possibilities. 我们必须探讨所有的可能性。

exploration (n.) 探究,考察,勘探,探测

exploration of 对……的探险

the exploration of outer space 对外太空的探险
