地心坠落 攻略
第二章:darkforest VII:黑入炮,时机蓝,时机黄,以击黑向左为准。
inner sanctum IV:绿击红入壶己入槽,上黑击大黑卡于侧,左黑击绿入壶。
darkforest III:蓝蓝,黑入炮,红击蓝蓝,红,可不用黑。
darkforest V:蓝,黑砸红返向,大黑等红回挤之入左壶。
darkforest VI:左黑自由落,蓝入炮,右黑时机击红。
antiq uity III:蓝开左,黑先开左后右未到中点红砸之,红入左黑碰蓝入右。
antiq uity IV:蓝左,大黑时机砸之,不用其它球。
antiq uity V:(搞死人)上蓝击中黑,中黑击右蓝,大黑击蓝,蓝击左黑,左黑击红。
叶子也可以剪?antiq uity IV:黑击蓝,蓝入弩,大黑击黑,时机弩蓝击大黑入壶。
gnarly vines I:蓝撞黑直顶花芯,红。
gnarly vines IV:右下红入弩,弩,蓝击红入卡,红进,黑顶蓝入花芯(为什么会有xe的联想?)。
gnarly vines V:蓝,黑击红下顶蓝,时机红入。
gnarly vines V ultra:蓝,大黑,时机红击黑入红,运气好的话蓝被击入,不行补用弩。
waterfall XIII:时机蓝以弩左翼到中线为准,弩以弩左翼到中点为准,击红蓝入壶,时机红。
waterfall VIII:大红卡中间档,黑,绿入弩射之。
waterfall VII:右黑入炮,以弩右翼到底前一秒为准。
inner sanctum I:蓝,中间黑击蓝,落黑,黑蓝黑的顺序。
waterfall IX:左上黑,双链黑左滚击黑,蓝落,时机黄砸蓝左己右,可不用弩中黑球。
waterfall X:大黑击黑入炮,黑击右下黑,蓝,摆杆击蓝入壶,大黑左堵路,红。
waterfall XI:黑入弩,时机弩,落击红右,红,黑。
waterfall XII:蓝左,中途绿砸之,直接两入。
pharoh’s tomb I:红右入弩。
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StarFlow帮助文档2011年2月变更控制单版本号作者变更日期变更原因变更内容V0.1 melin 2011-2-11目录1.产品介绍1.1 产品简介StarFlow是具有中国特色的流程平台产品。
1.2 业务概念1.2.1流程版本流程版本是为了方便管理同一流程名称下的多个业务流程,而进行区分的标志。
Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020SIGHT # 1MICRO FULL MOON IS THE HUNTER’S MOON- OCOTBER 1It is also called Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, and sometimes Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon. A Micromoon is when a Full Moon or a New Moon coincides with apogee, the point in the Moon's orbit farthest away from Earth. The point in the Moon's orbit closest to Earth is called perigee. The average distance between Earth and the Moon is 382,500 kilometers or 237,700 miles. A Micromoon is further away, it looks approximately 14% smaller than a Supermoon. In addition, the illuminated area appears 30% smaller, so it might look a little less bright.Micromoons do affect the tides. The greatest difference between high and low tide is around Full Moon and New Moon. During these Moon phases, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun combine to pull the ocean’s water in the same direction. These tides are known as spring tides or king tides. Micromoons lead to around 5 cm (2 inches) smaller variation than regular spring tides, called apogean spring tides. Old folklore accounts suggest that Full Moons and Micromoons affect human mental health and bring on natural disasters, like earthquakes, but no scientific evidence supports any such correlation.SIGHT # 2DRACONIDS METEOR SHOWER–OCTOBER 8 & 9 The Draconid meteor shower, also sometimes known as the Giacobinids, is one of the two meteor showers to annually grace the skies in the month of October. The Draconids owe their name to the constellation Draco the Dragon, and are created when the Earth passes through the dust debris left by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. The comet takes about 6.6 years to make a single revolution around the Sun. The Draconids will peak on the night between Oct 7–8. Click on the table below for daily updated information about the meteor shower.Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020SIGHT # 3ORIONIDS METEOR SHOWER-OCTOBER 20-21The Orionids will peak on the night between Oct 20–21. At its peak, up to 20 meteors are visible every hour. They are the second meteor shower of the month. The Orionid meteor shower is the second meteor shower created by Comet Halley. The Eta Aquarids in May is the other meteor shower created by debris left by Comet Halley. Orionids are named after Orion, because the meteors seem to emerge or radiate from the same area in the sky as the constellation. The table is updated daily and shows the position of the Orionids radiant in the sky for the upcoming night. Click for link to webpage.SIGHT # 4 BLUE MOON- OCTOBER 31The term once in a Blue Moon suggests something happens very rarely. So, how often do Blue Moons occur? The answer depends on how you define a Blue Moon. There are two ways of calculating the date of a Blue Moon. Definition 1 -Seasonal Blue Moon= The third Full Moon in an astronomical season with four Full Moons (versus the usual three). Definition 2 -Monthly Blue Moon= The second Full Moon in a month with two Full Moons. In the 1100 years between 1550 and 2650, there are 408 seasonal Blue Moons and 456 monthly Blue Moons. This means that either Blue Moon occurs roughly every two or three years, although the monthly ones are a little more frequent than the seasonal ones. Click on the picture for a link.Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020T onight’s Sky in Newton, NC –updated daily (Click on Photos)Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020(Click on photo to view hyperlinks)Distance of Each Planet from the Sun(Click on photo to view hyperlinks)Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020Sky Map of Constellations for KidsConstellation Cards DownloadableConstellation in Summer SkiesWarm, lazy July nights are great for learning and viewing the summer constellations. So spread a blanket out in the backyard and lie on your back with your feet facing the south.Can you find the Constellation:♦ The Big Dipper ?High over your head on the right?♦ Bootes ?Looks like a narrow kite.♦ Cassiopeia ?♦ Corona Borealis ? Just to the left of Bootes) aka the Northern Crown? The Crown is about as big as the Big dippers bowl. Its not too bright, but easy to spot in the city—it really looks like acrown.♦ Hercules ? Just left of Corona Borealis♦ The Summer Triangle ? Its to the left of Hercules and is the most famous feature of summer, the Summer Triangle. Its made up of three bright stars: Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, Altair inAquila.♦ Lyra ? Is a small constellation-it could fit into the Big Dippers Bowl. You’ll have to look hard to see the four stars below Vega, but when you find them, Lyra might remind you of a harp.Can you find the Constellation:♦ Cygnus the Swan ? Is a lot larger than Lyra. You’ll find its main stars easily. Bright Deneb, the northernmost star, is the tail of this heavenly bird; bright Albireo far to the south is its head,when you look for Albireo, remember that swans have long necks.♦ Aguila ? Is about the same size of Cygnus, but its shape is almost the opposite. If you can see the Milky Way from your observing site, think of Cygnus and Aquila flying down opposite lanes ofa two-lane road.♦ Delphinus, the dolphin ? The small constellation is between Cygus and Aquila. It looks a lot like a dolphin leaping out of the water.♦ Sagittarius ? Follow the Milky Way all the way south to find Sagittarius. Sagittarius shares the southern horizon with the Scorpius. Made up of a centaur holding a bow and arrow and the Teapot.♦ The Teapot ? Is not a constellation but is a asterism, a recognizable pattern of stars. Look towards the Center of the Milky Way♦ Scorpius ? Scorpius is easy to identify, since it really looks like a scorpion. To find it face south about 10 pm towards the middle of the month. It is said July is one of the best months to view theconstellation. Near the horizon you’ll find the bright star Antares, the heart of the scorpion. Downand to the left of Antares is the scorpion’s tail with the stinger raised to strike. Above and to theright is the row of stars that marks the scorpions head.Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020Star-Gazing Guide for October 2020。
Building the Death Star: The Autodesk® Way!Lee Mullin – AutodeskCR2165-P A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Autodesk didn't exist, but if it did then the fate of the Death Star and the Empire would not have been determined by those pesky rebels. Using Autodesk Revit®, Autodesk® Navisworks®, and Autodesk® BIM 360 software, as well as Microsoft® Project, Darth Vader and his project team could have built the Death Star more quickly, more safely, and with more information for important decision making, such as whether to destroy Tattooine and just be done with it. This class will cover advanced workflows and tips for using Autodesk products for more than just the basics, turning you from a naive Jedi padawan to an efficient Sith overlord in just an hour. Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this class, you will be able to:Using Revit Construction Parts to build an accurate schedule (2)Contingency planning using Navisworks and Microsoft Project (7)Creating Time Based Clashes for temporary works (13)Linking Animations to Timeliner for powerful presentations (18)About the SpeakerLee Mullin is the Navisworks Subject Matter Expert for Product Support in Autodesk Global Services. Working with Navisworks for over seven years, Lee has worked in support, contributed towards Documentation and QA. Following Autodesk’s acquisition of Navisworks in 2007, Lee took on the role of leading the Navisworks support effort, training the growing worldwide team and ensuring the customer’s voice is heard by everyone from Product Design, Product Management, QA and Development. Currently studying Construction Project Management and running the Autodesk 'Beyond Design' blog, Lee’s current role in Global Services is multi-faceted, requiring understanding of interoperability workflows across the Autodesk portfolio; working with development to help prioritize features and defects; working with QA to improve test coverage of common workflows; creating and delivering training; and helping build up the Autodesk Construction user community***********************Using Revit Construction Parts to build an accurate scheduleUse constructionparts_tractorbeam.zipExport Navisworks file from Revit and create NWF1. Open tractor_beam.rvt in Revit2. Select 'For Navisworks' view3. On the Properties panel change ‘Parts Visibility’ setting in View to 'Show Parts'4. Click Add-ins > External Tools > Navisworks 2013 > Navisworks Settings > File Readers> Revita. Check ‘Convert Construction Parts’b. Check ‘Divide File into Levels’c. Change ‘Export’ to ‘Current View’5. Export NWC, load into Navisworks6. Create some suitable views7. Save as TractorBeam.NWFCreate a basic schedule8. Open Timeliner (Ctrl + F3)9. Auto-Add tasks for every top most itemRun simulation; see that 35 storeys of walls and 23 storeys of columns appear at once Create Construction Parts10. Go back to Revit11. Select 6 walls and the column in 3D view12. Select Create Parts on Modify Parts tab13. Select Part > Divide Parts on Modify Parts Tab14. Select Intersecting References15. Select Check All Levels16. Click Apply > OK17. Select Intersecting References18. Select Grids from drop down19. Select Check Grids 8 - 1320. Click Apply > OK21. Click Finish Edit ModeShould now have walls and columns split into levelsLoad ‘tractor_beam_levels_grids.rvt’ to get to this point22. Export NWC to replace existing NWC23. Refresh NWF in Navisworks, which will load newer version of NWC24. Delete all Timeliner tasks25. Hide TimelinerCreate Search Sets to find items on each level26. Open Find Itemsa. Use drop downs to search forElement > Base Level > = > Level "EVIL LEVEL 2" #2794Item > Layer > = > EVIL LEVEL 2b. Repeat this for all levels by changing properties manuallyORDuplicate Search 33 times, Export the XML, modify the XML to include newsearch set name, and modify the search, make sure you include the correctunique identifiersORload ‘tractor_beam.xml’ provided27. Create EVIL LEVEL 1 search (this needs to discount the other parts on Level 1)Item > Layer > = > EVIL LEVEL 1Element > Name > not equals > PartElement > Base Level > = > Level "EVIL LEVEL 1", #355Use OR condition on last line by right clicking condition and select Or Condition Create Timeliner Schedule based on Construction Parts28. Open Timeliner (Ctrl + F3)29. Auto-Add tasks for Every Set30. Find Uncontained Items31. Tractor Beam Machinery32. Add Task rename to 'Tractor Beam'33. Change Planned Start Date and End date to after the column is complete34. Change task type to ‘Construct’35. Either right click 'Attach Current Selection'ORCreate a Search Set looking forItem > Name > = > EVIL TRACTOR BEAMthen drag and drop Search Set onto TaskRun Simulation on Simulate task, it should show the walls build up level by levelContingency planning using Navisworks and Microsoft Project Use contingency_deathstarstructure.zipMicrosoft Project 2007 or 2010 requiredCreate and Export file from Revit1. Open structure.rvt in Revit 20132. Open Navisworks 3D view3. In Revit go to Add-ins > External Tools > Navisworks 20134. Open Navisworks Settings > Switch on ‘Divide File into Levels’5. Save NWC as structure.nwc in a new folderCreate a basic construction schedule6. Open NWC in Navisworks 2013 (or open structure.nwc in zip file)7. Save As deathstartimeliner.nwf8. On Viewpoint tab change from Orthographic to Perspective Mode9. Zoom out to entire building using Zoom All (Page Up)10. Save Viewpoint on the Viewpoints Tab and rename Main View11. Delete 3D views folder12. Open Timeliner (Ctrl + F3)13. On the Tasks Tab > AutoAdd Tasks > For every Topmost Layer14. Open the Options through the Application button (F12) > Tools > Timeliner >Import/Export > check Force Duration, switch off Retain Start Dates and press OK15. On the Task tab of Timeliner at the right hand side Export the schedule > MicrosoftProject XML16. Save the file as deathstar.xml17. Save your Navisworks session.Add detail to the schedule in Microsoft Project18. Open Microsoft Project19. Load deathstar.xml, if asked open ‘As a New Project’20. Go to ‘Add New Column’ go to the drop down and select one of the text fields (Text 1for example)21. Right click in the column header and select custom fields, rename the field ‘Task Type’22. Add Construct to the first task and use the drag tool to add this to all the tasks (like inExcel)23. Add Start dates, Durations and Predecessors, LEVEL 18 should be first then LEVEL 17and LEVEL 19 are dependent on LEVEL 18. Levels 16 and 20 are dependent on 17and 19, and so on.24. Once complete save the file as ‘deathstar.MPP’Link the detailed schedule to Navisworks25. Open ‘deathstartimeliner.nwf ‘ in Navisworks again26. Delete all the tasks from Timeliner27. Open the Data Sources tab and go to Add > Microsoft Project 2007-201028. Navigate to deathstar.mpp (one available in sample files)29. Select columns to merge to: -a. add Task Type > Text 1 (Text 3 if using sample, or whichever one was used inProject)b. Planned Start > Startc. Planned End > Finish30. Right click the new Data Source > Rebuild Task Hierarchy31. Go to the Tasks Tab > Auto Attach Using Rules32. Check ‘Map Timeliner Tasks from Column Name to Layers with the same name,Matching case’ > then ‘Apply Rules’33. Right Click a task name, Find > Unattached/Uncontained items, nothing should beunattached34. Go to Simulate Tab and Run the animationIf you want to make changes to the schedule in Project, Save the file then right click the data source in Navisworks and Synchronize, this will update the task datesCreating Time Based Clashes for temporary worksUse timebasedclash_dockingbay.zipCreate a path for the vehicle in Animator1. Open Dockingbay.nwf2. Open Animator (Ctrl + F5)3. Add a scene and name it ‘Xwing’4. Select Xwing in the Sets window5. Select Xwing and right click in the Animator window > Add Animation Set > Use CurrentSearch/Selection Set > Rename to ‘Xwingtodockingbay’6. Capture keyframe using camera button7. Drag the top diamond to 10 seconds in8. Select the Translate Animation Set button9. Move the model using red axis to well inside docking bay, use the ‘Inside docking bay’Viewpoint to guide the X-Wing if needed.10. Capture a new keyframe, a diamond should appear at the new location11. Rewind animation and run to be sure this is workingClash detect path against surrounding building12. Open Clash Detective (Ctrl + F2)13. Add a test, and rename to ‘xwingvsdockingbay’14. Open Rules tab, ensure 'Ignore items in previously found pair of composite objects' ischecked15. Open the Sets tab for Selections A and B, select 'Death Star' on left, and 'xwing' on theright16. Set the Clash Settings asa. Hard clashb. Tolerance = 0.01m (or 0.01in)c. Link ‘xwing’ this is your animationd. Step (sec) = 0.117. Run the test, 2 clashes should display, against the interior and exterior of the dockingbay entrance being hit by the X-Wing18. Hide ‘xwing’ Search Set in the Sets window and unhide ‘tiefighter’ using the buttons onthe Home tab. (Ctrl + H)19. Create a new Scene, Animation Set and Clash Test by following steps 1 to 17 with theTie fighter. The Clash Test should give no results; the decision is made to use the tiefighterCreate Task Types in Timeliner20. Unhide the 'EVIL BREAKDANCE AREA' Search Set from the Sets window (Ctrl + H)21. Open Timeliner (Ctrl + F3)22. Open Configure tab > Add task type, name this ‘Model’ and s et to ‘Model Appearance’for Planned Start and End, and the Simulation Start Appearance23. Add task type, name this 'Breakdancing’ and set Planned Start appearance to Purple,End Appearance to Hide and leave others as NoneCreate Tasks and attach selections24. Open Tasks tab25. Change Columns to Extended26. Create a task named 'Model', set planned start and end dates to 1/1/2013 and 1/21/2013respectively, set Task Type to Model, attach the ‘Death Star’ selection set using dragand drop27. Create a task named 'Stormtrooper Breakdancing', set planned start and end dates to1/8/2013 and 1/14/2013 respectively, set Task Type to Breakdance, attach the EVILBREAKDANCE AREA search set using drag and drop28. Create a task named 'Tie Fighter', set planned start and end dates to 1/1/2013 and1/16/2013 respectively, set Task Type to Model, attach Tiefighter selection set usingdrag and drop, Add the Animation ‘Tiefighter’ to the task, ensure Animation Behaviour is set to Scale to ensure this lasts the duration of the task29. Run this in the Simulate tab to ensure this works30. Open Clash Detective (Ctrl + F2)Create a time based clash31. Add a test, name it ‘Loading vs Breakdancing’32. Select dockingbay.nwc on left, select tieload.iam on right33. In Clash Settings ensure these area. Hardb. Tolerance = 0.01mc. Link = Timelinerd. Step (sec) = ‘3600’ (1 hour)34. Run TestThis will tell you when a clash will happen so you can reschedule.Try finishing the breakdancing one day early, or start the Tie Fighter a day later and re run the taskLinking Animations to Timeliner for powerful presentationsUse animator_detentionblock.zipCreate Viewpoints for Animations1. Open detentionblock.nwf in Navisworks2. Open Saved Viewpoints (Ctrl + F11) > Overview3. Go to Simulate tab and press the Play button4. Create the first animationa. Go to the Tasks tabb. Use the Walk tool (Ctrl + 2) to move to the center of reception and turn towardthe lift.c. On the Viewpoints tab click Save Viewpoint, rename to ‘Lift Doors’d. Use the Look Around tool (Ctrl + 3) to look towards the central corridore. On the Viewpoints tab click Save Viewpoint, rename ‘Towards Corridor’f. In Saved Viewpoints right click in space and Add Animation, rename to ‘Turn inReception’g. Drag ‘Lift Doors’ into the new animation, then drag ‘Towards Corridor’ into theanimationh. Play the Animation in the Viewpoints tab (Ctrl + Right Arrow) to ensure the viewturns round towards corridor5. Create the second animationa. Select the new ‘Lift Doors’ Viewpointb. Use the Walk tool (Ctrl + 2) to move backwards until you are slightly in thecorridor (2 or 3 blocks in)c. On the Viewpoints tab click Save Viewpoint, rename to ‘In corridor’d. Use the Walk tool to move backwards until you are about halfway downe. On the Viewpoints tab click Save Viewpoint, rename ‘Halfway down corridor’f. In Saved Viewpoints right click in space and Add Animation, rename to ‘Walkback through corridor’g. Drag ‘In corridor’ into the new animation, then drag ‘Halfway down Corridor’ intothe animationh. Play the Animation in the Viewpoints tab (Ctrl + Right Arrow) to ensure the viewturns round towards corridorUse Animator to animate objects6. Select Overview viewpoint in Saved Viewpoints7. Open Animator (Ctrl + F5)8. Add a S cene and name it ‘Corridors'9. In the Sets window expand Corridor Steps and Select Step0110. Select Corridors and right click in the Animator window > Add Animation Set > UseCurrent Search/S election Set > Rename to ‘Step01’11. Drag the top diamond to 10 seconds in12. Capture keyframe using camera button, and a diamond should appear13. Drag the top diamond to the start14. Select the Translate Animation Set button15. Move the Step01 set vertically up using blue axis until it is off the screen16. Capture a new keyframe, a diamond should appear at the new location17. Rewind animation and run to be sure this is workingRepeat for all steps18. Repeat for all steps, to add steps 02 to 40a. Right click and Copy ‘Step01’b. Right click the ‘Corridors’ Scene and Paste, 39 timesc. Rename to Step02, Step03 etcd. Select Animation Set > Select relevant Selection Sete. Right Click over Animation Set > Update Animation Set > From CurrentSearch/Selection Set for each set19. Add three more Animation Sets20. Name them Cell Walls, Cell Ceilings and Reception Ceiling and attach the relevant sets.21. Open Simulate tab > Settingsa. Animation > set to 'Saved Viewpoints Animation'b. Check Override Start and End Datesc. Set Dates to Start 1/2/2013 and End 1/11/2013d. Set Playback Duration to 20 seconds22. Select Overlay Text > Edita. Delete current text and pasteDETENTION BLOCK SCHEDULE%A %X %x Day=$DAY Week=$WEEK$TASKSb. Select a suitable Fontc. If you want to change the color, put the cursor before the text, then select a colord. Press OK23. Press OK again24. Select ‘Turn In Reception’ Animation in Saved Viewpoints25. Run in Simulate to ensure that the simulation displays at the same time as the animationturning round in the corridor runs26. Click Animation Export (Ctrl + Shift + A) and use the following settingsa. Source – Timeliner Simulationb. Renderer – Viewport (Presenter takes a lot long and has no progress update)c. Format – JPG (in Options set to uncompressed)d. Size – Explicit 1600 x 900 for widescreen 16:9 movie, 1200 x 900 for 4:3e. FPS – 25f. Anti-aliasing – 64x27. Save to a new folder named ‘Detention Block 1’28. This exported animation will be the first part of your animation29. Open Simulate tab > Settings > Animation > set to 'Saved Viewpoints Animation'30. Check Override Start and End Dates31. Set Dates to Start 1/11/2013 and End 2/1/201332. Set Playback Duration to 40 seconds33. Select ‘Walk back through corridor’ Animation in Saved Viewpoints34. Run in Simulate to ensure it works35. Click Animation Export (Ctrl + Shift + A) and use the following settingsa. Source – Timeliner Simulationb. Renderer – Viewport (Presenter takes a lot long and has no progress update)c. Format – JPG (in Options set to uncompressed)d. Size – Explicit 1600 x 900 for widescreen 16:9 movie, 1200 x 900 for 4:3e. FPS – 25f. Anti-aliasing – 64x36. Save to a new folder named ‘Detention Block 2’Create a smooth camera view through Animator37. Use the Navigation Tools to create 4 viewpoints that would create a sweep over theDetention Block38. Drag into to a new Animation in Saved Viewpoints as before39. Play the Animation40. In Animator add a Scene and rename this to Sweep41. Add a Camera using the button, Using the Current Viewpoint Animation42. Drag the diamonds to make the animation run more smoothly43. Add intermediate framesa. Move the playhead (the red triangle at the top) to between two keyframesb. Using the Navigation tools move to smooth the animation, you may want to walkbackwards or look around to make the transition between frames less jerkyc. Capture a new keyframed. Play the animation to look where you need more intermediate frames, drag themon the timeline appropriately44. Change the Columns in View to Extended if it isn’t already45. Add a Timeliner Task, rename to Sweepa. Set Planned Start to 2/1/2013 and Planned End to 2/21/2013b. Set Animation to 'Sweep > Camera' and ensure behavior is set to Scale46. Open Simulate tab > Settingsa. Change Animation to 'Sweep > Camera'b. Check Override Start and End Dates and Set Dates to Start 2/1/2013 and End2/21/2013c. Set Playback Duration to 40 seconds47. Run in Simulate tab to ensure the Animation you created highlights the key areas, adjustthe Camera Scene in Animator if not.48. Click Animation Export (Ctrl + Shift + A) and use the following settingsa. Source – Timeliner Simulationb. Renderer – Viewport (Presenter takes a lot long and has no progress update)c. Format – JPG (in Options set to uncompressed)d. Size – Explicit 1600 x 900 for widescreen 16:9 movie, 1200 x 900 for 4:3e. FPS – 25f. Anti-aliasing – 64x49. Save to a new folder named ‘Detention Block 3’Create a video from the images50. Use something like Quicktime Pro to splice the frames for all three animations together.Where possible keep uncompressed up until the final video is ready51. Extra tipsa. Add an opening slide with brandingb. Use cuts between videosc. Use the last frame as a closing slide so the animation doesn’t end prematurelyd. Use sounds and musice. Use Appearance Profiler to add more colorf. Add materials and lights in PresenterSwitch to Full Render and Fu ll Lights in Viewpoints tab if exporting as ‘Viewport’g. Export as a Presenter render (no progress is provided this way), will take muchlonger, export as many small animations on multiple machines to save time Find more tips on Beyond Design Blog。
Stellarium 说明书中文版使用手冊中文版0.9• 1 簡介• 2 安裝o 2.1 系統需求o 2.2 安裝o 2.3 運行 Stellarium• 3 介面使用說明o 3.1 概覽• 4 設置o 4.1 設置日期和時間o 4.2 設置觀測點o 4.3 設置地景圖片o 4.4 設置圖像模式o 4.5 設置顯示選項o 4.6 設置語言• 5 高級應用o 5.1 檔和目錄o 5.2 主配置檔o 5.3 命令行參數o 5.4 擴展恒星資料o 5.5 使用腳本o 5.6 顯示效果o 5.7 定制地景o 5.8 附加星雲圖像o 5.9 星空文化o 5.10 增加行星天體o 5.11 其他配置檔o 5.12 螢幕截圖o 5.13 望遠鏡控制o 5.14 圖像翻轉簡介1 簡介第一章 簡介Stellarium 是一款虛擬星像儀的電腦軟體。
Stellarium 可以用作學習夜空知識的教具,還可以作為天文愛好者星空觀測的輔助工具,或者僅僅是滿足一下好奇心。
由於其高品質的畫質,一些天象館將 Stellarium 用在了實際的天象放映中。
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2 安裝安裝• 2.1 系統需求o作業系統:Windows95/98/2000/NT/XP、Mac OS X10.3 或更高。
比如你安装到d:\astrolog32在这里就要把c:\Program Files\astrolog32替换成d:\astrolog32 ,然后在文件菜单中选择保存当前设臵。
这有两项,第一个是计算宫位本身的守护星,另一个是计算宫主星(lord of a house)。
占星学中,星体在黄道上的座标也就是黄经(celestial longitude)是使用星座来表示的。
学的过程中的动画,她觉得很好玩,学到字母B时,⽹站中的句⼦说“ I am a boy." 她说她是 girl.
学到字母C时,有个组词的游戏,之后的动画是starfall summer camp, Mia 表⽰看完后不理解,Kitty说是野餐!
学到字母E, 第⼀个单词是 elephant, 然后⼤象 enter 这个房间,再 exit这个房间,当中的动画两个都理解不了。
这个⽐较有趣,分upper case and lower case e.
字母B练习的单词是:bouncing ball,boy, big brown bear, Backpack bear(Kitty译成背包熊),句⼦ I am a boy.
字母C练习的单词是:cat, cow,computer,camp.
字母D练习的单词是:dancing doll, ducks.
字母E练习的单词是:elephants, eggs, enter, exit. (well done)
字母F练习的单词是:fox, fish, five fingers, (Fantastic)。
I’m going to fly along with you as you take your Cessna 206 Station-air II for a flight to pick up a client out in the flat country beyond the Alaska Range. Your client lives in a log cabin along the Kuskok-wim River, downstream from the village of Aniak. You’ve made sure to have the necessary flight charts with you. Before takeoff from Anchorage’s Lake Hood seaplane base, you’ve checked again to verify that you have both the Anchorage and McGrath Sectional Aircraft Charts. You do… The weather isn’t bad, really, with a 3,500-foot ceiling. And though the Alaska Range sticks up there ahead of you between 6,000 and 12,000 feet, you know that Merrill Pass had a floor at around 2,400 feet, so the current ceiling is about 1,100 more than you’ll really need. After we’ve wiggled through Merrill Pass and descended to the Stony River, you sit back, relax a bit, and settle in for the long flight ahead. You do have VHF capabilities, including a good VOR head, though the latter won’t be of much help out here. You haven’t set up Aniak on your ADF, which surprises me. I think that’s a bit casual, but I won’t take you to task for it. I know that following theARE YOU READY?Stony River for a while will put you ahead of the power curve, so to speak.Coming up on the Lime Hills, I notice you bring up Spar-revohn at 231 MHz on your low frequency radio, shown on your chart as Cairn Mountain. The ADF needle comes to life again and points slightly to the left of dead ahead. The DME gives us the distance to Cairn Mountain, but you seem to pay no attention to that, and that’s another surprise for me. I guess you’re fixed on the Stony River, but that’s okay with me too, for the moment.Sparrevohn was one of Alaska’s Distant Early Warning (DEW) sites, those Dewline radar sites constructed during the heat of our Cold War with Russia. Sparrevohn gave you an update on the weather ahead at Aniak, and you notice that the ceiling has dropped quite a bit to 1,200 feet. Still pretty good for Alaska weather out here, and perfectly fine if you stay over the flatlands around and ahead of us.Soon, however, you can see that the ceiling is getting still lower out ahead of us. In fact, we’re now flying at 300 feet AGL (Above Ground Level). The air around us is still quite smooth because of the low adiabatic lapse rate, which adds a bit to your confidence level at the moment.Cairn Mountain, itself, at around 3,800 feet MSL (Mean Sea Level), was close off our left wing just before we passed Lime Vil-lage, but we couldn’t really see either of them with the lowered ceil-ing. As we passed Lime Village — called Stony River Village when I first flew this area years ago — we were abeam the Lime Hills.I notice you look a little confused for a moment as we pass abeam Tundra Lake.Shortly after having passed Tundra, I notice that you have turned slightly left to take up a more westerly heading. I presumed that your intention was to fly direct to Aniak and then downstream along the Kuskokwim River to your destination. I notice, too, that you’re now leaning a bit farther forward in your seat, and that your grip on the yoke is a bit firmer. In short, you don’t look as sure of yourself, nor as comfortable with the weather, as you were a few miles back.It wasn’t long before we were following a small stream betweenthe Chuilnuk and the Kiokluk M ountains. These hills poke up at 3,796 and 1,093 feet respectively, the higher one about 1,600 feet above our current altitude. The tops are certainly lost in the overcast above us. I should probably have taken the controls at this point, but I knew the country drained westward from here, so I didn’t move. We occasionally chatted on the intercom.I watched as you turned toward the northwest, apparently looking for the Kuskokwim River and Aniak. That was a bad choice. We’d find the Kuskokwim, of course, but we wouldn’t be anywhere near Aniak when we did.We soon found the Kuskokwim, but Aniak, of course, was not in sight. The river hadn’t become really wiggly and braided here, because we were upstream from Aniak. You apparently didn’t recognize that and you turned northward to begin following the river upstream. Well, you’d soon figure it out, I was sure, when we found Crooked Creek. We had hit the river close to Napaimiut, so Crooked wouldn’t be many flying minutes upstream, perhaps 20 or so.When we found Crooked, you knew we were too far upstream, and, with a sheepish grin, you turned southward to take up a down-stream course.When we finally found, and had landed, at Aniak, you made arrangements to top the tanks while we took a coffee break and reviewed the flight so far. You quickly admitted that you should have been using the ADF feature for Aniak. With hardly any wind at all, this would simply have been an almost straight-line course, and heading, from Sparrevohn to Aniak. While I didn’t belabor that point, I did stress that any long trip to a river, large lake, or cer-tainly the coastline at salt water, should be planned so as to arrive as much as 10 to 20 miles left or right of your intended destination. If you don’t hit that spot dead center, at least you will know whether to turn left or right in order to reach your ultimate goal.We later found your client’s little log cabin, right where it was supposed to be, and the day had been saved for you. I’m sure you’ve learned at least a little something about flying the big Alaska outback.Here’s a little flight that will test both your abilities and yoursuitability for a life of flying the very challenging Alaska bush. You’re going to fly a standard 150-hp Piper Super Cub for a flight from Anchorage’s Merrill Field, through 92-mile long Lake Clark Pass and to the village of Nondalton, on the shore of Alaska’s larg-est fresh water lake, Lake Iliamna. The weather could certainly be better and, in fact, is below even IFR recommended flight. This isn’t all that odd during many of Alaska’s bush operations. A Zone Departure will get you clear of Anchorage air traffic, whatever that might be on this scabby day.After all the necessary, and conscientious, preflight activities, you are loaded with your emergency gear, charts, and whatever else you think you may need for this rather routine (for many Alaska pilots) flight. So let’s get on with it…You were cleared for departure from runway 31 with the Ches-ter Creek departure. You’ll turn right from the runway heading for a few seconds after liftoff. After crossing the Alaska railroad tracks south of the city, you’ll be crossing about three miles of the really unfriendly waters of Knik Arm to Point McKenzie. It is here that the Knik Arm dumps into notorious Cook Inlet. From Point McKenzie, it’s an easy leg following the west shore of Cook Inlet. Except, of course, that the ceiling is keeping you below 300 feet AGL. That’s no problem because you don’t expect any hills to pop up from the surface of that cold and unfriendly water. Nor along the extensive flatlands ahead, either. When you pass Tyonek, about 20 minutes out, you can see neither the village nor its airfield, since both are above you and concealed in the overcast. You remember that the airstrip is located only 87 feet above high tide line, and you’re now flying at around 60 feet. It has also begun to snow lightly, but that’s not a problem either. Yet…After you pass the next little curve in the shoreline, you fly past the private strip at Nikolai Creek. That’s only 30 feet above the high tide line, but you can’t see that one either. You’re now down to 20 feet with your cozy little airplane, but forward visibility is still out to about two hazy miles. You recognize the Chakachatna River, which flows easterly from Chakachamna Lake buried 15 miles away in the Chigmit Mountains, a part of the Alaska Range. Then you remember that these mountains rise from the flatlands to above11,000 feet, and that they’re only about nine minutes’ flying time away.When the shoreline turns from southwest to southeast, you know you’re coming up on the 2,000-foot strip at West Foreland and Point Kustatan. Your grip on the control stick has become a little firmer now, hasn’t it? You’re about to turn away from Cook Inlet, and that unfriendly water has been your friend up to this point. Until now, it’s been easy to see its dark water through the blowing snow. You’re about to turn over a snow-white world with only scattered low willows for a sight picture that tells you up from down. And that will be only a fleeting view.You turn right at that little cabin on an unnamed creek to take up a heading that is almost due west. You know that you’re now flying directly toward the mountains, and that they’re only about seven minutes in front of the black circle of the spinning propeller. 420 seconds. A lifetime…You have added instrument privileges to your pilot ticket, of course, but your little Super Cub isn’t really jam-packed with instruments. Your instrument rating makes you feel a little more comfortable, certainly, but it won’t really help you very much today. You know that. And you also know that it’s begun snowing even harder over the last few minutes.You’ve carefully selected a compass heading for this short leg, but the turbulence has now picked up as you get ever nearer to the mountains. It’s now somewhere between mild and moderate. Your liquid compass isn’t as big a help as you might wish. Moreover, you don’t have a gyroscopic compass in your panel. It’s those little things that begin to count now. And that little thought reminds you to check again your oil temperature and pressure. Your altim-eter now reads about 20 feet, but you can see that by just glancing out the window, can’t you?The scattered and frozen willows that you see zipping past the window are now your only link with the earth hurtling by only a few feet below. Forward visibility is now down to just a shade less than one-quarter mile, which means that whatever you are seeing right now will be history in only a few seconds. You are scooting right along at about 146 feet per second. You can see less than eightseconds ahead of your hurtling little airplane! Eight seconds to see, evaluate, and react to what you are seeing at any given moment. You still with me? Still wanna be an Alaska bush pilot?You remember now that ahead of your hurtling little airplane are three 90˚ turns to get you into Lake Clark Pass. First a left, then a quick right, and finally another quick left, this last one right at the foot of a glacier, which you most likely will not be able to see because of the snow you are flying through. It will be just more white scenery on top of the plenty of white you already have around you.And you also remember that, when you start even a steep turn, the airplane is still going to cover some ground in a forward direction. So an “immediate” turn doesn’t immediately change your direction of flight, does it?It’s just about here that your better judgment overcomes your confidence and what you feel is your skill level. You decide it’s about time to get the hell out of Dodge! But that decision has been made on the spur of the moment. So are you really ready for a course change? Think about it for a moment…You’ll add power, roll into a shallow, climbing turn, probably to the left because of your habit of flying left turns in standard land-ing patterns. Besides, left turns seem to be easier, considering the added torque of the power addition. Before you roll into that turn, however, were you sure to mentally note the direction in which you’ve been flying up to this point? Let’s presume that you’ve done that. You have neither an HSI nor an artificial horizon, so you’re going to be flying primary panel — basically needle, ball, airspeed, and altimeter.You’ve confirmed a positive rate of climb using the altimeter. But, did you note the precise time that you began your turn? Your standard rate of turn, you recall, will be three˚ per second, which means that your 180˚ climbing left turn will take 60 seconds. When will that 60 seconds really be over? And, by the way, have you notified Kenai, which, after completing the turn, will be about 30 miles, or about 18 minutes, directly ahead and across 20 miles of flatland and the unfriendly waters of Cook Inlet? You’re going to be about 20 minutes in IMC conditions, with neither the requiredinstruments nor a filed IFR flight plan. While Alaska’s aircraft con-trollers are as understanding and as helpful as any on earth, you’re still going to be tip-toeing through a pretty good scolding, if not a licensing action. And that’s presuming you’re cool enough to have successfully passed from less than VFR and into full IMC condi-tions. I hate to admit this, but most true Alaska bush pilots would simply have punched on through Lake Clark Pass and arrived safely at Iliamna. Still want to be one of those bush pilot guys?If you learned to fly in Alaska, VFR into IM C conditions might not scare the pants off you. You’ll already have flown in some pretty depressing weather. Which reminds me: when you select your flying sunglasses, please don’t get the gray, green, or blue tinted style. Get good brown lenses. You’ll find that (a) they cut glare much better, (b) allow a better visual definition of clouds and distances, (c) won’t distort colors, and (d) won’t give you the blues when flying in really scabby weather. Being mentally depressed while flying, even if you don’t consciously know it, will be a bummer. Wear brown glasses! But, back to VFR into IMC.IMC weather, as defined by the FARs, isn’t all that bad, really. Plenty of ceiling, and with more forward visibility than you really need. But when the stratus, snow, or fog really hugs the terrain, you’re into seriously bad weather. Still flyable, perhaps, but only marginally. The real danger, to an experienced pilot, is when one of the last two remaining options is lost to you. When you are no longer able to turn around and get the hell out of Dodge, you’re so far behind the power curve that your life may then be measured in minutes, or even seconds. That’s no place for you to be! Many of us in Alaska have been there a few times, but I can tell you that it’s really not a place you will like very much. And that sort of flying has taken the lives of some pretty skookum Alaska pilots. Don’t know skookum? It’s an Alaskan term meaning the person is sharp, confident, capable, experienced, dependable, etc.。
• 注意力分配方法:天地线—地平仪—天地线- 转弯侧滑仪-天地线—速度—天地线—航向— 天地线—高度—天地线。
• 状态稳定后,注意检查跑道。 • 注意力分配方法:天地线—跑道—速度、
高度—天地线循环检查,三角形注意 力分配。
地面,保持飞机的实际运动点不变。此时 保持杆舵上的力量不要有多大的变化,使 飞机稳定的向下滑点运动; —根据地面物体的颜色和轮廓的明显程度, 判断飞机的高度和接近地面的快慢,以便 及时地拉开始;
—控制好状态的同时,注意对速度进行判断 检查,控制入口速度73节。
跑道观察角15~10° 四转弯H460m坡度20°
四边 Base Leg
H120m收襟翼 关着陆灯
爬升空速 73节
一边 Departure Leg
V59节 抬前轮
循环检查和保持好下滑点、V和 方向,操纵飞机沿预定下滑线
进近空速75 节
五边 Final Approach
• 控制好位置关系,同时注意对速度, 高度进行检查,有偏差及时修正。
• 后段注意对改出时机的判断,飞机马 上压到中心线,机头对正跑道边线时 看好机头与跑道的位置关系,向转弯 的反方向柔和一致的压杆蹬舵,改出 转弯。
• 改平坡度的同时,注意向后带杆,对 好下滑点,同时根据当时的气象条件 (风向、风速、气温)及时收油门 (25~35%),保持好相应的下滑速度 (75~80节)。
二边 Crosswind Leg
• 学习目标:通过本课程的学习,学员应能够熟练 掌握Star-CCM+软件的基本操作、前处理技巧、 求解设置及后处理方法,具备独立进行流体动力 学仿真的能力。
1 2
介绍常见的网格类型,如结构化网格、非结构化 网格、混合网格等,并分析其优缺点。
详细讲解Star-CCM+中的网格划分方法,包括自 动划分、手动划分、边界层网格划分等。
针对复杂几何形状和流动特性,介绍一些特殊的 网格处理技术,如多面体网格、嵌套网格等。
在选择求解器时,应根据问题的类型和规模进行 选择。对于大型问题或需要高精度求解的问题, 可以选择高性能计算或并行计算技术来提高计算 效率。
在设置边界条件时,应确保与实际问题的物理背 景相符。对于不确定的边界条件,可以通过实验 或经验数据进行估算和设置。
06 对计算结果进行可视化处理,
提取关键信息,如温度分布云 图、热流量曲线等。
对某一结构进行力学分析,包括应 力、应变、位移等。
根据实际问题,建立结构的几何模 型。
为几何模型赋予相应的材料属性, 如弹性模量、泊松比等。
Feel the difference Ford FiestaGuía breveque incluye esta publicación era correcta en el momento de enviarse a o parte de la política de continua mejora de nuestros productos,quedan reservados los derechos de cambiar especificaciones,diseno o equipo en cualquier momento sin previo aviso y sin incurrir en ninguna obligación.Esta publicación no se puede reproducir ni traducir,en su totalidad o parcialmente, sin la autorización de Ford.Se exceptúan errores y omisiones.©Ford Motor Company2010Todos los derechos reservados.Número de pieza:(CG3559es)04/201020100427122042ACERCA DEESTE MANUALGracias por elegir un Ford.Le recomendamos que se tome algún tiempo para leerse este manual y asípoder conocer su vehículo.Cuanto más sepa sobreél,mayor serán la seguridad y el placer de conducción.Esta guía rápida debe leersecon el manual de instrucciones.PELIGROConduzca siempre con precaucióny la debida atención al usar yaccionar los mandos y las funciones de su vehículo.GUÍA RÁPIDAVisión de conjunto del tablero de mandosVehículo con volante a la izquierdaE102562HGFEDCBAU T S QR P O N L JKM IVehículo convolante a la derechaE102559AE C D BFGH IJ L K M S P Q R O N UTInterruptor deencendido.N Programador de velocidad.O Bocina.P Ajuste del volante.Q Airbag de rodilla del RMando del sistema de S E71963A BCE78276Bloqueodel vehículoE87384121E87964Noel122E95178PELIGROAsegúrese de acoplarcompletamente la palanca de bloqueo cuando la devuelva a la posición original.3E95179LIMPIAPARABRISAS AUTOMÁTICOSE102033BCASensibilidad alta A Activada B Sensibilidad bajaCEl sensor de lluvia mediráconstantemente la cantidad de agua que hay en elparabrisas y ajustarála velocidad de los limpiaparabrisas automáticamente.Ajuste la sensibilidad del sensor de lluvia con el mando giratorio.FAROS AUTOMÁTICOSE70719Los faros se encienden y apaganautomáticamente en función de la luz ambiental.INTERMITENTESE102016Nota:Golpee la palanca hacia arriba o abajo y los intermitentesparpadearán tres veces solamente.E112145E112146E102397CLIMATIZACIÓNAUTOMÁTICAAjustes recomendadospara refrigeraciónE112147E112148132E112675E112676231RELOJPara ajustar el reloj,conecte ely pulse los botones H o M segúnnecesario.E85766ARRANQUE SIN LLAVEE103203durante dosveces en unTAPA DELE119080que todoen el depósito. E119081。
设置输出指令:例如:[OUTPUT]NMEAGGA,ONTIME,0.1,1解释:[OUTPUT]NMEAGGA(NMEA语句),ONTIME(实时),0.1(每0.1秒输出一条语句,即:10Hz输出,SF-3050最多可支持100Hz的GGA输出),1(端口号)描述:从COM1口,以每秒10Hz的输出率,输出标准NMEA0183 GGA语句。
例如:[OUTPUT]NMEA VTG,ONTIME,1,1解释:[OUTPUT]NMEA VTG(NMEA语句),ONTIME(实时),1(每1秒输出一条语句,即:1Hz输出),2(端口号)描述:从COM2口,以每秒1Hz的输出率,输出标准NMEA0183 VTG语句。
NA VCOM常用的输出语句:语句描述PVT1B NA VCOM导航定位语句MEAS1B NA VCOM原始定位语句EPHEM1B NA VCOM星历数据ALM1B NA VCOM历书数据CHNLSTATUS1B NA VCOM卫星通道状态语句(GPS,GLONASS,Galileo)例如:[OUTPUT]PVT1B,ONTIME,0.1,1解释:[OUTPUT]PVT1B(NA VCOM导航定位语句),ONTIME(实时),1(每1秒输出一条语句,即:1Hz输出),2(端口号)描述:从COM2口,以每秒1Hz的输出率,输出PVT1B导航定位语句。
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Learn to Read——掌握PhonemicAwareness,学习Phonics基本规则,通过相关书本和游戏练习元音辅音的听、说。
Learn to Read学习phonics拼读规则,包含长元音,短元音,元音+辅音,双元音,双辅音,R控制元音的phonics所有基本拼读规则,用各种动画和故事展现每个拼读规则,用游戏来测试学习成果。
It's Fun to Read——在掌握AlphabeticPrinciple的基础上,开始学习词汇和理解,通过不同的主题形式,包括歌曲、诗、谜语等强化教学。
It's Fun to Read学习简单句,用不同方式展示,包括魔术,油画,诗,音乐等,并加强phonics的巩固,增加高频词汇的输入。
I'm Reading——学习阅读短文,通过表演,故事,神话等帮助小朋友从学习朗读过渡到在朗读中学习,有意识地练习高频词汇。
I'm Reading真正进入阅读阶段,这里提供几十本有声书,以供小朋友阅读,对国内低龄儿童难度较大,需要有一定的单词量和基本语法基础。
在Starfall Free App上这部分没有找到,在网页版上可以进入,有6个主题,分为:舞台剧、小说类和非小说类故事、漫画书、民间故事、希腊神话和中国语言,并且有一些拼字游戏帮助单词和句子的记忆。
但是在Pad上没有的这部分,可以用Talking Library替代,里面包含了20几个小说和非小说类故事。
游戏部分Color——学习不同颜色的英语单词Motion Songs——用动作和歌曲对字母发音的输入,可以作为ABC的辅助学习PackbackBear's Book——学习高频词汇,并通过识字卡片的游戏完成句子Geometryand Measurement——学习形状,时间,重量,对称性等,对几何和测量的认知和体验,底部的几个游戏模块是通过游戏的方式,根据句子的指示,给游戏主题的主人公挑选不同部件等,同时增加词汇的认知,增强对句子的理解,可作为Learn to Read的强化教学。
数学类的英语学习Math Songs——数字歌配合动画,这里小朋友还能了解到时间,星期和日期的英语,适合磨耳朵。
Add and Subtract——简单加减法,G1对应的数学要求。
Selected 2nd Math Skills——G2要求的数学,包括加减乘除的计算。
Sing-Along——包含Volum A和Volum B总共100首儿童歌曲。
ABC Rhymes——把26个字母的发音,再加上ch、sh、th和wh的发音,用一些小故事来加强Phonics练习。
Historical American FolkSongs——有5首配上动画的民歌。
三、网页版和App版的区别除了前面说到的I'm Reading这部分在App上找不到之外,网页版和App 版还有其他什么区别吗?1、网页版多了More Phonics,8个单元共93个故事来加强Phonics学习,每个单元都有拼读游戏。
2、网页版把Short Vowel Pal单独拿出来放在主页面,这部分可以在App的Learn to Read里面找到。
网页版上的Word Machines在网页版和App版的Backpack Bear's Books里都能找到。
3、网页版上有两个板块First Grade和Selected2nd Grade Math Skills,把G1的数学和阅读,以及G2的数学,单独归纳,可以更方便找到。
四、Starfall资源下载网页上进入Teacher's Lounge,可以获取非常多的教学资源以及练习册,卡片等。
五、Starfall账号Starfall提供多个App应用针对不同内容,其中StarfallFree和Starfall ABC是免费App,Starfall ABC可以免费学习全部26个字母,而Starfall Free则可以进入四个阶段的学习。
Starfall的Home Membership适合个人家庭使用,邮箱地址注册(即为用户名),每个用户可绑定3台设备。
六、如何充分利用Starfall网站More Starfall的资源?Starfall是美国专为2~6岁的孩子办的一个网站,里面有部分内容免费,但是More Starfall 的部分是收费的。
那么,家长该如何充分利用More Starfall提供的教育资源呢?Starfall的建站目的是为了让孩子通过学习,拥有基本的听、说、读、写的能力,以及掌握基本的常识,比如时间,认识数字,基本的数学概念,度量衡等等。
如果把More Starfall看作是一本教材的话,家长就是教师,孩子就是学生,根据孩子对相关的中文基础知识的掌握情况和孩子的自学能力,作为教师的家长们就要学会因材施教了。
假如您的孩子刚开始上小学,家长可以先让孩子接触免费部分,如果孩子很快就转到More Starfall 部分,就付费好了。
细心观察就是看孩子在More Starfall上同一个游戏探索的时间,如果他探索很多次,并且试图放弃的时候,说明他没能理解这个游戏到底是让孩子学到什么的,也就是不了解中文的相关知识,家长就要解释一下了。
右边是基本纯属游戏,不做介绍,第一次入门就可以玩这些游戏:Gingerbread man、pumpkin、snowman之类的。
内容就相当于《phonics kid》的第1本和第2本书。
如果要完成自主阅读,不学phonics 怎么行。
这部分的内容相当于《phonics kid》的全套书了,最好和《phonics kid》或者其他的《hooked on phonics》这样的书配套学,否则只是这部分还是有些难的。
左边的play部分是下图中phonics的单词,这是short vowle o部分。
后面还有long vowle和组合发音。
skill部分没有截图,内容属phonics的边边角角前面没有涉及到的发音,例如sh ch之类的,动画为主。
第3部分:It's fun to read。
7个主题,俺没有啥艺术细胞,所以art gallery和music,诗歌poery部分看的少,其他都玩过。
首推好玩的是all about me和magic。
tongue twisters是绕口令,本来发音就容易发错,绕口令都读着读着都变成大舌头了。
bird riddle都是鸟类,不知道怎么归类,每个鸟只有一页一个动作。
all about me里的who am i中问几岁了最后一部分是i'm reading。