自主学习活动英语作文(中英文实用版){z}Title: Autonomous Learning ActivitiesEnglish CompositionIntroduction:Autonomous learning activities play a crucial role in the acquisition of knowledge and skills.These activities empower learners to take control of their learning process, fostering independence and self-reliance.This essay aims to explore the significance of autonomous learning activities and their benefits in enhancing language proficiency.Body:1.Defining Autonomous Learning:Autonomous learning refers to the ability of learners to independently plan, implement, and evaluate their learning process.It involves making decisions about learning goals, selecting appropriate learning strategies, and taking responsibility for the outcomes.2.Significance of Autonomous Learning Activities:a) Enhancing Language Proficiency:Autonomous learning activities encourage learners to engage actively in the English language.By independently seeking resources, learners can improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.They become exposed to diverse language inputs, fostering adeeper understanding of the language.b) Developing Critical Thinking Skills:Autonomous learning activities promote critical thinking as learners analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and draw conclusions.This process enhances problem-solving abilities and the ability to think independently.c) Fostering Independence and Self-motivation:Engaging in autonomous learning activities helps learners develop a sense of independence and self-motivation.They become responsible for their learning progress, setting goals, and identifying areas for improvement.This sense of autonomy transfers to other aspects of life, promoting personal growth.3.Benefits of Autonomous Learning Activities:a) Personalized Learning Experience:Autonomous learning activities allow learners to tailor their learning experience according to their individual needs and preferences.They can choose topics of interest, learn at their own pace, and explore additional resources that cater to their learning style.b) Time Management Skills:Through autonomous learning activities, learners develop effective time management skills.They learn to prioritize tasks, allocate appropriate time for learning, and balance other commitments.Theseskills prove essential in achieving learning objectives and managing daily responsibilities.c) Building Confidence:Engaging in autonomous learning activities helps learners build confidence in their abilities.As they independently navigate through learning tasks, they gain a sense of achievement and self-belief.This confidence carries over to other areas of life, empowering learners to take on new challenges.Conclusion:Autonomous learning activities are a vital component of language acquisition and personal development.They empower learners to take control of their learning process, fostering independence, critical thinking, and self-motivation.By engaging in these activities, learners can enhance their language proficiency, personalize their learning experience, develop time management skills, and build confidence.Embracing autonomous learning activities is key to becoming a lifelong learner and achieving success in various aspects of life.。
二、调查对象四、五年级全体学生三、调查方法随机抽取,通过问卷调查四、调查内容1、你学习小学英语的目的是什么?A.考试B.提高自身的文学素养C.丰富自己的情感D.不明确2、你喜欢小学英语课吗?A.喜欢B.一般C.不喜欢D.非常厌烦3、如果你喜欢学小学英语,主要原因是A.对小学英语老师上课很感兴趣B.对小学英语的有关学习内容很感兴趣C.小学英语学习对于升学或就业很重要D.小学英语成绩比较好,经常受老师表扬4、如果你不喜欢学小学英语,主要是因为A.对小学英语老师讲课不感兴趣B.对小学英语的有关学习内容不感兴趣C.小学英语成绩差经常挨批D.小学英语成绩对于升学不如语文数学重要5、你认为在哪种情况下你对课文的理解更深刻?A. 结合名家的评注自学B. 教师讲授C. 同学一起讨论D. 其它6、你在小学英语课堂上一般的做法是A.听老师讲,一般不回答提问也不参加讨论B.以听为主,偶尔也回答问题或讨论C.听后思考老师提出的问题,积极参与讨论D.不太愿听老师讲,愿意自己看书、思考或参与讨论7、在课堂或小组讨论中,你发言吗?A.不发言,不想说也不会说B.不发言,想说,但缺少勇气,老师也不给机会C.有时发言,但听人家说更好D.积极发言,敢说也会说,光听人家说没意思8、课堂上,学习新内容时A.老师总是把有关内容讲清楚,然后要求我们记住B.老师讲得比较多,偶尔也提问检查同学听得怎么样C.一般以老师讲解为主,再提一些问题让我们思考D.老师很少讲解,总是提一些问题,引起我们对新的学习内容的兴趣和思考9、在课外,你的小学英语学习内容有哪些?去图书馆、博物馆等场所A.基本上每周做B.偶尔做C.一个月一次不做D.每天都不做10、在课外,你的小学英语学习内容有哪些?上网、浏览新闻等信息A.基本上每天做C.从来不做11、你看课外书籍报刊的时间:A.天天看B.周末看C.寒暑假看D.不看12、你认为小学英语科作业量过重吗?A.过重B.一般C.不会13、你喜欢小学英语老师的教学方式吗?A.喜欢B.一般C.不喜欢14、你对小学英语科的学习情况满意吗?A.满意B.一般C.不满意15、你对自己学习小学英语的兴趣和效果满意吗?A.满意B.一般C.不满意D.很不满意16、你对小学英语老师的教学效果满意吗?A.满意C.不满意17你觉得在生活中常常见到英语吗?a总是b经常C有时d很少18你学习英语感到a非常轻松b比较轻松c比较困难d非常困难19在生活中你主动用英语跟他人交流吗?A 总是B 经常C 有时D 很少20 你班里的其他同学喜欢英语吗?A 绝大多数B 大多数C 一些D 很少21 你父母经常辅导你英语吗?A 总是B 经常C 有时D 很少22在英语学习过程中,你的学习兴趣是否发生了变化?A 开始很感兴趣,后来兴趣更浓了B 开始很感兴趣,后来有所下降了C 开始不感兴趣,后来感兴趣了D 开始不感兴趣,后来更没兴趣了23 你喜欢小学英语教师的教学方式吗?A 喜欢B 一般C 不喜欢24 你认为英语怎样才算学得好?A 口语好B 试卷答得好C 综合能力强25.你以前接触过报刊英语吗?A 接触过B 没C 没听说过26你对英语讲座感兴趣吗?A 感兴趣B 不感兴趣、C 没听过27.你有看英文小说(或中英版小说)的经历吗?A 没有B 有C 根本没想过28 你在进行阅读的时候,最大的障碍是什么?A 词汇量、语法知识不丰富B 阅读是不能专心C 综合理解能力不高D 阅读速度慢五、调查的结果与分析本次调查采用问卷的方式,对四、五学生的英语自主学习能力进行了调查。
M ean Std.D eviation
表 3 数据表明,学生在学习目标的确立和学习计划的 制订与调整方面的能力处于中等水平,平均值均在 3 分左 右. 3.2.3 学习策略使用情况
表 4 学习策略使用情况
M ean Std.D eviation
关键词:自主学习;学习能力 中图分类号:H 319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-260X(2012)01-0182-03
1 引言 教育部新制订的《大学英语课程教学要求》指出,大学
英语教学改革的主要目的是“通过进行大学英语教学思想、 内容、方法改革,改进教学手段,完善教学评价体系,建立适 应新世纪人才培养要求的大学英语教学体系,通过充分利 用现代教育技术,建立以培养学生自主学习能力为中心的 立体化,多样化,个性化的教学模式.”(教育部高等教育司, 2004)因此,培养学习者自主学习能力成为外语教师的首要 任务.同时,现代英语学习理论也强调学习者在学习过程中 的决定性作用,即学习者的自主性.国外自 20 世纪 70 年代 开始对外语自主学习进行了大量研究,但主要侧重于外语 自主学习能力的界定、自主学习理论背景及培养策略的探 讨. 国内学者对英语自主学习的研究始于 20 世纪 80 年代, 多为对国外外语自主学习研究的理论介绍和自主学习能力 培养的必要性及其培养方法的探讨,对大学生英语自主学 习能力现状的调查不多,且仅限于自主学习能力与成绩相 关的研究.本文是对赣南师范学院非英语专业大学生英语自 主学习能力的调查与分析,内容涉及该校大学生英语自主 学习的能力水平,自主学习能力与成绩、年级、文理及性别 的关系,力图为该校的英语教学改革提供一定的依据和参 考. 2 研究方法 2.1 调查对象
在自主学习英语的过程中,我发现了许多优质的学习资源,如BBC Learning English、TED Talks、Coursera等。这些资源可以帮助我系统地提高英语听力、阅读和写作能力,同时也可以拓展我的英语知识面。
自主学习的英语作文Self-study of English。
In today's world, the ability to speak and write in English is becoming increasingly important. As a result, many people are turning to self-study to improve their English skills. Self-study of English has become a popular trend, as it allows individuals to learn at their own pace and in their own way. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of self-study and provide tips for successfulself-study of English.One of the main benefits of self-study is theflexibility it offers. Unlike traditional classroom learning, self-study allows individuals to choose when and where they want to study. This flexibility is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or other commitments. Additionally, self-study allows individuals to focus on the specific areas of English that they need to improve, whether it be speaking, writing, listening, orreading.Another benefit of self-study is the ability to tailor the learning experience to one's own learning style. Everyone learns in a different way, and self-study allows individuals to choose the materials and methods that work best for them. For example, some people may prefer to learn through audio or video materials, while others may prefer to read and write. With self-study, individuals can choose the resources that best suit their learning style.In order to successfully self-study English, it is important to set clear goals and create a plan for achieving them. This may involve setting specific targets for improving different aspects of English, such as vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation. It is also important to create a study schedule and stick to it, in order to ensure consistent progress. Additionally, it can be helpful to track one's progress and make adjustments to the study plan as needed.Another important aspect of successful self-study is tomake use of a variety of resources. There are manyresources available for self-study of English, including textbooks, online courses, language exchange programs, and language learning apps. By using a variety of resources, individuals can gain exposure to different learningmaterials and methods, which can help to keep the learning process engaging and effective.In addition to using resources, it can be helpful to practice English in real-life situations. This may involve finding opportunities to speak with native English speakers, such as through language exchange programs or social events. It can also involve using English in everyday activities, such as reading English books or watching English movies.By using English in real-life situations, individuals can improve their fluency and confidence in using the language.In conclusion, self-study of English can be a highly effective way to improve one's English skills. By taking advantage of the flexibility and tailored learning experience that self-study offers, individuals can make significant progress in their English abilities. By settingclear goals, creating a study plan, using a variety of resources, and practicing English in real-life situations, individuals can achieve success in self-study of English. With dedication and effort, self-study can be a rewarding and fulfilling way to improve one's English skills.。
中学生英语自学能力的培养研究研究报告培养自学能力;形成自学习惯--中学生英语自学能力的培养研究研究报告一、课题的提出自学能力是一个人发展的重要能力..自学能力不是与生俱来的;是后天培养形成的..随着教学改革的深化;人们对“授之以鱼”还是“授之以渔”已达成共识;传授知识只是一种手段;让学生掌握获得知识的方法和能力才是教育的目的..英语作为一门特殊的学科;其本身的特点也规定了培养学生英语自学能力的必要性..注重培养中学生的英语自学能力;能够帮助学生充分利用课堂教学的机会;主动参与教师组织的一切活动..同时;学生在课余时间还可以利用英语广播、电视、报刊、小说等视听工具和材料拓宽知识;增加课堂知识的复现机会;提高对课堂知识的理解和应用能力;从而进一步提高英语的自学能力..自学能力不仅是学生继续深造的需要;也是学生步入社会后生存与发展的需要..因而培养初中学生的英语自学能力;无论从实施素质教育的角度看;还是从终身教育、创新教育的角度看都是一个十分重要研究课题..基于这种情况;结合学校的实际;我确立了中学生英语自学能力的培养研究的课题研究..二、课题的理论依据及国内外研究概述前苏联着名教学家在给教师的建议一书里提出;要给孩子留出自由学习的时间..法国十八世纪伟大的教育家卢梭从自然主义教育观点出发;要求教育适应教育者的成长和发育;提倡教育应“归于自然“;“寓教于乐”发展天性..我国着名教育家陶行知行先生也说“教是为了不教”..建构主义理论认为;学习过程不是学习者被动地接受知识;而是积极的建构知识的过程;只有充分发挥学生的主体作用;让学生积极参与教学的整个过程;才能培养具备较好的创造精神和创新能力的学生;才能适应新世纪对人才的要求..目前;世界科学技术迅猛发展;知识经济时代加速到来;国际竞争日趋激烈..时代呼唤创新型人才;人才素质的培养靠教育..1999年国务院发出了关于深化教育改革;全面推进素质教育的决定..2001年教育部颁布了基础教育课程改革纲要试行;指出:在新一轮基础教育课程改革中;“要改变课程实施过于注重知识传授的倾向;强调形成积极主动的学习态度;使学生获得基础知识与基本技能的过程;同时学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程;改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状;倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手;培养学生搜索和处理信息的能力;获得新知识的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力”;明示了课程改革的新理念..如何在英语教学中充分调动学生的主体作用与发挥教师的主导作用;使课堂教学达到发展性水平;学生成为独立的、自主的、高效的学习者;是教育研究的主题;也是培养学生自主学习能力的核心所在..现代教育学和心理学理论研究表明;人的发展过程实质上是人在社会环境中不断养成主体意识和自主能力的过程..美国在创新教育中走在各国教育的前列..我国在近几年提出了创新教育理念..在英语教学实践中;怎样使英语教学过程成为学生知识和能力协调发展的过程怎样帮助学生自己把外在的教学目标转化成内在的学习目标;再进行新知识学习;形成和发展学习的能力;也就是说真正实现陶行知先生的教学理念;应成为每一位英语教师探索追求的永恒主题..兴趣的主体是学生;教师的教学行为起主导作用..转变教育观念是培养学生学习兴趣的关键;教师应当扮演引导者和合作者的重要角色..但在实际的英语教学中;一些教师由于受到应试教育的影响;在课堂上一味地满堂灌;不能够注重学生学习兴趣的培养;部分学生对英语已产生了厌学情绪;分化比较严重..为了消除学生的这种情绪;使他们对英语产生兴趣;培养学生自主学习英语的能力;我校英语备课组经过认真分析我校学生的特点;决定从2010年11月起对如何培养初中生英语自主学习能力进行研究..三、课题的核心概念及其界定能力;与知识、经验、和个性特质共同构成人的素质;成为胜任某项任务的条件..能力 ;就是指顺利完成某一活动所必需的主观条件.. 能力是直接影响活动效率;并使活动顺利完成的个性心理特征..能力总是和人完成一定的活动相联系在一起的..离开了具体活动既不能表现人的能力;也不能发展人的能力..自学能力;是一种特殊的学习能力;是建立在观察、理解、思维、记忆等能力基础上的一种比较综合的独立学习的能力;这是一种较高要求的科学能力;它是多方面能力的综合..培养学生具有自学能力;能独立地获得和探索新知识;这是教育的最终目标之一..明确学生英语自学目标;激发他们英语自学动机;提高他们的英语自学效率..提高学生的自学心理素质;激发学生的学习动机;培养学生学习的自觉性..指导学生进行自学..初中生英语自学能力的形成;要尊重科学严格遵循英语学习规律;遵循能力形成和发展规律;而这些规律又有其阶段性和连续性..四、研究的主要目标1、学生养成良好的学习英语的习惯;自觉完成教师布置任务..2、课堂学习参与意识强;精力集中;思维积极;主动回答老师的课堂提问..3、独立完成老师布置的课堂作业..4、自我探求意识强;主动发问;超前预习..5、具备一定的创新能力..6、学生能够运用已有的知识和能力去有效地撷取新知识;学习兴趣、探索精神、质疑能力、操作能力和探究能力都得到极大的的提高..五、研究的原则1、主体性原则教学过程是一个特殊的认知和师生间信息、情感交流的过程;教的目的是为了学生学;是为了学生学好;教的效果要体现在学生身上;教是为学服务的;教师是为学生服务的;学生应始终是教学过程中的主体;教是外因;只有通过学生自身的体验、应用、操作、实践才能内化为学生身的能力..教师的作用是组织、点拨、引导、促进学生..主动看书阅读;探索思考;大胆想象;凝炼观点;让学生在动脑动手动口的活动中获取知识;发展智力;增长能力..2、换位思考原则要提高课堂教学效益;教师与学生的思维应该“同频”;这才能师生共振;达到最佳效果..为此;教师在备课和在课堂的实际教学中;都应该让站在学生的角度去审视所要学习的或下要学习的内容..注意想学生之所想;想学生之所难;想学生之所先;想学生之所错;想学生之所忘;想学生之所急;想学生之所乐;同时也要教学生如何听课;如何做到与教师的思维;以达到最佳效果..3、反思性原则善于反思是智能发展的高层次表现;也是善于自学的一个重要方面;更广义而论;它也是人的一个重要品质..所谓反思就是人们在做完一件事;解决了某个问题以后;或在解决某一个问题的过程中;总是要去多问几个为什么;注意去总结解决这些问题的经验和教训..教师在学生自学或在解决数学问题的过程中;应引导学生反思回顾:碰到过与此相似的问题吗这个结果可信吗推理有无疏漏解决这个问题的方法是怎样想到的;还有更好的方法吗为什么这资助测验考得不好等等..4、开放性原则是指课堂教学形式的开放性变“一言堂”为群言堂..鼓励学生多看、多想“为什么”多议“为什么”;多问“为什么”..另一方面是指课堂教学设计中的问题要有开放性;激发学生的求知欲和创新意识..5、客观性原则..在研究的全过程中;我们要坚持实事求是;一切从实际出发的客观性原则..实事求是地开展研究;实事求是地进行总结;要边研究边总结;形成自己的理论体系;又要及时将总结出的理论用于课堂教学实践;进行再论证并进一步升华、拓展;从而更好地指导教学;使研究的结论具有客观实在性..六、研究的步骤及主要措施一研究步骤本项研究一年为一个周期;分为三个阶段:即研究准备阶段、研究实施阶段和研究总结阶段..1、准备阶段2010年11月——2010年12月1、资料学习、理论学习、访谈2、问卷调查了解我校学生英语自学的现状及引起现状的因素..3、撰写本课题的研究方案;做好课题申报工作..2、实施阶段2011年1月——2011年10月1收集整理资料;分析培养英语自学能力的方案..2理论学习和专家指导..3听课、观摩;研讨活动..4在探索中不断反思和完善课题研究方案..5做好研究过程中的各项记录和原始资料的积累..3、总结阶段2011年10月——2011年11月1整理研究过程的总结报告、论文、案例..2撰写课题研究结题报告二研究的具体内容一、如何在课堂教学中培养学生的自学能力1、注重教学法的选择长期以来形成的传统教学模式都是以教师为中心的教法;以应试为主的英语教育在某种程度上占有了主流趋势..结果“英语教学费时低效;高分低能;聋哑英语”等现象日益突出..从根本上讲大大降低了学生的学习积极性与主动性..因此;强调以学生为中心开展教学;改变以教师为中心的教学模式;对学生的语言错误采取宽容的态度;不频繁纠错来打断学生语言表达的连续性的教学方法越来越被学生所接受..实验中;我们强调在教学过程中要师生互动;要突出语言的实际应用性;并且注重采取多种教学手段组织教学;从而大大提高了学生的学习积极性与主动性..更有利于培养学生的学习兴趣和自主学习能力..2、课堂组织突出以学生为主体我们强调改变以往传统的教师是课堂的主角教学模式;突出学生的主体地位;教师只是课堂的组织者..在及时给学生提供必要的知识帮助的同时;还应注意培养学生主动争取教师和同学们帮助的习惯..从而有助于培养自主学习能力..同时;教师应注意课堂活动的师生互动方式班级;小组;同伴;个人的灵活运用..3、力求课堂提问科学合理提问的目的就是使学生参与到与其所学语言材料有关的活动中去;以激发学生的兴趣与参与意识..首先;要设计有不同梯度的问题;其次;要给学生留有思考的时间;最后教师应注意给予学生一个合理适当的问题反馈..总之;老师应该利用课堂提问这一重要环节使学生养成积极思考的自主学习习惯..4、及时进行课堂评价课堂评价的目的是为教师和学生提供学习方面的信息反馈;借以观察和促进学生学习的进步..评价的开展应以学生为中心;在学习过程进行课堂评估;评价的方式要注重激励学生;对于学生的错误要给予适当的指导和点拨;而不是一味地强调错误;这样更能体现个性化;了解每个学生在学习过程中的情况..有利于发现问题;从而更有利于培养兴趣;激发动机;促进自主学习..二、如何激发学生课外学习的积极性1、培养课前预习、课后复习的习惯课前预习有助于培养学生的自主学习能力..教师在指导学生进行预习时;首先要注意激发学生对所学内容的兴趣..因此需要教师根据学生实际和教材特点以及教学目的设计一些容易激发兴趣的问题..同时在讲授完新课后;教师应该组织学生及时且有规律的进行复习;巩固掌握所学知识;有利于学生在原有知识基础上;发现新的问题;从而培养学生的学习兴趣..2.重视课外阅读在学生中提倡大量阅读有易于培养自主学习能力..教师应在课文教学以外选择较简单;生词少的内容;有趣的短文;甚至小说;让学生进行课外阅读..同时积极引导学生利用各种网络信息资源;从而使自己的语言应用能力得到提高..外许多语言学家通过研究发现;大量的阅读;包括消遣性阅读;对提高第二语言能力极有裨益..3、培养学生养成使用工具书的习惯要培养学生自主学习英语的能力;就必须指导他们如何使用工具书;以及训练他们快速查阅字典..通过让学生养成勤查词典的好习惯;经过日积月累;不但学生的词汇量丰富起来;而且阅读能力也会大大提高;为学生自学英语打下坚实的基础..4、鼓励学生积极参加英语活动语言的学习最终目的是为了应用..引导学生在课外开展一些英语学习活动;如:英语角;英语演讲比赛;甚至开展英语夏令营活动等;有利于培养他们的兴趣使学生在运用语言中体会到一种成功的感觉;更加能激发他们的学习动机;增强他们的学习自主性..三研究管理1、研究成员都是专职的英语教师;根据课题研究方案和学期研究计划;每个成员每学期;都要花费大量的时间进行课题研究;从时间上保证研究研究的顺利进行..2、学校每学期;都要拿出一定的经费;保证研究研究所需的资料费和研究教师外出学习培训的费用..3、学校保证研究教师的培训工作..4、学校鼓励研究教师参与各级优质课、说课竞赛;并给予奖励..学期成绩突出的研究教师给予表彰和奖励;并极力向上级有关部门推荐..研究方案中;还拟定对结题的研究教师予以重奖..四研究分工及职责1课题主持人负责研究方案、计划和总结的审查..建立研究档案资料;对研究的有关情况进行调整;向上级反映研究中遇到的问题和困难;争取上级部门协助解决..2各研究教师要严格按照研究步骤搞好教学研究;对自己开展研究研究中的一切研究过程作好记载;克服随意性;对研究过程中的资料要及时收集、整理;并写出阶段性总结;主动积极地参与、配合上级部门的检查、考核、验收等工作..七、研究的主要成果和结论一学生的综合素质得到显着提高1、学生的学习习惯得到了改变我们以新课标实施为依托;以课程改革为契机;以转变学生的学习方式为立足点;以激发学生的学习兴趣为策略;以指导学法为举措;面向全体学生;分层次指导;学生由机械接受学习;转变成主动积极的自主学习、合作学习和探究学习;涉及到倾听、观察、记录、思考、分析、归纳、总结、表达、交流、合作、实践和多媒体辅助学习等各个方面;方式灵活;使学生更广泛地获取信息途径..学生能从自己的视角和能力出发;用自己喜爱的学习方式进行学习;体现学习的个性化..学生大多数养成了预复习习惯;课堂上注意力集中的时间延长;积极参与教学活动的人数增多;学英语的兴趣比以前有所增加..下面是实验班与比较班从预习、活动参与、对英语学习的态度、以及实验前后心理上的变化等方面进行的比较结果分析:我们对实验班与比较班所作的口头随机抽样调查表明;实验班学生在学习态度、学习兴趣、学习成绩方面都比比较班有较大提高..课前预习及课后复习的参与英语课外活动的参与你认为学英语容易吗下面再看实验班实验前后的心理调查..心理调查情况说明;加强学生的学法指导;学生的学习兴趣、学习态度明显提高;学生在兴趣驱动下的学习是积极、主动、有效的..激发学习兴趣有利于学生转变学习方式..2、学生的英语成绩得到了明显的提升我们的课题研究;以提高学生的学业成绩和发展学生的科学素养为宗旨;面向全体学生;注重学法指导;强化自学能力的培养;使学生形成良好的科学的学习习惯;促进学生的全面发展..实践证明;我们课题研究的方向是正确的;学生的学业成绩显着提高..附学习成绩单元抽测比较结果部分12010.12抽测22011.6抽测可以看出;两次的成绩有了明显的差距..3、学生的自学能力有了很大的提高..通过实验;实验班的学生除了有了良好的学习习惯;自学能力也有了很大的提高他们会在自学中发现、探索和解决问题;能以点带面;进行知识的类比迁移..学生能够先透彻理解某个知识点;然后通过对照、联想;进行知识的类比迁移;带动其它相类似知识的学习;同时还能以某个知识点联系生产、生活实际展开探究;拓宽知识面;形成了及时总结、归纳、联系、整理的自学习惯和能力;实现知识的更新和完善;学习成绩明显提高..学生在学习完每一单元后都能及时进行总结归纳;达到结构化、系统化、规律化而有效提高学生的综合能力..从而也为学生的终身学习和发展打好基础..二教师的综合素质也得到了很大提高1、教师的育人观念发生了改变广大教师积极参与实验研究;在学习中实验、在实验中研讨、总结、交流和反思;突出“以人的发展为本”的教育思想;重视创新精神和创造能力的培养;关注学生未来发展的需要..教学过程注意多种要素的相互作用;既是知识传授和技能训练的过程;又是过程与方法、情感态度与价值观培养的过程;教学的目标在促进学生全面发展;提高学生全面素质的同时;注重学生创新精神和创造能力的培养;发展丰富的想象力和创造力;在坚持面向全体学生的同时;发挥学生个性特长..努力使每一个学生的智力因素和非智力因素都得到协调发展..构建和谐的师生关系;创设轻松的学习环境;帮助学生树立信心;指导科学的学习方法;加强自学能力地培养;形成良好的行为习惯;为其终身发展打好基础..2、教师的教科研意识和积极性空前提高通过一年的实践;广大教师在课题实验的探索、实践中见证成功;感悟专业成长;增强科研意识和信心..教师充电学习已成为需要;研讨交流已成为习惯;教育、教学、科研已成熔为一体..课题组成员更加重视学生学习习惯的培养..在课堂上;教师积极转变旧的教学观念;重视学生可持续发展的潜力;营造轻松、和谐的课堂气氛;给学生更多自主活动、讨论、发表见解的机会..仅一年时间;实验教师就发表了有关课题的论文3篇;获奖4篇..并且教师的教科研水平也得到了很大的提高..二结论通过实验研究;我们取得了明显的教学成果;即学生学习习惯得到了改变;学生的学习成绩得到了提升;学生的自学能力已基本形成;为学生的终身发展奠定了良好的基础..教师的育人观念得到了转变;教育科研意识得到了增强;教科研能力得到了提高;教科研的积极性空前高涨..学生的自学能力已经转变为学生学习的内在需要..通过研究可以得出这样的结论:强化自学能力培养;形成自主学习良好习惯;可以有效解决学生机械接受学习和学习过程不得要领的问题;是一种适合全面实施素质教育;提高学生学习效率和教师教育教学水平、科研能力的好办法;它可以激发学生的自学兴趣和调动学生主动、积极参与;;它可培养学生良好的心理品质;减轻了学生学习没有计划性、没有学习方法的精神压力和负担..它还可出现教师乐教、学生乐学的和谐局面..八、今后的努力方向1.在实际教学中;教师还没有能够真正做到把学生当作学习的主体;学生被当作语言知识的被动接受者而不是积极的创造性语言的使用者..要做到以学生为主体;教师要以饱满的热情组织教学;以真情实感感染学生;把微笑、鼓励带进课堂;要建立和谐的课堂氛围;让每一位学生都无拘无束地参与活动;消除紧张感和压力..2、要让学生学习更有计划性..要让学生自己知道要看什么;做什么;学什么;做到心中有数..3、让学生清楚地掌握学习环节..学习过程重视“预习——上课——复习——作业——小结”等五个环节..4、解决学生学习意识不自觉、不主动..普遍存在老师讲、学生听;老师讲什么;学生听什么;老师讲多少;学生听多少;老师启发什么、学生思考什么;老师启发到哪儿、学生跟着想到哪儿..5、解决学生不善于多渠道获取知识信息..多数中学生对图书馆、多媒体等获取知识信息的能力低;查找信息不熟练;或者查找很吃力;很少去图书馆借书学习..6、解决学生独立意识差、依赖性很大的问题..7、除培养学生养成良好的学习习惯外;还要重视培养学生自觉克服困难的坚强意志..8、解决部分教师反映课题研究的负担过重、时间不够的问题..让广大教师认识到教育科研的重要性和必要性..作为置身于教学第一线的教师;应把课题实验与常规课堂教学有机结合起来;以课题为载体;以研促教;而不应抛开教学实际;为研究而研究..参考文献:自主学习:学与教的原理与策略华东师范大学出版社 2003年庞维国提高教育教学质量的策略与方法中小学教师自修教程主编:关鸿羽白铭欣全日制义务教育英语课程标准实验稿解读北京师范大学出版社2003.1.1走进新课程与课程实施者对话北京师范大学出版社朱慕菊网上文章培养学生自主学习能力初探徐安娜。
自主学习的英语作文英文回答:Self-directed learning is a powerful and effective approach to acquiring knowledge and skills. It involves taking charge of one's own learning process, setting goals, identifying resources, and actively engaging with the material. Self-directed learners are motivated by intrinsic curiosity and a desire for continuous improvement.One of the key benefits of self-directed learning is that it empowers individuals to personalize their learning experience. By choosing what to learn, when to learn it, and how to learn it, self-directed learners can cater to their specific interests and needs. This flexibility allows them to explore topics in depth, develop their strengths, and address areas where they need improvement.Self-directed learning also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By taking ownership of theirlearning process, individuals are more likely to engage actively with the material, analyze information, and make connections between different concepts. This deep engagement helps them develop their ability to apply knowledge in new situations and make informed decisions.Moreover, self-directed learning promotes lifelong learning. By developing the skills and habits of self-directed learning, individuals can continue to acquire knowledge and skills throughout their lives. This is particularly valuable in a rapidly changing world where continuous learning is essential for success.中文回答:自学是一种强大而有效的方法来习得知识和技能。
据统计 ,3 6 的人认为能够主动完成学 习,8 8 的人认 6 的人认为 不得不完成 1 .
问卷调查 , 通过对相关数 据的统计 分析 , 了解 了学生英语 自主 学
习状况 , 而揭示 出高职 学生英语 自主 学习存在的 问题 并提 出 从
解决对策。 关键词 : 语 ; 英 自主 学 习 ; 查 问卷 调
( ) 一 自主 学 习意 识 方 面
本次调查问卷是为了了解长沙航空职业技术学 院学生英语
自主学 习现状 , 通过对高 职学生 自主学 习 目标 、 习内容 、 习 学 学
方法 、 习过程 中的 自我监控 和调 整 以及学 习结果 的 自我总结 学
和评价等相关数据 的统计调 查 , 映出高职英语 教学 和学生 自 反 主学习现状 , 并获取 了大量 的教学信息 , 更好地 了解学生的学 习 状况。通过对反馈的学习信息 以及学生学 习中存在的问题的研
调查内容 选项人数百分比( %)
中图 分 类号 : 4 文 献标 识码 : G7 A
文章编号 : N4 —1 2/ (0 0 0 - 19 2 C 3 0 7 F 2 1) 3 2 —0
作 者 : 沙航 空职 业技 术 学 院 ; 南 , 沙 ,10 4 长 湖 长 4 0 1
生源 。
的督促。因此 , 学生英语学 习的 自信心还需加强培养。
( ) 习 方 式 、 法 方 面 二 学 方
调查 内容 选项人数百分比( %)
1 培养自知,树立自信自知包括对自己的学习愿望、目的、观念、风格等的认识。
此外,强烈而积极的动机是对外语产生兴趣、进而要努力学会这门语言的重要条件,动机能在困难的时候使学习者产生坚韧不拔的信念,而坚持常常能克服能力和环境所带来的局限, 所以, 动机培养也很重要。
要让他们相信自身的努力对学英语至关重要,而自己有决心付出努力;不论自己的英语基础是好是坏, 都有能力管理好自己的学习。
英语作文 自主学习
英语作文自主学习Self-study is an important part of learning. It is away for students to take responsibility for their own education and to develop the skills and habits they need to succeed in school and in life. Self-study can take many forms, from reading and research to practice and reflection. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of self-study and some strategies for making the most of it.One of the key benefits of self-study is that it allows students to take control of their own learning. Instead of relying on teachers to provide all of the information and instruction they need, students can seek out resources and opportunities to learn on their own. This can be empowering and can help students develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. It can also help them develop importantskills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management.Self-study can also be a way for students to pursuetheir own interests and passions. In school, students are often required to study subjects that they may not be particularly interested in. Self-study gives them the opportunity to explore topics that they are curious about and to learn at their own pace. This can make learning more enjoyable and can help students develop a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their lives.There are many different ways that students can engage in self-study. Reading is one of the most common and effective methods. By reading books, articles, and other materials, students can learn about a wide range of topics and perspectives. They can also use the internet to find resources and information on just about any subject. Another important aspect of self-study is practice. Whether it's practicing a musical instrument, working on math problems, or writing essays, practice is essential for mastering new skills and concepts. Finally, reflection is an important part of self-study. By taking the time tothink about what they have learned and how they have learned it, students can gain a deeper understanding of the material and can identify areas for further study andimprovement.In conclusion, self-study is an important and valuable part of learning. It can help students develop important skills and habits, pursue their own interests, and take control of their own education. By reading, practicing, and reflecting, students can make the most of their self-study time and can become more effective and independent learners.。
自主学习能力的英语作文The Importance of Autonomous Learning.In the rapidly evolving world of today, the ability to learn independently has become crucial for success. Autonomous learning, often referred to as self-directed or self-regulated learning, involves the individual's capacity to identify learning needs, set goals, select appropriate strategies, and evaluate their own progress. This essay explores the significance of autonomous learning, its benefits, and how it can be cultivated.Firstly, autonomous learning is essential for keeping up with the pace of technological advancements. The traditional model of education, where teachers impart knowledge and students absorb it, is no longer sufficient. With the advent of the internet and other digital tools, information is available at our fingertips. It is imperative that individuals learn to filter, synthesize, and apply this information effectively. Autonomous learningenables us to do so, as it encourages us to be proactive in seeking knowledge and skills.Moreover, autonomous learning fosters creativity and innovation. When students are given the freedom to explore topics that interest them, they are more likely to generate new ideas and solutions. This creative thinking is crucial for addressing the complex problems we face today. Autonomous learning also prepares individuals for lifelong learning, as it instills the habit of continuous improvement and adaptation.Additionally, autonomous learning enhances motivation and engagement. When students set their own learning goals and choose their own strategies, they are more invested in the learning process. This engagement leads to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. Furthermore, the sense of accomplishment achieved through autonomous learningboosts self-confidence and motivation, further fueling the learning process.To cultivate autonomous learning, several strategiescan be employed. Firstly, teachers can adopt a student-centered approach, where they guide and facilitate learning instead of being the sole disseminators of knowledge. This approach encourages students to take ownership of their learning and make decisions about what to learn, how to learn, and when to learn.Secondly, providing opportunities for students to work on real-world problems can foster autonomous learning. When students are faced with challenges that require them to apply their knowledge and skills, they are more likely to engage in deep learning. Problem-solving and project-based learning are excellent examples of such opportunities.Moreover, fostering a positive learning environment is crucial for autonomous learning. This environment should be one that is safe, supportive, and encourages risk-taking and experimentation. When students feel valued and respected, they are more likely to take ownership of their learning and embrace challenges.In conclusion, autonomous learning is an essentialskill for success in today's world. It enables individuals to keep up with technological advancements, fosters creativity and innovation, and enhances motivation and engagement. To cultivate this skill, teachers and educators should adopt student-centered approaches, provide real-world problem-solving opportunities, and foster a positive learning environment. By doing so, we can equip students with the tools and skills they need to succeed in the future.。
大学生自主学习的英语作文I love learning English on my own because it gives me the freedom to explore topics that interest me. I can choose to focus on improving my speaking skills one day, and then switch to working on my writing the next. This flexibility allows me to tailor my learning experience to suit my own needs and goals.When I study English independently, I often use a variety of resources to keep things interesting. I might watch English-language movies or TV shows, read books and articles, listen to podcasts, or even use language learning apps. This diversity in learning materials helps me stay motivated and engaged with the language.One of the biggest benefits of self-studying English is the ability to set my own pace. I don't have to worry about keeping up with a class or feeling held back by others. If I want to spend extra time on a challenging topic, I can do so without feeling rushed. On the other hand, if I findsomething easy, I can move on quickly.Self-studying English has also improved my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When I encounter a difficult grammar rule or vocabulary word, I have to figure out how to understand and remember it on my own. This process has taught me to be resourceful and independent in my learning.I believe that self-studying English has made me a more confident and competent learner overall. It has shown me that I have the ability to take control of my own education and achieve my language learning goals through hard work and determination.。
自主学习 英语作文
自主学习英语作文Self-study English Essay。
In today's world, learning English has become increasingly important. It is not only a tool for communication, but also a key to accessing a wealth of knowledge and information. As a result, self-study has become a popular way for people to improve their English skills.There are several reasons why self-study is aneffective method for learning English. Firstly, self-study allows individuals to learn at their own pace. This means that they can take as much time as they need to understanda concept or practice a skill, without feeling rushed or pressured. Additionally, self-study gives people the flexibility to choose their own materials and resources, which can be tailored to their specific needs and interests. For example, someone who is interested in business English can focus on learning vocabulary and phrases related totheir field, while someone who enjoys literature can explore English novels and poetry.Furthermore, self-study encourages independence andself-discipline. By taking responsibility for their own learning, individuals develop important skills such as time management, organization, and perseverance. These skills are not only valuable for learning English, but also for personal and professional development. In fact, many employers value candidates who are self-motivated and able to work independently.There are many resources available for self-study English learners. One of the most popular options is online courses and tutorials. Websites such as Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive lessons, exercises, and quizzes that cater to different levels of proficiency. These platforms also provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing, which are essential for developing overall language skills.Another valuable resource for self-study Englishlearners is literature. Reading English books, newspapers, and magazines can expose individuals to a wide range of vocabulary, grammar structures, and writing styles. Additionally, watching English movies, TV shows, and documentaries can improve listening comprehension and conversational skills. Many learners also find it helpful to keep a journal or blog in English, as it provides an opportunity to practice writing and receive feedback from others.In addition to online resources and literature, self-study English learners can benefit from language exchange programs and conversation partners. These opportunities allow individuals to practice speaking and listening with native or fluent English speakers, which can greatly improve their fluency and confidence. Language exchange programs can be found in local communities, language schools, and online platforms, and they often involve cultural exchange activities as well.In conclusion, self-study is a valuable and effective method for learning English. It offers flexibility,independence, and a wide range of resources and opportunities for practice. Whether someone is learning English for personal, academic, or professional reasons, self-study can help them achieve their language goals and become confident and proficient English speakers.。
有些孩子可能更喜欢通过唱歌来记忆英语,他们和开心果老师一起轻快地唱着《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,在音乐中感受到语言的节奏和韵律。
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The report of English self-studyMaly 1211021126Because of this semester I attended Lighten-English training class and our teacher recommended the big ears English website to us, so I did not hesitate to choose it first began my independent study course in English.The station provide us massive information in English, English information-rich, informative, comprehensive coverage of English learning: including English exam; English News; English skills to improve training; Easy English resources; life English information; professional English information and so on. The site also aimed at different problem, social hot topic and phenomenon, established four thematic categories: Advanced class learning topics; exam review class topics; popular current affairs topics; holiday greetings class topics.Speaking for participating in the training, so my main concern is the large ears of spoken English training modules. Here are some of my learning experiences.The Oral Training Category included “Tribute to Mother” Speaking competitions original zone, Oral exam in the first five questions frequently asked oral exam examiner, Beautiful sound practice speaking training, VOA | BBC | CNN Radio spoken, English pronunciation, Children’s Songs | Speaking Children Story, Male singer | singer |Television film remake, Four six | IELTS | TOEFL Speaking test.These listening training articles mostly diction and beautiful, full of philosophical and there are many authentic expression of our writing helps a lot. Here's an article in which "We need friends" is explained as an example,One of the paragraphs is this“everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single-handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In modern society, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.” we can learn some new infinite meaning and how to use a limited vocabulary to express meaning unlimited from there such “single-handed (lone), a man of charisma (someone be popular with in public), his power lies in his ability to give (his great strength resided his capability to give). In this article we can also find some other particularly useful words and phrases, like: a nodding acquaintance(点头之交),intimate(close),True friends share not only our joys but also our sorrows (True friends with us through thick and thin ),in high positions (High status),in the rank and file(Low status),a comforting word.Next,I entered the Excellent English Website, the website providing a variety of free English learning tutorial download, all have the MP3 format, with PDF, LRC format text.Including: basic, practical, recreation, schools, examinations, professional, radio and other English learning content. Learn about the advantages of a large network of Englishlearning resources, my favorite part is the English speech .And in this section, the speech related to a large number of economic, political and cultural, and each length is not very long, so anytime we can listen to English, for me that patience is not a good man is a good choice, so I downloaded a lot of audio. And there is also a lot of inspirational speeches, listen also very well. They can not only learn English speaking skills and also often give their own cheer, why not?It is one thing unlike the big ear English that it is not synchronized online audition hearing the text, so you have to concentrate to hear.CNN is the world order dominated television news broadcast. CNN International is the world's most advanced news organizations, bringing seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day of live news coverage worldwide. It comprehensive and extensive information covering all over the world such as TV and Video news, US news, Election and political news,Justice,Entertainment,Tech,Health,Living ,Travel,Opinion,Money,S port-sand so on.My main concern of CNN is the economic part. Business information is an indispensable part of the global news, CNN international news network to "Asia Business News" (Business Asia), "Global Business Today" (World Business Today) and "Money Line" (Money line) and other programs continued to reports, he special programs for your life with things and fashion news "popular landing" (Style with Elsa Clench) Disclosure of fashion design industryprofessional advice. "Riley King Live" (Larry King Live) gathered world leaders, newsmakers and celebrities around in your home, chatting with you. "World of Sports" (World Sports) Sports News reported, tight towels every day to make your dynamic and international sports events. "Hollywood Kaleidoscope" (Showbiz Today), "Computer World" (Travel Guide) and other programs are dedicated to provide you with the latest trends in these areas and messages.Here, we are concerned about the current affairs side edges can learn the language, you can also learn the latest information on the world, learn from experts and entertainment combine and you can also appreciate works to improve English writing skills and enhance their perception of life, why not do it?Encydopedia Britannica encompasses all major disciplines of human knowledge, detailed descriptions, and important historical and contemporary figures, the detailed description of the event, its academic and authority as recognized by the world. The explain the concept was comprehensive , thoughtful and science, for example, some plants will explain from its morphological characteristics, habitat, distribution, species classification, taxonomy, and the medicinal value of plants and cultural aspects of a comprehensive introduction.Because people cultural backgrounds, ways of thinking, customs, history, tradition, and so different, is bound to cause a differentunderstanding of the concept, and even the formation of mutually exclusive arguments, this time, it became one of the most encyclopedic knowledge of the world good wizard.Visit is Australia’s best hotel and travel resource.It also a tour of Australia's best travel Raiders.Each study site has their own unique advantages and strengths; different sites different forums have different corresponding accommodate the crowd. As learners, we should choose their own websites or content to learn, so that we will persevere, will be interested to learn. In short, the online world is colorful scene and mix, and I believe there is always a right for you.Lastly, I must thank the teacher gave us valuable advice and learning resources to learn, I will take full advantage of these sites to improve my English proficiency.。