《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises) 《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms)
主 《第五纵队·西班牙大地》(The fifth columns, Spain the
《曙光示真》(True at First Light) 《不固定的圣节》(A Moveable Feast) 《过河入林》(Across the River and into the Trees)
1952年海明威的中篇小说《老人与海》 出版,塑造了以桑提亚哥为代表的“可以把 他消灭,但就是打不败他”的“硬汉形象”。 仅仅48小时就销量惊人,当年获得了普利策 文学奖。1954年,海明威因为“精通于叙事 艺术,突出地表现在他的《老人与海》之中; 同时也因为他在当代风格中所发挥的影响” 而获得诺贝尔文学奖。
飞快地逼近船尾,张 开大嘴,猛力朝那鱼 的尾巴咬去。
拿起绑着刀子的船桨 向鲨鱼头刺;设法使 鲨鱼露出来,一次, 两次,终于用刀扎死 了鲨鱼。
一条死的时候还吞着 它咬下的鱼肉; 另一条在船底下蹂躏 着死鱼。
不顾一切地用棍棒劈; 鲨鱼还是从棍棒、舵把 拽下舵把,两手抱住, 下撕咬下一块块死鱼肉 一次又一次劈下去。 。
The Old Man and the Sea
惦岬 倚在船头 汗水渍
这部小说是根据真人真事写的。海明威移居 古巴后,认识了老渔民格雷戈里奥·富恩特斯。
1930年,海明威乘的船在暴风雨中遇难,富恩 特斯搭救了海明威。从此,海明威与富恩特斯结 下了深厚的友谊,并经常一起出海捕鱼。
主 要 情 节
老人桑提亚哥已经连续很多天没有捕到一条鱼 了。小男孩马诺林和他在同一条船上,一起分担 这不佳的运气,但在过了四十天倒霉日子之后, 孩子的爸爸让孩子到另一条船上干活去了。
从那个时候起,桑提亚哥一个人出海捕鱼。每天 早晨他划着小船到大鱼出没的墨西哥湾流去,每 天晚上他总是两手空空地回来。这种情况一直延 续到第八十四天。 《老人与海》ppt课件
“鱼啊,要是你没累乏那你可真奇怪透顶 啦。”
“我一定要弄死它,尽管它是那样的, 那样的了不起。”
“我要让它知道什么是一个人能够办得到 的,什么是一个人忍受得住的。虽然”大马林鱼强大,但他毫
思考:什么是一个人能够办得到的? 不畏惧,决心要制服对手。
什么是一个人忍受得住的? 坚持克服疲乏、体力不支、风吹日晒
②避免使用过多的描写手法或形容词,特别是华丽的辞藻 。句子简短,语汇准确生动
③鲜明生动的动作描写和简洁的对话。 ④着力追求一种含蓄、凝练的意境。
【51】这下子他们算是把我打垮了,他想,我太老了,没法 用棍子打死鲨鱼了。 【53】“老家伙,你累了,”他说“你从骨子里累了。” 【63】我不能指望干掉他们了
·老人心理也有动摇的时候,这与打不败的精神是否矛 盾?请结合文本具体分析。
① 人物形象更丰满、更真实。
② 打不败的精神不仅体现在老人与鲨鱼的搏斗中,更体现在 老人与那个内心动摇、怀疑、试图认输妥协的自我搏斗中。
《老人与海》中有大量的心理 描写,包括无声的各种想法和有 声的自言自语,称作“独白式心 理描写”。用以表现人的精神状 态 和 情 感 世 界 , 找出小说中桑迪 亚哥的内心独白并分析其 心 理 变 化或形象特点。
【5】老头儿现在头脑清醒好使,下定决心搏击一番……他想 。我没法阻止它攻击我,但我也许能制服它。尖齿鲨,他想 ,见鬼去吧。
③表现主题。 “一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败”(12)人生的使命是奋 斗,是与命运做不懈的抗争。人生下来虽然面临种种自然与社 会的挑战,也许这些挑战强大到足以把人的肉体消灭,但一个 人只要保持旺盛的斗志和在任何艰难险阻面前不屈服的精神, 人就永远是胜利者。
海明威长年从事新闻记者工作,其文风以简洁明快著称,俗称 “电报式”。试参考“电报式”语言的特点在文中找出例子佐证 。
【72】“现在一片漆黑,不见光亮,也没有灯火,只有 风在吹……”
①写出了圣地亚哥所处环境的黑暗 孤寂、苍凉危险,远离人烟,深不 可测。②表现圣地亚哥无助的悲凉, 反衬他的勇敢和坚强。【笔记】
About writing, Hemingway has a well-known metaphor: the tip are usually seven-eighths submerged
under the water.
• Writers must reproduce the exposed
surface of the water that one-eighth. The rest should be left to the reader to undersБайду номын сангаасand and imagine
• “The Old Man and the Sea” is a
product of this theory into practice. It is brief, without a superfluous word , just like the tip of the iceberg, simple-clear, fresh and biting.
• This is a book about the old fisherman who lives alone in sea
fishing. After the 84 days with nothing he caught a huge marlin . It had never been seen and heard of for the old man. The fish was at least longer than his boat two feet . The fish is very large, dragging the boat drifted for two days and nights, the elderly was in a never suffered through a difficult test in these two days and two nights. Finally the fish was stabbed and tied to the bow. However, it is unfortunate that a shark suddenly turned up in returning, the elderly and the Shark had a desperate struggle, finally, the giant marlin was eaten up by shark. After some bitter, the old people dragged home only a bare and a skeleton of the injury, but he still be appreciated
海明威曾在《午后之死》中提出:“如 果一位散文作家对于他想写的东西心中有数, 那么他可以省略他所知道的东西,读者呢,只 要作者写的真实,会强烈地感觉到他所省略 的地方,好像作者已经写了出来。冰山在海 里移动很庄严宏伟,这是因为它只有八分之 一露出水面上。”这就是海明威著名的“冰 山理论”。
渔船从科希马尔一直拖到了几十公里外 Nhomakorabea瓜纳沃,鱼身也被尾随的鲨鱼吃去
1.圣地亚哥是世界文学经典中一个光芒 四射的人物,文章是如何塑造这一形象的? 请简要分析。
心理描写 语言描写
(1)他把鱼叉准备好用绳子系住,眼眨也不眨的望着 鲨鱼向前游来。
动作、神态描写———目标明确 沉着冷静
(2)他想:这也许是一场梦。我不能够阻止它来害我, 但是也许我可以捉住他。
(6) 老头儿先让它去咬那条死鱼,然后才把绑 在桨上的刀扎进它的脑子。
老头儿松开帆脚绳,让船向一边摆动,使鲨 鱼从船底下出来。
动作描写 ————机智
(7)“呀!”老头儿说“加拉诺鲨,来吧,加拉 诺鲨。” 语言描写————勇敢坦然 无所畏惧 (8)“跟他们斗,”他说“我要跟它们斗到死。” 语言、心理描写————坚持不懈
米兰昆德拉《小说的艺术》:“小说不研究现实, 而是研究存在。存在是人的可能的场所。是一切可以成 为的,一切人所能的。”
• 厄运与人的和解
人格的伟大和坚强的程度,只有借助矛盾对 立的伟大和刚强的程度才能衡量出来。
面对无可奈何的厄运,为了生存和信念,表现出 悲壮的硬汉精神和崇高的生命尊严。即悲壮的崇 高美。
有一天你的朋友找你谈心,说他非常苦 恼,自己已经很努力了,但成绩却并没有 什么提升,甚至感觉自己一无所获,请你 结合这篇文章的要义,写一段文字开解他。
杀死, 刀子钝, 鱼被吃掉 四分之一
杀死, 刀子被折 断
鲨鱼受重 伤, 鱼剩一半
棍子丢, 舵柄折, 鱼剩下残 骸
老人 手受伤
手痛 淌血
浑身僵硬 喘不过气
年老体衰 右手受伤
头昏眼花 的 对 抗
“那是什么?”她指着那条长长的脊骨,向一名 侍者询问,它如今变成了垃圾,只等涨潮的时候海水 来带走它了。
“Tiburon(鲨鱼),”侍者又说,“Eshark (鲨鱼)。”他本想把事情详细解释。
“我都不知道鲨鱼尾巴这么漂亮,形态这样美 丽。”
与此同时,在大路另一边,老人又在他的窝棚 里睡着了。他仍然脸朝下趴着,孩子在他身旁坐着, 守护着他。狮子正进到了老人的梦里。
• 讨论: • 桑地亚哥是成功了还是失败了?为什么? • 厄运与人的对抗:残存——尊贵
• Later that day his luck turns and he hooks(钩,钓) the giant marlin(枪鱼,青枪鱼). The battle(战斗) begins, not just with the fish, but with himself as well; the battle for his life, his regained (恢复,重新获得) youth and the return of his peer's(凝视,同等) respect. For two days and two nights his adversary(对手,敌手) pulls him further out to sea. Memories of his youth fill his vision, memories of battles fought and of scars healed. (治愈,痊愈)For hours at a time the physical game, he convinces himself, is only winnable if he can triumph(胜利,凯旋) mentally. • Unable to loosen or even adjust his grip,(握紧,柄 )for fear that his foe(敌人,反对者) would sense his failing strength, Santiago is forced into a motionless prison, escape from which, is in the hands of his greatest adversary ever.
The Old Man and the Sea, is a story of friendship between a young boy and an fisherman tormented(折 磨,纠缠) by hunger and weeks' bad luck. Santiago, a once strong, proud man is coming to terms with his failing abilities and age.
(恢复,重新获得) youth and the return of his peer's(凝视,同等) respect. For two days and two nights his adversary(对手,敌手)
resolve(决定 ,决心) to sail far out to sea in search of a catch that will redeem (恢复,挽回)his self-confidence. Early the next morning, he descends(下降) to his fishing skiff小船,舟), and rows (划船)out, into the
is forced into a motionless prison, escape from which, is in the hands of his greatest adversary ever.
The theme of the book is courage .
• It won the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The author wants to told readers ,you will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, and will even better pursue even
pulls him further out to sea. Memories of his youth fill his vision,
攻 击 者 数 量 作 战 工 具 结 局
成群 结队 短棍 舵把
老人被打 败了,大 鱼只剩下 残骸。
绑着刀 子的桨
绑着刀 子的桨
杀死鲭鲨, 杀死两条 大鱼被吃 星鲨,大 掉四十磅 鱼被吃掉 四分之一Байду номын сангаас
杀死犁头 两条星鲨受 鲨,刀子 重伤,大鱼 的半个身子 被折断 都被咬烂了
老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea
古巴老渔民桑地亚哥已经八十四 天没有捕到鱼了。这一天碰上了好 运气,他捕到了一条特大的马林鱼, 他把六盘绳子拧在一起拖鱼都险些 把绳子绷断。正当老人高兴地返航 时却遇到了鲨鱼的来袭· · · · · ·
第一次 第二次 第三次 第四次 第五次
老人桑地亚哥坚强、刚毅、勇敢、 无畏地面对痛苦和死亡,我们还可 以通过老人的内心独白发现老人在 困难面前,不胆怯、勇于挑战、自 信、自强、决不屈服的硬汉子形象, 在和鲨鱼的搏斗中,表现出了无与 伦比的力量和勇气,不失人的尊严, 是精神上的胜利者。
这个的形象意义:这部小说是根据一位古巴渔 夫的真实经历创作的,以摄象机般的写实手法记录 了圣地亚哥老人捕鱼的全过程,塑造了一个在重压 下仍然保持幽雅风度,在精神上永远不可战胜的老 人形象.用马林鱼象征人生的理想,用鲨鱼象征无法 摆脱的悲剧命运,用大海象征变化无常的人类社会, 而桑提亚哥则是人类中的勇于与强大势力搏斗的" 硬汉子"代表,他那捕鱼的不幸遭遇象征人类总是与 厄运不断抗争.
他始终抱着一个信念:捕到鱼, 并顺利返回,他充满自信,虽没有 达到目的,却战胜了自己。
emotionally. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat.
For years, Santiago, living in a small fishing village in Cuba, has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second faer fisherman lack. Finally, a huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people . His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish.Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case,
老人与海_英文英语课件He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old m an was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。
英语经典作品——《⽼⼈与海》ppt读爱阅Theoldmanandsea⽼⼈与海作者简介Theauthorsintroduce⽬录CONTENTS内容简介Contentbriefintroduction好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence作者简介The authorsintroduceErnestMillerHemingway,anAmericanwriterandjournalist,isconsideredtobeoneofthemostfamousnovelistsofthe20thcentury.HismasterpiecesaretheriseoftheSunasusual,Farewell,Arms,deathknellforwhom,thenovelOldManandtheSea,etc.,inwhichtheOldManandtheSeawonthePulitzerPrizein1953andtheNobelPrizeforLiteraturein1954.内容简介C ontentbriefintroductionThebookfocusesonSanDiego,theoldfisherman,fightingwithahugeMarlininthegulf.Aftertwodaysandtwonights,hekilledthebigfish,sharkscametosnatchthespoils,andthebigfishstillcouldn''tescapethefateofbeingeatenup.Finally,theoldmandraggedthebonesofthebigfishhomeexhausted.好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence1.Inasense,e verythingiskillingeachother.Fishingismyoldlife,butitalsosupportsme.在某种意义上,所有事物都在互相残杀。
---Ernest Hemingway
Main points
• Information about Ernest Hemingway • The introduction about the book • Summary
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
-- Ernest Hemingway
• A stronger who catches the belief to fight with fate will always stand with his own courage and perseverance, no matter how hard the life is.Although the fate is full of distress, he will never give in. He embodies the great spiritual strength of self-esteem and self-improvement.
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Fresh fish is very large, dragging the boat drifted for a whole three days and three nights, the elderly in these three days and three nights have never experienced a difficult stand the test of big fish finally stabbed to death, tied to the bow.
人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。它的道路漫长、艰难, 而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去 迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者!
Don't give up easily !
However, when the unfortunate return of the shark, the elderly and the shark had fought back against the end, the big marlin, or been eaten by sharks, and the elderly experienced some hardships, Finally dragged home, only a bare skeleton and a fish of the injury.
----- Hemingway
The old man and the sea is one of hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power.
Hale Waihona Puke This book talked about Cuba, an old fisherman named Santiago, a man alone at sea fishing, in nothing caught 84 days after the Marlins had an immeasurable. This is the old saw has never heard of, and the boat is longer than his two feet of a big fish.
"Vessel crossed the end of the world, into the unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while wind and rain erosion-stricken still incomparably beautiful flag, banner, brandishing a Yunlong general words glittering beyond the limit " This is the author of Hemingway's evaluation of his work" The Old Man and the Sea ".
Life itself is an endless pursuit. It's a long road, difficult and full of bumpy, but as long as their indomitable courage and self-confidence to a heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!