
见图 5。
图5 找出热点或冷点2)距离与光点尺寸随着与被测目标距离(D)的增大,仪器所测区域的光点尺寸(S)变大。
光点尺寸表示 90 % 圆能量。
当测温仪与目标之间的距离为 1000 mm(100 in),产生 20 mm(2 in)的光点尺寸时,即可取得最大 D:S。
见图 6。
图6 距离与光点尺寸3)视场要确保目标大于光点的大小。
(见图7)图7 视场4)发射率发射率表征的是材料能量辐射的特征。
如果可能,可用遮蔽胶带或无光黑漆(< 150 ℃/302℉)将待测表面盖住并使用高发射率设置,补偿测量光亮的金属表面可能导致的错误读数。

IR-IND Industrial Infrared & IRK-2 InfraredOperating InstructionsFor tips on using infrared thermometers visit the Learning Center at .FeaturesFunction Keys (Press Mode button to scroll)Lock Mode Operating InstructionsIntroductiontrigger, and the temperature reading of the surface being measured will be shown on the LCD display. Use the circle laser pattern to identify the target area being measured. On the side of the unit are slots to insert a type K thermocouple probe (sold separately) for contact measurements.Infrared measurements are affected by many factors including emissivity, distance, ambient temperature, material of target being measured and many other factors. For tips on using infrared thermometers visit the Learning Center at .-strument is factory tested and a certificate of conformance is included to ensure that it was tested against NIST-Traceable standards. Please review this operation guide prior to use. Current emissivity setting. (The default emissivity is 0.95.)Press ‘Mode’ button, then press ‘Up’ key or ‘Down’ key to set the emissivity . Press ‘Mode’key to save. The emissivity is settable from 0.10 (10E) to 1 (100E).Press ‘Mode’ button to view Maximum (MAX), Minimum (MIN), Different between MAXand MIN (DIF) and Average (AVG) modes . All functions are reset when measurements resume.Press ‘Up’ key or ‘Down’ key to change the High Alarm (HAL) or Lo Alarm (LAL), then press‘Meas.’ key to save. Alarm will sound and screen will flash when limits are exceeded. Alarmis for infrared measurements only.Connect a suitable type K thermocouple probe to the connection on the side of the unit.Within the PRB function the temperature of the probe will be displayed in the lower display.Press the “Lock” button to enable the continuous operation mode. In this mode the unit will measure without requiringthe press of the trigger. Press ‘Lock’ button again to disable continuous operation mode.Socket ‘Trigger’BacklightLaser Storage & CleaningSpecificationsTroubleshootingThe thermometer should be stored at room temperature. The sensor lens is the most delicate part of the thermometer. The lens should be kept clean at all times; care should be taken when cleaning the lens using only a soft cloth or cotton swab with water or medical alcohol, allowing the lens to fully dry before using the thermometer. Do not submerge any part of the thermometer.When the ‘Low Battery’ icon flashes, the battery should be replaced immediately with AAA, 1.5V batteries. Please note: Turn the instrument off before replacing the battery.Dispose of used battery promptly and keep away from children.Range IR-INDRange IRK-2Type K Thermocouple RangeOperating RangeAccuracy*(Tamb=25°C)Accuracy*(Tamb=23±3°C)Emissivity RangeResolutionResponse Time (90%)Distance:Spot IR-INDDistance:Spot IRK-2Battery LifeDimensionsWeight -76 to 1400°F (-60 to 760°C) -76 to 1022°F (-60 to 550°C)-83.2 to 2552°F (-64 to 1400°C) 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C) 59 to 95°F ±1.8°F (15 to 35°C ±1.0°C) -60 to 0: ±(2+0.05/deg C) deg C, 0 to 760: 2% of reading or 4°F (2°C), whichever is greater 0.95 default — adjustable 0.1 to 1 step .010.1° at -83.2 to 999.9°, otherwise 1°1 sec.30:1 (90% energy covered) 12:1 (90% energy covered)Typical 140 hours continuous use (Alkaline, without Laser and Backlight)4.7 x 1.87 x 6.76 inches (119.2 x 47.5 x 171.8 mm)9.02 oz. (255.7g) including batteries (AAA x 2)EMC/RFI: Readings may affected if the unit is operated within the radio frequency electromagnetic field strength of approximately 3 volts per meter, but the performance of the instrument will not be permanently affected.*IR accuracy can be affected by the emissivity setting, target spot size and rapid changes in ambient temperature.The thermometer incorporates visual diagnostic messages as follows:‘Hi’ or ‘Lo’ is displayed when the temperature being measured is outside of the settings ofHAL and LAL.‘Er2’ is displayed when the thermometer is exposed to rapid changes in the ambient (working/ room) temperature. ‘Er3’ is displayed when the ambient temperature exceeds 32°F (0°C)or 122°F (50°C). The thermometer should always be allowed plenty of time (minimum of 30minutes) to stabilize to the ambient temperature.Error 5-9 is displayed for all other error messages; it is necessary to reset the thermometer. To reset the thermometer, turn it off, remove the battery and wait for a minimum of oneminute, reinsert the battery and turn on. If the error message remains, please contact*****************************************************************.‘Hi’or‘Lo’isdisplayed when the temperature being measured is outside of the measurement range.‘Battery Low ’ Replace batteries. Measurements are not affectedReplace batteriesTo turn on the LCD backlight, press the “Lock” button while holding down the trigger. Press again to turn the backlight off.To turn on the circle laser, press the “C/F” button while holding down the trigger. Press again to turn the laser off.P-14-008-02-a。
testo 迷你红外测温仪 中文说明书

testo 810迷你红外测温仪中文操作手册产品描述①保护帽:安装位置②红外传感器③空气温度传感器④显示屏⑤控制按钮⑥电池盒(在仪器背面)基本设置关机 > 按键2秒 > 按选择键()> 按确认键()温度单位:°C, °F > 温差Δt: OFF(关),On(开)>发射率:ε> 自动关机:OFF(关),On(开)开机按住打开背光灯(按住10秒)在仪器打开的情况下,按住IR(红外)测量持续按键选择显示模式在仪器打开的情况下,用键来选择HOLD:读数被锁定了 > MAX:最大值 > MIN:最小值关闭仪器在仪器开着的情况下,按住2秒安全和环保提示¾请在使用本产品之前,仔细通读该操作手册,并熟悉本产品的操作。
规格和参数说明Testo 810是一款红外测量仪器,常用于测量表面温度,如散热器和发热器,同时测量周围的空气温度。
技术数据测量数据常规仪器数据·传感器:红外传感器NTC空气温度传感器·参数:°C, °F·量程:红外测温: -30~300°C, -20~575°F, 空气温度: -10~50°C, 14~122°F ·分辨率:0.1°C,0.1°F ·保护等级:IP 40·环境温度:-10~+50, +14℃~+122℉·存放/运输温度:-40~+70,℃-40~+158℉·电源:2节1.5V AAA电池·电池寿命:50小时(背光灯关闭)·尺寸:119×46×25 mm·重量:90g(包括电池和保护帽)·精度:红外测温:±2 °C(-30~+100°C)±3.6 °F(-22~212°F)±2 %测量值(其余量程)空气温度:±0.15°C;±0.9°F 标准和规范·EC标准:89/336/EEC·测量速率0.5 秒·光学分辨率6:1 保修保修期: 1 年保修条款:见保修卡产品描述概述①保护套:安装位置②红外传感器③空气温度传感器④显示屏⑤控制按钮⑥电池盒(在仪器背面)初始步骤¾安装电池1. 向下推动电池盒盖,打开电池盒2. 放入电池(2节1.5V AAA电池)。

本体 说明书(含EMC技术信息、保修卡) 合格证 试用电池(AAA 碱性电池(LR03) × 2)说明书含保修卡家庭用TANITA 非接触式红外体温计本仪器测量从物体表面辐射的红外线量,将其转换为温度,并以数字方式显示(温度测量模式)。
用正确的 更换电池。
仅使用指定的电池(AAA 碱性电池)。
请勿在会产生静电或电磁波的地方(IH 电磁炉,微波炉,通讯设备等附近)使用。

二、产品外观和组成1. 外观描述红外线测温仪外观美观,手持式设计,便于携带和操作。
2. 组成部分红外线测温仪由以下部分组成:- 显示屏:用于显示测量结果和相关信息;- 红外线接收头:用于接收被测物体发出的红外线信号;- 按钮:用于设置测量参数,如温度单位切换、背光灯开启等;- 电池仓:用于放置电池。
三、使用步骤1. 安装电池打开红外线测温仪背部的电池仓盖,按照电池极性正确安装电池,然后将电池仓盖盖好。
2. 打开测温仪按下电源开关,红外线测温仪将开始初始化,并打开显示屏。
3. 设置测量参数使用测量按钮切换测量参数,根据需要选择温度单位(摄氏度或华氏度)和背光灯开关。
4. 对准测量目标将红外线测温仪对准测量目标,确保测量目标在测温仪的测量范围内。
5. 进行测量按下测量按钮,红外线测温仪将发射红外线并接收被测目标发出的红外线信号,将测得的温度数值显示在屏幕上。
6. 关闭测温仪使用完毕后,按住电源开关数秒,红外线测温仪将关闭。
四、注意事项1. 测量距离:根据测温仪的规格,确保测量距离在规定范围内,通常为5-10厘米。
2. 避免干扰:在测量过程中,避免红外线测温仪与其他物体接触,以防止干扰和误差。
3. 测量目标表面:红外线测温仪测量的是物体表面温度,而非内部温度。
4. 环境条件:红外线测温仪的测量结果会受环境温度和其他因素的影响。
5. 温度范围:根据红外线测温仪的规格,了解其测量温度范围,并确保被测目标的温度在范围内。
6. 温度单位切换:按需切换温度单位,确保选择正确的摄氏度或华氏度。
7. 电池更换:当电池电量不足时,及时更换电池。

功能介绍1.自助测温降低交叉感染风险,体温异常预警2.人员设定门禁设置人员进入数量如:200人超200人禁止进入3.远距离测温100-120CM精准远距测温高温禁止通行4.数据记录自动记录测温次数+报警次数5.快速测温0.25秒测温+误差正负0.3℃适应场景学校,政府办公大楼,办事营业大厅,医院,养老院,写字楼主要特性1.快速通行同时进行检测,快速筛查2.快速识别应用3.0.25S测温快速通行,100CM-120CM远距离精准测温,高温报警禁止通行4.支持多国语言,中英文播,超薄超小设计,非接触式5.原装进口传感器6.识别速度快,检测耗时约0.25s7.采用基于流动态人员检测,支持离线测温规格参数-硬件硬件CPU Cortex-A7架构,主频1.5G内存DDR31G存储EMMC FLASH16G(最大可扩展到32G)操作系统安卓7.1显示屏7英寸液晶显示屏,分辨率:1024*600外观材质铝合金外壳,钢化玻璃面板规格参数-性能性能识别高度 1.2-2.2米识别距离0.6-1.2米人脸角度左右15度,上下60度识别技术近红外活体检测,嵌入式可见光识别,适应大部份室内外环境,可在移动中快速识别识别速度人员检测通过0.3s体温检测2秒-3秒/人次状态显示播报显示规格参数-主板接口主控板接口电源接口1个外置DC12V输入插座及一个内置6P输入插座(包含外置电源STANDBY功能)USB2.0接口1个外接USB接口(可拓展6个USB HOST两个外置,四个内置)扩展接口最高支持32GB的TF卡扩展耳机/麦克座1个外置耳机音频输出WIFI内置WIFI或WIFI/BT模块(可二选一),802.11b/g/n,默认单WIFI 模块UART扩展口4个内置TTL接口+1个DEBUG-TTL其中TTL可选配为RS232与RS485接口(选配)LVDS输出1个,可直接驱动达到1080P的LVDS液晶大屏音频喇叭输出1个内置插座输出工作温度推荐0℃~35℃测温规格参数测温参数识别类型快速识别测温操作有效距离<1.2M识读速率0.2-0.3秒/次规格参数-常规参数常规参数工作温度0℃-35℃工作湿度10~90%相对湿度,无冷凝工作电压100-240VAC,50-60HZ供电DC12V/2A设备功耗≦5W设备尺寸178.2*110.2*24.5mm(长*宽*高)设备净重0.45千克(根据配置有所不同)设备毛重总共1.65千克(0.65千克机身毛重+1千克立柱毛重)安装方式支持壁挂及立柱式安装包装清单快速红外测温仪1件适配器1件壁挂1件立柱支架1件螺丝6个(4个固定壁挂,2个固定机身)说明书1份操作步骤壁挂式:1.先用螺钉将壁挂固定在墙面2.再将测温仪挂上去3.然后用螺钉固定测温仪的底部4.适配器的接口接到测温仪底部的对应接口,插电即可正常使用。

红外温度计使用方法说明书1. 简介红外温度计是一种非接触式测温工具,它利用红外线技术来测量被测物体的表面温度。
2. 仪器准备在使用红外温度计之前,请确保您已准备好以下物品:- 红外温度计本体- 9V电池(如果需要)- 使用手册3. 操作步骤3.1 安装电池(如适用)如果您所使用的红外温度计需要电池供电,请按照使用手册的指示安装好电池。
3.2 打开红外温度计根据红外温度计的型号,您可以使用开关按钮或扳机来打开仪器。
3.3 瞄准目标将红外温度计对准您要测量的目标物体。
3.4 按下测量按钮根据红外温度计的型号,您可以使用测量按钮或扳机来进行测量。
3.5 读取测量结果在红外温度计完成测量后,您可以在仪器的显示屏上看到测量结果。
3.6 关闭红外温度计在使用完红外温度计后,请按照使用手册的指示关闭仪器。
4. 注意事项- 在使用红外温度计之前,请仔细阅读并理解使用手册中的安全注意事项。
- 请勿直接对准人或动物的眼睛进行测量,以避免损伤。
- 在进行连续测量时,请注意红外温度计的测量距离和测量角度要保持一致,以确保测量结果的准确性。
- 在使用多功能红外温度计时,请根据具体的应用场景选择合适的测量模式。
5. 故障排除如果您在使用红外温度计时遇到问题,建议您首先检查电池是否安装正确(如适用)。
6. 总结红外温度计是一种非常实用的测温工具,通过本说明书的介绍,您应该了解了红外温度计的正确使用方法。
testo 830-S1红外测温仪操作手册说明书

显示屏选择键查看最大值选择键查看最小值红外传感器红外测量按钮电池闸本品已获《中华人民共和国制造计量器具许可证》粤制:00000743testo 830-S1红外测温仪1. 一般说明在使用本产品前,请仔细通读本操作手册并熟悉产品的操作。
2. 产品描述3. 安全信息红外测量:当测量带电部件时,请保持所需的安全距离避免电气危险:产品安全/保修条款声明:按照产品的预定用途,在规定的参数范围内正确操作本仪器。
不要与溶剂(如丙酮)放在一起仅在文档中明确描述了用于维护目的时,才能打开仪器激光辐射!不要直视激光束保证正确处置:请把损坏的充电电池和废电池放到指定的收集点请在仪器报废时直接将仪器寄送给我们,我们保证以环保的方式处置它们4. 预定用途testo 830-S1是用于表面温度的非接触测量的红外测温仪不适用于医疗领域的诊断测量!5. 技术数据红外测量范围红外测量分辨力红外测量最大允许误差(23°C 时) ± 1数位发射率红外测量速率光学分辨率操作温度储存温度电源电池使用时间外壳材质尺寸(长×高×宽)CE 标准保修激光激光瞄准功率波长等级标准(-30 ~ +350)°C 0.1°C±1.5°C 或1.5%读数(+0.1 ~ +350)°C 1);±2°C 或2% 读数(-30 ~ 0)°C 1)0.1 ~ 1.0可调节0.5s 10:12)(-20 ~ +50)°C (-40 ~ +70)°C 9V 块状电池20 h ABS190 x 75 x 38 mm / 7.5 x 3.0 x 1.5 in 2004/108/EEC 1年1 x 激光< 1 mW 645 ~ 660 nm 2DIN NE 60825-1:2001-111) 取数值大者2) +传感器的开口直径(16mm / 0.6 in)6. 初始操作放入电池:参见“9.1 更换电池”7. 操作7.1 开/关机开启仪器:按下测量按钮。
KIRAY 200 红外温度计说明书

*Accuracy for an ambient temperature from 18 to 28 °C (with a relative humidity lower than 80% RH)Infrared thermometer KIRAY 200 is an infrared thermometer used to diagnose, inspect and check any temperature. Thanks to its elaborated optical system, it allows an easy and accurate measurement of little distant targets. KIRAY 200 instrument has an internal memory which can save up to 20 measurements.Technical specificationsDistance from targetMake sure that the target is larger than the size of the laser sighting.Thermocouple K probe featuresSupplied with thermocouple K probeModes flow chartDescription 123452345678 1 - LCD backlighted display 2 - Up button3 - Laser and backlight button4 - Down button5 - Mode button234523456782 - IR sensor (infrared)3 - Trigger4 - Set technical Unit (°C/°F)5 - Set continuousmeasurement (On/Off)6 - Set alarm (On/Off)7 - Battery compartment 8 - External probe inputKiray 200 buttons1 – Up button: It allows to increment emissivity and high/low alarm thresholds and to move to the next recorded value.2 – Set button: It allows to activate or deactivate laser and display backlight. It allows also to record a temperature.alarm, low alarm, TK value and recorded values).thresholds and to move to the previous recorded value.1342Display1 – Continuous measurement indicator2 – Technical unit (°C / °F)3 – Low battery indicator4 – Low alarm symbol5 – MAX, MIN, DIF (difference between MAX and MIN values), AVG (average), HAL (high alarm), LAL (low alarm), TK (TK temperature) and LOG (recorded value)6 – High alarm symbol7 – EMS, MAX, MIN, DIF , AVG, HAL, LAL, TK and LOG indicator 8 – Temperature value9 – Current measurement indicator10 – HOLD indicator (fixed measurement)11 – Emissivity value12 – Laser in operation indicatorSettings before measurementBefore measuring temperature, it is recommended to make some settings:- Set technical unit (°C or °F)- Set the continuous measurement (On or Off)- Set the alarm (On or Off)To set these 3 parameters, open the battery door by pushing on both sides of the trigger. It is not necessary to disconnect the battery to make thesesettings.Command buttons Operating mode• Press ENT trigger to turn on the instrument. The backlightedscreen, indicating the temperature, and the laser turn on.• Keep ENT pressed. Place the laser sighting at the center of the area to be measured.• Release ENT .• Read the displayed temperature. (The display stays on for 7 seconds after the last manipulation).• HOLD appears at the top left of the screen; measurement stays displayed.• The KIRA Y200 instrument keeps in memory the last function used. Mode buttonAllows to define the required measurement: Max, Min, AVG, DIF , etc. pressing as many times on this button.• EMS: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until EMS appears at the bottom left of the screen. Set emissivity by pressing on UP button to increment it or DOWN button to decrement it. By default, the emissivity is set to 0.95.• MIN ou MAX: select the Min or Max. temperature. During a measurement period, keep ENT pressed: the KIRA Y 200 instrument displays the temperature of the area sighted by the laser . Press MODE button until MAX or MIN is displayed at the bottom of the screen. These values relate to thetemperatures taken by the instrument and the thermocouple probe.• DIF: during a measurement period, press MODE button until DIF appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the difference between MAX value and MIN value.• AVG: during a measurement period, press MODE button until AVG appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the average temperature calculated during a measurement period.• HAL: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until HAL appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the alarm of high temperature. Set this alarm by incrementing it with up button or by decrementing it with down button.• LAL: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until LAL appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the alarm of low temperature. Set this alarm by incrementing it with up button or by decrementing it with down button.Set technical unit (°C or °F)Set the selector unit to °C or °F with a screwdriver.Set the continuous measurementThis setting allows to let the Kiray 200 instrument in measurement. It does not shut off after 7 seconds.Set the selector on On (continuous measurement is active) or on Off (continuous measurement is inactive) with a screwdriver .Set the alarmThis setting allows to activate or deactivate high and low alarm.Set the selector on On (alarms are active) or on Off (alarms areinactive) with a screwdriver.UnitLockAlarmTrigger• Turning on the device.• ENT pressed: activation of the laser sighting andtemperature measurement.• ENT released: display is on HOLD (HOLD fixed), and give the last measurement. Display stays on for 7 seconds. If no buttons are activated and continuous measurement is inactive, the instrument turns off after 7 seconds.Alarms must be activated (see paragraphSettings before measurement)• TK: when KIRAY 200 instrument is turned on, pressMODE button until TK appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the measured temperature by the K thermocouple probe.• LOG: when KIRAY 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until LOG appears at the bottom left of the screen.Next to LOG, a number between 1 and 20 also appears ; it corresponds to LOG location. If no temperature has been recorded in the shown LOG location, 4 dashes will appear in the lower right corner. To record a temperature, you have to be on LOG mode, then choose an empty LOG location (---- visible) and press SET button during the measurement or when the measurement is fixed (HOLD). From this mode, you can also clear all the recorded temperatures: press and keep the trigger pressed and press down button at the same time until reaching the zero recording, then press SET button while keeping ENT pressed.A beep is emitted by KIRAY 200 instrument and the LOG location moves automatically to 1, signifying that all data have been cleared.N T a n g – K I R A Y 200 – 29/10/18 – D o c u m e n t n o n c o n t r a c t u e l – N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e.MaintenanceTo install or change the 9V battery, open the part near the trigger and put it in the battery compartment.Accessories• Case holster with passer-by belt • User manual• K thermocouple probeImportant informationFor correct measurements:• Do not take any measurement on metal or shiny or reflective surfaces.• Do not measure through transparent surfaces such as glass, for example.• Water vapor, dust, smoke, etc... may prevent correct measurements because they obstruct the optical of the instrument.• Make sure that the target is larger than the size of the laser sighting.To avoid any inconvenience:• Do not aim directly or indirectly (reflection on reflective surfaces) the laser in the eyes.• Change the batteries when the indicator blinks.• Do not use the thermometer around explosive gas, vapor or dust• Do not leave the device with the lock on (lock at the top right of the screen) because in this configuration, the instrument does not turn off automatically.To prevent damage on your instrument or equipmentplease carefully respect these conditions:CE certificationThis device meets with following standards’ requirements:EN 61326-1: 2013 and EN 61326-2: 2013EmissivityEmissivity is a term used to describe the energy-emitting characteristics of materials.Most (90% of typical applications) organic materials and painted or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of 0.95 (pre-set in the unit).Inaccurate readings will result from measuring shiny or polished metal surfaces.To compensate; cover the surface to be measured with masking tape or flat black paint.Allow time for the tape to reach the same temperature as the material underneath it.Measure the temperature of the tape or painted surface.See table below for values of emissivity of specificmaterials:Infrared thermometer, how does it work?Infrared thermometers can measure the surface temperature of an object. Its optic lens catches theenergy emitted and reflected by the object. This energy is collected and focused onto a detector. This information is displayed as temperature. The laser pointer is only usedto aim at the target.。
HTD8808 中文说明书

第二步:使用非接触式红外体温计对同一个人测量,保持温度计和额头之间的距离5-15 cm(注意要移开任何可能影响测量的障碍物,如头发、汗液等),如果得到同样的温度37.5°C,则说明该非接触式红外体温计设置正常且可以使用。
操作方法:短按“SET”按键,屏幕显示F1 ,再按“UP”或“DOWN”按键调整,加上差数1.1°C或者减去相应差数,多次短按“SET”按键至自动关机,设置即完成。
•请不要在相对湿度大于85 %的环境下使用该产品。


IR -0512 便携式快速红外测温仪式用说明一、概述IR-0512便携式红外测温仪是一种温度测量仪器。
●当箭头指向A VG时,显示数字为所测的平均温度。

二、产品特点1. 非接触测量:红外温度计采用非接触式测量技术,无需接触测量物体,即可准确测量温度,无感染风险。
2. 高精度:红外温度计采用先进的传感器和算法,具有高精度的测量性能,可满足各种应用场景的需求。
3. 快速测量:红外温度计具有快速响应和测量的特点,可在短时间内完成温度测量,提高工作效率。
4. 易于操作:红外温度计的操作简便,仅需将仪器对准待测物体,按下测量键即可获取温度值。
5. 多功能显示:红外温度计配备大尺寸液晶屏,可显示测量数值、单位、电池电量等信息,便于用户操作和观察。
三、使用方法1. 准备工作:插入电池并确保电池安装正确。
2. 开启红外温度计:按下电源键,等待仪器开启。
3. 测量温度:将仪器对准待测物体,确保距离物体表面3-5厘米的距离。
4. 自动关机:为了节省电池电量,红外温度计在使用后会自动关闭。
四、注意事项1. 测量环境:在使用红外温度计时,请确保周围环境温度稳定,无散射干扰物体。
2. 温度范围:红外温度计具有一定的测量范围,请在使用前了解产品所能覆盖的温度范围,并确保待测物体温度不超过仪器的测量范围。
3. 温度单位:红外温度计可提供摄氏度(℃)和华氏度(℉)两种温度单位,用户可根据需要进行切换。
4. 清洁和保养:定期使用干净柔软的布轻轻擦拭红外温度计的表面,避免污染和刮伤仪器。

二、产品特点1. 非接触式测温:红外线温度计无需与被测物体接触,只需对准物体表面即可进行测量,减少了污染和风险。
2. 宽温度测量范围:红外线温度计具有广泛的温度测量范围,可在-50°C至 500°C之间进行测量。
3. 快速测量:红外线温度计能够在几秒钟之内迅速测量出物体的温度,提高了工作效率。
4. 高精度:红外线温度计具备较高的测量精度,能够满足各种应用场景的要求。
5. 易于携带:红外线温度计体积小巧,便于携带,适用于户外使用和移动测量。
三、使用方法1. 打开电源:按下电源按钮,红外线温度计即可开机准备使用。
2. 定位测量目标:对准被测物体表面,确保红外线温度计的测量点位于目标范围内,距离目标不过近,保持一定距离进行测量。
3. 触发测量:按下触发按钮,红外线温度计会发出测量信号,并在显示屏上显示出测量结果。
4. 测量结果解读:读取显示屏上的测量结果即可获得被测物体的温度值。
5. 关闭电源:使用完毕后,长按电源按钮,红外线温度计将关闭电源。
四、注意事项1. 避免测量障碍物:确保测量过程中没有遮挡或干扰物,以免影响测量结果准确性。
2. 避免测量反射光:在特殊情况下,被测物体可能会反射光线,降低测量结果的准确性,需注意遮挡反射光源。
3. 避免测量高温物体:红外线温度计虽可以测量高温物体,但需避免超出仪器测量范围,以免损坏设备或影响使用寿命。
4. 避免测量湿度较高的物体:湿度较高的物体可能导致红外线温度计的准确性下降,此时需保持一定距离进行测量。
5. 避免持续测量:长时间持续测量可能导致红外线温度计过热,需适当休息和降温后再继续使用。
五、维护保养1. 清洁:定期使用干净、柔软的布清洁红外线温度计的表面,避免灰尘和污垢积累。
2. 存储:在不使用红外线温度计时,应将其存放在干燥、通风的地方,远离高温、潮湿和腐蚀性物质。
UT300R 红外温度计使用说明书

UT300Rlnfrared Thermometer User ManualPREFACEThank you for purchasing the new infrared thermometer. In order to use this product safely and correctly, please read this manual thoroughly, especially the Safety Instructions part. After reading this manual, it is recommended to keep the manual at an easily accessible place, preferably close to the device, for future reference.LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIABILITYUni-Trend guarantees that the product is free from any defect in material and workmanship within one year from the purchase date. This warranty does not apply to damages caused by accident, negligence, misuse, modification, contamination or improper handling. The dealer shall not be entitled to give any other warranty on behalf of Uni-T rend. If you need warranty service within the warranty period, please contact your seller directly.Uni-Trend will not be responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or subsequent damage or loss caused by using this device.OVERVIEWTo use the product properly, please read the following instructions carefully before use: Dispose the device and accessories properly according to local wasteFEATURESLCD FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ACCESSORIESBattery ----------------------------- 1Manual ----------------------------- 1Device ------------------------------ 1SPECIFICATION FAULT DIAGNOSISUT300R Non-contact lnfrared Thermometer (hereinafter referred to as "thermometer"). T his product measures temperature by collecting the infrared thermal radiation energy emitted by target surface. UT300R has advantages of simple and sanitary operation, quick and accurate measurement. It can measure temperature precisely within 1s by aiming the detector at target object.It is not allowed to be used in the presence of a mixture of flammable anesthetic gas, air, oxygen or nitrous oxide. UT300R is a continuous operating device.This product is composed of infrared sensor, circuit components, operating buttons and plastic shell.White backlightOption of Celsius/FahrenheitDynamic monitoring of battery capacityLow voltage indicationDisplay screenSound alarm for the upper and lower temperature limitWORKING PRINCIPLElnfrared thermometer can measure surface temperature of opaque objects. Its optical device can sense the infrared energy concentrated on the detector, and the electronic components convert information into temperature reading which is displayed on the display screen.OPERATING METHODST o measure temperature, allow the thermometer aim at the measured target, push the trigger to display the real time measured result; and loose the trigger to hold it. Thermometer will automatically shut down if no action were detected out within 8s.SETTING OPERATIONSET:Cyclical switching setting status: Click on SET to enter the cyclical switching setting status, which is designed with a circular order as follows: °C/°F setting→ temperature limit value mute setting.°C/°F setting:It is used to display °C or °F. The unit °C or °F will be displayed during setting. Click “▲” or “▼” to select °C or °F in cycle.Temperature limit value mute setting:fBATTERY REPLACEMENTOpen battery cover to take out the battery. Load a new 9V 6F22 battery and make sure the battery is placed correctly.MAINTENANCEThe thermometer is a repeatedly-used accurate device, so please pay attention to clean and maintenance. Especially keep the lens clean, or the accuracy may be affected.Clean:1. Clean chassis: Clean the chassis with cotton sponge or soft cloth with medicinal alcohol or clean water.2. Clean lens: Blow away the slipped of f grains with clean compressed air. Wipe the surface carefully with wet cotton swab. Cotton swab should be moistened with medicinal alcohol or clean water.SymptomHI (on the screen)LO (on the screen)Battery icon flashesPossible blank screenProblemTarget temperature exceeding rangeTarget temperature lower than rangeBattery lowBattery drainedActionSelect the target within rangeSelect the target within rangeReplace batteryCheck and/or replace batteryTo ensure safety and accuracy of measurement, only qualified maintenance personnel can repair it with original components.Replace the battery immediately once the battery indicator appears.Prior to using the thermometer, please check the box. If any damage to the thermometer were found, please do not use it. Inspect for damage or any shortage of parts.Do not place the thermometer near the objects with high temperature for long period.It is recommended to operate the thermometer within the environment of 15°C~30°C and RH<85%. Please use the thermometer indoor and do not expose it to strong sunlight or intense electromagnetic interference.Please ensure the temperature around the measuring object is stable, do not test during strong airflow.Avoid testing in unstable temperature environment - wait 30min to allow the thermometer to stable. Wait 10~30min to measure if the measuring object came from very high or very low temperature. Please wait 10min to measure new objects after measuring very high or very low temperature.It is recommended to measure thrice for every object and the highest occurring data should be used. Please accurately aim the sensor window at the measuring target. Otherwise error or HI/LO indicator will appear.Please keep the battery out of the reach of children, children may accidentally ingest. Contact with doctor immediately if that happens.If the thermometer will not in use for long period, please take out the battery to avoid leakage.The battery is not allowed to be placed in fire.。
UT302+ 303+系列红外温度计说明书

UT302+/303+ SERIESINFRARED THERMOMETERS* Ring laser (UT302C+/UT303C+)Unique patented display methodthat covers entire measured area,user will know exactly where the measurement is taking place.133Scheduled measurement (UT302C+/UT303C+/UT302D+/UT303D+): Set a start time and interval, device will auto turn on at start time, perform a measurement,then turn off, and repeat the procedure once for every interval time. Interval range from 1 min to96 hours, number of measurement and data storage can be up to 99 sets.Laser signal Temperature range (Temperature range (Accuracy (Accuracy (Repeatability D:S ratioResponse timeEmissivity Spectral responsePower Display Product net weight Product colorProduct size Standard accessories Standard individual packing Standard quantity per carton Standard carton measurement Standard carton gross weight Auto power offLow battery indication LCD displayHigh/low LED alarm Data hold ℃/℉ selectionMAX/MIN/AVG/DIF mode Lock measurement Data storageScheduled measurementBacklight Operating temperature Storage temperature Operating humidityTripod mounting hole High/low audible alarmFeatures ● ±1.5℃ temperature measurement accuracy ● User defined visual and audio alarm ● High contrast EBTN color display ● MAX/MIN/AVG/DIFF/Hold modes ● Dual lasers (UT302D+/UT303D+)● Temperature recording up to 99 groups (UT302C+/UT303C+/UT302D+/UT303D+)● Date/time display (UT302C+/UT302D+/UT303C+/UT303D+)● Time scheduled measurement (UT302C+/UT303C+/UT302D+/UT303D+)Laser power Normal status: High limit ﹥temperature﹥low limitTemperature﹥high limit Temperature﹤low limitUT305 Series Infrared ThermometersUT305 series infrared thermometers can measure temperature by laser or contactwith k-type temperature probe. UT305 has a 50:1 D:S ratio, so it can measure longrange temperature points of interest with great accuracy. UT305 also has 99 sets ofdata storage and USB data transmission. They are ideal tools for industrial qualityinspection such as HVAC and electronics manufacturing.UT305C99UT305S Infrared ThermometerPower Product net weight Display Product size Standard individual packing Standard accessories Standard quantity per carton Standard carton measurement Standard carton gross weight UT305S infrared thermometer can measure temperature by laser.UT305S has a 50:1 D:S ratio, so it can measure long range temperature points of interest with great accuracy. UT305S also has 99 sets of data storage and USB data transmission. It is an ideal tool for industrial quality inspection such as HVAC and electronics manufacturing. ● °C/°F selection ● Laser switch ● Data hold/LCD backlight ● Auto power off● Tripod mounting hole● Low battery indication MAX/MIN/AVG/DIFF mode● High/low alarm Certificates Temperature range (℃)Temperature range (℉)Accuracy Repeatability Resolution High/low temperature LED alarm LCD display Trigger lock D:S ratio Response time Emissivity Laser type Laser power Laser wavelength Spectral response Data storage UT305SSPECIFICATIONS Temperature range Accuracy D:S ratio Response time Emissivity Spectral response Laser power UT306A Mini Infrared ThermometerGENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Power Display Product net weight Product color Product size Standard accessories Standard individual packing Standard quantity per carton Standard carton measurement Standard carton gross weight UT306A is a portable non-contact thermometer. This device’s miniature design is convenient to carry and suitable for everyday temperature measurement needs. UT306A is designed to counter environmental interference, ensuring accurate temperature readings undervarious measurement environments.Auto power offLow battery indicationData hold ℃/℉ selection MAX/MIN/AVG modeLock measurementBacklight Laser Operating temperature Storage temperature Operating humidity Drop test Features 100UT309EHigh temperature LED indicatorLow temperatureLED indicator UT309 series professional infrared thermometers can determine surface temperature through the energy radiated by the target surface. It isdesigned to meet some of the highest protec�on ra�ngs in UNI-T'sproduct line, IP65 and 3m drop proof. With a rapid response rate of 250ms,high measurement accuracy, and mul�ple scanning modes, UT309 proves to be a necessary tool for engineers and technicians working in various fields such as electrical distribu�on inspec�on, HVACR maintenance,transporta�on equipment inspec�on, instrument repair, and many more.Cer�ficates Temperature range (°C)Temperature range (°F)Accuracy (°C)Accuracy (°F)Resolu�on D:S ra�o Emissivity Laser type Response �me Laser type Laser power Laser wavelength Spectral response LCD display Data storage with date and �me Scheduled measurement Monitoring measurement IP ra�ng Drop proofSpecifica�ons Features°C/°F selec�on High/Low temperature alarm Data hold/LCD backlight Low ba�ery indica�onProduct size Product net weight Power Standard accessories Display Standard individual packing Standard quan�ty per carton Standard carton measurement Standard carton gross weight Characteris�cs107UT309 SeriesProfessional Infrared Thermometers 。

572-2Infrared Thermometer PN 4307046March 2013, Rev. 1, 08/13 (Simplified Chinese)©2013 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.有限保修及责权范围本产品自购买之日起,将可享受二年材料上及工艺上的质保,但此保修不包括保险丝(熔断)、一次性电池(用完)、或者由于意外事故、疏忽、滥用、改造、污染、及操作环境的反常而形成的损害。
零售商没有被授权代表 Fluke 扩充该保修的内容。
质保期间,如需服务,您可联系最近的 Fluke维修中心,获得认可信息,然后将产品送至该中心,并附上故障说明。
Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 U.S.A. Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands11/99目录标题页码简介 (1)安全须知 (1)测温仪的使用 (6)线缆连接和电池更换 (6)菜单概览 (7)规格摘要 (9)i572-2入门手册ii简介572-2 Infrared Thermometer(以下简称“产品”)用于非接触式温度测量。
ThermoPro TP30 数字激光红外温度计使用说明书

Digital Laser Infrared Thermometer Instruction ManualModel No.: TP-30Thank you for purchasing the ThermoPro TP30 Infrared Thermometer. This easy-to-use device lets you conveniently and accurately measure surface temperatures from a distance without the need of any direct contact. Features & SpecificationsLaser guided targeting for better aiming precisionNarrow distance-spot ratio for accurate results at long distances Safely measure hazardous or inaccessible objectsBattery: 2*AAA batteries, 3.0V Measurement Range: -58F~1022 (-50°C~550°C)°°F Accuracy: ±1.5%Resolution: 0.1 or 0.1°C°FWavelength: 5um-14umDistance-Spot Ratio: 12: 1 Response Time: 500ms Emissivity: 0.10-1.00 (Default 0.95) Backlight: Auto-off after 15 seconds Auto-off: Auto-off after 90 seconds of inactivityLow battery IndicatorFunction Diagram1. SCAN: When pressing the measure-ment trigger, SCAN will appear on thedisplay.2. HOLD: When the measurement triggeris released, HOLD will appear on the display.3Laser Pointer Indication: When pressing the measurement trigger, a laser beam will appear to help guide you.. 4Low battery Indication: Will appear on the display when the battery voltage is lower than 2.6V . 5UPPER DISPLAY: Displays the latest temperature measurement. . 6EMISS: Press and hold the MODE button for 3 seconds, EMISS will appear, and you can now adjust the emissivity.. 7LOWER DISPLAY: Displays MAX/MIN/ AVG temperature; When adjusting the. 8MAX/MIN: Maximum and minimum temperature for the latest measurement.. 9AVG: Average temperature for the latest measurement.. 10. Press once to turn on/off Laser Pointer; Press and hold for 3 seconds, to switch between °C and °F; When adjusting the emissivity, press the button to lower the emissivity. 11MODE: Press mode button to cycle through and display MAX/MIN/AVG temperature; Press and hold for 3 seconds, to allow you to adjust the emissivity.. emissivity, the current emissivity will be displayed.12. Pbacklight; When adjusting theemissivity, press the button toincrease the emissivity.ress to turn on/off theOperationSurface Temperature Measurement NOTE: The ThermoPro TP30 cannot measure the temperature of objects behind glass. Inaccuracy may also occur when exposed to steam, dust or any other contaminants in the air.1. Once the batteries are properlyinstalled, press the MeasurementTrigger to activate the device.2. Point the TP30 towards the surface you wish to measure.3. Press and hold the MeasurementTrigger and the laser will activate for aiming guidance. (Laser will onlyappear if turned on. Laser is turned on by default.)4. Keep holding the MeasurementTrigger as you move the TP30 if you wish to continually take a measure- ment of the surface.5. Once the laser is pointed to thedesired point of measurement, release the Measurement Trigger and theUpper Display will show the last13. Laser Hole14. IR Sensor15. Measurement Trigger: Hold and release to measure and hold the temperature.16. Battery CompartmentReplacing BatteriesLow Battery Indication will appear on the Upper Display when the thermometer’s batteries are running low. Immediately replace the batteries when the icon appears.HOLD for continuous temperature readingRELEASE to lockthe temperature result1. Open the Battery Compartment and remove the used batteries. Disposeof the used batteries properly.2. Insert two new AAA batteries with the correct polarity.3. Close the Battery Compartment.Distance-Spot RatioThe ThermoPro TP30 measures surface temperature on the basis of distance to spot diameter ratio (D: S). As thedistance between the thermometer and the surface increases, the total surface area measured will also increase. With a distance to spot ratio of 12: 1 the surface area measured has a diameter of roughly 1/12 the distance.6. Press the Measurement Trigger once again to make another measurement. measured temperature.To take accurate temperature measure-ment of reflective surfaces with low emissivity, place a strip of masking tape over the surface and allow for it to adjust to the temperature of the surface for approximately 30 minutes. Measure the surface, scanning the taped section, eliminating the issue of inaccuracy.EmissivityThe emissivity of a material is its efficiency in emitting thermal energy. Non-reflective surfaces have a higher emissivity (closer to 1) than reflective surfaces (closer to 0). Inaccurate results may occur when measuring reflective surfaces such as glass, polished wood, and granite.The emissivity of most organicFor the most accurate results, make sure the target has a surface area of twice the corresponding spot diameter. Insufficient surface area will result in inaccurate results. The recommended distance to hold the thermometer from the surface of measurement is 7.87inch (20cm). This creates a spotmeasurement area of 0.66inch(1.67cm) in diameter.materials and painted objects is 0.95.The default emissivity of this device is 0.95, no need to modify. If you would like to improve the measurement accuracy of different objects, you can refer to the emissivity data table below. Objects Emissivity Objects Emissivity CopperSludgeFrozen foodHot foodGlassIce0.950.940.900.930.850.98SkinSnowSteelFabricWaterWood0.980.900.800.940.930.94Aluminum Asbestos Asphalt Basalt Brass Brick Carbon Ceramics Concrete 0.300.950.950.700.500.900.850.950.95IronLeadLimestoneOilPaintPaperPlasticRubberSand0.700.500.980.940.930.950.950.950.90Objects Emissivity Objects EmissivityThe device certification information islabeled directly on the device. Thesticker is located on the left side of thethermometerThe device warning and aperture safety information are also labeled directly on the device; this sticker is located on theright side of the thermometer.Safe Use & CareDO NOT point the laser beam at another person or animal.DO NOT attempt to point laser beamat an aircraft.Avoid direct/indirect eye contact with the laser-beam. Laser radiation may cause eye damage.DO NOT view the beam with optical instruments.If using near bystanders, make them aware of the dangers of looking directly into the laser beam.Package Contents1x ThermoPro TP30 Infrared Thermometer 2x AAA batteries 1x User Manual Make sure to insert the batteries in accordance with the correct polarities.DO NOT allow children to operate the device.Use two 1.5V AAA batteries when replacing the batteries within the device.ALWAYS remove the batteries when cleaning the device.DO NOT use leaking batteries or dispose of old batteries in fire. Remove the batteries if storing the device for a prolonged period of time. DO NOT disassemble the device or tamper with internal components. Doing so will void any warranty.DO NOT touch the lens or wipe it using anything other than a soft cloth or cotton swab.Keep the thermometer away from electromagnetic fields produced by objects such as arc welders and induction heaters.DO NOT expose the thermometer to direct sources of heat for extended periods of time.The thermometer measures surface temperature, not internal temperature. Do not use it as a reliable source to measure body temperatures.Meaning of the “Dustbin”SymbolProtect our environment:do not dispose ofDisposalPlease return anyelectrical equipmentthat you will no longeruse to the collectionpoints provided for theirdisposal.electrical equipment inthe domestic waste.This will contribute to the recycling and otherforms of reutilisation of electrical and electronic equipment.Information concerning where the equipmentcan be disposed of can be obtained from your local authority. This helps avoid the potential effects ofincorrect disposal on the environment and human health.Your town or local authority can provide information about public collection points.Take spent batteries to the appropriate collection point or to a dealer.The batteries must be removed from the appliance.This symbol can be found on batteries/rechargeable batteries which contain hazardous:Pb = contains leadCd = contains cadmium Hg = contains mercury Li = contains lithiumThis warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Limited one-year WarrantyThermoPro warrants this product to be free of defects in parts, materials and workmanship for a period of one year, from date of purchase.Should any repairs or servicing under this warranty be required, contactCustomer Service by phone or email for instructions on how to pack and ship the product to ThermoPro.Email:************************Hours: Weekdays 8:00 AM- 8:00 PM EST (USA & Canada only)Weekdays 1:00 PM - 12:00 PM CET(UK)Customer serviceTelephone: 1-877-515-7797(USA & Canada only)44-203-769-1321(UK)。
InfraScan 红外温度计说明书

IR 101InfraScan™Infrared ThermometerTABLE OF CONTENTSPage GeneralQuick instructions 3Equipment Supplied 3Description of Measuring Principle 3OperationDisplay and Operator Controls 4Making a Measurement 45Minimum and Maximum TemperatureIndicationChanging the Temperature Units 5Back Light 5Measurement Inaccuracies 5-6Trouble Shooting 6MaintenanceChanging the Batteries 7Cleaning 7 Fastening the Infrared Thermometer 7Technical Information8-9Warranty Information 10General1.Quick InstructionsPress and hold the operating button for more than 1.5 seconds. Thetemperature of the surface the lens is aimed at will read on the top of thedisplay. The minimum and maximum temperatures of the currentmeasurement are shown on the bottom of the display. When the operatingbutton is released “Hold” will be displayed between “min” and “max”indicating the measurement is completed. After 4 seconds the backlightwill turn off. The unit will switch off after 8 seconds. Press and hold theoperating button again to begin a new measurement. To switch between °Fand °C simply “double click” the operating button.2.Equipment Supplieda.Infrared Thermometer base unitb. 4 button cell batteries (already in unit)c.Neck strapd.Soft sided case3.Description of measuring principleWhen making a temperature measurement, the surface radiation of theobject to be measured is evaluated using the principle of radiationthermometry. This is a purely passive process, i.e. no radiation istransmitted, but instead, use is only made of the natural electromagneticradiation energy (heat radiation) that every body above a temperature ofabsolute zero (-273 °C) has. The temperature can be determined veryaccurately from this radiation energy if the emission factor of the objectbeing measured is known.Operation1.Display and operator controlsAll of the functions of the measuring unit are controlled and monitored usingb.Hold indicatorc.d.Temperature display - maximum valuee.Battery symbol – low battery indicatorf.Temperature units – °F or °Cg.Operating Buttonh.Lens2.Making a measurementThe object being measured should be a minimum of twice the size of theinfrared thermometer’s lens. The ideal measuring distance is 3 to 12 inches, which will yield a measurement area of ½ inch to 2 inches. As the infraredthermometer is moved away from the object being measured the area beingmeasured increases (6:1 ratio).The infrared thermometer is switched on by holding the operating button down for 1.5 seconds or more. By continuously holding down the operating button the measured value will be updated as long as the operating button is pressed.Releasing the operating button will finish the measurement. The “Hold”indication signals that measuring has stopped. The backlight will shut off 4seconds after the operating button is released. The infrared thermometer will automatically switch off 8 seconds after the last measurement. Holding down the operating button again will clear the minimum and maximum memory and begin a new measurement.3.Minimum and maximum temperature indicationThe minimum and maximum value memories are cleared at the start of ameasurement by pressing the operating button. The temperature will bemeasured and the minimum and maximum temperatures will be determined for as long as the button is pressed. The minimum temperature is shown in thelower left-hand part of the display and the maximum temperature can be seen in the lower right hand part. These values each apply to the current measuring cycle and are cleared as soon as the button is pressed again.4.Changing the temperature units ( °F/°C )The units for the temperature display can be switched between degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by pressing the button briefly twice (double click).5.Back lightThe LCD back light is constantly switched ON while the operating button ispressed. When the operating button is released, the backlight will be ON for approximately 4 seconds before automatically switching off 8 seconds after the last measurement.6.Measurement inaccuraciesThe following points should be observed in order to avoid measurement errors:a.It must be ensured that the object to be measured completely fills theInfrared Thermometer monitoring area. Errors can occur whenmeasuring small objects, as the unit also monitors the temperature ofthe surroundings as well as the object to be measured.b.The principle of measurement requires the ambient temperature to bedetermined. This takes place at one-minute intervals or each time theunit is switched on. Changes in the ambient temperature, which canoccur when the user holds the unit in their hand, are not monitoredwithin this time period and therefore neither of them is taken intoaccount when determining the indicated temperature. A gradualwarming of the unit (the lens) between ambient temperaturemeasurements can, for example, lead to the indicated temperatureslowly falling.c.If the emission factor for the object does not correspond to the presetvalue of 0.95, the temperature will not be calculated correctly. Mostsurfaces have an emission factor in the range of 0.8 to 0.98. In general,the darker and more matte the surface is, the larger their emissionsfactor. If the factor is greater the 0.95, the temperature indicated willbe greater than the actual temperature of the object being measured. Ifthe factor is less then 0.9, the temperature indicated will be less thanthe surface temperature. Polished metals have a very low emissionfactor and are therefore not suitable for measuring with an infraredthermometer. On the other hand, affixing adhesive tape to or paintingthe surface will increase the emission factor and reduce the inaccuracyof the measurement.d.It is not possible to take measurements through transparent materials(glass, plexiglas, etc.).e.It is not possible to measure air temperatures.f.Measurement errors can occur due to air contaminated with dust,steam, smoke, etc.7.TROUBLESHOOTINGProblem: Display shows -.-Solution: The operating button has not been pressed for long enough. This must be pressed for at least the duration of one measurement, i.e. for at least 1.5seconds.Problem: Display shows Err 1Solution: The ambient temperature is outside the permitted rangeProblem: Display shows 1Solution: The measured value is outside the permitted range.Problem: Battery symbol illuminatesSolution: The batteries are dead.NOTE: For problems not solved, please contact La Crosse Technology. Maintenance1.Changing the batteriesIf the battery symbol appears in the display, the batteries must be changed. The four button cells are accessible after opening the battery compartment at the rear of the unit. The used batteries must be removed from the battery holders and replaced by new button cells of the same type. Only LR44 type batteries may be used. Care must be taken to ensure that the polarity is correct when inserting.The plus terminal of all four batteries should point upwards. The batteries must be checked to see that they are properly seated before closing the batterycompartment.2.CleaningClean the unit using only a dry cloth. If the unit is very dirty, the cloth may be slightly dampened. Do not use cleaners containing solvents. Make sure that no moisture enters the interior of the unit. When cleaning the lens, loose particles must be removed using compressed air. Any remaining dirt can then beremoved with a soft brush or with a cotton swab moistened with water. CAUTION Do not use cleaners containing solvents.Fastening the Infrared ThermometerA soft-sided pouch with a belt loop and a quick release neck strap are included with the infrared thermometer. To attach the infrared thermometer to the neck strap simply insert the clip of the neck strap into the buckle end of the thermometer until it clicks. To release, press both sides of the clip on the neck strap and pull the buckle end until it is free.Technical Information1.Accuracy: The larger of the two values given is applicable in each case.2.Distance to measuring spot size: The parameter D : S characterizes the sizeof the measuring spot in proportion to the distance between the object to bemeasured and the Infrared Thermometer. For example, with a ratio of 6 : 1: °F or °CUnitDistance to measuring spot size D:S : 6:1Ambient temperature range : 32°F to 104°F: 0.95factorEmissionLR44: 4xsupplyPowerbutton cellbatteriesBattery life (approx.) : 2000 measurements(depending on theusage)Dimensions (L”xW”xH”) : 2.25” x 1” x 4”3.Emissions factor: The physical quantity known as the emission factordescribes to what extent the infrared heat radiation that is emitted from anobject is determined by its own temperature. Accordingly, a value of 1 tellsus that the infrared heat radiation from the object is based only on its owntemperature. A value of less than 1 means that the radiation emitted fromthe object is not only determined by its own temperature but also byreflections from neighboring bodies or due to the transmission, i.e. thediathermancy, of the object. The emission factor thus has an effect on theresult of the measurement. The Infrared Thermometer works with anemission factor of 0.95, i.e. the measuring unit assumes that the objectbeing monitored has a factor of 0.95. If this is not the case, there will beinaccuracies in the measurement (see Section 2.6 “MeasurementInaccuracies”).WARRANTY INFORMATIONLa Crosse Technology provides a 1-year warranty on this infrared thermometer. Contact La Crosse Technology immediately upon discovery of any defects covered by this warranty.Before sending the infrared thermometer in for repairs, contact La Crosse Technology. The infrared thermometer will be repaired or replaced with the same or similar model.This warranty does not cover any defects resulting from improper use, unauthorized repairs or faulty batteries.LA CROSSE TECHNOLOGY WILL NOT ASSUME LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ASSOCIATED WITH THE OPERATION OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS INFRARED THERMOMETER. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES OR FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A TOY. KEEP OUT OF CHILDRENS’ REACH.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights specific to your State. Some States do no allow the exclusion of consequential or incidental damages therefore the above exclusion of limitation may not apply to you. For warranty work, technical support, or information contact:La Crosse Technology2809 Losey Blvd. S.La Crosse, WI 54601Phone: 608.782.1610Fax: 608.796.1020e-mail:******************************(warranty work)****************************(information on other products)web:。
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操作温湿度: 0℃至50℃(32℉至122℉)低于80%RH。
尺寸: 172(长)*118(宽)*46(高)mm。
解析度: 0.1℃/0.2℉
温度系数:操作环境温度>28℃或<18℃时,每增减1 ℃须增加0.1
反应时间: 0.5秒。
距离与目标比: 12:1;25mm最小点尺寸。
照准:单束雷射光 <1豪瓦特(class2)。