Alien Invasion-外来物种入侵
英语作文外来物种入侵孙教授讲座Ladies and gentlemen,。
Good afternoon! Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to give a lecture on the topic of invasive alien species. As we all know, invasive alien species refer to non-native organisms that are introduced into a new environment and have the potential to cause harm to the native ecosystem. It is a global issue that requires our immediate attention and action.Firstly, let us delve into the reasons behind the introduction of invasive alien species. Human activities, such as international trade, travel, and tourism, play a significant role in the spread of these species. With the increasing globalization, the transportation of goods and people has become more frequent, inadvertently facilitating the movement of non-native species across borders. Moreover, climate change and habitat destruction have also contributed to the establishment and spread of invasive alien species.Now, let us explore the impacts of invasive alien species on ecosystems. These species often outcompete native species for resources, leading to a decline in biodiversity. They can disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems, causing irreversible damage. For example, the red lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific region, has become an invasive species in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Its voracious appetite and lack of natural predators have resulted in the decimation of native fish populations and the degradation of coral reefs.In addition to ecological impacts, invasive alien species can also have severe economic and social consequences. They can damage crops, forests, and infrastructure, leading to substantial financial losses. For instance, the emerald ash borer, a beetle native to Asia, has caused extensive damage to ash trees in North America, resulting in billions of dollars in economic losses. Furthermore, invasive species can affect human health by transmitting diseases or causing allergic reactions.To address this issue, it is crucial to implement effective management strategies. Prevention is the most cost-effective approach, focusing on measures such as stricter border controls, quarantine regulations, and public awareness campaigns. Early detection and rapid response are also essential in eradicating or controlling invasive species. This includes monitoring and surveillance programs, as well as the development of innovative techniques for their management.International cooperation is paramount in combating the invasion of alien species. Collaboration between countries, sharing of information and expertise, and the establishment of global frameworks and agreements are crucial steps in addressing this global challenge. Furthermore, public involvement and engagement are vital in raising awareness and promoting responsible behavior towards the prevention and management of invasive species.In conclusion, the invasion of alien species poses a significant threat to our ecosystems, economies, and societies. It is imperative that we take immediate action to prevent and control their spread. Through international cooperation, effective management strategies, and public engagement, we can mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species and protect our precious natural resources for future generations.Thank you for your attention, and I hope this lecture has provided you with valuable insights into the issue of invasive alien species. Let us work together to preserve the biodiversity and integrity of our ecosystems.。
❖ 外来生物与外来入侵物种并不是一个概念。可以通 过以下的标准定义入侵物种:
(1)通过有意或无意的人类活动而被引入一个非本源地 区自然形成的物种。
(2)在当地的自然或人为生态系统中形成了自我再生能 力。
精选ppt 14
5 外来入侵物种有哪些生物学特征? (1)生态适应能力强 (遗传多样性高,抗逆性强
精选ppt 6
2 我国生物多样性正在受到威胁
地球上的生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的物 质基础。每年为人类创造约33兆美元的价值。40% 的世界经济和大约80%贫困人口的需求来自生物多 样性。
据2003年对中国物种的评估证明,我国的物种 濒危情况(极危、濒危和易危)远比过去的估计高 。 无脊椎动物为34.74%; 脊椎动物为35.92%; 裸子植物69.91%; 被子植物为86.63%。
1 世界上入侵生物造成危害的典型事例
破坏生态平衡:1859年一个英国人在澳大利亚放养 了13只兔子用以打猎,繁衍至今已产生了6亿只后代, 这些兔子常常把数万平方公里的植物啃吃精光,导致其 他种类野生动物面临饥饿,甚至有灭绝的危险。
加速物种灭绝:20世纪,在美国灭绝的鱼类中有68 %与生物入侵有关。我国云南水域中的432种土著鱼类 中,近5年来一直未采集到标本的鱼类130种,其他鱼类 也呈现出逐渐减少的趋势,外来鱼类的引入是主要原因 。
精选ppt 24
1 外来植物种类
1995年丁建清等在国内首次依据文献资料对农田、牧 场、水域等生境的植物进行了初步统计。 迄今为止,据统计我国已知外来归化植物(定 殖下来)超过600种。初步确定为外来入侵植物可达 90余种,其中至少有58种外来植物对我国农林业带 来了危害。 对农林业危害较大的有紫荆泽兰、小花假泽兰( 微甘菊)、空心莲子草(水花生)、豚草、毒麦、 互花米草、飞机草、水葫芦(凤眼莲)、假高粱等9 种。
选择性必修第二册 Unit 5 A delicate world(学生版)
Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.halfway adj.中间的,半途的2.inhabitant n.栖居的动物3.penguin n.企鹅4.rat n.大老鼠5.vegetation n.植物,草木(总称) 6.erosion n.侵蚀7.chaos n.大混乱;紊乱8.virus n.病毒9.immunity n.免疫力10.substantial adj.大量的,多的11.intervention n.干预,介入12.postscript n.附言13.pest n.有害小动物;害虫14.dissolve v.(使)溶解15.nutrient n.养分,营养物16.session n.一段时间17.herbal adj.用香(药)草制成的18.criterion n.(复数criteria)标准,准则19.prosper v.兴旺,发达20.altitude n.海拔(高度)21.thrive v.茁壮成长22.fossil n.化石23.floral adj.花的24.coexist v.共存,共处Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.heritage n.遗产;传统2.habitat n.栖息地3.subsequently ad v.后来,随后4.appetite n.胃口,食欲5.decrease v.(使)变小,(使)减少6.trap n.夹子,陷阱7.collapse v.倒坍;塌下8.incident n.事件9.owe v.应该做;对……负有……的义务10.visual adj.视觉的11.status n.地位;身份12.rare adj.稀有的,罕见的13.apparently ad v.据说;看来,似乎14.vast adj.巨大的;广大的15.elsewhere ad v.在别处16.greeting n.问候,招呼Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.dramatically ad v.显著地;戏剧性地→dramatic adj.戏剧性的;突然的→drama n.戏剧2.multiply v.(使)大大增加,(使)倍增→multiple adj.多种多样的3.conservation n.保护→conserve v.保护→conservative adj.保守的;守旧的4.departure n.离开→depart v.离开;出发5.explode v.突然增加→explosion n.爆炸;激增6.ecology n.生态;生态学→ecological adj.生态的→ecologist n.生态学家7.comparison n.比较→compare v.比较8.mysterious adj.神秘的→mystery n.难以理解的事物;谜9.biological adj.生物的,与生物有关的→biology n.生物学→biologist n.生物学家10.variation n.差异;变化→variable adj.可变的;易变的→various adj.各种各样的→variety n.变化;多样(化);多变(性)→vary v.变化11.endangered adj.濒临灭绝的→endanger v.危及;使……处于危险→danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的12.invasion n.涌入;侵犯,入侵→invade v.侵犯→invader n.侵略者 adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;稳固的v t.获得;拴牢;保护→security n.安全;保护措施1.spark /spɑːk/v t.引发;激发n.火花;活力2.siege /siːdʒ/n.围困;包围3.devise /d I'va I z/v t.想出;设计4.shiver /'ʃI və(r)/v i.颤抖;发抖5.groan /ɡrəʊn/n.呻吟;低沉的声响v i.& v t.呻吟6.doom /duːm/n.厄运;毁灭v t.注定(失败、毁灭等)meet one’s doom死亡7.weariness /'w Iər I n I s/n.厌倦;筋疲力尽8.glide /ɡla I d/v i.滑行;滑翔glide away溜走;滑走9.pierce /p Iəs/v t.& v i.刺入;刺穿;穿透10.stealthily /'stelθI li/ad v.偷偷地;鬼鬼祟祟地Ⅳ.背核心短语1.on behalf of代表 to do sth未做到某事 harmony with与……协调,与……一致,与……和睦相处4.develop an appetite for对……产生兴趣 introduced to被引进到……,被介绍给……6.die out灭绝;消失7.out of control失去控制8.remove...from...把……从……移走9.decrease从……减少到…… consequence结果,因此11.turn out原来是,结果发现12.a substantial number of大量的13.once and for all一劳永逸;彻底地把……归功于……;欠……15.coexist with和……共存;与……共处Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.Nor would they fail to imagine how its native inhabitants,including royal penguins,king penguins,and elephant seals,existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.(否定副词置于句首引起的倒装)他们也不难想象出,数千年来,包括帝企鹅、王企鹅和象海豹在内的当地动物是如何与其自然栖息地完美地和谐共存的。
一、外星生物的分类根据不同的科幻作品、传说和假说,外星生物可以被分为以下几类:1.1 智慧生物(Sentient beings)在科幻文化中,智慧生物常常指代具备高度智力和意识的外星生物。
1.2 机器人(Robots)机器人是由人类或外星智慧生物创造的人造生命体,常被用来执行特定的任务或服务。
1.3 虚拟存在(Virtual beings)虚拟存在是指存在于虚拟世界中的人工智能实体,它们并非真正的物理生物体,而是由计算机程序所构成的。
以下是两种主要的外星生命存在的假设:2.1 异生化学(Astrochemistry)异生化学指的是外星生命通过与地球上不同的化学物质和环境适应,形成了不同的生命体。
2.2 基于水的生命(Water-based life)基于水的生命假说认为,水在宇宙中普遍存在,并且是生命的必备元素。
1. 欧洲杉虫(Gypsy Moth)。
2. 狐尾藻(Eurasian Watermilfoil)。
3. 红火蚁(Red Imported Fire Ant)。
4. 美洲灰树蛙(Cane Toad)。
5. 沼泽蝇(Water Hyacinth)。
TPO69阅读-2Pacific Ecosystems原文 (1)译文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (8)背景知识 (9)原文Pacific Ecosystems①The Pacific Ocean accounts for one-third of Earth’s surface and half of the world’s ocean area.It has about25,000islands,of which about7,500are oceanic,being relatively far from a continental shore.The great majority of all Pacific islands were born barren of life:hard,dense,volcanic rock pimples on the sea's surface.New Zealand is the chief exception;it is among the continental islands of the western Pacific,together with Fiji,the Solomons,and others to the west.②Life arrived on most other islands by accident or by drift.Some plants arrived by air transport;seeds carried in the digestive tracts of birds account for nearly40 percent of Hawaii's early plants.The first invaders were either creatures that could float well enough,in air or water,to cross stretches of ocean,or those whose seeds could survive a voyage in some bird's gut.At times of lower sea level,land bridges linked,or nearly linked,many islands in the far western Pacific,so some species colonized these islands without being notably good floaters or stowaways.In the eastern Pacific(Easter Island,for example)only the best floaters and travelers arrived and survived.Consequently,the western islands have far more species and far greater biodiversity than do the eastern islands of Polynesia.Mammals found it hard to get anywhere in the island Pacific;only bats and rats successfully colonized east of New Guinea.Almost all species derive from Asia;the early Pacific was an Asian lake,with only a tiny proportion of species from the Americas.As a rule of thumb,the further from Indonesia,the more impoverished the plant and animal life and,in consequence,the less stable and resilient in the face of disturbance. This attenuation is strong for land species,less strong for marine species,and nonexistent for oceanic birds,although fairly strong for land birds.③Pacific ecosystems evolved in relative(but differential)isolation from the continental crucibles of biological evolution.This meant opportunities for speciation:the development of new species occupying ecological niches that elsewhere were already filled.The finches described by the naturalist Charles Darwin on the Galapagos Islands—birds that divided into different species,each specialized for a narrow niche—are the classic example.On islands that had no mammals,reptiles and birds took their place.Thus the Galapagos have giant tortoises,and New Zealand once had giant birds that functioned more or less like browsing or grazing mammals.Throughout most of the Pacific,the paucity of grazing animals meant that plants developed no defenses,such as spines, poisonous chemicals,or bitterness.The remoter islands had a very high proportion of endemism—that is,of species that existed only there.In the case of Hawaii,as many as99percent of the species were endemic.All this led to a certain biological vulnerability among the terrestrial island species,should they ever be obliged to compete for niche space with the winners of the more intense continental competitions for survival.This vulnerability increased toward the east and toward the remoter corners of the Pacific along a gradient defined chiefly by the degree of isolation.④A second source of vulnerability,perhaps more decisive,arose from the arrival of humankind in the Pacific.Island animals evolved with no experience of the ways of humankind,or indeed of any large terrestrial predators.As a result,they had no immunities to predators or the effects of human action.Pacific animals were often unwary and easy prey.At the extreme,again the Galapagos,Darwin found many birds almost tame,so naively trusting that they would allow him to get within arm’s reach.Pacific plants had little experience with fire,because natural fires were very rare,except in a few places.Thus few plants were well adapted to fire,and most proved vulnerable to it.In contrast,continental species that had evolved in the presence of humankind,or in places where natural fire is much more common, could recover easily after burns,and some could flourish as a result of fire.In short, Pacific ecosystems were different from continental ones on account of their isolation.They were well adapted to their circumstances but very vulnerable to alien invasion and human impact.译文太平洋生态系统①太平洋占地球表面的三分之一,占世界海洋面积的一半。
AlienInvasion外来物种入侵Bad idea. Instead of chowing8 down on the beetles, cane toads gobbled9 anything they could swallow—pet food, garbage, honeybees, termites10, snails, and mice.The toads multiplied11 , spreading across the northern coast of Australia. Today toads are such a problem that a member of the Australian government recently suggested that citizens use golf clubs to whack12 the warty13 amphibians14 !Australia isn’t the only country dealing with unwelcome animal guests. In the United State s, hundreds of invasive species pose15 a threat to the environment.The Aliens are comingAn invasive species is nonnative, or alien, to the ecosystem16. An ecosystem is a group of plants, animals, and other living organisms that live together in the same area. Although invasive species don’t damage their own ecosystem, they can cause massive destruction when they invade another area.For example, fingernail-sized zebra mussels17 hitchhiked18 from Russia to the Great Lakes in the water tanks of ships. When those ships landed in the United States, the zebra mussels began gobbling up food and oxygen, leaving nothing for other underwater creatures to eat.They also irritated19 humans. Each year, a female zebra mussel can produce 30,000 to 1 million eggs. When those eggs hatch20, the mussels clog pipes that provide drinking water to houses and schools.A beetle called the emerald ash borer21 arrived in the United States from China in wood packing material carried aboard cargo ships or airplanes.The adult emerald ash borer nibbles22 on the leaves of the ash tree. The larvae23 of the beetle, however, cause far more damage by chomping24 through the inner bark25 of ash trees. The insects destroy the tunnels that allow water and nutrients26 to travel from the roots to the leaves. Emerald ash borers have killed 8 million to 10 million trees in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Another invasive species that is wreaking havoc27 is the snakehead28 fish.Snakeheads arrived in the United States from Asia as exotic29 pets. When pet owners grew tired of the snakeheads, they threw the fish into nearby lakes and streams.The snakehead fish now live in several states and can move over land from one body of water to another body. They dine greedily and can clear a pond of all its fish. The snakehead was recently spotted in a lake in Queens, N.Y., a part of New York City.“The world has changed so much in the last 100 years,” Jodie A. Ellis, a scientist at Purdue University, told Senior Edition. “We are now able to s hare so many things with other countries, which is mostly a good thing. But there are costs, and one of those costs is the constant threat of invasive species.”Why should we care?In addition to destroying an ecosystem, the devastation30 caused by invasive species can be costly. In the United States, the damage caused by the peaky critters31 is roughly $137 million per year.“Our natural ecosystems are the primary source of our food and drinking water,” Lisa Gould, a senior scientist at the Rhode Isla nd Natural History Survey, told Senior Edition. “Ecosystems helpkeep our air clean. They give us medicines and materials for our industries. Without them, we could not exist for long.”Battling the cane toadBack in Australia, the government has devoted $1 million to combating that country’s pesky toad problem. Scientists are researching what kind of poisons can kill the creature.Wildlife officials are also setting up traps to catch the toads, which are now hitchhiking across Australia in the backs of cars and trucks.“We cannot tolerate a situation where cane toads are getting a free ride across the continent,” says one Australian official.What can you do?Kids can do a lot of things to prevent alien plants and animals from invading our ecosystems. Robert J. Wiese, director of animal collections at the Fort Worth Zoo, says you should figure out which animals and plants belong in your community and which ones don’t.Most people don’t know a lot about their natural surroundings. Wiese said. By the t ime a plant or an animal has invaded an ecosystem, it’s too late. Wiese gives this advice:● Use native plants in your garden.●Don’t release unwanted pets into the wild. That is especially a problem with tropical fish, which people often dump into waterways.20世纪30年代,喜吃甜食的甲虫吞噬了澳大利亚的大片甘蔗。
The hero Ultraman and players to fight, to protect humanity from the monster invasion, and crushed to invade the earth as the goal of the universe's NO.1to defend the 我来地球打打架 plot, fight peace on earth.
外星人是1982美国科幻小说 电影,导演史提芬斯皮尔伯格 合作生产。
He is an alien, a senior toy, also can saying is the nanny, in this alien civilization, this toy is not only can play with the kid, also can to alien children to care for, such as if children were injured, don't have to look doctor, magical ray a photo.
他是一个外星人,一个高级玩具, 也可以说是保姆,这个外星文明, 这不仅是玩具可以玩的孩子,也 会对外来的孩子要照顾,如儿童 受伤,不用看医生,魔法射线照 片。
Now,when the comet hit the earth,what would happen?In 2014, Professor Do suddenly appeared. 现在,当彗星撞地球,会发生什么?2014,都教授突然出现.
Aliens, is a natural existence. In science fiction movies, there are many alien life came to earth for a variety of reasons.
考研英语阅读理解全真试题单词注释(2001-2003)2001年阅读理解试题Passage Onespecialization n. 细分化response to (n.) 对…做出的反应,回应accumulation n. 积累split up v. 分裂subject matter 主要内容handle v. 处理basis for (n.) (作为…的)基础 a series of 一系列affect v. 影响process n. 过程communication n. 交流,信息交换professionalization 专业化clear-cut adj. 明显的,清晰的draw the distinction 区别professional n. 专业人士amateur n. 业余人士exception n. 例外rule n. 惯例nevertheless adv. 然而connotation n. 内涵意义concerned 相关的(后置修饰词)integrate into 融入scientific community 科技界in particular 尤其,特别consequent adj. 随之而来的complex adj. 复杂的imply v. 显示,暗示participation in (n.) 参与trend n. 趋势obvious adj. 明显的mathematical adj. 数学的laboratory n. 实验室illustrate v. 举例说明in terms of 以…方式,通过…geology n. 地质学comparison n. 比较geological publication n. 地质学出版物reveal v. 显示emphasis n. 强调,重视primacy n. 首要地位definition n. 定义constitute v. 构成,组成worthwhile adj. 有价值的in one’s own right 独立的incorporate v. 包含,加入reflect on 反映出pursue v. 追求overall adj. 整体,全部,总的entrance to 进入,入口journal n. 期刊,杂志reinforce v. 加强,巩固widespread adj. 影响广泛refereeing n. 审阅,鉴定logical consequence 合理结果separate adj. 独立的,各自的aim towards 目的在于readership n. 读者,读者群differentiation n. 不同,区别tend to 往往,经常remain v. 一直处于(某种状态) specific society 具体的,特定的社团well under way 在过程或进行中delay v. 延迟,耽误reckon v. 认为crucial adj. 至关重要的sociology n. 社会学chemistry n. 化学psychology n. 心理学infer v. 推论出compete with 与… 竞争academic society 学术社团demonstrate v. 说明discrimination against (n.) n. 歧视,区别expansion n. 扩展Passage Twoso-called adj. 所谓的digital adj. 数字的,数码的division n. 分隔,分离lecture v. 讲座looming adj. 潜在的,即将到来的visible adj. 看得见的positive forces 积极力量work against 对…起反作用,抵消optimistic adj. 乐观的narrow v. 变得狭窄commercialize v. 商业化in the interest of 为了…的利益universalize v. 普及access n. 接通网络after all 毕竟online adj. adv. 在网上potential customer 潜在顾客be left behind 落后,被抛在后面planet n. 行星(此处指地球)net v. 编织,联系widen v. 扩大,加宽combat v. 斗争poverty n. 贫困defeat v. 战胜,击败enormous adj. 巨大的potential n. 潜力impoverished adj. 陷入贫困的get over 克服outdated adj. 过时的anti- (词缀)反对colonial adj. 殖民地的prejudice n. 偏见with respect to 与…有关的investment (into something) 投资invasion n. 入侵sovereignty n. 主权infrastructure n. 基础设施foundation n. 基础capital n. 资金harbor n. 港口highway n. 城市间的高速公路port n. 港口invest v. 投资former colony 以前的殖民地(指美国)finance v. 资助immigrant n. 进入另一国的移民electronic adj. 电子的well off 小康,富裕fool v. 虚度光阴corporation n. 公司recognize v. 认识到telecom n. 电信take full advantage of 充分利用be responsible for 对…负责guard against 留意attach importance to (n.) 强调,重视foreign fund 外国资金wipe out 消除connect v. 连接justify v. 为…将道理,找理由overseas adj. 海外的be prejudiced against 歧视,对…怀有偏见adopt v. 采纳,接受pattern n. 形式Passage Threedistrust v. 不信任be deep into 埋头苦干,努力工作self-analysis n. 自我分析journalism n. 新闻报道credibility n. 可信度project n. 项目,工作计划turn out to be 结果是low-level adj. 低水平的factual error 错误的事实combine… with… 将两者结合起来head-scratching adj. 挠头的puzzlement n. 困惑,不明白的地方source n. 来源,根本go way deeper 有深层含义template n. 方式plug v. 提供消息conventional adj. 常规的,普通的story line 故事情节,报道方式backbone n. 支柱ready-made n. 半成品,容易的narrative structure 叙事结构otherwise adj. 不然就…confusing adj. 令人不解的disconnect n. 分离,隔断journalist n. 记者alien to something adj. 陌生,疏远survey n. 调查questionnaire n. 问卷metropolitan adj. 大城市的resident n. 居民at random 随意,随机的reply n. 回复be likely to 常常,很有可能upscale neighborhood 高档社区maid n. 女佣trade stocks 参与股票交易volunteer n. 志愿者put down one’s root 深入,与…联系紧密be broadly defined 定义更为广泛的elite n. 精英reflect v. 反映astonishing adj. 令人震惊的media n. 媒体root in 在于,起因于inaccuracy n. 不准确reportorial skills 报道技巧clash v. 碰撞world view 世界观explosive adj. 爆炸性的,严峻的declining adj. 处于衰退的attitude n. 观点,态度vastly adv. 非常annoy v. 令…不快sponsor v. 赞助symposium n. 研讨会be dedicated to (n.) 专门为了flee v. 逃跑get around 了解,查明notice v. 注意到bias n. 偏见former adj. 以前的diversity n. 多样化race n. 人种,种族gender n. 性别outlook n. 眼界origin n. 起源trustworthy adj. 可靠的contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的illuminating adj. 有启发作用的superficial adj. 表面world outlook 世界观owing to (n.) 因为,由于tendency n. 趋势hire v. 雇佣prejudice v. 歧视,怀有偏见Passage Fourgo through 经历wave n. 浪潮,潮流merger n. 合并acquisition n. 兼并witness v. 目睹process n. 过程sweep v. 席卷hyperactive adj. 非常活跃的emerge v. 出现unsurpassed might 无法比拟的巨大力量concentration n. 集中,集团化anti-competitive force 反竞争势力multinational corporation 跨国公司account for 占据figure n. 数字affiliate n. 附属或分支机构segment n. 部分foreign investment 外国投资reform n. 改革firm n. 公司phenomenon n. 现象serious concern 严重关注role n. 作用,地位ultimate adj. 最终的stability n. 稳定massive adj. 巨大的M & A 企业合并与兼并underlie v. 构成基础globalization n. 全球化transportation and communication 运输与通讯trade and investment barriers 贸易与投资壁垒 enlarge v. 扩大operation n. 操作be capable of (n.) 有能力从事meet one’s demand 满足…的需求beneficial adj. 有好处的detrimental adj. 有害的productivity n. 生产率current adj. 目前的,现在的scanty adj. 稀threat n. 威胁fear v. 害怕trust n. 托拉斯break something up 打破,分割telecom n. 电信reduction n. 削减pace n. 步伐,速度megamerger n. 大规模合并重组banking industry 银行业supervise v. 监督regulate v. 管理operate v. 操纵lender n. 债主the last resort 最后的手段gigantic adj. 巨大的shift v. 转换,转移get strict about 严格对…的制度infringement n. 侵权fair competition 公平竞争take up the role as 承担…的职责,角色defend v. 保卫issue n. 事务typical adj. 典型的trend n. 趋势foreign fund 外国资金driving force 动力surplus n. 赢余infer v. 推论出serve as 作用是threaten v. 威胁enormous adj. 巨大的attitude n. 观点,态度optimistic adj. 乐观的objective adj. 客观公正的pessimistic adj. 悲观的biased adj. 带有偏见的Passage Fivequit v. 放弃,离职it occurs to somebody that 想到,想起trend n. 流行趋势lateral move 工作中的平级调动pride n. 自豪,尊严block v. 封锁professional progress 事业进展prompt v. 催促abandon v. 放弃,抛弃high profile 良好形象career n. 事业(职业)in the manner of 以…的方式disgraced adj. 出现丑闻的government minister 政府部长cover v. 掩盖exit n. 离开curiously adv. 令人好奇地term n. 术语,称呼downshift n. v. 减少工作量excuse n. 借口absolute adj. 绝对的,确实的transform v. 转型passionate adj. 充满激情的advocate n. 倡导者philosophy n. 人生准则preach v. 倡导settle for 对… 感到满足 a bit of 一点点discover v. 发现much-publicized adj. 被媒体广泛报道的resignation n. 辞职editorship n. 编辑工作buildup n. 集合,集结stress n. 压力doctrine n. 教条,准则juggle one’s life 满负荷的生活工作alternative n. 另外的选择move n. 行动reward n. 好处financial adj. 金融,财政的social status 社会地位persuade v. 劝说pressured adj. 充满压力的deadline n. 最后期限fearful adj. 令人恐惧的strain n. 压力office policy 办公室的工作原则limitation n. 极限,限制materialistic adj. 物质的well-established adj. 得到广泛公认的voluntary adj. 自愿的ironically adv. 有讽刺意味地breed (bred) v. 培养,滋生anti-consumerism n. 抵制消费第一的观念simplify v. 简化,简约newsletter adj. 时事通讯tip n. 窍门recycle v. 再利用cling film 保鲜膜soap n. 肥皂achieve v. 完成,达到be equivalent to 和… 相同drop-out n. 失业,失学reaction n. 反应economic decline 经济衰退mass redundancy 大量过剩downsize v. 裁员,精简be linked to 与… 联系thrift n. 节俭acquaintance n. 熟悉seek v. 打算,寻求generation n. 一代urge v. 督促,鼓励mythical adj. 令人神往的organic vegetable 有机,无公害蔬菜risk doing something 冒…的风险recognition n. 认可compel v. 强迫circumstance n. 情况,形势mold v. 塑造be characterized by 特点是,以…为特点extreme adj. 极度的emerge as v. 以…面貌出现pace n. 步伐adventurous spirit n. 冒险精神2002年阅读理解试题Passage Oneintend to do v. 打算humor n. 幽默identify v. 找出,识别shared experience 共同的经历,经验relevant to adj. 和…有关audience n. 听众be in sympathy with 同感,同情point of view 观点address v. 和…说话,强调refer to 指的是disorganized adj. 杂乱无章的method n. 方法secretary n. 秘书alternatively adv. 相反comment on 评论,评价boss n. 老板convention n. 全体会议work well 很有作用heaven n. 天堂accommodation n. 吃住条件peaceful adj. 心境平和的rush v. 猛冲grab v. 抓,抢夺stomp v. 跺脚reply n. 答复,回答position n. 位置,形势appropriate adj. 适当的make a passing remark 短暂发言,说话inedible adj. 没法吃,难以下咽的canteen n. 食堂,饭厅notorious adj. 名声恶劣的taste n. 品位attempt to do 尝试,试图cut in 插嘴resent v. 讨厌disparaging adj. 轻视,鄙视的on safe ground 保险地stick to 坚持scapegoat n. 替罪羊awkward adj. 窘迫,不自然casual adj. 随意的,自然的apparently adv. 显然,明显地off-the-cuff adj. 即兴的,非正式的deliver v. 说话relaxed adj. 放松的unforced adj. 随意的in a… manner 以…方式raise eyebrow 表示不满或者惊奇light-hearted adj. 放松的,轻松的twist n. 歪曲,扭伤familiar adj. 熟悉的quote n. 引言exaggeration n. 夸张understatement n. 言外之意inject v. 注射,注入take advantage of 利用,欺负make fun of 取笑show sympathy for 同情imply v. 推论出,暗示conscious of adj. 意识到godlike role 上帝般的职责(救死扶伤)be entitled to something 有权利享受privilege n. 特权infer v. 推论出focus on 关注,集中于inappropriate subject 不恰当的题材laughing stock 笑柄desired result 希望达到的结果well worded adj. 措辞得当的strategy n. 策略Passage Twodawn n. 开始ingenuity n. 灵巧,智力devise v. 设计cunning adj. 狡猾的,灵巧的cope with 应付boring adj. 无聊的burdensome adj. 辛苦,劳累的plain adv. 纯粹,简直就是nasty adj. 难以处理的compulsion n. 动力,强迫robotics n. 机器人(的学问)confer v. 授予,给予capability n. 能力yet to 将要,还没有create v. 创造mechanical version 机械版本science fiction 科幻小说be populated with 充满intelligent adj. 智力的,智慧的gizmo n. 小发明presence n. 出现,存在barely adv. 几乎不universal adj. 普遍的existence n. 存在remove v. 除去human labor 体力劳动hum to the rhythm 发出有节奏的嗡鸣assembly n. 生产线automated teller terminal 自动提款机transaction n. 交易subway train 地铁tireless robo-driver 不知疲倦的机器人司机miniaturization n. 微缩electronics n. 电子技术micro-mechanics 微观力学perform surgery 进行外科手术sub-millimeter adj. 亚毫米的accuracy n. 精确precision n. 精确highly skilled 技术熟练的physician n. 内科医生stage n. 阶段laborsaving adj. 节约劳动力的utility n. 用处operate v. 运转supervision n. 监督goal n. 目标pose a challenge 提出挑战handle v. 处理error n. 错误common sense 常识reliably adj. 可靠地interact with 互动,相互作用dynamic adj. 动态的quest for something 探索artificial intelligence 人工智能a spell of 一段时间的initial adj. 开始,起初的optimism n. 乐观精神transistor n. 传感器circuit n. 电路microprocessor n. 微处理器copy v. 模仿,重复action n. 行为,活动extend v. 延伸,推广forecast n. 预报attempt to 尝试,试图model v. 建购roughly adv. 大约nerve cell 神经细胞talented adj. 有天赋,高智商的perception n. 观察complicated adj. 复杂的previously adv. 过去,从前imagine v. 想象recognize v. 认出panel n. 仪表板 a fraction of n. 微小的片段,部分glimpse n. 一瞥scene n. 场景immediately adv. 立刻disregard v. 忽略irrelevant adj. 无关的instantaneously adj. 瞬间的winding adj. 蜿蜒曲折的be suspicious of 表示怀疑crowd n. 拥挤的人群approach v. 达到neuro- (词缀)神经的demonstrate v. 显示manufacturing industry 制造业elite n. 精英tackle v. 处理,应付creature n. 生物beyond one’s ability 某人无法达到的能力fulfill v. 完成,实现delicate adj. 细致的verbally adv. 言语地,口头地respond v. 做出反应independently adv. 独立地besides prep. 除… 之外intervention n. 干涉,干扰cultivate v. 培养creativity n. 创造力internal adj. 内部的perceive v. 观察abnormality n. 反常情况Passage Threeeconomic decline 经济衰退supply-cut n. 减少供应crude oil 原油jump v. 迅速上升barrel n. (石油)桶triple v. 成三倍scary adj. 令人害怕的call up memory 引起人们的回忆quadruple v. 翻两番,四倍previous adj. 从前的,过去的shock n. 轰动,震惊double-digit adj. 两位数字inflation n. 通货膨胀global adj. 全球的headline n. 报纸头条warning n. 警报gloom n. 昏暗doom n. 末日suspend v. 暂停grip n. 抓,握northern hemisphere 北半球in a short term 短期内consequence n. 后果severe adj. 严重,艰难account for 占据petrol n. 汽油retail n. 零售muted adj. 无声无息的pump price (石油)零售价rich economies 富国be dependent on 依赖be sensitive to 容易受到影响swing n. v. 摇摆conservation n. 保护(自然资源)shift v. 转移fuel n. 燃料energy-intensive 能源密集型consumption n. 消费,消耗software n. 软件consultancy n. 咨询steel n. 钢材GDP 国内生产总值constant adj. 一致,不变的estimate v. 估计average v. 平均为emerge v. 出现squeeze v. 挤压lose sleep 担忧commodity n. 商品excess n. 超出的部分sizable portion 相当大的比例index n. 指数broadly adv. 广泛地infer v. 推断出dramatically adv. 大幅度地fluctuate v. 波动have significant impact on 产生巨大影响shrink v. 缩小optimistic adj. 乐观的gloomy adj. 前途暗淡的scared adj. 令人害怕的Passage Foursupreme court 最高法院physician-assisted suicide 安乐死implication n. 含义medicine n. 医疗界relieve somebody of 让…从… 中解脱rule v. 裁定constitutional right 宪法赋予的权力in effect 实际上medical principle 医疗原则moral principle 道德准则hold v. 认为intend to do 打算,意图foresee v. 预见actor n. 行动者justify v. 作为…的理由dose n. 剂量morphine adj. 吗啡terminally ill 临终的dosage n. 剂量eventually adv. 最终contend v. 争论shield v. 保护insist v. 坚持认为sufficient adj. 足够的medication n. 治疗hasten v. 加速chair v. 主持maintain v. 认为prescribe v. 开药方drug n. 药品legitimate adj. 合法的medical purpose 医疗目的illegal adj. 非法的surgery n. 外科手术homicide n. 杀人risk v. 冒…的风险physician n. 内科医生release v. 发行,颁布volume n. 册identify v. 确定undertreatment n. 治疗不充分aggressive n. 大胆的ineffectual adj. 无效的forced adj. 强制性的medical procedure 医疗程序prolong v. 延长dishonor v. 让…不够体面twin adj. 双重,同时存在的profession n. 职业人士take steps 采取措施require v. 要求management n. 处理therapy n. 治疗(方法)billing code 法案hospital based care 住院治疗assess v. 评估,估计play a key role 起到关键作用well-meaning adj. 出发点是好的medical initiative 医疗动机translate into 转化为unconcerned with 不关心predictably adv. 预先已经知道地extent n. 程度constitute v. 构成systematic adj. 有系统,有目的的patient abuse 虐待病人licensing board 执照办法机构presumptuously adv. 自以为是地incompetently adv. 不合格,不称职地suspension n. 暂停,吊销strongly oppose 强烈反对commit suicide 自杀guilty adj. 有罪的recovery n. 恢复,复原inadequate adj. 不够充分的bold adj. 大胆的desperate adj. 绝望的punish v. 惩罚2003年阅读理解试题Passage Onespymaster n. 超级间谍,间谍领袖lay the root for 为… 打下基础be fascinated with 对…着迷come to hand 方便的espionage n. 间谍活动spy v. 做间谍profession n. 职业pastime n. 业余消遣reshape v. 重塑vocation n. 职业revolution n. 变革electronic adj. 电子的give birth to 产生point-and-click 点击spook n. 密探intelligence n. 情报influential adj. 有影响力contest n. 竞赛compile v. 编撰,收集整理data n. 数据by a large margin 以很大优势tiny adj. 微小的advantage n. 优势mastery n. 精通,掌握firm n. 公司splash n. 溅起的水花,影响力private adj. 私营的analysis n. 分析based in 总部位于corporation n. 大公司prediction n. 预测available online 可以在网上得到mutually reinforce 相互加强,交相呼应collection n. 收集distribution n. 发放vacuum up 掏空,探询究竟far corners of the world 世界的另一端crisis n. 危机sign-up 网络用户former adj. 过去的risk n. 风险earn one’s keep 挣钱吃饭rely on 依赖lean staff 数量有限的员工military intelligence background 军事间谍背景outsider status 旁观者的立场,地位key n. 关键brief n. 简短情况介绍back-and-forthing 信息交流agency n. 情报机构dramatic declaration 引起轰动的消息on the chance that 以防,避免take pride in 对…感到自豪independent adj. 独立的emergence n. 出现net n. (互联)网络fan n. 支持者remold v. 重塑restore v. 恢复pastime n. 业余活动revive v. 使…得到重生episode n. 插曲honor v. 表彰unique adj. 独一无二的exert efforts 付出努力achieve success 取得成功enjoy popularity 得到流行,受到欢迎guarantee n. v. 担保be characterized by 特点是fairly reliable 相当可靠的official status 官方地位nonconformist image 不守成规者的形象efficient adj. 有效率的Passage Twoparaphrase v. 解释statesman n. 政治家triumph n. 胜利misguided cause 受到误导的事业seek to do 努力,设法biomedical research 生物医学研究rule out 取消,废除respond forcefully to 对…做出强有力的反应advocate n. 倡导者argument n. 观点confuse v. 迷惑the public 公众thereby adv. 因此threaten v. 威胁advance n. 进步,进展target v. 以… 为目标funding n. 资助process n. 过程allegation n. (没证据的)断言cruelty n. 残忍setting n. 环境,背景perplex v. 困扰deliberately adv. 故意地harm v. 伤害grandmotherly woman 上了年纪的妇女staff v. 做… 的工作人员booth n. 亭子,展位street fair 街头集会distribute v. 分发brochure n. 小册子fur n. 动物皮毛oppose v. 反对immunization n. 免疫vaccine n. 疫苗assure v. 确信reply v. 回答epidemics n. 流行病well-meaning adj. 好心的,出发点好的communicate v. 传达,表达compassionate adj. 有同情心的human term 普通人可以理解的说法molecular biology 分子生物学connection n. 联系hip replacement 换臀手术bypass operation 阑尾切除手术vaccination n. 接种疫苗pet’s shot 宠物注射unaware adj. 没有意识的treatment n. 治疗方式cruel adj. 残忍的adopt v. 采用,利用present v. 呈现,发表lest prep. 以免go unchallenged 无人质疑deceptive adj. 欺骗性的appearance n. 外表,外衣institution n. 机构open to tours 向游人开放laboratory n. 实验室humane adj. 人道的ultimate adj. 最终的stakeholder n. 负责人,说话算数的人patient n. 患者health research community 医疗研究团体recruit v. 招收well-known personality 著名人士courageous adj. 有勇气的uninformed adj. 消息闭塞,知识贫乏的citizenry n. 公民extinguish v. 消灭precious adj. 珍贵的ember n. 余烬call on 号召take action 采取行动criticize v. 批评warn of 警告doom n. 末日,结局inhumane adj. 不人道的inevitable adj. 不可避免的vicious adj. 邪恶的pointless adj. 没有意义的discontent with adj. 不满的ignorance n. 无知indifference n. 冷漠anxiety n. 焦虑employ v. 采用,采取hi-tech means 高科技手段feel no shame for 不必为…感到难为情strive to do 为…奋斗cure n. 治疗方法humanist n. 人道主义者practitioner n. 医生enthusiast n. 狂热分子Passage Threecombine with 合并,联合merge into 合并为heighten v. 提高concern about 关注,担忧monopoly n. 垄断account for 占据a series of 一系列的merger n. 合并freight n. 运输中的货物major rail carrier 主要铁路运输公司allow for 使…成为可能substantial adj. 大量的cost reduction 降低成本coordinated service 协调一致的服务threat n. 威胁remove v. 消除fierce competition 激烈竞争shipper n. 船运公司complain v. 抱怨bulk n. 大而笨重的commodity n. 商品long distance 远距离coal n. 煤chemical n. 化学品grain n. 粮食trucking n. 卡车运输costly adj. 昂贵的by the throat 扼杀vast consolidation 相当大的巩固typically adv. 通常charge v. 收费captive shipper 受到经营控制的运输公司compete for 竞争overcharge v. 收费过高appeal to 上诉federal government 联邦政府rate relief 价格下调process n. 过程time consuming 耗时的extreme cases 极端的情况,个别情况justify v. 为…找理由discrimination n. 歧视,不公正对待on the ground that 在…基础上,根据in the long run 从长远角度讲customer n. 顾客option n. 选择switch to 转向remaining adj. 其余的shoulder v. 担负keep up the line 维持正常水准theory n. 原理subscribe v. 同意,认同in practice 实际上position n. 位置,情况determine v. 决定flourish v. 繁荣arbiter n. 仲裁人frequently adv. 时常represent v. 代表hit v. 打击a round of 一轮brightening fortune 光明的前景capital v. 资本invest v. 投资surging adj. 不断上升的traffic n. 运输流量acquire v. 兼并cheer somebody on 鼓励bid n. 出价,投标transaction n. 交易bill n. 账单grip n. 抓住,掌握call for 呼吁,要求coordination n. 协调一致cross-trade adj. 跨行业的competitor n. 竞争者attitude towards 态度indifferent adj. 冷漠indignant adj. 气愤apprehensive adj. 担忧infer v. 推断出rival n. 对手unlikely adj. 不可能government board 政府机构ensure v. 确保fair play 公平竞争function v. 起…的作用supervise v. 监督acquisition n. 兼并cheering adj. 令人兴奋的shrink v. 缩小,减少Passage Fourpressing adj. 令人感到压抑的inevitable adj. 不可避免的optional adj. 选择的small wonder 难怪life expectancy n. 平均寿命double v. 翻一番failing hips 出了毛病的臀部replace v. 替换clinical depression 情绪低落的临床症状cataract n. 白内障remove v. 除去surgical adj. 外科的procedure n. 程序advance n. 进步cure v. 治愈confront v. 面对,挑战threaten v. 威胁normal adj. 正常的genetically programmed 由基因决定的disintegrate v. 解体perish v. 腐败,死亡ideal condition 理想状态medical consumer 医疗消费者shield v. 保护,防护third party payer 第三方支付者demand v. 要求obvious adj. 明显的last-stage cancer 癌症晚期frustrate v. 令人沮丧inability n. 无能为力disease n. 疾病aggressive adj. (治疗)过度的treatment n. 治疗far beyond 远远超过scientifically justified 科学上合理的trend n. 趋势unsustainable 无法维持的be willing to 愿意,乐于reverse v. 改变,逆转scholar n. 学者finite resource 有限的资源sustain v. 维持former adj. 以前的quote v. 引用infirm n. 虚弱的duty n. 责任,职责get out of the way 让开道路realize one’s potential 发挥潜力energetic adj. 精力充沛的routinely adv. 通常dazzling adj. 难以置信的productive adj. 有生产力的surgeon n. 外科医生general n. 主任chair v. 做主席start-up adj. 生意兴隆的,新兴的living proof 生动的证明prevention n. 预防pursuit n. 追求costly adj. 昂贵的dramatic adj. 夸张,过度的measure n. 措施ineffective adj. 无效的over-fund 拨款过度under-fund 拨款不足humble adj. 谦恭,适当的therapy n. 治疗(方法)imply v. 暗示be prepared for 坦然对待over-confident adj. 过度自信的take a vain pride 盲目骄傲fatal adj. 致命的unaffordable adj. 难以负担的attitude to 对…的态度remark n. 话语disapproval n. 反对reserved adj. 有保留的consent v. 同意slight adj. 轻微的contempt n. 鄙视,看不起enthusiastic adj. 热情的fund v. 出资,拨款flexibly adv. 灵活地extravagantly adv. 浪费的,大方的cautiously adv. 谨慎小心的prolong v. 延长be worth doing 值得excessive adj. 过度的。
把目光投向中国Turning Your Eyes to China校长先生,女士们,先生们:Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,衷心感谢萨莫斯校长的盛情邀请。
I would like to begin by sincerely thanking President Summers for his kind invitation.哈佛是世界著名的高等学府,精英荟萃,人才辈出。
Harvard is a world-famous institution of higher learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation. In its 367 years of history, Harvard has produced seven American presidents and more than 40 Nobel laureates. You have reason to be proud of your school.今天,我很高兴站在哈佛讲台上同你们面对面交流。
It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you. I am an ordinary Chinese, the son of a school teacher. I experienced hardships in my childhood and for long years worked in areas under harsh conditions in China. I have been to 1,800 Chinese counties out of a total of 2,500. I deeply love my country and my people.我今天演讲的题目是——把目光投向中国。
8建筑描述:高耸的摩天大楼Architectural descriptions: towering skyscrapers废弃的工厂abandoned factories破败的公寓楼dilapidated apartment buildings荒废的仓库deserted warehouses未来主义建筑futuristic buildings高达100层的摩天大楼skyscrapers up to 100 storeys high废弃的化工厂abandoned chemical plants破旧的公寓楼dilapidated apartment buildings废弃的地铁站abandoned underground stations钢铁巨兽的未来主义建筑futuristic buildings of steel giants独特的废弃矿井unique abandoned mines城市中心的高桥high bridges in the centre of cities破败的仓库区dilapidated warehouse areas未来主义立交桥futuristic overpasses巨型城市塔楼giant urban towers高层公寓high-rise flats混凝土丛林concrete jungles废弃的办公大楼abandoned office buildings高科技实验室high-tech laboratories宏伟的桥梁magnificent bridges巨大的地下设施huge underground facilities发电厂power plants防空洞air raid shelters高速公路桥motorway bridges废弃的工业区abandoned industrial areas未来主义的宇宙站futuristic cosmic stations高科技商业中心high-tech commercial centres科技领域的大型研发基地large R&D bases in the field of science and technology 高科技军事基地high-tech military bases科技学院science and technology colleges炼油厂oil refineries气象站weather stations军火库armouries研究所research institutes氛围与情感:无助的孤独Atmosphere and emotion: helpless loneliness 幸存者的希望hope of survivors犯罪行动的紧张tension of criminal action黑暗力量的压迫感oppression of dark forces黑暗的压迫感oppression of darkness绝望的孤独感loneliness of despair亢奋的兴奋感exhilarating excitement危险的紧张感tension of danger科技的未来感futuristic sense of technology刺激的冒险感exciting sense of adventure神秘的不可知感mysterious sense of unknowability迷幻的感觉psychedelic feeling幸存者的希望感sense of hope of survivors灰暗的丧失感grey sense of loss失落与绝望loss and despair未来世界的孤独感loneliness of a future world生存的希望与勇气hope of survival and courage科技带来的愉悦感the pleasure of technology黑客的兴奋感the excitement of hacking未来社会的不安感the uneasiness of future society高科技设备的刺激感the excitement of high-tech devices未知领域的神秘感the mystery of unknown territories科技研究的探索感the exploration of technological research 黑科技的迷茫感the confusion of black technology未来世界的理想主义the idealism of the future world科技的浪漫情怀the romance of technology科技带来的自由感the freedom that technology brings未来的疑惑与困惑the doubt and confusion of the future科技为人类带来的进步感the sense of progress that technology brings to humanity未来世界的危机感the crisis of the future world科技的创新和挑战the innovation and challenges of technology910光线与影子:闪耀的霓虹灯Light and shadow: shimmering neon lights黑暗中的影子shadows in the dark照亮城市的月光moonlight illuminating the city强烈的阳光strong sunlight熠熠生辉的霓虹灯glittering neon lights黑暗中的神秘影子mysterious shadows in the dark照亮城市的月光moonlight illuminating the city强烈的阳光strong sunlight折射光线下的变幻光影changing light in refracted light闪烁不定的烛光flickering candlelight星光下的美丽影像beautiful images in starlight柔和的阴影soft shadows梦幻般的光影效果dreamy light effects烟雾中的迷离影像misty images in smoke未来主义的夜景futuristic night scenes红色的霓虹灯光the red neon light充满幻想的星空fantasy starry skies机器人的投影projections of robots未来的科技光束beams of future technology黑暗中的眼睛eyes in the dark闪耀的星星shining stars照亮未来的激光光束laser beams illuminating the future强烈的太阳光线intense sun rays电影中的未来世界光影light and shadows in the future world in films虚拟现实中的光影light and shadows in virtual reality高科技眼镜的反射光reflected light from high-tech glasses未来世界中的阴影与光影shadows and light in the future world未来世界的幻想与现实交织fantasy and reality intertwined in the future world 机器人身上的光线投影light projections on robots未来的科技成为生活中的一部分the future of technology becoming a part of life黑暗中的未知形态unknown forms in the darkness.11能量与力量:高科技能量场Energy and power: high-tech energy fields激光束laser beams电磁脉冲electromagnetic pulses核反应堆nuclear reactors超级电池super batteries电磁脉冲的瘫痪力the paralysing power of electromagnetic pulses核反应堆的能量源the energy source of nuclear reactors超级电池的持久力the staying power of super batteries量子力学的变幻力量the shifting power of quantum mechanics黑洞的引力力量the gravitational power of black holes核聚变的能量释放力量the energy-releasing power of nuclear fusion电磁风暴的毁灭力量the destructive power of electromagnetic storms高速磁力驱动的力量the power of high-speed magnetic drives能量场的波动fluctuations in energy fields电子设备的节能模式energy-saving modes of electronic devices能量场的屏蔽效应the shielding effect of the field高科技武器的杀伤力the lethality of high-tech weapons机械臂的承重能力the weight-bearing capacity of mechanical arms科技设备的耗电量the power consumption of technological equipment 核反应堆的输出能力the output of nuclear reactors电磁脉冲的破坏力the destructive power of electromagnetic pulses飞船发动机的推力the thrust of spaceship engines高科技燃料的能量密度the energy density of high-tech fuels太阳能发电的效率the efficiency of solar power generation高科技设备的稳定性能the stability of high-tech equipment能量转换的效率the efficiency of energy conversion核聚变的热释放量the heat release of nuclear fusion高科技设备的传输效率the transmission efficiency of high-tech equipment 能量流动的稳定性the stability of energy flow12人工生命:合成人类Artificial life: synthetic humans机器人助手robotic assistants仿生生物bionic beings智能宠物intelligent pets克隆人类cloned humans合成人类的身体优势physical advantages of synthetic humans机器人助手的灵活性flexibility of robotic assistants仿生生物的自我进化self-evolution of bionic beings智能宠物的陪伴感companionship of intelligent pets克隆人类的完美基因perfect genes of cloned humans混合生物的多样性diversity of hybrid beings强化人类的肉体能力physical capabilities of enhanced humans多重人格的思维方式multiple personalities of thinking未来生命体的神秘力量mysterious powers of future lifeforms神秘生物的未知威胁unknown threat仿生机器人的情感emotions of bionic robots智能宠物的互动性interactivity of intelligent pets克隆人的道德争议moral controversies of human cloning合成人类的自我意识self-awareness of synthetic humans机器人助手的便利性convenience of robotic assistants仿生生物的生物力学特性biomechanical properties of bionic beings智能机器人的学习能力learning capabilities of intelligent robots虚拟人的真实感realism of virtual humans未来主义人类的演化evolution of futuristic humans机械生命体的意识认知consciousness perception of mechanical lifeforms人工智能的道德问题moral issues of artificial intelligence仿生人类的生理构造physiological constitution of bionic humans机器人研究的进展advances in robotics research人造生命的探索The Quest for Artificial Life人工智能的学习方法Learning Methods in Artificial Intelligence智能机器人的自我保护能力Self-Preservation Capabilities of Intelligent Robots 人类基因编辑的伦理问题Ethical Issues in Human Gene Editing合成生命体的可控性Controllability of Synthetic Lifeforms13奇异景象:穿越时空的漩涡Strange sights: vortexes through time and space奇怪的异形怪物strange alien monsters虚拟现实空间virtual reality space幻觉和幻觉药物hallucinations and hallucinogenic drugs神秘的传送门mysterious portals奇怪的异形怪物strange alien monsters虚拟现实空间的幻境illusions in virtual reality space错乱的现实世界the dislocated real world幻觉药物的迷幻体验psychedelic experiences with hallucinogenic drugs 未知力量的神秘现象mysterious phenomena of unknown forces远古遗迹的探索之旅voyages of exploration through ancient ruins黑暗维度的恐怖体验horrific experiences in dark dimensions未知星球的探险旅程expeditions to unknown planets时空隧道的扭曲warping of space-time tunnels illusions of virtual worlds虚拟世界的幻觉the emergence of technological aliens科技异形的出现the exploration of unknown planets未知星球的探索the reversal of the behaviour of bionic beings 仿生生命的逆转行为the erroneous reactions of high-tech devices 高科技设备的错误反应the outbreak of technological crises科技危机的爆发the descent of aliens外星人的降临the adventure of time travel时空旅行的冒险the fantastic path of human evolution人类进化的奇妙之路the unpredictability of technological research 科技研究的不可预知性the magnetic disturbance of cosmic space宇宙空间的磁场扰动the adventure of time travel时空穿越的冒险之旅the realisation of virtual worlds虚拟世界的实现the exploration of alien worlds异形世界的探索the virtual personality of Presence虚拟人格的存在感the stormy behaviour of high-tech devices高科技设备的暴走行为the mutant evolution of the space-time tunnel宇宙与星际:星际飞船Universe and Interstellar: Starships行星探测器Planetary Probes星系之间的太空旅行Intergalactic Space Travel14外星生命体Alien Lifeforms星际飞船的科技装备Technological Equipment for Starships行星探测器的探测工具Probing Tools for Planetary Probes星系之间的太空旅行的未知冒险Unknown Adventures of Intergalactic Space Travel外星生命体的威胁与猎捕Threats and Hunting of Alien Lifeforms人类殖民地的建设与发展Construction and Development of Human Colonies星际贸易的繁荣与危机Prosperity and Crisis of Interstellar Trade星际战争的血腥与残酷Bloodshed and Cruelty of Interstellar Wars太空探险的创新与进步Innovation and Progress of Space Exploration黑洞的奇妙力量与恐怖危险Black Holes Wonderful Powers and Terrible Dangers 未知星球的神秘环境与生命Mysterious Environments and Life on Unknown Planets 行星环境的探索Exploration of Planetary Environments太空旅行的冒险Adventures in Space Travel星系间的交通系统Intergalactic Transportation Systems未知星球的探测Exploration of Unknown Planets人类在宇宙中的生存Human Survival in the Universe太阳系的演化过程The Evolution of the Solar System未来的宇宙殖民计划Future Plans for Cosmic Colonisation太空站的生命保障系统Life Support Systems on Space Stations地外文明的探索Exploration of Extraterrestrial Civilisations恒星飞船的设计Design of Stellar Spaceships黑洞的奥秘The Mystery of Black Holes宇宙中的暗物质Dark Matter in the Universe星际探险队的挑战Interstellar The challenges of expeditions星际战争的爆发the outbreak of interstellar wars科技设备在太空中的应用the use of technological devices in space星际旅行的限制the limits of interstellar travel未来的星际战略the future of interstellar strategy。
关于外星人入侵地球的作文英语180字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Alien invasion has been a popular theme in science fiction for many years. The idea of extraterrestrial beings coming to Earth and causing chaos and destruction has captured the imagination of audiences all around the world. While the concept may seem far-fetched, the idea of an alien invasion raises interesting questions about our place in the universe and how we would react to such a threat.Imagine a scenario where aliens from another planet suddenly appear in the sky, their ships casting a shadow over cities and towns. The world would be thrown into chaos as people grapple with the reality of beings from another world. Governments would scramble to respond, mobilizing their military forces in a desperate attempt to defend against the unknown threat.The question of why aliens would want to invade Earth is a source of much speculation. Some believe that they may be seeking to exploit our planet's resources, while others think theymay simply be curious about our civilization. Whatever their motives, the prospect of an alien invasion raises the possibility of humanity being united in the face of a common enemy.In popular culture, aliens are often portrayed as technologically advanced beings with superior weapons and tactics. This would undoubtedly give them an advantage in any conflict with humans. However, it is also possible that their motives may not be hostile, and that they may come in peace, seeking to establish diplomatic relations with Earth.The idea of an alien invasion forces us to confront our own beliefs and fears about the unknown. It challenges us to consider what it means to be human in a universe that is vast and full of mysteries. While the likelihood of an alien invasion is slim, the concept continues to fascinate us and inspire countless books, movies, and television shows.In conclusion, the idea of an alien invasion is a captivating and thought-provoking concept that raises important questions about our place in the universe. While the prospect of beings from another world coming to Earth may seem unlikely, it forces us to consider how we would react in the face of the unknown. Whether aliens would come in peace or as conquerors, the ideaof an alien invasion will continue to captivate audiences for years to come.篇2In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the potential for alien invasion of Earth. While this topic may seem like something out of science fiction, many scientists and experts believe that it is a possibility we should be prepared for.Imagine a scenario where a highly advanced alien civilization makes contact with Earth and decides to invade our planet. The consequences could be catastrophic, with the potential for mass destruction and loss of life on a global scale.One of the most concerning aspects of an alien invasion is the unknown capabilities and intentions of the invaders. Would they come in peace, seeking to coexist with humanity, or would they come with hostile intentions, seeking to conquer and dominate our world? This level of uncertainty makes preparing for such an eventuality a daunting task.In the event of an alien invasion, governments around the world would need to work together to develop a coordinated response. This would involve mobilizing military forces,developing defensive strategies, and potentially engaging in diplomatic negotiations with the invaders.Some experts believe that our best defense against an alien invasion would be to establish a global defense system that could detect and respond to potential threats from outer space. This could involve the deployment of satellites, space-based weapons, and other advanced technologies to monitor and protect our planet from hostile extraterrestrial forces.While the likelihood of an alien invasion may seem remote, it is always better to be prepared for any eventuality. By taking proactive steps to develop and implement a global defense strategy, we can ensure that humanity is ready to face any potential threat from beyond our world.篇3The idea of aliens invading Earth has been a popular topic in science fiction for decades. From H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" to blockbuster movies like "Independence Day," the concept of extraterrestrial beings coming to our planet with hostile intentions has captured the imaginations of people all over the world.But what if this scenario were to actually happen? What if one day, we looked up in the sky and saw alien spacecraft descending upon our cities, ready to conquer and colonize our planet?The consequences of such a situation would be catastrophic. The advanced technology and superior firepower of the aliens would make it nearly impossible for us to defend ourselves. Our military defenses would be no match for their advanced weapons, and our cities would be left in ruins.The human race would be faced with the very real possibility of extinction. Our way of life, our culture, and our civilization would be forever altered by the arrival of these otherworldly beings.But perhaps there is hope. Maybe, in the face of such a dire threat, the people of Earth would come together in a way that we have never seen before. Maybe, united as one, we could find a way to resist the alien invaders and protect our planet from destruction.In the end, the idea of aliens invading Earth is a terrifying one. But it also serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation, unity, and strength in the face of adversity. Andwho knows, maybe one day our planet will be visited by beings from another world – not as conquerors, but as friends.。
The Invasion of Alien Species
Rapana thomasiana (红螺)
That’s all!3Q~
The Alien Species Invasion
Brief Introduction
在生物学上,外来物种是指出现在其自然分布范围和分布 位置以外的一种物种、亚种或低级分类群,包括这些物种 能生存和繁殖的任何部分、配子或繁殖体 。 外来物种入侵是指生物物种由原产地通过自然或人为的途 径迁移到新的生态环境的过程,它有两层意思,第一,物 种必须是外来、非本土的;第二,该外来物种能在当地的 自然或人工生态系统中定居、自行繁殖和扩散,最终明显 影响当地生态环境,损害当地生物多样性。
入侵的外来物种会破坏景观的自然性和完整性,摧毁生态 系统,危害动植物多样性,影响遗传多样性 。
Main way (channel)
为媒介,将物种、亚种或以下的分 类单元(包括其所有可能存活、继 而繁殖的部分、配子或繁殖体), 转移到其(过去或现在的)自然分 布范围及扩散潜力以外的地区。
Intentional introduction
introduction)是指人类有意实 行的引种,将某个物种有目的 地转移到其自然分布范围及扩 散潜力以外(这类引种可以是 授权的或未经授权的)。
Water hyacinth
Bad influence
Unintentional introduction
外星人入侵 地球英语作文80词
外星人入侵地球英语作文80词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Alien InvasionOnce upon a time, there were some aliens who came to Earth. They were not like us, with their long tentacles and shiny suits. They came in big spaceships that glowed in the dark. When they landed, everyone was scared, especially the adults. But us kids, we were curious.The aliens spoke a strange language that we couldn't understand at first. They made strange noises and waved their tentacles around. But then, one of them pulled out a device that could translate their language into English. They told us that they had come in peace, but they needed our help.It turns out that their planet was dying, and they needed a new home. They had chosen Earth because it was the only planet nearby that could support their kind. They asked us if they could live here with us, and in return, they promised to share their advanced technology with us.At first, some of the adults were still scared. They didn't trust the aliens and thought they were here to take over the world. But us kids, we saw things differently. We saw a chance to make new friends and learn new things. So we convinced the adults to give the aliens a chance.And you know what? It turned out to be the best decision we ever made. The aliens taught us how to harness the power of the stars, how to travel to other planets, and how to live in harmony with nature. They became like family to us, and we grew to love them as much as we loved each other.So the next time you see a strange spaceship in the sky, don't be afraid. It might just be a group of friendly aliens looking for a new home. And who knows? You might just make some new friends and learn some amazing things along the way.篇2Title: Aliens Invade Earth!Hey guys, guess what? Something super crazy happened today! Aliens have invaded Earth! Can you believe it? It all started when bright lights appeared in the sky. At first, we thought it was just a cool shooting star. But then, huge spaceships landed all over the world!The aliens came out of the spaceships and they looked so different from us. They had green skin, big eyes, and antennas on their heads. Some of my friends were scared, but I was so curious.I wanted to know why they were here and what they wanted.The aliens started to communicate with us using a special device that translated their language into English. They told us that they came in peace and wanted to learn about our planet. They asked us to show them around and teach them our customs.At first, some people were still scared of the aliens. But as we spent more time with them, we realized they were actually really friendly and kind. They even showed us some cool gadgets and technology that we had never seen before!As days passed, we all became good friends with the aliens. We played games together, shared our favorite foods, and exchanged stories about our worlds. It was so cool to learn about their planet and culture.But then, we received a message from the aliens that their planet was facing a crisis. They needed our help to find a special crystal that could save their world. We all agreed to help them and went on a mission together.After a long and exciting adventure, we finally found the crystal and saved the aliens' planet. They were so grateful and promised to visit us again someday. As they boarded their spaceships and flew off into the sky, we waved goodbye with tears in our eyes.The invasion may have started off scary, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. We made new friends from another world and learned so much from each other. Who knew that aliens could be so cool?So, remember guys, don't judge a book by its cover. You never know what awesome adventures and friendships are waiting for you out there in the universe. Who knows, maybe one day you'll meet your own alien BFF too!篇3Title: Aliens Invade EarthYo guys, guess what? The other day, something super crazy happened – aliens invaded Earth! It was like straight out of a movie or something. So let me tell you all about it.It all started on a normal day, the sun was shining, birds were singing, and I was just chilling in my backyard playing with mydog. Suddenly, out of nowhere, these weird looking spaceships appeared in the sky. They were all shiny and metallic, like something from a sci-fi flick.Before we knew it, the aliens were landing all over the world. Some were big and scary with long tentacles, while others were small and cute with big, round eyes. They didn’t look too friendly though, so everyone was freaking out.People were running around in panic, trying to figure out what to do. The news was on 24/7 talking about the alien invasion, and the whole world was in chaos. We had never seen anything like this before.Some people were trying to fight back, but the aliens had these crazy weapons that zapped everything in their path. It was like we didn’t stand a chance against them. Others were hiding in bunkers or under their beds, hoping the aliens wouldn’t find them.But you know what? There were some brave souls who decided to try and talk to the aliens instead of fighting them. They brought out white flags and tried to communicate with the aliens using hand signals and gestures. Surprisingly, the aliens seemed to understand and started to calm down.Eventually, we found out that the aliens were just looking for a new home because their planet was dying. They didn’t mean any harm to us, they just needed our help. So, we decided to work together with them to find a solution.We built them a new spaceship using our technology, and they promised to leave Earth peacefully. It was a crazy adventure, but in the end, we all learned that sometimes, we just need to communicate and understand each other to solve our problems.And that, my friends, is the story of how aliens invaded Earth and how we saved the day. It was a wild ride, but in the end, everything turned out okay. Who knows what other crazy stuff will happen next? But one thing’s for sure –I’ll be read y for anything! Peace out, Earthlings!篇4Oh my gosh! You won't believe what happened yesterday! Aliens invaded the Earth! It was so scary but also kind of cool at the same time. Let me tell you all about it.It all started when I was playing in the park with my friends. We were having a blast running around and playing tag when all of a sudden, we saw this big spaceship land right in the middle of the field. We were so shocked and didn't know what to do! Thespaceship doors opened and out came these funny-looking creatures with big eyes and tentacles. They were aliens from another planet!At first, we were all really scared and didn't know if the aliens were friendly or not. But then one of them started doing these funny dance moves and making silly noises. We couldn't help but giggle and soon we were all dancing along with them.The aliens turned out to be super friendly and just wanted to make friends with us Earthlings. They showed us all kinds of cool gadgets and toys that were out of this world. We played games and learned all about their planet and culture. It was so exciting!After a fun-filled day of hanging out with the aliens, they had to go back to their own planet. We were sad to see them leave but we knew we would never forget our out-of-this-world adventure.So, even though the aliens invaded Earth, it turned out to be the best day ever! Who knew aliens could be so much fun? I can't wait for them to come back and visit us again. It was definitely a day to remember!篇5One day, there were some super cool aliens who came to Earth! They had shiny silver spaceships and laser guns that could zap anything in their way. Oh no, they were here to take over our planet!At first, everyone was scared and didn't know what to do. But then, our brave scientists and military guys started making plans to fight back. They even sent a message to the aliens, asking them why they wanted to invade Earth.The aliens replied with a hologram message saying that they needed a new home because their planet was getting too crowded. They promised not to hurt anyone if we let them stay on Earth.We had a big meeting with all the world leaders to decide what to do. Some people wanted to fight the aliens and protect our planet, while others thought we should try to make friends with them.In the end, we decided to give the aliens a chance to live peacefully on Earth. They were so happy and thanked us by giving us some of their advanced technology, like flying cars and teleportation devices.Now, the aliens and humans are living together in harmony, exploring the universe and learning from each other. It turns out that the aliens weren't scary invaders after all – they were just looking for a new home. And we were happy to share our planet with our new alien friends. The end!篇6Title: Alien InvasionHey everyone, do you know what happened? Aliens have invaded Earth! It all started last night when we saw strange lights in the sky. At first, we thought it was just a shooting star or something, but then we realized it was actually a spaceship landing right in our neighborhood!The aliens came out of the spaceship, and let me tell you, they looked really weird. They had big eyes, green skin, and they spoke in a language we couldn't understand. They started walking around and exploring our planet, and we were all so scared. We didn't know what they were going to do to us.But then something amazing happened. The aliens started playing with us! They showed us all sorts of cool gadgets and toys that we had never seen before. They even gave us some oftheir super advanced technology to play with. It was like we were in a sci-fi movie!After spending some time with the aliens, we realized that they weren't here to hurt us. They were actually really friendly and just wanted to learn more about Earth and make friends with us. We had a blast showing them around our planet and teaching them about our customs and traditions.In the end, the aliens left Earth and went back to their own planet. We were sad to see them go, but we knew that we had made some really cool new friends. Who knows, maybe one day we'll visit their planet and have even more adventures together!So, even though the alien invasion was a little scary at first, it turned out to be an awesome experience. We'll never forget the day when we met our alien friends and had the adventure of a lifetime. Peace out, Earthlings!篇7One day, some aliens came to our planet Earth. They landed their spaceship in my school playground! The spaceship was so big and shiny, I couldn't believe my eyes.The aliens were very strange-looking with big eyes and green skin. They spoke a language that I couldn't understand at first, but they had a machine that could translate their words into English. They told us that they came in peace, but they needed our help.The aliens explained that their planet was dying, and they needed a new home. They asked us if they could live on Earth with us. At first, some people were scared and didn't trust the aliens, but I could see that they were friendly and just wanted a place to live.We decided to welcome the aliens to Earth. We showed them around our planet and taught them about our customs and traditions. They were very curious and interested in everything we showed them.The aliens helped us too. They had advanced technology that could help us solve some of our problems, like pollution and climate change. We worked together to make our planet a better place for everyone.In the end, the aliens became our friends. We learned a lot from each other and lived together in harmony. The invasion turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and we were grateful to have new friends from outer space.篇8Title: Alien InvasionHey guys, do you know what happened yesterday? It was crazy! I was playing in the park with my friends when suddenly we saw a big spaceship landing right in front of us. We couldn't believe our eyes – aliens were coming out of it!The aliens were really tall and had green skin. They had big eyes and long antennas on their heads. We were so scared at first, but then they started talking to us in a funny language. We couldn't understand a word they were saying!The aliens told us that they were from a planet far, far away and that they had come to Earth to make friends. They said they wanted to learn about our planet and our way of life. We were still a bit scared, but we decided to show them around.We took the aliens to our school, our homes, and even to the ice cream shop. They were amazed by everything they saw! They had never seen cars, buildings, or even ice cream before. They especially loved the ice cream – they couldn't get enough of it!We spent the whole day with the aliens, showing them all the cool things on Earth. We even taught them how to playsoccer and they were really good at it! It was so much fun hanging out with them.At the end of the day, the aliens had to go back to their spaceship and continue their journey. We were sad to see them leave, but we knew we would never forget our alien friends.It was definitely the craziest day of our lives, but also the most exciting one. Who would have thought that we would ever meet real-life aliens? It was an experience we will never forget!篇9One day, when I was playing in the park with my friends, suddenly we saw something strange in the sky. It was a big spaceship landing on the ground! We were so scared but also very excited to see what was inside.As the spaceship door opened, we saw little green creatures coming out. They had big eyes, long arms, and spoke in a strange language that we couldn't understand. We were shocked to realize that they were aliens from another planet!The aliens started to explore the Earth and we were curious to know more about them. They showed us their advanced technology and gadgets that could do amazing things. Theyeven had a device that could translate their language into English so we could communicate with them.But soon, we realized that the aliens were not here to make friends. They started to invade our planet, destroying buildings and causing chaos everywhere. We were scared and didn't know what to do. But then, we remembered that we were brave and smart kids who could stand up to anyone, even aliens!We decided to come up with a plan to stop the aliens and save our planet. We used our knowledge of the park to set up traps and obstacles to stop them from advancing. We also used our creativity to create distractions and confuse them.After a long and intense battle, we managed to defeat the aliens and send them back to their spaceship. We were proud of ourselves for saving the Earth and proving that even kids can be heroes in times of need.From that day on, we became known as the brave kids who stood up to the alien invasion. We were celebrated as heroes and were grateful for the experience that taught us the importance of teamwork, courage, and never giving up, even in the face of danger. It was truly an unforgettable adventure that we would never forget!篇10Title: The Invasion of AliensOh my gosh, guys! You won't believe what happened today! So, I was walking to school like any other day, when suddenly, I saw a bunch of strange lights in the sky. At first, I thought they were just some shooting stars or something, but then, out of nowhere, a huge spaceship landed right in the middle of the playground!I was so scared, but also super curious, so I ran closer to geta better look. And you know what I saw? ALIENS! Real, actual aliens with green skin, big eyes, and weird antennas on their heads. I couldn't believe my eyes! I mean, I've always dreamed of meeting aliens, but I never thought it would actually happen.The aliens started walking around, looking at everything with big eyes. They seemed really friendly, like they just wanted to explore our planet. But then, things started getting out of hand. They started zapping stuff with their laser guns and making a big mess everywhere.Some of the teachers tried to stop them, but the aliens were too strong. They had these super cool gadgets that could do all sorts of crazy things. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie!Eventually, the army showed up and managed to chase the aliens away. They flew back into their spaceship and zoomed off into space. And just like that, they were gone. It was the craziest day ever!I can't stop thinking about the aliens and wondering where they came from. I hope they come back someday so we can learn more about them. Who knows, maybe they just wanted to be friends with us after all. I guess we'll never know for sure.But one thing's for sure – the invasion of aliens was definitely the most exciting thing that ever happened at our school. Who knows what other adventures await us in the future? I can't wait to find out!。
入侵英文InvasionIt started with a distant rumble. At first, we thought it was just an earthquake, but as the sound grew louder and closer, we knew it was something else entirely.We rushed outside to see what was happening and that was when we saw them – alien ships hovering above our city. At first, we were in shock. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. Then, as the ships started to descend and the aliens began to pour out of them, panic set in.People were screaming and running in every direction. The aliens were different than we had imagined, with elongated heads and shimmering silver suits. They had weapons that we had never seen before, and they were using them to attack anyone in their path.The military was immediately deployed, but they were no match for the advanced technology of the aliens. They were able to take out our defenses in a matter of minutes, leaving us completely vulnerable.It didn't take long for the aliens to take over. They rounded us up and forced us into camps, separating families and friends. They declared themselves the rulers of our planet and made it clear that anyone who resisted would be dealt with harshly.I was one of the lucky ones. They chose me to work for them, using my skills as a research scientist to help them develop new technologies. It was a difficult decision, but I knew that if I refused, my family would suffer the consequences.Under their watchful eye, I worked tirelessly, never knowing what new horrors the aliens were developing. But one day, something incredible happened. A group of rebels had formed and had started to push back against our oppressors. They were able to create a device that would disrupt the aliens' technology, effectively rendering them powerless.The plan was risky, but we had nothing to lose. We geared up and headed out to the heart of the alien stronghold, armed with the device and a fierce determination to take back our planet.The battle was intense, with explosions and gunfire echoing in every direction. I don't remember much of what happened, only that we were able to activate the device and that the aliens suddenly found themselves unable to control their weapons.In that moment of chaos, we struck. We fought with everything we had, forcing the aliens back and reclaiming our freedom.The aftermath was devastating, but we were free. We rebuilt our city, mourning those we had lost and celebrating those who had fought bravely for our freedom. It was a long road, but we became stronger as a result of what we went through. We knew that we would never be the same again, but we were determined to create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.。
外星人英语说法alienextraterrestrial外星人的相关短语解剖外星人 Alien autopsy ;Alien Autopsy外星人绑架Alien abduction ; Récits d'enlèvement par les extraterrestres ; Alien Abduction ; Alien Killbillies外星人入侵 Alien Trespass ; Alien Invasion楼上的外星人 Aliens in the Attic ; They Came from Upstairs大战外星人 Monsters vs Aliens ; Alien Striker ; Monsters vs ; Star Aliens Wars远古外星人ANCIENT ; Ancient Aliens ; History Channel - Ancient Aliens外星人的英语例句1. They have been visited by creatures from outer space.有外星人拜访了他们。
2. NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.美国航空航天局已经启动了一个为期10年的寻找外星人的项目。
3. Jim is an alien in this film.吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人.4. Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space?有人见到过外星人吗 ?5. The film wasn't anything like as good as ET.这部电影一点都不如《外星人》那麽好.6. That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens.那位疯子认为他的邻居是外星人.7. She said with a straight face she saw green spacemen in the back yard.她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人.8. Some people believe that alien visit Earth from other planets.有些人相信有来自外星球的外星人访问地球.9. Could we be looking at some other form of alien possession?我们是否可以考虑其他形体的外星人?10. Don't even get him started on the whole Blue - Grey alien division.千万不要让他开始于灰蓝色外星人部门.11. It's an ancient artefact, probably made by the other alien race.这是很古老的艺术品, 可能是外星人制造的.12. The Madronans are primitive, so it's likely it was terraformed by another alien race.它的结构是原始的, 所以可能是外星人在操控.13. An alien got out and walked down Center Street.一个外星人走出来,沿着中央大街往前走.14. At present, aliens and humans only interact in the subconscious.目前, 外星人和人类仅仅是在进行潜意识的接触.15. At bottom of EOS Tower, lies the Alien infested Omega Sector!在玩具塔的底部,有袭击地球防御本部的外星人!关于外星人的英文阅读:来自外星人的信号The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI),listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations, may be monitoring the wrong “channels,” a U.S. astrophysicist says.一位美国天体物理学家表示,地外智能生命搜寻研究所(SETI)一直以来探索宇宙外星文明信号的方法可能是“走了弯路”。
Unit5Developingideas 重点词组必背-英汉互译课件高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册
lecture on...
2. on behalf of ...
2. 代表
3. be At One with
3. 人与自然和谐相处
Nature Association 协会
4. UNESCO World Heritage List
4. 联合国教科文组织 《世界遗产名录》
5. make it onto the list 5. 成功入选名录
and freezing temperature 34. supply food to... 35. thanks to one’s efforts
31. 云豹 32. 除此之外
33. 不为暴雪与严 寒
34. 为...提供食物 35. 多亏了...的努
外研版2019选必2Unit5 Developing ideas WHY SHENNONGJ
14. 观察过程 15. 实时
16. 生态上的和生 物上的
17. 生存和繁衍 18. 发展和进化
外研版2019选必2Unit5 Developing ideas WHY SHENNONGJIA?
19. above sea level 20. Roof of Central
19. 海平面上 20. 华中屋脊
9. 引人无限遐想
10. meet the criteria
10. 符合要求
11. naturally-balanced environment
11. 自然平衡的环 境
12. many and various 12. 许多不同的物
外研版2019选必2Unit5 Developing ideas WHY SHENNONGJIA?
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Alien Invasion|外来物种入侵Bad idea. Instead of chowing8 down on the beetles, cane toads gobbled9 anything they could swallow—pet food, garbage, honeybees, termites10, snails, and mice.The toads multiplied11 , spreading across the northern coast of Australia. Today toads are such a problem that a member of the Australian government recently suggested that citizens use golf clubs to whack12 the warty13 amphibians14 !Australia isn’t the only country dealing with unwelcome animal guests. In the United Sta tes, hundreds of invasive species pose15 a threat to the environment.The Aliens are comingAn invasive species is nonnative, or alien, to the ecosystem16. An ecosystem is a group of plants, animals, and other living organisms that live together in the same area. Although invasive species don’t damage their own ecosystem, they can cause massive destruction when they invade another area.For example, fingernail-sized zebra mussels17 hitchhiked18 from Russia to the Great Lakes in the water tanks of ships. When those ships landed in the United States, the zebra mussels began gobbling up food and oxygen, leaving nothing for other underwater creatures to eat.They also irritated19 humans. Each year, a female zebra mussel can produce 30,000 to 1 million eggs. When those eggs hatch20, the mussels clog pipes that provide drinking water to houses and schools.A beetle called the emerald ash borer21 arrived in the United States from China in wood packing material carried aboard cargo ships or airplanes.The adult emerald ash borer nibbles22 on the leaves of the ash tree. The larvae23 of the beetle, however, cause far more damage by chomping24 through the inner bark25 of ash trees. The insects destroy the tunnels that allow water and nutrients26 to travel from the roots to the leaves. Emerald ash borers have killed 8 million to 10 million trees in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Another invasive species that is wreaking havoc27 is the snakehead28 fish.Snakeheads arrived in the United States from Asia as exotic29 pets. When pet owners grew tired of the snakeheads, they threw the fish into nearby lakes and streams.The snakehead fish now live in several states and can move over land from one body of water to another body. They dine greedily and can clear a pond of all its fish. The snakehead was recently spotted in a lake in Queens, N.Y., a part of New York City.“The world has changed so much in the last 100 years,” Jodie A. Ellis, a scientist at Purdue University, told Senior Edition. “We are now able to share so many things with other countries, which is mostly a good thing. But there are costs, and one of those costs is the constant threat of invasive species.”Why should we care?In addition to destroying an ecosystem, the devastation30 caused by invasive species can be costly. In the United States, the damage caused by the peaky critters31 is roughly $137 million per year.“Our natural ecosystems are the primary source of our food and drinking water,” Lisa Gould, a senior scientist at the Rhode Is land Natural History Survey, told Senior Edition. “Ecosystems help keep our air clean. They give us medicines and materials for our industries. Without them, wecould not exist for long.”Battling the cane toadBack in Australia, the government has devot ed $1 million to combating that country’s pesky toad problem. Scientists are researching what kind of poisons can kill the creature.Wildlife officials are also setting up traps to catch the toads, which are now hitchhiking across Australia in the backs of cars and trucks.“We cannot tolerate a situation where cane toads are getting a free ride across the continent,” says one Australian official.What can you do?Kids can do a lot of things to prevent alien plants and animals from invading our ecosystems. Robert J. Wiese, director of animal collections at the Fort Worth Zoo, says you should figure out which animals and plants belong in your community and which ones don’t.Most people don’t know a lot about their natural surroundings. Wiese said. By the time a plant or an animal has invaded an ecosystem, it’s too late. Wiese gives this advice:● Use native plants in your garden.●Don’t release unwanted pets into the wild. That is especially a problem with tropical fish, which people often dump into waterways.20世纪30年代,喜吃甜食甲虫吞噬了澳大利亚大片甘蔗。