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3. 答题前,请考生仔细阅读试题卷和答题卡上的提示和注意事项

4. 所有题目都必须在答题卡上指定的位置填涂或作答,严格按要求作答;

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7. A. Good evening, Fred. B. How are you, Fr ed? C. Fine, thanks,Fred.

8. A. After school. B. Canada. C. Vegetables.

9. A. Meat. B. P. E. C. Her father.

10. A. May 1st. B. Tomorrow. C. Monday.

11 .A. Sounds good. B. No, thanks. C. To a museum.

12.A. Red. B. Math. C. Apples.


13. Judy has_______for breakfast every morning.

A. some egg s

B. some noodles

C. some fruits

14. The weather in Guiyang is_ day

A. cloudy

B. sunny

C. windy

15. Tina plays tennis__________·

A. once a week

B. twice a month

C. twice a week

16. Nick had a _______ yesterday afternoon.

A. toothache

B. fever

C. sore back

17. The geography book is_now

A. on the shelf

B. under the sofa

C.on the desk

18.________is going to the old people's home.

A. Betty

B. Alan

C. Bob


19.A. Tall and thin.B. Heavy and short.C. Tall and heavy.

20.A. The hospital.B. The bank.C. The post office.

21. A. Reading magazines. B. Listening to music.C. Playing sports.

22. A. He goes to the library.B. He visits his friends.C. He goes shopping.

23. A. A soccer player.B. A policeman.C. A dancer.

24. A. Because they're ugly.B. Because they're cute.C. Because they're scary.


25. A. 14 years old. B 15 years old. C 16 years old.

26. A. Her net-friend. B. Her brother. C. Her


27. A. New York. B..Paris C. Shanghai

28. A. This month. B. This week C. This August.

29. A. For six days. B. For seven days. C. For eight


30. A. By train. B. By plane. C. By ship.



31." Lily,let's make vegetable salad. How many ________do we need?"“One is enough.”

A. oranges

B. potato

C. tomatoes

32. "Whose T-shirt is this?" "It_____be John's. It's much too small for him.”

A. might

B. can't

C. needn't

33.“________run in the hallways, Mike.” "Sorry, Ms Clark.”

A. Don't

B. Please

C. Let's

34. Sam and Sandy are twin brothers. But Sam isthan Sandy.

A. more outgoing

B. very outgoing

C. the most outgoing

35.I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope_____ Hawaii this winter.

A. visiting

B. to visit

