
Unit 2England before the industrial Revolution工业革命前的英国状况The country was a place(乡村)where men worked f rom dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness.在乡村,人们从早到晚都在不停的干活,这些在田野间劳作的人们,并非沐浴在阳光之下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。
The country a place : 是表语,表达主语的性质,功能,特点Work : avoid ambiguity from dawn to dark :aliiteration 从早到晚the labourer : 在田间劳作的人们lived in the sun : 沐浴在阳光下but in poverty and darkness. 穷困潦倒,暗无天日What aids there were to lighten labour were immemorial, like the mill, whichThere were what aids to lighten labour 整个句子主语(系表结构)was already ancient in Chaucer’s time.能够减轻人体力劳动力的机器早就有了。
Definition 下定义法What aids: n. 什么帮助lighten labour ---lessen 减轻劳动immemorial :不知道从哪个年代都有了The mill:磨坊was already ancient in + 时间time :在某个时代早就不是什么新鲜事了The industrial revolution began with such machines; the millrights were the engineers of t he coming age.这些机器都标志着工业革命的开始;这些最早搭建磨坊的工匠们,就成为工业革命时代的缔造者。

英译汉San Francisco“San Francisco, open your Golden Gate,” sang the girl in the theatre. She never1 finished her song. That date was 18th April,1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided,buildings crashed2 to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California.3 But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills,rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.The best way to see this splendid city,where Spanish people were the first to make their homes,is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap; they have not risen,I‟m told,for almost a hundred years.4You leave5 the palm trees in Union Square --- the heart of San Francisco --- and from the shop signs and the faces around you,you will notice that in the city live people from many nations --- Austrians,Italians,Chinese and others6 --- giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.7 Here,with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas,it is easy8 to feel you are in China itself.Fisherman‟s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see,is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom),and then set out to find a table in one of9 the gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific seafood you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon .漫步旧金山“旧金山,敞开你的金门吧!”剧院里女歌手唱道,可惜她再也没能唱完1。

2023年11月英语二级笔译真题【英译汉】【Passage 1】Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large. Therefore, gender equality and women’s empowerment are one of the overarching priorities of UNESCO.This is a st rategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.Increasing attention is being placed on gender equality issues globally, buoyed by several legal and normative instruments, conventions and declarations. Chief among these are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The latter, which was the outcome of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, in 1995, emphasizes the key role of media to promote gender equality in all spheres; all stake-holders are called to join forces to combat “stereotyping of women and inequality in women’s access to and participation in all communication systems, especially in the media”. UNESCO’s c ommitment and strategy to this end is pursued through a two-fold approach: (i) gender-specific programming and (ii) taking gender-focused actions in all of UNESCO’s fields of work.UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector has fully embraced this commitment and has engaged globally in a wide range of gender-specific initiatives across its divisions and main actions. Equality between women and men working in the media, and equality in news reporting on women and men, are of equal importance and are being stridently pursued. In cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists and many other partners, UNESCO has adopted this global framework of Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM). These indicators have been developed to enable effective assessment of related development in the media.In order to further enrich the GSIM resource, and as a fundamental step for its completion, a second round of consultation was carried out online with UNESCO media partners globally. Broadcasting and print associations contributed comments, suggestions and insights to further enhance the document. The consultation with these associations was essential because it enables UNESCO to embed into the GSIM the perspectives of these key partners.This enables us to stress that use of the GSIM is not an attempt to limit freedom of expression and the independence of media, but to voluntarily enrich these underlying characteristics. UNESCO is confident that, if fully implemented, the GSIM will produce an impact in both qualitative and quantitative terms.【英译汉】【Passage 2】When rainfall is measured in feet, not inches, we are witnessing climate change bearing down on us. Catastrophic destruction tied to the Atlantic hurricane season, monsoon rains in Mumbai, and downpours in Niger are just a few of the many extreme weather events that are being intensified by global warming. While the rise of a few degrees in temperature may not be enough for a person to run a fever, that change is enough to radically impact the earth’s climate. By way of comparison, the earth was once rendered largely uninhabitable by a one to two-degree Celsius drop in temperature—an era now referred to as the Little Ice Age. In response to the threat posed by global climate change, most nations have committed to significant mitigation efforts, through the Paris Agreement, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.But will these collective efforts be enough? Some scientists are trying another approach, exploring new tools to deliberately alter the global climate system. These discrete and diverse technologies are often grouped under the all-encompassing and poorly defined rubric of “climate engineering” or “geoengineering.” These radically different approaches aim to either halt the process of global warming by removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or to counteract warming already underway.The problem is, while several tools seem to be gaining ground in computer models, laboratories, and even real-world experiments, public discussion has not kept pace with their advancement. To date, there has been too little transparency and international dialogue around the progress, feasibility, risks and benefits of these efforts. Climate engineering and current mitigation and adaptation efforts are not mutually exclusive. Experts generally agree that these new technological approaches alone are unlikely to provide adequate protection from the dangers posed by rising global temperatures.In 1965, the Science Advisory Committee raised concerns about manmade climate change and warned that “man is unwittingly conducting a vast geophysical experiment.” More than 50 years later, the field of climate engineering remains largely unknown, especially to policymakers and the public.There are real risks to using or rejecting climate engineering. While it is tempting to be for or against climate engineering, what decision-makers need to do now is to gather scientific facts and ask as many questions as possible about what the deployment of these technologies might mean for individuals, societies, nations, and regions.2023年11月英语二级笔译真题参考答案【英译汉】【Passage 1】性别平等不仅是一项基本的人权,也是建设一个和平、繁荣、可持续的世界所必需的基础。

智能汽车1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。
2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars,making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry.汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。
3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty—first century. The key to tomorrow’s ”smart cars” will be sensors。
”We’ll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation’s ITS program, which is designi ng the smart car and road of the future.汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革.未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器.“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道.4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents。

练习1 美国印象☐我恐怕不能把美国描绘成十足的天堂——从一般角度来说,也许我对这个国家所知甚少。
许多人以为美国人常说的“I guess”(“我猜”)纯粹是一种美国式表达,但约翰∙洛克在他的The understanding (《理解论》)中就用过这种说法,就像我们现在使用“I think”(“我想”)一样。
商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep

•把“白象”译成“White Elephant”是败笔自不用提, 但将“白熊”商标译成“White Bear”却是成功之笔。 查北京外国语大学编的《汉英词典》,“白熊”的第一 条英译是Polar Bear,因为这是学名,第二条英译是 White Bear。将商标名译成了Polar Bear,似无不可。 但随着近年来国际政治形势的变化。Polar Bear(北极 熊)已另有所指。人们容易把它当作绰号与世界上一种 政治势力联系起来,所以还是译为White Bear为好。 •我国“金鸡牌” 闹钟在国外有较高声誉,但美中不足 的是其译名似嫌欠雅——因为“Golden Cock”中的Cock 在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“阴茎”之义, 使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成 rooster。这一改基本可使原文读者与译文读者具有同样 的审美感受。译者应避免语句和措辞上的问题,如不
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英无译忧汉PP)T整理发布
【Tips for Translation】
•翻译的基本要求(二) •课文是“大众”牌轿车(Volkswagen)的一篇广告正 文。标题已是独出心裁,正文更是别具风味。运用了各 种修辞手段(如拟人、排偶、重复、对照),语言诙谐 幽默,在娓娓谈笑之中让你领悟到 “大众”牌汽车之所 以“其貌不扬”,是因为它“构造特异,功能超群”, 最后引出结论:“大众”牌轿车——金玉其中!标题 “Ugly is only skin-deep”套用了英语谚语Beauty is but skin-deep,真是奇思妙想,令人拍案叫绝。 •广告翻译是一种跨文化劳动。原文的表达具有吸引力、 诱惑力并尊重大众文化和审美水平。如不深谙两种文化 的差异,然后作出适当的文化转换,译文会难以具有上 述三大特点。鉴于此,译者应具备下列基本素质。

英译汉文章翻译赏析时间:2009年06月01日【英译中选段六】原文(by Robert Frost)The Gift OutrightThe land was once ours before we were the land’s.She was our land more than a hundred years.Before we were her people. She was oursIn Massachusetts, in Virginia;But we were England’s, still colonials,Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,Possessed by what we now no more possessed.Something we were withholding made us weakUntil we found out that it was ourselvesWe were withholding from our land of living,And forthwith found salvation in surrender.Such as we were we gave ourselves outright(The deed of gift was many deeds of war)To the land vaguely realizing westward,But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,Such as she was, such as she would become.(原载 )译文(余光中译):全心的奉献土地先属于我们,我们才属于土地。
商务翻译 英译汉 Unit 2

• 一、 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理;否 则的话,就会在出口商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。
• 首先应深入地了解所译广告及商品的特点。这 包括:第一,掌握商品的特征 ,即品质和品位; 第二,了解原广告策划的6M,即围绕具体的广 告目标,在策划中应该考虑以下六个方面(简 称6M):Market市场、Message信息、 Media媒体、Motion活动、Measurement评估、 Money金钱。
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
• It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.

英译汉文章翻译赏析时间:2009年06月01日【英译中选段六】原文(by Robert Frost)The Gift OutrightThe land was once ours before we were the land’s.She was our land more than a hundred years.Before we were her people. She was oursIn Massachusetts, in Virginia;But we were England’s, still colonials,Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,Possessed by what we now no more possessed.Something we were withholding made us weakUntil we found out that it was ourselvesWe were withholding from our land of living,And forthwith found salvation in surrender.Such as we were we gave ourselves outright(The deed of gift was many deeds of war)To the land vaguely realizing westward,But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,Such as she was, such as she would become.(原载 )译文(余光中译):全心的奉献土地先属于我们,我们才属于土地。
高级英语2第三版 unit2 课文翻译+课后英译汉部分划线

Unit 2 Marrakech马拉喀什见闻1、As the corpse went past the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but they came back a few minutes later.尸体被抬过去的时候,成群的苍蝇嗡嗡地飞离了餐馆的饭桌,尾随尸体去,几分钟后又嗡嗡地飞了回来。
2、The little crows of mourners – all me and boys, no women – threaded their way across the marker place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, wailing a short chant over and over again. What really appeals to the flied is that the corpses here are never put into coffins; they are merely wrapped in a piece of ray and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders of four friends. When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole afoot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth. Like a derelict building-lot. After a month or two no one can even be certain where his own relatives are buried.一支人数不多的送葬队伍-其中老老小小全是男的,没有女人——挤过一堆堆的石榴,穿行在出租车和骆驼之间,迂回着穿过市场,嘴里还一遍遍地哀号着一支短促的悲歌。

英译汉(Unit1、2、3、5课文翻译)Unit 1 A Kind of Sermon 一番说教1、第一段:①It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.也许老师比学生更容易理解,为什么学生在掌握了英语基本结构和句型后英语学习反而变得越来越困难了。
②Students are naturally surprised and disappointed to discover that a process which ought to become simpler does not appear to do so.学生们自然感到惊奇并失望地发现本来应该变得越来越容易的学习过程却完全不是那么回事。
2、第二段:①It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results.在知道老师在其努力所产生的效果似乎不及一开始明显也会灰心丧气时,学生们并不感到多少安慰。
②He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded inputting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks.他发现那些学生很容易去教,因为他们能把所学的知识很快地用于实践。

衔接是语段中不同部分之间的语法和/或词 汇关系,这种关系可能存在于句子之间,也 可能存在于一个句子中不同部分之间。英国 语言学家韩礼德把英语句子的衔接手段分成 五大类: 指代(reference),替代(substitution) 省略(ellipsis),连接(conjunction)和词义 衔接(lexical cohesion)。
But also for its utility.
英语段落句际关系 衔接手段
平行式,包括并列关系、对立关 系、比较关系、选择关系等 偏正式,包括因果、层进等关系
承接式,包括现实时空序列承 接、心理时空序列承接等
自1840年鸦片战争使中国蒙受历史性屈辱以来,从林则 徐、魏源、龚自珍到孙中山,历代志士仁人曾为中国的救 亡和发展,前仆后继,英勇奋斗,但由于缺少科学理论的 指导而饮恨九泉。实践告诉我们,在一个半殖民地半封建 的中国,改良封建专制制度,不是出路;实行资本主义, 亦非良策。在历史的比较中我们认识到,唯有马克思列宁 主义,才能救中国。马克思列宁主义一经传入中国,中国 人民就在精神上由被动转入主动,中国共产党才在马克思 列宁主义和中国工人运动的结合中诞生并成为中国革命的 领导力量,中国人民的民族解放和民族振兴才找到了正确 的方向。从此,开始了马克思列宁主义在中国的实践和发 展历程。
A: I'll have two poached eggs.
B: I'll have the same.
A: 我要两个荷包蛋。
B: 我也要两个荷包蛋。/我也一样。
Mary ate an apple and Jane (ate) a pear.
商务翻译英译汉 Unit (2)

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。
Unit 2
Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.

一位老人是这个持枪歹徒的第一个受害者。老人先被一辆 卡车撞倒,正当他试图起身时,被击中头部。
10. Mother: Is that your coat on the floor? Son: I’ll pick it up.
妈妈:地上是你的外套吗? 儿子:这就捡起来。
Thank you
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
经济学家认为,经济衰退比预测中更加严重。 很明显,等待已久的经济衰退已经到来。许多经济学 家认为国家经济活动的衰退比先前预测的更加严重, 持续时间更长。
5. President Jimmy Carter noted that inflation is the cruelest tax that anyone can pay. Many people agree with that statement, arguing that the persistent decline in the dollar’s purchasing power hurts people directly because products cost more, and also causes a kind of psychological damage. Recent polls have shown that the average American, far from being optimistic, expects prices to rise to ever higher rates.
7. Just as man has found great uses for the materials which he can dig up from the ground so, too, he has found important uses for the gases which he can obtain from the air.

英译汉翻译作业21. 句子翻译1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把手插入口袋,耸了耸肩。
2) The decrease in his income changed his life style.收入降低改变了他的生活方式。
3) I am ill-fated. My father died when I was four years old. My mother took her solemn vow to remain in widowhood. She was stricken with poverty and had to earn a living all by herself. She nurtured me and educated me until I grew up.(请用文言文翻译)吾不幸,生孩四年,慈父见背,母严誓寡居。
4) A poverty-stricken people would breed wickedness and all kinds of evils. But poverty rises from insufficiency, which in turn comes from the people’s being divorced from farming. Without farming, they would not be settled on the land, and this would cause them to leave their native places and make little of their homes. If people are like fowls and beasts, they are not to be contained even by high walls and severe punishments. When attacked by cold and hunger, one might be lost to all sense of shame. For it is in the human nature that one would feel hungry without eating twice a day and would freeze without renewing his clothes by the end of a year. If hunger is not stayed by food and cold not resisted with clothes, even a kind-hearted mother could not keep her children, how could a monarch keep his people? (请用文言文翻译)贫者生万恶之念。

英译汉篇章翻译2英译汉篇章翻译练习(2)Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegances. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting.When a neighbor?s dismally unattractive daughter announced her engagement, Imelda remarked, “You know what they say, Senora: …There?s no pot so ugly it can?t find a lid.?” And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, “Little fish does not eat big fish.”One afternoon, I heard Imelda and her daughter arguing in the kitchen. Her daughter had quarreled with her husband?s parents, and Imelda was in sisting that she apologized to them. Her daughter objected. “But, Mama, I just can?t swallow them, not even with honey. They talk so big until we need something; then they?re too poor. So today when they wouldn?t even lend us enough to pay for a new bed, a ll I did was say something that I?ve heard you say a hundred times: …If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?”“Impertinent!” snorted Imelda. “Have I not also ta ught you, …What the tongue says, the neck pays for?? I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders. And before you go to beg their pardon, change those trousers for a dress. You know how your mother-in-law feels about pants on a woman. She always says, …What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!”Her daughter made one more try. “But Mama, you often say, …If the saint is annoyed, don?t pray to him until he gets over it.? Can?t I leave it for tomorrow?”“No, no and no! Remember: …If the dose is nasty, swallow it fast.? You know, my child, you did wrong. But, …A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.? I have a cake in the oven that I was making for the Senora?s dinner, I will explain to the Senora. Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress. By the time you get back, I will have the cake ready for you to take to your mother-in-law. She will be so pleased that she may make your father-in-law pay for the bed. Remember: …One hand washes the other, but together they wash the face.?”。

• 9月10日是教师节。教师在人们的心目中究竟是什
么样子呢?清华附中的小记者走出校门,采访了 76位路人。采访发现,83%的人认为老师肩负着培 养下一代的重任,是提高全民族文化素质的决定 因素,值得尊敬。
• Sept.10 is Teachers Day. What is the image of teachers in people's heart? Little reporters from the middle school attached to Qinghua University walked out of their school gate and interviewed 76 passersby. The interview shows that 83% people think that teachers shoulder the important task of educating the next generation, they are the decisive factor of improving the whole people's cultural level, and they are worthy of being respected.
• In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet dinners in honor of this or that provide an excellent opportunity to make a lot of friends. When strangers meet on such occasions, an Asian tends to present his name card respectfully with both hands before the conversation, which seems to be required by etiquette. However, the French usually are not so ready with such a formality that they will excuse themselves after exchanges of a few words of greetings or even after a rambling chat about everything under the sun. They will offer cards only when they find each other agreeable and hope to further the relationship. And it seems somewhat unnatural 21 for them to do so before getting into conversation.

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------参考译文Unit2Unit two New Words 1. inquiry n. We made some inquiries into what she had done on that day. 我们打听了一下她那天干的事。
After monthts of fruitless inquiry, we finally discovered the truth. 经过几个月毫无进展的探索,我们终于发现了事情的真相。
2. signal v. Both parties have signaled their determination to win. 两党都已经表示出要赢的决心。
The cyclist signaled and turned right. 骑车者发出信号后向右转。
3 column n. He totaled that column of figures. 他合计了那一栏的数字。
What column do you like best 你最喜欢哪个栏目?rapping n. You can learn a lot by rapping with people you think might be your enemies. 与你认为是敌人的人们随意交谈可以学到很多东西。
Ive been really lucky,I have to say,she reports,rapping on the table beside her.Touch wood ! 我承认,自己真的很幸运她叩击着身旁的桌子说: 避避邪! Others are just passing through Tokyo, perhaps as the first stop on an Asian itinerary,1 / 19and see there is easy money to be made rapping to inebriated Japanese. 另外一些人仅仅是路过东京,或者东京是她们亚洲之旅的第一站,她们发现只要是拍拍喝的醉醺醺的日本人就能这么容易地赚到钱。
汉英翻译 篇章翻译

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Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegances. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting.
When a neighbor‟s dismally unattractive daughter announced her engagement, Imelda remarked, “You know what they say, Senora: …There‟s no pot so ugly it can‟t find a lid.‟” And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, “Little fish does not eat big fish.”
One afternoon, I heard Imelda and her daughter arguing in the kitchen. Her daughter had quarreled with her husband‟s parents, and Imelda was in sisting that she apologized to them. Her daughter objected. “But, Mama, I just can‟t swallow them, not even with honey. They talk so big until we need something; then they‟re too poor. So today when they wouldn‟t even lend us enough to pay for a new bed, a ll I did was say something that I‟ve heard you say a hundred times: …If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?”
“Impertinent!” snorted Imelda. “Have I not also taught you, …What the tongue says, the neck pays for‟? I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders. And before you go to beg their pardon, change those trousers for a dress. You know how your mother-in-law feels about pants on a woman. She always says, …What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!”
Her daughter made one more try. “But Mama, you often say, …If the saint is annoyed, don‟t pray to him until he gets over it.‟ Can‟t I leave it for tomorrow?”
“No, no and no! Remember: …If the dose is nasty, swallow it fast.‟ You know, my child, you did wrong. But, …A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.‟ I have a cake in the oven that I was making for the Senora‟s dinner, I will explain to the Senora. Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress. By the time you get back, I will have the cake ready for you to take to your mother-in-law. She will be so pleased that she may make your father-in-law pay for the bed. Remember: …One hand washes the other, but together they wash the face.‟”。