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Day 2

1 conduct stock business从事股票业务

2 adventurer n. 冒险家

3 adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的

4 adverse 有害的;相反的

5 be adverse to the interest of the company 损害我们公司利益

6 adverse trade balance贸易逆差

7 adverse balance of payment收支逆差

8 adversity n. 逆境

9 advisor n. 顾问

10 advisory adj. 顾问的

12 affluent natural resources丰富的自然资源

13 affluent customers 富足的客户

14 run afoul of 与****纠缠,与***发生冲突

15after sale service 售后活动

16 against all risks 保全险

17aged debtor长期债务人

18 at the top of the agenda 当务之急

19 set the agenda 决定事情轻重缓急

20 real estate agent房产经纪人

21 air time 广播时间

22 commemorative album纪念册

23 be on the alert to 对,,,警惕

24allotment 分配,配置

25salary allotment 薪酬分配

26 allotment letter 分配股息通知单

27 capital allowance 资本减免

28 alongside delivery 船边交货

29 alternate director候补董事

30 alternate accountant 备选账户

31amalgamate v. 合并amalgamate with B

32 amalgamator 合并人

33 assets amalgamation 资产合并

34amass v. 积累amassment n. 积蓄

35 amass funds 积累资金

36 amenity n. 舒适;礼仪;愉快;便利设施

37 offer contemporary amenity 提供所有现代设施

38 amortise vt. 分期偿还账务

偿还费用/贷款/债务amortise the cost/loan/debt

39 amount declared 申报金额

Amount deposited 储存金额

Amount of discount 贴现额

Venture capital analyst 风险投资分析师

40 annual budget 年度预算

41annul 取消,废除,宣告无效42annulment n. 取消,废除

43 anonymous 无名的,匿名的

44 antitrust adj. 反垄断的

45 appointee n. 被任命者

46 appointment 记事簿
