2018 如东高级中学 高一 上学期 练习卷(三) 较难










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1. 16世纪末,伽利略用实验和推理,推翻了已在欧洲流行了近两千年的亚里士多德关于力和运动的理论,开启了物理学发展的新纪元。

下列说法与事实相符的是A.亚里十多德认为:两物体从同一高度自由下落,物和轻物下落一样快B.亚里十多德认为:力是改变物体运动状态的原因C.伽利略通过数学推算并用实验验证了小球在斜面上从静止开始运动的位移与所W时间平方成正比D.伽利略通过理想斜面实验,总结出了牛顿第一定律2.关于运动和力的关系,下列说法中正确的是A.物体受到的合力为零,速度一定为零B.物体受到的合力不变,速度一定不变C.物体受到的合力方向变化,速度方向一定变化D.物体受到的合力变化越快,加速度变化一定越快3.匀速水平飞行的轰炸机在投拟训练中,先后投放多枚炸弹轰炸正前方静止的“敌方”舰船,投放毎枚炸弹的时间间隔相同,且轰炸机投放炸弹后速度不变(炸弹投放瞬间相对于轰炸机的速度可认为是零,空气阻力忽略不计),则A.炸弹在海面上的落点间距相同B.轰炸机上的飞行员看到投放在空中的炸弹位于一条抛物线上C.空中飞行的炸弹在相同时间内速度变化大小相同、方向不同D.轰炸机的速度越人,炸弹在空中飞行时间越短4.某小船在静水中的速度为3.0m/s,耍渡过宽度为120m 、水流速度为4.0m/s 的河流。



2018届高三年级第二次学情检测数学试卷 第Ⅰ卷(共70分)一、填空题:(本大题共14个小题,每小题5分,共70分.将答案填在答题纸上.) 1.已知全集为R ,且集合{}22A x x =-<<,(){}2log 12B x x =+<,则A B =I .2.已知向量()1,a m =r ,()3,2b =-r ,且()a b b +⊥r r r,则实数m = .3.已知:p x a ≤,:11q x -<,若p 是q 的必要不充分条件,则实数a 的取值范围是 .4.函数()()2lg 23f x x x =-++的单调递减区间是 .5.已知函数()()2sin 06f x x πωω⎛⎫=+> ⎪⎝⎭的图象向右平移23π个单位后与原图象关于x 轴对称,则ω的最小值是 .6.已知函数()()2ln 1f x x =+,则满足不等式()()213f x f -<的x 的取值范围是 .7.若圆22:2270C x y x y +++-=关于直线40ax by ++=对称,由点(),P a b 向圆C 作切线,切点为A ,则线段PA 的最小值为 .8.如图,在三角形ABC 中,点D 是边AB 上一点,且2DB AD =uu u r uuu r,点F 是边BC 的中点,过A 作CD 的垂线,垂足为E ,若4AE =,则AE AF ⋅=uu u r uu u r.9.已知椭圆()22122:10x y C a b a b+=>>与圆2222:C x y b +=,若在椭圆1C 上存在点P ,过点P 作圆的切线,PA PB ,切点为,A B 使得3BPA π∠=,则椭圆1C 的离心率的取值范围是 .10.函数2log y x =图象上存在点(),x y ,满足约束条件30,220,,x y x y y m +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪≥⎩,则实数m 的最大值为 .11.已知,a b 为正实数,直线y x a =-与曲线()ln y x b =+相切,则22a b+的取值范围为 .12.已知函数()()11f x f x +=+当[]0,1x ∈时,()311f x x =--,若对任意实数x ,都有()()f x a f x +>成立,则实数a 的取值范围 . 13.函数()212f x x =,()ln g x a x =,对区间()1,2上任意不等的实数12,x x ,都有2f x f x ->恒成立,则正数a 的取值范围为 .14.已知函数()()322112,32f x x ax a x b a b R =-+++∈,当102a <≤时,对任意[]12,1,2x x ∈-,使()()128f x f xb M a '+-≥+恒成立,则实数M 的最大值为 .第Ⅱ卷(共90分)二、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共90分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 15.已知,αβ都是锐角,且3sin 5α=,()1tan 3αβ-=-. (1)求()sin αβ-的值; (2)求cos β的值.16.已知函数()()2220f x ax ax b a =-++≠在区间[]2,3上有最大值5,最小值2.(1)求,a b 的值;(2)若1b <,()()2mg x f x x =-在[]2,4上是单调函数,求实数m 的取值范围.17.已知圆22:4O x y +=.(1)直线10l y +-=与圆O 相交于A B 、两点,求弦AB 的长度;(2)如图,设()11,M x y ,()22,P x y 是圆O 上的两个动点,点M 关于原点的对称点为1M ,点M 关于x 轴的对称点为2M ,如果直线12PM PM 、与y 轴分别交于()0,m 和()0,n ,问m n ⋅是否为定值?若是求出该定值;若不是,请说明理由.18.某综艺频道举行某个水上娱乐游戏,如图,固定在水面上点O 处的某种设备产生水波圈,水波圈生产t 秒时的半径r (单位:m )满足2343r t =;AB 是铺设在水面上的浮桥,浮桥的宽度忽略不计,浮桥两端,A B 固定在水岸边.游戏规定:当点O 处刚产生水波圈时,游戏参与者(视为一个点)与此同时从浮桥的A 端跑向B 端;若该参与者通过浮桥AB 的过程中,从点O 处发出的水波圈始终没能到达此人跑动时的位置,则认定该参与者在这个游戏中过关;否则认定在这个游戏中不过关,已知tan 2AOB ∠=-,6OA m =,浮桥AB 的某个桥墩处点M 到直线,OA OB 的距离分别为2m ,且4AM m </s 的速度从浮桥A 端匀速跑到B 端.(1)求该游戏参与者从浮桥A 端跑到B 端所需的时间? (2)问该游戏参与者能否在这个游戏中过关?请说明理由.19.已知椭圆()2222:10x y C a b a b +=>>的离心率为2,其左、右焦点分别为12F F 、,点()00,P x y 是坐标平面内一点,且5OP =,1216PF PF ⋅=uuu r uuu r(O 为坐标原点).(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)过点()0,1S -且斜率为k 的动直线l 交椭圆于,A B 两点,在y 轴上是否存在定点M ,使以AB 为直径的圆恒过该点?若存在,求出点M 的坐标,若不存在,说明理由. 20.已知函数()()()2ln 1f x ax x x a R =--∈恰有两个极值点12,x x ,且12x x <. (1)求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若不等式12ln ln 1x x λλ+>+恒成立,求实数λ的取值范围.2018届高三年级第二次学情检测 数学加试试卷(物理方向考生作答)解答题(共4小题,每小题10分,共40分,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)1.已知向量()21,1m x =-u r ,()1,n x =r夹角为锐角,求实数的x 范围.2.定义域为R 的函数()1221x x f x -=+.若对于任意t R ∈,不等式()()2222f t t f t k -<--恒成立,求k 的取值范围.3.在ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,且sin cos 3c B b C ==. (1)求边长b ; (2)若ABC ∆的面积为212,求边长c . 4.已知()()2ln xf x ex a =++.(1)当1a =时,求()f x 在()0,1处的切线方程;(2)若存在[)00,x ∈+∞,使得()()20002ln f x x a x <++成立,求实数a 的取值范围.2018届高三年级第二次学情检测数学参考答案一、填空题1.()1,2- 2.8 3.2a ≥ 4.()1,3 5.326.()1,2-7.3 8.2 9.⎫⎪⎪⎣⎭10.1 11.10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ 12.244,,333⎛⎫⎛⎫+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭U 13.(]0,1 14.223- 二、解答题15.解:(1)因为,0,2παβ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,所以22ππαβ-<-<, 又因为()1tan 03αβ-=-<,所以02παβ-<-<. 利用同角三角函数的基本关系可得()()22sin cos 1αβαβ-+-=,且()()sin 1cos 3αβαβ-=--,解得()sin αβ-=.(2)由(1)可得,()cos 10αβ-===.因为α为锐角,3sin 5α=,所以4cos 5α===. 所以()cos cos cosβααβ=--=⎡⎤⎣⎦()()cos sin sin ααβααβ-+-4355⎛=+⨯= ⎝⎭. 16.解:(1)()()212f x a x b a =-++-.①当0a >时,()f x 在[]2,3[]2,3上为增函数,故()()35,22f f =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩所以9625,4422a a b a a b -++=⎧⎨-++=⎩解得1,0.a b =⎧⎨=⎩②当0a <时,()f x 在[]2,3上为减函数, 故()()32,25f f =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩所以9622,4425a a b a a b -++=⎧⎨-++=⎩解得1,3.a b =-⎧⎨=⎩故1,0.a b =⎧⎨=⎩或1,3.a b =-⎧⎨=⎩(2)因为1b <,所以1,0a b ==,即()222f x x x =-+,()()22222222m m g x x x x x x =-+-=-++.若()g x 在[]2,4单调,则2222m +≤或2242m+≥ 所以22m≤或26m≥,即1m ≤或2log 6m ≥.故实数m 的取值范围是(][)2,1log 6,-∞+∞U .17.解:(1)由于圆心()0,0到直线10l y +-=的距离d ==.圆的半径2r =,所以2AB ==.(2)由于()11,M x y ,()22,P x y 是圆()f x 上的两个动点,则可得()111,M x y --,()211,M x y -,且22114x y +=,22224x y +=.直线1PM 的方程为112121y y x x y y x x ++=++,令0x =求得122121x y x y y m x x -==+.直线2PM 的方程为112121y y x x y y x x +-=+-,令0x =求得122121x y x y y m x x --==-.222221122221x y x y m n x x -⋅==-()()222221122221444x x x x x x ---=-. 显然mn 为定值.18.解:(1)建立如图所示的直角坐标系,则()6,0A , 直线OB 的方程为20x y +=. 设()0,2M x=,解得03x =或05x =-. 当03x =时,4AM =,符合; 当05x =-时,4AM =>,不符合. 所以03x =,直线AM 的方程为23120x y +-=. 由20,23120x y x y +=⎧⎨+-=⎩解得3,6x y =-⎧⎨=⎩即()3,6B -.所以AB ==所以,该游戏参与者从浮桥A 端跑到B3s =.(2)在OAB ∆中,sin OAB ∠=,cos OAB ∠=设ts 时,该参与者位于点P,则663P x t ==-,2P y t ==.则ts 时,点P 坐标为()63,2t t -,其中03t ≤≤.()()2222632133636OP t t t t =-+=-+,2243r t =. 令()22324133f t r OP t t =-=-()363603t t +-≤≤, 则()242636f t t t '=-+=()()2429t t --()0,2t ∈时()0f t '>,()f t 在()0,2上为增函数, ()2,3t ∈时()0f t '<,()f t 在()2,3上为减函数,故当2t s =时,()f t 取得最大值()2f . 由于()16203f =-<,所以[]0,3t ∈时,r OP <恒成立. 即该游戏参与者通过浮桥AB 的过程中,从点O 处发出的水波圈始终没能到达此人跑动时的位置,所以该参与者在这个游戏中过关.19.解:(1)设()00,P x y ,()1,0F c -,()2,0F c ,则由5OP =,得220025x y +=;由1216PF PF ⋅=uuu r uuu r得()()0000,,16c x y c x y ---⋅--=,即2220016x y c +-=.所以29,3c c ==.又因为c a =,所以2218,9a b ==. 因此所求椭圆的方程为:221189x y +=. (2)设动直线l 的方程为:1y kx =-,由2211189y kx x y =-⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩得()22214160k x kx +--=.设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,则122421k x x k +=+,1221621x x k ⋅=-+. 假设在y 轴上是否存在定点()0,M m ,满足题设,则()11,MA x y m =-uuu r ,()22,MB x y m =-uuu r.()()1212MA MB x x y m y m ⋅=+--=uuu r uuu r()2121212x x y y m y y m +-++()()()21212121111x x kx kx m kx kx m =+----+-+()()()221212121k x x mk k x x m m =+++++++()()22221614212121k k mk k m m k k -++=-+++++ ()222221821521m k m m k -++-=+由假设得对于任意的k R ∈,0MA MB ⋅=uuu r uuu r恒成立,即2221802150m m m ⎧-=⎪⎨+-=⎪⎩解得3m =. 因此,在y 轴上存在定点M ,使以AB 为直径的圆恒过该点, 点M 的坐标为()0,3.20.解:(1)因为()ln 2f x a x x '=-,依题意得12,x x 为方程ln 20a x x -=的两不等正实数根,∴0a ≠,2ln xa x =, 令()ln x g x x =,()21ln xg x x -'=,当()0,x e ∈时,()0g x '>; 当(),x e ∈+∞时,()0g x '<,所以()g x 在()0,e 上单调递增,在(),e +∞上单调递减,()10g =, 当x e >时,()0g x >,所以()20g e a << ∴()210g e a e<<=解得2a e >,故实数a 的取值范围是()2,e +∞.(2)由(1)得,11ln 2a x x =,22ln 2a x x =,两式相加得()()1212ln ln 2a x x x x λ+=+,故()12122ln ln x x x x aλλ++=两式相减可得()()1212ln ln 2a x x x x -=-, 故12122ln ln x x a x x -=⋅-所以12ln ln 1x x λλ+>+等价于()1221x x aλλ+>+,所以()()1221x x a λλ+>+ 所以()()121212221ln ln x x x x x x λλ-+>+-,即()()121212ln ln 1x x x x x x λλ+->+-,所以112212ln 11x x x x x x λλ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭>+-, 因为120x x <<,令()120,1x t x =∈,所以()ln 11t t t λλ+>+- 即()()()ln 110t t t λλ+-+-<,令()()()()ln 11h t t t t λλ=+-+-, 则()0h t <在()0,1上恒成立,()ln h t t tλλ'=+-,令()ln I t t t λλ=+-,()()()2210,1t I t t t t tλλ-'=-=∈ ①当1λ≥时,()0I t '<所以()h t '在()0,1上单调递减,()()10h t h ''>=所以()h t 在()0,1上单调递增,所以()()10h t h <=符合题意②当0λ≤时,()0I t '>所以()h t '在()0,1上单调递增()()10h t h ''<=故()h t 在()0,1上单调递减,所以()()10h t h >=不符合题意;③当01λ<<时,()01I t t λ'>⇔<<所以()h t '在(),1λ上单调递增,所以()()10h t h ''<=所以()h t 在(),1λ上单调递减,故()()10h t h >=不符合题意综上所述,实数λ的取值范围是[)1,+∞.数学(加试)参考答案1.解:0m n ⋅>u r r 且,m n u r r 不平行,所以210x x -+>且()()()2112110x x x x --=+-≠ 解得:13x >且1x ≠, 所以,求实数x 的取值范围为()1,11,3⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭U2.解:任取12,x x R ∈,不妨设12x x <则()()()()()21211222202121x x x x f x f x --=>++,则函数()f x 为实数R 上的减函数易知()f x 又为R 上的奇函数故不等式()()2222f t t f t k -<--可化为:2222t t t k ->-+ 即232k t t <-恒成立,而232t t -的最小值为13-所以13k <- 3.解:(1)由正弦定理得:sin sin sin cos C B B C =,又sin 0B ≠, 所以sin cos C C =,所以45C =︒又cos 3b C =,所以b =(2)因为121sin 22ABC S ac B ∆==,sin 3c B =,所以7a =.由余弦定理可得2222cos 25c a b ab C =+==,所以5c =.4.解:(1)1a =时,()()2ln 1x f x e x =++,()2121x f x e x '=++ ()01f =,()10231f '=+=, 所以()f x 在()0,1处的切线方程为31y x =+(2)存在[)00,x ∈+∞,()()20002ln f x x a x <++,即:()02200ln 0x e x a x -+-<在[)00,x ∈+∞时有解;设()()22ln x u x e x a x =-+-,()2122x u x ex x a '=--+ 令()2122x m x e x x a =--+,()()21420x m x e x a '=+->+ 所以()u x '在[)0,+∞上单调递增,所以()()102u x u a ''≥=-1°当12a ≥时,()1020u a'=-≥,∴()u x 在[)0,+∞单调增, 所以()()max 01ln 0u x u a ==-<,所以a e >2°当12a <时,()1ln ln 2x a x ⎛⎫+<+ ⎪⎝⎭ 设()11ln 22h x x x ⎛⎫=+-+ ⎪⎝⎭, ()11211122x h x x x -'=-=++ 令()102h x x '>⇒>,()1002h x x '<⇒<< 所以()h x 在10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭单调递减,在1,2⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭单调递增 所以()1102h x h ⎛⎫≥=> ⎪⎝⎭,所以11ln 22x x ⎛⎫+>+ ⎪⎝⎭所以()()222ln ln xx u x e x a x e =-+->-2221122x x x e x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫+->-+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭设()()22102x g x e x x x ⎛⎫=--+≥ ⎪⎝⎭,()2221x g x e x '=--, 令()2221x x e x ϕ=--,()242420x x e ϕ'=-≥-> 所以()2221x x e x ϕ=--在[)0,+∞上单调递增,所以()()010g x g ''≥=>所以()g x 在()0,+∞单调递增,∴()()00g x g >>, 所以()()00g x g >>,所以()()()22ln 0x u x ex a x g x =-+->> 所以,当12a <时,()()22ln f x x a x >++恒成立,不合题意 综上,实数a 的取值范围为12a ≥.。



如东高级中学2018-2019学年高一上学期10月月考物理试卷一、选择题1.下列情况中的运动物体,能被看成质点的是()A. 在冰面上旋转的花样滑冰运动员B. 研究飞往火星的宇宙飞船最佳运行轨道C. 研究飞行中直升飞机上的螺旋桨的转动情况D. 研究子弹头射穿木板经历的时间【答案】B【解析】【详解】点没有大小,谈自转无意义;故研究在冰面上旋转的花样滑冰运动员动作时,运动员不可以简化为点,故A错误;研究飞往火星的宇宙飞船最佳运行轨道时,宇宙飞船的大小可忽略不计,可看做质点,选项B正确;研究飞行中直升飞机上的螺旋桨的转动情况时,不能忽略螺旋桨的大小,不能看做质点,选项C 错误;研究子弹头射穿木板的时间时,要考虑子弹的长度,不能简化为质点;故D 错误;故选B.【点睛】物体能否看成质点,不是看物体绝对质量或体积,而是看物体的大小和形状对所研究的问题影响能否忽略不计.2.关于伽利略对自由落体的研究,下列说法正确的是()A. 伽利略认为,在同一地点重的物体和轻的物体下落的快慢不同B. 伽利略猜想运动的速度与下落时间成正比,并直接用实验进行了验证C. 伽利略通过数学推演并用小球在斜面上的运动验证了位移与时间的平方成正比D. 伽利略用小球在斜面上的运动验证了速度与位移成正比【答案】C【解析】【详解】亚里士多德认为在同一地点重的物体和轻的物体下落快慢不同,故A错误;伽利略猜想自由落体的运动速度与下落时间成正比,并未直接进行验证,只是验证了位移与时间的平方成正比,然后在斜面实验的基础上的理想化推理,故BD错误,C正确。





江苏省如东中学、栟茶中学2018~2019学年高一第一学期期末学情检测语文试题一、现代文阅读(36 分)(一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分)阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。





















江苏省南通市如东高级中学 2018-2019 学年高一化学上 学期期末试题含解析一、单选题(本大题共 15 个小题,每小题 4 分。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项符合题目要求,共 60 分。

)1. 下列说法正确的是() A.VSEPR 模型就是分子的空间构型 B.在共价化合物分子中一定存在 σ 键 C.Na3[AlF6]、Na2[SiF6]和[Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 的配位数都是 6 D.共价键键长越短,键能一定越大 参考答案:B 考点:共价键的形成及共价键的主要类型;判断简单分子或离子的构型;配合物的成键情 况. 分析:A、VSEPR 模型可用来预测分子的立体构型; B、共价单键是 σ 键,共价双键有一个 σ 键,π 键,共价三键由一个 σ 键,两个 π 键组 成; C、[Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 的配位数都是 4; D、决定键能大小的不仅仅是键长,还有结构、元素的金属性和非金属性等. 解答:解:A、VSEPR 模型可用来预测分子的立体构型,但不是分子的空间构型,故 A 错 误; B、共价化合物中一定存在共价键,共价键中一定有 σ 键,故 B 正确; C、[Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 的配位数都是 4,故 C 错误; D、决定键能大小的不仅仅是键长,还有结构、元素的金属性和非金属性等,故 D 错误; 故选:B. 点评:本题考查了分子构型的判定、共价键的类型以及键能等知识点,综合性较强,难度 较大,注意有关概念的掌握.2. 将 、 和 的混合物通过稀硫酸后,溶液的质量增加,气体体积缩小至(标况下),将带火星的木条插入其中,木条不复燃,则原混合气体的平均分子量是( )A、25.5 参考答案:B、36.8C、40.6D、54.4C 略3. 下 列 有 关 实 验 操 作 的 说 法 正 确 的 是 ()A.蒸发操作时,应使混合物中的水分完全蒸干后,才能停止加热B. 用 pH 试 纸 测 定 溶 液 的 pH 时 , 需 先 用 蒸 馏 水 润 湿 pH 试 纸C.用稀硝酸溶液洗涤并灼烧铂丝后,再进行焰色反应D.用 CCl4 萃取溴水中的溴,分液时有机层从分液漏斗的下端流出参考答案:略4. 将 Cu 片放入 0.l mol / L FeCl3 溶液中,反应一定时间后取出 Cu 片,溶液中 cFe3+∶cFe2+=2:3,则 Cu2+与 Fe3+的物质的量之比为A.3 : 2B.3 : 5C.4 : 3D.3 : 4参考答案:D 略5. 一定温度下,可逆反应 N2(g)+3H2(g) 2NH3(g)达到平衡的标志是( )A、2v 正(H2)=3 v 逆(NH3)B、单位时间生成 n mol N2,生成 3n mol H2 C、断裂 3molH—H 的同时断裂 3molN—H 键D、N2、H2、NH3 的分子数比为 1∶3∶2参考答案: A 略 6. 有 KCl 和 KBr 的混合物 3.87g,溶于水配成溶液。

2018 如东高级中学 高一 上学期 练习卷(一) 较难

2018 如东高级中学 高一 上学期 练习卷(一) 较难

1. Not only ______ the jewelry she _____ been sold for her son's gambling debts but also her house.A. is;hasB. has;hadC. has;hasD. 不填;has2. - What do you think made the woman so upset?- _______ weight.A. As she put onB. Put onC. Putting onD. Because of putting on3. - ______ was it ______ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?- Totally by chance.A. What;thatB. How;thatC. When;howD. Where;that4. I have nothing to confess. ______ you want me to say?A. What is it thatB. What it is whatC. How is it thatD. How it is that5. Is this factory ______ you visited the other day?A. the oneB. thatC. whereD. when6. ______ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose7. The research is so designed that once nothing can be' done to change it.A. beginsB. having begunC. beginningD. begun8. Never ______ time come again.A. has lostB. will loseC. will lostD. lose9. It was ______ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.A. repairB. repairingC. to repairD. in repair10. Is this hotel ______ you said we were to stay in your letter?.A. thatB. whereC. the oneD. in which11. A fast-food restaurant is the place _______,just as the name suggests,eating is performed quickly.A. whichB. whereC. thereD. what12. The film brought the hours back to me ______ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.A. untilB. thatC. whenD. where13. The professor has written another book,________ of great importance to computer science.A. which I think it isB. and I think isC. which I think isD. when I think is14. - Where do you think ______ he ______ the computer?- Sorry,I have no idea.A. had;boughtB. has;boughtC. did;buyD. 不填;bought15. We should do more such exercises in the future,I think,_____ those we did yesterday.A. asB. likeC. aboutD. than16. He will tell you _____ he expects will win such a match.A. whyB. whomC. whichD. who17. In New Zealand,I made lots of friends _____ a very practical knowledge of the English language.A. getB. to getC. gettingD. got18. I'm busy now. I'm sorry I can't help _____ the flowers.A. wateringB. wateredC. watersD. to water19. Who would you rather ______ the report instead of you?A. have writeB. have to writeC. writeD. have written20. - Was it under the tree ______ you were away talking to a friend?- Sure. But when I get back there,the bike was gone.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. while21. We'll be free tomorrow,so I suggest ______ to the history museum.A. to visitB. visitingC. we should visitD. a visit22. He insisted that the sky ______ clear up the following day.A. wouldB. shouldC. 不填D. be23. Mr Smith is ______ a good teacher ______ we all respect.A. such;thatB. such;asC. so;thatD. so;as24. ______ nice,the food was all eaten up soon.A. TastingB. TasteC. TastedD. To taste25.Every boy and every girl along with the teachers who _____ to lead the group _____ asked to be at theschool gate before 6:30 in the morning.A.is; is B.are; are C.are; is D.is; are26. In a society life continues year after year with few changes, the language does not change, either. A.which B.when C.whose D.where27. _____ girls can be ______ they would like to be,whether it is a pilot or an astronaut,is being accepted all around the world.A. What;whomeverB. That;whateverC. If;whoeverD. 不填;whatever28. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth _______ well .A. have told, washesB. was told , washedC. have been told, washesD. was told, washes29. —This cake is too sweet. ______ he have added too much sugar to it? —Yes he _______.A. Must; canB. Can; must haveC. May; can haveD. Can; must30. Most of her spare time ______ , she still kept on her research in the library.A.occupied B.had been occupied C.to be occupied D.was occupied31. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____ I disagree.A. whyB. whereC. whatD. how32. ____he does has nothing to do with me.A. whateverB. No matter whatC. ThatD. If33. This is ___the shenzhou V Spaceship landed.A. thereB. in whichC. whereD. when34. They have no idea at all____.A. where he has goneB. where did he goC. which place has he goneD. where has he gone35. The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ____he would die of the disease.A. thatB. whichC. of whichD. of that36. The order came ___the soldiers ____the small village the next morning.A. that ;had to leaveB. that; should leaveC. /; must leaveD. when; should leave37. ___is no possibility ____Bob can win the first prize in the match.A. There; thatB. It; thatC. there; whetherD. It; whether38. The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. if39. It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning gray.A. whileB. ifC. thatD. for40. _____more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen.A. WhetherB. ThisC. whoD. If41. ____he will go to work in a mountain village surprises all of us.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhetherD. If42. ____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food very much.A. WhatB. ItC. All thatD. That43. It was said ________ ________ was all ________ he said.A. that; what; whatB. what; /; whatC. that; what; thatD. that; that; that44. We will discuss a number of cases ___ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.A. whichB. asC. whyD. where45. Don't you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves?A. whoB. whichC. thatD. what46. The professor said he could talk on _____ interested the audience.A. any topicB. which topicC. whichever topicD. the topic he thought it47. ______ yourself with positive people, and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what you can’t.A. SurroundB. SurroundingC. SurroundedD. Have surrounded48. More highways have been built in China, ________ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.A. makingB. madeC. to makeD. having made49. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier ________ into small pieces.A. to be brokenB. breakingC. brokenD. to break50. ________ the doors were closed and that all the lights were off, the man left the office for home.A. CheckedB. Having checkedC. To be checkedD. Checking51. The girl came ________ to the bus stop,only ________ the bus had gone.A. running; findingB. to run; to findC. and run; foundD. running; to find52. Recently a survey _____ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.A. comparedB. comparingC. comparesD. being compared53. --- Excuse me, but could you please tell me where Mr Smith, a famous comedian, lives ?--- Well, I’m afraid there is ______ living nearby.A. no such a personB. no such personC. such a personD. not such person54. As Alan Turing believed, a computer would deserve ______ intelligent if it could fool a human into believing that it was human.A. calledB. to be calledC. having been calledD. calls55. ---- How terrible it was when we were travelling in Hongkong last month!---- You are here, safe and sound, ________.A. somehowB. somewhereC. anyhowD. anywhere56.---- Please keep me ______ any trouble you have _______ him into declining(谢绝) the invitation.---- Yeah, I will. Thanks a lot.A. informing; talkingB. informed of; to talkC. informed; talkingD. informed of; talking57. You’d better leave your iPhone at home. Our school doesn’t ___ a mobile phone in the exam.A. allow students of bringingB. approve students of bringingC. accept students to bringD. approve of students bringing58. ----It’s useless crying over spoiled milk, ________?----It’s better late than never. Actually, no one has expected it, ________?A. is it; have theyB. isn’t it; have theyC. isn’t it; hasn’t heD. is it; hasn’t he59. No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.A. performingB. performedC. to be performedD. being performed60. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ______ to the ceremony.A. being not invitedB. not being invitedC. not invitingD. not to be invited61. Tina _____ have known the truth, or she would have told us.A. mustn'tB. shouldn'tC. can'tD. needn't62. There are some police cars in front. What do you suppose _____?A. is the matterB. is happenedC. is the wrongD. the trouble is63. My train arrive in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ______by then.A. would leaveB. will have leftC. has leftD. had left64. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____his arguments in favor of the new theory.onA. to be based onB. to base onC. which to base onD. on which to base66. Professor Wang , _______ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.A. knowingB. knownC. to be knownD. having known67. You ____ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.A. shouldn't followB. mustn't followC. couldn't have been followingD. shouldn't have been following68. It is no longer a problem _______ the poor children in this district can go to school.A. thatB. whetherC. soD. because69. Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.A. children are allowedB. are children allowedC. children will allowD. will children allow70. I felt lucky _______ as a representative of Canada and joined in the cultural tour to Pompeii and Loulan.A. to be chosenB. to chooseC. to have been chosenD. to have chosen71. After the dinner party, most guests left, with only two of them _____ in the host family, _____ him clear up.A. remaining; helpedB. remaining; helpingC. remained; helpedD. remained; helping72. How long do you think ______ the Microsoft bring out a new product?A. it will be beforeB. will it be untilC. will it be whenD. it will be that73. ----______ made her ashamed of herself? ----_________ the lowest mark in her class.A. What; Because she gotB. Was it what; GettingC. What was it that; That she gotD. What was it that; Get74. ---John looks down today, what’s up?---Well, _______ happened between Jane and me is none of your business.A. whicheverB. no matter whichC. whateverD. no matter what75. H7N9 flu _______ quickly in China and you can’t imagine the difficulty the doctors have ________ it.A. is spread; controllingB. is being spread; to controlC. spread; to controlD. is spreading; controlling76. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.A.has writtenB.writeC.was writingD. wrote77. —Can I help you,sir? —Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it______.A.didn’t work B.won’t work C.can’t work D.doesn’t work78. By the end of next July this building ____A. will have been completedB. will be completedC. has been completed。



一.选择题1.在物理学研究中,有时可以把物体看成质点,下列判断正确的是()A.研究火车通过南京长江大桥的运动时间,可以把火车看成质点B.研究航空母舰在作战地图上的位置时,可以把航母看成质点C.研究人造卫星的姿态调整时,可以把卫星看成质点D.研究航空母舰上的飞机起飞时,可以把航母看成质点2.关于速度及其变化,下列说法正确的是()A.物体的速度变化越大,加速度一定越大B.物体的速度为零,加速度一定为零C.物体的位置变化越大,速度一定越大D.物体的位置变化越快,速度一定越大3.如图是一辆汽车做直线运动的x t 图像,对线段OA、AB、BC、CD所表示的运动,下列说法中正确的是()A.AB段做匀速直线运动B.OA段与BC段运动的速度不相同C.CD段表示的运动方向与OA段的运动方向相反D.汽车在4h内的位移大小为60km4.关于自由落体运动的加速度g,下列说法中正确的是()A.重的物体的g值大B.g值在地球上任何地方都一样大C.同一地点,不同物体的g值一样大D.g值在赤道处大于在北极处5.科学思维和科学方法是我们认识世界的基本手段,在研究和解决问题的过程中,不仅需要相应的质点,还需要运用科学的方法,理想实验有时更能深刻第反映自然规律,伽利略设想了一个理想实验,如图所示:①两个对接的斜面,静止的小球沿一个斜面滚下,将滚上另一个斜面;②如果没有摩擦,小球将上升到原来释放的高度;③减小第二个斜面的倾角,小球在这个斜面上仍然会达到原来的高度;④继续减小第二个斜面的倾角,最后使它成水平面,小球会沿水平面做持续的匀速运动,对这个实验分析,我们可以得到的最直接结论是()A.小球的运动状态不需要外力来维持B.小球的加速度和所受合外力成正比C.小球受到的力一定是,质量越大,它的加速度越小D.自然界的一切物体都具有惯性6.如图所示,小球A系在竖直拉紧的细绳下端,球恰好与斜面接触并处以静止状态,则小球A所受的力是()A.绳对它的拉力和斜面对它的支持力B.重力、绳对它的拉力和斜面对它的摩擦力C.重力、绳对它的拉力、斜面对它的支持力和摩擦力D.重力和绳对它的拉力7.如图所示,一倾角为 的光滑斜面向左做匀速直线运动,物块相对于斜面静止,则斜面的加速度为()A.tan g θB.tan gθC.sin g θD.gcos θ 二.多项选择题8.两个小物块A 、B 从同一位置沿一直线运动的v t -图像如图所示,由图可知( )A.物块A 、B 同时开始运动B.物块B 比物块A 运动的加速度小C.在1t 时刻物块A 、B 处于同一位置D.在1t 时间内物块B 比物块A 的位移大9.关于力学单位制,下列说法中正确的是( )A.在力学单位制,若采用cm 、g 、s 作为基本单位,则力的单位为牛顿B.在力学单位制,若采用m 、kg 、s 作为基本单位,则力的单位为牛顿C.牛顿是国际单位制中的一个基本单位D.力的单位N 是根据牛顿第二定律定义的10.如图,光滑的四分之一圆弧轨道AB 固定在竖直平面内,A 端与水平面相切,轨道上的小球在水平向右的力F 作用下,缓慢地由A 向B 运动,轨道对球的弹力为N ,则在运动过程中( )A.F 增大B.F 减小C.N 增大D.N 减小11.如图,A.B 两球质量相等,光滑斜面的倾角为θ,图甲中A.B 两球用轻弹簧相连,图乙中A 、B 两球用轻杆相连,系统静止时,挡板C 与斜面垂直,弹簧.轻杆均与斜面平行,在突然撤去挡板的瞬间( )A.图甲中A 球的加速度为零B.图乙中A 球的加速度为sin g θC.图甲中B 球的加速度为2sin g θD.图乙中B 球的加速度为零三.非选择题12.某同学用如图所示的实验装置来验证“力的平行四边形定则”,如图甲,用两根弹簧测力计一起拉橡皮筋,使橡皮筋伸长到O 点;如图乙,改用一根弹簧测力计拉橡皮筋,也使橡皮筋伸长到O 点,实验时,分别读出弹簧测力计的示数,并在贴于木板的白纸上记录O 点的位置及拉线的方向。







可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 He-4 C-12 N-14 O-16 S-32 Cl-35.5Na-23 K-39 Ca-40 Cu-64 Ba-137Ⅰ卷一、选择题(本题有10小题,每小题2分, 共20分。


)1.下列物质中,属于纯净物的是A.氨水 B.液氧 C.纯净的空气 D.盐酸2.下列关于“摩尔”的说法正确的是①表示物质的数量单位②表示物质的质量单位③表示物质的量的单位④既不是物质的数量单位,也不是物质的质量单位⑤既是物质的数量单位,也是物质的质量单位⑥是将物质的数量单位与质量单位联系起来进行换算的“桥梁”单位。

A. ①③⑤B. ①③⑥C.③④⑥D. ③⑤⑥3.下列四图中,白球代表氢原子,黑球代表氦原子。

表示等质量的氢气与氦气混合气体的是A. B. C. D.4.下列变化需要加氧化剂才能实现的A.CaCO3→CO2B.H2O→H2C.Fe2+→Fe3+ D.SO42—→BaSO45.下列各组中的离子,能够大量共存于同一溶液中的是A .CO 32-、H +、Na +、NO 3-B .H +、Ag +、Cl -、SO 42-C .K +、H +、Cl -、OH -D .OH -、NO 3-、K +、Na +6.在化学上,常用CaH 2作为制取氢气的药剂,有关反应的化学方程式为:CaH 2 + 2H 2O == Ca(OH)2 + 2H 2↑。

在这个反应中,H 2O A .是还原剂 B .是氧化剂C .是溶剂D .既不是氧化剂,也不是还原剂 7.N 2和H 2所组成的混合气体平均相对分子质量为8.5,其中H 2所占的体积分数为A.18%B.25%C.50%D.75% 8.下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是A .CH 3COOHB .Cl 2C .NH 4HCO 3D .SO 2 9.等质量的SO 2和SO 3相比较,下列结论错误的是A.它们的分子数之比是5:4B.它们所含的氧原子数之比为5:6C.它们所含的硫元素质量之比为4:5D.它们所含原子数目之比为15:16 10.下列说法准确的是A .1mol 任何粒子的粒子数叫做阿伏加德罗常数。



如东县2018-2018学年度第一学期期末考试试卷2018.1高一化学考试时间:100分钟 满分100分考生注意:1、答第I 卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号、考试科目用2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上,答第II 卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

2、第I 卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试卷上。

第 II 卷每小题用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。

3、考试结束后,将第II 卷和答题卡一并交回。

可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na -23 Al-27 S -32 Cl-35.5 Ba -137第I 卷(44分)一、选择题(每小题只有1个选项符合题意,每小题2分,共20分)1、著名化学家、诺贝尔化学奖获得者Glenn Theodore Seabory1979年在美国化学会成立100周年大会上指出:“化学,是人类进步的关键!”。


下列涉及的内容一般不属于化学研究范围的是A .研究一种新材料的性质和用途B .研究一种新微粒的组成和结构C .研究一种新药品的合成D .研究一种新物质的运动规律 2、核裂变产生的核能可以用于发电,U 23592是一种常用的核燃料,下列说法错误的是A .U 23592相对原子质量为235B .U 23592中中子数比质子数多51 C .U 23592与C 126的质量比约为235:12 D .U 23592 与U 23892属于同一种元素3、化学上经常采用归类的方法研究一类物质。

将Li 、Na 、K 、Rb 、Cs 归为一类的根本原因是A .它们均为金属元素,都能形成相应的氧化物B .五种元素的单质均为固体C .它们原子的最外层电子数均为1个,在性质上具有相似性D .它们形成的氢氧化物都是强碱4、同温同压下,两种气体的体积如果不相同,请你推测其主要的原因是A .气体的分子大小不同B .气体分子的物质的量不同C .气体分子的化学性质不同D .气体分子间的平均距离不同 5、物质的性质决定了物质保存的方法。

江苏省如东县2018届高三上学期第一次检测英语试题 含

江苏省如东县2018届高三上学期第一次检测英语试题 含

2018届高三第一次学情调研测试英语试卷第一卷(选择题共85分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. How long will the play last?A. Forty-five minutes.B. Sixty minutes.C. Seventy-five minutes.2. Who does the man think is more beautiful?A. Lucy.B. Lily.C. Jolie.3. What day is it today?A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.4. What does the man mean?A. Mike has some extra money.B. The woman should get the bag.C. He can’t lend the woman any money.5. What does the woman like to do best?A. Watch movies.B. Go shopping.C. Read books.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Where does the woman work?A. In Tokyo.B. In London.C. In Oxford.7. What are the speakers going to do together tomorrow?A. Visit Jane.B. Have dinner.C. See customers.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

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一、单项选择1.I, _________ your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who isB. who amC. that isD. what is2.The student who does well in his lesson is the monitor ____ is very modest and studies hard.A. whoB. thatC. asD. which3.Could I speak to__________ is in charge of International Sales please?A.who B.what C.whoever D.whatever4.Standing on the top of the hill,you’ll get a wonderful__________of the city.A.sightB.viewC.sceneD.scenery5.By the time you arrive home,the baby______,so please don’t make any noise when you come in.A.will sleepB.will have sleptC.will be sleepingD.will have been sleeping6.I was advised to arrange for insurance____I needed medical treatment.A.whenB.in caseC.althoughD.so that7.You may spend this amount of money on_____is important to you.A.whereverB.whicheverC.whateverD.whenever8.The girl was sitting on the bench in the park,_______her head in the book in her hands.A.buriedB.buryingC.being buriedD.to bury9.Just______those thoughts from your mind---they’re crazy and not worth thinking about.A.protectB.discourageC.reflectD.dismiss10.Just an hour ago he was telling me on the phone that he_____home right after the work.esB.cameC.would comeD.will come11.---You have made great progress in your survey,haven’t you?---Yes,but some problems among the youngsters still remain________.A.settlingB.settledC.to settleD.to be settled12.Mr Black said that it was at least ten years since he_____a good drink.A.was enjoyingB.have enjoyedC.had enjoyedD.have been enjoying13.When_____,the man said he went home at2:00a.m.,_____and only____his house broken into.A.asked;tired to findB.asking;tired;findingC.asked;tiredly;to findD.asking;tired;finding14. Many people, some of ______ are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, _____ are often dangerous.A. who, thatB. whom, thatC. who, whichD. whom, which15. — Is your Uncle Tom a soldier? — No, but he once ______ in the army for 4 years.A. servedB. is servingC. has servedD. had served16. It was in that house he used to live the secret meeting was held.A. where, whereB. that, thatC. what, whereD. where, that17. It is the first time that Chinese teachers ________ in schools across Britain to introduce Chinese-style maths lessons and teaching approaches.A. taughtB. teachC. have taughtD. had taught18. He was told that it would be at least three more months _____ he could recover and return to work.A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. that19. As the library rule goes, you should put the dictionary_________ you can find it easily.A. whereB. in the placeC. the place in whichD. at where20. The shop is reported to ________________ last night in the local newspaper.A. break intoB. be broken intoC. have broken intoD. have been broken into21. Whom would you rather the car?A. have fixB. have fixedC. have to fixD. have fixing22. As your spoken English gets better, so ______ your written English.A. doesB. isC. hasD. will23. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and whether it is or smooth.A. roughB. mildC. roundD. sharp24. --- Good morning. May I help you?—Yes, I’m looking for a flat. I’d like with two bedrooms.A. the oneB. oneC. itD. that25. In this perfect world people who had discovered how to stay young forever.A. were livingB. livedC. liveD. does live26. When we meet some difficulties, we are supposed to finding solutions instead of getting discouraged.A. set downB. set outC. set aboutD. set up27. Was it at the village he often talked of he spent his summer vacation?A. where; thatB. which; thatC. that; whereD. which; where28. The scientist shows little concern about politics, only himself completely in his scientific research.A. buriedB. buriesC. buryingD. to bury29. My brother while he his bicycle and hurt himself.A. had fallen; rodeB. has fallen; was ridingC. fell; was ridingD. had fallen; was riding30. No matter how much money you possess, it cannot a healthy body.A. compareB. suitC. defeatD. match31. It whether the newly formed committee’s policy (政策)can be put into practice.A. remains to be seenB. remains to seeC. is remained to seeD. is remained to be seen.32. The meeting a full week by the time it ends.A. had lastedB. will have lastedC. would lastD. has lasted\33. The air quality in our city,________ is shown in the chart, has been bad over the last three months.A. thatB. itC. asD. which34. He made a lot of careless mistake, his failure in this driving test.A. resulted inB. resulted fromC. resulting inD. resulting from35. She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do________ it takes to save her life.A. whateverB. whicheverC. howeverD. whoever36. In Britain today women_________44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A. build upB. make upC. take upD. put up37.---Alvin, are you coming with us? —I’d love to, but something unexpected__________.A. has come upB. was coming upC. would come upD. come up38. A number of paintings in the castle are believed_________ in a fire.A. being destroyedB. having been destroyedC. to have destroyedD. to have been destroyed39. Living in the central Australian desert has its problem,__________ getting water is not the least.A. asB. whoseC. of whichD. in that40. In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, .A. the better our holiday will beB. our holiday will be the betterC. our holiday will be betterD. the better will our holiday be41. He insisted that the problem requiring paying attention to at the meeting.A. being discussedB. discussC. be discussedD. discussing42. When parents know about their children’s attitudes towards life, they have a better chance to reduce the possibility their children will get involved with alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. that43. Mrs. White doesn’t believe that her son is able to make such great progress in Mathematics, ?A. is heB. isn’t heC. doesn’t sheD. does she44. If you follow your doctor’s advice above, you will look and feel much better at all.A. in no timeB. at no timeC. at a timeD. at one time45. we have not dismissed the idea that Justin was taken by aliens, we are still other possibilities as well.A. While; looking upB. Although; looking intoC. As; looking overD. However; looking back46. For centuries, people have reported a wild creature in the Himalayas called Yeti, which a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.A. seeing; is said to beB. to be seeing; is said thatC. to see; is said thatD. to have seen; is said to be47. When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers, we often play songs by students, and messages are also given in order to keep them of events such as outings and school plays.A. sang; informedB. sung; informingC. sing; informedD. sung; informed48. We can travel in an hour to places I believe can often attract a large number of tourists.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. what49. Recently I can’t focus on my lessons. Maybe I need to see a doctor.A. somewhatB. somehowC. anywayD. otherwise50. teaching is often viewed as a hard and demanding(要求高的)job, some people are fond of it and consider it to be rewarding and worthy.A. BecauseB. UntilC. OnceD. While51. at the back of the classroom several old professors, listening attentively to the new teacher.A. Seated; wereB. Seating; wasC. Sat; wereD. Sitting; was52. In 2007, an American TV team made copies of Yeti tracks, which measures 33 centimetres in length, and they had a scientist in the USA them.A. to examineB. examinedC. examiningD. examine53. ---What made him disappointed? --- visit his grandmother at the weekend.A. Being not allowed toB. He had not been allowed toC. Having not been allowed toD. Not being allowed to54. ---Alan seems a lot taller than when I last saw him.---He . He’s grown a foot since you saw him in Shanghai.A. isB. will beC. has beenD. was55. Years of teaching experience as a volunteer has made him that for students’ development timely encouragement along with careful instructions .A. convinced; countB. convincing; countsC. convinced; countsD. convincing; count56. What advice at the school meeting?A. you suppose the headmaster will giveB. do you suppose that the headmaster will giveC. do you suppose the headmaster will giveD. do you suppose will the headmaster give57. The detective didn’t regret that to the local villagers, but wished he hadn’t been that rude.A. to sayB. to have saidC. sayingD. having been said58. ---Mark should have refused my invitation to the birthday party. Why? ---Leave him alone. .A. It’s a piece of cakeB. He’s a wet blanketC. He’s all earsD. Don’t pull his leg二、完形填空AThere has never been a time in my life that music could not cure. I love being able to just sit down and listen to my favorite songs. Whether it is on the_____1_____or from my phone, music has always brought me____2____. Besides, it can also be very relaxing during stressful times.One of the main reasons why I love music so much is its_____3_____to completely calm my nerves(神经紧张). Whenever I am going through a ____4____time. I just_____5_____ one of my favorite songs and dance to it! It is unbelievable what some music can do to my mood! If I am upset, there are peaceful and healing(治愈的) songs to help me_____6_____the feeling, or if I need to____7____. I will listen to an exciting song.It is great to know that music will____8____be there for me! Music has been____9____over time. From the beginning till the recent day, so many new____10____have been developed. One of my favorite is electronic dance music. From every culture, new styles of music have been becoming____11____. I cannot remember a time when music has not been developing into new styles.There is no doubt that everyone loves concerts. The whole idea of concerts is based on the concept of music. It is quite____12____to know how concerts have evolved(发展). Nowadays, people can_____13_____thousands of dollars just to see their favorite star or group perform. The feeling I get when I dance to my favorite song in a concert is___14___ description.Whether I listen to music during a car ride or when I go to a party or concert, music will always have a___15___ place in my heart.1. A. radio B. show C. piano D. list2. A. wealth B. victory C. wisdom D. happiness3. A. explanation B. ability C. energy D. responsibility4. A. shameful B. confusing C. difficult D. normal5. A. live on B. keep on C. focus on D. put on6. A. handle B. describe C. imagine D. avoid7. A. give up B. cheer up C. show up D. mix up8. A. still B. already C. probably D. always9. A. playing B. remembered C. changing D. influenced10. A. styles B. equipment C. songs D. materials11. A. similar B. possible C. challenging D. popular12. A. annoying B. worrying C. amazing D. shocking13. A. cost B. spend C. donate D. earn14. A. through B. within C. beyond D. under15. A. special B. strange C. suitable D. distant。
