
《新编电子商务英语》期终复习参考资料Unit 1 E-Business BasicsI. Questions:p.21.What is the difference between e-Commerce and e-Business?Electronic commerce, B2C, or e-Commerce refers to online sales. Electronic business or e-Business, on the other hand, refers to more than just selling online.2.What can you do by using the Internet?Collect vital business information related to your costumers and competitors;Increase awareness about your company;Streamline communication and improve customer service; .Improve productivity and reduce costs; andSell your products on line.3. What are the common ways to get started using e-Business?Make your mark on the web;Leverage email;Embrace e-procurement; andInvestigate e-Commerce.II. Exercises:p.2Translate the following into Chinese:1.When searching information on line, the user can then either start browsingthe website listed, or can narrow the results further by searching within those results for another keyword.使用者在线搜索信息时,可先开始浏览经初步搜索后罗列出的网站,也可再用一个关键词将此结果进一步搜索以缩小浏览范围。

单选1.According to a recent report, ____ that Americans consume does not vary greatly from year to year.A)the number of sugar B)a number of sugarC)the amount of sugar D)an amount of sugar2.My dentist appointment is on Friday, ______.A)fifth October B)five OctoberC)the fifth of October D)the five of October3.Flight nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at ______.A)the two gate B)gate two C)the gate two D)second gate4.That kind of shoes are______ expensive for me.A)more B)far more C)far too D)much5.The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen ______ delicious.A)smells B)is smelling C)has smelled D)has been smelling6.It has been ______ for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.A)arranged B)organized C)settled D)adapted7.There is very______hope that she will pass the exam.A)few B)much C)little D)any8.She ________ large profits from her unique invention.A)reaped B)gathered C)rewarded D)built9.Get me a hammer from the kitchen, ______.A)will you B)would you C)shall you D)do you10.Teachers all ________ the student to enter the competition.A)cheered B)animated C)encouraged D)heartened11.Although the wines vary, the______ is quite good.A)medium B)usual C)average D)ordinary12.________ of a newspaper nor the number of pages in an edition has ever been standardized.A)The page size is neither B)The page size, neitherC)Neither is the page size D)Neither the page size13.He______ his first book to his mother.A)committed B)dedicated C)assigned D)appointed14.One warning______ to stop her doing it.A)suffered B)sufficed(足够) C)suggested D)provided15.How I wish to ______ in your sufferings.A)enter B)contribute C)participate D)provide16.We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly______. A)flexible B)elastic C)supple D)compliant17.It is because English is useful______.A)why we study it hard B)that we study it hardC)what we study hard D)which we study hard18.The plane is______ to take off at 4.A)enlisted B)enrolled C)prompted D)scheduled19._______ in my present work, I would be quite willing to do what you ask me to. A)Were I not engaged B)I were not engagedC)Engaged I were not D)Were not I engaged20.He ______ that we should probably have rain.A)observed(观测) B)beheld(看见) C)examined D)followed21.A poor memory ______ her efforts to become an actress.A)encouraged B)accomplished C)frustrated(阻挠)D)develop 22.The officer ________ his orders to the men by radio.A)reported B)transmitted(传达) C)communicated(传输/传达)D)exchanged 23.They have got into______ troubles.A)monetary B)affluent C)financial D)miserable24.Churchill(丘吉尔) was______ as the Chancellor of the university.A)established(建立) B)placed C)launched D)installed(任命)25.This substance reacts ________ as fast as the other one.A)one-tenths B)first-ten C)one-ten D)one-tenth26.It is important for university to keep ______ with the changes in science and technology.A)step B)stage C)pace D)space27.It''s______ by coach from Melbourne to Sydney.A. a nine hour''s journeyB. a nine hour journeyC. a nine hours'' journeyD. a nine-hours journey28. They got there ______ we by 20 minutes.A. more early asB. earlier thanC. as early asD. more earlier than29. Those who don’t work hard at English ought to______.A. criticizeB. be criticizedC. have been criticizedD. be criticizing30. If you______ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy now.A. hadn’t watchedB. didn’t watchC. haven’t watchedD. wouldn’t have watched31. Weather ______ , we’ll go sightseeing.A. permittedB. is permittedC. permittingD. is permitting32. There are ______ opportunities for employment in the rural area.A. lessB. littleC. smallD. fewer33. A ___ ___ component(成分) of any democracy(民主) is a free labor movement.A. vital(极重要的)B. visual(看得见的)C. sole(唯一的)D. singleCCBCA ACAAC ADBBC ABDAA CBCDD CCBBA CDA翻译句子(1)Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides your company with new ways of better understanding and serving your customer.客户关系管理(CRM)为您的公司提供新的方式以更好的理解和服务你的客户(2)This service, known as Information Desk, along with other new Web-based information delivery services, has enabled the company and its direct, indirect and channel customers to work together more efficiently.这种被称为“信息桌面”的服务,以及其他以网络为基础提供信息的新的服务,使得公司和它的直接、间接和渠道的客户更有效地合作(3) As a result of getting confidential documents faster, three-fourths of Intel's direct customer engineers shaved a week or more off their product development cycle.更快了解机密文件的结果是:英特尔公司四分之三的直接客户工程师将其产品研发周期缩短了一周或更多(4) Over the last few years the Internet has evolved from being a scientific network only, to a platform that is enabling a new generation of businesses.在过去的几年中,因特网已经从一个仅用于科研的网络发展成了一个使新一代商务模式成为可能的平台(5) The e-business in the title is not the same as IBM is seeing it, it is much more, as you will discover by reading this book, therefore the "B" in e-business not written in capital letters as in IBM's ease.标题中的e-business与IBM所理解的并不一样,当你读完这本书你就会发现其内涵要丰富得多,所以,e-business中的字,字母B并没有像IBM一样大写(6) Once you have this data gathered, business intelligence applications let you analyze the information to help you optimize your Web site一旦你收集了这些数据,智能商务软件将帮你进行分析以是你的网站最佳化(7) Track Web hits or transactions against fluctuations in your offline sales channels, for example, or see what happens to order volumes at the beginning of a fiscal quarter when many departments have new budgets to work with.例如,将你的网站的成功点击率或交易量与你的线下销售波形图进行比较,或者当许多部门在一个季度开始做新的预算时,了解一下订单的数量(8) You can glean trends during peak traffic periods that result in server overloads, or identify search criteria that consistently fail to deliver anticipated content.在最高流量的时段,你可以了解一下是什么导致了服务器超载,或者确认哪些搜索标准总是不能达到预期的搜索结果(9)Executives who have successfully led change efforts advocate in-person discussions and meetings as the most effective communication vehicles.曾经成功领导了变革的决策者们主张将亲自参加讨论和会议作为最有效的沟通方式(10) Continuous innovation, a critical element of e-business strategy, is at the mercy of an organization's communication structure.不断地变革——,电子商务战略中最关键的因素,完全取决于机构的沟通体系1.贸易,商业 merce2. 紧缩v. deflate3. 命令的,权威 adj. & n. injunctive 4. 拥抱,包含 v.embrace 6. 垂直的,直立的adj. vertical7.参与,参加v. participate 8.可用的,可获得的adj. available9.自动化,自动n. automation 10. 包含, 牵涉 v. involve11. 地方, 位置 n. location 13. 单独的, 个人的 adj. individual14. 服从, 顺从, 提交 v. submit 15. 投资n. investment16. 基本的, 基础的, 主要的 adj. foundational17. 分配, 分布, 分发 v. distribute 23. 基金, 经费 n. fund25.预置, 初始化n. initialization 3. 顾问 n. consultant8. 本质,精髓,精华 n. essence 9. 放弃,遗弃 v. abandon1. retrieval technologies检索技术2. value chain _价值链3. direct billing直接结算4. supply chains供应链5. global marketplace全球市场6. tangible benefit有形效益7. virtual private network (VPN)虚拟专用网8. frequently asked questions (FAQ) 常见问题 EDI电子数据交换5. privacy policy隐私策略6. dispute resolution调解纠纷、争端解决7. business process re-engineering (BPR)业务流程再造8. return on investment投资报酬9. search engines搜索引擎10. shopping cart购物车 11. online marketing在线营销12. DigiCash电子现金13. cross-sell交叉销售14. text documents文本文件完形填空(1)Several regions in the world are subject 1 storms which are so severe that they 2 damage on a tremendous scale. The regions are all located on the edges of great oceans. The 3 term for such severe storms is "cyclone". The term "hurricane" is 4 for storms that occur in the North Atlantic Ocean.Cyclones(龙卷风) and hurricanes(飓风) differ in one curious 5 : in a cyclone, the wind circulates in a clockwise direction; in a hurricane, the wind direction is counter-clockwise. 6 cyclones and hurricanes have one ominous similarity. 7 the damage they cause on land and at sea, they are identical.Australia undergoes a number of cyclones every year along its northern coast, which faces Indonesia. The cyclones 8mainly in December and January, the summer months in the southern hemisphere.Usually the Australian cyclones don't cause great damage because Australia's northern territory has vast empty regions that are virtually 9 .There are few coastal cities. When a cyclone 10 move inland from the sea, it usually blows itself out without striking any inhabited area.1.A)to B)for C)of D)on2.A)make B)cause C)happen D)suffer3.A)full B)common C)ordinary D)general4.A)made B)called C)meant D)defined5.A)way B)manner C)angle D)feature6.A)However B)And C)But D)Then7.A)In that B)In terms of C)Except for D)Along with8.A)occur B)rise C)raise D)foster9.A)populated B)deserted C)unpopulated D)undeserved10.A)could B)does C)would D)shouldABDDA CBACB(2)Human beings act in a different way from 1 of animals just because they canspeak while animals cannot. Even the cleverest animals cannot do things which to us seem very 2 and which small children, as soon as they learn to talk, would be able to do.A German scientist, who 3 experiments for many years with big apes(猿), found that his apes could use his sticks(棍) as tools to pull down bananas which they could not 4 . But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the banana and the stick were in view at the same time. If the banana was in front of them and the stick was behind them, they could not use the stick. They could not keep the banana 5 enough in mind to look around and then pick up the stick and use it.The 6 for this is clear. We have words for banana and stick which help use to think about these things when they are not in 7 . Even a small child knowing the words "banana" and "stick" has an idea of their relationship and is able to think "stick" together with "banana" and to remember this long enough to pick the stick 8 behind and use it on the banana.9 to speak, animals cannot keep their knowledge of things for long. That is why they often interrupt one line of action to do something else and later forget it completely. Human beings, on the other hand, use 10 and are able to do one thing continuously.1.A)that B)this C)way D)eat2.A)honest B)foolish C)simple D)evident3.A)carried B)dealt C)developed D)performed4.A)get B)reach C)eat D)take5.A)clear B)alive C)long D)complete6.A)answer B)truth C)reason D)cause7.A)vision B)mind C)thought D)sight8.A)from B)in C)at D)around9.A)incapable B)unable C)unwilling D)hard10.A)knowledge B)language C)expressions D)mindACDBC CDABB(3)It is not surprising that people 1 ever associate Britain with wine and ill fact it may astonish you to learn that grapes are grown in the open air in England and nearly 200,000 2 were sold in 1975. There is nothing very new in growing grapes in Britain, 3 the climate. The Romans planted the first vines about AD 300 and 4 a long time people always drank home-produced wines. What destroyed the English wine industry was not5 a change in the climate as the fact that an English King, Henry II, inherited the Bordeaux area of France as part of his dominions6the twelfth century and the imported wine provided7 of competition. The English wine industry did not disappear, however,8the sixteenth century, when the monks, who had been the main producers in the meantime, had their estates taken away by Henry VIII. The new owners let the vineyards die out. But now English people, probably9their memories of holidays by the Mediterranean, drink more wine than ever and the new industry is now developing 10a modest but consistent rate.1.A)hardly B)almost C)nearly D)seldom2.A)bottles of wine B)bottles of wines C)wine bottles D)of wine bottles 3.A)although B)whatever C)in spite of D)however4.A)during B)from C)since D)for5.A)enough B)such C)too much D)so much6.A)on B)during C)for D)since7.A)much B)many C)a great deal D)a large number8.A)as long as B)as far as C)since D)until9.A)because B)for C)because of D)due10.A)in B)by C)at D)onAACDDBCDCC阅读理解答案:(1)CAA (3)ABC (4)ADB (5)BAC (6)CCAD (7)ABAD1 CAB 2CCDD 3ABC 4 ADB 5 BAC 6BCAD 7ABADPassage 1People over the age of 65 in the U.S.A are called senior citizens. Life for these people is different from that for younger Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no longer work full time. Also it is unusual for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren. Grandparents tend to live in their own houses or apartments away from their families.For many senior citizens, the years after 65 are not enjoyable. They feel unproductive when they no longer work. Their lives lose meaning. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health as they grow older. If they live in big cities, they often worry about their safety.Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and sports and travel. They associate with their fellow senior citizens who have common interests and equal free time. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities located in warm climates. Some senior citizens continue to work beyond retirement age. Many find new careers and professional opportunities after they retire.The number of senior citizens in the U.S.A is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. The average life span for Americans in now more than 74 years. Because of their larger numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country both politically and economically. Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.1.Many senior citizen ________.A)are enjoyable B)live together with their familiesC)feel unproductive, lonely and unsafe D)feel safe in big cities 2.Senior citizens are gaining social influence because ________.A)the number of senior citizens is growing and because senior citizens are more activeB)senior citizens have experienceC)their average life span is longerD)they do more work now3.Implied but not stated: ________.A)Most of American senior citizens have lived a lonely and unhappy life. B)They have played an important part in society.C)Like young people, senior citizens can still enjoy everything they like.D)Their average lifespan is becoming longer and longer.Passage 2The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul's and the Guildhall among them.Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect, wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow; but he did build more than fifty churches, among them new St Paul's.The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.4.The fire began in______.A)a hotel B)the palaceC)Pudding Lane D)Thames Street5.It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that______.A)some people lost their lives B)the birds in the sky were killed by the fireC)many famous buildings were destroyed D)the King's bakery wasburned down6.Why did the writer cite Samuel Pepys? ______A)Because Pepys was among those putting out the fireB)Because Pepys also wrote about the fireC)To show that poor people suffered mostD)To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire7.How was the fire put out according to the text? ______.A)The king and his soldiers came to helpB)All the wooden houses in the city were destroyedC)People managed to get enough water from the riverD)Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled downPassage 3Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified as belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before. A composer organizes his melodies (旋律) and rhythms and combines sounds to create harmony. He may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, the final result will not be to standard.Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. There may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may confuse unrelated feelings, it may not express any important feeling at all, or it may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly.Good music will stand the test of time. It will not go out of fashion but will continue to be enjoyed and respected long after it is first introduced. It will gain a kind of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly. In pop music, where the general rule seems to be "the newer the better", the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.1.A piece of original music ______.A)has a personal style B)sounds very familiar to our earsC)is one whose style you cannot recognize D)cannot be recognized as belonging to any composer2.Good music is ______.A)well-organized tunes B)the proper expression of feelingsC)an expression of mixed feelings D)exaggeration of some feelings3.The passage is concerned with ______.A)how to compose music B)how to enjoy musicC)how to judge music D)how to perform musicPassage 4Shopping-bag ladies don't beg publicly, but they do not refuse what is offered. Once a shopping-bag lady appears where you live, it is as hard to pass her by without giving her some money as it is to pay no attention to the collection box in church. And although you may not like it, if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night, it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is to do with a lost dog.Most shopping-bag ladies seem to be between the ages of 40 and 65. They wear layers of clothes even in summer time, with newspapers filled between the layers as something against bad weather.No one knows how many shopping-bag ladies there are in New York. The number is going up. Some persons and researchers spend a great deal of time taking care of or observing shopping-bag ladies and doing what they can to better the life lady hermits(隐士) who're down.1.Shopping-bag ladies are ______.A)lady beggars B)ladies who sell shopping-bagsC)ladies who make shopping-bags D)Those who go hungry 2.They fill newspapers between the layers of their clothes because ______.A)they are so poor B)they have no place to put themC)they want to hide them D)they have to use them to keep the cold out3.Which of the following statements is NOT true.A)There are more and more shopping-bag ladies in the United States .B)Shopping-bag ladies appear only in New York.C)Some people are helping shopping-bag ladies.D)Some people are engaged in their research on these shopping-bag ladies. Passage 5The Internet will play a central role in conducting international trade beyond the year 2000. The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) recently announced a plan to assist developing countries develop a capacity for e-commerce and e-business. The spin off from this decision can pay huge dividends to offshore companies that position themselves on-line right now to supply goods and services to the coming global Internet trading market.E-business will help you get set up and operate with a minimum of effort and at reasonable prices.E-business Incorporated works with international companies to set up a web-office, or CyberSuite as its own domain accessible over the Internet via its owndomain name or from the e-business Cyberspace Station.If you are a supplier, your CyberSuite would have a showroom where visitors —especially wholesale importers and distributors — can examine images, drawings or listings of what you have to offer. If you are a buyer, your web-office can include a notice board listing products or services or agreements you are looking for and a bidding gallery where suppliers can post bids and link you to their sites to examine products. Trading partners can make purchases, send invoices, hold business meetings, track shipments, and work out potential trade agreements within the E-business Cyberspace Station. E-business seminars and conferences will introduce new potential trade partners to each other.Orders placed on the site are sent immediately to manufacturers and any suppliers integrated into the trade process. For example, established trading partners might include an importer ordering large shipments from a manufacturer and suppliers of parts or raw materials in other countries. By electronically notifying the whole trade net at the same time, each partner is able to trim supply and demand to "just in time" delivery of goods or services. The savings of doing business this way can be substantial — even without the tax advantages.1.E-business Incorporated can help a company to______.A)set up a web-office free of charge B)build a Cybersuite as its domainC)get its own domain name D)have its web site accessible via its own domain name2.In a Cybersuite, a supplier can ______.A)exhibit its products and services B)find more images and drawingsC)get many lists of products D)bid for a certain product or service3.The passage mainly tells about ______.A)the benefits brought by e-business B)how to do e-commerce via InternetC)a project by WTCA D)how to find trade partners via InternetPassage 6For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - and other creatures - learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective reward, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological (生理的) "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink of some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" thebabies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on" a display of lights - and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many three turns to one side.Papousek's light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would "smile and bubble" when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.4.According to the author, babies learn to do things which ______.A)are directly related to pleasure B)will meet their physical needsC)will bring them a feeling of success D)will satisfy their curiosity 5.Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby ______.A)would make learned responses when it saw the milkB)would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drinkC)would continue the simple movements without being given milkD)would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink6.In Papousek's experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to______.A)have the lights turned on B)be rewarded with milk C)please their parents D)be praised7.The babies would "smile and bubble" at the lights because ______.A)the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"B)the sight of the lights was interestingC)they need not turn back to watch the lightsD)they succeeded in "switching on" the lightsPassage 7The digital revolution, as exemplified by the Internet and electronic commerce, has shaken marketing practices to their core. In a recent paper, Wharton's Jerry Wind, director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, and co-author Vijay Mahajan, a marketing professor at the College of Business Administration of the University of Texas at Austin, examine the impact of digital marketing on concepts like pricing, when customers can propose their own prices (), or buyersand sellers can haggle independently in auctions ().The paper provides an overview of some of the emerging realties and new rules of marketing in a digital world, and outlines what the new discipline of marketing may look like in the early part of the new century.To begin with, say the authors, the rapid-fire growth of the Internet is helping to drive changes. "It is not just our computers that are being reprogrammed; it is customers themselves, " says Wind. "These emerging cyber consumers are like an alien race that have landed in the midst of our markets. They have different expectations and different relationships with companies from which they purchase products and services. "For one thing, cyber consumers expect to be able to customize everything —from the products and services they buy and the information they seek, to the price they are willing to pay. And with digital technology opening new channels for gaining information, they are more knowledgeable and demanding than previous consumers.Digital customers can also sort products based on any desired attribute, price, nutritional value, or functionality, and they can easily obtain third-party endorsements and evaluations, tapping the experience of other users. "Companies that cannot meet their demands and expectations will be at a loss, " says Wind.4.The passage was most likely to be taken from ________.A)an overview of a paper B)an introduction to a book C)a book on digital revolution D)a paper discussing digital revolution5.From the third paragraph, we can infer that ________.A)the customers are also reprogrammed by computersB)e-business companies need be more knowledgeable about cyber consumers C)cyber consumers are a group of strange peopleD)cyber consumers came from outer space6.Compared with traditional customers, the emerging cyber consumers ________. A)are more difficult to satisfy B)have less knowledge about businessC)have more problems with prices D)are less willing to buy products and services7.In the last paragraph, what Wind said means ________.A)digital consumers' decision to buy depends largely on others' evaluationB)it will be more and more difficult for companies to earn profit in e-businessC)most of the companies in e-business are at a lossD)companies should try their best to meet the digital consumers' demands and expectations。

IP 因特网协议Internet ProtocolTCP 传输控制协议Transmission Control ProtocolOSI 开放式系统互联参考模型Open System InterconnectionISP 互联网服务提供商Internet Service ProviderHTML 超文本标识语言Hypertext Markup LanguageSEO 搜索引擎优化Search Engine OptimizationPR 公共关系Public RelationIT 信息技术Information TechnologyCRM 客户关系管理Customer Relationship ManagementIMA 因特网商家账号Internet Merchant AccountPSPs 支付服务提供商Payment Service ProvidersQoS 服务质量Quality of ServiceSCM 供应链管理Supply Chain ManagementQC 质量控制Quality ControlPLC 产品生命周期Production Life CyclePC 个人计算机Personal ComputerBasics填词1. Internet is a loose network of computers localed all over the world。
2. The most widely used part of Internet is the World Wide Web. Its outstandingfeature is hypertext。
3. Common computer networking devices are Router、Bridge、Network、Switch、Ethernet hub and Repeater.4. The three major forms of e—commerce and B2B、B2C、C2C。

Competitive positioningBusiness Workflow AnalysisCore competencyComputer Keyboard电脑键盘data update 数据更新Data Analysis 数据分析Cornerstone 奠基石Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准protocol协议Router 路由器data integrity数据完整性Supply Chain 供应链Market Share 市场份额Access method(访问方法):此步骤包括从文件中存储和检索记录。
Alternate keys(备用键,ER/关系模型):在实体/表中没有被选为主健的候选键。
Anomalies(异常)参见更新异常(update anomalies)Project plan 项目计划Data backup数据备份Entity relationship实体关系Machine learning 机器学习 Application design(应用程序设计):数据库应用程序生命周期的一个阶段,包括设计用户界面以及使用和处理数据库的应用程序。
Decision support systems 决策支持系统PDA(abbr. Personal Digital Assistant)个人数字助手(助理)Attribute(属性)(ER模型):实体或关系中的一个性质。
Base table(基本表):一个命名的表,其记录物理的存储在数据库中。
Data warehouse数据仓库Data redundancy数据冗余Discrete Math( mathematic) 离散数学Statistical Mechanics统计力学Automation Office System自动办公系统E-wallet 电子钱包Cost-Reduction降低[减少]成本 Digital Divide 数字鸿沟Private Key私钥Firewal防火墙Technical supervisor 技术主管Binary relationship(二元关系):一个ER术语,用于描述两个实体间的关系。

2023年自考专业(电子商务)《电子商务英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【填空题】证实,确认v. c_______________2.【问答题】翻译:product return3.【问答题】Good reputation is the most important thing for an online store.4.【填空题】收入;岁入n. r_______________5.【单选题】Nothing can __________ being unkind to children.A.adjustB.reasonC.justifyD.reassure6.【问答题】Explain to the complainant why you make such a decision.7.【问答题】“Quality Customer Service ”is our service idea.8.【问答题】翻译:smart cards9.【问答题】它很便宜,但在另一方面,质量很差。
(on the other hand )10.【填空题】完型填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)从选项中选择一个最适合短文的选项,错选、多选或未选均无分。
Jogging is becoming one of the ___21___ growing activities in the nation. More people are starting jog each year. This, however, is a recent occurrence. It was not long ago __22____ joggers were rare sight. Some people thought that they looked quite strange. As __23____ people began jogging the sight of them became more common. There are many reasons ___24___ a person to take up jogging. First, it is agood form of exercise. This is __25____ it involves the use of many parts of the body. The exercising of the heart is of great benefit. This is one of the most important parts of the human body. If the heart does not get the needed exercise, serious problems can occur. ___26___ reason for jogging is for enjoyment. ___27___ being good for people, it can also be very much fun. Part of the fun of jogging comes from the opportunity it provides for meeting other people who enjoy it. One ___28___ that should be considered ___29___ a person takes up jogging as a form of exercise of enjoyment is that it is not for everyone. People should first check 30 their doctors and be prepared to find another form of exercise if jogging is not recommended.21. A. fastest B. quickest C. most D. best22. A. when B. while C. that D. as23. A. many B. those C. more D. the24. A. of B. with C. for D. in25. A. that B. why C. reasonable D. because26. A. A B. Other C. The other D. Another27. A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. Regardless of28. A. matter B. event C. thing D. occurrences29. A. of B. that C. what D. when30. A. out B. over C. on D. with11.【单选题】Next time I __________ there, I ’ ll ask them about it.A.will goB.have goneC.am goingD.go12.【单选题】That kind of shoes are __________ expensive for me.A.moreB.far moreC.far tooD.much13.【单选题】The research pro ject has only been under way for three months, so it ’too s early to _______its success.A.figureB.considerC.rateD.evaluate14.【单选题】His wife, to whom he __________ for thirty years, was childless.A.has marriedB.has been marriedC.had marriedD.had been married15.【问答题】More and more people choose to pay online by Alipay.16.【填空题】视力;洞察力n. v_______________17.【问答题】The prices need to be reasonable.18.【问答题】翻译:tangible benefit19.【填空题】承担责任的adj. r_______________20.【问答题】你评定一种酒的好坏时用什么标准?(criteria)第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】The have()food at homeA.lots ofB.a lotC.manyD.a lots of2.【单选题】I was greatly shocked by the way __________ things were done there.A.howB.thatC.asD.which3.【填空题】预言,预报n . p_______________4.【单选题】They are gonging to ()a new school for the poor studentsA.set onC.set upe up5.【单选题】Your idea a ()good one.A.listensB.hearsC.soundsD.listens to6.【单选题】All of my efforts to__________ peace failed.A.reserveB.conserveC.persistD.preserve7.【填空题】发票;发货单n. i_______________8.【单选题】__________ were naturally a musical family .A.A ShawB.The ShawsC.The ShawD.Shaws9.【单选题】I made up my mind that under no circumstances__________ to such principle.A.couldn ’ t I agreeB.I couldn ’ t agreeC.I could agreeD.could I agree10.【问答题】翻译:discounted price11.【问答题】翻译:sale tax12.【单选题】The apples are very cheap. I ’ll ()some.A. likeB.bringC.take13.【问答题】勿受坏榜样的影响。

一、客观部分:(单项选择、多项选择、不定项选择、判断)(一)、选择部分1.In general, the major benefits of B2B are( ABCD ).A. reduce administrative costsB. expedite cycle timeC. lower search costs and time forbuyers D. decrease productivity of employees E. reduce inventory levels★考核知识点: 企业间的电子商务,参见P148附1.1.1(考核知识点解释):总的来说,B2B的主要优点有:取代了纸质单据,节约管理成本;减低搜索成本,节约买主的时间;提高雇员处理采购和销售的效率;减少失误,提高服务质量;降低库存水平和库存成本;增加生产弹性,实现即时送货;方便大宗定制;增加合作的机会。
2.In order to keep competitive in EC, logistics industry has begun to employ the(ABD )structureA. openingB. systematicalC. conservativeD. technicalE. close★考核知识点: 电子商务中的物流,参见P174附1.1.2(考核知识点解释):为了保持在电子商务中的竞争力,物流业已经开始使用开放的、系统化的技术结构,为企业营造连贯的物流过程,从而实现整个供应链的无缝多点集成。
3.Brokerage models include(ABD )A. marketplace exchangeB. content-targeted advertisingC. buy/sell fulfillmentD. bounty brokerE. information exchange★考核知识点: 网上商务模式,参见P73附1.1.3(考核知识点解释):中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。

电子商务英语(复习)1.请写出英文词组“Advertisement Online”的中文名称,并用中文解释该词组的含义。
”Brother Hotel Supply Co.1195 North Ave.New York2, N.Y.Gentlemen:We enclose details of our inquiry for dishes to be delivered before the first of next month.Will you please give us your prices for the quantity that we need?Yours truly参考答案:1.网络广告:在互联网页面上所做的宣传和促销商品的广告。
请把我所需数量的盘子价格告诉我们好吗?你们忠实的,Gentlemen:Schedule of prices that you need as attachment has been sent enclosed with this letter.1.请写出英文词组“Customer Relationship Management”的中文名称,并用中文解释该词组的含义。
”Men’s Wearing ApparelLinden AvenueMaspeth, MassGentlemen:Thank you for your samples of striped coatings recived today. Please make shipment in accordance with our Order No.2602 enclosed herewith.Yours truly参考答案:1.客户关系管理:商家利用网络信息技术,通过对顾客(客户)的追踪管理和服务,留住老客户,开发新客户的方法。

2023年自考专业(电子商务)《电子商务英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】Don ’t swim in the river. It ’s too()A.interestingB.easyC.difficultD.dangerous2.【单选题】All citizens in this nation are__________ to the law.A.subjectB.objectC.exposedD.dependent3.【问答题】这件工作我不满意。
(satisfy)4.【问答题】“Quality Customer Service ”is our service idea.5.【填空题】视力;洞察力n. v_______________6.【问答题】英译汉:The emergence of the bot-aggregator exchange as a primary sales channel, which employs rules to enable transactions.7.【填空题】交易;事务;处理n. t_______________8.【问答题】翻译:sale tax9.【单选题】I was greatly shocked by the way __________ things were done there.A.howB.thatC.asD.which10.【填空题】繁荣n. p_______________11.【问答题】她有能力做这项工作。
(ability)12.【单选题】Your idea a ()good one.A.listensB.hearsC.soundsD.listens to13.【问答题】Good reputation is the most important thing for an online store.14.【问答题】翻译:financial transaction15.【问答题】翻译:domain name16.【填空题】承担责任的adj. r_______________17.【问答题】勿受坏榜样的影响。

电子商务英语 Unit1

Warming up
Listen and match the following pictures with the corresponding expressions.
st week I ordered an MP4 from , but up to now it hasn't arrived yet.
your imagination.(电子商务所提供的便利超乎你的想象。 ) Never before
has a person had so many options at such a speed.(以往从来没有人能以如此之
All these are done electronically, so people call it “electronic
Linda: Sony, about 300 yuan.
Jack: All right. Click on the picture you choose and find

Low price
Painless returns
WWW, Search Engine and E-mail
The World Wide Web (www), always called simply the Web, is a series of Internet software, which can realize global data sharing. The client software, also called browser, can help users log on Internet with a computer and search wanted data from other computers, conducting them and then show them on the users’ screens.
More rapidly than any other technology
Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs)
Wire transfers(电子转账) Electronic transmissions of account exchange information
Business-to-business (B2B): e-procurement电子采购
Negotiate purchase transactions with suppliers
Business processes
Using Internet technologies to support organization selling and purchasing activities
电子商务英语(第二版) (1)[5页]
![电子商务英语(第二版) (1)[5页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66303874ec3a87c24128c42a.png)
UNIT 11.(1) IBM defines electronic business as "the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies."(2) The three categories that are most commonly used are: business-to-consumer (or B2C), business-to-business (or B2B), transactions and business processes.(3) It can help increase profits.(4) Electronic commerce can increase sales and decrease costs, increase purchasing opportunities for the buyer and improve the general welfare of society. Some business processes may never lend themselves to electronic commerce because of goods characteristics. In addition to technology and software issues, many businesses face cultural and legal obstacles to conducting electronic commerce.2.A. PDA(personal digital assistant) B2C(business-to-consumer)B2B(business-to-business)C2C(consumer-to-consumer)B2G(business-to-government)EDI(electronic data interchange)auction advertising campaignsB. 贸易伙伴电子采购接触互联网文化法律障碍企业间交易提货单C. (1) G (2)B(3)E(4)J (5)F (6)A (7)C (8)D(9)H (10)I 3.正如电子商务可以增加卖主的销售机会,它也增加了买主的购买机会。

wide adj. 宽的 4注解:speed v& n.
v. 加快,(使某事物)加速 n. 速度,快速
Text A The Internet allows direct access to information, products, and services, which cuts out middlemen and causes economic deflation. 通过互联网可以直接获得信息、产品以及服务,避免了 中间环节,节省了开支。 4注解:cut out 去除,删除 deflation n. 通货紧缩
Text A Because the business centers around the Internet, be sure to discuss the management team's level of Internet expertise and where they gained it.
the competition 竞争者; 对手
Text A The company must also get the word out about its web site by adopting submission to database ...... 公司还必须把网址提交到搜索引擎的数据库中并且在公 司发送的所有电子邮件的末尾添加URL,从而广泛宣传 其网址。 4注解:get the word out 宣传,广而告之 adopt v. 采取,采纳 submit v. 提交,递交 submit a resignation 提交辞呈 v. 屈服,服从
He saw the outline of a house against sky. (2)提纲,大纲,概要。 an outline of European History

复习卷I.Translate the following words and phases:1. 试订购2. 优惠价3. 流动资金4. 价格单5. 报盘6. 折扣7. 订购8. 优惠活动9. 药店10. 拉肚子11. 上海菜系12. 移民13.免费食物和酒水14. 奶昔milkshake15. 普通话16.安检17.。
国内航班18. 普通标准间19. 海景房20. 空姐II. Choose the best answer:1、We are __ in Chinese cotton piece goods, details as per our Enquiry Note.A fondB interestedC gladD happy2、We __ by email a catalog of electric goods we export.A sendB are sendingC are sentD is sending3、Cell phones __ within our scope of business.A fallB fallsC fallingD is falling4. We are happy to receive your letter __ a catalogue of our products.A requestingB enquiringC payingD asking5. Your early reply will be highly __.A.appreciatingB. appreciatedC. appreciateD. appreciation6. This model is our __ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller7. This model is our __ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller8. Claims are _______ only for that part of the loss, that is over 4%.A. chargeableB. raisedC. lodgedD. payable9.Our _________ of sales are as shown.A. terms and conditionsB. termination and conditioningC. term and conditionD. terminations and conditionings10. We ____ your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2004.A. have receivedB. having receivedC. had receivingD. having receiving11. This is our rock-bottom price and we are not in a position to __ it any more.A. reduceB. raiseC. growD. drop12.In order to ___ our market share, we are now seeking new partners.A. expandB. extentC. extendD. expire13. If the first shipment proves ______, we shall place a repeat order.A. satisfactoryB. satisfactionC. satisfiedD. satisfy14.The joint venture company will be the dedicated wholesaler of Chinese textiles in the Australian ____.A. marketingB. marketedC. marketD. market for15. _______ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it.A. Now thatB. So thatC. ForD. Because16. Please ______ that the order should be dispatched as scheduled.A. seeingC. lookingD. Look to it17.___ your letter of May 5, we are sorry that we cannot advance the time of delivery.A. With reference toB. Refer toC. ReferringD. With refer to18. Our price is in line ___ the prevailing international market.A. toB. besidesC. withD. for19. Your terms are _____, so we _____ them.A. satisfying, acceptableB. satisfied, acceptC .satisfactory, acceptD. satisfied, acceptable20.Our offer can only remain ____for three days.A. openedB. non-firmC. invalidD. valid21.We can hardly _____an agreement with you since your quotation is ____ to us.A. reach,acceptedB. reach,unacceptableC. arrive,acceptingD. arrive,acceptable22.We shall appreciate ___ if you will ______ that the amendment is cabled without delay.A. it, see to itB. you, see to itC. you, see in itD. it, see to them23.Our delay in payment was ______ temporary accounting difficulties.A. owe toB. due toC. becauseD. since24.In this case, the buyer reserves the right to ____ the contract.A. callB. cancerC. came25.As we are in urgent need of the goods, please ____ the goods ASAP.A. payB. shipC. insureD. packIII. Fill in the blanks:1. The first lot will be delivered by June/July. You will receive the remainder _________ the end of the year.2. Due ______ the present price level, we are unable to change the price of our offer.3. Your delay ______ delivery has forced us to obtain the goods elsewhere. We are returning your shipment at your expense.4. We’ll sign the contract ___ condition that the packing instructions of the users are observed.5. We shall place a large order __________Men’s Shirts with you, if the time of delivery is acceptable to us.6. We trust you will accept our offer without any delay as the demand ______our cotton shirts is heavy.7. Our goods enjoy a high ___ in the world market.8. If the quality of the material delivered does not come __ to that of the sample, we are ready to replace the unsold part of the batch.9. Pleas fax us the shipping ___ immediately, notify the name of the vessel and the ETA10.This price is inclusive ___ your 5% commission.11.Please let us have your lowest quotation on the ___ of CFR London.12. We confirm your order of October 16 ______ 2000MT of coal.13. We wish to draw your attention ____ the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.14.We are sorry that we are not ___ a position to accept your counter-offer.15. We found it is difficult to accept your price, as it is ____the high side.16. Due ____ heavy demand, we regret our inability to accept any fresh orders at present.17. Please keep us informed ______the customer’s response to our new products.18.We are pleased to learn_______ your letter of 8 May, 2008 that you are purchasing our goods.19. We are looking for a supplier ___ our trade partners.20. For your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries ___buyers in other directions.IV. Complete the following letters with the given choices:Part ADear Mr. Amelio,____ 1____and I would like to thank you for your interest in our products.____ 2____which describe our full line of products that serve the automobile industry. This should help to familiarize you with _____3____.If you have any further questions, ____4________5___Yours faithfully,A. Thank you again for your interestB. please call us at our toll-free number, (800) -86942845.C. Your letter of inquiry regarding our product line has been brought to my attentionD. I have enclosed a price list and data sheetsE. our family of products and the high quality of our equipmentPart BDear Mr. Simpson,We are pleased to go into business with the Smith & Sons Co. Ltd., __6__.We have been informed that __7__. We would appreciate it if __8__:__9__? How promptly are terms met? Is there any account that is currently outstanding? We assure you that __10__ and we shall be glad to reciprocate the favor at any time.Yours faithfully,A. you could advise us about their business practices by providing us the following informationB. What credit limit have you placed on their accountC. who has given us your name as a referenceD. any information you may give us will be treated in strict confidenceE. you have had business relations with Smith & Sons Co.,Ltd. for many yearsPart CADear Mr. Bezzole,We regret to inform you that __11__. We do not anticipate having inventory on this item for another four weeks.__12__. Model A is the professional model with automatic pressure and digital readout used by many hospitals. Model B is typically sold for home use. __13__ and hope that __14__.__15__. Thank you for your patience in this matter.Sincerely yours,A. Unless you notify me otherwise, I will assume that you still want us to ship Model C as soon as it arrives in our warehouseB. one of them will be satisfactory for youC. I am enclosing brochures on both of these productsD. However, we do have two other models that may answer your needsE. the Model C blood pressure cuff you ordered is temporarily out of stockPart DDear Mr. Meavy,Re: 50 metric tons of Green BeanWe enclose herewith your Statement of Claim No.C453 together with __16__.__17__ that the damage is attributed to rough handling whilst the goods were in the carrier’s custody. __18__, the carrier should have delivered the packages in good condition as they were at the time of shipment. Therefore, __19__.We return herewith the documents and suggest that __20__.Yours faithfully,A. the carrier should be held entirely responsible for the damage in transit for an amount of USD 2,437 on invoice value basisB. As there are no adverse remarks on the Bill of LadingC. You will note from the enclosed survey reportD. the relevant supporting documents in respect of damage to the subject goodsE. you take up this matter with the carrier in due courseV. Filling in the blanks with proper words in the following mail见课本Chapter 13 ExercisesVI. Translate the following into Chinese:1. Founded in 2002, we are specialized in the import and export of cow product.2. All the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.3. We would like to know your other products, please airmail your brochure and pricelist.4. We have 25 retail outlets nationwide. We now command 30% of the market in the home appliance.5. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know so that we may give it our careful study.6. Our products are beautiful in pattern, elegant in style, matching in colors and skillful in workmanship.7. Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal?8. We are prepared to place a trial order for the following products as per the terms and conditions in your letter. We shall appreciate it if you can dispatch them by rail immediately.9. We have the right to cancel the order unless your goods can reach us before Oct.23.10. Enclosed is our S/C in duplicate. Please counter-sign and return one copy.11.We wish to charter a ship of about 6000 tons for single voyage from San Francisco to Qingdao, China for coal.12. Your counter-offer is too low and out of line with the prevailing market price.13. Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.VII. Translate the following into English:1. 我们将完全按照你们的指示包装货物。

(1)公司与顾客之间的电子商务(缩写) : B2C Electronic Commerce(2)互联网Internet(3)在线拍卖online auction(4)中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises(5)库存inventory(6)零售商retailer(7)供应链supply chain(8)电子零售e-tailing(9)实体店+网络的零售商click -and- motar e-tailer(10)电子现金electronic cash(11)电子资金转账electronic fund transfer(12)支付处理服务系统payment processing system(PPS)(13)物流logistics(14)配送delivery(15)在线订货online ordering(16)最优化optimization2.复习英文句子翻译:(1)Business to consumer electronic commerce (B2C) means retail transactions of products or services from businesses to individual shoppers.企业和顾客之间的电子商务就是企业和个人经营者之间的产品或者服务的零售交易。
(2) C2C is conducted by several different ways over the Internet; the typical and well-knownC2C activities are auctions.顾客与顾客之间的电子商务通过网络以多种方式进行,最典型的有名的一种是拍卖。
(3) The issuing bank sends the transaction to the processor, either authoring the payment or not. 发卡行把交易信息发给处理器,批准支付或者不批准支付。

Unit 1电子商务交易electronic business双向网络bidirectional network企业流程 corporate processes门户网站 web portal电子手段electronic transfer信息通讯技术 information and communication technologies数据处理系统 data processing systems面向内部的 internal facing面向外部的 external facing商业模型business model互动步骤interaction steps电子商务是指利用信息通讯技术所进行的任何形式的商业活动。
e-business defined as the utilization of internation and communication technologies in support of all the activities of business.Auction (n)拍卖Bid(vt)出价、投标、祝愿、命令、吩咐accessible(adj)已接近的、易受影响的commission(n)佣金、委任、委托、委办(权);(vt)委任、委托、任命、委托制作dissemination(n)分发、传播electronically-facilitated(adj)电子化的integration(n)整合、综合utilization(n)使用=ultilisationacquisition(n)采集、获得、获得物application(n)应用、申请、应用程序IS=information system 信息系统Flat Fee 一次性收费Unit 2电子数据交换EDI electronic data interchange供应链管理supply chain management外包outsource固定格式inflexible format产品说明书product specificationsB2B交易场所B2B exchange (the B2B marketplace)有效地管理库存managing inventory more efficiently安全漏洞security breach网上目录on-line catalog贸易伙伴trading partner后端系统 data-end systemsB2C电子商务是企业与企业通过因特网、外联网、内联网或者似有网络,以电子化方式进行交易B2C e-commerce is business to business via the internet、extranet、intranet on network seems to be trading electronically.Collaboration(n)协助、合作Confidential(adj)秘密的、机密的Depot(n)仓库Component(n)部件Hype(n)大肆宣传、大做广告Interchange(n)交换(vi&vt)交换Intervention(n)干涉、干预Platform(n)平台Portal(n)入口Procurement(n)采购、获得、采集Quotation(n)报价Inventory(n)存货、财产目录Unit 3在线交易on-line transactions讨价还价haggling over price区别distinction传统企业brick and mortar business实体商店physical store零售巨头retail giant多渠道策略muti-channel strategy流量flow网站导航website navigation付账流程checkout process渠道冲突channel conflict互联网免税法案internet tax freedom actB2C电子商务是企业通过Internet向个人消费者直接销售产品或提供服务的经营方式。
完形填空@__ in different countries........is free to leave.1.people2.majority3.conventional4.something5.as6.judge7.is cut uping10.with11.leaving12.free13.o f14.materials15.passed16.the next17.when18.excused19.leave20.removes@It is not surprising......but consistent rate.1.hardly2.associate3.in the open air4.bottles of wine5.There is nothing6.in spite of7.for8.home-produced9.destroyed10.such11.as12.d uring13.a great deal14.disappear15.until16.die17.because of18.drink19.ever20.at@Koalas look like.....peacefully.1.but2.theiryoung3.do4.spend5.nearly6.drink7.means8.on 9.First10.off11.top12.an inch long13.breast14.after15.between16.climber17.so18 .on19.groups20.as@Paul and his sister,......they became______.1.took2.supposed3.hadtaken4.supplies5.so6.by7.additional8.they9.th emselves10.over11.leave12.who13.both14.pretty15.noise16.to17.their1 8.did19.for20.separated@Several regions.....serious cyclone.1.to2.cause3.scale4.general5.defined6.way7.ci rculates8.But9.In terms of10.undergoes11.occurually13.unpopulated14.afew15.does16.striking17.However18.severely19.warning20.advance@A penguin (企鹅) is....the ground.1.on2.southern3.Others4.farther5.currents6.or ginate7.but8.catchlions of10.when11.into 12.as13.make14.dense15.from16.their17.raise nd19.many20.bare@Jogging is becoming one of........is not recommended.1.fastest2.are starting3.recent4.that5.sight6.more7.for8.take up9.because10.of11.needed12.Another13.for14.Besides15.verymuch16.it17.who18.thing19.when20.with@Every four years,stpete2.participate3.speed4.broken5.in6.ta keplace7.before8.ready9.into10.house11.designe d12.with13.rarely14.Atmittee16.bands17.official18.its19.l eads20.in honor of@Human beings act in.....thing___.1.that2.Even3,simple4.as soon e7.reach8.in9.keep10.long11.then12.reason13.sight14.idea15.think16.from17.unable18.fo nguage20.continuously@Not all pain.....the product.1.alike2.away3.still4.turn5.has been practiced6.develop7.gently8.pain9.hand-held1 bineses13.which14.on15.way16.r elief17.sore18.To find19.consult20.built@As the nding.1.wrong2.in3.appeared4.but5.almostrme d7.anyone8.at last9.After10.Moving11.were beingSent12.below13.close to 14.soon15.circle16.when17.Following18.field 19.safely20.congratulate@Steve wanted.....amazement.1.but2.dates3.in4.anyway5.inquired6.his7.indi fferent8.consider9.finally10.down11.On12.sitt ing13.someone14.nervous15.pretending16.had ter20.that@you have the courage to stand up again, and t hat is the 12 courage.@you have the courage to stand up again, and t hat is the 12 courage.Answer:1.C 2. A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A@Aslong as we believe inourselves deep inside,。

Incorporation:合并;Feedback:反馈;instantaneous:立即地,瞬间发生的;point&click:点击;brick&mortar:砖头和砂浆式,指传统商店;collaborative:合作的,协作的;auction:拍卖;virtual:虚拟的;fraud:欺诈,欺诈行为;reimburse:偿还;e-check:电子支票;wire transfer:电汇;Telnet:远程网;Disseminate:(正式)散步,传播(消息,观念等);Remote login:远程登录;Point-and-click access:点击进入;Hack:非法侵入;Encrypt:加密,将。
译成密码;Proxy:代理服务器,即proxy服务器,在互联网上完成跑腿服务;Screening Routers:筛选路由器;Promote:宣传,推广;Commission:佣金,酬劳金;Pay off:值得的,有利可图的,成功的;Customized:客户要求定制的,为客户量身定做的;Inventory:详细目录,存货清单;Barter:以物易物,易物贸易;web banner:网络标语广告;Thus, it will eliminate valuable shelf spa ce and data can be searched and accesse d in matter of seconds.采用电子商务的方式,可以为企业节省大量的储存资料与实物的货架空间;A brick&mortar” business is normally li mited to serving the customers in its loca l geographical location.传统公司的服务客户的方式通常都受到地理位置的限制;To be part of that online community, one would need to be on the WWW for the m.要想成为网络社区的一份子,你就必须出现在万维网上。

(A)You dazzle your customers with your commitment by releasing the newsletter on fixed days.2.安排这样的相互交流可以让你了解自己的公司实际是如何运作的,这常常需要对软件进行定制。
Arranging this interaction can teach you lessons in how your company actually works ,and it often calls for customized software.3.安装防火墙能够禁止任何未授权的访客访问所有这些相关信息。
Installing a firewall can prohibit unauthorized sources from accessing all of this pertinent information.4.必须考虑外在威胁以保护名誉免受损害。
(B)External threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.5.不要低估了高品质链接的价值。
Don't underestimate the value of high quality links.6.创建一个高质量,能够为访问者提供很好的信息和资源的网站。
(C) Create a high quality website that offers excellent information and resources to those visiting the site .7.除了购买和销售产品,电子商务同样也可以处理其他的传统业务。
In addition to buying and selling products,e-business may also handle other traditional business aspects.8.从本质上讲,这就是一种网上支付的方法。
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一、客观部分:(单项选择、多项选择、不定项选择、判断)(一)、选择部分1.In general, the major benefits of B2B are( ABCD ).A. reduce administrative costsB. expedite cycle timeC. lower search costs and time forbuyers D. decrease productivity of employees E. reduce inventory levels★考核知识点: 企业间的电子商务,参见P148附1.1.1(考核知识点解释):总的来说,B2B的主要优点有:取代了纸质单据,节约管理成本;减低搜索成本,节约买主的时间;提高雇员处理采购和销售的效率;减少失误,提高服务质量;降低库存水平和库存成本;增加生产弹性,实现即时送货;方便大宗定制;增加合作的机会。
2.In order to keep competitive in EC, logistics industry has begun to employ the(ABD )structureA. openingB. systematicalC. conservativeD. technicalE. close★考核知识点: 电子商务中的物流,参见P174附1.1.2(考核知识点解释):为了保持在电子商务中的竞争力,物流业已经开始使用开放的、系统化的技术结构,为企业营造连贯的物流过程,从而实现整个供应链的无缝多点集成。
3.Brokerage models include(ABD )A. marketplace exchangeB. content-targeted advertisingC. buy/sell fulfillmentD. bounty brokerE. information exchange★考核知识点: 网上商务模式,参见P73附1.1.3(考核知识点解释):中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。
4.If you need to access information and know where it is on the web, you only need enter the entire www address into your browser's( D )A. addressB. computerC. httpD. Uniform Resource Locator field★考核知识点: 网络,参见P12附1.1.4(考核知识点解释):如果你需要访问信息,并且也知道信息在网络中的什么位置,你只需在浏览器的统一资源定位器区(URL)输入完整的万维网地址。
5.ERP's best values are improving the way of(AD )A. taking an orderB. adding it to the shopping chartC. maintain relation with customerD. process the order into an invoiceE. making enterprise relation policy★考核知识点: 企业资源计划,参见P182附1.1.5(考核知识点解释):ERP的价值就是用来改进公司接受订单,处理订单,把订单转化成发票和收入的方式。
6.There are two types of encryption(AD )A. secret keyB. double keysC. missing keyD. public keyE. fine key★考核知识点:电子支付系统的安全机制,参见P205附1.1.6(考核知识点解释):电子支付系统的安全机制包括加密,而加密有两种方法:密钥加密和公钥加密。
7. EC can be prosperous because of( ABD )A. wide use of computerB. popularity of credit cardsC. business modelD. secure transaction agreementE. production system★考核知识点:电子商务,参见P56附1.1.7(考核知识点解释):随着计算机的广泛使用,因特网的日益完备和广泛采用,信用卡的使用,安全交易协议的建立以及政府的支持和促进,电子商务的发展日益繁荣。
8. Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of ( A ) that can be protected with a patentA. intellectual propertyB. passwordC. business modelD. strategyE. system ★考核知识点:网上商务模式,参见P72附1.1.8(考核知识点解释):商务模式成为之中知识产权的形式,收到专利保护,商务模式已经日益进入了专利法的领域。
9. All EC sites rest on the same()A. network structureB. communication protocolsC. web standardsD. security systemsE. consumption value★考核知识点:网上商务模式,参见P62附1.1.9(考核知识点解释):大多数的电子商务网站建立在同样的网络构架、通信协议、网络标准和安全系统之上。
10. The essential security requirements for safe electronic payments are( ABC ).A. authenticationB. encryptionC. integrityD. passwordsE. privacy★考核知识点:电子支付,参见P207附1.1.10(考核知识点解释):安全的电子支付有4个基本的要求:认证、加密、完整性、不可否认性。
(二)、判断部分1. If business goes well, the revenues from sales exceed the cost of operation and the company realizes a profit. (√ )★考核知识点:商务模式,参见P71附1.2.1(考核知识点解释)企业生产产品或提供服务并将其卖给顾客,如果一切顺利,销售收入超出运营成本,企业就能赢利。
2. The main purpose of an intranet is to share company information and computing resources with business partners.(×)★考核知识点:认识因特网,参见P4附1.2.2(考核知识点解释)内联网的主要目的是在员工中分享公司的信息和计算资源。
3. In global Internet marketing, marketers can take other countries and their populations for granted without restraint.(×)★考核知识点:因特网营销,参见P101附1.2.3(考核知识点解释)尽管全球性的因特网营销存在着明显的优势,营销商也不能将其他国家和其他国家的人视为理所当然的客户。
4. EC means using simple, fast and low-cost electronic communications to transact, without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction.(√)★考核知识点:电子商务,参见P56附1.2.4(考核知识点解释)电子商务是指将通过电子媒体来进行商务活动,这意味着使用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通信手段来进行交易,交易的双方不必进行面对面的会晤。
5. Brokers are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. (√ )★考核知识点:网上商务模式,参见P72附1.2.5(考核知识点解释)中介是市场的组织者,中介将买卖双方联系在一起并促进交易的进行。
6. With a clear purpose, definite target market, targeted goals, a domain name and a clear structure, you are now ready to begin building the pages for your successful web site. (√ )★考核知识点:销售网站的建立,参见P107附1.2.6(考核知识点解释)有了明确的宗旨、确定的目标市场和既定的目标,有了一个合适的域名和清晰的组织结构,你现在就可以开始为成功地建立网站而制作网页了。
7. The Web site can be promoted expensively throughout the world with links on other Web pages and in E-mail newsletters. (×)★考核知识点:因特网市场营销,参见P101附1.2.7(考核知识点解释)利用其它网站的链接和邮件新闻组就可以以低成本的方式在世界范围内进行网站推广。
8. EC creates the customized new business model and sets a high demands on the logistics service, which expresses as follows: responsiveness, flexibility, visibility and optimization.(√ )★考核知识点:物流参见P173附1.2.8(考核知识点解释)电子商务创造了以客户为中心的新模式,并对物流服务提出了较高要求,这些要求表现在响应性、灵活性、可视性和最优化。
9. Brokerage models include marketplace exchange, content-targeted advertising, bounty broker and. information exchange agency. (×)★考核知识点: 网上商务模式,参见P73附1.2.9(考核知识点解释):中介模式包括:市场交易、买卖活动、需求收集系统、拍卖中介、交易中介、奖励金中介、分销商、搜索代理、网上商场。