



常用工艺术语1 工艺基本概念1.1 一般概念1.1.1数控加工:numerical control machining根据被加工零件图样和工艺要求,编制成以数码表示的程序输入到机床的数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件和工具的相对运动,使之加工出合格零件的方法。

1.2生产对象1.2.1 原材料:raw material投入生产过程以创新产品的物质。

1.2.2主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体的材料。

1.2.3辅助材料:auxiliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体的材料。



1.2.5易损材料:quick-wear material在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效的材料。

1.2.6废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下的而对本生产对象不再有用的材料。



1.2.9棒材:bar stock金属或非金属材料通过拉延、轧制工艺获得的圆、方、六角形截面的材料。




1.2.13模压件:molded parts利用模具压制的工件。


1.2.15合格品:accepted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求的制品。




届时会有大量设计师,材料企业,工艺设备厂商和终端应用企业齐聚深圳,从产品设计、采购、工艺、制造等全流程共话CMF趋势未来!会议地点:深圳会议时间:2016年5月20日~21日会议规模:500人主办单位:寻材问料协办单位:CMF技术解密、长虹、CMF视觉体验媒体支持:新材料在线、寻材问料、CMF视觉体验支持单位:MTO技术研究院丽华创新制造康宁中国色哲色彩咨询顾问有限公司韩国多彩赞助单位:科思创(聚合物)中国有限公(原拜耳公司)NISSHA(日写)普思玛等离子处理设备贸易(上海)有限公司珠海拾比佰彩图板股份有限公司浙江启昊科技有限公司东莞市先端新材料科技有限公司奥金集团广东新秀新材料股份有限公司欧亚化工有限公司上海朗亿新材料科技有限公司●●●议题及演讲嘉宾表面处理工艺议题1:Recent trend of Decoration, mainly Functional Decoration & Paint-free Decoration ——MTO技术研究院傑井捷平所长议题2:金属表面加饰技术的应用——珠海拾比佰彩图板股份有限公司吴争先市场部部长议题3:常压等离子应用介绍——普斯玛邵大春华东区销售经理议题4:一块金属板的故事——3D激光雕刻解决方案——浙江启昊科技有限公司黄振强董事长议题5:IMR模内转写注塑——日写练小燕家电事业部大中华地区营业副总议题6:异产业的CMF 材质运用,案例及实物展示——丽华创新制造刘家昌议题7:Multi Nano Imprinting——东莞市先端新材料科技有限公司朴志桓技术顾问议题8:塑料金属化光哑创意开发——奥金集团陈亚军常务副总裁议题9:复合材料选材、结构设计及其在3c电子产品中的应用——广东新秀新材料股份有限公司汪应山总工程师副总经理议题10: 水性纳米抗菌涂料在塑胶表面的应用——欧亚化工石二峰技术部经理材质议题1:Color and design trends ( CMF) and Covestro’s offering solution/CMF颜色和设计的趋势以及科思创的解决方案——科思创(聚合物)中国有限公张福宏华南区技术经理议题2:康宁玻璃带给工业设计的新创意——康宁中国王剑波新兴业务开发总监议题3: 无流痕·免喷涂创新材料——上海朗亿新材料科技有限公司唐晓峰总经理书记议题4:非晶材料在外观结构件和塑性的结构件方向发展——东莞市逸昊金属材料科技有限公司色彩议题1:色彩战略与管理——色哲色彩咨询顾问有限公司严巍负责人议题2:Trends in white goods and Development of materials for white goods.——韩国多彩。



工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文对照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (3)三、工业设计英文词汇 (4)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (8)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (10)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (11)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (12)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk-screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double-sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透明红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不均匀uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re-paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不准确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro-plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro-plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro-plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形与背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣传Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品目录Catalogue97. 广告计划Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标志Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规与标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 知识产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 发明专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 实用新型Utility Model设计思潮与流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 直接脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro-deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 细节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re-entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光洁度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 天然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍珠油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M.F.) machine finish28. 胶装notch binding29. 胶粘装订glue binding30. 折页folding31. 配页assemble32. 插页insert33. 折叠式插页folded insert34. 烫背back baking35. 压槽knocking out the groove36. 裁切cutting37. 刷胶brush glue38. 覆膜laminating39. 压光calendering40. 套烫register gilt41. 凹凸印embossing42. 擦金bronzing43. 模切die cutting44. 封皮cover45. 扉页fly page46. 书壳book case47. 样品,样本Specimen48. 盒box49. 天地盒lid and base box50. 商标Logo51. 手册Manual;enchiridion52. 特种纸Fancy paper53. 铜版纸Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm)54. 原色牛皮bleached Kraft paper55. 白色牛皮kraft paper56. 布纹纸Arlin57. 双灰板Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard58. 瓦楞纸Flute or corrugate59. 胶贴纸Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanentsticker60. 单粉咭C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)61. 书写纸Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm62. 粉灰咭CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)常见印刷缺陷英语词汇63. 无胶水No glue64. 有阴影Shadowing65. 胶水痕迹Glue mark66. 折叠破裂Cracked folds67. 上光不良Poor coating68. 太软Over softness69. 爆线Seam broken70. 水渍Water mark71. 盒开口Glue end flap open72. 墨色Ink color73. 油墨浓度Ink density74. 印刷不良Poor printing75. 样品有缺陷Defect sample76. 印错,印刷错误Misprint77. 纸毛(linty) Linting78. 色偏(颜色改变) Color shift79. 溅墨misting常见印刷机械英语词汇80. 印刷机printing press81. 双面单色印刷机perfecting press82. 双面多色印刷机multicolour perfecting press83. 多色印刷机multi-colour printing press84. 双色印刷机two-colour printing press85. 单色印刷机single-colour printing press86. 圆压圆印刷机rotary printing press87. 往复转印刷机reversible printing press88. 二回转印刷机two-revolution printing press89. 一回转印刷机single-revolution printing press90. 停回转印刷机stop-cylinder printing press91. 圆压平印刷机(或称平台印刷机flat-bed cylinder press92. 平压平印刷机platen press93. 卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press94. 单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press95. 丝网印刷机screen-process printing press96. 凹版印刷机intaglio printing press97. 平版印刷机planographic press98. 凸版印刷机relief printing press99. 印刷速度printing speed100. 印刷过程printing process。



常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)1 工艺基本概念1.1 一般概念1.1.1数控加工:numerical control machining根据被加工零件图样和工艺要求,编制成以数码表示的程序输入到机床的数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件和工具的相对运动,使之加工出合格零件的方法。

1.2生产对象1.2.1 原材料:raw material投入生产过程以创新产品的物质。

1.2.2主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体的材料。

1.2.3辅助材料:auxiliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体的材料。



1.2.5易损材料:quick-wear material在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效的材料。

1.2.6废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下的而对本生产对象不再有用的材料。



1.2.9棒材:bar stock金属或非金属材料通过拉延、轧制工艺获得的圆、方、六角形截面的材料。




1.2.13模压件:molded parts利用模具压制的工件。


1.2.15合格品:accepted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求的制品。



(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文翻译原文:DESIGN and ENVIRONMENTProduct design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human.In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products.Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product.Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores.Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface.Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.With the development of science and technology ,more and more attention is paid to austerity of environmental promblems ,such as polluting of atmosphere,destroy of forest, soilerosion,land desertification, water resource polluting, a great deal of species becaming extinct,exhansting of petroleum , natural gas and coal and so on . A designer should have a strong consciousness of protecting environment and to make his\her design to be based on avoiding destroying environment and saving natural recourse.Nowadays ,greenhouse effects,destroyed ozone layers and acid rain are three global environmental questions.Greenhouse effect is phenomena of the atmosphere becoming warmer . The forming principle of greenhouse effect is that the Sun short wave radiation can penetrate into ground through atmosphere ,long wave radiation emitted from ground after ground is warmed ,is absorbed by carbon dioxide of atmosphere , and then atmosphere gets warmer.The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changes the earth to a large greenhouse like a thick layer of glass . Methane ,ozone,chlorine,Fluorine, hydrocarbon and aqueous vapor also make some contribution to greenhouse effects. With rapid increase of population and rapid development of industry ,more and more carbon dioxide of atmosphere enters into atmosphere. Because forest is cun down in a large amount also ,carbon dioxide increases gradally ,and the greenhouse effects arestrengthened constantly .The results of the greenhouse effects are very serious. The great changes will take place in the natural ecology ,such as desert expanding ,land corroding aggravating, forest retreating to the polarregion, calamity of drought and waterlog serious and rainfall increasing. The temperate zone will be wetter in water and will be droughtier in summer . Tropical zone will become wetter and subtropical zone will become more arid . All of these above will forces the existing irrigation works to be adjusted. Coastal regions will be threatened seriously .Because the temperature is rising , ice-cubes will be melted at the two poles so to the sea level will be rising and a lot of cities and ports will be submerged.The ozone layer destroyed shocked academia and the whole international aommunity .American scientists,Monila and Rowland , pointed out that it is human activities bring ozone hole of today . arch-criminal that we now well know is freon and Kazakhstan dragon.Acid rain has already become a kind of air pollution phenomenon in extensive range,crossing over national boundaries at present. Acid rain destroys soil, makes lake acid and endangers growing of abimals and plants. It also stimulates people's skin, brings out the skin disease, causes lung hydronces, lung harden ,and corrodes the metal product,paint ,leather, fabrics and building with carbonate .In a word , the environment of human life has already worsened dayby day. The reasons of the worsening mostly come from the human own bad life style, disrespecting the objective law, eager for quick success,use of the earth resource without scientific plan ,and lack of consciousness pratecting the environment in design . So they destroy home by themselves,which not only harm human on contemporary, but also seriously influence existence of descendants.The environmental question is caused by people's bad design and life style to a great extent , which puts forward a serious question for a designer that designers should undertake the historical important task of environment protection.Industry has brought the disaster to world while creates a large amount of wealth for mankind . Industry design has accelerated the consumpition of the resource and energy resource and has caused enormous destruction to the ecological balance of the earth while creating modern life style and living environment for mankind.So as industry designers, setting up environmental awareness incarnates their morals and social sense of responsibility. Designers must be responsible for their own designs, and must take human health and blessedness , and harmonically coexisting of nature with the human as the rules necessarily obeyed in their own design.Designers must also master the necessary knowledege in material, craft, chemical industry, manufacturing,ect.,in order to be possible foravoiding to danger to environment causing by his design.The concept of "Sustainable development design"has epoch-maling meanings of humanity and real development of the world .It reflects the designer's morals and responsibility , and has already become the trend of designing development in the 21st century .Hence ,mankind's development made of traditional industrial civilization was turned to one of the modern ecological civilization. It is the coordination of social progress,economic growth and environmental protestion.Sustainable development is a kind concept of brand-new ethics,morals and values that people should follow. Its essence lies in fully utilizing the modern science and technongy ,exploiting green resources ,development constantly, impelling harmonious development between human and nature and pramoting inter-harmony of population ,resource and environment .Solving the problem of sustainable development is a change of technological innovation and behavior made.Sustainable development strategy is to solve the problem of meeting contemporary people's demands in maximum under the precondition of un-hurting several generations' demands of the future . It will realize the unity of the present interests and long-term interest and leave the development space for descendants.The question of the strategic consideration of sustainabledevelopment should include circulation, green energy and ecological efficiency.Green design comes from introspection on environmental and ecological disruption caused by design of modern technology and culture. Green design focuses on the balance relation of persons and natural ecology . Designers should consider the environmental benefits at every decision of the disign process, and try their best to reduce the destruction to environment.For industry design, the core of green design is "3R",namely Reduce,Recycle and Reuse.It is necessary not only to reduce consunption of substance and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substance,but also to classified reclaim, recycle and reuse products and parts conveniently.Green design is not only technical ,but also an innovative idea. It requires designer to give up some rat-fuck method excessively emphasizing at the style of products, and to focus on the real innovative. He or she would design the form of the products with more responsible method and make the products lengthen their wervice life as much as possible through succinct and permanent modeling.For materials,stock and regeneration of raw materials, consumption and pollution of environmental energy during obtaining materials,machining performance in follow-up manufacturing,low consumption and low pollution of energy ,and reclaimable duringdiscarded should be considered.Problems of manufacturing are that pollution should be reduced or died out during beginning of manufacturing.Consideration on packing, transporting , sale, ect. is meant the environmental performance of packaging, green packing ,good performance of transportation ,decreasing self weight , reducing energy consumption , localized production and reducing consimption of work flow.Consideration on the use of product concerns with waste of energy and resources while produces are used , the modularization of environmental performance , recombined ability , and the mades of using product while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature , convenient decomposition and classification , reclaaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removes for other use should all be considered during the period while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature, convenient decomposition and classification , reclaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removed for other use should all be considered during the period while products are discarded .Clean energy souces should be Considered , such as solar ernergy ,water, electricity and wind power .Clean materials concern with low pollution , innocuity, disaggregation and reclaimable . Clean manufacturing process is meant production with energy saving and environment protection while used, and reclaimable while discarded.Regeneration and reuse of parts are powerful measure of sustainable strategy. The fact has proved that through disassembly and analysis the proportion of reusable material would be higher after improving design and retread.For example , in a scrap car , metal meterial accounts for 80%.Among them , nonferrous metal accounts for 3%~4.7%. 45%of output of steel comes from scrap steeel in world and 25% output of steel comes from scrap steel in our country.Product Lifecycle Management is meant all life course of product from people's demand for product to be washed out , including the main stages of demand analysis, praduct planning , conceptual design , produce design , digitized simulation, proceess preparation , process planning,production testing and quaality control , sell and distribution, use \maintaining and maintain, as well as scrap and reclaiming . Advanced management idea and first-class information technology are taken into industrial and commercial operation in modern enterprises , which makes enterprises be able to adjust management means and management ways effectively in digital economic era , inoder to exertenterprise's unprecedented competition advantage . Helping enterprise to carry on products innovation , to win the market , and to obtain additional profit would improve the value of the enterprise products.译文:设计与环境产品设计是工业设计的主体和核心。



項次中文英文項次中文英文項次中文英文項次中文英文項次中文英文49熱轉印 /燙金Hot stamp 20修模Repair a die 68間隙過大Excessive gap 22尺寸Dimension 1噴漆Paint 50水轉印Hydro-transfer printing 21入子Insert69縮水Shrinking 23印刷稿Art work 2平光Matte 51光柵印刷Lenticular printing 22字模Character die70錯位Mismatch 24色彩計畫Color plan 3亮面Glossy 52數位噴繪Digital printing 23色母料Color masterbatch 71印刷電路板PCB 25彩現Render 4皮革漆Leather 24著色劑Colorant 72夾具(治具)Fixture 26專利Patent 5PU漆PU Coating 1塑膠Plastic 25成型Molding 73包裝Packing 27色票PANTONE 6UV漆UV coating 2壓克力PMMA 26合模線Spue line 74棧板Pallet/skid 28游標卡尺Nonius 7彈性漆Rubber 3聚碳酸酯PC 27合模面Land area75物料清單BOM 29品牌Brand8珍珠漆Pearl 4丙烯 -丁二烯-苯乙烯ABS 28溶合痕Welding mark 76圖面Drawing 30行銷Marketing 9銀漆Silver 5高衝擊聚苯乙烯HIPS 29分模線Parting line77包材Packing material 31色相Hue 10磁性漆Magnetic 6聚對苯二甲二乙酯PET 30滑塊Cam block / Slide 78紙箱Carton box 32明度Value 11麂皮漆Suede 7橡膠Rubber(TPR/TPE/TPU)31放電加工Electrical Discharge 79貼紙Label 33彩度Chroma12陶瓷漆Ceramic 8矽膠Silicone 32衝切Punching and blanking 80聚酯薄膜Mylar 34主題Subject / Theme 13裂紋漆Crackle 9複合塑膠Synthetic rubber 33刀模Die cutting 81薄膜Film 35設計元素Design Elements14鏡面漆Mirror-like Silver 10不鏽鋼Stainless steel 34玻璃切邊Glass scoring 82背膠Adhesive 36概念發展Concept Development 15遮噴Mask spray 11鋁Aluminum 35衝孔Punched hole 83允收ACC accept 37產品生命週期Product Life Cycle 16噴砂Sand blasting 12鋁鎂合金Magnesium 36鑲Fillet 84不良NG 38最終使用者End User 17拋光Polishing 13鈦合金Titanium 37凹Concave 85對色Color matching 39市場調查Survey 18金屬噴鍍Metallikon 14鋅合金Zinc 38凸Convex86特采UAI Use As IT 40情境模擬Scenario 19黑鉻Black chromium plate 15鎳合金Nickel 39外觀檢查Cosmetic inspection 87公差Tolerance 41意象圖Image board 20黑鎳Black Ni plate 16竹Bamboo 40標準件Standard parts 88條碼Bar code 42甘特圖Gantt chart 21陽極處理Anodize 17陶器Pottery ceramics 41拔模Draft 89厚度Thickness 43腦力激盪Brainstorming22陽極染色Anodize-color 18碳纖維Carbon 42模組Module 90染色Dyeing 443RReduce Reuse,Recycle 23電解拋光Electropolishing 19玻璃Glass 43塑膠原料Resin91唇邊Lip 45人機介面User Interface(UI)24表面蝕刻Etching 20布類(膠皮)Farbic(PU/PVC)44外觀面Critical surface 92卡扣Snap46市場調查Market Research 25直線髮絲Hair line brush 21水晶Crystal 45靠破Shut Off47互動設計Interaction Design 26圓形髮絲Spin line brush 22金屬網/喇叭網Grill / Mesh 46試模Trial / Try out1草圖Sketch 48通用設計Universal Design 27CNC鑚切CNC Engraving 23皮革Learther 47拉模Draft / Pulling Mark 2前視Front view 49仿生設計Bionics Design 28沖凸Punch 48間隙/段差Gap3後視Rear view 50攜帶型設計Protable type 29電鑄Electroforming 1射出成型Injection molding 49倒勾Under cut4側視Side view 51解構主義Deconstructivism 30電鑄銘版Electroforming plate 2壓鑄成型Die casting 50毛邊金屬(Burr) 塑膠(Flash)5下視Bottom view 52設計過程Design Process 31電解沉積Electrodeposition 3金屬射出成型Metal inject molding 51曲翹Camber 6按鍵Keypad 53設計規範Design Condition 32電鍍Electroplate 4模內裝飾射出成型IMD(IMR/IML/IMF)52汙斑Grease pits7面板Bezel 54功能分析Functional Analysis 33電著Electrophoretic deposition 5壓縮成型Compression molding 53磨痕Grinding defect 8前蓋Front Cover 55黄金分割Golden Section 34濺鍍Vacuum metallizing 6雙料射出Double-injection 54橘皮Orange peel 9後蓋Rear Cover 56比例Proportion 35蒸鍍Vapor deposition 7衝壓成型Press molding 55變形Deformation 10中框Ring Cover 57對比Contrast 36非導電濺鍍NCVM 8擠出成型Extrusion molding 56退色Fading 11裝飾件Decoration part 58模型model 37鍍鉻Chorme 9吹塑成型Blow molding 57流痕Flow mark 12底座(支架)Stand 59流線Steamline 38印刷Print 10熱塑成型Thermoforming 58廢料Scrap 13底座(盤)Pedestal 60直線Straight 39背面印刷Back print 11真空成型Vacuum casting 59起泡Blister14底座(充電)Duck 61圓角Round 40網印Screen printing 12表面貼皮Composite laminate 60點銲Spot welding 15鏡片Lens 62陵角Chamfer 41移印Pad Printing 13快速成型Rapid Prototyping 61凸點Emboss16半透明Translucent 63弧線Arc42咬花Texture 14超音波熔接Ultrasonic welding 62角度偏差Angular offset 17觸控筆Stylus 64雲規線Spine cruve 43放電花Sparkerusion 15P+R雙料Plastic + Rubber 63壓痕Dent 18吊飾孔Strap hole 65簡潔的Compact 44壓花Foil blocking and embossing 16電鑄模仁Electroforming core 64刮傷Scratch 19原型Prototype 66有機的Organic46雷雕Laser Engraving /Laser ecthin 17頂針Ejector pin 65亮點Shine spot 20外觀模型Dummy sample 67材質說明Color,Material,Finish 47雷射光紋Laser icon 18簡易模Plain die 66色斑Speckle 21可做動模型Mockup 68圖案Pattern 48奈米壓印(微影)Nanoimprint 19成型模Forming die 67應力痕Stress Mark22結構設計Mechanical design69圖示Icon外觀處理 Finish 其他相關名詞 Other工業設計常用術語材料 Material 成型技術相關 Forming technology。





质物得品产新创以程过产生入投ﻫ1、2、2主要材料:primarymaterial;directma terial构成产品实体得材料。



能ﻫ1ﻫ2、5易损材料:quickwearm aterial在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效得材料。










工艺英语(中英文)项目建议1.项目建议概况资格qualification预备资格prequalification商务条款与条件commercial terms and condition 商务commercial技术technical技术说明technical specification建议书proposal book资料费information price估价estimated price报价quoted price报价书quotation2报价资料工艺说明process descri ption工艺特点process feature经验记载experience record工艺特性process performance设备表equipment list说明规定规格specification简要说明short specification条件图sketch drawing流程图flow diagram平衡图balance diagram方框图block diagramP&I 图P&I diagram单线图single line diagram布置图layout平面布置图plot plan总图general plot plan附件appendix资料文件document3.合同技术用语保证guarantee性能保证performance guarantee 时间保证time guarantee交货保证delivery guarantee建造保证workmanship guarantee 生产能力capacity质量quality消耗量consumption原材料feedstock原料raw material辅助原料sub-raw material产品product付产品by-product中间产品intermediate公用工程utility燃料fuel化学品chemical界区battery limit(界区)进料incoming(界区)出料outgoing界区条件battery limits condition (配管图)分界区match line工厂装置plant设备equipment关键设备critical equipment专利设备proprietary equipment有位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment散装材料bulk material施工材料material of construction仪表instrument备品备件spare part建筑工具construction aid(现场)居住设施accommodation现场派遣expatriate运转率on stream factor运转天数stream day系列train日历日calendar day日历月calendar month机械(试车)完工mechanical completion 试车trial operation初次试车initial operation开车start up注油oil in投料fees in首次出料first drop保证试运转guarantee test run装置验收plant acceptance移交turnover议定书protocol4估算估算estimate概算budgetary estimate推算slide幂指数power term(费用)分类,分项价格breakdown 外汇foreign currency当地货币local currency可兑换货币convertible currency 专利费license fee专利权税royalty变动专利权税running royalty专有技术费know-how fee基础设计费basic engineering fee 代理费agent fee手续费commission不可预见费contingency外汇风险exchange risk易货补偿compensation直接费用direct cost间接费用indirect cost项目管理费project expense现场管理费field expense一般管理费overhead利润profit生活费living expense出勤津贴daily allowance(出差)准备费outfit allowance劳务费labor cost基本工资base wage补偿费payroll burden福利费fringe benefit5可行性研究可行性feasibility现场选定site selection(现场)位置location市场marketing可获利润率profitability生产成本production cost经营费operation cost可变成本variable cost不变成本fixed cost总投资total capital cost折旧费depreciation现金流量cash flow折现现金流量discount cash flow工况研究case study产权资本,自有资金equity建设资本利息interest during construction6业务范围现场勘测site survey工艺设计process design基础设计basic engineering基础设计包basic design package详细设计detail engineering采购procurement海运ocean transportation陆运inland transportation安装erection work土建工作civil work施工construction work临时工作temporary work投料试车commissioning培训training(现场)指导supervisory service 顾问advisor service初步设计preliminary project最终设计final project基础设施infrastructure上部结构superstructure软件software硬件hardware7工厂分类与设计处女地工厂grass root plant总厂integral plant分厂single plant成套装置package plant翻版(设计)厂copy plant生产厂commercial plant中试工厂pilot plant实验室规模装置bench scale unit 石化总厂petrochemical complex 下游(厂) downstream(工业)放大scale-up扩建expansion改建、更改modification镜象布置mirror image设计余量over design降负荷运转turndown消除瓶颈Debottlenecking工厂模型plant model8设备工艺装置process plant装置区内on site装置区外off site界区内inside battery limit界区外outside battery limit公用工程设施utility facility贮存设施storage facility辅助设施auxiliary facility衔接interconnection主变电所main substation发电设施power generation facility事故发电设备emergency power generation facility 水处理装置water treatment facility冷却塔cooling tower抽水设施water intake facility海水淡化装置desalination facility蒸汽发生装置steam generation facility仪表空气发生装置instrument gas generation facility 惰性气发生装置inert gas generation facility空分装置air separation facility罐区tank yard散装贮藏设备bulk storage facility包装机械bagging facility制袋设备bag making facility装瓶设备bottling facility装货设施loading facility卸货设施unloading facility铁路侧线railway siding栈桥jetty行政办公楼administration building维修车间maintenance shop中央化验室central laboratory内部通用设施intercommunication facility 广播系统public address system询呼设施paging facility消防设施fire fighting facility安全器具safety equipment生活设施colony公用设施town-shop娱乐设施recreation facility9相关企业承包商contractor主承包商prime contractor分包商subcontractor直接雇佣direct hire专利商licenser转专利者sub-licenser专利使用者licensee专利拥有者patent-owner竞争者competitor国际财团consortium合作者collaborator买方(1)buyer(2)purchaser卖方seller厂商vendor制造商(1)maker(2)manufacture业主owner顾问consultant技术顾问Technical adviser用户User最终用户End user客户(1)customer(2)client代理商agent挂名人dummy2. 投标合同2.1 投标概况询价inquiry报价估价书quotation estimation投标投标书bid tender投标资料bid document预审pre-qualification意向书letter of intent2.2合同用语协议agreement合同契约contract注销cancellation约定Consideration合同转让Assignment of contract不可抗力force majeure仲裁attribution基本法governing law秘密条款(1)secrecy clause(2)non-disclosure clause 预定损坏赔偿费liquidated damages总赔偿额度total liability连带(债务) joint and several预先债权lien免除waiver保证guaranty担保warranty赔偿indemnity定义definition增额escalation罚款penalty支付条款terms of payment税金tax and duties侵犯专利patent infringement最高限额ceiling委任书power of attorney保证金bond2.3合同形式投标合同competitive bid contract议付合同negotiated contractFOB合同fob-type contract成套承包合同(1)turnkey contract (交钥匙合同) (2)chef montage contract 总付合同lump sum price contract单价契约unit price contract正价加附加费合同cost plus fee contract预投标协议pre-bid agreement产品抵债products sharing互购交易counter-purchase transaction3. 支付金融财务3.1支付金融支付条款支付条件payment terms延期付款deferred payments存留款项保留资金retention payment定期付款schedule payment施工分期付款progressive payment付款交单D/P documents against payment承兑交单调D/A documents against acceptance信贷信用credit卖方信贷供应商信贷supplier’s credit买方信贷buyer’s credit银行借贷bank loan财政金融finance借款借贷loan偿还reimburse reimbursement保证书letter of guarantee信用证信贷书letter of credit外汇兑换率exchange rate兑换单汇款单据documentary bill of exchange 汇款汇兑基金remittance3.2财务自然增长基数accrual basis资产负债表决算表balance sheet损益报表P&L profit and loss statement4.采购运输保险4.1进出口手续出口许可证export license出口许可证变更E/L amendCOCOM coordinating committee标准结算方法standard payment非标准结算方法non-standard paymentDBC draw back cargo(dbc)出口申报银行export declaration bank e/d进口申报单export declaration custom进口许可证import license保税区域bonded area关税import duty原产地说明书certificate of origin发票Invoice4.2运输装箱单packing list提单bill of lading (B/L)指示提单order B/L直接提单straight B/L装运提单shipped B/L, on board B/L备运提单received B/L不附带条件的提单clean B/L不洁提单dirty B/L, foul B/L直运提单direct B/L联运提单through B/L船上收货单mate’s receipt装货通知单shipping order (S/O)交货单delivery order (D/O)空运货单airway bill海上运费ocean freight海上运费同盟freight conference目的地付费freight payable at destination码头人工搬运费stevedorage空载运费dead freight船到港预定时间expected time of arrival (ETA)船离港预定时间expected time of departure (ETD) 海关快速发货custom quick despatch (CQD)滞船费demurrage码头搬运商stevedore超尺寸运输over-dimension cargo (ODC)4.3保险海上保险marine cargo insurance现场指导失误保险supervisor’s risk insurance4.4贸易条件出厂价(1)ex works(2)ex factory(3)ex mill海上交货fob-named port of shipment含保险海上交货cif-named port of destination国境交货条件franco frontier4.5采购采购procurement厂家vendor厂家一览表vendor list市场价market price黑市价dark price现价up-to-date price level报价quotation偏差表deviation list到货时间time of delivery支付方式(1)terms of payment(2)payment condition(3)payment terms 延缓支付deferred payment现金支付cash on delivery预先支付down payment发货前支付advance payment到货后支付progress payment计划支付scheduled payment购买条件terms and conditions of purchase折价discount谈判交涉negotiation澄清clarification购买意向intent to purchase比较表tabulation评语evaluation价格分析value analysis定购单purchase order变更定购单change order支付方式method of payment现金cash支票check期票promissory note催货expediting跟踪系统follow-up system4.6包装包装packing防锈包装rust-proof packing防潮湿包装moisture-proof packing 防水包装water-proof packing软包装shrink packing木箱wooden box板条箱crate滑橇底座skid base框架箱framed box码垛盘pallet侧板side plate吊具sling fitting花篮螺栓turnbuckle钢带steel strapping角保护袋edge protector closure plate 防护角corner protector板board合板plywood缓冲材料cushioning material通气孔盖ventilation cover超载superimposed load开包unpacking船上标志shipping mark注意标志care mark5.项目执行及费用管理5.1项目执行总图会议kick-off meeting项目研究会议project study meeting 开工会议launching meeting项目报告project reporting审查会议screening meeting进展报告progress report协调过程coordination procedure变更指示change order认可approval复阅review5.2工程项目完工报告job close-out report项目执行报告job performance report完工汇编close-out book反馈系统feed back system项目设计条件project design information会签inter-department check工程设计engineering design工艺条件确认engineering review工艺条件校核engineering checking项目完成指标审核表project performance check sheet 施工版approved for construction (afc)设计变更error report技术文件technical data book管道材料工艺条件process data for piping material载荷条件loading data关键路径法critical path method关键路径进度表critical path schedulingPERT program evaluation and review technique 5.3费用及工时管理工程预算project control budget工时man-hour (M/H)工日man-day (M/D)人月man-month (M/N)考勤表time sheet工作号work number项目号job number预期项目号proposal number改进工作improvement work闲滞idle工时报告man-hour report项目工时汇总job man-hour performance report 5.4费用分类费用分类code of account主账major account分账sub-account设备位号item number5.5组织指定assign借调on-loan项目成员project number项目经理project manager (PM)项目经理助理assistant project manager (APM)施工经理construction manager (CM)开工经理operation manager (OM)现场指挥field manger项目前期经理proposal manager估算员estimator原始采购员originator协调员coordinator项目设计协调员project design coordinator (PDC)6.标准化资料管理法规规格6.1标准化标准化standardization标准规格standard工程规定engineer specification项目特殊要求specific job requirement工程手册engineering manual标准图standard drawing工程用表格engineering form法规law and regulation法律law6.2资料管理情报管理information and documentation信息中心information center调研(追述) retrospective searching信息选择服务selective dissemination of information 情报跟踪current awareness检索效率retrieval efficiency资料documents原文献primary sources文献摘抄secondary sources连载刊物serials定期刊物periodieals(学会)纪要memoirs会报transactions会议论文conference paper会议记录proceedings索引期刊index journal文摘期刊abstract journal情报摘要information abstract提示文稿indicative abstract图书目录book catalog标题目录title catalog总目录union catalog标准目录standard catalog关键词keyword省略词stopwordKWIC索引keyword-in-context indexKWOC索引keyword-out-of-context index顺序索引permuted index相关索引coordinate index主题分析subject analysis统计分类statistical classification国际十进分类法universal decimal classification 阅读卡片visible card书卡book card档案系统filing system微缩复制microcopy微缩系统micro-system穿孔卡夹aperture card微缩胶片fiche film6.3法规高压气体取缔法high pressure gas control law消防法fire service law劳动安全卫生法industry safety and health law建筑基本法building standard law单位制system of units国际单位制international system of units系统图、设备布置图、配管图及材料统计7 图纸、条件表工艺流程图Process flow diagram(PFD)管道仪表流程图Process piping & instrument flow diagram(PID) 公用工程流程图Utility balance diagram(UFD)框图Block flow diagram公用工程介质平衡图Utility balance diagram(UBD)平面布置图Plot plan立面布置图General arrangement总图General plot plan规划图Planning drawing管道研究图Piping study drawing管道布置图(配管图)Piping arrangement drawing分区图Key plan管道走向研究图Piping routing study drawing地下管道图Underground piping drawing管道特殊管件图Piping special parts drawing管架详图Piping hanging drawing预制图Prefabrication drawing参考图Reference drawing通用图Typical drawing制造厂图Vendor’s drawing管道轴测图Isometric piping drawing竣工图As-built drawing模型Model管线表Line schedule计算书Calculation sheet图纸目录Drawing schedule发图阶段Issue stage版次Revision number编号体系Numbering system比例Scale工厂北向Plant north海平面标高Over-sea mean level(OSL)标高Elevation(EL)已有钢结构Existing structure装货区Loading area公用工程站Utility station柱号Column number净空headroom通道Access way小通道Cat way钢结构顶部标高Top of structure elevation 管底标高Bottom of piping elevation主管口径Run size顶平偏心异径管Eccentric reducer top flat 中心到面的距离Center to face工作点标高Working point elevation管架标注Hanging marking冷拉Cold spring管线记号Line symbol管线接口Line connection物流号Stream NO.管线号Line NO.管道等级号(1) class designation(2) spec designation 阀门号Valve NO.等级分界Specification break重要管道Critical piping总管Header pipe仪表管道Instrument piping排放管道Blowdown piping火炬气管道Flare piping输送管线Transfer line入口管线Suction line排水管Effluent line旁通管Bypass line吹扫系统Purge system放空接口Vent connection软管接口Hose connection双切断阀及排放阀Double block and bleeder污水沟Sewer ditch冷凝液池Condensate pit积水坑Sump box漏斗Drip funnel管段Spool piece垫环Space ring限流孔板Restriction orifice流量喷嘴Flow nozzle液体混合用三通Mixing tee喷头Spray nozzle粗滤器Strainer临时粗滤器Temporary strainer疏水阀Steam trap爆破膜Rupture disk蒸汽伴热管道Steam-traced piping 夹套管道Jacketed piping地下管道Underground piping管道要素钢管Steel pipe螺纹端管Threaded pipe法兰端管Flanged pipe锻制的Swage光滑弯管Smooth bendU型弯管U-bend弯管Bending pipe波纹管膨胀节Expansion bellows 柔性管Flexible pipe管件接头Pipe fitting joint机械连接Mechanical joint活套连接Lapped joint环行垫连接Ring type joint扩口接头Flare type joint非扩口接头Flareless type joint承插连接Bell and spigot Victaulic 接头Victaulic joint弯头Elbow异径管Reducer管接头Coupling活接头Union短管Nipple法兰Flange配对法兰Companion flange法兰盖Blind flange异径法兰Reducing flange八字盲板(1) spectacle blind(2) reversible blind 平板式法兰Plate flange带颈法兰Hubbed flange对焊法兰Welding flange松套法兰Loose flange管端突缘Stub end法兰面Flange face垫片沟槽Gasket groove满平面Full face突面Raised face大准槽面Large tongue and groove face双凹凸面Double male & female face大凹凸面Large male & female face金属垫片Metallic gasket非金属垫片Non-metallic gasketO型环Semi-metallic gasket透视垫O-ring对焊Lens ring承插焊接Butt weld滑套焊接Socket weld焊接支管台Slip-on weld插入环Insert ring材料表Bill of material材料统计Take-off管段表Line bill of material估算汇总表Estimation summary sheet备品备件表Spare parts list报价单Quotation sheet订货表Purchase order schedule材料汇总表Bill of material summary状态报告Status report分布报告Distribution report价格、重量一览表Cost & weight summary 价格、重量汇总表Cost & weight total定货管理表Order control管道材料管理表Piping material control sheet 元件代码Item code标记号Tag number标准形态Standard shape轴测图Isometric drawing管线号Line reference批号Batch reference管子下料表Piping cutting list制作件表Fabrication parts list组装件表Erection part list固定架Anchor滑动架Resting support导向架Guide限位架Directional stop减振架Dampener管托Shoe保冷管托cradle鞍座Saddle耳轴Trunnion吊架Hanger刚性吊架Rigid hanger弹簧吊架Spring hanger恒力吊架Constant hanger阀门Valve截止阀Globe valve闸阀Gate valve针行阀Needle valve球阀Ball valve止回阀Check valve隔膜阀Diaphragm valve三通阀Three-way valve角阀Angle valve蝶阀Butterfly valve旋塞阀Cock伸长杆操作Extension stem-operation 链操作Chain-operated齿轮操作Gear-operated扳手操作Wrench-operated电动操作Motor-operated阀芯Trim阀盖Bonnet焊接支管Weld branch偏置Offset焊缝根部间隙Weld root gap现场调整后再下料和焊接Cut and weld after adjusting 坡度Slope工作点Working point管架说明Notes for piping hanging部门间校核版Interdepartmental check print平端Plain end坡口端Beveled管道联接图Piping hook-up drawing管道图说明Notes for piping drawing标题栏Title block询价单Piping requisition sheet8 配管及一般设备设计8.1 保温、保冷绝热Insulation设备绝热表Equipment insulation schedule绝热符号Insulation code保温设计Design of cold insulation正常操作所用的保温Insulation for stable operating人身防护Personnel protection防火层Fire-proofing防结露Anti-sweat防冻Winterizing防音Sound protection保温材料Hot insulation material保冷材料Cold insulation material石棉asbestos硅藻土Diatomaceous earth岩棉Rock wool玻璃棉Glass wool碳酸镁Magnesium carbonate硅酸铝Calcium silicate珍珠岩Perlite软木板Cork boards毛毡Hair felt泡沫聚氨酯Foam polystyrene硬泡沫氨基甲酸乙酯Rigid foam urethane 硬泡沫橡胶Rigid foam rubber玛碲脂Mastic耐磨损材料Anti-abrasion coating material 管壳Lagging cloth铁丝网Hexagonal wire netting填缝材料Caulking material保护层(1) jacketing sheet(2) cover sheet 波纹铝板Corrugated aluminum sheet有色镀锌钢板Precoated galvanized sheet 搭板Butt strapZ型接头Z-joint防腐、涂漆色标Colour-code孟塞尔色系Munsell notation管道识别色Identification of piping system 防腐层External coating油漆Paint清漆Varnish防腐漆(1) anti-corrosive paint(2) rush-proof paint含铝漆Aluminum paint底漆Primer耐酸漆Acid-proof paint耐碱漆Alkali-proof paint耐热漆Heat-resisting paint测温漆Thermo-paint绝缘漆Insulating varnish表面处理Surface preparation涂漆painting阴极保护Cathodic protection振动解析机械振动Mechanical vibration自由振动Free vibration强制振动Forced vibration自励振动Self-excited vibration固有频率Natural frequency固有周期Natural period波谷Loop波峰Node正弦振动Sinusoidal oscillation非线性振动Non-linear oscillation阻尼振动Damped vibration临界阻尼Critical damping衰减系数(1) attenuation(2) decay coefficient(3) decay factor共振Resonance扭曲振动Torsional vibration挠性振动Flexural vibration极限速度Critical speed固有值Characteristic value临界条件Boundary condition弹簧系数Spring constant惯性矩Moment of inertia回转半径Radius of gyration振动吸收装置Dynamic vibration absorber液压减振器Hydraulic damper弹簧减振器(1) spring dampener(2) spring damper 油压锁定Oil lock耐振设计固有振动方式Natural frequency mode卓越周期Predominant period基本周期First natural frequency横波Transverse wave纵波Longitudinal wave相对位移Relative displacement质量比Mass ratio静解析法Static method修正静解析法Corrected static method动解析法Modal analysis时历响应解析法Time history response analysis设计响应光谱Design response spectrum加速响应光谱Acceleration response spectrum地板响应光谱Floor response spectrum标准响应光谱Standard response spectrum加速响应增幅比Acceleration response amplitude ratio 刚性结构Rigid structure柔性结构Flexible structure长周期结构Long-period structure刚性框架Rahmen rigid frame地震波Earthquake accelerogram位移量记录Displacement record设计地震Design earthquake设计震度Design seismic coefficient地震Earthquake震源距离Distance to centrum震中距离Distance to epicenter震级Magnitude地震波显示仪Seismoscope地震仪Seismograph耐震等级Seismic class基岩Base rock应力分析外力External force内力Internal force反作用力Reaction force力偶Couple of force弯矩Bending moment扭矩Twist moment应力Stress弯曲应力Bending stress扭曲应力Torsional stress圆周应力Hoop stress峰值应力Peak stress一次应力Primary stress二次应力Secondary stress轴向应力Axial stress重复应力Repeated stress脉动应力Pulsating stress交变应力Alternating stress应变Strain应变能Strain energy主应力Principal stress主应力理论Principal stress theory最大剪切应力理论Maximum shearing stress theory 残余应力Residual stress热应力Thermal stress热破坏Thermal shock疲劳Fatigue疲劳曲线S-N diagram疲劳极限(1) fatigue limit(2) endurance limit腐蚀疲劳Corrosion fatigue蠕变Creep蠕变疲劳Creep fatigue尺寸效应Size effect应力集中系数Coefficient of stress concentration形状系数Shape coefficient缺口系数Notch factor应力强度系数Stress intensity factor几何惯性矩Geometrical moment of inertia断面系数Modulus of section断面极惯性矩Polar moment of inertia of area 杨氏模量Young’s modulus横向弹性系数Modulus of transverse elasticity 体积弹性系数Modulus of volumetric elasticity 泊松比Poissor’s ratio弹性极限Elastic limit屈服点Yield point拉伸强度Tensile strength伸长Elongation永久变形Permanent set弹性Flexibility弹性分析Elastic analysis弹性屈服Elastic buckling塑性Plasticity塑变滞后Plasticity hysteresis极限分析Limit analysis弹塑性分析Elastic-plastic analysis疲劳分析Fatigue analysis有限元法Finite element method静荷载Dead load流体流动水锤Water hammer急关Rapid closure缓关Slow closure冲击波Shock closure液压振动Acoustic vibration of liquid flow脉动Pulsation flow两相流Two-phase flow气压振动Acoustic vibration卡门涡街Karman eddies颤动Fluttering气蚀cavitation噪音噪音(1) noise(2) undesired sound听力范围Auditory sensation area掩蔽Masking背景噪音Background noise声强Sound intensity声压Sound pressure声压值Sound pressure level噪声值(1) noise level (2) sound level 噪声计Sound level meter听觉校正回路Weighting network音平Soundness level音能Sound power音能值Sound power level总体值Overall level90%范围90% range中间值MedianNR数Noise rating number频率分析器Frequency analyzer倍频器Octave band1/3的倍频带1/3 octave band波段值Band level音场Sound field方向性Directivity方向系数Directivity factor衍射Diffraction声源Sound source房间常数Room constant吸音率Sound absorption coefficient穿透率Transmission coefficient穿透损失Transmission loss质量原理Mass law设计条件操作压力Operating pressure最高操作压力Maximum operating pressure操作温度Operating temperature最高操作温度Maximum operating temperature 温度基准Base temperature腐蚀裕度Corrosion allowance许容应力Allowable stress安全系数Safety factor地理条件Geological conditions9. 塔、槽、换热器、加热炉9.1图面用语设备表vessel schedule工程图engineering drawing管口表(1)nozzle chart (2)nozzle schedule 管口方位nozzle orientation予焊件图clip schedule切线tangent line(TL)焊缝线weld line(WL)参照线working line(WL)基准线base line9.2容器容器vessel塔tower自支承塔self-supported tower板式塔tray tower填料塔packed tower喷淋塔spray tower槽、罐drum贮罐tank球罐(1)spherical tank (2)ball tank浮顶罐floating roof tank锥顶罐cone roof tank拱顶罐dome roof tank双壁罐double wall tank湿式气柜wet gas holder干式气柜dry gas holder料仓(1)silo (2)bin料斗hopper内件internals塔盘tray泡罩塔盘bubble cap tray筛板塔盘perforated tray浮阀塔盘valve tray单流向式塔盘uni-flux tray 波纹塔盘ripple tray塔盘板deck溢流堰weir降液管downcomer密封槽seal pot取液槽draw-off pot密封盘seal pan塔盘支承环tray support ring 鲍尔环Pall ring泪孔weep hole填料packing拉希环Rasching ring矩鞍形填料intalox saddle 分布器distributor除沫器demister进料挡板feed deflecter防涡流挡板vortex breaker 内筒cartridge9.4主要附属品变颈段reducing section封头head椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head碟形封头(1)dished head (2)torispherical head 半球形封头hemispherical head椎形封头conical head平封头flat head加强圈reinforcing ring夹套jacket人孔manhole手孔hand hole检查孔inspection hole接管nozzle凸缘pad nozzle锻制接管forged nozzle补强板reinforcing pad信号孔tell-tale hole容器支座vessel support裙座skirt支腿leg支耳support lug底座base block基础环base ring筋板gusset plate压环compression ring鞍座saddle模板template通道acess opening套管pipe sleeve连结板lug予焊件clip接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug平台platform梯子ladder保温支承insulation support吊柱davit人孔绞链manhole hinge放空口vent nozzle呼吸阀breather valve计量口gauge hatch9.5换热器换热器heat exchanger换热面积heat transfer area总传热系数overall heat transfer coefficient境膜传热系数film coefficient对数平均温差logarithmic mean temperature difference(LMTD) 平均温差mean temperature difference(MTD)污垢系数fouling factor布管图tube arrangement三角形排列triangular arrangement转角三角形排列rotated triangular arrangement正方形排列square arrangement转角正方形排列rotated square arrangement最大布管图outside tube limit管壳式换热器sheet and tube heat exchanger固定管板式换热器fixed tube sheet heat exchanger 浮头式换热器floating head type heat exchangerU形管式换热器U-tube type heat exchanger釜式换热器kettle type heat exchanger套管式换热器double tube type heat exchanger冲洗式冷却器irrigation cooler蛇管式换热器coil type heat exchanger插管式换热器bayonet type heat exchanger板式换热器plate type heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral heat exchanger夹套式换热器jacket type heat exchanger石墨换热器graphite heat exchanger空冷式换热器air-cooled heat exchanger换热管tube折流板baffle plate管箱channel分程隔板pass partition plate浮头floating head防冲挡板impingement baffle管束tube bundle管板tube sheet管子与管板的连接tube-to-tube sheet joint管接头ferrule9.6加热炉加热炉direct-fired heater热负荷(1)heat duty (2)heat release热损失heat loss加热炉效率efficiency of heater热流率heat flux管壁温度tube skin temperature体积热负荷volumetric heat release辐射段radiant section对流段convection section屏蔽段shield section坝墙bridge wall暴露墙exposed wall屏蔽墙shielded wall管支承tube support炉管(1)heater tube (2)furnace tube扩大表面管extended surface tube联箱(1)header (2)header box回弯头return bend管群间连接管crossover通风draft烟道flue(烟道)挡板damper烟囱stack烧嘴burner过量空气excess air风箱wind box观察孔(1)observation door (2)peep door 检修孔access door防爆门explosion door吹灰器soot blower油漆清车导轨painter trolley陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber耐火砖fire brick保温耐火砖insulation fire brick保温板insulation board可铸耐火材料castable衬里支撑linking anchor、炉壁横梁lintel膨胀节expansion joint10. 转动机械10.1转动机械轴shaft轴承bearing轴承箱bearing housing联轴节shaft coupling滑轮pulleyV形皮带(三角皮带)V-belt转动设备turning equipment润滑lubrication润滑油(1) lubricating oil (2)lube oil 密封seal轴封shaft seal填料函packing填料箱stuffing box油膜密封oil film seal油封seal oil机械密封mechanical seal齿轮gear曲轴crankshaft连杆connecting rod十字头crosshead气缸cylinder缸套cylinder liner气缸阀cylinder value活塞piston金属填料metallic packing予埋板soleplate基座baseplate柱塞plunger箱体(壳体)casing转子rotor平衡活塞balance piston迷宫密封labyrinth叶轮impeller轴套sleeve耐磨环wearing ring灯笼环(1)latern ring (2)seal cage10.2转动机械性能轴动力(1)shaft power (2)brake horsepower 额定制动马力rated brake horsepower齿轮传动损失gear loss机械效率mechanical efficiency机械损失mechanical loss额定转数rated speed最大连续转数maximum continuous speed 旋转油膜oil whirl临界速度critical speed顺时针clockwise转矩torque起动转矩starting torque性能performance特性characteristics压头head液压功率hydraulic horsepower活塞位移piston displacement体积效率volumetric efficiency显示图indicator diagram压力脉冲率pressure pulsation ratio10.3泵泵pump泵效率pump efficiency气蚀cavitation气蚀系数cavitation coefficient净正吸入压头net positive suction head离心泵centrifugal pump混流泵(斜流泵)mixed-flow pump轴流泵axial pump容量泵displacement type pump往复泵(活塞泵)reciprocating pump旋转泵rotary pump再生泵regenerative pump底阀foot valve10.4压缩机,风机等压缩机compressor压缩机效率compressor efficiency往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor间隙容积clearance volumn隙囊clearance pocket减压器unloader离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor轴面压缩机axial compressor涡轮压缩机turbocompressor鼓风机blower风机fan涡轮式鼓风机turboblower涡轮风机turbofan多叶片风机multi-blade fan旋桨式风机propeller fan罗茨鼓风机(1)roots blower (2)two-lobe blower 螺杆式压缩机screw compressor湍振surging中间冷却器intercooler后冷却器(二次冷却器)aftercooler缓冲器snubber10.5透平透平turbine冲动式透平impulse turbine反作用式透平reaction turbine凝汽式透平condensing turbine抽气式透平extraction turbine背压式透平back pressure turbine透平效率turbine efficiency调速器governor速度范围speed range速度调节阀speed governing valve 应急调速器emergency governor跳闸速度(应急速度限)trip speed 应急阀trip valve操纵阀sentinel valve10.6冷冻机冷冻机refrigerator制冷剂refrigerant。



机箱上料chassis robot侧板拆除side cover disassemble 面板拆除front cover disassemble 内存组装memory assemble压内存memory pressingCPU组装CPU assemble主板组装mainboard assemble插数据线plug data wire纸箱开箱unpacking捡料material picking光驱组装ODD assemble硬盘组装HDD assemble电源合流power interflow硬盘/光驱螺丝固定HDD/ODD screw fixing 全检full inspection高压贴标hi-pot & labelingAGV 搬运AGV transfer贴防撕贴paste anti-tearing外箱开箱carton folding外箱贴标carton labeling套楦体sheathe cushion主机入包装箱machine box up键盘捡料keyboard picking资料盒折盒material box folding资料捡料material kitting & picking 附件包加工enclosing accessory资料盒拣料material box picking折盖封箱folding & packing成品码盘FG robot 资料盒折盒material box folding资料盒贴标labeling资料分拣manual kitting鼠标电源线分拣mouse & power cord kitting 资料盒暂存区manual box storage area键盘暂存区keyboard storage area测试上线机械手ASM FG robot功能测试WFT老化测试run in测试成品机械手Test FG robot高压测试hi-pot test外箱分拣开箱carton kitting & folding外箱贴标carton labeling楦体Kitting cushion kitting楦体组装cushion assemble主机入箱packing资料盒分拣manual box kitting折盖封箱folding & packing。



常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)1 工艺基本概念1、1一般概念 1.1.1gninihcam lortnoc laciremun:工加控数ﻫ根据被加工零件图样与工艺要求,编制成以数码表示得程序输入到机床得数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件与工具得相对运动,使之加工出合格零件得方法。

2、1对产生ﻫ象 1、2、1 原材料:raw material。

质物得品产新创以程过产生入投ﻫ1、2、2 主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体得材料。

1、2、3辅助材料:au____iliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体得材料.4、2、1 tneutitsbus:料材用代ﻫ在ﻫ使用功能上能够代替原设计要求得材料。

它具有被代替材料所具备得全部或主要性ﻫ2、5易损材料:quick-wear material 、。


1、2、6 废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下得而对本生产对象不再有用得材料。

7、2、1 noitces:材型ﻫ金属或非金属材料通过拉制、轧制或压制等方法所获得得具有特定几何形状截面得材.料ﻫ8、2、1 etalp:材板ﻫ同不种各得得获而法方等制压或制轧过通料材属金非或属金ﻫ厚度得板状材料。

1、2、9棒材:bar stock形角六、方、圆得得获艺工制轧、延拉过通料材属金非或属金ﻫ截面得材料。

01、2、1 gnitsac:件铸ﻫ将熔融金属浇入铸型,凝固后所得到得金属制件或毛坯。

11、2、1 sgnigrof:件锻ﻫ金属材料经过锻造变形而得到得工件或毛坯.21、2、1 t nemdlew:件接焊ﻫ用焊接方法而得到得结合件。

31、2、1 strap dedlom:件压模ﻫ制压具模用利ﻫ得工件。

1、2、14 冲压件:sting用冲压得方法制成得工件或毛坯.1、2、15 合格品:acce pted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求得制品。



设计专业名词中英文对照设计专业名词中英对照设计的分类(英语)1 设计 Design2 现代设计 Modern Design3 工艺美术设计 Craft Design4 工业设计 Industrial Design5 广义工业设计 GenealizedIndustrial Design6 狭义工业设计 Narrow Industrial Design7 产品设计 Product Design8 传播设计 Communication Design8 环境设计 Environmental Design9 商业设计 Comercial Design10 建筑设计 Architectural11 一维设计 One-dimension Design12 二维设计 Tow-dimension Design13 三维设计 Three-dimension Design14 四维设计 Four-dimension Design15 装饰、装潢 Decoration16 家具设计 Furniture Design17 玩具设计 Toy Design18 室内设计 Interior Design19 服装设计 Costume Design20 包装设计 Packaging Design21 展示设计 Display Design22 城市规划 Urban Desgin23 生活环境 Living Environment24 都市景观 Townscape25 田园都市 Gardon City26 办公室风致 Office Landscape 27 设计方法论 Design Methodology28 设计语言 Design Language29 设计条件 Design Condition30 结构设计 Structure Design31 形式设计 Form Design32 设计过程 Design Process33 构思设计 Concept Design34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design35 改型设计 Model Change36 设计调查 Design Survey37 事前调查 Prior Survey38 动态调查 Dynamic Survey39 超小型设计 Compact type40 袖珍型设计 Pocktable Type41 便携型设计 Protable type42 收纳型设计 Selfcontainning Design43 装配式设计 Knock Down Type44 集约化设计 Stacking Type45 成套化设计 Set (Design)46 家族化设计 Family (Design)47 系列化设计 Series (Design)48 组合式设计 Unit Design49 仿生设计 Bionics Design50 功能 Function51 独创性 Originality52 创造力 Creative Power53 外装 Facing54 创造性思维 Creating Thinking55 等价变换思维 Equivalent Transformationn Thought56 KJ法 Method of K.J57 戈顿法 Synectice58 集体创造性思维法 Brain Storming59 设计决策 (Design) Decision Making60 T-W-M体系 T-W-M system61 O-R-M体系 O-R-M system62 印象战略 Image Stralegy63 AIDMA原则 Law of AIDMA64 功能分化 Functional Differentiation65 功能分析 Functional Analysis66 生命周期 Life Cycle67 照明设计 Illumination Design设计色彩方法(英)1 色 Color2 光谱 Spectrum3 物体色 Object Color4 固有色 Propor Color5 色料 Coloring Material6 色觉三色学说 Three-Component Theary7 心理纯色 Unique Color8 拮抗色学说 Opponent Color Theory9 色觉的阶段模型 Stage Model of the Color Perception10 色彩混合 Color Mixing11 基本感觉曲线 Trisimulus Valus Curves12 牛顿色环 Newton's Color Cycle13 色矢量 Color Vector14 三原色 Three Primary Colors15 色空间 Color Space16 色三角形 Color Triangle17 测色 Colourimetry18 色度 Chromaticity 19 XYZ表色系 XYZ Color System20 实色与虚色 Real Color and Imaginary Color21 色等式 Color Equation22 等色实验 Color Matching Experiment23 色温 Color Temperature24 色问轨迹 Color Temperature Locus25 色彩三属性 Three Attribtes and Color26 色相 Hue27 色相环 Color Cycle28 明度 Valve29 彩度 Chroma30 环境色 Environmetal Color31 有彩色 Chromatic Color32 无彩色 Achromatic Colors33 明色 Light Color34 暗色 Dark Color35 中明色 Middle Light Color36 清色 Clear Color37 浊色 Dull Color38 补色 Complementary Color39 类似色 Analogous Color40 一次色 Primary Color41 二次色 Secondary Color42 色立体 Color Solid43 色票 Color Sample44 孟塞尔表色系 Munsell's Color System45 奥斯特瓦德表色系 Ostwald's Color System46 日本色研色体系 Practical ColorCo-ordinate System47 色彩工程 Color Engineering48 色彩管理 Color Control49 色彩再现 Color Reproduction50 等色操作 Color Matching51 色彩的可视度 Visibility Color52 色彩恒常性 Color Constancy53 色彩的对比 Color Contrast54 色彩的同化 Color Assimilation55 色彩的共感性 Color Synesthesia56 暖色与冷色 Warm Color and Cold Color57 前进色与后退色 Advancing Color Receding Color58 膨胀色与收缩色 Expansive Color and Contractile Color59 重色与轻色 Heavy Color and Light Color60 色价 Valeur61 色调 Color Tone62 暗调 Shade63 明调 Tint64 中间调 Halftone65 表面色 Surface Color66 平面色 Film Color67 色彩调和 Color Harmony68 配色 Color Combination69 孟塞尔色彩调和 Munsell's Color Harmony70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和 Ostwald's Color Harmony71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony72 色彩的感情 Feeling of Color 73 色彩的象征性 Color Symbolism74 色彩的嗜好 Color Preference75 流行色 Fashion Color76 色彩的功能性 Color Functionalism77 色彩规划 Color Planning78 色彩调节 Color Conditioning79 色彩调整 Color Coordinetion80 色彩设计 Color Design材料与加工成型技术(英)1 材料 Material2 材料规划 Material Planning3 材料评价 Material Appraisal4 金属材料 Metal Materials5 无机材料 Inorganic Materials6 有机材料 Organic Materials7 复合材料 Composite Materials8 天然材料 Natural Materials9 加工材料 Processing Materials10 人造材料 Artificial Materials11 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal12 有色金属 Nonferrous Metal13 轻金属材料 Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷 Ceramics21 水泥 Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅 Enamel23 玻璃 Glass24 微晶玻璃 Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃 Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃 Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃 Glass Fiber28 耐热玻璃 Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料 Plastics30 通用塑料 Wide Plastics31 工程塑料 Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂 Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂 Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶 Rubber35 粘接剂 Adhesives36 涂料 Paints37 树脂 Resin38 聚合物 Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂 Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂 Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂 Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin43 丙烯酸树脂 Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙 Polyamide Resin45 氟化乙烯树脂 Polyfurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂 Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂 PolycarbonateResin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂Polyvinylidene Resin49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂 Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂 Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂 Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂 Urea Formaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂 Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂 Allyl Resin56 硅树脂 Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂 Polyurethane Resin58 密胺 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin59 ABS树脂 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂 PhotosensitionPlastics61 纤维强化树脂 Fiber Reinforced Plastic62 印刷油墨 Printing Ink63 印刷用纸 Printing Paper64 铜板纸 Art Paper65 木材 Wood66 竹材 Bamboo67 树脂装饰板 Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板 Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板 Veneer70 曲木 Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸 Waxed Paper72 青铜 Bronge73 薄壳结构 Shell Construction74 技术 Technic75 工具 Tool76 金工 Metal Work77 铸造 Casting78 切削加工 Cutting79 压力加工 Plastic Working80 压力加工 Plastic Working81 焊接 Welding82 板金工 Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克 Mosaic84 塑性成型 Plastic Working85 灌浆成型 Slip Casting86 挤出成型 Sqeezing87 注压成型 Injection Molding88 加压成型 Pressing89 水压成型 Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法 Hot Pressing91 HIP成型 Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型 Compression Molding Pressing93 气压成型 Blow Molding94 压延成型 Calendering95 转送成型 Transfer Molding96 雌雄成型 Slash Molding97 铸塑成型 Casting98 喷涂成型 Spray Up99 层积成型 Laminating100 FW法 Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离 Adhesion and Excoriation102 木材工艺 Woodcraft103 竹材工艺 Bamboo Work104 表面技术 Surface Technology 105 镀饰 Plating106 涂饰 Coating107 电化铝 Alumite108 烫金 Hot Stamping109 预制作 Prefabrication110 预制住宅 Prefabricated House 111 悬臂梁 Cantilever112 金属模具 Mold113 型板造型 Modeling of Teplate 114 染料 Dyestuff115 颜料 Artist Color传播与传媒设计(英)1 传播 Communication2 大众传播 Mass Communication3 媒体 Media4 大众传播媒体 Mass Media5 视觉传播 Visual Communication6 听觉传播 Hearing Communication7 信息 Information8 符号 Sign9 视觉符号 Visual Sign10 图形符号 Graphic Symbol11 符号论 Semiotic12 象征 Symbol13 象征标志 Symbol Mark14 音响设计 Acoustic Design15 听觉设计 Auditory Design16 听觉传播设计 Auditory Communication Design17 图象设计 Visual Communication Design18 视觉设计 Visual Design19 视觉传播设计 Visual Communication Design20 图形设计 Graphic Design21 编辑设计 Editorial Design22 版面设计 Layout23 字体设计 Lettering24 CI设计 Corporate Identity Design25 宣传 Propaganda26 广告 Advertising27 广告委托人 Adveertiser28 广告代理业 Advertising Agency29 广告媒体 Advertising Media30 广告目的 Avertising Objectives31 广告伦理 Morality ofAdvertising32 广告法规 Law of Advertising33 广告计划 Advertising Planing34 广告效果 Advertising Effect35 广告文案 Advertising Copy36 广告摄影 Advertising Photography37 说明广告 InformativeAdvertising38 招贴画海报 Poster39 招牌 Sign-board40 小型宣传册 Pamphlet41 大型宣传册 Portfolio42 商品目录 Catalogue43 企业商报 House Organ44 户外广告 Outdoor Advertising45 POP广告 Point of Purchase Advertising46 展示 Display47 橱窗展示 Window Display48 展示柜 Cabinet49 博览会 Exposition 50 万国博览会 World Exposition51 包装 Packaging52 工业包装 Industrial Packing53 标签 Label54 企业形象 Corporate Image55 企业色 Company Color56 动画 Animation57 插图 Illustration58 书法 Calligraphy59 印刷 Initial60 设计费 design fee61 标准 standard62 注册商标 registered trade mark 设计美学与设计实验(英)1 美 Beauty2 现实美 Acture Beauty3 自然美 Natural Beauty4 社会美 Social Beauty5 艺术美 Artisitc Beauty6 内容与形式 Content and Form7 形式美 Formal Beauty8 形式原理 Principles and Form9 技术美 Beauty of Technology10 机械美 Beauty of Machine11 功能美 Functional Beauty12 材料美 Beauty of Material13 美学 Aesthetics14 技术美学 Technology Aesthetics15 设计美学 Design Aesthetics16 生产美学 PAroduction Aesthetics17 商品美学 Commodity Aedthetics18 艺术 Art19 造型艺术 Plastic Arts20 表演艺术 Performance Art21 语言艺术 Linguistic Art22 综合艺术 Synthetic Arts23 实用艺术 Practical Art24 时间艺术 Time Art25 空间艺术 Spatial Art26 时空艺术 Time and Spatial Art27 一维艺术 One Dimantional28 二维艺术 two Dimantional29 三维艺术 Three Dimantional30 四维艺术 Four Dimantional31 舞台艺术 Stagecraft32 影视艺术 Arts of Mmovie and Television33 环境艺术 Environmental Art34 美术 Fine Arts35 戏剧 Drama36 文学 Literature37 意匠 Idea38 图案 Pattern39 构思 Conception40 构图 Composition41 造型 Formation42 再现 Representation43 表现 Expression44 构成 Composition45 平面构成 Tow Dimentional Composition46 立体构成 Three Dimentional Composition47 色彩构成 Color Composition48 空间构成 Composition of Space49 音响构成 Composition and Sound50 多样与统一 Unity ofMultiplicity 51 平衡 Balance52 对称 Symmetry53 调和、和声 Harmony54 对比 Contrast55 类似 Similarity56 比例 Proportion57 黄金分割 Golden Section58 节奏 Rhythm59 旋律 Melody60 调子 Tone61 变奏 Variation62 纹样 Pattern63 形态 Form64 有机形态 Organic Form65 抽象形态 Abstract Form66 简化形态 Simptified Form67 变形 Deformation68 图学 Graphics69 透视画法 Perspective70 线透视 Linear Perspective71 视点 Eye on Picture Plane72 灭点 Vanishing Point73 平行透视 Parallel Persective74 成角透视 Angular Perspective75 斜透视 Obligue Perspective76 单点透视 Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视 Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视 Three-PointPerdpective79 鸟瞰图 Bird's Eye View80 平面视图 Ground Plain81 轴侧投影 Axonometric Projection82 设计素描 Design Sketch83 预想图 Rendering84 模型 Model85 粘土模型 Clay Model86 石膏模型 Plaster Model87 木制模型 Wooden Model88 缩尺模型 Scale Model89 原大模型 Mock Up90 仿真模型 Finished Model91 制造原形 Prototype92 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics93 框架模型 Frame Model94 实体模型 Solid Model95 计算机辅助设计 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN96 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacture97 计算机三维动画 Computer Three Dimentional Animation98 计算机艺术 Computer Arts99 计算机书法 Computer Calligraphy 100 计算机图象处理 Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成 Computer Sound Composition实验心理学与人机工程学(英)1 人类工程学 Human Engineering2 人机工程学 Man-Machine Engineering3 工效学 Ergonomice4 人因工程学 Human Factors Engineering5 人因要素 Human Factors6 人机系统 Man-Machine System7 人体工程学 Human Engineering 8 人本位设计 Human Sstandard Design9 实验心理学 Experimental Psychology10 物理心理学 Psychophysics11 感觉 Sensation12 知觉 Perception13 感觉阙限 Threshold of Senssation14 心理量表 Psychological Scaling15 视觉 Visual Perception16 视觉通道 Visual Pathway17 听觉 Hearing Perception18 肤觉 Skin Sensation19 视觉心理学 Visual Psychology20 听觉心理学 Hearing Psychology21 感光元 Photoreceptor Cell22 明视、暗视、间视 Phootopic Vision ,Scotopic Vision , Mesopic Vision23 光适应与暗适应 Photopic Adaptation and Sscotopic Adaptation24 格式塔,完形 Gestalt25 形状知觉 Shape Perception26 轮廓 Conotour27 主观轮廓 Subjictive Contour28 图形与背景 Figure and Ground29 图形与背景逆转 ReversibleFigure30 良好形状法则 Prinzip der Guten Gestalt31 群化 Grouping32 等质性法则 Fsctor of Similarity33 伪装 Camouflage34 形状的恒常性 Shape Constancy35 大小的恒常性 Size Constancy36 空间知觉 Space Perception37 立体视 Stereopsis38 运动知觉 Movement Perception39 视错觉 Optical Illusion40 残像 After Image41 似动 Apparent Movement42 视觉后效 Aftereffects in Visuvl43 瀑布效应 Waterfall Effect44 视线记录仪 Eye Camera45 听觉刺激 Auditory Stimulus46 声压 Sound Pressure47 声压水平 Sound Pressure Level48 频谱 Spectrum49 乐音与非乐音 Tone and Nontone50 噪声 Noise51 听觉阙限 Auditory Threshold52 响度 Loudness53 听觉掩蔽 Auditory Masking54 音乐心理学 Psychology of Music55 音响心理学 Psychology of Sound56 音的四属性 Four Attribute Sound57 音高 Pitch58 音色 Timbre59 力度 Loudness60 频率辨别阙限 Difference Threshold of Frequency61 强度辨别阙限 Difference Threshold of Loudness62 混响 Reverberation63 音源距离感 Distance Perception of Sound64 音源方位感 Orientation Perception of Sound65 立体声 Stereophony66 语言心理学 Psycholinguistics67 语言声谱 Language Spectrum68 语言清晰度 Articulation69 人体尺寸 Humanlady Size70 作业空间 Work Space71 模数 Module72 心理尺度 Psychological Measure73 动作分析 Motion Analysis74 时间研究 Time Study75 动作时间研究 Motion and Time Study76 时间动作轨迹摄影Chronocyclegragh77 动迹 Traffic Line78 光迹摄影 Luminogram79 脑波 Brain Wave80 生物钟 Bio-o'clock81 睡眠 Sleep82 疲劳 Fatigue83 姿态 Body Posture84 皮肤电反应 Galranic Skin Response85 临界闪烁频率 Critical Flicker Frequence86 肌肉运动学 Kinesiology87 肌电图 Electromyography88 形态学 Morphology89 仿生学 Bionics90 人、环境系统 Man-Environment System91 照明 Hlumination92 振动 Oscillate93 气候 Climate94 空气调节 Air Conditioning95 功能分配 Functional Allocation 设计生产经营与评价(英)1 工业工程学 Industrial Engineering2 工业心理学 Industrial Psychology3 科学管理法 Scientific Management4 生产管理 Production Control5 质量管理 Quality Control6 系统工程 System Engineering7 批量生产 Mass Production8 流水作业 Conveyer System9 互换式生产方式 Interchangeable Produsction Method10 标准化 Standardization11 自动化 Automation12 市场调查 Market Research13 商品化计划 Merchandising14 产品开发 Product Developement15 产品改型 Model Change16 产品测试 Product Testing17 产品成本 Product Cost18 营销学 Marketing19 买方市场 Buyer's Market20 卖方市场 Seller's Marker21 促销 Sales Promotion22 适销 Marketability23 消费者 Consumer24 购买动机调查 Motivation Research25 深层面接法 Depth Interview26 销售热点 Selling Point27 卡通测试法 Cartoon Test 28 产品形象 Product Image29 形象策略 Image Strategy30 公共关系 Public Relations31 运筹学 Operations Research32 设计策略 Design Policy33 艺术总监 Art Director设计法规与标准(英)1 知识产权Intellectual Property2 著作权 Copyright3 工业产权 Industrial Property4 专利 Patent5 发明专利 Patent for Invention6 实用新型 Utility Modle7 外观设计专利 Registation of Design8 注册商标 Registered Trade Mark9 广告法 Advertising Law10 反不正当竞争 Repression of Untair Competition11 设计费 Design Fee12 标准 Standard13 德国工业标准 Deutsche Industrie Normen设计思潮与流派(英)1 学院派 Academicism2 理性主义 Rationalism3 非理性主义 Irrationalism4 古典主义 Classicism5 浪漫主义 Romanticism6 现实主义 Realism7 印象主义 Impressionism8 后印象主义 Postimpressionism9 新印象主义Neo-Impressionisme(法)10 那比派 The Nabject11 表现主义 Expressionism12 象征主义 Symbolism13 野兽主义 Fauvism14 立体主义 Cubism15 未来主义 Futurism16 奥弗斯主义 Orphism17 达达主义 Dadaisme(法)18 超现实主义 Surrealism19 纯粹主义 Purism20 抽象艺术 Abstract Art21 绝对主义,至上主义 Suprematism22 新造型主义 Neo-plasticisme(法)23 风格派 De Stiji24 青骑士 Der Blaus Reiter25 抒情抽象主义 Lyric Abstractionism26 抽象表现主义 Abstract Expressionism27 行动绘画 Action Painting28 塔希主义 Tachisme(法)29 视幻艺术 Op Art30 活动艺术、机动艺术 Kinetic Art31 极少主义 Minimalism32 概念主义 Conceptualism33 波普艺术 Pop Art34 芬克艺术、恐怖艺术 Funk Art35 超级写实主义 Super Realism36 人体艺术 Body Art37 芝加哥学派 Chicago School38 艺术与手工艺运动 The Arts & Crafts Movement39 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau40 分离派 Secession 41 构成主义 Constructivism42 现代主义 Modernism43 包豪斯 Bauhaus44 阿姆斯特丹学派 Amsterdam School45 功能主义 Functionalism46 装饰艺术风格 Art Deco(法)47 国际风格 International Style48 流线型风格 Streamlined Forms49 雅典宪章 Athens Charter50 马丘比丘宪章 Charter of Machupicchu51 斯堪的纳维亚风格 Scandinavia Style52 新巴洛克风格 New Baroque53 后现代主义 Postmodernism54 曼菲斯 Memphis55 高技风格 High Tech56 解构主义 Deconstructivism57 手工艺复兴 Crafts Revival58 准高技风格 Trans High Tech59 建筑风格 Architecture60 微建筑风格 Micro-Architecture61 微电子风格 Micro-Electronics62 晚期现代主义 Late Moddernism11。


设计工艺名词中英文对照 中文 标志 前壳(A壳) 后壳(B壳) 电池盖 镜片 液晶屏 听筒 麦克风 喇叭 后摄像头 前摄像头 电池 闪光灯 注塑 压铸 电铸 冲压 机加 抛光 蚀纹\喷砂 英文 LOGO front cover back cover battery cover lens LCD receiver mic speaker back camera front camera battery flash injection molding die casting electroforming stamping mechanical workout polishing sand blasting
er er ver
ra era
ding g ing g orkout g ng
ing ration LABEL FILM OLLER ng n
ng Deposition) apor Deposition)
喷漆 IMD模内装饰技术 IML模内装饰技术 IMF模内装饰技术 IMR模内装饰技术 电镀 氧化 丝印(丝网印刷) 镭雕 真空镀褪镀工艺 正面正空镀褪镀
spary painting In-Mold Decoration IN MOLDING LABEL IN MOLDING FILM IN MOLDING ROLLER electroplating oxidation spint laser etching PVD(Physical Vapor Deposition) PPVD(Positive Physical Vapor Deposition)



常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)常用机械加工工艺术语(英汉对照)1 工艺基本概念1、1一般概念 1.1.1gninihcam lortnoc laciremun:工加控数ﻫ根据被加工零件图样与工艺要求,编制成以数码表示得程序输入到机床得数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件与工具得相对运动,使之加工出合格零件得方法。

2、1对产生ﻫ象 1、2、1 原材料:raw material。

质物得品产新创以程过产生入投ﻫ1、2、2 主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体得材料。

1、2、3辅助材料:au_iliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体得材料.4、2、1 tneutitsbus:料材用代ﻫ在ﻫ使用功能上能够代替原设计要求得材料。


能ﻫ1ﻫ2、5易损材料:quick-wear material在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效得材料。

1、2、6 废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下得而对本生产对象不再有用得材料。

7、2、1 noitces:材型ﻫ金属或非金属材料通过拉制、轧制或压制等方法所获得得具有特定几何形状截面得材.料ﻫ8、2、1 etalp:材板ﻫ同不种各得得获而法方等制压或制轧过通料材属金非或属金ﻫ厚度得板状材料。

1、2、9棒材:bar stock形角六、方、圆得得获艺工制轧、延拉过通料材属金非或属金ﻫ截面得材料。

01、2、1 gnitsac:件铸ﻫ将熔融金属浇入铸型,凝固后所得到得金属制件或毛坯。

11、2、1 sgnigrof:件锻ﻫ金属材料经过锻造变形而得到得工件或毛坯.21、2、1 tnemdlew:件接焊ﻫ用焊接方法而得到得结合件。

31、2、1 strap dedlom:件压模ﻫ制压具模用利ﻫ得工件。

1、2、14 冲压件:sting用冲压得方法制成得工件或毛坯.1、2、15 合格品:accepted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求得制品。



工业设计专业必修课:思想品德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Ethic Thought and Fundamentals of Law中国近代史纲要Outline of Modern History of China马克思主义基本原理Principles of Marxism毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theories, and the "Three Representativenesses""高等数学ⅠⅡAdvanced Mathematics ⅠⅡ英语ⅠⅡⅢⅣCollege English ⅠⅡⅢⅣ工业设计概论Introduction to Industrial Design设计素描Design sketch设计色彩Color Design艺术概论Introduction to Art设计美学Design aesthetics大学语文College Chinese信息技术基础Basis for Information Technology信息基础实验Experiment of Basis for Information Technology程序设计语言Language Programming程序设计语言实验Experiment of Language Programming体育ⅠⅡⅢⅣPhysical Education ⅠⅡⅢⅣ国防军事导论Introduction to National Defense and Military Affairs 形势与政策Situation & Policy大学生就业与创业Enterprise Starting and Employment of College Students 工程图学ⅠⅡEngineering Graphics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Designing设计基础ⅠⅡBasis of Design ⅠⅡ设计表达ⅠⅡDesign Expression ⅠⅡ视觉和传达设计‘Visual Communication Design造型材料与工艺Modeling Material and Technique工业设计工程基础ⅠⅡEngineering basics of industrial design ⅠⅡ工业设计史History of Industrial Design产品设计原理和方法Principle and Method for Product Design 产品系统设计Systematic Product Design计算机辅助工业设计Computer Assisted Industrial Design人机工程学Ergonomics设计研究Design Research专业选修课:设计素描ⅡDesign Sketch Ⅱ计算机绘图Computer Graphics设计基础ⅢBasis of Design Ⅲ数字化建模ⅠⅡDigitalized Modeling ⅠⅡ模型制作Modeling产品开发设计Product Development Design雕塑Sculpture设计心理学Design Psychology科类选修课:线性代数ⅠLinear Algebra Ⅰ概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics 中外美术史History of Chinese and Foreign Art摄影基础Basis for Photography设计管理Design Management传播学导论Introduction to Communication电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering先进制造技术Advanced Manufacturing Technology。



236个常用工业设计术语中英文对照收藏导读:工业设计起源于国外,故而学习相关术语的英文不仅可以让我们更好学习和掌握国外文件,更能够在草图或提案阶段帮助我们添加备注,让格调更高一些~·外觀處理Finish1 噴漆Paint2 平光Matte3 亮面Glossy4 皮革漆Leather5 PU漆PU Coating6 UV漆UV coating7 彈性漆Rubber8 珍珠漆Pearl9 銀漆Silver10 磁性漆Magnetic11 麂皮漆Suede12 陶瓷漆Ceramic13 裂紋漆Crackle14 鏡面漆Mirror-like Silver15 遮噴Mask spray16 噴砂Sand blasting17 拋光Polishing18 金屬噴鍍Metallikon19 黑鉻Black chromium plate20 黑鎳Black Ni plate21 陽極處理Anodize22 陽極染色Anodize-color23 電解拋光Electropolishing24 表面蝕刻Etching25 直線髮絲Hair line brush26 圓形髮絲Spin line brush27 CNC鑚切CNC Engraving28 沖凸Punch29 電鑄Electroforming30 電鑄銘版Electroforming plate31 電解沉積Electrodeposition32 電鍍Electroplate33 電著Electrophoretic deposition34 濺鍍Vacuum metallizing35 蒸鍍Vapor deposition36 非導電濺鍍NCVM37 鍍鉻Chorme38 印刷Print39 背面印刷Back print40 網印Screen printing41 移印Pad Printing42 咬花Texture43 放電花Sparkerusion44 壓花Foil blocking and embossing46 雷雕Laser Engraving /Laser ecthin47 雷射光紋Laser icon48 奈米壓印(微影) Nanoimprint49 熱轉印 /燙金Hot stamp50 水轉印Hydro-transfer printing51 光柵印刷Lenticular printing52 數位噴繪Digital printing·材料Material1 塑膠Plastic2 壓克力PMMA3 聚碳酸酯PC4 丙烯 -丁二烯-苯乙烯ABS5 高衝擊聚苯乙烯HIPS6 聚對苯二甲二乙酯PET7 橡膠Rubber(TPR/TPE/TPU)8 矽膠Silicone9 複合塑膠Synthetic rubber10 不鏽鋼Stainless steel11 鋁Aluminum12 鋁鎂合金Magnesium13 鈦合金Titanium14 鋅合金Zinc15 鎳合金Nickel16 竹Bamboo17 陶器Pottery ceramics18 碳纖維Carbon19 玻璃Glass20 布類(膠皮) Farbic(PU/PVC)21 水晶Crystal22 金屬網/喇叭網Grill / Mesh23 皮革Learther·成型技術相關Forming technology1 射出成型Injection molding2 壓鑄成型Die casting3 金屬射出成型Metal inject molding4 模內裝飾射出成型IMD(IMR/IML/IMF)5 壓縮成型Compression molding6 雙料射出Double-injection7 衝壓成型Press molding8 擠出成型Extrusion molding9 吹塑成型Blow molding10 熱塑成型Thermoforming11 真空成型Vacuum casting12 表面貼皮Composite laminate13 快速成型Rapid Prototyping14 超音波熔接Ultrasonic welding15 P+R雙料Plastic + Rubber16 電鑄模仁Electroforming core17 頂針Ejector pin18 簡易模Plain die19 成型模Forming die20 修模Repair a die21 入子Insert22 字模Character die23 色母料Color masterbatch24 著色劑Colorant25 成型Molding26 合模線Spue line27 合模面Land area28 溶合痕Welding mark29 分模線Parting line30 滑塊Cam block / Slide31 放電加工Electrical Discharge32 衝切Punching and blanking33 刀模Die cutting34 玻璃切邊Glass scoring35 衝孔Punched hole36 鑲Fillet37 凹Concave38 凸Convex39 外觀檢查Cosmetic inspection40 標準件Standard parts41 拔模Draft42 模組Module43 塑膠原料Resin44 外觀面Critical surface45 靠破Shut Off46 試模Trial / Try out47 拉模Draft / Pulling Mark48 間隙/段差Gap49 倒勾Under cut50 毛邊金屬(Burr) 塑膠(Flash)51 曲翹Camber52 汙斑Grease pits53 磨痕Grinding defect54 橘皮Orange peel55 變形Deformation56 退色Fading57 流痕Flow mark58 廢料Scrap59 起泡Blister60 點銲Spot welding61 凸點Emboss62 角度偏差Angular offset63 壓痕Dent64 刮傷Scratch65 亮點Shine spot66 色斑Speckle67 應力痕Stress Mark68 間隙過大Excessive gap69 縮水Shrinking70 錯位Mismatch71 印刷電路板PCB72 夾具(治具) Fixture73 包裝Packing74 棧板Pallet/skid75 物料清單BOM76 圖面Drawing77 包材Packing material78 紙箱Carton box79 貼紙Label80 聚酯薄膜Mylar81 薄膜Film82 背膠Adhesive83 允收ACC accept84 不良NG85 對色Color matching86 特采UAI Use As IT87 公差Tolerance88 條碼Bar code89 厚度Thickness90 染色Dyeing91 唇邊Lip92 卡扣Snap·其他相關名詞Other1 草圖Sketch2 前視Front view3 後視Rear view4 側視Side view5 下視Bottom view6 按鍵Keypad7 面板Bezel8 前蓋Front Cover9 後蓋Rear Cover10 中框Ring Cover11 裝飾件Decoration part12 底座(支架) Stand13 底座(盤) Pedestal14 底座(充電) Duck15 鏡片Lens16 半透明Translucent17 觸控筆Stylus18 吊飾孔Strap hole19 原型Prototype20 外觀模型Dummy sample21 可做動模型Mockup22 結構設計Mechanical design22 尺寸Dimension23 印刷稿Art work24 色彩計畫Color plan25 彩現Render26 專利Patent27 色票PANTONE28 游標卡尺Nonius29 品牌Brand30 行銷Marketing31 色相Hue32 明度Value33 彩度Chroma34 主題Subject / Theme35 設計元素Design Elements36 概念發展Concept Development37 產品生命週期Product Life Cycle38 最終使用者End User39 市場調查Survey40 情境模擬Scenario41 意象圖Image board42 甘特圖Gantt chart43 腦力激盪Brainstorming44 3R Reduce Reuse,Recycle45 人機介面User Interface(UI)46 市場調查Market Research47 互動設計Interaction Design48 通用設計Universal Design49 仿生設計Bionics Design50 攜帶型設計Protable type51 解構主義Deconstructivism52 設計過程Design Process53 設計規範Design Condition54 功能分析Functional Analysis55 黄金分割Golden Section56 比例Proportion57 對比Contrast58 模型model59 流線Steamline60 直線Straight61 圓角Round62 陵角Chamfer63 弧線Arc64 雲規線Spine cruve65 簡潔的Compact66 有機的Organic67 材質說明Color,Material,Finish68 圖案Pattern69 圖示Icon。



Industrial design工业设计Conspectus design 设计概论Aesthetics of design 设计美学Principle of design 设计原理History of design 设计历史Criticism of design 设计批评Environmental design 环境设计Function 功能Form 形式Model造型,模型Creativity 创造性Theory on design 设计理论Procedure of product design 产品设计程序Human requirement 人的需要Redesign from original product 从产品入手开展重新设计developmental design开发性设计Design language 设计语言Perceptual 感性的Lifeblood 生命力的Design comment 设计评价Design culture 设计文化Color material surface 色彩材料表面肌理Texture 材质、肌理Drawing 制图Orientation 定位Design history 设计史Craftsman 工匠Decorate 装饰Symbol 符号Ergonomics 人机工程学Product semantics 产品语义学Human-machine interface 人机界面Methodology 方法论Handicraft 手工艺的Metallic 金属性的style 风格Streamline 流线型Clay 油泥sterling character 品位Consumption 消费A generalized design 通用设计“off –line”machine非通用设计Sketch草图draft out起草Foam泡沫材料Tendency 趋势Standard 标准Accessory 附件Part零件Finished product 成品Design requirement设计需求Conception 概念conceptual design 概念设计Product property analysis 产品属性分析People using analysis 使用分析System design 系统设计Design target 设计目标Function definition 功能定义Function analysis 功能分析Principle of formal aesthetics 形式美学的原则VI(visual identity) 视觉识别Communication 传播、信息传播Hearing design 听觉传播Comformity design 整合传播Design exploitation 设计开发Produce manufacture 生产制造Sale 销售Reclaim 回收Recycle重复利用constituent element要素Environment analysis 环境形式系统分析Total value 整体价值Man-machine system analysis 人机系统分析Marketing 市场营销传播Mass design 大众传播Visual design 视觉传达Design conception 设计理念Communication design 传播设计Intelligent 智能性Interactive 交互性Symbol 符号性Systematization 系统性Modular design 模块化设计Ecosystem design 生态系统设计Virtual design 虚拟设计Environment value analysis 环境价值系统分析Use value 使用价值spirit value 精神价值Digital age 数字化时代Information Industry(IT) 信息产业Informationism 信息论Analysis 分析Benefit-cost Analysis 效益- 成本分析Business Analysis商业分析Requirement Analysis 需求分析Sales Analysis 销售分析Shape Analysis 形式分析Statistical Analysis 统计分析Value Analysis 价值分析Synthesized Analysis 综合分析Decision Analysis 决策分析Demand Analysis 需求分析Design Analysis 设计分析Detailed Analysis 详细分析Dynamic Analysis 动态分析Factor Analysis 动态分析Feasibility Analysis 可行性分析Financial Analysis 财务分析Market Analysis 市场分析System Analysis 系统分析Predictive Analysis 预测分析Price Analysis 价格分析Procedure Analysis 过程分析Product Analysis 产品分析Quantitative Analysis 定量分析Gerrit Thomas Rietreid格里特托马斯里特维尔德Walter Gropius 沃尔特格罗皮乌斯Ramona loewy雷蒙罗维Poul HenningSen 保罗汉宁森Luigi Colani卢吉科拉尼Robert Venturi 罗伯特文丘里Arne Jacobsen 阿纳雅各布森John Ruskin 约翰拉斯金Michael Graves 米歇尔格雷夫斯Aesthetic 美学的Brands and marks商标和标志Configuration 结构Structuralism 结构主义Deconstruction解构主义Design management 设计管理GUI(Graphic User Interface)图形用户界面Context语境semiotics符号学POP(Point of purchase)促销海报。



工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文比照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (2)三、工业设计英文词汇 (2)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (4)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (5)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (6)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (6)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass 21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk-screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double-sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透亮红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不匀整uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re-paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating 28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不精确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro-plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro-plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro-plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering 42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形和背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣扬Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品书目Catalogue97. 广告支配Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标记Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规和标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 学问产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 独创专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 好用新型Utility Model设计思潮和流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms 115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 干脆脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro-deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 微小环节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re-entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot 68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光滑度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 自然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints 27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍宝油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M.F.) machine finish28. 胶装notch binding29. 胶粘装订glue binding30. 折页folding31. 配页assemble32. 插页insert33. 折叠式插页folded insert34. 烫背back baking35. 压槽knocking out the groove36. 裁切cutting37. 刷胶brush glue38. 覆膜laminating39. 压光calendering40. 套烫register gilt41. 凹凸印embossing42. 擦金bronzing43. 模切die cutting44. 封皮cover45. 扉页fly page46. 书壳book case47. 样品,样本Specimen48. 盒box49. 天地盒lid and base box50. 商标Logo51. 手册Manual;enchiridion52. 特种纸Fancy paper53. 铜版纸Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm) 54. 原色牛皮bleached Kraft paper55. 白色牛皮kraft paper56. 布纹纸Arlin57. 双灰板Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard58. 瓦楞纸Flute or corrugate59. 胶贴纸Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanent sticker60. 单粉咭C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)61. 书写纸Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm62. 粉灰咭CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)常见印刷缺陷英语词汇63. 无胶水No glue64. 有阴影Shadowing65. 胶水痕迹Glue mark66. 折叠裂开Cracked folds67. 上光不良Poor coating68. 太软Over softness69. 爆线Seam broken70. 水渍Water mark71. 盒开口Glue end flap open72. 墨色Ink color73. 油墨浓度Ink density74. 印刷不良Poor printing75. 样品有缺陷Defect sample76. 印错,印刷错误Misprint77. 纸毛(linty) Linting78. 色偏(颜色变更) Color shift79. 溅墨misting常见印刷机械英语词汇80. 印刷机printing press81. 双面单色印刷机perfecting press82. 双面多色印刷机multicolour perfecting press83. 多色印刷机multi-colour printing press84. 双色印刷机two-colour printing press85. 单色印刷机single-colour printing press86. 圆压圆印刷机rotary printing press87. 往复转印刷机reversible printing press88. 二回转印刷机two-revolution printing press89. 一回转印刷机single-revolution printing press90. 停回转印刷机stop-cylinder printing press91. 圆压平印刷机(或称平台印刷机flat-bed cylinder press92. 平压平印刷机platen press93. 卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press94. 单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press95. 丝网印刷机screen-process printing press96. 凹版印刷机intaglio printing press97. 平版印刷机planographic press98. 凸版印刷机relief printing press99. 印刷速度printing speed100. 印刷过程printing process。



图纸上常见工艺术语解释(带英文词条)常用工艺术语1 工艺基本概念1.1 一般概念1.1.1数控加工:numerical control machining根据被加工零件图样和工艺要求,编制成以数码表示的程序输入到机床的数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件和工具的相对运动,使之加工出合格零件的方法。

1.2生产对象1.2.1 原材料:raw material投入生产过程以创新产品的物质。

1.2.2主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体的材料。

1.2.3辅助材料:auxiliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体的材料。



1.2.5易损材料:quick-wear material在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效的材料。

1.2.6废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下的而对本生产对象不再有用的材料。



1.2.9棒材:bar stock金属或非金属材料通过拉延、轧制工艺获得的圆、方、六角形截面的材料。




1.2.13模压件:molded parts利用模具压制的工件。


1.2.15合格品:accepted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求的制品。

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工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文对照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (3)三、工业设计英文词汇 (4)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (8)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (10)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (11)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (12)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk-screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double-sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透明红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不均匀uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re-paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不准确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro-plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro-plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro-plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形与背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣传Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品目录Catalogue97. 广告计划Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标志Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规与标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 知识产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 发明专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 实用新型Utility Model设计思潮与流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 直接脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro-deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 细节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re-entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光洁度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 天然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍珠油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M.F.) machine finish28. 胶装notch binding29. 胶粘装订glue binding30. 折页folding31. 配页assemble32. 插页insert33. 折叠式插页folded insert34. 烫背back baking35. 压槽knocking out the groove36. 裁切cutting37. 刷胶brush glue38. 覆膜laminating39. 压光calendering40. 套烫register gilt41. 凹凸印embossing42. 擦金bronzing43. 模切die cutting44. 封皮cover45. 扉页fly page46. 书壳book case47. 样品,样本Specimen48. 盒box49. 天地盒lid and base box50. 商标Logo51. 手册Manual;enchiridion52. 特种纸Fancy paper53. 铜版纸Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm)54. 原色牛皮bleached Kraft paper55. 白色牛皮kraft paper56. 布纹纸Arlin57. 双灰板Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard58. 瓦楞纸Flute or corrugate59. 胶贴纸Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanentsticker60. 单粉咭C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)61. 书写纸Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm62. 粉灰咭CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)常见印刷缺陷英语词汇63. 无胶水No glue64. 有阴影Shadowing65. 胶水痕迹Glue mark66. 折叠破裂Cracked folds67. 上光不良Poor coating68. 太软Over softness69. 爆线Seam broken70. 水渍Water mark71. 盒开口Glue end flap open72. 墨色Ink color73. 油墨浓度Ink density74. 印刷不良Poor printing75. 样品有缺陷Defect sample76. 印错,印刷错误Misprint77. 纸毛(linty) Linting78. 色偏(颜色改变) Color shift79. 溅墨misting常见印刷机械英语词汇80. 印刷机printing press81. 双面单色印刷机perfecting press82. 双面多色印刷机multicolour perfecting press83. 多色印刷机multi-colour printing press84. 双色印刷机two-colour printing press85. 单色印刷机single-colour printing press86. 圆压圆印刷机rotary printing press87. 往复转印刷机reversible printing press88. 二回转印刷机two-revolution printing press89. 一回转印刷机single-revolution printing press90. 停回转印刷机stop-cylinder printing press91. 圆压平印刷机(或称平台印刷机flat-bed cylinder press92. 平压平印刷机platen press93. 卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press94. 单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press95. 丝网印刷机screen-process printing press96. 凹版印刷机intaglio printing press97. 平版印刷机planographic press98. 凸版印刷机relief printing press99. 印刷速度printing speed100. 印刷过程printing process。
