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Dacheng, whether to work or get along with partners, sincere attitude is the most impressive that he give a person. Dacheng in his career or trainee when dad opposition, but he persisted in his dream. Dacheng in a deep voice singing, is the best bigbang in terms of singing skills, the level of the most stable person always brings infinite joy
尚品位与前卫穿着也是韩国首屈一指的。 2007年他创作的《谎言》以及2008年创作
的《一天一天》都横扫韩国各大排行 榜,在当时的韩国无论男女老少都会 哼唱一句《谎言》,可见其影响力。
Music very outstanding, also has world-class level of Rap. Has the very high popularity Appearance handsome cool, personality is the convulsions of funny. TOP in the team as a Rap and B Box, he began at an early age in underground band playing the role as Rap, along the way, through a lot, but never change the ideal, for him, Rap is a part of life.
2009MAMA颁奖礼-年度专辑大赏 2009Melon颁奖礼-年度专辑大赏 2009KKCA最佳男歌手大赏 2009第42影节最佳新人&人气奖 2011百想艺术赏最佳新人&人气奖 2011新加坡e乐最受欢迎韩国歌手 届日本有线大奖最佳新人 2009第51届日本歌谣大赏最佳新人 2010MTV Japan颁奖礼‘3冠王’ 2010联合国GlobalUnityAward大奖 2010MAMA颁奖礼-最佳男歌手大赏 2010Allkpop Awards-最佳男歌手 2010青龙电影节最佳新人&人气奖 2010大钟电
在团体中担任领舞,亦是主唱 之一。曾发行数张个人专辑, 音乐实力相当出众。 胜利是BigBang中最小的, 却是这个组合中无论在什么方 面都有着突出的几个风格的成 员。 年龄最小的胜利,在很多时 候有着超越年龄成熟的一面。 成员之间不和谐是会主动去化 解。
bigbang vocalist dance, stage name "Not to anyone else but for yourself. Don't let yourself down, want to target." He said: "I am the sun, there is no rises." In order to can stand on the stage, dong yong pei has been trying to.
2006年8月发行的首张单曲碟一 举成名。 2007年推出首张专辑主打歌《谎 言》 2008年专辑主打横扫歌坛。 均有队长G-Dragon谱词谱曲。
Their captain QuanZhiLong (GD) with world-class level and outstanding composer to Rap. He is Bigbang album producer. HIP - POP has become part of his body, but absolutely can't find general after 80 teenager pamper fickleness. Selection of Seoul in 2011, the United States is the greatest city of reason, the existence of \"QuanZhiLong\" impressively in the column. 他们的队长 权志龙(GD)拥有世界级 He can talk to any one model than the wear, also Rap水平和出色的作词作曲才能。他是 did not dare to compare with a south Korean star, Bigbang专辑的制作人。 South Korea, its extraordinary fashion taste and HIP-POP已经成为了他身体的一部分, avant-garde dress is second to none. 但是绝对找不到一般80后少年的娇纵浮躁。 In 2007 his \"lies\" and 2008 \"day\" has swept 在2011年美国评选的首尔是最伟大城 across South Korea's big list, at the time of the 市的理由,“权志龙的存在”赫然在列。 south Korean men and women, old and young 他可以跟任何一个模特比穿着,同时也没 can hum a \"lie\", shows its influence. 有一个韩国明星敢与之相比,其出众的时
BIGBANG,king of K-POP,is from South Korea. Their distinctive style affecten everyone. Augest 19, 2006 saw their debut at the concert of the YG family’s 10th anniversary
【权志龙】作为BIGBANG的一员是一段能使得自己更加成熟的时间,就算是回到像最 初那样子活动也很开心。我也不是什么都追求第一,只是不喜欢第二罢了。就算竭尽全 力也无法做到的事情,必须懂得在合适的时候放弃。这个世界上没有值得你因为迷恋而 一直愚忠下去的事情。 as a member of the BIGBANG is a can make yourself more mature time, even back to like the initial activities is also very happy. I also not is what all the pursuit of the first, just don't like second. And try our best to will not do, must know at the right time to let go. This world is not worth you because love and continue to be blind loyalty. 【东永裴】BIGBANG就是BIGBANG,不管别人怎么看我们,我们是我们。BIGBANG 就是BIGBANG,不管别人怎么看我们,我们是我们。 BIGBANG BIGBANG is, no matter how others see us, we are we. BIGBANG BIGBANG is, no matter how others see us, we are we. 【姜大成】我在10年后也会与BIGBANG的成员在一起。当你成为艺人之后,人们总是 只看光鲜亮丽的那个你,并认为你时时刻刻都是阳光的向上的。他们不知道我们的另一 面,那面身心伤痕累累,孤独无奈的自己。 I will be in 10 years with BIGBANG members together. When you become a artist, people always see only glamorous that you, and think of you every moment of the day is the sun up. They don't know the other side of our face physical and mental scars, lonely helpless.
The brilliance of BIGBANG(BIGBANG的辉煌)
BIGBANG’s main achievement
2007首尔歌谣大赏-大赏 2007首尔歌谣大赏-音源大赏 2007MKMF颁奖礼-年度歌曲&编曲 2007MKMF颁奖礼-最佳男子组合赏 2008MKMF颁奖礼-最佳男子组合赏 2008MKMF颁奖礼-音源大赏 2008MKMF颁奖礼-年度歌手大赏 2008首尔歌谣大赏-最佳唱片大赏 2008首尔歌谣大赏-本赏
音乐实力相当出众, 同样拥有世界级Rap水 平。 拥有极高人气 外型俊朗冷酷,性格 却是的抽风搞笑。 TOP在队中担任的是 Rap和B-Box,他在很 小的时候就开始在地 下乐队担任Rap的角色, 一路走来,经历了很 多是非,但是从未改 变理想,对他来说, Rap就是生命中的一部 分。
In groups as a dance, and it is one of the lead singer. Once offer personal album, impressive music power. Victory is the smallest of BigBang, no matter in what way is this set up, with prominent members of several styles. The victory of the youngest, most of the time is beyond the age of maturity. Disharmony between members is actively to resolve.
东永裴,bigbang主唱领舞,艺名太 阳 “不是为了其他任何人而是因为自己。 不让自己失望,想要以此为目标。” 他说:“我的太阳,现在还没有升 起。” 为了可以站在舞台上,东永裴一 直努力着。
大成,无论是对待工作还是 与伙伴相处,真诚的态度是 他给人的最深刻印象。大成 在还是练习生的时候就遭到 爸爸反对出道,但是他还是 坚持着自己的梦想。 大成用浑厚的声音演唱, 堪称bigbang中唱功最棒,水 平最稳定的人总是给人带来 无限欢乐
这是我爱的BIGBANG This is bigbang I love it
【BIGBANG】我们只有通过我们的音乐,才能努力的成为一个让人骄傲的组合。 我们想一直给大家展示一个自由奔放的舞台。一个只有BIGBANG才能展示的舞台。 作为BIGBANG的一员是一段能使得自己更加成熟的时间,就算是回到像最初那样子活 动也很开心 We want to have to show you a free-spirited arena. A showcase only BIGBANG. As a member of the BIGBANG is a can make yourself more mature time, even back to like the initial activities is also very happy 【崔胜铉】谦逊和自卑是不同的。谁都拥有能够飞向耀眼天空的翅膀,只是不要忘了 那个隐形的翅膀是根据“自己爱自己而产生的原动力”来启动的。 Humility and inferiority is different. Who has the wing to fly to the bright sky, just don't forget the invisible wings is according to the "prime movers" as a result of the love themselves to start. 【李胜贤】流泪的人对待幸福反而会有更大的感觉,而现在的哭泣也都只是为了下次 的笑容。 Tears people treated it will feel more happiness, and now the cry of are just to smile next time.
• 韩国著名团体,KPOP界领军人物。 他们与众不同的音 乐风格感染着每个 人。于2006年YG family 10 周年演唱 会上正式出道。
BIGBANG made a hit by issuing their debut album in August,2006 In 2007 ,they released their title song – Lies ,which retook the airwaves for Korean singers