一、钻井作业1.钻台构造,设备,器材类:drilling equipment mast,derrickfree standing mast drill floorv-doormonkey board substructure mouse hole,rat hole gin polesetbackcrown block travelling block hookswivelpower swivel draw worksrotary tablekellykelly cockdrum shaftcat headcat linedeadline anchor sand line 钻井装置,钻机井架无绷绳轻便井架钻台坡板,井架大门二层台井架底座鼠洞人字架立根盒天车游动滑车大钩水龙头动力水龙头绞车转盘方钻杆方钻杆滚动轴猫头猫头绳死绳固定装置捞绳器work line,drilling linedeadlinetongpower tongkelly drivesafety clampelevatorcenter latch elevatorelevatorchain blockair hoistbushingmaster bushinginside BOPpipe wrenchlifting subkelly spinnergeolograph cablejacketfinger boardsliprotary slippower slip大绳死绳大钳动力大钳方钻杆滚子补心安全卡子吊卡中开门吊卡吊环倒链气动绞车补心转盘大补心回压凡尔管子扳手提升短节方钻杆旋转器气测引绳导管架指梁卡瓦转盘卡瓦动力卡瓦2.钻头 3.组合Bitcone bittri-cone bitbit noggle insert bit milled teeth bit diamond bit conebit breaker hole openner 钻头牙轮钻头三牙轮钻头钻头水眼镶式钻头铣齿钻头金刚石钻头牙轮钻头装卸器drilling assemblydrill stringsdrill stembit substabiligerwing stabiligerreamerdrill pipe(drill collar)heavy weight drill pipecrossover sub钻具组合钻杆柱钻柱钻头接头扶正器翼状扶正器辊轮扶正器钻杆(钻铤)加重钻杆bit bearingbit diameterbit lifebit gaugebit teeth(type) bit wear noggle size noggle efficiency bit cost(time) midco bit 扩眼器钻头轴承钻头直径钻头寿命钻头规钻头齿钻头磨损水眼尺寸水眼效率钻头成本刮刀钻头shock subjars(rotary jars)bumper subpup jointjoint(stant)casing scraperwall scrapertaper millingfriction jointcasing centralizer配合接头减震器震击器缓冲器短节,短管单根(立柱)套管清刮器井壁刮刀锥形铣刀耐磨短节套管扶正器4.泥浆循环A.循环系统B.水力学mud pump duplex slush pump triplex slush.. piston(cylinder)l iner(piston rod) air chamber rotary hosemud return line standpipeelbow(tee)crosssuction line shale shakermud gun desander desilter degasser centrifugal pump mud agitator goose neckmud linehoppermud tank suction tank 泥浆泵双缸泥浆泵三缸泥浆泵活塞(气缸)缸套(活塞杆)空气包泥浆水龙带泥浆返出管立管弯接头(三通)十字接头,十字管上水(吸水)管线泥浆振动筛泥浆枪除砂器除泥器脱气器离心泵泥浆搅拌器鹅颈管泥浆管线漏斗泥浆池吸入缸circulationnormal circulationreverse circulationfilling up mudcirculation rateannulusannular velocityannular return velocitycirculating pressurehydrostatic pressuremud columnpressure of mud columnpressure losssurge pressureswab pressurepressure gradientpressure equilibriumslip velocitycritical velocitycoefficient of frictionbottom hole pressurepressure loss in pipepressure loss in annulusvolume inside pipe循环正循环反循环灌泥浆循环速度环形空间环隙流速泥浆返回速度循环压力静水压力泥浆柱泥浆柱压力压力损失压力冲击抽吸压力压力梯度压力平衡沉降速度临界速度摩擦系数井底压力管内压力损失环空压力损失管内容量reserve pitsludge tank chemical tankmud ditchflow linepossum velly tank pump stroke counter mud flow meter mud weight indicator fill linemixing pump supercharge pump lag time 储存池加重泥浆池化学药剂缸泥浆槽泥浆出口管计量缸泥浆补给缸泥浆泵冲数计量计泥浆流量计泥浆重量指示器灌泥浆管线混合泵灌注泥浆泵迟到时间volume of annulusmud volumereture mudpit leveldischarge of pumppump pressurepumping speedpump efficiencyflow rateshear ratelaminar flowturbulent flowplug flowpump count环形空间容量泥浆量返出泥浆泥浆液面尖排量泵压泵冲数泵效率流量剪切速度层流涡流塞流泵冲数累计C.泥浆mud conventionallime mudgypsum mud saturated salt-water seawater mud mud oil-base mud heavy viscous mud heavy mud weighted mudlight-weight mud lignate mudgel-mudD.泥浆处理剂additive chemicals chemical treatment weight material viscosifier dispersing agent emulsifierwetting agent 泥浆普通泥浆石灰泥浆石膏泥浆饱和盐水泥浆海水泥浆油基泥浆高粘度泥浆重泥浆加重泥浆轻泥浆铁铬盐胶质泥浆泥浆处理剂处理剂,添加剂化学剂化学处理加重剂增加剂分散剂,稀释剂乳化剂湿润剂surface-active materiallignateCMCbentonitebaritemicalimesodium bichromatepotassium chlorateasbestosE.泥浆性质及其它cuttingsbottom upfilter cakedehydrationWL.water lossformationGEL.gel strengthGELO initial gel strengthGELIO ten-minutes gelmud conditioningphenolphthalein表面活性剂铁铬盐钠-羧基纤维素土粉,膨润土重晶石云母石灰重铬酸钠氯化钾石棉岩屑携带岩屑泥饼失水失水量破坏地层切力初切力终切力处理泥浆,配泥浆酚酞stabiliging agent calcium remover filtration-reducing PH control addirive lubricant defoamer emulsion breaker detergentLCM 稳定剂除钙剂降失水剂PH控制剂润滑剂消泡剂破乳剂洗涤剂堵漏剂viscosityPV plastic viscosityAV apparent viscosityYP yield pointContamination of mudSolid contentSand contentGas cutClay contamination粘度塑性粘度视粘度(表观粘度)屈服点泥浆污染固体含量含砂量气侵粘土侵5.丝扣类tool jointthreadbox(pin) couplingREG reagularFll full holeIF internal flush upsetIU internal upsec EU external upsec Internal-external upsec Flash welded tool joint thread protecter tightetloosenmake upbreak outthread dope 钻杆接头丝扣母扣(公扣)联接器正规扣贯眼扣内平扣加厚内加厚外加厚内—外加厚闪光焊接接头护丝上紧放松上扣卸扣丝扣油mud weightalkalinityaciditycolloidgelpolymermud densitymud testingfiltration test apparatufilter papermud balanceV-G meterfunnel viscometermud retortsand content settest paperwhipstockcasing perforatorream泥浆比重,泥浆重量碱性酸性胶体凝胶聚合物泥浆密度泥浆测试失水量测定器滤纸泥浆比重计直接指示粘度计漏斗粘度计泥浆蒸馏器砂量测定器试纸造斜器套管射孔器划眼6.作业A.一般作业drillingworking instruction POH.pull out of the hole RIH.run in the hole trip 钻进作业命令起钻下钻起下钻B.取心corecoringcore bitcore barreliner barrel岩心取心工作取心钻头取心筒内取心筒short trip oppenning reamingdeviation survey completion multiple complation perforationleak off testlay downsetting slippulling slip latching elevator unlatching elevator cut off workline standbywait on weather wait on material change bithole straightening wiper tripwork the pipe up&down nipple up well head rig up(down)短起下钻扩眼划眼测斜完井多层完井射孔漏失试验甩,放倒座卡瓦起卡瓦挂上(门上)吊卡打开吊卡切断大绳待机等候气象等候器材换钻头纠正井眼,纠斜通井上下活动钻杆安装井口安装(拆卸)钻机outer barrelcore catchercore handling toolscore recoveryC.打捞fishingfishing jobfishing toolsjunk basketfishing jarsfishing bumper subback offdie collarovershotsafety jointmetal petal basketcasing bowlmilling tooljunk basketretrieve core外取心筒岩心爪取心工具取心收获率打捞打捞作业打捞工具打捞蓝打捞用震击器打捞用缓冲器倒扣打捞卡瓦,打捞杯打捞筒安全接头花篮套管打捞筒铣具打捞蓝岩心出筒7.钻井事故和现象8.钻井参数类,仪器类drilling troublelost circulationzone of lost circulation to stop lost circulation kickkick controlblow outpit drillinside BOP drill killing a wellstuckfree pointfreepipe 井下事故井漏漏失层堵漏井涌控制井涌井喷防喷演习安装回压凡尔演习压井卡钻,被卡自由点未卡部分钻柱weight indicatorhook loadhook posi t ionhook load off bottomweight in airweight in mudbuoyancy coefficienton bottomoff bottomdepthtable heightkelly downkelly up指重表大钩负荷大钩位置钻柱不接触井底的大气中的重量泥浆中的重量浮力系数接触井底离开井底井深转盘高度方入方余calulating free point differential pressuresticking key seatkey-seating sticking bottom fillsand bridgeover pullingdragball upcane-intwist offerode outdrilling break residual oil saturated 卡点深度计算压差卡钻粘附卡钻键槽键槽卡钻沉砂砂桥遇卡遇阻泥包坍塌扭断,脱扣刺坏钻进突变进尺突然加快残油饱和烃kelly down depthvertical depthweight on bitbit positionrotary speedtorquetale torque metertong torque meterbit torquerevolutionrate of penetration drillingworking pressure ratioton-miledrilling costmake up torquepressure gagedrilling recorder方入井深垂直深度钻压钻头位置转盘转数扭矩转盘扭矩表大钳扭矩表钻头扭矩转数钻速工作压力吨—里钻头成本上扣扭矩压力表钻井记录仪9.气测,录井参数仪器mud logginggas chromatography gas showingoil showinggas cutgas analysistotal gas connection fluorescencegas in mudC1.methaneC2.ethaneC3.propaneC4.butaneiC4.iso-butanenC4.normal-butane C5.pentaneiC5.iso-pentane degasser effici e ncy 气测、泥浆录井气体色谱仪气显示油显示气侵气体分析气体全量接单根气荧光反应泥浆中气量甲烷乙烷丙烷丁烷异丁烷正丁烷戊烷异戊烷脱气器效率drier.dring ovenfloatlimit switchproximity switchcable.wirelineconnecterterminallag timesampling depthsampling intervaltripping timemud weightmud temperaturemud resistivitymud conductivitygeothermal gradientcasing burst pressureshut in drill pipe pressureshut in casing pressure干燥器浮筒极限开关非接触式开关电缆联结器接线柱、线端迟到时间取样深度取样间距起下钻时间泥浆密度泥浆温度泥浆电阻率泥浆导电率温度梯度套管破坏压力关井钻杆压力关井套管压力shale density bulk density grain density computer hardware software input(output) sensor densimeter 页岩密度计算密度颗粒密度电子计算机硬件软件输入(输出)传感器密度仪pit volume increasedrift angledog leg ratiodeclinationpit level meterqualitative analysisquantitative a n alysis泥浆增加量倾角狗腿率倾斜,偏差泥浆液面计定性分析定量分析10.钻井其它用语open hole,bore hole straight well directional well baffle platebrakebrake lining inertia brake running tooltie back tool clutch transmission machine oil greaseturbo-drill bearingshallow gasMSL mean sea level formationslow pump thrristor 裸眼直井眼定向井、斜井挡盘,承托环刹车刹车片惯性刹车下入工具回接工具离合器传动装置,变速器机器油黄油涡轮钻具轴承浅层气平均海平面地层低速泵可控硅total depthhole sizebore hole wallbottom holetour(游).shift(移动,更换)morning tournight tourdrilling logchoke manifoldchoke linekill manifoldkill linevalveback pressure valvecheck valvesafety valvegate valvebatterfly valvedump valve总深度井眼尺寸井壁井底班早班夜班钻井记录阻流管汇阻流管线压井管汇压井管线阀,阀门回压阀,单向阀单流凡尔(阀)安全阀闸阀蝶阀放泄阀二、下套管三、固井casingrun casing casing program grade buttress 套管下套管套管程序级,等级梯形扣cementingcementcement slurryinner string cementingstage cementing固井水泥水泥浆内管注水泥分级注水泥extrem linecasing monkey boad casing tong casing elevatorslip-type elevator side door elevator singlecasing sub centraliger collapsedriftingdrift mandrel conductor pipe drive piperiserpile hammer hammer joint bucklingmud line nanger linerliner hanger offshore hammer 螺纹联结的箍套管平台套管大钳套管吊卡卡瓦式吊卡侧开式吊卡卡盘套管接头套管扶正器压坏,破坏通径通径规导管击入管隔水管打桩机锤击接头压曲泥线悬挂器尾管尾管挂器海洋打桩机plugging back cementingcement flushsquee z e cementingportland cementgel-cementahead waterbehind watercement slurry for leadcement slurry for tailspacermixing wateradditiveretarderacceleretoreconolitesilica flourdisplaceWOC.wait on cementline testline cleaningcementing pumptop of the cement回堵注水泥水泥冲洗挤水泥硅酸盐水泥(普通水)胶质水泥先行水末端水先行水泥浆末端水泥浆隔离液溶解水处理水缓凝水促凝水水玻璃硅粉替候凝管线试压清洗管线固井泵水泥面excess returnback pressure stab in adapter cementing line surge tank float collar float shoe guide shoe casing shoe Dv collar plugplug container free fall plug 附加量返出水泥浆回压插入密封接头固井管线缓冲缸浮箍浮鞋引鞋套管鞋分级注水泥短节水泥塞水泥头自由下落胶塞single ramdouble rampipe rambind ramshear ramBOP stackflangelocking flangetie-domn flangeadapter flangebolt(nut)packingplastic packingring gasket单阀梅式防喷器双阀梅式防喷器闸梅式防喷器全封闭式防喷器全封枚式防喷器装好的井口防喷装置法兰盘锁紧法兰盘系紧法兰盘异径法兰盘螺丝(螺母)密封垫塑料密封圈钢圈,垫圈shut off plug openning bomb closing plugby-pass plugshut off baffle cement basket circulation headjet mixerfloat valve四.井口作业well headwell dead assembly bell nippleBOP.blow out prevent accumlatorbay type BOP 封闭胶塞开孔胶塞关闭胶塞旁通封闭承托板水泥汆循环接头水泥混合漏斗浮阀井口井口装置井口喇叭管防喷器储能器万能防喷器clampwear bushingcasing headspool.drilling spoolcasing spooltubing spooltubing headreducerplug testercup testerfunction testsealleaktubing hangerpressure test夹子保护套,法兰保护套管头四通套管四通油管四通油管头大小头注塞式试验器杯式试验器功能试压密封,封堵漏,泄漏油管挂试压五.电测electric logging logging program logging tool spontaneous potent--ial log IES.induction--Electrical survey DLL.dual induction-laterolog ILM.medium induction-log IDL.deep invetiga---tion induction log formation conductivities geometric factor invated gone invation diameterded respons borehole response micro log 电测测井程序测井仪器自然电位测井感应测井双感应测井中感应测井深感应测井地层电导率几何因子侵入带侵入直径地层响应井眼响应微电极测井BHTV.borehole televiewersonic waveradioactivity loggamma rayneutrongamma ray logside wall neutron loghydrogen indexdensity loggamma-gamma logdensity toolneutron lifetime logdiplogdipmetercaliper logstick plotagimuth frequency plotdifferential temperature--logborehole fluid sampler井下电视声波放射性测井伽玛射线中子射线自然伽玛测井井壁中子测井含氧指数密度测井伽玛—伽玛测井密度测井仪中子寿命测井地层倾角测井地层倾角仪井径测井短棒图方们频度图微差井温测井井下流体取样器microlaterolog proximity log laterologsonic logamplitude logCBL.cement bond log VDL.variable density log BHC.borehole compen s atedsonic log depth scalecontact device 微侧向测井临近侧向测井侧向测井声波测井声幅测井检验固井质量测井变密度测井井眼补偿声波测井深度比例尺贴井壁仪器radiactive tracer loganalog recordphotographic recordingsurface calibrationdomnhole calibrationwell site calibrationlogging cablesingle conductorseven conductor cablecable drumeccentering armwell shooting放射性示踪测井模拟记录照相记录地面刻度井下刻度井场刻度测井电缆单芯七芯电缆电缆液筒偏心臂,推靠器地震测井Temperature log CST.chrondogical-sample taler RFT.repeat pormationtester explosiveblasting capgun of perforation core gunpullrytubing puncher bridge plug六.试油1.试油仪器tubingchristmas tree packerchokeadjustadle choke master valvechoke manifoldflow line separaterburnerblower 温度测井井壁取心电缆式地层测试炸药雷管射孔枪取心器滑轮油管射孔器桥塞油管采油树封隔器油嘴可调油嘴总闸门试油树,油阻管汇出油管,输油管分离器燃烧器鼓风机landing nippleperforated nippleseal nippleno-go nipplelocatorentry guidenuckle jointstuffing boxchiksan jointhydro-spring testerpump-out reversingslip joint subshear pinamerada gagebottom-hole semplerequalzing valveproduction platfrom2.试油的一般词汇collect dataflow testflowflow rateflowing pressurewell-head pressurebottom-hole pressure联顶短节带孔短节密封短节终端短节定位器进入导向铰链接头,快速双联防喷盒,盘根盒活动弯头液压弹簧测验仪反循环接头伸缩联接安全销井底压力计井底取样器平衡阀采油平台取数据流量试验放喷流量流动压力井口压力井底压力wireline unit lubricator sliding side door downhole tool shifting tool needle valve flow meter level meter 试井绞车试井绞车防喷盒滑套循环接头下井工具变位工具针形阀流量计液位器well-head flowing pressurebottom-hole flowing pressuretubing pressurecasing pressurepressure declineshut-inshut-in pressurepressure gradient井口流压井底流压油管压力套管压力压力降关井关井压力压力梯度reservoir pressure hydrostatic pressure bottom-hole temperature temperature gradient geothermal gradient thermal expansion pour pointstatic pressurebuild-upbuild-up curveGOR gas oil ratiodraw downdraw-down test fkowing lifenatural flowinch watergas gravityolifice platechartcalibration conversion chart functionscanningproduction test injection testDST drill stem test acidifingkill the wellproduction(daily production)油层压力静水压力井底温度温度梯度地温梯度热膨胀流动点静压压力恢复压力恢复曲线油气比压力差稳定排液法自喷期自喷英寸水柱天然气比重测气孔板卡片,卡板刻度换算图表函数,功能扫描试油注入试验中途测试,地层测试酸化处理压井gas reservoircondensatewell cleaningformation damagefracturesand troubleswabbingbubblebreak downdry holeair bathassociated gasflare stackcarbonic acid gasspent acidoil fenceemulsifying agentemulsion breakerwater cushionstripper welldecline of production七.废井,拖航1.废井abondoned wellmarine cutterreleasing spear2.拖航towing气层凝析油洗井生产层损坏压裂砂堵抽吸气泡破裂干井气浴伴生气火舌管二氧化碳废酸油垣乳化剂破乳剂水垫低产井产量下降报废井水力割刀套管打捞矛拖航oil reservoir产量(口产量)油层main tug boat主拖轮tow line marker buoy slowing buoy location buoy mooring rope locationon location anchor winch mileknot headingjack upjack down jacking system 拖缆,拖绳指点浮标抛标井位浮标系泊绳,龙须缆井位定位锚机英里节,海里航向,船首的方向升船降船升降系统semisubmersible drilling unitcranesubmerged pumpdesolinatorboilergeneratorplunger pumpfuel oil tankwaist oil tankbilge tankhulldeckhelicopter portpipe rack半潜式钻井船吊车潜水泵造水机锅炉发电机柱塞泵燃料缸污油缸船底水舱船身甲板飞机平台管架legair gapjetingpre-load testebb tidehigh tidestrandmatmudcurrenttide八.钻井船1.设备,空间drilling bargejack-up type drilling unit 桩腿气隙冲沉垫压载平潮涨潮搁浅沉垫浮泥游泥海流潮流钻井船自升式钻井船center rackpipe yardstarboadthe port sideliving quarterengine roomofficejack housecontrol roomhatchdog houseturbineturbine generatorturbo-jet engine中间管架管子站右航左航居住区机舱办公室升降室控制室升降口值班室涡轮涡轮发电机涡轮喷气式发电机2.工具,器材hammer wrench pincers 锤扳钳子3.机械部分partso-ringgasket零件密封圈密封衬垫wirenailhoselineflexible joint shacklepaintanglestainless steel fresh waterdrill water portable water gasolinediesel oil lubricating oil grease machine oil aviation fuel antifreefes welding electrode bench clamp scissors tweezers adhesive tape tape measure refrigerant 钢丝钉子软管管线挠性接头猫卸扣,联接环油漆角钢不锈钢淡水钻井水饮料水汽油柴油润滑油黄油机油航油不冻液焊条台钳剪子,剪刀镊子胶布,橡皮膏卷尺,皮尺制冷剂packingwasherlockwasherboltnutpinroll pinslip ringretaineradaptersubrodconnectorunionpulleygearclampmandrelshaftspringscrewscrewdriverholdersupportcoversocketspare parts衬垫,填密垫圈锁紧垫圈螺栓螺母销子滚销滑环挡环接头短节杆联接器联管节滑轮,(滑轮)槽齿轮夹子心轴轴弹簧螺钉螺丝刀,改锥支承支架外壳插座备件4.人员superviser interpreter drilling crew drilling foreman tool pusher tour tool pusher driller asistant driller derrick man 监督翻译钻井队员钻井队长钻井技师领班司钻副司钻井架工mm millimeterin inchft feetmilel literkilolitertong gramkg kilogram毫米英寸英尺英里升,公升千斤吨克千克,公斤floor man drilling engineer drilling technician mud engineer mechanic roustabout weldercrane operator electriciandivercookdoctormaterial man barge engineer radio operator 5.单位M.meterKm.kilometer Cm.centimeter 钻台工钻井工程师钻井技术员泥浆工程师机械工,机工装卸工,水手电焊工吊车工电工潜水员炊事员大夫材料员平台工程师电报员米千米,公里厘米gal gallonbbl barrellengthareaibs poundvolumemesurmentweight6.行为hitpushpull.drawtie knotunfasten,loosentake offput,laylift,raiseget down加仑桶长度面积磅体积容积重量打推拉系上解开拆卸放起,举,升下,降brush,polishput in ordermeasurethrow awaythrowcut offweldingspot weldingtake place,shiftput dope on,grease up maintenanceoverhaulpreservationinstall,rig up,settake off,rig down operate,runtearing down,disassemb lying cleaning 擦整理量,测量扔掉扔,投割断,切断电焊点焊交替抹油保养维修大修安全安装拆卸开,操作拆下清洗,清扫supply boatloadingunloadinghelicopterbeaconV.II.FFdrop anchorpick up anchor.pull anchorwelky talkyvariable loadcontractorpalletsafety belthelmetflash lightlife boatlife raftlife jacket供应船装船卸船直升飞机导航仪高频电话抛锚起锚对讲机可变载荷承包者货架安全带安全帽手电筒救生艇救生筏救生衣repair7.现象be broken,be damaged out of order,trouble wearnormalabnormal8.其他spud-inrig uprig down 修理破坏,出毛病故障磨损正常异常开钻安装钻机拆卸钻机draftalarmmooringsounding gaugefan ductair ventanchorguide railhandrailby-passstormsafety factor吃警报系留,系泊测深管通风导管通气锚导轨栏杆,扶手旁通风暴安全系数typhoon stresserrorsewage suspended well wild cat exploratory well appraisal well contract exploration sludge stratigraphic test stand-by time nitrogendockswitch 台风应力误差污水暂停初探井,野猫井详探井详探井合同勘探污泥基准井等候时间氮船*开关boringpollutionballast controlstrainhydraulicradioweather forecastswelldrilling reportstepsaboardrustlathestand-by boatpanelrecorderpower source钻孔污染调整压载变形液压无线电气象预报涌钻井报表扶梯靠船锈车床值班船面板记录仪电源九.地质1.岩石,形状sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks matamorphic rocks sandsandstone 沉积岩火成岩变质岩砂砂岩carbonate rocklimestonesand limestonehalitechert碳酸盐岩石灰岩砂质石灰岩盐岩燧石siltsiltstonequartjite calcareous sandstone tuffaceous sandstone clayshalemudstone Dolomite MaristoneCoalEvaporites Grpsum AnhydriteDioriteGabbroPeridotite Porphyrybasaltslatmarbleschistserpentinegneissmicatuffaitecoquina glauconite hornffelsbiotitefine sand medium sand coarse sand 粉砂粉砂岩石英岩钙质砂岩凝灰质砂岩粘土页岩泥岩白云岩泥灰岩煤蒸发盐岩石膏硬石膏闪长岩辉长岩橄榄岩斑岩玄武岩枚岩大理岩片岩蛇纹岩片麻岩云母层凝灰岩贝壳灰岩海绿岩角页岩黑云母细粒砂中粒砂粗粒砂tuffgranitedaciterhypliteandesitedoleritehornblendegreen tufffeldsparorthoclseagglomeratepumisescoriapyritemagnetitecaloitezeolitegyain sizegranulepebbleboulderconglomeratebricciahardsoftcompastlooseporousangularroundlignitebentonitekaolinitekaolin凝灰岩花岗岩英安岩流纹岩安山岩粒玄岩角闪石绿色凝灰岩长石正长石集块岩浮石火山渣黄铁矿磁铁矿方解石沸石粒度细砾中砾巨砾砾石角砾石硬软细致,致密疏松多孔的有棱角圆的褐煤膨润土,膨润岩高岭石高岭土carbon disculfide plate tectonics syncline 二硫化碳板块构造向斜Stratifiedcross bedingcross spread层状的交错层交叉排列geanticline geosycline synclinorium anticlinoriumnose structure inelined anticline recumbent anticline overturned anticline asymmetrical anticline fractureactive faultreverse faultlateral migration vertical migration stratificationfalse bedingbeding plane 地背斜地向斜复向斜复背斜鼻状构造倾斜背斜伏卧背斜倒转背斜不对称背斜断裂活断层逆断层横向运移垂直运移层理假层理层理面lenticular sand trappermeability trapstratigraphic trapstructural trapreef trappinch out trapstrikeepeirogenetic movementorogeniccementationdiagenesissedimentary basinmarine depositsstructual lowsubsurface structural mapseismic section透镜状圈闭渗透状圈闭地层圈闭构造圈闭礁块圈闭尖灭圈闭走向造陆运动造山运动胶结作用成岩作用沉积盆地海相沉积构造凹陷地下构造图地震剖面图2.地史3.测井解释geologic ageeraperiodepochagesystemseriesstagestraigraphic succession Ar.archaeozoic era Pt.proterozoic era Pz.paleozoic era∈.cambrian period O.ordovician period S.silurian periodD.devonian period C.carboniferous period P.permian period Mz.Mesozoic era 地质年代代纪世期系统阶地层层序太古代元古代古生代寒武纪奥陶纪志留纪泥盆纪石炭纪二叠纪中生代log interpretationcompacted sandsoft formationtight formationintervalp ermable formationrock matrixformation water resistivitytrur formation resistivitysalinity of formation waterporositygross porosityfracture porositysecondary porosityeffective porositywater saturationresidual oil saturationmoveable hydrocarbonresidual hydrocarbon测井解释压实的砂岩软地层致密的地层井段渗透层岩石骨架地层水电阻率地层电阻率地层水的矿化度孔隙度总孔隙度裂缝孔隙度次生孔隙度有效孔隙度含水饱和度残余油饱和度可动油气残余油气T.triassic period J.jorassic period K.cretaceous period Kz.Cenozoic era E.paleogene period N.neogene period R.trtiary period Q.quaternary period 三叠纪侏罗纪白垩纪新生代早第三纪晚第三纪第三纪第四纪boffom hole teamperaturelogarithmic scalehybrid scalehybrid linear-exponential scalemovable oil curveresitivity-porpsitycross plottinglitho-porosity cross plotepilog井底温度对数比例尺混合比例尺线性—指数混合比例尺可动油曲线电阻率—孔隙度交绘图法岩性—孔隙度交绘图最终成果测井解释图4.其它reservoir source rock source bed trapcap rockgas cap basement rocks closurefolddomal structure faultfa u lt trap antiline antiline strata unconformity 储油层生油层生油层油捕,圈闭盖层气顶基岩闭合构造褶皱圆顶,穹隆断层断层圈闭背斜,背斜构造背斜层不整合upliftancient lifepollenfossilcrystallizationweatheringresistivitypermeabilitywater-bearing bedporeporositycontinentalgeochemistryground waterchlorine隆起古生物花粉化石结晶风化作用电阻率渗透率含水层孔隙孔隙率大陆架地球化学地下水氯。
13.Just in _____ of career preparation, a student is shortchanging himself by shortcutting the humanities
A. terms
B. items
C. clauses
D. kept off
15._____ energy can be transferred from one part of the universe to another, the total quantity of energy available is a constant
A. Like
A. set out
B. set about
C. set up
D. set aside
12.Domain names are ______ on a first-come, first-reserved basis
A. handed up
B.handed on
C.handed out
D. relieve
9.Science will be able to read an individual’s genetic code, finding how ______ she or he may be to cancer or other diseases
A. easy
B. sensitive
C. ordered
D. emptied
7.College costs have been rising ____ relative to family income level for more than a decade
a matter of 大约,大概a variety of 多种的about to 附近,大约,转向,左右,在附近,关于,在…周围,忙于absent from 缺席according as 根据,取决于according to 根据…所说,随着…而作(相应地)变更account for 解释,是…原因,总计,说出用途adapt oneself to 适应于,(使自己)习惯add up to 合计达agree on 对…达成协议,对…一致意见agree with 同意,适合ahead of 在…前面aim at 瞄准,针对all at once 突然all but 几乎,差一点all of a sudden 突然all over 全部结束,到处,浑身,十分像(口语)all over again 重新,再一遍all the same 仍然all the time 始终allow for 考虑到,体谅along with 连同…一起,随同…一起and so forth 等等and then 于是,然后and yet 可是answer for 负责,保证,符合anything but 绝不apart from 远离,除…之外appeal to 呼吁,要求,诉诸,上诉,有吸引力apply to 将…应用于approve of 赞成,满意as a matter of fact 事实上as a result 结果as a result of 做为结果as far as 远到,直到,至于as for 至于as good as 和…一样,实际上相当于…as long as 只要,在…事后as regards 关于,至于as to 关于,至于as well 倒不如,还是…的好as yet 至今aside from 除…之外ask after 探问,问候ask for 请求,寻找at a loss 困惑,亏本地at all costs=at any costs不惜任何代价,无论如何at all events 无论如何at all time 一直at a time 每次,在某时at any moment 随时at any rate 无论如何,至少at best 最多at first sight 咋一看at hand 在手边,在附近,即将到来at heart 在内心里at intervals(of) 不时,相隔一段时间at large 未被捕,详尽,普遍at length 最后,详细的at most 至多at no time 绝不at one’s disposal 由某人做主,听某人之便,受其管理,由其支配at one time 同时,曾经at present 现在目前at random 胡乱地,随便地at the cost of 以…为代价at the mercy of 受…支配at the moment 此刻at the risk of 冒…的危险at the same time 同时,但是at this rate 照此情形,如此下去at times 有时,不时attach to使依恋,把…放在attribute to 归因于back of 在…后边back up 基于be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于be attached to 附属于,喜爱be bound to 一定要…be composed of 由…组成be concerned with参与,干预be fit for 适合于be known as 被认为是be obliged to 不得不bear in mind 记住before long 不久以后begin with 首先beyond question 无可争辩blow out 吹熄,爆裂break away 突然离开,脱离,放弃,(运动中)反攻为守break down毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿,倒塌,中止,垮掉,分解break in 训练,使合用,闯入,打断,开始工作break into 破门而入,侵占break off 中断,折断,突然停止,脱落,暂停,断绝,解除break out 突发,爆发,叫嚷,使做准备,取出,倒空,(口)把…备好待用break through 突围,突破break up 打碎,破碎,分裂,结束,衰落,分解,变坏,驱散bring about 使发生,致使bring back拿回来,使回忆起来,使恢复bring down 打到,击落,打死,降低bring forth 提出,出示,展示bring forward 提出,提前,显示bring into 使开始bring into effect 实施,实现bring into operation 实施,实行bring out 使显示,出版,生产,说出bring up 教育,培养,提出,(军队等)调上来,(船)抵达目的地build up 树立增进增大阻塞burn down 烧为平地,火力减弱burn out 烧坏烧掉烧尽burn up 烧起来烧掉发怒burst out 闯出来大声喊突发but for 要不是by accident 偶然by air 通过航空by all means尽一切办法一定by analogy用类推的方法by and by 不久以后by chance 偶然意外地by comparison 比较起来by itself 单独地独立地自动地by mean of 依靠by mistake 错误地by no means 绝不by oneself 单独独立by reason of 由于因为by virtue of 依靠,由于by way of 经由作为为了call for 要求提倡为…叫喊为…叫call forth 使产生引起使起作用call off 叫走放弃使转移走依次叫名call on 号召呼吁邀请访问指派call up 召唤使想起提出打电话给care for 关怀照顾愿意计较carry into practice 实行实现carry off 夺取…生命获得成功对付carry through 进行贯彻维持catch fire 着火catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸catch sight of 瞥见catch up with 赶上逮捕处罚check in 登记报到check out 付账后离开检验合格及格check up 核对检验clear away 清除消失clear up 整理消除放晴come across 遇到come into effect 开始生效come into force 开始有效开始实行come into operation 开始工作开始运转生效come off 离开举行实现成为come on 突然产生要求成为…负担偶遇跟着来开始出台上演快点赶快come out 出来长出传出褪去被展出被解出露出罢工come round来前来绕道而来苏醒转变come through 经历脱险传出捐助come to one’s senses苏醒过来醒悟come ture实现达到come up走近上来发芽流行发生被提出上升讨论出现come up against碰到遭遇come up to达到符合比得上等于come up with赶上提出拿出consist in存在于consist of由…组成count on依靠指望count up把…加起来cut across掩盖cut back修剪消减急忙返回倒叙cut down砍倒胜过消减删节cut in插嘴插入把…插进cut off切断断绝剥夺继承权cut out切掉裁剪出取代停止cut short打断缩减date back to从…时就有,回溯到,远在…(年代)date from起始于溯源到deal in经营derive from得自由来衍生die down变弱逐渐停止渐渐消失die off相继死去die out灭绝逐渐消失differ from不同do away with废除弄死do good做好事有益于do without免除不用double up把…对折弯曲同享合住draw in收引诱接近黄昏缩进开支draw on戴上吸收利用引诱向…提取招来临近draw up草拟停住逼近追上整队dress up盛装打扮装饰伪装drop by随便访问drop in顺便走访顺便进入drop off离开散去逐渐减少死去drop out不参与离去放弃engage in使从事于,参加enjoy oneself过得快乐equal to等于胜任even if即使even then尽管那样即使在那时ever since从那时到现在ever so非常every now and then常常不时地every other每隔所有其他except for除…以外face up to勇敢地面对fall back on求助于退到回头再说fall behind落在…的后面拖欠fall in love with爱上fall in with偶遇同意fall out争吵吵架闹翻解散离队fall through失败成为泡影far from远离远非远不完全不非但不feel like意欲摸上去如同figure out合计为计算出解决断定领会到fill in填充填写填满代替fill out填写使长大变大fill up填补装满淤积find fault挑剔for a while暂时for all尽管for good永久地一劳永逸地for long长久for the moment暂时目前for the present暂时for the purpose of为了for the sake of为了for the time being暂时free from解除没有…的free of无…的在…外面摆脱…的gain an advantage over胜过由于get across(使)越过通过被理解get along生活融洽相处进展有起色get at到达够得着了解指责get away逃脱离开把…送走get by通过混过get down下来吞下写下使沮丧get hold of抓住得到get in进入到达收获插入陷入get into进入陷入穿上get off下来脱下出发被容忍动身开始get on过活融洽相处进展(使)前进(口)发迹进展get on to靠近接近识破理解明白过来get on with继续做get out of从…之中获得…避免使说出get over爬过克服熬过恢复原谅get the best of胜过…对…占优势get the better of打败智胜get through到达做完通过度过打通give away送掉分发放弃泄露出卖让步陷下give back归还恢复后退反射(声光)give in投降屈服让步交上宣布give off发出(蒸汽光)长出(枝杈)give out分发发出(气味热)发表用尽筋疲力尽give rise to引起使发生give way撤退让路退让垮掉倒塌屈服go after追逐追求go ahead前进go along with一起去赞同附和go around走来走去供应go back on背弃go by(从…旁)走过依照顺便走访go down下去下沉坠落下降平静下来被咽下被接受传下去go for去找努力获取被认为主张拥护go in for参加追求从事赞成go into进入加入探究变得go into effect生效go into operation生效开始工作go off离开去世消失睡去爆炸被发射进行变质go on继续下去过去发生依靠接近进行依据go out出去熄灭过时罢工向往辞职倒塌go over(渡过…)转变,(对…进行)仔细检查,调色,复习go through经历经受仔细检查用完被通过参加搜查履行go up上升增长被兴建起来go with伴随与…相配和(异性)交朋友go wrong走错路误入歧途(机器等)发生故障hand down传下来宣布hand in hand手拉手联合hand on传递上去hand out把…拿出来分发施舍hand over移交hang about闲荡hang on坚持不挂断靠着渴望有赖于hang on to紧紧握住hang out挂出hang up挂断拖延把…挂起来hardly any几乎没有hardly before一…就…hardly when一…就…have access可以使用可以得到可以接近have an advantage over胜过优于have got拥有have got to do必须做have in mind思念存心have nothing to do with与…无关have something to do with与…有点关系have to do with与…有关head for出发动身前往head on迎面地heart and soul全心全意地help oneself自用hold back踌躇阻止抑制隐瞒hold on继续不挂断停止hold on to坚持hold out伸出提供维持阻止制止(口)扣留声称hold up举起支撑继续下去阻挡拦截if only只要improve on改进improve upon对…加以改进做出比…更好的东西in a hurry匆忙轻易地in a moment立刻in a sense在某种程度上稍稍in accordance with与…一致依照in addition另外in addition to除…之外in advance预先in all总共in any case无论如何in any event无论如何in brief简单扼要地in bulk散装大批in case of假设万一in common共有in concert一致一齐in conclusion最后总之in connection with与…有关连同in consequence 结果in consequence of由于…得缘故in contrast to和…形成对比in contrast with和…形成对比in debt负债in detail详细地in effect有效in essence本质上大体上其实in excess of超过较…多in favour of为…而征战参加支持…的活动in force大量已生效in hand在手上在进行中掌握住in honour of为纪念为庆祝in itself本质上完全地in light of按照根据in line成一条直线一致协调有秩序in line with符合in memory of纪念追念in nature实际上本质上in need of需要in no case绝不in no time 立刻in no way绝不in order整齐状况良好适宜in other words换句话说in part部分地in person亲自外貌上in place在适当的位置适当in place of代替in practice在实践中实际上熟练in proportion to与…成比例in public当众公开地公然地in question正被讨论有疑问in relation to关于涉及与…相比in respect of关于in return作为报答in return for作为…的报答in sequence顺次逐一in short简而言之in sight被看到in step不管in sum步调一致in tears流着泪in the course of在…期间in the distance在远处in the event of如果…发生in the face of面对in the first place首先in the last place最后in the least丝毫一点in the light of按照根据当做in the long run最后in the name of以…名义凭…in the past在过去in the way of关于…方面in the world世界上究竟in total整个地in touch在…能达到的地方在…附近可以接近的可以做到的in truth事实上实在in vain徒然in view在看得见的地方被考虑被期待inasmuch as由于因为independent of不依赖于…独立于…inform of通知告诉just now刚刚keep an eye on照看密切注视keep back阻止隐瞒留下keep down卧下镇压控制缩减保留keep from阻止隐瞒抑制keep in mind记住keep off让开不接近keep one’s head保持冷静keep one’s word守信keep pace with并驾齐驱keep to遵循keep up不低落维持继续knock down 击倒拆卸拍卖出knock out敲空击倒打破破坏使筋疲力尽know of知道有lack of缺乏短缺的东西laugh at嘲笑漠视因…发笑laugh off一笑置之lay aside搁置积蓄lay down放下放弃lay off解雇停止工作休息划出lay out摆开展示布置安排投资lead the way带路示范leak out导致通向lean on靠着learn by hear记住tleave alone不管leave behind留下遗留超过leave off停止不再穿leave out省去遗漏不考虑lend itself to有助于let alone更不用说let down放下使失望辜负松劲减速下降let go放开释放发射let off放出饶恕准许…暂停工作let out放掉泄露放大出租lie in睡懒觉待产line up整队排列起little by little渐渐live by以…为生live on继续生活以…为主食靠…生活live through度过经受过live up to实践做到long before很早以前look after目送寻求照顾关心look back回顾倒退追忆look at看考虑着眼于look down on轻视看不起蔑视look down upon蔑视瞧不起look for寻找期待look forward to期望期待盼望look in看望顺道访问look like像…似…外表特征是look on观看面向旁观看待look out面朝留神照料look over从…上面看察看检查原谅调查从上面看过去look through看穿审核浏览温习从…中显露look up向上看尊敬仰望查寻拜访好转lose heart丧失勇气lose one’s head被砍头不知所措lose one’s temper发脾气lose sight of不再看见忽略忘记major in主修make a difference紧要有差别make certain确定make for走向有利于倾向于导致向前进make friends with与…交友和睦make fun of取笑make one’s way一路前进向前make out书写填写拼凑进展说明设法应付理解辨认出了解make sense 有意义make sure确定确信证实make the best of充分利用尽力而为make the most of尽量利用充分利用make up弥补虚构缝制整理包装和解编辑化妆补足拼凑make up for补偿make up one’s mind下决心接受承认决定make use of使用利用make way前进让路mark out规划使注定要may as well最好mix up混合混淆调好next door隔壁next to靠紧…旁边次于(口)几乎no less than正如不少于no matter what无论何事no more不再no more than只是no other than只有正是no sooner than一…就…no wonder不足为奇的not at all一点也不not nearly远非not to mention不必提及nothing but只是now and then偶尔now that既然object to反对occur to想起想到off and on断断续续的off duty下班on a large scale大规模地on account of由于on an average平均起来on behalf of代表…为了…的利益on board到船上在船上on business因公on condition that如果on duty值班上班on earth在世上究竟on end竖着连续地on fire起火非常激动on foot走路on guard在岗警惕on hand在手头即将发生在场on occasion有时on one’s guard警惕on one’s own独自地独立地主动地on purpose故意on sale代售的拍卖的on schedule按时on second thoughts进一步考虑后on show被展出on the average平均按平均计算一般地说on the basis of以…为基础on the ground of以…为理由on the point of正要…的时候on the road在旅途中on the side of站在…一边赞助on the spot当场在危险中处于负责地位on the whole大体上基本上on trial在试验中在受审once for all只此一次once and for all断然地坚决地once in a while偶尔once more再一次once upon a time从前one after another一个又一个地one another彼此相互or else否则or so大约other than不同于除了out of breath上气不接下气out of control不受控制out of date过时的废弃的out of door在户外露天out of order次序颠倒不整齐状态不好out of place不在适当的位置不合适out of practice荒疏久不习练out of sight在看不见的地方out of the question不可能over and over again反复再三owing to由于因…缘故pass away去世pass on去世传递pay back偿还报答报复pay for偿还赔偿pay up全部付清pick out挑选pick up掘地捡起获得恢复原状加快看到识别出加速piece together拼凑play a part扮演一个角色参与装腔骗人prior to在前居先provide for作准备供养规定provide with给…提供以…装备pull down摧毁推翻使降低使身体变差使下跌使萎靡领取pull in进站靠岸pull off脱努力实现赢得pull on穿戴继续拉pull out拔出离开渡过难关恢复健康pull up拔起停下阻止put across圆满完成使被接受put aside撇开存储…备用put away放好存储…备用处理掉放弃抛弃put down放下拒绝镇压羞辱消减记下制止取缔put forward放出拿出提出推举出put in放进提出提交插入进入使就职种植进港put in for申请put into effect实行实施使生效实现put into operation使生效put off推迟拖延搪塞使分心使厌恶扔掉脱掉劝阻put on穿上把…放在上面装出假装增加欺骗添上(使)靠…维持生命put out放出伸出生产消除打扰麻烦作出努力使退场put to use使用利用put up举起抬起进行提供表现出建造提名推举put up with忍受容忍quite a few相当多的rather than胜于refer to查阅提到谈到打听relative to相对于remind of提醒是记起result from由…产生result in导致right away立刻ring off挂断电话停止谈话走掉离开ring up把(款项)记入现金记录机打电话给某人登录round about周围向相反方向迂回地大约run away with带…潜逃获得消耗轻易接受失控run down跑下耗尽停止撞到(经过搜索后)找到追捕到追溯逐渐恶化run into跑进撞上偶遇陷入达到run out of用完run over跑过去溢出超过限度匆匆看碾过扼要复述放完run through跑着穿过刺戳贯穿匆匆处理划掉挥霍see about查询留意于see off送行see through看穿识破see to负责注意send for召唤派人去拿send in递送呈报send off寄出派遣解雇给…送行serve for充当用作set about开始散布攻击着手set apart使分离使分开留出时间金钱等set aside留出不顾取消驳回set back阻碍使受挫折把(指针)往回拨使退步花费set down放下使下车使着陆登记把…归于击败把…看作记下放下制定set fire to纵火烧set forth阐明宣布提出陈列出发把(会议等)提前动身set free释放set off出发动身使爆炸引起使爆发衬托set out出发开始装饰陈列测定宣布移植陈述启程set up设立竖立架起升起装配创(记录)提出开业settle down定居平静下来专心于shake off抖落摆脱short of缺乏达不到除…以外只要没有show up揭露露出露面shut down把窗子等放下关下使机器关闭停车shut up关闭关上…全部门窗监禁住口保藏side by side并排并肩sit for坐着slow down使慢下来slow up使慢下来so as只要so far迄今为止so far as只要so long as只要sooner or later迟早spring up跳起来stand against抵抗stand by支持遵守袖手旁观准备行动stand for代表代替象征支持做…的候选人stand out站起来突出坚持抵抗stand up站起来竖立站得住脚坚持经得起拥护抵抗stand up for支持stand up to勇敢地抵抗step up走近逐步增加提升提高stick out伸出stick to黏住stir up激起鼓动煽动subject to使服从使遭受suffer from忍受遭受sum up计算…的总数概括总结switch off切断switch on接通take s chance冒险take a delight in喜爱以…为乐take advantage of利用take after像学样take apart拆开粗暴对待剖析take away取走take charge of负责看管take delight in乐于take down拿下记下拆卸病倒take effect见效生效take for认为以为take in接受接待吸收理解包括轻信注意到欺骗take into account重视考虑take off拿掉取消脱衣起飞减弱离开岔开复制take on披上呈现具有雇佣承担盛气凌人接纳流行take one’s time从容不迫take out拿出取出去掉出发取得扣除抵充发泄take over把…从一地带到另一地接收接管take pains尽力耐心take shape成形形成具体化有显著发展take the place of代替take to开始喜欢沉溺于走向照料求助于适应take turns轮流一次take up拿起开始从事继续吸收责备拘留占据认购talk over详尽地商议商量讨论说服tear up撕碎thanks to由于the moment立刻马上刚才the same as与…同样的think better of重新考虑决定不做较高评价think of考虑关心想起想象有…的看法think of as把…看作think over仔细考虑重新考虑throw away扔掉丢弃throw up呕吐猛地举起放弃产生使显眼to and for来回地往返地to the point中肯扼要touch on略微谈到try out试验考验提炼tune in收听收看turn down拒绝把…调低关小turn in向内拐上床睡觉上缴出卖告发做出取得turn off关掉避开使转变方向生产制造用车床加工出使厌烦变成turn on开启变得兴奋突然装出开始turn overturn out打扫驱逐使外倾生产起床翻出制造关掉turn to转向变成求助于致力于开始行动turn up找到发现出现折起拐入卷起使仰卧突然发生under control被控制住under the circumstances在这种情况下因为这种情况under way进行中在进行up to一直到等于up to date最近的最新的use up用完耗尽wait on服侍招待拜访焦急地等待warm up热身加热变暖感到亲切激动warn of警告某人关于某事wash up洗餐具watch out密切注视当心提放wear off逐渐减弱消失磨损耗损wear out消瘦穿破用坏克服消磨疲劳wind up卷起卷拢上紧…的发条结束使振奋使紧张wipe out消灭垮台(滑雪时)翻到电信封闭with regard to关于with respect to关于至于with the exception of除…以外with the purpose of以…为目的without question毫无疑问without exception毫无例外地一律word for word逐字地work on继续工作设法说服影响work out可以解决设计出做出计算出消耗完worthy of值得的应得的write off一口气写成的写信寄出注销勾销取消。
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP) tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost-per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved-gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas-lift valve 气举阀gas-liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive-displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo-steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curre 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water-sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well-killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油 crude oil天然气 natural gas方钻杆 kelly钻杆 drillpipe泥浆泵 mud pump转盘 rotary table封隔器 packer旋转钻井 rotary drilling固井 cementing裸眼完井 openhole completion井口 well head扶正器 centralizer三次采油 tertiary recovery射孔 perforating油管 tubing油井流入动态 inflow performance relationship 井底流压 bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数 productivity index增产增注措施 stimulation近井地带 near-well bore region含水率 water cut最终采收率 ultimate recovery剩余油 remaining oil提高采收率 IOR水驱 water flooding原始地质储量 OOPI(original oil in place)流度比 mobility ratio有效渗透率 effective permeability孔隙体积 pore volume上冲程 upstroke下冲程 downstroke润湿性 wettability聚合物驱 polymer flooding11。
在石油勘探方面,可能涉及到地质勘探的相关术语,如seismic exploration(地震勘探)、well logging(测井)、drilling(钻探)等;在生产方面,可能涉及到油田开发和生产管理的英语表达,比如production optimization(生产优化)、reservoir engineering(油藏工程)等;在储运方面,可能涉及到管道运输、储存和销售方面的英语词汇,比如pipeline transportation(管道运输)、storage tank(储罐)等。
此外,中石油职称英语还可能涉及到管理和商务方面的英语表达,比如leadership skills(领导能力)、project management (项目管理)、negotiation(谈判)等。
在动词和动词短语的测试中,几乎绝大多数为基础动词的考查,高的词有:get, tur n, make, put, go, give, break, cut, look, keep, bring, show, pick, hold, fall, carry, pill, catch, call, take等。
考查重点将集中在以下几点:1. 易混的基础动词及其短语。
2. 与汉语习惯有出入的动词用法的考查。
3. 部分基础动词及其短语的较高级用法。
知识点解读一•常用动词辨析1. advice, advise, persuade, suggest(1)advice是名词,与动词advise只是一个字母之差,不可混淆。
科技英语词组总结英语考试的题型及分布如下所述:1.阅读题5篇,其中2篇是课本第1—7单元Passage A 或B或C 原文10分/篇2.词汇题30题,选择题,90%是课本1—7单元Passage A后面的练习Ex.3 原题0.5分/题3.词组题20题,翻译题,出自课本1—7单元Passage A重点词组,本总结旨在解决此题1分/题4.写作题1题15分/题Unit 11. 沉积岩sedimentary rocks2. 石油储备petroleum reserves3. 内燃机internal combustion engines4. 沸点the boiling point5. 脂肪物质fatty substance6. in minor quantities 少量7. petroleum fractions 石油馏分8. inflammable vapors 易燃蒸汽9. geologic formations 地质结构10. in the territory of 在……领土11.中世纪medieval times12.工业革命Industrial Revolution13 矿物燃料fossil fuel14. be of…origin 起源于15. settle down 沉积16. shallow arms 浅湾17.carry through 进行到底;完成18 chip out 削出19 derive from 源自…20. at a moment’s notice 一会儿21. come into use 开始被使用22.not nearly 远远不,根本不Unit 21.就业市场employment market2.视频会议技术video conferencing technology3.求职面试job interview4.nine out of ten十有八九5.aptitude test能力测试6.recruitment methods招聘方法7.curriculum vitae 简历8.employment market 就业市场9.personality questionnaires 个人问卷调查表10.open up 畅谈11.make the best use of 充分利用12.to run the gauntlet 受严厉批评13. be in for 免不了遭受;参加(竞赛等)14. cope with 应付;处理;与……竞争15. in terms of 就……而言,从……方面来说Unit 31.多用户multiple users2.虚拟助手virtual assistant3.人机界面human-computer interface4.语音合成器speech synthesizer5.real time 实时rmation retrieval 信息检索7.air flight schedule 飞机飞行时刻表8. weather forecast 天气预报9.语音识别speech recognition10.股市行情stock quotes11.convert into 把……变成12.Mandarin Chinese 普通话st but not least 最后但也是很重要Unit 41. 基因工程genetic engineering2. 有机溶剂organic solvents3. 原材料raw material4. 二氧化硫sulfur dioxide5. landfill deposit垃圾填埋6. garage sale旧物销售7. information age信息时代8. lead compound铅化合物9.生态工业园eco-industrial park10.原油泄漏oil spill11.城市固态垃圾municipal solid waste12.Waste not,want not勤俭节约,吃穿不缺13.toss out 丢弃14.get a glimpse of 看一眼,瞥一眼15. to one’s advantage 对……有利16.tap into 利用17. a huge stream of 大量18.an army of 大量;许多19. from scratch 从头做起,白手起家20.make headway 取得进展21. translate into 把…转化成22. swallow up 耗尽;吞没23. at last count 到目前为止24 废旧轮胎worn-out tires25.垃圾邮件junk mails26.一次性纸尿裤disposable diapers27.啤酒瓶盖beer-bottle capsUnit 51.汇率exchange rate2.预算赤字budget deficit3.会员国member state4.legal tender 法定货币5.in full swing 全盛时期6.brand new 崭新时期7.oil supplies石油输出8.gold standard 金本位制9. 欧洲联盟European Union (EU)10.利率interest rate11.单一货币the single currency12.暴利rich pickings13.phase out 使逐步淘汰14.iron out 消除15.in response to 响应:作为……的响应16.opt out of 退出17.round up 把数字调高为整数Unit 61. 量子力学quantum mechanics2. 广义相对论general theory of relativity3. 自然法则physical laws4. 距离的平方square of the distance5. in principle原则上,基本上6. in isolation孤立地7. in one go一口气,一下子,一举8. Newton’s theory of gravity牛顿的引力理论9. partial theories 局部理论10. gravitational force 引力11. the initial state of the universe 宇宙初始态12.相对论the theory of relativity13.与…成反比be inversely proportional to14.on the basis of 以…为基础15.make predictions 做预测16.be based on 基于,取决于17.agree with 与……相符18.disagree with 不一致;不同意19.in practice 在实践中20.be independent of 无关21.on small scales 小规模地22.be inconsistent with 与…不一致Unit 71.权宜之计quick fixes2.照章办事go by the book3.谨慎小心close to the vest4.备忘录Memos5.Old Boy Network老同学关系网6.to the point 切题的7.social status 社会地位8.sense of humor 幽默感9.be superior to 优于10.口头上应付的话lip service11.人际关系interpersonal relationship12.发号施令pull rank13.在意be jealous of14.装腔作势put on an impressive appearance15.a host of 一群,许多16.show off 炫耀17.in turn 依次,轮流18.take seriously 认真对待19.pull one’s rank on 使用职权强迫命令附:各单元A篇课后题Ex.3答案(针对第2题)Unit1 ACDAB AABBDUnit2 CCCAC DBDCBUnit3 ACDBB DCBCAUnit4 CDABC DCDCDUnit5 BCABA DBBDCUnit6 CBDDA CDABDUnit7 CDACB DBABC(第8题A和D都对)。
1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management <NEW>[ˈɡəuldən]黄金'ru:lz] [ˈmi:tiŋ]会议[ˈmænidʒmənt]管理主持会议六大准则If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management.邀请…主持,椅子[ˈfɔləuiŋ如果要求你主持一个会议,记住以下有关主持会议的六大准则。
1.Always start the meeting on time. If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time. [ɡru:p] [ɡru:p] [ˈriəlaiz] [ˈvælju]按时团体晚到实现,意识到价值Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets a precedent for others to follow.[riˈflekt] [skil] [iˈfektiv] [ˈmænidʒə] ˈpresɪdənt] [ˈfɔləu反射,反应技巧有效的干事,经理先例跟随1.总要准时开会。
2.Assign a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audiotaped. You may need to refer back to an issue that wasəˈsain] [nəut [ˈteɪkə(r)] [əˈreindʒ] [ˈmi:tiŋ] ['ɔ:dɪəʊˌteɪp] [riˈfə: bæk tu:] [ˈisju:分派记录人整理,改编安排录音重新提到discussed during the meeting at a later date. Good record-keeping is a sign of a good meeting manager as well.[disˈkʌs] [ˈdjuəriŋ] [sain讨论在…中良好的记录记号,签名,特点2.安排一位会议记录或给会议录音。
for the most part
top of the mountain
the rest
put on
中石油职称英语等级考试750个常考高频词汇1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守2.be absent from.... 缺席,不在3.absence or mind (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4.absorb (=take up the attention of) 吸引……的注意力(被动语态);be absorbed in 全神注贯注于……近;be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有6.access(to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7.by accident (=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外。
Without accident (=safely) 安全地8.of one’s own accord ( =without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地9.in accord with 与……一致out of one’s accord with 同……不一致10.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地11.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据12.on one’s own account1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责3)(=by oneself) 依靠自己on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account 不论什么原因也不;of ……account 有……重要性。
a matter of 大约,大概a variety of 多种的about to 附近,大约,转向,左右,在附近,关于,在…周围,忙于absent from 缺席according as 根据,取决于according to 根据…所说,随着…而作(相应地)变更account for 解释,是…原因,总计,说出用途adapt oneself to 适应于,(使自己)习惯add up to 合计达agree on 对…达成协议,对…一致意见agree with 同意,适合ahead of 在…前面aim at 瞄准,针对all at once 突然all but 几乎,差一点all of a sudden 突然all over 全部结束,到处,浑身,十分像(口语)all over again 重新,再一遍all the same 仍然all the time 始终allow for 考虑到,体谅along with 连同…一起,随同…一起and so forth 等等and then 于是,然后and yet 可是answer for 负责,保证,符合anything but 绝不apart from 远离,除…之外appeal to 呼吁,要求,诉诸,上诉,有吸引力apply to 将…应用于approve of 赞成,满意as a matter of fact 事实上as a result 结果as a result of 做为结果as far as 远到,直到,至于as for 至于as good as 和…一样,实际上相当于…as long as 只要,在…事后as regards 关于,至于as to 关于,至于as well 倒不如,还是…的好as yet 至今aside from 除…之外ask after 探问,问候ask for 请求,寻找at a loss 困惑,亏本地at all costs=at any costs不惜任何代价,无论如何at all events 无论如何at all time 一直at a time 每次,在某时at any moment 随时at any rate 无论如何,至少at best 最多at first sight 咋一看at hand 在手边,在附近,即将到来at heart 在内心里at intervals(of) 不时,相隔一段时间at large 未被捕,详尽,普遍at length 最后,详细的at most 至多at no time 绝不at one’s disposal 由某人做主,听某人之便,受其管理,由其支配at one time 同时,曾经at present 现在目前at random 胡乱地,随便地at the cost of 以…为代价at the mercy of 受…支配at the moment 此刻at the risk of 冒…的危险at the same time 同时,但是at this rate 照此情形,如此下去at times 有时,不时attach to使依恋,把…放在attribute to 归因于back of 在…后边back up 基于be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于be attached to 附属于,喜爱be bound to 一定要…be composed of 由…组成be concerned with参与,干预be fit for 适合于be known as 被认为是be obliged to 不得不bear in mind 记住before long 不久以后begin with 首先beyond question 无可争辩blow out 吹熄,爆裂break away 突然离开,脱离,放弃,(运动中)反攻为守break down毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿,倒塌,中止,垮掉,分解break in 训练,使合用,闯入,打断,开始工作break into 破门而入,侵占break off 中断,折断,突然停止,脱落,暂停,断绝,解除break out 突发,爆发,叫嚷,使做准备,取出,倒空,(口)把…备好待用break through 突围,突破break up 打碎,破碎,分裂,结束,衰落,分解,变坏,驱散bring about 使发生,致使bring back拿回来,使回忆起来,使恢复bring down 打到,击落,打死,降低bring forth 提出,出示,展示bring forward 提出,提前,显示bring into 使开始bring into effect 实施,实现bring into operation 实施,实行bring out 使显示,出版,生产,说出bring up 教育,培养,提出,(军队等)调上来,(船)抵达目的地build up 树立增进增大阻塞burn down 烧为平地,火力减弱burn out 烧坏烧掉烧尽burn up 烧起来烧掉发怒burst out 闯出来大声喊突发but for 要不是by accident 偶然by air 通过航空by all means尽一切办法一定by analogy用类推的方法by and by 不久以后by chance 偶然意外地by comparison 比较起来by itself 单独地独立地自动地by mean of 依靠by mistake 错误地by no means 绝不by oneself 单独独立by reason of 由于因为by virtue of 依靠,由于by way of 经由作为为了call for 要求提倡为…叫喊为…叫call forth 使产生引起使起作用call off 叫走放弃使转移走依次叫名call on 号召呼吁邀请访问指派call up 召唤使想起提出打电话给care for 关怀照顾愿意计较carry into practice 实行实现carry off 夺取…生命获得成功对付carry through 进行贯彻维持catch fire 着火catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸catch sight of 瞥见catch up with 赶上逮捕处罚check in 登记报到check out 付账后离开检验合格及格check up 核对检验clear away 清除消失clear up 整理消除放晴come across 遇到come into effect 开始生效come into force 开始有效开始实行come into operation 开始工作开始运转生效come off 离开举行实现成为come on 突然产生要求成为…负担偶遇跟着来开始出台上演快点赶快come out 出来长出传出褪去被展出被解出露出罢工come round来前来绕道而来苏醒转变come through 经历脱险传出捐助come to one’s senses苏醒过来醒悟come ture实现达到come up走近上来发芽流行发生被提出上升讨论出现come up against碰到遭遇come up to达到符合比得上等于come up with赶上提出拿出consist in存在于consist of由…组成count on依靠指望count up把…加起来cut across掩盖cut back修剪消减急忙返回倒叙cut down砍倒胜过消减删节cut in插嘴插入把…插进cut off切断断绝剥夺继承权cut out切掉裁剪出取代停止cut short打断缩减date back to从…时就有,回溯到,远在…(年代)date from起始于溯源到deal in经营derive from得自由来衍生die down变弱逐渐停止渐渐消失die off相继死去die out灭绝逐渐消失differ from不同do away with废除弄死do good做好事有益于do without免除不用double up把…对折弯曲同享合住draw in收引诱接近黄昏缩进开支draw on戴上吸收利用引诱向…提取招来临近draw up草拟停住逼近追上整队dress up盛装打扮装饰伪装drop by随便访问drop in顺便走访顺便进入drop off离开散去逐渐减少死去drop out不参与离去放弃engage in使从事于,参加enjoy oneself过得快乐equal to等于胜任even if即使even then尽管那样即使在那时ever since从那时到现在ever so非常every now and then常常不时地every other每隔所有其他except for除…以外face up to勇敢地面对fall back on求助于退到回头再说fall behind落在…的后面拖欠fall in love with爱上fall in with偶遇同意fall out争吵吵架闹翻解散离队fall through失败成为泡影far from远离远非远不完全不非但不feel like意欲摸上去如同figure out合计为计算出解决断定领会到fill in填充填写填满代替fill out填写使长大变大fill up填补装满淤积find fault挑剔for a while暂时for all尽管for good永久地一劳永逸地for long长久for the moment暂时目前for the present暂时for the purpose of为了for the sake of为了for the time being暂时free from解除没有…的free of无…的在…外面摆脱…的gain an advantage over胜过由于get across(使)越过通过被理解get along生活融洽相处进展有起色get at到达够得着了解指责get away逃脱离开把…送走get by通过混过get down下来吞下写下使沮丧get hold of抓住得到get in进入到达收获插入陷入get into进入陷入穿上get off下来脱下出发被容忍动身开始get on过活融洽相处进展(使)前进(口)发迹进展get on to靠近接近识破理解明白过来get on with继续做get out of从…之中获得… 避免使说出get over爬过克服熬过恢复原谅get the best of胜过… 对…占优势get the better of打败智胜get through到达做完通过度过打通give away送掉分发放弃泄露出卖让步陷下give back归还恢复后退反射(声光)give in投降屈服让步交上宣布give off发出(蒸汽光)长出(枝杈)give out分发发出(气味热)发表用尽筋疲力尽give rise to引起使发生give way撤退让路退让垮掉倒塌屈服go after追逐追求go ahead前进go along with一起去赞同附和go around走来走去供应go back on背弃go by(从…旁)走过依照顺便走访go down下去下沉坠落下降平静下来被咽下被接受传下去go for去找努力获取被认为主张拥护go in for参加追求从事赞成go into进入加入探究变得go into effect生效go into operation生效开始工作go off离开去世消失睡去爆炸被发射进行变质go on继续下去过去发生依靠接近进行依据go out出去熄灭过时罢工向往辞职倒塌go over(渡过…)转变,(对…进行)仔细检查,调色,复习go through经历经受仔细检查用完被通过参加搜查履行go up上升增长被兴建起来go with伴随与…相配和(异性)交朋友go wrong走错路误入歧途(机器等)发生故障hand down传下来宣布hand in hand手拉手联合hand on传递上去hand out把…拿出来分发施舍hand over移交hang about闲荡hang on坚持不挂断靠着渴望有赖于hang on to紧紧握住hang out挂出hang up挂断拖延把…挂起来hardly any几乎没有hardly before一…就…hardly when一…就…have access可以使用可以得到可以接近have an advantage over胜过优于have got拥有have got to do必须做have in mind思念存心have nothing to do with与…无关have something to do with与…有点关系have to do with与…有关head for出发动身前往head on迎面地heart and soul全心全意地help oneself自用hold back踌躇阻止抑制隐瞒hold on继续不挂断停止hold on to坚持hold out伸出提供维持阻止制止(口)扣留声称hold up举起支撑继续下去阻挡拦截if only只要improve on改进improve upon对…加以改进做出比…更好的东西in a hurry匆忙轻易地in a moment立刻in a sense在某种程度上稍稍in accordance with与…一致依照in addition另外in addition to除…之外in advance预先in all总共in any case无论如何in any event无论如何in brief简单扼要地in bulk散装大批in case of假设万一in common共有in concert一致一齐in conclusion最后总之in connection with与…有关连同in consequence 结果in consequence of由于…得缘故in contrast to和…形成对比in contrast with和…形成对比in debt负债in detail详细地in effect有效in essence本质上大体上其实in excess of超过较…多in favour of为…而征战参加支持…的活动in force大量已生效in hand在手上在进行中掌握住in honour of为纪念为庆祝in itself本质上完全地in light of按照根据in line成一条直线一致协调有秩序in line with符合in memory of纪念追念in nature实际上本质上in need of需要in no case绝不in no time 立刻in no way绝不in order整齐状况良好适宜in other words换句话说in part部分地in person亲自外貌上in place在适当的位置适当in place of代替in practice在实践中实际上熟练in proportion to与…成比例in public当众公开地公然地in question正被讨论有疑问in relation to关于涉及与…相比in respect of关于in return作为报答in return for作为…的报答in sequence顺次逐一in short简而言之in sight被看到in step不管in sum步调一致in tears流着泪in the course of在…期间in the distance在远处in the event of如果…发生in the face of面对in the first place首先in the last place最后in the least丝毫一点in the light of按照根据当做in the long run最后in the name of以…名义凭…in the past在过去in the way of关于…方面in the world世界上究竟in total整个地in touch在…能达到的地方在…附近可以接近的可以做到的in truth事实上实在in vain徒然in view在看得见的地方被考虑被期待inasmuch as由于因为independent of不依赖于… 独立于…inform of通知告诉just now刚刚keep an eye on照看密切注视keep back阻止隐瞒留下keep down卧下镇压控制缩减保留keep from阻止隐瞒抑制keep in mind记住keep off让开不接近keep one’s head保持冷静keep one’s word守信keep pace with并驾齐驱keep to遵循keep up不低落维持继续knock down 击倒拆卸拍卖出knock out敲空击倒打破破坏使筋疲力尽know of知道有lack of缺乏短缺的东西laugh at嘲笑漠视因…发笑laugh off一笑置之lay aside搁置积蓄lay down放下放弃lay off解雇停止工作休息划出lay out摆开展示布置安排投资lead the way带路示范leak out导致通向lean on靠着learn by hear记住tleave alone不管leave behind留下遗留超过leave off停止不再穿leave out省去遗漏不考虑lend itself to有助于let alone更不用说let down放下使失望辜负松劲减速下降let go放开释放发射let off放出饶恕准许…暂停工作let out放掉泄露放大出租lie in睡懒觉待产line up整队排列起little by little渐渐live by以…为生live on继续生活以…为主食靠…生活live through度过经受过live up to实践做到long before很早以前look after目送寻求照顾关心look back回顾倒退追忆look at看考虑着眼于look down on轻视看不起蔑视look down upon蔑视瞧不起look for寻找期待look forward to期望期待盼望look in看望顺道访问look like像… 似… 外表特征是look on观看面向旁观看待look out面朝留神照料look over从…上面看察看检查原谅调查从上面看过去look through看穿审核浏览温习从…中显露look up向上看尊敬仰望查寻拜访好转lose heart丧失勇气lose one’s head被砍头不知所措lose one’s temper发脾气lose sight of不再看见忽略忘记major in主修make a difference紧要有差别make certain确定make for走向有利于倾向于导致向前进make friends with与…交友和睦make fun of取笑make one’s way一路前进向前make out书写填写拼凑进展说明设法应付理解辨认出了解make sense 有意义make sure确定确信证实make the best of充分利用尽力而为make the most of尽量利用充分利用make up弥补虚构缝制整理包装和解编辑化妆补足拼凑make up for补偿make up one’s mind下决心接受承认决定make use of使用利用make way前进让路mark out规划使注定要may as well最好mix up混合混淆调好next door隔壁next to靠紧…旁边次于(口)几乎no less than正如不少于no matter what无论何事no more不再no more than只是no other than只有正是no sooner than一…就…no wonder不足为奇的not at all一点也不not nearly远非not to mention不必提及nothing but只是now and then偶尔now that既然object to反对occur to想起想到off and on断断续续的off duty下班on a large scale大规模地on account of由于on an average平均起来on behalf of代表… 为了…的利益on board到船上在船上on business因公on condition that如果on duty值班上班on earth在世上究竟on end竖着连续地on fire起火非常激动on foot走路on guard在岗警惕on hand在手头即将发生在场on occasion有时on one’s guard警惕on one’s own独自地独立地主动地on purpose故意on sale代售的拍卖的on schedule按时on second thoughts进一步考虑后on show被展出on the average平均按平均计算一般地说on the basis of以…为基础on the ground of以…为理由on the point of正要…的时候on the road在旅途中on the side of站在…一边赞助on the spot当场在危险中处于负责地位on the whole大体上基本上on trial在试验中在受审once for all只此一次once and for all断然地坚决地once in a while偶尔once more再一次once upon a time从前one after another一个又一个地one another彼此相互or else否则or so大约other than不同于除了out of breath上气不接下气out of control不受控制out of date过时的废弃的out of door在户外露天out of order次序颠倒不整齐状态不好out of place不在适当的位置不合适out of practice荒疏久不习练out of sight在看不见的地方out of the question不可能over and over again反复再三owing to由于因…缘故pass away去世pass on去世传递pay back偿还报答报复pay for偿还赔偿pay up全部付清pick out挑选pick up掘地捡起获得恢复原状加快看到识别出加速piece together拼凑play a part扮演一个角色参与装腔骗人prior to在前居先provide for作准备供养规定provide with给…提供以…装备pull down摧毁推翻使降低使身体变差使下跌使萎靡领取pull in进站靠岸pull off脱努力实现赢得pull on穿戴继续拉pull out拔出离开渡过难关恢复健康pull up拔起停下阻止put across圆满完成使被接受put aside撇开存储…备用put away放好存储…备用处理掉放弃抛弃put down放下拒绝镇压羞辱消减记下制止取缔put forward放出拿出提出推举出put in放进提出提交插入进入使就职种植进港put in for申请put into effect实行实施使生效实现put into operation使生效put off推迟拖延搪塞使分心使厌恶扔掉脱掉劝阻put on穿上把…放在上面装出假装增加欺骗添上(使)靠…维持生命put out放出伸出生产消除打扰麻烦作出努力使退场put to use使用利用put up举起抬起进行提供表现出建造提名推举put up with忍受容忍quite a few相当多的rather than胜于refer to查阅提到谈到打听relative to相对于remind of提醒是记起result from由…产生result in导致right away立刻ring off挂断电话停止谈话走掉离开ring up把(款项)记入现金记录机打电话给某人登录round about周围向相反方向迂回地大约run away with带…潜逃获得消耗轻易接受失控run down跑下耗尽停止撞到(经过搜索后)找到追捕到追溯逐渐恶化run into跑进撞上偶遇陷入达到run out of用完run over跑过去溢出超过限度匆匆看碾过扼要复述放完run through跑着穿过刺戳贯穿匆匆处理划掉挥霍see about查询留意于see off送行see through看穿识破see to负责注意send for召唤派人去拿send in递送呈报send off寄出派遣解雇给…送行serve for充当用作set about开始散布攻击着手set apart使分离使分开留出时间金钱等set aside留出不顾取消驳回set back阻碍使受挫折把(指针)往回拨使退步花费set down放下使下车使着陆登记把…归于击败把…看作记下放下制定set fire to纵火烧set forth阐明宣布提出陈列出发把(会议等)提前动身set free释放set off出发动身使爆炸引起使爆发衬托set out出发开始装饰陈列测定宣布移植陈述启程set up设立竖立架起升起装配创(记录)提出开业settle down定居平静下来专心于shake off抖落摆脱short of缺乏达不到除…以外只要没有show up揭露露出露面shut down把窗子等放下关下使机器关闭停车shut up关闭关上…全部门窗监禁住口保藏side by side并排并肩sit for坐着slow down使慢下来slow up使慢下来so as只要so far迄今为止so far as只要so long as只要sooner or later迟早spring up跳起来stand against抵抗stand by支持遵守袖手旁观准备行动stand for代表代替象征支持做…的候选人stand out站起来突出坚持抵抗stand up站起来竖立站得住脚坚持经得起拥护抵抗stand up for支持stand up to勇敢地抵抗step up走近逐步增加提升提高stick out伸出stick to黏住stir up激起鼓动煽动subject to使服从使遭受suffer from忍受遭受sum up计算…的总数概括总结switch off切断switch on接通take s chance冒险take a delight in喜爱以…为乐take advantage of利用take after像学样take apart拆开粗暴对待剖析take away取走take charge of负责看管take delight in乐于take down拿下记下拆卸病倒take effect见效生效take for认为以为take in接受接待吸收理解包括轻信注意到欺骗take into account重视考虑take off拿掉取消脱衣起飞减弱离开岔开复制take on披上呈现具有雇佣承担盛气凌人接纳流行take one’s time从容不迫take out拿出取出去掉出发取得扣除抵充发泄take over把…从一地带到另一地接收接管take pains尽力耐心take shape成形形成具体化有显著发展take the place of代替take to开始喜欢沉溺于走向照料求助于适应take turns轮流一次take up拿起开始从事继续吸收责备拘留占据认购talk over详尽地商议商量讨论说服tear up撕碎thanks to由于the moment立刻马上刚才the same as与…同样的think better of重新考虑决定不做较高评价think of考虑关心想起想象有…的看法think of as把…看作think over仔细考虑重新考虑throw away扔掉丢弃throw up呕吐猛地举起放弃产生使显眼to and for来回地往返地to the point中肯扼要touch on略微谈到try out试验考验提炼tune in收听收看turn down拒绝把…调低关小turn in向内拐上床睡觉上缴出卖告发做出取得turn off关掉避开使转变方向生产制造用车床加工出使厌烦变成turn on开启变得兴奋突然装出开始turn overturn out打扫驱逐使外倾生产起床翻出制造关掉turn to转向变成求助于致力于开始行动turn up找到发现出现折起拐入卷起使仰卧突然发生under control被控制住under the circumstances在这种情况下因为这种情况under way进行中在进行up to一直到等于up to date最近的最新的use up用完耗尽wait on服侍招待拜访焦急地等待warm up热身加热变暖感到亲切激动warn of警告某人关于某事wash up洗餐具watch out密切注视当心提放wear off逐渐减弱消失磨损耗损wear out消瘦穿破用坏克服消磨疲劳wind up卷起卷拢上紧…的发条结束使振奋使紧张wipe out消灭垮台(滑雪时)翻到电信封闭with regard to关于with respect to关于至于with the exception of除…以外with the purpose of以…为目的without question毫无疑问without exception毫无例外地一律word for word逐字地work on继续工作设法说服影响work out可以解决设计出做出计算出消耗完worthy of值得的应得的write off一口气写成的写信寄出注销勾销取消。
中石油 职称晋级 英语考试 高频 词汇
![中石油 职称晋级 英语考试 高频 词汇](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/acba081a59eef8c75fbfb3da.png)
1.agree on 商定,决定,达成共识The two parties agreed on the date of the meeting. 双方就开会的日期达成了一致2.ask ... for 询问、向…要He asked me for a cup of water. 他向我要杯水3.be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎The book is popular with students of English. 这本书很受英语专业学生的欢迎4.be rich in 在…充足充裕It is rich in sugar and fat .5.begin ... with 从…开始Begin the party with a dance. 以舞蹈开始晚会6.break away from 脱离…the south to break away from the Union南部各州从联邦中脱离7.break out 突然发生、爆发SARS broke out in 2003.8.break the rule 违反规定Everyone obeys the rules; anyone who breaks the rules is punished.(违反规定的人将受到惩罚)9.bring down 1. 降低Can you try to get them to bring down the price ?10.bring in 引进、引来、吸收They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages.引进自己的语言11.bring up 教育、培养Chaplin was brought up by his mother.12.blow away 刮走、吹走Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil吹走有价值的土壤.13.blow over 风吹翻、刮翻Three famous parks in and around London had over trees blown over.14.blow down 风吹倒Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds.15.cut off 切断The electricity was cut off for several days too.16.call at (a place)访问某地He called at the hospital after work to find out whether Mr King was better.17.call on sb. 拜访、访问So I called on you and asked if I could lend me a hand.18.call back 回电话Can you ask him to call me back ?19.call for 要求、号召People are calling for freedom.20.call in 招集、招来(警察、军队等)The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.21.catch fire 着火Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.22.care for 喜欢、想要I care for reading magazines.23.be carried away by 被…迷住He was carried away by her songs.24.carry off 夺走The tiger carried off the rabbit in its mouth.25.carry out 开展、执行、实现carry out experiments26.change .. into 把…变成,转换成Change these sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. 把句子由直接引语转换成间接引语27.clear away 把…清除掉She is clearing away the leaves on the ground.e about 发生、产生How did these differences come about ?e across 偶然遇到A man was walking through a wood and he came across a hunter.e off 从…离开,脱落My raincoat got caught in the door and the button came offe out 出发、出版、发行How did the printing come out ?e to 共计、达到The total money collected had come to over million dollars. 筹集的钱已经超过了100万e true 变为现实,实现I’ve always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true.e up 抬头、上来、上升He soon comes up for breath. 他不久就从水中上来喘气了pare to 把…比喻成The baby is compared to a bear.pare ... with 把…与…进行比较Sometimes it is necessary to compare English with Chinese.37.connect to 连接、相连The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.走廊38.connect with 与…相连How is one telephone connected with another today ?39.consider ... as 把某人看作Today, Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.40.consider doing ... 考虑做某事Have you considered having a walk after supper ?41.cut off 切断Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity.42.cut through 剪断、凿穿The army was called in to cut through the mountain to build a road through it.43.deal with 处理、对付Here is some advice for dealing with the problems.44.depend on 依靠、相信、信赖you can depend on us, sir.45.die of 死于…Tens of thousands of people died of hunger.46.die out 消失、灭亡However , many of these are dying out.47.divide... into... 把…分成…Ireland is divided into two countries.48.do a good deed 做件好事She was determined to do a good deed.49.do one’s best 尽某人的最大努力The farmers do their best to supply the market with enough vegetables.50.do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙Do me the favor to turn on the light.51.do well 做的好He’s doing well in the school52.do wrong 做坏事、犯罪His family had done much wrong .53.dream of 向往、渴望、梦想I’ve always dreamt of coming to China.54.drop in 顺便走访某人I’ll drop in and leave the new address.55.eat up 吃光、吃完I ate up all the food I could find in the fridge.56.earn one’s living 谋生Many people earn their living by writing music.57.end up 结束、告终It is probable that one day we will end up with death58.fall off 跌落、下降The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall.59.fall in love with 爱上…Two men fell in love with painting.60.fall over 跌倒、倒下The old man fell over and lay still.61.get along with 与…相处All the other students get along very well with each other.62.get back 回来、返回See you when I get back.63.get close to 接近There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.64.get in touch with 与…联系They promised to get in touch again with each other.65.get off 脱下Please get your coat off.66.get married 结婚The person getting married is a relative of my mother.67.get through 通过、拨通电话I can’t get through. The line’s busy.68.get together 聚会、联欢We must get together some other time for a chat.69.get into the habit of 染上…的习惯Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.70.give advice 提建议Give advice to your friend.71.give back归还、退还I would like you to change this blouse , or else give me my money back.72.give in 屈服、让步King called for black people not to give in but to continue the struggle.73.give up 放弃One habit is smoking. He can’t give it up.74.go away 走开、离开、逃跑Did you stay at home or did you go away ?75.go ahead 用吧、请便吧I wonder if I could use your phone. ---- Sure. Go ahead.76.go bad 食物变坏、坏掉The potatoes went bad in the soil.77.go off 离开When are you going off to Guangzhou ?78.go on doing sth. 继续干某事Sometimes we go on working after dark.79.go on with 继续With the pay that he received, he went on with his studies at university.80.go up 上涨、上升I believe prices might go up next week.81.grow up 生长Do they grow up by themselves ?82.hand in 交上来、递交The report Mr Turner handed in was about the motor race.83hand out 分发It seems necessary to hand out the listening text to the students.84.have a good trip 一路顺风Of course. Good luck. Have a good trip.85have a talk with 与…谈话Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.86.have a seat 坐下Come in and have a seat.87.have a test 参加测验I had a test last week and got a full mark.88.have a word with 和…说句话Please , could I have a word with her ?90.have difficulty in doing sth. 做…有困难麻烦Others may have difficulty in moving.91.have ... on 戴着、穿着Having a black hat on, he carried a stick.92.have sports 进行体育活动Do you often have sports at school?93.hear about 听说Well , what else did you hear about at the meeting ?94.help ... out 帮助某人解决困难You remember my friend who helped me out?95.hold one’s breath 屏息、不出声Mrs. Cousins held her breath , and her whole body went cold.96.hold up 阻挡、把住If it is possible , hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.97.insist on 坚持、坚持认为I insist on telling him how great you were.98.join in 参加、加入I joined in the singing contest.99.join up 联合起来、联接起来Northern and Southern states joined up again as one country.100.keep a record 作记录It also keeps a record of the date on which they will travel.101.keep back 留下Finally, he did not give her the right change , but kept back five pounds.102.keep fit 保持健康So people will be advised to keep fit in many ways.103.keep in ouch with 与…保持联系Although many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other.104.keep on doing sth. 继续做某事In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it.y the table 摆设餐具准备吃饭What’s wrong with these eggs? ----Don’t ask me, sir, I only laid the table.106.lead a simple life 过着简朴的生Today, life has improved for the population, although many farmers in the west continue to lead a simple life.107.lead to 导致、导向He began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.108.learn ... by heart 记住、背诵They used to learn hundreds of songs by heart.109.let ... in 让…进来、放进I spoke to her and persuaded her to let me in110.live on 以…为主食、以…为生They lived mainly on potatoes.111.look down upon 看不起、轻视The boss looked down upon women.112.look forward to 盼望I look forward to receiving your reply.113.look out 留神、当心Look out ! The pan’s on fire.114.look round = look around仔细查看A person was looking round in the house to look for his watch.115.lose heart 失去信心、灰心He did not lose heart.116.lose one’s life 死、牺牲Over a hundred people lost their lives in the fire.117.lose weight 减肥、降体重I advise you to lose some weight.118.make a good effort 作很大的努力He made a good effort.119.make a record 录制唱片He’s made lots of records.120.make a plan for 为…作计划Now it is much easier to make plans for your trips.121.make fun of 取笑某人Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them.122.make progress 取得进步Are you making good progress?123.make up 编出Make up a dialogue , using the following as a guide.124.make up one’s mind 下决心I haven’t made up my mind yet.125.make sure 查明、确信We must make sure that they can enter the building.126.make use of 利用127.pay ... a visit 访问…I think it will be necessary for me to pay you a visit and see where you live.128.pay attention to 注意、留心you should pay attention to the children wherever they are playing.129.pay back 偿还借款等Well , after all these years we’ve at last paid back all the money.130.pick out 挑出Pick out the wrong sentences and correct them.131.pick up 接收It is necessary to use a short - wave radio to pick up the programs.132.拾起、捡起They can’t pick up the small pieces with their fingers.133.play a part in 在…方面起作用Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people’s lives.134.point out 指出He pointed out that it was important to study English well.135.point to 指向Pointing to the young plant, he asked me if that was the plant we had seen.136.prevent .. from 妨碍、防止That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking .137.push over 推倒、刮倒For these reasons , the strong winds push over the trees very ea y.138.put down 记下Put down the gentleman’s address.139.put ... in prison 把…投进监狱put some of them in prison140.put on performances 演出Put on performances.141.put on weight 发福、增加体重Because of this , they put on weight very ea y.142.put out 扑灭、关熄Office workers tried to put out the fire.143.put up 贴广告等Please write a notice for the students and put it up.144.refer to 谈到、提到、涉及、有关What do you refer to ?145.refer to ... as 把…叫着…Once people would often be referred to as “deaf”or “blind”146.ring back 回电话Can you ask her to ring me back , please ?147.ring off 挂断电话、停止讲话148.run out of 用完The question is that we shall run out of food soon149.see ... off 为…送行Is anybody seeing you off ?150.send out 发射、派遣What a lot of invitations to send out!151.set an example 树立榜样By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.152.set ... free 释放某人In the end all prisoners were set free.153.set off 动身、起程He set off for the USA.154.set up 建立、创立They will set up a new training centre.155.show ... out 领…出去One moment ----- let me show you out, sir.156.shout at 对…大声叫嚷I went on shouting at him while everyone else was looking at him. 157.lose one’s sight 丧失视力Many of the injured lost their sight .158.speed up 加快速度If you want to speed up your work , you should use a computer. 159.spend ... doing sth. 做…花We spent the weekend resting after our journey160.spend ... on 在…花费钱They will spend almost million yuan on the project.161.stand for 代表、向征The letters “UK”stand for “The United Kingdom162.stay up 熬夜Last night, she stayed up.163.stick to 坚持But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 164.suffer from 遭受The peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger. 165.take it easy 放心好了、别着急Take it easy ! I’ve just called the First Aid Centre.166.take part in 参加Every four years athletes all over the world take part in the Olympic Game.167.take place 发生The dialogue takes place at a tailor’s shop.168.take up 占去、占领I think we should get this one , although it will take up more space in the room.169.take the place of 代替、取代Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of those which were blown over.170.tell lies 说谎Recently I’ve discovered that he’s started to tell lies.171.throw away 扔掉After you printed the book , you had to throw away the carved pieces of wood.172.throw at 向…扔去She looked around the kitchen for something to throw at the lion.173.throw up 吐出、呕吐Make the person throw up.174.translate... into ... 把…译成…He said when people are learning a foreign language, they should not translate everything into their own language.175.turn down 关小、调低Let me turn the music down.176.turn ... into ... 把…变成…If we cut down forests, we’ll turn the land into a desert.177.turn off 关掉水、电、收音机Before you leave the lab, make sure the electricity is turned off在您离开实验室之前,确定电被关闭。
中石油职称英语考试大纲——1、名词1. 名词名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。
普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness 等。
归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:名词专有名词不可数名词普通名词物质名词抽象名词集体名词可数名词个体名词1. 名词名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。
普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness 等。
归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:名词专有名词不可数名词普通名词物质名词抽象名词集体名词可数名词个体名词1.1 名词复数的规则变化情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加-s清辅音后读/s/map-maps浊辅音和元音后读/z/ bag-bags /car-cars以s, sh, ch, x等结尾加-es读/iz/bus-buses/ watch-watches 以ce, se, ze,等结尾加-s读/iz/license-licenses以辅音字母+y结尾变y 为i再加es读/z/baby---babies[url=mkhttp://alt=[/url]1.2 其它名词复数的规则变化1)以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。
第一部分通用英语Part OneEnglish for General PurposesUNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福TextRead the text. Answer the given questions and translate the underlined sentences or paragraphs into Chinese.In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.Step 1: Peace and quietJonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you areunfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.Step 2: RelationshipsThis is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.Step 3: ShareIf you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others.1. What's the happiness formula according to the passage?2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronicnoise pollution?3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?4. Where does the unhappiness come from?5. What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship?ExercisesA. Translate the following sentences into English.1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。
Aabhor vt.憎恶, 痛恨accelerate v.加速, 促进accessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的accurate adj.正确的, 精确的accuracy n.精确性, 正确度adjacent adj.邻近的, 接近的advantageous adj.有利的advocate n.提倡者, 鼓吹者 vt.提倡, 鼓吹adj.上述的, 前述的alert, alertly adj.提防的, 警惕的amass vt.收集, 积聚(尤指财富)Ambrosia n. 特别美味的食物anomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物anxiety n.忧虑, 焦急; 渴望, 热望appall vt.使胆寒, 使惊骇appallingappear vi.出现, 看来, 似乎appropriate adj.适当的aptarouse vt.唤醒, 唤起astute adj.机敏的, 狡猾的attribute n.属性, 品质, 特征authoritative adj.权威的, 有权威的, 命令的Bback and forth adv. 来来回回barely adv.仅仅, 刚刚barter n / v.物品交换, 交换behold vt.把...视为beneficial adj.有益的, 受益的, [法律]有使用权的bizarre adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走;犯大错, 做错border n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境;vt.与...接壤, 接近t breach n.违背, 破坏;vt.打破, 突破; 破裂, 裂口bump (swell) n. 肿块bush n.矮树丛a : bCcandid adj.无偏见的, 公正的;坦白的, 率直的care n.注意, 照料, 烦恼, 忧虑vt.在意carve v.雕刻; 切开celebrate v.庆祝, 祝贺表扬, 赞美;举行chart n.海图vt.制图circulate v.(使)流通;place(使)循环, (使)传播classify vt.分类; 分等colleague n.同事, 同僚collusion n共谋,勾结command v.命令, 指挥;commonplace n.平凡的事; 平常话adj.平凡的compromise n./ v.妥协, 折衷; 危及...的安全conceal vt.隐藏, 隐蔽t ; 隐瞒adj.秘密的, 机密的conform vt.使一致使遵守, 使顺从congregate v.聚集conserve vt.保存, 保藏considerably adv.相当地adj.显著的contemporary adj./n. 当代的, 同时代的(人)contrast vt.使与...对比, 使与...对照convenient adj.便利的, 方便的n.计算器, 计数器柜台, 筹码Ddamage n. 损害, 伤害v. 招致损害decay vi./ n.腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退defeat n./v. 击败; 战胜detachable adj.可分开的, 可分离的, 可分遣的deter v.阻止dim adj.暗淡的, 模糊的discord n.不一致, 意见不合distinct adj.清楚的, 明显的;截然不同的, 独特的draft n.草案, 草图vt.起草due to adv. 由于, 应归于duplicate adj.复制的,两倍的adj. 完全相同的Eearmark v. 加上记号elaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细的eligible adj.符合条件的, 合格的embrace vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱emit vt.发出, 放射; 发表, 发行encourage vt.鼓励; 怂恿enhance vt.提高; 增强entangle vt.使缠上, 纠缠, 卷入erode, erosion vt.侵蚀, 腐蚀essential adj.本质的,基本的evacuate v.撤出;排泄exceed vt.超越; 胜过excerpt n.vt.摘录, 引用expanse n.宽阔, 膨胀、扩张extend v.扩充;延伸, 伸展extravagant adj.奢侈的, 浪费的放纵的;过分的Fface n.脸;面容, 表情vt.面对, 面向fame n.名声, 名望fancy adj.奇特的, 异样的vt.想象, 设想;n.爱好, 迷恋faucet n.龙头feature n.特征,特色;特性,fellow n.人, 家伙;伙伴fictitious adj.假想的, 编造的, 虚伪的final analysis n. 最终分析fizz n./ vi.嘶嘶响;液体中的气泡flicker v.摇曳, 闪烁forbidden adj.禁止的, 严禁的foster vt.养育, 抚育fragrance n.芬芳, 香气, 香味frightening adj.令人恐惧的, 引起突然惊恐的fuel n.燃料fund n.资金, 基金; v.支助, 投资Ggain vt.得到, 赚到,利润gemstones n.经雕琢的宝石glisten v.闪光,发亮goods n.货物graphic adj.绘画似的, 图解的grave n.坟墓v.雕刻adj.严重的grumpy adj.脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的Hhardly adv.刚刚, 仅; 几乎不hatch vt.孵, 孵出; 舱口, 舱口盖hearty adj亲切的;精神饱满的hostile adj.敌对的, 敌方的yhuge adj.巨大的, 极大的, 无限的hybrid n.杂种,混血儿;adj.混合的, 杂种的Iignore vt.不理睬, 忽视imitate vt.模仿,仿效imperceptible adj.感觉不到的increase vi.增加t , 繁殖indefinite adj.模糊的, 不确定的indicative adj.(~of) 指示的, 预示的, 可表示的induce vt.劝诱, 促使; 导致, 引起ingenious adj.机灵的;有独创性的inhibit v. 抑制; 约束:insatiable adj.不知足的, 贪求无厌的inspiring adj.灌输的, 鼓舞的insult n.侮辱, 凌辱vt.侮辱, 凌辱intense adj.强烈的;热情的intricate adj.复杂的, 错综的;难以理解的inundate v.淹没invent vt.发明, 创造tLlandmark n.地界标;里程碑, 划时代的事lateral adj.横(向)的, 侧面的legendary adj.传说中的liberate v.解放, 释放limited adj.有限的, 狭窄的;缺乏创见的locale n.现场ludicrous adj.可笑的, 滑稽的lyrical adj.抒情诗调的, 充满感情的Mmagnificence n.华丽, 富丽堂皇mandatory adj. 命令的, 强制的mar v.弄坏, 毁坏mature adj.成熟的, 到期的merchandise n.商品, 货物minuscule adj.小字写的;极小的misleading adj.易误解的, 令人误解的moderately adv.适度地motionless adj.不动的, 静止的muscular adj.肌肉的; 强健的mutation n.变化, 转变Nnaked adj.裸体的, 无遮盖的;无装饰的, 无保护的nominal adj.名义上的, 有名无实的nourishment n.食物, 营养品now and then adv. 偶然Ooath n.誓言, 宣誓, 诅咒obstacle n.障碍, 妨害物ominous adj.预兆的, 恶兆的on the spot adv.当场, 在危险中, 处于负责地位operation n.运转, 操作, 实施, 作用, 业务, 工作, 手术option n.选项, 选择权outlawe n.歹徒;逃犯;v. 宣布...为不合法overlap v.(与...)交迭overwhelm vt.淹没, 覆没;颠覆,推翻UPpanacea n.万能药particle n.粒子,极小量, 微粒passing n.经过, 消逝(死) adj.经过的;及格的path n.小路, 小径;路线, 轨道penetrate vt.穿透, 渗透; 洞察perennial adj.终年的, 长期的, 永久的perjury n.伪誓, 伪证perplexing adj.复杂的, 令人困惑的phenomenon n.现象plot n.小块土地;(小说的)情节;vi.密谋, 策划point out v.指出poll n民意测验;v.投票posthumously adj.死的的,遗腹的praise vt.赞扬, 歌颂precision n.精密度, 精度predominantly adv. 支配地prevail vi.流行, 盛行获胜, 成功primitive adj.原始的, 远古的; 粗糙的, 简单的private adj.私人的, 私有的profitable adj.有利可图的promotion n.促进; 提升, 晋升propagate v.繁殖;传播, 宣传prospect n.景色; 前景;vi.寻找, 勘探pulp n.(水果的)果肉puzzling adj.使迷惑的Rrange n.山脉;行列; 范围, 射程;vt.排列; 归类reach n. 范围:; vt.到达, 达到rebel n.造反者;adj.造反的, 叛逆的recipient n.容纳者, 容器recycle v. 重复利用n.再循环refrain n.重复, 叠句节制, 避免regrettably adv.抱歉地, 遗憾地relate vt.叙述, 讲; 使联系, 发生关系reluctantly adv.不情愿地, 嫌恶地remote adj.遥远的, 偏僻的repair n.修理, 修补research n.研究研究, 调查resort vi.求助, 诉诸;常去; 度假胜地常去之地restore vt.恢复, 使回复;归还, 交还revere v.尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬rewarding adj.报答的, 有益的, 值得的rudimentary adj.根本的s:未发展的run-down adj.破败的,衰败的n.. 纲要, 总结Sscarcely adv.几乎不, 简直没有scenery n.风景, 景色scrupulous adv.小心翼翼地, 多顾虑地secretly adv.秘密地, 背地里seek v.寻找, 探索tr; 寻求sensible adj.明智的, 有判断力的shade n.荫, 阴暗sheer adj.全然的; 峻峭的;透明的; v.使避开shield n.防护物, 盾;保护silently adv.默默地, 静静地site n.地点, 场所sketch n .略图, 草图slim adj.苗条的, 纤细的socket n. 孔, 插座, 糟solitary adj.孤独的sophisticated adj.诡辩的, 久经世故的spacious adj.广大的, 大规模的split v.劈开, (使)裂开stain n.污点, 瑕疵; v.染污, 沾污static adj.静态的, 静力的strengthen v.加强, 巩固strict adj.(~with) 严格的, 精确的stripe n.斑纹, 条纹stubborn adj.顽固的;难应付的style n.风格;文体subtle adj.狡猾的;微妙的; 精细的supernatural adj.超自然的surpass vt.超越, 胜过suspicious adj.(~of) 可疑的, 怀疑的swift adj.迅速的, 快的, 敏捷的symphony n.交响乐, 交响曲Ttake place v. 发生temperature n.温度tension n.紧张(状态), 不安张力terrifying adj. 恐怖的theory n.理论,原理timid adj.胆小的: 羞怯的tolerate vt.忍受, 容忍touching adj.动人的, 令人同情的trace n.痕迹, 踪迹; 微量transplant v.移植, 移种, 移民treasured n.财宝, 财富vt.珍爱, 珍惜trickle v.滴流tropical adj.热带的, 热情的turbulence n.骚乱, 动荡U unaccustomed adj.不习惯的,不平常的unbearable adj.无法忍受的, 承受不住的uncalled-for adj.不必要的, 多余的unquenchable adj.难抑制的:, 不能消灭的Vvacillate v.犹豫不定vandalism n.故意破坏公物,艺术的行为verify vt.检验, , 查证vigorous adj.精力旺盛的, 有力的vivid adj.生动的,逼真的;清晰的Wwarn vt.警告, 注意, 通知wed v.娶,嫁,结婚widespread adj.分布广泛的; 普遍的willing adj.自愿的;反应迅速的withhold vt. 抑制; 拒给, vi.忍住:。
In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.
Step 2: Relationships This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. Step 3: Share If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others. 1. What's the happiness formula according to the passage? 2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic
1. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't make out what color it was.2. The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually make jobs easier to do.3. He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been exposed 。
4. Mr. Morgan can be very sad in private _, though in public he is extremely cheerful.5 . You should throw away__ these tables and buy new ones.6. _ In regard to _ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the next meeting.7. The medicine which the doctor gave her can only relieve _ 'her temporarily from pain.8. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with naked _ eye.9. Many new _ opportunities _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.10. The weather is highly _ variable _ at this time of the year and it is hard to know what to wear.11. When you go to a new country, you must _ adapt _ yourself to new manners and customs.12. I found myself completely carried away by his vivid performance.13. These safety measures will result in _ the reduction of accidents.14. Some discussion has _ arisen _ about who should be put in charge of this project.15. _ In the light of _ these changes we must revise our plan.16. Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success encouraged him in his later s tudy.17. More and more cheaper materials are being_ substituted _ for the better, more expensive kind in production.18. We are taking _ up __ a collection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.19. This is _ by no means __ the first time you have been late.20. The taxi had to pull up because the traffic light had turned red.II. Grammatical Structure21. So frightened was the girl __ in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch.22. It was not until then that I came to know that knowledge comes from practice.23. Everything depends on _ whether _ we have enough time.24. I'd just as soon you didn't speak __ rudely to her.25. While you may be right, 1 can't altogether agree.26.--I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _ throwing up _--I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You'd better eat at home.27. His response was _ such _ that he didn't say yes and he didn't say no.28. There being nothing more to discuss, the CEO got to his feet, said goodbye and left the meeting room.29. I went to my adviser to ask him what courses _ to take。