
滑雪场相关英语词汇Revised on November 25, 2020滑雪场:s k i r e s o r t 雪道:Skislopes/runs/piste初级道:theprimary/elementarySkislopes/runs/中级道:TheintermediateSkislopes/runs高级道:thehigh-class/high-level/high-gradeSkislopes/runs单板:Snowboard双板:skis滑雪靴:Skiboots雪帽:snowcap手套:gloves雪服:Snowsuit/wear雪杖:skipole滑雪眼镜Skiglasses/goggle头盔helmet护膝kneepad越野滑雪crosscountryski山地滑雪downslopeski高山滑雪滑雪教练:Skicoach专业的:professional业余的:amateur坡度:slope 温度:temperature湿度:humidity海拔:altitude坡面朝相:theslopeorientation自然资源:Naturalresources日照:sunlight当地气候:Thelocalclimate蓄水池:reservoir蓄水池容量:Reservoircapacity造雪面积:snowarea运力:transportcapacity/ability缆车:Thecablecargondolalift(吊箱式)吊椅缆车:chairlift泵房:Thepumproom泵站:Thepumpstation造雪机:Snowmakingmachine/snowmaker压雪车:Pressuresnowmobiles、groomer供暖:heating氧吧:Oxygenbar停车场:park戏雪区:Snowentertainment儿童戏雪乐园:ChildrenSnowentertainment/ShowPlaying Area娱乐设施:Entertainmentfacilities滑雪区:Skiarea雪圈:Snowtubing雪具大厅:Skiequipmenthall/skirentalshop 间距:the d istancebetween...高尔夫球场:Thegolfcourse冬季旅游项目:Wintertourismproject花草园林:seaofflowers/Flowersgarden间距:thedistancebetween...雪场商业业态:Skiresortsbusinessformat 种类:kind/variety布局:overallarrangement/layout雪场品牌推广渠道:Skiresortsbrandpromotionchannels、门票:ticket、雪场经营模式(怎么收费的):businessmodel/businesspattern冬季主题活动:Winterthemeactivities、管理制度:Themanagementsystem/institution、安全管理:safetymanagement消防管理:Firemanagement雪具大厅内部布局:Skiequipmenthallfunctionlayout滑雪流程:Skiprocess。

滑雪场相关英语词汇文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]滑雪场:ski resort雪道:Ski slopes/runs/piste初级道:the primary/elementary Ski slopes/runs/中级道:The intermediate Ski slopes/runs高级道:the high-class/high-level/high-grade Skislopes/runs单板: Snowboard双板:skis滑雪靴:Ski boots雪帽: snow cap手套:gloves雪服:Snow suit/wear雪杖: ski pole滑雪眼镜Ski glasses/goggle头盔 helmet护膝 kneepad越野滑雪crosscountry ski山地滑雪downslope ski高山滑雪滑雪教练:Ski coach专业的: professional业余的:amateur坡度: slope温度:temperature湿度:humidity海拔:altitude坡面朝相: the slope orientation自然资源:Natural resources日照: sunlight当地气候:The local climate蓄水池: reservoir蓄水池容量:Reservoir capacity 造雪面积: ?snow area运力: transport capacity/ ability缆车:The cable car gondolalift(吊箱式)吊椅缆车:chairlift泵房:The pump room泵站:The pump station造雪机:Snowmakingmachine/snowmaker压雪车:Pressure snowmobiles、groomer供暖:heating氧吧:Oxygen bar停车场: park戏雪区:Snow entertainment儿童戏雪乐园:Children Snow entertainment/Show Playing Area娱乐设施:Entertainment facilities滑雪区:Ski area雪圈:Snow tubing雪具大厅:Ski equipmenthall/ski rental shop间距:the d istance between...高尔夫球场: The golf course冬季旅游项目:Winter tourism project 花草园林: sea of flowers/ Flowers garden间距:the distance between...雪场商业业态:Ski resorts business format种类: kind/variety布局: overall arrangement/ layout雪场品牌推广渠道:Ski resorts brand promotion channels、门票:ticket、雪场经营模式(怎么收费的): business model/business pattern冬季主题活动:Winter theme activities、管理制度:The management system / institution、安全管理: safety management消防管理:Fire management雪具大厅内部布局:Ski equipment hall function layout滑雪流程: Ski process。

滑雪场(SkiResort)相关用语的英语表达雪道相关用语:雪道:Skislope/track初级道:elementaryslope/beginnerslope中级道:intermediateslope/middleslope高级道:advancedslope/difficultslope雪圈道:Snowtubingtrack雪具相关用语:雪具大厅:skiequipmenthall雪具维护:Skismaintenance雪鞋:Skiboots雪帽:ski/snowcap雪服:ski/Snowsuit/wear雪杖:skipole雪镜Skiglasses/goggle雪圈:Snowtubing雪橇:sleigh/luge(大雪橇:bob雪橇滑道:bob-run雪橇车比赛:bobsledding大雪橇舵手:bobsteerer)手套:gloves头盔:helmet护膝:kneepad/,kneecap护肘:elbowpad护膝带:kneecapbandage?滑雪棚:skihut???滑雪裤:skipants???单板:Snowboard双板:skis小型雪板:compactski魔毯:Conveyorbeltforskiing滑雪袋:?skibag造雪机:snowmaker压雪车:snowpressuremachine上板器:Mountingplate固定器:fastener/fixer/retainer吊箱式索道:gondola缆车/索道:Cablecar/cable-way缆车中站:MiddleStation缆车:thecablecargondola-lift(吊箱式)拖牵:draglift吊椅缆车:chairlift双人吊箱缆车:DoubleChairLift服务区相关用语:入口:Entrance出口:Exit售票处:Ticketoffice检票处:check-incounter卫生间:Toilet/washroom咨询台:informationdesk存衣柜:Locker游客服务中心:visitorservicecenter投诉建议处:Complaintsandsuggestionsoffice失物招领处:LostandFoundOffice收银台:Cashier/checkoutcounter小件寄存:Leftluggage雪服出租:Skisuitsrenting雪服归还:Skisuitsreturning专卖店:Specialtystore旗舰店:Flagshipstore滑雪学校:Skischool/boardingschool医务室:Clinic广播室:Broadcastingroom办公室:Office停车场:Parking戏雪区:Snowentertainmentarea儿童戏雪乐园:ChildrenSnowentertainment/SnowPlayingArea氧吧:oxygenbar滑雪类别相关用语:越野滑雪:cross-countryskiing山地滑雪:mountainskiing速降滑雪:downhillskiing高山滑雪:Alpineskiing自由式滑雪:FreestyleSkiing跳台滑雪:skijumping草地滑雪:Grassskiing速滑:SpeedSkiing猫跳滑雪:MogulSkiing平地滑雪:flatskiing特里马滑雪:Telemarkskiing(曲膝转弯)短道速滑:ShortTrackSpeedSkating花样滑冰:FigureSkating冬季两项:Biathlon北欧两项:NordicCombined滑雪教练:Skicoach跳台跳雪运动员:ski-jumper滑雪能手:skimaster专业的:professional业余的:amateur滑雪自然条件相关用语:坡度:slope海拔:altitude温度:temperature湿度:humidity 日照:sunlight滑坡:?slide陡坡:?steepslope?雪情:snowcondition坡面朝相:theslopeorientation自然资源:naturalresources当地气候:thelocalclimate蓄水池:reservoir蓄水池容量:reservoircapacity造雪面积:?snowarea滑雪动作相关用语:速降:downhill回转、大回转:giantslalom超级大回转:?supergiantslalom空中特技:aerials后屈小腿挺身跳:backscratch-er前空翻:frontsomersault后空翻:Backwardsomersault单脚交替滑行:glidingstep半蹲姿势:halfcrouch?直体转体360度:360degreesturn??(helicopter)飞跃:?jumping?跳转急停:jumpstop??撑双杖跳跃式转弯:jumpturnwithtwosticksdown?着陆:?landing???雪上特技:moguls???后屈小腿摆跳跃:mulekick??花样跳跃:?multiplemanoeuvres?跳跃障碍:obstaclejump???飞跃着陆时跌倒:falljump???????前倾:?forwardlean?大滑:slip持滑雪杖走步:?ski-polewalking?摆动式转弯:?swingturn??从跳板上飞跳:takeafly??飞跃起跳台:takeoffplatform弓步式转弯,屈膝转弯:telemark下肢扭摆跳跃:twister?????????并腿前屈体跳跃:zudnik???斜线跳跃:obliquejump跳台飞跃:ski-flying平行转弯:parallel??卧倒射击:prone??蹬雪:?pushoff???半团身:puckposition横滑行:skid小飞跃:skipSG超级大回转GS大回转DH速降?雪场其它相关用语:娱乐设施:Entertainmentfacilities高尔夫球场:Thegolfcourse滑雪场总体平面示意图:Thegeneraloveralllayoutplanofskiresort 滑雪水平测试区:Skiingleveltestarea泵站:thepumpstation供暖:heating冬季旅游项目:Wintertourismproject冬季主题活动:Winterthemeactivities雪场品牌推广渠道:Skiresortsbrandpromotionchannels花草园林:Flowersandgrassgarden雪场商业业态:Skiresortscommercialform管理制度:Themanagementsystem/institution、安全管理:safetymanagement消防管理:Firemanagement单板教练:SnowboardCoach双板教练:SkiCoach滑雪运动员:skier后起之秀:upandcomingstar70米跳台:?seventymeterjumps安全网:safetynetting大跳台:largehill1、您好,请问您有预订吗?Hello!Doyouhaveareservation?2、请出示一下您的套票或者预订码。

今天⽆忧考主要给⼤家分享怎样⽤英语⼝语表达滑雪场,希望对你们有帮助!【篇⼀】怎样⽤英语⼝语表达滑雪场 ski field ski resort tempat permainan ski 例句: My friends got a pretty good deal on lift tickets. 我朋友买到很便宜的滑雪场⼊场券。
But by 1997 , few resorts excluded it. 但是到了97年很少有滑雪场在禁⽌它了。
Lighting for skiing grounds and ice skating rinks. 滑雪场和溜冰场的照明。
Linhai cottage in jilin beidahu skiing ground. 吉林北⼤湖滑雪场林海⼩屋。
The ski slop was situated just outside the town. 滑雪场就坐落在市郊。
This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 它个是三个假期开放的滑雪场之⼀。
How much is the reason pass 滑雪场的⼀季⼊场券要多少钱?【篇⼆】美国滑雪的英语⼝语词汇 1. Day of (当天) 到了ski resort(滑雪场),⾸先要买lift ticket(缆车票)。
如果你没有⾃⼰的ski/snowboard boots(滑雪靴)和skis/snowboard的话,雪场有可以租的,统称为rentals。
2. Snow condition (雪况) 由于天⽓不定,雪场的雪况可以⽤slushy(半融),icy(结冰),wet snow(湿雪)和powder(雪粉)来形容。

那么滑雪场英语⼝语怎么说呢?以下是由整理发布,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】滑雪场英语⼝语怎么说 ski field ski resort tempat permainan ski 例句: My friends got a pretty good deal on lift tickets 我朋友买到很便宜的滑雪场⼊场券。
But by 1997 , few resorts excluded it 但是到了97年很少有滑雪场在禁⽌它了。
Lighting for skiing grounds and ice skating rinks 滑雪场和溜冰场的照明 Linhai cottage in jilin beidahu skiing ground 吉林北⼤湖滑雪场林海⼩屋 Head for the country s only indoor ski slope , ,可到全国室内滑雪场snowdome adelaide 。
The ski slop was situated just outside the town 滑雪场就坐落在市郊。
This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 它个是三个假期开放的滑雪场之⼀。
How much is the reason pass 滑雪场的⼀季⼊场券要多少钱?【篇⼆】滑雪⽤英语怎么说 ski; skiing 例句: At one time i used to go skiing every winter . 我有⼀度每到冬季就去滑雪。
Skiing remained the weak spot of the chinese team . 滑雪仍是中国队的弱项。
I am going skiing next winter . 我打算在即将到来的冬天去滑雪。

Useful Expressions体验旅游1.The ski resorts in Canada are many and varied.加拿⼤的滑雪胜地很多,也各有不同。
2.This ski resort offers a variety of terrains.这个滑雪圣地有各种不同的地形。
3.The statistics are on the percentage of beginners, intermediate and expert.这个数据是关于新⼿、中等⽔平⼈员和专业⼈员的⽐例。
4.They have snowboards on sale here.这⾥有滑雪板出售。
5.There is no shortage of great snow in Canada.加拿⼤从来不缺少⼤雪。
6.Facilities here are never overly grandiose.这⾥的设施从来不过度华丽地包装。
7.The friendly atmosphere is the drawcard here.这⾥友好⽓氛是⼀个主打优势牌。
8.You will get addicted to the feeling of skiing.你会为滑雪的感觉深深着迷的。
9.The price drops from west to east.价格从西往东逐渐下降。
10.The 2010 Winter Olympics were held here.2010年的冬季奥运会在这⾥举办。
11.Skiing makes this place a household world.滑雪使得这⾥成为⼀个家喻户晓的地⽅。

滑雪场相关英语词汇 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】滑雪场:s k i r e s o r t 雪道:Skislopes/runs/piste初级道:theprimary/elementarySkislopes/runs/中级道:TheintermediateSkislopes/runs高级道:thehigh-class/high-level/high-gradeSkislopes/runs单板:Snowboard双板:skis滑雪靴:Skiboots雪帽:snowcap手套:gloves雪服:Snowsuit/wear雪杖:skipole滑雪眼镜Skiglasses/goggle头盔helmet护膝kneepad越野滑雪crosscountryski山地滑雪downslopeski高山滑雪滑雪教练:Skicoach专业的:professional业余的:amateur 坡度:slope温度:temperature湿度:humidity海拔:altitude坡面朝相:theslopeorientation自然资源:Naturalresources日照:sunlight当地气候:Thelocalclimate蓄水池:reservoir蓄水池容量:Reservoircapacity造雪面积:snowarea运力:transportcapacity/ability缆车:Thecablecargondolalift(吊箱式)吊椅缆车:chairlift泵房:Thepumproom泵站:Thepumpstation造雪机:Snowmakingmachine/snowmaker 压雪车:Pressuresnowmobiles、groomer 供暖:heating氧吧:Oxygenbar停车场:park戏雪区:Snowentertainment儿童戏雪乐园:ChildrenSnowentertainment/ShowPlaying Area娱乐设施:Entertainmentfacilities滑雪区:Skiarea雪圈:Snowtubing雪具大厅:Skiequipmenthall/skirentalshop间距:the d istancebetween...高尔夫球场:Thegolfcourse冬季旅游项目:Wintertourismproject花草园林:seaofflowers/Flowersgarden间距:thedistancebetween...雪场商业业态:Skiresortsbusinessformat种类:kind/variety布局:overallarrangement/layout 雪场品牌推广渠道:Skiresortsbrandpromotionchannels、门票:ticket、雪场经营模式(怎么收费的):businessmodel/businesspattern冬季主题活动:Winterthemeactivities、管理制度:Themanagementsystem/institution、安全管理:safetymanagement消防管理:Firemanagement雪具大厅内部布局:Skiequipmenthallfunctionlayout滑雪流程:Skiprocess。
滑雪场相关英语词汇 (2)

滑雪场:ski resort雪道:Ski slopes/runs/piste初级道:the primary/elementary Ski slopes/runs/Bunny Slope中级道:The intermediate Ski slopes/runs高级道:thehigh-class/high-level/high-grade Ski slopes/runs单板: Snowboard双板:skis滑雪靴:Ski boots雪帽:snow cap手套:gloves雪服:Snow suit/wear雪杖:ski pole滑雪眼镜Ski glasses/goggle头盔helmet护膝kneepad越野滑雪crosscountry ski山地滑雪downslope ski高山滑雪Alpine Ski滑雪教练:Ski coach专业的: professional业余的:amateur坡度: slope温度:temperature 湿度:humidity海拔:altitude坡面朝相:the slope orientation自然资源:Natural resources日照: sunlight当地气候:The local climate蓄水池:reservoir蓄水池容量:Reservoir capacity造雪面积: ?snow area运力:transport capacity/ ability缆车:The cable car gondolalift(吊箱式)吊椅缆车:chairlift泵房:The pump room泵站:The pump station造雪机:Snowmakingmachine/snowmaker压雪车:Pressure snowmobiles、groomer供暖:heating氧吧:Oxygen bar停车场:park戏雪区:Snow entertainment儿童戏雪乐园:Children Snow entertainment/Show Playing Area娱乐设施:Entertainment facilities滑雪区:Ski area雪圈:Snow tubing雪具大厅:Ski equipment hall/ski rental shop间距:the d istance between...高尔夫球场:The golf course冬季旅游项目:Winter tourism project花草园林:sea of flowers/ Flowers garden间距:the distance between...雪场商业业态:Ski resorts business format种类: kind/variety布局:overall arrangement/ layout 雪场品牌推广渠道:Ski resorts brand promotion channels、门票:ticket、雪场经营模式(怎么收费的): business model/business pattern冬季主题活动:Winter theme activities、管理制度:The management system / institution、安全管理: safety management消防管理:Fire management雪具大厅内部布局:Ski equipment hall function layout滑雪流程: Ski process。

滑雪场地介绍英文作文英文:Skiing is one of my favorite winter activities, and I love exploring different ski resorts around the world. Today, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite ski resorts – Whistler Blackcomb.Whistler Blackcomb is located in British Columbia, Canada, and it's the largest ski resort in North America. With over 8,000 acres of skiable terrain, Whistler Blackcomb has something for everyone, from beginner to expert skiers.One of the things I love about Whistler Blackcomb is the variety of runs. There are over 200 marked runs, ranging from gentle beginner slopes to challenging double black diamonds. My favorite runs are the ones on the Blackcomb side, like the Couloir Extreme and the Saudan Couloir.Another great thing about Whistler Blackcomb is the snow quality. The resort receives an average of 11 meters of snowfall each year, which means there's always fresh powder to ski on. Plus, the resort has invested in snowmaking technology to ensure good snow conditions even during warmer weather.Aside from skiing, there are also plenty of other activities to do at Whistler Blackcomb, such as snowboarding, snowshoeing, and tubing. And if you need a break from the cold, you can always relax at one of the resort's many spas or restaurants.Overall, Whistler Blackcomb is a fantastic ski resort that I highly recommend. Whether you're a seasoned skier or a beginner, there's something for everyone to enjoy.中文:滑雪是我最喜欢的冬季活动之一,我喜欢探索世界各地的不同滑雪胜地。

描写滑雪场的写景英语作文1. The snow-capped mountains stretch as far as the eye can see, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the ski resort. The crisp, cold air fills my lungs as I step out of the car, instantly invigorating me. The anticipation of hitting the slopes is palpable.2. As I make my way towards the ski lift, I am greeted by the sound of laughter and excitement. The bustling energy of fellow skiers and snowboarders is contagious. The clanking of equipment and the swooshing of skis on the snow create a symphony of winter sports.3. The ski lift slowly ascends, carrying me higher and higher above the ground. The view from above is awe-inspiring. The snow-covered trees resemble a winter wonderland, their branches weighed down by the fluffy white snow. It's a scene straight out of a postcard.4. Finally reaching the top, I take a moment to admirethe panoramic view. The vast expanse of untouched snow stretches out before me, inviting me to carve my own path. The adrenaline starts to pump through my veins as I prepare to make my descent.5. Pushing off, I glide down the mountain, the wind rushing past my face. The feeling of freedom and exhilaration is indescribable. The powdery snow beneath my skis provides the perfect cushion, allowing me to effortlessly maneuver through the twists and turns of the slope.6. The sound of my skis slicing through the snow echoes in my ears as I pick up speed. The adrenaline rush intensifies with each passing moment. The pure joy of gliding down the mountain at high speed is unmatched. It's a thrilling dance with gravity.7. As I reach the bottom of the slope, a sense of accomplishment washes over me. The satisfaction of conquering the mountain and pushing my limits is immensely gratifying. The cheers and applause from fellow skiers andsnowboarders add to the sense of triumph.8. Taking a break, I find myself surrounded by the cozy atmosphere of the ski lodge. The crackling fire in the fireplace warms the room, providing a welcome respite from the cold. The aroma of hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies fills the air, enticing me to indulge in someaprès-ski treats.9. The sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the mountains. The sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant hues, painting a picture-perfect ending to a day of adventure. The beauty of nature combined with the thrill of skiing creates an unforgettable experience.10. As I reluctantly leave the ski resort, the memories of the day linger in my mind. The exhilaration, the stunning scenery, and the camaraderie of fellow skiers and snowboarders leave me longing for more. I can't wait to return to the slopes and create new memories in this winter wonderland.。

滑雪基地英文介绍作文英文:Skiing is one of my favorite winter sports, and I recently visited a ski resort in the mountains. The ski base is located at the foot of the mountain, and there are various slopes for different levels of skiers. The beginner slopes are wide and gentle, perfect for those who are new to skiing. The intermediate slopes are steeper and more challenging, but still manageable for those who have some experience. The advanced slopes are the most difficult, and require a high level of skill and experience.One of the things I really liked about this ski base is that they had a great ski school. The instructors were all very knowledgeable and friendly, and they were able to help me improve my technique in just a few lessons. They even had a kids' ski school, which is a great way for children to learn how to ski in a safe and fun environment.The ski base also had a lot of other amenities, such as a restaurant, a bar, and a rental shop. The restaurant served delicious food, and the bar was a great place to relax after a day on the slopes. The rental shop had a wide variety of ski equipment, so even if you don't have your own gear, you can still enjoy a day of skiing.Overall, I had a great time at this ski base, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves skiing.中文:滑雪是我最喜欢的冬季运动之一,最近我去了一家位于山区的滑雪度假村。

描写滑雪场的写景作文英语A ski resort is a wondrous place, where the crisp air tingles with excitement and the landscape is transformed into a playground for winter enthusiasts. Let me paint a picture of this snowy paradise.As you step out onto the slopes, your breath forms delicate clouds in the chilly air. The sun peeks over the jagged peaks, casting a golden glow on the pristine snow. The scent of pine fills your nostrils, mingling with the exhilarating anticipation of the adventure ahead.The ski trails stretch out before you like ribbons of white satin, winding their way down the mountainside in graceful arcs and thrilling descents. Each trail offers its own challenge, from gentle slopes perfect for beginners to steep, heart-pounding runs that test even the most experienced skiers.At the base of the mountain, the ski lodge stands likea welcoming beacon, its cozy interior beckoning weary travelers with the promise of warmth and comfort. Inside, the crackling fire casts a flickering light across the rustic wooden beams, while the aroma of hot cocoa and freshly baked pastries fills the air.As you make your way to the chairlift, the sound of laughter and excitement surrounds you, mingling with the hum of the lift machinery and the occasional whoosh of a skier speeding past. High above the ground, the world takes on a different perspective, as you glide effortlessly over the treetops and marvel at the breathtaking views below.But it's not just skiing that makes the resort come alive—it's the sense of camaraderie and community that permeates every corner. From the friendly banter of fellow skiers on the chairlift to the shared triumphs and challenges of conquering the slopes together, there's a bond that transcends language and culture.As the day draws to a close and the sun dips below the horizon, casting the mountains in a rosy hue, youreluctantly bid farewell to the slopes, knowing that you'll return again soon to experience the magic all over again.In the end, a ski resort is more than just a destination—it's a sanctuary, a playground, and a home away from home for those who seek adventure and excitement in the embrace of winter's icy embrace.。

介绍高山滑雪场英语作文High mountain ski resorts are the perfect destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The breathtaking views and fresh mountain air make the experience unforgettable. The thrill of speeding down the slopes and feeling the wind in your face is truly exhilarating.The ski trails at high mountain resorts offer a variety of difficulty levels, from beginner to expert. Whetheryou're a seasoned skier or just starting out, there's atrail for everyone. The feeling of conquering a challenging slope is incredibly rewarding.In addition to skiing, high mountain resorts offer a range of other activities to enjoy. From snowboarding and snowshoeing to ice skating and sledding, there's no shortage of ways to have fun in the snow. And after a day of outdoor adventure, you can relax by the fire with a warm drink and take in the stunning mountain views.One of the best things about high mountain ski resorts is the sense of community. Whether you're chatting with fellow skiers on the chairlift or sharing stories with other guests at the lodge, there's a camaraderie that comes with enjoying the mountain together. It's a great way to meet new people and make lasting memories.Overall, high mountain ski resorts offer an unforgettable winter experience. The combination ofthrilling outdoor activities, stunning natural beauty, and a welcoming atmosphere make them the perfect destinationfor anyone looking to embrace the winter season.。

我的乐园作文滑雪场英文回答:My amusement park is a winter wonderland with a fantastic ski resort. It is a perfect destination for ski enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. The ski resort offers a wide range of slopes, from gentle beginner slopes to challenging black diamond runs.When you enter the ski resort, you will be greeted by the breathtaking view of snow-covered mountains. The ski slopes are meticulously groomed and maintained, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable skiing experience. The resort also provides state-of-the-art ski equipment for rent, so you don't have to worry if you don't have your own gear.For beginners, there are ski instructors available to provide lessons and guidance. They will teach you the basic techniques and help you gain confidence on the slopes. Even if you have never skied before, you can quickly pick up theskills and start having fun in no time.Intermediate and advanced skiers can challenge themselves on the steeper and more thrilling slopes. The resort has a variety of runs with different levels of difficulty, allowing skiers to progress and improve their skills. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of racing down the slopes or prefer a leisurely cruise, there is something for everyone.In addition to skiing, the resort also offers other winter activities such as snowboarding, snowshoeing, and tubing. You can try your hand at snowboarding and experience the thrill of gliding down the slopes with a snowboard strapped to your feet. Snowshoeing is a great way to explore the scenic winter landscape while getting some exercise. And for those who prefer a more laid-back activity, tubing provides a fun and exhilarating ride down the snow-covered hills.After a day of skiing and winter fun, you can relax and unwind at the cozy lodge. The lodge offers comfortableaccommodations with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. You can warm up by the fireplace, enjoy a hotcup of cocoa, and share stories of your adventures on the slopes with fellow skiers.中文回答:我的乐园是一个冬季仙境,拥有一个绝佳的滑雪场。

哈尔滨滑雪场英文作文Harbin, a city known for its enchanting ice sculptures, also boasts some of the finest ski resorts in China. The ski season here is a spectacle of white, where snowflakes dancein the crisp air.The ski slopes of Harbin are a winter wonderland,offering a variety of trails for both beginners and seasoned skiers. The gentle slopes are perfect for those taking their first steps in skiing, while the steeper ones challenge even the most experienced.The thrill of gliding down the snowy hills is exhilarating, with the wind whipping past your face and the world below a blanket of untouched snow. Skiing in Harbin is not just a sport; it's an adventure that brings people together.After a day on the slopes, the warm glow of the ski lodge is a welcome sight. Inside, you can enjoy hot cocoa and share stories of your day with fellow ski enthusiasts, creating a sense of camaraderie.For those who prefer a more leisurely pace, snowboarding is another popular activity. The wide, open spaces of the ski resorts provide ample room for snowboarders to carve their own paths through the snow.Harbin's ski resorts are also a haven for families. Children can learn to ski in special zones designed for their safety and enjoyment, while parents can watch from nearby, sipping on hot beverages.The night skiing is a unique experience, with the slopes illuminated by the soft glow of lights. It's a magical time when the snow sparkles under the moonlight, and the air is filled with the sound of laughter.Finally, no trip to Harbin's ski resorts would be complete without trying out the local cuisine. After a day of skiing, there's nothing better than indulging in hearty dishes that warm the soul and replenish energy.In conclusion, Harbin's ski resorts offer an unforgettable experience for all ages, with their pristine slopes, friendly atmosphere, and the chance to create memories that last a lifetime.。

美国滑雪场英语作文英文:Skiing in the United States is a popular winter activity, and there are many ski resorts across the country that offer a variety of slopes for skiers of all levels. One of my favorite ski resorts to visit is Aspen Snowmass in Colorado.When I first arrived at Aspen Snowmass, I was blown away by the stunning scenery of the Rocky Mountains and the fresh, powdery snow that covered the slopes. As I made my way to the ski lifts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.The resort offers a wide range of slopes, from gentle beginner runs to challenging black diamond trails. I remember starting off on the beginner slopes, practicing my turns and getting a feel for the snow beneath my skis. As I gained more confidence, I ventured onto some of the moreintermediate runs, enjoying the thrill of picking up speed and carving through the snow.One of the highlights of my trip to Aspen Snowmass was the opportunity to take a ski lesson with a local instructor. They gave me some great tips on improving my technique and helped me tackle some of the more difficult terrain. It was a valuable experience that really enhanced my skiing skills.After a day on the slopes, I loved relaxing in the cozy lodge, sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace and sharing stories of the day's adventures with fellow skiers. The atmosphere was always so warm and inviting, and it really added to the overall experience.I also enjoyed exploring the town of Aspen, with its charming shops, restaurants, and vibrant nightlife. It was the perfect way to unwind after a day of skiing and to immerse myself in the local culture.Overall, my experience at Aspen Snowmass wasunforgettable, and I can't wait to return for another ski trip in the future.中文:滑雪在美国是一项受欢迎的冬季活动,在全国各地有许多滑雪胜地,为各个级别的滑雪者提供各种不同的坡道。

介绍滑雪场英语作文Ski resorts are a haven for winter sports enthusiasts, offering a plethora of activities and amenities forvisitors seeking adventure and relaxation alike. From thrilling downhill runs to serene cross-country trails, ski resorts cater to a diverse range of preferences and skill levels. Let's delve into what makes a ski resort anenticing destination for snow lovers.First and foremost, ski resorts boast a variety of slopes catering to different proficiency levels, from beginners to seasoned experts. Green, blue, red, and black runs offer something for everyone, ensuring that both novices and experienced skiers can find terrain suited to their abilities. Additionally, ski instructors and guides are often available to provide lessons and assistance, helping newcomers develop their skills and navigate the slopes safely.Apart from skiing, many resorts offer a host of otherwinter activities to keep visitors entertained. Snowboarding, snow tubing, and ice skating are popular alternatives for those seeking a break from traditional skiing. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing provide opportunities to explore the scenic beauty of the surrounding landscape at a more leisurely pace. Moreover, après-ski activities such as cozying up by the fireplace, enjoying live music, or indulging in delicious cuisine add to the overall experience of a ski resort getaway.One of the key attractions of ski resorts is their range of amenities and accommodations. Modern resorts often feature luxurious lodges, chalets, and condominiums equipped with all the comforts of home. On-site restaurants and cafes serve up hearty meals and hot beverages to fuel guests for a day on the slopes. Spa facilities offer a chance to unwind and rejuvenate tired muscles after a day of exertion. Furthermore, amenities like equipment rental shops, ski valets, and shuttle services enhance convenience and ease for visitors.In addition to the recreational opportunities, skiresorts contribute significantly to local economies by generating employment and attracting tourism. They create jobs not only in hospitality and tourism but also in construction, retail, and other related industries. Moreover, they stimulate local businesses by bringing in visitors who patronize restaurants, shops, and other establishments in the surrounding area.From a conservation standpoint, ski resorts have increasingly embraced sustainable practices to minimize their environmental impact. Initiatives such as energy-efficient buildings, waste reduction measures, and responsible water management help preserve the natural beauty of the mountain environment. Many resorts also participate in habitat restoration projects and support local conservation efforts to safeguard fragile ecosystems.In conclusion, ski resorts offer a blend ofexhilarating outdoor activities, luxurious accommodations, and natural beauty that make them a sought-afterdestination for winter enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned skier or a novice seeking adventure, there'ssomething for everyone to enjoy at a ski resort. With their range of amenities, recreational opportunities, and commitment to sustainability, ski resorts continue to captivate visitors from around the globe, providing unforgettable experiences in the heart of winter wonderlands.。

介绍滑雪场英语作文英文回答:I have been an avid skier for over 20 years, and I am more than happy to tell you all about the exquisite ski resort that I visited last winter. The Vail Ski Resort in Colorado is a winter wonderland that has something to offer every type of skier or snowboarder. The resort has over5,289 acres of skiable terrain, which is accessible by 31 lifts, including gondolas, high-speed six-person chairs,and traditional two-person chairs. With such a vast area to explore, you can find runs that cater to all skill levels, from gentle slopes to challenging terrain parks.One of the best things about Vail is its diversity. Whether you prefer wide-open groomers, steep chutes, or mogul fields, you can find trails that match your interests. And if you prefer to strap on a snowboard instead of skis, you will appreciate the resort's four terrain parks. The parks offer a range of features, including jumps, rails,and boxes, that will challenge and excite riders of all levels.In addition to its world-class skiing, Vail offers a variety of lodging options, from luxurious hotels to cozy condos. There is also a wide selection of restaurants, bars, and shops to choose from. And if you need to rent equipment or take lessons, there are several ski schools and rental shops conveniently located throughout the resort.Overall, Vail is an unforgettable ski resort thatoffers something for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned skier or a beginner, you are sure to have an amazing timeat this beautiful winter wonderland. But don't take my word for it, come and experience Vail for yourself!中文回答:我滑雪已经超过 20 年了,我非常乐意向你介绍我去年冬天去过的那个精致滑雪场。

滑雪场的作文英文回答:Skiing is a popular winter sport and ski resorts are a great place to enjoy it. Ski resorts offer a variety of slopes for skiers of all levels, from beginners to advanced. They also provide rental equipment, ski lessons, and other amenities.One of the best ski resorts I have been to is Whistler Blackcomb in Canada. It has over 8,000 acres of skiable terrain and is the largest ski resort in North America. The resort has over 200 marked runs, 16 alpine bowls, and three glaciers. The scenery is breathtaking, with snow-covered mountains and forests surrounding the resort.The resort also offers a range of activities besides skiing, such as snowboarding, snowshoeing, and ice-skating. There are also plenty of restaurants, cafes, and shops in the village to keep visitors entertained.Overall, skiing at Whistler Blackcomb was an amazing experience. The resort is well-maintained, the staff is friendly and helpful, and the slopes are perfect for all levels of skiers.中文回答:滑雪是一项受欢迎的冬季运动,滑雪场是一个享受滑雪的好地方。
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ski field
ski resort
tempat permainan ski
My friends got a pretty good deal on lift tickets.
But by 1997 , few resorts excluded it.
Lighting for skiing grounds and ice skating rinks.
Linhai cottage in jilin beidahu skiing ground.
The ski slop was situated just outside the town.
This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays
How much is the reason pass
1. Day of (当天)
到了ski resort(滑雪场),首先要买lift ticket(缆车票)。
如果你没有自己的ski/snowboard boots(滑雪靴)和
2. Snow condition (雪况)
wet snow(湿雪)和powder(雪粉)来形容。
3. Trails(雪道)
美国的雪道是按难度等级来分的,由易到难依次是Green circle, Blue square, Black diamond, Double black diamond和Terrain park。
绿色前面我还喜欢加一个Bunny slope。
Terrain park是玩技巧的地方。
4. Start! (开滑!)
Ski因为人体向前,有left turn和
right turn。
这种情况下为了方便说明,会把靠山下那只板叫outside ski,靠山上那只板叫inside ski。
Snowboard是侧身下滑的,左右不好分,所以有heel turn和toe turn。
Wide turns(大S)下滑速度慢,对初学者来说好用。
Tight turns(小S)下滑速度快,一般牛人的S都很小。
ski stick
Alpine skis . determination of the elastic properties.
Alpine skis . ski binding srews . test methods.
Cross - country skis . determination of elastic properties.
Snowboard boots - interface with ski - binding iso 11634 :1996.
Alpine skis . ski binding screws . requirements.
Thieves seize skis . the blue bluebird blinks.
Snowboarding became an olympic sport in 1998.
Snowboard step - in bindings - requirements and test methods.
Slide the left ski forward and then the right.
Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to the snowboarding area?
Take bus 12 and get off at the terminal station.
Thanks a lot.
You are welcome.