


多乐士家丽安墙面漆 规格5L/18L型号A990-65016 单价85元 /桶~200元/桶
多乐士家丽安优佳墙面漆 规格18L 型号A8610-65016 单价280元/桶
多乐士家丽安倍涂墙面漆 规格15L 型号A967-65016 单价210元/桶
多乐士家丽安净味倍涂墙面漆 规格15L 型号A8605-65016 单价260元/桶
多乐士家丽安净味墙面漆 规格5L/18L型号A991-65016 单价110元/桶~270元/桶
多乐士竹炭家丽安无添加墙面漆 规格5L/18L 型号A8602-65016 单价160元/桶~390元/桶
多乐士家丽安无添加墙面漆 规格5L/18L型号A846-65016 单价140元/桶~360元/桶
多乐士家丽安抗污净味墙面漆 规格18L 型号A893-65016 单价350元/桶
多乐士家丽安防潮净味墙面漆 规格18L 型号A891-65016 单价340元/桶
多乐士家丽安悦居净味墙面漆 规格18L 型号A681-65016 单价320元/桶
多乐士家丽安专业120墙面漆 规格18L 型号A8612-65016 单价220元/桶
多乐士专业外墙底漆7100 规格20L 型号A914-65977 单价310元/桶



□ 45YR 83/076 □ 56YR 48/398 □ 61YR 60/282 □ 80YR 72/159 ○ 10YR 16/407 ○ 30YR 26/330 ○ 30YR 74/068 ○ 50YR 44/287 ○ 60YR 19/557 ○ 70YR 27/404 ○ 80YR 31/419 ○ 80YR 69/114 ○ 90YR 46/346 ○ 90YR 83/070 △ 10YR 55/037
多乐士专业外墙底漆 7100 多乐士专业抗碱底漆 多乐士专业弹性中层漆 107 ICI 专业通用外墙底漆 ICI 工程专用底漆 多乐士专业天然真石漆
20L 20L 20L 20L 20L 25KG
A914-65977 A931-65952 A194-107 A914-65821 A914-65946 A192
□ 42YR 43/439 □ 54YR 42/452 □ 60YR 83/060 □ 80YR 57/293 ○ 10YR 12/375 ○ 30YR 12/292 ○ 30YR 67/113 ○ 50YR 36/263 ○ 50YR 83/035 ○ 70YR 19/432 ○ 80YR 20/488 ○ 80YR 65/185 ○ 90YR 34/561 ○ 90YR 77/115 △ 10YR 49/082
□ 46YR 69/173 □ 57YR 77/102 □ 70YR 70/151 □ 82YR 81/106 ○ 10YR 25/284 ○ 30YR 40/231 ○ 30YR 83/040 ○ 50YR 53/160 ○ 60YR 24/439 ○ 70YR 45/261 ○ 80YR 32/339 ○ 80YR 76/086 ○ 90YR 49/382 △ 10YR 15/098 △ 10YR 64/038



多乐士乳胶漆技术参数1.引言1.1 概述多乐士乳胶漆是一种高品质的涂料产品,具有广泛的应用领域。


















1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将分为引言、正文和结论三个部分,每个部分都有各自的重点内容。





中国涂料十大品牌1 多乐士Dulux (英国ICI集团世界品牌,国家免检产品,十大品牌油漆)多乐士以清新、环保的形象备受家装用户欢迎2 华润Huarun (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品,十大品牌油漆) 实美内墙漆18L S30100-18L ¥732.00 工美内墙漆18LS60000-18L ¥531.00 实美内墙漆5LS30100-5L ¥283.00 工美内墙漆5L S60000-5L ¥201.00华彩白底漆13TJD711D/X-5 ¥281.00华润世纪明珠¥289.00简美真净界五合一内墙漆18lS09600P-18L ¥1003.00木器面漆GD2015 ¥309.00水性抗碱封墙底漆5L SD51-5L ¥165.00白色PU底漆13TJD733D/X-5 ¥269.00无苯稀释剂JX005/7-2 ¥89.00白色硝基底漆JBD72-3 ¥142.00樱花白NC来光漆JBC103-3 ¥212.00丽家PU清面漆13TJM2015D/X-5 ¥316.00无苯天那水 JBX08-3 ¥130.00浓缩型底得宝13TJS005D/X-4 ¥195.00真钻搞冲击哑光清漆FJKM313/5/D/X-5 ¥399.00木器底漆 GD250 ¥266.00真钻搞冲击透明底漆 TJKD31D/X-5 ¥399.00水性抗碱封墙底漆18L SD51-18L ¥460.003 立邦Nippon (中国驰名商标,国家免检产品,十大品牌油漆)立邦漆作为十大油漆涂料企业排行榜的榜首品牌,在业内拥有相当不错的好评,更受广大消费者的青睐。

立邦是世界著名的涂料制造商, 也是世界上最早的涂料公司之一,其业务范围广泛,涉及到多种领域,其中包括家装涂料、建筑涂料、汽车涂料、一般工业涂料、卷钢涂料、粉末涂料等更是在行业里名列前茅。

立邦家装金牌系列净味五合一面漆(5L) 348.00立邦家装金牌系列专业底漆(5L) 198.00立邦家装金牌系列居彩面漆(18L) 480.00立邦家装金牌系列净味五合一套装894.00立邦家装金牌系列抗甲醛净味全效面漆(5L) 498.00立邦家装金牌系列净味全效面漆(5L) 428.00立邦家装金牌系列净味底漆(5L) 298.00立邦家装金牌系列抗甲醛净味全效面漆(5L) 498.00立邦家装金牌系列净味全效面漆(5L) 428.00。




















DULUX SUPERGRIPTECHNICAL DATA SHEETVersion 5 – 2020 APRILTHIS ISSUE SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONSPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONVersatile multi-surface waterborne primerPRODUCT USES·Suitable for use as a primer to appropriately prepared interior and exterior surfaces as specified under substrates to provide a good base for over coating with most Duluxdecorative topcoats.FEATURES AND BENEFITS·Water-based – easy clean-up of brushes and rollers.·Extreme adhesion – from walls to ceramic tiles.·Quick drying – can be overcoated on the same day.·Low Odour – rapid room re-entry, no strong solvent fumes to worry about.·High opacity – can lessen the number of topcoats over dark substrates.PRODUCT INFORMATIONAppearance Mid SheenColour WhiteBinder Type Pure AcrylicDensity at 23°C Approx. 1.27Solids Content By weight: Approx. 49%By volume: Approx. 37%Packaged Viscosity Viscosity at 23°C: Approx. 95 KU ppSpreading Rate Approx. 12 m² per litre depending on surface porosity, profileand application methodRecommended DFT per coat Min. 25µm. Max. 35µmRecommended WFT per coat Min. 70µm. Max. 95µmFlash Point Non-FlammableAPPLICATION INFORMATIONMixing Stir with a flat paddle until homogeneous.Application conditions Surface Temperature between 10 - 35°C Relative Humiditybetween 10 - 85 % OR 2ºC above dew point minimum. Application methods Brush or roller. Can be sprayed using airless sprayingequipment without thinningDULUX SUPERGRIPAPPLICATION INFORMATIONThinner Thinning not recommended.Ready for use after thorough stirring for brush or rollerapplications. Water if required for spraying to maximum of 5- 10% of product volume.Drying Time Touch dry 2 hours at 23ºC.Recoating Time12 hours at 23ºC. Allow 48 hours drying time for solvent-based topcoats.(Drying times will be extended during cold,wet or humid conditions)Cleaning of equipment After use, remove as much product as possible, and thenclean immediately with water.Substrates Suitable for PVC gutters and down pipes, previously paintedenamel surfaces, wood, ceramic tiles, new concrete, cementplaster, laminated boards, glass, galvanised iron. Precautions:Do not apply during cold (below 10°C) or wet weather.Not suitable as a primer for metal or rhinolite surfaces.Not suitable for direct application to powdery or friablesurfaces whether previously painted or not.Do not overcoat with two-pack polyurethanes, epoxies andnitro-cellulose lacquers.Not designed to withstand natural weathering. It should beover-coated within 48 hours, particularly in a marineatmosphere.Coats Required Apply one or two coats Dulux Supergrip, depending on theseverity of the conditions. Two coats are preferred for sprayapplicationsTop Coating Can be over-coated with most Dulux decorative finishes.SURFACE PREPARATIONEnsure that surfaces are sound and free from dust, rust oil, grease, dirt, debris and mildew. Light sanding of all substrates will always improve product performance and is recommended. Surfaces must be thoroughly dry - no more than 12% moisture content. NEW SURFACESWooden surfaces (doors, frames, furniture, toys).·Timber treated with a wood borer or fire retardant treatment may cause slow drying (consult supplier).·Sand smooth. Remove sanding dust. Remove any splintered and discoloured wood.·Treat knots in timber with Knotting Agent.·Repair damaged wood with a suitable wood filler.DULUX SUPERGRIPSURFACE PREPARATIONNEW SURFACESCeramic Wall Tiles·Wall tiles around kitchen sinks and bath/shower areas must be degreased with Dulux Pre-Paint Brush Cleaner/ Degreaser or a water-miscible household degreaserfollowed by thorough rinsing with water. All loose grout must also be repaired prior to painting.N.B: Not suitable for floor tilesLaminated Boards·Dust and degrease. Areas that have developed a sheen due to repeated handling will have to be sanded to a matt finish to improve adhesion.N.B: Only suitable for areas that receive limited wear and tear e.g. kitchen, bathroom and bedroom cupboard doors and frame work.Galvanised Iron·Remove any traces of rust. Remove temporary protective coating, dirt and grease from the surface with Dulux Galvanised Iron Cleaner.Ensure complete removal of Dulux Galvanised Iron Cleaner by rinsing with running water. A water-break free surface indicates thorough cleaning - running water should not form droplets. If a water-break free surface was not achieved, repeat the cleaning process. Prime immediately after cleaning.·Prime with one to two coats Dulux Supergrip, depending on the severity of the conditions. Two coats recommended for coastal conditions and chemical works.Rigid PVC & Glass·Lightly sand surfaces to a matt finish for improve adhesion. Clean and degrease with Dulux Pre-Paint Brush Cleaner/ Degreaser or a water-miscible household degreaser.Rinse thoroughly with water and allow drying.Cement Plaster·Fresh cement plaster should be allowed one week drying for every 5mm thickness; and longer in cold or damp weather.·For very absorbent surfaces more than one coat Dulux Supergrip could be required to achieve correct binding and sealing properties.Concrete·Remove any uncured cement, grease, and mould-release agents by high-pressure water blast, or wash with a strong Dulux Pre-Paint Sugar Soap/water solution. Rinse off thoroughly with clean water and allow drying.DULUX SUPERGRIPSURFACE PREPARATIONPREVIOUSLY PAINTED SURFACESPainted Enamels, Varnishes and Polyurethane finishes in good condition·Remove all loose and flaking paint.·Sandpaper well with wet-and-dry paper to remove surface gloss.·Clean away all sanding dust and contaminants with water-miscible household degreaser. Rinse thoroughly with clean water, and allow drying.Painted Enamels, Varnishes and Polyurethane finishes in poor condition·Strip and treat as new surfaces.FILLINGFill imperfections with the appropriate Dulux Pre-Paint Filler.Once the crack filler has dried properly, spot prime filled areas with the appropriate primer. Failure to do this will result in uneven sheen levels between the repaired and normal areas.HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATIONThis product contains no added lead. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Keep out of reach of children. If accidently swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container to the doctor. Dry sanding, flame cutting and/or welding of the dry paint film will give rise to dust and/or hazardous fumes. Wet sanding should be used wherever possible.If exposure cannot be avoided by the provision of local exhaust ventilation, suitable respiratory protective equipment should be used. Do not empty into drains or watercourses. Ensure good ventilation during application and drying. It is recommended to use suitable protective clothing and equipment. To avoid the risk of spillage, always store and transport containers in a secure upright position. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for complete information.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPackaging1lt, 5LtStorage Conditions Store under cool dry conditions away from direct sunlight,heat and extreme cold.Disclaimers N/A product specificTDS STANDARD DISCLAIMERThe recommendations contained herein are given in good faith and meant to guide the specifier or user in accordance with good painting practices. They are gained from our tests and experiences and are believed to be accurate and reliable. No warranty/guarantee is implied by the recommendations contained herein since the conditions of use; application method, substrate and cleanliness of the substrate are beyond Dulux control.Important Note; Technology may change with time, necessitating changes to this Technical Data Sheet (TDS).It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the latest TDS is being used for reference. Dulux Technical Data Sheets are available on our website www.dulux.co.za or please contact: Dulux On-Line on 0860 330 111. Email*************************ICI Dulux (Pty) Ltd is part of AkzoNobel. ICI Dulux (Pty) Ltd Reg No.1946/020769/07。

多乐士 ultimate 系列 opac 防腐木漆 产品手册说明书

多乐士 ultimate 系列 opac 防腐木漆 产品手册说明书

624Issued 04/14ULTIMATE OPAQUEKEY BENEFITS• 10 Year Weathershield Protection • Doors, Windows & Other Joinery •Solvent-BasedPRODUCT INFORMATIONTypical UseSuitable for hardwoods and softwoods.Pack Size1L, 2.5L and 5L.Colour RangeSee appropriate Dulux Trade colour literature or visit .Film ThicknessFilm thickness will be dependent upon thecoverage achieved. A nominal figure at 20m 2 per litre will give a wet film thickness of 50 microns.Composition (nominal)Pigment: Organic Pigments, may also contain titanium dioxide.Binder: Flexible alkyd resin and a fungicide, for the purpose of protecting the film.Solvent: Low Odour Aliphatic Hydrocarbons.Volume SolidsOpaque colours: 58% (nominal).SURFACE PREPARATIONTo get the best results, ensure surfaces to betreated are sound, clean and dry. Remove all loose and defective coatings, if necessary stripping back to bare wood. Where the surface has beenpreviously painted, it may be necessary to strip back to bare wood if the coating is in poorcondition. Special precautions should be taken during surface preparation of pre-1960s paintsurfaces over wood and metal as they may contain harmful lead.Remove and treat any mould, algae, lichen or moss with Weathershield Multi-Surface Fungicidal Wash*. Remove defective glazing material, clean the rebates and any loose or open joints. Replace any rotten wood and troublesome knots with new preservative treated timber.Thoroughly rub down all surfaces in the direction of the grain to remove any grey, weathered wood and surface sheen from remaining coatings, and then dust off (refer to COSHH Assessment).Prime all bare wood with 2 coats of Aquatech Preservative Basecoat + (BP) from Dulux Trade ** including any new or bare replacement beading. Excess basecoat should be wiped off surrounding paintwork.Fill any surface defects, open joints, etc. and replace any missing glazing material. Do not use linseed oil putty for glazing (or making good) with natural wood finishes, use external beads set in an appropriate non-setting mastic or a special glazing compound.New joinery is often factory primed using a stain basecoat (also called a dual-purpose primer). These materials quickly erode when left exposed and may need to be re-primed.SYSTEMS INFORMATIONSTIR THOROUGHLY BEFORE USE. Apply 2 coats of Aquatech Preservative Basecoat + (BP) from Dulux Trade ** to all bare wood. The normal finishing process is 2 or 3 coats of Dulux Trade Ultimate Opaque.When using Dulux Trade Ultimate Opaque, treat any knots and resinous areas by removing resin and applying a thin coat of an appropriate knotting solution in order to help prevent discolouration.Do not use on resinous wood or woodwork with a history of blistering. The maximum benefits of this system will only be realised when used as directed above on good quality timber that conforms to BSDulux Trade Ultimate Opaque is a high performance solvent-based exterior coating which produces a water-repellent satin finish. This product combines a highperformance solid colour with all of the benefits of a premium quality woodstain.Unique Ultimate wood protection technology from Dulux Trade means exterior joinery is protected from extreme weather for up to 10 years if used in accordance with instructions, and so looks better for longer.ULTIMATE OPAQUE624EN 942: 2007, in conjunction with good component design.This system is not suitable for use on exteriortimber where there is severe checking and splitting of the wood caused by long-term exposure.For best colour consistency, purchase sufficient tinted paint for each job including touch-in at one time from the same source.APPLICATION METHODBrush only. For Health & Safety reasons relating to all solvent-based paints, spray application is not recommended.As with all solvent-based paints, this product should not be applied in temperatures below 5ºC (as recommended by British Standard BS 6150),Practical CoverageOn smooth surfaces of average porosity, a guide to the practical coverage which can be achieved under normal conditions is up to 20m ² per litre.ThinningThis product should not be thinned.Spray RecommendationsThis product is not suitable for spray application.Drying TimesSingle coat at standard thickness: Touch Dry: 4-6 hours. Recoat: 16 hours.Cleaning UpAfter use, remove as much product as possible from brushes before cleaning with brush cleaner.When this paint container is empty please ask your stockist about recycling. If you have leftover paint, please dispose of it responsibly and considerdonating it to Community RePaint. Find out more at /pp.Transportation & StorageDo not use or store in extremes of temperature and protect from frost. To prevent spillage, please store and transport upright.VOCEU limit value for this product (cat.: A/e): 400g/l (2010). This product contains max. 299g/l VOC. VOC content: High (25-50%).FURTHER SUPPORTIf you need further support, please contact the AkzoNobel Technical Advice Centre on 0333 222 70 70.*Weathershield Multi-Surface Fungicidal Wash contains: Benzalkonium Chloride. **Aquatech Preservative Basecoat + (BP) contains Dichlofulanid.Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.Always read full Health, Safety & Environmental Information on can before use.Safety datasheet (SDS 624) is available free on request by telephoning the AkzoNobel Technical Advice Centre or by visiting .AkzoNobel, the AkzoNobel logo, the Flourish logo, Dulux Trade, Weathershield, Aquatech, Community RePaint and the Planet Possible logo are trademarks of the AkzoNobel group. © AkzoNobel 2014.。



2,外地客户购买流程: 客户下单—物流配送—货到物流站点自提,货款物流公司代收/货到验收后银行转账;款额较大付款方式请联系客服商定;(满2000元免物流费,异地客户我们通常不送货上门).
多乐士家丽安净味/5L 110元/桶 型号:A991-65016
多乐士家丽安净味/18L 295元/桶 型号:A991-65016
多乐士家丽安优洁/18L 350元/桶 型号:A892-65016
多乐士家丽安墙面漆/5L 95元/桶 型号:A990-65016
多乐士家丽安墙面漆/18L 235元/桶 型号:A990-65016
多乐士竹炭清新居5合1(无添加)5L 310元/桶 型号:A682-65000
多乐士抗甲醛5合1哑光墙面漆/5L 215元/桶 型号:A899-65000
多乐士金装5合1净味超低VOC/5L 195元/桶 型号:A997-65000
多乐士金装5合1净味超低VOC/18L 625元/桶 型号:A997-65000
多乐士专业内墙漆3000/20L 420元/桶 型号:A973-05001
多乐士专业内墙底漆2200/20L 255元/桶 型号:A914-65972
多乐士保丽居弹性外墙5L 135元/桶 型号:A601-65010
多乐士保丽居外墙底漆5L 135元/桶 型号:A931-65601
多乐士美时丽内墙乳胶漆/15L 120元/桶 型号:A923-65084


ICI工程专用外墙漆 规格20L 型号A946-65415 单价310元/桶
多乐士专业弹性外墙漆8600 规格20L 型号A962-05001 单价520元/桶
多乐士弹性晴雨漆 规格5L 型号A605-65000 单价230元/桶
多乐士专业弹性中层漆105/107规格20L 型号A194-105/107 单价490元/桶~520元/桶
多乐士竹炭全效无添加儿童漆 规格5L 型号A655-65000 单价460元/桶
多乐士竹炭森呼吸全效无添加墙面漆 规格5L 型号A699-65000 单价420元/桶
多乐士竹炭清新居无添加5合1墙面漆 规格5L 型号A682-65000 单价260元/桶
多乐士竹炭清新居全效无添加墙面漆) 规格5L 型号A683-65000 单价390元/桶
多乐士第二代5合1净味墙面漆 规格5L/18L 型号A890-65000 单价150元/桶~450元/桶
多乐士竹炭第二代5合1净味墙面漆 规格5L/18L 型号A8102-65000单价180元/桶~520元/桶
多乐士金装净味5合1超低VOC 规格5L/18L 型号A997-65000 单价170元/桶~520元/桶
2,外地客户购买流程: 客户下单—物流配送—货到物流站点自提,货款物流公司代收/货到验收后银行转账;款额较大付款方式请联系客服商定;(满2000元免物流费,异地客户我们通常不送货上门)。


























多乐士专业内墙漆3000 规格20L 型号A973-05001 单价390元/桶
多乐士专业防霉内墙漆 规格20L 型号A870-05001 单价380元/桶
多乐士专业内墙底漆2200 规格20L 型号A914-65972 单价260元/桶
多乐士超易洗净味墙面漆 规格5L 型号A984-65010 单价140元/桶
多乐士超易洗净味墙面漆 规格18L 型号A984-65010 单价420元/桶
多乐士超易洗墙面漆 规格5L士竹炭清新居全效墙面漆 规格5L 型号A683-65000 单价390元/桶
多乐士全效竹炭漆儿童漆无添加 规格5L 型号A655-65000 单价460元/桶
多乐士倍易净五合一无添加 规格5L 型号A622-65000 单价180元/桶
ICI专业外墙漆7000 规格20L 型号A977-05001 单价390元/桶
ICI专业通用外墙漆 规格15L 型号A821-65415 单价260元/桶
ICI专业通用弹性外墙漆 规格15L 型号A822 单价390元/桶
多乐士竹炭清新居5合1墙面漆 规格5L 型号A895-65000 单价260元/桶
多乐士第二代5合1净味墙面漆 规格5L 型号A890-65000 单价150元/桶
多乐士第二代5合1净味墙面漆 规格18L 型号A890-65000 单价490元/桶
M: 1 8 2 1 7 7 5 0 7 7 0;
Q:1 2 9 1 8 5 0 7 3 8.
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多乐士 AcraTex 962 酷屋顶商用丝光面(A 组)说明书

多乐士 AcraTex 962 酷屋顶商用丝光面(A 组)说明书

AUDA1592 Dulux AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial SatinPart A194X0302-15L ImageProduct OverviewPreviously known as DULUX 962 COOL ROOF Commercial with InfraCOOLDULUX AcraTex 962 COOL ROOF COMMERCIAL White Membrane is a high build, pigmented, water based, 100% acrylic coating providing maximum SOLAR REFLECTANCE for optimum cooling benefit. Dulux AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial is designed as a Radiant Heat barrier maximising Solar reflectance with InfraCOOL Technology , specifically formulated for low dirt pickup, added mould, algae protection in a low sheen finish to reduce glare and in order tomaintain solar reflectance properties.Dulux AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial has been specifically formulated for long run commercial roofing.Features And BenefitsWater BasedMaximum Solar Reflectance Low Dirt PickupHigh Build Membranelow Glare Same day recoat, easy clean up & low odour Surface cooling effect / Cooling Energy Saving Maintains reflectivity and cooling effect on aging Long Term DurabilityUses And Typical SpecificationsUses DULUX Acratex 962 Cool Roof Commercial is used as a protective coating over properly prepared metal roofs. It provides a durable coating system that ensures high colour consistency, significantly improving washability, reducing dirt accumulation, mould and algae, pollution andchemical attack. Dulux Acratex 962 Cool Roof Commercial is recommended for recoating of weathered Colorbond, primed Galvanised Ironand zinculume roofing and suitably primed concrete roof tiles. It is NOT recommended for coating of terracotta tiles.Typical SystemsTypical System AUSD5129 Dulux AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial Satin on WEATHERED Precoated sheet steel (Colorbond®) Preparation Guide Refer full Spec AUSD5129 Dulux AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial Satin on Painted Precoated sheet steel (Colorbond®) [Exterior]Coat Product Spread Rate (m2/L)WFT (micron)DFT (micron) 1st Coat962 Cool Roof Commercial 5.4186751st Coat962 Cool Roof Commercial 5.418675Minimum System DFT150 Notes Practical spreading rates will vary from quoted theoretical figures depending on substrate porosity, surface roughness, overspray losses, application methods and environmental conditions (eg wind).Protect from rain and frost for 48 hours when apply at the recommended spread rate.Dry times apply to a single coat at recommended spread rate and at 25oC and 50% Relative HumidityAllow longer times under cool, moist, or still conditions and or when applied at high film builds.Do not apply paint if Relative Humidity is above 85% or temperature is within 3°C of Dew Point.Do not apply if the surface temperature is greater than 40°C or below 10°C, or likely to fall below 10°C during theapplication or drying period.Precautions And LimitationsRecommendations, permissible coverage rates & application temperature must be observed. DULUX AcraTex 962 COOL ROOF Commercial Roof Membrane must not be applied when rain is anticipated. Adequate protection must be given against rain and dust to the coating during application.The integrity of the coating system relies on thorough surface preparationRefer to appropriate DULUX AcraTex 962 Roof Membrane system specification.As the surface area of a profiled roof is greater than an equivalent flat surface, additional material should be allowed for.All storm water pipes are to be disconnected . No water wash down run off is to enter into the storm water or water collection tank.Where portable water is to be collected ensure down pipe remain disconnected for the first two signification rainfalls.Follow all state legislations when working with heights.To ensure colour uniformity and for optimum performance, Dulux recommend a full coating system including a MEMBRANE top coat.Air SprayPerformance GuideWeather Excellent resistanceSalt Excellent resistanceHeatResistance% TSR-Total Solar Refelactance (ASTM C1549) : 0.9Solar Absportance (ASTM E1980) : 0.1Emittance (ASTMC1371) : 0.9WaterLess than 1 gram water transmission over 24 hours per metre squared under 1kPa pressureSolvent Resists dilute solventAbrasion Good resistanceAcidNo reaction to 3% hydrochloric acidAlkaliNo reaction to 1% caustic solutionTypical PropertiesV.O.C Content 35.3g/LFull Cure (25C, 50% R.H)-Clean UpClean up water WaterApplication MethodApplication ConditionsSolids By Volume40.4Min Max RecommendedWet Film Per Coat (microns)186248186Dry Film Per Coat (microns)7510075Recoat Time (min) 4 hrs indefiniteTheoretical Spread Rate (m 2/L)5.445.4Application GuideSurfacePreparationInspect roof condition. This will determine the required preparation.For light surface rust power tool clean then spot prime with 2 coats of Luxaprime Zinc Phosphate Ligth GreyWhere required, replace badly rusted sheets.Substrate condition must be of consistent density/integrity and not subject to continual wetting or other conditions that may cause premature coating failure.High pressure water blast concrete roof at a minimum of 3000 PSI to remove dirt, excess grime, lichen/moss and all other contaminants.Pressure wash roof area thoroughly after all preparatory work is completed and allow to thoroughly dry.Note: Ensure all down pipes or water connection points are disconnected prior to commencement of cleaning.Application Procedure AndEquipmentAirless sprayNOTE: As the surface area of a profiled roof is greater than an equivalent flat roof surface, additional material should be allowed for.Product should be thoroughly mixed before use.Refer to the DULUX AcraTex 962 Application Manual for detailed application instructions.The Roof Membrane system comprises of substrate cleaning and preparation, the use of DULUX AcraTex 500/10 PrepTreat to kill all moss and algal and lichen spores , For:ROOF MEMBRANE APPLICATION:To aged and/or Weathered or New Uncoated Zinc coated steel (Zinalume or Galv) or New Unweathered ColorbondApply the PRIMER or first coat of DULUX AcraTex RoofBond GI by airless spray in accordance with the current Roof Membrane Application Manual / Project SpecificationApply a coat of DULUX AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial Roof Membrane in accordance with the current Roof Membrane Application Manual / Project Specification ROOF MEMBRANE APPLICATION: To aged and/or Weathered ColorbondApply the first coat of DULUX AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial Roof Membrane by airless spray in accordance with the current Roof Membrane Application Manual / Project SpecificationApply second coat of DULUX AcraTex 962 Cool Roof Commercial Roof Membrane in accordance with the current Roof Membrane Application Manual / Project SpecificationHealth And SafetyMSDSNumber22462MSDS Link https:///duluxgroup/harms/public/materials/fee62a9c4b8013f1e9ea398e9cc050e3-published/individualHealth Effects For detailed information refer to product Material Safety DataSheet available through Dulux Sales and Customer Serviceoffices 132377AUS. For detailed information refer to productMaterial Safety Data Sheet available through Dulux Sales andCustomer Service offices 132377AUS.Personal Avoid repeated or prolonged skin contact and inhaling spraymist. Use in well ventilated areas. Always use overalls,safety shoes, safety glasses and safety gloves.In the case of emergency, please call 1800 033 111Transport And StoragePack A19485939ShipmentNameNot dangerous goodsSize Weight15 Litre20kgFlash Point N/A U NNumberN/ADangerous Goods Class N/A PackageGroupNAImagesDisclaimerDulux, Selleys and Other marks followed by ® are registered trademarks. Marks followed by the symbol of ™ are trademarks.The data provided within the Duspec system is correct at the time of publication, however it is the responsibility of those using this information to check that it is current prior to specifying or using any of these coating/product systems.DISCLAIMER: Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by any of the divisions of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd or its related entities (collectively, DuluxGroup) in relation to goods manufactured by it or their use and application is given in good faith and is believed by DuluxGroup to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by DuluxGroup is provided without liability or responsibility PROVIDED THAT the foregoing shall not exclude, limit, restrict or modify the right entitlements and remedies conferred upon any person or the liabilities imposed upon DuluxGroup by any condition or warranty implied by Commonwealth, State or Territory Act or ordinance void or prohibiting such exclusion limitation or modification. Coating/product systems can be expected to perform as indicated on the Duspec Spec Sheet so long as applications and application procedures of the individual products are followed as recommended on the appropriate Product data Sheet. "DuluxGroup" "Dulux" "Selleys" "Berger" "Berger Gold Label" "Hadrian" "Walpamur" "Levene" "Acratex" and Other marks followed by ® are registered trademarks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 67 000 049 427. Marks followed by the symbol ™ are trademarks.Please note that this document is only valid for 60 days from the date of issue.DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd 1956 Dandenong Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168 AU ABN 67 000 049 427。








配套外墙腻子如需要使用外墙腻子找平、修补墙面,应使用合格的P型外墙专用腻子(参见建设部行业标准《建筑外墙腻子JG/T 157-2004》)。







二、施工工序(一)氟碳金属漆系统材料调配比例:(二)多乐士氟碳金属漆系统的施工工序控制表:三、施工工艺(一) 基底条件及预处理:一般外墙涂装工程的基底应干燥、坚实、牢固,不应有起砂、裂缝、疏松、起壳、空鼓等缺陷。




第一部分多乐士色彩家千色卡1、枫叶飘红□ 01RR 77/091□ 02RR □ 10RR 25/437□ 10RR 60/197□ 13RR 72/121□ 14RR 48/276□ 19RR 78/08835/376□ 21RR 36/354□ 29RR 66/154□ 30RR 61/195□ 30RR 62/187□ 30RR 83/040□ 32RR 26/413□ 32RR 50/280□ 33RR 74/111□ 37RR 42/310□ 41RR 79/079□ 43RR 19/444□ 47RR 32/383□ 50RR 83/040□ 51RR 68/146□ 55RR 75/106□ 62RR 21/444□ 64RR 80/073○ 10RR 13/250○ 10RR 14/186○ 10RR 22/178○ 10RR 26/248○ 10RR 35/133○ 10RR 39/184○ 10RR 53/087○ 10RR 56/121○ 10RR 67/057○ 10RR 68/068○ 10RR 75/039○ 10RR 83/026○ 30RR 12/281○ 30RR 13/218○ 30RR 20/205○ 30RR 23/270○ 30RR 40/155○ 30RR 42/198○ 30RR 52/114○ 30RR 54/145○ 30RR 66/063○ 30RR 67/093○ 30RR 74/049○ 30RR 74/058△ 10RR 13/081△ 10RR △ 10RR △ 10RR △ 10RR △ 10RR △ 30RR △ 30RR 24/06141/04256/02965/02373/01608/04417/034△ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR 17/14027/02830/10339/02149/06754/01564/043△ 30RR △ 30RR △ 30RR 72/00873/03383/0202、怡红亮橙□ 10YR 14/348□ 10YR □ 10YR 27/323□ 10YR 34/359□ 10YR 41/223□ 10YR 43/286□ 10YR 51/13826/462□ 10YR 52/156□ 10YR 61/152□ 10YR 67/100□ 10YR 74/066□ 10YR 75/075□ 10YR 83/040□ 21YR 57/250□ 22YR 50/316□ 23YR 45/369□ 23YR 66/193□ 24YR 72/146□ 25YR 34/473□ 26YR 30/511□ 28YR 29/561□ 30YR 68/127□ 32YR 78/106□ 42YR 43/439□ 45YR 83/076□ 46YR 69/173□ 48YR 50/372□ 50YR 76/087□ 50YR 83/040□ 52YR 37/501□ 54YR 42/452□ 56YR 48/398□ 57YR 77/102□ 58YR 53/342□ 60YR 59/261□ 60YR 70/151□ 60YR 76/105□ 60YR 83/060□ 61YR 60/282□ 70YR 70/151□ 70YR 76/105□ 70YR 83/060□ 78YR 39/593□ 80YR 49/382□ 80YR 57/293□ 80YR 72/159□ 82YR 81/106□ 83YR 44/540□ 90YR 54/440□ 98YR 65/333□ 99YR 85/075○ 10YR 12/375○ 10YR 16/407○ 10YR 25/284○ 10YR 29/255○ 10YR 39/196○ 10YR 66/080○ 10YR 74/047○ 30YR 12/292○ 30YR 26/330○ 30YR 40/231○ 30YR 41/263○ 30YR 52/165○ 30YR ○ 30YR ○ 30YR ○ 30YR ○ 30YR ○ 50YR ○ 50YR53/18866/09967/11374/06883/04012/40615/377○ 50YR 23/365○ 50YR 26/461○ 50YR 36/263○ 50YR 44/287○ 50YR 53/160○ 50YR 55/201○ 50YR 66/091○ 50YR 68/114○ 50YR 74/054○ 50YR 83/035○ 60YR 19/557○ 60YR 24/439○ 60YR 40/297○ 60YR 56/190○ 60YR 68/118○ 60YR 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60YY 67/626□ 60YY 73/497□ 60YY 79/367□ 60YY 80/288□ 60YY 83/187□ 60YY 83/219□ 60YY 83/250□ 61YY 89/135□ 65YY 68/572□ 66YY 56/707□ 66YY 61/648□ 66YY 77/407□ 66YY 83/272□ 66YY 85/231□ 70YY 51/669□ 70YY 61/561□ 70YY 66/510□ 70YY 79/407□ 70YY 83/187□ 70YY 83/300□ 86YY 77/295□ 86YY 85/174□ 88YY 71/380□ 88YY 81/230□ 89YY 62/494□ 89YY 78/269□ 90YY 48/650□ 90YY 55/560□ 90YY 69/419□ 90YY 78/334□ 92YY 51/593○ 00YY 26/520○ 00YY 41/475○ 00YY 49/387○ 00YY 57/299○ 00YY 67/212○ 00YY 77/124○ 10YY 24/467○ 10YY 27/600○ 10YY 30/560○ 10YY 42/460○ 10YY 45/419○ 10YY 53/337○ 10YY 57/377○ 10YY 58/295○ 10YY 65/285○ 10YY 67/213○ 10YY 74/192○ 10YY 77/125○ 10YY 78/146○ 20YY 28/613○ 20YY 34/700○ 20YY 46/425○ 20YY 46/515○ 20YY 53/423○ 20YY 54/342○ 20YY 63/258○ 20YY 65/285○ 20YY 67/216○ 20YY 71/156○ 20YY 74/192○ 20YY 77/128○ 25YY 50/592○ 25YY 57/441○ 25YY 62/353○ 25YY 78/232○ 25YY 83/103○ 30YY 36/494○ 30YY 36/572○ 30YY 41/700○ 30YY 49/562○ 30YY 52/515○ 30YY 58/423○ 30YY 61/377○ 30YY 64/331○ 30YY 68/285○ 30YY 69/216○ 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20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY 12/16318/14023/24624/17731/10638/22539/130△ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY 49/07155/15158/08261/12765/04866/06668/102△ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 20YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY 73/03774/05583/02583/03817/20920/19323/246△ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY 31/20533/14536/18547/14551/09860/10467/084△ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 30YY △ 40YY △ 40YY △ 40YY 69/04871/07378/03579/05310/10120/15333/118△ 40YY △ 40YY △ 40YY △ 45YY △ 45YY △ 45YY △ 45YY 51/08465/06183/04353/15167/12075/11083/062△ 50YY △ 50YY △ 50YY △ 60YY △ 60YY △ 60YY △ 70YY 23/30934/25049/19167/11775/10883/09406/088△ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY 14/07618/15226/13733/06143/11346/05357/098△ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 70YY △ 90YY △ 90YY △ 90YY 63/04565/09083/03783/07522/20035/16952/138△ 90YY △ 90YY △ 90YY 67/11775/12083/1074、柠黄新绿□ 02GY 36/661□ 10GY □ 10GY 52/541□ 10GY 61/449□ 10GY 74/325□ 10GY 79/231□ 10GY 83/15041/600□ 24GY 85/110□ 30GY 40/531□ 30GY 62/344□ 30GY 75/251□ 30GY 83/150□ 32GY 51/432□ 50GY 39/536□ 50GY 51/437□ 50GY 69/306□ 50GY 74/273□ 50GY 77/195□ 50GY 83/160□ 68GY 83/110□ 69GY 47/391□ 70GY 35/455□ 70GY 41/424□ 70GY 60/333□ 70GY 74/173□ 70GY 83/140□ 71GY 59/307□ 71GY 67/245□ 73GY 79/143□ 76GY 69/215□ 76GY 73/187□ 90GY 36/453□ 90GY 54/334□ 90GY 65/275□ 90GY 70/221□ 90GY 76/158□ 90GY 83/104○ 10GY 24/356○ 10GY 40/296○ 10GY 54/238○ 10GY 71/180○ 10GY 83/100○ 10GY 83/125○ 30GY 19/323○ 30GY 21/429○ 30GY 34/249○ 30GY 38/368○ 30GY 50/195○ 30GY 51/294○ 30GY 61/245○ 30GY 62/159○ 30GY 72/196○ 30GY 76/132○ 30GY 83/086○ 30GY 83/107○ 50GY 15/289○ 50GY 16/383○ 50GY 37/335○ 50GY 44/248○ 50GY 52/263○ 50GY 55/207○ 50GY 69/165○ 50GY 70/192○ 50GY 75/122○ 50GY 76/146○ 50GY 83/060○ 50GY 83/090○ 70GY 11/300○ 70GY 13/324○ 70GY 30/254○ 70GY 31/304○ 70GY 49/201○ 70GY 50/242○ 70GY 65/166○ 70GY 66/200○ 70GY 73/124○ 70GY 74/149○ 70GY 83/080○ 70GY 83/100○ 90GY 16/354○ 90GY 28/319○ 90GY 48/234○ 90GY 60/164○ 90GY 67/146○ 90GY 83/098△ 10GY △ 10GY △ 10GY △ 10GY △ 10GY △ 10GY 20/17929/15839/13658/10574/08783/075△ 30GY △ 30GY △ 30GY △ 30GY △ 30GY △ 50GY △ 50GY 23/23231/20241/17375/10583/06407/03616/030△ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY 18/17825/02526/15537/02143/12053/01757/096△ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 50GY △ 70GY △ 70GY △ 70GY 65/08466/11172/01274/07314/18727/15446/120△ 70GY △ 70GY △ 70GY △ 90GY △ 90GY △ 90GY △ 90GY 63/09873/07483/06016/15129/12146/06163/047△ 90GY △ 90GY 72/04083/0335、自然新绿□ 01GG 37/408□ 06GG □ 08GG 82/109□ 10GG 33/483□ 10GG 36/454□ 10GG 44/395□ 10GG 48/36649/341□ 10GG 57/307□ 10GG 60/247□ 10GG 62/278□ 10GG 72/219□ 10GG 76/131□ 10GG 76/153□ 10GG 83/089□ 10GG 83/107□ 10GG 83/125□ 13GG 77/144□ 16GG 68/211□ 30GG 37/423□ 30GG 50/332□ 30GG 55/302□ 30GG 72/212□ 30GG 76/127□ 30GG 83/100□ 46GG 31/446□ 50GG 71/180□ 50GG 82/115□ 53GG 50/360□ 56GG 64/258□ 56GG 77/156□ 70GG 34/320□ 70GG 59/225□ 70GG 67/184□ 70GG 74/120□ 70GG 83/079□ 78GG 79/109□ 85GG 44/328□ 87GG 51/291□ 87GG 60/239□ 88GG 32/346□ 89GG 63/216□ 90GG 83/069○ 10GG 15/261○ 10GG 33/166○ 10GG 45/139○ 10GG 66/098○ 10GG 74/087○ 10GG 83/071○ 30GG 17/243○ 30GG 19/370○ 30GG 29/196○ 30GG 33/275○ 30GG 47/180○ 30GG 49/211○ 30GG 60/143○ 30GG 61/168○ 30GG 75/095○ 30GG 75/111○ 30GG 83/075○ 30GG 83/088○ 50GG 13/236○ 50GG 13/314○ 50GG 28/273○ 50GG 30/211○ 50GG 43/213○ 50GG 53/144○ 50GG 61/154○ 50GG 67/111○ 50GG 69/134○ 50GG 74/077○ 50GG ○ 50GG ○ 70GG ○ 70GG ○ 70GG ○ 70GG ○ 70GG75/09283/05714/28325/24243/20157/17365/135○ 70GG 73/075○ 90GG 12/206○ 90GG 15/398○ 90GG 27/273○ 90GG 30/195○ 90GG 38/242○ 90GG 51/211○ 90GG 57/146○ 90GG 66/157○ 90GG 74/092○ 90GG 74/108○ 90GG 83/057○ 90GG 83/080△ 10GG 13/057△ 10GG △ 10GG △ 10GG △ 10GG △ 10GG △ 30GG △ 30GG 21/05038/03853/03062/02672/02216/13724/118△ 30GG △ 30GG △ 30GG △ 30GG △ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG 43/11957/09473/04883/02509/11815/09921/137△ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG △ 50GG 23/08536/10640/06455/04956/07663/04265/065△ 50GG △ 50GG △ 70GG △ 70GG △ 70GG △ 70GG △ 70GG 73/03173/04618/12227/10539/08863/06272/045△ 70GG 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40RB 43/23363/122□ 41RB 24/309□ 41RB 30/290□ 42RB 53/176□ 42RB 63/137□ 45RB 44/242□ 46RB 70/099□ 50RB 69/09774/03883/01776/06737/28455/19258/17962/156□ 66RB 26/328□ 69RB 70/114□ 79RB 76/076□ 85RB 53/237□ 86RB 47/274□ 86RB 65/163□ 88RB 37/328□ 89RB 72/119□ 90RB 69/096□ 90RB 75/051□ 90RB 83/030□ 93RB 27/376□ 94RB 60/214□ 94RB 64/182□ 95RB56/237□ 95RB 71/132□ 96RB 22/393□ 97RB 77/086○ 10RB 10/219○ 10RB 21/218○ 10RB 35/167○ 10RB 53/115○ 10RB 68/081○ 10RB 74/038○ 30RB 13/199○ 30RB 22/215○ 30RB 35/166○ 30RB 53/117○ 30RB 68/084○ 30RB 74/038○ 50RB 10/219○ 50RB 20/199○ 50RB 34/153○ 50RB 52/107○ 50RB 66/066○ 50RB 74/033○ 70RB 11/196○ 70RB 23/203○ 70RB 36/156○ 70RB 54/110○ 70RB 67/067○ 70RB 83/026○ 90RB 12/225○ 90RB 23/228○ 90RB 37/175○ 90RB 46/121○ 90RB 68/085○ 90RB 74/044△ 10RB 10/116△ 10RB △ 10RB △ 10RB △ 10RB △ 10RB △ 30RB △ 30RB 17/12236/08249/06265/04273/02815/08616/144△ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB 26/06733/10342/04950/07256/03664/03065/051△ 30RB △ 30RB △ 30RB △ 50RB △ 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奶荼62394多乐士金装5IN1冰蓝清风碧溪春潮露珠清润含羞冰心仙境清精灵娉婷羞涩白沙旭日朝雨香桃水中丽影沙喧俏佳人落英婵娟栀子香柠朗月暮霞初雪轻纱轻悠黄水晶江枫恬雅白鹭薄纱多乐士超易洗雪中樱桃雪中甜杏雪中香梅A986-66773A986-66774A986-66779雪中雨露A986-66775A998-66773A998-66774A998-66779A998-66775雪中梨花A986-66776A998-66776雪中蓝玲雪中浮萍雪中青松腊梅水仙A986-65924A986-63619A986-65925A998-65924A998-63619A998-65925A986-66770A986-66771香稻柳笛青菱垂杨A986-66773A986-63613A986-63614A986-63615翠鸟A986-63616春寒清烟夜雨A986-63617A986-64648A986-63634闲逸A986-63618秋水A986-61621寒霜暮雪琥珀A986-61622A986-61623A986-64639斜阳A986-94640金栗A986-66766织绵蟠桃霓裳风韵娉婷A986-66767A986-66768A986-64641A986-66789A986-64642含笑暗香绮阁嫣红紫荆A986-64643A986-64644A986-64645A986-61620A986-64646紫烟A986-64647多乐士五合一冰心63058白鹭664200朝雨66419栀子64107初雪64108清风61039灰鸽60080野漠60079幽谷60078朗月66424香柠66421旭日66422黄水晶66425沙暄64109贝壳66423江枫64110轻纱67037香桃67040仙境64111娉婷64112婵娟67038海贝67039瑶池67041神话64113羞涩64116幕霞64114紫藤64115晨咏61069紫烟61068寒水61072春潮63059烟翠63060碧溪63062北极星63061冰蓝61071瓷蓝61070多乐士第二代五合一晓风63124白鹭66586朝雨66585清新63123碧溪63125春潮63126露珠63122栀子64192初雪64193朗月66590仙石彩66158香柠66587旭日66588黄水晶66591沙暄64194贝壳66589江枫64195轻纱67091灯韵66584仙境64196娉婷64197婵娟67092香桃67093瑶池67094落英67090幕霞64198秋风61119紫烟61120羞涩64199俏佳人64191。

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