八年级入学考试试卷一、积累与运用(共13分)1.下列加点字注音全部正确的一项是:()A.惩罚(chãnɡ)凛冽(lǐn)怂恿(cïng)戛然而止(jiá)B.亘古(ɡân)胆怯(qiâ)崔巍(wēi)怏怏不乐(yànɡ)C.阔绰(chuî)脚踝(huái)驾驭(yù)叱咤风云(chà)D.蝉蜕(tuì)拓荒(tà)脑髓(suí) 浑身解数(xiâ)2.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A.尽态极妍斑斓迥乎不同义愤填膺B.锲而不舍告磬姗姗来迟博学多识C.人声鼎沸阴霾毛骨悚然锋芒必露D.沥尽心血深邃略胜一畴妇孺皆知3.下列加点的成语使用有误的一项是()A.欧债危机爆发后,一些外向型小微企业陷入了进退维谷的境地。
B. 看到电影《可可西里》中藏羚羊被盗猎分子枪杀的惨状,我们无不感到义愤填膺。
C. 听完演讲后,春江由衷地说:“李老师的这番演讲抛砖引玉,我们受益不浅。
一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 下列数中,不是有理数的是()A. 0.5B. √2C. -3D. 1/22. 若a,b是方程x^2 - 4x + 3 = 0的两个根,则a+b的值为()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 43. 下列函数中,是反比例函数的是()A. y = 2x + 3B. y = 3/xC. y = x^2D. y = 4x^34. 已知一次函数y = kx + b的图象经过点(2,5),则k和b的关系为()A. k = 2,b = 1B. k = 2,b = 5C. k = 1,b = 2D. k = 1,b = 55. 在等腰三角形ABC中,AB = AC,若∠B = 50°,则∠C的度数为()A. 50°B. 60°C. 70°D. 80°6. 若一个等边三角形的边长为a,则其周长为()A. 3aB. 4aC. 5aD. 6a7. 已知梯形ABCD的上底AB = 5,下底CD = 10,高AD = 6,则梯形ABCD的面积为()A. 30B. 45C. 60D. 758. 下列命题中,正确的是()A. 平行四边形对边相等B. 等腰三角形底角相等C. 矩形对角线相等D. 正方形四边相等9. 已知a、b、c是三角形的三边,且a + b > c,则下列结论正确的是()A. a + c > bB. b + c > aC. a + b + c > 0D. a + b + c = 010. 若x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0,则x的值为()A. 2,3B. 1,4C. 2,1D. 3,2二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)11. 分数2/3的分子和分母都乘以2,得到的新分数为______。
12. 若x - 3 = 5,则x = ______。
13. 在直角三角形中,若∠A = 90°,∠B = 30°,则∠C的度数为______。
一、选择题(每题5分,共50分)1. 下列各数中,绝对值最小的是()A. -3B. 2C. 0D. -52. 如果a > b,那么下列不等式中正确的是()A. a - b > 0B. a + b > 0C. a - b < 0D. a + b < 03. 已知函数y = 2x + 3,当x = 2时,y的值为()A. 7B. 5C. 3D. 14. 下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是()A. 正方形B. 等腰三角形C. 圆D. 长方形5. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是3cm、2cm、4cm,它的表面积是()A. 28cm²B. 32cm²C. 36cm²D. 40cm²6. 下列代数式中,同类项是()A. 3x²和5x²B. 2xy和3xy²C. 4x和5xD. 2x²和3x³7. 如果sinα = 0.6,那么cosα的值是()A. 0.8B. 0.5C. 0.2D. 0.38. 下列关于实数的说法正确的是()A. 所有实数都是有理数B. 所有有理数都是整数C. 所有整数都是实数D. 所有无理数都是实数二、填空题(每题5分,共50分)9. 一个数的相反数是它的()10. 如果|a| = 5,那么a的值可以是()11. 在直角三角形ABC中,∠C是直角,那么∠A + ∠B的度数是()12. 两个正方形的面积分别是16cm²和36cm²,它们的周长比是()13. 已知函数y = 3x - 2,当x = 1时,y的值是()14. 一个数的平方根是±2,那么这个数是()15. 下列各式中,能表示圆的方程是()三、解答题(每题10分,共40分)16. 已知一元二次方程x² - 4x + 3 = 0,求它的解。
17. 在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标为(2,3),点B的坐标为(-1,5),求线段AB的长度。
初二数学入学测试题(含答案)姓 名 学校 成绩一、选择题(每道题7分,共42分)1.有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,那么下列式子中成立的是( )A .a<bB .a>bC .ab>0D .ba >0 2.下列说法错误的是( )A .1是2(-1)的算术平方根B .7)7(2=-C .27-的立方根是3-D .12144±=3.等腰三角形两边长分别为4,8,则它的周长为( )A .20B .16C .20或16D .不能确定4.二元一次方程2534=+y x 的正整数解有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个5.如果p (a -3,a+1)在第二象限,那么a 的取值范围是A .a>-1B .a<3C .-3<a<3D .一1<a<36.计算机的存储单位有:字节B ,千字节KB ,兆字节MB ,1MB =1024 KB ,1KB =1024B ,两个 字节相当于一个汉字,那么一张容量为1.44MB 的软盘最多可存储多少个汉字?用科学记数法表示为(保留三个有效数字)( )A .7.55×104B .7.55×106C .7.55×105D .7.54×104二、填空题(每题7分,共28分)7、不等式组⎩⎨⎧->+>--1214)2(3x x x x 的解集是_______. 8、已知△ABC 的高为AD ,∠BAD=70°,∠CAD=20°,则∠BAC 的度数是_______9.如果01622=-a ,那么a 的算术平方根是_________.10、观察下面一列数:根据规律写出横线上的数,-11;21;-31;___;-51;61;______;….,第2007个数是__________。
三、化简求值(本题10分)11、化简求值y x xy y x xy xy xy 2222332323+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---其中31,3-==y x四、解答题(本小题满20分)12.为了防控甲型H1N1流感,某校积极进行校园环境消毒,购买了甲乙两种消毒液共100瓶,其中甲种消毒液6元/瓶,乙种消毒液9元/瓶。
一、选择题(每题4分,共20分)1. 下列数中,是质数的是()A. 16B. 15C. 13D. 142. 下列图形中,面积最大的是()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 圆形3. 已知一个数的十分位是7,百分位是5,这个数写作()A. 0.75B. 0.57C. 0.757D. 0.5754. 下列算式中,结果是正数的是()A. (-3) × (-2) = 6B. (-3) × 2 = -6C. (-3) ÷ (-2) = -1.5D. (-3) ÷ 2 = -1.55. 下列代数式中,同类项是()A. 3x^2和5x^2B. 2x和5yC. 3xy和4xyD. 2x^2和5x二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)6. 0.25 + 0.3 = ______7. 2.5 - 1.2 = ______8. 3.14 × 5 = ______9. 12 ÷ 3 × 2 = ______10. 4^2 - 2^2 = ______三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 解下列方程:(1)2x - 5 = 9(2)5 - 3y = 212. 已知长方形的长是8cm,宽是4cm,求长方形的面积。
13. 一辆汽车以每小时60公里的速度行驶,行驶了2小时后,离出发点的距离是多少?四、应用题(15分)14. 小明去书店买书,每本书的单价是15元,他带了100元,请问小明最多能买几本书?15. 小华家养了5只鸡和3只鸭,鸡的只数是鸭的2倍,请问小华家一共有多少只家禽?注意:请将答案填写在答题卡上,答案不完整或超出规定字数者不得分。
一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. √2B. πC. -3/5D. √92. 已知a、b是实数,且a + b = 0,则下列结论错误的是()A. a和b互为相反数B. a和b互为倒数C. a和b相等D. a和b都为03. 下列图形中,面积最大的图形是()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 平行四边形D. 三角形4. 若一个数的平方等于4,则这个数是()A. ±2B. ±4C. ±1D.±85. 已知a > b,则下列不等式成立的是()A. a - b > 0B. a + b > 0C. a - b < 0D. a + b < 06. 下列代数式中,含有未知数的是()A. 2x + 5B. 3y - 2C. 7 - 4zD. 57. 若x² - 5x + 6 = 0,则x的值为()A. 2B. 3C. 2或3D. 无法确定8. 已知a、b、c是等差数列,且a + b + c = 12,则a + c的值为()A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 129. 下列函数中,y是x的一次函数的是()A. y = 2x + 3B. y = 3x² + 2C. y = √xD. y = 1/x10. 若点P(x,y)在第二象限,则下列不等式成立的是()A. x > 0,y > 0B. x < 0,y < 0C. x > 0,y < 0D. x < 0,y > 0二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 若|a| = 5,则a的值为__________。
12. 若√(a² + 9) = 3,则a的值为__________。
13. 若x - 3 = 0,则x的值为__________。
14. 若一个数的倒数是1/4,则这个数是__________。
15. 若x² - 2x + 1 = 0,则x的值为__________。
八年级上入学考试卷姓名--------考号-------分数---------一、填空题(每空2分,共30分)1.(4分) _________ •3xy 2=﹣18x 3y 6;1﹣20= _________ .2.(2分)已知a m=3,a n=9,则a 3m ﹣2n= _________ .3.(6分)用加减法解方程组,把两个方程的两边 _________ ,直接消去未知数 _________ ,得到的一元一次方程是 _________ . 4.(2分)△ABC 中,AB=10,BC=2,周长是偶数,则AC= _________ .5.(4分)若x 2+mx ﹣15=(x+3)(x+n ),则m= _________ ,n= _________ . 6.(2分)如果△ABC 中,∠A+∠B=∠C ﹣10°,则△ABC 是 _________ 三角形. 7.(4分)如图所示,若△ABC ≌△EFC ,且CF=3厘米,∠EFC=64°,则BC= _________ 厘米,∠B= _________ °.(9)8.(2分)(2012•黄石)若关于x 的不等式组有实数解,则a 的取值范围是 _________ .9.(2分)如图,若∠BAD=∠CAD ,添加条件 _________ ,可使得△ABD ≌△ACD . 10.(2分)如图所示,BE ⊥AC 于点D ,且AB=CB ,BD=ED ,若∠ABC=54°,则∠E= _________ .(14)二、选择题(每题2分,共16分) 2. B . C . D . 14.(2分)如图,AC=AB ,AD 平分∠CAB ,E 在AD 上,则图中能全等的三角形有( )对. 15.(2分)某人将甲、乙两种股票卖出,其甲种股票卖价1200元,盈利20%,其乙16.(2分)下列△ABC 中,正确画出AC 边上的高的是( )..C. D.17.(2分)如图,∠BAC=90°,AD ⊥BC ,则图中互余的角有( )A . 2对B . 3对C . 4对D . 5对 18.(2分)如图,给出下面的推理: ①因为∠B=∠BEF ,所以AB ∥EF ;②因为∠B=∠CDE ,所以AB ∥CD ; ③因为∠DCE+∠AEF=180°,所以AB ∥EF ;④因为∠A+∠AEF=180°,所以AB ∥EF . 其中正确的推理是( ) 三、解答题 19.(12分)计算: (1)(﹣)﹣2+()0+(﹣5)3÷(﹣5)2(2)(4m ﹣3)2+(4m+3)(4m ﹣3)(3)﹣10×9(4)已知x 2+4x ﹣1=0,求2x 4+8x 3﹣4x 2﹣8x+1的值.20.(6分)因式分解(1)2x 2﹣8xy+8y2(2)x 2(x ﹣y )+(y ﹣x )21.(8分)解方程与不等式 (1)(2),并求出它的整数解的和.22.(6分)如图,已知AB∥CD,∠1=∠3,试说明AC∥BD.23.(10分)某学生骑自行车从学校去县城,先以每小时12千米的速度下山,而后以每小时9千米的速度通过平路到达县城,共用去55分钟;返回时,他以每小时8千米的速度通过平路,再以每小时4千米的速度上山回到学校,又用去1小时30分.(1)若设山路长为x千米,平路长为y千米,如何列方程组呢?(2)若设下山需x小时,上山需y小时,方程组又是怎样的呢?(3)若设去时走平路需x小时,返回时走平路需y小时,又怎样列方程组呢?24.(12分)(2010•攀枝花)我市某西瓜产地组织40辆汽车装运完A,B,C三种西瓜共200吨到外地销售.按计划,40辆汽车都要装运,每辆汽车只能装运同一种西x辆,装运B种西瓜的车辆数为y辆,求y与x 的函数关系式;(2)如果装运每种西瓜的车辆数都不少于10辆,那么车辆的安排方案有几种?并写出每种安排方案;(3)若要是此次销售获利达到预期利润25万元,应采取怎样的车辆安排方案?参考答案与试题解析一、填空题(每空2分,共30分) 1.(4分) ﹣6x 2y 4•3xy 2=﹣18x 3y 6;1﹣20= 1 .2.(2分)已知a m=3,a n=9,则a 3m ﹣2n=.3.(6分)用加减法解方程组,把两个方程的两边 相加 ,直接消去未知数 y ,得到的一元一次方程是 2x+5x=5+2 .4.(2分)△ABC 中,AB=10,BC=2,周长是偶数,则AC= 10 . 5.(4分)若x 2+mx ﹣15=(x+3)(x+n ),则m= ﹣2 ,n= ﹣5 . 是 钝角 三角形. 7.(4分)如图所示,若△ABC ≌△EFC ,且CF=3厘米,∠EFC=64°,则BC= 3 厘米,∠B= 64 °.8.(2分)(2012•黄石)若关于x 的不等式组有实数解,则a 的取值范围是 a <4 .9.(2分)如图,若∠BAD=∠CAD ,添加条件 AB=AC ,可使得△ABD ≌△ACD .10.(2分)如图所示,BE ⊥AC 于点D ,且AB=CB ,BD=ED ,若∠ABC=54°,则∠E= 27° .二、选择题(每题2分,共16分).B .C .D . 14.(2分)如图,AC=AB ,AD 平分∠CAB ,E 在AD 上,则图中能全等的三角形有( )对.. B . C . D .17.(2分)如图,∠BAC=90°,AD ⊥BC ,则图中互余的角有( )A . 2对B . 3对C . 4对D . 5对18.(2分)如图,给出下面的推理: ①因为∠B=∠BEF ,所以AB ∥EF ; ②因为∠B=∠CDE ,所以AB ∥CD ; ③因为∠DCE+∠AEF=180°,所以AB ∥EF ; ④因为∠A+∠AEF=180°,所以AB ∥EF . 其中正确的推理是( )A .①②③ B .①②④ C . ①③④ D .②③④三、解答题 19.(12分)计算:(1)(﹣)﹣2+()0+(﹣5)3÷(﹣5)2(2)(4m ﹣3)2+(4m+3)(4m ﹣3) (3)﹣10×9(4)已知x 2+4x ﹣1=0,求2x 4+8x 3﹣4x 2﹣8x+1的值.答: 解:(1)原式=9+1+(﹣5)=5;(2)原式=(4m ﹣3)(4m ﹣3+4m+3) =8m (4m ﹣3)=32m 2﹣24m ;(3)原式=﹣(10+)(10﹣) =﹣(100﹣)=﹣99;(4)∵x 2+4x ﹣1=0, ∴2x 4+8x 3﹣4x 2﹣8x+1=2x 2(x 2+4x ﹣1)﹣2(x 2+4x ﹣1)﹣1 =﹣1.20.(6分)因式分解(1)2x 2﹣8xy+8y 2(2)x 2(x ﹣y )+(y ﹣x ) 21.(8分)解方程与不等式 (1)(2),并求出它的整数解的和.(2)∵解不等式2x+3>3x 得:x <3, 解不等式﹣≥得:x ≥﹣4,∴不等式组的解集为﹣4≤x <3, ∴不等式组的整数解是﹣4,﹣3,﹣2,﹣1,1,2, ∴不等式组的整数解的和为﹣4﹣3﹣2﹣1+1+2=﹣7. 22.(6分)如图,已知AB ∥CD ,∠1=∠3,试说明AC ∥BD .23.(10分)某学生骑自行车从学校去县城,先以每小时12千米的速度下山,而后以每小时9千米的速度通过平路到达县城,共用去55分钟;返回时,他以每小时8千米的速度通过平路,再以每小时4千米的速度上山回到学校,又用去1小时30分. (1)若设山路长为x 千米,平路长为y 千米,如何列方程组呢? (2)若设下山需x 小时,上山需y 小时,方程组又是怎样的呢?(3)若设去时走平路需x 小时,返回时走平路需y 小时,又怎样列方程组呢?解:(1);(2);(3)24.(12分)(2010•攀枝花)我市某西瓜产地组织40辆汽车装运完A ,B ,C 三种西瓜共200吨到外地销售.按计划,40辆汽车都要装运,每辆汽车只能装运同一种西x 辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为y 辆,求y 与x 的函数关系式;(2)如果装运每种西瓜的车辆数都不少于10辆,那么车辆的安排方案有几种?并写出每种安排方案;解答: 解:(1)根据题意得4x+5y+6(40﹣x ﹣y )=200,整理得y=﹣2x+40,则y 与x 的函数关系式为y=﹣2x+40;(2)设装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为x 辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为y 辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为z 辆,则x+y+z=40,∵,∴z=x , ∵x ≥10,y ≥10,z ≥10, ∴有以下6种方案: ①x=z=10,y=20;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为10辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数20辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为10辆; ②x=z=11,y=18;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为11辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为18辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为11辆; ③x=z=12,y=16;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为12辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为16辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为12辆; ④x=z=13,y=14;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为13辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为14辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为13辆; ⑤x=z=14,y=12;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为14辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为12辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为14辆; ⑥x=z=15,y=10;装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为15辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为10辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为15辆;(3)由题意得:1600×4x+1000×5y+1200×6z ≥250000,将y=﹣2x+40,z=x ,代入得3600x+200000≥250000,解得x ≥13, 经计算当x=z=14,y=12;获利=250400元; 当x=z=15,y=10;获利=254000元;故装运A 种西瓜的车辆数为14辆,装运B 种西瓜的车辆数为12辆,装运C 种西瓜的车辆数为14辆;。
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列各数中,最小的正整数是()A. -3B. 0C. 1D. 22. 下列各数中,是偶数的是()A. 3.14B. 2.5C. 4D. 0.753. 下列各数中,是质数的是()A. 9B. 11C. 15D. 164. 下列各数中,是同类二次根式的是()A. √2 和√3B. √18 和√32C. √8 和√24D. √12 和√275. 下列各式中,正确的是()A. 2a + 3b = 5a + 2bB. 3x - 2y = 2x + 5yC. 4m - 5n = 5m - 4nD. 6p + 7q = 7p + 6q6. 下列各式中,能化简为最简二次根式的是()A. √18B. √50C. √72D. √987. 下列各函数中,是正比例函数的是()A. y = 2x + 3B. y = 3x - 2C. y = 4xD. y = 5x - 18. 下列各图中,表示y = 2x + 1的函数图象是()(此处应插入图形)A.B.C.D.9. 下列各式子中,正确的是()A. (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2B. (a - b)^2 = a^2 - b^2C. (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2D. (a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^210. 下列各方程中,是一元一次方程的是()A. 2x + 3y = 5B. 3x^2 - 2x + 1 = 0C. 4x - 5 = 2x + 3D. 5x + 6y - 7 = 0二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 3的平方根是______,-5的立方根是______。
12. 如果一个数的平方是4,那么这个数是______。
13. 下列各数中,质数有______个。
14. 下列各数中,偶数有______个。
15. 下列各数中,负数有______个。
16. 下列各数中,正数有______个。
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列各数中,绝对值最小的是()A. -3B. 2C. -2D. 32. 下列各式中,正确的是()A. (-2)² = -4B. (-3)³ = -27C. (-4)⁴ = 16D. (-5)⁵ = -1253. 下列各数中,属于有理数的是()A. √2B. √3C. √4D. √54. 如果一个数的平方是25,那么这个数是()A. 5B. -5C. 5或-5D. ±55. 下列各式中,符合一元一次方程的是()A. 2x + 3 = 7B. 3x - 5 = 2x + 4C. 4x² + 5 = 0D. 2x + 3y = 56. 下列各式中,表示比例关系的是()A. a : b = c : dB. a + b = c + dC. ab = cdD. a² = b²7. 下列各数中,能被3整除的是()A. 12B. 15C. 18D. 218. 下列各数中,能被4整除的是()A. 8B. 10C. 12D. 149. 下列各数中,能被5整除的是()A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 3510. 下列各数中,能被6整除的是()A. 12B. 15C. 18D. 21二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 计算:-2 + 3 - 4 + 5 - 6 + 7 - 8 + 9 - 10 = _______12. 计算:(-3)×(-2)×(-1) = _______13. 计算:2² × 3³ = _______14. 计算:-2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = _______15. 计算:(-3)⁴ = _______16. 计算:(-5)⁵ = _______17. 计算:3 + 4 × 5 = _______18. 计算:2 × (3 + 4) = _______19. 计算:6 ÷ (2 + 3) = _______20. 计算:5 × 2 - 3 × 2 = _______三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 简化下列各数:(1)-2 + 3 - 4 + 5 - 6 + 7 - 8 + 9 - 10(2)2² × 3³(3)(-3)⁴22. 解下列方程:(1)2x + 3 = 7(2)3x - 5 = 2x + 423. 判断下列各数是否为有理数:(1)√2(2)√3(3)√4(4)√5答案:一、选择题:1. A2. B3. C4. C5. A6. C7. A8. C9. A 10. A二、填空题:11. -15 12. -6 13. 108 14. -16 15. 81 16. -3125 17. 23 18. 14 19.1 20. 4三、解答题:21. (1)-15 (2)108 (3)8122. (1)x = 2 (2)x = 923. (1)不是(2)不是(3)是(4)不是。
初二入学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是地球的自然特征?A. 地球的自转B. 地球的公转C. 地球的大气层D. 地球的地壳答案:D2. 以下哪个选项是光合作用的产物?A. 水B. 氧气C. 二氧化碳D. 氮气答案:B3. 以下哪个国家不是联合国安全理事会的常任理事国?A. 中国B. 俄罗斯C. 法国D. 德国答案:D4. 以下哪个选项是细胞的基本结构?A. 细胞壁B. 细胞膜C. 细胞核D. 所有选项答案:D5. 以下哪个选项是化学变化的特征?A. 有新物质生成B. 有能量释放C. 有颜色变化D. 有气味变化答案:A6. 以下哪个选项是二次函数的一般形式?A. y = ax^2 + bx + cB. y = ax^2 + bxC. y = ax + cD. y = ax^2答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是生态系统中的分解者?A. 植物B. 动物C. 细菌D. 真菌答案:D8. 以下哪个选项是人体最大的淋巴器官?A. 扁桃体B. 脾脏C. 胸腺D. 淋巴结答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是牛顿第一定律的内容?A. 物体不受力时,总保持静止或匀速直线运动B. 物体受力时,总保持静止或匀速直线运动C. 物体不受力时,总保持静止或匀速曲线运动D. 物体受力时,总保持静止或变速直线运动答案:A10. 以下哪个选项是中国古代四大发明之一?A. 造纸术B. 印刷术C. 指南针D. 火药答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的赤道周长约为________公里。
答案:400752. 光年是天文学中用来表示________的单位。
答案:距离3. 人体中最大的细胞是________。
答案:卵细胞4. 地球的大气层由外到内依次是________、平流层、对流层。
答案:外层空间5. 化学变化和物理变化的根本区别在于是否有________生成。
答案:新物质6. 一个二次函数的顶点坐标可以通过公式________求得。
一、选择题(每题5分,共50分)1. 下列各数中,绝对值最小的是()A. -3B. -2C. 0D. 22. 若a < b,则下列不等式中正确的是()A. a + 1 < b + 1B. a - 1 > b - 1C. a - 2 < b - 2D. a + 2 > b + 23. 下列方程中,x的值为2的是()A. 2x - 4 = 0B. 3x + 1 = 7C. 4x - 5 = 10D. 5x + 3 = 94. 下列函数中,是二次函数的是()A. y = 2x + 3B. y = x^2 + 2x + 1C. y = 3x^2 - 4x + 2D. y = 4x - 55. 下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是()A. 正方形B. 等腰三角形C. 平行四边形D. 圆6. 若a,b,c成等差数列,且a + b + c = 18,则b的值为()A. 6B. 9C. 12D. 157. 下列等式中,正确的是()A. (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2B. (a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2C. (a + b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2D. (a - b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab - b^28. 若∠A和∠B是等腰三角形的底角,则∠A + ∠B的度数是()A. 60°B. 90°C. 120°D. 180°9. 下列图形中,是正比例函数图像的是()A. 双曲线B. 抛物线C. 直线D. 椭圆10. 若x = 2,则x^2 - 4x + 3的值为()A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3二、填空题(每题5分,共50分)11. 若m - 3 = 0,则m的值为______。
12. 下列数中,有理数是______。
13. 若a,b,c成等差数列,且a + b + c = 15,则b的值为______。
初二开学考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是正确的数学表达式?A. \(3x + 5 = 2x + 8\)B. \(2x - 5 = 2x + 5\)C. \(3x - 5 = 2x + 3\)D. \(4x + 2 = 2x + 6\)答案:C2. 以下哪个选项是正确的英语单词拼写?A. colourB. favorC. defenceD. judgement答案:A3. 以下哪个选项是正确的物理单位?A. 速度的单位是米每秒(m/s)B. 质量的单位是千克(kg)C. 力的单位是牛顿(N)D. 所有以上选项答案:D4. 以下哪个选项是正确的化学元素符号?A. 铁 - FeB. 铜 - CuC. 银 - AgD. 所有以上选项答案:D5. 以下哪个选项是正确的历史事件?A. 秦始皇统一六国B. 汉武帝开辟丝绸之路C. 唐朝盛世D. 所有以上选项答案:D6. 以下哪个选项是正确的地理知识?A. 亚洲是面积最大的大洲B. 太平洋是面积最大的海洋C. 珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰D. 所有以上选项答案:D7. 以下哪个选项是正确的生物分类?A. 动物界、植物界、真菌界B. 细菌界、病毒界、原生生物界C. 所有以上选项D. 只有A和B选项答案:C8. 以下哪个选项是正确的计算机术语?A. 硬件 - 计算机的物理组件B. 软件 - 计算机的非物理组件C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C9. 以下哪个选项是正确的文学知识?A. 《红楼梦》的作者是曹雪芹B. 《西游记》的作者是吴承恩C. 《水浒传》的作者是施耐庵D. 所有以上选项答案:D10. 以下哪个选项是正确的政治术语?A. 人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度B. 社会主义核心价值观包括富强、民主、文明、和谐C. 我国宪法是国家的根本大法D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 圆的面积公式是 \( \pi r^2 \),其中 \( r \) 代表圆的______。
湖南师大附中2024—2025学年度第一学期练习卷1时量:120分钟 总分:120分一、选择题(本题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分)1. 我国近年来大力推进国家教育数字化战略行动,截至2024年6月上旬,上线慕课数量超过7.8万门,学习人次达1290000000建设和应用规模居世界第一.用科学记数法将数据1290000000表示( )A. 81.2910×B. 812.910×C. 91.2910×D. 712910× 2. “玉兔号”是我国首辆月球车,它和着陆器共同组成“嫦娥三号”探测器.“玉兔号”月球车能够耐受月球表面的最低温度是180−℃、最高温度是150℃,则它能够耐受的温差是( )A. 180−℃B. 150℃C. 30℃D. 330℃ 3. 在平面直角坐标系中,将点()3,5P 向上平移2个单位长度后得到点P ′的坐标为( )A. ()1,5B. ()5,5C. ()3,3D. ()3,7 4. 如图,已知AB AD =,那么添加下列一个条件后,不能判定ABC ADC △≌△的是( )A. CB CD =B. BAC DAC ∠=∠C. BCA DCA ∠=∠D. 90B D ∠=∠=° 5. 如图,在ABC 中,60BAC ∠=°,50B ∠=°,AD BC ∥.则1∠的度数为( )A. 50°B. 60°C. 70°D. 80°6. 光线在不同介质中的传播速度不同,因此当光线从水中射向空气时,要发生折射.由于折射率相同,所以在水中平行的光线,在空气中也是平行的.如图,当∠1=45°,∠2=122°时,∠3和∠4的度数分别是( )为A. 58°,122°B. 45°,68°C. 45°,58°D. 45°,45°7. 《九章算术》中的算筹图是竖排的,为看图方便,我们把它改为横排,如图①②所示,图中各行从左到右列出的算筹数分别表示未知数x ,y 的系数与相应的常数项.把图①所示的算筹图用我们现在所熟悉的方程组形式表述出来,就是3219423x y x y += +=类似地,图②所示的算筹图我们可以表述为( )A. 2114327x y x y += +=B. 2114322x y x y += +=C. 3219423x y x y += +=D. 264327x y x y += +=8. 为了调查疫情对青少年人生观、价值观产生的影响,某学校团委对初二级部学生进行了问卷调查,其中整)如下,由图中信息可知,下列结论错误的是( )A. 本次调查的样本容量是600B. 选“责任”的有120人C. 扇形统计图中“生命”所对应的扇形圆心角度数为64.8D. 选“感恩”的人数最多9. 运行程序如图所示,规定:从“输入一个值x ”到“结果是否>95”为一次程序操作,如果程序操作进行了三次才停止,那么x 的取值范围是( )A. x ≥11B. 11≤x <23C. 11<x ≤23D. x ≤2310. 如图所示,I 是ABC 三内角平分线的交点,IE BC ⊥于E ,AI 延长线交BC 于D ,CI 的延长线交AB 于F ,下列结论:①BIE CID ∠=∠;②()12ABCS IE AB BC AC =++ ;③1()2BE AB BC AC =+−;④AC AF DC =+.其中正确的结论是( )A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①②③④二、填空题(本题共6个小题,每小题3分,共18分)11. 在平面直角坐标系中,点()21,3P m +−在第_____象限.12. 如图,已知在ABC 中,CD 是AB 边上的高线,BE 平分ABC ∠,交CD 于点E ,5BC =,2DE =,则BCE 的面积等于___________.13. 已知AB =4,AC =2,D 是BC 的中点, AD 是整数,则AD =_______.14. 已知关于x 的不等式组 0521x a x −> −≥−无解,则a 的取值范围是________ 15. 为庆祝中国改革开放46周年,某中学举办了一场精彩纷呈的庆祝活动,现场参与者均为在校中学生,其中有一个活动项目是“选数字猜出生年份”,该活动项目主持人要求参与者从1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9这九个数字中任取一个数字,先乘以10,再加上4.6,将此时的运算结果再乘以10,然后加上1978,最后减去参与者的出生年份(注:出生年份是一个四位数,比如2010年对应的四位数是2010),得到最终的运算结果.只要参与者报出最终的运算结果,主持人立马就知道参与者的出生年份.若某位参与者报出的最终的运算结果是915,则这位参与者的出生年份是______.16.(m >0)近似值的方法,回答问题:①任取正数a 1<;②令a 2=12(a 1+1m a ),则2m a<<a 2; ③a 3=12(a 2+2m a ),则3m a<<a 3; …以此类推n 次,得到nm a<<a n . 其中a n的n 阶过剩近似值,n m a的n 阶不足近似值.①取正数a 1=2<.②于是a 2=_____;3阶过剩近似值a 3是_____.三、解答题(本题共9个小题,共72分)17.计算:41271−+−+−18 (1)解方程组:341563x y x y += +=(2)解不等式组:()()281043141126x x x x +≤−− ++−<19. 如图,ABC 的顶点都在格点上,已知点C 的坐标为()4,1−.的.(1)平移ABC ,使点A 与点O 重合,作出平移后的OB C ′′△,并写出点B ′,C ′的坐标. (2)写出ABC 内一点(),M a b 平移后的对应点M ′的坐标.(3)求ABC 的面积.20. 中国新能源产业异军突起.中国车企在政策引导和支持下,瞄准纯电、混动和氢燃料等多元技术路线,加大研发投入形成了领先技术优势,2023年,中国新能源汽车产销量均突破900万辆,连续9年位居全球第一.在某次汽车展览会上,工作人员随机抽取了部分参展人员进行了“我最喜欢的汽车类型”的调查活动(每人限选其中一种类型),并将数据整理后,绘制成下面有待完成的统计表、条形统计图和扇形统计图 类型人数百分比纯电m 54% 混动n %a 氢燃料3%b 油车 5 %c请根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)本次调查活动随机抽取了_____人;表中a =______,b =______;的(2)请补全条形统计图;(3)请计算扇形统计图中“混动”类所在扇形的圆心角的度数;(4)若此次汽车展览会的参展人员共有4000人,请你估计喜欢新能源(纯电、混动、氢燃料)汽车的有多少人?21. 如图,在ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ中,AB=AC ,90,BAC AE °∠=是过点A 的一直线,且B ,C 在AE 的两侧, BD AE ⊥于D , CE AE ⊥于E .(1)求证:ABD CAE ∆≅∆(2)若DE=3,CE=2,求BD .22. 刺绣是我国民间传统手工艺.湘绣作为中国四大刺绣之一,闻名中外,在巴黎奥运会倒计时50天之际,某国际旅游公司计划购买A 、B 两种奥运主题的湘绣作品作为纪念品.已知购买1件A 种湘绣作品与2件B 种湘绣作品共需要700元,购买2件A 种湘绣作品与3件B 种湘绣作品共需要1200元. (1)求A 种湘绣作品和B(2)该国际旅游公司计划购买A 种湘绣作品和B 种湘绣作品共200件,总费用不超过50000元,那么最多能购买A 种湘绣作品多少件?23. 如图,点A 为线段BC 上一点,分别以AB 、AC 为边在BC 同侧作等边三角形ABD △和等边三角形ACE △,连接CD 、BE .(1)求证:CD BE =;(2)若AF 为ADE 的边DE 上的中线,求证:12AF CD =. 24. 使方程(组)与不等式(组)同时成立的未知数的值称为此方程(组)和不等式(组)的“理想解”.例:已知方程231x −=与不等式30x +>,当2x =时23223132350x x −=×−=+=+=>,同时成立,则称“2x =”是方程231x −=与不等式30x +>的“理想解”. (1)已知①1322x −>;②()234x +<;③132x −<,试判断方程:231x +=的解是否为它与①②③中某个不等式的“理想解”;(2)若00x x y y = =是方程24x y −=与不等式31x y > < 的“理想解”,求002x y +的取值范围; (3)当关于x 的方程5163x m −=−与关于x 的不等式()211121223x m x x +>− −+≥−的理想解为整数,且关于x 的不等式组()211121223x m x x +>− −+≥−恰有7个整数解,若34m n p −+=,6m n p ++=,求23M m n p =+−的值. 25. 如图,在Rt ABC △中,90CBA ∠=°,CAB ∠的角平分线AP 和MCB ∠的平分线CF 相交于点D ,AD 交CB 于点P ,CF 交AB 的延长线于点F ,过点D 作DE CF ⊥交CB 的延长线于点G ,交AB 的延长线于点E ,连接CE 并延长交FG 于点H .(1)求ADF ∠的度数;(2)求证:AF AC CG =+;(3)探究CF EG CD−否为定值,若是,求出该定值;若不是,请说明理由.是。
麓山国际实验学校2024-2025-1初二暑假作业检查数学问卷总分:120分时间:120分钟班级:姓名:学号:一.选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.下列式子正确的是()A123=B=C5=−D2=−2.在实数:1.4143−、0、3π、227()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个3.若a b<,则下列不等式一定成立的是()A.11a b−<−B.33a b>C.11a b−>−D.22ac bc<4.若关于x,y的二元一次方程组4254241x y kx y+=−⎧⎨+=−⎩的解满足1x y−=,则k的值为()A.0B.1C.2D.1−5.若一个关于x的不等式组解集在数轴上的表示如图所示,则这个不等式组可以是()A.31xx<⎧⎨−⎩B.13xx−⎧⎨>⎩C.31xx⎧⎨>−⎩D.31xx<⎧⎨>−⎩6.要调查下列问题,适合采用全面调查(普查)的是()A.中央电视台《开学第一课》的收视率B.某城市居民6月份人均网上购物的次数C.即将发射的气象卫星的零部件质量D.某品牌新能源汽车的最大续航里程7.在平面直角坐标系中,点2(2024P m+,1)−一定在()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限8.下列每组数分别是三根小木棒的长度,用它们能摆成三角形的是()A.9,6,13B.6,8,16C.18,9,8D.3,5,99.在平面直角坐标系中,点(1,3)M−,先向右平移2个单位,再向下平移4个单位,得到的点的坐标为( )A.(3,1)−−B.(3,7)−C.(1,1)−D.(1,7)10.我国古代《四元玉鉴》中记载“二果问价”问题,其内容如下:九百九十九文钱,甜果苦果买一千,甜果九个十一文,苦果七个四文钱,试问果几个,又问各该几个钱?若设买甜果x个,买苦果y个,则下列关于x,y的二元一次方程组中符合题意的是()A.10009928999x yx y+=⎧⎨+=⎩B.100097999114x yx y+=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩C.100011499997x yx y+=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩D.999971000114x yx y+=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩二.填空题(本大题共6个小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.一个正n边形的每一外角都等于60︒,则n的值是.12.已知实数a、b|1|0b+=,则2024()a b+=.13.已知不等式组29612x x x k +>−+⎧⎨−>⎩的解集为1x >−,则k 的取值范围是 .14.如图,用方向和距离表示火车站相对于仓库的位置是 ,若火车站的位置用(6,3)表示,则仓库的位置表示为 .(第14题图) (第15题图) (第16题图)15.如图,OA OC ⊥,50BOC ∠=︒,若OD 平分AOC ∠,则BOD ∠= ︒. 16.如图,在△ABC 中,60A ∠=︒(ABC A ∠>∠),角平分线BD 、CE 交于点O ,OF AB ⊥于点F .下列结论:①::BOC BOE S S BC BE ∆∆=;②EOF ABC A ∠=∠−∠;③BE CD BC +=;④2BOC EDO BEDC S S S ∆∆=+四边形, 其中正确结论是 .三.解答题(本大题共9小题,共72分)17.(12分)(1|2(;(2)求x 的值:236(3)49x −=;(3)解方程组:232234x y x y ⎧−=⎪⎨⎪+=⎩;火车站123456ODCBAOF E D CB A(4)解不等式组:32322662x x x x+⎧+>⎪⎨⎪−−⎩.18.(6分)已知52a −的立方根是2,61a b +−的算术平方根是4,c的整数部分.(1)求a ,b ,c 的值;(2)求523a b c −+的平方根. 19.(6分)若关于x 的不等式3241x x −<+与2x a x a −>+的解集相同,求a 的值. 20.(6分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,三角形ABC 的顶点都在网格点上,其中点C 的坐标为(1,2). (1)点A 的坐标是 ;点B 的坐标是 ;(2)画出将三角形ABC 先向左平移2个单位长度,再向上平移1个单位长度所得到的三角形A B C '''.请在图中画出三角形A B C ''',并写出三角形A B C '''的三个顶点坐标; (3)求三角形ABC 的面积.21.黄桥初中用随机抽样的方法在九年级开展了“你是否喜欢网课”的调查,并将得到的数据整理成了统计图(不完整).(1)此次共调查了 名学生; (2)请将条形统计图补充完整;(3)若黄桥初中九年级共有1200名学生,请你估计其中“非常喜欢”网课的人数. 22.(8分)如图,点E 在边AC 上,已知AB DC =,A D ∠=∠,//BC DE . 求证:(1)△ABC ≌△DCE ; (2)DE AE BC =+.23.(8分)多功能家庭早餐机可以制作多种口味的美食,深受消费者的喜爱,在新品上市促销活动中,已知8台A 型早餐机和3台B 型早餐机需要1000元,6台A 型早餐机和1台B 型早餐机需要600元. (1)每台A 型早餐机和每台B 型早餐机的价格分别是多少元?(2)某商家欲购进A ,B 两种型号早餐机共20台,但总费用不超过2200元,那么至少要购进A 型早餐机多少台?24%10%一般喜欢喜欢非常喜欢不喜欢喜欢喜欢EDCBA24.(10分)我们约定:不等式组m x n <<,m x n <,m x n <,m x n 的“长度”均为d n m =−,()m n <,不等式组的整数解称为不等式组的“整点”.例如:22x −<的“长度” 2(2)4d =−−=,“整点”为1x =−,0,1,2.根据该约定,解答下列问题:(1)不等式组533210x x x +>⎧⎨−⎩的“长度” d = ;“整点”为 ;(2)若不等式组131312x ax x ⎧⎪⎨−<+⎪⎩的“长度” 2d =,求a 的取值范围; (3)若不等式组13122x a x a ⎧⎪⎨+⎪⎩的“长度32d =,此时是否存在实数m 使得关于y 的不等式组112y m ay m +>⎧⎨−⎩恰有4个“整点”,若存在,求出m 的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由.25.(10分)定义:若两个三角形,有两边相等且其中一组等边所对的角对应相等,我们就称这两个三角形为友谊三角形.(1)若两个三角形全等,它们 (填是或否)友谊三角形;(2)如图1,在四边形ABCD 中,AC 平分BAD ∠,AD AB >,△ABC 与△ACD 是友谊三角形,请探究D ∠与B ∠之间的关系; (3)如图2,在四边形ABCD 中,50ABC ADC ∠=∠=︒,65ADB ∠=︒,AB BC =,求证:△ABD 与△BCD 是友谊三角形.图1 图2D CBAABCD我们倡议并践行1、不在资料正文中增加任何信息,包括不限于水印、页眉页脚等. 清爽使用.2、个人和机构再次传播时,请保留此页,让我们有动力和有机会做的更多.3、错误之处在所难免,恳请反馈,以便改正.数学交流群/试卷众筹群长沙名校试卷随心下,无水印。
1.A.Yes,she does.B.No,they didn’t.C.Yes,they do.2.A.She could come.B.Of course you can.C.You are right.3.A.In my house.B.Reading.C.On foot.4.A.Yes,I am.B.At school.C.Much better.第二节(共8小题、每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
5.When did Emma start to take a walk last night?A.At7:00.B.At6:45.C.At7:15.6.How did Linda come to school today?A.By bike.B.By bus.C.By subway.7.What does the man think we should do?A.Plant more trees.B.Stop driving cars.C.Stop cutting down trees.8.Where are the speakers talking?A.At home.B.In the hospital.C.At the park.9.What does Tom have to do first?A.Play chess.B.Take out the rubbish.C.Clean his room.10.Where are the speakers?A.At the bus stop.B.At the station.C.At the subway station.11.When will the man see Bob?A.This Friday.B.Last Friday.C.This Saturday.12.What would the woman probably say to the man next?A.Lucky you!B.You’re welcome.C.Many thanks.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
初二入学考试试卷一、单项填空(共20分,每题1分)1.一Is this David’s bag?—Sorry,this is my bag.__________ is over there. A.Mine B.Hers C.He D.His 2.Look! The children _________ kites.A.fly B.are flying C.flew D.will fly 3.We have a big library __________ a lot of books in our school.A.for B.about C.with D.of 4.I am really looking forward to __________ on a trip to Hong Kong.A.going B.go C.goes D.went 5.—How is the weather in Beijing?—Oh,it’s _________than that in your hometown.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest 6.—How was the party last night?—Great! Everyone sang and danced ________.A.loudly B.exciting C.happily D.relaxed 7.Could you help me _________ all these pieces of paper? My hands are too dirty.A.put on B.pick up C.look around D.go back 8.My grandpa is from the northeast of China,so he likes living in a cooler _________.A.climate B.future C.coast D.pond 9.She looks much _________ without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better 10.Who _________ more housework in your home yesterday,you or your parents?A.does B.do C.did D.will do 11.—_________ is Beijing?一It has a history of more than 3000 years. A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How soon 12.一Do you like Shakespeare?一Yes.He is one of __________ in the world. A.famous writer B.the most famous writers C.more famous writers D.the most famous writer 13.—Have you got any plans for the dinner party?—Yeah.You know,I am interested in ________, So I___________ by myself.A.cook;am going to cook B.cooker;cook C.cooking;am going to cook D.cooking;cooked 14.—Dad,did you ride a bike to school when you _________ a boy?—No,my family was poor,so I usually _________ to school on foot.A.are,go B.were,go C.was,went D.were,went 15.— Why not have a picnic at the weekend?—________________.A.Best wishes to you B.It doesn’t matter C.That’s a good idea D.Thanks for your help16. the weather like in Hangzhou? It’s cloudy.A. How’sB. WhatC. HowD. What’s17. There some milk in the glass.A. isB. areC. hasD. have18. Bob comes from .He speaks .A. Japan , EnglishB. America , ChineseC. French , FranceD. Australia, English19. I want a new house a small garden.A. ofB. withC. haveD. in20. They at home last weekend.A. stayB. stayedC. was stayedD. stays二、完形填空(共10分,每题1分)It was Jemima’s FIRST day at school.When she arrived,Jemima noticed all the other children were __30__ from her. The teacher was very nice and answered all her questions.But her mum looked __31__.She went out to the playground with Jemima,kissed her and then left.When Jemima came back to the classroom.her __32__ stopped what they were doing and looked at her.“Why are you on wheels(轮子)?”a boy asked.That noon,Jemima ate her lunch by herself in the toilet.Everybody thought she was strange.After she got home,she told her mum she didn’t want to go to school any more.But there was __33__ she could do.Jemima fell asleep with tears.The next morning Jemima arrived at the school early.She waited in the toilet again until class started because she didn’t want to see anyone.__34__ her way to class,there was no one about.__35__ up ahead she could see someone lying on the ground.When she got closer,she found the boy was in pain(疼痛)and twisted(扭曲)his ankle.“Go away!”shouted the boy.“You can’t help me.You can’t even walk!”Jemima wanted to __36__ the boy,but she knew she had to help.She moved closer.“Here,get in,”she said.The boy stopped for a short time,and then did it“Why did you help me?”the boy asked.“I was rude(粗鲁的)to you.”“I know how __37__ feels,”said Jemima.“Not being able to(can not)walk.”30.A.clear B.special C.like D.different 31.A.friendly B.worried C.strict D.comfortable 32.A.roommates B.teachers C.classmates D.friends 33.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 34.A.On B.In C.At D.By35.A.But B.And C.Or D.So36.A.push B.answer C.leave D.destroy 37.A.you B.we C.it D.he三、阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)AWe have two weeks’holiday from about December 20th to January 5th.We have two more weeks at the beginning of April.Our longest holidays(6 weeks)are from the end of July to the beginning of September.We play basketball and other sports every month of the year.You can do winter sports from late December to the middle of March.You must go to Scotland for winter sports.We go swimming in the river only in July and August.The fiver water is very cold.We have fruit all the year round in Britain.The best months for apples are September,October,November and December.The best months for pears are October and November.The best months for oranges are December,January and February. The coldest months of the year are December,January and February.My favorite months are July and August.38.In Britain.people have __________ weeks for holiday in a year.A.2 B.4 C.6 D.10 39.Which of following months is the writer's favorite?A.February B.November C.September D.July BMrs.Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class.The story said:Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children’s Hospital are asking for money for children’s toys.Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks.Toys can help the children there keep happy and quiet.After Mrs.Weeks read the story,she said,“This story gave me an idea.”“You want us to bring some money for the toys.”“We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital,”said the boys and the girls.“Well,your ideas would be nice,”Mrs.Weeks said,“but mine is different.”“We could make some toys,”said one of them.Mrs.Weeks smiled.“Do you think you could make toys?”she asked.“Yes,yes,”the whole class answered.“Great! Let’s begin to make toys tomorrow,”said Mrs.Weeks.On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students.The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys.So did the students in the class.A few days later,Mrs.Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:Some primary school students brought toys to Children’s Hospital last week.The toys were made by the students of Grade Three in Park Street School.The doctors said.“We have never had so many wonderful toys.Our children are very happy with them.They say,‘THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.’”41.In the newspaper.we know that the doctors in Children’s Hospital wanted _______ for the children in the hospital.A.money B.newspapers C.beds D.ideas 42.Who needed help in the story?A.Mrs.Weeks of Park Street School.B.The students of Grade ThreeC.Sick children in Children’s Hospital.D.Parents in Children’s Hospital43.Mrs.Weeks’idea is to _________.A.give money to the hospital to help the childrenB.make toys for the children in the hospitalC.talk with the doctors in Children’s HospitalD.buy some toys for the children in the hospital44.From the passage we can learn that Mrs.Weeks wanted to teach her students how to _______.A.read the newspaper B.make toys with paper C.save money for toys D.be helpful to others CBuckingham Palace is in London,England.Buckingham Palacewas built around 1705.It isfamous because Queen Elizabeth of England lives there.She became queen in 1952Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building.A flag flies on the top of the palace when the queen is there.Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace.The queen also has her office at the palace.Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace.She also has three garden parties in the summer.She invites 9,000 people to each party! A lot of people meet the queen.Buckingham Palace is like a small town.It has a police station,a hospital,two post offices,a movie theater,a swimming pool,two sports clubs,a garden and a lake.The palace has about 600 rooms.About 400 people work there.Two people have very unusual jobs.They take care of the clocks.There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace!Queen Elizabeth’s day starts at 7:00 in the morning.Seven people take care of her.One person prepares(准备)her bath,and another person prepares her clothes.Another person takes care of her dogs.The queen loves dogs.Right now,she has eight dogs.Every day,a man brings food for the dogs to Queen Elizabeth’s room.The queen puts the food in the bowls. At 8:30 every morning,the queen has breakfast withher husband,Prince Philip.They drink a special coffee with hot milk.During breakfast,a musician plays Scottish music outside.Then Queen Elizabeth works in her office the rest of the morning.After lunch,she visits hospitals,schools,or new buildings.It is very interesting to eat dinner at Buckingham Palace.You have to follow rules.Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first,and then everybody eats.When the queen finishes eating,everybody finishes eating.You can’t leave the table during dinner.The queen never answers a telephone call during dinner. People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September.There are wonderful things to see.Don’t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world.45.How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have?A.900. B.600. C.400. D.300.46.What does the queen do after lunch?A.She invites people to her garden for party.B.She asks important people to work at the palace. C.She drinks a special coffee with hot milk.D.She visits hospitals,schools or new buildings.47.According to the text,everyone has to _________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace?A.stay at the tableB.1isten to Scottish musicC.finish eating later than the queenD.start eating earlier than the queen48.Which sentence is NOT true?A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very importantB.Buckingham Palace is not only an office,but also a home.C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all the year round.D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do some other sports.四、请根据所给中英文提示,完成下列各句。
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初二入学考试试卷一、单项填空(共20分,每题1分)1.一Is this David’s bag?—Sorry,this is my bag.__________ is over there. A.Mine B.Hers C.He D.His 2.Look! The children _________ kites.A.fly B.are flying C.flew D.will fly 3.We have a big library __________ a lot of books in our school.A.for B.about C.with D.of 4.I am really looking forward to __________ on a trip to Hong Kong.A.going B.go C.goes D.went 5.—How is the weather in Beijing?—Oh,it’s _________than that in your hometown.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest 6.—How was the party last night?—Great! Everyone sang and danced ________.A.loudly B.exciting C.happily D.relaxed 7.Could you help me _________ all these pieces of paper? My hands are too dirty.A.put on B.pick up C.look around D.go back 8.My grandpa is from the northeast of China,so he likes living in a cooler _________.A.climate B.future C.coast D.pond 9.She looks much _________ without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better 10.Who _________ more housework in your home yesterday,you or your parents?A.does B.do C.did D.will do 11.—_________ is Beijing?一It has a history of more than 3000 years. A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How soon 12.一Do you like Shakespeare?一Yes.He is one of __________ in the world. A.famous writer B.the most famous writers C.more famous writers D.the most famous writer 13.—Have you got any plans for the dinner party?—Yeah.You know,I am interested in ________, So I___________ by myself.A.cook;am going to cook B.cooker;cook C.cooking;am going to cook D.cooking;cooked 14.—Dad,did you ride a bike to school when you _________ a boy?—No,my family was poor,so I usually _________ to school on foot.A.are,go B.were,go C.was,went D.were,went 15.— Why not have a picnic at the weekend?—________________.A.Best wishes to you B.It doesn’t matter C.That’s a good idea D.Thanks for your help16. the weather like in Hangzhou? It’s cloudy.A. How’sB. WhatC. HowD. What’s17. There some milk in the glass.A. isB. areC. hasD. have18. Bob comes from .He speaks .A. Japan , EnglishB. America , ChineseC. French , FranceD. Australia, English19. I want a new house a small garden.A. ofB. withC. haveD. in20. They at home last weekend.A. stayB. stayedC. was stayedD. stays二、完形填空(共10分,每题1分)It was Jemima’s FIRST day at school.When she arrived,Jemima noticed all the other children were __30__ from her. The teacher was very nice and answered all her questions.But her mum looked __31__.She went out to the playground with Jemima,kissed her and then left.When Jemima came back to the classroom.her __32__ stopped what they were doing and looked at her.“Why are you on wheels(轮子)?”a boy asked.That noon,Jemima ate her lunch by herself in the toilet.Everybody thought she was strange.After she got home,she told her mum she didn’t want to go to school any more.But there was __33__ she could do.Jemima fell asleep with tears.The next morning Jemima arrived at the school early.She waited in the toilet again until class started because she didn’t want to see anyone.__34__ her way to class,there was no one about.__35__ up ahead she could see someone lying on the ground.When she got closer,she found the boy was in pain(疼痛)and twisted(扭曲)his ankle.“Go away!”shouted the boy.“You can’t help me.You can’t even walk!”Jemima wanted to __36__ the boy,but she knew she had to help.She moved closer.“Here,get in,”she said.The boy stopped for a short time,and then did it“Why did you help me?”the boy asked.“I was rude(粗鲁的)to you.”“I know how __37__ feels,”said Jemima.“Not being able to(can not)walk.”30.A.clear B.special C.like D.different 31.A.friendly B.worried C.strict D.comfortable 32.A.roommates B.teachers C.classmates D.friends 33.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 34.A.On B.In C.At D.By35.A.But B.And C.Or D.So36.A.push B.answer C.leave D.destroy 37.A.you B.we C.it D.he三、阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)AWe have two weeks’holiday from about December 20th to January 5th.We have two more weeks at the beginning of April.Our longest holidays(6 weeks)are from the end of July to the beginning of September.We play basketball and other sports every month of the year.You can do winter sports from late December to the middle of March.You must go to Scotland for winter sports.We go swimming in the river only in July and August.The fiver water is very cold.We have fruit all the year round in Britain.The best months for apples are September,October,November and December.The best months for pears are October and November.The best months for oranges are December,January and February. The coldest months of the year are December,January and February.My favorite months are July and August.38.In Britain.people have __________ weeks for holiday in a year.A.2 B.4 C.6 D.10 39.Which of following months is the writer's favorite?A.February B.November C.September D.July BMrs.Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class.The story said:Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children’s Hospital are asking for money for children’s toys.Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks.Toys can help the children there keep happy and quiet.After Mrs.Weeks read the story,she said,“This story gave me an idea.”“You want us to bring some money for the toys.”“We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital,”said the boys and the girls.“Well,your ideas would be nice,”Mrs.Weeks said,“but mine is different.”“We could make some toys,”said one of them.Mrs.Weeks smiled.“Do you think you could make toys?”she asked.“Yes,yes,”the whole class answered.“Great! Let’s begin to make toys tomorrow,”said Mrs.Weeks.On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students.The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys.So did the students in the class.A few days later,Mrs.Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:Some primary school students brought toys to Children’s Hospital last week.The toys were made by the students of Grade Three in Park Street School.The doctors said.“We have never had so many wonderful toys.Our children are very happy with them.They say,‘THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.’”41.In the newspaper.we know that the doctors in Children’s Hospital wanted _______ for the children in the hospital.A.money B.newspapers C.beds D.ideas 42.Who needed help in the story?A.Mrs.Weeks of Park Street School.B.The students of Grade ThreeC.Sick children in Children’s Hospital.D.Parents in Children’s Hospital43.Mrs.Weeks’idea is to _________.A.give money to the hospital to help the childrenB.make toys for the children in the hospitalC.talk with the doctors in Children’s HospitalD.buy some toys for the children in the hospital44.From the passage we can learn that Mrs.Weeks wanted to teach her students how to _______.A.read the newspaper B.make toys with paper C.save money for toys D.be helpful to others CBuckingham Palace is in London,England.Buckingham Palacewas built around 1705.It isfamous because Queen Elizabeth of England lives there.She became queen in 1952Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building.A flag flies on the top of the palace when the queen is there.Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace.The queen also has her office at the palace.Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace.She also has three garden parties in the summer.She invites 9,000 people to each party! A lot of people meet the queen.Buckingham Palace is like a small town.It has a police station,a hospital,two post offices,a movie theater,a swimming pool,two sports clubs,a garden and a lake.The palace has about 600 rooms.About 400 people work there.Two people have very unusual jobs.They take care of the clocks.There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace!Queen Elizabeth’s day starts at 7:00 in the morning.Seven people take care of her.One person prepares(准备)her bath,and another person prepares her clothes.Another person takes care of her dogs.The queen loves dogs.Right now,she has eight dogs.Every day,a man brings food for the dogs to Queen Elizabeth’s room.The queen puts the food in the bowls. At 8:30 every morning,the queen has breakfast withher husband,Prince Philip.They drink a special coffee with hot milk.During breakfast,a musician plays Scottish music outside.Then Queen Elizabeth works in her office the rest of the morning.After lunch,she visits hospitals,schools,or new buildings.It is very interesting to eat dinner at Buckingham Palace.You have to follow rules.Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first,and then everybody eats.When the queen finishes eating,everybody finishes eating.You can’t leave the table during dinner.The queen never answers a telephone call during dinner. People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September.There are wonderful things to see.Don’t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world.45.How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have?A.900. B.600. C.400. D.300.46.What does the queen do after lunch?A.She invites people to her garden for party.B.She asks important people to work at the palace. C.She drinks a special coffee with hot milk.D.She visits hospitals,schools or new buildings.47.According to the text,everyone has to _________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace?A.stay at the tableB.1isten to Scottish musicC.finish eating later than the queenD.start eating earlier than the queen48.Which sentence is NOT true?A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very importantB.Buckingham Palace is not only an office,but also a home.C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all the year round.D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do some other sports.四、请根据所给中英文提示,完成下列各句。