TOEFL iBT List 6~10词汇

1, collaborate [kə'læbəreit] v. 合作,通敌2, collaborator [kə'læbəreitə(r)]n. 合干者,合作者,共同研究者3, collectivelyad. 共同的(集体地,总起来说)4, collide [kə'laid]v. 碰撞,互撞,砥触5, column ['kɔləm]n. 柱,圆柱;柱形物,专栏[计算机] 列6, pillar ['pilə]n. 柱子vt. 用柱支持7, combustible [kəm'bʌstəbl]a. 易燃的,燃烧性的,易动激情的n. 燃质物,可燃物8, comet ['kɔmit]n. 慧星9, command [kə'mɑ:nd] n. 命令,指挥,控制v. 命令,指挥,支配n.[计算机] dos命令: 引用辅助命令处理器10, commemorate [kə'meməreit]v. 纪念,庆祝vt.&n. 纪念11, commission [kə'miʃən] n. 委任状,任官令,佣金v. 委任,委托,使服役12, commit [kə'mit]v. 委托(托付),犯罪,作...事,承诺[计算机] 委托13, review [ri'vju:]n. 检讨,复习,回顾,评审v. 温习,检讨,评论14, commodity [kə'mɔditi] n. 商品,日用品15, communal ['kɔmjunl]a. 公有的16, commute [kə'mju:t]v. 交换,改换支付方法,减轻v. 交换, 折偿17, compact ['kɔmpækt]a. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的v. 使装满,使简洁18, article ['ɑ:tikəl]n. 文章,物品,条款,冠词19, comrade ['kɔmrid]n. 同志20, compel [kəm'pel]v. 强迫,迫使21, competence ['kɔmpətəns]n. 能力22, compile [kəm'pail]v. 编译,编辑,编纂[计算机] 编译23, complement ['kɔmplimənt]n. 补足物,补语,余角v. 补助24, complementary [kɔmplə'mentəri]a. 补充的25, completion [kəm'pli:ʃ(ə)n]n. 完成,完满26, compliment ['kɔmplimənt]n. 称赞,恭维,致意v. 称赞,褒扬,恭维27, comply [kəm'plai]v. 顺从,答应28, comprehend [,kɔmpri'hend]vt. 充分理解(综合,包含)29, comprise [kəm'praiz]v. 包含30, compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz]n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案v. 妥协处理,危害v. 妥协,让步31, compulsory [kəm'pʌlsəri]a. 被强制的,强迫的,义务的32, conceal [kən'si:l]v. 隐藏33, concede [kən'si:d]v. 承认,让步,退让34, Grant [grɑ:nt]n.拨款vt.授予,同意,承认35, conceive [kən'si:v]v. 构思,以为,怀孕36, concise [kən'sais]a. 简明的,简要的37, concrete ['kɔnkri:t]n. 水泥,混凝土a. 具体的,实在的,水泥的v. 凝结,结合38, cement [si'ment]n. 水泥,接合剂v. 接合,用水泥涂39, material [mə'tiəriəl]n. 材料,原料,物质;n. 素材,题材,资料a. 物质的,实体的40, condense [kən'dens]v. 浓缩,摘要,缩短41, condensation [kɔnden'seiʃən]n. 压缩,凝缩,液化42, confederacy[kən'fedərəsi]n. 同盟,联邦43, confer [kən'fə:]v. 赠予,协议44, confession [kən'feʃən]n. 自认,自白,招供45, configuration[kən,figju'reiʃən]n. 结构,布局,形态[计算机] 配置46, confine ['kɔnfain]v. 限制,闭居[计算机] 限制47, validate ['vælideit]v. 使...有效,确认48, clash [klæʃ]n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触v. 冲突,抵触,使...发出撞击声49, conform [kən'fɔ:m] v. 使一致,遵守,使顺从50, confront [kən'frʌnt] v. 面对,对抗,遭遇51, congenial [kən'dʒi:njəl] a. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的52, congestion [kən'dʒestʃən]n. 混杂,拥挤,过剩[计算机] 拥挤53, clog [klɔg]n. 阻塞(止轮器)vt 阻塞(粘住,塞满)54, congress ['kɔŋgres]n. 代表大会,国会,议会55, parliament ['pɑ:ləmənt] n. 议会,国会56, perceptual [pə'septjuəl] a. 感性的,知觉的57, consent [kən'sent]n. 同意,许可v. 同意,承诺58, conserve [kən'sə:v]n. 蜜饯,果酱v. 保存,保全59, sustained [səs'teind] a. 持久的,经久不衰的60, compatible [kəm'pætəbl]a. 能共处的,可并立的,适合[计算机] 相兼容的61, consonant ['kɔnsənənt] n. 子音a. 一致的,调和的62, consort ['kɔnsɔ:t]n. 配偶,夫妻v. 陪伴,结交,符合63, constellation [kɔnstə'leiʃən]n. 星座,星群64, constituent[kən'stitjuənt]n. 成份,选民,构成物a. 构成的,组织的,有提名权的65, electorate [i'lektərət]n. 选民,有选举权者,选区66, constrain [kən'strein]v. 强迫,勉强,驱使67, constrict [kən'strikt]v. 压缩,束紧,使收缩68, consult [kən'sʌlt]v. 商讨,向...请教,查阅69, counsel ['kaunsəl]n. 商议,忠告,法律顾问v. 商议,劝告70, contaminate[kən'tæmineit]v. 弄脏,污染71, prolongate [prəu'lɔŋgeit]vt. 延长(拖延)72, continuum[kən'tinjuəm]n. 连续,连续统,闭连集73, succession [sək'seʃən]n. 连续,继承权,继位74, contour ['kɔntuə]n. 轮廓(等高线,周线,电路,概要)vt 画轮廓(画等高线)75, continuity [,kɔnti'nju(:)iti]n. 连续性76, contract ['kɔntrækt]n. 合约,婚约,立约v. 缩短,缩小v. 订约77, pact [pækt]n. 契约,协定,条约78, shrink [ʃriŋk]n. 收缩,萎缩v. 收缩,退缩,萎缩79, contrast ['kɔntræst]n. 差别,对比,对照物v. 对比,成对照[计算机] 反差80, convection [kən'vekʃən]n. 传达,对流,对流81, conveying [kən'veiiŋ]n. 传输82, converge [kən'və:dʒ]v. 聚合,集中于一点(或一块)83, converse [kən'və:s]n. 相反的事物,倒,逆向a. 相反的,逆向的,倒的v. 交谈,谈话[计算机] 转换84, convict ['kɔnvikt]n. 囚犯,罪犯v. 使...确信自己犯错,宣告...有罪,使...知罪85, criminate ['krimineit]v. 使负罪,定罪,陷入于罪86, coordinate [kəu'ɔ:dinit]n. 同等的人物,同位格a. 同等的,等位的v. 协调,整合,综合[计算机] 坐标87, coral ['kɔrəl]a. 珊瑚(色)的n. 珊瑚88, corona [kə'rəunə]n. 电晕(冠状物,日冕,飞檐的上部)89, auran. 气味,气氛90, corporate ['kɔ:pərit]adj.社团的, 法人的, 共同的, 全体的n.法人,公司91, corrosion [kə'rəuʒən] n. 侵蚀(腐蚀,锈)92, corrosive [kə'rəusiv] a. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的,蚀坏的n. 腐蚀物,腐蚀药93, cosmic ['kɔzmik]a. 宇宙的94, cosmos ['kɔzmɔs]n. 宇宙95, counseling ['kaunsəliŋ] n. 顾问服务96, counselor ['kaunsələ] n. 顾问,参事,法律顾问97, counteract [,kauntə'rækt]v. 抵消,阻碍,中和98, counterpart ['kauntəp ɑ:t]n. 相似之物(正副二份中之一,对应物)99, coupon ['ku:pɔn]n. 试样(配给票,息票,附单) 100, cramped [kræmpt] a. 狭促的,难懂的,难辨的101, crater ['kreitə]n. 弹坑,火山口102, crawl [krɔ:l]n. 爬行,匍匐而行v. 爬行103, credential [kri'denʃəl] n. 国书,凭据,印信104, crest [krest]n. 冠,饰毛,顶部v. 到达绝顶,加以顶饰105, crew [kru:]n. 全体船员,全体乘务员vi. 一起工作106, crippling ['kripliŋ]a. 造成严重后果的107, crisscross ['kriskrɔs] a. 交叉的,十字形的108, criterion [krai'tiəriən] n. 标准,准则109, peak [pi:k]n. 山顶,顶点,帽舌v. 到达高点,消瘦,竖起110, critique [kri'ti:k]n. 批评,批评法,评论111, crucial ['kru:ʃiəl, 'kru:ʃəl]a. 关键的,决定性的112, crude [kru:d]a. 粗鲁的,简陋的,天然的,未加工的n. 原油113, crusade [kru:'seid]n. 改革运动,十字军东侵v. 干改革运动,加入十字军114, crustacean [krʌs'teiʃjən]n. 甲壳类动物115, cue [kju:]n. 开端,线索,开始116, cultivated ['kʌltiveitid]a. 耕耘的,栽植的,有教养的v. 种植,耕耘vbl. 种植,耕耘117, cumbersome ['kʌmbəsəm]a. 笨重的118, cuneiform ['kju:niifɔ:m]a. 楔形的,楔形文字的119, curriculum课程,全部课程curricula(复数)curriculum vitae:履历表120, cylinder ['silində]n. 汽缸,圆筒,圆柱体121, dairy ['dєəri]a. 牛奶的n. 牛奶场,乳品店,乳制品122, dam [dæm]n. 水坝123, dawn [dɔ:n]n. 破晓124, dazzling ['dæzliŋ]a. 眼花撩乱的,耀眼的125, debris ['debri:, 'deib-]n. 碎片,残骇126, remains [ri'meins]n. 残余(余物,遗物,化石)127, debut ['debju;'deibju:]n. 初次登场128, decay [di'kei]n. 衰退,腐败v. 衰退,腐败129, rot [rɔt]n. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏v. 腐烂,使...枯朽,衰弱130, decent ['di:snt]a. 有分寸的,得体的,相当好的131, deceptive [di'septiv]a. 迷惑的,虚伪的,诈欺的132, fraudulent ['frɔ:djulənt]a. 欺诈的,不正的,不诚实的133, deciduous [di'sidʒjuəs]a. 每年落叶的,非永久性的134, decipher [di'saifə]v. 译解135, decode [,di:'kəud]v. 解码,译解[计算机] 译码136, dedicate ['dedikeit]v. 献出137, dedication [,dedi'keiʃən]n. 奉献138, deficiency [di'fiʃənsi]n. 缺乏,不足139, deficient [di'fiʃənt]a. 不足的,不充份的,有缺陷的140, definite ['definit]a. 明确的,一定的141, definitive [di'finitiv]n. 限定词a. 限定的,决定性的142, deform [di:'fɔ:m]v. 使...残缺,使...变形143, delegate ['deligit]n. 代表vt. 派…为代表;委任144, inadequate [in'ædikwit]a. 不充分的,不适当的145, deliberate [di'libəreit] a. 故意的,深思熟虑的v. 仔细考虑vt. 研讨146, delicate ['delikit]a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的147, subtle ['sʌtl]a. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡猾的148, exquisite ['ekskwizit] a. 精致的,细腻的,敏锐的149, delta ['deltə]n. (河流的)三角洲150, demanding [di'm ɑ:ndiŋ; (US) di'mændiŋ]a. 要求多的,吃力的151, democratic [,demə'krætik]a. 民主的152, demolish [di'mɔliʃ] v. 毁,破坏,粉碎153, dismantle [dis'mæntl] v. 拆除...的设备,分解154, demonstrate ['demənstreit]v. 示范,演示,证明,示威155, denote [di'nəut]v. 指示,表示156, dense [dens]a. 不易看透的,密集的,浓厚的,愚钝的157, dentist ['dentist]n. 牙科医生158, negate [ni'geit] v. 否定,否认,打消159, depict [di'pikt]v. 描述160, deplete [di'pli:t]v. 耗尽,使...空竭161, deprive [di'praiv]v. 剥夺162, derive [di'raiv]v. 得自,起源,引申于163, descent [di'sent]n. 降落,家系,侵袭164, deserted [di'zə:tid]a. 废弃的v. 遗弃vbl. 遗弃165, obsolete ['ɔbsəli:t]a. 已废弃的,过时的166, void [vɔid]n. 空虚a. 空的167, designate ['dezigneit]v. 指定,标示168, desolate ['desəlit]a. 荒凉的169, destineda. 去往…的170, deter [di'tə:]v. 制止,使...断念171, deteriorate[di'tiəriəreit]v. 恶化172, detest [di'test]v. 厌恶173, devastate ['devəsteit]v. 毁坏174, countless ['kaʊtlis]a. 无数的175, devastating['devəsteitiŋ]a. 破坏性的, 全然的176, devoid [di'vɔid]a. 全无的,缺乏的177, apparatusn. 装置,器具,器官178, contrive [kən'traiv]v. 发明,设计,图谋179, detour ['di:tʊə(r); (US)di'tʊər]n. 绕路,便道v. 绕路而行180, diagnose ['daiəgnəuz]v. 诊断vi. 判断,诊断(疾病)vt. 诊断(疾病)181, diagnosis[,daiəg'nəusis]n. 诊断182, diameter [dai'æmitə]n. 直径183, dictate [dik'teit]v. 听写,口述,口授n. 命令,指挥,指令184, idiom ['idiəm]n. 成语,惯用语185, diction ['dikʃən]n. 措辞186, differentiate [,difə'renʃieit]v. 区别,差别187, diffuse [di'fju:z]v. 散播188, abdicate ['æbdikeit]v. 放弃189, dilemma [di'lemə,dai-]n. 困境,进退两难190, dilute [dai'lju:t, di'l-]v. 冲淡,稀释191, DIM [dim]adj. 暗淡的, 模糊的vt. 使暗淡, 使失去光泽n. <美俚>笨蛋、傻子192, dimension [di'menʃən]n. 尺寸,次元,容积,维度193, diminish [di'miniʃ]v. 减少,变小194, diplomat ['dipləmæt]a. 外交官,外交家n. 外交家195, directory [di'rektəri] n. 目录,工商名录,指南[计算机] 目录196, discern [di'sə:n]v. 辨别,看轻楚197, ascertainv. 确定,探知198, discharge [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] v. 卸下,放出,解雇,放电,解除199, discrete [dis'kri:t]a. 不连续的[计算机] 分离200, discrimination [dis,krimi'neiʃən]n. 歧视201, discernment [di'sə:nmənt]n. 眼光,洞察力202, disguise [dis'gaiz]n. 假面目,假装v. 假装203, disintegrate [dis'intigreit]v. (使)粉碎,(使)碎裂,解体,瓦解vt. 瓦解,崩溃204, smash [smæʃ]n. 破碎,大败,冲突a. 非常的,了不起的v. 粉碎,溃裂,使破产[羽]扣球205, disinterested [dis'intristid]a. 无私欲的,廉洁的,公平的206, dismal ['dizməl]a. 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的207, dismay [dis'mei]n. 沮丧v. 使...惊愕,使...气馁208, disrupt [dis'rʌpt]a. 分裂的,分散的v. 使...分裂,使...瓦解209, disseminate[di'semineit]v. 散播,传播,宣传210, distort [dis'tɔ:t]v. 扭曲211, misrepresent['mis,repri'zent]vt. 误称(把...颠倒黑白,错误表现)212, domain [dəu'mein]n. 领域[计算机] 域213, territory ['teritəri]n. 领土,版图,领域,范围214, dominate ['dɔmineit]v. 支配,占优势215, household['haushəuld]a. 家庭的n. 家庭,户216, monopolize [mə'nɔpəlaiz]v. 独占,垄断217, dormant ['dɔ:mənt]a. 睡眠状态的,静止的[计算机] 静止的218, draft [drɑ:ft]n. 草稿,草图,汇票v. 起草,征兵219, drain [drein]n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗v. 耗尽,排出沟外220, striking ['straikiŋ]a. 引人注目的,显著的221, theatrical [θi'ætrikəl]a. 剧场的,夸张的222, fierce [fiəs]a. 猛烈的,残忍的,狂暴的,强烈的223, drift [drift]n. 漂移,漂流物,观望,漂流,吹积物,趋势v. 漂移,漂流,吹积224, drill [dril]n. 钻孔机,钻子,播种机v. 训练,钻孔225, dubious ['dju:bjəs]a. 怀疑的,可疑的226, ductile ['dʌktail]a. 易延展的,柔软的,易教导的227, dump [dʌmp]n. 垃圾场v. 倾卸,切断电源,倾倒228, duplicate ['dju:plikeit]n. 副本,复本,复制品a. 复制的,二重的v. 复制[计算机] 复制229, dwelling ['dweliŋ]n. 住处230, ease [i:z]n. 安乐,安逸,悠闲v. 使...安乐,使...安心,减轻,放松231, eccentric [ik'sentrik]n. 怪人a. 古怪的,反常的232, edifice ['edifis]n. 大厦,大建筑物233, editorial [edi'tɔ:riəl]n. 社论a. 编辑的234, elaborate [i'læbərət]a. 精细的,详尽的,精心的v. 详细地说明,用心地作,推敲235, ornate [ɔ:'neit, 'ɔ:neit]a. 装饰的,华丽的236, elective [i'lektiv]a. 可任意选择的n. 选修科目237, elementary[,eli'mentəri]a. 初级的,基本的238, elicit [i'lisit]v. 引出,抽出239, educe [i(:)'dju:s]v. 演绎,引出240, eligible ['elidʒəbl] a. 可以选的,有资格的,合格的n. 有资格者,合格者,适任者241, eliminate [i'limineit] v. 除去,排除,剔除[计算机] 消除242, elliptical [i'liptikəl] a. 椭圆的243, eradicate [i'rædikeit] v. 根除,扑减,根绝244, remove [ri'mu:v]n. 距离v. 除去,迁移,开除245, elm [elm]n. 榆树246, eloquent ['eləkwənt] a. 雄辩的,有口才的,动人的247, expressive [iks'presiv] a. 表达的248, appealinga. 引起兴趣的,动人的。

TOEFL托福词汇大全抽象(adj) abstract - concrete 具体内容acquire(v) gain 获得adequate(adj) sufficient 充足的affectionate(adj) loving 深情的allocate(v) distribute 分配alternative(adj) substitute 替代的analyze(v) examine 分析apparent(adj) obvious 显然的appreciate(v) understand 理解artificial(adj) man-made 人工制造的ascend(v) climb 上升assemble(v) gather 集合assert(v) claim 断言assess(v) evaluate 评估associate(v) connect 关联,交往assume(v) suppose 假定astonish(v) surprise 使惊讶attain(v) achieve 达到attribute(v) ascribe 归因于authority(n) power 权威automate(v) mechanize 自动化back up(v) support 支持bare(adj) naked 裸露的barren(adj) empty 贫瘠的beneficial(adj) advantageous 有益的beverage(n) drink 饮料bind(v) tie 捆绑blend(v) mix 混合boast(v) brag 自吹自擂bold(adj) courageous 勇敢的boost(v) increase 提高boundary(n) limit 边界breach(v) violate 违反brief(adj) short 简短的brisk(adj) swift 敏捷的broad(adj) wide 宽广的burden(n) load 负担capture(v) catch 捕捉careless(adj) negligent 粗心的check(v) examine 检查cite(v) quote 引用civil(adj) polite 有礼貌的clarity(n) transparency 透明度classic(adj) ancient 古典的coincide(v) agree 一致collapse(v) fall 倒塌colossal(adj) huge 巨大的conceal(v) hide 隐瞒concentric(adj) central 同心的confer(v) discuss 商讨confine(v) restrict 限制confront(v) face 面临confusion(n) chaos 混乱congested(adj) crowded 拥挤的congregate(v) gather 聚集consent(v) agree 同意conserve(v) preserve 保护considerable(adj) significant 相当大的conspicuous(adj) noticeable 明显的construct(v) build 建造consume(v) eat 消耗contaminate(v) pollute 污染contemplate(v) consider 考虑context(n) environment 上下文contradict(v) oppose 反驳conventional(adj) traditional 传统的cope(v) deal 应付corrugated(adj) wrinkled 皱纹的counterpart(n) equivalent 对等的courageous(adj) brave 有勇气的crack(v) break 破裂creative(adj) imaginative 创造性的。

考试复习1idiosyncrasn. 特性,特质2ignominy n. (尤指公开的)羞耻, 屈辱3illicit adj. 非法的, 禁止的, 不正当的4illuminate vt. 照明,阐释,说明5illusory adj. 虚幻的,幻觉的6imbalance n. 不平衡,失调7immaculate adj. 完美的,无暇的8immune adj. 免除的,免疫的 n. 免疫者9immutable adj. 不可变的,不变的,不能变的10impair vt. 损害,削弱 [计算机] 损伤11impassive adj. 冷漠的,无感觉的12impeccable adj. 无瑕疵的13impecunio adj. 没有钱的, 身无分文的, 贫穷的14impede v. 妨碍,阻碍,阻止15impel v. 推动,驱使,逼迫16impercepti adj. 感觉不到的,不知不觉的,细微的17imperious adj. 傲慢的, 专横的18imperviousadj. 不受影响的,无动于衷的;不能渗透的19impetuous adj. 冲动的, 猛烈的, 轻率的20implausible adj. 难以置信的, 不像真实的21implement n. 工具, 器具; 当工具的物品 vt. 实施, 执行; 向...提供工具(或手段) 22implicationn. 暗示,含意23implicit adj. 暗示的,盲从的,含蓄的 [计算机] 隐式24impoverishadj. 贫困的,赤贫的,耗竭的 impoverish的过去式和过去分词25impromptuadj. 即席的, 即兴的 adv. 即兴的(地), 无准备的(地)26impudencen. 厚颜无耻,冒失,无礼27inadverten adv. 不注意地28inane adj. 空虚的,空洞的,无意义的,愚蠢的29inauguratev. 举行就职典礼,举行仪式 v. 开始,开创30incense n. 香,香味,阿谀,恭维 vt. 对…敬香,熏香,使…激动,激怒31incentive adj. 刺激的, 鼓励的 n. 刺激, 鼓励, 动机32incessant adj. 不断的;不停的;连续的33incidental adj. 附带的, 偶然的, 容易发生的34incisive adj. 深刻的, 尖锐的, 激烈的35incline n. 倾斜, 斜坡, 斜面 v. 使...倾向, 爱好, 易于36inclined adj. 倾向于...的37inclusive adj. 包含...在内的, 包罗广泛的, 包括端点的 [计算机] 包括的38incoherent adj. 不连贯的, 语无伦次的39incongruou adj. 不协调的, 不一致的, 前后不一的40inconseque adj. 不合逻辑的, 不合理的, 不重要的41incontrove adj. 无争论之余地的,无疑的,明白的42incorrigibleadj. 无药可救的, 积习难改的, 固执的 n. 不可救药的人43indefatigab adj. 不知疲倦的44indict v. 起诉, 控告, 指控45indifferent adj. 漠不关心的, 无关紧要的, 中立的46indigenousadj. 本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的47indigent adj. 贫穷的, 贫困的,欠缺的48indiscriminadj. 无差别的, 不分皂白的, 杂陈的49indolent adj. 懒惰的,慢性的,无痛的50indomitabladj. 不屈不挠的51indubitableadj. 不容置疑的,明确无疑的52induce vt. 引诱,导致,催生53indulge vi. 沉溺;满足;放任 vt. 满足;纵容;使高兴;使沉迷于…54industriousadj. 勤劳的, 勤奋的55ineffectual adj. (东西)无效的, 无益的, 白费的,(人)无能的56inept adj. 不适当的, 无能的, 笨拙的57inequity n. 不公平,不公正58inert adj. 惰性的, 迟钝的59inexorable adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的60infamous adj. 无耻的,不名誉的,声名狼藉的61infer vt. 推断,猜测,暗示 vi. 推论62infiltrate v.(使)渗透,(使)渗入63infinitesima adj. 极小的,极微的,无限小的 n. 极小量,极微量,无限小64infraction n. 违反,违法65ingenious adj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的66ingrate n. 忘恩负义的人 adj.不知恩的, 忘恩的67inherent adj. 内在的,固有的,与生俱来的68inimical adj. 敌意的,有害的69initiate n. 创始人 adj. 新加入的 vt. 开始,创始,启蒙,介绍加入70injurious adj. 有害的,中伤的71innate adj. 天生的,固有的72innocuous adj. 无害的, 无毒的,无关痛痒的73innovation n. 创新, 革新74inopportunadj. 失去时机的,不合时机的,不适当的75insatiable adj. 不知足的, 贪求无厌的76insightful adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的77insinuate vt. 暗示,迂回进入 vi. 迂回进行78insipid adj. 清淡的。
Toefl iBT 高分作文高频词汇

T o e f l i B T高分作文高频词汇AAbove-mentioned adj.上述的Accolade n.称赞Aesthetic adj.审美的Affection n.友情;爱情Age-old adj.古老的Adage n.格言Adept adj.熟练的Adversity n.逆境Adversary n.对手Appease v.平息,安抚,缓和,使满足Approximately adv.大约Apex n.顶点,高潮Aptitude n.才能,才华Attest v.证明;表明Ailment n.疾病Ambassador n.使者,大使Amiable adj.和蔼的Anatomy n.解剖学Anarchic adj.无政府主义的Anarchy n.无政府状态,政治混乱Antisocial adj.孤僻的,不善社交的;反社会的Aquatic adj.水的,水生的Assimilation n.同化Asthma n.哮喘Amicably adv.友好地Assume v.假定,假如Asset n.资源Attribute n.特征Athletically adv.运动性地Awry adj.错误的Arena n.舞台;领域Array n.展示,排列,盛装Artificially adv.人工地Acquaintanceship n.相识Authority n.负责人Autographe n.亲笔签名Alarmingly adv.惊人地Alter v.改变Alleged adj.所谓的Ark n.方舟BBarmaid n.酒吧女招待Barbeque n.烧烤;烤肉野餐Bare adj.无遮蔽的;赤裸的;秃的Barren adj.荒芜的Basal adj.基础的Balcony n.阳台Bulb n.电灯泡Buzzword n时髦词汇,漂亮口号Boast v.自夸,以拥有~而自豪Bond v.维系,联结Bonding adj.联络感情的Bonus n.奖赏Blameworthy adj.该受责备的Blockbuster n.一鸣惊人者Bustling adj.繁忙的,热闹的;熙熙攘攘的CCast n.投掷,抛射Camaraderie n.友情,同志之爱Catalyst n.催化剂;接触剂Captivate v.迷住,迷惑Charismatic adj.有超凡魅力的Cholesterol n.胆固醇Coerce v.强制,强迫Collective adj.集合的,共同的Confine v.限制,禁闭Complex n.综合性建筑Compromising adj.妥协的,让步的Commute v.每天往返上班;定期往返于两地间Copious adj.很多的,丰富的Conceive v.构思,以为Conceivable adj.可想象的,可能的Connotation n.涵义,言外之意Conjure v.想象,变出Conjecture n.推测Considerably adv,相当大地Counterpart n.极为相似的人或物,副本;对应物Connoisseur n.鉴赏家Corresponding adj.相应的,通讯的Controversial adj.争论的,争议的Contemplate v.沉思Coupling n.联结,接合,耦合Conceptual adj.概念上的Conductive adj.有助于~的Confront v.面对Congest v.使充满,使拥塞Console v.安慰,慰藉Consumption n.消费;消费量Consensus n.共识,意见一致Consistent adj.始终如一的Controversial adj.有争议的Couch n.睡椅Courtesy n.礼貌Core n.中心Copious adj.丰富的Civic adj.市的,市政的Closeness n.亲密Crucial adj.决定性的Culinary adj.厨房的,厨房用的Curl v.蜷曲Chunk n.大块,相当大的数量Cuisine n.烹饪DDay-to-day adj.日常的,例行的Dean n.院长Debris n.碎石Decent adj.不错的,相当好的Decomposition n.分解,腐败,腐烂Democratic adj.民主的,民主主义的Depravity n.堕落,腐坏Desensitize v.使不敏感Determinative n.起决定性作用的事Detrimental adj.有害的Degradation n.堕落,退化Demographic adj.人口的,人口统计学的Documentary n.纪录片Disc jockey(DJ)电台音乐节目主持人Discern v.洞悉,识别Disheveled adj.不整洁的Distract v.分散~的注意力Dissemination n.分发,传播Dramatically adv.戏剧性地;剧烈地;引人瞩目的Drastically adv.激烈地Dissipate v.驱散Disposal n.布置,安排Disseminate v.散布Discourse n.谈话,讲话Discipline n.修养Disguise n.伪装Dissipate v.消散Divine adj.神的,神圣的Divergent adj.有分歧的,不同的Distinctive adj.与众不同的,有特色的Dramatically adv.极大地Duplicate n.完全相同的东西EEcosystem n.生态系统Elevator n.电梯Etcetera n.附加的人;附加物;等等Etiquette n.礼节Esteem n.尊重;尊敬Enamel n.瓷釉;vt.涂上瓷釉Entertainer n.演艺人员Enduring adj.持久的Engross v.用大字体书写;吸引Endeavor n.努力,尽力Endow v.赋予Enchant adj.使~入迷Ethics n.道德规范,伦理Endorse v.认可,签署Enforce v.实施,执行;强迫Errand n.差事Epitomize v.摘要;成为···缩影Emanate v.散发,发出;发源Embody vt.具体表达,包含Empathy n.通感Empirical adj.根据经验的,实用的Endeavor n,努力,尽力Excel v.优秀,胜过别人Exceptionally adv.格外地,特别地Exceedingly adv.及其,非常Expertise n.专门技能;专门知识Exploitative adj.开发资源的Explicitly adv.明白地Exponentially adv.成指数地,越来越快地Exorbitant adj.昂贵的Exorbitantly adv,过分地Equation n.相等,平衡,综合体Equalizer n.平衡器Elimination n消除Evoke v.唤起,引起FFancy adj.花哨的Fame n.声明,声望Fatal adj.致命的,重大的Flora n.植物Framework n.框架,构架,结构Feat n.技艺,功绩forge v.塑造Foster v.培养Frivolously adv.轻浮地,愚昧地Frivolity n.无聊的东西Fulfilling adj.有成就感的,有满足感的Flawlessly adv.无误地Flavor n.滋味Flip v.快速翻动,轻抛GGaiety n.欢乐的气氛Gear v.使适用于,调整,搭配活动Gesture n.表示Gloat v.心满意足Gracious adj.亲切的,高尚的Grant n.赠款Gospel n.真理Greenery n.草木Gross v.总共赚得Grumble n.怨言v.抱怨Grim adj.严峻的Grinding adj.折磨的HHaggard adj.憔悴的Halt n.停住,止步Hands-on adj.亲身实践的Handcrafted adj.手工的Handmade adj.手工制作的Habitual adj.习惯性的Habitat n.栖息地Hasty adj.轻率的Harness v.掌握Hearty adj.丰盛的Healing adj.有治疗功用的Heavy adj.油腻的Harshly adv.严厉地,苛刻地Hibernation n.冬眠Hindrance n.障碍Hygienic adj.卫生的Humanoid adj.人形的Humble adj.卑微的,微贱的Hectic adj.发热的,兴奋的Heavenly adj.神圣的IIconic adj.图标的Idolize v.极度崇拜Incredibly adv.非常,极端地Indecision n.优柔寡断,犹豫不决Inevitably adv.不可避免地Ingrained adj.根深蒂固的Impulsive adj.冲动的Implement n.工具;器具Immobility n.牢固Inherent adj.内在的,与生俱来Intelligent adj.智能的Intensive adj.集中的Intently adv.专注地,专心的Incorporate v.综合,合并Intricate adj.错综复杂的Intimate adj.亲密的Intensity n.强度Intense adj.极端的Indulge vi.沉溺Ideological adj.意识形态的,思想的Introverted adj.性格内向的;含蓄的Intrinsic adj.内在的,本质的Irrefutably adv.无可辩驳地Interact vi.相互交往Innumerable adj.数不清的,无数的Innocent adj.纯真的Innovation n.改革创新Innovative adj.创新的Irritating adj.令人不愉快的Insight n.见识,见解(+on) Inexpert adj.不熟练的Infamous adj.声名狼藉的Indispensable adj.不可缺少的Inspiration n.灵感Inseminate v.向~授精Immune adj.免疫的Illustrate v.举例说明,阐明Ill adj.卑劣的Impoverish v.使贫穷,使枯竭Impair v.削弱Indicator n.指示器;指示针;指标Intensely adv,剧烈地,热情地Intensive adj.密集的Interrelate v.互相关联Interrupted adj.被中断的Intertwine v.(使)缠绕Intricate adj.错综复杂的Irreconcilable adj.不协调的,矛盾的Inevitably adv,不可避免地Indulge v.迁就JJasmine n.茉莉,素馨,淡黄色Juxtaposition n.毗邻,并置,并列KKinship n.亲密关系LLaminate n.层压板Lavatory n.洗手室,厕所Likelihood n.可能性Logic n.逻辑Lonesome adj.感到寂寞的MMarshland n.沼泽地Metaphysics n.玄学Metropolis n.首都,大都会Metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻,比喻说话Massive adj.厚重的,大块的Maturity n.成熟,到期,完备Manifest v.出现;表明Manual n.手册;指南Maid n.仆人Malevolent adj.有恶意的,坏心肠的Manipulative adj.操纵的,控制的;巧妙处理的Messy adj.凌乱的,杂论的Merit n.优点Memento n.纪念品Monetary adj.货币的,金钱的Migration n.迁徙Misinterpretation n.曲解,误译Mystical adj.神秘的Monotonous adj.单调的,无变化的Mountainous adj.山一般的,巨大的Mode n.方式,样式Myth n.神话NNamely adv.即,也就是Navigate v.航行,航海;驾驶Nomad n.游牧民Nominal adj.金额极小的Norm n.标准,规范Notoriety n.恶名,声名狼藉;名声远扬Notorious adj.声名狼藉的Notoriously adv.臭名昭著地,众所周知地Nicotine n.尼古丁Nuance n.颜色,意义等细微差别OOblivion n.遗忘Occurrence n.事件Off-limits adj.禁止入内的Overall 总的来说Overwhelming adj.压倒性的Overwhelmingly adv.极其Onlooker n.旁观者,观众Outlet n.途径,发泄途径Outperform v.比~做得好PProgrammer n.程序员Partial adj.Parallel n.平行线,平行面Partake v.参加,参与;享受Paycheck n.付薪水的支票;薪水Patriotic adj.爱国的,有爱国心的Parvenu n.暴发户Photosynthesis n.光合作用Pockmark n.痘痕,麻子Poignantly adv.(味觉,嗅觉方面)刺激地Pop n.汽水Postage n.邮资,邮费Posit v.提出以供考虑或研究的建议;假定,认为Porthole n.通道Prevalent adj.普通的;流行的Preoccupy v.使全神贯注,迷住Prickly adj.易怒的Perception n.感知Peer n.同伴,同辈;同等的人;v.盯着看Perfume n.香水Pester v.纠缠Procrastinate v,延迟,耽搁Prophet n.先知,预言家Profound adj.深远的Proficient adj.熟练地,精通的Propose v,建议,向~提议Puberty n.青春期Prominent adj.卓越的,显著的Prolong vt.延长Prosperity n.兴旺,繁盛Precise adj.精确的,准确的Presumptuous adj.自以为是的Preferable adj.可取的Phonograph n.留声机,电唱机Phase n.阶段Phenomenal adj.出众的,非常的Photography n.摄影,摄影术Perspective n.观点,看法;见解,洞察Perceive v.理解,领悟Plague v.折磨,使苦恼Playful adj.活泼的,有趣的Plethora n.过多,过剩Plumbing n.管道装置Prominent adj.突出的,显著的Prudent adj.谨慎的,慎重的Present v.介绍,引荐Publicist n.公共关系顾问Picturesque adj.独特的QQuery n.质问RRatio n.比例,比率Readily adv.容易地Rookie n.新手;新兵Recruit v.聘用Refresh v.使恢复精神Rejuvenate v.使恢复活力Remedy n.补救法Retain v.保持,保留Resounding adj.响亮的Repetitive adj.重复的;反复性的Revelation n.显示,揭露,启示Relevant adj.有实际重要性的Regarding prep.关于~Ripple n.波动,起伏Reject v.否认Resume n.个人简历Reckon v.认为SSanitation n.卫生设备;环境卫生Sanctuary n.避难所Savvy adj.有见识的Savor v.尽情享受Spark v.激发Scrutiny n.详细审查Stationary adj.固定的Stable adj.稳定的Stability n.稳定性Stimulating v.促进Serenity n.平静Sensation n.感情,耸人听闻的Sensible adj.合理的Self-perceived adj.自以为的Soothing adj.平静的Sooth v.使~平静Shed v.流下;流出,发散Showcase n.陈列柜;v.使~展现Slumber n.睡眠Silt n.泥沙Signify v.象征,预示Sizable adj.相当大的Socialize v.交往Solely adv.独自地,单独地;仅仅Solidify v.巩固Sophisticated adj精致的,复杂的,富有经验的Socialization n.交际Spacious adj.宽敞的Spontaneously adv.自然地Sportsmanship n.运动家精神Stimulus n.促进(因素);刺激(物) Stimulating adj.刺激的,有刺激性的Stool n.马桶Subtlety n.微妙Supplement v.辅助Supervise v.监督Surpass v.超越,胜过Sub-culture n.亚文化,次文化Subjective adj.主观的Subconsciously adv.下意识地Sustainability n.可持续性Susceptible adj.易得病的Studious adj.勤学的,认真的Strategy n.策略,计策Steady adj.平稳的,稳定的Sneaker n.运动鞋Succinctly adv.简洁地,简便地Speculation n.思索TTaboo adj.禁忌的,忌讳的Tardy adj.迟到Tantrum n.发怒Tedious adj.单调乏味的Trailer n.追踪者Transpire v.蒸发Tolerance n.宽容Tolerant adj.包容的Topsoil n.地表土Token n.筹码,信物,纪念品Thoughtful adj.善于思考的Toil n.辛苦;苦工Toss v.投掷Thrift n.节俭,节约Thrive v.兴旺,繁荣Titillate v.瘙痒;使愉快Time-honored adj.历史悠久的Turbulent adj.骚动的,动乱的UUnderage adj.未成年的,未到法定年龄的Uncaring adj.漠不关心的,冷漠的Uncouth adj.粗俗的Uninformed adj.未充了解情况的,莽撞的Utilize v.利用Utilitarian adj.实际的Utmost adj.极度的,最大的Unwind v.放松,松弛Ultimately adv.最终地Urinal n.小便处;尿壶Upheaval n.剧变VVancouver n.温哥华Vaccination n.接种疫苗Valid adj.合理的;正确的Venture v.冒险Venue n.审判地,犯罪地点Versatile adj.多方面的Vicious adj.恶意的Vedioconference n.视频会议Visionary n.空想家,梦想者Visualize v.想象出Visibly adv.显然地Vigorous adj.强大的Virtual adj.虚拟的V oice n.发言权Vulnerable adj.脆弱的WWary adj.小心谨慎的Warrant v.授权,证明Wasteland n.废墟Weld v.焊接Westernization n.西化Well-adjusted 有教养的Whence adv&conj.从那里Whereas adj.鉴于,而~ Whatsoever adv.任何地Wield v.支配,掌握,拥有Withstand v.抵御,承受Workout n.体育锻炼;测验XYZ。
TOEFL词汇表(Part 8)

TOEFL词汇表(Part 8)cosmic adj.宇宙的cosmopolitan adj.世界性的, 包含全世界的, 遍布全世界的counsel n./v.劝告counteract v.消除, 抵消counterfeit v.伪造, 仿造counterpart n.相对物, 极相似之人或物courier n.送急件的人, 信使cozy adj.舒适的crater n.火山口, 弹坑credence n.信任, 相信credential n.凭证, 文凭creek n.小溪, 小河crevice n.缺口, 裂缝crimson adj.深红色cripple v.削弱, 使残废criterion n.标准, 准则critique n.(文艺等的) 批评, 评论crooked adj.1.狡诈的; 2.弯曲的crucial adj.至关重要的, 决定性的;紧要关头的crude adj.未提炼的, 粗糙的crumple vt.压皱, 扭弯crust n.硬外皮;地壳cubism n.立体主义cue n.提示, 暗示culinary adj.厨房的, 烹调的cumbersome adj.笨重的, 难处理的cunning adj.狡猾的, 富有心计的;n.狡猾, 诡诈curator n.(博物馆等) 馆长custodian n.看守人, 保管人dagger n.短剑dart vt.飞奔,飞快的动作dash off 水猛冲;感情爆发daunting adj.使人畏缩的deadlock n.相持不下,僵局debris n.1.碎片,碎石 2.废墟,残骸decadent adj.颓废的decent adj.1.适当的,可接受的;2.得体的,体面的 deceptive adj.欺骗的,导致误解的deciduous adj.每年落叶的。

一直感觉自己从论坛上索取的比给予的多,所以总想着要给大家点回报,也不知道这个对大家有没有帮助.Acclivity: n.向上的斜坡;上坡斜度Accoutre: v.武装,装备Acidulous: a.有酸味的;别扭的;脾气坏的Adjuration: n.严令;乞求;发誓Advert: v.留意Alimony: n.生活费,离婚赡养费,抚养费Alluvial: n冲积土;a.冲积的Amazon: n.有男子气概的女人;泼妇Amorous: a.多情的,有关爱情的Amphitheater: n.露天剧场;阶梯教室Amok: a.狂怒地,狂暴地Animadversion: n.批评,责备Anneal: v.加热后退火使其韧化Annuity: n.年金,养老金Anthropomorphic: a.神人同形的Aphasia: n.失语症Append: v.添加,附加Appurtenances: n.附属品,附属物Arcade: n.拱廊Arrears: n.欠帐Ashen: a.灰的,灰白的Astral: a.星的Atavism: n.反祖现象Autopsy: n.验尸;现场验证Bastion: n.棱堡;基地;防御工事Behemoth n.巨大的物体Bevy: n.一群(鸟,女性等)Bicameral: a.两院制的;(生物)二室的Bivouac: n.露营Bouillon: n.肉汤;清汤Brevity: n.简洁;短暂Bulwark: n/v.壁垒;保卫Calorific: a.热的Camaraderie: n.友情Canter: n/v.(使)(马)慢跑Cataract: n.大瀑布;白内障Catechism: n.教义问答;诘问;基本精神Cerebration: n.大脑作用;精神活动;思想Chaffing: a.开玩笑的Chassis: n.飞机底部;汽车底盘Circlet: n.小戒指,小圆环Citadel: n.城堡;要塞Clamber: n/v.爬上;攀登Clangor: n.铿锵声;叮当声Clapper: n.敲钟者Claustrophobia: n.幽闭恐怖症(害怕被锁起来的一种毛病) Clavicle: n.锁骨Climactic: a.顶点的,潮的Clime: n.地方,国家;风土,气候Cog: n.钝齿轮;v.欺骗Cohorts: n.武装部队Coiffure: n.发型Collation: n.对照;便餐Comeuppance: n.斥责;被抛弃Commandeer: v.征用,征募Compilation: n.编辑物Comprise: v.构成;包含Concurrent: a.同时的;和谐一致的Consanguinity: n.血缘;同族Contusion: n.打伤,挫伤Coquette: n.风骚女子;不认真考虑对待Cordon: n.警戒线Corollary: n.推论,必然结果Courier: n.送快信的人Crone: n.干瘪老太婆Cull: n.剔除之物,渣滓;v.选择,采摘Culvert: n.阴沟,水道Dais: n.上座,高座Debauch: v.使堕落,使误入歧途Debutante: n.初次登台或进入社交界的女人Decapitate: n.斩首;解雇Declivity: n.下倾的斜面Décolleté: a. (女装)低颈露肩的Defamation: n.中伤,诽谤Defrock: v.剥夺牧师权利Demoniac: a.魔鬼的,凶恶的Detached: a.分离的,独立的;公正的,超然的Diadem: n.王冠,;王权Dialectic: n.逻辑,辨证Dichotomy: n.一分为二,二分法Dinghy: n.小舢板,小游艇Dint: n.凹痕,凹处Diorama: n.立体布景Dismember: v.分割,分开Disputatious: a.好争论的Docket: n.判决摘要书Dormer: n.屋顶窗Ecclesiastic: a.牧师的,教会的Elysian: a.天堂的;快乐幸福的Emetic: a.催吐的;n.催吐剂Enclave: n.孤立的小块地区Entomology: n.昆虫学Eon: n.永久Epistemologist: n.认识论学者Equinox: n.春(秋)分;昼夜平分点Erotic: a.色情的,性爱的Escapade: n.胡作非为,恶作剧Exegesis: n注释,解释Expedite: v.使加速;速办Expletive: n.感叹词;亵渎誓言Factious: a.宗派活动的Fancier: n.饲养并贩卖鸟(狗)之人Fanciful: a.幻想的,异想天开的Fauna: n.动物总称Flotsam: n.遇难船漂流的货物Fluted: a.有凹槽的Foist: v.欺骗,蒙骗Fugitive: n.逃亡者;逃亡的;a.临时的,即兴的Gambit: n.以取得优势的开局棋法;开场白Gamely: a.勇敢的;兴致勃勃的Gawk: v.呆视;n.呆子Germinal: a.胚芽的,细菌的;开始的Gibberish: n.乱语;无意义的声音Glutton: n.贪食者Gory: a.血腥的,好杀的Granulate: v.使成粒状Grapple: v.抓住;扭打格斗Gyroscope: n.陀螺Hackles: n.(动物的)颈背毛Hap: n.运气Harping: v.对某物厌倦Hermitage: n.隐士居住处Hibernal: a.冬天的,寒冷的Hireling: n.受雇者,佣工Homespun: a.家里做的,手织的;朴素的Horde: n.群众,大众Hortatory: a.激励的,劝告的Hummock: n.小山丘Humus: n.腐殖土壤Hurtle: v.猛撞;猛投Hypochondriac: n.忧郁症者Ichthyology: n.鱼类学Impiety: n.不敬,不虔诚Impropriety: n.不当行为,言语误用Incapacitate: v.使不能;使不适于Incognito: a/n.隐姓埋名(者) Inerrancy: n.无错误,绝对正确Infidel: n.无信仰者,异教徒Intelligentsia: n.知识分子;知识阶级Jocose: a.诙谐的,滑稽的Junta: n.私党,执政团,临时政府Kleptomaniac: n.偷窃狂者Knavery: n.奸诈;恶行Knell: n.丧钟,钟声Kismet: n.命运,天命Larceny: n.盗窃Lascivious: a.淫乱的;好色的Laudatory: a.赞美的Lax: a.疏忽的;松弛的;散漫的Lechery: n.好色,淫荡;纵欲Leonine: a.狮子的,威武的,勇猛的Levitate: v.使升在空中,轻轻浮起Lewd: a.好色的,下流的,邪恶的Libidinous: a.好色的,淫荡的,挑逗的Lilliputian: a.极小的;n.侏儒Litany: n.(宗教)连祷Litotes: n. 间接肯定法, 反语法Mace: n.权杖Machiavellian: a.运用权谋的;诡谲的Maniacal: a.发疯的Martinet: n.严格执行纪律者Masochist: n.被虐狂Matriarch: n.女家长,女族长Mausoleum: n.壮丽的墓Mealymouthed: a.说话婉转的;伪善的;拐弯抹角的Melee: n.混乱,骚动Metallurgical: a.炼金的,冶金的Microcosm: n.小世界;缩图Milieu: n.环境;背景Militate: v.对---产生不利作用或影响Mincing: a.矫饰的;走碎步的Minutiae: n.琐事,细枝末节Misadventure: n.不幸;意外事件Mischance: n.横祸,不幸Misogynist: n.厌恶女人的人Monotheism: n.一神论Mortician: n.殡仪业者Musky: a.有麝香气的Necromancy: n.巫术,妖术Nether: a.下面的,地下的Nirvana: n.极乐世界Nomenclature: n.术语Nondescript: a.不明确的,无特征的Oaf: n.畸形儿;白痴,笨蛋Obsidian: n.黑曜岩Obstetrician: n.产科医生Oculist: n.眼科医生Onomatopoeia: n.拟声词,象声词Optician: n.眼睛商Optometrist: n.验光师,配镜师Ordination: n.圣职之任命Orthography: n.正确拼写Ovoid: a.卵形的,卵形物Pachyderm: n.厚皮动物Palimpsest: n. 重写本Pallet: n.简陋的小床Paramour: n.情人Paraphernalia: n.行头,装备Passé: a.陈旧的,已呈老态的Patois: n.方言,土话Patriarch: n.家长,族长,元老Peon: n.劳工,散工Perdition: n.诅咒Peroration: n.结束语Perpetrate: v.犯罪,做坏事Pert: a.无礼的,冒失的Perversion: n.误解;颠倒Pharisaical: n. 形式主义Philanderer: n.调戏妇女之人Physiognomy: n.面貌,外貌Pinion: v束缚Plauditory: a.鼓掌的;赞同的Polity: n.政体,国体,国家制度Polygamist: n.重婚者Portent: n.凶兆,恶兆Portly: a.肥胖的Posthumous: a.死后的,父亲死后出生的Potion: n.(药)一服,一剂Poultice: n.膏药Prattle: v.闲扯,空谈Prefatory: a.序言的,开场白的Prelate: n.高级教士;修道院院长Primogeniture: n.长子身份;长子继承权Primordial: a.原始的;最初的Privy: a.私人的;秘密的Proclivity: n.倾向;脾气Proletarian: n.无产阶级者Promiscuous: a.杂乱的,乱交的Promontory: n.海角,岬Prophylactic: a.预防疾病的Propinquity: n.临近,接近;近亲关系Propound: v.提出计划使考虑Proscenium: n.舞台前部Prosody: n.韵律学;作诗法Proviso: n.限制性条款Proxy: n.代理人Psychopathic: a.精神变态错乱的Psychosis: n.精神病,精神异常Pterodactyl: n.翼手龙Pulmonary: a.肺的,有肺病的Punitive: a.惩罚的Purveyor: n.供应伙食者Quizzical: a.古怪的,开玩笑的Quorum: n.法定人数Ragamuffin: n.衣杉褴褛之人Raiment: n.衣服Recidivism: n.累犯,惯犯Recrimination: n.相责;揭丑Regatta: n.赛船;赛船会Regicide: n.杀君主者Reputable: a.名声好的,有声望的;可尊敬的Reputed: a.被认为的;号称的Requiem: n.安魂弥撒曲Resumption: v.再开始;收回;恢复Retrograde: a.倒退的;颠倒的Rhapsodize: v.狂热地写(说)Roseate: a.玫瑰色的;乐观的Rotunda: n.圆形建筑物或大厅Rousing: a.活跃的;鼓舞的Rubric: a.(开头或标题)红色的Rummage: v.翻寻,寻找Rusticate: v.驱逐Sacrosanct: a.神圣不可侵犯的Salacious: a.好色的,淫荡的Saline: a.含盐的,盐的Sallow: a.灰黄色的,土色的Sanguinary: a.血腥的,残忍的;嗜杀的Satyr: n.森林的神;色情狂,色狼Scapegoat: n.替罪羊;顶罪者Scavenge: v.清除污物Scintilla: n.极少,微量;火花Scuffle: v.混战,扭打;拖脚而行Sectarian: a.偏执的;派别的Seedy: a.破旧的;不愉快的Senility: n.高龄;衰老Sepulcher: n.坟墓Sherbet: n.清凉饮料;可口饮料Shrew: n.泼妇;爱唠叨的女人Shyster: n.奸猾的律师;讼棍Sibylline: a.预言性的Simplistic: a.过分简单化的Skulk: v.秘密地移动Sleeper: n. 睡眠, (火车等的)卧铺, 枕木, 冬眠动物Smolder: v.闷烧Snivel: v.啜泣,哭诉Solecism: n.语法错误Solstice: n.太阳离赤道最远的日子Somnambulist: n.梦游者Sophist: n.哲学老师Sophomoric: a.不老练的,不成熟的;一知半解的Sphinx-like: a.神秘难懂的Spoonerism: n. [语]斯本内现象, 首音互换Spry: a.生气勃勃的,敏捷的Stamina: n.精力,毅力Stipend: n.薪水;奖学金Stolidity: n.迟钝,麻木Stupefy: v.使麻木;使吃惊Suavity: a.优雅的,精致的Subaltern: a.次要的;较差的Subservient: a.屈服的;阿谀奉承的Succulent: a.多汁液的Supererogatory: a.多余的,过剩的Supernumerary: a.多余的Swathe: v.包扎,包裹Syllogism: n.演绎推理,推论;诡辩Sylvan: n..森林之神;a.有森林的Tertiary: a.第三的Tessellated: a.嵌装花纹的Tightwad: n.吝啬鬼,守财奴Tithe: n.十分之一Titillate: v.使----痒;使高兴Titter: v.偷笑Toga: n.古罗马制服;外袍Tome: n.册,卷,大卷书Tonsure: v.剃发Topography: n.地势;地志Transpire: v.泄露;蒸发Trappings: n.装饰品Traumatic: a.外伤性的,损伤性的Travail: n.辛苦工作Troth: n.婚约;诺言Trough: n.食槽,水槽Tryst: n/v.约会Tutelary: a.保护的,守护的Ultimatum: n.最后要求,最后通牒Unfrock: v.剥夺牧师权利Unsightly: a.不雅观的,难看的Upshot: n.结局;结论Urbane: a.文雅的,有礼貌的Vainglorious: a.自负的;做作的;极度虚荣的Vassal: n.诸侯Vehement: a.猛烈的,暴烈的Venison: n.鹿肉Victuals: n.食物Vignette: n.小图片,小花饰Viper: n.毒蛇;阴险的人Vivisection: n.活体解剖Vixen: n.母狐狸;怪脾气的女人Vociferous: a.嘈杂的,喧哗的Vortex: n.旋涡;旋风Voyeur: n.窥淫狂Waif: n.流浪的动物Warren: n..拥挤的地方Welt: n.鞭痕Whinny: n.马嘶(声)Whorl: n.(叶子)螺纹Wispy: a.纤细的,细嫩的Withdrawn: a.内向的,孤独的Writhe: v.使扭曲缠绕Yen: v/n.热望,渴望Yore: n.往古,昔时备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。

1. abandon.
- 音标:[əˈbændən]
- 词性:v.(动词)
- 释义:放弃;遗弃;抛弃。
2. ability.
- 音标:[əˈbɪləti]
- 词性:n.(名词)
- 释义:能力;才能。
3. abundant.
- 音标:[əˈbʌndənt]
- 词性:adj.(形容词)
- 释义:大量的;充足的;丰富的。
1. benefit.
- 音标:[ˈbenɪfɪt]
- 词性:n.(名词)/v.(动词)
- 释义:n.利益;好处;v.有益于;受益。
2. bizarre.
- 音标:[bɪˈzɑː(r)]
- 词性:adj.(形容词)
- 释义:奇异的;怪诞的。
3. boundary.
- 音标:[ˈbaʊndri]
- 词性:n.(名词)
- 释义:边界;界限;分界线。
1. capable.
- 音标:[ˈkeɪpəbl]
- 词性:adj.(形容词)
- 释义:有能力的;有才能的。
2. coincide.
- 音标:[ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd] - 词性:v.(动词)
- 释义:同时发生;相符;一致。
3. confine.
- 音标:[kənˈfaɪn]
- 词性:v.(动词)
- 释义:限制;局限于;禁闭。
TOEFL单词 完整版单词表(Excl)

antiseptic anxious apart from apologize apology appeal attire attorney
n.铝 a.业余的 n.业余爱好者 vt.使吃惊,使惊叹 n.惊愕,惊异 a.令人惊异的 n.周围环境,气氛 n.雄心,抱负 a.有雄心的,渴望成功的 a.有矛盾情绪的,举棋不定的 n.矛盾心理 vi.漫步,缓行 vt.攀爬;搅乱,使混杂 a.顺从的;应服从的 n.改正,修正 n.宪法修正案 vt.改正,修正生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所 n.(不可数)愉快,适意 prep.在…中 n.金字塔;金字塔现象/形状 n.健忘症 n.量,总合 vi.总计;等于 a.富足的,充足的 vt.践踏,踩坏 vt.放大;扩大;增强 n.扩大 大群的,大量的 n.类比,类推 n.类此物 a.类似的 vt.分析,分解 n.分析;分析报告 n.心理分析 n.无政府主义者 n.解剖;解剖学 n.祖先,祖宗 n.家系,血统 a.祖先的,祖传的 a.轶闻的,多轶闻趣闻的 n.短故事,轶事 n.麻醉 n.麻醉剂,麻药 a.有角的,尖角的 n.矩形的,成直角的 a.活生生的;活泼的,生动的 vt.兼并,附加 vt.消灭;消减 vt.宣布,发表,通告 n.宣告,发表 n.广播员;报幕员 vt.使恼怒;打扰 a.恼人的,讨厌的;使人愤怒的 a.每年的 av.一年一次,每年 n.异常,不规则;异常的人或物 a.匿名的 n.圣歌,赞美诗 n.诗集,文选 n.人类学 a.抗菌的,抗生的 n.antibiotics 抗生素 vt.预期,预料 n.期望,预料 vt.使古旧,废弃 a.陈旧的,过时的 n.古董 a.古时的,过时的 n.古迹;古物 n.古代 n.古老 n.防腐剂,杀菌剂 a.渴望的;担忧的 除…之外 vi.道歉 n.道歉,歉意 n.吸引力 vi.吸引 n.穿着,服饰(正规服装的总称) n.代理人,辩护律师
TOEFL词汇表 (Part 1)

TOEFL词汇表 (Part 1)abound v.充满;富于accredit vt.委派官员到国外, 授权abut v.邻接, 毗邻accordion n.手风琴accretion n.增加, 增大absenteeism n.旷课, 旷工abide vi.遵守;vt.忍受ablaze adj.着火的, 闪耀的abrasion n.表面磨损abhor v.憎恶, 痛恨accede v.应允, 同意acrid adj.(指味道或气味) 辛辣的, 刺鼻的;(语气)尖酸的,刻薄的acrimonious adj.尖刻的, 尖酸的acronym n.用大写字母表示的缩写词adept adj.熟练的, 擅长的adjacent adj.接近的, 毗连的, 邻近的adjunct n.附件, 附属admonish vt.训诫, 训斥adobe n.泥砖, 土坯 (房)adorn vt.装饰advent n.(尤指不寻常的人或事) 出现, 到来 adverse adj.1.敌对的;2.不利的;不幸的aesthetic adj.美学的, 审美的affinity n.1.吸引力, 亲和力;2.密切关系 afflict vt.折磨;使苦恼affluence n.富裕;丰富aggravate v.使恶化, 使加重aggregate n.聚集, 集合agile adj.敏捷的, 活泼轻快的agitation n.焦虑, 心神不定agrarian adj.有关土地的;耕地的ailment n.(长期的) 疾病ajar adj.(门、窗等) 微开的akin to 有密切关系的, 相近的allegiance n.忠贞, 效忠allegory n.寓言alliteration n.头韵allusion n.提及, 暗示aloft adv.在高处;在空中。
托福考试 词汇

1. abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃。
- 例句:They had to abandon the car and continue on foot.(他们不得不放弃汽车,继续步行。
)2. abate [əˈbeɪt] v. 减少;减轻;(使)缓和。
- 例句:The storm began to abate slightly.(风暴开始稍微减弱。
)3. abbreviate [əˈbriːvieɪt] vt. 缩写;使简略。
- 例句:We can abbreviate the long name to a short one.(我们可以把长名字缩写成短的。
1. backbone [ˈbækboʊn] n. 脊椎;骨干;支柱;毅力。
- 例句:The small business is the backbone of the local economy.(小企业是当地经济的支柱。
)- 词性:名词。
2. bald [bɔːld] adj. 秃头的;光秃的;单调的。
- 例句:He is going bald.(他开始秃头了。
)- 词性:形容词。
3. banish [ˈbænɪʃ] vt. 放逐;驱逐;消除。
- 例句:The king banished the traitor from the kingdom.(国王把叛徒驱逐出王国。
)- 词性:及物动词。

巴朗词表速记(1)神话典故引申词adamantADJ. hard; inflexible.源自Adam(亚当)amazonN. female warrior.源自"亚马逊":神话中一支高大强壮的女战士族armadaN. fleet of warships.源自无敌舰队(1588年西班牙进攻英国时的舰队)aureoleN. sun’s corona; halo.源自Aurora(曙光女神)auroralADJ. pertaining to the aurora borealis.源自Aurora(曙光女神)bacchanalianADJ. drunken.源自bacchus(酒神)centaurN. mythical figure, half man and half horse.源自【希神】半人半马的怪物联想记忆:“身-头”chimericalADJ. fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative. 源自【希神】chimera(吐火女怪:狮头、羊身、蛇尾)cupidityN. greed.源自cupid(爱神丘比特)elysianADJ. relating to paradise; blissful.源自【希神】Elysium(天堂)iridescentADJ. exhibiting rainbowlike colors.源自Iris(彩虹女神)jovialADJ. good-natured; merry.源自Jove, Jupiter(木星,传说在其影响力下出生者天性快乐)juggernautN. irresistible crushing force.源自典故:克利须那在印度东部普利进行的一年一度的游行中,克利须那的神像被载于巨车或大型马车上,善男信女甘愿投身死于其轮下。
labyrinthN. maze.来源:Labyrinth原为建在克里特的迷宫lethalADJ. deadly.源自Lethe(阴间的一条河,人饮其水就会忘掉过去一切)lethargicADJ. drowsy; dull.源自Lethe(阴间的一条河,人饮其水就会忘掉过去一切)lilliputianADJ. extremely small.源自lilliput, 小说Gulliver’s Travels中的小人国martialADJ. warlike.源自Mars(火星, 战神)mercurialADJ. capricious; changing; fickle.源自Mercury(水星, 水银)musev. ponder.源自希神:缪斯为宙斯和记忆女神的九个女儿,每一个掌管不同的文艺或者科学词义演变:文艺女神—灵感—沉思谐音记忆:“默思”nemesisN. someone seeking revenge.源自【希神】,Nemesis=复仇女神odysseyN. long, eventful journey.源自荷马史诗,奥德赛在特洛伊战争后,在外流浪十年,历经艰险才返乡.plutocracyN. society ruled by the wealthy.源自Plutus(财神、冥王星)proteanADJ. versatile; able to take on many forms.源自Proteus(海神,能随意变换形状以困惑他的俘虏)saturnineADJ. gloomy. 反: genial源自Saturn(土星, 农神, 铅)satyrN. half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus, portrayed as wanton and cunning.源自希神:Satyr是一个被描绘成具有人形却有山羊尖耳、腿和短角的森林之神,性喜无节制地寻欢作乐spartanADJ. lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined.源自Sparta(斯巴达)sphinx-likeADJ. enigmatic; mysterious.源自希神:斯芬克斯(古代希腊神话中带翼的狮身女面怪物)专杀那些猜不出其谜语的人stygianADJ. gloomy; hellish; deathly.源自Styx(地狱里的一条河)sylvanADJ. pertaining to the woods; rustic.源自拉丁语Silvaus(森林之神)tantalizev. tease; torture with disappointment.源自Tantalus(因泄漏天机被罚站阴府,又饿又渴,食物和水近在眼前,却拿不到)thespianADJ. pertaining to drama.源自Thespis(古希腊雅典诗人, 悲剧创始者)titanicADJ. gigantic.源自Titans(被宙斯击败的一些不守法巨人)zephyrN. gentle breeze; west wind.源自希神:西风之神(2)动物引申词aquilineADJ. curved, hooked.He can be recognized by his aquiline nose, curved like the beak of the eagle.源自eagle, aquil为eagle的拉丁体asinineADJ. stupid.Your asinine remarks prove that you have not given this problem any serious consideration.源自ass, asinine是ass的形容词bovineADJ. cowlike; placid and dull.Nothing excites Esther; even when she won the state lottery, she still preserved her air of bovine calm.源自bull, bovine是bull, cow的形容词canineADJ. related to dogs; doglike.Some days the canine population of Berkeley seems almost to outnumber the human population.源自canid(拉丁语,犬科类动物)coltishLively and playful; frisky.源自colt(小马)cowv. terrorize; intimidate.The little boy was so cowed by the hulking bully that he gave up his lunch money without a word of protest.由名词cow(牛)转化而成cowerv. shrink quivering, as from fear.The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room.源自cow(牛)crabbedADJ. sour; peevish.The children avoided the crabbed old man because he scolded them when they made noise.源自crab(螃蟹),由螃蟹的特性引申而成。
TOEFL单词 完整版单词表(Excl)

n.添加剂 agitation
a.加法的 agreeable a.另外的,附加的,
额外的 除..之外
a.熟练的,擅长的 ailment
a.荒谬的,可笑的 adequate
a.丰富的,充裕的; 大量的
a.足够的,充实的 aim vi.黏附,粘牢 vi.追随,坚持 air
anticipate anticipation antiquate antiquated antique
antiseptic anxious apart from
n.心理分析 n.无政府主义者 aptly
a.易于…的 av.适当地,得体地 associatio
anatomy ancestor ancestry ancestral anecdotal anecdote anesthesia anesthetic angular rectangular animated annex annihilate announce announcement announcer annoy annoying annual annually anomaly anonymous anthem anthology anthropology antibiotic
absurd abundant abundantly
vt.抛弃;放弃 accuracy n.准确性,正确性
n.放纵;沉溺 accuse
a.usatio naccustome d
vt.缩短;缩写 achieve
TOEFL 巴朗词汇表

TOEFL 巴朗词表Lesson 1Abroad = overseas, internationally Abrupt = suddenAcceptable = permissible Acclaim = praiseActually = trulyAdverse = unfavorable adversity: 逆境adversary: 对⼿Advice = suggestion advisability: 适当、明智Attractive = appealing Autonomous = independent Disapproval = objection Disruptive = disturbing Haphazardly = arbitrary, carelessly Ideal = perfectPersistent = constantWide = broadLesson 2Advanced = progressive Advantage = benefitAdvent = arrivalAgile = nimble: 动作敏捷、灵活的Albeit = althoughAllow = permitAppealing = alluring Celebrated = renowned Contemporary = current Distribute = dispense Encourage = inspireEnergetic = vigorousFrail = fragileRefine = perfectWorthwhile = remarkableLesson 3Alter = modifyAnalyze = examineAncient = oldAnnoying = bothersome Anticipate = predictConform = adapt Detect = noticeEnrich = enhanceIntensify = heighten Intolerable = unbearable Observe = noticeOngoing = currentPropose = suggestRestore = revitalizeVital = indispensableLesson 4Ambiguous = vagueApparent = visibleArbitrary = haphazardAssert = declareAstounding = astonishing Astute = perceptiveAuthorize = empower Deceptively = misleadingly Determined = resoluteElicit = extractForbid = banPetition = appealRelinquish = abdicate: 放弃Resilient = tenacious: 适应⼒强的Tempt = enticeLesson 5Amaze = astonishBaffle = puzzleBear = yieldBlock = obstructBlur = cloudBrilliant = radiantCaution = warnChallenge = dareDelicate = fragileEnhance = strengthenIntrigue = fascinatePersuade = convinceReplace = substituteShed = discardUnique = rareLesson 6Chiefly = mostlyCoarse = rough Commonplace = frequent Comparatively = relatively Complex = complicated Conventional = traditional Curious = peculiar Exceedingly = extremely Exclusively = restrictively Immense = massiveIndeed = trulyRigid = stiffRoutinely = ordinarily Sufficiently = adequately Visibly = noticeably Lesson 7Appropriate = properClarify = explainConceal = hideConfirm = prove Constantly = continually Convenient = practicalCore = centerCritical = dangerousDistort = deformDiverse = different Prosperous = thriving Purposefully = deliberately Reveal = discloseScarcely = hardly Theoretically = hypothetically Lesson 8Accelerate = hastenCrack = fractureCreate = produceCreep = crawlCrush = grindCultivate = growDictate = impose Distinguish = discriminate Flaw = detectHarvest = gatherMirror = reflectObtain = gainParticle = fragment Settle = colonize Transport = carry Lesson 9Accurate = precise Classify = arrange Currency = moneyDeep = thoroughDense = thickDepend on = trustDim = faintDisplay = exhibitExport = foreign sales Gigantic = enormous Impressive = imposing Lasting = enduring Treasury = bank Uniform = consistent Vibrant = brilliant Lesson 10Distinct = definite Dominant = major Dormant = inactiveDrab = colorless Dramatic = emotional Elaborate = complex Exceptional = phenomenal Hazardous = dangerous Minuscule = tinyPrime = prepare Rudimentary = basic Sensitive = delicate Superficial = shallow Terrifying = frightening Vigorous = strong Lesson 11Amenity = convenience Destroy = ruin Disperse = circulate Dwelling = house Element = component Elementary = primary Eliminate = delete Emphasize = highlightEncircle = surround Erratic = inconsistent Exaggerate = overstate Mention = remarkPier = dockPrevalent = commonplace Release = freeLesson 12Benefit = assistBlind = unwareBroaden = enlarge Burgeon = thrive Conspicuously = noticeably Demand = insist Endorse = support Enormous = tremendous Entirely = thoroughly Erode = deteriorate Evaporate = disappear Recover = retrieve Reportedly = supposedly Shift = switchSuffer = endureLesson 13Crucial = critical Dignitary = notableElude = evadeEvident = apparent Exhaust = deplete Extensive = comprehensive Extremely = highlyFace = confrontFacet = aspectHero = idol Inaccessible = remote Obviously = evidently Predictably = expectedly Solve = resolveSuitable = appropriate Lesson 14Ample = sufficientArid = dryAvoid = avert Defy = resistEnact = legislateEven = equitableFeign = simulateFertile = richFreshly = recentlyFunction = role Fundamental = essential Indiscriminate = arbitrary Selective = discriminating Spacious = expansive Withstand = surviveLesson 15Durable = sturdyFavor = supportGain = attainGenerate = createHalt = stopHalting a.迟疑的Handle = manageHarbor = shelterHarmful = unhealthy Insignificant = meaningless Mysterious = baffling Perilous = dangerous Postpone = delayPromote = boostReject = refuse Substantial = significant Lesson 16Conscientious = meticulous Convey = communicate Encompass = include Expansion = growth Heighten = intensify Highlight = emphasize Inadvertently = carelessly Inevitable = unavoidable Infancy = beginning Miraculously = astonishingly Retrieve = recover Systematically = methodically Unlikely = doubtful Unwarranted = unjustifiedZenith = apexLesson 17Agitate = disturb Confidential = secret Delighted = elated Discreetly = cautiously Documented = proven Gradually = steadily Influence = affect Inordinate = excessive Instantly = immediately Intentionally = deliberately Intrinsic = inherent Inundate = overwhelm Involve = include Nominal = moderate Presumably = supposedly Lesson 18Absurd = ridiculous Abuse = misuse Allocation = distribution Balanced = equalized Conservation = preservation Fallacious = incorrect Feasible = possibleLack = shortageLimber = flexibleMeans = methodsNarrow = thin Preconception = bias Robust = energetic Steady = constantSwift = fastLesson 19Antiquated = old-fashioned Coherent = logical Develop = evolve Fabricate = invent Investigation = probe Normally = typically Notice = observeNotion = conceptNovel = original Opposition = resistance Record = registerRelate = communicate Suspect = speculate Unbiased = objective Varied = diverseLesson 20Accentuate = emphasize Disguise = conceal Finance = fundInitiate = lauchInnovate = creative Narrate = relate Nevertheless = nonetheless Occasionally = sometimes Omit = neglect Outlandish = bizarre Overcome = conquer Partially = somewhatPass = approvePortray = depictSubmit = proposeLesson 21Decline = decreaseGather = collectMotion = movement Partisan = biasedPattern = habit Phenomena = events Philanthropic = humanitarian Placid = calmPlentiful = abundant Reaction = response Rhythm = pulseScenic = picturesque Shallow = superficial Sheltered = protected Vanish = disappearLesson 22Account = storyArchaic = ancientHasten = accelerateHue = colorIllustration = picture Inactive = idleIntricate = complex Magnitude = dimension Oblige = require Overlook = disregardPoll = surveyPosition = location Practical = functional Predominant = principal Prompt = induceLesson 23Analogous = similar Approximately = around Compel = oblige Formidable = overwhelming Intrusive = annoying Periodically = sometimes Prone = inclined to Prophetic = predictive Proportion = dimension Readily = freelyReliably = dependably Reluctantly = hesitatingly Renown = prominence Sacrifice = concession Triumph = achievement Lesson 24Affordable = economical Contaminated = polluted Discernible = detectable Flourishing = thriving Maintain = preserve Mediocre = average Negligible = insignificant Parallel = similarPeculiar = strangePotent = powerful Remarkable = exceptional Scattered = dispersedSolid = steady Somewhat = slightly Tedious = monotonous Lesson 25Briefly = concisely Circulate = distribute Consistently = dependably Exhibit = displayFound = establish Improperly = inappropriately Impulsively = capriciously Infrequently = rarely Isolated = secludedOvertly = openly Profoundly = significantly Sharply = quickly Situated = located Subsequently = afterwards Unmistakable = indisputable Lesson 26Chaotic = disorganized Characteristic = typical Controversial = debatable Exemplify = symbolize Grafting = satisfying Interpret = clarifyLaunch = initiate Legitimate = authentic Particular = specific Radiant = brightRidge = crestSpan = cover Spontaneous = instinctive Stream = riverStriking = remarkable Lesson 27Aptly = appropriately Demonstration = display Ingredient = element Involuntarily = automatically Marvel = wonder Measurable = assessable Moderate = mediumOdd = strangeReflection = image Supposedly = presumably Sustained = consistentSymbol = markSynthesis = combination Tangible = concreteTightly = firmlyLesson 28Aggravating = irritating Amusement = diversion Conceivably = possibly Convert = alterCurative = healing Debilitating = weakening Deplete = consumeFinite = limitedPerceive = observeSecurity = safetyToxic = poisonousTranquility = peacefulnessTrap = retainUndeniably = absolutely Underestimated = miscalculated Lesson 29Acknowledge = recognize Acquire = obtainAssimilate = incorporate Assortment = selectionCaliber = qualityCondensed = concentrated Contradictory = inconsistent Disregard = ignorePrecious = cherished Prominent = renowned Requisite = demandedUnravel = separateVague = unclearVast = hugeV olume = quantityLesson 30Charisma = appealClever = astuteConvince = persuadeEndure = persevereForfeit = relinquish:丧失、放弃Precarious = hazardous Severe = seriousSporadic = erratic:不稳定的Superior = exceptional Wanton = senselessWeak = ineffective Widespread = extensive Wisdom = insight Witticism = humorWoo = attract。
TOEFL词汇表(Part 6)

TOEFL词汇表(Part 6)choreography n.舞蹈编排chronic adj.长期的;慢性的chronological adj.按年代顺序排列的chubby adj.丰满的, 圆胖的chunk n.大块;矮胖的人或物cipher n.密码circumscribe v.划界限;限制citadel n.堡垒, 要塞cite vt.引用;举例clam n.蛤, 蛤肉clamor n.叫嚣, 喧哗clan n.家族, 宗族clergy n.牧师clog vt.阻碍clot n./v.凝块clutch n.一次所孵的卵(或蛋)coalesce v.联合, 合并coax v.哄诱, 巧言诱哄;耐心调理coherent adj.1.粘着的2.连贯的,有条理的coil n.(一) 卷;线圈 vt.盘绕, 卷collaborate v.(文艺, 科学等方面) 协作, 合作colloquial adj.口语 (体) 的, 通俗语的colonize vt.1.建立殖民地, 拓殖;2.(生物群体) 定居, 居于colossal adj.巨大的combustible adj.易燃的commodity n.商品,日用品communal adj.公共的;公社的commuter n.往返者compel v.强迫, 使不得不compelling adj.引人注目的compensate v.补偿, 赔偿complacence n.自满, 自以为是complicity n.共谋, 串通comprise vt.包含;由...组成compulsory adj.必需做的, 被强制的concave adj.凹的conceal v.隐藏, 隐瞒concede vi.承认conceive vt.构思;以为, 设想concentric adj.同心的。
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TOEFL 巴朗词表Lesson 1Abroad = overseas, internationally Abrupt = suddenAcceptable = permissible Acclaim = praiseActually = trulyAdverse = unfavorable adversity: 逆境adversary: 对⼿Advice = suggestion advisability: 适当、明智Attractive = appealing Autonomous = independent Disapproval = objection Disruptive = disturbing Haphazardly = arbitrary, carelessly Ideal = perfectPersistent = constantWide = broadLesson 2Advanced = progressive Advantage = benefitAdvent = arrivalAgile = nimble: 动作敏捷、灵活的Albeit = althoughAllow = permitAppealing = alluring Celebrated = renowned Contemporary = current Distribute = dispense Encourage = inspireEnergetic = vigorousFrail = fragileRefine = perfectWorthwhile = remarkableLesson 3Alter = modifyAnalyze = examineAncient = oldAnnoying = bothersome Anticipate = predictConform = adapt Detect = noticeEnrich = enhanceIntensify = heighten Intolerable = unbearable Observe = noticeOngoing = currentPropose = suggestRestore = revitalizeVital = indispensableLesson 4Ambiguous = vagueApparent = visibleArbitrary = haphazardAssert = declareAstounding = astonishing Astute = perceptiveAuthorize = empower Deceptively = misleadingly Determined = resoluteElicit = extractForbid = banPetition = appealRelinquish = abdicate: 放弃Resilient = tenacious: 适应⼒强的Tempt = enticeLesson 5Amaze = astonishBaffle = puzzleBear = yieldBlock = obstructBlur = cloudBrilliant = radiantCaution = warnChallenge = dareDelicate = fragileEnhance = strengthenIntrigue = fascinatePersuade = convinceReplace = substituteShed = discardUnique = rareLesson 6Chiefly = mostlyCoarse = rough Commonplace = frequent Comparatively = relatively Complex = complicated Conventional = traditional Curious = peculiar Exceedingly = extremely Exclusively = restrictively Immense = massiveIndeed = trulyRigid = stiffRoutinely = ordinarily Sufficiently = adequately Visibly = noticeably Lesson 7Appropriate = properClarify = explainConceal = hideConfirm = prove Constantly = continually Convenient = practicalCore = centerCritical = dangerousDistort = deformDiverse = different Prosperous = thriving Purposefully = deliberately Reveal = discloseScarcely = hardly Theoretically = hypothetically Lesson 8Accelerate = hastenCrack = fractureCreate = produceCreep = crawlCrush = grindCultivate = growDictate = impose Distinguish = discriminate Flaw = detectHarvest = gatherMirror = reflectObtain = gainParticle = fragment Settle = colonize Transport = carry Lesson 9Accurate = precise Classify = arrange Currency = moneyDeep = thoroughDense = thickDepend on = trustDim = faintDisplay = exhibitExport = foreign sales Gigantic = enormous Impressive = imposing Lasting = enduring Treasury = bank Uniform = consistent Vibrant = brilliant Lesson 10Distinct = definite Dominant = major Dormant = inactiveDrab = colorless Dramatic = emotional Elaborate = complex Exceptional = phenomenal Hazardous = dangerous Minuscule = tinyPrime = prepare Rudimentary = basic Sensitive = delicate Superficial = shallow Terrifying = frightening Vigorous = strong Lesson 11Amenity = convenience Destroy = ruin Disperse = circulate Dwelling = house Element = component Elementary = primary Eliminate = delete Emphasize = highlightEncircle = surround Erratic = inconsistent Exaggerate = overstate Mention = remarkPier = dockPrevalent = commonplace Release = freeLesson 12Benefit = assistBlind = unwareBroaden = enlarge Burgeon = thrive Conspicuously = noticeably Demand = insist Endorse = support Enormous = tremendous Entirely = thoroughly Erode = deteriorate Evaporate = disappear Recover = retrieve Reportedly = supposedly Shift = switchSuffer = endureLesson 13Crucial = critical Dignitary = notableElude = evadeEvident = apparent Exhaust = deplete Extensive = comprehensive Extremely = highlyFace = confrontFacet = aspectHero = idol Inaccessible = remote Obviously = evidently Predictably = expectedly Solve = resolveSuitable = appropriate Lesson 14Ample = sufficientArid = dryAvoid = avert Defy = resistEnact = legislateEven = equitableFeign = simulateFertile = richFreshly = recentlyFunction = role Fundamental = essential Indiscriminate = arbitrary Selective = discriminating Spacious = expansive Withstand = surviveLesson 15Durable = sturdyFavor = supportGain = attainGenerate = createHalt = stopHalting a.迟疑的Handle = manageHarbor = shelterHarmful = unhealthy Insignificant = meaningless Mysterious = baffling Perilous = dangerous Postpone = delayPromote = boostReject = refuse Substantial = significant Lesson 16Conscientious = meticulous Convey = communicate Encompass = include Expansion = growth Heighten = intensify Highlight = emphasize Inadvertently = carelessly Inevitable = unavoidable Infancy = beginning Miraculously = astonishingly Retrieve = recover Systematically = methodically Unlikely = doubtful Unwarranted = unjustifiedZenith = apexLesson 17Agitate = disturb Confidential = secret Delighted = elated Discreetly = cautiously Documented = proven Gradually = steadily Influence = affect Inordinate = excessive Instantly = immediately Intentionally = deliberately Intrinsic = inherent Inundate = overwhelm Involve = include Nominal = moderate Presumably = supposedly Lesson 18Absurd = ridiculous Abuse = misuse Allocation = distribution Balanced = equalized Conservation = preservation Fallacious = incorrect Feasible = possibleLack = shortageLimber = flexibleMeans = methodsNarrow = thin Preconception = bias Robust = energetic Steady = constantSwift = fastLesson 19Antiquated = old-fashioned Coherent = logical Develop = evolve Fabricate = invent Investigation = probe Normally = typically Notice = observeNotion = conceptNovel = original Opposition = resistance Record = registerRelate = communicate Suspect = speculate Unbiased = objective Varied = diverseLesson 20Accentuate = emphasize Disguise = conceal Finance = fundInitiate = lauchInnovate = creative Narrate = relate Nevertheless = nonetheless Occasionally = sometimes Omit = neglect Outlandish = bizarre Overcome = conquer Partially = somewhatPass = approvePortray = depictSubmit = proposeLesson 21Decline = decreaseGather = collectMotion = movement Partisan = biasedPattern = habit Phenomena = events Philanthropic = humanitarian Placid = calmPlentiful = abundant Reaction = response Rhythm = pulseScenic = picturesque Shallow = superficial Sheltered = protected Vanish = disappearLesson 22Account = storyArchaic = ancientHasten = accelerateHue = colorIllustration = picture Inactive = idleIntricate = complex Magnitude = dimension Oblige = require Overlook = disregardPoll = surveyPosition = location Practical = functional Predominant = principal Prompt = induceLesson 23Analogous = similar Approximately = around Compel = oblige Formidable = overwhelming Intrusive = annoying Periodically = sometimes Prone = inclined to Prophetic = predictive Proportion = dimension Readily = freelyReliably = dependably Reluctantly = hesitatingly Renown = prominence Sacrifice = concession Triumph = achievement Lesson 24Affordable = economical Contaminated = polluted Discernible = detectable Flourishing = thriving Maintain = preserve Mediocre = average Negligible = insignificant Parallel = similarPeculiar = strangePotent = powerful Remarkable = exceptional Scattered = dispersedSolid = steady Somewhat = slightly Tedious = monotonous Lesson 25Briefly = concisely Circulate = distribute Consistently = dependably Exhibit = displayFound = establish Improperly = inappropriately Impulsively = capriciously Infrequently = rarely Isolated = secludedOvertly = openly Profoundly = significantly Sharply = quickly Situated = located Subsequently = afterwards Unmistakable = indisputable Lesson 26Chaotic = disorganized Characteristic = typical Controversial = debatable Exemplify = symbolize Grafting = satisfying Interpret = clarifyLaunch = initiate Legitimate = authentic Particular = specific Radiant = brightRidge = crestSpan = cover Spontaneous = instinctive Stream = riverStriking = remarkable Lesson 27Aptly = appropriately Demonstration = display Ingredient = element Involuntarily = automatically Marvel = wonder Measurable = assessable Moderate = mediumOdd = strangeReflection = image Supposedly = presumably Sustained = consistentSymbol = markSynthesis = combination Tangible = concreteTightly = firmlyLesson 28Aggravating = irritating Amusement = diversion Conceivably = possibly Convert = alterCurative = healing Debilitating = weakening Deplete = consumeFinite = limitedPerceive = observeSecurity = safetyToxic = poisonousTranquility = peacefulnessTrap = retainUndeniably = absolutely Underestimated = miscalculated Lesson 29Acknowledge = recognize Acquire = obtainAssimilate = incorporate Assortment = selectionCaliber = qualityCondensed = concentrated Contradictory = inconsistent Disregard = ignorePrecious = cherished Prominent = renowned Requisite = demandedUnravel = separateVague = unclearVast = hugeV olume = quantityLesson 30Charisma = appealClever = astuteConvince = persuadeEndure = persevereForfeit = relinquish:丧失、放弃Precarious = hazardous Severe = seriousSporadic = erratic:不稳定的Superior = exceptional Wanton = senselessWeak = ineffective Widespread = extensive Wisdom = insight Witticism = humorWoo = attract。