
浅析英文商标的翻译原则与方法商务英语*****班 **摘要:在经济全球化的格局下,商标对产品的影响力也愈来愈大。
关键词:英文商标翻译原则方法Translation principle and method of English Trademark Name Abstract:Under the situation of economic globalization, trademark is more and moreimportant in business area. This paper will show the translation method as per thetranslation principle.Key Words:English trademark, Translation principle, Translation method前言随着我国市场经济的飞速发展,经济全球化的日益增长。
因此 ,随着中外产品交流的不断深入 ,商品商标的翻译问题不可避免地出现了。

商标的英汉翻译1. TrademarkTrademark是商标的英文翻译之一,是最常用的商标词汇。
2. BrandBrand是指品牌,是商业活动中对一个产品或服务的形象和品质的总称。
3. LogoLogo是商标中的图形标志,用于标识产品、公司或服务。
4. SymbolSymbol是商标的另一种英文翻译,它的含义与logo有些相似,但更广泛。
商标翻译时需要注意的问题1. 意译与直译商标中有些名称使用了中国特色的词语,如赛虎、招财猫等。

文化差异中的商标翻译【Abstract】A brand is shown by a name , a word , a sign , a symbol , a design or a combination of them. It is intended to identify the products or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brand-naming itself represents a strategically important issue and may determine the success or failure of a product. A good brand name can also save millions of dollars over the product's life because it carries its own meaning, describes the product's advantages, and differentiates the product significantly from its competitors. By reading the brand names , it is easy to tell the products from one to the other and to know the characters of products . For the good brand has the functions of distinguishing, providing information of products and being symbol of credit , the good brand has a good advertisement for the product and help to take in a larger market .With the globalization of world economy, especially with China‟s entry into the World Trade Organization, more and more people in China have realized the importance of good brand names and international brand names in promoting sales and cultivating markets. It is therefore not only necessary but also urgent to study on brand names and the brand translation upgrade to a new level . The main obstacle of brand translation is the different cultures . The cultural differences are represented by the forms of language . Due to the fact that brands are mainly described by language , there are some difficulties in the brand translation . Then , in this paper , apart from some general knowledge about brands, the cultural differences between English and Chinese brands are shown and some mistranslations are given . What is more, in order to avoid the cultural conflicts in translation, some common skills (including Transliteration, Semantic Translation and Trans-semantic Translation) and some creative skills (Effectiveness Translation, Character Translation, Approximation Translation and Elegance Translation ) are provided . And at the end of the paper , some general principles of brand translation are given for a good brand translation . 【Key Words】brands; culture differences ; translation ; skills【摘要】商标是商品和商业服务的标记.它是指商品生产者、经营者、服务提供者为了使自己生产、销售的商品或提供的服务,在市场上与其他商品或服务相区别而使用的一种标记。

关键词: 商标商标名文化蕴意商标翻译商标词的翻译是一种跨文化交际的过程,需要研究各国之间不同的文化、风俗、审美价值等方方面面。
美国广告大师E.S.Lewis提出广告的AIDA原则,认为一个成功的广告告应当具备以下四个特征:Attention(引人注意),Interest(令他人感兴趣),D esire(激起他人的购买欲望),Action(促成他人的购买行动)。

借助商标宣传商品,树立良好的企业形象, 已成为各国挖掘国际市场潜力和促进国际贸易发展的重要途径。
e.g. SANYO, PHILIPS, SHARP, RICOH, LUX, etc.也可象一般的专有名词那样,只将首字母大写,e. g. Kodak, Gillette, etc。
e. g. ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation);TCL(Today China Lion);GEC(General Electric Company),etc。
3.以公司的名称作为商标,e. g。
Shell(西方最大的石油公司之一)PHILIPS(菲利浦电器公司)SAMSUNG(三星电子公司)Motorola(摩托罗拉公司)4.连锁专卖店名称和商标一致,e. g. SHATE(沙特)、JEANSWEST(真维斯),SEPT-WOLVES(七匹狼)、GIORDANO(佐丹奴),GREEN APPLE(青苹果),etc。

商标作文英文翻译英文:Trademark is an important aspect of business that helps to distinguish a company's products or services from those of its competitors. As a business owner, I understand the value of having a strong trademark that can be easily recognized by customers.A good trademark should be unique, memorable, and easy to pronounce. It should also be able to convey the essence of the company's brand and values. For example, the Nike swoosh is a simple yet powerful trademark that represents the company's commitment to athleticism and performance.Having a strong trademark can also help to build brand loyalty and trust with customers. When people see afamiliar trademark, they are more likely to choose that brand over others. This is why companies invest so much time and money into creating and protecting theirtrademarks.However, it is important to ensure that your trademark does not infringe on the rights of others. Before choosing a trademark, it is important to conduct a thorough search to ensure that it is not already in use by another company. This can help to avoid costly legal battles and damage to your company's reputation.Overall, a strong trademark is essential for any business looking to build a strong brand and establishitself in the marketplace.中文:商标是企业的重要组成部分,有助于将公司的产品或服务与竞争对手区分开来。

比如:F Pierre Cardin (皮尔.卡丹)时装,是依照该时装的制造者Pierre Cardin 的姓名而定,Walt Disney (沃尔特.迪斯尼)制片公司,是依照公司创始人Walt Disney的姓名而定,奔腾汽车是取自该车的发明人Carl Friedric 中文商标中的李宁,邓亚萍也是如此。
2、地名商标Santana(桑塔纳)轿车,San Tana原是美国加利福尼亚洲一座山谷的名称;;Avon(雅芳)化妆品,来源于英国大戏剧家莎士比亚故居的一条河流的名字;Longines(浪琴)是瑞士圣依梅尔邻近的一小村庄,弗兰西龙和大卫在此创建了手表制造厂。
Nokia(诺基亚)手机是依照芬兰北部一座名为Nokia 的小镇命名的,最早的诺基亚公司建于此地。
有些商标词用形容词表示产品的特点质量,例如Giant 本来有庞大的意思,而该商标被翻译为捷安特,比喻其性能快捷而安全,既反映了商品(自行车与电动车)的特点,又迎合了消费者心理。
4、臆造商标词外语商标中专门多词汇差不多上命名人自己制造的,是商标设计者依照其产品特点功能销售等因素,借助某些构词法而够成的合成词,例如Kodak (柯达),读起来专门容易让人想到按动快门的声音,专门好的诠释了相机的产品特点,令宽敞消费者对其产品产生好感,并达到过目不忘的成效。

关键词:商标;文化差异;翻译原则;翻译方法AbstractWith the highly developing of commodity economy and international trade, the translation of trademarks becomes increasingly important and influential in the economic life. In a competitive market, the trademark of a product is one of the key factors for a company to achieve success. It determines the image, credit and economic power of a company. A successful trademark plays a noticeable role in developing the international market and creating the enterprise wealth. As one kind of cultural phenomenon, Chinese and English trademarks, which widely exist in social life, plays an important role in the public awareness of the enterprise commodity, the sales promotion, beautifying people's life, and especially, it connects the eastern and the western culture, the enterprise, the commodity and the consumers closely. From the perspective of cultural differences, this article attempts to outline the word origin and the characteristic of trademarks as well as the translation principle, introduce several kinds of trademark translation methods, and meanwhile discusses the phenomenon of cultural error in trademark translation.Key words: trademark; cultural difference; translation principle; translation method一、中英文商标的命名商标作为企业商品的一个重要组成部分,代表商品的符号,并随着商品交流的扩大而声名远扬。

1. 直译法:直接将商标名称按照字面意思进行翻译。
例如,将英文商标"Beauty Glow"直译为中文商标"美丽光辉"。
2. 意译法:根据商标名称所传达的含义或形象进行翻译。
例如,将英文商标"Nature's Secret"意译为中文商标"自然之秘"。
3. 音译法:根据商标名称的发音进行翻译。
4. 组合法:结合直译、意译和音译等多种翻译方式,将商标名称进行组合翻译。
例如,将英文商标"Soft & Smooth"组合翻译为中文商标"柔软细滑"。

Pierre Cardin (服装)皮尔拉丹Giant(自行车)捷安特Vigor(保健药)Nokia(手机)诺基亚Sumsung(电器)三星Olympus(照相机)奥林巴斯Supor (炉具)Chery(汽车)Aigo (U盘)Metro (商场)Sharp(电器)Pantene(洗发液)潘婷Dove(巧克力)德芙Marlboro(香烟品牌)万宝路Pizza Hut (比萨店)Pentium(英特尔芯片)喷通微处理器, 美国英特尔股份公司相对新产的中央处理单位(计算机用语)HP(电子仪器)惠普Colgate(牙膏品牌)高丽洁, 一种美国流行的牙膏Head&Shoulders(去屑洗发水)海飞丝Nestle(食品)雀巢Transfer(玩具)变形金刚Duracell(电池)Task 2: Put the following Chinese trademarks into English李字牌(蚊香)西湖牌(电视机)王老吉(饮料)吉利(汽车)恒源祥(毛衣)海信(电器)hisense先锋(音箱)青岛(啤酒)tsingtao傻子(瓜子)长虹(电器)changhong我只能答出者几个英文商标翻译的策略中文摘要商标是一种特殊的语言符号,是商品显着特征的浓缩,是商品文化的核心部分,是企业参与国际竞争的有力武器。
关键词:英文商标;翻译;策略AbstractTrademark is a special kind of language signs. It is the concentration of commodities’ distinct characteristics, the core of commodities’ culture, and the powerful weapon for an enterprise to participate in international competitions. It is not only a logo, also a lure, the final goal of which is to attract customers and sell commodities. Trademark translation conforms to the conception of semiology. Trademark translation is the process from decoding to coding and the process of re-creating and further processing. That is to say, trademark translation is the transplantation of two kinds of cultures. A good trademark translation may bring an enterprise huge wealth, whereas a bad one may let an enterprise suffer great loss. Therefore, an enterprise’s future is closely linked with trademark translation. At the same time, trademark translation can widen the linguistic research field, enrich the connotation of linguistics, and accelerate the combination of linguistic theoretic research and its practical application. This article profits from and absorbs other translation methods, resummarizes some translation strategies as well as proposes something to be paid attention to in view of the different strategies.Key word: English trademark; translation; translation strategies一.引言商标是商品的标志,是商品经济发展的产物,是商品生产者或经营者为使自己生产销售的商品区别于其他商品而使用的一种显着标志。

四川师范大学成都学院本科毕业论文On the C-E Translation of Trademark学生姓名杨敏学号2012119052所在学院外国语学院专业名称英语班级2012级旅游酒店 2班指导教师何灵四川师范大学成都学院二〇一六年五月On the C-E Translation of TrademarkAbstract: At present, Chin a's GDP has ranked the world’s second place and China has become a genuine giant both in economy and trade. With the development of economic globalization, trademarks are also slowly going to abroad. In particular, since entered to the WTO, our products have been out of the country but to the world. Among them, the trademark’s contribution to China’s economic development is essential. Therefore, the trademark translation is particularly important. It should not only have Chinese characteristics, but also it should be loved by consumers. Trademarks and brands represent the corporate image which is one of the intangible assets and wealth. A good name can leave a good impression on customers, which add appealing charm to the product. This paper mainly introduces the definition, characteristics and functions of the trademark and trademark translation methods. Translation methods can be divided into Transliteration, Literal translation, Free translation, Combination of Transliteration and Free Translation which can illustrate the importance of trademark translation. Producers can also increase interest in the success of the brand and make the world fall in love with the products which are made in China.Key words: trademarks translation methods strategies中文商标的英译学生:杨敏指导教师:何灵内容摘要:目前,中国的国内生产总值已位居世界第二,无论是在经济还是在贸易上,中国已成为一个真正的巨人。


大多数中文商标,依据中文的字面意思,直接翻译出来,如将“天绿园”(茶工厂)译为“natural green country”,这虽然严格遵循了翻译中的忠实原则,但未免略显冗长。
例如,化妆品“clean & clear”意为深层清洁。

毕业论文题目名称:从功能对等的角度论英汉商标翻译题目类型:研究论文学生姓名:赵金芳院 (系):外国语学院英语系专业班级:英语11203班指导教师:王娟辅导教师:时间:2015年11月20日至2016年5月28日从功能对等的角度论英汉商标翻译赵金芳总计:毕业论文28页指导教师:王娟评阅教师:张文完成日期:2016年5月28日On Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks from the Approach of Functional EquivalenceA ThesisPresented to the School of Foreign StudiesYangtze UniversityBy Zhao JinfangIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 2016Thesis Supervisor: Wang Juan毕业论文目录指导老师审查意见 (I)评阅老师评语 (II)答辩会议记录及成绩评定 (III)任务书 (IV)文献综述 (VII)中文摘要 (XIII)英文摘要 (XIV)正文目录 (XV)正文 (1)参考文献 (27)致谢 (28)长江大学毕业论文(设计)指导教师评审意见长江大学毕业论文(设计)评阅教师评语长江大学毕业论文任务书学院(系)外国语学院专业英语班级英语11203班学生姓名赵金芳指导教师/职称王娟/副教授1.毕业设计(论文)题目:从功能对等的角度论英汉商标翻译On Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks from the Approach of Functional Equivalence2.毕业设计(论文)起止时间2015年11月20日~2016年5月28日3. 毕业设计(论文)所需资料及原始数据(指导教师选定部分)[1]Hise, R.T.Basic Marketing [M], Massachusetts: Massachusetts Winthrop Publishers Inc, 1979.[2]Newmark, P.A Textbook of Translation [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPress, 2001.[3]Newmark, P.A Approaches to Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press, 2001.[4]Nida, nguage, Culture and Translating[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press, 1993.[5]Nida, E.A. Language and Culture[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPress, 2001.[6]Nida, E.A. Toward a Science of Translating [M], Leiden: EJ.Brill, 1964.[7]代荣.目的论与商标翻译[D].上海海事大学硕士学位论文,2003.[8]傅中选.实用翻译美学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1993.[9]贺川生.商标英语[M].长沙:湖南大学出版社,1997.[10]胡壮麟.语言学教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社,1998.[11]胡文仲.《英美文化辞典》[C].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1995.[12]黄贵,黄汉.《商标翻译中的功能对等》[J].《黄山学院学报》,2005[13]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.[14]贾文波.应用翻译功能论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2004.[15]金多才.商标策略[M].郑州:河南人民出版社,1998.[16]李群艳.从功能的角度看商标翻译[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报,2007.5.[17]李淑琴.英语商标词的选择及翻译[J].扬州职业大学学报试刊,1997.[18]陆国强.现代英语词汇学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1992.[19]刘功法.《论商标汉英翻译的几个关键问题》[J].《中国翻译》,2003.[20]曲德森.商标广告知识手册[Z]北京:华文出版社,1992.[21]沈苏儒.论信达雅---严复翻译理论研究[M] .北京:商务印书馆,1998.[22]谭载喜.奈达论翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1984.[23]王瑞华.试论商标名称的翻译原则与机制[D].清华大学硕士学位论文,2005.[24]文月娥,周小玲.功能对等论与商标翻译[J].湘潭师范学院学报,2005.7.[25]谢芳.功能翻译策略在商标词翻译中的运用[D].苏州大学硕士学位论文,2004.[26]张培基.英汉翻译教程[M], 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2014.[27]郑畅.从功能对等角度看英汉商标[D].广西师范大学硕士学位论文,2006. 4.毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要内容(一)有关商标的基本知识1.1 商标的定义1.2 商标的特点1.3商标的分类(二) 功能对等理论研究的基本情况2.1中国的功能对等理论研究2.2外国的功能对等理论研究2.3功能对等理论在指导商标翻译过程中的重要性(三)功能对等理论和商标翻译3.1功能对等的要求3.2影响商标翻译的因素3.3功能对等理论在商标翻译中的实际应用(四)商标翻译中的技巧和方法4.1音译4.2直译4.3混合翻译4.4创造翻译5.毕业设计(论文)的目标及具体要求1)在学校图书馆查阅相关的文献,为论文的写作做准备;2)拟订粗线条的论文大纲,指导教师认可后撰写详细的论文大纲;3)论文大纲获得指导教师的认可后,开始准备任务书和开题报告;4)按照规定的时间上交任务书和开题报告;5)开题报告获得通过后,进入论文的写作阶段。

(20 届)英语商标名称的翻译与策略On Brand Name Translation Studies and its TranslationStrategies全球经济一体化的今天,行业间的商业竞争日趋激烈,在这样的环境下,商标之于产品和企业的作用就更不可忽略。
关键词:商标;中英语言文化;商标翻译策略AbstractAs one of the best strategies of marketing,brand name is of vital importance in the keen competition of businesses in the global economy. Brand name to product is like name to people.A good brand name contributes to the good reputation of a company and can help to propel sales of products while a poor brand name could be disastrous to a company. With the fast development of the international economy, more and more companies are cultivating their markets outside their own nations. To successfully promote products in the global market,a good translation of the brand name is of utmost importance.Based on the characteristics of brand names and linguistic and cultural differences between Chinese and English, the thesis puts forward brand name translation strategies: transliteration, literal translation, combination of transliteration and literal translation and liberal or free translation,which is illustrated with numerous concrete examples. It is hoped that the present study can play facilitating roles for brand name translators and enterprises as well.Key words: brand name; linguistic and cultural differences; brand name translation strategiesContents蚊■ (i)Abstract ........................................................................................................................ I I Introduction . (1)Research Background (1)Research Purposes and Significance (1)Literature Review (2)Definitions of BrandNames (2)Characteristics of Brand Names (2)The Studies on Brand Names Translation Home and Abroad (5)Studies on Brand Names from the Economic Perspective (5)Studies on Brand Name Translation from Cultural Perspective (6)Studies on Brand Name Translation from Linguistic Perspective (7)Brand Name Translation Strategies (10)Introduction (10)Transliteration (10)Literal Translation (11)3.4. Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation (12)3.5 Liberal or Free Translation (13)Conclusion (17)Bibliography (18)1Introduction1.1Research BackgroundIn a world of rapid economic development, commercial exchange takes an even more important role than before. China, in such a developing condition is strengthening its communication with the outside world in terms of commercials. On the one hand, China,together with all the top brands it boasts is going global, on the other hand,the rest of the world is stepping into China,looking for chances to introduce and sell their top brands in the large potential market. A popular brand name is a must for the products promotion work, and it is also of vital importance to make sure that a good brand name maintains as a popular one when it is introduced to a new market. And this is the arduous task that a translator shoulders.However, in real life, we often encounter numerous lousy translations of brand names. A case in point is Chinese product 较身减月巴片,which is rendered into Obesity Reducing Tablets. When such product was exported to America,for a long period, the tablet was a slow seller. Through market research, it shows that brand name did not meet the people‟s psychological demand because this product was regarded as the medicine for obese people. Based on the above considerations, the author carries out a study on the brand name translation and its strategies,and hopefully the proposed strategies can shed light on brand name translation and guide translators in the translation practice.1.2Research Purposes and SignificanceTranslation is defined as “a complex action designed to achieve a particular purpose” (Newmark,2001: 6). When it comes to brand name translation, the ultimate purpose is to make target consumers know the products and further invite them to buy the products.According to this special purpose of brand name translation,we find it is necessary and significant that appropriate translation strategies of brand name must be develop to cope with this important branch of practical translation—brand name translation. Thus,this thesis makes an in-depth analysis of brand name translation and appropriate translation strategies.The purpose of the study is twofold. First, to arouse general awareness that brand name translation is significantly essential especially in the age of the globalization. Second, to put forward translation strategies which are highly amenable to the translation of brand names.2Literature Review2.1Definitions of Brand NamesThis thesis focuses on brand name translation,so it is important for us to have an overall understanding of what brand name is.“Branding makes a product distinctive in the marketplace,just as your name makes youunique in the society in which you live.”(Wells,Burnett and Moriarty, 1999: 89)It is “a name given by a producer to a particular product,by which it may be recognized from among alike products made by other producers.” (Longman Contemporary English-Chinese Dictionary English, 1988)“A trademark is any word,name, phrase,symbol,sign, design,or packaging that is distinctive and that identifies and distinguishes the source of a particular product. A trademark typically appears on the product or on its packaging•”((Lubliner,1993:16)Actually, people are confused in its conception even in Europe and America where commerce developed. A successful brand is defined,by Chernatony and McDonald (1994),as “an identifiable product,service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant unique added values which match their needs most closely”. In the British, consumers have been shown, by de Chernatony and McWilliam (1989),to hold typically one of four complementary and overlapping views of brands:1 • A visual identifier.2.A guarantee of consistent quality.3.A shorthand device.4.An expression of self-concept. (Chernatony and Me William, 1989: 29-32)The above-mentioned definitions prove the brand is a concept of compounding, it is formed by the brand outside mark (including name, term, pattern etc.),brand discerning, brand legend brand image,etc. While in this thesis, brand names mainly refer to the part of a brand that can be expressed in words.2.2Characteristics of Brand NamesAiming to build, reinforce, and reposition consumers‟ perceptions and understandings of a certain brand, brand names have the following four functions, that is, distinguishing products, providing information, ensuring guarantee and stimulating consumption desires.In order to build a positive image in the market and arouse favorable associations as well as purchasing desires in the mind of consumers, brand names are required to have the following major characteristics: brevity, sonority and memorability,significance,elegance and appropriateness,originality and novelty.Because of the peculiarity of the brand name that it carries the main and final purpose of achieving sales,the first and foremost characteristics of brand names are brevity,sonority and memorability. Only those brief,easy-to-understand and memorable brand names will win the approval of consumers.For example,Uha (悠哈),a candy brand name, is short and sweet. In pronouncing Uha,lovely,cute, adorabe feelings emerge in people‟s mind, which appeal to its target consumers. Apart from that,the translated brand name keeps the syllabus of the original name. ‚雅客’’(Yake),in the same way,the pronunciation is crispy,sonorous and agile. The Chinese version also gives us elegant and cultivated feelings. What‟s more,‚雅客‛ is the alternative name of the flower Narcissus. From above examples,the characteristics of brevity, sonority and memorability make brand names impressive,which are helpful to reach the purpose of sales of products.In most cases,brand names have rich meanings and associations. Apart from being brief,sonorous and memorable, another important characteristic of brand names is significance, in other words, brand names usually carry rich connotations. A case in point is the brand name ‚彩虹’’ (Irico),whose English version is composed of “Irix” and “Corporation”. Irix is a Goddess in Greek Mythology whose responsibility is to spread good news. This happens to be in li ne with this Group‟s purpose: to be the creator of a sweet life for human beings. If it was literally translated it into rainbow, the effect would be discounted.Goodyear, a tire brand name, means an auspicious and harvest year; the translated version ‚固特异‛ not only is similar to Goodyear in pronunciation but shows attributes of the product of being solid,special and unique.‚丙冷,’ (Serene) is an air-conditioning brand name. The meaning of “丙冷‟‟,in Chinese people‟s mind,is cold and dry; for the translated version Serene,though it contains more meanings as being clam, quiet and composed,the original meaning of coldness is reduced.Elegance and appropriateness refer to the meanings of brand names or the ideas they conveyed. Since the purpose of brand names is to be recognized and accepted by consumers,the information transferred by the brand name is required to be correct and appropriate, that is, in accordance with characteristics of the commodity. For instance:Band-aid----- 邦迪(bandage for first aid)Goldlion——金利来(shirt)Marlboro ---- 万宝路(cigarette)Giant ---- 捷安特(bicycle)Paloma ----- 白乐满(gas-burning appliance)Contac-----康泰克(cold medicine)天翼--- E-su对ing (net sdevice)‚天翼’’(E-surfing),a new brand released by China Telecom to fulfill the mass customers‟ need for information services. ‚天翼‛ means flying freely in the sky;accordingly,“e-surfing” means surfing the web to one‟s heart's content. With e-surfing, cell phones or laptops are like having wings flying freely in the online world. The translated brand name well transfers the meaning of the original brand name and thus can be regarded as an elegant and appropriate translated brand name.Giant is the brand name of a bicycle,whose original meanings are huge,great,or people of vision; the translated version furthers the original meanings and shows that the product is swift, safe and special. Besides, the pronunciation of ‚捷安特‛ is similar to the original brand name Giant. So, ‚捷安特‛ embodies the characteristics and meanings of the original brand name.To be unique and distinctive in the market,brand names of products are required to be original, novel and creative. The first impression of the brand name left in consumers‟ minds is very important and it constitutes a reason for the product to be selected among numerous products of the same type. So, a successful brand name and its translation are required to be instantly recognizable. Therefore, an excellent brand name holds attributes of novelty,attractiveness and originality.Take the wall clock brand EMIT as an example. The brand EMIT is said to be novel and original because it is the back-to-front spelling of the word “TIME”,meaning breaking through the traditions. What‟s more, EMIT is rendered into ‚情有独钟‟‟,in which, ‚钟’’ is endowed with the meanings of both the clock (referring to EMIT) and its original meaning in the set phrase. Both EMIT and ‚情有独钟’’ are interesting and impressive and can be said to be original and novel.The Chinese version of B.CHOW—‘‘比倘’’ is also an outstanding example because it vividly describes the mood of “want to be more charming and pretty than others”. This thought makes the brand name distinctive and impressive.The candy brand Fujiya is rendered into ‚不二家‛ which is interesting and fresh in the market. The Chinese version shows uniqueness,originality and individuality of the product.2.3The Studies on Brand Names Translation Home and AbroadVarious researchers have endeavored to study brand names. The previous studies on brand names can be categorized into three groups: 1) economic perspective; 2) cultural perspective; and 3) linguistic perspective.2.3.1Studies on Brand Names from the Economic PerspectiveBrand name is a product of economic development, so economic and market research on it plays an important role in our society. Based on the research findings, what the experts study mostly are how to create,design,market,develop,and manage brands. Aaker (a businessprofessor at University of California at Berkeley) and Kevin Keller are two American branding experts, who make theoretical and scientific analyses on brand names in their works. They contribute a lot to the research in this field. Aaker (1991) brilliantly examines how to create, market,develop, and manage brands strategically in the 1990s.Keller (1998) provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject of brands,brand equity,and strategic brand management, concerning the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build. John Murphy,a branding expert in Interbrand (global branding consultancy),has edited and published many guidebooks on brands. In addition,most researches on naming primarily focus on characteristics and functions of English names. For example,Peterson & Ross (1972) find that it is important to select names that build on familiar words,because consumers may already have positive notions about such words. Other researches demonstrate that the favorability of a brand name is used as a heuristic cue when consumers make product judgments (Maheswaran,Mackie & Chaiken,1992). The brand‟s role in the field of marketing has changed dramatically during the past decade. In the past, we used to name already existing products or companies in order to make them more attractive to consumers. In contrast recently, developing a brand means devising and implementing a way by which to deliver a benefit to consumers. Such concepts direct the development of products and services designed to supply the benefit,and even shape entire organizations for this purpose. Trade Mark English,ritten by He Chuansheng (1997),illustrates the motivation of brand formation from the perspectives of psychology,marketing,sociology and culture,meanwhile,he analyzes the effects of brand used as verbs and adjectives in modern English. His article, New Industry Survey of American Language report: brand name,is a survey of a flourishing language industry in the US (贺川生,2003). Psychology is closely related to brand naming when we want to create a successful brand. Hou Ruilong (1997: 260) explores the psychological strategies of brand naming and indicates what a trap is when strategies of single brand name are used.2.3.2Studies on Brand Name Translation from Cultural PerspectiveAnalysis on brand names translation covers the majority of language research of this field in China. Zhu Fan (2002) makes a comment on brand names translation in her article, a most representative study based on more than 120 articles from 1994-2001. According to the principles and features of brand names, Guo Shangxing (1995) divides brand names into five categories and indicates problems of brand name translation in China. Chen Quanming (1996) introduces four methods for English-Chinese import brand name translation. Peng Shiyu (2001)proposes four methods for C-E brand name translation: homophonic translation,literal translation, direct translation and blending translation,in which blending translation is the best way to internationalize Chinese brand names. Bao Huinan (2001) analyzes principles of translation from Chinese brand name to English from the perspective of language and culture. She considers most Chinese brand names are in the form of Chinese characters or Pinyin, so the products with such brand names are sold well in domestic market but not in foreign market. Teng Yanjiang(2004) attempts to point out the phenomenon of cultural aphasia in C-E trademark translation and shows the way of dealing with such problems in C-E trademark translation and how to avoid such mistakes in practice.Verbification of brand names originates in 1940s,which is a fresh language phenomenon. In China, translation on verbification of brand names is from Zhang Dinxing(1997) who makes a preliminary study on its word source, history background, meaning and translation. He also stresses that “verbification of vehicle‟s brand names is a new trend in modern English vocabular y and verbification of automobile brand names is the most popular”(张定兴,1998). The article is limited in describing brand names examples,which is a conclusion of rules or language features on verbification. So Zhang Dinxing (1999) studies it from the view of stylistics and pragmatics on the basis of his further research on English brand names. He considers, in order to translate verbification of brand names very well,translators must constantly learn new knowledge and read foreign newspapers and journals as much as possible.Ever since brands come into being, they are blessed with cultural meaning and closely connected with culture. Ethical cultural meaning is contained in a small brand name, in which lexical meaning is added with emotion,cultural symbol or cultural association.Brand names can express their special meanings and be understood only under the specific cultural background. Companies pay attention to both the form of brand and its culture, so there are many cultural studies on brand names.Cao Zhiyun (1992: 165) analyzes the culture phenomena of Chinese brand naming, and illustrates the characteristics of brand language such as distinction, art and social function. Peng Shiyu (2001) holds that the design of Chinese brand and brand names should not only absorb other culture‟s virtue but also work out how they will be accepted easily,which makes Chinese brand and brand names international Zhang Xiangyang(2005) probes the cultural implication and object of automobile brand names. Because of different cultures,English and Chinese brand names are different from each other. Geuens & Pelsmacker (1999) make a comparison between brand naming in English and Chinese, “there are some common points in naming brand names in English and brand names in Chinese. Brand names are relatively short, so generallyspeaking,such devices as symbolism and association are used in naming so as to convey the information about the products as much as possible. But there are some obvious differences in the brand names in English and the brand names in Chinese because of the differences between the cultural psychology,the linguistic characteristics and the way of thinking.” Hu Kaibao (1999) conducts a research on some differences between English and Chinese brand names from the perspectives of the sources of brand names, syllables, relations between quality of product and its brand name.233 Studies on Brand Name Translation from Linguistic Perspective Scholars in US attach much importance to linguistic research on brand names. The most famous representative is Vanden (1987) who analyzes language features of 200 brand names from 1971 to 1985 in US. Aronoff (1981) published his Automobile Semantics in the journal Linguistic Inquiry. Ingrid Filler‟s PhD dissertation American Automobile Names (1996) can be reckoned as one of the best literatures on brand naming available at present. By studying the place names of automobile in general language, she thoroughly investigates the nature of American automobile names which are collected from a corpus of more than 2000 such names. Robertson, K. (1987),a psychologist,puts efforts into the study of proper names, including brand names and published Dictionary of Trade Name Origins, which collects quite a lot of famous brand names.In China,the study of brand names can be traced back to Zhuang Hecheng (1988) and Sun Dequan (1988) who are the first Chinese scholars in this field studying simple features of brand names and problems of translation. Zhu Yajun(2003) studies brand names from the perspective of some branches of linguistics,which include phonetics, grammar,semantics,pragmatics,semiotics,translation, and indicates relevant factors of brand naming. He takes the functional equivalence theory to describe brand name translation and provides three principles: accordant,relevant, brief,and three translation methods: equivalent method,complementary method and homophonic method. It has mentioned that a brand name with favorable (positive) associations to consumer psychology will contribute to the success of this brand.The literatures about lexical analysis for brand name are limited. Liang Guotao (1992) divides trademarks into three categories: name trademark words, such as Cadillac.,word trademark words, such as Apple; arbitrary trademark words, in which word-formation is applied, such as Kodak.Liang Guotao(1998) adds the fourth category of brand names—shortening trademark word, such as IBM and says brand names are different from common words, because they are industry property right. Hou Ruilong(1997: 260) explores the psychological strategiesof brand naming, and figured there is a trap of brand naming in using the strategy of single brand name, which would lead to failure of enterprises. Wu Hanjiang & Cao Wei(2005) introduces brand names,words, letters and numbers in brands, gives classification of Chinese brands, analyzes phonetic,lexical and syntactic features of brand language. As brand names cannot be arbitrarily created, Zhu Wangzhong & Su Gailian (2006) briefly analyze the motivation of pronunciation, word-formation and meaning of coined English brand names and gives some cases of brand names of export product.The previous literature shows us a lot of successful achievements on the research of brand names,yet there are still some problems left. Many linguists focus their research on proper names but pay little attention to brand names. According to the previous literature which is mostly about economics, translation,culture and linguistics, we can find the previous studies do not elaborate on the translation strategies that are appropriate to translation of brand names. Under this backdrop,the present study conduct research in this field with the hope of arousing the public‟s awareness of brand name translation and at the same time, offering app ropriate translation strategies that can render a well-translated brand name.3Brand Name Translation Strategies3.1IntroductionThe translation of brand names is not a simple transfer from one language to another; instead,it is a recreation process. The same brand name may have different translations to stand for different types of products. For example, the baby‟s daily use cosmetic Johnson & Johnson is translated into 虽生”,while an enterprise named as Johnson is translated into ‚庄臣As an underwear brand name, Triumph is rendered into ‚黛安芬”,but as a car brand name, it is translated into ‚凯旋As a chocolate brand name, Dove is translated into ‚德芙‟‟, while as a body wash,it is rendered into‚多芬Apart from this,Dove can also be translated into ‚多福’’ or ‚得福‟‟,which are meaningful and fortunate in Chinese people‟s eyes.Different from common language translations, brand name translations consider more on the nonlinguistic factors,such as products and consumers, esp. cultural factors infiltrated in language. Some translation strategies for the translation of brand names are listed as follows.3.2TransliterationIn translating English brand names, transliteration is a strategy that cannot be ignored. The advantage of this strategy is that it is easy and feasible; meanwhile,the strategy of transliteration endows translated brand names with exotic tints and feelings. This strategy is widely used in the translation of brand names because it not only keeps the consistency of product images globally,but also remains the rhythmic beauty and sonorous beauty of original brand names. For example:Motorola ----- •摩托罗拉(cell phone)Swatch ---- 斯沃琪(观tches)Pocky-----百奇(decorating biscuit)Subway----- 赛白味(fast food)Eucerin ----- 优色林(cosmetic)Reebok ---- 锐步(shoe)Sharp ----- 夏徵electronic home appliance)Kelon ----- 科龙(electronic home appliance)Galanz ---- 格兰仕(electronic home appliance)Ericsso ---- 爱立信(cell phone)Virjoy ——唯洁雅(tissue)Nepia -----妮飘(tissue)In the translation of Pocky and Subway, the translated brand names ‚ 白奇‛ and ‚赛白味‛ not only are similar to the original pronunciations,but expend the meanings of the original names. Pocky shows a magical pocket that produces various wonders,which is in accordance with Chinese people‟s psychology of being fond of surprises and expectations; while Subway mean to show that their service speed is faster even than a subway and their food taste better than any others.To sum up, the transliteration strategy emphasizes phonological forms of brand names, going after phonological similarities between brand names in the source language and the target language. It tries to find out the same or similar words or morphemes to the original brand names. This strategy confines translators to the phonological forms of brand names in source languages but gives translators wide flexibilities in conferring meanings to translated brand names.3.3Literal TranslationLiteral translation means to translate brand names directly on the basis of its literal meanings. This strategy is adopted when the translated brand names have the same cultural images as in the source language. As the major strategy for the translation of brand names,the literal translation strategy maintains characteristics of original brand names and conveys accurate original information and feelings directly and precisely. For example: Tiger ----- 虎(beer)Crown ---- 皇冠(automobile)Playboy ----- 花花子(clothing)Cover girl --- 封面女郎(cosmetic)Fair Lady ---- 贵夫人(cosmetic、Good Companion ----- 良友(cigarette)Naughty Monkey ---- 顽皮猴(clothing)Blue Ribbon ---- 蓝带(beer)May flower--- :五花(tissue)营养快线--- Nutri-express( beverage)Among these examples, the original brand name Tiger gives people the feelings of bravery and fierceness,which are liked by most male consumers. The literally translated brand name ‚虎‛ well conveys the information of the source language; at the same time, it attracts the attention of target consumers. Thus the brand names in both the source language and the targetlanguage well perform the function of promotion.Blue Ribbon is rendered into ‚蓝带Blue Ribbon,in English,has connotations of masterpiece, the highest honor,top-ranking,etc.; however,these meanings are not loaded on the correspondingly translated brand name ‚蓝带”,which just means ribbons of the blue color. The same situation happens to transliteration in some cases. Thus there are some limitations for both the transliteration and the literal translation strategies.3.4. Combination of Transliteration and Literal TranslationThe strategy of the combination of transliteration and literal translation makes translated version of brand names close to the original brand names both in meanings and in pronunciations. For example:沧沧--- C hacheer (melon seeds)回力--- W arrior( shoe)Xtep ---- 特步(shoe)Seven up ----- 匕喜(bevercige)Pampers ------帮宝适(diaper)Polaroid ---- 拍立得(camera)Hygienix ----- 洁云(tissue)Kleene ----- 舍了,洁(tissue)Signal ---- 洁诺(toothpaste)Colgate ---- 高露'洁(toothpaste、Walex ---- 威洁丄.(washing powder)HiSense ---- 海信{TN set)Povos ---- 奔職electrical home appliance)相宜木亨-- Si noway Herb (cosmetic)The translated version of …‘洽洽’’ (Chacheer) combines the pronunciation of ‘‘洽’’ and its meaning of being happy or cheerful. The sneaker brand name “[H|力‛ is translated into Warrior,which is similar not only to ‚回力’’ in pronunciation, but also in meaning. Semantically, ‚回力‛ means tremendous power to overcome difficulties,corresponding with the meaning of the word “Warrior”. So it is thought that people who wear the Warrior sneaker would be like a warrior who had tremendous powers.‚相3T•木草‟‟,literally means to maintain skins with herbs; its translated version Sin 側ay Herb, means the Chinese way of protecting skins with herbs. The translated version helps foreign customers to know more about the product.。

音译法含义含义 把原语商标中的音翻译成发音相似或相同的目的语的翻译法。

商标作文英文翻译英文:Trademark, also known as a brand, is a unique symbol, design, word, or phrase that distinguishes a product or service from others in the market. It is a valuable asset for any business as it helps to establish a strong brand identity and reputation.Having a registered trademark provides legal protection against others using your brand name or logo without permission. This helps to prevent confusion among consumers and ensures that your business is the only one that can use your brand in the market.For example, the Nike swoosh logo is a registered trademark that is instantly recognizable and associated with the brand's quality and performance. If another company were to use a similar logo, it could lead to confusion among consumers and damage Nike's reputation.In addition to legal protection, trademarks can also increase the value of a business. A strong brand with a recognized trademark can attract customers and investors, leading to increased profits and growth opportunities.Overall, a trademark is an essential aspect of any successful business and should be carefully chosen and protected.中文:商标,也称为品牌,是一种独特的标志、设计、词语或短语,可以将产品或服务与市场上的其他产品或服务区分开来。

关键词英语商标词目的论翻译On the Translation of English Trademark Words from thePerspective of Skopos Theory //Zhu Yunli Abstract Successful trademark words can satisfy the psychologi-cal demands of consumers,stimulate their purchase desire,and bring huge profits to enterprises.Functionalist approaches have a strong explanatory power for the translation of English trademark words.The purpose of translation determines what kind of trans-lation strategies and methods should be adopted in the practice of trademark word translation to realize the communicative purpose and expected effect of the source language.Key words English trademark words;skopos theory;translation 作为商品经济高度发展的产物,商标就是商品经营者为了使自己的商品在市场上同其他的商品相区别而使用的一种商业性标注。

Good afternoon, professors. I am Yu Lingyao, from English 102 and my supervisor is Lu Min. With her invaluable advice, constant encouragements and precise modification, I have finished my thesis. The title of my thesis is Brief Analysis of Influencing Factors and Methods in Chinese-English Trademark TranslationI choose it as my topic due to the following reasons. With the development of the economic globalization, there are more and more trade exchanges between China and other countries. Trademark plays an important role in it. Therefore, we should pay enough attention on it. On the one hand, a gorgeous trademark can not only keep the essence of the products but also cater the taste of target consumers and hence bring unexpected marketing effect. On the other hand, trademark, as a special business language, is quite distinctive from other languages. It usually manifests as simple words but there are rich cultural connotation of enterprises and information of products in it. I think the topic is worth studying.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one provides a general introduction, mainly concerning the importance and necessity of trademark translation. Chapter two is the literature review, mainly focuses on the present research on the trademark translation, including the influencing factors and methods. Chapter three concludes the factors to be taken into consideration especially from the perspective of consumers. Chapter four is the main parts, which presents the methods of trademark translation. Chapter five is a conclusion, which concludes the my create points and the limitation of the thesis.。
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诸多学者曾用过这样的例子:中国人见面时常说的“你吃了吗?”,如果按字面意义将其翻译为:“Have y ou had a meal ?”西方人是很难认同这句话的真实意图的。
因此,应以功能对等来译该句:“Hi”,“Hello”,或“How are you?”实际上,这里的功能对等就是语用对等。
语用语言失误指对语言语境把握不当导致的语用失误,它是由两种不同语言之间的差异引起的,既可表现为说话人认为听话人能充分理解自己而表达不当,致使听话人误解话语含义,又可表现为与谈话双方的身份、会话的语域、话题的熟悉程度等因素有关(何自然,1997:207 )。
我国有一种出口试销美国的“轻身减肥片”开始时无人问津,市场调查发现问题出在该商品的英译名“obesity-reducing Tablets”,在美国人看来此药是专为“obese people”(特大胖子)服用的,有违购买者的消费心理,改译为“Slimming Pills”后便打开了销路。
此外,“白象”这个电池的商标被仅仅根据字面意思简单地翻译成“white elephant”,“white elephant”在英语中的意思是价格昂贵没有实际用途的东西。
“蓝天牌”牙膏,“blue sky”在英语词典中有特殊含义,指的是不切实际、纯理论性的、财务不健全的、企业收不回的债券;(股票)不可靠的。