
60句英语口语常用句型带翻译"What do you think?" - 你认为呢?"I'll take care of it." - 我会处理好的。
"I'm looking forward to it." - 我期待着。
"I'm on my way." - 我在路上。
"I'll get back to you." - 我会回复你的。
"I'm not ready yet." - 我还没准备好。
"I'm in a hurry." - 我在匆忙。
"I'm starving." - 我饿极了。
"I'm exhausted." - 我累极了。
"I'm proud of you." - 我为你感到骄傲。
"I'm in trouble." - 我有麻烦了。
"I'm not feeling well." - 我身体不舒服。
"I'm sorry to hear that." - 很遗憾听到这个。
"I'm glad to hear that." - 很高兴听到这个。
"I'm not interested." - 我不感兴趣。
"I'm curious." - 我很好奇。
"I'm surprised." - 我很惊讶。
"I'm nervous." - 我有点紧张。
"I'm happy." - 我很高兴。

高中英语常用50句句型翻译1、你没有必需提早预约音乐会的票(needn.)Thereisnoneedforyoutobooktheticketfortheconcertinadvance.2、在专家眼前弄斧班门是没有利处的(goodn.show)Itisnogoodshowingoffinthepresenceofsomanyexperts.3、假如你不可以集中精神学习,熬夜是没实用的(use)Itisnousestayinguplateifyoucan’tfocusyourattentiononyourstudy.4、诉苦交通情况是浪费时间(waste)It’sawasteoftimemakingcomplaintsaboutthetransportationsystem.5、我感觉你有必需在应聘以前接受一些训练(it)Ifinditnecessaryforyoutohavesomet rainingbeforeyouapplyforanewjob.6、我忽然想起来我忘掉提示班长会合的时间了(occur)Itsuddenlyoccurredtomethatiforgottoremindthemonitorofthegatheringtime.7、仿佛John 对於赢获成功没有什麽信心,你最好对他说些鼓舞的话ItseemsthatJohnisnotveryconfidentofwinningandyou’dbettersayafewencou ragingwordstohim.8、第一目睹到她,我就不由得爱上她了(thefirsttime)Thefirsttimeisawher,icouldn’thelpfallinginlovewithher.9、你在阅读上花时间越多,获得进步越大Themoretimeyouspendinreading,themorerapidprogressyouwillmake.10、他获取成功的原由是他从不丧失期心,从不功亏一篑(halfway)Thereasonwhyheachievedsuccesswasthatheneverlostheartandgaveuphalfway.11、重要的不是你说些什麽而是你怎样演讲(matter)Whatmattersisnotwhat’sinyourspeechbuthowyoudeliveryourspeech.12、再努力一下,你就能成功(effort)Makeanothereffort,andyou’llsucceed.13、只管教课经验不足,他老是倾尽全力的知足学生的需求(spare)Inspiteofthefactthathelacksteachingexperience,hesparesnoefforttomeetthedemandofhiss tudent.14、不可以否定,他的勇气和坚持为他博得了很高的名誉(deny)Thereisnodenyingthathiscourageandperseverancewonhimgreatreputation.15、无须置疑,这场事故应当怪司机(doubt)Thereisnodoubtthatthedriveristoblamefortheaccident.16、吹捧你能跑多快没意思(point)Thereisnopointboastingabouthowfastyoucanrun.17、过不了多久这位老人就能从疾病中康复(before)Itwon’tbelongbeforetheoldmanrecoversfromhisillness.18、假如你能联系上那家电脑企业我将不胜感谢(appreciate)I’dappreciateitverymuchifyoucouldmakecontactwiththecomputercompany.19、听说缺席此次会议的人数达到了100人(add)It’ssaidthatthenumberofpeoplewhoareabsentfromthemeetingaddsupto100.20、有志者,事竟成(where)Wherethereisawill,thereisaway.21、俗语说,值得一做的事就值得做好(worth)Asanoldsayinggoes,whatisworthdoingisworthdoingwell.22、有信息传出,这位着名的女演员(word)Wordcamethatthefamousactresswasaccusedofmurder.23、仿佛没有必需再等,很有可能他们不会出现了(needn.chances)Thereseemsnoneedtowaitanymoreandchancesarethattheywon’tturnup.24、这个计划能否能顺利推行还有待察看(remain)Itremainstobeseenwhethertheplancanbecarriedoutsmoothly.25、令我们最惊讶的是它能在这麽短的时间内适应新的环境(adapt)Whatsurprisedmemostwasthathecouldadapthimselftothenewsurroundingsduringsuchashorttime.26、是你经过自信察看得出结论的时候了(hightime)It’s(about/high)timeforyoutodraw/form/make/arriveataconclusionaftercarefulobser vation.27、她刚下火车我就发现她把笔录本电脑落在坐位上了(Hardly)Hardlyhadshegotoffthetrainwhenifoundthatsheleftherlaptoponthechair.28、难怪他不饿,他成天吃糖(wonder)It’snowonderthatheisnothungry,hehasbeeneatingsweetsallday.29、直到他被授与了诺贝尔奖和平奖,人们才知道他的名字(Not)NotuntilhewasrewardedtheNobelPeacePrizedidpeopleknowhisname.30、正是由于这场死亡十人的可怕的交通事故,这条路被封了数小时(It)Itwasbecauseoftheterribleaccidentinvolving10peoplethattheroadwasclosedforhours.31、只有停电的时候我们才会心识到电的重要(Only)Onlywhenthereisapowercutcanwere alizehowimportantelectricityis.32、谈到物理,我一片茫然(cometo)Whenitcomestophysics,I’mcompletelyatsea.33、人们以为政府理所自然应当采纳行动阻断疾病的流传(It)Itistakenforgrantedthatthegovernmentshouldtakeactiontopreventthediseasefromspreading.3 4、尽人皆知,好多要素促成了他在科学研究上的成就(contribute)AsisknowntoallIti sknowntoallthatmanyfactorscontributedtohisgreatachievementinscientificresea rch.thatmanyfactorscontributedtohisgreatachievementinscientificresea rch.35、实现登月之梦花了人类好多年(It)Ittakesmanmanyyearstorealizethedreamoflandingonthemoon.36、有可能老师会采用学生会提出的建议(likely)It’slikelythattheteacherwilltake/adopttheadviceputforwardbytheStudents’Union .Theteacheri slikelytotake/adopttheadviceputforwardbytheStudents’Union.37、他出国已经五年了(since)Itis5yearssincehewentabroad.38、教授这样专注于实验,没有觉察到变化无常的天气(absorb)Theprofessorwassoabsorbedintheexperimentthathewasnotawareofthechangingweather.39、必定要把安全守则切记心中(sure)Besuretokeepthesafetyrulesinmind.40、他退休後必定会把企业转交给他的儿子(certain)Itiscertainthathe’llhandoverhiscompanytohissonafterretirement.41、有种日趋发展的趋向,人们在网上购物而不是去商场(instead)Thereisagrowingtrendthatpeopleshoponlineinsteadofgoingtothedepartmentstores.42、阅读对於脑筋就像事物对於身体(what)Readingistothemindwhatfoodistothebody.43、你同不一样意这个计划不重要(makedifference)Itmakesnodifferencewhetheryouagreetotheplanornot.44、我们能否要推延运动会取决於天气(It)Italldependsontheweatherwhetherwe’llputoffthesportsmeeting.45、这位老人把每日进行的一小时体育锻炼作为一项规定(it)Theoldmanmakesitaruletodoanhour’sphysical exerciseeveryday.46、请确立你在预约的日期前达成这项工作(sure)Makesurethatyoufinishthetaskbeforethescheduleddate.47、你和新同事相处不行能费劲(difficulty)Itisimpossibleforyoutohaveanydifficultyingettingalongwithyournewcolleagues.48、他特别崇高把一世都奉献给帮助聋儿(It)Itisnobleofhertodevoteherlifetohelpingthedeafchildren.49、你最好留出足够的钱来支付额外的开支(setaside)You’dbettersetasideenoughmoneytopayfortheextraexpense.It’sbetterforyoutosetasi deenoughmoneytopayfortheextraexpense.。

高中英语高级句型例句及翻译1.虚拟条件句–If I were you, I would study harder.如果我是你,我会更努力学习。
–We would have won the match if we had trained harder. 如果我们训练更加努力,我们会赢得比赛。
2.强调句–It was John who won the first prize. 获得一等奖的是约翰。
–The key to success lies in hard work. 成功的关键在于努力工作。
3.倒装句–Not until he left did I realize my true feelings. 直到他离开,我才意识到自己真正的感受。
–Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。
4.主从复合句–I will go shopping with you when I finish my homework. 当我完成作业后,我会和你一起去购物。
–He said that he would help us if we needed. 他说如果我们需要的话,他会帮助我们。
5.虚拟语气–If she were a bird, she would fly to the sky. 如果她是一只鸟,她会飞向天空。
–I wish I could play the piano like him. 我希望我能像他一样弹钢琴。
6.比较状语从句–He runs faster than I do. 他跑得比我快。
7.连词–Not only does he speak English well, but he also singsbeautifully. 他不仅英语说得好,而且唱歌也很好。
–She is both intelligent and hardworking. 她既聪明又勤奋。
8.虚拟语气–If it were not for your help, we would not have made it. 如果不是你的帮助,我们不可能成功。

英语作文通用万能句子整句带翻译1.To begin with, it is well known that… - 首先,众所周知…2.It is universally acknowledged that… - 众所周知…3.It goes without saying that… - 不言而喻…4.There is no denying that… - 不可否认…5.It is widely believed that… - 广泛认为…6.As far as I am concerned… - 就我而言…7.It is well accepted that… - 众所接受…8.From my point of view… - 在我看来…9.It is commonly believed that… - 普遍认为…10.As I see it… - 在我看来…11.In my opinion… - 在我看来…12.In conclusion… - 总之…13.Taking everything into consideration… - 在考虑到所有情况下…14.As to whether… - 至于是否…15.It is clear that… - 明显…16.According to the statistics… - 根据统计数据…17.Recent studies have shown that… - 最近的研究表明…18.To sum up… - 总结…19.In a nutshell… - 简而言之…20.Based on the above analysis… - 基于上述分析…以上是对英语作文中常用的万能句子整句带翻译的总结,相信能够帮助您在写作过程中更好地表达观点和思路。

100句英语常用句型一、表达观点1.In my opinion,...(在我看来……)2.I think...(我认为……)3.As far as I'm concerned,...(就我而言……)4.It seems to me that...(在我看来……)5.I believe...(我相信……)6.From my perspective,...(从我的角度来看……)7.Personally, I feel that...(就个人而言,我觉得……)二、询问意见8.What's your opinion?(你有什么看法?)9.How do you think about it?(你觉得怎么样?)10.What's your view on this matter?(你对这件事有什么看法?)11.Do you have any thoughts on...?(你对……有什么想法吗?)12.Could you give me your opinion on...?(你能给我你对……的意见吗?)三、同意与不同意13.I agree with you.(我同意你的观点。
)14.I couldn't agree more.(我完全同意。
)15.That's exactly what I think.(那正是我所想的。
)16.I'm of the same opinion.(我有同样的看法。
)17.On the contrary, I don't think so.(相反,我不这么认为。
)18.I disagree with you.(我不同意你的观点。
)19.I'm afraid I can't agree.(恐怕我不能同意。
)20.That's not how I see it.(我不是这么看的。
)四、请求帮助21.Could you help me?(你能帮我吗?)22.Would you please do me a favor?(你能帮我个忙吗?)23.Can you give me a hand?(你能帮我一下吗?)24.I need your help.(我需要你的帮助。

62个常用英语句型和例句:1. Subject + used to + verb...意思:表示过去常常做某事,现在不再做了。
I used to play basketball every day.我过去每天打篮球。
She used to get up early.她过去早起。
John used to stay up late.约翰过去经常熬夜。
2. Subject + be used to + verb-ing/noun.意思:表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某物。
She is used to getting up early.她习惯早起。
He is used to the cold weather.他习惯了寒冷的天气。
They are used to working late.他们习惯了工作到很晚。
3. Subject + prefer + noun/verb-ing + to + noun/verb-ing.意思:表示更喜欢做某事而不是另一件事。
I prefer reading to watching TV.我更喜欢阅读而不是看电视。
She prefers tea to coffee.她更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。
They prefer walking to driving.他们更喜欢步行而不是开车。
4. Subject + had better (not) + verb...意思:表示建议最好做某事或不做某事。
You had better finish your homework.你最好完成作业。
She had better not go out tonight.她今晚最好不要外出。
We had better take an umbrella.我们最好带把伞。
5. It seems that...意思:表示似乎,好像。
It seems that he is not coming.他似乎不来了。
It seems that they are busy.他们似乎很忙。

1. 英汉翻译时的倒装句型:汉语中的“是......的”结构翻译成英语时,需要使用倒装结构。
This was a meeting that I attended last month.2. 英汉翻译时的强调句型:汉语中的“正是......才......”结构翻译成英语时,需要使用强调句型。
It was his help that made me succeed.3. 英汉翻译时的比较句型:当英文句子中出现比较句型时,我们要注意使用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式。
He is taller than me.这部电影是他导演过的最好的一部。
This is the best movie he has ever directed.4. 英汉翻译时的陈述句型:陈述句是英语翻译中最常见的句型,需要注意准确表达句子的意思。
I bought a book yesterday.5. 英汉翻译时的问句句型:问句句型是英语翻译中提问的常见形式,通常需要使用特殊疑问词。
例如:他在哪里上学?Where does he go to school?6. 英汉翻译时的感叹句型:感叹句句型是表达惊讶、喜悦、嘲讽等感情的常见形式。
例如:多么漂亮的房子!What a beautiful house!7. 英汉翻译时的虚拟条件句型:虚拟条件句型是表达假设、推测等情况的常见形式,需要使用虚拟语气。
If I were you, I would travel.8. 英汉翻译时的被动句型:被动句型是强调动作的接受者而非执行者的常见形式。

初中英语基本句型翻译(45个)1. It’s time to do sth 是时候干……It’s time to go home./to play computer games./ for school.是回家/玩电子游戏/上学的时候了。
2. it is adj for sb to do sthIt’s bad for you to spit on the ground. 随地吐痰不好。
Smoking is bad for your health. 抽烟不利于你的健康。
Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. 吃过多的糖对你的牙齿有害。
3. it takes sb some time to do sthIt took me half an hour to fall asleep last night. 昨天夜里我花了半个小时才入睡。
4. you’d better do sth 你最好You’d better put away all your clothes./go over your homework again./ read more books.你最好把你的衣服收好/再检查一遍你的作业/多读几本书。
You’d better not go until your aunt arrives. 你最好等你的姨妈到了以后再走。
5. Would you like to do sth? I’d like to do sth 你愿意……?/ 我愿意……I’d like to go there on foot. / by bus. 我愿意步行/坐公共汽车到那儿去。
Would you like him to make a phone call to you? 您愿意他打电话给您么?6. can’t wait to do sth 等不及做某事I can’t wait to pack my bag. 我等不及打我的包了。

英文常用的62个英语句型句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船.句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth.What’s wrong with your watch你的手表有什么毛病句型3:How do you like...How do you like China你觉得中国怎么样句型4:What do you like about...What do you like about China你喜欢中国的什么句型5:had better(not)+动词原形You’d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。
句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!How cold it is today !今天多冷啊!What a fine picture it is!多美的一幅图画呀!句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth.Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。
句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。
句型9:... not ... until ...He didn’t have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。
句型10:比较级+and+比较级The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害。
句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越贪。
句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...…not as(so) +adj. / adv. +as ...Do you think that art is as important as music你认为艺术和音乐一样重要吗Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today. 上个星期天的天气不如今天的天气潮湿。
英语100个绝佳句型 口语要素 口语精华

英语100个绝佳句型1.I’m an office worker. 我是上班族。
2.I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。
3.I’m happy to meet you.很高兴见到你。
4.I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。
5.I’m glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。
6.I’ll call you.我会打电话给你。
7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk.我想睡/散步。
8.I want something to eat.我想吃点东西。
9.I need your help.我需要你的帮助。
10.I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和你谈一下。
11.I have a lot of problems.我有很多问题。
12.I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想成真。
13.I’m looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你。
14.I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise.我应该节食/涨工资。
15.I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!16.I see what your mean.我了解你的意思。
17.I can’t do this.我不能这么做。
18.Let me explain why I was late.让我解释迟到的理由。
19.Let’s have a beer or something.咱们喝点啤酒什么的。
20.Where is your office?你们的办公室在哪?21.What is your plan?你的计划是什么?22.When is the store closing?这家店什么时候结束营业?23.Are you sure you can come by at nine?你肯定你九点能来吗?24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10?我可以十点过后再回家吗?25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

四六级翻译必背句型301)It is +形容词+that…It is conceivable that knowledge plays animportant part in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的生活中扮演着一个重要的角色。
2)It is +形容词+ to do/ doingShe had said what it was necessary to say.她已经说了一切有必要说的话。
3)祈使句/名词+ and/orWork hard, and you will finally be able toreach your goal.努力工作,你就能实现自己的目标。
4)as + many/much +名词+ asIt is said that visitors spend only half asmuch money in a day in Leeds as in London.据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。
5)倍数词+ as +形容词+ asThe pool is three times as big as it wasten years ago.这个水池的面积是十年前的三倍。
6) 倍数词+ more +名词/形容词+ thanSmoking is so harmful to physical healththat it kills seven times more people each year than auto accidents.吸烟对人体健康的危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。
7)(not)as/ so...as 和……(不)一样The environmental pollution is not asserious as they suggested in their report.环境污染没有他们在报告中说得那么严重。
8)no more...than 与……一样不She is no more fit to be a manager than aschoolgirl would be.一个女学生固然不宜当经理,她也同样不宜。

引言段落1.It is well-known that - 众所周知,表明一个普遍现象或观点。
2.There is no denying that - 不可否认,引入一个无法否定的观点或事实。
3.It is universally acknowledged that - 人们普遍认为,说明一种被广泛接受的看法。
4.It is widely believed that - 广泛认为,引出一种被广泛认可的观点。
5.It is generally accepted that - 人们普遍接受,强调被大多数人认同的看法。
论证段落1.For one thing,for another - 一方面,另一方面,用来列举不同的原因或观点。
2.Moreover - 而且,用于添加额外信息或强调重要性。
3.Furthermore - 此外,表示进一步补充或引申。
4.In addition - 另外,表示增加或补充附加的信息。
5.What is more - 而且,引入新的理由或事实。
结论段落1.In conclusion - 总之,总结整个论点。
2.To sum up - 总的来说,概括全文内容。
3.In a nutshell - 简言之,简明概括主要看法。
4.All in all - 总的来说,总结全文主旨。
5.In brief - 简言之,简要总结全文。

(as soon as)4.他第一次被授予冠军称号的时候非常激动。
(the first time)5.他一看见我就走上来祝贺我。
(the moment)6.下次碰到困难的时候,一定要先告诉我。
(next time)7.一旦你下定决心,无论遇到什么困难,你都不要放弃。
(so … that)10.虽然并不富裕,但是他对自己的生活相当满意。
(as long as)13.这个物品,虽然小,却被证实是很有用的。
(such … that)15.无论他们会碰到什么困难,他们都会互相帮助来克服它。
(no matter how)17.无论你冬天来还是夏天来,都会觉得这是个居住的理想之处。
(now that)20.比赛已经开始数分钟,但那个选手仍一动不动。
(in case)22.你越努力,取得的进步就越大。
(the… the)23.他牺牲在他曾经为自由而战的地方。

英语四级翻译常用句型1)It is+形容词+thatIt XXX.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演着一个重要的角色。
2)It is+形容词+to do/ doingShe had said what it was necessary to say.她已经说了一切有必要说的话。
3)祈使句/名词+and/ orWork hard。
and you will finally be able to reach your n.努力工作,你就能实现自己的目标。
4)as+many/ much+名词+asIt is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don.据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。
5)倍数词+as+形容词+asThe reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago.这个水库的面积是十年前三倍。
6)倍数词+ more +名词/形容词十thanSmoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year thanautomobile accidents.抽烟对人体安康的风险极大,每一年死于抽烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。
7)(not)as/ so。
as(和……(不)一样)XXX XXX.环境问题没有他们在报告中说得那么严重。
8)no more。
than(与……一样不)She is no more fit to be a manager than a schoolgirl would be.一个女学生固然不宜当经理,她也同样不宜。
9)XXX(没有比……更……的;……是最……的)XXX XXX.没有比接受教育更重要的事。

英语常用作文万能句子摘抄带翻译1.To begin with, it is well-known that… 起初,众所周知…2.In conclusion, it can be said that… 总之,可以说…3.From my point of view, it is clear that… 从我的角度来看,很明显…4.It is generally agreed that… 人们普遍认为…5.Therefore, it is imperative that we take action to… 因此,我们迫切需要采取行动来…6.On the other hand, some people argue that… 另一方面,有人争论…7.In addition, it should be noted that… 此外,应该注意到…8.Furthermore, there is no denying that… 此外,不可否认…9.Despite the fact that… 尽管事实上…10.In other words, we must consider the fact that… 换句话说,我们必须考虑到…11.Taking everything into consideration, it is clear that… 综合考虑,很明显…12.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻的是…13.As a result, we must take into account the impact of… 结果,我们必须考虑到…14.It is evident that… 显而易见的是…15.All things considered, it is essential that we… 总而言之,我们必须…16.In contrast to this point of view, some argue that… 与这一观点相反,一些人认为…17.It is worth noting that… 值得一提的是…18.What is more, we should also consider the fact that… 此外,我们还应该考虑到…19.Given these points, it is clear that… 鉴于这些观点,很明显…20.In summary, it can be concluded that… 总的来说,可以得出结论…在写作中灵活运用这些句子,可以使文章逻辑清晰、表达得更加流畅。

大学英语四级翻译常用句型(一):It is+形容词+that例:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.It is+形容词+to do/doing例:She had said what it was necessary to say.倍数词+more+名词/形容词+than例:Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people than automobile accidents each year. 大学英语四级翻译常用句型(二):(not)as/so…as例:The environmental problems are not as serious as they suggested in their report.no more…than例:She is no more fit to be a manager than a schoolgirl would be.Nothing is more…than例:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 大学英语四级翻译常用句型(三):without/not so much as例:Disappointed with her husband,Mary left home without so much as looking back at him.only to find/see例:He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay goldeggs,only to find it could not lay eggs at all.感官动词+of+名词例:They hurriedly escaped into a cave that smelt of terror. 大学英语四级翻译常用句型(四):rather than例句:Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement ofourselves.(The)chances are that例句:Chances are that she has already known it,and there is no need for us to keep thesecret.It occurred to sb. that例句:It had never occurred to Marry she would become a princess someday.大学英语四级翻译常用句型(五):rather than例句:Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement ofourselves.(The)chances are that例句:Chances are that she has already known it,and there is no need for us to keep thesecret.It occurred to sb. that例句:It had never occurred to Marry she would become a princess someday.大学英语四级翻译常用句型(六):not… but…例句:To our disappointment, the plan caused not development but destruction.When it comes to…例句:When it comes to physics, I know nothing.be not much of a…例句:Mike is not much of a teacher for he often skips fromone subject to another.。

英语六级翻译常用句型英语六级翻译常用句型大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。
英语六级翻译常用句型1第一类:表示原因1) There are three reasons for this.2) The reasons for this are as follows.3) The reason for this is obvious.4) The reason for this is not far to seek.5) The reason for this is that…第二类:表示益处/害处表示益处:1) It has the following advantages.2) It does us a lot of good.3) It benefits us quite a lot.4) It is beneficial to us.5) It is of great benefit to us.6) We have good reason to believe that…表示害处:1) It has more disadvantages than advantages.2) It does us much harm.第三类:表示变化1) Some changes have taken place in the past five years.2) A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications.3) The computer has brought about many changes in education.第四类:表示重要性1) doing sth. is of utmost importance / should be given priority2) it is admitted that sb. should do3) It plays an important role in our life.第五类:表示措施1) We should take some effective measures.2) It is high time we tried our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.3) Great effort is needed to…4) There are several ways to deal with the problem.第六类:表示事实现状(首段常见)1) We cannot ignore the fact that…2) No one can deny the fact that…/ There is no denying the fact that…3) indeed / apparently / obviously4) This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.5) It is true that…第七类:表示比较1) Compared with A,B……2) I prefer to read rather than watch TV.3) There is a striking contrast between them.第八类:表示看法(首段或尾段)1) People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.2) from my point of view3) People take different views of(on)the question.4) Some people believe that…Others argue that…5) in terms of...英语六级翻译常用句型21.…as soon as… 一……就……(1) Peter一听到消息就兴奋地喊起来。
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英语翻译常考句型详解1.It is not that…but that… 这不是说…,而是说…「例文」It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of couse much more accurate in its measurement than the former.「译文」这并不是说在一种情况下所使用的磅秤和在另一种情况下所使用的天平在构造原理上或工作方式上存在差别,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密得多的装置,因而在计量上必然更加准确。
2.nothing else than 完全是,实在是「例文」What the man said was nothing else than nonsense.「译文」那个人讲的话完全是一派胡言。
「例文」We hope the measures to control prices, as they have been taken by the government, will succeed.「译文」我们希望,政府已经采取的控制物价的措施将取得成功。
4.名词+or+名词结构中,or后的名词是同位语,应译为即…;或者称….「例文」Moreover, technology includes techniques , or ways to do things , as well as the manchines that may or may not be necessary to apply them.「译文」再者,除机器外技术还包括技艺,即制作方法,而运用这些记忆并不一定都需要机器。
5.more…than…结构有三种译法:than连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句;在比较的基础上表示选择关系时,可译为与其说…不如说;进行同类比较时,译成比…更.「例文」The complexity of the human situation and injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.「译文」人类社会形势的复杂性和社会制度的不公正性要求对社会基本结构进行彻底变革,而一些政客口头上是很不愿意承认这一点的。
6.no more …than 与not… any more thanno more …than 与not… any more than同义,不可简单地看成是more …than的否定形式。
其翻译方法有二;表示同类否定比较时,可译为不比…更或都…同样不;表示比喻关系时,可译为正如…不,…也不.「例文」The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed.「译文」这条船上(供应的)食品并不如比利工作过的其他船上的(食品)好。
)「分析」这是一个主从复合句、主句是The food …no better , than on any other ship 是省略了比较对象的比较状语从句,从句on which引导的定语从句修饰先行词ship.本句中no more… than用于同类否定的比较,可译为不如….7.not so much as与其说…不如说…「例文」Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.「译文」新学派科学家说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普遍的东西。
插入语they say是主句,Science moves forward,……and tools是宾语从句。
not so much……as 连接的是状语,as引导的状语从句中,由于上下文清楚,主谓语都省略了,即as(sciencemoves forward.)because of……not so much……as也可译为与其说……不如说……,它所表达的逻辑关系和more than有相似之处,也是在比较的基础上进行判断和选择,被比较的事物也同属一个范畴。
所不同的是,more……than表示前重后轻的逻辑关系,而not so much… as和less than表示前轻后重的逻辑关系,这两个结构中信息重心落在句尾,因此不必倒过来译,只须按原文的词序顺译即可。
8.the same… as与…相同「例文」You have made the same mistake as last time.「译文」你又犯了同上次一样的错误。
9.no less than(no less… than) 不但…而且;不亚于;简直是,实在是「例文」China insists always on the need for self reliance, no less in economic policie than in making revolution.「译文」中国始终坚持独立自主,不但在进行革命方面,而且在经济政策方面都是如此。
「分析」这是一个简单句,no less… than连接两个介词短语做状语。
no less… than连接两个并列的成分,信息重心在前,因此汉译时要倒过来译。
10.none other than不是…正是;除了…外,不会是…「例文」Reaction other than the desired one often occur when reactants are brought together.「译文」当这些反应物放在一起时,常发生不希望有的一些反应(即:…常发生与希望有的反应不同的反应)。
「分析」other than为固定结构,其义有二:一是与…不同,而不是;二是除了之意。
11.nothing but = nothing else than = nothing less than 不是别的……正是「要点」本句型亦为强调判断句。
常译作不是别的…正是….「例文」Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.「译文」天才不过是劳动加勤奋而已。
12.much less = still less 更不,更无「例文」He is too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room full of people.「译文」他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子人讲话了。
「分析」much less, still less 引导的词组或从句,表示一种追加的否定,所以这两个词组只能用于否定句中。
需要指出的是,to say nothing of , not to speak of, not to mention let alone这四个词组的意思也是更不用说,也表示一个追补的说法,但它们与much less 和still less有所不同,这些词组可以随前一句的意思而定。
前一句是肯定,则追加的也是肯定意义,如果前一句是否定,则追加的也是否定意义,如:13.anything but 根本不;all but 几乎,差一点,除……以外其余都是;but for 要不是;but that +从句:若不是……「例文」Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt anything but lonely.「译文」虽然他单独一人呆在这所无人居住的房子里,但他埋头于研究工作,一点也没有感到孤独。
he was so busy… work是主句,that 至句末为结果状语从句,句首Alone……house为形容词短语做让步状语。
句中anything but 意为not at all , 句中but 做介词,意为except.14.not nearly (= far from ,much less than) 相差很远,远远少于「例文」The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.「译文」食品供应将远远赶不上人口的增长,这就意味着我们在粮食的生产和购销两方面正陷入危机。
15.can not…too… 再…也不过分,应该「例文」We cannot be too faithful to our duties.「误译」我们不能太忠于职守。
)16.as well as(=in addition) 也,和……一样,除……之外,不但……而且「例文」The Socialist Revolution requires a change of the superstructure as well as a change of the economic basis.「译文」社会主义革命不仅要求改变经济基础,也要求改变上层建筑。