

男士以及奔驰忠诚拥护者的青睐,拥有这样一辆车, 就意味着更能体现他们自身的不同和社会地位。
巨星代言 更具魅力
▪ 在梅赛德斯sls amg的两个视频广告中,它是由 F1赛车史上曾经红极一时,被千万人追捧的舒马赫, 还有网球天王费德勒,也是受全球无数球迷崇拜的 对象。他们是成功男士的代表,荣耀的象征,他们 在广告中的出现,特别能引起那些社会上成功阶层 男士的格外关注以及那些想要在朋友,同行之间更 想展示自己取得的巨大成功和想要赢得更多人的关 注和尊重的社会价值的一种彰显社会成功男士的需 要。
▪ 梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz),是一家德国汽 车公司,也是世界十大汽车公司之一,以生产高质 量、高性能的豪华汽车闻名于世。它创立于1900年, 公司总部设在德国斯图加特,创建人是被世人誉为 “汽车之父”的卡尔·本茨(Karl Benz)和戈特利 布·戴姆勒(Gottlieb Daimler)。Mercedes-Benz汽 车公司经营风格始终如一,不追求汽车产量的扩大, 只追求生产出高质量、高性能和高级别的汽车产品。 除了高档豪华轿车外,奔驰公司还是世界上最著名 的大客车和重型载重汽车的生产厂家。
famous car brands(知名汽车品牌及简介)

宝马BMW ―宝马标志中间的蓝白相间图案,代表蓝天,白云和旋转不停的螺旋桨,喻 示宝马公司渊源悠久的历史,象征该公司过去在航空发动机技术方面的领 先地位,又象征公司一贯宗旨和目标:在广阔的时空中,以先进的精湛技 术、最新的观念,满足顾客的最大愿望,反映了公司蓬勃向上的气势和日 新月异的新面貌。‖蓝白标记对称图形,同时也是公司所在地巴伐利亚州的 州徽。
大众Volkswagen 大众汽车公司的德文Volkswagen,意为大众使用的汽车(香港地区根据 Volkswagen的译音称大众汽车为―福士伟根‖)。大众汽车的商标是德文 Volkswagen单词中的两个字母(V)olks(W)agen的叠合,镶嵌在一个大圆圈内, 然后整个商标又镶嵌在发动机散热器前面格栅的中间。图形商标形似三个 ―V‖字,像是用中指和食指作出的V形,表示大众公司及其产品―必胜—必 胜—必胜‖。文字商标则标在车尾的行李箱盖上,以注明该车的名称。大众 商标简捷、鲜明、引人入胜,令人过目不忘 。
通用GM 其标志GM取自其英文名称(General Motors Corporation)的前两 个单词的第一个字母。
别克BUICK 别克(BUICK)商标中那形似―三颗子弹‖的图案为其图形商标,它是别克分 部的标志。图中那三颗颜色不同(从左到右:红、白、蓝三种颜色)并依 次排列在不同高度位置上的子弹,给人一种积极进取、不断攀登的感觉; 它表示别克分部采用顶级技术,刃刃见锋;也表示别克分部培养出的人才 个个游刃有余,是无坚不摧、勇于登峰的勇士。自2002年起,别克(BUICK) 的商标更换为简洁的形式。
兰博基尼Lamborghini(林宝坚尼) 公司的标志是一头浑身充满了力气,正准备向对手发动 猛烈的攻击。据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛 脾气,也体现了兰伯基尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生 产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动型轿车。车头和车尾 上的商标省去了公司名,只剩下一头犟牛。
December 1927:Ford Introduces the Model A
1962:Ford Thunderbird Custom (雷鸟)
1993: Ford Mondeo (蒙 迪欧-致胜 )
Ford Thunderbird Custom (雷鸟)
Ford Mustang (野马)
• Audi • BMW • Mercedes-Benz • Maybach • Porsche • Volkswagen • Rollsroyce
GERMAN CARS: Superiority in Styling, Luxury and
Sub-brand:Maybach & Smart
凯迪拉克、 雪佛兰、 奥斯莫比、 庞蒂克、克尔维特、 悍马 )
Since 1927, is one of the largest car company in the world
Cadillac L o g o
Oldsmobile Hummer
Logo Pontiac keerweite
• Benz is a German brand name of automobile, buses, coaches, and trucks. Benz automobiles have introduced –both in past and present – the majority of technological and safety features common in modern vehicles.

奔驰B级作文模板英语英文回答:The Mercedes-Benz B-Class is a compact luxury MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) produced by the German automaker Mercedes-Benz. It is currently in its third generation, with the first generation launched in 2005, the second generation in 2011, and the third generation in 2018. The B-Class is based on the Mercedes-Benz A-Class and shares many of its mechanical components, but it is larger and more spacious.Design。
The Mercedes-Benz B-Class has a sleek and modern design with a long, sweeping roofline and a high, boxy stance. The front end features a prominent grille with the Mercedes-Benz star logo, flanked by sleek LED headlights. The sides of the vehicle are characterized by sharp creases and pronounced wheel arches, while the rear end features asloping tailgate and LED taillights.Interior。
The interior of the Mercedes-Benz B-Class is spacious and well-appointed, with high-quality materials and a modern design. The dashboard is dominated by a large touchscreen display, which controls the vehicle's infotainment system, navigation, and other functions. The front seats are comfortable and supportive, and there is plenty of legroom and headroom in both the front and rear seats.Performance。

Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
广告:尊贵具有浪漫主义色 彩。
广告语设计:郎朗上口,具 有品牌特色。以下有专门板 块介绍。
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
6、 旅行 — 随时准备好上路疾驶-------奔驰CLK敞篷跑车
7、 尽可沉浸于享受,无需分心-------奔驰CLK敞篷跑车
8、 展现蕴藏美态-------奔驰CLK级轿跑车
9、 时间还能更美好地流逝吗?-------奔驰CLK级轿跑车
10、 行车路上的表现 — 敏捷性和永恒的优雅-------奔驰CLK级轿跑 车。
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
Luxury Sport Tourer 豪华运动旅行车
Build a new car,takes more than just thinking about cars. 不只是车,更是精彩丰富的生活态度
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
自由交流 10min
节目表演及品酒 讲解,40min
新车鉴赏、销售 沟通,≥40min
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
传广 播远 堂 版 权 所 有 , 未 经 许 可 严 禁
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会
中高端: 1.价位不是太高,让少部分大众都能接受。 2.所请的品牌代言人也是为大众所熟知的。
Mercedes-Benz B200新车品鉴酒会

Some car brands
Porsche 保时捷 Benz 奔驰 Audi 奥迪 BMW 宝马 Buick 别克 Cadillac 卡迪拉克 Chevrolet 雪佛兰 Bentley 宾利 Aston Martin 阿斯 顿-马丁 Chrysler 克莱斯勒 Citroen 雪铁龙 Ford 福特 Honda 本田 Ferrari 法拉利
Automobile parts & some terms
accelerator 油门 brake 刹车 engine 引擎 clutch 离合器 gears 排档 cylinder 汽缸 blinker 方向灯 tail lamp 尾灯 tire 轮胎 steering wheel 方向盘 chassis 底盘 dashboard 仪表盘 odometer 里程表 speedometer 速度计 gauge 油表 windshiln 林肯 Maserati 玛莎拉蒂 Rolls-royce 劳斯莱斯 Santana 桑塔纳 Volkswagen 大众 Toyota 丰田 Nissan 尼桑 Lotus 莲花 Hummer 悍马 Hyundai 现代 Jeep 吉普 Kia 起亚
The end
windshield wipe 雨刷 number plate 车牌 gas station 加油站 diesel 柴油 refuel 加油 L-driver 实习司机 overtake 超车 revoke 吊销 pull over 靠边停车 jaywalk 乱穿马路 driveway/lane 车道 garage 车库 parking lot 停车场 speed limit 最高车速 freeway 高速公路 highway 公路

奔驰英语广告词范文奔驰车,不但质量无可比较,而且车系齐全,那么它相关的英文有哪些呢?下面是第一带来的内容,欢送阅读!1. Agile and flexible, dynamic and ex llent between the filling style ------- Mer des-Benz new C-Class sedan2. C gravity wave with you ------- Mer des-Benz new C-Class sedan3. Independen trend elite color ------- Mer des-Benz new C-Class sedan4. The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mer des-Benz CLK Roadster5. A moment never forget ------- Mer des-Benz CLK Roadster6. Travel - ready to drive on the road ------- Mer des-Benz CLK Roadster7. Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction------- Mer des-Benz CLK Roadster8. Show hidden beauty ------- Mer des-Benz CLK class coupe9. Can the passage of time better? ------- Mer des-Benz CLK class coupe10. Perfor n on the road - agility and timeless elegan------- Mer des-Benz CLK class coupe11. Free and ooth lines gathered in one pla : with your heart ------- Mer des-Benz CLS class coupe12. The essen of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe13. beyond the limit ------- a new generation of Mer des-Benz E-Class14. Le alone as the music of the public ------- Mer des-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles15. sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature ------- Mer des-Benz GLK-class luxury medium-sized SUV1. Road for the students, the road at the foot of the new Mer des-Benz ------- M-class off-road vehicles2. A world full of endless, from the beginning ------- Mer des-Benz R-class "luxury sports station wagon" (Grand Sports Tourer)3. Lead, because the continuous forward ------- Mer des-Benz S-Class sedan4. The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mer des-Benz S-Class sedan5. Conquer the target to climb the new peak ------- Mer des-Benz SL roadster6. From racing to car legend ------- Mer des-Benz SL roadster7. perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mer des-Benz SLK Roadster8. Smile curve, let everything bee and clear ------- Mer des-Benz SLK Roadster9. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Dynamic poetry, dan to me.10. Lead the times, control the future11. The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the hu n spirit12. Endless13. A long tradition and wonderful design, "beautiful eternal"14. Never before, as before allFashion lines converge in your mind16. Extremely fun limit sports car - "the integration of tradition and innovation."17. A great start18. the best or nothing1. BMW car slogan - even if you split it in pie s, it is stilla beauty.Driving pleasure, innovation limit.2. BMW 7 series of automotive advertising language --- life art only you respect the Mer des-Benz car advertising language --- lead the times, control the future.3. Audi car advertising language --- breakthrough scien and technology inspire the future4. Cadillac car slogan --- the power of speed and luxury blend5. Franklin car advertising language --- a car will never give you trouble6. Volkswagen advertising slogan --- out of car love car value model7. Volvo (volvo) car language --- love life to enjoy life (forlife.for)8. Ford's advertising language --- your world, from unbounded9. Nissan car advertising language --- beyond the future10. Bundyac car advertising slogan --- sitting inside is a good thing, was seen sitting in it is a pleasure.11. Philip industry special vehicle advertising language --- create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, Super Lei 1000.12. Skoda car advertising language --- and s rt;13. Citroen car advertising language --- want to be before you.14. Roewe --- innovation plastic classic 模板,内容仅供参考。

My Favorite Car: The Mercedes-Benz G-ClassThe Mercedes-Benz G-Class, a beast of a vehicle that commands respect wherever it goes, has always been a dream car for me. Its bold and aggressive design, coupled withits unmatched off-road capabilities, makes it stand out among the sea of SUVs in the market.The G-Class's exterior is a testament to its ruggedness and durability. With its boxy shape, prominent front grille, and powerful headlights, it exudes a sense of toughnessthat is hard to ignore. The high ground clearance and large wheels allow it to tackle even the most challengingterrains with ease.Inside, the G-Class offers a luxurious and comfortable driving experience. The interior is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, from the high-quality leather seats to the wood and metal trimmings. The spacious cabin can comfortably seat five adults, with plenty of legroom and headroom for everyone.The G-Class's performance is nothing short of impressive. It is powered by a robust V8 engine that delivers impressive horsepower and torque, making it capable of towing heavy loads and climbing steep inclines with ease. The advanced suspension system ensures a smooth ride even on the roughest roads.One of the most appealing aspects of the G-Class is its versatility. Whether you're hitting the trails for a weekend adventure or cruising down the highway, it's equally capable in all environments. The G-Class's 4x4 system and advanced traction control make it a formidable opponent when faced with slippery or uneven surfaces.Safety is also a top priority in the G-Class. It comes equipped with a range of advanced safety features,including stability control, multiple airbags, and a rearview camera, ensuring that you and your passengers are always protected.Owning a Mercedes-Benz G-Class has always been a dream for me, not only because of its impressive capabilities but also because it represents a blend of luxury, performance, and durability. It's a car that can take you anywhere youwant to go, whether it's a cross-country trip or a trip to the local off-road park.In conclusion, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class is more than just a car; it's a symbol of freedom, adventure, and elegance. Its powerful performance, luxurious interior, and unparalleled off-road capabilities make it the perfect companion for anyone who loves to explore and experience life to the fullest.**我喜欢的车:奔驰大G**奔驰大G,这款在任何地方都备受尊敬的强大车型,一直是我梦寐以求的爱车。

History of Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz was established after that merger. And this name was painted on a DMG vehicle used in races
by a man in honour of his beautiful daughter.
At the same time ,this day is called Automobile’s birthday .
Karl Benz created Benz&Cie in 1883,. Gottlieb Daimler created
the Daimler Motor Company(DMG)in 1890
E class for government and so on . And its S class is the epitome of the luxury cars in the world .
AES class
SLS AMG is super sport car in Mercedes series .It has always been the represent of
Daimler-Benz AG 1926
Daimler-MotorenGesellschaft 1916
Series of cars
Nowadays ,Mercedes-Benz has so many series , ranging from A class to S class . Covering variety of utility . Such as A class for family use ,

汽车发展历史的有关介绍英语作文英文回答:The history of the automobile is a fascinating tale of innovation and ingenuity. From its humble beginnings as a novelty toy for the wealthy to its ubiquitous presence in modern society, the automobile has transformed the way we live and work.The first automobile, known as the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, was invented by Karl Benz in 1886. This three-wheeled vehicle was powered by a single-cylinder, four-stroke engine and could reach a top speed of 16 kilometers per hour. Benz's invention laid the foundation for the development of the modern automobile, but it was still afar cry from the sophisticated machines we drive today.In the early days of the automobile industry, there was a great deal of experimentation with different engine designs and vehicle configurations. Some of the earlyautomobiles were powered by steam engines or electric motors, while others used gasoline-powered engines. By the turn of the 20th century, the gasoline-powered engine had become the dominant design, and it remains the most common type of engine in use today.The early automobiles were also quite expensive, and they were only affordable for the wealthy. However, as the industry matured and production methods became more efficient, the cost of automobiles began to decline. By the 1920s, automobiles were becoming increasingly affordablefor the average consumer, and car ownership became a symbol of middle-class status.The development of the automobile had a profound impact on society. It made it possible for people to travel greater distances more quickly and easily, and it opened up new possibilities for recreation and leisure. The automobile also played a major role in the development of the suburbs, as people were able to live further away from their workplaces and still commute to work each day.Today, the automobile is an integral part of modern life. It is used for transportation, recreation, and work. The automobile industry is also a major economic force, employing millions of people around the world.中文回答:汽车的发展历史是一部关于创新和创造力的迷人故事。

奔驰英语广告词奔驰英语广告词详细介绍 1. Agile and flexible, dynamic and excellent between the filling style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan2. C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan3. Independence trend elite color ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan4. The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster5. A moment never forget ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster6. Travel - ready to drive on the road ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster7. Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster8. Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe9. Can the passage of time better ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe10. Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe11. Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe12. The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe13. beyond the limit ------- a new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class14. Le alone as the music of the public ------- Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles15. sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature -------Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium-sized SUV奔驰英语广告词强烈推荐 1. Road for the students, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz ------- M-class off-road vehicles2. A world full of endless, from the beginning -------Mercedes-Benz R-class ;luxury sports station wagon; (Grand Sports Tourer)3. Lead, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan4. The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mercedes-BenzS-Class sedan5. Conquer the target to climb the new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster6. From racing to car legend ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster7. perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster8. Smile curve, let everything become simple and clear ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster9. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Dynamic poetry, dance to me.10. Lead the times, control the future11. The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spirit12. Endless13. A long tradition and wonderful design, ;beautiful eternal;14. Never before, as before allFashion lines converge in your mind16. Extremely fun limit sports car - ;the integration of tradition and innovation.;17. A great start18. the best or nothing车辆英语广告词优选 1. BMW car slogan -even if you split it in pieces, it is still a beauty.Driving pleasure, innovation limit.2. BMW 7 series of automotive advertising language ---life art only you respect the Mercedes-Benz car advertising language --- lead the times, control the future.3. Audi car advertising language --- breakthrough science and technology inspire the future4. Cadillac car slogan --- the power of speed and luxury blend5. Franklin car advertising language --- a car will never give you trouble6. Volkswagen advertising slogan --- out of car love car value model7. Volvo (volvo) car language --- love life to enjoy life (forlife.for)8. Ford's advertising language --- your world, from unbounded9. Nissan car advertising language --- beyond the future10. Bundyac car advertising slogan --- sitting inside is a good thing, was seen sitting in it is a pleasure.11. Philip industry special vehicle advertising language ---create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, Super Leima 1000.12. Skoda car advertising language --- simple and smart;13. Citroen car advertising language --- want to be before you.14. Roewe --- innovation plastic classic。

Unlike any other
-----高梦婕 鲁丽娟 翟成梅 胡 静 张晓阳 徐艳娟
HISTORY (background; changes of logo.)
Mercedes-Benz is a German manufacturer of luxury cars, buses, coaches, and trucks. It is a division of its parent company, Daimler AG.
Luxury SUV
Convertible Car
Smart Automobile often called Smart Car, is an automotive branch of Daimler AG that specializes in manufacturing micro cars. The design concept for smart cars began in the late 1980s, associated at the time with the Swatch brand of watches.
Karl Benz

L o g oMercedes-BenzBrief IntroductionMercedes-Benz , theGerman car brand , isconsidered the world's mostsuccessful upscale car brand .It is admirable for its perfectlevel of technology , excellentquality standards , innovation ,and a series of classic coupestyles . Mercedes-Benz’sthree-pointed star has becomeone of the the world's mostfamous car brands and signs.Origin of Mercedes-BenzCarl BenzGottlieb DaimlerIn 1880s, two Germans GottliebDaimler and Carl Benz invented the first car separately.Karl Benzcreated Benz & Cie in 1883.Gottlieb Daimler created the Daimler MotorCompany(DMG) in 1890. In 1926,the two companies merged. Theyformally established Daimler -Benz (the Mercedes-Benz).Naissance of the StarBenz & Cie. 1909Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft 1916Daimler-Benz AG 1926Mercedes-Benz 1989Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft 1909In 1909, Daimler Motor Company regestered the three-pointed star officially as trademarks.Three-pointed star of the Daimler Motor Company stands their ambitions to achieve the mobility of water, land and air .As time goes by,the three-pointed star hasexperienced additions and modifications.The three-pointed star has become a symbol of the world's most famous brands.Sub-brand:Maybach & Smart MaybachMaybach is an Europe'ssuper-luxury car brand.Itwas once active inGermany between 1921and 1940. It closed downin World War II. In 1997, itwas re-launched by the Mercedes-Benz.Sub-brand:Maybach & Smart SmartSmart is a creative product of collaboration of Mercedes -Benz and the world’s watches giant Swatch. The ‘S’ in ‘Smart’ stands for Swatch, and ‘M’ stands for Daimler Group (Mercedes-Benz).The letters together can be considered as“This car represents the art of Swatch and Mercedes-Benz.”L o g o。

奔驰面试英文自我介绍Hello, I'm really excited to be here for this interview with Mercedes-Benz. I've always admired the brand for its innovation and commitment to quality.My name is [Your Name], and I've got a passion for automobiles that started when I was just a kid. Growing up, I always dreamed of working with a company that made such luxurious and powerful cars.In my previous role, I was responsible for managing a team of technicians, ensuring the smooth running of vehicle repairs and maintenance. That experience has honed myability to work under pressure and collaborate effectively with diverse teams.One thing that sets me apart is my dedication to continuous learning. Whether it's about the latest automotive technology or industry trends, I'm always eager to stay ahead of the curve. I believe this will be an assetin the fast-paced environment of Mercedes-Benz.Lastly, I'm someone who takes pride in my work. Whenit's done, I want it to be perfect. That's why I believeI'd be a great fit for Mercedes-Benz, where every detail is crucial and excellence is the standard.Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. I'm looking forward to the chance to contribute to the success of this amazing brand.。

梅赛德斯奔驰历史英⽂介绍Everything began with the invention of the wheel, an achievement that is shrouded in the darkness of history. The first known illustration of a vehicle with wheels is dated to the year 3000 BC. The invention of the wheel ushered in the development of mobility. Ever more refined mechanical systems and ever more ingenious features for carts and carriages made transportation and travel easier. The inventions of Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach finally ushered in the automotive age.Who invented the automobile? Assumptions concerning the answer to this question differ widely throughout the word. Most Americans believe that Henry FORD invented the car. In England, many people will tell you that the car was invented by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce. The widely held French view is that was Count Dion and Georges Bouton who invented the car. In Austria, even highly respected historians believed for a long time that the Viennese Siegfried Marcus built the first car in 1865 when he fitted a stationary engine to a cart and took it for a 200 meter test run.He went on to build a second vehicle with a four-stroke engine in 1888.this was the source of much confusion for decades because it was incorrectly identified as having been built in 1877 and was therefore presented as the world’s first automobile. 100 years before Marcus, France’s Nicolas Joseph Cugnot designed and built a vehicle was later declared to be the first automobile in the world. It was a monstrous steam-powered affair which is said to have caused a road accident during a test run in 1769.in 1801 it was taken to the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers in Paris without having made any further impact on the history of the the automobile.Switzerland’s Isaac de Rivaz worked on gas engines from 1770 and was the first person to equip a stationary gas engine with electric ignition.in 1813 de Rivaz fitted an engine of this type to a vehicle and conducted test runs in the area around Venvey on Lake Geneva.In 1883, the French industrialist Edouard Delamare-Debout-teville installed a gas engine in a three-wheeled vehicle. The experiment ended when the gas container exploded, the frame of a second vehicle with a liquid fuel engine broken during its first trials. Delamare-Debou-tteville gave up.In the USA, George Selden claimed that he was the inventor of the automobile. This son of a patent attorney had filed a paten application for a motor vehicle in 1879. He was granted the patent in 1895 without ever having built an automobile. Selden bombarded American car manufactures with demands for license fees. It was not until 1911, following protracted litigation, which Henry Ford succeeded in overturning the mysterious Selden patent.From a historical perspective, all of these would-be ―world’s first automobiles’have one thing in common: the influence which they exerted on the development of automotive transport was extremely short-lived because none of them had the necessary qualities to go down in history as a real breakthrough.In 1886, Karl Benz and the team of Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm May Bach initiated general motorization with their inventions. These gave rise to several hundred different types of vehicle and design concepts which continue to be applied anywhere in the world to this day.The invention in the 1880s of the high-speed engine and the automobile enabled Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz—independently of one another –to lay the foundations for the motorization of road transport. With the help of financial backers and partners, they both invested their development projects in their own private businesses—in Mannheim, Benz founded the firm Benz & Cie, in October 1883, and Daimler Motorren Gesellschaft (DMG) was formed in November 1890.In order to gain publicity and a certain distinction for their products, both companies sought a suitable trademark.to begin with, the inventors used their own names –―Benz‖ and―Daimler‖, which vouched for origin and quality of the engines and vehicles. The trademark of Benz &Cie, remained unchanged, except that in 1909, the cog wheel symbol which had been used since 1903 was replaced with a laurel wreath surrounding the name Benz. But the turn of the century brought a completely new trade name for products from Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) in Cannstatt: ―Mercedes‖. So what is the origin of this name?Mercedes- a Spanish girls’ name meaning ―grace‖-was the name of the daughter born in 1889 to the Austrian businessman, Emil Jellinek, who had homes in Baden near Vienna and Nice.A progressive thinker with an interest in sport, Jellinek turned his enthusiasm to the dawning age of the automobile, an invention he knew would be of key importance for future. As early as 1897,he made the journey to Cannstatt to visit the Daimler factory and ordered his first Daimler car—a 6 hp belt-driven vehicle with two-cylinder engine.But the car, delivered in October 1897 and with a top speed of 24 km/h, was soon too slow for Jellinek. He demanded 40km/hand ordered two more vehicles. Supplied in September 1898, the two Daimeler ―Phoenix‖ cars, with their front-mounted 8 hp engines, were the world’s first road vehicles with four-cylinder engines.Emil Jellinek had good contacts with the worlds of international finance and the aristocracy and became increasingly active as a businessman. In 1898, he began to promote and sell Daimler automobiles-in particular, within the higher echelons of society. In 1899, DMG supplied Jellinek with 10 vehicles; in 1900,he received as mangy as 29.Jellinek demanded ever faster and more powerful vehicles from DMG. From 1899,he also entered these in race meetings—first and foremost of which was the Nice week—where he would race under his pseudonym ―Mercedes‖, the name of his daughter aged ten at the time. Initially, he used the name not as an automotive brand name but merely as a team and driver designation.At the beginning of April 1900, Jellinek made an agreement with DMG concerning sales of Daimler cars and engines. The decision was taken to develop a new engine: bearing the name Daimler –Mercedes‖, thereby introducing Jellinek’s pseudonym as a product designation. Two weeks later, Jellinex ordered 36 of the vehicles at a total price of 550,000maks—a sizeable order even at today’s equivalent value of DM5.5 million. A few weeks later, he placed an order for another 36 vehicles,all with 8 ho engines.The first vehicle to be fitted with the new engine, a 35 hp racing car, was delivered to Jellinek by DMG on December22,1900. This first ―Mercedes‖, developed by Wilhelm Maybach, the chief engineer at DMG, caused quite a sir in the first year of the new century. With its low center of gravity, pressed-steel fram,light, high-performance engine and honeycomb radiator, it featured numerous innovations and is regarded today as the first modern automobile.The nice week in March 1901, during which the Mersedes vehicles were found to be unbeatable in virtually every discipline, attracted enormous publicity for Jellinek and the Mersedes. In March and August 1901,the 12/16 hp and 8/11 hp sister models appeared. Jellinek’s orders soon stretched the Daimler plant in Cannstatt to full production capacity.―Mersedes‖ was lodged as a trade name on June 23, 1902 and legally registered on September 26. From June 1903, Emil Jellinek obtained permission to call himself Jellinek-Mersedes, commenting: ―This is probably the first time that a father has taken his daughter’s name.‖Benz, one famous vehicle brands of Germany. Nowadays, Benz has been sold all over the world with a great reputation. It is admirable for its perfect level of technology, excellent quality standards, innovation, and a series of classic coupe styles.In 1883, Benz began to establish the Mercedes and Rhine gas engine factory. At the same time, Daimler successfully invented the first high compression radio explosive motor. Both of them lighted the history of Mercedes-Benz vehicle factory in the early days.Benz invent a car using single-cylinder engine with a large flywheel, which was installed in the rear of the car, its max speed was up to 16km/hour. However, because other supporting technology is not mature enough, the car had a knack of breaking down just when people need it, he can’t even drive it in public. In august 1880, Benz’s wife-Beretta made a brave decision, she drove Benz’s car with her children to visit the child’s grandmother who live in more than 100 kilometers away. When she arrived, she immediately sent a telegram to Benz to tell him that the car stood the test of jolt and ask him to send the car to the Munich Trade Fair. She was also considered the world’s first female car driver because of this. The invention of Benz caused a great sensation in the Munich Trade Fair; people were surprised by the walking of gharry, after the fair, a large number of customers began to order Benz’s car, then he set the largest automobile factory in Germany and start producing legendary Mercedes cars.Benz’s car got the national patent certificate in 1886, which marked he realized his dream that integration the engine and the car perfectly, and our human’ history of transportation has lifted to new chapter. The first car in the world has less than300kg’s overall weight, which concludes 100kg’s engine’s weight. Only a few weeks later, Gottlieb Daimler also got the patent right of his four-wheel vehicle. The same as the idea of ―land, sea, air‖ fully motorized, he applied the single-cylinder engine of the four-wheel vehicle to the airship and boat soon.Benz successfully developed the ―Victoria‖in 1893, which was the mostluxurious car and had the most advanced technology at that time. Later, he research the ―Velo‖sold 2000 mark, which was the first production car in the world. Afterwards, he changed the seat of ―Victoria‖ to be a face to face one, which made the car became the world’s first bus.In 1926, the two companies merged. They formally established Daimler-Benz, Mercedes-Benz was established after that merger. And this name was painted on a DMG vehicle used in races by a man in honor of his beautiful daughter. The name of the man is Emil Jellinek, who was the customer of Daimler Motor’s company. He use a new car which used a wide rangeof the innovative technology, including the strong engine, the cellular radiator, the long wheelbase and the low gravitational center. This was the most outstanding product at that time and it’s proved to be successful. ―Mercedes‖obtained the legal protection as a trademark. What’s more, Mercedes means happiness in Spanish which is called god’s language. After that, it became the formal name for the company.Mercedes-Benz had twice merged. After the First World War, only the companies which has strong financial and excellent brand can survive during the inflation and sale slumping period. So Benz and Daimler Car company formed the Syndicate Company at 1924, and then synthesized into the Daimler-Benz AG.. Finally, German Daimler-Benz and the Chrysler of the USA merged to be the Daimler-Chrysler Group which is operating all over the world. And Mercedes Car Group’s independent brand, the Mercedes-Benz, the Smart, and the May Bach, are the important pillar of the new group.As for the logo of Mercedes-Benz, the Trigeminal star sign was first used in 1909 by Mercedes-Benz’s official account. In 1873, Daimler used the trigeminal star to mark his living place on the letter which was mailed to his wife. And he wrote:‖someday, this star will enlighten the work of my whole life.‖As part of the 1926 merger, a new logo was created that word include a symbol for each and integrate the name of the two former companies. A three-pointed star had been designed by Daimler to show the ability of his motor for land, air, sea use. The traditional laurel wreath symbol used by Karl Benz was added along with his name to complete the new logo. The logo with a plain ring as seen today, was not used until 1937.The first time Benz came to China was about 20 century. Empress Dowager CiXi was enthusiastic to new technology. In about 1900, Germany sent her a Mercedes car (Benz Velo). This is still well preserved now in the Summer Palace. In 1986, the Mercedes-Benz’s Cars Sales Services Limited was established in Hong Kong. As the development of Mercedes-Benz, they migrate their headquarters to Beijing in 2006. Now the sign of Mercedes-Benz has become a symbol of the world’s most famous brand. There are more than 120 authorized sales and service center in China.。

对奔驰的见解英文作文英文:My Insight into Mercedes-Benz。
Mercedes-Benz, a name that resonates with luxury, elegance, and unparalleled engineering, has always held a special place in my heart. Growing up, I would often see these sleek, sophisticated cars gliding down the streets, leaving an impression of opulence and prestige. However, it wasn't until I had the opportunity to experience one firsthand that I truly understood the allure of this iconic brand.From the moment you lay eyes on a Mercedes-Benz, you're captivated by its timeless design and attention to detail. Whether it's the graceful curves of the bodywork or the iconic three-pointed star adorning the grille, every aspect exudes sophistication and class. Stepping inside, you're enveloped in a cocoon of luxury, with sumptuous materialsand state-of-the-art technology at your fingertips.One aspect of Mercedes-Benz that never fails to impress me is its commitment to innovation. The brand has always been at the forefront of automotive technology, pioneering advancements that set new standards for the industry. Take, for example, their groundbreaking safety features such as Pre-Safe®️, which uses sensors to detect an impending collision and prepares the car and its occupants accordingly. It's innovations like these that not only enhance the driving experience but also prioritize the safety and well-being of everyone on the road.Another thing that sets Mercedes-Benz apart is the driving experience itself. There's a certain magic tositting behind the wheel of one of their vehicles, whether it's a sleek sedan or a powerful SUV. The precision engineering and meticulous craftsmanship combine to deliver a ride that's smooth, refined, and utterly exhilarating.It's like poetry in motion, a symphony of power and performance that never fails to put a smile on my face.Of course, no discussion of Mercedes-Benz would be complete without mentioning the brand's rich heritage and storied legacy. For over a century, Mercedes-Benz has been synonymous with automotive excellence, with a historythat's as impressive as it is illustrious. From the iconic Silver Arrows of the 1930s to the modern-day Formula 1 dominance, the brand's commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible knows no bounds.In conclusion, Mercedes-Benz is more than just a car manufacturer – it's a symbol of luxury, innovation, and craftsmanship. From its timeless design to its cutting-edge technology, every aspect of the brand exudes excellence and sophistication. Whether you're behind the wheel or simply admiring from afar, owning a Mercedes-Benz is an experience like no other.中文:对奔驰的见解。
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shareholders, who hope that the
separation will allow Daimler's car brand Mercedes-Benz to be free to do what it does best without having the
distractions of its heavily unprofitable U.S.
rivals. In 1924, owing to economic
cessity after World War I, they entered into an
"Agreement of Mutual Interest" valid until the year 2000. This initial
name applied to the models of one of the new
firm. Because of its eponymous tie to Karl
Benz and his early vehicles, Mercedes-Benz
is also the name of the
DaimlerChrysler AG in the late 20th century. Today Mercedes-Benz is the most successful premium brand. Its techn梅ic赛a德斯l -奔p驰eSLrRfection,
use on other automobiles in France and the United Kingdom,
and was therefore not available to Daimler-Benz. Instead, the name of its
DMG model in 1902, see below.) Thus, MercedesBenz became the brand
英文112班 张保征
Mercedes-Benz is a German brand name of
automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks owned
by Daimler Chrysler, previously Daimler-Benz (1926–1998). MercedesBenz automobiles have introduced — both in the
partner Chrysler.
Fancy Cars
Fancy Cars
奔驰E-Class Cabriolet
a dynamFaicncydCeavreslopment culminating in the
inception of the global company
patent motor wagOornigiwn oafslogo and brand ahead of its times; by 1886, Benz had the first four-stroke engine. Karl Benz is credited as the inventor of the first "true"
Gottlieb Daimler, to show the ability of his
motors for land, air, and sea use.
This star first appeared on a DMG model in 1909, so it was chosen for the