
Life on the FarmLife on a farm is always changing. New technologies and a rising interest in healthier and organic eating have had a huge impact on how farms do business. At the same time, a growing population has put more demands on farmers.They need to find ways to increase their production levels. The small family farms that used to produce most of the products have been largely replaced by factory farms. Small family farms that are still operating are struggling to keep up.Technology has made most aspects of farm life easier than it has ever been before. Bigger and more efficient equipment makes work such as plowing up fields and sowing the seeds easier.Such tasks used to take two or three times as long. These advances have allowed farmers to work faster and more efficiently than ever before.In addition to newer technology, factory farms produce more products for less money than traditional farming would require.Modern farm life, despite the introduction of new technologies, has not changed much from what it has always been. Farmers still wake up early, and spend their days doing hard work. There are still animals to feed, cows to be milked, and fields to be plowed. Farm life still requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice.The main change in modern farm life is in the way farms are run. It is common for even small farms to have several hired workers and even an animal manager. Family-run farms are becoming rarer. Factory farms, with other larger farm corporations, are becoming the norm. Although there are still many traditional family farms, they are quickly dying as modern practices change farm life forever.1.Factory farms now produce most of the products. AA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given2.Farmers prefer to grow healthy and organic food. CA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given3.Small family farms find it hard to survive. AA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given4. Plowing and sowing by machines are advances in modern farming.AA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given5.Modern farm products cost more than those from traditional farming.BA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given6.Most farmers cannot afford new machines.CA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given7.Modern farmers do not have to work hard.BA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given8.New technologies have not changed farm management.BA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given9.There are fewer and fewer family-run farms now.AA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given10.Modern farms are hiring workers from cities.CA.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given二、阅读选择(11--15,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项,并在答题纸相应位置上将该项涂黑Christmas GiftMary didn't know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. lt was always hard to choose a good Christmas present for them. They didn't need much, and it was hard for her to becreative every year ,One year, she sent them a big wooden elephant. lt sat on the counter for a year, but then it disappeared, probably into a closet somewhere.Another year, she made handmade soaps with nice smells, but they probably weren't any better than store-bought soaps. Last year, she sent lots of nice pictures of herself in frames, but grandparents' house was small, and they couldn't hang up very many.This year, she decided on fruit. She lived where it was warm and there was lots of nice fruit. Her grandparents lived up north, where it was colder and they couldn't get fresh fruit all year, or at least not oranges and grapefruit. Fresh fruit was healthy for her grandparents, too.Mary went to a fruit store and sampled the red oranges. She really liked them and bought a kilogram. Then she tried three kinds of grapefruit.The white ones were sour. The star grapefruit were interesting, but the dark red grapefruit were great.So she got a kilogram.Mary carefully packed the fruit in a box to keep them safe and dry in case one got smashed and its juice got everywhere. Then she wrote the address on the box and mailed it from the store. She felt happy with what she bought.A few days later, Mary got a phone call from her grandparents,thanking her for the lovely fruit. They said it was a healthy, tasty, and very thoughtful gift. Mary had never felt so good before.11.Mary was troubled because she__A_A. had no idea for a holiday giftB. was not creative in her workC. could not afford Christmas giftsD. found her grandma hard to please12.What did Mary send her grandparents last year?____C__A.A wooden elephant.B.Handmade soaps.C.Her own pictures.D.A store-bought closet.13.In selecting the gifts, Mary was__D_A.excitedB.impatientC.exhaustedD.thoughtful14.Which of the following did Mary buy for her grandparents this year?___B__A.Yellow oranges.B.Dark red grapefruitC.White grapefruit.D.Star grapefruit.15.Mary's grandparents_A__A.loved her giftB.sent her а cardC.wrote her a letterD.put her gift away三、概括段落大意和补全句子(第16~ 25题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1)从第16~ 20题后所给的6个选项中,为第1 ~ 5段每段选择1个正确的小标题; (2) 从第21 ~ 25题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。

全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语科技文选试题课程代码:00836PART A:VOCABULARYⅠ.Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary.(10%)1.extricable 无法摆脱的2.fiction 想象的3.period 周期的4.produce 生产有经济价值之东西的5.normal 异常的6.justified 理由7.habit 同居8.class 标准的9.field 外场10.distinct 有特色的Ⅱ.Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(10%)take…into account burst forth to the tune of run for do…justice/do justice to…in relation to cater for in response to after all draw on11.He is going to __________________________ President.12.He has two jobs; he can’t ______________________ both of them.13.She used the map to discover where she was _____________________ her surroundings.14.The company has changed some of its working practices _________________ criticism bygovernment inspectors.15.Don’t get discouraged by setbacks; we are new to the work _______________________.16.The record company __________________________all tastes in music.17.A writer has to _________________________ his imagination and experience.18.Whe n you are planning a garden party, you’ll have to ________ the weather ______.119.Bamboo shoots ________________ in spring.20.The city council had financed the new building ______________ over twelve milliondollars.Ⅲ.Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%)contain first than protein in remain carbohydrateslater then withProteins are nutrients that build and repair body parts. Large parts of tissues—for instance, bone, muscle, and skin—come from 21 . Foods such as chicken and other meats, eggs, fish, and nuts supply you 22 protein. Fats are nutrients that supply your body with energy. Fats 23 large amounts of energy. Salad dressing, butter, and cooking oils are foods high 24 fat. Carbohydrates are nutrients that also supply you with energy. What 25 is the difference between fats and carbohydrates? The body uses carbohydrates 26 for energy. The body stores fats; that is, it keeps them for 27 use. Then, if necessary, it uses the fats for energy. Foods that contain starches and sugars (for instance, bread and fruit) supply you with 28 . A person can 29 healthy only if he or she gets the correct amounts of each nutrient. You must not get more or less of a nutrient 30 your body can use.PART B:TRANSLATIONⅣ.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below.(10%)given gigantic untangle reinforce typify31.大象是地球上一种巨大的动物。

(英语词汇学)00832自考重点试卷(一)pletethefollowingstatementorpassagewithproperexpressions.〔每题1分,共10分〕1.Archaismsarewordsnolongerin_________useor_______inuse.2.Awordwhosemeaningwasborrowedfromanotherlanguageiscalled_________.3.TheIndo-Europeanlanguageismadeupofmostofthelanguagesof_____;_______;_____.4.Aboundrootisthatpartofthewordthatcarriesthe_______meaningjustlikea________.InEnglish,boundrootsareeither_______or_________.5.Affixesareformsthatare________towordsorwordelementstomodifymeaningorfunction.Wecanputthemintotw ogroups:________and________.6.TheexpansionofvocabularyinmodernEnglishdependschieflyon______.Themostproductiveare_________,________and________.7.Acompoundisaunitconsistingofmorethanonestemandfunctioningboth________and______asasingleword.8.Whenawordisfirstcoined,itisalways______.Butinthecourseofdevelopment,thesamesymbolmustbeusedtoexpressmoremeanings,theresultis________.9.SynonymscanbedefinedasoneoftwoormorewordsintheEnglishlanguagewhichhavethesameorverynearlythesam e_______meaning.10.Synonymscanbeclassifiedintotwomajorgroups:________and_________.II.Decidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse.〔每题1分,共10分〕1.OldEnglishwasahighlyinflectedlanguage.〔〕2.ModernEnglishisconsideredtobeananalyticlanguage.〔〕3.Themostimportantmodeofvocabularydevelopmentinpresent-dayEnglishiscreationofnewwordsbymeansofwor dformation.〔〕4.MiddleEnglishabsorbedatremendousnumberofforeignwordsbutwithlittlechangeinwordendings.〔〕5.Themeaningofacompoundisusuallythecombinationofthestems.〔〕6.Acompoundfunctionsasasinglegrammaticalunit,sotheinternalstructurecannotbechanged.〔〕7.Suchwordsasthepoorer,thedeparted,aRepublicanareallexamplesofpartialconversion.〔〕8.Wordsmainlyinvolvedinconversionarenouns,verbsandadverbs.〔〕9.Semanticunityandstructuralstabilityaregeneralfeaturesofidioms,buttherearemanyexceptions.〔〕10.Idiomsarecharacterizedbyterseness,expressivenessandvividness.〔〕III.Fillineachblandwithawordcontraryinmeaningtothewordgiveninthebracket.〔每题2分,共20分〕1.Beadsandshellsare________formsofmoney.〔modern〕2.Ihavefinishedalltheexercises,Iam______done.〔partly〕3.Onahumidday,thereisalotof________intheair.〔dryness〕4.Mosquitoeswon'tbitejustanyone.Theylookforsomeone________.〔ordinary〕5.Ifyouwanttodrive,itis______tohaveadriver'slicense.〔unnecessary〕6.Thereisagreat_____inourpoliticalbeliefs.Weagreeonmostthings.〔difference〕7.Themansaid,“Iam________.Ididn'tdoit!”〔guilty〕8.Thesoldierstoodina______positionwhilethegeneralwalkedpasthim.〔relaxed〕9.Youwillhaveto______thestringinordertoopenthebox.〔tighten〕10.Noonelivesinthat______house.〔inhabited〕IV.Explainthefollowingterms:〔每题5分,共20分〕1.word2.affixes3.concept4.hyponymyV.Fillintheblankswiththefollowingverbalphrasesintheirsuitableforms:〔每题1分,共20分〕takeon;breakinto;biteinto;goabout;letout;drawup;setdown;holdonto;bringup;makeout;dryup;putout;livethrough;setoff;callfor;tearapart;buyoff;buildin;counton;sinkin1.1848wasayearofrevolutioninEurope;KarlMarxandFrederickEngelspublishedtheCommunistManifesto,andpoliticaldemonstration______thegreatcitiesofParis,Vienna,NaplesandBerlin.2.Withliberaldosesofcalomel,rhubarbandcastoroil,heslowlyimproved,andafterthreeweeks,he______histrousersandwaseagertoescapefromhisbed.3.Hetravelledtofoundlinghomes,prisonsandlunaticasylumsinhissearchforpeople.4.We________attopspeedthroughthenarrowstreetsofHiroshima.5.Iwasjustabouttomakemylittlebowofassent,whenthemeaningoftheselastwords_______,joltingmeoutofmysadreverie.6.Noonetalksaboutitanymore,andnoonewantsto,especially,thepeoplewhowerebornhereorwho______it.7.DuringdinnerMr.ChurchillsaidthataGermanattackonRussiawasnowcertain,andhethoughtthatHitlerwas______enlistingcapitalistandRightWingsympathiesinthiscountryandtheU.S.A.8.MyhusbandandIfindstrongsmokeoffensive.Wouldyoukindly_______that_______?9.Assumingthehotelmanwas______,theironlychance-aslimone-layinremovingthecarquickly.10.Whenrailroadsbegan______thedemandforsteamboatpilotsandtheCivilWarhaltedcommerce,MarkTwainleftthecountry.11.BythetimethetrialbeganonJuly10,ourtownof1500peoplehad_______acircus.12.AmongthemwasJohnButler,whohad_______theanti-evolutionlaw.13.Thenthecourt______astormofapplausethatsurpassedthatforBryan.14.Thefirst-andessential-stepinthestudyofanylanguageisobservingand______preciselywhathappenswhenn ativespeakersspeakit.15.By1976,theslumphadbegunto_______thebulk-carriertrade.16.Thekeytacticbehinditsstrategyof_______therichestsliceofthetradehasbeentomoveup-market-togowher etheThirdWorldcannotfollowintohigh-technologyinvestment.17.Sailorsandofficers______theirchoresasusualontheseships,amidpipingandloudspeakersquawks.18.Mr.Hopkinshas_______yourname.Heappearsimpressed,andthePresidenttoo,byyourexpertiseonlandingcraftandsoforth.19.He_________aSouthernwarwhoop.Inaflash,John,MckeanandFranklincrowdedaroundhim.20.Mr.Jefferson,Ican'tquite________whatitisyou'retalkingabout.VI.Questionsandanswers:〔每题10分,共20分〕1.Whatisextra-linguisticcontext?2.Whatisback-formation?本资料由广州自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登录下载考试必看:自考一次通过的秘诀!。

2018年4月高等教育自学考试《英语词汇学》试题课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement.1. Which of the following is NOT true about the definition of a word?A. A word is a sound unity.B. A word is a unit of meaning.C. A word is the smallest form of a language.D. A word is a form that can function alone in a sentence.2. Vocabulary can refer to the total number of the words in a language, and it can stand for all the words used , e.g. Old English vocabulary, Middle English vocabulary and Modern English vocabulary.A. in a given bookB. in a given dialectC. by an individual personD. in a particular historical period3. Words like man, fire, sun have been in use for centuries. This shows the basic word stock has the characteristics ofA. productivityB. polysemyC. collocabilityD. stability4. The Indo-European language is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East, andA. AsiaB. AfricaC. IndiaD. the Far East5. In Old English period, the introduction of Christianity had a great impact on the English vocabulary. It brought many terms such as altar, amen and candle.A. scientificB. religiousC. educationalD. aesthetic6. Martial arts from the Far East find their way into English vocabulary such as aikido, kungfu and black belt. These are just a few new words, but they will suffice to showA. the invasion of foreign countriesB. social, economic and political changesC. the influence of other cultures and languagesD. the, rapid development of modern science and technology7. Monomorphemic words are realized by single morphs such asA. bossB. catsC. feetD. trying8. The forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function areA. allomorphsB. affixesC. rootsD. stems9. Which of the following words is NOT a stem?A. internationalB. nationC. nationalD. internationalists10. Which of the following words has a negative prefix?A. amoralB. devalueC. misconductD. antiwar11. The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is calledA. compoundingB. prefixationC. conversionD. blending12. Which of the following words is the result from blending?A. smogB. dormC. quakeD. crybaby13. accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.A. ReferenceB. MotivationC. SenseD. Concept14. Such synonymous pairs as die pass away, quarrel--argue are examples to show thatA. one can talk of the same concept in different languagesB. each pair has the same concept but collocates with different wordsC. every word that has meaning has sense, but not every word has referenceD. each pair has the same concept but different socio-cultural and stylistic values15. Which of the following words is NOT morphologically motivated?A. airmailB. hopelessC. reading-lampD. greenhorn16. Words are arbitrary symbols and independent identities so far as their are concerned.A. spelling and meaningB. pronunciation and useC. spelling and pronunciationD. meaning and collocation17. Which of the following is the primary meaning of the word face?A. A surface of a thing.B. The front of the head.C. The appearance.D. The topography.18. Which of the following deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion?A. Synonymy.B. Antonymy.C. Polysemy.D. Hyponymy.19. Word-meaning changes by modes of the following EXCEPTA. extensionB. expansionC. degradationD. elevation20. Which of the following is NOT the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?A. Class reason.B. Historical reason.C. Political reason.D. Psychological reason.21. Fortuitous formerly denoted "happening by chance" and later on took on the meaning"fortunate". Such change of word-meaning is caused byA. the influx of borrowingsB. psychological factorsC. historical reasonD. analogy22. Without , there is no way to determine the very sense of a word that the speaker intended to convey.A. meaningB. contextC. cluesD. culture23. That the word paper means differently in "a sheet of paper", "a white paper" and "a term paper" shows that context affects the meaning of words.A. extra-linguisticB. grammaticalC. semanticD. lexical24. Context may prove extremely valuable in guessing the of a new word.A. meaningB. usageC. part of speechD. implication25. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of idioms?A. The constituents of idioms can be replaced.B. The word order cannot be inverted or changed.C. Many idioms are grammatically unanalysable.D. The constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to.26. Which of thefollowing is an idiom verbal in nature?A. cut and driedB. fly in the ointmentC. call it a dayD. in clover27. The figure of speech used in the idiom a dark horse isA. simileB. metaphorC. personificationD. synecdoche28. The dictionary where the headword or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language isA. monolingual dictionariesB. bilingual dictionariesC. linguistic dictionariesD. encyclopedic dictionaries29. The main body of a dictionary is its of words.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. definitionD. grammar30. The following are the features of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English New Edition (1987) EXCEPTA. usage notesB. language notesC. extra columnD. clear grammar codesII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book31. By notion, words can be grouped into content words and words.32. Middle English retained much fewer inflections. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings, Middle English was one of endings.33. The morphemes which are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word are known as34. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two ubclasses: and suffixation.35. In word meaning, the relationship between language and the word is , by means of which, a speaker indicates which things in the world are being talked about.36. Words like bank meaning both the edge of the river and an establishment for money business are called37. Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and38. Linguistic context include context, where the meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words.39. The semantic of idioms is reflected in the illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom, as is shown in rain cats and dogs, which means "rain heavily".40. If one wants to know whether a pair or mathematics takes a singular or plural verb, a dictionary is likely to supply the best answer.III. Define the following terms.41. terminology42. morpheme43. conceptual meaning44. elevation45. true idiomsIV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.46. Through which three channels does modem English vocabulary develop?47. Turn the phrasal verbs below into noun compounds:1) fall down2) sit in3) cry out4) hang over5) bring up48. Tell the difference between superordiates and subordinates, with the example wordsfiower, lion, hammer, tool, animal and rose.49. Explain how context clues are used in the sentence "In spite of the fact that the fishermen were wearing sou 'westers, the storm was so heavy that they were wet through."V. Analyze and comment on the following.50. Explain the difference between full conversion and partial conversion by taking "valuables" and "the young" as examples.51. Illustrate the differences between synonyms by analyzing the following groups of synonyms.(a) understand and comprehend(b) answer and respond(c) allow and let。

历年全国自考英语词汇学试题及参考答案历年全国自考英语词汇学试题及参考答案4月全国自学考试--英语词汇学试卷及答案第一部分选择题Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.()A. moreB. littleC. lessD. gradual2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______.()A. general dictionariesB. monolingual dictionariesC. both A and BD. neither A and B3.The word "MINISKIRT" is _______.()A. morphologically motivatedB. etymologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. none of the above4.The most important way of vocabulary development in present-day English is _______.()A. borrowingB. semantic changeC. creation of new wordsD. all the above5.Beneralization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.()A. generalizedB. expandedC. elevatedD. degraded6.Some morphemes have _______ as they are realized by more than one morph according to their position in word.()A. alternative morphsB. single morphsC. abstract unitsD. discrete units7.Old English vocabulary was essentially_______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.()A. ItalicB. GermanicC. CelticD. Hellenic/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763 2301274c9.html pounds are different from free phrases in all the following ways EXCEPT _______.()A. semanticsB. grammarC. phoneticsD. lexicology9.If two main constituents of an idiom share the same initial sound, it is called _______.()A. repetitionB. alliterationC. rhymeD. none of the above10.Which of the following words is a functional word?()A. OftenB. NeverC. AlthoughD. Desk11.Rhetorical features are shown in such respects of phonetic and lexical manipulation as well as _______.()A. semantic unityB. structural stabilityC. idiomatic variationD. figure of speech12.The advantage of classifying idioms according to grammatical functions is to _______.()A. use idioms correctly and appropriatelyB. understand idioms correctlyC. remember idioms quicklyD. try a new method of classification13.Borrowing as a source of homonymy in English can be illustrated by _______.()A. long(not short)B. ball(a dancing party)C. rock(rock'n'roll)D. ad(advertisement)14.The change of word meaning is brought about by the following internal factors EXCEPT _______.()A. the influx of borrowingB. repetitionC. analogyD. shortening15.Which of the following is NOT a component of linguistic context?()A. Words and phrases.B. SentencesC. Text or passageD. Time and place第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16.Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation and ___________________.17.The language used in England between 450 and 1150is called _________________./doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763 2301274c9.html ELD is a ________________ dictionary.19.In the phrase "the mouth of the river",the word "mouth" is _________________ motivated.20.Physical situation or environment relating to the use of words is ________________ context. Ⅲ.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to1)types of meaning changes;2)types of meaning;3)language branches and 4)meaning and context.(10%)A B21.Scandinavian()/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763230 1274c9.html l(place where things are made)22.Germanic()B.grammatical23.extension()C.double meaning24.narrowing()D.Swedish25.linguistic()/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763230 1274c9.html prehend/understand26.ambiguity()F.Dutch27.participants()G.degermined28.difference in denotation()H.pigheaded29.appreciative()I.non-linguistic30.pejorative()J.iron(a device for smoothing clothes)Ⅳ.Study the following words or expressions and identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined, and 2)types of word formation or prefixes.(10%)31.predict()32.motel()33.potatoes()34.blueprint()35.preliminaries()36.Southward()37.demilitarize()38.hypersensityve()39.retell()40.multi-purposes()Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.acronymy42.native words43.elevation44.stylistic meaning45.monolingral dictionaryⅥ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should the clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.How many types of motivation are there in English? Give ONE example for each type.47.What are the major sources of English synonyms? Illustrate your points.48.What are the clues generally provided in verbal context?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.analyze the morphological structures of following words and point out the types of the morphemes.Recollection, nationalist, unearthly 50.Pick out the idioms in the following extract and explain its origin and the effect of using this form."Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time," he said.答案4月份高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语词汇学试题参考答案Ⅰ.(30%)1.A2.C3.A4.C5.A6.A7.B8.D9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.DⅡ.(10%)16.transfer17.OLD English18.monolingual19.semantically20.extralinguistic/non-linguisticⅢ.(10%)21.D22.F23.A24.J25.B26.C27.I28.E29.G30.HⅣ.(10%)31.bound root32.(head+tail)blinding33.inflectional affix/morpheme34.a+n35.full conversion36.suffix37.reversativ38.prefix of degree39.prefix40.number prefixⅤ.(10%)41.The process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.42.Native words, also known as Anglo-Saxon words, are words brought to Britian in the 5thcentury by the Germanic tribes.43.The process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 44.The distinctive stylistic features of words which make them appropriate for different context.45.A dictionary written in one language, or a dictionary in which entries are defined in the same language.Ⅵ.(12%)46.There are four types of motivation:1)Onomatopoeic motivation, e.g. cuckoo, squeak, quack, etc.2)Morphological motivation, e.g. airmail, reading-lamp, etc.3)Semantic motivation, e.g. the mouth of the river, the foot of the mountain, etc.4)Etymological motivation, e.g. pen, laconic, etc.47.Key points:borrowing; dialects and regional English; figurative and euphemistic use of words; coincidence with idiomatic expressions.48.Key points:definition; explanation; example; synonymy; antonymy; hyponymy; relevant details and word structure.Ⅶ.(18%)49.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes, recollection (re+collect+ion),nationalist (nation+al+ist),unearthly(un+earth+ly). 2)Of the nine morphemes, only "collect","nation" and "earth" are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest re-,-ion,-al,-ist,un- and -ly are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.50.1)the stitch in time ----- a stitch in time saves nine(3分)2)proverbs are concise, forcible and thought-provoking(1分)3)using an old saying is more persuasive(2分)4)the short form saves time, more colloquial(2分)5)indicates intimacy or close relationship(1分)4月份全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题及答案英语(本科)专业第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%)1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ]A. lewd → ignorantB. silly → foolishC. last → pleasureD. knave → boy2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ]A. humourB. sarcasmC. ridiculeD. all the above3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ]A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradationB. extension, generalization, elevation and degradationC. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradationD. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ]A. synecdocheB. metonymyC. substitutionD. metaphor5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ]A. adjectivesB. attributesC. modifiersD. words6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in whicha word is used. [ ]A. vocabularyB. grammarC. semantic patternD. syntactic structure7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning.This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ]A. additionB. replacementC. position-shiftingD. variation8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ]A. onomatopoeically motivatedB. morphologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. etymologically motivated9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ]A. clear grammar codesB. language notesC. usage notesD. extra columns10.Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping? [ ]A. DormB. motelC. GentD. Zoo11.Old English has a vocabulary of about _____ words. [ ]A. 30,000 to 40,000B. 50,000 to 60,000C. 70,000 to 80,000D. 80,000 to 90,00012. _____ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. [ ]A. RootsB. StemsC. AffixesD. Compounds13. Besides French words, English also absorbed as many as 2,500 words of _____ in the Middle English period. [ ]A. Dutch originB. Danish originC. Latin originD. Greek origin14. A word is a symbol that _____ . [ ]A. is used by the same speech communityB. represents something else in the worldC. is both simple and complex in natureD.shows different ideas in different sounds15.Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they _____. [ ]A. are complex words.B. are technical wordsC. refer to the commonest things in life.D. denote the most important concepts.第二部分非选择题II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book(10%)16. The same idiom may show _____ differences when it is used in different meanings including affective meaning.17. LDCE is a _____ dictionary.18. Antonyms are classified on the basis of _____.19. The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called _____.20. Pronouns and numerals enjoy nation-wide use and stability, but have limited _____.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)types of meaning changes;2)types ofmeaning;3)language branches and 4)features of idioms (10%)A B21. grammatical meaning ( ) A. Scottish22. reading-lamp ( ) B. neither fish, flesh, nor fowl23. pen ( ) C. morphologically motivated24. alliteration ( ) D. head of a state25. difference in connotation ( ) E. answer/。

《英语词汇学》00832自考模拟试卷(一)I. Complete the following statement or passage with proper expressions.(每题1分,共10分)1. Archaisms are words no longer in _________ use or _______ in use.2. A word whose meaning was borrowed from another language is called _________.3. The Indo - European language is made up of most of the languages of _____; _______; _____.4. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the _______ meaning just like a ________. In English, bound roots are either _______ or _________.5. Affixes are forms that are ________ to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. We can put them into two groups: ________ and ________.6. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on ______. The most productive are _________, ________ and ________.7. A compound is a unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both ________ and ______ as a single word.8. When a word is first coined, it is always ______. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is ________.9. Synonyms can be defined as one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same _______ meaning.10. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups: ________ and _________.II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(每题1分,共10分)1. Old English was a highly inflected language. ()2. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. ()3. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present - day English is creation of new words by means of word formation. ()4. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings. ()5. The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of the stems. ()6. A compound functions as a single grammatical unit, so the internal structure can not be changed. ()7. Such words as the poorer, the departed, a Republican are all examples of partial conversion. ()8. Words mainly involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs. ()9. Semantic unity and structural stability are general features of idioms, but there are many exceptions. ()10. Idioms are characterized by terseness, expressiveness and vividness. ()III. Fill in each bland with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket.(每题2分,共20分)1. Beads and shells are ________ forms of money. (modern)2. I have finished all the exercises, I am ______ done. (partly)3. On a humid day, there is a lot of ________ in the air. (dryness)4. Mosquitoes won't bite just anyone. They look for someone ________. (ordinary)5. If you want to drive, it is ______ to have a driver's license. (unnecessary)6. There is a great _____ in our political beliefs. We agree on most things. (difference)7. The man said, "I am ________. I didn't do it!" (guilty)8. The soldier stood in a ______ position while the general walked past him. (relaxed)9. You will have to ______ the string in order to open the box. (tighten)10. No one lives in that ______ house. (inhabited)IV. Explain the following terms:(每题5分,共20分)1. word2. affixes3. concept4. hyponymyV. Fill in the blanks with the following verbal phrases in their suitable forms:(每题1分,共20分)take on; break into; bite into ; go about; let out; draw up; set down; hold on to; bring up; make out; dry up; put out; live through; set off; call for; tear apart; buy off; build in; count on; sink in1. 1848 was a year of revolution in Europe; Karl Marx and Frederick Engels published the Communist Manifesto, and political demonstration ______ the great cities of Paris, Vienna, Naples and Berlin.2. With liberal doses of calomel, rhubarb and castor oil, he slowly improved, and after three weeks, he ______ his trousers and was eager to escape from his bed.3. He travelled to foundling homes, prisons and lunatic asylums in his search for people.4. We ________ at top speed through the narrow streets of Hiroshima.5. I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words _______,jolting me out of my sad reverie.6. No one talks about it any more, and no one wants to, especially, the people who were born here or who ______ it.7. During dinner Mr. Churchill said that a German attack on Russia was now certain, and he thought that Hitler was ______ enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S.A.8. My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly _______ that _______?9. Assuming the hotel man was ______, their only chance - a slim one - lay in removing the car quickly.10. When railroads began ______ the demand for steamboat pilots and the Civil War halted commerce,Mark Twain left the country.11. By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1500 people had _______ a circus.12. Among them was John Butler, who had _______ the anti - evolution law.13. Then the court ______ a storm of applause that surpassed that for Bryan.14. The first - and essential - step in the study of any language is observing and ______ precisely what happens when native speakers speak it.15. By 1976, the slump had begun to _______ the bulk - carrier trade.16. The key tactic behind its strategy of _______ the richest slice of the trade has been to move up - market - to go where the Third World cannot follow into high - technology investment.17. Sailors and officers ______ their chores as usual on these ships, amid piping and loudspeaker squawks.18. Mr. Hopkins has _______ your name. He appears impressed, and the President too, by your expertise on landing craft and so forth.19. He _________ a Southern war whoop. In a flash, John, Mckean and Franklin crowded around him.20. Mr. Jefferson, I can't quite ________ what it is you're talking about.VI. Questions and answers:(每题10分,共20分)1. What is extra - linguistic context?2. What is back - formation?本资料由广州自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登录下载考试必看:自考一次通过的秘诀!。

自考英语词汇学00832重点及大题目录Chapter 1 (1)课文重点 (1)名词解释 (4)简答题 (4)Chapter 2 (5)课文重点 (5)名词解释 (6)简答题 (7)分析题 (7)Chapter 3 (7)课文重点 (7)名词解释 (8)简答题 (9)分析题 (9)Chapter 4 (9)课文重点 (9)名词解释 (12)简答题 (12)分析题 (13)Chapter 5 (13)课文重点 (13)名称解释 (15)简答题 (15)分析题 (16)Chapter 6 (16)课文重点 (16)名词解释 (19)简答题 (20)分析题 (21)Chapter 7 (22)课文重点 (22)名词解释 (23)简答题 (23)分析题 (23)Chapter 8 (24)课文重点 (24)名词解释 (24)简答题 (25)分析题 (25)Chapter 9 (26)课文重点 (26)名词解释 (28)简答题 (28)分析题................................................................................... 29Chapter 10 .. (29)课文重点 (29)名词解释 (30)简答题 (30)部分试卷中的大题 (31)2016-10 (31)2009-04 (32)Chapter 1课文重点1 - The definition of a word comprises the following points: (1) a minimal free form of a language; (2) a sound unity; (3) a unit of meaning; (4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1 词定义包括以下几点:(1 )一门语言中最小的自由形式;(2 )一个声音的统一体(3 )一个意义单位;(4 )在一个句子中独立起作用的一个形式。

自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!自考00832《英语词汇学》模拟试题(一)一、Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1. The criteria of words include________. A :The criteria of words include. B :all national character C :a cluster of letters D :sound unity2. If we classify English words by use frequency,the two types of words are________. A :the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary B :content words and functional words C :native words and borrowed words D :functional words and notional words3. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels:_______. A :creation,conversion and borrowing B :creation,borrowing and backformation C :creation,semantic change and borrowingD :semantic change,borrowing and backformation 4. Basic words are characterized with________. A :polysemy B :collocability C :productivity D :all the above5. More often than not,functional words mainly have________. A :lexical meaning B :associative meaning C :collocative meaning D :grammatical meaning6. The suffixes in words "clockwise","homeward" are_________. A :noun suffixes B :verb suffixes C :adverb suffixes D :adjective suffixes7. In English there are________types of motivation as far as the relationship between the sign and meaning is concerned. A :2 B :6 C :4 D :58. Which of the following about extralinguistic context is true?自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!A :It can be subdivided into extralinguistic context and nonlinguistic context.B :It only refers to the physical situation or environment relating to the use of words.C :It embraces the people,time,size and place.D :It may extend to embrace the entire cultural background. 9. 9.The idiom "wide of the mark"is________. A :adjectival in nature B :verbal in nature C :nominal in nature D :adverbial in nature10. Idioms like "black sheep","new broom","a wet blanket"and"sit on the fence"are examples of________. A :transfer B :metonymy C :metaphor D :simile11. The idiom "might and main" uses________as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned. A :alliteration B :metaphor C :metonymy D :rhyme12. Which of the following prefixes can NOT be used to indicate time and order?A :AB :BC :CD :D13. Which of the following is NOT from backformation? A :To mass produce. B :To lip read. C :To nickname. D :To chain smoke.14. Which kind of meaning is the meaning that is given in the dictionary and that forms the core of word meaning ?A :Conceptual meaning.B :Grammatical meaning.C :Lexical meaning.自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!D :Associative meaning.15. By "structural stability" of idioms,which of the following is right? A :Many idioms are grammatically analyzable.B :The constituents of idioms can not be replaced at random.C :The constituents of idioms can be deleted.D :More constituents can be added to idioms without changing their meanings. 16. Bilingual dictionaries involve________language(s). A :one B :two C :three D :four17. "Trumpet" is a(n)________motivated word. A :morphologically B :semanticallyC :onomatopoeicallyD :etymologically18. The meaning of the word "fond" changed from "foolish" to "affectionate" by mode of________. A :extension B :narrowing C :elevation D :degradation19. ________are those which cannot occur as separate words without being added to other morphemes. A :Free rootsB :Free morphemesC :Bound morphemesD :Meaningful units20. Words which have opposite meanings are called________. A :synonyms B :antonyms C :homonyms D :hyponyms21. The pair of words "respectable" and "respectful" has thesense of transfer respectively. A :subjective,objective B :objective,subjective C :objective,objective D :none of the above22. "Hopeless" is a________motivated word. A :morphologically B :onomatopoeically C :semantically自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!D :etymologically23. Extension is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become________. A :generalized B :expanded C :elevated D :degraded24. Of the following wordformation processes,________is the most productive. A :clipping B :blending C :initialism D :derivation25. The following are userfriendly features of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English EXCEPT________. A :extra columnB :clear grammar codesC :usage notesD :language notes26. For beginners and lowerintermediate learners,a dictionary is essential as they do not know enough________of the target language. A :monolingual B :bilingual C :unabridged D :specialized27. Readers cant find pronunciation or meaning in________. A :Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English B :The Encyclopedia AmericanaC :Chambers Encyclopedic English DictionaryD :Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary 28. The main body of a dictionary is________of words. A :spellingsB :pronunciationsC :definitionsD :grammar29. In the idiom "in good feather",we change "good" into "high"or "full" without changing meaning.This change ofconstituent is known as________. A :addition B :replacement C :positionshifting D :variation30. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example_________. A :lewd → ignorant自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!B :silly → foolishC :last → pleasureD :knave → boy二、Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(15%)1. 31.From the diachronic point of view,when the word was created,it was endowed with only one meaning .The firstmeaning is called .2. British dictionaries generally use to mark the pronunciation.3. 33.The antonyms "big" and "small" are .4. Websters New World Dictionary is a(n) dictionary.5. Prefixes are those affixes that are added to the head of words and they primarily change the meaning of the.6. 36. is a process by which a word denoting one thing changes to refer to a different but related thing.7. Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and . 8. The order of meanings in CCELD indicates the of words.9. A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using whatremains instead.This is called .10. "From cradle to grave" is an example of . 三、Define the following terms.(15%) 1. creation2. backformation3. radiation4. grammatical context5. desk dictionaries四、Answer the following questions.Your answers should be clear and short.Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)1. How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loanwords?2. How do you understand semantic motivation?3. What are the linguistic factors of meaning changes?4. How do you understand"the structure of an idiom is to a large extent unchangeable"?五、Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below.(20%) 1. Analyze and comment on the meanings of the following sentences and then find out the right antonyms for each "dull" respectively.[A ]The story in this book is dull.[B ]He became dull and silent when the class began. [C ]I'm tired of such dull weather! (10 分) 2. The "pen" is mightier than the "sword".Explain what "pen" and "sword"mean respectively using the theory of motivation.自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!一、Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%) 1: 参考答案: C(P7)总体来讲,单词的标准包含以下几点:词是语言中最小的自由形式;是一个声音统一 体;是意义单位;是一个能在句子中起到独立作用的形式。
2018年4月全国高等教育自学考试试题 英语(二)答案

2018年4月全国高等教育自学考试试题英语(二)答案1. The little dancer from Australia looks ______ in the long skirt. [单选题] *A. gentlyB. happilyC. beautifullyD. lovely(正确答案)2. The number of people who ______ the meeting was larger than we had expected. [单选题] *A. keptB. attended(正确答案)C. publishedD. got3. I didn’t realize she was our English teacher ______ she took off her dark glasses. [单选题] *A. until(正确答案)B. unlessC. butD. after4. Tom had to ______ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. [单选题] *A. turn inB. turn down(正确答案)C. turn overD. turn to5. A: Remember to print on both sides of the paper. [单选题] *A. Me, tooB. Well done.C. Sure, I will.(正确答案)D. That’s all right.6. More efforts, as reported, ______ in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. [单选题] *A. are being madeB. have been madeC. are madeD. will be made(正确答案)7. The research group produced two reports based on the survey, but ______ contained any useful suggestions. [单选题] *A. allB. noneC. eitherD. neither(正确答案)8. Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for ______ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. [单选题] *A. what(正确答案)B. thatC. whyD. how9. The team are busy ______ the problem so that they can find the best solution. [单选题] *A. pretendingB. promisingC. guessingD. analyzing(正确答案)10. A: Are you sure you’re ready for the test? [单选题] *A. I’m afraid notB. No problem(正确答案)C. Hard to sayD. Not really11. [单选题] *A. leaving(正确答案)B. drivingC. runningD. coming12. [单选题] *A. SpecificallyB. ParticularlyC. Fortunately(正确答案)D. Interestingly13. [单选题] *A. IfB. While(正确答案)C. SinceD. Unless14. [单选题] *A. guiltyB. worried(正确答案)C. angryD. curious15. [单选题] *A. no oneB. everyone(正确答案)C. someoneD. anyone16. [单选题] *A. buy(正确答案)B. bringC. leaveD. lend17. [单选题] *A. shockedB. amazed(正确答案)C. puzzledD. concerned18. [单选题] *A. wiseB. crazyC. innocentD. sweet(正确答案)19. [单选题] *A. whichB. what(正确答案)C. whenD. whether20. [单选题] *A. must notC. can’t(正确答案)D. needn’t21. [单选题] *A. checking withB. paying forC. operating onD. looking after(正确答案)22. [单选题] *A. aboutB. toC. withD. from(正确答案)23. [单选题] *A. wonderful(正确答案)B. gratefulC. playfulD. respectful24. [单选题] *A. Out ofB. As toD. Regardless of(正确答案)25. [单选题] *A. hopeB. love(正确答案)C. pityD. pain26. You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock ______. [单选题] *A. funB. heavyC. strongD. special(正确答案)27. Which of these things do you need for Step 2? [单选题] *A. Tape(正确答案)B. RibbonsC. A pencilD. A string.28. What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube? [单选题] *A. Make holes in the tube.B. Tape the tube together.C. Tie knots in the ribbons.(正确答案)D. Put a string through the hole.29. What is probably the most important to make a windsock work? [单选题] *A. Its shape.(正确答案)B. Its size.C. The color of the paper.D. The number of the holes.30. What is the main purpose of this article? [单选题] *A. To tell an interesting story.B. To explain how to do something.(正确答案)C. To teach an important lesson.D. To show what a windsock is like.31. According to the passage, children’s fear and dislike of books may result from ______. [单选题] *A. reading little and thinking littleB. reading often and adventurouslyC. being made to read too muchD. being made to read aloud before others(正确答案)32. The teacher told his students to read ______. [单选题] *A. for enjoyment(正确答案)B. for knowledgeC. for a large vocabularyD. for higher scores in exams33. Upon hearing the teacher’s talk, the children probably felt that ______. [单选题] *A. it sounded stupidB. it was not surprising at allC. it sounded too good to be true(正确答案)D. it was no different from other teachers’ talk34. Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage? [单选题] *A. She skipped over those easy parts while reading.B. She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.C. She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.(正确答案)D. She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.35. From the teacher’s point of view, ______. [单选题] *A. children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while readingB. children should be left to decide what to read and how to read(正确答案)C. reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in schoolD. reading involves understanding every little piece of information36. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.(正确答案)E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.37. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.(正确答案)G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.38. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.(正确答案)B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.39. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.(正确答案)40. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.(正确答案)C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.。

全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.()A.meaning B.SoundC.combination of sounds D.Group2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.()A.more slowly than B.As quickly asC.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notionC.origin D.sound4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.()A.green revolution B.fast foodC.moon walk D.space shuttle5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need.()A.form B.meaningC.look D.pronunciation6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.()A.four B.fellC.for D.autumn7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______.()A./t/ B./g/C./p/ D./k/英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.()A.one B.twoC.three D.four9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.()A.works B.prewarC.postwar D.bloody10.30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through ______.()A.compounding B.affixationC.conversion D.shortening11.The word “motel” is created by ______.()A.compounding B.clippingC.blending D.suffixation12.“BBC” is formed in the way of ______.()A.acronymy B.clippingC.back-formation D.prefixation13.The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT ______.()A.grammatical meaning B.conceptual meaningC.associative meaning D.literal meaning14.By ______ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.()A.onomatopoeic B.morphologicalC.semantic D.etymological15.______ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.()A.Reference B.ConceptC.Sense D.Motivation16.Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of ______.()A.word formation B.word meaningC.meaning change D.Sense relations英语词汇学试卷第 2 页共9 页17.When a word is first coined, it is always ______.()A.semantic B.onomatopoeicC.monosemic D.polysemic18.The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas the first is archaic, EXCEPT ______.()A.ire/anger B.rich/wealthyC.forlorn/distressed D.bliss/happiness19.Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.()A.senses B.FormsC.dialects D.Terms20.The mode of ______ is well reflected in the word “picture”, which originally denoted mere “painting”, but now has come to include “drawings” and even “photographs”()A.extension B.elevationC.narrowing D.degradation21.In the sentence “The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.”, the word “respectable” is used in the ______ sense of transfer.()A.subjective B.objectiveC.sensational D.physical22.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of context?()A.Elimination of ambiguity.B.Indication of referents.C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning.23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.” is ambiguous due to ______.()A.grammatical context B.polysemyC.antonymy D.hyponymy24.In the sentence “An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’Wester usually brings rain.”, the meaning of “sou’wester” can be inferred from the clue of ______.()英语词汇学试卷第 3 页共9 页A.relevant details B.synonymyC.antonymy D.hyponymy25.The idiom “toss and turn” is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.()A.alliteration B.metaphorC.metonymy D.rhyme26.Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms?()A.Sentence idioms. B.Idioms adverbial in nature.C.Clausal idioms. D.Idioms nominal in nature.27.The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______.()A.replacement B.additionC.shortening D.repetition28.Generally speaking, a dictionary will cover the following content EXCEPT ______.()A.spelling B.syntactical usageC.pronunciation D.definition29.As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated one()A.A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese TranslationC.A New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation30.Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictionary.()A.unabridged B.deskC.specialized D.encyclopedicⅡ.Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion; and 4) the function of affixes. (10%)A B( c )31.She burst into passionate sobbing. A.juxtaposition(I )32.He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B.notional word英语词汇学试卷第 4 页共9 页(g )33.and C.transfer of sensations(h )34.the man’s coat D.abstract to concrete( a )35.here and there E.derivational affix( b )36.moon F.alliteration( f )37.rough and ready G.functional word( e )38.ex-prisoner H.inflectional affix(j )39.fair and square I.associated transfer( d )40.Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J.rhymeⅢ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)41.When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.42.Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ________, semantic change and borrowing.43.We might say that free morphemes are free root.44.The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called ________. 45.Semantic ________ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning ofa word.46.Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ________ with regard to spelling and pronunciation.47.V ocabulary is the most ________ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.48.Ambiguity often arises due to ________ and homonymy.49.Idioms consist of set ________ and short sentences.50.Monolingual dictionaries are written in ________ language.Ⅳ.Define the following terms.(10%)51.morpheme52.homonym53.connotation54.elevation55.idiom英语词汇学试卷第 5 页共9 页Ⅴ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)56.As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main sources of new words?57.What are the semantic features of compounds? Give an example to illustrate your point. 58.Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between.59.How do you account for the context function as indication of referents?Ⅵ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)60.Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.—“You’re not eating your fish,” a waitress said to a customer. “Anything wrong with it?”—“Long time no sea.” the customer replied.61.Analyze the three causes of meaning change within the scope of the linguistic factors, based on the given words below.(1)gold, bulb;(2)deer, beast, animals;(3)fortuitous, fruition.英语词汇学试卷第 6 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第7 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第8 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第9 页共9 页。

全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832第一部分选择题Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into( )A. perfect homonymsB. homonymsC. homophonesD. all the above2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example( )A. ad for “advertisement”B. dish for “food"C. fond for “affectionate”D. an editorial for “an editorial article"3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over( )A. the reader’s interpretationB. the neighbouring wordsC. the writer's intentionD. the etymology of the word4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order?A. extra-B. pro-C. re-D. semi-5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary?A. The Oxford Dictionary of English EtymologyB. Chamber's Encyclopedic English DictionaryC. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal VerbsD. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms6.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world.B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary.C. Concept is universal to all men alike.D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language.7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form( )A. physical contextB. grammatical contextC. lexical contextD. linguistic context8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is( )A. definitionB. explanationC. exampleD. hyponym9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that( )A. it can refer to the common core of a languageB. it can refer to the total number of the words in a languageC. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical periodD. it can stand for words in given dialect or field10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a( )A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification11.An idiom differs from a free phrase in that the former is ( ) and the latter is not.A. structurally changeableB. semantically analyzableC. structurally fixedD. easily understood12.We can work out the meaning of heliocentric and geocentric according to( )A. morphological structureB. relevant detailsC. grammatical structureD. physical context13.What causes the ambiguity of the sente nce ”I like Mary better than Janet"? ( )A. V ocabularyB. SituationC. StructureD. None of the above14.Early Modern English refers to the language spoken( )A. from 1066 to 1500B. from 1150 to 1500C. from 1500 to 1700D. from 1600 to 180015.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ( )A. bound rootsB. free morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. derivational affixes第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16._________________meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs, etc.17.The word __________has the old meaning "servant" and the elevated meaning "head of a ministry".18.The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary or ______________.19.When a word with more than one meaning is used in unclear context, it creates _______________.20.Almost all affixes are __________morphemes because few can be used as independent words. Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)rhetorical features of the idioms; 2)sense relations; 3)assimilation degree; 4)characteristics of the basic word stock and 5)motivation.(10%)A B21.reiteration ( ) A. high and low22.repetition ( ) B. pick and choose23.juxtaposition ( ) C. face to face24.perfect homonym ( ) D. Failure is the mother of success.25.personification ( ) E. hiss26.portus ( ) F. bear; beare ( ) G. twitter28.heart ( ) H. cat29.birds ( ) I. port30.snakes ( ) J. heart and soulⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of context clues; 2)types of word formation; 3)types of word-meaning changes and 4)rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.making a restatement of a new word or concept in familiar words ( )32.sitcom ( )33.the usual amenities such as a pub, a post office and a school ( )34.form cradle to grave ( )35.might and main ( )36.fax ( )37.disobey,impolite, ( )38.hussy:"housewife"→"a woman of low morals"( )39.disease:"discomfort"→"illness"( )40.fond:"foolish"→"affectionate"( )Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.dictionary42.pejoration43.idioms nominal in nature44.Germanic45.allomorphⅥ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.What are the stylistic features of idioms?47. How would you explain the difference between back formation and suffixation? Give examples to illustrate your point.48. How do you distinguish inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)ment on the following pairs of sentences in terms of superordinate and subordinates.a. The man said he would come to our school next week.b. The visiting scholar said he would visit our university next Monday.50.Analyes the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes.unbearable, international, ex-prisoner全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题参考答案课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.D2.B3.B4.C5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A 10.B11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.CⅡ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16. Grammatical 17. minister 18. conventional 19. ambiguity 20. boundⅢ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B. (10%)21.B 22.C 23.A 24.F 25.D26.I 27.H 28.J 29.G 30.EⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of context clues; 2)types of word formation; 3)types of word-meaning changes and 4)rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.explanation32.head+head blending33.hyponymy/hyponym34.figure of speech; metonymy35.phonetic manipulation/alliteration36.back clipping37.affixation, prefixation or negative prefixes38.degradation39.narrowing40.elevationⅤ.Define the following terms.(10%)41. Dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of a language, with information as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning usage, etc.42. Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.43.(1)Each idiom has a noun as the key word.(2)Each functions as a noun/also knows asnoun idioms.44.a term used to refer to a branch of the Indo-European language family, which consists of English, German, Dutch, etc.45.one of the variants that realize a morphemeⅥ.Answer the following questions.(12%)46.(1)Many idioms were created in different professions, so they were trade-or profession-related, colloquial and informal.(2)Now most become a part of the common core, neither formal nor informal.(3)There are still many colloquialisms, slang expressions, literary expressions comparatively small in number.47.A)Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases.B)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation; it's the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.48.Inflectional affixes are affixes (1) attached to the end of words; (2) to indicate grammatical relationships, while derivational affixes are affixes; (3) added to other morphemes; (4) to createnew words.Ⅶ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.要点:Superordinate Subordinate1) man scholar2) come visit3) school university4) week Monday50.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes unbearable(un+bear+able), international (inter+nation+al), ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).2)Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and prison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest un-,-able,inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.。

全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共21小题,每小题1分,共21分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letters A,B,C or D in the brackets.1.The general sent out word that no one in the bunker ______ to bed until further orders.()A.will go B.would goC.was about to go D.was to go2.He ______ violin when I want to sleep.()A.always plays B.play alwaysC.is always playing D.always is playing3.James has just arrived, but I didn’t kn ow he ______ until yesterday.()A.will come B.was comingC.had been coming D.comes4.I only called the police when I ______ everything else.()A.tried B.was tryingC.had tried D.had been trying5.Mother wished I ______ you what she ______.()A.did n’t tell; said B.didn’t tell; has saidC.didn’t tell; had said D.hadn’t told; said6.Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ______ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.()A.is to be analyzed B.were analyzedC.be analyzed D.should have been analyzed7.The teacher said that Jane ______ work harder the following semester.()A.have to B. had betterC.had better to D.would rather to18.The twins had been away for such a long time that many people in the village thought they ()A.ought to have died B.should have diedC.must have died D.could have died9.“I ______ go out today. If I do,I ______ in a storm.”I said to myself when I heard the weatherman say there would be a heavy rain that day.()A.had better not to; might have been caughtB.had better; may be caughtC.would not; might have been caughtD.had better not; may be caught10.I hope that it is possible to achieve this objective by calling on the smokers ______ good judgment and show concern for others rather than by regulation.()A.to be using B.to have been usingC.use D.to use11.When ______ to tell the difference between British and American English, the linguist made a long and ______ speech.()A.asked; tired B.asked; tiringC.asking; tiring D.be asked; tired12.The money would have to be raised by ______ taxation.()A.far B.fartherC.farthest D.further13.Their plane arrived ______ San Francisco this morning.()A.from B.atC.to D.on14.The delegation ______ Russia will visit London this afternoon.()A.in B.fromC.at D.for15.Her mother can’t speak English ______ French, but is good at Japanese.()A.yet B.orC.neither D.while216.He became a successful actor ______ his father never was.()A.who B.whomC.that D.when17.The manager fulminated against his secretary, ______ surprised me.()A.who B.whomC.that D.which18.He graduated from college ______ his parents divorced.()A.which B.beforeC.while D.that19.She sat ______ the table in the restaurant.()A.in B.withC.from D.at20.Young ______ he was, he managed to make a living on his own.()A.although B.sinceC.though D.thus21.______ you had been here, we wouldn’t have had so much trouble then.()A.when B.ifC.as D.since二、多项选择填充题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.22.is, are, was, were, itself, himself, themselvesThe trade union _______ believed to regard _______ as an organization where the molested could seek advice and help.23.is, are, was, were, will be, are going to be, have, has, hadThe beautiful _______ something that the innocent _______ not always able to appreciate fully.24.preferred, prefers, is, are, was, were, will be, shall beDuring the holiday week, one-third of the students in our class _______ prepared to stay on campus for study while around ten percent of them _______ some more sleep at home.325.is, are, has, have, havingThe average British family, which _______ smaller and richer than 50 years ago, _______ 3.6members.26.were, was, had, propaganda, propagandasLarge amounts of money _______ spent on _______.27.than, as, more, most, theThe _______ information that comes in , _______ more confused the picture becomes.28.than, as, more, so, lessI’m not going out with a man who’s twice _______ old _______ me.29.analysis, criteria, diabetes, gentry, pants, physicsa. Singular only:_____________________________________b. Plural only:_______________________________________三、填空题(本大题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.30.Nobody in the class agrees with you,_________?31.Everyone is excited by the news, _________?32.Let’s not take John with us on our family outing this time, _________?33.John hardly speaks to anybody in the class, _________?34.She’s lost almost _________ friend she had.35.He lost _________ parents when he was a child.36.The noise of the party stopped me getting _________ sleep.37.When you were in London, did you visit _________ Tower, too?38.He said that he _________(feed) up with college instructors who tried to teach him to use the “scientific method”.39.It is surprising that this innocent-looking girl _________ (commit) such a crime.40.I appreciate _________(give) the opportunity to study abroad three years ago.41.I think his failure in the experiment resulted _________ his carelessness.42.This car is very expensive. You have to pay half a million dollars _________ it.43.With an appropriate conjunctiveLast month I bought a watch. It is cheap, _________ it goes quite well.444.With an appropriate relative pronounMy brother speaks English fluently, _________ I don’t.45.He can not choose his own job, _________ can I.四、改错题(本大题共11小题,每小题1分,共11分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.46.I think you should go for school earlier today.47.She said she was afraid at her father.48. -“Which newspaper would you like?”-“It doesn’t matter. Every one.”49.I spent the all of the summer at home.50.The girl often heard to sing the same song at the same time in her room.51.Being not helped by anybody, he is not likely to succeed.52.Should we always follow the advice of our olders?53.He stood there, his eyes closed and his hands in the pockets, looking half asleep.54.I met another boyfriend of Lucy yesterday.55.The project on that we have been working for five weeks is a great success.56.Which she does is often at variance with what she says.五、改句(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.57. Turning the following imperative into a tag questionDon’t let the children eat a lot of sweets and ice creams.58. Using a relative pronounI am going to the airport to meet Mr Johnson.He is a close friend of mine.59. Using a relative pronounShe is lawyer. I know her.60. Using an adjunctMary decided to stay in her London apartment.She was growing sick of city Life.561. Using the passive voiceCouldn’t we ask someone to take on the job privately without anyone k nowing?62. Using a modal verbAm I not right in supposing this is the one you want?63. Using a nonfinite verb formAt a very early stage, Paderewski revealed that he was a master of the keyboard.64. Using an adjunctHis child had gone to school. He could concentrate on his research work.65. Using extrapositionTo see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes makes a disappointing view.66. Using frontingHe plunged into the tumultuous water in order to save the girls.67.Rewriting B’s answer by using a cohesive deviceA: Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School?B: No, I don’t think John is trying to enter Harvard Law School. He hates lawyers.68. Rewriting the second sentence by using a cohesive deviceMy wife and I take a walk after supper this evening. In fact, we take a walk every evening. 69. Rewriting the second clause by using a cohesive deviceThe limited seats should be given to old people and the younger people are advised to stand for a while.六、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分)Define the following terms with examples.70.Participles71.What is “fronting”?72.Define “ellipsis”七、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分)Answer the following questions.73.List at least 4 means of expressing future time.74.What’s the difference between a simple verb phrase and a complex verb phrase?6。

(5分)()1、A. traffic B. train C. tell()2、A. taxi B. film C. ship()3、A. street B. sled C. straight()4、A. stop B. go C. wait()5、A. next weekend B. today C. tomorrow二、听录音,选择恰当的答语。
(10分)()1、A. You can take the No.15 busB. You can see the No.15 bus.C. Go straight and you can see the cinema.()2、A. It’s the post officeB. It’s next to the post office.C. It’s next to the supermarket.()3、A. No, it isn’t.B. No, there isn’t.C. Yes, there isn’t.()4、A. You’re right.B. You’re welcome.C. see you.三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。

全国2018年4月历年自考英语词汇学真题课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)1. Words fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______. ()A. use frequencyB. notionC. productivityD. origin2. Words like bear, nut, knocked out can be categorized as ______. ()A. terminologyB. jargonC. slangD. neologisms3. Identify the word that is of Scandinavian origin among the following. ()A. SkirtB. DressC. ModelD. Status4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ()A. Old English was a highly inflected language.B. Reviving archaic or obsolete words also contribute to the growth of English vocabularyC. The word cloak is of French origin.D. Modern English is a synthetic language.5. The root of the word “antecedent”is ______. ()A. ante-B. -ced-C. -dentD. -ent6.Shortening a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains is called ______. ()A. blendingB. clippingC. acronymyD. back-formation7. Associative meaning of words comprises the following except ______. ()A. connotative meaningB. lexical meaningC. affective meaningD. collocative meaning8. What is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages? ()A. Suffixation.B. Polysemy.1C. Allomorph.D. Variation.9. Which word that formerly meant animal, and later animal from Latin and beast from French found their way into English?()A. Deer.B. Cattle.C. Sheep.D. Bird.10. When a word with multiple meanings is used in an inadequate context, this word may create ______. ()A. semantic motivationB. degradationC. ambiguityD. extension11. Without ______, there is no way to determine the very sense of the word that the speaker intended to convey.A. contextB. semantic unityC. structural stabilityD. stylistic feature12. Idioms manifest such rhetorical features as the following except______. ()A. phonetic manipulationB. lexical manipulationC. literary expressionsD. figures of speech13. According to its grammatical functions, idioms can be classified into five groups. The idiom “heart and soul”belongs to ______. ()A. idioms nominal in natureB. idioms adjectival in natureC. idioms verbal in natureD. idioms adverbial in nature14. The main body for a dictionary is ______ of words. ()A. spellingsB. pronunciationsC. definitionsD. grammar15. Readers can’t fi nd pronunciation or meaning in ______. ()A. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese TranslationB. The Encyclopedia AmericanaC. Chamber’s Encyclopedic English DictionaryD. Collins COBUILD English Language DictionaryII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)216. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ________ morphemes.17. The chief function of ________ is not to change the word class of the stem, but to change its meaning.18. “Pavement”in British English and “sidewalk”in American English have the same ________.19. Red, scarlet, mauve, violet, lavender, pansy, black, purple, etc, make up the ________field of ‘colours’.20. Some words can have two different types of antonyms at the same time, one being ________ and the other oppositeIII. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1 ) types of meanings;2) types of motivations; 3) types of dictionaries; 4) origins of English and5) types of sense relations. (10%)A B( )21. queer, odd A. onomatopoetically motivated( )22. surplus value B. subordinate hyponymy( )23. miaow C. specialized dictionary( )24. CED D. Greek( )25. hard disk, CPU etc. —computer E. polysemy( )26. technology F. semantically motivated( )27. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs G relative synonym( )28. The pen is mightier than the sword. H. conceptual meaning( )29. gay-joyous, brilliant and homosexual I. bilingual dictionary( )30. home/dwelling place J. GermanIV. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) types of context; 2) types of word formation; 3) causes of meaning change; 4 ) types of bound morphemes underlined. (10%)31. boob-head-one who returns too often to jail ( )32. ascendant ( )33. look out/look out ( )334. descend ( )35. telequiz ( )36. landlord (in English vs. in Chinese) ( )37. a coloured nail/a copper nail ( )38. tolerance ( )39. churl-bad people ( )40. stockholder ( )V. Define the following terms. (10%)41. creation (as a mode of vocabulary development)42. free morphemes43. collocative meaning44. concatenation45. grammatical contextVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (12%)46. What is suffixation? Give an example to illustrate your point47. What is the remarkable feature of Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English ?48. Supply two examples to illustrate that the influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning.VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. ( 18 % )49. Explain the meaning of the phrase “a laconic answer”, using the theory of motivation.50. Study the following sentence: 1) pick out the idiom, 2) explain its origin, and 3) comment onthe use.David’s head was in the tool-box, but his voice was heard saying, “Too many cooks, better let me.”4。

英语词汇学 2018 年 4 月真题试题及答案解析(00832)1、Which of the following is NOT true about the definition of a word?A、A word is a sound unity.B、A word is a unit of meaning.C、A word is the smallest form of a language.D、A word is a form that can function alone in a sentence,试题答案:[['C']]试题解析:不正确的是:单词是语言的最小形式。
2 、 Vocabulary can refer to the total number of the words in a language, and it can stand for all the words used e.g. Old English vocabulary, Middle English vocabulary and Modern English vocabularyA、in a given bookB、in a given dialectC、by an individual personD、in a particular historical period试题答案:[['D']]试题解析:词汇可以指一种语言中的单词总数,它可以代表在特定历史时期使用的所有单词,如旧英语词汇、中英语词汇和现代英语词汇。
in a particular historical period 在特定历史时期3、Words like man, fire, sun have been in use for centuries. This shows the basic word stock has the characteristics of .A、productivityB、polysemyC、collocabilityD、stability试题答案:[['D']]试题解析:像人、火、太阳这样的词已经使用了几个世纪了。

全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.()A.meaning B.SoundC.combination of sounds D.Group2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.()A.more slowly than B.As quickly asC.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notionC.origin D.sound4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.()A.green revolution B.fast foodC.moon walk D.space shuttle5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need.()A.form B.meaningC.look D.pronunciation6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall”means ______ in British English.()A.four B.fellC.for D.autumn7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT______.()A./t/ B./g/C./p/ D./k/8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.()A.one B.twoC.three D.four9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.()A.works B.prewarC.postwar D.bloody10.30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through ______.()A.compounding B.affixationC.conversion D.shortening11.The word “motel” is created by ______.()A.compounding B.clippingC.blending D.suffixation12.“BBC” is formed in the way of ______.()A.acronymy B.clippingC.back-formation D.prefixation13.The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT ______.()A.grammatical meaning B.conceptual meaningC.associative meaning D.literal meaning14.By ______ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.()A.onomatopoeic B.morphologicalC.semantic D.etymological15.______ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in thehuman mind.()A.Reference B.ConceptC.Sense D.Motivation16.Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of ______.()A.word formation B.word meaningC.meaning change D.Sense relations17.When a word is first coined, it is always ______.()A.semantic B.onomatopoeicC.monosemic D.polysemic18.The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas the first is archaic, EXCEPT ______.()A.ire/anger B.rich/wealthyC.forlorn/distressed D.bliss/happiness19.Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.()A.senses B.FormsC.dialects D.Terms20.The mode of ______ is well reflected in the word “picture”, which originally denoted mere “painting”, but now has come to include “drawings” and even “photographs”()A.extension B.elevationC.narrowing D.degradation21.In the sentence “The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.”, the word “respectable” is used in the ______ sense of transfer.()A.subjective B.objectiveC.sensational D.physical22.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of context?()A.Elimination of ambiguity.B.Indication of referents.C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning.23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.”is ambiguous due to ______.()A.grammatical context B.polysemyC.antonymy D.hyponymy24.In the sentence “An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’Wester usually brings rain.”, the meaning of “sou’wester” can be inferred from the clue of ______.()A.relevant details B.synonymyC.antonymy D.hyponymy25.The idiom “toss and turn” is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.()A.alliteration B.metaphorC.metonymy D.rhyme26.Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms?()A.Sentence idioms. B.Idioms adverbial in nature. C.Clausal idioms. D.Idioms nominal in nature.27.The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______.()A.replacement B.additionC.shortening D.repetition28.Generally speaking, a dictionary will cover the following content EXCEPT ______.()A.spelling B.syntactical usageC.pronunciation D.definition29.As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated one()A.A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation C.A New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation 30.Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictionary.()A.unabridged B.deskC.specialized D.encyclopedicⅡ.Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion;and 4) the function of affixes. (10%)A B( c )31.She burst into passionate sobbing. A.juxtaposition( I )32.He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B.notional word( g )33.and C.transfer of sensations ( h )34.the man’s coat D.abstract to concrete ( a )35.here and there E.derivational affix( b )36.moon F.alliteration( f )37.rough and ready G.functional word( e )38.ex-prisoner H.inflectional affix( j )39.fair and square I.associated transfer( d )40.Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J.rhyme Ⅲ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)41.When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. 42.Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ________, semantic change and borrowing.43.We might say that free morphemes are free root.44.The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called ________.45.Semantic ________ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word.46.Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ________ with regard to spelling and pronunciation.47.Vocabulary is the most ________ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.48.Ambiguity often arises due to ________ and homonymy.49.Idioms consist of set ________ and short sentences.50.Monolingual dictionaries are written in ________ language.Ⅳ.Define the following terms.(10%)51.morpheme52.homonym53.connotation54.elevation55.idiomⅤ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)56.As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main sources of new words?57.What are the semantic features of compounds? Give an example to illustrate your point.58.Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between. 59.How do you account for the context function as indication of referents?Ⅵ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)60.Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.—“You’re not eating your fish,” a waitress said to a customer. “Anything wrong with it?”—“Long time no sea.” the customer replied.61.Analyze the three causes of meaning change within the scope of the linguistic factors, based on the given words below.(1)gold, bulb;(2)deer, beast, animals;(3)fortuitous, fruition.。

00832⾃考英语词汇学⾃考试卷(答案全⾯)⾃考综合测验英语词汇学试卷(课程代码 00832 )⼀、选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.You are to make the best choice and write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the blank. (1%×30=30%) 1.Which of the following CANNOT be defined as a word? ____A. forB. fortuneC. ibleD. misfortune2.Words or forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use are____ . A. slangB. argotC. neologismsD. archaisms3. Words like foot or dog can each be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes, e.g. footage and dogfight. This shows that the basic word stock has the characteristics of_____ . A. productivity B. polysemy C. collocability D. stability4. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came and dominated the British Isles. Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as ____English.A. oldB. NewC. MiddleD. Modern 5.Which of the following is NOT true?A. English is more closely related to German than French.B. Old English was a highly inflected language.C. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.D. In early Middle English period, English, Latin and Celtic existed side by side.6.In the early Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as ____.A. IndustrializationB. Elizabethan AgeC. RenaissanceD. Victorian Age7.Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as ____.A. stemsB. allomorphsC. free morphemesD. bound morphemes 8.Among the following words, ____ does NOT have inflectional affixes. A. liked B. children's C. Happier D. it's9.The basic form of a word which can't be further analyzed without total loss of identity is a ____ . A. Morph B. allomorph C. root D. stem 10.The following words have number prefixes EXCEPT ____.A. BilingualB. multi-purposeC. tricycleD. post-election 11.The following words are the results from blending EXCEPT ____ . A. Bicycle B. motel C. smog D. hamburger12.The process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms is called ____.A. PrefixationB. acronymyC. blendingD. conversion13.The ____of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationship with other expressions in the language. A. Reference B. concept C. sense D. motivation 14.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Collocation can affect the meaning of words.B. Motivation explains why a particular form has a particular meaning.C. By etymological motivation, we mean that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.D. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generallyfound in the dictionary.15.In the phrase "the tongues of fire", the word tongues is ____motivated.A. OnomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically16.Words like dear that means a loved person and deer that means a kind of animal are called ____. A. Synonyms B. homographs C. homophones D. antonyms 17.Which of the following deals with the relationship of semantic opposition? A. Synonymy. B. Antonymy. C. Polysemy. D. Hyponymy.18.Which of the following groups of words shows difference of synonyms in connotation? A. increase-expand B. unlike-dissimilar C. work-toil D. empty-vacant19. The word disease once meant discomfort, but now means illness. This is an example of ____of word-meaning. A. generalization B. degradation C. elevation D. specialization20. The word silly used to mean happy, but now means foolish. This serves as an example of ____of word-meaning. A. Extension B. narrowing C. elevation D. degradation21. The associated transfer of meaning is often due to ____factors, as is shown in such words as angel, martyr and paradise, whose meanings are elevated because of the influence of Christianity. A. Class B. scientific C. historical D. psychological22.Grammatical context refers to the context where the meanings of a word may be influenced by the ____in which it occurs.A. meaning groupB. structureC. conversationD. culture23.That trade union means differently in western countries and in China shows that ____context has some effect on the meaning of words.A. GrammaticalB. lexicalC. linguisticD. extra-linguistic 24. Ambiguity of ten arises due to ___, as is shown in the sentence “He is a hard business”. A. PolysemyB. SynonymyC. antonymyD. homonomy25.The idiom Jack of all trades means the same as Jack of all trades and master of none. This example shows idioms may vary by means of ____.A. shorteningB. additionC. replacementD. position-shifting26.The noun phrase pepper and salt in "His hair is pepper and salt" functions as an idiom ____ in nature. A. Nominal B. verbal C. adverbial D. adjectival27. The rhetorical feature of idioms, ____, is used in such idioms as "chop and change", "bag and baggage". A. Rhyme B. alliteration C. reiteration D. juxtaposition28. Dictionaries that are medium-sized ones containing words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000 are ____. A. unabridged dictionaries B. desk dictionaries C. pocket dictionaries D. specialized dictionaries29.The definitions in ____are all in full sentences and the definition itself throws light on the grammatical use of the word in question.A. Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1987)B. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, New Edition (1987)C. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 3rd Edition (1980)D. Webster's New World Dictionary, 2rd Collage Edition (1980)30.One can only find the English equivalents for its Chinese items such as 黄梁美梦,吃软不吃硬in ____. A. CCELD B.CEDC.LDCED.NECD 第⼆部分⾮选择题Ⅱ. Complete the following statements with proper words according to the course book. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word on the blank. (1.5%×10=15%)31.A word is a ________ that stands for something else in the world, and there is no logical relationship between the sound and the meaning.32.The introduction of ________into England marked the beginning of Modern English period. 33.The morpheme is the________functioning unit in the composition of words.34.To shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead is called ________. 35.________, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.36.A ________field is a meaning area where words share the same concept.年级班级准考证号姓名37. Extension of meaning is found in many ________terms, as is shown in the word feedback, which originally is a term in computer science, but now is generalized to mean "response".38. The word paper has a number of meanings in the dictionary, but it means differently in "a white pap er" and "today’s paper". This example shows that ________ context affects the meaning of word.39. Many idioms are grammatically _________, as is shown in the idiom "diamond cut diamond", which is grammatically incorrect.40.The main body of a dictionary is its ________ of words.Ⅲ.Define the following terms in the blank space. (3%×5=15%)41.semantic change42.affixation43.concatenation44. context (in a broad sense)45. sentence idiomsⅣ.Answer the following questions in the blank space. Your answers should be clear and short. (5%×4=20%)46.What is the difference between a free root and a bound root?47.Give the acronyms of the following phrases:1) V oice of America ____2) unidentified flying object ____3) teaching English as a foreign language ____4) Victory Day ____5) tuberculosis ____48.How do you understand the statement "true synonymy is non-existent"?49.Explain how context clues are used in the sentence "Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Bird Whistell".V.Analyze and comment on the following on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%×2=20%)50. Use the following groups of phrases to illustrate the definition and the overlapping feature of collocative meaning.a) pretty girl, pretty flower, handsome boy, handsome carb) pretty woman, handsome woman51. Comment on the following two groups to illustrate the use of antonyms.(a) give and take, high and low(b) More haste, less speed./Easy come, easy go.答案:。

全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)1. There are two approaches to the study of polysemy. They are()A. primary and secondaryB. central and peripheralC. diachronic and synchronicD. formal and functional2. Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms?()A. ColloquialB. SlangC. NegativeD. Literary3. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups, that is:()A. absolute and relativeB. absolute and completeC. relative and nearD. complete and identical4. In the early period of Middle English, English,()existed side by side.A. Celtic and DanishB. Danish and FrenchC. Latin and CelticD. French and Latin5. A monomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single ()morpheme.A. formalB. concreteC. freeD. bound6. Which of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated?()A. croak, drumB. squeak, bleatC. buzz, neighD. bang, trumpet7. LDCE is distinctive for its()A. clear grammar codesB. usage notesC. language notesD. all of the above8. From the historical point of view, English is more closely related to()A. GermanB. FrenchC. ScottishD. Irish9. Which of the following is NOT an acronym?()A. TOEFLB.ODYSSEYC. BASICD. CCTV10. In the course book, the author lists()types of context clues for inferring word meaning.1A. eightB. sixC. sevenD. five11. Sources of homonyms include()A. changes in sound and spellingB. borrowingC. shorteningD. all of the above12. The written form of English is a(an)()representation of the spoken form.A. selectiveB. adequateC. imperfectD. natural13. Structurally a()is the smallest meaningful unit of a language.A. morphemeB. stemC. wordD. compound14. Unlike affixes,()are often free morphemes.A. suffixesB. prefixesC. inflectional morphemesD. roots15. The four major foreign contributors to the English vocabulary in earlier times were French, Latin,()A. Scandinavian and ItalianB. Greek and ScandinavianC. Celtic and GreekD. Italian and SpanishⅡ. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)16. The name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo is___________.17. Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English is a___________ dictionary.18. When a new word appears for the first time, the author usually manages to give hints or ___________ in the context to help the readers.19. Radiation and ___________ are the two coinages which the development of word meaning follows from monosemy to polysemy.20. Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to___________.Ⅲ. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) word origin, 2) word formation, and 3) types of synonyms or antonyms. (10%)A B( ) 21. skill A. back-formation( ) 22. babysit B. blending( ) 23. telequiz C. French origin( ) 24. composition/compounding D. Scandinavian origin( ) 25. government E. clipping( ) 26. same/ different F. relative synonyms23( ) 27. gent G . Germanic ( ) 28. English H. absolute synonyms ( ) 29. change/ alterI. Contradictory terms ( ) 30. big/ smallJ. contrary termsⅣ. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) types of bound morphemes underlined, 2) types of meanings, 3) processes of meaning development, and 4) formation of compounds. (10%)31. neck →primary meaning: that part of man joining the head to the body;a secondary meaning: the narrowest part of anything. ( ) 32. contradict ( ) 33. mother: love, care ( ) 34. upcoming ( ) 35. window shopping ( ) 36. radios( ) 37. property developer( ) 38. candidate →earlier meaning: white-robed;later meaning: a person proposed for a place, award etc. ( ) 39. handsome ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧man typewriter overcoat( )40. northward ( )Ⅴ. Define the following terms. (10%) 41. encyclopedia42. borrowed words 43. blending 44. extension 45. phrasal verbⅥ. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (12%)46. What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation? Explain with two examples. 47. What is extra-linguistic context? 48. What is polysemy? Illustrate your points.Ⅶ. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. (18%)49. Study the following sentence and try to guess the meaning of the word in italics. Then explain what contextual clues help you to work out the meaning.Carnivores are very dangerous. Not long ago, a tiger escaped from the zoo and killed a dog in the street and ate it.50. Connotative meaning is not stable. Comment on this statement with one example.4。

⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯精品自学考料推荐⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯全国 2018 年 4 月历年自考英语词汇学真题课程代码: 00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)1. Words fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A. use frequencyB. notionC. productivityD. origin2. Words like bear, nut, knocked out can be categorized as ______.()A. terminologyB. jargonC. slangD. neologisms3. Identify the word that is of Scandinavian origin among the following.()A. SkirtB. DressC. ModelD. Status4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ()A. Old English was a highly inflected language.B. Reviving archaic or obsolete words also contribute to the growth of English vocabularyC. The word cloak is of French origin.D. Modern English is a synthetic language.5. The root of the word“ antecedent” is ______.()A. ante-B. -ced-C. -dentD. -ent6.Shortening a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains is called ______. ()A. blendingB. clippingC. acronymyD. back-formation7.Associative meaning of words comprises the following except ______.()A. connotative meaningB. lexical meaningC. affective meaningD. collocative meaning8.What is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages? ()A. Suffixation.B. Polysemy.1C. Allomorph.D. Variation.9. Which word that formerly meant animal, and later animal from Latin and beast from French found their way into English? ()A. Deer.B. Cattle.C. Sheep.D. Bird.10. When a word with multiple meanings is used in an inadequate context, this word may create______. ()A. semantic motivationB. degradationC. ambiguityD. extension11.Without ______, there is no way to determine the very sense of the word that the speaker intended to convey.A. contextB. semantic unityC. structural stabilityD. stylistic feature12.Idioms manifest such rhetorical features as the following except______. ()A. phonetic manipulationB. lexical manipulationC. literary expressionsD. figures of speech13.According to its grammatical functions, idioms can be classified into five groups. The idiom “heart and soul” belongs to ______. ()A. idioms nominal in natureB. idioms adjectival in natureC. idioms verbal in natureD. idioms adverbial in nature14.The main body for a dictionary is ______ of words. ()A. spellingsB. pronunciationsC. definitionsD. grammar15.Readers can nd’ pronunciationfi or meaning in ______. ()A.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese TranslationB.The Encyclopedia AmericanaC.Chamber ’ s Encyclopedic English DictionaryD.Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionaryplete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)216.Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as________ morphemes.17.The chief function of ________ is not to change the word class of the stem, but to change its meaning.18. “ Pavement” in British English and “sidewalk ” in American English have the same________.19. Red, scarlet, mauve, violet, lavender, pansy, black, purple, etc, make up the ________field of‘colours’.20.Some words can have two different types of antonyms at the same time, one being ________ and the other oppositeIII. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1 )types of meanings;2) types of motivations; 3) types of dictionaries; 4) origins of English and5) types of sense relations. (10%)A B()21. queer, odd A. onomatopoetically motivated()22. surplus value B. subordinate hyponymy()23. miaow C. specialized dictionary()24. CED D. Greek()25. hard disk, CPU etc. — computer E. polysemy()26. technology F. semantically motivated()27. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs G relative synonym()28. The pen is mightier than the sword.H. conceptual meaning()29. gay-joyous, brilliant and homosexual I. bilingual dictionary()30. home/dwelling place J. GermanIV . Study the following words or expressions and identify1) types of context; 2) types of word formation; 3) causes of meaning change; 4 ) types of bound morphemes underlined. (10%)31. boob-head-one who returns too often to jail()32. ascendant()33. look out/look out()334. descend()35. telequiz()36. landlord (in English vs. in Chinese)()37. a coloured nail/a copper nail()38. tolerance()39. churl-bad people()40. stockholder()V. Define the following terms. (10%)41.creation (as a mode of vocabulary development)42.free morphemes43.collocative meaning44.concatenation45.grammatical contextVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (12%)46.What is suffixation? Give an example to illustrate your point47.What is the remarkable feature of Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English ?48.Supply two examples to illustrate that the influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning.VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.( 18 % )49.Explain the meaning of the phrase “ a laconic answer” , using the theory of motivation.50.Study the following sentence: 1) pick out the idiom, 2) explain its origin, and 3) comment onthe use.David ’ s head was in the tool-box, but his voice was heard saying, “ Too many cooks, better let me.”4。