
形成性考核实训作业学号姓名课程代码110053课程名称维修电工实训第 4 次任务共 4 次任务一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)(1)四色环电阻的第四环颜色是金色,对应的误差是( A )A:5% B:10% C:20%(2)四色环电阻的第四环颜色是银色,对应的误差是( B )A:5% B:10% C:20%(3)电路图中电阻用(A )表示A:R B:L C: D(4)电路图中二极管用( C )表示A :R B:L C: D(5)电容的数码标识时:105代表( C )A:105F B:1F C:1uF(6)电容的数码标识时:203代表( C )A:203uF B:200pF C:20000pF(7)下面哪个数码标识电容最大( A )A:104 B:223 C:471(8)万用表可以测量( D )A:电压B:电流C:电阻D:以上全对(9)万用表测量判断三极管三个电极时,应先判断( A )A:基极B:发射极C:集电极(10)二极管可用于( D )A:整流电路B:稳压电路C:检波电路D:以上全对二、实训题(70分)任务内容:【实训一:电珠法检测晶闸管】(共计10分)姓名学号实验项目名称实验时间年月日实验小组成员实验地点实验目的掌握电珠法检测晶闸管原理,熟悉元件的位置,掌握检修方法实验要求1.在维修之前,每个人必须详细阅读实验指导及有关资料;2.由老师安排每个学生负责检修的项目,要求正确和独立对该项目进行检修;3.在开始维修项目前,先把有关验具和要检修的部位擦拭干净;4.在维修工作中,要观前观后,以免碰坏车床;5.实验完毕以后,必须整理实验工具,请指导教师检查后才能后才可离开实验室;6.实验报告应按检修的统一数据填写。


社交礼仪第一次作业一、填空题每空1分共20分1. “妆成有却无”被认为化妆的最高境界它强调的是化妆的________________原则。
2. 法国大画家德拉克洛指出“手应当像脸一样富有表情”指的是交往过程中的重要性一般而言它由__________、___________ 、_____________ 等三部分构成。
3. 当两人相距在0.5米之内时即为私人距离。
4. 通联礼仪的基本原则是________________________ 。
5. 赠送鲜花是馈赠的一种特殊形式深受人们欢迎但是送花很讲究如花环的受赠对象通常是贵宾或友好庆祝开业、演出适合送__________________祝贺乔迁适合送。
6. 目前在国际性或全国性的大型赛会的开幕式上往往会举行火炬点燃仪式。
其寓意来自古希腊是为了表示____________________________ 。
7. 在行亲吻礼时双方关系不同亲吻的部位也会不同。
长辈吻晚辈应该吻_________,晚辈吻长辈应该吻__________ 或________ 。
8. 我国规定正常标价的机票有效期为________。
9. 由主人亲自驾驶的轿车一般___________________排座为上______________ 排座为下以__________________为尊。
10. 女性身着裙装上下楼梯的时候应该选择______________________的一边行走。
二,简答题(20 分,每题 5 分)1,举出三个古代的礼仪至今仍在使用例子,说明礼仪具有传统继承性的特征.2,选择个人外部式样时,除了要根据个人内在品质外,为什么还应考虑职业和年龄? 举例说明.3,你认为下属对上司的礼仪最应注意的是什么?(不少于答 5 项)4,举两个例子说明传统观念与外来影响的冲突所造成形象的扭曲.三、问答1、举例说明礼仪的培养为什么要求加强道德修养?2、什么是个人形象扭曲?社交礼仪第二次作业一、填空题1、构成礼仪的基本要素是:_____ _ ___、____ _____、____ _____。

大学英语4 第四次作业一、单选题 (共85.00分)1.He has more money than the rest of us ________.A.in totallyB.to put togetherC.put togetherD.putting together 正确答案:C2.The crowd started to ________ when the night fell.A.break outB.break offC.break upD.break down 正确答案:C3.I curiously asked her about her ________ behavior.A.oddB.ordinaryC.formalD.normal 正确答案:A4.Would you afford a poor child a temporary ________?A.securityB.shelterC.preservationD.conservation 正确答案:B5.I stood still, trying to ________ a reasonable excuse.A.discoverB.solveC.inventD.create 正确答案:C6.She woke him for his medicines at ________ throughout the night.A.intervalsB.intervalC.occasionD.occasions 正确答案:A7.He showed good judgment in deciding not to ________ in the project.A.devoteB.giveC.inventD.invest正确答案:D8.He can’t spend too much time arguing with you about the matter. He ________.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:A9.The author’s mother thought Chinese women gained less than men in 1973.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:B10.The author pursued her career knowing that she could do anything she wanted.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:A11.The author doesn’t think that everything was possible.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:B12.No one could _________ how he got to be so wealthy.A.work outB.figure oute overD.think of 正确答案:B13.You can always _________ him when you are in difficulties.A.appeal toB.turn towardsC.depend inD.fall back on 正确答案:D14.Sometimes you have to learn to _________ and work harder.A.put your head upB.sink your heart belowC.put your heart downD.put your head down 正确答案:D15.She proudly displayed her degree _________ to her parents.A.certificateB.centigradeC.thesisD.proof 正确答案:A16.They will receive their awards at a _________ in Stockholm.A.meetingB.conferenceC.ceremonyD.appointment 正确答案:C17.If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your _________.A.pursueB.chasingC.processD.pursuit 正确答案:D二、多选题 (共15.00分)1.What did the writer think of her mother?A.Mother for she was always adventurous.B.She was afraid of the nature.C.Her mother was not an entirely traditional wife.D.She just wanted to act well as a mother and wife. 正确答案:A C2.What is the writer’s opinion of a woman’s roles?A.A woman should be fearless by nature.B.A woman should not confine herself merely to a wife and mother.C.A woman should get a nursing degree or a teaching certificate or learn cooking skills.D.A woman also can be successful in career.正确答案:B D3.What lesson did the mother teach her daughter at last?A.Just to do the things as you are told to.B.Everything is possible.C.If you try your best, you can do anything you want to do.D.To ignore everything and just do yourself. 正确答案:B C。


14.下列各项风险中,对审计工作的效率和效果都产生影响的是( )。
(D) 完整性

选择一项:a. 在编辑新的、未命名的文档时,单击“文件”按钮下的“保存”命令b. 在编辑旧文档时,单击“文件”按钮“保存”命令c. 单击“文件”按钮“打开”命令d. 单击“文件”按钮“另存为”命令反馈正确答案是:在编辑旧文档时,单击“文件”按钮“保存”命令题目2采用________做法,不能增加标题与正文之间的段间距。
选择一项:a. 增加标题的段后间距b. 增加标题的段前间距c. 增加第一段的段前间距d. 增加标题和第一段的段后间距反馈正确答案是:增加标题的段前间距题目3在Excel中,某一工作簿中有Sheet1、Sheet2、Sheet3、Sheet4共4张工作表,现在需要在Sheet1表中某一单元格中送入从Sheet2表的B2至D2各单元格中的数值之和,正确的公式写法是_______。
选择一项:a. =SUM(Sheet2.B2:D2)b. =SUM(Sheet2!B2:D2)c. =SUM(Sheet2/B2:D2)d. =SUM(Sheet2!B2+C2+D2)反馈正确答案是:=SUM(Sheet2!B2:D2)题目4Excel 2010中一次选取多张相邻的工作表,需按_______键。
选择一项:a. Shifb. Escc. Ctrld. Alt反馈正确答案是:Shif题目5若想设置打印讲义稿中的每页幻灯片数,可更改_______。
选择一项:a. 标题母版b. 讲义母版c. 幻灯片母版d. 打印选项卡中的设置参数反馈正确答案是:打印选项卡中的设置参数题目6在PowerPoint 2010中不可以设置图形元素的_______。
选择一项:a. 阴影设置b. 叠放层次c. 艺术效果d. 三维效果反馈正确答案是:艺术效果题目7在Word中,选定文档内容之后,单击“开始”选项卡上的“复制”按钮,是将选定的内容复制到________。
选择一项:a. 另一个文档中b. 磁盘c. 剪贴板d. 指定位置反馈正确答案是:剪贴板题目8图表是与生成它的工作表数据相链接的,因此当工作表中的数据改变时,图表会_______。

答案: uS2 = 100V 。
5. 电路如图所示。当 uS=10V,iS=2A 时,电流 i=4A;当 uS=5V,iS=4A 时,电流 i=6A。 求当 uS=15V,iS=1A 时的电流 i。
Hale Waihona Puke iS电阻网络R
答案: i = 3.333A
-+ uS
6. 下图所示电路中,US=8V,IS=1mA,α=0.5,R1= R2=2kΩ,R3=1kΩ,R4= R5= R6=3kΩ。 求:
3A a
R 3Ω
答案: I = 0.75A
4. 下图所示电路中,N 为线性无源电阻网络。已知图(a)中 uS1=20V,i1=10A,i2=2A。 在图(b)中 i1′=4A,则 uS2=?
i1 1
+ uS1
2 i2
N u2
i1′ 1
3Ω u1′ N
2 i2′
I b
R b′
答案: I = 1.5A
9. 下图所示电路中,N 为无源线性电阻网络。当 R2=2Ω,US=6V 时,测得 I1=2A,U2=2V。 如果当 R2=4Ω,US=10V 时,又测得 I1=3A,求此时得电压 U2。
I1 1
2 I2
+ R2 U2

(判断题) 选择一项:对错反馈答错了正确的答案是“错”。
50分中的0.00分标记题目题干男士与女士握手时,男士先伸手. (判断题)选择一项:对错反馈答对了正确的答案是“错”.题目7正确获得2.50分中的2.50分标记题目题干早晨7点前,晚上10点后一般不宜给人打电话.(判断题) 选择一项:对错反馈答对了正确的答案是“对".题目8正确获得2.50分中的2.50分标记题目题干陪同客人进入有人管理的电梯,应主动后进后出。
(判断题) 选择一项:对错反馈答对了正确的答案是“对".题目9正确获得2。
50分标记题目登门拜访时,如携带了大一点的手袋,可在就坐后将其放在右手下面的地板上. (判断题)选择一项:对错反馈答对了正确的答案是“对”。

01-10 BACC CCBA BB11.线相等于12.相量复阻抗复数13.相同正交超前正交滞后14.同频率不同15.最大值频率初相16.有效值频率初相17.KCL KVL 支路电流18.电压电流电流电压19.关联20.电路电源负载中间环节江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》第二次作业答案01-10 CCDB ABAB AC11.极对数电源频率改变转差率12.直接降压13.短时小电流14.过载阻断三相电流不平衡运行15.电磁系统触电系统灭弧系统16.短路17.旋转磁场定子铁芯定子绕组机座18.相序旋转磁场电子电流相序19.铁芯线圈20.电压电流阻抗江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》第三次作业答案01-10 BAAB CCBD CB11.变大变大下降12.电容电感13.变压器变压器滤波稳压14.线性非线性线性非线性15.输入级中间级输出级偏置电路16.直接大高低强17.零点漂移温度漂移差动放大18.电流串联负反馈电流并联负反馈电压串联负反馈电压并联负反馈19.基级集电级20.特殊二级管反击穿01-10 BCAB BADA AB11.施密特触发器多协振荡器 2 单稳态触发器 112.储存数据或代码移位13.同步14.输入逻辑变量电路原来的状态15.0 116.1 017.不变 118.基本触发器同步触发器边沿触发器19.与非或非异或江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》大作业答案01-10 BABA BCBA DA11.关联12.KCL KVL 支路电流13.最大值角频初相14.相量复阻抗复数15.电压电流阻抗16.短路17.电磁系统触点系统灭弧系统18.直接降压19.特殊的二极管反向击穿20.基极集电极21.串联电压负反馈并联电压负反馈串联电流负反馈并联电流负反馈22.输入级中间级输出级偏置电路23.与非或非异或24.同步25.不变 126.基尔霍夫电流定律的内容是:在某个一瞬间流入节点的电流之和等于流出该节点的电流之和。

上海交通大学继续教育学院英语第4次作业第1,2次尝试D题目Wouldn't it be _______wonderful world if all nations lived in _______peace with oneanother? a. a; the b. the; / c. the; the d. a; /C题目2Do you know ________ in English?a. how saying itb. how say itc. how to say itd. how to saying itC题目3You don't mind ___you Xiao Li, do you?a. to callb. to callingc. callingd. callB题目4I don't know _______ to deal with such matter.a. whichb. howc. /d. whatA题目5This maths problem is easy ______________.a. to work outb. workedc. work outd. to be working outC题目6You ____ buy some reference books when you go to college.a. mustb. must toc. will have tod. have toD题目7The reason I didn't go to Canada was _______ a new job.a. because I gotb. why I gotc. how I gotd. that I gotA题目8- Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? - Do I have to take it? It ________ so terrible.a. tastesb. has tastedc. is tastedd. is tastingD题目9- Do you want to wait? - Five days ________ too long for me to wait.a. areb. wasc. wered. isA题目10Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.a. that he madeb. as to makec. that maded. to makeB题目11The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced ____ cars in 1999 asthe year before . a. as many as twice b. twice as manyc. twice many asd. as twice manyA 题目12Stars have better players, so I _______them to win.a. expectb. preferc. wantd. hopeB 题目13When will you finish _______the outing for next Friday?a. to planb. planningc. plannedd. planB 题目14I didn't buy the apples; she gave them to me ______ nothing.a. byb. forc. withd. as题目15The dean of the Philosophy Department requested that the visiting scholar ____a lectureon Sartre. a. would give b. give c. gave d. had givenC 题目16You have finished the work, _____you? a. don't b. have c. haven'td. doA 题目17The baby is hungry ,but there's___ milk in the bottle .a. littleb. a fewc. fewd. a littleB 题目18______ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription.a. Finishingb. Having finishedc. Having been finishedd. FinishedA 题目19Both the kids and their parents ______ English, I think. I know it from their accent.a. areb. wasc. isd. beenD 题目20If you ride your bike too fast, there may be _____accident. a. A b. The c.不填d. AnC 题目21Would you like something_________ ? a. drink b. drinking c. to drinkd. for drinkingD题目22Nobody _________to smoke in the cinema.a. Allowsb. are allowedc. allowd. is allowedA题目23It's time we ____ the lecture because everybody has arrived.a. startedb. shall startc. will startd. startC题目24Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if theywould buy one of the histories____ it were printed. a. whether b. after c. ifd. whenB题目25It is believed that if a book is ________, it will surely ________ the reader.A interested… interest b. interesting… interestc. interested… be interestingd. interesting… be interestedB题目26I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.a. two breadsb. two pieces of breadc. two piece of breadsd. two pieces of breadsC题目27It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, thoughothers prefer basketball. a. quite a little b. very little c. quite a fewd. quite a bitA题目28The people in this city have planted ________ trees along both sides of the streets.a. a lot ofb. a large amount ofc. a great deal of ,d. muchB题目29A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him ___to the door.a. hurryingb. hurryc. hurriedd. to hurryD题目30Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present.a. new sports redb. red sports newc. sports new redd. new red sports第四次作业第2次尝试D题目1This is the student _______ I know will pass the TOEFL test.a. whatb. whomc. whosed. whoD题目2It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, thoughothers prefer basketball. a. quite a bit b. quite a little c. very little d. quite a fewB题目3Robert, there's a man at the front door, saying he has _____news of great importance.a. anb. /c. ad. theC题目4You had better ______ a doctor as soon as possible.a. seeingb. seenc. seed. sawC题目5-- _____? -- She's our history teacher.a. Where does the woman workb. Where is she fromc. Who is shed. How is the womanD题目6Either the shirts or the sweater ______ a good buy.a. wasb. hasc. ared. isD题目7Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many housesa. from each otherb. among themc. far apartd. in betweenD题目8I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.a. two pieces of breadsb. two breadsc. two piece of breadsd. two pieces of breadB题目9The boys enjoyed _______football very much.a. playb. playingc. to playd. playedD题目10James Watt ______ the steam engine.a. has inventedb. was inventingc. had inventedd. inventedC题目11Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.a. whenb. althoughc. asd. untilC题目12In the fourth paragraph, “a high priority” means__第四段“a high priority”什么意思?a. a less important thingb. a good businessc. a first concern 首要考虑。

6. 下列关于萨提亚对于困难的看法正确的是( )。
A .困难是造成人心理和行为病态的外在原因。 B .问题本身不是问题,如何处理问题才是问题。 C .要重点关注困难事件本身的严重程度以求应对。 D .以上说法都错误
学生答案: B
正确答案: B
分数:3 得分:3
7. 萨提亚模式与传统的家庭治疗方法相区别的地方在于( )。 A .反对传统的精神分析的价值取向,强调以系统取向来帮助家庭。 B .认为在高自我价值观的情景下,可以将应对方式展现为高层次的自我照顾。 C .治疗的关键在于改善案主处理问题的能力。 D .注重消除案主的表面问题。 学生答案: C 正确答案: C 分数:3 得分:3
分数:4 得分:4
14. 萨提亚将表里不一致的沟通方式分为四种,下列说法正确的是( )。
A .讨好型是指一种忽略自我、讨好别人的方式来换取别人的认同。 B .责备型是指忽略自我、在行为上常常指责攻击别人的方式。 C .超理智型是指忽略了自我和他人,通过防卫方式向外部表现自己的能力来掩饰内心的脆弱。 D .打岔型是指忽略了情境,通过打断别人来引起别人的重视。 E .打岔型实际上不但忽略了情境,也忽视了自我和他人。
一. 单选. (共 10 小题,30 分) 1. 在现实治疗法中,其核心是( )。 A .建立专业关系 B .案主做出承诺 C .协助案主制定行动计划 D .拒绝放弃 学生答案: C 正确答案: C 分数:3 得分:3
2. 在现实治疗法中,工作者要和案主建立良好的专业关系,工作者要做到( )。 A .和案主建立一种个人化的关系。 B .时刻都可以和案主分享个人经验 C .把自己的不足专门暴露出来。 D .可以接受案主逃避负责任的借口 学生答案: A 正确答案: A 分数:3 得分:3

计算机网络第四次参考答案4.一大群ALOHA 用户每秒钟产生50个请求,包括原始请求和重传请求。
(a )试问:第一次发送成功的机会是多少?(b )试问:恰好K 次冲突之后 概率是多少?(c )试问:所需传输次数的期望值是多少?解:(a )取G = 2,根据泊松分布公式!]Pr[k e G k Gk -=,可得几率为2-e (b )k G k G e e 865.0135.0)1(⨯=---(c )传输次数的期望值:4.7==Ge E6.试问在下列两种情况下CSMA/CD 的竞争时间槽是多少?(a )一个2千米的双导线电缆(twin-lead cable )(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的82%)?(b )40千米长的多模光纤(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的65%)? 解:(a )信号传播速度在双导线电缆中是s m /1046.28⨯。
则信号在其中传播2km 时间是s μ13.8。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.16(b )信号传播速度在多模光纤中是s m /1095.18⨯。
则信号在其中传播40km 时间是s μ13.205。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.4108.在二进制倒计数协议中,试问为什么一个编号较低的站有可能得不到发送数据报的机会。
解:这里低-高电平跳变表示0, 高-低的电平跳变表示1。
15.一个1千米长、10Mbps 的CSMA/CD LAN(不是802.3),其传播速度为200米/微秒。

15春《听说(II)》作业4《听说》(II)第四次作业Section A1.第四次作业问题1( )A.At home.B.At the riverside.C.At the health center.D.At his office.2.第四次作业问题2( )A.Having an interview.B.Filling out a form.C.Talking with his friend.D.Asking for information.3.第四次作业问题3( )A.She made a mistake by taking too few courses in the first term.B.The courses she took were too difficult for her.C.She took too many courses during her first term.D.She found it difficult to deal with college courses.4.第四次作业问题4( )A.Worried and frightened.B.Very relaxed.C.Quite unhappy.D.Angry with the professor.5.第四次作业问题5( )A.He enjoys reading letters.B.He has been job-hunting.C.He is offering the woman a job.D.He is working for a company.6.第四次作业问题6( )A.She lost her way.B.She lost her keys.C.She lost her car.D.She lost her handbag.7.第四次作业问题7( )A.More than an hour and a half.B.Not more than half an hour.C.More than two hours.D.Less than an hour and a half.8.第四次作业问题8( )A.She is sure who is going to win.B.Now it is a good time to start the game.C.The game has been going on for a long time.D.The same team always wins.9.第四次作业问题9( )A.The ideas of the paper are not convincing.B.Some parts of the paper are not well written.C.The handwriting of the paper is not good.A.Looking for a young lady.B.Looking for her wrist watch.C.Looking for a young gentleman.D.Looking for a man wearing a wrist watch.Section BPassage One11.第四次作业问题11( )A.It had many problems.B.It was the most democratic country in the world.C.It was fair to women.D.It had some minor problems to solve.12.第四次作业问题12( )A.The women of some states.B.The women in the state of Wyoming only.C.The members of the National Women's Association.D.The women in the state of Massachusetts only.13..第四次作业问题13( )A.At the very beginning of the 20th century.B.At the end of the 19th century.C.After Susan Anthony's death.D.Just before Susan Anthony's death.14.第四次作业问题14( )A.She worked on the draft of the American Constitution.B.She was the chairman of the National Women's Association.C.She was born in New York and died in Massachusetts.D.She was an activist in the women's movement for equal rights. Passage Two15.第四次作业问题15( )A.People with problems.B.Travels around the world.C.Beautiful America.D.People in great cities.16.第四次作业问题16( )A.He spent three months writing "Travels with Charley".B.He enjoyed his travels around the United States.C.He was fond of writing about his travels.D.He didn't enjoy the trip as much as Charley.Passage Three17.第四次作业问题17( )A.The long distance between his home town and New York.B.His unpopular character.C.The high unemployment rate in New York.D.His criminal record.18.第四次作业问题18( )A.He wanted to be put in prison again.B.He needed the money to support his family.C.He hated the barber there.A.He went directly to the police station.B.He drove out of the town and tried to cscape.C.He waited for the police to arrest him.D.He argued with the police angrily.20.第四次作业问题20( )A.Mr.Spears enjoyed living in prison.B.Mr.Spears was known as a greedy man in his community.C.The police in New York were not very efficient.D.The only way for Mr.Spears to support his family was by going go prison again.第四次作业听力原文Section A1.M: Hello, this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health Center. I’d like to speak to Mr. Jones.W: I’m sorry, Mr. Hopkins, my husband isn’t at home. But I can give you his office phone number. He won’t be back until 6 o’clock.Q: Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now?【答案】D【解析】推理题。
安全人机工程 · 第四次形考作业

安全人机工程·第四次形考作业1. 所谓个性心理特征,就是个体在社会活动中表现出来的比较稳定的成分,包括气质、能力和()。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 喜好B. 兴趣C. 学识D. 性格正确答案:D正确答案解释:2. 多血质的人行动具有很高的反应性。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 较为温和B. 较为内向C. 较为急躁D. 较为外向正确答案:A正确答案解释:3. 性格是人们在对待客观事物的态度和社会行为的方式中,区别于他人所表现出的那些比较()的心理特征的总和。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 个性化B. 稳定C. 共性化D. 沉着正确答案:B正确答案解释:4. 惰性心理也称为(),是指在作业中尽量减少能量支出,能省力便省力,能将就凑合就将就凑合的一种心理状态,也是懒惰行为的心理依据。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 节能心理B. 懒惰心理C. 懈怠心理D. 疏懒心理正确答案:A正确答案解释:5. 强制执行的标准叫做(),劝告性的非强制的标准叫做推荐标准。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 国标B. 命令性标准C. GBD. 指令性标准正确答案:D正确答案解释:6. ()是以安全为目的,提高结构强度。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 坚固原则B. 降低危险C. 防护原则D. 屏蔽危险正确答案:A正确答案解释:7. 坐姿指被测者挺胸坐在被调节到()高度的平面上,头部以眼耳平面定位,眼睛平视前方,左、右大腿大致平行,足平放在地面上,手轻放在大腿上。
单选题(3.0分)(难易度:中)A. 大腿水平B. 腓骨头C. 小腿垂直于大腿D. 胫骨头正确答案:B正确答案解释:8. 人体测量数据的可调原则,一般来说,设计和确定作业空间尺寸的根据,必须保证至少()用户的适应性、兼容性、操作性和维护性,即人体主要尺寸的设计极限应根据第5至第95百分位的值确定。

第四次作业Remark批改第4次作业(注明日期Apr.11),发现全班45位同学都交了本次作业,赞一个!并希望保持下去!本次作业的质量普遍很高!很多同学得到了A 级评定,存在问题主要有几个小细节没有说理到位.参考解答习题1.4 .5351.-P10. 设A ,B 是两事件,31)()(==B P A P ,61)(=B A P ,求61)(=B A P .解 先由乘法公式,得1816131)()()(=⨯==B A P B P AB P . 再由概率的加法公式得)()()()(AB P B P A P B A P -+=⋃18111813131=-+=, 于是 )()()(B P B A P B A P =12731118111)(1)(=--=-⋃=B P B A P.16. 两台车床加工同样的零件,第一台出现不合格品的概率是0.03,第二台出现不合格品的概率是0.06,加工出来的零件放在一起,并且已知第一台加工的零件数比第二台加工的零件数多一倍.(1)求任取一个零件是合格品的概率;(2)如果取出的零件是不合格品,求它是第二台车床加工的概率.解 记A =“任取一个零件是合格品”,B =“零件是第一台车床加工的”.则由已知有32)(=B P ,31)(=B P , 97.003.01)(=-=B A P ,94.006.01)(=-=B A P ,(1)利用全概率公式,得)()()()()(B A P B P B A P B P A P +=94.03197.032⨯+⨯= 96.0=.(2)利用贝叶斯公式得,如果取出的零件是不合格品,它是第二台车床加工的概率为)()()()()()()(B A P B P B A P B P B A P B P A B P +=06.03103.03206.031⨯+⨯⨯= 5.0=.32. 设p A P =)(,ε-=1)(B P ,证明:εεε-≤≤--1)(1p B A P p .证 由于A AB ⊂,Ω⊂⋃B A ,利用概率的单调性得()()P AB P A ≤,1))(≤⋃B A P .于是,一方面,由条件概率定义得ε-=≤=1)()()()()(p B P A P B P AB P B A P .另一方面,利用条件概率定义和乘法公式得 εε--=-+≥⋃-+==1)(1)()()()()()()()()(p B P B P A P B P B A P B P A P B P AB P B A P . 所以εεε-≤≤--1)(1p B A P p .习题1.5 .6059.-P2. 有甲、乙两批种子,发芽率分别为0.8和0.9,在两批种子中各任取一粒,求:(1)两粒种子都能发芽的概率;(2)至少有一粒种子能发芽的概率;(3)恰好有一粒种子能发芽的概率.解 记A =“从甲批取的一粒种子能发芽”,B =“从乙批取的一粒种子能发芽”,易见A 与B 独立,且由已知有8.0)(=A P ,9.0)(=B P ,于是(1)记 C =“两粒种子都能发芽”则()(A )P P B =C)()(B P A P =⨯=;(2)))A ()(B P P ⋃=至少有一粒种子能发芽)()()(AB P B P A P -=+()()()()P A P B P A P B =-+⨯-+=98.0=;(3))B A ()(B A P P ⋃=恰好有一粒种子能发芽)()()()(B P A P B P A P += 9.0)8.01()9.01(8.0⨯-+-⨯= 26.0=.12. 每门高射炮击中飞机的概率为0.3,独立同时射击时,要以99%的把握击中飞机,需要几门高射炮?解 设需要n 门高射炮才能以99%的把握击中飞机,又记i A =“第i 门高射炮击中飞机”,n i ,,2,1 = 易见,1A ,2A ,…,n A 独立,且由已知有 3.0)(=i A P ,n i ,,2,1 =.于是,依题意,要99.0)(21≥n A A A P , 即 99.0)(121≥-n A A A P , 也即99.0)3.01(1≥--n , 01.07.0≤n ,验证可知,当13≥n 时能符合要求,故至少需要13门高射炮才能以99%的把握击中飞机.。

窗体顶端您的本次作业分数为:89分词汇与结构20131.【第四次】The young _______ eaten up almost everything on the table.A isB areC hasD have正确答案:D词汇与结构20132.【第四次】For a ______ of reasons, our team will not be participating in the upcoming match.A differenceB varietyC communityD branch正确答案:B词汇与结构20133.【第四次】As his personal secretary, I have ______ to his office.A wayB systemC advanceD access正确答案:D词汇与结构20134.【第四次】A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you ________. You can do it tomorrow.A needn’tB shouldn’tC mustn’tD can’t正确答案:A词汇与结构20135.【第四次】I prefer classic music ___ pop music.A thanB onC withD to正确答案:D词汇与结构20136.【第四次】This is George, ______ class you will be taking.A whoseB whomC whoD his正确答案:A词汇与结构20137.【第四次】When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterday, her mother ______dinner in the kitchen.A cookedB was cookingC cooksD has cooked正确答案:B词汇与结构20138.【第四次】What is the train ___________ to Birmingham?A feeB tripC fareD cost正确答案:C词汇与结构20139.【第四次】Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technolgy ___so rapidly.A is changingB has been changedC will have changedD will change正确答案:A词汇与结构201310.【第四次】On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day.A customersB supportersC guestsD clients正确答案:D词汇与结构201311.【第四次】--What will you b uy for your boyfriend’s birthday? --I want to buy a ______ wallet for him.A black leather smallB small black leatherC small leather blackD black small leather正确答案:B词汇与结构201312.【第四次】A woman came in, ______ by her daughter.A followedB followingC followD being followed正确答案:A词汇与结构201313.【第四次】The reporters had to fight each other for a chance to ______ the famous singer.A instructB questionC interviewD invest正确答案:C词汇与结构201314.【第四次】It is the best ____________ I have seen.A thatB whoC whomD which正确答案:A词汇与结构201315.【第四次】As the bus came round the corner, it ran ________ a big tree by the roadside.A intoB onC overD up正确答案:A交际英语201316.【第四次】--Could you tell us where the post office is? --______A No, I am busy.B Sorry, I am new to the city too.C It is not next to the hospital.D You can buy a map.正确答案:B交际英语201317.【第四次】--I can't repair your recorder until tomorrow, I'm afraid.--That's OK, there's _______.A no problemB no wonderC no doubtD no worry正确答案:A交际英语201318.【第四次】--Susan is absent from today's writing class. --____. As far as I know she has never missed a class.A How come?B So what?C Why?D What for?正确答案:A交际英语201319.【第四次】--What would you like to have, meat or fish? --____________________________________.A Either will doB Yes, I like meatC Yes, I like fishD No, they are not my favorite正确答案:A交际英语201320.【第四次】--Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam. --________.A It’s none of your business.B What are you doing?C Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D No, I don’t think so.正确答案:C完型填空201321.【第四次】One night, a thief broke into an old man's house. He ___1___ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his wife to be silent, while he said loudly, "My dear, these days thieves are cleverer. If they take ___2___ their clothes and put them on the table, the people in the room will fall asleep and can't wake up." When the thief ___3___this, he took off his clothes at once and was ready to set out to work. At this___4___, the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice:"Stop thief! Stop thief!" The thief was very frightened. He ran away as fast as be could and ___5___ his clothes on the table.A 1.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardC 2.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardE 3.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardB 4.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardD 5.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heard正确答案:1-A, 2-C, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D阅读理解201422.【第四次】Mr. Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers. So after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself someglasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, "No, I can't read with these."The man became more and more puzzled (迷惑的) , until finally he said, "Excuse me, but can you read?""No, of course I can't!" T om said angrily. "If I was already able to read, do you think I would have come here to buy glasses?"D 1. Mr. Forester lived ______.A with his family in a cityB with his family in the countrysideC alone in a cityD alone in the countrysideC 2. T om ________ went into town.A oftenB alwaysC almost neverD everydayA 3. The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers ________.A with glasses onB with glasses offC with glasses of beer in front of themD with glass pipes in their mouthsD 4. The shop T ome went into sold ________.A drinking glasses and cupsB glass for windows and doorsC glasses for people who could not readD glasses for people who could not see wellC 5. What kind of mistake did Tom make?A He went to the wrong kind of shop.B He didn’t try on all the glasses inthe shop. C He thought that a person who had not learned to read would be able to do so if he wore glasses. D He left his money in the restaurant.正确答案:1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-C阅读理解201423.【第四次】Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke English very well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称). Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up. The man behind her got very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage."What's wrong with this girl?" He said, "Why doesn't she hurry up?" He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry to get a good seat.Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, "Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are in such a hurry, why can't you give me a hand with my luggage?"The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English. He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. Everyone was looking at him with disapproval.B 1. Maria's story happened on her way back to Santo Domingo.A: T B: FA 2. You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in thestory is to check people's luggage at the airport.A: T B: FA3. "Why are you so upset?" Maria said to the man. She wanted to tell him that he should not be unhappy and worried.A: T B: FB4. "Everyone was looking at him with disapproval."This sentence means that the people around felt sorry for Maria's manners.A: T B: FA5. The author mentioned Maria's age at the beginning of the story in order to show that she was young but behaved properly.A: T B: F正确答案:1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-B, 5-A加入错题集关闭窗体底端资料。

一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. –Well done and _______!–Thank you very much!(A) not at all(B) congratulations to you(C) that’s right(D) you are welcome正确答案:B2. –_______–You too!(A) Merry Christmas!(B) What a beautiful day!(C) Help yourself!(D) It’s very kind of you!正确答案:A3. –Thanks for inviting us to dinner.______–Thank you! It’s so good that you like them.(A) Best wishes to you!(B) Enjoy yourself!(C) Congratulations!(D) Everything tastes great!正确答案:D4. –I’ve heard that you are going to Thailand? –Yes, I’ll leave on Sunday.–That’s great! _______–Thank you!(A) Have a nice journey!(B) Watch out!(C) How are you!(D) You are so smart!正确答案:A5. –Welcome to the party! _______–Thank you!(A) Excuse me!(B) I totally agree with you!(C) How pretty you are today!(D) Which one do you prefer?正确答案:C6. –Which dress will you choose?–I prefer the red one.–_______(A) You have a very good taste!(B) I respect your work!(C) You have a very successful business!(D) You wife is very charming!正确答案:A7. –I hope you’ll succeed in everything!–_______(A) I’m sorry to hear that.(B) It’s a pity.(C) So do I.(D) You’re welcome.正确答案:C8. –Bob, you have a very successful business! ______ –Thank you!(A) You have a good sense of humor!(B) Enjoy yourself!(C) You two make a lovely couple!(D) Well done!正确答案:D9. –I’m engaged!–______ on your engagement!(A) Congratulations(B) Congratulation(C) Congratulate(D) Cheers正确答案:A10. –I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year! _______–Thank you! You too!(A) Merry Christmas!(B) How smart you are!(C) Best wishes to you!(D) Nice going!正确答案:C11. The change in work patterns could offer a _______ of a better future for work.(A) information(B) organization(C) prospect(D) imagination正确答案:C12. No sooner had they got the goods covered up ______ it started raining hard.(A) in(B) than(C) then(D) after正确答案:B13. Many people are struggling at the ______ line, short of food and shelter.(A) poverty(B) poor(C) hunger(D) hungry正确答案:A14. There is an old saying that a little ______ will sink a great ship.(A) blast(B) burst(C) leak(D) sneak正确答案:C15. By no means ______ destroy or create energy.(A) we shall(B) shall we(C) can’t we(D) we can正确答案:B16. Mother is ill. Who will ______ the housework?(A) take after(B) take up(C) take out(D) take over正确答案:D17. Flood caused billions of dollars worth of his ______ damage.(A) property(B) treasure(C) goods(D) wealth正确答案:A(D) view正确答案:C23. Those students expect their teacher to ______ from disease very soon.(A) cure(B) treat(C) heal(D) recover正确答案:D24. For some years after his graduation, he ______ some of his classmates, but as times went by, he drop ped them one by one.(A) catch up with(B) keep up with(C) keep up(D) make up with正确答案:B25. The police will give you ticket, if you ______ the speed limit.(A) expand(B) extend(C) spread(D) exceed正确答案:D26. They are working together to ______ the whole society.(A) benefit(B) behalf(C) boast(D) broaden正确答案:A(C) that; that(D) where; that正确答案:C32. The Great West Development ______ a bridge between China and the rest world.(A) is a matter of(B) is the case of(C) is bound to be(D) is exemplified by正确答案:C33. Before 1920s, the American women were ______ the right to vote in a large extent.(A) deprived of(B) depriving of(C) persuade of(D) persuading of正确答案:A34. He asked who was the man ______ on.(A) to be operating(B) operating(C) to operate(D) being operating正确答案:C35. An unexpected gust ______ on us last night.(A) decreased(B) descended(C) declined(D) dropped正确答案:B(D) Friendly banks lend Joneses the money at a very low rate of interest.正确答案:C(4) Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?(A) Joneses and neighbors are spending borrowed money.(B) We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.(C) Our possessions, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, are clearly labeled from early childhood.(D) We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses.正确答案:B(5) Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in this passage?(A) Ironic(B) Optimistic(C) Objective(D) Neutral正确答案:A43.In all American history, there is no story stranger than that of John A. Sutter. When the independence of California was declared in 1846, San Francisco was a small town of some 800 inhabitants. Then, in 1848, gold was discovered on land not far away. This land was owned by John A. Sutter.[共5题](1) Which of the following is TRUE about Sutter?(A) Poor as he was, Sutter was full of adventurous spirit.(B) Sutter got his college education in Switzerland.(C) Sutter was a colonist.(D) Sutter was the richest man in the whole world.正确答案:A(2) From the passage we know that __________.(A) Sutter declared the news of gold discovery(B) men descended upon Sutter’s land to explore the gold fo r him(C) while building a saw mill, Sutter himself found some pieces of gold(D) the city of Sacramento sprang up because of the gold discovery正确答案:D(3) The change of both San Francisco and the life of Sutter was due to __________.(A) the movement of people toward San Francisco(D) insisted that he memorize good poetry in order to learn how to be a writer正确答案:A(2) The author believes that he became a writer mostly because of _________.(A) his special talent(B) his father’s teaching(C) his study at Harvard(D) a strong hidden wish within him正确答案:D(3) Which of the following is TRUE about the author?(A) He began to think of becoming a writer at Harvard.(B) He had always been successful in his writing career.(C) He went to Harvard to learn to write plays.(D) He worked as a newspaper man before becoming a writer.正确答案:D(4) The author really started on his way to become a writer _________.(A) when he was in high school(B) when he was studying at Harvard(C) when he lived in London(D) after he entered college正确答案:C(5) According to the passage, about the author’s life in 1926 which of the following conclusions CANNOT be safely drawn?(A) He lost the ability to determine in which direction he should go.(B) He was depressed about having his plays rejected.(C) He lived in a house which had smoked brick and cream-yellow-plaster look.(D) He started his first novel.正确答案:A”46. Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, would a little more money make us __(1)__ happier? Many of us would agree. There is, we believe, some connection between having money and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we __(2)__ to be rich. Three in four American college students now consider it is “ver y important” or “essential” __(3)__ they become “very well off financially”. Money matters. Well, are the rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, such as Bangladesh, being __(4)__ well off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and __(5)__ contact. But a surprising fact of li fe is that in countries where everyone can __(6)__ life’s necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation __(7)__ wealth and happiness is “surprisingly weak”, observed University of Mich igan researcher, Ronald Inglehart, in one 16-nation study of 170,000 people. Once comfortable, more money provi des diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second 共10题](1)(A) more(B) less(C) very(D) a little正确答案:D(2)(A) would like(B) had better(C) would better(D) had like正确答案:A(3)(A) what(B) when(C) that(D) where正确答案:C(4)(A) relative(B) relatively(C) relation(D) relate正确答案:B(5)(A) social(B) society(C) sociable(D) socialize正确答案:A(6)(A) affect(B) afford(C) affair(D) affirm正确答案:B(7)(A) among(B) in(C) with(D) between正确答案:D(8)(A) special(B) unusual(C) average(D) public正确答案:C(9)(A) in the long run(B) for the long run(C) at the long run(D) on the long run正确答案:A(10)(A) over(B) than(C) to(D) instead正确答案:B。
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第四次作业答案1.a) Buy IBX stock in Tokyo and simultaneously sell them in NY, and your arbitrage profit is $2 per share.b) The prices will converge.c) Instead of the prices becoming exactly equal, there can remain a 1% discrepancy between them, roughly $0.35 in this case.2.a) Money market hedge: borrow the dollar now, convert the dollar into the sterling and deposit the sterling. The future dollar cost is fixed.Forward market hedge: buy (long) £ forward contractb) The one-year £ forward rate is:£/$4464.112.0108.0150.111£$01,0=++⨯=++=r r S Fc) If the market £ forward rate is $1.55/£, there is an arbitrage opportunity. Assuming the contract size is £1 million, then the arbitrageur should borrow the dollars, convert into the pounds and invest in pounds, and sell them at the market forward rate. The details and cash flows (in millions) of the transactions are as follows:3 .See Lecture Notes and Textbook4.Terminal payoffs:Profit/Loss:5. 51.32$10.01/322=++=+-τr Xe c(You may want to convert the interest rate with annual compounding into the one with continuous compounding first)33$294=+=+S pTherefore, ()()49.0$51.3233=-=+-+-τr Xe c s pThe arbitrage involves selling the put option and the underlying share short and buying the call options and lending ()51.3010.1/32=for six months. The details of transactions and the resulting cash flows are as follows:Long PutShort Put Long PutShort Put T S T S T S T SArbitrage Transactions Cash Flows at t = 0 t = 6 months32<T S 32>T SSell the put short 4$+ ()T S --32$ 0 Sell the share short 29$+ T S $- T S $-Buy the call long 0.2$- 0 ()32$-T S Lend ()51.3010.1/32$=()51.3010.1/32=-32$+ 32$+ +$0.49 0 06. No Arbitrage ValutionAt maturity (two months) the payoff of the call option with strike price of $49 will be either $4 (if the stock price is $53) or $0 (if the stock price is $48).Construct a portfolio consisting of ∆ shares and 0B borrowing or lending. The payoff of the portfolio replicates the payoff the call option, therefore 04845312210.0012210.00=+∆=+∆⨯⨯eB e BSolving the above two equations gives7654.37 and ,8.00-==∆BThe value of the portfolio today is235.27654.37508.0=-⨯To avoid arbitrage, the value of the call option must be $2.235.Risk-neutral ValuationUp factor: 06.15053==u Down factor: 96.05048==dRisk-neutral probability of an up movement:5681.⨯e π The value of the put option is given by 235.2$045681.012210.0=+⨯⨯e7. No-arbitrage valuationAt maturity (three months) the payoff of the European put option with strike price of $40 will be either 0 (if the stock price is $45) or $5 (if the stock price is $45).Construct a portfolio consisting of ∆ shares and 0B borrowing or lending. The payoff of the portfolio replicates the payoff the put option, therefore()()502.0135002.014500=++∆=++∆B BSolving the equations gives0588.22 and ,5.00=-=∆BThe value of the portfolio today is()0588.2$0588.22405.0=+⨯-Therefore, the value of the put option is $2.0588.Risk-neutral ValuationUp factor: 125.14045==u Down factor: 875.04035==dRisk-neutral probability of an up movement:58.0975.0125.1875.002.1=--=πThe value of the put option is given by 0588.2$02.1542.0058.0=⨯+⨯8.a) 25.0 ,0.30 ,%12 ,50 ,52=====τσr X S()()5365. 21=⨯++=d3865.025.030.05365.012=-=-=τσd d()()6504.03865.0 ,7042.05365.0==N NThe price of the European call is:06.56504.0507042.05225.012.0=⨯⨯-⨯=⨯-e cb) The initial replicating portfolio consists of ()1d N (long) shares and borrowing of ().2d N Xe r τ- In this case, the replicating portfolio includes 0.7042 shares and borrowing of $31.56.9.a) The product provides a six-month return equal to max (0, 0.4R), where R is the return on FTSE 100 index. Suppose S 0 is the current value of the index and S T is the value of the index in six months. When an amount A is invested, the return received at the end of six months is:),0max(4.0)*4.0,0max(0000S S S A S S S A T T -=- This is 04.0S A of the European call options on the index with the strike price of S 0. b) With the usual notions, the value of the option offered is:))()((4.0))()((4.02120100d N e d N e A d N e S d N e S S A rT qT rT qT -----=-In this case, 50.0,25.0,03.0,08.0====T q r σ0530.02298.⨯⨯+-=T d d d σ5212.0)(5909.0)(21==d N d N The value of the call option is 0.0325AInitial investment: A-0.0325A=0.9675AAt six months: ATherefore return with continuous compounding is: %6.6)9675.0ln(2=AA The return of 6.6% per annum with continuous compounding is lower than the riskfree rate of interest.。