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1. What will Joe probably do before skiing next time?

A. Take a training course.

B. Wear better equipment.

C. Try to help others exercise.

2. How does Sophia feel about giving a speech?

A. Excited.

B. Nervous.

C. Proud.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A funny man.

B. A car accident.

C. A car advertisement.

4. Why will Jim go to the city library?

A. To practice French.

B. To attend a meeting.

C. To borrow magazines.

5. What season is it now?

A. Summer.

B. Autumn.

C. Winter.



6. Who is the woman?

A. A policewoman.

B. A computer engineer.

C. A clerk in an airline company.

7. Where is Mr. Johnson now?

A. In Seattle.

B. In New York.

C. In Los Angeles. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

8. Why do the speakers need more ideas?

A. To reduce the cost.

B. To design new products.

C. To increase the market share.

9. When will the speakers have a discussion?

A. This Wednesday.

B. This Friday.

C. Next Monday.


10. What does Doctor Brown consider the most important?

A. Writing.

B. Family.

C. Work.

11. What problem about writing does Doctor Brown face?

A. She lacks her separate space.

B. She can’t get her family support.

C. She is often interrupted by her daughter.

12. Why does Doctor Brown come here?

A. To take an interview.

B. To share writing skills.

C. To collect readers ‘comments.


13. What course is the man going to take?

A. Chinese.

B. Japanese.

C. French.

14. How long does the man want to study?

A. 12 weeks.

B. 6 months.

C. 8 months.

15. What level would the man like to take?

A. The beginners' level.

B. The lower level.

C. The upper level.

16. When will the man begin to take the course?

A. From September.

B. From next January.

C. From next March.
