科技英语翻译文稿[五篇范例]第一篇:科技英语翻译文稿Wireless Network Accurately and Inexpensively MonitorsPatients' Breathing无线网络事实上是廉价地监控着病人的呼吸状况。
A couple years ago we saw wireless technology that would allow us to see through walls.Now,几年以前我们就可以看到无线网络可以让我们看到“墙外的东西”。
现在,来自犹他州州立thesame team of researchers, from the University of Utah, is putting that motion detection大学的同一个技术团队正在把移动式检测技术technology to work monitoring breathing patterns.So not only can the network see through your 运用到检测病人的呼吸状况上因此通过网络不仅可以远程观察病人的现状,它甚至可以听到bedroom wall, it can hear you breathing.Less sinisterly, the system could help doctors keep你的呼吸。
这个系统可以帮助医生更好的监控患者睡眠时的呼吸暂停事件,急救病人或婴儿 better track of patients with sleepapnea, surgery patients or babies at risk for sudden infant 的发生突然猝死危险性就变得更低了。
death syndrome.Team leader Neal Patwari demonstrated the system by lying in a hospital bed surrounded by这个团队的带头人尼尔帕特维尔躺在一家医院的病床上,周围布置了20个工作频率为2.4G 20 wireless transceivers operating at a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz.He timed his breathing to be赫兹的无线电收发器以演示这个监控系统的工作状况。
Unit 6 科技翻译
![Unit 6 科技翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b192c2e09b89680203d82517.png)
Unit 6 科技文体翻译教学目标及基本要求:了解科技英语的词汇、句法特点,掌握科技文体的翻译技巧。
教学重点:1)英语科技词语的构成2)科技英语的句法特点教学难点:科技英语的翻译方法实用训练:英译汉:Scientific prediction for the next 30 years汉译英:技术创新1 .Formation of English Technical TermsOne of the most distinctive features of EST is its technical terms,which not only account for a large part of English vocabulary,but also are the must important source of new coined words in modern English,ranging over an extensive area of various fields. A mastery of them will benefit us a great deal in the translation of EST.In terms of form,English technical terms may be classified into three categories, namely, single words (e. g. robot机器人,Internet因特网,etc. ) , compound forms(e.g. feedback反馈,splashdown溅落,etc.)and phrases(e. g. on-and-off-the- road路面越野两用的,anti- armored-fight-vehicle-missile 反装甲车导弹,power transmission relay system送电中继体系,etc. ). Since most of the technical terms come out of the basic rules of word-formation,it's necessary for us to conduct a Brief survey of their formation.1. Affixation 缀合式科技词语Affixation is an important means of coining new English words and technical terms,with prefix and suffix as inseparable elements of the words being coined. The advantage of affixation is evident: it is the most flexible means of forming new woods and its potential of creation is almost boundless,therefore it is extensively used in the formation of technical terms. Besides prefix and suffix of English origin,there are some foreign borrowings,noticeably the Latin ones, e.g. bio-(生命、生物) thermo-(热),electro- (电),aero-(空气),carbo- (碳), hydro-(水), -ite(矿物),-mania(热、狂), etc. If we are familiar with these prefixes and suffixes,many technical terms of such formation can be translated appropriately. The following are some typical examples.miniultrasonicprober =mini +ultra +sonic +prober微型超声波金属探伤仪macrospacetransship=macro +space +trans +ship巨型空间转运飞船teletypesetter=tele +type +setter电传排字机bathythermograph=bathy +thermo +graph海水测温仪barothermograph=baro +thermo +graph气压温度记录器deoxyrihonucleic=de +oxy +ribo+ nucleic脱氧核糖核的photomorphogenesis=photo +morpho +genesis光形态发生2. Compounding复合式科技词语Two or more words combined to form a new word is called compounding. English technical terms formed by compounding generally take three forms: combining with a hypthen (e.g. salt-former卤素,dew-point露点, pulse-scaler脉冲定标器) or without it (e.g. fallout放射性尘埃,hovercraft 气垫船,waterlock水闸,thunderstorm雷暴),or two or more separate words forming a word combination ( e.g. stem cell 干细胞,optical drive光驱,satellite antimissile observation system卫星反导弹观察系统). Most of such compound words may be translated literally, i.e., Put the Chinese equivalents of the separate elements together and we get the Chinese equivalents of the compound words. Sometimes,however,there are exceptions. For example,bull's eye靶心),cat-and-mouse航向与指挥的),dog house(高频高压电源屏蔽罩),etc.一literal translation in tackling such terms may lead astray. Therefore whenever we are confronted with unfamiliar terms and are not sure of their meaning,we should frequently consult dictionaries of relevant specialties. In many cases some additional explanations are needed to make the original meaning clear and accurate.3 .Blending缩合式科技词语This is a variant of compounding,omitting the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first part of the second word. Sometimes,however, either the first part or the second part of the overlapped word may be clipped to form a new word. This blending of words generally possesses the combined meaning of both; therefore, literal translation is used in translating such terms,with one element modifying the other. Occasionally,a new name is given to the blending.bit=binary+ digit(二进制)位,比特blog=web +log博客brunch=breakfast十lunch早午餐/晚早餐copytron = copy+ electron电子复写技术gravisphere=gravity +sphere引力范围medicare= medical +care医疗保健netizen=net+ citizen网民smog=smoke +fog烟雾telex=teleprinter+ exchange电传4.Acronyms 首字母缩略式科技词语An acronym is a word formed from the initials or other of several words.Acronyms are widely accepted to coin English technical terms. With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more acronyms are being extensively used in various fields. Simple and brief, acronyms sometimes tend to cause ambiguity in meaning. Therefore,it is up to the translator to discern their actual meaning in different contexts.ADP automatic data processing自动数据处理AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome艾滋病EDF'M electronic data processing machine电子数据处理机DINK double income , no kids双收人无子女家庭GSV guided space vehicle制导宇宙飞船Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光RAM random access memory随机存取存储器UFO unidentified flying object不明飞行物WWW World Wide Web万维网Sometimes,an acronym happens to be an actual English word,or it may possess more than one meaning. In this case,special attention should be paid to pick out the right equivalent in Chinese.MOUSE minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth(仪表载重50公斤以下的)不载人的最小人造地球卫星SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈SNAP subsystem for nuclear}auxiliary power辅助(原子)核动力子系统space nuclear auxiliary power空间核辅助能源systems for nuclear auxiliary power辅助核动力系统AS air scoop空气收集器air seasoned风干的(木材)air speed空速,气流速率air station航空站,飞机场American Standard美国标准atmosphere arid space大气层与宇宙空间automatic sprinkler自动洒水车automatic synchronizer自动同步器5 .Proper Nouns 专有名词科技词语Many of the technical terms in English are borrowed from proper nouns such as names of people,places,firms,trade marks,organizations,etc.,normally beginning with a capital letter. In such cases,consulting relevant dictionaries will be of great help . Transliteration is the usual way in translating proper nouns. Sometimes,a label to the corresponding translation is necessary to indicate the nature of the given words.Xerox静电复制(derived from a trademark )IBM System IBM系统(derived from a US corporation)Kuru库鲁病} derived from a place in eastern New Guinea)Alfven wave阿尔文波(derived from the Swedish astrophysicist Hannes Alfven) Chandler's wobble钱得拉波动说(derived from the US astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler )Of course,there are some other forms of technical terms in English. To name a few,Clipping(e. g.“lab”comes from“laboratory”),Back-formation(e. g.“to lase" comes from“laser"),Coinage(e. g.“quark" in physics),Functional Shift (e. g. in the phrase“to contract the terminal",the word“contract" is converted from a noun to a verb),Borrowing(e. g.“gene" is borrowed from German),and so on. In whatever circumstances,the discrimination of the original meaning and the contextual analysis are of vital importance. Only when we get an accurate understanding of them,can we put them into Chinese exactly as they actually mean.II .Characteristic Syntax of EST1.More bong and complicated Sentences 大量使用长句EST as a formal style of writing usually consists of more long and complicated sentences. When translated into Chinese,a long sentence may be cut into several parts. For example:The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led,in the first instance,to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibration but later to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相伺的物理性的介质。
(4) 表示递进:进而,并且。
He did it,and did it well. 他做了,并且做得很好。 More and more companies are installing automatic process controls as means of insuring product uniformity,and thus,quality. 越来越多的公司正在建立自动过程控制系统,作 为保证产品稳定,进而保证产品质量的手段。
第二部分 专业文章阅读与翻译
Lesson 1 Size of atoms and ions
Word study
1.ium:词尾 元素周期表中金属元素的词尾;有机阳离 子词尾,鎓(代表包含氢或一个或多个有机基与 一个中心原子配位的络阳离子) 。 例词:lithium 锂 oxonium 氧鎓 beryllium 铍 sulfonium 锍,锍鎓 sodium 钠 nitronium 硝鎓 ammonium 铵
1 氢 H Hydrogen 3 锂 Li Lithium 5 硼 B Boron 7 氮 N Nitrogen 9 氟 F Fluorine 11 钠 Na Sodium 13 铝 Al Aluminum 15 磷 P Phosphorus 17 氯 Cl Chlorine 19 钾 K Potassium
2 氦 He Helium 4 铍 Be Berillium 6 碳 C Carbon 8 氧 O Oxygen 10 氖 Ne Neon 12 镁 Mg Magnesium 14 硅 Si Silicon 16 硫 S Sulfur 18 氩 Ar Argon 20 钙 Ca Calcium
21 钪 Sc Scandium 22 钛 Ti Titanium 23 钒 V Vanadium 24 铬 Cr Chromium 25 锰 Mn manganese 26 铁 Fe Iron 27 钴 Co Cobalt Gold, silver, mercury, bromine, iodine, Platinum等等
第6讲:科技翻译 - final
![第6讲:科技翻译 - final](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/927a8a5e767f5acfa1c7cd78.png)
Our field trip for the project required that we conduct research in the Dawei Mountain, where we observed a number of species that we had not seen on previous field trips. Hares were common in the campgrounds, along with monkeys that were so aggressive that they would come out toward the campfire for a handout while we were still eating. We saw the pangolins that are fairly common in the area and were introduced there by hunters centuries ago, as well as a few wolves that were introduced fairly recently in hopes of checking the expanding population of hares.
• 词法特点 • 谓语动词使用一般现在时, 表示真理的普遍性,在时 态上属于“零时态”; • 常用被动语态; • 普遍使用名词词组及名词 化结构; • 宁用单个动词而不用短语 动词。
句法特点 • “无生命主语+及物动词+ 宾语(+宾语补足语)”的 句型比较常见; • 常用it作形式主语或宾语; • 宁用紧缩性状语从句而不 用完整的句子; • 割裂修饰比较普遍(包括 短语或从句被割裂); • 句中并列成分(各种并列 短语、单词或从句)较多; • 句子长而复杂,句套句的 情况较多。
科学技术教育与培训(S&T education and training)科学素养(Scientific Literacy)可视图文(Visual pictures and literature)空间站(space station)空中交通管制(air traffic control—ATC)蓝色农业(blue agriculture)蓝牙技术(Bluetooth)立体农业(stereo farming)量子纠缠(Quantum Entanglement量子密码术(Quantum cryptography)量子隐形传送(Quantum Teleportation)硫污染(Pollution by Sulfur)绿色GDP(Green GDP)绿色纤维(Lyocell fibre)绿箱政策(GreenBox Policies)密钥加密技术(Key Encryption Technology)敏捷制造(Agile Manufacturing)(20030731)纳米材料(nano material)与纳米粒子(nanoparticle)纳米机器人(NanoRobot)纳米科学技术(NanoST(Nano Science andTechnology))纳卫星(Nano-Satellite)农业产业化(AgricultureIndustrialization)欧洲洁净空气”计划(CAFE( Clean “Air For Europerogramme”)贫铀弹(Depleted UraniumBomb)平均无故障工作时间(mean-time-between-failures —MTBF)普适计算(PervasiveComputing)气象卫星(meteorologicalsatellite)千年生态系统评估(Millennium EcosystemAssessment)清洁生产(CleanerProduction)全球定位系统(GlobalPositioning System,简称GPS)全球警报与反应网络(Global Out-break Alert andResponse Network)燃料电池(Fuel Cell)人工乘客(ArtificialPassenger)人类脑计划(Human BrainProject)人文发展指数(HDI)认证中心(CertificateAuthority, 简称CA)柔性制造技术(flexiblemanufacturing technology—FMT)朊毒体(Prion)深空探测(Deep SpaceExploration)生命体征(vital signs)生命体征(vital signs)生态预报(ecologicalforecasting 或ecological)生物安全(Biosafety)生物防治(biologicalcontrol)生物经济(Bio-economy)生物库”计划(“Biobank”Project )生物入侵(Biological invasion)生物芯片(Biochip)生物信息学(Bioinformatics)生物质能(Biomass Energy)时间旅行(Time Travel)试验发展(Development)受众分割(Audience segmentation)数字地球(Digital Earth )数字地球(Digital Earth)数字电视(Digital TV,简称DTV)数字鸿沟(Digital Divide)数字化战场(digitizing thebattlefield —DB)数字视频广播(DVB“Digital Video Broadcast”)数字图书馆(DL “DigitalLibrary”)数字显示器(DigitalDisplay)数字现金(Digital Cash)数字音频磁带(DA T“Digital Audio Tape”)数字自然音影技术(DNA“Digital NaturalAudio/Video”)双星计划(Double StarProgramme)水资源(Water Resources)酸雨(Acid Rain)外科手术式打击(Surgicalstrike)网格计算(GridComputing)网络数据库(NetworkDatabase)网络综合症(NetSynthesis)危机管理(CrisisManagement)微机电系统(MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems,MEMS)微流体技术(Microfluidics Technology)温室效应(Greenhouse Effect)物理农业(Physical Agriculture )严重急性呼吸道综合症(SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)阳光政策(Sunshine policy)遥感(Remote Sensing)遥医学(Telemedicine)液晶(Liquid Crystal)液晶(liquid crystal)液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display,LCD)一票否决权(veto power)医学遗传学(medical genetics)医院信息系统(Integrated Hospital Information System,IHIS)移动计算(Mobile Computing)移动上网(W AP)遗传筛查(Genetic Screening)应用研究(Application Research)营养免疫( Nutrition Immunology)有机(生化)纳米材料(Organic (Biochemical) Nanomaterial)预发式计算(Proactive Computing)远程呈现(telepresence)远程医学(Telemedicine)载人航天(Manned Space Flight)载人航天(manned spaceflight)摘菊使者(Daisy Cutter)知识管理(KnowledgeManagement, 简称KM)知识经济(The KnowledgeEconomy)知识与资源管理(KRM:Konwlege & ResourceManagement)脂质体(Liposome)植物全息现象(PlantHolographic Images)中国强制认证(CCC“China CompulsoryCertification”)重组DNA技术(Recombinant DNATechnology)转基因动物(GeneticallyModified Animal)转基因食品(GeneticallyModified Food)准晶(Quasicrystal)准一维纳米材料(Quasi-one-dimensionalNanometer Material)资源安全(ResourceSecurity)自主计算(AutonomicComputing)综合性安全(Comprehensive Security,或非传统安全)总部经济(HeadquartersEconomy)组织培养技术(TissueCulture Technology)太空农业(SpaceAgriculture)太空行走(Walking inspace)太阳风暴(Solar Storm)太阳能(Solar Energy)炭疽(Anthrax)炭疽(anthrax)唐氏综合症(DownsSyndrome)提高战略运算能力计划Accelerated StrategicComputing Initiative,ASCI体细胞遗传学(somaticgenetics)通信卫星(communicationsatellite)太空农业(SpaceAgriculture)太空行走(Walking inspace)太阳风暴(Solar Storm)太阳能(Solar Energy)炭疽(Anthrax)炭疽(anthrax)唐氏综合症(DownsSyndrome)提高战略运算能力计划Accelerated StrategicComputing Initiative,ASCI体细胞遗传学(somaticgenetics)通信卫星(communicationsatellite)白色农业(white agriculture)办公自动化(OA:OfficeAutomation)半导体材料(semiconductor material)比较医学(ComparativeMedicine)并行工程(ConcurrentEngineering)博客(Blog/Blogger)超级网站(Super Website)城市垃圾管理的三C原则(Clean Cycle Control)创新决策权(Authorityinnovation-decisions)磁悬浮列车(MagneticallyLevitated Train)大规模杀伤性武器(Weapons of mass destruction)(陶子)中微子(Tau neutrino )大科学(Big Science)地球模拟器(Earth Simulator)地球资料卫星(earthresources satellite)地震矩规模(momentmagnitude scale)电子现金(Electronic Cash)电子支票(ElectronicCheck)动漫(Comic andAnimation)都市农业(Urban Agriculture或Agriculture in City Countryside)二恶英”(Dioxin)非典型肺炎(Atypical Pneumonias)分布式计算(Distributed Computing)分布式能源(distributed energy sources)分子遗传学(Moleculargenetics)疯牛病(Mad Cow Disease)干扰素(Interferon)干细胞(Stem Cells)干燥综合征(SjogrenSyndrome,SS)高技术(High Technology,简称Hi-tech)高技术战争(high-techwarfare)高温超导电缆(High-TCSuperconducting Cable)高温超导体(High-TCSuperconductor)公共密钥基础结构(PublicKey Infrastructure,PKI)供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)光纤通信(Optical Fiber Communication)国防高技术(defense high technology)国防关键技术(defense critical technology)国防信息基础结构(DIIDefence InformationInfrastructure)国际空间站(ISS(International SpaceStation))(20040614)互联网时间(InternetTime)(20030801)。
常用的形译法又分为下列三种情况:3.1.选用能够表达原字母形象的汉语词来译:T square丁字尺I-column工字柱U-bend马蹄弯头V-slot三角形槽3.2.保留原字母不译,在该字母后加“形”字,这种译法更为普遍:A-bedplate A形底座D-valve D形阀C-network C形网络M-wing M形机翼3.3.保留原字母不译,以字母代表一种概念:X ray X射线L-electron L层电子(原子核外第二层的电子)N-region N区(电子剩余区,即电子导电区)4.意音结合译:在音译之后加上一个表示类别的词,或者把原词的一部分音译,而另一部分意译。
4.1有些词以音译为主,在词首或词尾加上表意的词:logic逻辑电路covar科伐合金(铁镍钴合金)4.2.由前缀加入计量单位构成复合词,计量单位采用音译:megavolt百万伏(特)microampere微安(培)kilowatt千瓦decibel分贝4.3.某些复合词意音结合译:radar-man雷达手valve-guide阀导More: .shengyidi./peixun/ Edit:英语培训More:yypxjgwk 作为一个会议口译译员,应该全面发展,不仅能搞同声传译工作,也要能搞即席传译工作,二者缺一不可。
new-type新型的, long-time持久的,长期的, quick-change快速调换的, low-temperature低温的, high- capacity高容量的, large- scale大型的, magnetic-sense磁场感应的, low-voltage低电压的, digital-signal数字信号的。
(2)取首字母。 即取每一个单词的第一个字母(冠词,介词和连词一般除外) 而构成一个缩写词。这类词一般都大写,有的词在字母间加 “.”。如, MITR=Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor(麻森理工学院反应堆), L.C.M=lowest common multiple(最小公倍数)。
科技术语是在科技方面表示某一专门概念的词语。 因此翻译时要尊重它的特点。科技英语术语的特点 是词义繁多,专业性强。
意译就是根据原文术语的意思,运用汉语的构词要素,按照汉 语的构词法则,译出相应的汉语术语。它具有简洁、易记、见 词明意之特点,如: air-conditioning unit空气调节装置, insufficient power电源不足, gear box齿轮箱、变速箱, frequency modulation调频, earths’ gravitational field地球 引力场, antibiotic抗生素, input输入等。
• (四)缩写
• 在科技英语术语的表述中,还会出现词汇缩写和缩略的特性, 由于缩写词量多面广,了解其规律及其特征,有利于科技英 语的翻译。
• 1、单词缩写
科技文本翻译例子1、深部煤巷锚杆支护技术的研究与实践Research and Practice of Bolting Support Technology in Deep Coal Roadways.2、无约束物体动力学普适方程的变分导出Derivation of a Universal Equation for Unrestrained Bodies with Calculus of Variations.3、粗品材料缺陷的超声信号及其小波包分析Ultrasonic Signal of Defects in A Coarse-grained Material and Its Wavelet Package Analysis.4、汽车车轮动平衡研究Research on the Dynamic Balance of Motorcar Wheel.5、有关取向分布函数计算方法的某些问题About the Calculus Of the Orientation Distribution Of Function.6、造纸厂污水对河流污染程度调查The Survey Paper Mil Waste Water Discharged To the River Pollution.7、网络环境下的信息素质教育On Information Retrieval Teaching Under the Network Environment.8、先进复合材料与航空航天Advanced Composite Materials and Aerospace Engineering.9、工艺中树脂固化温度与介电性能Temperature and Dielectric Properties of Resin during RTM Process RTM.10、使用毛细电泳仪根据泰勒扩散理论测量纳米粒子的扩散系数Determination of Nanoparticle Diffusion Coefficients by Taylor DispersionAnalysis Using A Capillary Electrophoresis Instrument.11、亚马孙雨林对干早的灵敏度Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rein-forest.。
如有的人把the newly developed picture tub(最新研制成功的显像管)错译为“新近被发展了画面管”;又有人把“a unique instant-picture system”(独特的瞬时显像装置)错译为“独快的图像系统”等等。
如进口的收录两用机的使用说明书上有“checking the cassette”和“to insert cassette”两个小标题,究竟应当怎么译呢?看来分别将其的译为“检查盒式磁带”和“装上盒式磁带”,要比分别译为“检查磁带盒”和“装上磁带盒”更好一些。
为了便于查阅,现将英语中表示倍数增加的一些表达法及其译法归纳如下:例如:a The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.(各种立体声录音机的产量比1977年增加了三倍。
)b The output of color television receivers increased by a factor of 3 last year.(去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加了二倍。
Unit 6 科技翻译
![Unit 6 科技翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3b9dcb63f7ec4afe04a1df8c.png)
Unit 6 科技文体翻译教学目标及基本要求:了解科技英语的词汇、句法特点,掌握科技文体的翻译技巧。
教学重点:1)英语科技词语的构成2)科技英语的句法特点教学难点:科技英语的翻译方法实用训练:英译汉:Scientific prediction for the next 30 years汉译英:技术创新1 .Formation of English Technical TermsOne of the most distinctive features of EST is its technical terms,which not only account for a large part of English vocabulary,but also are the must important source of new coined words in modern English,ranging over an extensive area of various fields. A mastery of them will benefit us a great deal in the translation of EST.In terms of form,English technical terms may be classified into three categories, namely, single words (e. g. robot机器人,Internet因特网,etc. ) , compound forms(e.g. feedback反馈,splashdown溅落,etc.)and phrases(e. g. on-and-off-the- road路面越野两用的,anti- armored-fight-vehicle-missile 反装甲车导弹,power transmission relay system送电中继体系,etc. ). Since most of the technical terms come out of the basic rules of word-formation,it's necessary for us to conduct a Brief survey of their formation.1. Affixation 缀合式科技词语Affixation is an important means of coining new English words and technical terms,with prefix and suffix as inseparable elements of the words being coined. The advantage of affixation is evident: it is the most flexible means of forming new woods and its potential of creation is almost boundless,therefore it is extensively used in the formation of technical terms. Besides prefix and suffix of English origin,there are some foreign borrowings,noticeably the Latin ones, e.g. bio-(生命、生物) thermo-(热),electro- (电),aero-(空气),carbo- (碳), hydro-(水), -ite(矿物),-mania(热、狂), etc. If we are familiar with these prefixes and suffixes,many technical terms of such formation can be translated appropriately. The following are some typical examples.miniultrasonicprober =mini +ultra +sonic +prober微型超声波金属探伤仪macrospacetransship=macro +space +trans +ship巨型空间转运飞船teletypesetter=tele +type +setter电传排字机bathythermograph=bathy +thermo +graph海水测温仪barothermograph=baro +thermo +graph气压温度记录器deoxyrihonucleic=de +oxy +ribo+ nucleic脱氧核糖核的photomorphogenesis=photo +morpho +genesis光形态发生2. Compounding复合式科技词语Two or more words combined to form a new word is called compounding. English technical terms formed by compounding generally take three forms: combining with a hypthen (e.g. salt-former卤素,dew-point露点, pulse-scaler脉冲定标器) or without it (e.g. fallout放射性尘埃,hovercraft 气垫船,waterlock水闸,thunderstorm雷暴),or two or more separate words forming a word combination ( e.g. stem cell 干细胞,optical drive光驱,satellite antimissile observation system卫星反导弹观察系统). Most of such compound words may be translated literally, i.e., Put the Chinese equivalents of the separate elements together and we get the Chinese equivalents of the compound words. Sometimes,however,there are exceptions. For example,bull's eye靶心),cat-and-mouse航向与指挥的),dog house(高频高压电源屏蔽罩),etc.一literal translation in tackling such terms may lead astray. Therefore whenever we are confronted with unfamiliar terms and are not sure of their meaning,we should frequently consult dictionaries of relevant specialties. In many cases some additional explanations are needed to make the original meaning clear and accurate.3 .Blending缩合式科技词语This is a variant of compounding,omitting the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first part of the second word. Sometimes,however, either the first part or the second part of the overlapped word may be clipped to form a new word. This blending of words generally possesses the combined meaning of both; therefore, literal translation is used in translating such terms,with one element modifying the other. Occasionally,a new name is given to the blending.bit=binary+ digit(二进制)位,比特blog=web +log博客brunch=breakfast十lunch早午餐/晚早餐copytron = copy+ electron电子复写技术gravisphere=gravity +sphere引力范围medicare= medical +care医疗保健netizen=net+ citizen网民smog=smoke +fog烟雾telex=teleprinter+ exchange电传4.Acronyms 首字母缩略式科技词语An acronym is a word formed from the initials or other of several words.Acronyms are widely accepted to coin English technical terms. With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more acronyms are being extensively used in various fields. Simple and brief, acronyms sometimes tend to cause ambiguity in meaning. Therefore,it is up to the translator to discern their actual meaning in different contexts.ADP automatic data processing自动数据处理AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome艾滋病EDF'M electronic data processing machine电子数据处理机DINK double income , no kids双收人无子女家庭GSV guided space vehicle制导宇宙飞船Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光RAM random access memory随机存取存储器UFO unidentified flying object不明飞行物WWW World Wide Web万维网Sometimes,an acronym happens to be an actual English word,or it may possess more than one meaning. In this case,special attention should be paid to pick out the right equivalent in Chinese.MOUSE minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth(仪表载重50公斤以下的)不载人的最小人造地球卫星SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈SNAP subsystem for nuclear}auxiliary power辅助(原子)核动力子系统space nuclear auxiliary power空间核辅助能源systems for nuclear auxiliary power辅助核动力系统AS air scoop空气收集器air seasoned风干的(木材)air speed空速,气流速率air station航空站,飞机场American Standard美国标准atmosphere arid space大气层与宇宙空间automatic sprinkler自动洒水车automatic synchronizer自动同步器5 .Proper Nouns 专有名词科技词语Many of the technical terms in English are borrowed from proper nouns such as names of people,places,firms,trade marks,organizations,etc.,normally beginning with a capital letter. In such cases,consulting relevant dictionaries will be of great help . Transliteration is the usual way in translating proper nouns. Sometimes,a label to the corresponding translation is necessary to indicate the nature of the given words.Xerox静电复制(derived from a trademark )IBM System IBM系统(derived from a US corporation)Kuru库鲁病} derived from a place in eastern New Guinea)Alfven wave阿尔文波(derived from the Swedish astrophysicist Hannes Alfven) Chandler's wobble钱得拉波动说(derived from the US astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler )Of course,there are some other forms of technical terms in English. To name a few,Clipping(e. g.“lab”comes from“laboratory”),Back-formation(e. g.“to lase" comes from“laser"),Coinage(e. g.“quark" in physics),Functional Shift (e. g. in the phrase“to contract the terminal",the word“contract" is converted from a noun to a verb),Borrowing(e. g.“gene" is borrowed from German),and so on. In whatever circumstances,the discrimination of the original meaning and the contextual analysis are of vital importance. Only when we get an accurate understanding of them,can we put them into Chinese exactly as they actually mean.II .Characteristic Syntax of EST1.More bong and complicated Sentences 大量使用长句EST as a formal style of writing usually consists of more long and complicated sentences. When translated into Chinese,a long sentence may be cut into several parts. For example:The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led,in the first instance,to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibration but later to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相伺的物理性的介质。
例如:video recorder 录像机;ball bearing 滚珠轴承;skin effect 集肤效应;fiberglass 玻璃纤维;transducer 传感器;microwave 微波。
例如:song⁃lifting (由song 和lifting 合在一起构成)下载未授权音乐;break⁃through (由break 和through 合在一起构成)科技等方面重大问题的解决;website (由web 和site 合在一起构成)网址;databank (由data 和bank 合在一起构成)数据库。
如有的.人把the newly developed picture tub(最新研制成功的显像管)错译为新近被发展了画面管;又有人把a unique instant-picture system(独特的瞬时显像装置)错译为独快的图像系统等等。
如进口的收录两用机的使用说明书上有checking the cassette和to cassette两个小标题,究竟应当怎么译呢?看来分别将其的译为检查盒式磁带和装上盒式磁带,要比分别译为检查磁带盒和装上磁带盒更好一些。
第一节 概述
科技术语翻译是历来令许多科技译者“头痛”,却不 得不面对的问题。 随着新学科、新技术、新材料、新设备、新工艺的 不断产生,科技新名词、新术语大量涌现,比比皆是。 目前使用的英汉科技词典,包括那些专业性很强的词典, 也很难满足科技翻译的需要。 因此,我们有必要对科技术语翻译做一个相对系统的 探讨。 Terminology(术语): “special words or expressions used in relation to a particular subject or activity”(某一学科中运用的 专有词或表达形式)【《剑桥国际英语词典》】 科技术语:科学技术领域中的专有词或表达方式。
第二节 科技术语翻译疑难表现
一Hale Waihona Puke 普通词汇含义科技化科技术语翻译的陷阱往往是一些常见常用的词。 值得注意的是,科技术语构词中出现的一个有趣的现象是:大量 借用动物器官名词,尤其是人体名词构成的科技术语。 cable head 电缆分线盒 face shield 面罩 eye bolt 有眼螺栓 nose piece 喷嘴 camera eye 摄像机取景孔 jaw vice 虎钳 (1)Most non-technicians know Wi-Fi from the airports, cafes and fast-food chains that offer wireless Net access to lure customers and get them to stay a while. 大部分非技术人员是通过机场、咖啡店、快餐连锁店了解到“无 线网络接入” 的,这些场所常常提供“无线网络接入”设施吸 引顾客多停留一会儿。
二、英语词汇的屈折变化 英语词汇的屈折变化,相对于科技术语来说,往往具有 丰富的内涵,这充分表现在名词复数含义的多样性与-ing结构 的语义嬗变上。 programming 程序设计 automatic centering 自动居中 windowing 开窗口 machining 机械加工 sampling 抽样检查 cabling 架设电缆 tunneling 开挖隧道 (2)An examination of the commercial importance of container landbridge to present-day Saudi railroading is instructive, and important in understanding future opportunities. 考察集装箱路桥联运商业化的重要性,对于目前沙特铁路建 设十分有益,并对了解未来商机非常重要。
27、只有把抱怨环境的心情,化为上进的力量,才是成功的保证。——罗曼·罗兰 Nhomakorabea▪
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
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第一节 概述
科技术语翻译是历来令许多科技译者“头痛”,却不 得不面对的问题。 随着新学科、新技术、新材料、新设备、新工艺的 不断产生,科技新名词、新术语大量涌现,比比皆是。 目前使用的英汉科技词典,包括那些专业性很强的词典, 也很难满足科技翻译的需要。 因此,我们有必要对科技术语翻译做一个相对系统的 探讨。 Terminology(术语): “special words or expressions used in relation to a particular subject or activity”(某一学科中运用的 专有词或表达形式)【《剑桥国际英语词典》】 科技术语:科学技术领域中的专有词或表达方式。
第三节 科技术语翻译基本准则
翻译科技术语时,除应遵循其一般翻译原则,还要在以下几个方面多加 注意: 一、把握术语口径 有人认为科技术语应全归类为名词,现在看来这种说法有失偏颇。其实, 也有许多动词化的名词在翻译时,宜用术语表达才具专业色彩。 (3)The Transrapid accomplishes the functions of support, guidance, acceleration and braking by using non-contact electromagnetic instead of mechanical force. 磁悬浮列车主要是依靠无接触的电磁力,而非机械力,来实现支承、导向、 加速和刹车功能。 【braking: 制动】 此外,一些形容词化的修饰语在与技术词汇搭配时,只有增加其术语特 色,才能与其修饰的词“门当户对”,而这一点恰恰是许多译者所忽略的。 (4)Within the subsequent years, hundreds of clones from half a dozen of species have been born from this remarkable assisted reproductive technique. 此后几年中,数以百计的克隆动物(源自五六个物种)都是通过该项神奇的 人工诱导技术繁殖出来的。 【 assisted reproductive:助育 】
第二节 科技术语翻译疑难表现
科技术语翻译的陷阱往往是一些常见常用的词。 值得注意的是,科技术语构词中出现的一个有趣的现象是:大量 借用动物器官名词,尤其是人体名词构成的科技术语。 cable head 电缆分线盒 face shield 面罩 eye bolt 有眼螺栓 nose piece 喷嘴 camera eye 摄像机取景孔 jaw vice 虎钳 (1)Most non-technicians know Wi-Fi from the airports, cafes and fast-food chains that offer wireless Net access to lure customers and get them to stay a while. 大部分非技术人员是通过机场、咖啡店、快餐连锁店了解到“无 线网络接入” 的,这些场所常常提供“无线网络接入”设施吸 引顾客多停留一会儿。
二、英语词汇的屈折变化 英语词汇的屈折变化,相对于科技术语来说,往往具有 丰富的内涵,这充分表现在名词复数含义的多样性与-ing结构 的语义嬗变上。 programming 程序设计 automatic centering 自动居中 windowing 开窗口 machining 机械加工 sampling 抽样检查 cabling 架设电缆 tunneling 开挖隧道 (2)An examination of the commercial importance of container landbridge to present-day Saudi railroading is instructive, and important in understanding future opportunities. 考察集装箱路桥联运商业化的重要性,对于目前沙特铁路建 设十分有益,并对了解未来商机非常重要。
二、调动理性思维 ( 5 ) The ultimate speed limitation is usually to do with irregularities in curves, in particular the transition which even when perfectly maintained provides a roll input to passengers which cannot be compensated by tilting system. 终极速度限制通常与弯道的不规则有关,特别是在列车 路经弯道的转换过程中,即使这一转换十分完美,仍会 给乘客带来一种摇晃的感觉。这种不平稳的感觉无法靠 倾斜系统来弥补。 三、准确合理增词 1)根据科技术语内涵 automatic width control oneshot 自动脉宽控制单稳电路 up-and-down train 上下行列车
科技术语的特征: 1)确切性(accuracy):确切反映概念的本质特征 2)单义性(monosemy):一词一义 3)系统性(systematization):在一个特定领域的各个 术语,必须处于 一个明确的层次结构之中,共同 构成一 个系统。 4)正确性(linguistically correct):术语的结构要符合该语种 的构词规则和词组构成规则。 5)简洁性(conciseness): 术语要简明扼要,易懂易记 。 6)理据性(motivation): “顾名思义” 7)稳定性(stability): 一经定名,一般不宜轻易改动。 8)能产性(productivity): 术语确定之后,还可以由旧术 语出发,通过构词法或词组构成的方法,派生出新的 术语来。