
glittern. 闪光;灿烂Morning dews glitter in the sun.晨露在阳光下闪烁。
gorgeousadj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。
gliden. 滑翔;滑行;滑移;滑音That summer was the glide path of our love.那个夏天是我们爱情的下滑航道。
fulfillvt. 履行;实现;满足;使结束(等于fulfil)We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens.无论如何要完成计划。
furtheradv. 进一步地;而且;更远地I need not expatiate on the question any further.我不需要进一步阐述这个问题。
graciousadj. 亲切的;高尚的';和蔼的;雅致的You are so gracious when I saw you .当我见到您就觉得是那么亲切。
governvt. 管理;支配;统治;控制Who govern this country?谁统治这个国家?gossipn. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人She discredited him with ugly gossip.她用难听的流言蜚语臭他。
gratefuladj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的I cannot express to you how grateful I am.我无法向你表达我是多么感激。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级词汇真题精选练习附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!1. The ________ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can suceeed in understanding the universe.A) essenceB) textureC) contentD) threshold2. The old lady has developed a ________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.A) perpetualB) permanentC) chronicD) sustained3. What the correspondent sent us is an ________ news report. We can depend on it.A) evidentB) authenticC) ultimateD) immediate4. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an _______ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.A) inspirationalB) educationalC) excessiveD) instantaneous5. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ______ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people.A) subjectiveB) subordinateC) liableD) vulnerable6. Hurricanes are killer winds, and their ________ power lies in the physical damage they can do.A) cumulativeB) destructiveC) turbulentD) prevalent7. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom.A) skepticalB) faithfulC) obedientD) subsidiary答案:1. A 参考译文:科学态度的本质是人类的智力能够成功地理解宇宙的奥秘。

1. He might have been dead ____ the arrival of the doctors.
A) but for B) except for C) with D) on
2. These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.
A) respectively B) undoubtedly C) incredibly D) exclusively
1. A
but for 的意思是if not(要是没有,要不是),要求后面跟虚拟语气的谓语。
2. D

1. A. 观点B. 环境C. 观点的D. 环境的Answer: A2. A. 影响B. 影响的C. 受影响的D. 影响者Answer: A3. A. 教育B. 教育的C. 被教育的D. 教育者Answer: A4. A. 经济B. 经济的C. 经济上D. 经济地Answer: A5. A. 技术B. 技术的C. 技术性的D. 技术地Answer: A二、词汇填空题阅读以下短文,从括号内所给的选项中选择正确的词汇填空。
In recent years, the rapid development of technology has had a profound (1) on our lives. People can now communicate with each other through various (2) platforms. Moreover, the advancement in (3) has also contributed to the growth of the digital economy.1. A. effectB. affectC. affectionD. efficiencyAnswer: A2. A. electronicB. electricalC. electronicalD. electricallyAnswer: A3. A. economicsB. economicC. economyD. economizeAnswer: B三、同义词替换题根据题目要求,用括号内提供的同义词替换句子中的划线部分。
1. The new policy will have a significant impact on the business sector.- impact (affect)Answer: The new policy will have a significant affect on the business sector.2. The environmental issue is a global concern that requires international cooperation.- concern (issue)Answer: The environmental issue is a global issue that requires international cooperation.3. The teacher's educational approach inspired the students to learn more about the subject.- educational (pedagogical)Answer: The teacher's pedagogical approach inspired the students to learn more about the subject.四、反义词判断题判断句子中划线部分的反义词是否正确。

B) retrospectC) returnD) reverse169.She ________ through the pages of a magazine, not really concentrating on them.A) tumbledB) tossedC) switchedD) flipped 转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大•大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(三十二)•170.Scientists are pushing known technologies to their li mits in an attempt to________more energy from the earth.A) extractB) injectC) dischargeD) drain171.The Chinese Red Cross________a generous sum to the reli ef of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey.A) administeredB) elevatedC) assessedD) contributed172.The first sentence in this paragraph is________; it can be interpreted in many ways.A) intricateB) ambiguousC) duplicatedD) confused173.They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely_ _______with each other.A) reconciledB) negotiatedC) associatedD) accommodated174. The local business was not much________by the sudden outbreak of the epidemic.A) intervenedB) insulatedC) hamperedD) hoisted175.The most important________for assessment in this contest is originality of design.A) thresholdB) partitionC) warrantD) criterion176.The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins. but her doctor________her that it is absolutely harml ess.A) retrievedB) releasedC) reassuredD) revived177.We can't help being________of Bob who bought a luxuriou s sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.A) skepticalB) appreciativeC) suspiciousD) tolerant 转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大•答案:ADBACDCC170. 参考译文:科学家将技术用到极致,试图提取地球上更多的能源。

大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.I feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive ____ of the matter.A. presentationB. preparationC. preferenceD. potential2.If you ask an agent to help you find an apartment, you have to pay him a ____ beforee you can rent the house.A. fineB. premiseC. premiumD. visit3.A ____ examination is one which is in preparation for something.A. predominantB. prematureC. preferableD. preliminary4.Age alone will not ____ him from standing as a candidate.A. precludeB. precedeC. precipitateD. predict5.There are still some people who ____ war as a means of making the country great.A. conformB. preachC. projectD. pound6.Anne is so calm and ____. She does everything well.A. practicableB. applicableC. practicalD. appreciable7.The book Black Beauty ____ the life of a horse.A. postulatesB. pondersC. plotsD. portrays8.His eyes almost ____ out of his headwhen he saw that he had won.A. poppedB. pokedC. pointedD. plugged9.If we ____ our ideas, we may be ableto produce a really good plan.A. pollB. poolC. poreD. pose10.She had spent several days ____ her lecture, so it was quite successful.A. shiningB. pleadingC. pavingD. polishing11.Your criticism injured his ____. So he is feeling upset now.A. divinityB. indignityC. egoD. hero12.____ began to grow in the 1920s with the development of radio.A. ElectronicsB. ElectricityC. EccentricityD. Economics13.Don’t____. It isn’t fair to say all women drivers are bad because one knocked you down.A. summarizeB. analyzeC. generalizeD. centralize14.A ____ is a portion of a DNA molecule(分子).A. geneB. specimenC. creatureD. microbe15.The young man used most ____ language to irritate the old chap.A. pleasantB. offensiveC. respectfulD. elegant16.The detectives tried to ____ from him where he had hidden his loot(赃物).A. temptB. attractC. disruptD. elicit17.I want something ____ placed in this window so that no one will be able to watch me.A. transparentB. opaqueC. explicitD. clear18.I find the conductor’s____ too slow for such a brilliant piece of music.A. speedB. raceC. calendarD. tempo19.When his contract was ____ unexpectedly, he desperately needed a new job.A. terminatedB. expiredC. fulfilledD. accomplished20.If you are to succeed as a salesman, first of all, youmust not be ____.A. humidB. aggressiveC. boldD. timid21.Nowadays many people become unemployed as a result of the wide introduction of ____ in big industries.A. estimationB. automationC. transformationD. conformation22.A/An ____ managing manner may result in an unexpected resistance of the workers to produce more.A. authoritativeB. detectiveC. respectiveD. representative23.Ever since the president’s sexual scandal was made public, there has been a continuous ____fall in his popularity.A. domesticB. imaginaryC. drasticD. numerous24.To help the suffering people survive the severe winter,all the citizens spared the flood were called on to ____ money,food and clothes.A. allocateB. deliverC. donateD. fancy25.Flood, ____ and famine are natural disasters often facing the people in the peninsula.A. warB. sanctionC. overpopulationD. drought26.Nazism and Fascism were ____ to be thrown into the dump of history.A. depositedB. doomedC. damnedD. deserved27.A remark may be completely ____ when it is passed on through different mouths.A. distortedB. restoredC. recoveredD. misled28.Every month ¥3 is ____ from our salary for house repairing payment.A. excludedB. expelledC. compelledD. docked29.In the new cabinet’s budget, a proportion of 3 per centis fixed for the feeding and ____ of those below the poverty line.A. unemploymentB. dwellingC. exploitationD. evolving30.The awarding of lands as ____ to the noblemen led to the weakening of the central government.A. domainsB. donationsC. notationsD. congratulations答案部分1.答案A。

The statue would be perfect but for a few small _______ in its be.A) mistakesB) weaknessesC) flawsD) errors注:1. mistake和error同义词,表示错误,过失2. weakness (人的)弱点,缺点3. flaw 瑕疵[P5-51]Why should anyone want to read _______ of books by great authors when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals?A) digestsB) insightsC) themesD) leaflets注:1. digest 摘要ingest 摄入congest 堵塞,拥挤2. theme 主题3. insight 洞察力,理解力,观察事物的角度4. leaflet 小散页booklet 小册子lakelet 小湖[P6-52]Parents have a legal _______ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.A) impulseB) obligationC) influenceD) sympathy注:1. obligation 责任,义务2. impulse 冲动pulse 脉搏repulse 憎恶,排斥repulsive 令人厌恶的instinct 本能extinct 灭绝的distinct 区别的,截然不同的distinction (特征上的)区别separation (具体形态上的)分离break off 部分从整体上剥离下来break up 捏碎,打碎shatter 粉碎[P6-53]Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _______.A) scarcityB) shortageC) minimumD) minority注:1. minority 少数,少数民族2. scarcity 物质方面的缺乏3. shortage 短缺4. minimum 最小的,最低的minimize 将……降到最小miniature 缩微模型minister 大臣administer 管理maximum 最大的,最高的,最多的[P6-54]David likes country life and has decided to _______ farming.A) go back onB) go in forC) go through withD) go along with注:1. go in for 从事,追求,参加,赞成2. go back on 违背,背弃3. go through with 经历了困难而完成……4. go along with 陪伴[P6-55]Jack was about to announce our plan but I _______ .A) cut him shortB) turned him outC) gave him upD) put him through注:1. cut him short 打断讲话cut my hair short 剪断头发cut my hair 剃光头2. turn him out 驱逐出去3. give him up 放弃,甩掉,断绝关系4. put him through 让某人经历考验[P6-56]I am sure I can _______ him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night.A) speakB) talkC) sayD) tell注:talk sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事英语六级阅读题巩固训练The History of Chinese AmericansChinese have been in the United States for almost two hundred years. In fact. the Chinese had business relations with Hawaii prior to relations with the mainland when Hawaii was not yet part of the United States.But United States investments controlled the capital of Hawaii at that time. In 1788,a ship sailed from Guangzhou to Hawaii. Most of the crewmen were Chinese. They were considered the pioneers of Hawaii. The Immigration Commission reported that the first Chinese arrived in the United States in 1820. eight in 1830 andseven hundred and eighty in 1850. The Chinese population gradually increased and reached 64,199 in 1870.For many years it was common in the United States to associate Chinese Americans with restaurants and laundries. People did not realize that the Chinese had been driven into these occupations by the prejudice anddiscrimination that faced them in this country.The First Chinese to reach the mainland United States came during the California Gold Rush of 1849. Like most of the other people there, they had come to search for gold. In that largely unoccupied land,the men staked a claim for themselves by placing markers in the ground. However. either because theChinese were sodifferent from the others or because they worked so patiently that they sometimes succeeded in turning a seemingly worthless mining claim into a profitable one, they became che scapegoats of their envious competitors. They were harassed in many ways. Often they were prevented from working their claims; some localities even passed regulations forbidding them to own claims. The Chinese therefore started to seek out other ways of earning a living. Some of them began to do che laundry for the white miners; others set up small restaurants. (There were almost no women in California in those days,and the Chinese filled a real need by doing this“woman's work”.) Some went to work as farmhands or as fishermen.In the early 1860's many more Chincse arrived in California.This time the men were imported as work crews to construct the first transcontinental railroad.They were sorely needed because the work was so strenuousand dangerous, and it was carried on in such a remote part of the country that the railroad company could not find other laborers for the job. As in the case of their predecessors,these Chinese were almost all males; and like them, too, they encountered a great deal of prejudice. The hostility grew especially strong afrer the railroad project was complete, and the imported laborers returned to California-thousands of them, all out of work. Because there were so many more of them this time,these Chinese drew even more attention than the earlier group did. They were so very different in every respect: in their physical appearance,including a long“pigtail”at th e back of their otherwise shaved heads; in the strange, non-Western clothes they wore; in their speech (few had learned English since they planned to go back to China); and in their religion. They were contemptuously called “heathenChinese” because there were many sacred images in their houses of worship.When times were hard. they were blamed for working for lower wages and taking jobs away from white men. who were in many cases recent immigrants themselves. Anti-Chinese riots broke out in several cities. culminating in arson and bloodshed. Chinese were barred from using the courts and also from becoming American citizens. Californians began to demand that no more Chinese be permitted to enter their state. Finally. in 1882. they persuaded Congress to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped the immigration of Chinese laborers. Many Chinese rerurned to their homeland, and their numbers declined sharply in the early part of this century. However. during the World War II,when China was an ally of the United States. the Exclusion laws were ended; a small number of Chinese were allowed to immigrate each year, and Chinese could become American citizens. In 1965, in a general revision of our immigration laws,may more Chinese were permitted to settle here,as discrimination against Asian immigration was abolished.From the start,the Chinese had lived apart in their own separate neighborhoods, which came to be known as “Chinatowns”. In each of them the residents organized an unofficial government to make rules for the community and to settle disputes. Unable to find jobs on the outside, many went into business for themselves-primarily to serve their own neighborhood. As for laundries and restaurants. some of them soon spread to other parts of the city,since such services continued to be in demand among non-Chinese, too. T o this day. certain Chinatowns. especially those of San Francisco and New York. are busy. thriving communities, which have become greatattractions for tourists and for those who enjoy Chinese food.Most of today's Chincse Americans are the descendants of some of the early miners and railroad workers. Those immigrants had come from the vicinity of Canton in Southeast China. where they had been uneducated farm laborers.The same kind of young men,from the same area and from similar humble origins,migrated to Hawaii in those days. There they fared far better, mainly because they did not encounter hostility. Some married native Hawaiians, and other brought their wives and children over. They were not restricted to Chinatownand many of them soon became successful merchants and active participants in general community affairs.Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancient culture. even after having lived here for several generations. For Example, their family ties continue to be remarkably scrong (encompassing grandparents. uncles, aunts, cousins. and others). Members of the family lend each other moral support and also practical help when necessary. From a very young age children are imbued with the old values and attitudes. including respect for their elders and a feeling of responsibility to the family. This helps co explain why there is so little juvenile delinquency (少年犯罪 ) among them.The high regard for education which is deeply imbedded in Chinese culture.and the willingness to work veryhard to gain advancement, are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs. This explains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers have succeeded in becoming doctors. lawyers, and other professionals.(Many ofthe most outstanding Chinese American scholars,scientists, and artists are more recent arrivals, who come from China's former upper class and who represent its highcultural traditions.)Chinese Americans make up only a tiny fraction of our population; there are fewer than half a miilion, living chiefly in California. New York. and Hawaii. As American attitudes toward minorities and toward ethnicdifferences have changed in recent years, the long-reviled Chinese have gained wide acceptance. Today, they are generally admired for their many remarkable characteristics, and are often held up as an example worth following. And their numerous contributions to their adopted land are much appreciated.1.Most Chinese Americans worked in restaurants and laundries because of______________.A)the skills they acquired at the motherlandB)local people's discrimination against themC)their high employment ratesD)their comparatively high pay2. During the California Gold Rush.restaurant and laundry were regarded as________________.A)unprofitable workB)comfortable workC)woman's workD)Chinese work3.In the early l860's, more Chinese were shipped to California to work as________________.A)gold minersB)railroad buildersC)steelworkersD)farmhands4.Few Chinese learned English at that time because_________________.A)they seldom used Engiish in ChinatownB)they were too old to learn a new tongueC)they couldn't find good English teachersD)they wouldn't stay in America for long5.The Chinese Exclusion Act came to an end_________________.A)by the California governor thenB)after a massive bloodshedC)during WWIID)in 19656.One of the Chinatowns as a busy and thriving community now is located in________________.A)FloridaB)HawaiiC)New JerseyD)New York7.Chinese immigrants to Hawaii found that they________________.A)were treated without discriminationB)were provided with fewer job choicesC)couldn't travel to mainland AmericaD)could only live or work in Chinatown8.The old values and attitudes imparted into the young Chinese Americans effectively help prevent_______________.9.China's high cultural traditions are represented by the Chinese American_____________.10.The contributions made by Chinese to America had gained much_____________.答案解析:1.[B][定位]根据题干中的restaurants and laundries定位到第2段。

大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(1)1. B 参考译文:对许多病人来说,福利机构的照顾是最合适并且是最有益的一种护理方式。
A) pertinent 中肯的B) appropriate 适当的C) acute 敏锐的D) persistent 执意的2. A 参考译文:在由于妇女大量进入劳动大军而引起的所有变化中,妇女本身发生的变化并非不重要。
A) massive 大量的B) quantitative 定量的C) surplus 多余的D) formidable 可畏的3. D 参考译文:当有人暗示史密斯先生犯了一个错误时他变得非常生气。
A) ingenious 灵巧的B) empirical 经验的C) objective 客观的D) indignant 愤怒的4. A 参考译文:谣言四起、散布恐怖、诋毁名声,使平静的局面变得动荡混乱。
A) turbulent 狂暴的B) tragic 悲惨的C) vulnerable 脆弱的D) suspicious 怀疑的5. D 参考译文:生与死的永恒循环是科学家和哲学家们都感兴趣的主题。
A) incompatible 不兼容的B) exceeding 过度的C) instantaneous 瞬间的D) eternal 永恒的大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(2)6. D 参考译文:她仍然保持信心,看上去不为我们目前的问题所烦恼。
A) indefinitely 不确定地B) infinitely 无限地C) optimistically 乐观地D) seemingly 表面上7. A 参考译文:光纤电缆可以同时传送数百个电话。
A) simultaneously 同时地B) spontaneously 自发地C) homogeneously 同类地D) contemporarily 现代地8. B 参考译文:有人向警方报警说逃犯可能就在附近。
A) vain 徒劳B) vicinity 附近C) court 法院D) jail 监狱9. B 参考译文:无论你活着是为了吃饭,还是吃饭是为了活着,食物总是每个家庭预算的主要开支项目。

一、词汇练习题1. The teacher's ________ teaching style made the class more engaging and interactive.A) monotonousB) dynamicC) conventionalD) stagnant2. The company's profits have ________ significantly over the past year.A) escalatedB) diminishedC) fluctuatedD) stagnated3. The new restaurant in town is known for its ________ menu, offering a wide variety of international dishes.A) diverseB) limitedC) exclusiveD) monotonous4. The government has implemented strict measures to ________ the spread ofthe virus.A) eradicateB) fosterC) inhibitD) exacerbate5. The team's victory in the championship was a ________ achievement, considering their previous performance.A) remarkableB) mediocreC) negligibleD) trivial二、记忆和运用词汇的方法1. 词根词缀法:通过学习常见的词根和词缀,可以帮助我们推测和记忆单词的意思。

大学英语六级(语法与词汇)练习试卷133(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:7. V ocabulary and GrammarV ocabulary and GrammarDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.The housewives are worthy of praise as their work is _________ .A.ambitiousB.rigorousC.tediousD.courageous正确答案:C解析:家务活单调乏味,因此家庭主妇应该得到大家的称赞。
知识模块:语法与词汇2.The young woman’ s parents ________her for questioning their authority.A.scornedB.scoldedC.scrubbedD.scored正确答案:B解析:形近易混词辨析。
scorn意为“蔑视,轻蔑”,如:You’re no right to scorn a poor girl.(你没有任何理由看不起一个贫穷的姑娘。
)scold意为“训斥,责骂”,如:The employer often scolded his men on the slightest pretence.(这个老板常常以一点点借口就责骂他的员工。
)scrub意为“用力擦洗”,如:Don’t forget to scrub behind your ears.(不要忘了把你耳朵后面洗干净。

以下是为大家搜索的大学词汇练习试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!It isn't just the beer that (1) to beer bellies. It could also be the extra calories, fat and unhealthy eating choices that may e with (2) drinking.A recent study found that men consume an (3) 433calories (equivalent to a McDonald's double cheeseburger)on days they drink a moderate amount of alcohol. About 61%of the caloric increase es from the alcohol itself. Menalso report eating higher amounts of saturated fats and meat, and less fruit and milk, on those days than on days when they aren't drinking, the study showed.Women fared a bit better, taking in an extra 300 calories on moderate-drinking days, from the alcohol and eating fattier foods. But women's increase in calories from additional eating wasn't statistically significant, the study said.'Men and women ate less healthily on days they drank alcohol,' said Rosalind Breslow, an epidemiologist with the federal National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and lead author of the study. 'Poorer food choices on drinking days have public-health (4),' she said.The findings dovetail with controlled lab studies in which (5) generally eat more food after consuming alcohol. Researchers suggest that alcohol may enhance 'the short-term rewarding effects' of consuming food, aording to a xx report in the journal Physiology & Behavior that reviewed previous studies on alcohol, appetite and obesity.But other studies have pointed to a different trend. Moderate drinkers gain less weight over time than either heavy drinkers or people who abstain from alcohol,particularly women, this research has shown. Moderate drinking is (6) having about two drinks a day for men and one for women.'People who gain the least weight are moderate drinkers, regardless of [alcoholic] beverage choice,' said Eric Rimm, an associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard Medical School and chairman of the xx review of alcohol in the federal dietary (7). The weight-gain difference is modest, and 'starting to drink is not a weight-loss diet,' he said.The various research efforts form part of a long-standing (8) about how alcohol affects people's appetites,weight and overall health. Researchers say there aren't simple answers, and suggest that individuals' metabolism,drinking patterns and gender may play a role.Alcohol is 'a real wild card when it es to weight management,' said Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientific officer of Weight Watchers International. At seven calories per gram, alcohol is closer to fat than to carbohydrate or protein in caloric content, she said. Alcohol tends to lower restraint, she notes, causing a person to bee more (9) with what they're eating.Research bolstering the role of moderate drinking in helping to control weight gain was published in xx in the journal Obesity Research. That study followed nearly 50,000 women over eight years. An earlier study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1994, followed more than 7,000 people for 10 years and found that moderate drinkers gained less weight than nondrinkers. Studies paring changes in waist circumference among different groups have yielded similar results.Dr. Rimm said it isn't clear why moderate drinking may be (10) against typical weight gain, but it could have to do with metabolic adjustments. After people drink alcohol,their heart rate increases so they burn more calories in the following hour.'It's a modest amount,' he said. 'But if you take an individual that eats 100 calories instead of a glass of wine, the person drinking the glass of wine will have a slight increase in the amount of calories burned.'A:indulgent B:participantsC:debate D:consideredE:contributes F:contestG:guidelines H:protectiveI:moderate J:indexK:implications L:considerateM:additional N:experiencedO:owes1E:contributes2.I:moderate3.M:additional4.K:implications 5.B:participants6.D:considered7.G:guidelines8.C:debate9.A:indulgent10.H:protective。

2006年Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) or D). Choose the ONE answer thatthe best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.41. Grey whales鲸have long been ________ in the north Atlantic and hunting wasan important cause for that.A) extinct熄灭的; 耗尽的; 灭绝的B) extinguished 熄灭, 偿清, 消灭C) detained扣留, 阻止, 扣押D) deprived贫困的; 被剥夺的42. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote远程操作manipulator操作者; 操纵器; 操纵者to ________ the newly launched发射satellite.A) retreat撤退, 退却B) retrieve重新得到, 收回; 检索C) embody具体表达; 包含; 使具体化D) embrace拥抱, 包含, 包围, 接受, 信奉43. Foreign students are facing unprecedented空前的delays耽搁, 推迟, 延误, as visaapplications receive closer ________ than ever.A) appraisal估计, 评估B) scanning扫描, 搜索, 观测C) retention保存, 保持(力), 记忆力, 保留物D) scrutiny细看, 监视, 仔细检查,周密的调查,44. If you are late for the appointment约会, 预约, 任命, 委派, 官职, 设备, you might________ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted.A) irrigate灌溉, 使潮湿B) intrigue灌溉, 使潮湿,密谋; 私通; 激起...的兴趣C) irritate使恼怒; 使过敏; 使烦躁D) intimidate威胁, 恐吓, 胁迫45. Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal ________ as theyhave often seen in Disneyland.A) cushions垫子, 橡皮软垫, 缓冲B) costumes装束; 服装,给...穿上服装; 为...设计服装C) skeletons骨架, 纲要, 骨骼D) ornaments装饰, 修饰46. Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have ________about their safety.A) preserved保存, 保藏; 保护; 防腐; 维护; 做蜜饯, 禁猎B) survived活着, 继续存在,幸免于难, 艰难度过C) suspended吊, 悬挂; 暂停, 悬浮, 中止D) lingered逗留, 消磨, 徘徊, 漫步47. This clearly shows that crops农作物and weeds野草have quite a number of________ in common.A) traits特色, 特性, 品质B) traces痕迹; 丝毫, 微量; 遗迹; 图形C) tracks行踪; 足迹; 轨道; 小径, 小道D) trails痕迹; 足迹; 踪迹; 小道48. From science to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs areavailable ________ to teacher.A) in stock有库存; 有现货B) in store必将到来, 快要发生, 贮藏着, 准备着C) in operation (法律规章或计划)实施中,有效D) in abundance充足, 大量, 丰富, 很多49. When the Italian poet Dante was ________ from his home in Florence, hedecided to walk from Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning of life.A) exerted发挥, 施以影响, 运用B) expired期满, 断气, 呼气; 呼出C) exiled放逐, 被放逐者, 流放D) exempted使免除, 豁免50. Habits acquired in youth-notably显著地, 特别地smoking and drinking-mayincrease the risk of ________ diseases in a person’s later life.A) consecutive顺序来的; 连续不断的B) chronic长期的, 慢性的, 惯常的C) critical指出缺点的; 批评的;D) cyclical循环的, 周期的51. F. W. Woolworth was the first businessman to erect直立的; 竖直的; 垂直的a trueskyscraper摩天大楼to ________ himself, and in 1929, A1 Smith, a former以前的governor省长; 州长; of New York, sought to寻求outreach 超越; 击败; 伸出him.A) portray描写, 描绘, 饰演B) proclaim宣告; 声明; 公布; 表明, 显示C) exaggerate夸张; 夸大; 言过其实D) commemorate纪念52. To label their produce as organic器官的, 组织的, 有机的, farmers have to obtaina certificate showing that no ________ chemicals have been used to kill pests害虫on the farm for two years.A) toxic有毒的, 中毒的B) tragic悲惨的, 悲剧的C) nominal名义上的, 名字的, 有名无实的D) notorious声名狼藉的, 众人皆知的, 恶名昭张的53. Ancient Greek gymnastics体操; 体育training programs were considered to be an________ part of the children’s education.A) intact尚未被人碰过的, 完整的, 原封不动的B) integral积分, 整数,完整的, 整体的,C) inclusive包含的; 包括的D) infinite无限的, 无穷的54. Researchers have found that happiness doesn’t appear to be anyone’s____; thecapacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.A) disposal处理, 处置, 布置, 配置B) domain领域, 领地, 范围C) heritage遗产, 继承物D) hostage人质; 抵押品55. We want out children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be________ and their perspectives远景, 看法, 透视to be broadened.变宽, 伸广A) envisaged想像, 设想; 正视, 面对B) excelled胜过, 优于, 超越C) exceeded超过的, 超出D) enriched使富裕; 使肥沃; 使丰富; 装饰56. Online schools, which ________ the needs of different people, have emerged浮现, 脱出, 形成as an increasingly popular education alternative.选择, 二择一A) stir up搅拌, 激起, 唤起, 煽动B) switch on (用开关)开启C) cater to迎合; 为...服务D) consent to赞成, 同意57. This kind of songbird鸣禽sleeps much less during its annual ________,but thatdoesn’t seem to affect its flying.A) migration移民, 移往, 移动,迁移;(候鸟等的)迁徙B) emigration移居; 移民; 移民出境C) conveyance让与; 运送; 运输D) transference迁移, 转送, 移动58. The developing nations want rich countries to help shoulder肩, 侧翼, 肩部thecost of ________ forests.森林A) updating现代化, 更新B) upgrading使升级, 改良品种, 提升C) conserving保存, 与糖放在一起, 保持D) constructing建造; 创立; 构造59. In the study, researchers succeeded in determining how coffee ________different areas of the brain in 15 volunteers.A) integrated综合, 使成整体, 使结合; 成一体B) motivated给...动机; 激发; 刺激C) illuminated照明, 阐释, 说明D) activated激活的60. They are trying to ________ the risk as much as they can by making a morethrough investigation调查; 研究of the market.A) minimize将 ... 减到最少B) harmonize和谐, 协调C) summarize概述, 摘要而言D) jeopardize使(某事物)受到伤害﹑损失或破坏61. The cycles of the sun and moon are simple, but forces which have shaped humanlives since the beginning.A) franticB) giganticC) sensationalD) maximum62. An effort was launched recently to create the first computer ________ of theentire human brain.A) repetitionB) repressionC) saturationD) simulation63. In the face of the disaster, the world has united to aid millions of ________people trying to piece their lives back together.A) fragileB) primitiveC) vulnerableD) susceptible64. AIDS is a global problem that demands a unified, worldwide solution, which isnot only the responsibility of nations in which AIDS is most ________.A) relevantB) prevalentC) vigorousD) rigorous65. After the earthquake, a world divided by ________ and religious disputessuddenly faced its common humanity in this shocking disaster.A) eligibleB) engagedC) proneD) prospective66. Psychologists suggest that children who are shy are more ________ to developdepression and anxiety later in life.A) eligibleB) engagedC) proneD) prospective67. Initially, the scientists and engineers seemed ________ by the variety ofresponses people can make to a poem.A) reinforcedB) embarrassedC) depressedD) bewildered68. Is it possible to stop drug ________ in the country within a very short time?A) adoptionB) addictionC) contemplationD) compulsion69. The parents of Lindsay, 13, an ________ tennis player who spends eight hours aday on the court, admit that a regular school is not an option for their daughter.A) exoticB) equivalentC) eliteD) esthetic70. Our research confirmed the ________ that when children have many differentcaregivers important aspects of their development are liable to be overlooked.A) hypothesisB) hierarchyC) synthesis2006 Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the centre.41. Because of the ________ of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both athome and abroad.A) originalityB) subjectivityC) generalityD) ambiguity42. With its own parliament and currency and a common ________ for peace, theEuropean Union declared itself—in 11 official languages—open for business.A) inspirationB) assimilationC) intuitionD) aspiration43. America has now adopted more ________ European-style inspection systems,and the incidence of food poisoning is falling.A) discreteB) solemnC) rigorousD) autonomous44. Mainstream pro-market economists all agree that competition is an ________spur to efficiency and innovation.A) extravagantB) exquisiteC) intermittentD) indispensable45. In the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction, foresaw manyof the technological wonders that are ________ today.A) transientB) commonplaceC) implicitD) elementary46. I was so ________ when I used the automatic checkout lane in the supermarketfor the first time.A) immersedB) assaultedC) thrilledD) dedicated47. His arm was ________ from the shark’s mouth and reattached, but the boy, whonearly died, remained in a delicate condition.A) retrievedC) repelledD) restored48. Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has ________ to be theGreatest American.A) appointedB) appeasedC) nicknamedD) dominated49. The ________ majority of citizens tend to believe that the death penalty will helpdecrease the crime rate.A) overflowingB) overwhelmingC) prevalentD) premium50. We will also see a ________ increase in the number of televisions per household,as small TV displays are added to clocks, coffee makers and smoke detectors.A) startlingB) surpassingC) suppressingD) stacking51. The advance of globalization is challenging some of our most ________ valuesand ideas, including our idea of what constitutes “home”.A) enrichedB) enlightenedC) cherishedD) chartered52. Researchers have discovered that ________ with animals in an active way maylower a person’s blood pressure.A) interactingB) integratingC) migratingD) merging53. The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide formany years, ________ cultural barriers.A) transportingB) transplantingC) transferringD) transcending54. In his last years, Henry suffered from a disease that slowly ________ him ofmuch of his sight.A) relievedB) jeopardizedC) deprived55. Weight lifting, or any other sport that builds up your muscles, can make bonesbecome denser and less ________ to injury.A) attachedB) proneC) immuneD) reconciled56. He has ________ to museums hundreds of his paintings as well as his entirepersonal collection of modern art.A) ascribedB) attributedC) designatedD) donated57. Erik’s website contains ________ photographs and hundreds of articles and shortvideos from his trip around the globe.A) prosperousB) gorgeousC) spaciousD) simultaneous58. Optimism is a ________ shown to be associated with good physical health, lessdepression and longer life.A) trailB) traitC) traceD) track59. The institution has a highly effective program which helps first-year studentsmake a successful ________ into college life.A) transformationB) transmissionC) transitionD) transaction60. Philosophers believe that desire, hatred and envy are “negative emotions” which________ the mind and lead it into a pursuit of power and possessions.A) distortB) reinforceC) exertD) scramble61. The term “glass ceiling” was first used by the Wall Street Journal to describe theapparent barriers that prevent women from reaching the top of the corporate ________.A) seniorityB) superiorityC) heightD) hierarchy62. Various efforts have been made over the centuries to predict earthquakes,including observing lights in the sky and ________ animal behavior.A) abnormalB) exoticC) absurdD) erroneous63. Around 80 percent of the ________ characteristics of most white Britons havebeen passed down from a few thousand Ice Age hunters.A) intelligibleB) randomC) spontaneousD) genetic64. Picasso gained popularity in the mid-20th century, which was ________ of a newattitude towards modern art.A) informativeB) indicativeC) exclusiveD) expressive65. The country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for a thousand years ormore with little ________ from the outside world.A) disturbanceB) discriminationC) irritationD) irregularity66. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfortand ________.A) stabilityB) capabilityC) durabilityD) availability67. Back in the days when people traveled by horse and carriage, Karl Benz________ the world with his extraordinary three-wheeled motor vehicle.A) inhibitedB) extinguishedC) quenchedD) stunned68. If we continue to ignore the issue of global warming, we will almost certainlysuffer the ________ effects of climatic changes worldwide.A) dubiousB) drasticC) trivialD) toxic69. According to the theory of evolution, all living species are the modified________ of earlier species.A) descendantsB) dependantsC) defendantsD) developments70. The panda is an endangered species, which means that it is very likely to become________ without adequate protection.A) intactB) insaneC) extinct。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年英语六级词汇训练题及答案解析,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!1. Each individual is requested to state the ____ on which his judgments are based.A) requirements B) measuresC) legislations D) criteria2. Inside the machine is an____arrangement of wires.A) incredible B) internalC) intricate D) initial3. With the popularity of the Internet, both commercial computers and personal ones are more ____ to the computer viruses than ever before.A) liable B)vulnerableC) subjective D) subordinate4. The portion of the total income of China’s railways which comes from carrying cargo is____80 percent.A) consequently B) roughly C) comparatively D) incidentally5. The students, ____ reading their books, did not observe me enter the classroom.A) deficient in B) adequate forC) short of D) intent on6. The ____ from childhood to manhood is often a difficult time for a young man.A) transition B) transformationC) transfer D) transmissi7.Such a (n)____ person has got to the top of the company! That’s more than I bargained for.A) responsible B) illegalC) notorious D) illegitimate8. There are several possible explanations for the greater job____ in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.A) creativity B) securityC) sensitivity D) stability9. Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished telling the ____ tale.A) pathetic B) patriotic C) panic D) periodic10. That day the teacher ____ from her custom and gave out no homework.A) disconnected B) distortedC) detached D) deviated11. A man who always ____ his salary can never become very wealthy.A) anticipate B) articulateC) manifest D) monitor12. Mr. Jackson feels very happy that he has derived a good deal of benefit ____ the investment in the city.A) with B) of C) from D) upon13. The meaning of this poem is very ____; I really do not understand it.A) conspicuous B) intelligibleC) obscure D) dim14. The very ____ of justice lies in the right of every man to a fair trial.A) content B) essenceC) threshold D) texture15. Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____ with each other.A) comparable B) compatibleC) competitive D) complacent 答案解析1.【答案】D。

大学英语六级练习题一、词汇与语法部分1. 选择题A. boardB. boredC. boarderD. borderB. If I _______ you, I would take the job.A. amB. wereC. beD. have beenC. She is not only a singer but also a ________.A. dancerB. dancesC. dancedD. dance2. 填空题A. ________ you finish your homework, you can go out to play.B. The meeting ________ at 9 o'clock this morning.C. He ________ to the library every weekend.二、阅读理解部分1. 阅读下列短文,选择正确答案。
Passage 1:2. 阅读下列短文,回答问题。
Passage 2:三、完形填空部分1. 阅读下面的短文,从每题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
A. becauseB. sinceC. forD. asA. acceptB. receiveC. takeD. get四、翻译部分1. 将下列句子翻译成英文。
A. 这部电影非常好看,我强烈推荐你去看。
B. 尽管他很努力,但仍然没有通过考试。
2. 将下列段落翻译成中文。
五、写作部分1. 根据下列提示,写一篇不少于120词的短文。
2. 根据下列图表,写一篇不少于150词的短文。
六、听力理解部分1. 短对话A. M: Did you watch the game last night?W: __________B. W: I can't believe you finished the report in one day.M: __________2. 长对话Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions.Conversation 1:3. 短文听力Listen to the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.Passage 1:七、改错题1. 下列句子中各有四处错误,请找出并改正。

大学英语六级词汇练习题(5套)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1大学英语六级词汇练习题(5套)词汇11. The Space Age __ D)_ _ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A) initiated C) embarkedB) originated D) commenced出现2. John said that he didn't quite ___C___ and asked me to repeat what I had said.A) snatch up C) catch on理解B) summon up D) watch out3. When he tried to make a __C____, he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.A) complaint C) reservation预定B) claim D) decision4. A budget of five dollars a day is totally___A___ for a trip round Europe.A) inadequate不够 C) incompatibleB) incapable不能 D) invalid5. In our highly technological society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers is___A___.A) shrinking缩减 C) alteringB) obscuring掩盖 D) constraining约束限制6. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to ____C__ the consequences影响 by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.A) decrease C) minimizeB) subtract扣除,缩减 D) degrade答案:DCCAA C词汇21. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost 最大程度effort must be made by nations to limit local ______D_______.(A)collisions (C)contradictions(B)combats (D)conflicts冲突2. Satellite communication are so up-to-date that even when_____B______ in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door(A)gliding流畅滑动 (C)piloting(B)cruising巡航 (D)patrolling3. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed__B_____ in Chicago and New York City.(A)homogeneously (C)spontaneously(B)simultaneously同时一 (D)harmoniously4. The court considers a financial___D_______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.(A)option (C)obligation(B)duty (D)penalty惩罚5. I think that I committed a ____A_______in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.(A)blunder弄错犯错(B)revenge(C)reproach(D)scandal6. Even when textbooks are_______B____ through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.(A)commonplace(B)standardized标准化(C)competitive(D)generalized7. They have always regarded a manof_______C______ and fairness 公平as a reliable friend.(A)robustness(B)temperament(C)integrity诚实(D)compactness8. All individuals are requiredto_____B______ to the laws made by their governments.(A)obey(B)conform遵守(C)concede(D)observe9. The basic causes are unknown , although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been______A________ .(A)identified(B)guaranteed(C)notified(D)conveyed10. It is very strange but I hadan______B_____ that the plane would crash.(A)inspiration(B)intuition直觉(C)imagination(D)incentive11. The changing image of the family on television provides____A____ into changing attitudes toward the family in society.(A)insights(B)presentations(C)revelations(D)specifications12. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increasedtax_____B_______ .(A)efficiency(B)revenues收入(C)privileges(D)validity13. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become______A____ at many survival skills.(A)proficient能手专家(B)persistent(C)consistent(D)sufficient14. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so_____D___ that they can disappear at any moment.(A)trivial(B)fatal(C)tentative(D)feeble虚弱的15. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes起重机掉啊车 are used to____C_____ building materials to the upper floors.(A)toss(B)tow(C)hoist举起升起(D)hurl16. Diamonds have little_____D____ value and their price depends almost entirely on theirscarcity.(A)extinct(B)permanent(C)surplus(D)intrinsic本征的固有的17. The kitchen was small and ____B_____so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.(A)conventional(B)compact紧凑的(C)compatible(D)concise18. He will _____C____resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.(A)doubtfully(B)adequately(C)presumably大概想来(D)reasonably答案: DBBDA BCBAB ABADC DBC词汇31. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ___C___ his financial situation.A) with respect to C)regardless ofB) in accord with D) in terms of2. The original elections were declared ___A___ by the former military ruler.A) void 无效C) surplusB) vulgar D) extravagant3.. They stood gazing at the happy ____D__ of children playing in the park.A) perspective C) landscapeB) view D) scene4. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in society will __A____ through the current law system in Japan.A) permeate渗入贯穿 C) violateB) probe D) grope5. When he realized he had been ___D___ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A) elicitedB) excitedC) deducedD) induced引诱6. These areas rely on agriculture almost ____D__, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.A) respectivelyB) extraordinarilyC) incrediblyD)exclusively专门的唯一的7.The directions were so ___D___ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A) ingeniousB) ambitiousC) notoriousD) ambiguou含糊不清8.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ___B__ areas in Japanese life.A)sophisticatedB)competitive竞争力C)considerateD)superficial9. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of_____C__ .A)persuasionB)remedyC)encouragement鼓励D)compromise10. Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really_A__ of the reality that they represent.A)reflection反应 B)demonstrationsC)illuminations D)reproductions11. It is through learning that the individual__D____ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.A)retains B)gains C)achieves D)acquires获得12. Generally ,it is only when animals are trapped that they __C____to violence in order to escapeA)proceed B)appeal C)resort求助D)incline13. Mary once____B___ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music. A)merged B)collaborated合作 C)coincided D)constituted14. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for___C_____ of the lessons.A)observation B)investigation C)inspection 考察D)examination15. .He attends to the__A__ of important business himself.A)transaction交易业务 B)transitionC)transmission D)transformation16. Out of___C_ revenge ,he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation A)perfect B)total C)sheer纯粹的完全的D)integral答案: CADAD DDBCA DCBCA C词汇41.A most___A__ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.A)trivial无价值的B)delicate C)minorD)miniature2.The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons_D__ slowly into the sky.A)floating B)raising C)heaving D)ascending上升攀登3.Do you have any__C_____ about what living beings on other planets would be like?. A)ideal B)comprehension C)notion观点D)intelligence4.We rarely perceive more than a minute___C___ of the sights and sounds that fail upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.A)fiction B)function C)fraction一会片段D)friction5.For many patients, institutional care is the most__B___ and beneficial form of careA)persistent B)appropriate合适的C)thoughtful D)sufficient6.It's a pleasure for him to__A____ his energy and even his life to research workA) dedicate奉献B)dictate C)decorateD)direct7.They are well___D__ with each other since they once studied in the same universityA) identified B) recognized C)acknowledged D)acquainted知晓了解8.There is__B___ a difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environmentA) gentle B)subtle微妙的巧妙的C)feeble D)humble9.All the finished products are stored in___D___ of the delivery port andshipping is available at any time.A)garage B)cabinet C)capsule D)warehouse仓库货站10.When he tried to make a____A___, he found that the hotel wascompletely filled because of a convention. A) reservation预定 B)claim C)mess D)revision11.Parents take a great interest in the___B___ questions raised by theirchildren.A)nasty B)naive 天真的幼稚的C)obscure D)offensive12.Although it was his first experience as chairman, he___A______ overthe meeting with great skill.A)presided主持管理 B)administeredC)mastered D)executed13.Both parties promised to___C__ the contract to be signed the following day.A)keep with C)adhere to附着依附B)tangle with D)devote to14.His career was not noticeably__C_ by the fact that he had never been to college.A) prevented C)hindered阻碍妨碍B)restrained D)refrained15.When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be_D____ in deeper.A)absorbed C)heavedB)pushed D)sucked陷入16.To__C for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him. A)commence C)compensate弥补B)compromise D)compliment17.All visitors are requested to______A__ with the regulations.A)comply遵从依附 C)assistB)agree D)consent18.The captain___A___ the horizon approaching ships.A)scanned游览扫描 C)exploredB)scrutinized D)swept19.The vast majority of people in any given culture will____B to the established standards of that culture.A)confine C)confrontB)conform遵守 D)confirm20.Although he was on a diet ,the food__B___ him enormously.A)inspired C)overcameB)tempted怂恿 D)encouraged21.His argument does not suggest that mankind can___C_ to be wasteful in the utilization of their resources.A)resort C)afford支付起B)grant D)entitle答案: ADCCB ADBDA BACCD CAABB C词汇51.If you want this pain killer, you have to ask the doctor for a __D__A)receipt C)subscriptionB)recipe D)prescription处方2.Some fish have a greater___A__ for acid water than others.A)tolerance 容忍C)dependenceB)resistance D)persistence3.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in___B_ with its surroundings.A)coincidence C)uniformB)harmony和谐D)alliance4. The court considers a financial___D__ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A)payment C)optionB)ob1igation D)penalty惩罚5.It is true that__B_ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.A)multiplying C)magnifyingB)breeding D)generating6.The government has devoted a larger slice of its national__C_ to agriculture than most other countries.A)resource C)budget预算B)potential D)economy7.In this poor country ,survival is still the leading industry; all else is____A__ .A)luxury奢侈C)entertainmentB)accommodation D)refreshment8.Some criminals were printing__B____ dollar bills until they were arrested.A) decent C)patentB) fake假货样品 D)suspicious9.Mr.Bloom is not___D____ now , but he will be famous someday.A)significant C)magnificentB)dominant D)prominent著名的杰出的10.His body temperature has been__C____ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.A) uncommon C)abnormal不正常的B) disordered D)extraordinary11.He seems to be___D___ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.A)radiant C)conspicuousB)conscientious D)energetic12.Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more _C__to light than are human eyes.A)glowing C)sensitive敏感B)brilliant D)gloomy13.While nuclear weapons present grave__D_ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.A)inevitable C)overwhelmingB)constant D)potential潜在的14. This is the __B_____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A) trueB) original原始的最初的C) realD) genuine15. Comparison and contrast are often used ____A___ in advertisements.A) intentionally有意的故意的B) pertinentlyC) incidentallyD) tiresomely16. A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ____A___ new operating procedures.A) result in导致B) match withC) subject toD) proceed with17. ____B___ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.A) Subject toB) Contrary to与相违背C) Familiar toD) Similar to18. The bond of true affection had pulled us-six very different men from six very different countries-across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different ___D____ .A) for allB) as usualC) in particularD) after all毕竟终究19. Though her parents ____B___ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really terrible.A) pour scorn onB) heap praise upon大加赞赏C) give vent toD) cast light upon20. Some children display an ___A____ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.A) incredible难以置信B) infectiousC) incompatibleD) inaccessible21. Bruce Stephen gripped the __C _____ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A) stirringB) drivingC) steering驾驶D) revolving22. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ___D____ how great their achievements are.A) in spite ofB) in ways ofC) in favor ofD) in terms of就而言答案: DABDB CABDC DCDBA ABDBA CD。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年英语六级考试词汇训练题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!1.I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper.A. columnbinationbD.classified2.Where can I _______ in the TV? Is the outlet right?A. plugB.paintC.shootD.upset3.Please put your _______ on this application form.A. siteB.sillyC.showerD.signature4.I bought a camera lens yesterday. Its _______ quality is excellent.A. pictureB.suitC.stomachD.optical5.This dress is made of _______, isn’t it?A. nylonB.monumentC.mutualD.nod6.Jack wants to be _______ when he grows up.A.a barB.a cousinC.an opponentD.an astronaut7.She failed to call the office to _______ her appointment.A. greetB.missC.ruinD.cancel8.Which would you rather have the _______ chicken or the fish.A. friedB.idealC.juiceD.maid9.What is the total circulation of this _______?A. leatherB.paleC.journalD.wagon10.He gave us a very good description of the _______ of this universityA. lawyerB.orientyoutD.oven11.How much per gallon is this _______?A. poisonB.pipeC.oxD.gasoline12.I couldn’t hear the program because there was too much _______.A. graspB.globeC.superiorD.interference13.Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to _______ out myself.A. fulfillB.identifyC.figureD.claim14.Mary was seriously injured in a _______.A. collisionB.geologyC.manuscriptD.pool15.This 80-200mm zoom lens bears canon’s L designation, denoting a top-of-the-line lens built to extremely high _______.A. tolerancesB.pitchC.possessionD.purses16.According to Mr. Green, this is a _______ problem.A. grandplicatedC.owingD.powder17.I’m going to call a _______ to repair my car this afternoon.A. mechanicB.hostC.giantD.glance18.They have already _______ the telephone in their new homeA. parceledB.spunC.installedD.retained19.The roof has _______ in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.A. antsB.drumsC.grainsD.leaks20.He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching.He is a _______ English instructor.A. responsibleB.scaredC.vastD.qualified答案:1.D2.A3.D4.D5.A6.D7.D8.A9.C 10.C11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.D。

大学英语六级(语法与词汇)练习试卷23(题后含答案及解析)题型有:7. V ocabulary and GrammarV ocabulary and GrammarDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.He was clean-shaven, wore glasses and had dark hair with a ______ spot.A.baldB.bareC.barrenD.bleak正确答案:A解析:语义连贯题。
[B]bare指简单而无修饰的,几乎是空的,如a bare room(一间空房子);[C]barren指没有天然覆盖物的,尤指不生长植物的,不结果实的,不生育的,无结果的;[D]bleak可用于人或物,特别指无遮蔽的房屋和景色,也指不愉快的表情,如 a bleak hillside(荒凉的山坡)。
知识模块:语法与词汇2.A technical innovation is necessary if we want to keep the grain production ______.A.staggeringB.shrinkingC.soaringD.suspending正确答案:C解析:逻辑关系题:因果。
[A] staggering“蹒跚,摇晃,踉跄”;[B] shrinking“缩小,使变小”;[D]suspending“暂停,暂缓”。
知识模块:语法与词汇3.Plenty of families were ______ from their homes during the war.A.evaporatedB.evacuatedC.evaluatedD.elevated正确答案:B解析:动词辨义。

大学英语六级(语法与词汇)练习试卷42(题后含答案及解析)题型有:7. V ocabulary and GrammarV ocabulary and GrammarDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1.Colour-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.A.separateB.compareC.distinguishD.contrast正确答案:C解析:固定搭配题。
separate和distinguish都可与from 连用,意为区别、识别,但distinguish除与from连用外,还可与between连用,separate则没有此用法。
知识模块:语法与词汇2.The boys ______ their father because, although he was stern, he was fair.A.looked down uponB.looked up toC.looked up atD.looked up for正确答案:B解析:孩子们尊敬他们的父亲,因为他虽严格却公平。
look down upon“轻视,看不起”;look up to“尊敬”;look up at“向上注视”;look up for“向上看以寻找”。
知识模块:语法与词汇3.Nature is sure to take its _________ on human for our misconducts to it.A.harassmentB.agonyC.revengeD.bias正确答案:C解析:我们会因为自己的劣行而遭受自然界的报复。

185.参考译文:不在上佳状态的西班牙队下周会尽全力对付德国队,以报去年被打败的一箭之仇。 A) remedy 补救,纠正,后面直接跟补救,纠正的对象做宾语 B) reproach 责备,reproach sb./oneself for sth.因某事责备某人(自己) C) revive 恢复,重新振兴 D) revenge revenge oneself on sb.向某人报仇
184.参考译文:记者打来电话说救援队会尽力救出被困的矿工。 A) effect 招致,实现,是及物动词,直接跟名词做宾语,不和不定式连用 B) affect 影响,假装,后接不定式只表示假装的意思 C) conceive 想出,想象,后面直接跟名词做宾语,或用于conceive of结构 D) endeavour endeavour to do sth.固定搭配,尽力做某事
182.It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to _____ and transport it to the industrial centers. A) permeate B) extract C) distinguish D) concentrate
178.He greatly resented the publication of this book. which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his ________. A) privacy B) morality C) dignity D) secrecy
178.参考译文:他很讨厌这本书的出版,因为他认为这是对他隐私的侵犯。 A) privacy 隐私 B) morality 道德 C) dignity 尊严,如果是侵犯尊严,不应是令人难堪的,而应是令人愤怒 D) secrecy 秘密,应为泄露秘密
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洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)170.Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to________more energy from the earth.
A) extract
B) inject
C) discharge
D) drain
171.The Chinese Red Cross________a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey.
A) administered
B) elevated
C) assessed
D) contributed
172.The first sentence in this paragraph is________; it can be interpreted in many ways.
A) intricate
B) ambiguous
C) duplicated
D) confused
173.They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely________with each other.
A) reconciled
B) negotiated
C) associated
D) accommodated
174. The local business was not much________by the sudden outbreak of the epidemic.
A) intervened
B) insulated
C) hampered
D) hoisted
175.The most important________for assessment in this contest is originality of design.
A) threshold
B) partition
C) warrant
D) criterion
176.The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins. but her doctor________her that it is absolutely harmless.
A) retrieved
B) released
C) reassured
D) revived
177.We can't help being________of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.
A) skeptical
B) appreciative
C) suspicious
D) tolerant
170. 参考译文:科学家将技术用到极致,试图提取地球上更多的能源。
A) extract extract sth. from sth.
B) inject inject sth. into sb./sth.给某人/物注射药物或其他液体,不与from
C) discharge 释放某人,排放液体,气体,电流等,discharge sth. into...将某物排放到...,不与from连用
D) drain 使液体流走,drain sth. from sth.从...中放走某物
171. 参考译文:中国红十字会为救济土耳其地震灾民捐赠了大笔资金。
A) administered administer sth. to sb.正式发放或给予某人某物,注
意题中to后为the relief of the victims,而不是表示人的victims
B) elevated提拔,elevate sb./sth. to sth.将某人或某物举起提到更高的位
C) assessed评价,评估
D) contributed
A) intricate
B) ambiguous
C) duplicated 复制的
D) confused 混乱的,不清楚的,主语通常为人,使人迷惑应为confusing 173.参考译文:他们以前常吵架,现在完全和好了。
A) reconciled with连用,be reconciled with sb.和某人
B) negotiated negoticated with sb.
C) associated 联合,结交,associate with sb.和某人结交
D) accommodated 提供,供给住宿,accommodate sb. with sth.供给某人某物174.参考译文:当地的商业并未受到流行病突然爆发的太大影响。
A) intervened
B) insulated
C) hampered 阻碍,妨碍
D) hoisted 升起,提升
A) threshold on the threshold of 在...
B) partition of
C) warrant 理由,原因,搜查令warrant for sth./doing sth.做某事的理由
D) criterion 标准,通常与for连用
A) retrieved
B) released
C) reassured 使安心,使放心
D) revived 使再生,使再流行
A) skeptical...持怀疑态度的,不相信的,be skeptical of sth.
B) appreciative be appreciative of sth.
C) suspicious 怀疑的,引起怀疑的,be suspicious of sb.怀疑某人或某事
D) tolerant 容忍的,宽容的,be tolerant of sb./sth.容忍某人某事