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1.Look at that_____dog.

A:running B:run C:to run D:being run

2.That's not a new car.It's a______car.

A:using B:used C:use D:having used

3.Do you have a letter_______in English?

A:writing B:written C:to write D:having been written

4.Who is the girl________a letter there?

A:writing B:written C:to write D:being written

5.The man ______a desk is my father.

A:making B:made C:to make D:to have make

6.I want ______America.

A:visit B:to visit C:visiting D:visited

7.Mary finished______the book.

A:read B:to read C:reading D:to have read

8.After reading the letter,he went on______a reply.

A:to write B:write C:writing D:written

9.You ought not to go on_______this way.

A:to live B:live C:living D:lived

10.My wife is proud of ______a novelist.

A:me be B:my being C:me to be D:I being

11.I don't feel like_______to the concert.

A:going B:to go C:to have gone D:gone

12.On_______the room,she began to cry.

A:enter B:entered C:to enter D:entering

13.________here will get us out of trouble.

A:His coming B:Coming C:He coming D:He is coming

14.Do you mind_______?

A:me smoking B:I smoking C:to smoke D:my being smoked 15.Nathan Hale refused________for the enemy.

A:working B:worked C:to work D:to be working

16.The teacher advised us_______more English after class.

A:to speak B:speak C:speaking D:spoke

17.I wouldn't advise______there by bus,because it is too crowded. A:go B:to go C:to going D:going

18.I advised her______the next day,because she had been given a lot of work to do.

A:not to go B:against going C:not go D:would not go

19.Our monitor suggested_______a discussion on this subject.

A:to have B:should have C:have D:having

20.A:It's difficult to make money as an artist.

B:Have you considered______a course in business for artists?

A:to take B:about taking C:your taking D:taking

21.I haven't had anything for lunch______a cup of coffee.

A:beside B:besides C:except D:except that

22.Our teacher advised us _______more English every day.

A:speak B:speaking C:to speak D:spoke

23.I advised_______at our Chinese class.

A:discuss B:discussing C:to discuss D:discussed

24.A:Does it matter,Doctor?

B:No,_______.I advise you_______more exercise.

A:something wrong,to take B:the place hurts,take

C:nothing serious,to take D:nothing wrong,take

25.In order to protect the environment,we are not allowed_______the waste as we used to.

A:to burn up B:burning up C:to burn down D:burning down

26.Amy advised her_______the winter vacation with her cousin.

A:not spend B:not spending C:not to spend D:don't spend

27.Peter,who had been driving all day,suggested_______at the next
