博莱 Bolay 电煮锅DZG-01使用说明书_中英文






二、产品特点1. 多功能设计:本款厨房用具适用于多种烹饪任务,如切割、切碎、搅拌和榨汁等。


2. 高质量材料:所有部件均由耐用的不锈钢制成,确保产品的长期使用。

3. 安全可靠:本款厨房用具配备了安全锁定装置,以确保搅拌器或搅拌罐在使用过程中不会意外打开。


4. 清洁简便:本款厨房用具易于清洁,可拆卸的部件方便您进行彻底清洗。


三、产品使用指南1. 拆卸产品:如需清洁或更换配件,请首先将插头从电源中拔出,并确保所有部件均处于安全状态下。


2. 使用注意事项:- 请勿将手指或其他物体放入切割器或搅拌器内部。


- 使用时确保产品安全锁定。


- 使用后,请立即将所有部件拆卸进行清洁,以确保产品的卫生和寿命。

3. 清洁指南:- 所有可拆卸的部件均可用温和的洗洁剂和温水清洗。


- 请勿将电机及电线浸入水中,以免发生故障。

- 清洁后,请用干净的软布彻底擦干所有部件,并确保它们完全干燥后再进行组装和存放。

四、产品维护与保养1. 储存:在不使用产品时,请将其存放在干燥、通风和孩子无法触及的地方。

2. 保养:请定期检查产品的各个部件是否完好无损。


3. 维修:请勿尝试自行修理产品。


五、产品安全警示1. 本产品只适用于厨房使用,勿将其用于其他场合。

2. 当使用本产品时,请注意以下事项以确保安全:- 严禁将手指或其他物体伸入搅拌器或切割器内部。


DZL 安装使用说明书
DZL 型系列 水火管链条炉排蒸汽锅炉
文件编号: G/W03.3.21-06
安 装 使 用 说 明 书
第 1 页 共 36 页
2.社会主义本质理论对探索怎样建设3.社19会57主年义2月具,有毛重在要《的关实于践正意确义处。理社人会民主内义2.社部本科会矛质学主盾理的义的论1本本问的.邓质质题提小是的》出平创科讲,提新学话为出,内中我“创涵提们社邓新。出寻始会小的邓(找终主平关小1一代义)坚键平种表的我2持在对能.1中本国把科人社9够国质社5发学才会从4先,会展社年,主更进是主作会,人义深生解义为主毛才本层产放制执义在的质次1力生度政理《成所.认社1的产还兴论论长作.识会 发发力刚国和十靠的社主 展展,刚的实大教概会义 才要发建第践关坚育括主本 是求展立一的系2持。,义资面而把 ,才促,有由果讲社的源强为我 把是进消完中,话会办是调中四们 发(硬先灭全国抓中主法第必国、对 展2道进剥建共住提三义解一)须的科社 生理生削立产“出、经决资采解社学会 产,产,党什(代济前源取放会技主 力是力消还的么1表基进。从和主术义 作)对的除不执是中础科低发义是1的 为吧社3发两完政社9国基的学级展.建第发认 社二国5会展极全地会先本问技到6生设一展识 会、内主,年分巩位主进建题术高产在生才提 主发外义是底化固所义生立,实级力改产是高 义1展一时中我,的决邓产的是力9,革力硬到 建是切间5国最思定怎小力同实和国另3开道了 设党积经共对终想年的样平的时行国家一放理一 的执极验产农达。1,建一发,改民资方中2,个 根政因教党业到(是设月再展我革教本面探是新 本兴素训站、共2对社,强要国开育主指索)适的 任国都的在手一同执会毛调求的放水义出出第创应科 务在的调深时工、富1政主泽,政以平的4了一三造.时学 ,社第动刻坚代.业发裕规义东中一治来,过2解条节性代水 符会一起总持前.和展。律”关社 国个领我始度放发、地主平 合阶要来结社列资才”认这于会 社公域们终形和展社提题。 马级务为。会,本是1识个总主 会有也党是式发更会9出变社 克二关中主保硬的根8路义 主制发的衡。展快主了化会 思6、系国义持道3深本线基 义占生一年量所生、义社.的主社发解用工现理化问的本 基主了条,综谓产人的会需义会生决和业金商,题1完制 本体重主邓合国力民根主要本 基.主变事所平化向业1也,整度 制,大要小国家的享本9义。质 本义化业有方建的是深5的度一变经平力资手受社任理 原6本的服问法设根社对刻表确 的个化验年提和本段到会 1务论 理第质同务题进与本会一党揭.述立 确共,。出社主社和社主基的 ,二理时的行社体主、实示:, 立同确苏“会义会目会3义本提 是节论,基关改会现义社现了.从为 ,富立共社文,社主的主一改矛出 巩、的我本键造主和改会其社中当 使裕了二会明就会义。义、造盾, 固对重国方是。义根造之所会华代 占,中十主程是主基建中的和为 和第社要针这改本基一承主人中 世这国大义度在义本设国基两进 发一会意。靠不造要本本担义民国 界是共以财的国基制内成特本类一 展节主义的(自仅同求完质的本共一 人我产后富重家本度涵果色完矛步 社、义主2己保时。成理历质和切 口们党毛属要直)制的包最伴社成盾推 会中本要的证并,论史,国发 四必领泽于标接正度确括大随会,的进 主国质矛发了举标第的这成展 分须导东人志控确的立(,着主是学改 义特理盾展2社。志五提需是立进 之坚的提民。制处确是1.能社义我说采革 制色论也。会实着章)出要对,步 一持人出,和理立中够会建国,取开 度社的发的践中把。马到奠 的民要社支经,国社充经设强积放 的会提生稳证国解克社定 东民“会配济是历会分济道调极和 必主出了定明历放思会了 方主以下建4广史主体制路要引社 然义变,.史和主主把制 大专苏义的设大上义现度初严导会 要二建化而党上发义义对度 国政为的资和劳最的出和步经格、主 求设。且坚长展的改企基 进党的鉴致本社动深本对社探济区逐义 。确道人极持达生重造业础 入在根社”富主会人刻质资会索结分步现立路民大社数产大基的。 了过本会,是义发民最和本经的构过代社的对的会千力逐发本改社渡原主探全经展真伟根主济理发正渡化会初于促主年概步展完造会时则义索民济中正大本义结论生确的建新主步经进义的括实,成和主期。基自共的成任优构成了处方设中义探济了改阶为现对,对义总本己同国一为社务越的果根理式提国基索文社造级国于这人制 社路政的致家系国会性根本两。供的本化会与剥家建是的度 会线治道富资列家变的一本变类中了成制迅主社削的设一改的 ,第制路。本重的革道、变化不国强立度速义会制社中个造建 这三主度。社大主,路社化,同这大,的发事主度的会国过结立 是节要。会义关人也,1会社性场的标重展业义的本主特.渡合极 世、内人主有系解和是奠主我会质巨思志大的的工结(质义色时起大 界社容民义初。决社2定义国主的大想着意需发业束30。工社期来地 社(会被民原级了会)世了基社义矛而武我义要展化,(业会。,提 会2主概则和3在生把纪理本会经盾深器国同),同实2化主党把高 主对义括专,高一产资中)论制的济,刻。新经遵改总时现新是义在对了 义手制为政第级个资本国强基度阶成在特的通民济循革之并了民党具这资工 运二七度“实一形以料主又调础的级分新别社过主文自4过,举由主在有个本人 动、届 业在一质是式农的.(义一消,初关已民是它会(没主化愿于和的新主过重过主阶 史新社二 的中化上发之民主1工次灭开步系占主要是变4收义不互集平方民()义渡大渡义级 上民会中 社国三已展)分为人商划剥阔确也绝主正中革官能利中改针主3用社时的时工和 又主全 会的改成生坚。主)业时削了立发对义确国,僚命满、的造,主和会期理期商广 一主义会确”为产持初题正者代,广2生优革处革不资阶足典计解对义平的论.的业大 个义改提立。无,积级资的确改的消阔了势命理命仅√本段人型划决于向赎五总和总搞劳 历革造出 改“产第极形本、分造历除前根,理人的没中而民示体了在社3买种路实路糟动 史命的使 造一阶二领式主落(.析成史两景本社论民具有国形基需党范制诸深会的经线践线成人 性理历中 ,化级是导的义后1农为巨极。√的会内体对革成本要的和如刻主)方济的意和为民 的论史国 党”专共、工的村自变分邓中主指部实生命的结建国初实的义积法成主义总自的 伟是经“ 和即政同稳家商半的食。化小国义导矛际产在走社束状设家步现社的极改分体。任食积 大以验稳 政社;致步资业殖阶其们平社革。公下盾出力一农会和况。帮构社会转引造—。务其极 胜一毛步 府会人富前本的民级力吐对1会命有,。发的个村主社之加助想会变导资—要.,力性 利、泽地 采主民。进农社地和的出社第必制中(,发以包义会间强的,变革农本社从是的和 。适东由 取义代”的业会半阶社了会二须已国3不展农围的主党原要革中社民主会根)要社创合为农 了工表这方是、主封层会最主节级走成共拘造民城国义矛的则求与保会组义主本从在会造中主业 积大段针国手义建状主终义、构农为产泥成为市营改盾建,2中经持主织工义上全一主性国要极化会话,家工改的.况义达本社成村我党武于破主、经造,设以央济社义起商性改体个义。特代转 领,制成采对业造东,劳到质会主包国领装已坏体武济阶成,互向发会基来业中质变人相劳点表变 导“度为取私的方制动共所主要围社导斗有,的装段为(助地展稳本,。国的中民当动的为 ,三、社循营社大定者同作义有城会中争的而半夺掌我1合方,定制走共国出长者社中工 稳改会序)会国正。富的改工市国。现且殖取握开国作分和,度互产营贫发的。会国业 步”主渐商必主里逐确裕理造人、经武成促民政了始社的权平促在助3党经穷,时主共国 前即义进业须义步的这论二道阶武济民.装结进半权主。会优和新过进我合领济落“期义产, 进对本的实把改行形阶一概、路级装基取斗论了封的要从越扩民渡生国作导、后统内改党由 的个质步行思造革成级社括党和、夺础得争,生建道经中主性大主与产初道的半筹,造人新 方体领论骤委2想命了政会,在历农取。了是运产的路济华要吸企主消力.步路革社面兼逐新道,民 针农导断。托建的理策主对过史民政新中用力过,命人矛引业义灭发确。一命会貌顾步民路把主 。业的加设一论。义科渡经阶权民国马的(度必脉民盾农自革剥展立、统主,,实主马、多雏工始系和的学时验级主革克发新3进须,共。民主命削,。新一义把适现主克义�


















[EN][DE][ES][FR][IT][PL][RU]***************************S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFpage 4Open tops (gas/electric)page 5Fry tops (gas/electric)page 7Lava rock grills (gas)page 8page 9Ovens (gas/electric)Bains-marie (gas/electric)S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFpage 10page 12Boiling pans (gas/electric)page 13page 16page 22Tilting bratt pans (gas/electric)Small appliances and single devicesHot air ovens und combination steamer (gas/electric)Fryers (gas/electric)S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109027burner cover CG9-40, CG9-41, CG9-60, CG9-61, CG9-92, CG1002, CG1502, CG9-51, CGE9-41U2357012109026burner U2357003109025Venturi U2357024109024aeration collarU235704Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109005burner cover CG720, CG740, CG741, CGE741, CG920, CG940, CG941, CG960, CG961, CG982, CG9-20, CG9-40, CG9-41, CG9-60, CG9-61, CG9-82, CG1002, CG1502, CG9-51, CGE9-41U4457312109004burner U4457303109001Venturi U1257204109003aeration collarU265702134Open tops (gas)Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109002burner cover, 6000CG720, CG740, CG741, CGE741, CG920, CG940, CG941, CG960, CG961, CG982, CG9-20, CG9-40, CG9-41, CG9-60, CG9-61, CG9-82, CG1002, CG1502, CG9-51, CGE9-41U1357021109028burner cover, 8000U1157322109007burner U5657013109006Venturi U5657004109003aeration collarU26570223411212Burner, 6000 kcal, 8000 kcal123234Burner, 10500 kcal12Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1100042pilot burner U4421342102034thermocouple,M8 x 1, 600mm U222100U2221302102036thermocouple, M8 x 1, 1000mmU262130Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109500with bypass jet, 0,55CG720, CG740, CG741, CGE741U2621061109501with bypass jet, 0,90U2621072109503with bypass jet, 0,55CG920, CG940, CG941, CG960, CG961, CG982, CG9-20, CG9-40, CG9-41, CG9-60,CG9-61, CG9-82, CG1002, CG1502, CG9-51, CGE9-41U2494012109504with bypass jet, 0,60U2494022109505with bypass jet, 1,30U7021013113010knobU542100U542101Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1109702top grate, 4000 kcaldevices to 31.08.2000CG720, CG740,CG741, CG761,CGE741U7454131109701top grate, 6000/8000 kcalU7454122109700simmering plate U745411123Burner, 4000 kcalItem OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109704collecting tray, 4000 kcal devices from1.7.2000 CG720,CG740, CG741,CG761, CGE741U7454161109703collecting tray, 6000 kcalU7454172109705top grate, 4000/6000 kcal U7454153109700simmering plateU745411S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFModula ranges Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109502bypass jet, 1,20CG710, CG711U7721002109508bypass jet, 1,20CG910, CG911,CG9-10, CG9-11U2221013113010knobU542100U542101Open tops, solid tops (gas)1234Open tops (electric)123123123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109710collecting tray, 4 kcal CG920, CG940,CG941, CG960,CG961, CG982, CG9-20, CG9-40, CG9-41,CG9-60, CG9-61,CG9-82, CG1002, CG1502, CG9-51,CGE9-41U5054081109711collecting tray,8000/10500 kcal U5054092109716top grateU5654033109709simmering plateU5654063109712simmering plate over 2 burners CG2000CG2000/2PU715400Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109014burner cover CG710, CG711, CG910, CG911, CG9-10, CG9-11U1957012109015burner U1957023109016Venturi U7757013109031Venturi U1957044109017jet holderU615700123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeCG910, CG911,CG9-10, CG9-11X0121012100016ignition cable, 900mm U3220303100005piezoelectric igniterS113034Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100124pilot burner CG710, CG711R2021002102034thermocouple, M8 x 1, 600mm U2221003100139pilot burner CG910, CG911, CG9-10, CG9-11U1921042102034thermocouple, M8 x 1, 600mmU22213012Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1490012145mm, 1500W/230V CE740U8030021490020220mm, 2600W/230V CE720, CE740, CE741U8030002490070300x300mm, 3000W/230V CE9-20, CE9-40, CE9-41, CE920,CE940, CE941U67330112490071300x300mm, 4000W/230V U6730102490073300x300mm, 3000W/400V CE920, CE940, CE941U6730122490074300x300mm, 3000W/400VU6730131Ovens (gas)23Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1109008burnerCG711, CG741, CG761, CG9-41, CG9-61, CG9-82, CG9-51, CG9-11, HG9-10, HG9-20, FTG9-11U7457001109009burner CG911, CG941, CG961, CG982, CG1002, CG1502U329201U8557001109010burner CG2000, CG2000/2P U7057002109012burner CG1502U8557023109013aeration sleeveU325707123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM13000317-position switch CE720, CE740, CE741, CE920, CE940, CE941, CE9-20, CE9-40, CE9-41U6730072113012knobU673003U6730153359048signal lamp/yellowZ203005S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101435Minisit, 340CG941, CG961, CG982, CG9-41, CG-61, CG9-82, CG911, CG9-11, CG9-51, CG1002, CG1502, CG2000, CG2000/2PU1343162101137cover U1343183110068knob U1343174101268elbow, 3/8“U2643005100809O-ringQ3070412311Item OrderDescription ModelOEM1100707electrodeCG941, CG961, CG982, CG9-41, CG9-61, CG9-82, CG911, CG9-11, CG9-51, CG1002, CG1502, CG2000,CG200/2P X0121012100016ignition cable 900mmU3220303100005piezoelectric igniterS11303412345Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101125Eurosit, 340CCG9-51HG9-10, HG9-20T9821002101358cover with Piezo HG9-10, HG9-20T9821013100006piezoelectric igniter GG9-10, HG9-20T9820014113022knob adapter CG9-51U8421005113019knobU842101U84210213542412312Ovens (electric)Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM14160181000W/230V CE741, CE9-41, CGE9-41, HE9-10, HE9-20U80300424166081000W/230VCE941U183030Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109534gas thermostat CG741, CG761, CG711U329200U7421302101537gasket Q3070343101538clamp Z9820184113001knobR202103Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1100046pilot burner CG941, CG961, CG982, CG9-41, CG9-61, CG9-82, CG911, CG9-11, CG9-51, CG1002, CG1502, CG2000,CG200/2P, HE9-10, HE9-20U3221182102042thermocouple, M9 x 1, 850mm U5621302102043thermocouple, M9 x 1, 1000mmU562120Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100046pilot burnerCG741,CG761, CG711U3221182102038thermocouple, M8 x 1, 1500mmU32213012S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFModula ranges123Ovens (mechanical)1234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345409switch CE741, CE941, CE9-41,HE9-10, HE9-20,CGE9-41U6730062113013knobU673016U6730043359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030054359027signal lamp/greenZ203004Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1375128thermostat, 310C, 55.13063.160CE741, CE941, CE9-41, HE9-10, HE9-20, CGE9-41X1530002113014knob U673005R2121013380237contactorZ213007Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1700006hinge/right U0105042700007hinge/left U0105113700001body section U0105124691003plateU105100Pos.OrderDescriptionModel OEM1691027door sealU74562612Item Order DescriptionModelOEM1109509gas tap, with bypass jet, 0,8FTG905, FTG910,FTG9-05, FTG9-10R6121002113010knobU542100U542101231Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeFTG905, FTG910, FTG9-05, FTG9-10, FTG9-11X0121012100016ignition cable, 900mm R6130303100005piezoelectric igniterS113034321412Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1100046pilot burner FTG705, FTG710FTG905, FTG910,FTG9-05, FTG9-10,FTG9-11U3221182102034thermocouple,M8 x 1, 600mmU222100U22213012Fry tops (gas)Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109018burner FTG705, FTG710R7957001109030burnerFTG905, FTG910, FTG9-05, FTG9-10, FTG9-11R6357002109013aeration sleeveU325707S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n 123123441Fry tops (electric)23Lava rock grills (gas)231Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109534thermostat withbypass jet 0,5FTG705, FTG710U329200U7411301109514thermostatFTG905, FTG910, FTG9-05, FTG9-10, FTG9-11R6121012101537gasket Q3070343101538clamp Z9820184113001knobR202103Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM14166021500W/230V FTE705, FTE710R89300024166101500W/230V FTE905, FTE910R57300024166332000W/230VFTE9-05, FTE9-10R573010Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375128thermostat., 310C,55.13063.160FTE705, FTE710,FTE905, FTE910, FTE9-05, FTE9-10X1530002375121safety thermostat, 420C, 55.13583.010R6121033380237contactorZ2130074550411connector block, 6-poleR253044231Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109034burner BG9-05, BG9-10T0557012109714grid (rock)T0554053109013aeration sleeveU32570712Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100046pilot burner BG705, BG710, BG505, BG510, BG9-05, BG9-10U3221182102034thermocouple, M9 x 1, 600mmU22210012Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1109715handle extension T0554392110703handle, M10T055440T055434T05541151234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345402switch FTE705, FTE710, FTE905, FTE910, FTE9-05, FTE9-10X1630072691005retainer X3130013113014knobU673005R2121014359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030055359027signal lamp/greenZ2030044Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109020burner BG705, BG710T0357002109707grid (rock)T0354063109708shelf (meat)T0354254109013aeration sleeveU325707S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFModula ranges 12312Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeBG905, BG910,BG9-05, BG9-10X0121012100016ignition cable, 900mm R6130303100005piezoelectric igniterS113034Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109513gas tap, PEL22, with bypass jet, 1,1BG705, BG710T0321011109510gas tap, PEL22, with bypass jet, 1,3BG905, BG910, BG9-05, BG9-10T0521002113008knobS31210212Bains-marie (gas)2Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1109035burner BMG905,BMG9-05R4957002109021burnerBMG710, BMG910, BMG9-10R4057001Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100124pilot burnerBMG710, BMG905,BMG905,BMG9-05, BMG9-10R2021002102034thermocouple, M8 x 1, 600mmU222100141232Bains-marie (electric)3123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeBMG905, BMG910,BMG9-05, BMG9-10X0121012100016ignition cable, 900mm U3220303100005piezoelectric igniterS11034Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101533thermostat BMG710, BMG905, BMG905, BMG9-05,BMG9-10R4321022101537gasket Q3070343101538clamp Z9820184113001knobR202103Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM14166052000W/230V MME705, BME710, BME910, BME9-10,BME905, BME9-05R22300524163822800W/230V Z2036013505208holderZ6036021342Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345402switch BME705, BME710, BME905, BME910,BME9-05, BME9-10X1630072691005retainerX3130013359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030054359027signal lamp/greenZ203004S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1109019burnerFG710, FG720, FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X015700Fryers (gas)123123Bains-marie (mechanical)4Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375130thermostat, 90C,55.13219.320BME705, BME710, BME905, BME910,BME9-05, BME9-10Z2030142113002knobR2121003390451safety thermostat BME9-05, BME9-10R2130044505093gasketN503017Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1550278connector block, 3-pole BME705, BME710,BME905, BME910, BME9-05, BME9-10U1830462550411connector block, 6-pole R2530443380237contactorZ213007Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691013tap, complete S1121512691024drain plug R2050183505177O-ringQ3070501322311234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100837upper part FG710, FG720, FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X0121172100855holder, 3 parts 3100881pilot burnerX0121264102042thermocouple, 850mmU562130X162120123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101162Novasit gas valve FG710, FG720, FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X1630002101312micro switch R2750273101317cableX163008Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrode FG710, FG720, FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X0121012100142ignition cable 3101007ignition unitR073007S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFModula ranges 12312Fryers (electric)121234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345402switchFG710, FG720, FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X1630072375204thermostat, 60-215C,55.13042.290X1630103113018knobX313002X162100Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1375205safety thermostat, 245C, 55.13542.110FG710, FG720,FD920, FG940, FG9-20, FG9-40X0121302359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030053359027signal lamp/green Z2030044550278connector block, 3-poleU183046Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM14166034000W/230V , center/right FE710X32300124166044000W/230V , center/leftX323002Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM14166116000W/230V FE920X18300024166126000W/230VFE9-20, FE9-10, FE910SX183021Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1380244contactor FE710R6630312380264contactor FE920, FE9-05,FE9-10, FE9-055X1830113345250micro switchFE710, FE920, FE9-05, FE9-10, FE9-055R0105343123121Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345402switch FE710, FE920,FE9-05, FE9-10, FE9-055X1630072375204thermostat 55.13042.290X1630103113017knobX183020X183025Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375205safety thermostat 55.13542.110, 245C FE710, FE920X0121301375131safety thermostat 55.13542.250, 245C FE9-05, FE9-10, FE9-05SX1630402359048signal lamp/yellow FE710, FE920 FE9-05, FE9-10, FE9-055Z2030053359027signal lamp/greenZ20300423S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691020fryer basket FG920, FG940, FE920, FG9-05,FG9-10, FE9-05, FE9-10X0665902691009fryer basket X0665953691021filter FG920, FG940, FE920X1665033691022filter FG9-05, FG9-10, X1665223505143filterFE9-05, FE9-10X18652212312Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691023fryer basket FG710, FG720,FE710X3165032691007filterX31650212Tilting bratt pans (gas)123123132Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1100046pilot burner SBG__U3221182102042thermocouple, M9x1, 850mmX152120U562130Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeSBG__X0121012100015ignition cable, 600mm R6130303101007ignition unitR073007Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101305connection, straight, 1/2“SBG__X1530052101306connection, elbow, 1/2“X2621003101065solenoid coilR27502712Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375128thermostat, 310C 55.13063.160SBG__X1531102375121safety thermostat, 420C 55.13583.010R612103Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1101162Novasit 8200820010/080018SBG__X1630002101359extension knob X2621003101312micro switchR27502712345Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345402switch X1630072691005retainer SBG__X3130013113015knobX1521114359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030055359027signal lamp/greenZ203004Boiling pans (gas)12Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1109038burner MG9__BM, MG9__ ,MPG9__ , MPG9__BMS2757052109022aeration sleeve12Item OrderDescriptionModel1345427micro switchTilting bratt pans (electric)Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM123Item OrderDescriptionModelSBE__R2121014359048signal lamp/yellow Z2030055359027signal lamp/greenZ20300412345Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375128thermostat, 310C 55.13063.160SBEX1530002375121safety thermostat, 420C 55.13583.010R6121033345427micro switchX34301512231Tilting bratt pans (mechanical)Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1380244contactor SBE7__, SBE910__, SBE9-10__, SBE9-15__R6630312380264contactorX183011Item OrderDescriptionModel123DescriptionModellid spring SBE__SBG__2690085hand wheel X156139X1561173691037handleX156135123S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFM u a r n 123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100124pilot burner MG__ , MG__BM,MPG__ , MPG__BMR2021002102124thermocouplewith break, M8x1X0221303102034thermocouple,M8x1 600mmU2221002312123Boiling pans (electric)1234Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1101093PEL23, with bypass jet, 1,40S3121012113008knobS312102S31211041Item Order DescriptionModelOEM1416606 3 x 3000W/230V ME710BMR14300024166149600W/230-400VME910BM, ME915BM, ME9-10BM, ME9-15BM, MPE9-10BM, MPE9-15BMZ7217013691014gasket R1450124691033gasketQ307035Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1380015energy regulator ME__BM, ME9__BM,MPE9__BMS3330012113009knobS333005S3330063359048signal lamp, yellow Z2030054359027signal lamp, greenZ203004231Pos.OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375122safety thermostatMG__BM, MPG__BMX033001Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1390453safety thermostat ME__BM, ME9__BM,MPE9__BMR3431242380264contactor X183013541025pressure switchS093000Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100707electrodeMG9__ , MG+9__BM,MPG9__ ,MPG9__BMX0121012100016ignition cable U3230303100005piezoelectric igniter S113034S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFModula ranges 123Boiling pans (mechanical)12Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691067lid spring MG7__ , MG7__BMS3161102691016lid spring MG9__ , MG9__BM,MPG9__ , MPG9__BM S1161213691032lid springMPG9__S13608012Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1540132drain cock, 1 1/2“universalS3121002540267drain cock, 2“S11215012Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691025gasket universalS1121502691011springS11210512Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1540823safety valve, 3/4“universalS0221012540827steam valveS02210312Item Besell.-Nr.DescriptionModelOEM1540828manometer, Syphon, 3/8“universalS0221022541062manometer922081512Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1540832fitting universalS3321002540822mounting blockS022100132345Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691070cover for inspection glasses universalS292600S042647N2691031inspection glass/complete S0821003691071inspection glass S0421024691072glass holder S0421015691010gasketQ307069Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691013tap, complete, 1/2“universalS1121512691012testing tap S0221043691015rotating spout, 1/2“S052100e s S u i t a b l ef o r F ag o rFItem OrderDescriptionModelOEM.1350066timer HMM-_/_HMI-_/_HCG-_/_HMG-_/_R7230002691074gasket R6630463113005knobR663062Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345685selector switch HMI-_/_R6930042345686circuit switch R7530003691074gasket R6630464113005knobR663062Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1400860thermostat p.c.b., 270C HMM-_/_HMI-_/_HCG-_/_HMG-_/_R7430132113004guide R6628093691075disc R6628104691076gasket R6630455113021knobR66306312431234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345683selector switch HME-_/_HMP-_/_R6630252345684circuit and speed switch R6630263691074gasket R6630464113005knobR6630621234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345687selector switch HCG-_/_T0130012345688selector switch HMG-_/_R7230113691074gasket HCG-_/_HMG-_/_R6630464113005knobR66306212345123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM.1379018controller, J/12V HMM-_/_R7430052301066switchHMG-_/_R7430081234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345689rocker push buttons HCG-_/_HMG-_/_R7232702345690push buttonHME-_/_, HMP-_/_,HMI-_/_, HCG-_/_,HMG-_/_R6630323359048signal lamp/yellow HMM-_/_, HMI-_/_,HCG-_/_, HMG-_/_Z2030054359027signal lamp/greenZ20300412Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345681selector switch HMM-_/_R7430022345686circuit switch R7530003691074gasket R6630464113005knobR6630621243Components (electric)Ov nSuitableforFagorFItem Order Description Model OEM1400864fascia HMM-_/_HCM/__R743012R7230222400865fascia HME-_/_, HMP-_/_R67300012312112Item Order Description Model OEM1691084sensor feed-through plate HMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMP-_/_, HMI-_/_,HCG-_/_, HCM-_/_R6626592691085sealing ring R6626523691086union screw R6626294691087silicone gasket HME-/HMP-R012623123321212Item Order Description Model OEM1400861control p.c.b.HME-_/_HMP-_/_R6630502400862main p.c.b.R663051R663044R6630853400863p.c.b.HMP-_/_R6630041234Item Order Description Model OEM1400878ribbon cable HME-_/_, HMP-_/_R6631022400879alarm p.c.b.HCG-_/_HMG-_/_R7230333350067buzzer R693067Item Order Description Model OEM1400871fascia HCG-_/_R7230082400872fascia HCM-_/_R663014Item Order Description Model OEM1400869fascia HMM-_/_, HMI-_/_R6930002400870fascia HMP-_/_R663010Item Order Description Model OEM1400866fascia HMI-_/_R6930301400867fascia HCG-_/_T01300612Item Order Description Model OEM1350068buzzer HMI-_/_, HMM-_/_Z6830812380136base, 1-poleHMM-_/_R7430093400880level regulator R343072Item Order Description Model OEM1400873sensor/thermocouple,2500mmHMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMP-_/_, HMI-_/_,HCG-_/_, HMG-_/_R6630891400874sensor/thermocouple,1500mmHME-_/_, HMP-_/_R6630902400875core temperature sensor/thermocouple JHMM-6/_, HME-6/_,HMP-6/_, HMG-6/_R663015R6630592400876core temperature sensor/thermocouple JHMM-10/_, HME-10/_,HMP-10/_, HMG-10/_R673001R6730912400877core temperature sensor/thermocouple JHMM-20/_, HME-20/_,HMP-20/_, HMG-20/_R093012R093000R093019e sS u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rF23121Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1400882screw connection HMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMP-_/_R3450582400883insulator R3450593400884electrode, 106R3450604400885electrode, 116R3450635400886electrode, 131R345064123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691059lifting magnet HMM, HME, HMP, HMIR6630302691052lifting magnet HMG-6/_, HMG-10/_R7230123691057lifting magnetHMG-20/_R72306012Item Order InputOutputModel OEM1400887230V AC12V ACHMM-_/_, HME-_/_, HMP-_/_, HMI-_/_, HCB-_/_, HMG-_/_R6630392400888230V 230V ACHCG-_/_, HMG-_/_R72304412Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375413safety thermostat 55.13522.380HMM-_/_,HME-_/_,HMP-_/_R3431242375414capacitor-thermostat 55.13219.310R34310012Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1375415steam-thermostat 55.13229.060HMM-_/_,HMI-_/_R3430182375416safety thermostatHMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMD-_/_, HMI-_/_,HCG-_/_, HCM-_/_R343016Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691084sennsor feed-through plate R6626592691087silicone gasket R0126233691086union screwR6626292345Item Order DescriptionModelOEM1359432lamp holderHMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMP-_/_, HMI-_/_,HCG-_/_, HMG-_/_R6630582359596halogen lamp, 12V/20W R6630133359433gasketR6635351Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1400881time relay HCG-_/_, HMG-_/_R0130302541304pressure switchR663535660535123Ov n S u i t a b l e f o r F a g o rFItem Order DescriptionModelOEM14166341500W/230VHMM-6/11, HME-6/11,HMP-6/11, HMI-6/11R6630162416620 2 x 1500W/230V HMM-10/11, HME-10/11,HMP-10/11, HMI-10/11R67300224160192 x 2000W/230V HMM-10/11, 10/21 - 20/21HME-10/11, 10/21 - 20/21HMP-10/11, 10/21 - 20/21HMI-10/11, 10/21 - 20/21R6830003416621 2 x 2000W/230V HMM-20/11, HME-20/11,HMP-20/11R0930021234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1345250micro switch HMM-_/_, HME-_/_,HMP-_/_, HMS-_/_,HCG-_/_, HCM-_/_R0105342691077insulating disc R0105353691078pressure spring Z7006034691079pressure pinR010533123Item OrderContactsAC1AC3ModelOEM13802443 NO - 1 NO 20A4kWHMM-_/_,HME-_/_,HMP-_/_,HMI-_/_R6630312380264 3 NO 45A 11kWHMM-10/_,HMM-20/_,HME-10/_,HME-20/_,HMP-10/_,HMP-20/_R673007R1430023380237 3 NO-1 NC 16A 3kW HCG-_/_,HMG-_/_Z213007Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1370017single, 230V HMM, HME, HMP, HMI, HCG Z7011352370021double, 230V HME, HMP, HMGP2550013691080reducer, 3l/min P4430424691081reducer, 0,25l/min R6650415691082reducer, 8l/min Z6011566691083reducer, 0,5l/minR7150111212312Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1500505230V/400V , L72AW4D-014HMM, HMT, HCG , HMG R2530491500506230V/3-phase, L7mW84D-380HME, HMP R6630341500507400V/3-phase, L7mW84D-3792 speeds HME, HMPR6630332691049motor gasketR662627Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1416606 3 x 3000W/230V HMM-_/_, HME-_/_, HMP-_/_R1430002691014gasketR145012213456e s S u i t a b l ef o r F ag o rF12Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1601080fanZ1030662550536fuse connector blockR073005123412Item OrderDescriptionModel OEM1101684tandem valve 830, 220/240V ,Sit.0830034Z9522012101569ignition control module, 50A72-250-04R723032Components (gas)Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691053burner blower HCG-6/11, HCG-10/11, HCG-10/21, HCG2-10/11, HMG-6/11, HMG-10/11, HMG-10/21, HMG2-10/11R7230032365020capacitor, 14µF R2930003691058burner blower HCG-20/11,T0930014365035capacitor, 30µFT093005123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1100757hot electrode R7250052100758monitoring electrode 6/11, 10/11, 10/21, 2-10/11R7250143100759monitoring electrode20/11T115059T135705Components (mechanical)1234Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691044door handle R6605322690042gear R2605433690041ratchet R2605444690040door catchR260545Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691088hinge/upper R6605172691089hinge pin R6605343691090springZ850519123Item OrderDescriptionModelOEM1691091hinge/lower R6605072691092guide R6605313691093hinge pin R6605044691043springR0105113421。
























Ref. W10400322C 11/6/12
30" (76.2 cm) and 36" (91.4 cm) Range Hood
q A 120 volt, 60 Hz., AC only, 15-amp, fused electrical circuit is required.
7" (17.8 cm) round 90˚ elbow
6 ft (1.8 m)
Wall cap
2 ft (0.6 m)
Maximum Recommended Length = 50 ft (15.2 m)
1 - 90° elbow 1 - wall cap 8 ft (2.4 m) straight Length of 7" (17.8 cm) system
C. 30" (76.2 cm) min. cabinet opening width for 30" (76.2 cm) models and 36" (91.4 cm) min. cabinet width for 36" (91.4 cm) models
D. 13" (33.0 cm) cabinet depth
= 5.0 ft (1.5 m) = 0.0 ft (0.0 m) = 8.0 ft (2.4 m) = 13.0 ft (3.9 m)
⁷⁄₈" (2.2 cm)
(12.5 cm) (2.2 cm)




二、产品配件1. 底部锅体2. 蒸盘3. 隔离盘4. 盖子5. 电源线三、使用方法1. 在底部锅体内加入适量清水,水位不得超过最低水位线。

2. 将蒸盘或隔离盘置于锅体内。

3. 将食品放入蒸盘或隔离盘中。

4. 将盖子盖好,插上电源线。

5. 按下开关启动电源,开始蒸制食品。

6. 根据不同食品要求,设置时间和温度。

7. 蒸制完成后,断电,拔出电源线,小心打开盖子,将食品取出。

四、安全注意事项1. 在使用电蒸炊具之前,请务必认真阅读说明书,了解使用方法、注意事项等内容,以确保安全使用。

2. 在使用前,仔细检查电蒸炊具是否完好无损,如有损坏请勿使用。

3. 使用时,必须将电蒸炊具放置于平稳的桌面或地面上,避免晃动。

4. 蒸制过程中,电蒸炊具会产生高温蒸汽,请勿将手伸入电蒸炊具内部或过度靠近电蒸炊具。

5. 断电和拔出电源线前,务必先将电蒸炊具内的食品取出。

6. 在清洗电蒸炊具时,务必先将电源线拔出并等待电蒸炊具完全冷却后再进行清洗。

7. 请勿将电蒸炊具置于水中清洗,避免电器元件受到损坏。

8. 在存放电蒸炊具时,应将其放置于干燥通风的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。

五、维护保养1. 保持电蒸炊具内外干净卫生,防止食品残渣残留。

2. 清洗时,可以用软布蘸取少量清洁剂或者醋水擦拭内外壁面,或用清水涮洗,但要注意不要使电蒸炊具底部的电器元件受到水的损害。

3. 擦洗时,切勿用锐器或粗糙的清洁器擦拭电蒸炊具表面,避免划伤或损坏。

4. 长期使用后,如果发现电蒸炊具表面有生锈或氧化现象,可用钢丝球小心擦拭,并涂上食用油进行保养。

















产品各部件名称产品规格表型号JYF-40FL03额定电源220V~50Hz额定功率860W额定容量 4.0L适合人数3-5人注意事项■使用前请详细阅读本说明书,并请妥善保存。




























800 Series, Combination Oven, 30'',Stainless steelHBL87M53UCIncluded accessoriesx oven racks /lowerx temperature probe /lowerOptional accessoriesHEZTR301 : Telescopic Oven Rack 30"Bosch microwave combination ovenscreate an all-in-one cooking center with an upper microwave and a Genuine European Convection oven belowHome Connect: home appliances with smart connectivity for an easier everyday life.Technical DataCooking mode : Microwave Cooking method second cavity :3rd element convection, Convection Bake, Convection Broil, Convection Roast, Dough proving setting, Pizzasetting, Small area grill, Top/bottom heating, Top heating,1/3 bottom heat., Variable small-area grill, Warming Integrated Cleaning system : No Number of interior lights : 1Included accessories : x oven racks /lower, x temperature probe /lower Bake Element Wattages cavity 1 (W) : 600Broil Element Wattages cavity 1 (W) : 1750Convection Element Wattages cavity 1 (W) : 1700Microwave Wattages (W) : 1000UPC code : 825225960164Product color : Stainless steel Energy source : Electric Watts (W) : 7975Current (A) : 40Volts (V) : 208-240Frequency (Hz) : 60Approval certificates : CSA Power cord length (in) : 50''Power cord length (cm) : 127.0Appliance Dimensions (h x w x d) (cm) : 124.4 x 75.5 x 62.2Required cutout size (HxWxD) (in) : 48 5/8'' x 28 1/2'' x 23 1/2''Overall appliance dimensions (HxWxD) (in) :49'' x 29 3/4'' x 24 1/2''Overall appliance dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) :1244 x 755 x 622Product packaging dimensions (HxWxD) (in) :55 3/4'' x 34'' x 31 1/2''Product packaging dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) :1441 x 787 x 863: 328Net weight (kg) : 148.768Gross weight (lbs) : 328.000Gross weight (kg) : 148.81/3800 Series, Combination Oven, 30'',Stainless steelHBL87M53UCBosch microwave combination ovenscreate an all-in-one cooking center with anupper microwave and a Genuine EuropeanConvection oven belowDesign-Bosch wall ovens can be installed flush for a sleek timelessdesign, or proud for a more traditional look-Touch control with SteelTouch™ buttons makes operating theoven easier-Bosch wall ovens are compatible with most existing cutoutsPerformance-Lower oven's convection multi-rack mode gives uniform bakingresults even when using all 3 racks simultaneously-Family or guests late to dinner? Keep food warm in the loweroven without overcooking until ready to serve by using thewarm mode-Lower oven's proof mode maintains a low temperature toproof yeast doughs for an even and faster rise compared tobeing left on the countertop-Closed-door broiling prevents intense heat from escaping thelower oven - offering rich, even browning on tender cuts ofmeat and perfectly toasted casseroles-Lower oven comes with 2 standard racks and 1 telescopicrack that gives easier accessibility for large or heavy dishes-Dampened hinges softly guide the lower oven's QuietClosedoor shut. It's premium engineering that you'll appreciateeach time you close your ovenEfficiency-Download Bosch Home Connect application and control thelower wall oven with your smart phone or tabletConvenience-1 light in the upper microwave and 2 lights in the loweroven gives visibility in the cavity so you can see the cookingprogress-Large oven window lets you monitor the cooking progresswithout opening the oven door to maintain a consistent oventemperature-Keep your home safe by avoiding accidental or unsuperviseduse of your wall oven with the panel lock featureCapacity-With capacities of 1.6 cu. ft upper microwave and 4.6 cu. ft.lower oven allows enough space to cook everyday meals or fora crowd2/3800 Series, Combination Oven, 30'',Stainless steelHBL87M53UC3/3。



E l e c t r i c W a t e r H e a t e rOWNER’S MANUALFORCE 10 MARINE COMPANY23080 HAMILTON ROADRICHMOND, BC CANADA V6V 1C9TEL: (604) 522-0233FAX: (604) 522-9608If your water Heater is Damaged or you have questions regardinginstallation, performance or operation please contact Force 10********************************************************. INTRODUCTIONThank you for selecting a Force 10 Marine Electric Water Heater. Your unit was carefully inspected and tested at our factory. We take pride in producing one of the finest Water Heaters for marine use. Please take the time to read this manual carefully; many of its instructions are essential to the safe operation of your unit. Because of the continuing refinement of our product designs, your Water Heater may possess features not discussed in the manual. We have tried to supply all the information you might need, so please take time to read this manual before using your Water Heater.Force 10 advises strongly against unauthorized modification of this product, but wedo encourage you to correct problems which may arise.Please make note of the model and serial number of your Water Heater for future reference.Model # ____________ Serial # __________________Any recommendation or advice by Force 10 Marine Company, or any of its employees, is given with the understanding that it is solely as an accommodation to the customer, and should not be relied upon by the customer without an independent verification of its applicability to the customer’s particular situation.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons should be followed, including:•Read all Instructions before Operating.•This water heater must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded circuit. •Install or locate this water heater only in accordance with the provided installation instructions.•Use this water heater only for its intended use as described in this manual.•Do not use an extension cord set with this water heater.•Do not operate this water heater if it has a damaged power line, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.•This water heater should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment. WARNING:This is an electrical appliance that requires a specific energy source. Each unit is manufactured to run on either 120 OR 240 volt circuitry. Be sure you have purchased the correct unit based on your power source.This heater is equipped with a heat exchanger so that the water may be heated by the coolant from your engine. This may cause the water temperature to get excessively hot unless your unit is equipped with a Temperature Control Valve which holds the temperature at approximately 140 deg F.Do not operate this water heater if there is damage to the heater or if not performing properly. Contact Force 10 for assistance.The tank and heat exchanger are aluminum. Do not use any chemicals in the heat exchanger that may cause damage to it. Use only the engine manufacturer’s recommended coolant. Do not use raw water in heat exchanger circuit. Damage caused by a damaging chemical or salt reaction is not covered under warranty. CAUTIONHydrogen gas is produced in a hot water system served by this heater that has not been used for a long period of time (2 weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. To reduce the risk of injury under these conditions, it is recommended that the hot water faucet be opened for several minutes at the kitchen sink before using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system. When hydrogen is present, there will probably be an unusual sound such as air escaping through the pipe as the water begins to flow. There should be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open.NOTE: Small DC electric currents move between boat and shore through the safety ground wire in the shore cord, causing galvanic damage to your water heater. To prevent galvanic damage, this product should be used in conjunction with a galvanic isolator. These devices are inexpensive and easily installed. Galvanic corrosion is not covered by warranty.INSTALLATIONCAUTIONTo reduce the risk of excessive pressures and temperatures in this water heater, install temperature and pressure protective equipment required by local codes and no less than a combination temperature and pressure relief valve certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems, ANSIZ21.22-1986. This valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the marked maximum working pressure of the water heater. Install the valve into an opening provided and marked for this purpose in the water heater, and orient it or provide tubing so that any discharge from the valve exits only within 6 inches above, or at any distance below, the structural floor, and does not contact any live electrical part. The discharge opening must not be blocked or reduced in size under any circumstances.) For your convenience, this device has already been installed on you unit.MOUNTING1.If you are using the heat exchange feature, locate the water heater as close to theengine as possible. The heat exchanger port (or TCV inlet if equipped) must be lower that the coolant output port of the engine.2.Your unit is equipped with mounting brackets located either on the sides of thetank or the front and back of the tank. Use stainless steel screws to securely fasten the heater.PLUMBING1.Connect cold water supply and hot water outlet to the heater as indicated on thefront of the tank. (The tank is supplied with 1/2” NPT Female fitting) Force 10 recommends the installation of a check valve on the cold water inlet. Seal all pipe fittings with Teflon tape or Loctite thread sealant.Thermal Expansion: When a Water Heater is installed in a closed water-supply system, such as one having a back flow preventer in the cold watersupply, means shall be provided to control thermal expansion.2.The heat exchanger inlet or TVC inlet (if equipped) and the outlet is a 5/8” hosebarb fitting. Connect hoses to the hose barb fitting using stainless steel hoseclamps.3.If your unit is equipped with a TCV (Temperature Compensation Valve) thecoolant loop to the water heater exchanger must be an auxiliary loop in the engine coolant circulation system. The TCV can not be installed inline with the engine coolant system. Figure 1 on page 5PLUMBING CONNECTIONSHEAT EXCHANGER INSTALLATION DIAGRAM(Figure1)4. A Temperature / Pressure relief valve (SRV) is factory installed. A drain hoseshould be installed to comply with ABYC standards. (Section H-23 ( in the Installation of Potable Water Systems chapter.) Due to thermal expansion the SRV may weep slightly. This is normal operation.ELECTRICAL1.Remove the AC wiring access cover by unscrewing the screw at the top of thecover. The bottom is held in by a tab. The tab should be between the front case and the insulation.2.Connect the electrical supply by a qualified electrician. The electrical supply shallbe armored cable or conduit per NEC code ANSI/NFPA 70-1993. See figure 2 on page 7 for Wiring Diagrams.Note: Wiring diagram is located on the inside of the removable accesspanel.3.Connect Line (Hot) to the pigtail wire coming from the High TemperatureLimiter. Connect the Neutral to the unused screw terminal on the heating element marked with a white “N”.4. A strain relief should be installed in the hole on the front of the access panel tosecure the AC wire.5.Ground the water heater using the ground connection screw on the inside of theaccess cover. Do not use a switch in the grounding circuit.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSWIRING DIAGRAMS(Figure 2)DO NOT CONNECT LINE (HOT) DIRECTLY TO THE ELEMENT OPERATIONELECTRICWhen the Water Heater is operating from the AC Power, water temperature in the tank is regulated at 140 deg F (60 deg C). The thermostat is non-adjustable.HEAT EXCHANGERWhen the Water Heater is operating from the Heat Exchanger, water temperature in the tank will approach the temperature of the engine coolant. If the Heater is equipped with a Temperature Control Valve (TCV) the water temperature in the tank will be regulated at approximately 140 deg F (60 deg C).The Temperature Control Valve (TCV) regulates the flow of coolant through the Heat Exchanger by sensing the output temperature of the water in the tank. As the output water temperature rises, the thermal actuator closes the valve and restricts the coolant flow through the Heat Exchanger limiting the water temperature to approximately 140 deg F (60 deg F) . When the output water temperature cools the valve opens and allows engine coolant to flow through the heat exchanger.START-UPpletely fill the tank and entire water system. Flush water through the tank toeliminate any trapped air.2.Check all connections for leaks.3.Apply power to the Water Heater and check to ensure the water is hot. The waterwill meet maximum temperature within (2) hour.Caution: Do not operate water heater without the heating element submerged in water.MAINTENANCE1.Disconnect AC Power prior to draining the water system.2.Flush Tank periodically.3.If the temperature in the tank environment is going to drop below 32 deg F (0 C),drain the tank to prevent freezing and possible damage.TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDECAUSE SOLUTION PROBLEMNo output from the tank Air Lock in the system Bleed all the water linesHigh Limiter switch has tripped Cycle AC PowerWater does not get hot whenplugged into AC PowerFailed Thermostat Replace ThermostatElement has burned out Replace ElementWater Dripping from SRV Thermal Expansion Install Expansion tankValve poppet not seated properly Lift leaver to flush valve andreseat.Leaking from TCV Connection Loose Connection Tighten the collar hex nut on theTCV.Bad seal Replace “O” RingLeak from TCV vent hole Failed temperature sensor seal Replace TCVLeaking shaft seal Replace TCVSPECIFICATIONS405XXX406XXX411XXX418XXXCapacity 5 Gallon 6 Gallon11 Gallon20 GallonTank Material Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum AluminumCase Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Weight (Dry)22 lb25 lb30 lb 47 lbOverall Size includingmounting plate (W/D/H)Front /Back Mount N/A13.6" / 20" / 13.6"16" / 22.5" / 16"N/AFront /Back Mount w/ TCV N/A13.6" / 20.5" / 13.6"16" / 23" / 16"N/ASide Mount15.5" / 16.5" / 13.6"15.5" / 19.5" / 13.6"18.75" / 21.5" / 16"N/ASide Mount w/ TCV15.5" / 16.75" / 13.6"15.5" / 20" / 13.6"18.75" / 22" / 16"N/ACross Mount N/A N/A N/A18.75" / 18.75" / 29.5"Standard HeatExchanger Location Front Front Front FrontElectrical Rating120 V1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A1500 Watts / 12.5A 240 V1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25A1500 Watts / 6.25AIgnition Protection Yes Yes Yes YesCertification120 V UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2No. 110-94UL 174 (Including MarineSupplement) CSA C22.2 No.110-94240 V CE CE CE CEFittings Water Inlet1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F Water Outlet1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT F1/2" NPT FHeat Exchanger5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose Barb5/8" Hose BarbSRV3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F3/4" NPT F Warranty 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years Specifications sugject to change without noticeLimited WarrantyForce 10 Marine Company warranties the Hot Water tank to the original consumer to be free from defective material(s) and workmanship while under normal use and service for a period of (2) year.During the warranty period, Force 10 Marine Company will, at its option and without charge, repair and/or replace but not remove or re-install the faulty product.The purchaser will return defective products to the address stated below. No product will be accepted by Force 10 Marine Company without a Return Authorization Number. Return of defective products must be accompanied by written details of the problems and proof of purchase.The buyer shall be responsible for shipping and insurance charges, if any, on the products returned for repair under the terms of this warranty. Force 10 Marine Company will pay shipping of products returned to the buyer.This limited warranty applies only to products that have been installed and used in accordance to printed instructions of Force 10 Marine Company and does not cover improper use, vandalism, negligence or accidents.FORCE 10 MARINE COMPANY23080 HAMILTON ROADRICHMOND, BCCANADA V6V 1C9TEL: (604) 522-0233FAX: (604) 522-9608WEB: Page 10 of 10ENG-0092.6WARRANTYREGISTRATIONName:Address:City:State/Province:Country:Code:Postal/ZipTelephone:address:EmailDate: MODEL # Purchase#SERIALBoat:ofManufactureofBoat:ModelName):(DealerfromPurchasedDate:Signature:Mail to: Force 10 Marine CompanyRd.23080HamiltonCanadaRichmond,BC1C9V6VFax to: (604) 522-9608。


• Do not damage the sealing gasket. If it is damaged, have it replaced in an Approved Service Centre.
• The heat source necessary for cooking is included in the appliance. • Do not place the appliance in a heated oven or on a hot hob. Do not
use of the appliance in a safe way and if they EN understand the hazards involved. • Children shall not play with the appliance. • Do not fill your appliance more than the MAX mark on the pot. • Please follow the recommendations on the volume of food and water to avoid the risk of boiling over which can damage your appliance and cause injury. • Caution : do not spill liquid on the connector. • Before using your appliance, check that the float valve and the pressure limit valve are clean (see section Cleaning and maintenance). • Do not place any foreign objects in the pressure relief system. Do not replace the valve. • When you open the lid, always hold it by the lid knob. Position your arms in alignment with the side carrying handles. Boiling water could remain trapped between the gasket support and the lid and could cause burns. • Be careful also about the risk of scalding from the steam coming out of the appliance when you open the lid. First open the lid very slightly to allow the steam to escape gently. • Never force the appliance open. Make sure that the inside pressure has returned to normal. Do not





二、产品特点1. 多功能性:智能烹饪器具集成了多种烹饪模式,包括煎、炖、蒸、煮、烧烤、煲汤等,满足各种烹饪需求,如制作菜肴、糕点、肉类、鱼类等。

2. 智能控制:产品配备了智能控制面板,用户可通过触摸屏轻松选择烹饪模式、时间和温度。


3. 定时预约:智能烹饪器具支持24小时预约烹饪功能,用户可在忙碌时段提前设定好烹饪时间,回家后即可享用美味的烹饪食物。

4. 高效节能:采用先进的加热技术,并具备高效的保温功能,能够在最短时间内提供均匀受热效果,节省能源的同时保证食物的口感和营养。

5. 安全可靠:智能烹饪器具具备多重安全保护措施,如超温保护、断电记忆、防烫设计等,确保使用过程中的安全性和可靠性。

三、产品使用方法1. 准备食材:根据菜谱或个人喜好选择所需食材,并进行适当的处理。

2. 选择烹饪功能:打开智能烹饪器具,选择适当的烹饪功能。


3. 设置时间和温度:根据食材要求,设置烹饪时间和温度。


4. 启动烹饪:确认设置无误后,点击启动按钮,智能烹饪器具将开始工作。

5. 完成烹饪:在设定的时间到达后,智能烹饪器具会发出提示音,表示烹饪已完成。


四、产品维护与保养1. 清洁:使用后,确保智能烹饪器具已断电,待其冷却后,使用湿布擦拭外表面。


2. 存放:定期清洁后,将智能烹饪器具存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。

3. 注意事项:使用过程中请勿将手伸入烹饪器具内部,以免触电或烫伤。


Bosch 电子滑动插入烹饪器说明书

Bosch 电子滑动插入烹饪器说明书

Convection element watts (W)
2,000 W
Element Performance
Total cooktop elements 5
Power of front left element watts (W)
1,400 / 3,000 W
Power of back left element watts (W)
Dimension of front left 6" / 9" heating element
Dimension of back left 6" heating element
Dimension of center
heating element
Dimension of back right 6" heating element
30" Electric Slide-in Range
800 Series – Stainless Steel HEI8054U
HEI8054U Stainless Steel
The newly designed full-depth electric slidein range fits into any freestanding range cutout, and offers a flush built-in look.
HEZTR301 30" Telescopic rack
HEZBS301 4" Low backguard
HEZ390210 8" AutoChef® pan
for 6" element


7. To cancel the programme, press
approx. 4 seconds.
The programme is cancelled and ends after ap-
prox. 1 minute.
Cleaning filters
1. After each wash check the filters for
2. Pull up the lower spray arm to remove.
3. Check the outlet nozzles on the spray arms for blockages under running water and remove any foreign bodies.
en Before using for the first time, read the instruction manual and the safety information it contains.
Quick reference guide Dishwasher
Setting up Home Connect
Hardness mmol/l range
Setting value
Medium Medium Medium Hard Hard Hard
0 - 1.1
1.2 - 1.4 H01
1.5 - 1.8 1.9 - 2.1 2.2 - 2.9 3.0 - 3.7 3.8 - 5.4 5.5 - 8.9
Tip: Connect your appliance to a mobile device. You can conveniently change all settings using the Home Connect app. 1. Install the Home Connect app on your mo-



When using the rice cooker, basic safety precautions should always be followed:
• Read all instructions.
for better tasting rice, allow 10 additional minutes for rice to “cure” after cooking
capacities are approximate
18” with handles
3 Town Food Service Equipment Company, Inc. 718/388-5650 outside New York State 800/221-5032
power supply____________________230V AC watts_____________________________ 2240 amps_____________________________ 12 hertz ____________________________50/60 cook time _______________________40 mins. liquid capacity___________________141⁄2 qts. raw rice capacity _______________11lbs. (30c.) cooked rice capacity ___________24 lbs.(60c.) size diameter x height ________151⁄4”x143⁄4” carton size _______________________18”x18”x18”(4.2 cu.ft) units/carton______________________ 1 net weight_______________________24 ship weight______________________30 lbs. cord length_______________________72”

【中英】保温式自动电饭煲说明书 2

【中英】保温式自动电饭煲说明书 2

【中英对照】保温式自动电饭煲说明书Automatic Electric Cooker Heat Preservation Type保温式自动电饭煲,用磁性元件控制煮饭,且有自动保温元件在饭熟后保持饭温。


Automatic Electric Cooker is equipped with a Permanent Magnetic Controlling System. It is good-looking in design, exquisite and solid in construction, and easy to control, with low power consumption and excellent insulation properties.使用说明instructions1. 把米洗净,倒进锅中:1. Cleaning and putting the rice into the Pan.把米用其他容器洗净后倒进煲内,不宜直接用内煲洗米,以免内煲受到碰撞引起变形,影响使用。

After cleaning the rice in another container, put it into the Pan. Becareful not to wash the rice directly in the Pan; otherwise the Pan may be deformed by bumping prejudicial to the performance of the Cooker.2. 内煲刻度,供放米和水参考用:2. Water and Marks on the Pan.塑料杯按照一杯米约加121杯水的比例。



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