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鼠相貌猥琐,鬼鬼祟祟,破坏力强,落得个“老鼠过街,人人喊打”的千古骂名。但它居于中国十二生肖(the twelve symbolic animals)之首,自古以来就令人不可思议。一个较为合理的解释是:鼠在夜里23时至凌晨1时四处活动,这是一天当中最黑暗之时,老鼠此时出没便于隐藏行迹。由此看来,鼠昼伏夜出(nocturnal)的习惯是使它能够在十二生肖中独占鳌头的主要原因,与其口碑不佳及相貌可鄙没有关系。

Mice,look dirty and ugly,enjoy sneaking and destroy everything.That is why we usually heard that A rat crossing the street is chased by all.Unbelievably,mice have occupied the leader of the twelve symbolic animals since ancient times.One of the most reasonable explains is that mice usually hang about everywhere at 11pm to 1am to hide themselves based on dark.On the whole,the primary reasons why mice could be the champion of the twelve symbolic animals is accustomed to hiding by day come out at night,rather than their appearance and behavior.

在上海、北京、南京、广州等许多城市中,穿着唐装(traditional Chinese garment)的时髦女子成为一道美丽的风景线。传统唐装做工细致,色彩艳丽,充满了戏剧化、贵族化气息。前些年唐装还大多是明星、要人在极大正式场合的衣着,普通人可能只在婚礼上才穿。不过,现在开始流行的唐装,在概念上已经有所变化:颜色更加柔和,款式更加随意,价格更加便宜。唐装正朝年轻化、休闲化(informal)、大众化、便利化发展。

It is a beautiful scenery that some modern ladies wear the traditional Chinese garment in many cities such as Shanghai,Beijing,Guangzhou and so on.In ancient times,traditional Chinese garment is full of dramatic and aristocratic breath rely on its meticulous workmanship and bright-colored.A few years ago,traditional Chinese garment was worn by the stars and important persons in great formal occasions and the common people in wedding.But now,traditional Chinese garment is more popular and changing in many ways such as its softer color ,simpler design and cheaper prices.All in all,traditional Chinese garment is becoming younger,more informal and more convenience.
