
• Compact:
1.small,but solid and strong 结实的 2.packed together closely and neatly 紧凑 That compact suitcase is easy to carry. 那个结实的箱子很容易提。 Tractors compact the soil. 拖拉机把土压紧
• What the main idea of para 6 to para 10?
• He was a bit on the short side, compactly built. (para 6)
• on the…side
有点太… …
Unit 3
para 6~10
translation: • 我能听到下水道流水的声音。 • I can hear the splash of water in the sink. • Make a splash 发出溅泼声;做引人注目的 事 Splash down (飞船在海洋中)溅落
• bump into 偶然碰见 run bump into(against) 嘭的一下撞上 bumper [n]. 保险杆 bumpkin [n].乡下人;土包子 bumpy 凹凸不平的;疙疙瘩瘩的
• innocent
1.done or said without intending to harm or offend anyone 无恶意的 2.not guilty of a crime无罪的;无辜的 • 战争期间无辜的孩子们经常受到伤害。 • Innocent children are often harmed during a war 律师为那个妇女辩护,因为他相信她是无辜的 The lawyer defended the woman because he believed she was innoce作表语。 • on one’s behalf: (一般作状语)代表某人,

Reading comprehension
Reading material selection
Choose challenging reading materials such as novels, essays, and comments to improve students' reading comprehension abilities.
Choose a natural and smooth transition effect to maintain audience attention.
When to use animation and transitions
When it is necessary to draw attention or guide the audience's thoughts, avoid abuse.
Course Introduction
Course objectives
Improving students' English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation abilities
Enhancing students' cross cultural communication skills and ability to apply English in practical situations
2 Listening and speaking practice
This part focuses on the basic rules of English grammar and common vocabulary, aiming to lay a solid foundation for further English learning

further improve students' ability to speak English at a high level, including complex senses, advanced grammar, and suggestive expressions
Basic reading comprehension
Comparative Analysis
Enhance students to compare and contrast their own culture with those reported in the texts they are studying to enhance their cultural awareness
Advanced listening comprehension
further improve students' ability to understand English at a high level, including complex senses, advanced vocabulary, and suggestive expressions
Translation Techniques
Teach students translation techniques such as literal translation, free translation, and adaptation
Context Understanding
Help students understand the cultural and historical backgrounds of the source texts they are translating to enhance their translation accuracy
Basic reading comprehension
Comparative Analysis
Enhance students to compare and contrast their own culture with those reported in the texts they are studying to enhance their cultural awareness
Advanced listening comprehension
further improve students' ability to understand English at a high level, including complex senses, advanced vocabulary, and suggestive expressions
Translation Techniques
Teach students translation techniques such as literal translation, free translation, and adaptation
Context Understanding
Help students understand the cultural and historical backgrounds of the source texts they are translating to enhance their translation accuracy

information such as is not furnished by 99% of the newspapers in the United States.
paralleled paradoxes: Without recognizing this we will end up
(2) Antithesis:
a) outer city of wealth and comfort vs. inner city of poverty and despair
b) dark yesterdays vs. bright tomorrows;
C) on the basis of the content of their
of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics
he can never advocate violence.
19 Antithesis
For through violence you may murder a
murderer but you can't murder murder.
Through violence you may murder a liar
life, the Negro has a double share.
There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality among Negroes
paralleled paradoxes: Without recognizing this we will end up
(2) Antithesis:
a) outer city of wealth and comfort vs. inner city of poverty and despair
b) dark yesterdays vs. bright tomorrows;
C) on the basis of the content of their
of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics
he can never advocate violence.
19 Antithesis
For through violence you may murder a
murderer but you can't murder murder.
Through violence you may murder a liar
life, the Negro has a double share.
There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality among Negroes

1 Task: Meet Prof. Waters at the airport.
2 Task: Exchange business cards with Mr. Green.
3 Task: Introduce an English teacher to your classmate.
4 Task: Greet your business partner, Mr. Johnson, at a trade fair.
Following Sample Dialogues Imitate and Perform
Putting Language to Use
Speak and Complete Speak and Communicate
Unit | One
SECTION I Talking Face to Face
Jack: Thank you. Here is my business card.
Li Tiegang: Thanks. This is mine.
Unit | One
2) Meeting People Again Lu Yang: Hi, long time no see, Mike. Do you remember me? Michael: Oh, it's you, Professor Lu. How nice to see you again. How are you? Lu Yang: Very well, thank you. How is your project? Michael: It's going fine. I'm here to present the project report. Lu Yang: Good. I'm also here for the conference. Michael: Really? It's a small world.
2 Task: Exchange business cards with Mr. Green.
3 Task: Introduce an English teacher to your classmate.
4 Task: Greet your business partner, Mr. Johnson, at a trade fair.
Following Sample Dialogues Imitate and Perform
Putting Language to Use
Speak and Complete Speak and Communicate
Unit | One
SECTION I Talking Face to Face
Jack: Thank you. Here is my business card.
Li Tiegang: Thanks. This is mine.
Unit | One
2) Meeting People Again Lu Yang: Hi, long time no see, Mike. Do you remember me? Michael: Oh, it's you, Professor Lu. How nice to see you again. How are you? Lu Yang: Very well, thank you. How is your project? Michael: It's going fine. I'm here to present the project report. Lu Yang: Good. I'm also here for the conference. Michael: Really? It's a small world.

2.分词做状语类 (主干,现在分词、过去分词) Eg.1 Motivated in part by Christian compassion for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the support of the socialist labor moverment, Chancellor Bismarck createdt the world’s first workers’ compensation law in 1884. Motivated by-------Chancelloer Bismark Q: The world’s first compensation law was introduced by Bismark ______________ Answer: out of religious and political considerations. Eg.2 08.1 66
1. 2. 3.
NewScientist Newsweek The New York Times Time The Washington Post
大学英语四六级 考试命题委员会
1. 2.
体裁方面 议论文 说明文 新闻评述 记叙文
题材方面 1. 人文科学 2. 自然科学
1. 题干中的关键词有50%能在原文中找到,还有一小部分是同义词替换。 (定位原文) 08.1 65 refine the story---correct the story 2.定位原文后,不一定能直接找到答案,很多时候是同义替换 A.背高频词汇 (复用单词 一词多义一词多性) B。加强同义替换意识 同义替换的重要性 1.找出答案位置需要同义替换意识 2.得出正确答案需要同 义替换意识 Example: The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped insipire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth… Q. it seems that the ocntroversy over the values of MBA degrees has been fueled by __________. Controversy---debate fueled---inspired 2. Farming emerged as a survival strategy because man had been obliged _______. 原文: …, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survial strategy. Answer: to give up their former way of life

Devastation by El Nino— a Warning
厄尔·尼诺现象将带来毁灭 一则警告
6: 30 p.m. October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse?
2028 年10 月26 日下午6 : 30 世界末日的最后期限 ?
正如我们很多人在学于校里所学的那样,科学方法是一个渐进的过程,这个过程始 某个目的或某个有待解决或回答的问题。这包括一组材料,一套必须遵循的操作步 骤,一系列有待进行的观察,最后是有待得出的结论。医学上,有人提出—种新药 可能医治或控制某种疾病时,先是在随意挑选的大量人群中进行试验,然后将这部 人群的用药反应与另一组随意挑选的未用此药的人群的情况进行比较。两组人群的 种种反应被一一记录,仔细比较,从而对新药的疗效作出鉴定。所有这些过程需要 时间——以及耐心。
New Drugs Kill Cancer
When these headlines appeared this year, their sto ries became the subjects of conversations around t he world talks spiced with optimism and confusion . Imagine the hopes raised in the millions battling cancer. Did the news mean these people never had to worry about cancer again? Or that we all had to worry about a catastrophe from outer space or, more immediately, from El Nino?
厄尔·尼诺现象将带来毁灭 一则警告
6: 30 p.m. October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse?
2028 年10 月26 日下午6 : 30 世界末日的最后期限 ?
正如我们很多人在学于校里所学的那样,科学方法是一个渐进的过程,这个过程始 某个目的或某个有待解决或回答的问题。这包括一组材料,一套必须遵循的操作步 骤,一系列有待进行的观察,最后是有待得出的结论。医学上,有人提出—种新药 可能医治或控制某种疾病时,先是在随意挑选的大量人群中进行试验,然后将这部 人群的用药反应与另一组随意挑选的未用此药的人群的情况进行比较。两组人群的 种种反应被一一记录,仔细比较,从而对新药的疗效作出鉴定。所有这些过程需要 时间——以及耐心。
New Drugs Kill Cancer
When these headlines appeared this year, their sto ries became the subjects of conversations around t he world talks spiced with optimism and confusion . Imagine the hopes raised in the millions battling cancer. Did the news mean these people never had to worry about cancer again? Or that we all had to worry about a catastrophe from outer space or, more immediately, from El Nino?

1. Your High-School Classmates
Work in groups and tell your group members: 1) how many of your high-school classmates are enrolled in
universities, colleges or institutes; 2) the location of the institutions; 3) what their majors are.
Reality —trபைடு நூலகம்e.
>> Teachers
Expectations —old, gray-haired and wearing thick glasses; strict and formally dressed.
Reality —not true because many teachers are very young,
normal university / teachers’ college polytechnic institute / institute of technology institute of finance and economics institute of chemical engineering medical university agricultural university university of science and technology junior college / community college
—Just as what I dreamed of—a huge campus with magnificent modern buildings, green trees, blooming flowers and a river flowing around. —Contrary to what I expected, it’s an old campus, large though, with grey buildings like huge match-boxes, little grass, and a few big trees.

English c. do more imitating (read after tapes) d. pronunciation, intonation
❖ a. Intensive reading ❖ b. Extensive reading ❖ c. Fast reading
English Learning
1. The Importance of English Learning
2. Language and Culture 3. English Learning
★ vocabulary ★ grammar ★ Five Basic Skills ★ Some Suggestions on Learning English
的时候,维纳斯女神的儿子埃涅阿斯及其追随者逃出来,沿北非西 行穿过迦太基,来到罗马。
❖ 罗马人对世界文化所作出的最为重要的贡献就是保存了希腊和中东 地区的文化成果。罗马人在广泛吸收四邻各族优秀文化成果,特别 是古代希腊人的卓越文化成就的基础上,根据本国社会、经济、政 治发展的需要,创造了自己独特的文化,为世界文化增添了新的内 容。
When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped, nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place, and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.
❖ a. Intensive reading ❖ b. Extensive reading ❖ c. Fast reading
English Learning
1. The Importance of English Learning
2. Language and Culture 3. English Learning
★ vocabulary ★ grammar ★ Five Basic Skills ★ Some Suggestions on Learning English
的时候,维纳斯女神的儿子埃涅阿斯及其追随者逃出来,沿北非西 行穿过迦太基,来到罗马。
❖ 罗马人对世界文化所作出的最为重要的贡献就是保存了希腊和中东 地区的文化成果。罗马人在广泛吸收四邻各族优秀文化成果,特别 是古代希腊人的卓越文化成就的基础上,根据本国社会、经济、政 治发展的需要,创造了自己独特的文化,为世界文化增添了新的内 容。
When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped, nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place, and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.

2. Reading of the new words
apply /2=plai/ vi. write to ask for ( a job, membership, etc.), esp. officially 申请
application n.
不赞成; 不满
colonel /=k2:nl/ n. 上校
private /=praivit/ n. soldier of the lowest rank 列兵;士兵
bootlace /=bu:tleis/ n.
shoelace for a high shoe or boot 靴带
carpet /=ka:pit/ n.
heavy woven material for covering floors or stairs 地毯
certificate /s2=tifikit/ n. 证(明)书
bloodshot /=bl0d53t/ a. (眼睛) 充血的
obvious a.
consist (of ) /k2n=sist/ vi.
be made up (of ) 组成,构成
range /reind6/ vi.
vary between certain limits (在一定范围内) 变动
cricket /=krikit/ n.
express a strong objection 抗议;反对

Sense structure
Sentence pattern conversion
PPT courseware can provide sentence pattern conversion exercises, allowing students to master the conversion skills between different sentence patterns and improve their English expression ability.
Plot Overview
Provide a brief overview of the plot, including the main characters, their roles and interactions, and the general storyline
Key Moments
Highlight the key moments or turning points in the text that are significant in terms of theme development or plot progress
Analysis of fill in the blank questions
Fill in the blank questions are designed to test students' vocabulary and reading comprehension
The analysis should focus on the correct answers and explain why they are correct, as well as the common misunderstandings and misses made by students

PPT courseware for "Excellent College English"
• Course Introduction • Basic English knowledge • English listening and speaking training • Improving English Writing • Practical Application of English
02 03
Introduction and conclusion
Instruct students on how to write effective introductions and conclusions that capture the reader's attention and summarize the main points of the article.
Oral expression and cporovmidema vuarnietiycoaf stpieoakning
practice scenarios and methods to help students improve their English expression and communication skills.
Guide students on how to read closely, noting the use of language, imagery, and other literary devices in a text.
Practical Application of English
Daily communication
• Course Introduction • Basic English knowledge • English listening and speaking training • Improving English Writing • Practical Application of English
02 03
Introduction and conclusion
Instruct students on how to write effective introductions and conclusions that capture the reader's attention and summarize the main points of the article.
Oral expression and cporovmidema vuarnietiycoaf stpieoakning
practice scenarios and methods to help students improve their English expression and communication skills.
Guide students on how to read closely, noting the use of language, imagery, and other literary devices in a text.
Practical Application of English
Daily communication

学习日常生活和工作中常用的 英语表达,如询问、回答问题, 交换想法等。
与被动语态和进行时态有关的 话题,包括如何使用和构建这 些语态。
如何用单词或短语表达观点 阅读与写作技巧
通过一些情景对话和短文,学 会用简单的英文表达自己的观 点。
从英文材料中找到关键信息, 能够更好地理解整篇文章。同 时,能够写出自己的文章并清 晰地表达。
• 每周组织一次对话训练 • 帮助学生提高英语口语能力
• 电子书下载 • 英语口语训练课程
学生可以通过《大学英语》的学 习,安排自己的留学和工作计划。
学习过程中不要担心成绩,关注 的是学习的过程。学生考核不好, 那是因为还没有学好。
学生应该有一个良好的阅读习惯, 这有助于增强英语能力。
1 出勤率
非常重要。每次学习70% 以上出勤的学生可以获得 优秀或良好的评价。
2 课程作业
每周有课后作业,作业具 体形式和类型将在每次课 后公布。
3 期末考核
包括听、说、读、写和语 法等多项考核,占整个课 程成绩的大部分。
• 每周分发教材 • 包括课后作业和练习
本教程的目的是帮助学生高效学习英语,提升大学英语能力。课程包括基本 的英语听、说、读、写技能和语法运用,适合英语初学者和中级水平的学生。
与被动语态和进行时态有关的 话题,包括如何使用和构建这 些语态。
如何用单词或短语表达观点 阅读与写作技巧
通过一些情景对话和短文,学 会用简单的英文表达自己的观 点。
从英文材料中找到关键信息, 能够更好地理解整篇文章。同 时,能够写出自己的文章并清 晰地表达。
• 每周组织一次对话训练 • 帮助学生提高英语口语能力
• 电子书下载 • 英语口语训练课程
学生可以通过《大学英语》的学 习,安排自己的留学和工作计划。
学习过程中不要担心成绩,关注 的是学习的过程。学生考核不好, 那是因为还没有学好。
学生应该有一个良好的阅读习惯, 这有助于增强英语能力。
1 出勤率
非常重要。每次学习70% 以上出勤的学生可以获得 优秀或良好的评价。
2 课程作业
每周有课后作业,作业具 体形式和类型将在每次课 后公布。
3 期末考核
包括听、说、读、写和语 法等多项考核,占整个课 程成绩的大部分。
• 每周分发教材 • 包括课后作业和练习
本教程的目的是帮助学生高效学习英语,提升大学英语能力。课程包括基本 的英语听、说、读、写技能和语法运用,适合英语初学者和中级水平的学生。
大学英语优秀 ppt课件

-- December 8, 1980 Shot dead outside his apartment in the Dakota building in New York City. The killer was a crazed fan, Mark Chapman, who had recently obtained Lennon’s autograph(亲笔签名).
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Mark Chapman
Before Reading
Cynthia Powell
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
The Beatles
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
3. The American Educational System
The U.S. Grade School System
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
John Lennon
Brief Introduction to John Lennon Questions about John Lennon Chronology of John Lennon
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Mark Chapman
Before Reading
Cynthia Powell
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
The Beatles
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
3. The American Educational System
The U.S. Grade School System
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
John Lennon
Brief Introduction to John Lennon Questions about John Lennon Chronology of John Lennon

Strategies and Methods for Grammar Learning
Active participation in classroom activities
Classroom activities are an important way for students to learn grammar Students should actively participate in classroom activities and try to use English as much as possible
College English is an essential course for students to master English skills and prepare for future careers It can also help students understand Western culture and improve their cross cultural communication abilities
College English reading comprehension has its own differences It requires students to have a certain level of vocabulary, grammar, and cultural knowledge, and also requires them to integrate these knowledge and skills to understand the content of the article

Social conditions
Examine social conditions in Western culture, including the importance of privacy, personal space, and social hierarchy
Communication style
Sentence structure
analyzing the structure of presence to understand how they are formed and to identify any graphical errors or complex presence patterns
Compare the directness and openness of communication in Western culture with other cultural communication styles
Cultural phenomena in the text
Holiday cancellations
This paragraph delves deeper into the topic, exploring specific examples or cases that illustrate the main points It supports and expands on the ideas presented in the first paragraph
The target audience for this textbook is college students major in English or related fields, as well as self learners interested in improving their English proficiency
Examine social conditions in Western culture, including the importance of privacy, personal space, and social hierarchy
Communication style
Sentence structure
analyzing the structure of presence to understand how they are formed and to identify any graphical errors or complex presence patterns
Compare the directness and openness of communication in Western culture with other cultural communication styles
Cultural phenomena in the text
Holiday cancellations
This paragraph delves deeper into the topic, exploring specific examples or cases that illustrate the main points It supports and expands on the ideas presented in the first paragraph
The target audience for this textbook is college students major in English or related fields, as well as self learners interested in improving their English proficiency

Analysis of Article Structure
Recognizing text organization: Students should identify how the author organizes the text, such as through chronological order, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, etc. Understanding the organizational patterns can help them better understand the content
Basic English knowledge
Vocabulary learning
Summary words
Master basic vocabulary
Detailed description
Learn the basic vocabulary of English, including common nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as well as common phrases and expressions.
intonation, and rhythm, to help students produce standard English
Pronunciation training
Improving oral expression ability
Detailed description
Recognizing the importance of introductions and conclusions: introductions and conclusions are critical in understanding the overall message of the article They provide a framework for understanding the content and help readers grasp the main ideas

Basic Communication Skills
Lesson 1
Greeting and Introduction
Lesson 2
Giving and Receiving Information
Course outline
Lesson 3
Making and Responding to Suggestions and Requests
does not deviate from the topic.
Role playing
Role allocation
Assign different roles to students based on the course content.
Scenario simulation
Course Introduction
Course objectives
Improve students' English listening and speaking skills
Enhance students' language application capability in real life
Writing skills
Writing skills
Teach students how to improve their writing skills through writing techniques such as conceptualizing article structure, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and editing and proofreading articles.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The government and the public relations deteriorated.
A country 's international image damage.
He-shen case
He-shen Chinese history of famous
To sum up, no matter at all times and in all countries, corruption phenomenon has always existed .
Therefore, we should know some regulations .
Fighting with crime .
Today, we give you about sixth unit background
This article is about the corruption and bribery cases
Nowadays , bribery has become an international disease. As the world trade grows, so does bribery.
National anti-corruption regulations
❖such as Hong Kong set up to investigate the ICAC (廉政公署) port of corruption in the event
Singapore’s anticorruption law “regulation, the property can’t explain the civil legal sources(合法来 源), are regarded as corruption problem
corrupt officials he‘s got more money than god had such a proverb “ho-shen fall jiaqing,the full”(和珅跌 倒 嘉庆吃饱)
He has 3000 houses 8000 hectares of land and the amount of gold jewelry does bribery come?
1) Money; 2) Goods; 3) Services; 4) Securities or stock shares; 5) Extra discounts; 6) Nepotism; 7) …
Resent Corruption characteristics :
A growing number of crime
The amount of crime is more and more big
Crime more cunning (狡猾的)
Corruption and bribery industry, Department of
Cross-regional, cross-border crime increase
The harm of corruption and bribery :
Corruption undermines the social fairness and justice
Cause massive social resources was wasted, economic and social development efficiency.
The United States is one of the biggest bribery case
❖ 09, New Jersey two mayor, a deputy mayor, two state senator, 44 rabbi(犹太教士), for alleged bribery and money laundering, was the FBI arrested. Maximum amount involved for the mayor's Camara, is accused of $25000 in bribes, this is the largest in the history of one of corruption and bribery case, the scale's