又对en{0,, 0, 1, 0,, }X, || en||1,
|| T ||sup|| x ||1|| T x |||| T en|||| {0,, 0, an, 0,} || = | an|(5分)
所以|| T ||supn| an|M.
所以|| T ||M.(3分)
所以2A x, y0x, yH
所以A x0xH
4.证明无穷维赋范线性空间X的共轭空间X '也是无穷空间.
证设{ x1, x2,}是X中线性无关向量,
存在f1X ', f1(x1)0,
存在f2X ', f2(x2)0, f2(x1)0
存在f3X ', f3(x3)0, f3(x1)f3(x2)0
所以(T), (5分)
对[0, 1],定义线性算子T : XX,对xC [0, 1]
(T x) (t) x (t)t[0, 1]
由|| T x ||maxt[ 0, 1]| x (t) |
maxt[ 0, 1]| x (t) |
|| x ||
所以(A)[0, 1]. (5分)
令SB1A1B (XX),则
S TB1A1ABI, A B B1A1I (2分)
所以ST1,所以T是正则算子. (1分)
1.设X是度量空间, {xn}是X中Cauchy列,证明若存在{xn}的收敛子列{xn k},则{xn}收敛.
证设xX, xn kx (k)
对任何> 0,存在K, k > K时,
于是由定理(1.18*)可知,∀x ∈ [a, b], ∞ ∑ ne−nx f (x) = n=1 (∞ ) ∞ ∑ ∑ −nx ′ − nx ′ (e ) = e = n=1 n=1 ( ) ′ ex − ex = = (ex ex − 1 −1)2 由[a,b]的任意性可知 f (x) = −ex , x ∈ (0, +∞) (ex − 1)2n→+∞ຫໍສະໝຸດ lim f (x) = 0
⇒ ≤ |x1 − − 于 是 ,∀ε > 0,取δ = ε3 ,当x1 , x2 ∈ (0, +∞)且|x1 − x2 | < δ 时 1 1 1 3 3 |x1 − x2 | ≤ δ3 = ε 故f (x) = x 3 在(0, +∞)上是一致连续的。□ (注:老师给的答案里面写的是(0, +∞)) ■P22-8证明f (x) =
由ε的任意性,有 inf (A + B ) ≤ inf A + inf B (4)
(3)(4)一起表明inf (A + B ) = inf A + inf B 。□ ■P15-8 对于点列{xn } ⊂ R,若 1 , n = 1, 2, · · · 2n 求证{xn }是Cauchy列。又若 |xn+1 − xn | ≤
0 0
■P50-5(见 例2.14)设X 是 一 度 量 空 间 ,x0 ∈ X ,证 明f (x) = ρ(x, x0 )是X 上的连续函数。 [证] 实际上,对x, y ∈ X ,由下式 |f (y ) − f (x)| = |ρ(y, x0 ) − ρ(x, x0 )| ≤ ρ(y, x) 即可证明f 是连续映射(函数)。□ ■P50-6设X 是一度量空间,F ⊂ X 是一个非空闭集, 对x ∈ X ,记作inf {ρ(x, y ) : y ∈ F } = ρ(x, F ),证明:对 任意r > 0,集合{x ∈ X : ρ(x, F ) < r}是开集。 [证] 要 证A = {x ∈ X : ρ(x, F ) < r}是 开 集 , 只 需 证Ac = {x ∈ X : ρ(x, F ) ≥ r}是闭集。 设{xn } ⊂ Ac 且xn → x,下证x ∈ Ac ,由Ac 的定义可知 ∀y ∈ F, ρ(xn , y ) ≥ r 而且ρ(xn , x) → 0, n → +∞,于是对任意的y ∈ F ρ(x, y ) ≥ ρ(xn , y ) − ρ(xn , x) ≥ r − ρ(xn , x) 两边取极限得ρ(x, y ) ≥ r 由y 的任意性可知ρ(x, F ) ≥ r,即x ∈ Ac □ ■P58【 定 理2.14】 设A是 度 量 空 间X 中 的 一 个 紧 集,f 是定义在A上的一个连续函数,那么f 是有界 的,且上下确界可达。 [证] 先证f 有界。若不然,则存在xn ∈ A,使
2009年秋季学期《泛函分析》课程试卷B 卷(开卷考试)(适用专业:06级数学与应用数学 )卷面总分100分一、填空题(本题共10分,每小题2分)1。
如果度量空间X 有一个可数的( ),则称X 是可分空间。
完备度量空间X 的子空间M 是完备空间的充要条件为( )。
(X ,1d ),(Y ,2d )是两个度量空间,如存在X 到Y 上的映射T ,满足( ),则称(X ,1d )和(Y ,2d )等距同构。
线性赋范空间[,]p L a b ,若[,]p f L a b ∈,则f 的范数p f =( )。
(1)p l p <<+∞的共轭空间为( )。
任何线性赋范空间的共轭空间是Banach 空间。
( )2。
设Y 是Hilbert 空间X 的闭子空间,则成立Y Y ⊥⊥=。
( )3。
若X 是非空的完备度量空间,则X 是第一纲集。
( )4。
( )5。
( )三、证明题(本题共60分)1。
若(),()p q n n x x l y y l =∈=∈,用Holder 2。
设T 是线性赋范空间X 到线性赋范空间Y 的线性算子, 不等式证明Minkowski 不等式成立。
则T 为有界算子的充要条件为T 是X 上的连续算子。
设X 是Hilbert 空间,f 是X 上的连续线性泛函,那么6。
设X 是内积空间,M 是X 中非空凸集,并且按X 中由 存在唯一的z X ∈,使对每个x X ∈,有(),f x x z =<>,并且内积导出的距离完备,那么对于每个x X ∈,存在唯一的f z =。
y M ∈,使得(,)x y d x M -=。
泛函分析期末考试试卷(总分100分) 一、选择题(每个3分,共15分)1、设X 是赋范线性空间,X y x ∈,,T 是X 到X 中的压缩映射,则下列哪个式子成立( ).A .10<<-≤-αα, y x Ty Tx B.1≥-≤-αα, y x Ty Tx C.10<<-≥-αα, y x Ty Tx D.1≥-≥-αα, y x Ty Tx 2、设X 是线性空间,X y x ∈,,实数x 称为x 的范数,下列哪个条件不是应满足的条件:( ).A. 0等价于0且,0==≥x x xB.()数复为任意实,αααx x =C. y x y x +≤+D. y x xy +≤ 3、下列关于度量空间中的点列的说法哪个是错误的( ). A .收敛点列的极限是唯一的 B. 基本点列是收敛点列 C .基本点列是有界点列 D.收敛点列是有界点列 4、巴拿赫空间X 的子集空间Y 为完备的充要条件是( ). A .集X 是开的 B.集Y 是开的 C.集X 是闭的 D.集Y 是闭的5、设(1)p l p <<+∞的共轭空间为q l ,则有11p q+的值为( ).A. 1-B.12 C. 1 D. 12- 二、填空题(每个3分,共15分)1、度量空间中的每一个收敛点列都是( )。
2、任何赋范线性空间的共轭空间是( )。
3、1l 的共轭空间是( )。
4、设X按内积空间<x,y>成为内积空间,则对于X中任意向量x,y 成立不等式()当且仅当x与y线性相关时不等式等号成立。
( )2、距离空间中的列紧集都是可分的。
( )3、若范数满足平行四边形法则,范数可以诱导内积。
( )4、任何一个Hilbert空间都有正交基。
泛函分析试题及答案一、选择题1. 在泛函分析中,以下哪个概念描述了一个函数对于输入变量的敏感程度?A. 泛函B. 导数C. 凸函数D. 可测函数答案:B. 导数2. 设X和Y是两个Banach空间,f:X→Y是一个线性算子。
以下哪个条件可以保证f是有界线性算子?A. f是可逆的B. f是连续的C. f是紧致的D. f是自共轭的答案:B. f是连续的3. 在泛函分析中,以下哪个概念描述了一个函数在每个点上的局部模式与全局模式之间的一致性?A. 可微性B. 凸性C. 全纯性D. 一致连续性答案:B. 凸性4. 设X和Y是两个赋范空间,f:X→Y是一个线性算子。
以下哪个条件可以保证f是有界线性算子?A. f是单射且存在常数C>0,使得对于所有x∈X都有||f(x)|| ≤C||x||B. 对于每个有界集A ⊂ X,f(A)是有界集C. f是连续的D. f是满射答案:A. f是单射且存在常数C>0,使得对于所有x∈X都有||f(x)|| ≤ C||x||二、填空题1. 在Hilbert空间中,内积运算满足线性性和_____________性。
答案:共轭对称性2. 设X是一个有界完备度量空间,那么X是一个____________空间。
答案:Banach空间3. 在泛函分析中,将一个函数的导数定义为其_____________。
答案:弱导数4. 设X是一个线性空间,D是X上的一个有界线性算子。
如果对于所有x和y都有⟨Dx, y⟩ = ⟨x, Dy⟩,那么D被称为______________。
答案:自伴算子三、解答题1. 请简要说明什么是范数,并给出一些范数的例子。
它满足以下三个性质:- 非负性:对于任意向量x,其范数必须大于等于0,即||x|| ≥ 0,并且当且仅当x为零向量时,范数等于0。
- 齐次性:对于任意向量x和任意实数α,有||αx|| = |α| ||x||,其中|α|表示α的绝对值。
判断题:(1) 设X 是线性赋范空间,X 中的单位球是列紧集,则X 必为有限维。
√ (2) 距离空间中的列紧集都是可分的。
√(3) 若范数满足平行四边形法则,范数可以诱导内积。
× (4) 任何一个Hilbert 空间都有正交基。
×(5) 设X 是线性赋范空间,T 是X →X 的有界线性算子,若T 既是单射又是满射,则T 有逆算子。
× (6) 设X 是线性赋范空间,若X 与X *同构,则X 必是完备的。
√ (7) 设X 是Hilbert 空间,T 是线性算子,满足()(),,,,Tx y x Ty x y X =∈,则()T L X ∈。
√(8) 设M X ⊆是线性赋范闭子空间,若0x M ∉,则一定存在f X *∈,使()000,,1Mff x x f ===。
×(9) 设X 是Banach 空间,T 是X 上线性算子,如果()D T 是X 中的闭集且在X 中稠密,则T 有界。
√(10) 设{}n a l ∞⊆,定义2l 上的算子T 为{}(){}n n n T a ξξ=,则(){}p n T a σ=。
√1.设X 是有限维赋范空间,试证:X 上任意两个范数都是等价范数。
证明:令()()1212,,,X X X X =∙=∙,显然必存在有一个范数较强,不妨假设存在一个M>0,使得21x M x ≤。
取单位算子()12,I L X X ∈,这时有21Ix M x ≤,故I 是有界线性算子,显然I 是单射,满射,由逆算子定理可知,I 存在逆算子1I -,且有界,因而1121I x I x --≤,所以12,∙∙等价。
2.设X 是有限维赋范空间,试证:X 中弱收敛等价于按范数收敛。
证明:显然,在X 中按范数收敛的序列一定是弱收敛。
另一方面,取{}01,n n x X x X ∞=⊆∈,使得0w n x x −−→,即对于任意的T X *∈使得0lim n n Tx Tx →∞=。
2009年4月高等教育自学考试福建省统一命题考试实变与泛涵分析初步 试卷(课程代码 2012)一、填空题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
2.{自然数全体}~{正偶数全体},这只须令ϕ(x)=________,x 为自然数,(填写一 个一一映射).4.设E={(0,y)∣ Y∈(0,1)∩Q},则E’=____________ 。
5.设P 为康托尔集则mp=___________。
6.开区间(d ,b)可以写成(a ,b)=_________故它是F σ型集.7.填写叶果洛夫定理:设mE<∞,∣⎰n (x)∣是E 上一列a. e .收敛于一个a .e.有限函数f(x)的可测函数,则 _____________。
10.设E 为自然数集,则dx x E 2⎰=__________。
13.__________线性赋范空间称为Banach 空间.14.如果度量空间(x ,d)中___________那么称(x .d)是完备的度量空间.15.设X 和Y 是两个同为实(或复)的线性空间,Q 是x 的线性子空问,T 是Q 到Y 中的映射, 如果Q y x ∈∀,,及数α,成立T(X+Y)=________,T(αx)=_________,则称T 为Q 到Y 中的线性算子.二、定理证明 (本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)16.设A 、B 都是可测集,则A ∪ B 也是可测集17.设f(x)在[a ,b]上R 可积,则它必同时L 可积目.有相同积分值:三、本大题共8分 18.设Q 为有理数集,A=[0,1]一Q ,试证A =C .四、本大题共8分19.证明可数点集外测度为零.五、本大题共10分20.设在E 上⎰n (x)⇒⎰(x),g n (x)⇒ g(x),且上⎰n (x)≤g n (x)在E 上a .e .成立,n=1,2,…,则⎰(x )≤g(x)a .e .于E六、本大题共8分七、本大题共8分八、本大题共8分23.设 ⎰ (x)在〔a ,b 〕上绝对连续.且(x )≤0 a.e.于〔a ,b 〕,则以⎰ (x)为减函数。
1.设f (x )在E 上有定义,D 与D ′是E 的两个可测分划,D ′是D 的加细,s (D ′,f )与s (D ,f )分别表示f (x )在E 上的两个Darboux 小和,则有( )A.s (D ,f )≤s (D ′,f )B.s (D ,f )=s (D ′,f )C.s (D ,f )≥s (D ′,f )D.不能确定2.设Q 是R 中有理数的全体,则在R 中Q 的闭包Q 是( )A.QB.φC.RD.R \Q 3.设{F n }是一列闭集,F = ∞=1n F n ,则F 一定是( )A.开集B.闭集C.开集,也是闭集D.不能确定二、判断题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)判断下列各题,正确的在题后括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。
1.可数个可数集的并集是不可数集.( )2.若点集E 的任一个聚点属于E ,则E 一定是闭集.( )3.设P 是Cantor 三分集,x ∈P ,则x 一定不是内点.( )4.设A ,B 是R n 中的两个可测集,则A ∩B 不一定可测.( )5.Dirichlet 函数是不可测函数.( )6.设f (x )是[a ,b ]上的单调函数,则f ′(x )a.e 存在.( )三、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1.设{}∞=1n n A =1是一列单调递增的集列,则∞→n lim A n =______. 2.设E ⊂R n 是开集,则CE 是R n 中______(开,闭)集.3.Lebesgue 可测集可以表示为______集与零测度集的和集.4.设f +(x )与f -(x )分别是f (x )的正部与负部,则|f (x )|用f +(x )与f -(x )表示为|f (x )|=______.5.设f (x )在E 上Lebesgue 可积,则对任意可测子集A ⊂E ,⎰→A mA x f dx )(lim0=______. 6.设F 1⊂R p ,F 2⊂R q 为闭集,则F 1×F 2是Rp +q 中的______(开,闭)集.是第2页- 7.设F n =[n 1,1-n 1],n=3,4,…,则 ∞=3n n F =______. 8.设f (x )是[a ,b ]上有界变差函数,E ={x ∈[a ,b ]|f ′(x )}不存在,则mE =______.9.)( Is A C ∈αα =______. 10.设mA n =0,E = ∞=1n n A,则mE =______.四、完成下列各题(本大题共4小题,每小题9分,共36分)1.设E 是函数y =⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠00,0,1sin x x x 的图形上的点所组成的集合,在R 2中讨论0E ,E ′,∂E ,E . 2.设f (x )在E =[a ,b ]上可积,试证明:对于任意ε>0,存在E 上的连续函数ϕ(x )使得⎰<-εdx |(x)|f(x)abϕ.3.设E 可测,试证明:对于任意ε>0,存在开集G 与闭集F 使得F ⊂E ⊂G 且m (G -E )<ε,m (E -F )<ε.4.设mE <∞,f n (x )(n =1,2,…)是点集E 上a.e 有限的可测函数列,f n (x )(n =1,2,…)a.e.收敛于有限函数f (x ),则对任意ε>0,存在常数C 与可测集E 0⊂E ,m (E \E 0)<ε使得对一切自然数n ,有|f n (x )|≤C .。
第 1 页 共 1 页 09级泛函分析习题(1)一、设),(y x d 为空间X 上的距离,试证:),(1),(),(~x y d x y d x y d +=也是X 上的距离。
二、设1p ≥,1()()(,,,)i n n p n x l ξξ=∈ , ,2,1=n ,1(,,,)p i x l ξξ=∈ ,则n →∞时,1()1(,)0p p n n i i i d x x ξξ∞=⎛⎫=-→ ⎪⎝⎭∑的充要条件为)1(n →∞时,()n i i ξξ→,1,2,i = ;)2(0ε∀>,存在0N >,使得()1pn i i N ξε∞=+<∑对任何自然数n 成立。
三、在],[b a L p )1(≥p 上定义距离:()1(,)()()bp p a d x y x t y t dt =-⎰,则在此距离诱导的极限意义下,)(t x n 收敛于)(t x 的充要条件为)1()(t x n 依测度收敛于)(t x ;)2({})(t x n 在],[b a 上具有等度绝对连续的积分。
四、F 是距离空间X 中闭集的充分必要条件为对任何F 中点列{}n x ,n x x X →∈,必有x F ∈。
五、设B 是距离空间X 中闭集,试证必有一列开集 ,21n O O O ,,,包含B ,并且∞==1n n O B 。
六、设X 为距离空间,21F F ,为X 中不相交的闭集,试证:存在开集21G G ,,使得Φ=21G G ,11F G ⊃,22F G ⊃。
八、设X 为距离空间,A 为X 中的子集,令),(inf )(y x d x f A y ∈=,X x ∈,试证:)(x f 是X上的连续函数。
九、试证:T 是距离空间X 到距离空间Y 中的连续映射的充要条件为Y 中任何闭集F 的原像F T 1-是X 中的闭集。
十、试证:p l )1(≥p 是完备的距离空间。
泛函分析试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 在泛函分析中,下列哪个概念不是线性空间的公理之一?A. 封闭性B. 加法结合律C. 交换律D. 分配律答案:A2. 一个线性泛函在定义域内是连续的,那么它在定义域内也是:A. 有界的B. 无界的C. 可微的D. 可导的答案:A3. 紧算子一定是:A. 有界算子B. 单射算子C. 满射算子D. 可逆算子答案:A4. 希尔伯特空间中,下列哪个性质不是正交性的定义?A. 正交向量的长度不为零B. 正交向量的内积为零C. 正交向量的数量可以是无限的D. 正交向量在同一个空间中答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述什么是巴拿赫空间,并给出一个例子。
2. 什么是紧算子?请解释其性质。
三、计算题(每题20分,共40分)1. 设线性算子A在希尔伯特空间H上定义,且满足A^*A = I,证明A是单射的。
答案:设x, y属于H,且Ax = Ay,那么A^*(Ax) = A^*(Ay),即x = y。
2. 给定线性泛函f在希尔伯特空间H上定义,且满足f(x) = <x, y>,其中y是H中的一个固定向量。
答案:由于f(x) = <x, y>,根据内积的性质,|f(x)| ≤ ||x||||y||,其中||y||是y的范数。
四、论述题(每题20分,共20分)1. 论述希尔伯特空间中正交投影算子的性质。
答案:希尔伯特空间中的正交投影算子P具有以下性质:- P是线性的。
- P是自伴的,即P^* = P。
一 (X, ρ)是完备的距离空间,Ωn ⊂ X 列紧,n = 1, 2,…,问 Ωn 是
设 xn = Cn · e + yn,要证 x = C · e + y,y ∈ X0。
d(xn, xm) = xn − xm = (Cn − Cm)e + (yn − ym)
=| Cn − Cm | ·
yn Cn
− −
ym Cm
d | Cn − Cm |
其中 d = d( e, X0) > 0。 所以 | Cn − Cm |−→ 0。Cn −→ C,yn −→ y ∈ X0( X0 闭)。
要证明 E 中有界集是列紧集,由 Arzela-Ascoli 定理,只需要证明一
致有界和等度连续即可。只证等度连续:对于 ∀f (x) ∈ E, x, y ∈ [0, 1],都
| f (x) − f (y) |=|
y x
y x
考虑等价范数 f C1[0,1]= f C[0,1] + f C[0,1],由 (E , · C1 ) 和 (E , · C[0,1]) 的完备性,知 f (t) 有界。
f1 与 f2 结合为 f ,由 三 知 f 连续。
五 设 X 是 B 空 间 ,A, B ∈ L(X), 若 AB = BA, 则 对 ∀λ,Eλ = ker(λI − B) 一定是 A 的不变子空间。
09年高考模拟试题广东省2009年高考模拟卷(二)()测试题 2019.91,24.在历经59年的波折和期待之后,两岸的客机、轮船和信件,历史性地跨越台湾海峡,不再绕经第三地而直接通往彼岸,基本实现直接"三通"。
这反映出①物质决定意识②人们可以根据事物固有联系,建立新的具体联系③实践具有社会历史性④事物的变化发展是前进性和曲折性的统一A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④2,25.党的十一届三中全会以来,我们始终以改革开放为强大动力,在新中国成立以后取得成就的基础上,推动各项事业取得举世瞩目的新的伟大成就。
这说明①上层建筑一定要适应经济基础的状况②生产关系一定要适应生产力发展的状况③辩证的否定是事物发展的环节④社会存在决定意识A.①②④ B.②⑧④ C.①③④ D.①②③3,26.右边《大学生就业》这幅漫画给我们的哲学启示是A. 人生价值的实现完全靠主观能动性的发挥B. 价值选择因时间、地点和条件的变化而不同C. 大学生要转变就业观念,树立竞争就业观D. 大学生要在个人与社会的统一中实现价值4,二、选择题II:本大题共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分。
27. 国有经济起主导作用,主要体现在控制力上。
这说明了A.国家财政具有促进国民经济平稳运行的作用B.国家财政是促进社会公平,改善人民生活的物质保障C.国家财政在社会经济中发挥巨大作用D.国家财政具有促进资源合理配置的作用29. 2009年1月19日,西藏人大通过决议,决定把每年3月28日设为西藏百万农奴解放纪念日。
1、下列说法不正确的是()A、n维欧式空间疋是可分空间B、全体有理数集为疋的可数稠密了集C、严是不可分空间D、若X为不可数集则离散度量空间X是可分的答案:D2、设T是度量空间(X,d)到度量空间(Y, d~)的映射,那么T在xocx连续的充要条件是()A、:1 2 3 4 51 x n—x° (n-co)时,B、当Xn—Xo (mcc)时,C、当x0—>x n (n—)时,D、当x n—Xg(n—0)时,答案:D必有TxnfTxo (n—xx) 必有Tx()—>Tx n(n—>oo)必有Txn—>Tx°(n—>oo)必有Txn- T XQ(n—0)答案:原像是X中的开集2设T是赋范线性空间X到赋范线性空间Y屮的线性算了,则T为有界算子的充要条件是T是X上的____ 匚答案:连续算子。
3若T为复内积空间X上有界线性算子,那么T=0的充要条件是対一切xCX有 _________________________________________________________________________ 匚答案:(Tx, x)=04有界线性算子T的共馳算子尸也是有界线性算子,并且_『11。
答案:=5设仏}是巴拿赫空间X上的一列泛函,如果仏}在X的每点X处有界,那么{仏} _______________________________________________________________________ o_答案:一致有界B 、(A*)*=A** D 、(aA)*=aA* 3、在度量空间屮有()A 、 柯西点列一定收敛,但是每一个收敛点列不一定是柯西点列B 、 柯西点列一定收敛,而且每一个收敛点列是柯西点列C 、 柯西点列不一定收敛,但是每一个收敛点列都是柯西点列D 、 柯西点列不一定收敛,但是每一个收敛点列不一定是柯西点列 答案:C4、 关于巴拿赫空间叙述不正确的是()A 、 完备的赋范线性空间称为巴拿赫空间B 、 L p [a, b] (p>l )是巴拿赫空间C 、 空间卩是巴拿赫空间D 、 赋范线性空间的共轨空间不是巴拿赫空间 答案:D5、 下列对共純算子性质描述错误的是()A 、(A+B)*=A*+B*; C^ 当 X=Y 时,(AB)*=B*A* 答案:B 二、填空题1、度量空间X 到Y 中的映射T 是X 上的连续映射的充要条件为Y 中的任意开集M 为三、判断题1、 自伴算子一定为正常算子,正常算子不一定是自伴算子。
1. Which bus will the woman take?A. No.5 or 50.B. No.5 or 15.C. No.15 or 50.2. What is the man’s telephone number?A. 1366598.B. 1365698.C. 1565689.3. What’s the trouble with Jack?A. He has had a traffic accident.B. He doesn’t know the speed limit.C. He is driving too fast on the road.4. Who will meet Mr. Hans at the airport ?A. Only the woman.B. Either the man or the woman .C. Both the two speakers.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. They are talking about what to buy for the woman’s father.B. They are talking about what the woman’s father’ll like.C. They are talking about what to do in the evening.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
泛函分析模拟试题一、 叙述题1、 在度量空间(),X ρ中,列紧集、完全有界集的定义及二者之间的关系列紧集:设A 是度量空间(),X ρ的一个子集,若{}n x A ∀⊂在X 中有一个收敛子列{}kn x ,则称A 为列紧集;完全有界集:M 是度量空间(),X ρ的一个子集,0ε∀>,都存在M 的一个有穷ε网,则称M 为完全有界集。
关系:()A M ⊂列紧集一定是完全有界集,完全有界集不一定是列紧集:但在完备的度量空间中,列紧集与完全有界集等价(即A M ⇔)2、 在欧式空间nR 中,有界集、完全有界集和列紧集三者之间的关系;紧集与有界闭集的关系在欧式空间n R 中,有界集⇔完全有界集⇔列紧集, 紧集⇔有界闭集 二、证明题:1、 线性算子T 在D 上连续⇔T 在D 上有界。
证 充分性:因为T 在D 上有界,故0, T Mx D x M x∃>∀∈≤成立,即Tx T M x θθ-≤-,故T 在θ点连续,从而T 在D 上连续;必要性:若T 在D 无界,0,,..n n nn x D s t Tx n x ∀>∃∈>令n n nx y n x =,则10n n nx y n x n==→,即0n y →。
又因为T 连续,故0n n Ty T Ty θθ=⇒→→,这与1n n nTx Ty n x => 矛盾,故假设不成立,即T 在D 上有界。
2、 求证(),l X Y 为B 空间。
(其中X 为*B 空间,Y 为B 空间) 证 显然(),l X Y 是一个线性空间,兹证T 是范数:()0,000T T T x x X T ≥=⇔=∀∈⇔=;12121212111s u p s u p s u p x x x T T T x T x T xT x T T===+=+≤+=+;11sup sup x x aT aTx a Tx a T=====。
设{}(),n T l X Y ∀⊂为基本列,由0,,,N n N p N ε+∀>∃∀>∀∈,有1sup n n p n n p x T T T x T x ε++=-=-< ⇒ 0,,,,N n N p N x X ε+∀>∃∀>∀∈∀∈,有n n p T x T x xε+-<,说明{}n T x 为Y 中的基本列,而Y 为B 空间()n T x y Y n →∈→∞,记Tx y =。
泛函分析试题及答案### 泛函分析试题及答案#### 一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 泛函分析中,下列哪个概念不是线性空间的概念?A. 线性组合B. 线性映射C. 线性泛函D. 非线性变换答案:D2. 在Banach空间中,以下哪个条件不是完备性的必要条件?A. 空间中的每个Cauchy序列都收敛于空间内B. 空间是完备的C. 空间中存在一个完备的度量D. 空间中的每个有界序列都有一个收敛的子序列答案:C3. 泛函分析中,Hilbert空间的完备性是相对于哪种范数?A. 欧几里得范数B. 赋范范数C. 内积诱导的范数D. 以上都是答案:C4. 下列哪个定理不是泛函分析中的基本定理?A. Hahn-Banach定理B. Riesz表示定理C. 闭图定理D. 微积分基本定理答案:D#### 二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. 线性泛函在定义域上的连续性等价于其在定义域的原点处的连续性,这是基于泛函分析中的________定理。
答案:Hahn-Banach2. 在Hilbert空间中,任意两个向量的内积满足平行四边形法则,即对于任意向量\( u \)和\( v \),有\( \|u+v\|^2 + \|u-v\|^2 =2(\|u\|^2 + \|v\|^2) \),这是基于________定理。
答案:平行四边形3. 线性算子的谱半径公式为\( r(T) = \lim_{n \to \infty}\|T^n\|^{1/n} \),其中\( T \)是Banach空间上的有界线性算子,这是基于________定理。
答案:Gelfand公式4. 在泛函分析中,紧算子的定义是:如果对于空间中的每一个有界序列,其在算子下的像序列都有一个收敛的子序列,则称该算子为紧算子,这是基于________定理。
答案:Arzelà-Ascoli#### 三、简答题(每题15分,共30分)1. 简述Riesz表示定理的内容及其在泛函分析中的意义。
2009年高考模拟试题大题汇编(三)D证明:线段AN、AL、BL、BM、CM、CN的长分别设为a1、a2、b1、b2、c1、c2,设LN、LM、MN的长为x、y、z,x2= a 12+a22–2a1a2cos60o= a12+a22–a1a2同理:y2= b12+b22–b1b2,z2= c12+c22–c1c2,x2+y2+z2 = a12+a22+b12+b22+c12+c22–a1a2–b1b2–c1c2……请利用(1)的结论,把证明过程补充完整;A/2A/3……A/n内接于边长为1的正n边形(3) 已知n边形A/1A1A2…A n,(n≥4),思考会有相应的什么结论?请提出一个的命题,并给与正确解答。
5.(上海市普陀区2008学年度第二学期高三年级质量调研)如图,四棱锥P ABCD-中,PA⊥平面ABCD,四边形ABCD是直角梯形,其中DA ABAD BC.⊥,//AB=22===,22PA AD BC(1)求异面直线PC与AD所成角的大小;(2)若平面ABCD内有一经过点C的曲线E,该曲线上的任一动点Q都满足PQ与AD所成角的大小恰等于PC与AD所成角. 试判断曲线E的形状并说明理由;(3)在平面ABCD内,设点Q是(2)题中的曲线E在直角梯形ABCD 内部(包括边界)的一段曲线CG上的动点,其中G为曲线E和DC的交点. 以B为圆心,BQ为半径的圆分别与梯形的边AB 、BC 交于M 、N 两点. 当Q 点在曲线段GC 上运动时,试提出一个研究有关四面体P BMN -的问题(如体积、线面、面面关系等)并尝试解决. 【说明:本小题将根据你提出的问题的质量和解决难度分层评分;本小题的计算结果可以使用近似值,保留3位小数】6.(辽宁省营口市2009届高三高考模拟考试)设函数)(x f 的定义域为R ,当0<x 时,1)(>x f ,且对于任意的实数y x ,都有 )()()(y f x f y x f ⋅=+成立,(1)求)0(f 的值,判断并证明函数)(x f 的单调性; (2)若数列}{na 满足)(,)2(1)(),0(11++∈--==N n a f a f f an n ,求}{na 的通项公式;(3)如果21)1(=f ,)(lg n na f b=,求数列}{nb 的前n 项和nS .7.(河南省周口市2009年高三年级第一次模拟考试)已知各项都不为零的数列{}na 的ABCDP前n 项和是nS ,且112n n n S a a +=*()n N ∈,11a=,令12(21)(21)nnn a n a a b +=--,数列{}nb 的前n 项和是nT*()n N ∈。
2009年高考模拟试题广东省2009年高考模拟试卷测试题 2019.91,16.为了吸引投资者投资当地政府出台了相关补贴政策,那么下列说法正确的是()A. e点所在区域范围扩大B. 企业利润增多,但分布范围减小C. 成本费用的最低值会升高D. 图中a与b点间的距离会增加2,读我国承转全球IT产业转移的路径(图8)和IT全球化竞争的金字塔模型示意图(图9),回答17-18题。
17、图8中,我国承转全球IT产业转移的路径①是指()A.珠江三角洲 B.长江三角洲 C.环渤海地区D.闽南地区3,18、图9为IT全球化竞争的金字塔模型,c是指()A.制造和生产环节B.品牌和核心技术C.加工和组装环节D.市场和运输环节4,图10反映的是某跨国公司逐步扩展的四个阶段。
图1019.从阶段l到阶段4,推动该跨国公司发展的最主要动力是()A.占领市场 B.靠近原料地C.获得廉价劳动力 D.保证能源供应5,20.该跨国公司向国外扩展的最早方式是设立()A.工厂 B.销售代理商C.销售部 D.研发中心6,二、双项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分。
每小题全选对得3 分,只选一项且选对者,得 1 分,其余情况不得分。
八大行星都在椭圆的轨道上按同一方向绕(c)与半长轴(a)之比:e = c/a。
21.根据上表有关参数,描述八大行星绕日公转的共同特征是()A.八大行星的公转轨道面都接近黄道B.八大行星的公转轨道的形状都接近正圆C.八大行星的公转轨道面都接近地球赤道面D.八大行星的公转周期相差不大7,某研究人员依据我国多年平均气候资料,按一定方向分别选取了A→F 和①→⑥共12个地区,分类绘成图11中的甲、乙两图。
2009——2010 学年第一学期08级英语泛读试题(A套)SECTION A : READING COMPREHENSION [45 MIN.]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that you think is the best answer.TEXT AMany of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simple change the nature of work instead of eliminating it. Machines have acertain novelty value, like toys for adults. It is certainly less tiring to put clothes in a washing machine, but the time saved does not really amount to much: the machine has to be watched, the clothes have to be carefully sorted out first, stains removed by hand, buttons pushed and water changed, clothes taken out, aired and ironed. It would be more liberating to pack it all off to a laundry and not necessarily more expensive, since no capital investment is required. Similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop. If one compares the image of the woman in the women’s magazine with the goods advertised by those periodicals, one realizes how useful a projected image can be commercially.A careful balance has to be struck: if you show a labor-saving device, follow it up with a complicated’ recipe on the next page; on no account hint at the notion that a woman could get herself a job, but instead foster her sense of her own usefulness, emphasizing the creative aspect of her function as a housewife. So we get cake mixes where the cook simply adds an egg herself, to produc e “that lovely homo-baked flavo r the family love”, and knitting patterns that can be made by hand, or worse still, on knitting machines, which became tremendously fashionable when they were first introduced. Automatic cookers are advertised by pictures of pretty young mothers taking their children to the park, not by professional women presetting the dinner before leaving home for work.1. According to the passage, many of the home electric goods which aresupposed to liberate woman___.A. remove unpleasant aspects of houseworkB. save the housewife very little timeC. save the housewife’s time but not her moneyD. have absolutely no value for the housewife2. According to the context, “capital investment” refers to money___.A. spent on a washing machineB. borrowed from the bankC. saved in the bankD. lent to other people3. The good s advertised in women’s magazines are really meant to ___.A. free housewives from houseworkB. encourage housewives to go out to workC. make housewives into excellent cooksD. give them a false sense of fulfillmentTEXT BThe “standard of living” of any country means the average person’s share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’ s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is n ot money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.A country’s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, and for this and other reasons have been unable to develop their resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadly , and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Industrialized countries that h ave trained numerous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.A country’s standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For example, Britain’s wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would otherwise be lacking. A country’s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.4. The standard of living in a country is determined by ___.A. its goods and servicesB. the type of wealth producedC. how well it can create wealthD. what an ordinary person can share5. A country’s capacity to pr oduce wealth depends on all the factors EXCEPT ___.A. people’s share of its goodsB. political and social stabilityC. qualities of its workersD. use of natural resources6. According to the passage, ___ play an equally important rule indeterminin g a country’s standard of living.A. farm productsB. industrial .goodsC. foodstuffsD. export and importTEXT CHow we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when arein our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell ns,we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boy’s hai r in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull.What causes fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats, for example. In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men followed his example.There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, short skirts became fashionable. After World War Two, they dropped to ankle length. Then they got shorter and shorter the miniskirt was in fashion. After a few more years, skirts became longer again.Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity of jeans and the “untidy” look seems to be a reactionagainst the increasingly expensive fashion of the top fashion houses.At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for a job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater; and it would be discourteous to visit some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a night club. However, you need never feel depressed if you don’t look like the latest fashion photo. Look around you and you’ll see that no one else does either!7. The author thinks that people are ___.A. satisfied with their appearanceB. concerned about appearance in old ageC. far from neglecting what is in fashionD. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion8. Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to___.A. confidence in lifeB. personal dressC. individual hair styleD. personal future9. Causes of fashions are ___.A. uniformB. variedC. unknownD. inexplicable.10. Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes___.A. uniformityB. formalityC. informalityD. individuality11. Which is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Care about appearance in formal situations.B. Fashion in formal and informal situations.C. Ignoring appearance in informal situations.D. Ignoring appearance in all situations.TEXT DMassive changes in all of the world’ s deeply cherished sporting habits are underway. Whether it’s one of London’s parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Super bowl rivaling theBritish Football Cup Final as a televised spectator event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our sporting culture.That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irishriders.The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that.This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, but made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Cola or Budweiser as well.The skilful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major money-making events. The economics of the Super bowl are alreadyastronomical. With seats at US $125, gate receipts alone were a staggering $ 10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $ 100,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minute halves, to one of four25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relies for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, so we will demand to see them played at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a “World Tide” fight,and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!12. Globalization of sporting culture means that ___.A. more people are taking up sports.B. traditional sports are getting popular.C. many local sports are becoming internationalD. foreigners are more interested in local sports13. Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?A. Good economic returns.B. Revival of sports.C. Communications technology.D. Marketing strategies.14. What is the author’s attitud e towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four25-minute quarters?A. Favorable.B. Unclear.C. Reserved.D. Critical.15. People want to see higher-level sports competitions mainly because ___.A. they become more professional than ever.B. they regard sports as consumer goods.C. there exist few world-class championshipsD. sports events are exciting and stimulatingSECTION B SKIMMING AND SCANNING [15 MIN.]In this section there are seven passages wit multiple-choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers.TEXT EFirst read the following question.16. The main purpose of the passage is to___.A. warn people of pickpockets.B. tell people what to wear.C. describe how to catch thieves.D. explain how to contact the police.Now, go through TEXT E quickly and answer question 81.Pickpockets operate in crowded places in the hope of getting easy pickings. Don’t make it easy for them. Keep wallets, purses and other valuables out of sight. If wearing a jacket, an inside pocket is the best place to use. If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.Please co-operate with the police by reporting any crime or suspicious activityimmediately, either by dialing 110 or calling at your nearest police station.TEXT FFirst read the following question.17. The main topic of the passage is ___.A. agricultural productsB. irrigation methodsC. natural resourcesD. water shortagesNow, go through TEXT F quickly and answer question 82.It is widely accepted that China is a country faced with severe water shortages. Insufficient water resources have slowed agricultural development. And to make matters worse, some of the traditional Chinese irrigation methods have wasted an astonishing amount of water.In China today, the utilization efficiency of farming water is about 30-40 per cent. This figure stands in sh arp contrast to developed countries’ utilization average of 70-80 per cent. The low utilization efficiency has resulted from the adoption of some traditional Chinese irrigation methods.Only by using modern irrigation methods can we reduce water shortage in agriculture.One of the advantages of modern irrigation methods is that they alone can save 20-30 per cent of the present volume of wasted irrigation water.TEXT GFirst read the following question.18. The letter is about___.A. cities in South-east AsiaB. holiday greetingsC. sightseeingD. travel plansNow, go through TEXT G quickly and answer question 83.May 5th 2002Dear Mark,Hello again! Here are my holiday plans. I’ll leave on a to ur of South-east Asia in August and will arrive in Singapore in September. Hope we’ll be able to meet there. These are my travel plans:August 28th London-TokyoSeptember 1st T okyo-BangkokSeptember 4th Bangkok-SingaporeSeptember 7th Singapore-ManilaSeptember 9th Manila-LondonLooking forward to seeing you again.Best wishesChristopherTEXT HFirst read the following question.19. Who will read the following excerpt from a pamphlet?A. Travelers.B. Baby-sitters.C. Insurance agents.D. Traffic police.Now, go through TEXT H quickly and answer question 84.DAY TRIPSEven if you are only going on a day trip to another country , accidents can happen. So please make sure you have adequate travel insurance.TAKE CARE IN WATERBathing will cool you but remember that fatal accidents can happen very easily and in the most unexpected conditions. Adults should watch each other for signs of trouble when in water. Children should always be supervised by an adult who can swim well. Young children should never be left unattended near a stretchof water.TAKE CARE ON THE ROADSTraffic accidents are the major cause of death among travelers. Whether driver or pedestrian, always check on local traffic regulations.TEXT IFirst read the following questions.20. How many performances will the Irish dancing troupe give between June 23 and 25?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.Now, go through TEXT I quickly and answer Questions 20..Irish dance: The Irish International Dance Company, one of the most dynamic dance troupes in the world, will tour China with its classic production" Spirit of the Dance-----the New Millennium."The dancers include such famous names as Patricia Murray, one of the Irish dancing champions, and first-rate ballerina Claire Holding. Sponsored by China National Culture and Art Company Ltd. , the dancing troupe will give three performances at the Century Theatre.Time: 7:30 pm. June 23--25Place: Century Theatre, 40 Liangmaqiaolu,Telephone: 6551-8888Piano solos: twenty Chinese and foreign piano music works will be played by threeyoung, promising pianists from the China Central Conservatory of Music.Programs include: "Consolation No 3 in D-flat major" by Liszt, "For Elise' byBeethoven, "Turkish March" by Mozart, "Waltz in C-sharp minor" and "A Minute Waltz" by Chopin, and "Hungarian Dance" by Brahms.Time: 7:30 pm, June 16Place: Beijing Concert Hall,Telephone: 6605-5812SECTION CRESKIMMING AND RESCANNING [25 MIN.]In this section there are ONE passages with multiple-choice questions. Reskim, or rescan them as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.About 85 percent of the people who smoke wish they could stop, and yet they have to go through the agony of quitting. Read the following text and know more about the hazards of smoking, some valuable precautionsagainst falling into tobacco abuse.In 1988, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop declared that cigarettes are as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Scientists and smokers who have tried to quit have known for a long time that smoking is addictive. They have said that smokers are hooked on their own kind of drug, nicotine. However, with this new declaration, it is clearer that smoking is a medical problem. When a smoker who tries to stop has a difficult time, it is not a sign of weakness. Smoking is more than just a bad habit such as eating too much sweet food.If this is the case, why do so many people start in the first place? Do they fear being different? Do they think smoking will relax them? Do they hope that smoking will help them cover up their awkwardness and shyness? Do they worry that they will be called "chicken" if they don't smoke? What can you say when someone accuses you of being afraid to smoke? There are some easy answers, whether you are being pushed to smoke tobacco or marijuana.Molly learned a good answer through a skit that was part of a so-called inoculation1 program in her social-studies class. In the skit Molly's friends Bill, Mary, and Tim played the parts of teenagers who smoked. Molly's character was someone who had decided not to smoke and resisted being branded a weirdo when she refused a cigarette that was offered to her.。
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在 C[0,2] 上定义 f ( x (t )) = ∫0tx(t )dt x (1) 。
(6 五、叙述并证明 Lax-Milgram 定理。 分) 设 证明{ xn }依范数收敛到 x 的充要条件为: 六、 X 为 Hilbert 空间。
x n w x, 且 lim x n →
n →∞
≥ x . (10 分)
→ 七、 设 x n = nte nt 。证明在 C[0,1] 中 x n w x, 但 {xn } 不依范数收
敛。 (10 分) 八、设 X 与 Y 为 Banach 空间,且 T : D(T ) X → Y 为有界线性算子。 1.证明 T 能唯一地延拓到 D(T) 上的成为 D(T) 上的有界线性算子; (5 分) 2.若 N(T)=0 且 D(T ) 为闭子空间。证明 R(T)为闭子空间的充要 条件为: a > 0, Tx ≥ a x . (5 分)
共 2 页
第 1 页
10. 设 M 是 Hilbert 空间 X 的闭子空间,P : X → M 为投影算子,则 || P || = .
三、叙述题(每小题 4 分) 叙述题 每小题 11. 内积空间;12. 逆算子定理;13. Riesz 表示定理; 14. 弱收敛;15. 全有界;16. 算子的剩余谱. (10 分) 四、求以下有界线性泛函范数。 1. 2. 在 L2 [0,2] 上定义 f ( x (t )) = ∫0 t x (t )dt ∫ x (t )dt ;
西 安 交 通 大 学 考 试 题 模拟院
考 试 日 期 年 月 日
专业班号 姓 名 学 号 期中 期末
一、判断题(每小题 3 分) 判断题 每小题 1. 有限维线性赋范空间一定是 Banach 空间。( ) ) )
2. 设 X 是有限维线性赋范空间,则 X 上的范数都是等价的.( 3. 线性赋范空间中的完备线性子空间是闭线性子空间.( 4. 闭线性算子总是连续线性算子.( )
5. 若 C 是以θ为内点的闭凸子集,则 C 的 Minkowski 泛函是连续 的.( ) ) )
6. 设 X 是无穷维 Banach 空间, T∈L ( X ), ρ ( T )是开集. 若 则 ( 7. 设 X, Y 是 Banach 空间, T∈L ( X, Y ) T *∈L ( Y *, X * ). 则 ( 二、填空题(每小题 3 分) 填空题 每小题 8. 设 f : L2[0, 1] → R 为 f (x) = ∫[0, 1] x(t) dt.则|| f || = 9. 设 X 是 Banach 空间, T∈L(X), λ | > || T ||, Rλ (T) = 若| 则 .