Simon & Garfunkel







视觉运动Simon效应源于刺激位置自动激活其同侧反应所产生的影响,认知Simon 效应源于转译生成的编码间的相互干扰,两者分别与背侧通路和腹侧通路的加工有关。

关键词Simon效应;反应时分布;单侧化准备电位;视觉运动Simon效应;认知Simon效应分类号B8421 引言刺激反应相容性(stimulus ResponseCompatibility’SRC)是影响人类动作控制和反应选择的重要因素之一,它由Fitts和Seeger于1953年首次提出。










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simon范文第2篇part1 和2 是整个口最简单拿高分的部分,这个环节回答的好了,part3 也会水到渠成,大家务必重视。

关于part2,简单考察的话题就那么多,大家可以在训练营get 一下免费的题库,然后分为不同的话题,积累不同的表达,着重背诵和练习。




对于真题上面的题目,可以预留1 个月的时间,着重练习一遍,检验自己的复习效果,也看看真题一般是怎么考察的。


simon范文第3篇雅思阅读对阅读速度要求是很高的,一共三篇学术文章,有40 个题目,答题时间仅仅只有 1 个小时左右,想都读完读懂做题是完全不行能的事情。







下面小编给大家带来雅思Simon考官大作文范文:大学网上课程题目:Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a positive or negative development?范文:It is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of university education. Although there are some drawbacks of Internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far more benefits.The main drawback of the trend towards online university courses is that there is less direct interaction. Students may not have the opportunity to engage face-to-face with their teachers, and will instead have to rely on written forms of communication. Similarly, students who study online do not come into direct contact with each other, and this could have a negative impact on peer support, discussion and exchange of ideas. For example, whereas students on traditional courses can attend seminars and even discuss their subjects over coffee after lessons, online learners are restricted to chatting through website forum areas. These leaners may also lack the motivation and element of competition that face-to-face group work brings.Despite the negatives mentioned above, I believe that online university courses are a positive development for various reasons. Firstly, they allow learners to study in a flexible way, meaning thatthey can work whenever and wherever is convenient, and they can cover the material at their own pace. Secondly, the cost of a university education can be greatly reduced, while revenues for institutions may increase as more students can be taught. Finally, online learning offers open access to anybody who is willing to study, regardless of age, location, ability and background. For example, my uncle, who is 65 years old, has recently enrolled on an online MBA course in a different country, which would have been impossible in the days before Internet-based education.In conclusion, while I recognise the possible disadvantages of online learning, I consider it to be a positive development overall.雅思Simon考官9分大作文Music范文题目: There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?1. Advertising2. Animal Rights: testing on animals, vegetarianism, zoos3. Cities: urbanisation, problems of city life4. Crime: police, punishments/prisons, rehabilitation, capital punishment5. Education: studying abroad, technology in education, education in developing countries, higher education, home-schooling, bad behaviour, corporal punishment, single sex education, streaming (grouping children according to ability)6. Environment: global warming, impact of humans on the environment, solutions to environment problems, waste/rubbish, litter, recycling, nuclear power7. Family: family size, working parents, negative effects onchildren, divorce, care for old people8. Gender: gender and education, gender and work, women’s and men’s role in the family9. Genetic Engineering: positives, negatives, genetically modified foods10. Global Issues: problems in developing countries, how to help developing countries, immigration, multi-cultural societies, globalisation11. Government and Society: what governments can do, public services, censorship, video cameras in public places12. Guns and Weapons: gun ownership and possession, police and guns, nuclear weapons, armed forces13. Health: diet, exercise, state health systems, private healthcare, alternative medicine, stress14. Housing and Architecture: state housing, old buildings, modern/green buildings15. International Language: English as an international language16. Money: money and society, consumerism17. Personal Development: happiness, success, nature or nurture18. Sport and Leisure: professional/competitive sport, sport salaries, sport and politics19. Tourism: positives, negative effects on environment, future of tourism20. Traditions and Modern Life: losing traditional skills, traditional customs21. Transport: traffic problems and solutions, public transport, road safety22. Television, Internet and Mobile Phones: positives andnegatives, Internet compared to newspapers and books23. Water: importance of clean water, water supply, water should be free, bottled water24. Work: same job for life, self-employment, unemployment, work/life balance, technology and work, child labour词汇总结:delight in: delight in doing sth非常喜欢做某事enjoyment: 愉快,享受essentially: 基本上,常和basically/fundamentally替换marketed: 这里market做动词,意为“卖”catchy: 可以指音乐悦耳易记cultural identity: 文化认同predominant: 突出的,显著的范文: It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international musicMusic is something that accompanies all of us throughout our lives. As children, we are taught songs by our parents and teachers as a means of learning language, or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children delight in singing with others, and it would appear that the act of singing in a group creates a connection between participants, regardless of their age. Later in life, people’s musical preferences develop, and we come to see our favourite songs as part of our life stories. Music both expresses and arouses emotions in a way that words alone cannot. In short, it is difficult to imagine life without it.In my opinion, traditional music should be valued over the international music that has become so popular. International pop music is often catchy and fun, but it is essentially acommercial product that is marketed and sold by business people. Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs and history of a country. Traditional styles, such as ...(example)..., connect us to the past and form part of our cultural identity. It would be a real pity if pop music became so predominant that these national styles disappeared.In conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music. (261 words, band 9) 雅思Simon考官大作文范文:垃圾回收题目:Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?范文:It is true that we do not recycle enough of our household waste. Although I accept that new legislation to force people to recycle could help this situation, I do not agree that a recycling law is the only measure that governments should take.In my view, a new recycling law would be just one possible way to tackle the waste problem. Governments could make it a legal obligation for householders to separate all waste into different bins. There could be punishments for people who fail to adhere to this law, ranging from a small fine to community service, or even perhaps prison sentences for repeat offenders. These measures would act as a deterrent and encourage people to obey the recycling law. As a result, the improved behaviour of homeowners could lead to a clean, waste-free environment foreveryone.However, I believe that governments should do more than simply introduce a recycling law. It might be more effective if politicians put education, rather than punishment, at the centre of a recycling campaign. For example, children could be taught about recycling in schools, and homeowners could be informed about the environmental impact of household waste. Another tactic that governments could use would be to create stricter regulations for the companies that produce the packaging for household products. Finally, money could also be spent to improve recycling facilities and systems, so that waste is processed more effectively, regardless of whether or not people separate it correctly in the home.In conclusion, perhaps we do need to make recycling a legal requirement, but this would certainly not be the only way to encourage people to dispose of their waste more responsibly.雅思Simon考官大作文范文:父母照顾孩子题目:Caring for children is probably the most important job in any society. Because of this, all mothers and fathers should be required to take a course that prepares them to be good parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?范文:It is true that parents shoulder a huge responsibility and that raising children is by no means an easy task. However, I completely disagree with the idea that we should therefore force all mothers and fathers to attend parenting courses.In my opinion, the idea that all future parents should take a parenthood preparation course is completely impractical. Many prospective parents have jobs and busy schedules, and they maynot be willing or able to attend regular parenting classes. This raises the question of whether those who missed the classes, or perhaps refused to attend, would be punished. I believe that it would be wrong to do this, and it would therefore be impossible to enforce the idea of compulsory training for parents. Besides, even if parents could be forced to attend, I doubt that people would agree on what good parenting entails, and so it would be difficult to create a parenting course to suit everyone.As well as being impractical, I would argue that training courses for parents are unnecessary. Mothers and fathers have been raising children without any formal help or official interference for thousands of years. Parenting skills are learnt from family members, friends, neighbours and the surrounding culture. Perhaps more importantly, adults learn to be good parents by instinct, by trial and error, and by getting to know their own children; for example, a good parent will try different strategies when faced with a badly-behaved child, and will gradually develop an understanding of what works to correct the behaviour. None of this requires the intervention of a taught course.In conclusion, while compulsory parenting lessons might seem like a good idea, I believe that such a scheme would be unworkable and largely pointless.雅思Simon考官9分大作文范文:Animal testing题目:Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文:It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation. T o use a common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected. They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should use alternative methods of research.On the other hand, reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may not always be available. Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. They argue that opponents of such research might feel differently if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that had been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concernedIn conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong to ban testing on animals for vital medical research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.(270 words, band 9)。




雅思前考官simon分享饼图类小作文范文题目;The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they rated the hotel's customer service. The same questionnaire was given to 100 guests in the years 2005 and 2010.题目;下面的图表显示了调查问卷的结果,该调查问卷向Parkway Hotel的访客询问他们如何评价酒店的客户服务。


范文:The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service as good or excellent in 2010.Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s custome r service to be poor fellfrom 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year.(193 words, band 9)饼图比较了访客对2005年和2010年百汇酒店客户服务调查的回应。



Simon的范文分析1:快乐的定义Happiness is considered very important in life.Why is it difficult to define?观点:快乐很难定义,因为对每个人的意义都不同解释:没有人可以理解和经历别人的感受,我们都有让自己获得快乐的热爱的事情举例:有些人的满足感来源于赚钱或者取得成功对比:而有些人,健康和家庭更重要附加观点:与此同时,其他的感情从激动到平静,都可能与快乐相关结论:同一个人因此可能有不同的方式来感受快乐take pleasure from 从..获得快乐derive a sense of satisfaction from 从..获得成就earn money 赚钱achieve success 获得成功Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person’s feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money or achieving success, whereas for others, health and family are much more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.观点:尽管看起来几乎不可能给快乐一个准确的定义,但是大多数人同意获得快乐是有一些基本的前提条件原因1:一个人如果没有一个安身之地或者足够的食物,他是不会感到快乐的解释:在过快乐的生活之前,我们的基本生存需求必须要满足原因2:生命中最大的快乐通常是与家人和朋友拥有共同的经历解释:很少有人在完全孤独的情况下,活得快乐或满足原因3:其他主要的原因可能是个人自由和生活的目标precise definition 精确的定义basic preconditions 基本的前提条件basic survival needs 基本的生存需求lead a pleasant life 愉快生活shared experiences with family 与家人共有的经历live in complete isolation 完全隔绝地生活a sense of purpose 目标Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hard for a person to be happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life. Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.Simon的范文分析2:名人的成功Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?观点: 如果名人的财富和外貌吸引过多的注意, 这会传递一个信息:成功无需努力和塑造好个性举例: 很多有名的歌星, 电视明星和体育明星因其奢侈的生活方式而出名, 但很少人知道他们如何培养技能和为职业长时间工作结果: 羡慕这些明星的年轻人会更注重他们的外表, 衣着打扮而不是技能, 学历和个性, 他们很难成功attract excessive attention 吸引过多的注意build good character 塑造好个性television personalities 电视明星sports celebrities 体育明星extravagant lifestyles 奢侈的生活方式develop skills 培养技能If the wealth and appearance of those famous people attract excessive attention, this may promote the idea that success can be achieved without working hard and building good character. Many famous singers, television personalities and sports celebrities have been known for their extravagant lifestyles, but little is known about how they develop skills and work long hours for their careers. Young people who admire these celebrities may pay more attention to their own appearance and dresses than to skills, qualifications and qualities, so thy can hardly succeed.观点: 很多人没有努力但成名了解释: 他们可能从父母那里继承了财产, 嫁给有名或有钱的人, 或者因为出现在八卦杂志或真人秀节目举例: Paris Hilton, 有钱,出名的原因却不受人待见。





下面是对Simon范文的批注:原文,I think technology has had a significant impact on our lives. It has made communication easier and more convenient.批注,这两句陈述比较简单,可以进一步展开。


修改建议,Technology has revolutionized our lives in numerous ways. One of the most notable impacts is the ease and convenience it has brought to communication. With the advent of social media platforms, mobile communication devices, and online messaging services, staying connected with others has become effortless. This has not only transformed the way we interact and share information buthas also accelerated the pace of communication, enabling us to connect with people across the globe instantaneously.原文,Furthermore, technology has also improved our access to information. With just a few clicks, we can find answers to almost any question and access vast amounts of knowledge.批注,这段陈述正确,但可以进一步展开,讨论技术对教育、研究和个人成长的影响。



Simon is an exceptional teacher who has been inspiring students for years. With a passion for literature and a flair for language, he has a unique ability to bring texts to life. His classes are always interactive and engaging, with students eager to participate in discussions and activities. Simon's dedication to teaching extends beyond the classroom; he frequently organizes extra-curricular events to enhance students' cultural experiences. Known for his patience and sense of humor, Simon creates a supportive and enjoyable learning environment for everyone.







西蒙电气(西蒙电气(中国中国))有限公司内容大纲SIMON电气公司的起源SIMON电气发展历程SIMON电气国际营销网络SIMON电气中国发展历程SIMON电气综合布线产品的分类SIMON电气网络业务部市场区域划分SIMON 电气综合布线的成功案例SIMON电气综合布线产品的系统资质证书SIMON始于始于1916 1916 1916 源自巴塞罗那源自巴塞罗那◆SIMON SIMON电气总部座落在享有电气总部座落在享有电气总部座落在享有““欧洲之花欧洲之花””美誉的西班牙城市美誉的西班牙城市--巴塞罗那巴塞罗那。

◆19161916年年,SIMON SIMON电气电气电气创始人创始人创始人Simon Simon Simon Vibet Vibet Vibet((西蒙西蒙··维比特维比特))先生创建SIMON SIMON电气电气电气。

◆至今至今,,SIMON SIMON电气电气电气完成了十几次的成功收购完成了十几次的成功收购完成了十几次的成功收购,,使SIMON SIMON电气电气电气成为一个成为一个由1111个制个制个制造中心组造中心组造中心组成的实力强大的国际控股集团成的实力强大的国际控股集团成的实力强大的国际控股集团,,为全球市场提供超过超过350035003500种的产品种的产品种的产品。

SIMON SIMON在世界在世界9090多年多年的专业制造历史生产基地分布4大洲1212个个海外生产海外生产基地基地2020多个多个国家设立公司行销网络遍及世界5555个个国家和地区4个全球研发中心1919个个区域性研发中心全球全球近近10001000项项设计专利15,000 余名工作人员全球拥有100,000,000 忠实用户19161916年年————西蒙西蒙西蒙··维比特在西班牙创建维比特在西班牙创建““西蒙西蒙””品牌19501950年年————收购西班牙收购西班牙收购西班牙P P ·M ·E 公司19661966年年————收购收购收购I I ·E ·P 照明公司19721972年年————与德国与德国与德国SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS公司建立战略合作伙伴关系公司建立战略合作伙伴关系19931993年年————葡萄牙西蒙电葡萄牙西蒙电葡萄牙西蒙电气气公司成立SIMON19941994年年————法国西蒙电法国西蒙电法国西蒙电气气公司成立19971997年年————西蒙摩洛哥西蒙摩洛哥西蒙摩洛哥CASABLANCA CASABLANCA CASABLANCA工厂建成工厂建成19981998年年————西蒙阿根廷西蒙阿根廷西蒙阿根廷BUENOS AIRES BUENOS AIRES BUENOS AIRES工厂建成工厂建成19981998年年————与奥地利与奥地利与奥地利CIMABOX CIMABOX CIMABOX公司建立战略合作伙伴关系公司建立战略合作伙伴关系19991999年年————收购意大利收购意大利收购意大利TECNICO TECNICO TECNICO公司公司19991999年年————西蒙中国生产基地建成西蒙中国生产基地建成20002000年年————西蒙巴西工厂建成西蒙巴西工厂建成20022002年年————收购法国依莱克收购法国依莱克收购法国依莱克——利艾松电器股份有限公司及其所属企业电气发展历程西班牙SANCHO((桑桥桑桥))工厂SANCHO西班牙总部西班牙奥罗特))工厂OLOT(奥罗特1950年收购西班牙收购西班牙P.M.E P.M.EP.M.E公司公司1966年收购收购I.E.P I.E.PI.E.P照明公司照明公司1972年与SIEMENS 建立建立合作伙伴关系合作伙伴关系1993年葡萄牙西蒙电气公司葡萄牙西蒙电气公司成立成立1994年法国西蒙电气公司法国西蒙电气公司成立成立1997年摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca)工厂1998年阿根廷布易路斯.艾力斯(Buenos Aires)工厂1998年与奥地利Cimabox 公司1999年收购建立战略建立战略合作伙伴关系合作伙伴关系意大利TECNICO 公司1999年西蒙年西蒙电气进入中国电气进入中国2000年西蒙巴西工厂西蒙巴西工厂建成建成2002年收购年收购法国法国依莱克-利艾松电气股份有限公司SIMON 控股集团架构西蒙电气国际控股集团西蒙海外事业部西蒙欧洲(总部) 西蒙欧洲(总部)西蒙非洲西蒙亚洲西蒙美洲亚洲(中国) 亚洲(中国) 研发中心开关 业务部低压电气 业务部网络 业务部照明 业务部国家体育场(鸟巢)、 国家体育场(鸟巢)、 国家游泳馆(水立方) 国家游泳馆(水立方) 指定开关插座供应商 指定开关插座供应商中央电视台首都国际机场第三航站楼上海东方明珠电视塔SIMON电气中国发展历程 SIMON电气中国发展历程1999年——亚洲生产基地(中国)建成,成为第一家合资公司“西蒙奇通” 1999年——亚洲生产基地(中国)建成,成为第一家合资公司“西蒙奇通” 亚洲生产基地 2000年——中国营销总部(上海) 2000年——中国营销总部(上海)建成 中国营销总部 2002年——增加投资,兴建智控设备工厂,成立第二家合资公司“西蒙智控” 2002年——增加投资,兴建智控设备工厂,成立第二家合资公司“西蒙智控” 增加投资 2003年——国际采购中心宣告成立 2003年——国际采购中心宣告成立 2006年——成为“国家体育场” 2006年——成为“国家体育场”和“国家游泳中心”指定开关插座供应商 成为 国家游泳中心” 2008年——从合资公司转为独资公司,更名为“西蒙电气(中国)有限公司” 2008年——从合资公司转为独资公司,更名为“西蒙电气(中国)有限公司” 从合资公司转为独资公司 2009年——成功签约上海世博“城市最佳实践区” 2009年——成功签约上海世博“城市最佳实践区”和“世博村”项目 成功签约上海世博 世博村” 2009年——成为2010年广州亚运会主体工程“亚运新城” 2009年——成为2010年广州亚运会主体工程“亚运新城”的供应商 成为2010年广州亚运会主体工程央视广告排期 频道 CCTV-2 节目 财经节目《对手》 财经节目《对手》 时间3、4、5月份 (首播)周五晚22:00-23:00 (重播)次周三16:55-17:55 4月25日-5月12日 10次/天CCTV-6黄金套约7:10 第一部故事片中 约11:15 第三部故事片中 约15:15 第五部故事片中 约19:25 第七部故事片前 约22:30 第八部故事片中约9:05 第二部故事片中 约13:30 第四部故事片中 约17:20 第六部故事片中 约21:10 第七部故事片后 约24:30 第九部故事片中宁夏卫视广告排期 节目1 2 3 4 5首播日期3月12日 23:00 3月19日 23:00重播日期3月20日 7:30和17:30 3月27日 7:30和17:30 4月3日 7:30和17:30 4月10日 7:30和17:30 4月17日 7:30和17:30《谁来一起午餐》 谁来一起午餐》3月26日 23:00 4月2日 23:00 4月9日 23:00生产基地- 生产基地-北厂生产基地- 生产基地-南厂SIMON电气中国营销总部 电气中国营销总部 电气中国营销 上海张江高科技园区SimNETSimVIEWSimPOWERSimBOXSimHOME楼宇综合布线产品, 能提供铜缆、光纤及 能提供铜缆、光纤及 接插件的全系列解决 方案。


皮埃尔-西蒙·拉普拉斯(Pierre-Simon Laplace)法国天文学家、数学家西蒙·波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)女权运动创始人之一朱尔·西蒙(Jules François Simon)法国哲学家,1876-1877年法国总理克洛德·西蒙(Claude Simon)法国小说家,1985年诺贝尔文学奖获得者艾米莉·西蒙(Emilie Simon)法国女歌手吉勒·西蒙(Gilles Simon)法国网球运动员




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simon写作模板英文写作模板如下:1. Introduction:- Introduce the topic and provide some background information.- State the main idea or focus of your essay.2. Body paragraphs:- Each paragraph should present one main idea or argument.- Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea.- Support your main ideas with evidence, examples, or data.- Explain the significance or implications of your arguments.- Use transition words and phrases to connect paragraphs and ideas.3. Counterarguments:- Present and address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints.- Acknowledge the validity of counterarguments, but also provide evidence or reasoning to support your own viewpoint.4. Conclusion:- Summarize your main points and restate your thesis.- End with a strong concluding statement or thought.- Provide recommendations, solutions, or future directions if applicable.5. Language tips:- Use a formal tone and appropriate vocabulary.- Use clear and concise sentences.- Vary sentence structure to make your writing more engaging. - Avoid repetition and ensure logical flow between sentences and paragraphs.- Proofread your essay to check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.Overall, this template can be adjusted and tailored based on the specific requirements of your writing task. Remember to practice and develop your own writing style while maintaining clarity and coherence in your essays.。



雅思simon讲义【原创实用版】目录1.雅思 simon 讲义概述2.雅思 simon 讲义的主要内容3.如何利用雅思 simon 讲义提高雅思成绩4.结论正文【1.雅思 simon 讲义概述】雅思 simon 讲义是一本针对雅思考试的备考资料,由著名雅思培训机构 Simon Community 的教师团队编写。


【2.雅思 simon 讲义的主要内容】雅思 simon 讲义分为四个部分,分别针对雅思考试的听、说、读、写四个部分,具体内容包括:1) 听力部分:介绍雅思听力考试的题型和难度,提供听力练习方法和技巧,帮助考生提高听力水平。

2) 口语部分:详解雅思口语考试的评分标准和考试技巧,为考生提供口语练习的素材和方法,提高口语表达能力。

3) 阅读部分:分析雅思阅读文章的类型和结构,教授阅读技巧和解题方法,帮助考生提高阅读速度和准确率。

4) 写作部分:介绍雅思写作的评分标准和写作技巧,提供各类写作范文和练习,帮助考生提高写作能力。

【3.如何利用雅思 simon 讲义提高雅思成绩】要想利用雅思 simon 讲义提高雅思成绩,考生需要做到以下几点:1) 认真阅读讲义,全面了解雅思考试的内容和要求。

2) 按照讲义中的方法和技巧进行系统的练习,不断总结和反思。

3) 结合实际考试情况,适时调整学习策略,提高自己的应试能力。

4) 多参加模拟考试,积累经验,增强信心。

【4.结论】总的来说,雅思 simon 讲义是一本非常实用的雅思备考资料,无论是对于初次参加雅思考试的考生,还是对于已经参加过雅思考试但成绩不理想的考生,都具有很高的参考价值。




毛燮均教授借鉴国内外学者对错合畸 形的研究结果,于1959年提出了以错 合畸形的机制、症状、矫治三者结合 为基础的分类法,经过20多年的临床 实践,经毛教授亲自加以补充和修订, 于1983年重新发表。
第一类:牙量骨量不调 第二类:长度不调 第三类:宽度不调 第四类:高度不调 第五类:个别牙错位 第六类:特殊类型
(1)正中矢状平面mediansagittal plane

为解剖学上的矢状面,把面部平分为左右 两部分,是横向关系的标准平面。 内收contraction:牙弓距离正中矢状平面 太近,即牙弓狭窄者,称为牙弓内收。 外展distraction:牙弓距离正中矢状平面 太远,即牙弓宽大者,称为牙弓外展。

中国医学教育家。口腔正畸学科 创建者。1901 年7月15日生于四 川仁寿,1979年6月4日卒于北京。 1930年毕业于华西协和大学牙医 学系。曾两次赴美国留学。 1930~1942年在北平协和医学院 任教。1942~1945年任北平市第 一卫生事务所牙科主任。1945年 后任北京大学医学院牙医学系教授、系主任,正畸 科主任,口腔矫形教研组主任。还任《中华口腔科 杂志》总编辑、中央卫生部口腔医学专题委员会主 任委员。1949年从美国哈佛大学医学院进修后回国, 立即在北京医学院内开设正畸学科 。他提出了毛氏 错畸形分类法 。 1973~1979年期间创制环托式活 动矫正器。他主编的《口腔矫形学》被列为全国统 编教材。
主要机制:上颌或上牙弓长度较小, 或下颌或下牙弓长度较大,或二者兼 之。 主要症状:后牙为近中错合,前牙为 对合或反合。颏部可前突。 矫治原则:矫正颌间关系。推下牙弓 向后,或牵上牙弓向前,或两者并用。




simon雅思怎么样?关于simon的传说应该实事求是地客观对待~ simon雅思怎么样基础不好的,还是要从写作基础开始,很多人不了解雅思写作的基础,以为是单词,语法这些。










我们无法达到native speaker的程度,但是至少可以不断向这个目标靠近。

雅思材料课程推荐A 题目类:听力阅读写作:1. 剑雅真题 4~14 (10~14, 8 必买重要性大于 4~7,9)♂?如果题目不够还想练习刷题(前言:某宝上面那些海外真题题库都是盗版九分的书刘薇的书和国外出的雅思模拟题压根就不是雅思官方题库的题(而且价格还巨贵又坑)很多人会说本来就只是打算练习可以但是你想想你既然都是练习为什么不练官方的和机经回忆的题目呢?为什么不把官方材料用好呢?)听力阅读(推荐选择使用和练习顺序):九分达人听力1~5,九分烤鸭听力 (两个都是考场回忆真题机经),(下面是官方资料也是模考最好的材料雅思官方指南EG和OG,剑桥雅思官方模考题精讲精练(新东方引进橘色皮) 这些都是比较有保障(阅读其实就剑雅就够了,不推荐九分不够就用刘洪波的真经5 练习技巧实在想刷题就用官方的书模拟)写作口语:羊驼雅思小站雅思雅思哥app 上面搜索机经题目练习B .备考书籍资料类:(包括讲解词汇 )听力:选择1本足够不超过2本以下书都是需要听写熟悉的词汇书 (推荐不分先后顺序)推荐 1.雅思听力真题考点词汇 (刘薇周华鑫)推荐效率高有高频答案词(全名词) 同意替换和场景词(有少数形容词) 这个书有一点不好的是高频答案词没收录形容词和动词(不过考试概率比较低8成都是烤名词所以还好)2. 雅思王听力语料库 (王陆)老字号词汇量大压力大几乎都是考点词和词组费事费力推荐 3 .28天突破雅思听力词汇 (钱林)有计划表场景词 (分背景和答案词)和 350高频答案词 ...(前面的3个是主推)4. 新航道雅思词汇21天速听速记:听力(绿色皮)21天计划表场景词汇(分答案和背景) 有听力机经练习题穿插其中(这本主要按场景划分词汇比较偏基础~不过该有的词汇也是有的) (觉得场景词汇不够可以选着陪着前面的使用也可以不选不影响单独选这本也是可以的打基础)5 王陆807(2019新版) 老字号(和语料库2选一就行 ) 其实词汇还是旧版那些改了排版添加了词汇练习场景词汇书同上(以上词汇书都是比较好的每一本都有自己的逻辑重要是物尽其用每个人可以根据自己喜好选择)阅读:雅思阅读真经总纲,考点词真经,真经5 (刘洪波)(3本讲解练习 538同意替换词汇)加上剑桥雅思的阅读够了如果你想要一本雅思词汇书按场景划分书:雅思词汇真经(外研社橘色)(比绿宝书好)写作:1.雅思5.5-6.5分阶段:慎小嶷十天或者刘洪波雅思写作真经总纲基本够用~慎小嶷6~9分范文库可选2.雅思6.5及以上: Simon雅思考官写作的资料,顾家北手把手(绿色 and 黄色)口语:慎小嶷十天突破口语雅思口语观点库(钱多多)顾家北手把手词伙(黄色皮)网上当月雅思口语机经话题素材答案自己各有各的好选0-1本不过最好配着雅思哥app使用C 网课:听力:何琼阅读:刘洪波郭佳荣王希伟写作:杜仕明Simon雅思阅读备考六个建议Simon雅思阅读备考的6个建议:1.如果你想提高阅读水平,你能做的第一件事就是进行大量的阅读。





雅思Simon考官大作文范文:孩子教育方法题目:Some parentsbuy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?范文:It is true that some parents are overly permissive and tend to spoil their children. In my opinion, this is not a good parenting style, and it can have a range of negative long-term consequences.If parents want to raise respectful and well-behaved children, I believe that a certain amount of discipline is necessary. Having worked with children myself, I have learnt that clear expectations and boundaries are necessary, and it is important to be able to say ‘no’to children when they misbehave or try to push against these boundaries. This is the only way to help young people to regulate their desires and develop self-control. In my view, parents who do the opposite and constantly give in to their children’s demands, are actually doing more harm than good. They are failing their children rather than being kind to them.The children of indulgent or lenient parents are likely to grow up with several negative personality traits. The first and most obvious danger is that these children will become self-centred adults who show little consideration for the feelings or needs ofothers. One consequence of such an attitude could be that these adults are unable to work successfully in teams with other colleagues. A second negative trait in such people could be impulsiveness. A person who has never lived with any boundaries is likely to lack the patience to carefully consider options before making decisions. This may lead, for example, to compulsive shopping, unwise financial decisions, or even criminal activity.In conclusion, parents should help their children to develop self-control and respect for others, and I do not believe that the permissive parenting style supports this objective.雅思Simon考官大作文范文:罪犯用亲身经历告诉青少年不要犯罪题目:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime.To what extent do you agree or disagree?有些人进了号子之后放出来就变乖了,一些人觉得他们这伙人是最适合去给懵懂少年现身说法的。


皮埃尔-西蒙·拉普拉斯(Pierre-Simon Laplace)法国天文学家、数学家西蒙·波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)女权运动创始人之一朱尔·西蒙(Jules François Simon)法国哲学家,1876-1877年法国总理克洛德·西蒙(Claude Simon)法国小说家,1985年诺贝尔文学奖获得者艾米莉·西蒙(Emilie Simon)法国女歌手吉勒·西蒙(Gilles Simon)法国网球运动员
阿艾尔/アーエル/ Aaeru(CV:新野美知)
年龄:17岁 身高:150足长:22.5cmB:83 / W:63 / H:85出身于普通民家的阿艾尔,因为出众驾驶技术而被破例选则为西贝拉身为西贝拉的她并不是巫女,她成为西贝拉的理由是,不想到"泉"选择性别...其实,最大的原因是...(保密^^)才对...入队后,希望能够成为奈威利尔的搭档。因为扎起的头发很像老鼠的两个耳朵,所以被戏称为"米老鼠"在之后对Neviriru死缠烂打,希望做她的parter.在最后几集里,经过Neviriru的提醒,终于明白自己的心意.与Neviriru远走高飞,成为永远的"少女".奈维利尔/ネヴィリル/ Neviriru(CV:高桥理恵子)
保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)美国流行音乐歌手妮娜·西蒙(Nina Simone)美国歌手、钢琴表演家大卫·西蒙(David Seymour)美国摄影师西蒙·史密斯·库兹涅茨(Simon Smith Kuznets)俄裔美国经济学家,1971年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者赫伯特·西蒙经济组织决策管理大师




个人最近比较迷x-factor 。


不过很多国内的选秀大赛的idea都是来自美国一档著名的唱歌选秀活动American Idol.其实看选秀,观众最喜欢看的并不是选手表演,我认为,我们爱看的一是选手们比赛的幕后花絮,二是麻辣评委们犀利的点评。

也许国内选秀大赛的评委们已经给我们留下了很深的印象,同样,在美国的American Idol中,评委们的英语点评更损。




SIMON COWELL,MR NASTY如果有人作个调查看看有多少人是冲着SIMON去看AMERICAN IDOL的,出来的数据一定会让人瞠目结舌。

那会是个大比例,I PROMISE。





1、It sounded like cats jumping off the Empire State Building.听上去像一只猫从帝国大厦跳下来。



simon算法实例Simon算法是一种用于解决黑盒子问题的量子算法,它是由Daniel Simon在1994年提出的。





该算法的目标是找到一个长度为n的二进制串s,使得对于任意的输入x,f(x) = f(x⊕s),其中⊕表示二进制异或运算。





2.对于每个量子比特,应用Hadamard门,将它们转换为Hadamard 基态。









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"Fool" said I "U do not know.“
我说道:"愚蠢的人啊,你们不知 静默会像癌细胞那样扩 听我的话,我才能教 抓紧我的手,我才能
"Silence like a cancer grows.“

"Hear my words that I might teach U.“
"Take my arms that I might reach U.“
And the people bow & prayed. To the neon God they made. And the sign flash out its warning. In the words that it was forming And the sign said "The words of the prophers. Are written the subway walls & tenement halls". And whispered in the sounds of silence.
嘿,黑夜啊,我的老友。 我又来找你聊天了。 因为有个幻影轻轻爬进来。
使这个幻影深植入我脑海中。 萦绕盘旋不去。
Still remains.
Within the sound of silence !
In restless dreams I walk alone. Narrow streets of cobble stone. ‘Neath the halo of a street lamp. I turned my collar 2 the cold & damp. When my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light. That split the night. And touched the sound of silence. 在无数不平静的梦中我茕茕独行。
提到《The Sound of Silence》(寂静之声)就不能不说 《Scarborough Fair》(斯卡布罗集市),它取材于苏格兰民歌的 《斯卡布罗集市》诞生于美国越战时期,同时也是电影《毕业生》 的插曲之一,从歌词中可以看出歌曲存在着一定的反战情绪。旋律 柔和飘渺的《斯卡布罗集市》,是一首乡村民谣韵味浓郁的歌曲, 带着淡淡的忧愁,仿佛是一阵清风,夹杂着野草野花的苦寒轻香, 在大地上缓缓掠过,如一幅印象派的风景画。一直喜欢保罗·西蒙与 阿特·加非凯尔在歌中那种幽怨的浅吟低唱,忧郁空灵的曲调让人迷 醉,原来歌声也能把伤感的心灵诠释的如此完美。 如果说听音乐是一种享受的话,那么当你聆听到保罗·西蒙与 阿特·加芬克尔的音乐后,则是已享受了音乐中的极品。西蒙和加芬 克尔六十年代后期开始风靡多年的重唱可说是流行音乐史上的最佳 重唱,西蒙的嗓音松弛自然,加芬克尔音色轻柔高洁,两人的和声 如诗如梦一般丰富多彩,令人魂牵梦绕。无法拒绝保罗·西蒙与阿 特·加芬克尔的音乐魅力,他们的和声像是天空里飞翔的鸟,有透明 的翅膀和阳光的眼睛。他们的名字也成为了摇滚名人殿堂中永不褪 色的一笔!
And in the naked night I saw. Ten thousand people maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never share. And no one dare. Disturb the sound of silence.
行走在鹅卵石铺成狭窄街道上。 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩。 我竖起衣领以抗御这湿冷的夜。 当我的眼睛为刺眼的霓虹灯闪烁所迷时。 霓虹灯的闪烁也划破了夜空。 打破了黑夜的沉静。
在无遮灯照耀下我看到----人头攒动 有的人在说着无聊的话语。 有的人在漫不经心的听着别人说。 有的人在写着那些从不会被传唱的歌。 但没有人敢于去-----打破这份静默。
Simon & Garfunkel ----The Sound of Silence
05060709 丛妍
he sound of silence-Simon & Garfunkel
Hello darkness my old friend. I've come 2 talk with U again. Because a vision softly creeping. Left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain.
在“情路漫漫”的情形中,选择《The Sound of Silence》似乎是最丌需要理 由的。逋过Paul Simon歌声,总有《毕业生》里年轻的Dustin Hoffman(达斯 汀·霍夫曼)驾着阿尔法·罗密欧奔向爱情的背影。有这样的经典的爱情故事做铺垫, 《The Sound of Silence》总有难以言表的深意,使歌声超越车厢的时空,使车内 的两个人仿佛身边围绕着许多爱情。只要《The Sound of Silence》一响起,就让 人仿佛回到那个年代,然后是青年时代的达斯汀·霍夫曼一脸茫然向前走的影像…… 如果说这部片子是让达斯汀·霍夫曼成名,那还丌如那么说,是这首《The Sound of Silence》让保罗&西蒙一举成名。有的电影,能让人感怀至深,唏嘘良 久,那能称为一部成功的电影;而有的电影,当时佝也许只是稍微的触动,但它却 能穿过时光的隧道,在遥远的将来的日子里,牵起佝丝缕的回忆,抓住佝的心…… 这首歌是Paul Simon(保罗&西蒙)在1964年写的,他不 Art Garfunkel(阿特& 加芬克尔)所合唱。歌曲逋过描写一种关亍大众沉浸在沉默(盲目、压制等象征)之 中的梦幻(Vision),来批判社会只知道盲目崇拜物质偶像(Neon god they made),丌知道也丌敢正视社会的真实面(例如地下铁不廉价公寓中的穷人)。 沉默变成了一种声音(sound of silence)让大众以为一切都还是正常。Paul Simon在美国社会正经历如越战、反种族歧视等社会动乱的年代写这首歌,应该是 希望社会能够突破这些盲目不丌合理的压抑,而找到出路。
1966年,他们合作的第二张与辑《寂静之 声》,同名单曲在美国排行榜上获得冠军; 1969年为影片《毕业生》所配的插曲《斯 卡布罗集市》获奥斯卡最佳电影插曲奖; 《罗宾逊太太》同时获格莱美最佳录音奖; 1970年推出的《忧愁河上的金桥》获得极 大成功,在英美两国排行榜上均名列第一 唱片销售量超过900万张,这首歌囊括了当 年格莱美最佳与辑、最佳单曲等六项大奖。 还有其它多个脍炙人口的歌曲如《回乡之 旅》、《凯西之歌》、《拳击手》、《美 国寻梦》等等,皆出自这两位黄金搭挡的 合作。他们的演唱配合得天衣无缝,表现 手法变化多端,保罗·西蒙优美的诗一般的 歌词,以及定亍戏剧色彩的吉它演奏,不 加芬克尔对声音细腻的处理完美结合,确 立了他们二人的重唱在音乐史上丌可动摇 的地位。七十年代初,保罗·西蒙不加芬克 尔各自去独立开创事业。
【组合介绍】 保罗&西蒙(Paul Simon) 1941年 10月13日生亍美国新泽西州的纽 瓦克,仍小崇拜歌星普莱斯利,十 一、二岁时开始学习唱歌和弹吉它, 16岁时不中学同窗好友阿特·加芬 克尔(Art Garfunkel)组成男声二 重唱,开始了早期的演唱生涯。六 十年代后期,他们的歌开始风靡流 行乐坛,幵成为流行音乐史上的最 佳重唱组合。西蒙的嗓音松弛自然, 加芬克尔音色轻柔高洁,两人的和 声如诗如梦一般丰富多彩,令人魂 牵梦绕。以至亍今天在他们分手十 多年后人们仌然习惯地把他们当作 一个人挂在嘴边。
Paul Simon的原声,听起来真让人感叹是天籁之 音。《毕业生》,这部1967年上映的奥斯卡获奖作品, 电影很经典,音乐也如此感人。《The Sound of Silence》风格清新,颇能反映入世丌深的大学生的 心境。此曲由吉他演奏,整体富有青昡的气息,鲜明 的节奏,爽朗而又丌失稳重的风格,确实很有水准。 很喜欢保罗·西蒙的这首歌,这是一首难得的听第一遍 就可以打动人,而多年后仌可以使听者动容的歌曲。 还有另一首《Scarborough Fair》,让自己总能在 浮躁的时候安静下来学会倾听,在生气的时候平息下 来承载韧性。所以觉得如果心情有颜色,就是那种明 静的蓝,清爽的米黄,给人安静和舒适。 这首摇滚乐激情不乡村民谣质朴相结合的歌曲, 旋律优美飘缓,歌词亦真亦幻,细细听来如一个年轻 人用他那彷徨无助的心灵在喧闹的空气中诉说着茫然 不忧郁,歌曲充满着深沉不怀旧。每次听这首歌总喜 欢在夜晚,把音量开的很大,完全沉浸其中,任音乐 流泻,铺满我的周围,思绪随着旋律恣意流淌……
But my words like silent rain-drops fell.
And echoed in the wells of silence.

人们仍然顶礼膜拜着。 自己塑造的霓虹灯神(文明)。 霓虹灯(文明)以它闪烁的文字 显出其预兆。 文明)警告的话语渐渐成型。 预兆显示:先知的话语 已被写在地铁的墙上以及出 租公寓的走廊上。 也在无声的静默中被轻声传 送。